Project Report On Sump Pump
Project Report On Sump Pump
Project Report On Sump Pump
In this report, we have selected a sump pump for a basement system that can pump water. We take
three different type of company pump for performance curve, and draw actual head curve on it.
We choose Zoeller (161/4161) pump because they easily full fill our requirements and give a huge
efficiency at the flow rate of 43Gpm and the head of 12.4m.The water is accumulated in basement
due to heavy rain. For pump selection, we first designed the water flow accumulated in basement.
Then we calculated the actual head of pumps through energy equation. We also calculated major
and minor losses by using specific equations. Then we find the total head rise in our system, which
is the main factor for the selection of a pump. Then we have plotted the system curve. We have
selected a sump pump of power 0.5 hp. On the performance curve of the pump, there is head (m)
and flow rate (Q) in gal/min.for a given pump, for the system having a diameter of 1.25 inches
and has the best operating Efficiency of 88%.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Calculations.................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.2 Our curves comparison with Zoeller 95......................................................................... 15
5 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 18
Table of Figures
1 Introduction
This is a project of Fluid Mechanics (ME3523). In this project, we apply the Knowledge and
techniques learned in this course. The purpose of this project is to select sump pump for a
basement. A pump is a device that add energy to the fluid as a result of dynamic interaction
between the fluids. Sump pump are automatic pump used for sump basin drainage. Sump pump
used to prevent residential flooding. Sump pump used to with draw water from the basement of
house. Sum pump work on the principal of centrifugal force water come into eye of impeller and
impeller rotate with the high velocity they give the force to water and can move through this
process. In our project, we are using submersible sump pump because it is completely submerge
into water and there is no sound of it while running .The submersible sump pump is more efficient,
long lasting, completely hidden inside the sump basin and easier to handle than pedestal style
sump pumps.[1] The whole assembly is submerged in the water. The main advantage of this type
of pump is that there is low noise and it prevents pump cavitation.
House owners in Islamabad city wants to find a solution for their basement-flooding problem by
a heavy rain fall overnight. Immediate action needed and homeowners want to choose a sump
pump. Being an engineer, we are taking this project to help the homeowners with the
recommendation of an appropriate pump.
Many factor that effect pump operation and working. Pumping system is a major equipment in
any process or power the equipment should operate properly to give best output in terms
of performance. Out of those the major factor which effect the performance of pump is
• Impeller design
• Reduce capacity
• Improper priming
• Clogging of suction pipeline and impeller
Considering the importance of avoiding cavitation. The key factor effecting cavitation in pumps
is suction piping. With a few notable exception, cavitation in pump is usually linked to system
involving suction side piping, friction losses cause the fluid pressure to drop. When submersible
are lowered directly into the fluid, there is no suction side piping routing water to the pump’s inlet,
thus the potential for cavitation is virtually is non-existent.
Submersible pumps are quiet, because they are under water. Cavitation is never an issue because
there is no spike in pressure as the water flows through the pump.[2]
Sump on the ground is designed to provide a water supply to the pumps that installed in the
basement. It is also essential to design the sump to provide suitable flow to pumps.
The Efficiency and performance of pumping stations depend not only on the performance of the
selected pumps but also on the proper design of the intake sumps. A faculty design of pump sump
can lead to the occurrence of swirl and vortices, which reduces the pump performance Therefore
sump model is necessary in order to check the flow condition around intake structure.[3]
It is important to know the required active sump volume. This volume is defined by highest start
level and lowest start level in the pump sump. An active sump volume that is too small reduces
motor, pump and electric equipment life due to the excessive starts and stop.
Five things we need to know to select the perfect pump for our application.
✓ Pump is select on the bases of fluid that what type of fluid is go through to the pump on the
bases of these we need to select the pump. Unless corrosion is start on the pump and after that
were and tear.
✓ The second thing is flow rate, select the pump type on the bases of flow rate. This is measured
in Gallon per minute (GPM).
✓ The Third thing is viscosity, high viscosity fluids require more robust pumping equipment.
✓ The fourth thing is Temperature, how hot or cold will the fluid is this will affect which pump
materials are best suited for our application.
✓ The last one is total head, how high we want to pump the fluid and how many losses are there
in pipes. [4]
When we want to increase the efficiency of centrifugal pump, then we are going to find the best
operating point where efficiency is higher. The best efficiency point is a point where bump use
same about of electricity power but give high efficiency. At best efficiency point the load on the
impeller is low and the loses is reduce due to this there is also low maintaince required. Basically
when a pump operates on a point that is far away from the actual best efficiency point it results in
an overall increase in loses in the pump.
There are some conditions that reduce the efficiency of the pump:
1.3 Theory
Mathematic relation
𝑃1 𝑉12 𝑃2 𝑉22
+ + 𝑧1 + ℎ𝑎 = + + 𝑧2 + ℎ𝑙
ℽ 2𝑔 ℽ 2𝑔
𝑃1 = Pressure at point 1
𝑃2 = Pressure at point 2
ℎ𝑎 = pump head
ℎ𝐿 = head losses
g = acceleration of gravity
1.3.2 Head losses
Head losses in pipe refers to the pressure drop due to friction as a fluid flows through a pipe. Head
losses represent how much pressure will be lost due to orientation of the pipe system. This is used
to determine if our pipe system is of optimum efficiency. Head losses depends on the input
velocity of the fluid flow, the density of fluid, the orientation of the pipe system.
ℎ𝐿 = ℎ𝐿(𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟)+ ℎ𝐿(𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟)
Minor losses is the part of energy equation which is used to calculate the head of system. Minor
losses depend on the difference type of elbows valves and there respective angles.
ℎ𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟 = 𝐾𝐿 × 2𝑔
V= Velocity of water
g= Gravity constant
Major losses is one of the important factor of energy equation it is depend on the friction of pipe,
diameter of pipe and depend on how long is pipe.
𝐿𝑉 2
ℎ𝐿 = 𝑓 × 2𝑔𝐷
F= It is the contact factor by Darcy
V= Velocity of water
g = Constant of gravity
2 Calculations
• Incompressible flow
• Atmospheric pressure
• Initial velocity approach to zero
• Initial height is zero
Properties of modal:
• Material = PVC
• Diameter of pipe = 1.25in
• 90deg Elbow = 3
• Reverse valve = 1
• Length of pipe = 24ft
• Z1-z2 = 17ft
𝑓𝑙 1
ℎ𝑎 = 𝑍2 − 𝑍1 + ( 2
+ ∑ 𝐾𝑙 2
𝐷2𝐴 𝑔 2𝐴 𝑔
Total = 6.5
𝑍2 − 𝑍1 = 5.1816𝑚
10 | P a g e
= 367560.0246
𝐷2𝐴2 𝑔
𝐾𝑙 = 529057.7523
2𝐴2 𝑔
ℎ𝑎 = 5.816 + (896617.7769)𝑄 2
Head Gallon
17 0
19.37 5
20.2493 10
21.71 15
22.874 18
23.75 20
26.39 25
29.61 30
33.42 35
37.81 40
42.78 45
48.42 50
Table 1 Flow rate for different heads
3 Selection of pump
We take 3 different type of company pump performance curve and draw actual head curve on it.
Choose the best one on the bases of efficiency and required flow rate.
11 | P a g e
3.1 BJM Pump (J400)
• Technical Data
• Power = 0.5hp
• Maximum flow rate = 66GPM
• Maximum head = 10.6 m
• Pump Type = Submersible sump /side discharge
12 | P a g e
3.1.1 BJM Pump Performance Curve
0 5 10 15 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Flow rate Q(gal/min)
13 | P a g e
3.2 Zoeller (Premium Series 95)
14 | P a g e
Head Gallon Head Gallon
26 0 17 0
25 5 19.37 5
24 10 20.2493 10
23.5 15 21.71 15
23 18 22.874 18
22 20 23.75 20
20 25 26.39 25
19 30 29.61 30
18 35 33.42 35
17 40 37.81 40
16 45 42.78 45
15 50 48.42 50
Table 3 Zoeller 95 Pump Properties
0 5 10 15 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
flow rate Q(gal/min)
Figure 5 Actual Pump Performance Comparison with Zoeller 95[8]
15 | P a g e
3.3 Zoeller (161/4161)
16 | P a g e
Head Gallon Head Gallon
57 0 17 0
55 5 19.37 5
54 10 20.2493 10
52 15 21.71 15
51 18 22.874 18
50 20 23.75 20
48 25 26.39 25
46 30 29.61 30
44 35 33.42 35
41 40 37.81 40
39 45 42.78 45
37 50 48.42 50
Table 4 Zoeller 161 Pump Properties
0 5 10 15 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
17 | P a g e
4 Comparison of pumps and selection of best
We choose Zoeller (161/4161) because they easily full fill our requirements and give a huge
5 Conclusion
This project base on the problem solving arises in different houses of Islamabad region. House
owners in Islamabad city wants to find a solution for their basement-flooding problem by a heavy
rain fall overnight. Immediate action needed and homeowners want to choose a sump pump. Being
an engineer, we done this project to help the homeowners with the recommendation of an
appropriate pump. To solve the problem we applied the Knowledge and techniques that we learned
18 | P a g e
from fluid mechanics. We have to select the pump for 14m height basement. We have to withdraw
water from the sump of the basement to the 14m height on the ground.
➢ First of all we designed a suitable model for the solution of the problem on the bases of
house owner requirements. We choose a piping system in the suitable directory.
➢ Then we added different elbows and valves for the connection of our piping system. In
our piping system we used PVC pipes, three 90o elbows and one check valve which restrict
the flow to the reverse direction.
➢ Then we use our theoretical knowledge with the help of different numerical equations to
solve the problem in theoretical manner. We used the energy equation (modified form of
Bernoulli equation) for the calculation of actual head.
➢ There are three major factors in this equation on which the head of pump is based and
these factors are major losses, minor losses and the difference between the heights of
sump pump to the ground. When the length of the pipe is large then the major losses will
be greater than minor losses. If we use complicated piping system then minor losses will
be greater than major losses. Major losses depend on the roughness of pipe while minor
losses depend on different elbows and the valves.
➢ In our case the piping system is small and it contain elbows and valves so our minor losses
are greater than major losses. There are different parameter that effects the pump
performance. Some of them we are discussing on literature review.
For the selection of pump, there are three main factors on the basis of which we have to select the
➢ We required the minimum efficiency of 40%, minimum actual head equal to 7 meters and
flow rate equal to 18 gallons per minute. So we studied briefly about the selection of the
➢ After that we choose three different pumps of different series having power equal to 0.5
hp. We also used the pump performance curves from different sources and then analyze.
➢ Then we draw our actual head performance curve on excel sheet. Where the both curves
of actual head meet, we noticed efficiency, flow rate and head on that point.
➢ We did the same procedure one by one to all three pumps and then select the suitable pump
which meet with our requirements.
➢ The pump we selected is Zoeller (161/4161) pump. The efficiency of this pump is 88%
and flow rate that it can provide is 43 gallons per minute.
19 | P a g e
We learned from this project how to apply theoretical knowledge in our daily life.
6 References
1. Luo Y, Zuo ZG, Liu SH, et al (2013) Numerical simulation of the two-phase flows in a hydraulic
coupling by solving VOF model. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng 52:72022 . doi: 10.1088/1757-
3. Zhu HG, Zhang RT, Xia J, et al (2013) Influence of design parameters of discharge passage on
the performance of shaft tubular pumping system. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng 52:72001 . doi:
6. Pump Data Sheet and Performance Curve | BJM Pumps Electric Submersible Pumps.
data-sheet-and-performance-curve/. Accessed 4 Jan 2018
8. Zoeller - Zoeller 161-0026 Model BN161 High Head Effluent Pump 0.5 HP 115V 1PH 20’
Cord Automatic #ZLR161-0026.
High-Head-Effluent-Pump-0-5-HP-115V-1PH-20-Cord-Automatic-p4562.html. Accessed 4
Jan 2018
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