Semester III 2017
Semester III 2017
Semester III 2017
UNIT I Hours: 9
Introduction of Some Special Functions: Gamma function, Beta function, Bessel function, Error function
and complementary Error function, Heaviside’s function, pulse unit height and duration function, Sinusoidal
Pulse function, Rectangle function, Gate function, Dirac’s Delta function, Signum function, Saw tooth wave
function, Triangular wave function, Half wave rectified sinusoidal function, Full rectified sine wave, Square
wave function.
Ordinary Differential Equations and Applications: First order differential equations: Basic concepts,
Geometric meaning of y’ = f(x,y) Direction fields, Exact differential equations, Integrating factor, Linear
differential Equations and non linear Differential Equation (Bernoulli equations,) .
UNIT II Hours: 10
Linear differential equations of second and higher order: Homogeneous linear differential equations of
second order, Modeling: Free Oscillations, Euler- Cauchy Equations, Wronskian, Non homogeneous
equations, Solution by undetermined coefficients, Solution by variation of parameters, Higher order linear
differential equations, Higher order homogeneous with constant coefficient, Higher order non homogeneous
Partial Differential Equations: Formation PDEs, Solution of Partial Differential equations f(x,y,z,p,q) = 0,
Nonlinear PDEs first order, Some standard forms of nonlinear PDE, Linear PDEs with constant coefficients,
Equations reducible to Homogeneous linear form, Classification of second order linear PDEs
Total Hours: 39
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, by B. S Grewal, Khanna Publication, Delhi
Reference Books:
17BPE202 - Applied Physics
Teaching Scheme Exam Scheme
Theory Practical Total
L T P C Hrs/Week
MS ES IA LW LE/Viva Marks
2 1 -- 3 3 25 50 25 -- -- 100
Unit I Hours: 7
NANOPHYSICS: Nanoscale, Surface to volume ratio, Surface effects on Nanomaterials, Quantum size effects, Electron
confinement, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Unusal properties of Nanomaterials, Disadvantages of Nanomaterials
Synthesis of Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes: Introduction, Structure, Synthesis, Properties and applications, Applications
of Nanomaterials in Petroleum Engineering
Unit II Hours:7
Classical Mechanics: Review of Newtonian mechanics in rectilinear coordinate system. Motion in plane polar coordinates.
Conservation Principles. Collision problem in laboratory and centre of mass frame. Rotation about fixed axis. Non inertial
frames and pseudo forces. Rigid body dynamics.
Unit IV Hours:6
SHAPE MEMORY ALLOYS: Introduction, Synthesis, Properties and Applications METALLIC GLASSES:
Introduction, Synthesis, Properties and Applications BIO MATERIALS: Introduction, Properties and Applications
ENERGY MATERIALS: Solar cells, Fuel cells (H2O2, Lithium cell), Ultra capacitors.
Total Hours: 26
Texts Books:
1. Resnick, Halliday and Krane, Physics part I and II, 5th Edition John Wiely (2002).
2. A. Ghatak, Optics, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill (2005).
References books:
1. Kittel C., Knight W.O. and Ruderman M.A., Mechanics - Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. 1, Tata
2. Purcell E.M. Electricity and Magnetism - Berkeley Physics Course, Vol.2, TataMcGraw-Hill.
3. Crawford F.S. - Waves and Oscillations, Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. 3,McGraw-Hill.
4. Feyman R.P., Leighton R.B. and Sands M. The Feyman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 1., Narosa Publication
5. Feyman R.P., Leighton R.B. and Sands M. The Feyman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 2. Narosa Publication
6. Griffith D.J.H., Introduction to Electrodynamics - Prentice Hall, India.
7. M. N. Avadhanulu, A text book of engineering Physics, S. Chand & Company, Ltd.
8. Brij Lal, N. Subrahmanyam, Heat and Thermodynamics, S. Chand & Company, Ltd.
17BPE203 - Thermodynamics
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory Practical Total
L T P C Hrs/Week
MS ES IA LW LE/Viva Marks
3 1 0 4 4 25 50 25 - - 100
Unit –I Hours – 09
Thermodynamic Potentials
Internal energy, enthalpy, Helmholtz free energy, Gibbs free energy; Thermodynamic property relations,
Maxwell relations, Partial derivatives and Jacobian method; Residual properties; Partial molar properties,
Ideal and non-ideal solutions, Standard states definition and choice, Gibbs-Duhem equation, Excess
properties of mixtures.
Unit – IV Hours - 10
PVT Analysis of Hydrocarbon fluids
Collection of reservoir fluid samples for PVT study, PVT analysis: Constant composition expansion, flash
liberation, differential liberation, separator test for PVT data of hydrocarbon fluids. Evaluation and
correlation of physical and chemical properties of reservoir fluids including laboratory and empirical
Total Hours - 39
1. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics – Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., &
Abbot M. C, McGraw Hill VII Edition 2004.
2. A Text Book of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Narayanan K. V – Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd. 2001.
3. Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties – Abhijit Y. Dandekar- Taylor and Francis-
4. Equations of State and PVT Analysis:Applications for improved Reservoir Modeling – Tarek
Ahmed, Gulf Publishing Company, Houstan Texas.
5. Fundamentals Principles of Reservoir Engineering – Brian F. Towler – SPE textbook series,
Volume 8 – 2002.
6. Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering – L. P. Dake – Elsevier, 17th Edition, 1998
17BPE204 - Heat and Mass Transfer
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory Practical Total
L T P C Hrs/Week
MS ES IA LW LE/Viva Marks
3 1 0 4 4 25 50 25 -- -- 100
Unit I Hours: 10
Heat Transfer
Conduction: Steady-state and transient flow through various geometries, Convection:LMTD and NTU, overall
heat transfer coefficient. Application of dimensional analysis to convection. Heat transfer rate and Heat transfer
coefficient calculations. Double pipe parallel and counter-flow heat exchangers, natural and forced convection
through tubes and outside tubes, Shell and tube heat exchanger, and finned tube heat exchanger. Boiling of
liquids and condensation of vapors
Unit II Hours: 10
Radiation from black and real surfaces, radiation transfer between black and grey surfaces, view factor,
radiation shield, and multi-sided enclosures., Thermal insulation, Economic and critical thickness of lagging.
Unit IV Hours: 9
Gas Absorption, adsorption, Extraction and Distillation (flash and differential): Basic principles, laws, and
calculations. Equilibrium, co-current and counter-current operations. Ideal stage concept and calculation of
number of ideal stages. Efficiency. Packed bed and tray columns.
Total Hours: 39
1. Coulson and Richardson‟s Chemical Engineering Vol-1, 6th Ed, Elsevier (Butterworth and
2. Warren L. McCabe, Julian C. Smith ,Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, McGraw Hill.
3. Donald Q. Kern , Process heat transfer, Tata-McGraw-Hill.
4. Badger and Banchero , Introduction to Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
17BPE205 - Geomechanics and Strength of Materials
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory Practical Total
L T P C Hrs/Week
MS ES IA LW LE/Viva Marks
2 1 0 3 3 25 50 25 - - 100
Unit - I Hours – 7
Basics of mechanics
Fundamental assumptions in elementary mechanics of materials (linearity, homogeneity, isotropy,
elasticity, continuum); viscoelasticity or rheology; mechanical properties of metals – concepts of stress
and strain; stress-strain behavior; anelasticity; elastic properties of materials; tensile properties; elastic
recovery during plastic deformation; compressive, shear, and torsional deformation; hardness; variability
of material properties; design/safety factors. Testing of material properties. Thermal stresses – bars
subjected to tension, asymmetric loading, stress calculation of cylindrical bodies. Scalar, vector, tensor;
composition and resolution of stresses; stress vector acting on a surface; analysis of stress; stress field
acting at a point – derivation of equations for sn and tn. Mohr’s circle; deviatoric and mean stress;
special states of stresses by Mohr’s circle; Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope.
Unit – II Hours - 6
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Introduction to materials science and materials engineering; introduction to engineering materials; classes
of materials; concepts of processing, structure, properties, and performance of materials; atomic structure
of materials – BCC lattice, FCC lattice, cubic centered lattice grain boundaries – computation of volumes
and atomic packing factors of various lattices; combining various metals – alloys; solid solution, eutectic,
and eutectoid; iron–iron carbide (Fe–Fe3C) phase diagram; classification of steel and cast iron;
development of microstructures in iron–carbon alloys – hypoeutectoid, eutectoid, and hypereutectoid;
influence of other alloying elements in the iron-iron carbide system; ductile to brittle transition
temperature vis-à-vis impact energy.
Unit – IV Hours - 8
Introduction to Reservoir Geomechanics
The tectonic stress field; pore pressure at depth in sedimentary basins; basic constitutive laws; rock failure
in compression; tension and shear; faults and fractures at depth; compressive and tensile failures in
vertical wells; determination of S3 from mini-fracs and extended leak-off tests and constraining the
magnitude of SHmax from wellbore failures in vertical wells; wellbore failure and stress determination in
deviated wells; stress fields – from tectonic plates to reservoirs around the world; wellbore stability;
critically stressed faults and fluid flow; effects of reservoir depletion
Total Hours – 26
Texts and References:
1. Zobak, M. D. Reservoir Geomechanics; 2. Longuemare, P. Geomechanics in reservoir simulation; 3.
Nauroy, J. F. Geomechanis applied to petroleum Engineering; 4. Valentin Popov, Contact Mechanics and
Friction: Physical Principles and Applications; 5. Bansal R. K. A Textbook of Strength of Materials.
Unit I Hours : 10
Fundamentals of Petroleum Exploration
Ingredients of Petroleum Exploration, Concept of source, reservoir, migration, trap and seal, Concept of Play, Lead,
Prospect and Drillable Prospect, Types of Petroleum Traps-Structural, Stratigraphic and Combinational traps, Primary and
Secondary Migration, E&P Life Cycle, Concept of Reserve, Lease and Reservoir, Techniques of Petroleum Exploration,
Geochemical, Gravity, Magnetic, Electrical and seismic method of hydrocarbon exploration.
Unit II Hours : 10
Geochemical Analysis
Geochemical seep, Classification of seep by Link, Weathering of seeps, a geochemical program for petroleum exploration,
Surface Reconnaissance, hydrocarbon Mud Logging, Rock Pyrolysis, Understanding S1, S2, S3,S1/S1+S2,
Production Index, Hydrogen Index and Oxygen Index, Processing and interpretation of Geochemical data.
Unit IV : Hours : 09
G and M Methods
Gravity and magnetic prospecting, Instruments of G&M survey, Gravity and magnetic data correction, Interpretation of
G&M anomaly, Correlation of Gravity anomaly with seismic anomaly. SP, Telluric and Magnetotelluric data interpretation,
Electrical properties of hydrocarbon, Electrical conductivities, Resistivities of various lithologies, Dielectric constants, land
airborne EM, Interpretation and modeling of data, Potential estimation for various buried bodies, Anomaly and well
placement based on electrical data. Basic well logs, GR and SP logs, Shallow, Medium and Deep Resistivity logs, Porosity
logs-Sonic, Neutron and Density logs, Importance of log interpretation, qualitative and quantitative Interpretation,
Petrophysical evaluation, Correlation of well log with seismic, Preparation of synthetics, proposing drilling locations based
on integrated studies.
Total Hours:- 39
Texts and References:
1. Supriya Mohan Sengupta, Introduction to Sedimentology, A.A.Balkema publication.
2. Mamdough, R. Gadallah, Reservoir Seismology, Pennwell Books, Pennwell Publishing Company, Tusa,
3. Telford, W M, Geldart, L.P., Sheriff, R.E. and Keys, D.E., Applied Geophysics, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co Pvt
Mass TransferPracticals :
1. To determine the % extraction of diluted aqueous organic solution using suitable solvent.
2. To determine the diffusion co-efficient of CCl4 in air & it’s variation with temperature.
3. Determine mass transfer co-efficient of liquid (water) evaporation to atmospheric air at
elevated temperature.
4. To determine the efficiency of single stage leaching operation.
5. To find out the liquid side mass transfer coefficient KLa in the packed column.
6. To determine the mass transfer co-efficient for dissolution of benzene acid with and without
Chemical reaction.
7. To prepare the ternary diagram for a system of three liquid one pair partially soluble system.
8. To determine the mass transfer co-efficient of vaporization of solid into air.
List of Experiments :