Earthquake SAR Operation in Mount Kinabalu, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia
Earthquake SAR Operation in Mount Kinabalu, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia
Earthquake SAR Operation in Mount Kinabalu, Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia
Earthquake SAR operation in Mount Plate, Eurasian Plate and Plate Australia
due to the geographical location of Sabah;
located in the southeastern of the Eurasian
trapped at the foot of Mount Kinabalu. the commencement of the search and stranded or injured.
J. Jupiri Bin Apou FRDM as the major rescue agency rescue operations of the affected victims. On the first day, as soon as the mass
Fire and Rescue Department mobilized the first rescue team of 5 officers In this ‘Response’ phase, the Fire evacuation done, the search and rescue
of Malaysia, Sabah State. to the scene to initiate the search and and Rescue Department implemented operations of the earthquake victims
rescue operation. the search and rescue operations using continued to intensify at the scene at
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Operation of transporting
earthquake victims.
preparedness on earthquake catastrophe that acts in an orderly manner; ‘one unit’ a High-Performance Fire and Rescue
Earthquake operation: continues to be maintained by the Fire led by the ‘lead agency’ Fire and Rescue Organization, to greater heights.
lesson learned and Rescue Department of Malaysia. team in the search and rescue operation
Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia The community itself needs to establish of the victims – as portrayed in the For more information, email
is constantly upgrading its human a group to hold an earthquake incident of Mount Kinabalu earthquake. [email protected]
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