Diagnosis and Treatment DVT

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Diagnosis and treatment of deep-vein


Article in Canadian Medical Association Journal · November 2006

DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.060366 · Source: PubMed


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Dimitrios Scarvelis
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Diagnosis and treatment of deep-vein thrombosis
Dimitrios Scarvelis, Philip S. Wells

cluding colour flow) can be useful to accurately identify vessels

Abstract and to confirm the compressibility of a particular segment.
In many centres, ultrasound testing is limited to the proximal
Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) is a common condition that can veins (from the common femoral vein caudally to the region of
lead to complications such as postphlebitic syndrome, pul- the calf veins where they join the popliteal vein), for which the
monary embolism and death. The approach to the diagnosis of
sensitivity is 97%. For DVT in the calf veins the sensitivity is only
DVT has evolved over the years. Currently an algorithm strategy
combining pretest probability, D-dimer testing and compres- 73%.13 Since the distal calf is not scanned, it has been demon-
sion ultrasound imaging allows for safe and convenient investi- strated that the ultrasound should be repeated 1 week later (serial
gation of suspected lower-extremity thrombosis. Patients with testing) if the result is negative to detect DVT extending into the
low pretest probability and a negative D-dimer test result can proximal veins.9 However, in symptomatic patients, only 20% of
have proximal DVT excluded without the need for diagnostic thrombi detected are isolated to the calf, and only 20%–30% of
imaging. The mainstay of treatment of DVT is anticoagulation these thrombi will eventually extend to the proximal venous sys-
therapy, whereas interventions such as thrombolysis and place- tem. (See Fig. 1 for the anatomy of the deep veins of the leg.)
ment of inferior vena cava filters are reserved for special situa- Therefore, routine serial testing is inefficient and inconvenient.
tions. The use of low-molecular-weight heparin allows for out- Indeed, studies using the serial testing approach have shown
patient management of most patients with DVT. The duration of that only 1%–2% of patients who have a negative initial ultra-
anticoagulation therapy depends on whether the primary event sound result will be confirmed to have proximal DVT upon serial
was idiopathic or secondary to a transient risk factor. More re-
testing.13,14 As a result, serial testing is not cost-effective.15,16
search is required to optimally define the factors that predict an
increased risk of recurrent DVT to determine which patients can
benefit from extended anticoagulant therapy. Clinical prediction rules
CMAJ 2006;175(9):1087-92
Although none of the symptoms or signs of DVT is diagnostic in
isolation, it has been well established that a clinical prediction

D eep-vein thrombosis (DVT) has an estimated annual in-

cidence of 67 per 100 000 among the general popula-
tions.1,2 Despite adequate therapy, 1% to 8% of patients
in whom pulmonary embolism develops will die,3–5 whereas oth-
ers will experience long-term complications such as post-
rule that takes into account signs, symptoms and risk factors can
be accurately applied to categorize patients as having low, mod-
erate or high probability of DVT (Table 1). Alternatively, the same
rule can be used to categorize cases as “DVT likely” or “DVT un-
likely.”17 Over 14 studies have demonstrated the reproducibility
phlebitic syndrome (40%)6 and chronic thromboembolic pul- of this model.18 Patients who are found to be at low pretest prob-
monary hypertension (4%).7 Although anticoagulant therapy ability can have DVT safely excluded on the basis of a single neg-
decreases the risk of recurrent thrombosis, the treatment also in- ative ultrasound result.10 Thus, serial ultrasound testing can be
creases the risk of major hemorrhage. Before 1995 the approach avoided in this subgroup of patients. The incorporation of
was to image all patients with suspected DVT and to repeat tests plasma D-dimer testing into diagnostic algorithms can identify
1 week later if results were negative.8,9 This approach was ineffi- patients who do not require ultrasonography.17
cient, since only 10%–25% of patients with suspected DVT were
found to actually have the disorder and results of serial tests were D-dimer testing
usually negative.9–12 Over the last 10 years new strategies for diag-
nosing and treating suspected DVT have been introduced. D-dimer is a degradation product of a cross-linked fibrin
blood clot. Levels of D-dimer are typically elevated in patients
Diagnosis with acute venous thromboembolism, as well as in patients

with a variety of nonthrombotic conditions (e.g., recent major

Imaging tests surgery, hemorrhage, trauma, pregnancy or cancer). 19 D-
dimer assays are, in general, sensitive but nonspecific mark-
Compression ultrasonography is now the imaging test of choice ers of DVT. The value of the D-dimer assay resides with a neg-
to diagnose DVT. Lack of compressibility of a venous segment ative test result that suggests a lower likelihood of DVT, thus
is the diagnostic criterion used, but the addition of Doppler (in- making it a good “rule out” test with the appropriate pretest

CMAJ • October 24, 2006 • 175(9) | 1087

© 2006 CMA Media Inc. or its licensors

probability. If applied properly, incorporation of D-dimer DVT may receive an injection of low-molecular-weight (LMW)
testing into diagnostic algorithms simplifies the manage- heparin in doses designed to treat acute DVT. Diagnostic imag-
ment of a patient presenting with suspected DVT. ing can then be arranged on a more elective basis the following
day. Since LMW heparin therapy is safe and effective for patients
Algorithm approach to DVT diagnosis with proven DVT, it provides adequate protection for patients
with suspected DVT.20,21 For patients whose risk of DVT is low
Patients with symptoms compatible with DVT should initially (as determined either by means of a clinical diagnostic model or
have a determination of pretest probability using an established a sensitive D-dimer test), diagnostic imaging may be delayed for
prediction model (Table 1).17 It is important that a history and 12–24 hours without the need for anticoagulant coverage.10 Ac-
physical exam be done first. The model should be applied only if cepted algorithms using our prediction model are outlined in
DVT remains a diagnostic possibility. After the clinical pretest Fig. 2. The clinical prediction rule was developed and validated
probability is determined, a D-dimer test should be performed. predominantly in studies involving outpatients. Pregnant
In our centre, a score of less than 1 (unlikely DVT) by our current women were not included in these studies. Furthermore, the
model, which incorporates previously documented DVT as a utility of the D-dimer test in patients admitted to hospital who
new variable, is sufficient to exclude DVT in patients with a neg- often have other comorbidities (e.g., infection, postoperative
ative moderately sensitive D-dimer level without ultrasound im- symptoms) is lower since the D-dimer assay rarely yields nega-
aging.17 No D-dimer assay should be used to exclude DVT in pa- tive results. Finally, if DVT is not a diagnostic possibility, a D-
tients who have high pretest probability. Clinical assessment dimer test should not be done, because a positive result may
and D-dimer testing have the further advantage of enabling the redirect a clinician away from investigating the true cause of the
management of patients with suspected DVT who present at leg symptoms toward unnecessarily investigating for DVT.
times when radiographic imaging is not routinely available. Pa- The ideal strategy for diagnosing DVT in patients who have
tients in whom there is a moderate or high clinical suspicion of previously had DVT in the symptomatic leg is still a subject of
debate. However, results of a random-
ized trial demonstrated the safety of
combining clinical probability, D-dimer
and ultrasound imaging in these pa-
External iliac vein tients.17 The biggest concern with this
patient population is false-positive ultra-
Common femoral vein
sound results. It is helpful to recognize
that acute DVT is usually occlusive, not
echogenic, and it tends to be continu-
70%–80% of DVTs ous. If the ultrasound reveals throm-
Deep femoral vein involve the proximal bosis that is echogenic, nonocclusive
veins on ultrasound, or discontinuous, then chronic DVT
Superficial femoral vein most commonly the should be considered. Serial testing or
popliteal vein and venography can help to clarify the issue.
superficial femoral vein Previous ultrasound results are helpful
for comparison, when available. An in-
crease in clot diameter by 4 mm sug-
gests recurrence, as does extension.22
Popliteal vein Most diagnostic and treatment stud-
ies of DVT have excluded pregnant wo-
men, and therefore it is difficult to
Anterior tibial veins formulate evidence-based recommenda-
20%–30% of DVTs are tions for this population. Although serial
Peroneal veins impedance plethysmography has been
isolated in veins of the
calf: the anterior tibial, demonstrated to safely rule out DVT,23 it
Posterior tibial veins peroneal and is not widely used. Results of a small
Lianne Friesen and Nicholas Woolridge

posterior tibial veins pilot study suggest that a strategy involv-

ing serial compression ultrasonography
combined with a moderately sensitive D-
dimer assay is effective in excluding DVT
in pregnant women.24 D-dimer levels are
often positive in the later stages of preg-
nancy,25,26 lowering the utility of this test
to rule out DVT. Research to develop al-
Fig. 1: Diagram of leg veins (anterior view of right leg). gorithms to diagnose DVT in pregnant
women is ongoing.

CMAJ • October 24, 2006 • 175(9) | 1088


Treatment Long-term treatment

The goal of the therapy for lower-extremity DVT is to prevent For the majority of patients with DVT, oral therapy with vitamin
the extension of thrombus and pulmonary embolism in the K antagonists (e.g., warfarin) is very effective for long-term pre-
short-term and to prevent recurrent events in the long-term. vention of recurrent thrombosis.35 Although the initial treatment
Based on extensive research evaluating the risk of recurrent of DVT is similar for most patients, the duration of long-term
DVT, guidelines have been established for the duration of an- treatment varies depending on the perceived risk of recurrent
ticoagulation therapy. LMW heparin therapy has changed the DVT. The risk can be classified into the following 5 categories:
landscape of treatment of DVT by enabling home treatment • First proximal DVT occurs in the context of a transient risk
and by providing an alternative long-term anticoagulant for factor (e.g., surgery or trauma). In this situation, the risk
people for whom warfarin is less effective or contraindicated. of recurrence is very low and a limited duration of therapy
The following pertains to treatment of proximal lower- (3 months) is adequate.36,37
extremity DVT, since there is little evidence to formulate rec- • First DVT occurs in the context of active malignant disease,
ommendations for isolated DVT in calf veins. which is an ongoing risk factor. Patients with malignant
disease have a higher incidence of recurrent thrombosis and
Initial choice of anticoagulation bleeding complications while receiving oral anticoagulation
therapy following a first thrombotic event.38,39 This is likely
Initial therapy must involve therapeutic doses of either un- due to the prothrombotic state associated with cancer and
fractionated heparin or LMW heparin. Initial treatment with to the difficulty of managing oral anticoagulant therapy with
oral anticoagulant therapy alone is unacceptable.27 The ease concomitant drugs, erratic oral intake and liver dysfunction.
of administration and efficacy of LMW heparin make this the Researchers with the CLOT trial40 have shown that long-
preferred anticoagulant, whether given on an outpatient or term anticoagulation therapy with LMW heparin is more ef-
an inpatient basis. In a meta-analysis comparing the effec- fective than warfarin at preventing recurrent venous throm-
tiveness of LMW heparin at a fixed dose with unfractionated bosis without a statistically significant increase in bleeding
heparin at an adjusted dose, significantly fewer deaths, ma- risk. It is our practice to give all patients who have active ma-
jor hemorrhage and recurrent venous thromboembolism oc- lignant disease LMW heparin for at least 6 months if there is
curred with the LMW heparin.28 Thus, the current standard adequate renal function. Not only will it lead to lower risks
of care is to administer weight-adjusted LMW heparin once of recurrent thrombosis in many patients, but it facilitates
daily for 5–7 days as initial treatment. It remains unknown the management of patients who need to undergo multiple
whether it is better to administer LMW heparin once or twice procedures (e.g., biopsy, line insertion) and who have peri-
daily. The results of a meta-analysis suggested that hemor- odic thrombocytopenia due to chemotherapy. Since the risk
rhage and recurrent venous thromboembolism were less of recurrence is high (2–3 fold higher among patients with
likely to occur with twice daily dosing, but the 95% confi- cancer than among those without cancer),41 treatment with
dence interval on the odds ratio crossed 1.0.29 Since LMW he-
parin is predominantly renally excreted, unfractionated he-
parin should be used in patients with significant renal Table 1: Clinical model for predicting pretest probability of
dysfunction. A newer agent is the synthetic pentasaccharide deep-vein thrombosis (DVT)*
fondaparinux, which is at least as effective and safe as LMW
Clinical characteristic† Score
heparin in the treatment of DVT.30 Fondaparinux can be con-
sidered as an alternative agent for the treatment of DVT with Active cancer (treatment ongoing, administered 1
the added benefit that, to date, heparin-induced thrombocy- within previous 6 mo or palliative)
topenia has not been reported with this agent. Unfortu- Paralysis, paresis or recent plaster immobilization 1
nately, the therapeutic dose formulation of fondaparinux of the lower extremities
(7.5 mg subcutaneously for most patients) currently is not Recently bedridden > 3 d or major surgery within 1
available in Canada. previous 12 wk requiring general or regional
Early studies evaluating the outpatient treatment of pa-
tients with DVT determined that this practice is safe and ef- Localized tenderness along the distribution of 1
the deep venous system
fective in selected patients.31,32 Subsequently, it was demon-
strated that a wide spectrum of patients (over 80% of those Swelling of entire leg 1
with DVT at our institution) could be treated as outpatients.33 Calf swelling > 3 cm larger than asymptomatic side 1
(measured 10 cm below tibial tuberosity)
This practice leads to an improved quality of life for the pa-
tients and cost savings for the health care system.34 Situations Pitting edema confined to the symptomatic leg 1
that may necessitate inpatient treatment include comorbidi- Collateral superficial veins (nonvaricose) 1
ties requiring hospital management, renal failure, high bleed- Previously documented DVT 1
ing risk (e.g., recent gastrointestinal hemorrhage), extensive Alternative diagnosis at least as likely as DVT —2
DVT that leads to phlegmasia cerulea dolens, necessity for
*A score of 2 or higher indicates that the probability of DVT is “likely”; a score
parenteral narcotics for pain control and an inability to have of less than 2 indicates that the probability is “unlikely.”
injections administered at home. †In patients who have symptoms in both legs, the more symptomatic leg is used.

CMAJ • October 24, 2006 • 175(9) | 1089


anticoagulation drugs is recommended as long as the can- • Recurrent DVT. After a second recurrence of DVT, the risk
cer is felt to be active. We wait 6 months after cure or com- of further thromboembolic events following the discontin-
plete remission before stopping therapy. uation of anticoagulation therapy is felt to be excessive if
• First DVT occurs in the context of a thrombophilic defect. only 6 months of oral anticoagulation therapy is adminis-
These defects include factor V Leiden, prothrombin gene tered.44 Therefore, we generally recommend that anticoag-
mutation, deficiencies in protein C, protein S and anti- ulation therapy be continued in this situation. During
thrombin, increased factor VIII levels, hyperhomocysteine- yearly visits bleeding risk can be assessed, which will en-
mia and elevated antiphospholipid antibody levels. Many of able a risk–benefit evaluation to determine if anticoagula-
these defects are associated with an increased risk of a first tion therapy should continue. However, no study has
DVT. Patients with persistently elevated antiphospholipid looked at the risk of recurrent DVT if both events occurred
antibody levels determined by either ELISA or clotting assays during a transient risk period. In this situation, a shorter
have a 2-fold higher relative risk of recurrence within 4 years duration of anticoagulation therapy may be adequate (3–6
after stopping anticoagulation therapy for a first DVT than months), but other factors may influence this decision.
those without this thrombophilia.37 It has been reported that • First DVT occurs in the absence of temporary or identifiable
patients with an elevated factor VIII level (above the 90th per- ongoing risk factors for thrombosis (idiopathic). Six months
centile of normal) have a 2-year risk of recurrence of 37% is considered a minimum duration for anticoagulation ther-
after stopping anticoagulant agents, compared with 5% apy in these patients, while continuing for longer is effective
among those with normal levels.43 However, this study in- in preventing thrombosis. However, the risk of recurrent ve-
cluded lower risk calf vein thrombosis, which may explain nous thromboembolism in the first year after stopping anti-
the wide difference. In general, the risk of recurrence after a coagulation therapy is about 10%, regardless of when the
first idiopathic DVT is not influenced by the presence or ab- therapy is stopped after 6 months.45 When considering pro-
sence of most thrombophilic defects41 and, with the excep- longing anticoagulation therapy after 6 months, the risks of
tion of patients with elevated antiphospholipid antibody lev- bleeding with long-term anticoagulation therapy must be in-
els and combined or homozygous genetic defects,43 we do dividualized and weighed against the potential benefits of
not routinely recommend prolonged anticoagulation therapy preventing recurrence of thrombosis.
in these populations after a first idiopathic DVT. In addition to the thrombophilic defects described previ-

Determination of pretest
probability of DVT

DVT unlikely DVT likely

(probability score ≤ 1) (probability score > 1)

D-dimer test D-dimer test

+ — + —

Ultrasound* No DVT Ultrasound* Ultrasound*

+ — — + + —

Treat with No DVT Repeat Treat with No DVT

anticoagulation ultrasound* anticoagulation
therapy in 1 wk therapy

— +

No DVT *Imaging done from proximal

veins to calf trifurcation.

Fig. 2: Diagnostic algorithm using D-dimer testing and ultrasound imaging in patients with suspected DVT.

CMAJ • October 24, 2006 • 175(9) | 1090


ously, 2 factors have been shown to increase the risk of recur- of the risk of pulmonary embolism. In this situation, place-
rence after stopping anticoagulation therapy. Residual ment of a retrievable inferior vena cava filter must be consid-
thrombosis (seen on a follow-up ultrasound scan 3 months ered. However, there is no consensus as to what the appropri-
after an initial event) increases the risk of recurrence (odds ra- ate dose should be and whether anti-Xa levels need to be
tio 2.4).46 One-third of the recurrences occur in the initially monitored. This topic is well discussed in a recent review.54
unaffected leg, which suggests that residual DVT is a marker For obese patients with DVT, results of a registry study
of systemic hypercoaguability. In one study, elevated D-dimer suggest that they have similar outcomes as nonobese patients
levels 1 month after stopping anticoagulation therapy were with DVT.55 The dose of LMW heparin does not need to be
associated with an elevated risk of recurrent thrombosis in all capped, and monitoring is not required, except perhaps in
but cancer-related thrombosis.47 However, it is unclear how people who are morbidly obese, since fewer data are available
to incorporate these factors into clinical decision-making. In for these patients.56,57
an attempt to provide clinical guidelines, our Venous Throm-
boembolism Clinical Trials group (VECTOR) is conducting a Other interventions
study designed to create a decision rule on recurrence risk.
Although anticoagulation therapy is the mainstay of treatment
Intensity of anticoagulation therapy of DVT, thrombolysis and placement of an inferior vena cava fil-
ter are 2 interventions that deserve mention. The addition of sys-
The standard intensity of oral anticoagulation therapy is an in- temic thrombolysis to standard anticoagulation therapy leads to
ternational normalized ratio (INR) of 2 to 3. In patients who earlier patency of an occluded vein; however, it does not affect
have antiphospholipid antibody-related thrombosis, it has the rate of pulmonary embolism. There is a definite increase in
long been felt that higher intensity anticoagulation therapy is the risk of major hemorrhage, including intracranial hemor-
needed to prevent recurrence.48 However, results of 2 random- rhage, with thrombolysis. Catheter-directed thrombolysis has
ized controlled trials showed that standard anticoagulation also been associated with increased risk of bleeding complica-
therapy is as effective as high-intensity treatment, even in this tions. It is unclear whether the earlier recanalization seen with
subgroup of patients.49,50 Therefore, high-intensity anticoagu- thrombolysis translates into lower rates of postthrombotic syn-
lation therapy is not recommended in any patient with DVT. drome over the long term.58,59 Thrombolysis is not generally rec-
Maintaining good INR control will decrease the risk of post- ommended except in the case of massive DVT, which leads to
phlebitic syndrome.51 There has also been debate on the use- phlegmasia cerulean dolens and threatened limb loss.
fulness of long-term low-intensity anticoagulation therapy Placement of an inferior vena cava filter in addition to antico-
(INR 1.5–1.9) to prevent recurrent thrombosis while reducing agulation therapy has not been found to prolong survival among
the risk of bleeding. A large randomized trial has shown that patients with DVT. While preventing pulmonary embolism, in-
low-intensity anticoagulation therapy is less effective than sertion of a filter increases the risk of recurrent DVT.60,61 A re-
standard anticoagulation therapy at preventing recurrent trievable filter is indicated when there is a contraindication to an-
thrombosis and does not lower the risk of bleeding.52 There- ticoagulation therapy (recent hemorrhage, impending surgery)
fore, low-intensity therapy is not recommended. in patients with newly diagnosed proximal DVT. It remains to be
determined if a retrievable filter in patients at higher risk of death
Upper-extremity DVTs (e.g., limited cardiopulmonary reserve) will lead to a reduction in
pulmonary embolism-related death.
Upper-extremity DVTs can be subdivided into catheter- and non- Postphlebitic syndrome is a frequent complication of
catheter-related thrombosis. There is a risk of pulmonary em- DVT and a major public health issue that has been under-
bolism with this condition, and therefore treatment with antico- researched. It is unclear who is at highest risk and how best
agulation therapy is generally recommended. Initial treatment to prevent and treat this complication. Some data suggest a
with thrombolytic therapy for acute upper-extremity DVT has potential benefit from the use of graduated compression
been used with some success, but no randomized controlled tri- stockings, and our VECTOR group is currently investigating
als comparing thrombolytic therapy with anticoagulation ther- this issue in a randomized trial. Postphlebitic syndrome is
apy alone have been performed. A more detailed discussion of well reviewed in a recent publication.7
upper-extremity DVT is beyond the scope of this article, and we
would refer the reader to a review addressing this topic.53 This article has been peer reviewed.
From the Departments of Medicine (Scarvelis, Wells) and of Community
Special patient populations Medicine and Epidemiology (Wells), the Division of Hematology (Scarvelis,
Wells), and the Ottawa Health Research Institute (Scarvelis, Wells), Univer-
sity of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont.
The treatment of DVT during pregnancy deserves special
mention, since oral anticoagulation therapy is generally Competing interests: None declared for Dimitrios Scarvelis. Philip Wells has
received honoraria for speaker fees from Leo Pharma, Sanofi-Aventis and
avoided during pregnancy because of the teratogenic effects AstraZeneca, and sits on a steering committee for a study of a new anticoagu-
in the first trimester and the risk of fetal intracranial bleeding lant sponsored by Bayer.
in the third trimester. LMW heparin is the treatment of choice
Contributors: Both authors contributed substantially to the manuscript, in-
for DVT during pregnancy. If acute DVT occurs near term, in- cluding drafting the article and revising it critically for important intellectual
terrupting anticoagulation therapy may be hazardous because content, and approved the submitted version.

CMAJ • October 24, 2006 • 175(9) | 1091


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