Journal GBS
Journal GBS
Journal GBS
Review article
Medical Progress
Guillain–Barré Syndrome
Nobuhiro Yuki, M.D., Ph.D., and Hans-Peter Hartung, M.D.
From the Department of Medicine, Na- he Guillain–Barré syndrome, which is characterized by acute
tional University of Singapore, Singapore areflexic paralysis with albuminocytologic dissociation (i.e., high levels of
(N.Y.); and the Department of Neurology,
Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, protein in the cerebrospinal fluid and normal cell counts), was described in
Germany (H.-P.H.). Address reprint re- 1916.1 Since poliomyelitis has nearly been eliminated, the Guillain–Barré syndrome
quests to Dr. Yuki at the Department of is currently the most frequent cause of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide and consti-
Medicine, National University of Singa-
pore, Unit 09-01, Centre for Translational tutes one of the serious emergencies in neurology. A common misconception is that
Medicine, 14 Medical Dr., Singapore the Guillain–Barré syndrome has a good prognosis — but up to 20% of patients
117599, Singapore, or at yuki.research@ remain severely disabled and approximately 5% die, despite immunotherapy.2 The
Miller Fisher syndrome, which is characterized by ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and are-
This article (10.1056/NEJMra1114525) was flexia, was reported in 1956 as a likely variant of the Guillain–Barré syndrome, because
updated on June 14, 2012, at the cerebrospinal fluid of affected patients showed albuminocytologic dissociation.3
N Engl J Med 2012;366:2294-304. Furthermore, frank Guillain–Barré syndrome has developed in some patients with
Copyright © 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. the Miller Fisher syndrome.4
Various studies of the immunopathogenesis of the Guillain–Barré syndrome sug-
gest that the disease actually encompasses a group of peripheral-nerve disorders,
each distinguished by the distribution of weakness in the limbs or cranial-nerve–
innervated muscles and underlying pathophysiology (Fig. 1).5-7 There is substantial
evidence to support an autoimmune cause of this syndrome, and the autoantibody
profile has been helpful in confirming the clinical and electrophysiological rela-
tionship of the typical Guillain–Barré syndrome to certain other peripheral-nerve
conditions. This review considers the current understanding, diagnosis, and man-
agement of the Guillain–Barré syndrome.
The reported incidence of the Guillain–Barré syndrome in Western countries ranges
from 0.89 to 1.89 cases (median, 1.11) per 100,000 person-years, although an increase
of 20% is seen with every 10-year rise in age after the first decade of life.8 The ratio
of men to women with the syndrome is 1.78 (95% confidence interval, 1.36 to 2.33).
Two thirds of cases are preceded by symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection
or diarrhea. The most frequently identified infectious agent associated with subse-
quent development of the Guillain–Barré syndrome is Campylobacter jejuni, and 30%
of infections were attributed to C. jejuni in one meta-analysis,9 whereas cytomega-
lovirus has been identified in up to 10%.10,11 The incidence of the Guillain–Barré
syndrome is estimated to be 0.25 to 0.65 per 1000 cases of C. jejuni infection, and
0.6 to 2.2 per 1000 cases of primary cytomegalovirus infection.12 Other infectious
agents with a well-defined relationship to the Guillain–Barré syndrome are Epstein–
Barr virus, varicella–zoster virus, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae.10,11,13
During a 1976 mass immunization against A/New Jersey/1976/H1N1 “swine flu”
Guillain–Barré syndrome
Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy None
Facial variant: Facial diplegia and paresthesia None
Acute motor axonal neuropathy GM1, GD1a
More and less extensive forms
Acute motor–sensory axonal neuropathy GM1, GD1a
Acute motor-conduction-block neuropathy GM1, GD1a
Pharyngeal–cervical–brachial weakness GT1a > GQ1b >> GD1a
Figure 1. Spectrum of Disorders in the Guillain–Barré Syndrome and Associated Antiganglioside Antibodies.
IgG autoantibodies against GM1 or GD1a are strongly associated with acute motor axonal neuropathy, as well as the
more extensive acute motor–sensory axonal neuropathy and the less extensive acute motor-conduction-block neu-
ropathy. IgG anti-GQ1b antibodies, which cross-react with GT1a, are strongly associated with the Miller Fisher syn-
drome, its incomplete forms (acute ophthalmoparesis [without ataxia] and acute ataxic neuropathy [without ophthal-
moplegia]), and its more extensive form, Bickerstaff’s brain-stem encephalitis. Pharyngeal–cervical–brachial
weakness is categorized as a localized form of acute motor axonal neuropathy or an extensive form of the Miller
Fisher syndrome. Half of patients with pharyngeal–cervical–brachial weakness have IgG anti-GT1a antibodies,
which often cross-react with GQ1b. IgG anti-GD1a antibodies have also been detected in a small percentage of pa-
tients. The anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome includes the Miller Fisher syndrome, acute ophthalmoparesis, acute ataxic
neuropathy, Bickerstaff’s brain-stem encephalitis, and pharyngeal–cervical–brachial weakness. The presence of clin-
ical overlap also indicates that the Miller Fisher syndrome is part of a continuous spectrum with these conditions.
Patients who have had the Guillain–Barré syndrome overlapped with the Miller Fisher syndrome or with its related
conditions have IgG antibodies against GM1 or GD1a as well as against GQ1b or GT1a, supporting a link between
acute motor axonal neuropathy and the anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome. CNS denotes central nervous system.
A history of upper respiratory infectious symptoms but two or more episodes have been reported in
or diarrhea 3 days to 6 weeks before the onset is 7% of patients.19 The mean interval between re-
not uncommon. currences in these patients was 7 years. Although
The differential diagnosis is wide, and detailed hyporeflexia or areflexia is a hallmark of the
neurologic assessment localizes the disease to Guillain–Barré syndrome, 10% of patients have
the peripheral nerves rather than to the brain stem, normal or brisk reflexes during the course of the
spinal cord, cauda equina, neuromuscular junc- illness. Thus, the possibility of the Guillain–Barré
tion, or muscles. The presence of distal paresthe- syndrome should not be excluded in a patient with
sia increases the likelihood that the correct diag- normal or brisk reflexes if all other features are
nosis is the Guillain–Barré syndrome. If sensory supportive of the diagnosis.20 Clinical deterioration
involvement is absent, disorders such as poliomy- after initial improvement or stabilization with
elitis, myasthenia gravis, electrolyte disturbance, immunotherapy suggests that the treatment had
botulism, or acute myopathy should be consid- a transient effect or that chronic inflammatory
ered. Hypokalemia shares some features with the demyelinating polyneuropathy is present.21
Guillain–Barré syndrome but is commonly over-
looked in the differential diagnosis. In patients NATURAL HISTORY AND PROGNOSTIC MODELS
with acute myopathy, tendon jerks are preserved In the majority of patients, the Guillain–Barré syn-
and serum creatine kinase levels are increased. drome continues to progress for up to 1 to 3
If paralysis develops abruptly and urinary reten- weeks after the onset of symptoms.22 Two thirds
tion is prominent, magnetic resonance imaging of patients are unable to walk independently when
of the spine should be considered, to rule out a maximum weakness is reached.2 Respiratory in-
compressive lesion. sufficiency occurs in 25% of patients, and major
Nerve-conduction studies help to confirm the complications, including pneumonia, sepsis, pul-
presence, pattern, and severity of neuropathy. monary embolism, and gastrointestinal bleeding,
These studies are essential for research, given develop in 60% of intubated patients.23 Among
specific criteria for categorizing the diagnosis,17 severely affected patients, 20% remain unable to
but nerve-conduction studies are not obligatory walk 6 months after the onset of symptoms. The
for the recently proposed Brighton criteria for variations in the rate and extent of recovery in the
diagnosis, which were developed for use in re- Guillain–Barré syndrome make prognostication
source-poor environments.16 Once the diagnosis difficult.
of an acute peripheral neuropathy is clear, the One clinical scoring system that has been de-
Guillain–Barré syndrome is the likely diagnosis veloped uses the patient’s age, the presence or
in the majority of patients. However, clinicians absence of antecedent diarrhea, and disease se-
should consider alternative causes, such as vascu- verity to predict whether a patient will be able to
litis, beriberi, porphyria, toxic neuropathy, Lyme walk independently at 1, 3, or 6 months (see the
disease, and diphtheria. table in the Supplementary Appendix, available
A lumbar puncture is usually performed in pa- with the full text of this article at,25
tients with suspected Guillain–Barré syndrome, Another prognostic scale uses the number of days
primarily to rule out infectious diseases, such as between the onset of weakness and hospital ad-
Lyme disease, or malignant conditions, such as mission, the presence or absence of facial or bulbar
lymphoma. A common misconception holds that weakness, and the severity of the limb weakness
there should always be albuminocytologic disso- to predict the likelihood that respiratory insuffi-
ciation. However, albuminocytologic dissociation ciency will develop.26 Both scales, validated in their
is present in no more than 50% of patients with respective patient populations, can be useful in the
the Guillain–Barré syndrome during the first week care of patients with the Guillain–Barré syndrome.
of illness, although this percentage increases to
75% in the third week.18 Some patients with hu- DEMYELINATING AND AXONAL SUBTYPES
man immunodeficiency virus infection and the The histologic features of the Guillain–Barré syn-
Guillain–Barré syndrome have pleocytosis. drome support a classification that includes de-
The Guillain–Barré syndrome generally follows myelinating and axonal subtypes — acute in-
a monophasic course and typically does not recur, flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and
acute motor axonal neuropathy.27,28 The classifi- ring in up to 20% of patients in Taiwan and 25%
cation is based on nerve-conduction studies (Fig. of patients in Japan.4,39 Most patients with the
1 in the Supplementary Appendix),29,30 and there Miller Fisher syndrome have evidence of infection
is a notable difference in the geographic distribu- 1 to 3 weeks before the development of ophthal-
tion of subtypes of the syndrome. In Europe and moplegia or ataxia; in one study, 20% of patients
North America, the demyelinating Guillain–Barré had C. jejuni infection and 8% had Haemophilus
syndrome accounts for up to 90% of cases,29 where- influenzae infection.40
as in China, Japan, Bangladesh, and Mexico, the The presence of distal paresthesia is associ-
frequency of the axonal Guillain–Barré syndrome ated with the Miller Fisher syndrome. Careful
ranges from 30% to 65% and the frequency of the clinical assessment and focused investigations
demyelinating Guillain–Barré syndrome ranges such as brain imaging and electrophysiological
from 22% to 46%.22,30-32 In an Italian cohort, examinations can rule out other conditions, such
nerve-conduction studies overestimated the inci- as brain-stem stroke, Wernicke’s encephalopathy,
dence of the demyelinating Guillain–Barré syn- myasthenia gravis, and botulism. The disease
drome when the studies were performed early in peaks at a median of 1 week, and improvement
the course of the disease, and subsequent nerve- often starts at a median of 2 weeks.4 Recovery
conduction studies in the same patients indicated from ataxia and recovery from ophthalmoplegia
a need for reclassification: the proportion of cases take a median of 1 and 3 months, respectively.
that were classified as the demyelinating subtype By 6 months after the onset of neurologic symp-
decreased from 67% to 58%, and the proportion toms, most patients have recovered from ataxia
classified as the axonal subtype increased from and ophthalmoplegia.
18% to 38%.33 It is generally thought that test
results obtained early in the course of illness may PATHO GENE SIS
lead to misclassification of the subtype and that
serial nerve-conduction studies are therefore im- POSTMORTEM STUDIES AND CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL
portant for accurate subtype classification (see the CORRELATION
Supplementary Appendix). The classic pathological findings in acute inflam-
In acute motor–sensory axonal neuropathy, matory demyelinating polyneuropathy are inflam-
there is clear involvement of the sensory fibers, matory infiltrates (consisting mainly of T cells and
but detailed studies have suggested that mild macrophages) and areas of segmental demyelin-
changes occur in the sensory nerves of some pa- ation, often associated with signs of secondary
tients with acute motor axonal neuropathy.34 Acute axonal degeneration, which can be detected in the
motor-conduction-block neuropathy is a mild form spinal roots, as well as in the large and small
of acute motor axonal neuropathy but does not motor and sensory nerves.27 There is evidence of
progress to axonal degeneration.35 early complement activation, which is based on an-
There are localized forms of the Guillain–Barré tibody binding to the outer surface of the Schwann
syndrome that are distinguished by involvement cell and deposition of activated complement com-
of certain muscle groups or nerves. Facial diplegia ponents; such complement activation appears to
with paresthesia is a localized form of the demy- initiate the vesiculation of myelin (Fig. 2).41 Mac-
elinating Guillain–Barré syndrome,36 whereas rophage invasion is observed within 1 week after
pharyngeal–cervical–brachial weakness, which is complement-mediated myelin damage occurs.
characterized by acute weakness of the oropharyn- In acute motor axonal neuropathy, IgG and ac-
geal, neck, and shoulder muscles, represents a tivated complement bind to the axolemma of mo-
localized form of the axonal Guillain–Barré syn- tor fibers at the nodes of Ranvier, followed by
drome.37,38 formation of the membrane-attack complex.42 The
resultant nodal lengthening is followed by axonal
THE MILLER FISHER SYNDROME degeneration of motor fibers with neither lympho-
The Miller Fisher syndrome appears to be more cytic inflammation nor demyelination.28,43 There
common among patients with the Guillain–Barré are autopsy reports indicating that the neuro-
syndrome who live in eastern Asia than among logic signs of the Miller Fisher syndrome overlap
those who live in other parts of the world, occur- with those of the Guillain–Barré syndrome (oph-
thalmoplegia and ataxia in the former and sub- type from the axonal subtype of the Guillain–
stantial limb weakness in the latter),44 which Barré syndrome.41,42 The pathological features
suggests that the available immunohistochemi- of the “pure” Miller Fisher syndrome remain un-
cal and electron-microscopical studies do not certain because almost all patients eventually have
accurately differentiate the demyelinating sub- a complete recovery and fatal cases are very rare.
nal antibody that binds to and blocks cleavage of syndrome and the Miller Fisher syndrome has
the complement component C5, prevented dys- been, in part, elucidated.
function and structural nerve damage in the Infection by C. jejuni carrying GM1-like or
murine model.57 GD1a-like lipooligosaccharide induces anti-GM1
The presence of anti-GM1 or anti-GD1a anti- or anti-GD1a antibodies in some patients. These
bodies impeded axonal regeneration after periph- autoantibodies bind to GM1 or GD1a expressed
eral-nerve injury in a murine model,45 and erythro- on the motor nerves of the limbs, resulting in the
poietin, which is used to treat anemia in chronic axonal Guillain–Barré syndrome (Fig. 2 in the
kidney disease, enhanced nerve regeneration.58 Supplementary Appendix). In contrast, infection
The activation of RhoA and Rho kinase appears by C. jejuni bearing GQ1b-mimicking lipooligo-
to prevent neurite outgrowth induced by anti- saccharide elicits the generation of anti-GQ1b
GM1 or anti-GD1a antibodies.59 An inhibitor of antibodies. The autoantibodies, on binding to
Rho kinase, fasudil, which has been used in the GQ1b expressed in the oculomotor nerves and
prevention of cerebral vasospasm in patients muscle spindles, may cause the Miller Fisher syn-
with subarachnoid hemorrhage, has shown thera- drome.
peutic effects in experimental autoimmune neu-
ritis.60 T R E ATMEN T
Serious and potentially fatal autonomic dys- alone.74 The usual empirical regimen is five ex-
function, such as arrhythmia and extreme hyper- changes over a period of 2 weeks, with a total
tension or hypotension, occurs in 20% of patients exchange of 5 plasma volumes. One trial showed
with the Guillain–Barré syndrome.23 Severe brady- that patients who could walk with or without aid
cardia may be preceded by wide swings (exceed- but could not run benefited from two exchanges
ing 85 mm Hg) in systolic blood pressure from of 1.5 plasma volumes, but more severely affect-
day to day. Bradycardia may be so marked that it ed patients required at least four exchanges.75
causes asystole, warranting the use of a tempo- Treatment with intravenous immune globu-
rary cardiac pacemaker. lin, initiated within 2 weeks after disease onset,
When patients with the Guillain–Barré syn- is reported to be about as effective as plasma
drome are not ambulatory, prophylaxis against exchange in patients with the Guillain–Barré
deep-vein thrombosis, consisting of subcutaneous syndrome who cannot walk independently.64,76 It
heparin and the use of compression stockings, is is thought that immune globulin may act by
important.23 Other possible complications in- neutralizing pathogenic antibodies and inhibit-
clude urinary retention and constipation, which ing autoantibody-mediated complement activa-
may be addressed by bladder catheterization and tion, resulting in reduced nerve injury and faster
the use of laxatives, respectively. The implemen- clinical improvement, as compared with no
tation of early and active individualized rehabili- treatment,77,78 although no comparative studies
tation programs will maximize the chances of a have been performed. In general, intravenous im-
favorable outcome.68 mune globulin has replaced plasma exchange as
Pain, in the form of dysesthesia or muscular, the treatment of choice in many medical centers
radicular, arthralgic, and meningitic pain, has because of its greater convenience and availability.
been reported to precede weakness in one third According to the standard treatment regimen,
of patients with the Guillain–Barré syndrome: immune globulin is given at a total dose of 2 g
two thirds of all patients have pain during the per kilogram of body weight over a period of
acute phase and one third a year later.69 Early rec- 5 days.64,76 The pharmacokinetics of immune
ognition and treatment are important, and opioids, globulin varies among patients, and some pa-
gabapentin, and carbamazepine may be effective, tients have a smaller rise in serum IgG after the
whereas glucocorticoids are not.70 Severe fatigue administration of immune globulin.79 These
has been reported in 60% of patients71 and, when patients are likely to have a poorer outcome,
persistent, may respond to a program of strength- with fewer able to walk unaided at 6 months. A
ening, aerobic, and functional exercise.72 second course of immune globulin in severely
The Guillain–Barré syndrome can affect the unresponsive patients was reported to be bene-
central nervous system. In one study, vivid dreams, ficial in one study.80 Whether this observation
hallucinations, or psychosis affected one third of holds will be assessed in an international study
patients.73 These changes occurred during the by the Inflammatory Neuropathy Consortium.
progression or plateau phase of the syndrome The combination of plasma exchange followed
and disappeared as the patients recovered. by a course of intravenous immune globulin is
not significantly better than plasma exchange or
IMMUNOTHERAPY immune globulin alone.64 Neither prednisolone
Plasma exchange was the first treatment that was nor methylprednisolone can significantly accel-
found to be effective in hastening recovery in pa- erate recovery or affect the long-term outcome in
tients with the Guillain–Barré syndrome,74 and it patients with the Guillain–Barré syndrome.81,82
appeared to be most effective when it was started One study showed that combined administration
within the first 2 weeks after disease onset in of immune globulin and methylprednisolone was
patients who were unable to walk. An electro- not more effective than immune globulin alone,
physiological examination is not always required although an analysis corrected for known prog-
for the initiation of immunotherapy. Plasma ex- nostic factors suggested a short-term effect.83
change nonspecifically removes antibodies and There have been no randomized trials of
complement and appears to be associated with treatment for patients with the Miller Fisher
reduced nerve damage and faster clinical im- syndrome. In retrospective analyses, intravenous
provement, as compared with supportive therapy immune globulin, but not plasmapheresis, re-
sulted in a slight hastening of recovery from axonal subtype of the Guillain–Barré syndrome
ophthalmoplegia or ataxia in patients with the or the Miller Fisher syndrome after enteritis with
Miller Fisher syndrome, although the time to C. jejuni.40,50,53,54 Eculizumab, erythropoietin, and
complete recovery remained unchanged.4,84 fasudil, which have been used in the treatment
of other, unrelated medical conditions, have
SUM M A R Y shown promise in animal models of the Guil-
lain–Barré syndrome,57,58,60 but clinical studies
The Guillain–Barré syndrome, an acute immune- are lacking.
mediated neuropathy, still carries a grave prog-
Dr. Hartung reports receiving consulting fees from Biogen
nosis. The syndrome is manifested as a spec- Idec, Novartis Pharma, Merck Serono, Bayer HealthCare, and
trum of peripheral-nerve disorders with several Genzyme and consulting and lecture fees from Baxter, CSL
clinical variants that are characterized by the Behring, and Talecris. No other potential conflict of interest
relevant to this article was reported.
distribution of weakness of the limbs or cranial- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
nerve–innervated muscles, underlying pathologi- the full text of this article at
cal abnormalities, and associated autoantibod- We thank Dr. N. Shahrizaila (Department of Medicine, Uni-
5-7,34,35,37,85 versity of Malaya) for her editorial assistance with earlier
ies. drafts of the manuscript; Dr. N. Kokubun (Department of Neu-
The most frequent antecedent infection is rology, Dokkyo Medical University) for preparing Figure 1 in
C. jejuni infection, which is associated with 30% the Supplementary Appendix, and for helpful suggestions;
Dr. K. Susuki (Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of
of cases of the Guillain–Barré syndrome and Medicine) for preparing Figure 3 in the Supplementary Appen-
20% of cases of the Miller Fisher syndrome. 9,40 dix; and Prof. A. Uncini (Department of Neuroscience and Im-
Molecular mimicry between the bacterial and aging, G. d’Annunzio University) and Prof. S. Kuwabara (De-
partment of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba
peripheral-nerve components appears to elicit auto- University) for their critical review of an earlier version of the
antibodies and induce the development of the manuscript.
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