DP Espanol B Explicacion Prueba 2 Paper 2 Explanation 2

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El programa de diploma: Español B Nombre: _______________________________________

Unidad 1: Introducción al PD
DP Spanish B: Prueba 2
The Paper 2, conducted during the final year, is a written assessment that requires students to write
two sections of text in order to assess the student’s ability to communicate accurately in writing for a
variety of purposes and demonstrate his or her productive skills. Students’ factual knowledge is not
tested, but can be used to support what the student wishes to communicate.

The SL assessment includes Section A. The HL assessment includes Sections A and B.

Section A (SL & HL): Students are presented with five tasks (in Spanish) requiring them to respond using
different types of texts. Each task is based on a different option topic from the DP curriculum.
Students choose ONE task and write a 250-400 word answer based on the text type required.
Students need to identify the purpose(s), format, and conventions of the text type in order to use the
appropriate register and style. If the word count is not met, 1 mark is deduced from criterion A

Students may be required to write using the following text types:

● Article ● News report
● Blog/diary entry ● Official report
● Brochure, leaflet, flyer, pamphlet, ● Proposal
advertisement ● Review
● Essay ● Set of instructions, guidelines
● Interview ● Written correspondence (e-mail, letter)
● Intro to debate, speech, talk, presentation

Example of Section A task prompt:

En tu escuela, las autoridades han prohibido el uso de videojuegos (juegos electrónicos) educativos.
Escribe una carta de queja al Director explicando por qué crees que esa prohibición no es correcta.

Section B (HL only): HL students write a 150-250 word reasoned argument in response to a text on a
debatable core topic. The text could will be either a news report or comment by a public figure.
Responses engage with details of the text as well as what has been learned during the study of the
core topic. There is no specific prescribed answer. This task assesses the student’s ability to express,
reflect on, and respond personally to the stiumulus in Spanish.

Paper 2 (sections A and B) is completed in a one hour and 30 minute period during the examination
schedule at the end of the second year. It will occur in the classroom. Subsequently the test materials
and marked answer booklets will be sent to the International Baccalaurete for evaluation and

The paper 2 Section A is assessed on 3 criterion each for a total of 25 marks: Language (10),
Message (10), and Format (5). Section B (HL only) is assessed on 2 criterion: Language (10) and
Argument (10) for a total of 20 marks.
El programa de diploma: Español B Nombre: _______________________________________
Unidad 1: Introducción al PD
Paper 2: Section A: Based on options (250-400 palabras)
Criterion A: Lengua Criterion B: Mensaje Criterion C: Formato
Level descriptor Level descriptor Level descriptor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
0 the descriptors below. 0 0
The student does not reach a standard
below. . described by any of the descriptors below.
 Command of the language is limited  The message has not been communicated.  The text type is not
and generally ineffective.
 The ideas are irrelevant and/or repetitive. recognizable.
 A limited range of vocabulary is used,
1-2 1-2  The development of ideas is confusing; 1  Conventions appropriate
with many basic errors.
supporting details are limited and/or not to the text type are not
 Simple sentence structures are used.
sometimes clear. appropriate.
 The message has been partially  The text type is hardly
 Command of the language is recognizable or is not
generally adequate, despite many communicated.
3- appropriate.
inaccuracies. 4  The ideas are relevant to some extent. 2
3-  Conventions appropriate to
 A fairly limited range of vocabulary is  The development of ideas is evident at times;
the text type are very
used, with many errors. supporting details are sometimes appropriate. limited.
 Simple sentence structures are usually  The message has been communicated fairly  The text type is
clear. well.
5- sometimes recognizable
 Command of the language is  The ideas are mostly relevant.
 3 and appropriate.
effective, despite some inaccuracies.  The development of ideas is coherent;  Conventions appropriate
6  A range of vocabulary is used supporting details are mostly appropriate. to the text type are limited.
accurately, with some errors.  The message has been communicated well.  The text type is generally
 Simple sentence structures are clear. 7-  The ideas are relevant. recognizable and
 Command of the language is good 8 4
 The development of ideas is coherent and appropriate.
and effective.  Conventions appropriate to
effective; supporting details are appropriate.
 A wide range of vocabulary is used the text type are evident.
accurately, with few significant errors.  The message has been communicated
very well.  The text type is clearly
 Some complex sentence structures are recognizable
clear and effective. 9-  The ideas are relevant and effective.
5  Conventions appropriate
 Command of the language is very  The development of ideas is coherent and
to the text type are
effective. thorough; supporting details are highly
effective and evident.
 A wide range of vocabulary is used appropriate.
accurately and effectively, with very few
 Complex sentence structures are clear
and effective

Paper 2: Section B: Based on Core (150-250 palabras)

Criterion A: Lengua Criterion B: Argumentación
Level descriptor Level descriptor
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

 Command of the language is limited and generally  The development of ideas is very poor, and the argument
ineffective. 1- is unclear and unconvincing.
 A limited range of vocabulary is used, with many basic errors. 2  The structure of the argument is vague and confusing.
 Simple sentence structures are sometimes clear.  The ideas are irrelevant.
 Command of the language is generally adequate, despite  The development of ideas is poor, and the argument is
3- many inaccuracies. 3- rarely clear and convincing.
4  A fairly limited range of vocabulary is used, with many errors. 4  The structure of the argument is sometimes apparent.
 Simple sentence structures are usually clear.  The ideas are sometimes relevant.
 Command of the language is effective, despite some  The development of ideas is sometimes good, and the
5- inaccuracies. 5- argument has some clarity and is sometimes convincing.
6  A range of vocabulary is used accurately, with some errors. 6  The structure of the argument is evident.
 Simple sentence structures are clear.  The ideas are generally relevant.
 Command of the language is good and effective.  The development of ideas is good and methodical; the
 A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately, with few 7- argument is clear and fairly convincing.
significant errors. 8  The structure of the argument is coherent and organized.
 Some complex sentence structures are clear and effective.  The ideas are well expressed and relevant.
 Command of the language is very effective.  The development of ideas is very good and methodical;
9-  A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and the argument is convincing.
10 effectively, with very few errors.  The structure of the argument is consistently coherent and
 Complex sentence structures are clear and effective organized.
 The ideas are very well expressed, relevant and engaging.
El programa de diploma: Español B Nombre: _______________________________________
Unidad 1: Introducción al PD

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