Medicinal Plant

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Worksheet: Medicinal plants

A) Web site name: Plant conservation alliance

Web URL:

Read “Nature’s healing pharmacy”

1). How did early people learn which plants promoted health?

2). What did the Cherokee use bloodroot for?


3) What is the market for medicinal herbs in the US worth? ______________

Look at the “Plant information” section on the left of the screen, and click on two
different plants. For each plant provide the following information:

4). Name of plant: _______________________________________

5). Describe it’s appearance: ________________________________________


6). Summarize the information about this plant:


7). Name of plant: _______________________________________

8). Describe it’s appearance: ________________________________________


9). Summarize the information about this plant:

B) Web site name: New scientist magazine

Web site URL:


Read “Herbal medicine boom threatens plants”.

10). How many medicinal plants are in use worldwide? __________________

11). What percentage of these plants are still harvested from the wild? _______%

12). Which two countries supply many of these plants?


13). What is the scientific name of tetu lakha?

______________________ ______________________

14) Why is tetu lakha important?


15) Do you think that the comments by Body Shop’s spokeswoman are
reassuring? Explain your answer


16) Why is there little incentive to sustainably produce particular species?


17) Explain in your own words the problem with the export of African cherry.

18) Why do you think there is a lack of awareness amongst consumers?

C) Web site name: History of Aspirin

Web site URL:

Read “History of Aspirin”

19) How does aspirin work? ________________________________________


20) What is the connection between aspirin and willow trees? ______________


21) When did Buchner isolate salicin? __________________

22) What advance was made by Rafaele Piria? __________________________


23) What is the problem with salicylic acid? ____________________________


24) For which painful disease did Hoffmann first use aspirin? _______________

25) Which two trademarks once belonged to Bayer?


D) Web site name: Science Daily

Web site URL:

26) What are the symptoms of norovirus infection? ______________________


27) What is unusual about this vaccine? ________________________________


28) What is one advantage of using plants to produce vaccines? ____________

29) Why is it hard to develop a vaccine for noroviruses?


30) Why is this virus as important as ‘flu ? _____________________________


31) Why don’t you have to worry about virus removal when using plants?


32) When will clinical trials start? ____________________________________

E) Research another species of medicinal plant

Use a search engine to find information about another example of a medicinal

plant, and answer the questions below:

33) What plant did you pick? ______________________________________

34) What medicinal properties does it have? ___________________________


35) Where does this plant grow in the wild? _____________________________

36) Summarize the other information you have obtained about this plant:

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