CSC Constitution 2012

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Club Sports at Campbell University are student organizations that have been formed by
individuals who are motivated by a common interest and desire to participate in a
particular sport. More specifically, Club Sports are formed so the participants on each
team can learn new skills, improve existing skills, become more educated about fitness
and health, engage in competition, gain leadership skills and enjoy recreational and social
fellowship. They are dedicated to developing women and men with the knowledge and
character to lead and serve. The Club Sports Division, which is student run and student
initiated, is administered by the Campus Recreation Department within the Department of
Student Life.

The Department of Campus Recreation’s RESPONSIBILITIES TO CLUB SPORTS

1. Administration and coordination of Club Sports

2. Administrative assistance
3. Assistance with budget preparation
4. Assistance with equipment purchase, inventory and storage
5. Process requests for facility reservation and maintenance
6. Assistance with Club Sports Council governance


The official name of this organization shall be the Club Sports Council of Campbell
University, hereafter referred to as the Club Sports Council or CSC. The Coordinator of
Club Sports shall hereafter be referred to as the Coordinator. The Director of Campus
Recreation shall hereafter be referred to as the Director.


The purpose of the Club Sports Council shall be to provide a vehicle for the
administration of sport clubs according to the Constitution and Bylaws and according to
the rules and regulations of Campbell University, the Division of the Campus Recreation
Department, and Department of Student Life. It exists to promote participation in Club
Sports and its primary objectives are to provide a forum for the exchange of Club Sport
information, as well as make recommendations for allocations, disciplinary sanctions,
and any other issues.


A. The Club Sports Council shall be comprised of one student representative from
each of the Club Sports formally sponsored by the Campus Recreation Department.
B. Any matriculated undergraduate or graduate student at Campbell University that
is a member of a Club Sport shall be eligible to be a representative of the CSC. The Club
Sports Program shall not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, sex or
sexual preference, handicap, national origin, or religious affiliation or belief.


The Club Sports Council shall have regularly scheduled meeting on the second Thursday
of every month (unless otherwise specified). At least one week's advance notice of all
meetings will be made via email to the membership. The President of the CSC or the
Coordinator may call special meetings. Any member may petition the Coordinator or
President of the CSC to convene for a special meeting.


A. The Club Sports Council will have the following executive officers:

1. President
2. Vice President
3. Treasurer

B. The Coordinator shall serve primarily as advisor and shall only have voting
capacity under instances of a tie.

C. Officers may be created or absorbed as needed.


A. Allocations committee will collect the budget proposals and decide the financial
breakdown and present it to the membership. If a club wishes to present to the
membership they will have the opportunity to do so, provided they request to be on the
agenda for the next meeting and have been approved by the Coordinator and/or the
President of CSC.

B. Elections of Committees:

i. Election of CSC officers shall take place annually at the last scheduled
meeting each academic year. All members must be sent an email list of the
slate of officers at least two weeks in advance of the April meeting.
Appointments of standing committees shall take place annually at the
regularly scheduled meeting in February. In the event that no one is
nominated to serve on a committee, the Director or the Coordinator will
appoint him/her.


A. The Campbell University Club Sports Council will convene and decide on
monetary needs based on budget proposals and club activity. Additional money to
support the goals of the club may be raised through fundraising, which must be approved
either by the Director of Campus Recreation, Coordinator of Club Sports, or by dues.

B. Departmental Allocation Distributions: Allocations for the upcoming academic

year are to be finalized by the last meeting of the current academic year. The process is as

i. Each club will submit a budget by the regularly scheduled March meeting.
Each club will present their budget to the council at the end of the year
meeting in April. (Budget from the current year and projected budget for
the upcoming year are required). The final requested budget cannot be
equal to the yearly projected budget; dues and fundraisers should be taken
into consideration. The council will get to ask questions to each presenting
ii. At the conclusion of the meeting each member will give an opinion in
regards to each club’s allocation. The Coordinator of Club Sports will have
final say over the budget allocations submitted by the council.
iii. A majority approval from council, along with approval from the Director of
Club Sports, is required for final approval.

C. Fundraising: All fundraising and sponsorship needs to be approved by the

Coordinator of Club Sports. All monies created through fundraising, sponsorship, dues,
etc. must be deposited into the club’s on-campus account within 48 hours after collected.

D. Special Allocation: If a team has a budget oversight they may petition the CSC
additional funds and must be approved by the council, Coordinator, and the Director.

E. Clubs that remain inactive for more than two years, and still have a positive
balance in their club account, shall have all remaining funds absorbed into the Club
Sports General Fund to be used as needed by the CSC.


Constitution amendments must be approved at a regularly scheduled CSC meeting by a

two-thirds vote of a quorum of the membership. The Constitution must be presented in
writing to each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting.


All parliamentary questions not determined by the Constitution shall decide Bylaws.

Bylaw changes for the CSC must be passed by a majority vote of members present at any
regularly scheduled meeting. Every member must be sent a written copy of proposed
Bylaw changes at least one week prior to the meeting.



Section 1: Administration

A. Membership in the CSC is extended to one representative of each club that is

sponsored by the Department of Campus Recreation. That representative shall be elected
or appointed by the membership of each club. Each club must have one consistent
member, with one alternate.

B. Individual Club Sports Membership is required

i. Members must be an Undergraduate or Graduate student

C. Responsibilities of Campus Recreation Department to the Club Sports

i. Administration and coordination of Club Sports

ii. Administrative assistance
iii. Assistance with budget preparation
iv. Assistance with publicity
v. Assistance with equipment purchase, inventory, and storage
vi. Process requests for facility reservations and maintenance
vii. Assistance with Club Sports Council governance

D. Individuals applying for Club Sports status at Campbell University must take the
following steps:

i. Have meeting with the Coordinator of Club Sports for campus recreation
ii. Petition thirty signatures of those in favor of the club’s existence (they need
not plan to participate to sign)
iii. Present to the CSC
iv. Be approved by the CSC

E. Probation and Suspension- Members of the CSC, individual club members, or

clubs, may be placed on probation or suspension by the CSC for any of the following
reasons. The purpose of this clause is not to limit the scope to which sanctions may be

i. Absence at more than one of the scheduled meetings of the Club Sports
a. A $50 team fine, which goes into the Club Sports Council’s general
ii. Absence of a third meeting of the Club Sports Council;
a. A $100 team fine, which goes into the Club Sports Council’s fund and
team probation (funds and facilities will be frozen) until reinstated by
a majority quorum vote of the Club Sports Council.
iii. Absence of a fourth meeting of the Club Sports Council;
a. Termination of club status.
iv. Actions that violate the rules of Student Conduct published by Campbell
v. Any action destructive in nature or any action brought to the attention of the
Club Sports Council that warrants sanction.
vi. While on probation or suspension a club may not spend any Student
Association's appropriate money or reserve facilities.
vii. The Club Sports Council will meet and make recommendations for
disciplinary actions and imposition of sanctions or to lift the probation or
suspension to the Director of Campus Recreation. The final decision to lift
probation and suspension will be made by the Director of Campus Recreation.

Section 2: Sanctions

A. Any appropriate sanction may be put in place and shall serve as precedent for
future infractions. This section is not meant to limit the CSC, or Director in regard to
sanctions put in place. Any potential violation of Section 1(i-vii), may be handled as

i. The Coordinator will bring the issue to light during a meeting.

ii. A representative from the accused club will be allowed a statement in defense.
iii. The Club Sports Council will deliberate on:
a. Whether the accused team is guilty of a violation warranting a sanction.
b. What the recommended sanction will be.
iv. Majority approval is required.
a. The representative from the accused team is allowed a vote.
b. The Coordinator will cast the deciding vote in the even of a tie.
v. The Club Sports Council will give their recommendation to the Coordinator
and Director of Campus Recreation.

B. After the Council has ruled on a given issue, the imposed sanction will serve as a
precedent for future incursions by any team that resembles the original infraction.
i. Any sanctions may be instituted immediately upon direction of the Director.
ii. Sanctions may be made for any reason viewed just by the Director, and may
not subject to appeal.

C. Termination: If participation in a club has shown a steady decline, the Coordinator

will bring the matter before the Director. Termination of full status would be upon a
majority vote of a quorum of the CSC, and final approval of the Director.
D. Proxy: Every representative may designate a proxy for any CSC meeting

E. Appeals: Any decision in any part of the Club Sports Council may be appealed
initially in writing to the President of the Club Sports Council and the Coordinator of
Campus Recreation.


A. Regular meetings will be held as follows; one in the summer, typically in

coordination with the University’s Orientation Program. There also will be meeting
scheduled in September, October, November, December, February, March, and April of
each year. The schedule will be distributed at the first meeting of the academic year.

i. If a club wishes to discuss an issue, they should submit the issue via email to
the President of CSC, the Coordinator, and the Director a week prior to the
meeting. If this is not done, the Coordinator reserves the right to deny the
issue be discussed.
ii. Meeting agendas will be distributed 48 hours prior a meeting by the President
of CSC.

B. The minutes from the previous meeting will be emailed 48 hours following the
meeting and a hard copy will be available at the next regularly scheduled meeting

C. Meetings may be called by the President of the CSC, the Coordinator or by

written request from a Club Sports participant to the President of the CSC.

D. A quorum shall be defined as fifty-one percent of the Club Sports Council



A. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer will be elected at the March Club
Sports Council meeting. Officers may be created and absorbed as needed.

B. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the regularly scheduled February

i. If there are no nominations from the floor, the slate will be accepted by

D. If there are nominations from the floor, voting will take place via secret ballot,
distributed and collected by the Club Sports Council President. Votes will be counted and
verified by each officer. In the event of a tie the Coordinator will make the deciding vote.

E. Duties of the CSC officers:

i. President:
a. Preside over all Club Sports Council meetings
b. Generate any amendments to the Club Sports Council Constitution and
Bylaws as needed;
c. Advise and counsel the next president
d. Be knowledgeable about Club Sports Council rules, regulations, and
e. Communicate and coordinate with the Coordinator of Club Sports and
the Director of Campus Recreation
f. Appoint committees and committee chairs
g. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
ii. Vice-President:
a. Serve as acting President in the President's absence
b. Assist the President in duties as assigned
c. Assist the CSC with facility and practice scheduling
iii. Secretary/ Treasurer:
a. Notify members of regular and special meetings
b. Make the schedule for regular meetings
c. Take minutes and forward to the rest of the council and club presidents
d. Update members on financial status
e. Manage accounts with the Club Sports staff
f. Organize all paperwork produced, managed, or affiliated with the CSC
or any member

F. If any office becomes vacant, the members shall fill the vacancy at the next
regularly scheduled meeting. The remaining officers may, by majority vote, designate
any Club Sports Council member to act in the capacity of the vacant office until the
vacancy is filled.


Appointment by the President


The Department of Campus Recreation oversees the Student Association funding of its
entire member clubs. A Student Association account is established to maintain the Club
Sports Council. The Campus Recreation Department will manage all activity in that
account and any sub accounts related to the Club Sports Program. The Director of
Campus Recreation will be signatory on all transactions. No off-campus checking
accounts will be permitted.

An officer may be removed from office by a Resolution of No Confidence passed by a
two-thirds vote by members present at a regularly scheduled Club Sports Council
meeting or by the Director.



A. Purchasing and Reimbursement:

i. Each club shall have a warrant book, which will be used to distribute funds as
needed. The Coordinator, and the Director must receive and approve check
requests no later than seven business days before needed.
ii. In order for a team member to be properly reimbursed, the following must be
a. The initial purchase must have prior approval from the Coordinator
and/or the Director (Gas reimbursement for travel is not subject to
prior approval, but may be questioned for validity).
b. A valid receipt for the purchase, and signed statement by club
president authorizing reimbursement.
c. Must provide the Coordinator the student’s name, identification
number, and mailing address check is to be sent.
B. Account Maintenance:
i. All funds must be delivered to CSC no later than 48 hours after collection,
monies must come with a statement of fund source and account funds should
be deposited.
ii. Beginning each semester, the CSC will provide an in-house statements to each
club. The CSC will keep accurate accountings.
iii. Clubs are highly encouraged to track their own account activity.
C. Clubs that fail to abide by these procedures may be subject to sanctions.


Bylaws may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of the membership present.
All changes will be submitted in writing to the membership at least two weeks in advance.


The Director of Campus Recreation shall have complete discretion over all matters
concerning Campbell University, Club Sports and it’s Club Sports Council.

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