Calling in and Working Attunements v1 Nov 16

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With the following instructions two points are worth remembering: (i) practice makes perfect and
(ii) listen to the spirits...they may suggest other ways to do things.

• Choose a time you wont be disturbed, in your sacred space, do whatever practice allows
you to become centred and relaxed before beginning: fast a little, meditate, pray, light
some incense, tidy your room. Be relaxed and open.

• Unless stated otherwise in the attunement manual you are working, sit cross legged in
meditation pose, or on a chair, in any way that allows your spine to stay straight.

• Breathe in through your nose and out your mouth. The process of receiving attunement
energies can often be strong. Breathing out through your mouth supports staying centred
during strong charge.

• All the energy of the empowerments you receive from me is contained within an Orb of
Life. (Ask for the manual if I have not sent it to you. It helps to imagine the orb above your
head as you call it in. As you call it in imagine the energy flowing into you.

• A way to power up the above process, last point, is to (I) breathe the energy down into you
as you pull it down with your breath, then (ii) fill your aura up with your breath and the
energy of the attunement, and (iii) breathe the energy out your heart. Continue doing this
throughout the attunement process.

• Some attunements have specific instructions on how they should be called in; ie. on
particular days/nights, mantras to be used, fires lit, fasting and such things. In most
situations it is wise to follow these instructions. With some practice, and a bunch of
attunements behind you, you will sense what is necessary and what can be given a
personal touch....asking the author...checking in with who set this up for you.

• Although most attunements have particular 'call-in' formulas (words used) which are
suggested, in most cases I choose 'call-in' words that I resonate with. In the end you are
attempting to create a connection between you, the orb and the person who set it up,
through intention. Intention is more important than the particular words you use.
Whatever words you use to call in the empowerment always use my name, Pedro Campiao,
for the one who set the attunement up.

• All attunement calling in examples are a variation of, as an example: “I call/ask to receive/I
am now receiving the Universal Shaman attunement as prepared by Pedro Campiao, I am
open and grateful to receive this attunement now”.

• The above short version can be expanded in various ways that may allow you to connect in
a more powerful and deeper way with the energies, for example: “Here me now great
spirit, father sky, mother earth, all my guides and protectors. Be with me now in this Great
Work as I ask to receive this powerful attunement of the Universal Shaman prepared by my
friend/teacher Pedro Campiao. May this energy flow into my body and soul perfectly, for
my highest good and the highest good of all. I am fully open and grateful to receive this
energy now. Soham'

• Activating emotion helps to access the attunement energy. Devotional ardour is very useful
especially with specific attunements where you are contacting particular beings.

• I usually call in the attunement a number of times, under my breath or loudly, maybe 20 or
more times until I start to feel the energy come in. Then I may call it in a couple of times a
minute during the whole process, or once every few minutes. Do what feels
best....sometimes just stating the 'call-in' once is enough to allow the energy flow fully.

• Intention is a powerful connector. It is useful to visualize an Orb of Life, 20 inches big, over
your head. Visualize it containing all that the manual talks about. As you begin to feel the
energy run imagine the orb flowing into all of you releasing its energy.

• Most attunement manuals will state how long the attunement will last for. It is best to end
the process when you feel the energy has stopped flowing. For some folks the energy will
flow longer (much longer sometimes) then what is written in the manual.

• Sometimes you dont feel anything while the attunement is supposedly flowing. This is an
important experience that is talked about in 'attunement-land'. Sometimes this happens.
Continue following all the instructions about and simply assume that the energy is entering
you. In most of these cases as you get to know and work the empowerment energy you
will begin to feel it flowing.

• Sometimes it may be useful to call in the attunements on several occasions as, (i) it allows
you to receive all the energies available, especially when you are starting out and unsure if
connection to the energy is strong and (ii) you get to receive a nice blast of healing energy.
Receiving an attunement is a little like receiving an energy/reiki treatment. When I started
with this work I used to call in each attunement multiple times, just to make sure I received
all the good vibes.

• Many attunement manuals highlight the value of integrating these new energies and often
express the importance of not calling in more than a certain amount of attunements, ie. 1 x
attunement every 3 days or some variation of this. Integration is important!

• You could work an attunement for years and still feel you are receiving benefits from it. One
attunement manual I worked with solely for several months while my teacher at the time,
Peter Aziz, stated I should spend just 10 days on it before moving on to more advanced
material. Do what you will!

• Some attunements I have not felt so passionate about, or connected to, and I have moved
on after a few days to other attunements I am more interested in. Do what feels best...and
listen to the spirits! .I have called in up to 5 strong attunements in one day to see what the
results might be...its also good to be experimental!

• Many of the manuals state how the energy of the attunement can be called in for regular
use. Take note of these as there are often variations in different manuals. Take note also for
what you can learn about energy work from these variations.

• You can call in an attunement as many times as you want. The energy is contained in a Orb
of Life and that orb belongs to you. I would encourage you to call in each attunement 2-3
times at the start as you get a feel for things.

• To get to know an energy, and to have a sense of what you can do with it, it is useful to
work the energy every day. To develop your capacity to make the energy flow you need to
work the energy consistently. Some attunements you may want to work 3 days in a rown
and then try another attunement for another number of days. If it works you may want to
do it longer. I have worked attunements daily for up to 28 days.

• Start with working the energies on yourself and when you have some experience and skill
then introduce it to family and friends.

• You can juice up on an attunement and run the energy for as long as it feels good, yet you
can also switch it on and go about your business, trusting that the energy will flow as it
needs to while paying peripheral attention to it. To do this it helps to tell the energy/orb
what to do.

• All the attunements come in an Orb of Life. It is useful to see these Orbs as highly
intelligent beings that

• Divining is a big part of shamanizing and attunements (especially particular attunements)

allow you to open onto the spiritual/astral realm and to journey, explore and divine on
particular issues.

• After a while you should be able to feel the energy of an attunement turn on within a few
seconds of switching it on. My usual practice for a quick 'switch on' is to repeat the name of
the empowerment as I breathe in long and then breathe out long. This could be 30
seconds. I then tell the orb energy to stay on powerfully, trusting that it will do so, and then
move onto other things.

• There are occasions when I do the above for a number of attunements, up to 10

sometimes, trusting that their energy will be on. I then tell the orbs what I want them to a in a little prayer, or something more direct, trusting that it will be so. Then filled
with this energy I may do some healing/shamanic work...or whatever is needed.

• Always good to fill your body and aura with the energy of the attunement as you switch it
on and feel its energy.

• Something that is also very powerful is to call in AND to switch on your attunements while
in contact with, or holding the form of, an important guardian animal of yours....or other
protective/guiding spirits.

• It is good to get into a practice of telling the orbs/the energy to do something. This keeps
the work focused and intentional. For example, if you are sending some energy for healing
imbue it with some intention. And tell the orb what you would like its energy to do...this
keeps life intentional and focused, and this is a good thing.

Pedro Campiao

Nov 2016

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