Yahya Musakhel

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Mohammad Yahya Musakhel

House No. 3, Haji Mirza Khan Bazai Street, Airport road Quetta
Tel: +92-81-2880140, 2024011, Fax: + 92-81-2825662
Cell: +92-333-7923433

Summary of Professional Expertise

More then Eight years of professional experience in integrating environmental, social and
economic information, biodiversity conservation especially in mountainous regions, Experienced in
EIA, GIS, remote sensing, social assessments, disaster management, protected area planning,
questionnaire surveys, policy and project support, and review or evaluation of research and project
proposals for international agencies. interest in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, analysis
of factors responsible for illegal hunting in Hingol National Park Uthal, Chitral Gol National Park
NWFP, Torghar and Tobatti community protected areas, Balochistan; EIA of dams for hydropower
and water supply in Balochistan; Environment and social monitoring of hydropower construction in
Hingol River in Lasbella; intensive experience in managing protected areas, community based
action research, socio economic surveys, social impact analysis, mobilization, livelihood
management, sustainable experience of promoting conservation/ environmental education in
different segments of society and environmental governance. Extensive national exposure through
working with different cultural groups in addressing environmental concerns; Expertise in project
formulation, implementation, management, monitoring, coordination and appraisal.

Work Experience

Mir Jaffar Khan Jamali Foundation Jan 2010 to Date

Programme Manager, CHF Columbia DC, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund and Balochistan
Education Funded Projects in Selected districts of Balochistan, Pakistan.
Duties and Responsibilities:

Managed the MJKJF Balochistan Programme which basically focuses on facilitation of

implementation of the Integrated Livelihood management project (community based poverty
alleviation project) in Jaffarabad District Balochistan, Solar and Alternate Energy Project in
throughout Balochistan, Child Health improvement in Quetta and Jaffarabad and Education system
up gradation in Quetta and Mastung Districts. Capacity Building of partner Government
departments and NGOs, awareness raising for sustainable development. Responsible for the
planning, coordination and monitoring function. Prepared the annual development plans of the
projects and monitored these programs in the process. Conduct review meetings and submit
programme progress to Donors. The main tasks;

• Empower capacities of civil society actors involved in local development,

• Capacity Building of partner Government departments and NGOs for sustainable development,
• Supervise the participatory diagnosis in rural areas and contribute to the selection of beneficiary
communities for financing their projects,
• Finance initiatives to ensure minority rights and gender equity,
• Provide technical expertise in the preparation, evaluation, management and supervision of
community projects funded in the Program portfolio,
• Contribute to the assessments of technical and financial proposals for procurement related to
community projects,
• Responsible for the planning and budgeting of activities of the Program.
• Participate in rural development studies and audits conducted by the Program,
• Responsible for Preparedness the annual development plans of the projects and monitoring
programs activities
• Conduct review meetings and submit programme progress to Donors.
International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN July, 2008 to Jan 2010
District Coordinator, Royal Netherlands Embassy funded project; Balochistan Partnerships for
Sustainable Development in Selected districts of Balochistan, Pakistan.
Duties and Responsibilities:

• Represent IUCN Pakistan at the district level and provide necessary support and assistance to
the district government in implementation of Integrated Development Vision (IDV).
• Maintain cordial relation with the elected representatives, Nazims, District Coordination Officer
and other important functionaries of different departments of Government in the district to
harness their support for implementation of IDV;
• Maintain linkages with NGOs, District Government institutions, educational and research
institutions, project in the district, media and other segments of civil society as necessary and
useful for the implementation of IDV;
• Provide assistance to the district round table (Sustainable Development Forum) processes;
• Facilitate key partners in the identification, development and implementation of capacity
building plans for district Government and civil society organization;
• Advocate and provide support to develop district management information system;
• Prepare and effectively implement the annual work plans in the consultation with relevant
• Enhance stakeholders awareness and understanding about key conservation and sustainable
development issues in the district;
• Establish, manage and supervise the office and its staff, both programmatically and
• Assist in compilation of experiences and lessons in the sector of knowledge management.

Sustainable Use Specialist Group-Central Asia May 15, 2006 to June 30, 2008
Conservation Officer, GEF through UNDP funded Habitat and Species Conservation Project in
Selected districts of Balochistan, Pakistan.
Duties and Responsibilities:

• To established Community organizations and motivate about management and conservation of

community reserve areas
• Socio-economic and Socio ecological data collection, Baseline survey conducting
• village conservation plan development and implementation
• Awareness raising of stakeholders about environmental, economic and social benefits of
• Organize and coordinate the project activities according to the work plan in order to produce
intended outputs
• Diversification and improvement of local livelihoods through better agro-pastoral practices and
sustainable resource use.
• Communicate frequently with community groups, CBO’s, Government Bodies, Non-
Government Organizations and private businesses about community development activities.

DHV – Nether land Nov. 5, 2005 to May 15, 2006

Assistant Sociologist, World Bank, GEF through Balochistan Forest and Wildlife Department,
Protected Areas Management Project, Hingol National Park, Balochistan.
Duties and Responsibilities:

• Over all coordination of the design and implementation of the Sociological surveys in the Park
area and preparation of village profile.
• Training of Social Mobilizers, Park staff, participating NGOs and Local community
representatives in survey methodologies, PRA and community mobilization techniques.
• Ensuring the establishment and sustenance of sustainable village organizations.
• Ensuring the relevance of data collected through the surveys and PRAs for planning and
• Guiding the preparation of participatory micro planning processes in collaboration with the Park
staff and custodian communities.
• Ensuring and guiding the process of participatory exercises at the community level for the
project, including the community micro-planning exercises.
• Working with the communities in the identification of interactions between the people and the
park and facilitating community decision-making in the identification of alternative income and
resource generation opportunities to current unsustainable use of park resources.
• Monitoring community compliance with reciprocal agreements reached with the communities in
terms of reducing dependencies and impacts on parks.
• Assisting and guiding local communities in collection of information for monitoring Wildlife,
monitoring community reciprocal commitments, and local project impacts on Wildlife,
conservation and socio-economic conditions at the community levels.
• Monitoring changes in socio-economic conditions of the local communities in relation to project
• Responsible for ensuring and maintaining good working relationships between the project
management and participating communities.

Balochistan Forest and Wildlife Department Aug. 20, 2004 to Nov. 10, 2005
Community Social Mobilizer, PSDP project through Balochistan Forest Department, One thousand
Acres A forestation Project in Communal Lands in various Districts of Balochistan.
Duties and Responsibilities:

• Responsible for conducting forestry extension dialogues with the community for the
implementation of the forestry program
• To build the capacities of local communities about conservation of Natural Resource
• Responsible for raising forest nurseries for ensuring the availability of forest plants for
plantation. Supervised and monitored the forest nurseries raising and a-forestation in command
• Approach with the active involvement of the target groups
• To promote community forestry in District Musakhel
• Training of formers on natural resource management
• To introduce alternate fuel for formers.
• Responsible for planning and reporting of the field activities

World Wide Fund FOR Nature- Pakistan Mar. 1st 2004 to Aug. 15, 2004
Development Officer, Environmental Education Project, in Juniper Belt, Ziarat, Balochistan.
Duties and Responsibilities:

• Coordinate and supervise the activities of regional office and all the activities of Environmental
education Project in juniper tract
• Discuss and recommend Manages among other things on matters of expansion establishment,
termination, trainings, project proposals and credit programs
• Delegate effective task and development of filed staff
• Strengthening of network of four CBOs/ ACC in Juniper Tract Balochistan.
• Assist in preparation of awareness program including awareness material, implementation
strategy & plan for various assignments, related to Environmental Concerns in Agricultural and
Forestry Sector
• Attend all official meetings regarding Conservation.
Islamic Relief – UK July 12, 2003 to Feb 20, 2004
Environmental Study Assistant, ECHO funded project in Rehabilitation of Drought Affected districts
(Chaghi, Kharan, Noshki and Washuk ) in Balochistan.
Duties and Responsibilities:

• To Assess the environmental degradations after drought

• Drought impacts reporting in highly affected Districts, Chaghi and Kharan
• Primary and secondary data collection.
• Meeting with communities, Government bodies, NGO’s and institutions for data collection
• Data analysis
• Floral and Faunal assessments, survey and preparation of check lists.

World Wide Fund FOR Nature- Pakistan Feb. 3rd 2003 to Jul. 5th, 2003
Special Task Consultant, Environmental Education Project, in Juniper Belt, Ziarat, Balochistan.
Duties and Responsibilities:

• Research and study on Fuel Efficient Stove in four conservancies,

• Study of Medicinal Plants of District Ziarat,
• Drafting letters assigned by regional head.
• Operating fax machine, Scanner, maintaining files.
• Assist Regional Head in different official matters

World Wide Fund FOR Nature- Pakistan Feb. 1st 2002 to Feb 1st , 2003
Internee, Environmental Education Project, in Juniper Belt, Ziarat, Balochistan.
Duties and Responsibilities:

• Assist in managing capacity building and resource center.

• Managing HRD related issues
• Maintaining personnel’s records
• Assist in several surveys, field visits, biodiversity assessments and maintain office library
• Play key role in conduction Trainings and meetings.

University of Balochistan Quetta Apr. 5th 2001 to Nov. 30th 2001

Research Assistant, BFWD Medicinal Plants Propagation project through Botany and Biochemistry
Department, Survey, Documentation and analysis of medicinal Plants in six districts (Quetta, Ziarat,
Mastung, Kalat, Khuzdar and Pishin).
Duties and Responsibilities:

• To collect data and survey of selected areas

• Ethno botanical data collection
• Documentation of field data
• Coordinate with team leader and other members.

Projects Completed

Identification of Biodiversity Hotspots in Musakhel District Balochistan (March-August 2005)

Project Manager/ Executant, WWF-Pakistan Scientific Committee funded project awarded to
identify hotspot areas in Musakhel District.
Duties and Responsibilities:

As Project Manager/ executant responsible for overall management and coordination of the project
• Baseline Survey of Hotspot areas in Musakhel
• Identify threats to Biodiversity and Identify solution to minimize the impacts.
• Strengthening the local, CBO’s in intend to work in conservation areas.
• Prepare documentation of resources database.
• Prepare guideline for communities to improve the Socio-economic condition

Improving the child health Situation in Jaffar Abad District Balochistan (January 2006- Feb.
Project Advisor, Child Health Foundation Colombia DC funded project through MJKJ Foundation
Duties and Responsibilities:

The Project Design for Mir Jaffar Khan Jammali Foundation to improve the health situations in Osta
Mohammad District Jaffar Abad. The project deal the child health problems, pre and post nettle
care, TBAs training, Vaccination at door steps.
• As Advisor of the project, to monitor the Managerial staff of the project


Masters in (Natural Sciences) – Balochistan University Quetta (2003)

Botany with specialization in “Ethno botany”, Environmental Biology, Statistics (Biometry), Genetics,
Taxonomy of plants, Research on Medicinal plants ,Plant pathology & Physiology

B. Sc. Balochistan University Quetta (2000)

Major Geography, Botany and Zoology

Reports and Publications:

Yahya. M. Musakhel et. al (2009-2010): Impact of Hingol Hydropower generation dam on Hingol
National park and its biodiversity and livelihoods.
Yahya. M. Musakhel et. al (2009): Integrated assessment of Balochistan coast, Lasbella and
Gwader districts.
Yahya. M. Musakhel et. al (2008): Environmental impacts of Gidani Ship breaking yard on coatal
ecosystem of Balochistan.
Yahya. M. Musakhel (2007): An Ethnobotanical Knowledge among the Tribals of Torghar Area
Distirct Qilla Saifullah, Balochistan (Booklet))
Yahya. M. Musakhel (2007): Vegetation Survey of Qilla saifullah District Balochistan (Survey
Yahya. M. Musakhel (2004): An Ethnobotanical study of Musakhel Area (M. Sc. Thesis)
M. Y. Musakhel, Jbbar. A, Tareen R.B. and Bazai Z. A. (2006): An evaluation study on Impacts of
fuel efficient stoves on Juniper ecosystem Balochistan (Published in Journal of Biotechnology and
biological sciences)
M. Y. Musakhel, Tareen R.B., Ajab M and Kiani S. A (2006): An Ethnobotanical study among the
tribals of Musakhel District Balochistan (Under Publishing in J. of Bot.)
Abdul Jabbar, Musakhel M. Y., Tareen R. B., Javed R. and Nasir J. (2004): Impacts of drought on
environment and livelihoods and its mitigation measures in District Chaghi, Balochistan (Published)
Abdul Jabbar, Musakhel M. Y., Tareen R. B., Javed R. and Nasir J. (2004): Drought impacts
analysis and possible remedy measures in Kharan District (Published).
Yahya. M. Musakhel (2005): Identification of Biodiversity of Musakhel district Balochistan
Jamal Nasir and Yahya. M. Musakhel (2005): Ecological assessment of Tobatte community
protected area District Kalat Balochistan (Published).
Yahya. M. Musakhel and Nasir J. (2004): Wildlife survey and assessment in Takatu Mountain
District Pishin (Published)
Tareen R. B, Asrar M., Malghani M. A. K, Asif M. And Musakhel M. Y. (2002): Medicinal plants and
its usage in six districts Quetta, Ziarat, Mastung, Kalat, Khuzdar and Pishin) Balochistan
Abdul Jabar and Musakhel M.Y. (2004): Socio-economic and Medicinal Value of Plants of Juniper
Tract, Ziarat, Pishin and Loralai Districts. (Yet not published)
Yahya. M. Musakhel and Jan Wind (2005): ecological survey of Daron Mountain ecosystem Hingol
National Park, Uthal (Under publishing)
Yahya. M. Musakhel (2005) : Impacts of Hinglaj Mata Darshan on Ecology of Hingol National Park
(Under Publishing)
Yahya. M. Musakhel and Aysha K. (2005); Social and Biodiversity Survey of Hingol National park
Uthal ( Yet not published).

Honorary Lectures Delivered

• Lecture Delivered on Floral Diversity in Balochistan to M. Phil and M. Sc. Students at

University of Balochistan, Quetta.
• Lecture Delivered on Biodiversity of Balochistan and Conservation to PhD, M. Phil and M.
Sc. students of Environmental Science, Botany and Zoology at Government College
University, Lahore.
• Lecture Delivered on Vegetation Diversity in Balochistan to M. Sc. Students at Lasbella
University of Management and marine Sciences, Uthal.
• Lecture deliver on Environmental issues more then 12 time in different institutions and

Training Sessions and Seminars

• Training Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable Development

• Training Workshop on Geographical information System for Conservation
• Training on Environmental education
• Training on Community Mobilization & Participation Techniques in Natural and Renewable
Resource Conservation and Management
• Training workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment for development projects.
• Training of teamwork and team Building
• Training Workshop on Environment and Disaster reporting (RDPI, OXFAM & IT University),
21-22 April, 2004
• Training workshop on :Orchard Management” April 27-28 2004.
• Training on project proposal and conflict resolution 2002
• Training on Social Mobilization and community organization 2003
• Training on Rural Poultry Development and Livestock Husbandry 2003
• Training on Water Conservation & Management Techniques, 2003
• Training on Project Formulation. 2003
• Training on Range Land Management.2003
• Training on Motivation &Communication2003
• Provincial Workshop on Wise use of water in Drought Prospective. July 16, 2004 , By,
OXFAM GB and Irrigation Department GoB, at Quetta.
• 2ND National Children Mountain Conservation Meeting by AFP-2003 at Islamabad,
Abotabad and Kaghgan Valley
• Workshop on Participatory Rural Appraisal For rehabilitation of Afghan refugee Hosting
areas (UNDP- UNHCR) 26-9-03.
• Workshop on Indigenous Water Rehabilitation system of Loralai WWF-Pakistan 25/2/04
• Workshop on “Separate Environmental Tribunals in Balochistan – Options &Issues” (IUCN-
EPA), 25-3-04
• Workshop on BAP implementation in Balochistan by IUCN (04)
• Seminar on Growth, Poverty and Environment By IUCN (5-4-04)
• Seminar on “Gender mainstreaming Strategies for improving women access to public
sector” June 5, 2004, by UNDP, GOB and SDRB
• Seminar on “Export Opportunities for Food and Vegetable in Balochistan July 8, 2004, By
EPB and Islamic Relief Balochistan.
• Seminar on “population day 2004, Safe Mother hood” July 15, 2004, Organized by
UNFPA and Population welfare Department GoB.
Events Organized/ Conducted

Different Training/ Workshops regarding environmental education, Community Participation,

Communication, Motivation, awareness raising walk etc. were conducted to line agencies official,
NGOs and CBOs.

Professional Society Membership

• World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan

• Adventure Foundation Pakistan.
• MJKJ Foundation Balochistan
• Balochistan Rural Development and Research Society


• Recipient of Promotion of Education in Pakistan (PEP-Foundation USA) Scholarship at

annual test in Balochistan University Quetta.
• Recipient of District Merit Scholarship twice.

Computer Literacy

I can use computer and web based applications(E. mail, search and publish) friendly use scanner,
GPS, digital cameras etc.


English, Urdu, Pashtu, Balochi (Read write and speak frequently), while Understand Percian,
Panjabi and Brahovi.

Personal Information

S/O Mulla Sher Mohammad, DOB: Feb 1st 1979, Domicile : Musakhel ,
N I C #: 56304-9891610-3
Address: House no. 59, Lodhi Colony Multan Punjab. 061-6515307
Mobile: 0345-2004112
E. mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Mr. Tahir Rasheed

National Project Manager,
Habitat and Species Conservation Project, UNDP
5-A, BRSP House, Saryab road Quetta
++92-81-2451551, Cell: ++92-0333-7901885
E. mail: [email protected]

Mr. Abdul Jabbar

Political Secretary to Governor Balochistan
Governor House Quetta, Pakistan.
Contact: ++92-81-2820793, ++92-300-3898960
E. mail [email protected]
Mr. Naeem Ashraf Raja,
Assistant Inspector general of Forests Pakistan,
Ministry of Environment, Pakistan.
Contact # +92-51-9245596
Email: [email protected]

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