The Identi Fications and Clinical Implications of Cancer Stem Cells in Colorectal Cancer
The Identi Fications and Clinical Implications of Cancer Stem Cells in Colorectal Cancer
The Identi Fications and Clinical Implications of Cancer Stem Cells in Colorectal Cancer
Clinical Colorectal Cancer, Vol. 16, No. 2, 93-102 ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cancer, Carcinoma, Markers, Stem cell, Therapy
examined whole tissues sections of colorectal adenoma (n ¼ 10) and can be an independent prognostic factor for advanced CRC, espe-
CRC tissue microarray samples from 345 patients using immuno- cially in stage IV disease. In addition, Choi and colleagues85 re-
histochemistry and did not find the prognostic implication of CD24 ported that CD44 expression was significantly correlated with
in patients with CRC. In this study, positive immunoreactivity was tumor size in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma (n ¼ 523).
noted in 90% (9/10) of colorectal adenoma and 91% (313/345) of Furthermore, Ngan and coworkers90 demonstrated that loss of
CRC tissue samples. This lack of association with CD24 and pa- CD44 protein expression in CRC tissue samples (n ¼ 140) in
tient outcome in CRC might be attributed to the poor represen- immunostaining strongly correlated with poor survival and indi-
tation of cancer cells in the tissue microarray sections. Taken cated that CD44 loss has worse impact on patients’ prognosis.
together, more research with large number of CRC tissue samples as Despite all the positive correlations noted, Morrin and Delaney91
well as functional studies are imperative to establish the prognostic examined CD44v6 protein and mRNA expression by immunohis-
value of CD24 in CRC. tochemistry and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) in 88 CRC tissues and found no correlation of CD44v6
CD44 protein and mRNA expression with cancer stages, grade, differen-
Huh and colleagues88 demonstrated that CD44 was expressed in tiation, or survival of the patients. These conflicting results might be
100% (74/74) of CRC and its expression was significantly associ- associated with heterogeneity in cancer cells from different pop-
ated with depth of invasion and lymph node involvement. Also, ulations and varying sample sizes in the study population.
Wielenga and colleagues89 reported that CD44v6 overexpression in Furthermore, Jing et al92 noted that CD44 mRNA expression
frozen tissue sections obtained from patients with CRC could was higher in CRC metastases in liver when compared with the
identify patients who are highly predisposed to develop distant primary cancer in a cohort of 36 patients. Also, the expression was
metastasis. Furthermore, they demonstrated that CD44 expression an independent prognostic factor.
colon cancer cells (HCT116 and SW-480) by reducing CD29 was demonstrated that inhibition of these pathways by chemical
(integrin b 1) expression. They noted that barberine treatment in- intervention increased the sensitivity of CSCs to chemotherapy.128
duces AMP-protein kinase signaling pathways in colon cancer cells, g-secretase inhibitors have the potential to inactivate Notch
which in turn reduce the CD29 protein level and decreased the signaling and can be used to develop therapeutic strategies for the
phosphorylation of CD29 targets.131 In addition, Kanwar et al138 treatment of patients with CRC.141 Constitutive activation of Wnt/
demonstrated that treatment of human colon cancer cells with b-catenin pathways in colon cancer makes this pathway an impor-
difluorinated-curcumin in combination with conventional chemo- tant target for therapy development.141 Deregulation of this
therapy (5-flurouracil and oxaliplatin) significantly reduced the pathway by inhibiting b-catenin accumulation and/or expression,
CD44 and CD166 population. This treatment caused cancer and disrupting its interaction with other components has been re-
growth inhibition, induction of apoptosis, and disintegration of ported to reduce colon cancer growth both in vitro and in vivo in a
colonospheres.138 Therefore, therapeutic strategies targeting cell xenograft mouse model by Green and colleagues.142 They treated
surface markers of colon CSCs or their downstream signaling mice implanted with colon cancer cells (SW-480) with different
partners in combination with conventional therapy has the concentrations of b-catenin antisense oligonucleotides and they
emerging potential to efficiently manage progression of CRC. noted dose-dependent tumor growth inhibition when compared
with the scrambled control b-catenin oligonucleotides group.142 van
CSC Elimination by Targeting the de Wetering and coworkers143 reported that a small compound
Signaling Pathways called inhibitor of Wnt production (IWP) has the potential
Activation of Notch, Wnt/b-catenin, TGF-b, and Hedgehog to disrupt Wnt/b-catenin pathway by inhibiting porcupine
signaling pathways have been reported to be contributed to the (a membrane-bound acetyl transferase) activity, which is essential
chemoradiotherapy resistance of CSCs in cancer treatment.139,140 It for the production of Wnt protein.