A Few People Have Asked of What Are A Few IOI

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A few people have asked of what are a few IOI's well here are a few because some are

to find it -.-

Active IOIs

 She re-initiates conversations when you stop talking

 She giggles
 She touches you
 She tries to get rapport and build Comfort with you
 She looks back and glances at you repeatedly ever minute or so
 She tosses her hair (to see if you will look)
 If eye contact happens from a distance, she holds it for a second
 She smiles at you
 She stands nearby (proximity)
 She interrupts your conversation from nearby or laughs at something you said
 While walking by, she turns her body toward you or brushes against you
 She says something to her friend and they both giggle
 She asks you for a light or the time or in any way initiates a conversation
 While you're talking to her group, she is particularly talkative (to get your
 She asks you for your name
 She asks you your age (make her guess)
 She compliments you
 She is playful and tries to challenge you
 She's disagreeing but laughing
 She's punching your arm but laughing
 She uses nicknames for you
 She plays with her hair while talking to you
 When she is sitting next to you her leg touches yours
 She repeatedly touches you in any way
 She asks if you have a girlfriend
 She mentions your girlfriend without knowing if you actually have one
 When she has to go to the bathroom, she comes back
 She holds eye contact for longer periods of time when she speaks with you
 She avoids mentioning her boyfriend
 If it comes up that you like somthing, she mentions that she likes it, too, or
needs someone to show her how to do it
 When she says or does something, she looks at you to see your reaction
 She looks at you from the side, to hide the fact that she's looking
 She introduces you to friends
 She buys you a drink
 She calls you a player or a heart-breaker
 On her way out, she re-approaches you to tell you that she is leaving (Get her
 On your way out, she asks you where you are going (Invite her)
 She returns your calls
 She invents reasons to be near you, interact with you, or have isolation with you

Passive IOIs

 Her friends go (to the bathroom or bar or dancing) but she stays
 She moves to see you and hangs with you for extended periods
 If you move, she follows you or waits for you
 She doesn't flinch or pull back if you happen to get too close
 She doesn't resist when you escalate physically (or she gives token resistance to
avoid feeling like a slut)

The most important IOIs to look for are:

 She re-initiates conversation when you stop talking

 She giggles
 She touches you
 She tries to get rapport and build "comfort with you"


Here is a handy list of body language signs. Given the proper context, these nonverbal cues
can help you with interpreting body language.

Examples of Body Language:

 Body hunched - low confidence

 Clenched fists - aggression
 Crossed arms - shut off, uncomfortable
 Dragging feet - lethargy
 Dropped shoulders - lethargy or weariness
 Fidgeting with objects, hands - nervous
 Hands behind head - arrogance, superiority
 Hands on hips - in defiance
 Hands on table - in agreement
 Head down - timidity
 Head rested on hand - bored, disinterested
 Leaning away - discomfort with the situation
 Leaning in closer - interest, comfortable
 Looking at watch - boredom
 Looking away to the left - lying
 Messaging temples - anxiety
 Nodding - interest, agreement or understanding
 No eye contact - lack of confidence, lying
 Shaking of legs - a sign of stress
 "Shifty" eyes - nervousness
 Stroking of chin - thinking, in thought
 Tapping foot - impatient or nervous
 Wiping hands on clothes - nervousness

How to Tell if Someone is Lying:

One of the most sought after secrets of understanding body language is the ability to tell if
someone is lying to you. Does body language tell if someone is lying? While it is a nearly
impossible to know for sure if someone is telling the truth, there are a few signs of lying you
can keep an eye out for.
The first symptom of lying is lack of eye contact. If someone is noticeably nervous and
shifting their eyes around, or better, looking to the side as the speak to you, this is a
common symptom of lying. Watch the subject's hands, if they touch their
hand/mouth/throat while speaking, this is another common behavior.

Study the person's emotions and their statements. If their body gestures do not match, or
are oddly timed ("I really like my gift!" and then smiling afterwards), there is a decent
chance that they may not be telling the truth. Further signs of lying are if the person turns
away, shifts their body somehow in another direction, or places objects in between the two
of you.

Liars, especially liars who are not well practiced, will show signs of nervousness. Use your
own judgment in regards to the circumstances and context, and remember, you can never
be 100% sure.

Improve Your Body Language:

Improving your body language will help you come across as more confident. It will also help
make you a more persuasive salesman, which is a trait that can aid you in a variety of
circumstances. It is important to understand that you shouldn't force your body language,
but rather be aware of it to help control your emotions and tactics. Forced body language
can come across as awkward and strange. Most of us can usually spot unnatural

There are different body language expectations for different circumstances. On a job
interview, you want to appear calm, cool and collected. You want to come across as
confident and in control. You do not want to come across as creepy. Prolonged eye contact,
close talking -- these may be appropriate on an intimate date, but not in a job interview!

Here are some tips we've come across to help improve your body language:

Smile and laugh - Laughter is contagious, it will also help put you in a positive mood. Your
body language will naturally improve because of it.
Slow down, breathe regularly - Nothing will stress you out more than moving at full speeds.
Don't walk fast, don't talk fast and remember to breathe. Not only will this help calm you
down, it'll calm down the people around you who pick up on stressful vibes.
Use your body with purpose - No fidgeting and keep your hands out of your pockets. Don't
be afraid to take up a little space. Show you are comfortable in the situation, not put-up-
your-feet comfortable, but that you are in control and unafraid. Use your hands to expand
on points or call attention to important statements.
Hold objects by your side - If you have a drink in hand, keep it to your side, not in front of
your chest. Holding your drink in front of your chest can express the same feelings as if you
were standing with your arms crossed. Relax.
Show your interest - Nod occasionally to let the person you are interacting with know that
you are listening and are in agreement. Leaning in is another way to show your interest,
just be careful not to lean in to soon or to often, or you may creep them out.
Eye contact is powerful - Make eye contact with the people you are talking to, just don't
stare. Breaking eye contact downward is generally more positive than breaking eye contact
to the sides. If you have trouble looking people in the eye, try looking at their nose instead.
They won't be able to tell.
Mirror - This is a tough one because it can be hard to pull off. When two people have strong
Rapport, their actions and body language will naturally start to mirror each other. If you
can, you can stimulate this by consciously doing it. Just be careful, as if you get it wrong, it
will be really awkward for everyone.
Also - here are ten more quick tips:

Tip 1. - Eyes:
Dilated pupils - the person is interested in the topic.
People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. They can tell so much information
about the person if you know what you are looking for. As in most situations, the same
signal can be interpreted in a different way. It depends entirely on the circumstances at
hand. The example above could also mean that the person is on drugs, or it could mean
that they are focused.

Tip 2. - Hands:
Open palm.- the person is relaxed and comfortable.
The hands have many expressions and are a good place to start when learning how to read
body language. Generally when some ones hands are open it means that their defenses are

Tip 3 - Mimicking:
When you are talking to someone, if they are mimicking your body position and action it
means that they are comfortable in the situation and most likely interested by you and what
you are saying.

Tip 4 - Eyes:
If someone's eyes are gazing to the side it is a trait that they are feeling guilty. Likewise if
they are gazing down this express's shame. Remember the eyes have so many meanings
and it's easy to make the wrong evaluation. Practice makes perfect.

Tip 5 - Arms:
The main two expressions with arms is that they are either closed (folded) or open. When
folded the person is possibly angry or disapproving. When their arms are open the person is
in an honest position and is accepting of the situation.

Tip 6 - Rubbing of the Chin:

If someone is rubbing their chin it generally means that they are thinking.

Tip 7 - Feet:
When you are in conversation with someone you can tell if they are comfortable and
interested by what you are saying by their feet position. When standing opposite one
another the other persons feet are facing in your direction. This means that they are
comfortable and their head and eyes will also be focused on you.
When standing opposite someone their feet are pointing away and their head and eyes are
not focused on you. They will most likely be nodding and agreeing with a fake smile. This
means that the person n question is not interested and might even feel uncomfortable in the
Tip 8 - Legs:
When stood up Legs are a good indicator of how confident someone is. If someone is
standing with their legs shoulder width apart they are relaxed. If they are standing with a
stance wider than that they are a confident and are in a grounded position to show they are
in control.
When stood up with legs crossed the person is probably shy.
When sitting down if the legs are crossed it shows the person is in protective mode. This is
very much used alongside crossed arm action.
If the legs are open when the person is seated then they are in a relaxed position. The same
as when standing.

Tip 9 - Fingers:
Fingers can create many gestures and are great for reading body language. A pointing
finger can either be someone pointing to a item or place, it can also indicate anger. If
someone is curling their fingers tightly they are usually pleading for some thing.
Drumming or tapping with the fingers indicates frustration. The faster the beating, the
greater the frustration and tension inside the person.

Tip 10 - Eyebrows:
The eyebrows have many uses. Listed below are some examples. When the eye brows are
raised, normally the person is shocked or surprised. The greater the surprise the more
raised they will be. When someone flicks their eye brow up and down quickly they are
greeting someone else or are showing they have acknowledged them.
I hope you have enjoyed learning how to read body language tips. Remember reading body
language is not a skill that can be learned over night. The more you practice the easier it
will become and the more subtle you will be able to do it.

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