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Number 3 January 17, 1977

Citation Classics
Nelson N. A photometric adaptation of the Somogyi method for the
determination of glucose. J. Biol. Chem. 153: 375-80, 1944.
...The author reports a modification of the “I was ready to tackle the problem; I
Somogyi method “for glucose determination needed only the time. It was clear that
in biological material.” Somogyi’s “copper almost certainly the approach would have to
reagents” are adapted for “colorimetric use” be photometric, but that existing color
by omitting “iodide and iodate in their reagents were unsuitable in a number of
preparation.” The author developed “a new regards. However, the range of possibilities
arsenomolybdate reagent” which, when was not all that large. So, over the next few
used with “Somogyi’s micro reagent,” gives week-ends, through a series of cross
“satisfactory stability and reproducibility of sectional trials, I systematically varied
color.” components, and composition and methods
of preparation of candidate color reagents
Professor Norton Nelson as to their suitability for the quantitative
New York University Medical Center estimation of the reduced copper oxide. It
turned out that I could get the properties I
“It is a thoroughly pleasant but surprising needed from an arsenomolybdate and was
experience to have one’s paper, especially able to devise two quite reproducible ways
a very early one, referred to as a “Citation of preparing the reagent. These produced
Classic.” Many things have happened since stable color densities directly proportional to
that was published and many papers the cuprous oxide, which were reproducible
preceded and followed it, but apparently and with an absorption peak at a
none has served as broad a practical end. predictable wave length. This procedure was
“I have always regarded the effort reported readily transferrable to the basic reduction
in that paper as a bit of emergency technique of Somogyi, wherein it replaced
“engineering” to solve a major, and another the reliable but tedious titration method; in
secondary problem. In 1938, ’39 and’40, I this way it greatly accelerated the analysis.
was working with a very bright and prolific Within a few weeks our refrigerators, though
colleague, Arthur Mirsky, at the May not precisely empty, were clearly ready to
Institute for Medical Research in Cincinnati; receive more specimens....
and another talented investigator, Samuel “There was a secondary problem which
Rappaport, at the Cincinnati Children’s had to do with an annoying error which we
Hospital Research Foundation; and, with a detected in bloods deproteinized by the
brother, Waldo E. Nelson, also at the Somogyi procedure. So, back to the
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital (and also weekend chores. Actually the problem was
obviously talented). Work with these three fairly simple once I had clearly defined the
collaborators, in one way or another, difficulty. The solution was to use a barium
involved measurements of reducing rather than sodium hydroxide to precipitate
carbohydrates, especially glucose, in a the zinc, with the advantage that a surplus
variety of ways. Thus, there were many could be used, assuring removal of zinc
irons in the fire; glycogenase, the movement while the excess barium was precipitated,
of glucose and glycogen storage, kidney leaving no nasty post-filtration residues to
threshold studies, the role of phosphate in foul up the reduction process. I did feet it
carbohydrate metabolism, and the control of important enough to speak directly to Dr
diabetic children. Somogyi about this and went to St. Louis to
“Somewhere along the line, perhaps about meet with him It was a delightful visit: Dr.
1940, all refrigerators in all available Somogyi had the predictable Hungarian
institutes were jammed with specimens charm. He agreed that he was troubled with
awaiting analysis with which our staff, even the same problem and that he had
with weekend work, were unable to keep developed a remedy which in principle was
abreast. Obviously something needed to be identical to mine. His procedure, though
done and that was to improve the efficiency similar, was more convenient than mine,
of glucose analysis, without losing the and with his permission I included it in this
advantages of the Somogyi procedure. paper. “ 1

1. Nelson N. Personal communication, November 12, 1976.


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