Competitors Bajaj Motors

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Company >> Finance >> Financial Overview

Bajaj Auto Ltd

Industry :Automobiles - Scooters and 3-Wheelers

(Rs in Crs)

200903 200803
Equity Paid Up 144.68 144.68
Networth 1869.69 1587.59
Capital Employed 3439.69 2921.93
Gross Block 3333.94 2984.15
Net Working Capital ( Incl. Def. Tax) -116.48 -238.56
Current Assets ( Incl. Def. Tax) 2485.87 1780.67
Current Liabilities and Provisions ( Incl. Def. Tax) 2602.35 2019.23
Total Assets/Liabilities (excl Reval & 5842.48 4930.63
Gross Sales 9049.66 9689.95
Net Sales 8439.59 8660.44
Other Income 495.6 507.19
Value Of Output 8415.1 8728.29
Cost of Production 7321.02 7531.42
Selling Cost 404.58 390.72
PBIDT 1104.01 1312.93
PBDT 1083 1307.77
PBIT 974.22 1138.97
PBT 953.21 1133.81
PAT 654.5 755.78
CP 784.29 929.74
Revenue earnings in forex 2681.91 2077.43
Revenue expenses in forex 290.13 314.99
Capital earnings in forex 0 0.34
Capital expenses in forex 300.67 41.86
Book Value (Unit Curr) 129.23 109.73
Market Capitalisation 8947.73 0
CEPS (annualised) (Unit Curr) 50.47 60.86
EPS (annualised) (Unit Curr) 41.5 48.84
Dividend (annualised%) 220 200
Payout (%) 53.01 40.95
Cash Flow From Operating Activities 411.49 0
Cash Flow From Investing Activities -207.66 0
Cash Flow From Financing Activities -123.03 0

Rate of Growth (%)

ROG-Net Worth (%) 17.77 0
ROG-Capital Employed (%) 17.72 0
ROG-Gross Block (%) 11.72 0
ROG-Gross Sales (%) -6.61 0
ROG-Net Sales (%) -2.55 0
ROG-Cost of Production (%) -2.85 0
ROG-Total Assets (%) 18.49 0
ROG-PBIDT (%) -15.91 0
ROG-PBDT (%) -17.19 0
ROG-PBIT (%) -14.46 0
ROG-PBT (%) -15.93 0
ROG-PAT (%) -13.4 0
ROG-CP (%) -15.64 0
ROG-Revenue earnings in forex (%) 29.1 0
ROG-Revenue expenses in forex (%) -7.89 0
ROG-Market Capitalisation (%) 0 0

Key Ratios
Debt-Equity Ratio 0.84 0.84
Long Term Debt-Equity Ratio 0.84 0.84
Current Ratio 0.92 0.88
Turnover Ratios
Fixed Assets Ratio 2.86 3.25
Inventory Ratio 26.29 27.72
Debtors Ratio 28.55 35.2
Interest Cover Ratio 46.37 220.73
PBIDTM (%) 12.2 13.55
PBITM (%) 10.77 11.75
PBDTM (%) 11.97 13.5
CPM (%) 8.67 9.59
APATM (%) 7.23 7.8
ROCE (%) 31.67 39.12
RONW (%) 37.86 47.61
Debtors Velocity (Days) 13 0
Creditors Velocity (Days) 40 0
Assets Utilisation Ratio (times)
Value of Output/Total Assets 1.56 0
Value of Output/Gross Block 2.66 0
Intranet Version of Capitaline Coraporate Databases
Company >> Finance >> Balance Sheet

Bajaj Auto Ltd

Industry :Automobiles - Scooters and 3-


(Rs in Crs)
   Year Mar 09  Mar 08 
 Share Capital 144.68 144.68
  Reserves Total 1,725.01 1,442.91
  Equity Share Warrants 0 0
   Equity Application Money 0 0
  Total Shareholders Funds 1,869.69 1,587.59
  Secured Loans 0 6.95
 Unsecured Loans 1,570.00 1,327.39
   Total Debt 1,570.00 1,334.34
  Total Liabilities 3,439.69 2,921.93
  Gross Block 3,333.94 2,984.15
 Less : Accumulated Depreciation 1,807.91 1,726.07
   Less:Impairment of Assets 0 0
 Net Block 1,526.03 1,258.08
   Lease Adjustment 0 0
 Capital Work in Progress 22.06 34.74
  Investments 1,808.52 1,857.14
  Current Assets, Loans & Advances
 Inventories 338.84 349.61
  Sundry Debtors 358.65 275.31
 Cash and Bank 136.87 56.07
  Loans and Advances 1,490.91 968.72
  Total Current Assets 2,325.27 1,649.71
   Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions
  Current Liabilities 1,213.41 1,043.25
 Provisions 1,224.15 834.04
   Total Current Liabilities 2,437.56 1,877.29
  Net Current Assets -112.29 -227.58
  Miscellaneous Expenses not written off 199.56 10.53
  Deferred Tax Assets 160.6 130.96
   Deferred Tax Liability 164.79 141.94
  Net Deferred Tax -4.19 -10.98
   Total Assets 3,439.69 2,921.93
 Contingent Liabilities 1,092.22 935.05
Company >> Finance >> Cash Flow

Bajaj Auto Ltd

Industry :Automobiles - Scooters and 3-Wheelers

(Rs in Crs)
Cash Flow Summary
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of the year 56.07
Net Cash from Operating Activities 411.49
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities -207.66
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities -123.03
Net Inc/(Dec) in Cash and Cash Equivalent 80.8
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of the year 136.87

 Intranet Version of Capitaline Corporate Databases

Finance >> Ratios >> Key Financial Ratios

Bajaj Auto Ltd

Industry :Automobiles - Scooters and 3-


Mar-09 Mar-08

Key Ratios

Debt-Equity Ratio 0.84 0.84

Long Term Debt-Equity Ratio 0.84 0.84

Current Ratio 0.92 0.88

Turnover Ratios

Fixed Assets 2.86 3.25

Inventory 26.29 27.72

Debtors 28.55 35.2

Interest Cover Ratio 46.37 220.73

PBIDTM (%) 12.2 13.55

PBITM (%) 10.77 11.75

PBDTM (%) 11.97 13.5

CPM (%) 8.67 9.59
APATM (%) 7.23 7.8
ROCE (%) 31.67 39.12

RONW (%) 37.86 47.61

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