Nephrology: Edward F. Foote, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
Nephrology: Edward F. Foote, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
Nephrology: Edward F. Foote, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
Edward F. Foote, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS
Wilkes University
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
2. Which one of the following represents the most likely cause of impaired kidney function in this patient?
A. Prerenal.
B. Intrinsic.
C. Postrenal.
D. Functional.
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
c. Stratifying AKI using Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage kidney disease (RIFLE) criteria.
Developed by the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group. Uses change in baseline SCr/
GFR or urine output
Risk of renal dysfunction
•• GFR criteria – Increased SCr 1.5-fold from baseline or GFR decrease greater than 25%
•• Urine output criteria – Urine output less than 0.5 mL/kg/hour for 6 hours
Injury to kidney
•• GFR criteria – Increased SCr 2-fold or GFR decrease greater than 50%
•• Urine output criteria – Urine output less than 0.5 mL/kg/hour for 12 hours
Failure of kidney function
•• GFR criteria – Increased SCr 3-fold or GFR decrease greater than 75% or SCr greater
than 4 mg/dL (350 micromoles/L) in the setting of acute increase of at least 0.5 mg/dL
(44 micromoles/L)
•• Urine output criteria – Urine output less than 0.3 mL/kg/hour for 24 hours (oliguria) or
anuria for 12 hours
Loss of kidney function (persistent AKI) = complete loss of kidney function greater than 4
End-stage kidney disease (ESKD or end-stage renal disease, ESRD) = complete loss of
kidney function for greater than 3 months
d. Common complications include fluid overload as well as acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities.
e. Urine output classification:
i. Anuric: Less than 50 mL/24 hours—Associated with worse outcomes
ii. Oliguric: 50–500 mL/24 hours
iii. Nonoliguric: More than 500 mL/24 hours—Associated with better patient outcomes. Easier to
manage because of fewer problems with volume overload
2. Community-acquired AKI
a. Low incidence (0.02%) in otherwise healthy patients
b. As high as 13% incidence among patients with CKD
c. Usually has a very high survival rate (70%–95%)
d. Single insult to the kidney, often drug-induced
e. Often reversible
3. Hospital-acquired AKI
a. Has a moderate incidence (2%–5%) and moderate survival rate (30%–50%)
b. Single or multifocal insults to the kidney
c. Can still be reversible
4. Intensive care unit–acquired AKI: 5%–6% of patients in intensive care develop AKI during unit stay,
and patients who develop this condition have a low survival rate (10%–30%)
5. Estimating kidney function in AKI
a. Difficult because commonly used SCr-based equations (Cockcroft-Gault, MDRD, and CKD-EPI)
are not appropriate (need stable SCr)
b. Equations by Brater and Jeliffe are probably more accurate than the Cockcroft-Gault equation, but
they have not been rigorously tested.
c. Can do a urine collection in non-oliguria. Obtain an SCr before and after the collection, and
average them for the calculation.
B. Risk Factors Associated with AKI
1. Preexisting CKD (eGFR less than 60 mL/minute/1.73m2)
2. Volume depletion: Vomiting, diarrhea, poor fluid intake, fever, diuretic use, effective volume depletion
(e.g., CHF, liver disease with ascites)
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ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
D. Prevention of AKI
1. Avoid nephrotoxic drugs when possible.
2. Ensure adequate hydration.
3. Patient education
4. Drug therapies to decrease incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy—See Drug-Induced Kidney
Damage section.
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
ii. Atrial natriuretic peptide. May reduce need for RRT. Not widely used
iii. Loop diuretics. Consider loop diuretics for patients who are oliguric and euvolemic or
hypervolemic. Does not reduce mortality or improve renal recovery but may assist in fluid/
electrolyte management. In general, given intravenously at relatively high doses
iv. Low-dose dopamine. Ineffective. Avoid.
3. Postrenal AKI: Relieve obstruction. Early diagnosis is important. Consult urology and/or radiology.
4. Indications for renal replacement therapy in AKI:
i. BUN greater than 100
ii. Volume overload unresponsive to diuretics
iii. Uremia or encephalopathy
iv. Life-threatening electrolyte imbalance
v. Refractory acidosis
6. In addition to intravenous fluid, which one of the following therapies is best to use in E.P. to decrease his
likelihood of developing contrast-induced nephropathy?
A. Fenoldopam.
B. Acetylcysteine.
C. Ascorbic acid.
D. Hemofiltration.
A. Introduction: Drugs are responsible for kidney damage through many mechanisms. Evaluate potential drug-
induced nephropathy on the basis of the period of ingestion, patient risk factors, and the propensity of the
suspected agent to cause kidney damage.
1. Risk factors
a. History of CKD
b. Increased age
2. Epidemiology
a. 7% of all drug toxicities
b. 18%–27% of AKI in hospitals
c. 1%–5% of NSAID users in community
d. Most implicated medications: Aminoglycosides, NSAIDs, ACEIs, intravenous contrast dye,
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
ii. Occurs in patients with moderate CKD to ESKD given intravenous contrast, and systemic
acidosis seems to be a risk factor (Magnevist, Omniscan, and OptiMARK considered
inappropriate for use in patients with AKI or CKD)
iii. Onset 2–18 days after exposure
iv. Presents as burning, itching, swelling/hardening/tightening of skin, skin patches, spots on
eyes, joint stiffness, and muscle weakness
v. Can cause organ damage, and deaths have occurred
vi. In 2010, the FDA required the addition of warning to prescribing information.
4. Cisplatin and carboplatin nephrotoxicity
a. Incidence: 6%–13% with appropriate dosing and administration
b. Pathogenesis – Complex; direct tubular toxins
c. Presentation
i. SCr peaks 10–12 days after starting therapy but may continue to rise with subsequent cycles
of therapy
ii. Renal Mg wasting is common (may be severe with central nervous system symptoms) and
may be accompanied by hypokalemia and hypocalcemia
iii. May result in irreversible kidney damage
d. Risk factors for toxicity: Many courses of cisplatin, patient age, dehydration, concurrent
nephrotoxins, kidney irradiation, alcohol abuse
e. Prevention
i. Avoid concurrent nephrotoxins.
ii. Use smallest dose possible, and decrease frequency of administration.
iii. Aggressive intravenous hydration: 1–4 L within 24 hours of high-dose cisplatin or carboplatin
iv. Amifostine: Cisplatin-chelating agent. Should be considered in patients at risk of
5. Amphotericin B nephrotoxicity
a. Incidence
i. Increases as cumulative dose increases
ii. Approaches 80% with cumulative doses of 4 g or more
b. Pathogenesis
i. Direct proximal and distal tubular toxicity
ii. Arterial vasoconstriction
c. Presentation
i. Manifests after 2–3 g
ii. Loss of tubular function leads to electrolyte wasting (especially K+, Na+, and Mg2+) and distal
tubular acidosis
iii. Patients may require substantial K+ and Mg2+ replacement
iv. SCr increases and GFR decreases because of a decrease in kidney bloodflow from
vasoconstriction caused by amphotericin.
d. Risk factors for toxicity: Existing kidney dysfunction, high average daily doses, diuretic use,
volume depletion, concomitant nephrotoxins, rapid infusion
e. Prevention
i. Avoid other nephrotoxins (especially cyclosporine), and limit the total cumulative dose.
ii. Intravenous hydration with at least 1 L/day of 0.9% NaCl before each dose
iii. Use a liposomal product in high-risk patients.
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ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
i. The 5-year risk of developing CKD after transplantation of a nonrenal organ ranges from 7%
to 21%.
ii. The occurrence of kidney failure in the transplant patient population has a 4-fold increased
risk of death.
b. Pathogenesis
i. Caused by a dose-related hemodynamic mechanism
ii. Causes vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles through possible increased activity of various
vasoconstrictors (thromboxane A2, endothelin, sympathetic nervous system) or decreased
activity of vasodilators (nitric oxide, prostacyclin)
iii. Increased vasoconstriction from angiotensin II may also contribute.
iv. Effects usually resolve with dose reduction.
c. Presentation
i. Can occur within days of starting therapy
ii. SCr rises and GFR decreases.
iii. Patients often have hypertension, hyperkalemia, and hypomagnesemia.
iv. A biopsy is often needed for kidney transplant patients to distinguish this from acute allograft
d. Risk factors for toxicity: Increased age, high initial cyclosporine dose, kidney graft rejection,
hypotension, infection, and concomitant nephrotoxins
e. Prevention
i. Monitor serum cyclosporine and tacrolimus concentrations closely.
ii. Use lower doses in combination with other nonnephrotoxic immunosuppressants.
iii. Calcium channel blockers may help antagonize the vasoconstrictor effects of cyclosporine by
dilating afferent arterioles.
D. Tubulointerstitial Disease
1. Involves the renal tubules and the surrounding interstitium
2. Onset can be acute or chronic.
a. Acute onset generally involves interstitial inflammatory cell infiltrates, rapid loss of kidney
function, and systemic symptoms (i.e., fever and rash).
b. Chronic onset shows interstitial fibrosis, slow decline in kidney function, and no systemic
3. Acute allergic interstitial nephritis
a. Cause of up to 3% of all AKI cases. Caused by an allergic hypersensitivity reaction that affects the
interstitium of the kidney
b. Many medications and medication classes can cause this type of kidney failure. The most
commonly implicated are the β-lactams and the NSAIDs (although the presentations are different).
i. Penicillins: Classic presentation of acute allergic interstitial nephritis. Signs/symptoms occur
about 1–2 weeks after therapy initiation and include fever, maculopapular rash, eosinophilia,
pyuria, hematuria, and proteinuria. Eosinophiluria may also be present.
ii. NSAIDs: Onset, much more delayed, typically begins about 6 months into therapy. Usually
occurs in elderly patients on chronic NSAID therapy. Patients usually do not have systemic
c. Kidney biopsy may be needed to confirm diagnosis.
d. Treatment includes discontinuing the offending agent and possibly initiating steroid therapy.
4. Chronic interstitial nephritis
a. Often progressive and irreversible
b. Lithium
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
F. Glomerular Disease
1. Proteinuria is the hallmark sign of glomerular disease and may occur with or without a decrease in GFR.
2. A few distinct drugs can cause glomerular disease:
a. NSAIDs: Associated with acute allergic interstitial nephritis
b. Heroin: Can be caused by direct toxicity or toxicity from additives or infection from injection, and
ESKD develops in most cases
c. Parenteral gold: Results from immune complex formation along glomerular capillary loops
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
8. Assuming that nonpharmacologic approaches have been maximized, which one of the following actions is
best for P.P. to limit the progression of his kidney disease?
A. Add nifedipine.
B. Add diltiazem.
C. Add enalapril.
D. Increase atenolol.
9. Enalapril was added to this patient’s regimen. Two weeks later, he presents back to his physician. His BP
is 139/89 mm Hg. A repeat SCr is 2.3 mg/dL, and the serum K is 5.2 mEq/L. Which one of the following is
the best recommendation for this patient?
A. Change enalapril to Cardizem CD. Monitor BP, SCr, and K in 2 weeks.
B. Add chlorthalidone 50 mg/day. Monitor BP, SCr, and K in 2 weeks.
C. Change enalapril to valsartan.
D. Increase atenolol.
A. Background
1. Prevalence: Difficult to assess, according to NHANES (1999–2004); 16.8% of adults (20 years or
older) have CKD. There were 382,343 prevalent dialysis patients in 2008 (up 3.6% from 2007) and
165,639 prevalent transplant patients. Incidence rate is relatively flat, so growth in population of ESKD
is mainly because of the longer life span of these patients.
2. Definition of CKD, according to The National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcome
Quality Initiative (KDOQI): Kidney damage for more than 3 months, as defined by structural or
functional abnormality of the kidney, with or without decreased GFR, manifested by either pathologic
abnormalities or markers of kidney damage, including abnormalities in the composition of blood or
urine or abnormalities in imaging tests OR GFR less than 60 mL/minute/1.73m 2 for 3 months, with or
without kidney damage.
3. Stages of CKD (KDOQI):
a. Stage 1 kidney damage with normal or increased GFR (90 or more mL/minute/1.73m2)
b. Stage 2 kidney damage with mild decrease in GFR (60–89 mL/minute/1.73m2)
c. Stage 3 moderate decrease in GFR (30–59 mL/minute/1.73m2)
d. Stage 4 severe decrease in GFR (15–29 mL/minute/1.73m2)
e. Stage 5 kidney failure (less than 15 mL/minute/1.73m2 or on dialysis
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
B. Etiology
1. Diabetes (40% of new cases of ESKD in the United States)
2. Hypertension (25% of new cases)
3. Glomerulonephritis (10%)
4. Others—Urinary tract disease, polycystic kidney disease, lupus, analgesic nephropathy, unknown
C. Risk Factors
1. Susceptibility (associated with an increased risk, but not proved to cause CKD): Advanced age,
reduced kidney mass, low birth weight, racial/ethnic minority, family history, low income or education,
systemic inflammation, and dyslipidemia; mostly not modifiable
2. Initiation (directly cause CKD): Diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune disease, polycystic kidney
diseases, and drug toxicity; may be modifiable by drug therapy
3. Progression (result in faster decline in kidney function): Hyperglycemia, elevated BP, proteinuria,
and smoking
D. Albuminuria/Proteinuria
1. Marker of kidney damage, progression factor, and cardiovascular risk factor. Can be classified as
a. Normal: Albumin excretion less than 30 mg/24 hours
b. Microalbuminuria: 30–300 mg/24 hours
c. Macroalbuminuria: (overt proteinuria) more than 300 mg/24 hours
d. Nephrotic range proteinuria: More than 3 g/24 hours
2. Assessment for proteinuria—Usually assessed by measurement of urinary albumin/creatinine ratio.
Spot urine: Untimed sample is adequate for adults and children (screening test).
E. Assessment of Kidney Function
1. Serum creatinine
a. Avoid use as the sole assessment of kidney function.
b. Depends on age, sex, weight, and muscle mass
c. All laboratories now use “standardized” creatinine traceable to isotope dilution mass spectrometry,
which will decrease variability in results between laboratories.
2. Measurement of GFR: Inulin, iothalamate, and others are not routinely used.
3. Measurement of CrCl through urine collection
a. Reserve for vegetarians, patients with low muscle mass, patients with amputations, and patients
needing dietary assessment, as well as when documenting need to start dialysis.
b. Urine collection will give a better estimate in patients with very low muscle mass.
c. In most cases, equations will overestimate kidney function because creatinine concentrations will
be low in patients with very low muscle mass.
4. Estimated using Cockcroft-Gault equation (mL/minute, CrCl)—Overestimates GFR
[(140 − age) × body weight]/[SCr × 72] × (0.85 if female)
5. Estimated GFR with MDRD study data equation
a. Estimated GFR (mL/minute/1.73m2) in patients with known CKD (GFR less than 90 mL/minute)
b. Abbreviated MDRD formula correlates well with the original MDRD formula, simpler to use.
eGFR (mL/minute/1.73m2) = 186 × SCr−1.154 × age−0.203 × (0.742 if female) × (1.21 if African
American). This equation and an adjusted equation for use with standardized creatinine are
available at or
c. CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration) equation. Alternative equation
to estimate GFR. See
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6. CKD-EPI equation is a relatively new formula that is more accurate than MDRD in patients with
eGFR greater than 60 mL/minute/1.73m2.
7. For children, Schwartz and Counahan-Barratt formulas
F. Diabetic Nephropathy
1. Pathogenesis
a. Hypertension (systemic and intraglomerular)
b. Glycosylation of glomerular proteins
c. Genetic links
2. Diagnosis
a. Long history of diabetes
b. Proteinuria
c. Retinopathy (suggests microvascular disease)
3. Monitoring
a. Type I—Begin annual monitoring for microalbuminuria 5 years after diagnosis.
b. Type II—Begin annual monitoring for proteinuria immediately (do not know how long they have
had diabetes mellitus).
4. Management/slowing progression
a. Aggressive BP management
i. In patients with diabetes and CKD, target BP is less than 130/80 mm Hg.
ii. ACEIs and ARBs are preferred and should be used with any degree of proteinuria, even if the
patient is not hypertensive.
(a) Use moderate to high doses with proteinuria.
(b) Hold ACEI/ARB if serum K is greater than 5.6 or there is a rise in SCr greater than 30%
after initiation.
iii. Most patients will require diuretic in combination. (Thiazide with stages 1–3 and loop in
stages 4–5.) If BP is greater than 160/100 mm Hg, start with two-drug regimen.
iv. Calcium channel blockers (nondihydropyridine) are second line to ACEIs/ARBs. Data are
emerging for combined therapy.
v. Dietary Na consumption should be less than 2.4 g/day. Modify DASH diet to limit K intake as
b. Intensive blood glucose control. Glycosylated hemoglobin less than 7%. Less aggressive with
more advanced CKD
c. Protein restriction—There are insufficient data in diabetes, but 0.8 g/kg/day might slightly reduce
progression and decrease the risk of ESKD. Patients should avoid high-protein diets.
G. Nondiabetic Nephropathy
1. Manage hypertension. If proteinuric and hypertensive, use ACEI or ARB. Often need to add (or start
with) combination. Diuretic is usual second drug. Monitor serum K.
2. Minimize protein in diet. Controversial. May slow progression based on MDRD study but may also
impair nutrition. Very low-protein diet may increase mortality.
H. Other Guidelines to Slow Progression
1. Manage hyperlipidemia. Follow National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines. Goal is low-
density lipoprotein less than 100. Statins are first line.
2. Stop smoking.
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
11. W.Y. is a chronic HD patient who experiences intradialytic hypotension. After nonpharmacologic ap-
proaches have been maximized, which one of the following medications is best to manage his low BP?
A. Levocarnitine.
B. NaCl tablets.
C. Fludrocortisone.
D. Midodrine.
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
b. High flux and high efficiency—Large pores. Can remove drugs that were impermeable to standard
membranes (vancomycin). Large amounts of fluid removal (ultrafiltrate)
3. Adequacy
a. Kt/V—Unitless parameter. K = clearance, t = time on dialysis, and V = volume of distribution of urea.
KDOQI set goal of 1.2 or more.
b. URR—Urea reduction ratio. URR = [(preBUN - postBUN)/preBUN] * 100% Goal URR is > 65%.
4. Common complications of HD
a. Intradialytic
i. Hypotension—Primarily related to fluid removal. Common in people who are elderly and people
with diabetes mellitus. Treatment: Limit fluid gains between sessions; give normal or hypertonic
saline, midodrine. Less well-studied agents include fludrocortisone, selective serotonin reuptake
ii. Cramps—Vitamin E
iii. Nausea/vomiting
iv. Headache/chest pain/back pain
b. Vascular access complications—Most common with catheters
i. Infection—S. aureus. Need to treat aggressively. May need to remove catheter
ii. Thrombosis—Suspected with low bloodflow. Oral antiplatelets for prevention not used because of
lack of efficacy. Can treat with alteplase 1 mg per lumen
5. Factors that affect the efficiency of HD
a. Type of dialyzer used (changes in membrane surface area and pore size)
b. Length of therapy
c. Dialysis flow rate
d. Bloodflow rate
E. Peritoneal Dialysis
1. Peritoneal dialysis membrane is 1–2 m2 (approximates the body surface area) and consists of the vascular
wall, the interstitium, the mesothelium, and the adjacent fluid films. From 1.5 to 3 L of peritoneal dialysate
fluid may be instilled in the peritoneum (fill), allowed to dwell for a specified time, and then drained.
2. Solutes and fluid diffuse across the peritoneal membrane.
3. Peritoneal dialysis is usually not used to treat AKI in adults.
4. Peritonitis
a. Infection of the peritoneal cavity. Patient technique and population variables influence the infection
rate. Elderly patients or those with diabetes have a higher infection rate. Peritonitis is a major cause of
failure of peritoneal dialysis.
b. Treatment
i. Most common gram-positive organisms include Staphylococcus epidermis, S. aureus, and
streptococci. Most common gram-negative organisms include Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas
ii. Empiric treatment should cover gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Adjust as needed.
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
Patient Cases
12. R.T. is a 60-year-old HD patient who has had ESRD for 10 years. His HD access is a left arteriovenous
fistula. He has a history of hypertension, CAD, mild CHF, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and a seizure disor-
der. Medications: Epoetin 14,000 units 3 times/week at dialysis; multivitamin (Nephrocaps) once daily;
atorvastatin 20 mg/day; insulin; calcium acetate 2 tablets 3 times/day with meals; phenytoin 300 mg/day;
and intravenous iron 100 mg/month. Laboratory values: Hemoglobin 10.2 g/dL; immunoassay for PTH
(iPTH) 800 pcg/mL; Na 140 mEq/L; K 4.9 mEq/L; Cr 7.0 mg/dL; calcium 9 mg/dL; albumin 2.5 g/dL; and
phosphorus 7.8 mg/dL. Serum ferritin is 200 ng/mL, and transferrin saturation is 32%. The RBC indices
are normal. His WBC is normal. He is afebrile. Which one of the following is most likely contributing to
relative epoetin resistance in this patient?
A. Iron deficiency.
B. Hyperparathyroidism.
C. Phenytoin therapy.
D. Infection.
13. In addition to diet modification and emphasizing adherence, which one of the following is the best approach
to managing this patient’s hyperparathyroidism and renal osteodystrophy?
A. Increase calcium acetate.
B. Change calcium acetate to sevelamer and add cinacalcet.
C. Hold calcium acetate and add intravenous vitamin D analog.
D. Add intravenous vitamin D analog.
A. Anemia
1. Several factors are responsible for anemia in CKD: Decreased erythropoietin production (most
important), shorter life span of RBCs, blood loss during dialysis, iron deficiency, anemia of chronic
disease, and renal osteodystrophy
2. Prevalence: 26% of patients with a GFR greater than 60 mL/minute have anemia versus 75% of
patients with a GFR less than 15 mL/minute.
3. Signs and symptoms—Similar to anemia associated with other causes
4. Treatment—Treatment of anemia in CKD can decrease morbidity/mortality, reduce left ventricular
hypertrophy, increase exercise tolerance, and increase quality of life. Recent studies have suggested
that treatment to high hemoglobin concentrations (greater than 13 g/dL) increases cardiovascular
events. Most recently, TREAT (Trial to Reduce Cardiovascular Events with Aranesp Therapy) failed to
show a benefit in outcomes but was associated with increased stroke (N Engl J Med 2009;361).
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
a. Anemia workup—Initiate evaluation when CrCl is less than 60 mL/minute OR hemoglobin is less
than 11 g/dL:
i. Hemoglobin/hematocrit
ii. Mean corpuscular volume
iii. Reticulocyte count
iv. Iron studies
(a) Transferrin saturation (total iron/total iron-binding capacity)—Assesses available iron
(b) Ferritin—Measures stored iron
v. Stool guaiac
b. Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) (Note: ESAs are now under FDA’s Risk Evaluation and
Mitigation Strategy [REMS] program.)
i. Epoetin alfa
(a) Same molecular structure as human erythropoietin (recombinant DNA technology)
(b) Binds to and activates erythropoietin receptor
(c) Administered subcutaneously or intravenously
ii. Darbepoetin alfa
(a) Molecular structure of human erythropoietin has been modified from 3 N-linked
carbohydrate chains to 5 N-linked carbohydrate chains; increased duration of activity
(b) The advantage is less-frequent dosing.
(c) Binds to and activates erythropoietin receptor
(d) May be administered subcutaneously or intravenously
c. Therapy goals: Because of concern about high hemoglobin concentrations, the 2007 update to the
KDOQI guidelines suggests a goal of 11–12 g/dL and the avoidance of a hemoglobin concentration
greater than 13 g/dL.
d. Modified dosing recommendations of ESAs from the FDA (June 2011) for more conservative dosing
i. For patients with CKD, consider starting ESA treatment when the hemoglobin concentration
is less than 10 g/dL.
ii. This advice does not define how far below 10 g/dL is appropriate for an individual to initiate.
iii. This advice also does not recommend that the goal be to achieve a hemoglobin of 10 g/dL or a
hemoglobin above 10 g/dL.
iv. Individualize dosing and use the lowest dose of ESA sufficient to reduce the need for RBC
transfusions; adjust dosing as appropriate.
v. The drug label previously recommended that ESAs should be dosed to achieve and maintain
hemoglobin concentrations within the target range of 10–12 g/dL in patients with CKD,
however, this target concept has been removed from the label.
e. ESA dose adjustment is based on hemoglobin response.
i. Adjustment parameters are the same for epoetin alfa and darbepoetin alfa.
ii. Dosage adjustments upward should not be made more often than every 4 weeks.
iii. In general, dose adjustments are made in 25% intervals (i.e., dosages adjusted upward or
downward by 25% according to current dose).
f. ESA monitoring
i. Hemoglobin concentrations initially every 1–2 weeks and then every 2–4 weeks when stable
ii. Monitor BP because it may rise (treat as necessary).
iii. Iron stores
(a) Ferritin: HD target is 200–500, and peritoneal dialysis/CKD target is 100–500.
(b) Transferrin saturation target is greater than 20% (upper limit of 50% removed from recent
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
Iron overload Hold therapy Hold therapy Hold therapy Hold therapy
%TSAT > 50%
and/or ferritin
> 500
Initial test dose Yes; 25-mg one-time No No No
test dose
CKD = chronic kidney disease; HD = hemodialysis; IV = intravenous; IVP = IV push; IVPB = IV piggyback; N/A = not applicable; NSS =
normal saline solution; TSAT = transferrin saturation.
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
Table 3. KDOQI Guidelines for Calcium, Phosphorus, Ca x PO4 Product, and PTH in CKD Stages 3–5
CKD Stage 3 CKD Stage 4 CKD Stage 5
Ca (mg/dL) a
Normal Normal 8.4–9.5
Phosphorus (mg/dL) 2.7–4.6 2.7–4.6 3.5–5.5
Ca × PO4 product < 55 < 55 < 55
PTH (pg/mL) 35–70 70–110 150 300
Use corrected calcium = serum calcium + (0.8 × [4.0 − patient albumin]).
Ca = calcium; CKD = chronic kidney disease; KDOQI = Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative; PO4 = phosphate; PTH = parathyroid
b. Nondrug therapy
i. Dietary phosphorus restriction 800–1200 mg/day in stage 3 CKD or higher
ii. Dialysis removes various amounts of phosphorus depending on treatment modalities but, by
itself, is insufficient to maintain phosphorus balances in most patients.
iii. Parathyroidectomy—Reserved for patients with unresponsive hyperparathyroidism
c. Drug therapy
i. Phosphate binders: Take with meals to bind phosphorus in the gut; products from different
groups may be used together for additive effect.
(a) Aluminum-containing phosphate binders (aluminum hydroxide, aluminum carbonate,
and sucralfate). Effectively lowers phosphorus concentrations. In general, avoid. Not
used as often because of aluminum toxicity (adynamic bone disease, encephalopathy, and
erythropoietin resistance)
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ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
A. Dosages of many drugs will require adjustment to prevent toxicity in patients with CKD; adjustment
strategies will vary, depending on whether the patient is receiving RRT and, if so, the type of RRT. The
National Kidney Disease Education Program of the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases suggests that either eGFR or eCrCl be used for drug dosing.
If using eGFR in very large or small patients, the eGFR should be multiplied by the actual body surface
area to obtain eGFR in milliliters per minute.
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
2. Distribution
a. Changes in concentrations in highly water-soluble drugs occur as extracellular fluid status
b. Acidic and neutral protein-bound drugs are displaced by toxin buildup. Other mechanisms include
conformational changes of the plasma protein–binding site. Phenytoin is a classic example. The
“normal” free fraction of phenytoin is 10%. Free fraction can be as high as 25%–30% in patients
with ESRD and hypoalbuminemia.
i. Hypoalbuminemia correction
Concentration adjusted = concentration measured/[(0.2 × measured albumin) + 0.1]
ii. Renal failure adjustment
Concentration adjusted = concentration measured/[(0.1 × measured albumin) + 0.1]
iii. Patients will have lower total concentrations despite having adequate free concentrations
(increased free fraction).
iv. Dosage adjustment of phenytoin not needed, just a different approach to evaluating
3. Metabolism – Variable changes can occur with uremia. Metabolites can accumulate.
4. Excretion – Decreased
C. Pharmacodynamic Changes Can Also Occur (e.g., patients with CKD can be more sensitive to
D. General Recommendations:
1. Patient history and clinical data
2. Estimate CrCl (Jeliffe or Brater in AKI; Cockcroft-Gault or MDRD study equations in stable kidney
3. Identify medications that require modification (Table 4).
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
E. Drug Dosing in HD
1. Dosing changes in HD patients may be necessary because of accumulation caused by kidney failure
AND/OR because the procedure may remove the drug from the circulation.
2. Drug-related factors affecting drug removal during dialysis:
a. Molecular weight—With high-flux membranes, larger molecules (such as vancomycin) can be
b. Water soluble—Non-soluble drugs not likely removed
c. Protein binding—Because albumin cannot pass through membranes, protein-bound drugs cannot
d. Volume of distribution—Drugs with a small Vd (less than 1 L/kg) available in central circulation
for removal. Large Vds cannot be removed (digoxin and tricyclic antidepressants), even if the
protein binding is very low.
3. Procedure-related factors affecting drug removal
a. Type of dialyzer—high flux widely used now
b. Bloodflow rate. Increased rates will increase delivery and maintain gradient across membrane.
c. Duration of dialysis session
d. Dialysate flow rate. High rates of flow will increase removal by maintaining the gradient across
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
National Kidney Foundation’s Kidney 2. Schweiger MJ, Chambers CE, Davidson CJ, et al.
Disease Outcome Quality Initiative Prevention of contrast induced nephropathy: rec-
1. Go to ommendations for the high risk patient undergoing
cardiovascular procedures. Catheter Cardiovasc
Interv 2007;69:135–40.
National Kidney Disease Education Program
1. Go to
Chronic Kidney Disease and Complications
1. Derebail VK, Kshirsagar AV, Joy MS. Chronic
Acute Kidney Injury kidney disease: progression-modifying therapies.
1. Dager W, Halilovic J. Acute renal failure. In: DiP- In: DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, et al, eds. Phar-
iro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, et al, eds. Pharma- macotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 8th
cotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 8th ed. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011:767–86.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011:741–66. 2. Hudson JQ. Chronic kidney disease: management
2. Bellomo R, Ronco C, Kellum JA, et al; the ADQI of complications. In: DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee
workgroup. Acute renal failure – definition, out- GC, et al, eds. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysi-
come measures, animal models, and information ologic Approach, 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
technology needs: the Second International Consen- 2011:787–816.
sus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initia- 3. Schonder KS. Chronic and end-stage renal disease.
tive (ADQI) Group. Crit Care 2004;8:R204–R212. In: Chisholm-Burns MA, Wells BG, Schwingham-
3. Kellum JA. Acute kidney injury. Crit Care Med mer TL, et al, eds. Pharmacotherapy: Principles and
2008;36:S141–S145. Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010:chapter 26.
4. Mehta RL, Kellum JA, Shah SV, et al. Acute kid- 4. National Kidney Foundation. KDOQI. Clinical
ney injury network: report of an initiative to im- Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice Recom-
prove outcomes in acute kidney injury. Crit Care mendations for diabetes and chronic kidney dis-
2007;11:R31. ease. Am J Kidney Dis 2007;49(Suppl 2):S1–S180.
5. Stamatakis MK. Acute kidney injury. In: Chisholm- 5. National Kidney Foundation. KDOQI. Clinical
Burns MA, Wells BG, Schwinghammer TL, et al, practice guidelines on hypertension and antihy-
eds. Pharmacotherapy: Principles and Practice. pertensive agents in chronic kidney disease. Am J
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010:chapter 25. Kidney Dis 2004;43(Suppl5):S1.
6. Ympa YP, Sakr Y, Reinhart K, Vincent JL. Has 6. Levey AS, Coreh J. Chronic kidney disease. Lan-
mortality from acute kidney injury decreased? cet 2011;Aug 12. [Epub ahead of print]
A systematic review of the literature. Am J Med 7. Pharmacotherapy Specialists Should Be Aware of
2005;118:827–32. the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease
7. Acute Renal Failure. In: DynaMed [database on the Outcome Quality Initiative Web site. Available at
Internet]. Ipswich, MA: EBSCO Publishing, 2011.
Available at Sub- cfm. Accessed September 28, 2011.
scription required.
Renal Replacement Therapy
Drug-Induced Kidney Damage 1. Sowinski KM, Churchwell MD. Hemodialysis and
1. Nolin TD, Himmelfarb J. Drug-induced kidney dis- peritoneal dialysis In: DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee
ease. In: DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, et al, eds. GC, et al, eds. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysi-
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, ologic Approach, 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011:819–36. 2011:817.
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
nondihydropyridine (Answer B) might be initiated in ciency is the most common cause of epoetin deficiency,
patients who cannot tolerate ACE or ARB therapy but the laboratory results in this patient do not indicate iron
would not be a choice yet. Dihydropyridine therapy deficiency (Answer A). Phenytoin therapy (Answer
(Answer A) is not recommended in diabetic nephropa- C) has been associated with anemia in other patient
thy because of conflicting literature on its efficacy. An populations but not in HD patients. Infection (Answer
increase in atenolol (Answer D) might control BP, but D) and inflammation are very common causes of epo-
inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system is still the etin deficiency in patients on HD, but there is nothing
best answer. In addition, a recent meta-analysis evalu- in this patient’s presentation to suggest an infectious or
ating atenolol in hypertensive patients with diabetes inflammatory process.
mellitus found either no difference or worse outcomes.
13. Answer: B
9. Answer: C D.W. requires treatment for his elevated iPTH (800 pg/
The BP is not at goal (should be less than 130/80 mm dL), which puts him at high risk of renal osteodystro-
Hg). To improve BP control and enhance the effect of phy. He has high serum phosphorous and calcium. The
the ACEI, chlorthalidone should be added to the regi- corrected calcium is 10.2 mg/dL, and the calcium ×
men (Answer B). Monitoring of SCr and serum K is phosphorus factor is 80 mg2/dL2. The goal/target cal-
appropriate in this patient. There is a less than 30% in- cium × phosphorus factor in stage 5 CKD is less than
crease in SCr, so enalapril should be continued, mak- 55 mg2/dL2. Current binder therapy is contributing to
ing Answer A and Answer B inappropriate. Adding calcium exposure; therefore, calcium acetate should be
chlorthalidone will also counter the tendency for hy- discontinued and sevelamer, initiated. Cinacalcet will
perkalemia. Answer D would probably lower BP but lower iPTH and potentially serum calcium. Answer A
would not be the preferred route because renal protec- is incorrect because increasing the calcium acetate may
tion would likely not be enhanced. worsen the hypercalcemia. Answer C is incorrect for
two reasons. First, the patient needs some type of phos-
10. Answer: D phate binder; second, intravenous vitamin D analogs
A native arteriovenous fistula is the preferred access for can worsen hypercalcemia and are not very effective at
chronic HD. If an arteriovenous fistula cannot be con- reducing elevated iPTH in the presence of hyperphos-
structed, a synthetic arteriovenous graft (Answer C) is phatemia. Answer D is incorrect because intravenous
considered second line. A subclavian catheter (Answer vitamin D analogs can worsen hypercalcemia and are
A) is a poor choice because of the increased risk of in- not very effective in reducing elevated iPTH in the
fection and thrombosis and because of the poor blood- presence of hyperphosphatemia.
flow obtained through a catheter. A Tenckhoff catheter
(Answer B) is incorrect because this is a catheter for 14. Answer: B
peritoneal dialysis. The presence of kidney failure and low albumin re-
sults in an increased free fraction of phenytoin. Using
11. Answer: D the correction equation gives a corrected level of 12.5,
The best-studied agent is midodrine, an α1-agonist. Le- which is therapeutic. A free phenytoin concentration
vocarnitine (Answer A) has been tried, but there are can also be drawn.
limited data on its benefit. Fludrocortisone (Answer
B) is a synthetic mineralocorticoid, which is used for
hypotension in other situations; however, the primary
mechanism is caused by Na and water restriction in the
kidney; hence, this drug is less likely to work. Sodium
chloride tablets (Answer B) would not work acutely,
and they should generally be avoided.
12. Answer: b
Hyperparathyroidism is associated with epoetin resis-
tance in HD patients (Answer B). Although iron defi-
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course
1. Answer: C 4. Answer: c
Initial treatment of AKI requires the identification and In most cases, either the Cockcroft-Gault OR the
reversal (if possible) of the insult to the kidney. A.M.’s MDRD equation is appropriate (and best) to assess kid-
symptoms and presentation are consistent with prerenal ney function. However, this patient has muscle wast-
azotemia because of volume depletion, so fluid admin- ing; hence, equations will overestimate. An iothalamate
istration is the best choice in this case. There is no sug- study will measure GFR, but it is not used clinically.
gestion of obstruction (distended abdomen, history of
benign prostatic hypertrophy). Diuretic administration 5. Answer: C
would not be appropriate because it would worsen his This patient is not at goal for hemoglobin. Iron studies
volume depletion and probably further impair his kid- indicate the patient is iron-deficient. Although a trial of
ney function. Fluid management is critical to managing oral iron might be indicated in CKD stages I–IV, HD
AKI, requiring a careful assessment of the patient. Al- patients should be given intravenous iron as first line.
though A.M.’s glucose concentration is elevated, insu-
lin is not required at this point. 6. Answer: b
The BUN/SCr ratio, urine osmolality, and presence of
2. Answer: c urinary casts all point to ATN. Prerenal and functional
F.D. has intrinsic azotemia, resulting in damage to the AKI look similar in urinalysis. Classically, AIN has eo-
kidneys. Aminoglycosides can cause direct damage to sinophils in the urine.
the tubules. The BUN/SCr ratio is normal (an increased
BUN/SCr ratio reflecting hypovolemia is common in 7. Answer: b
prerenal azotemia). Decreased urinary Na less than 20 An unpaired/independent t-test is the most appropriate.
mOsmol/L is also a marker of hypovolemia. Fractional There is no reason to think these continuous data will
excretion of Na additionally distinguishes prerenal and not be normally distributed. There are only two groups
intrinsic renal damage. A low FENa (less than 1%) in (otherwise, an analysis of variance would be needed
an oliguric patient suggests that tubular function is still with an appropriate post hoc test).
intact. A FENa of 1% –2% is commonly seen in in-
trinsic renal failure. The specific gravity is normal in
intrinsic renal failure. Elevated specific gravity greater
than 1.018 is seen in prerenal failure, reflecting concen-
trated urine caused by hypovolemia. Cellular debris is
often present in intrinsic renal failure because of renal
tubular cell death/damage.
3. Answer: a
Application of the Rowland-Tozer equation yields the
following calculation:
Q = 1 − [Fe(1 − KF)]
Q = 1 − [0.4(1 − 25/120)]
Q = 1 − [0.4(0.79)]
Q = 1 − 0.32
Q = 0.68 or 68% of usual dose
Drug X usual dose = 600 mg
Formulation = 100 mg/mL in a 6-mL vial
Adjusted dose = 408 mg
Four milliliters would provide 400 mg of drug X.
ACCP Updates in Therapeutics® 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course