0 B0 Hci WF 4 Ni GFC WTQ XZ J4 ZXH Yb WC
0 B0 Hci WF 4 Ni GFC WTQ XZ J4 ZXH Yb WC
0 B0 Hci WF 4 Ni GFC WTQ XZ J4 ZXH Yb WC
Dr. Qian Chen
In this study, TIMSS 2007 data were analysed with a particular focus on
mathematically low-achieving students at grade four in Singapore.
Specifically, the quantity and major characteristics of mathematically low-
achieving fourth graders were examined. Furthermore, eight variables at
the student level and nine variables at the school/class level were used to
build the two-level hierarchical generalized linear model so as to predict
the status of mathematically low-achieving fourth grader. The final model
suggested that six variables at the student level, i.e. student gender,
number of books at home, frequency of test language spoken at home,
frequency of mathematics homework, student’s self-confidence in
learning mathematics, student’s perception of school safety, and two
variables at the school/class level, i.e. teacher professional development
opportunity and principal’s perception of school climate significantly
predicted the status of mathematically low-achieving fourth grader.
Implications for educational research and practice are presented at the end
of this paper.
Key words: Low-achieving, Mathematics achievement, Grade four, TIMSS 2007, Singapore.
Over the past two decades, international comparative studies on educational achievement have
gained remarkable development. One of the most influential assessment projects is Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). It has constantly examined the
mathematics and science achievement of fourth and eighth graders in the participating countries
on a 4-year cycle since 1995. It is indicated that the East Asian countries and regions (Chinese
Taipei, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Korea and Singapore) have consistently been the top achievers
among the participating countries over the world (Hensher & Johnson, 1981; Mullis, 2000, 2003;
Mullis, Martin, & Foy, 2008; OECD, 2004, 2010; Wilkins, 2004).
The admirable performance of the East Asian school systems has brought about
unprecedented attention from the wide community of educational researchers and policy makers
around the world. In order to reveal the keys to success, a fast-growing body of studies have
been intended to investigate the school education in these school systems from diverse
perspectives (Leung, 2001, 2006; Park, 2004; Wößmann, 2005; Zhu & Leung, 2011).
Nevertheless, with the widely acclaimed high performance in international assessments, some
important educational issues within the East Asian school systems, especially those regarding
achievement gaps seem to have been hardly explored. Needless to say, in any country and region,
develop a sound understanding of this group of students and factors related to their low
achievements. Therefore, this study aimed to use TIMSS 2007 data to conduct an in-depth
four, defined as those whose benchmark scores were below the TIMSS Intermediate
international benchmark?
A large body of literature has discussed factors related to student achievement (Bloom, 1976;
Carroll, 1963; Coleman et al., 1966; Creemers, 1994; Lee & Shute, 2010; Walberg, 2003). These
factors can be divided into student-, classroom-, and school-level factors (Teodorović, 2011).
Student-level factors
According to Ismail (2009), several factors may help explain why some students attain higher
mathematics performance than others do, including students’ personal and home backgrounds,
resources for learning, time spent out of school in studying or doing homework in school
perceptions of being safe in school. In his study, multiple logistic regression analysis was
conducted on the data from Malaysian eighth graders in TIMSS 2003. It was found that having
using computers, and being non-Malay have a high positive association with mathematics
Akyüz and Berberoğlu (2010) conducted a two-level analysis of TIMSS 1999 data from
nine European countries, i.e. Belgium, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy,
Lithuania, Netherlands, Slovenia and Turkey. They found that at the student level, home
educational resources was significantly related to mathematics achievement in all the countries
except Netherlands (Akyüz & Berberoğlu, 2010). Ghagar, Othman and Mohammadpour (2011)
graders in TIMSS 2003. It was found that at the student level, mathematics self-concept was the
was also a significant predictor in both countries; home educational resources was significantly
associated with mathematics achievement in Singapore but not in Malaysia. Wang, Osterlind and
Bergin (2012) used TIMSS 2003 grade eight data to build two-level mathematics achievement
model in four countries with varying level of achievement: the USA, Russia, Singapore and
South Africa. They found that student’s self-concept of ability in mathematics was a key
predictor of mathematics achievement in all the four countries; other student variables including
gender, parents’ highest education level, perception of school etc. differed in the magnitude of
and better-off developing countries, while their effect is less pronounced in poor developing
countries” (p. 220). It is further indicated that variance in student achievement can be mostly
Classroom-level factors
Undoubtedly, teacher plays a key role at the classroom level. Teacher’s demographic
relation to student achievement. In addition, two factors, i.e. class size and teacher professional
development opportunity are also discussed. As in the case with student factors, findings about
Akyüz and Berberoğlu (2010) found that after controlling for home educational resources,
teacher gender was not significantly related to mathematics achievement in Belgium, Slovak
Republic, Italy, Lithuania and Slovenia; however, female teacher was significantly related to
lower achievement in Czech Republic and Turkey, higher achievement in Hungary and
Netherlands. Wang et al. (2012) found that after controlling for student effects, teacher gender is
not significantly associated with students’ mathematics achievement in Russia, Singapore and
South Africa whereas male teacher is significantly related to higher mathematics achievement in
the USA. As far as the relationship between teaching experience and mathematics achievement is
concerned, a negative association was identified in Slovak Republic and Slovenia (Akyüz &
Berberoğlu, 2010), but a positive one in Netherlands, Turkey (Akyüz & Berberoğlu, 2010) and
Furthermore, Akyüz and Berberoğlu (2010) found that after controlling other effects,
achievement in Belgium, Italy, Netherlands and Slovenia, but not related in Slovak Republic,
Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania and Turkey. Wang et al. (2012) found that after controlling
for other variables, teacher’s perception of school climate is a significant predictor of eighth
graders’ mathematics achievement in Russia, South Africa and Singapore, but not in USA; and
teacher’s perception of school safety is not a significant predictor in all the four countries.
The nature of the relationship between homework and student achievement remains
disputed (Trautwein & Koller, 2003). However, the way teachers assign homework (e.g.
frequency, amount) is still an important consideration in many achievement studies (e.g. Akyüz
& Berberoğlu, 2010; De Jong, Westerhof, & Creemers, 2000; House, 2004). In the study by
Akyüz and Berberoğlu (2010), after controlling for other variables, teacher’s emphasis on
Republic and Lithuania, but not related in Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia
and Turkey.
Class size is also a commonly researched factor associated with student achievement
(Akyüz & Berberoğlu, 2010; Konstantopoulos, 2011; Nye, Hedges, & Konstantopoulos, 2001).
Although it is often assumed that being in small class is beneficial to all students, research
findings are inconclusive (Baker & Jones, 2005). Akyüz and Berberoğlu (2010) found that with
other variables controlled, class size was positively related to mathematics achievement in
Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania and Netherlands, but not related in Slovak Republic, Czech
mathematics achievement. Goldhaber and Brewer (1997) concluded that teachers’ subject-
specific training has a significant impact on student test scores in mathematics and science.
Teachers who are trained and well-prepared are more effective in the classroom and therefore
have the greatest impact on student learning (Killion, 1999). However, other studies found that
professional development does not contribute to student achievement (Harbison & Hanushek,
level variables exhibit significant association with student achievement in industrialised and
better-off developing countries, and less so in poor developing countries, with composite
variables having a considerably larger effect than individual variables” (p. 220).
School-level factors
At the school level, good attendance at school, availability of school resources for mathematics
instruction and school climate as perceived by principals are usually considered as important
factors related to mathematics achievement. Again, findings about the association are
Ghagar, Othman and Mohammadpour (2011) found that school location, availability of
school resources for mathematics instruction, good attendance at school, school climate as
perceived by principals were all significantly associated with eighth graders’ mathematics
achievement in Malaysia, after controlling for other variables; in Singapore, school climate as
school resources for mathematics instruction and good attendance at school were not so, after
controlling for other student-level and classroom level variables. Wang et al (2012) found that
with other variables controlled for, school and class attendance significantly predicted eighth
graders’ mathematics achievement in Russia, but not so in the USA, Singapore and South Africa;
availability of school resources for mathematics instruction was significantly associated with
mathematics achievement in South Africa, but not in the USA, Russia and Singapore; principal’s
perception of school climate was a significant predictor of mathematics achievement in the USA
concludes that they show the least consensus, “with their likely effect sizes ranging from null to
modest in industrialised and better-off developing countries, but they are very important for poor
students’ mathematics achievement, however, findings about the relationships are yet
inconclusive, depending on research contexts and the set of variables involved in the analysis.
that new evidence and insights in this aspect can be produced. Moreover, multilevel modelling
compared to the conventional linear modelling approach which uses achievement scores as
regression modelling has scarcely been used by achievement researchers. It is also noted that
some of the reviewed studies have been built on secondary analysis of TIMSS data (e.g.Louis &
Mistele, 2011; Thomson, 2008; Zuzovsky, 2008). Due to the use of nationally representative
samples in such large-scale assessments, these studies have obvious advantages in terms of
studies are limited to a certain extent in selecting variables for analysis. In the next section,
TIMSS is one of the largest and most complex cross-national data collection efforts of
TIMSS also gathers a lot of background information from students, their teachers and school
principals through questionnaire survey. Data for this study were drawn from grade four datasets
stage stratified cluster sample design. At the first stage, schools were selected using probability-
proportional-to-size sampling; at the second stage, one or two classes were randomly sampled in
each school. Particularly, Singapore had a third sampling stage where students were sampled
within classes. It is suggested that in analysing TIMSS data, it is important to include a weight
variable reflecting the sampling scheme (Joncas, 2008b; Rutkowski, Gonzalez, Joncas, & von
Davier, 2010).
In Singapore, two classes were selected from each participating school. The numbers of
schools, classes, students and mathematics teachers, together with the rank and mean
mathematics achievement score for the two systems are given in Table 1.
Sample Size, Rank and Mean Score of Singapore
School Class Student Rank Mean Score
177 354 378 5041 2 599
Rank and mean scores were from TIMSS 2007 International Mathematics Report (Mullis, et al., 2008).
Due to the nested structure of the data and the sample design, three-level (student, class
and school) modelling was initially attempted, but found to be unsuccessful afterwards. Finally,
two-level modelling was chosen for this study. At level 1, variables were from students, and at
The outcome variable for this study was a dummy variable (1=being mathematically low-
achieving student, 0=not being mathematically low-achieving student), which was created based
on fourth graders’ benchmark score in TIMSS 2007 (1=below 400, 2=at or above 400 but below
475, 3= at or above 475 but below 550, 4= at or above 550 but below 625, 5= at or above 625).
TIMSS 2007 used five plausible values to derive five benchmark scores so as to describe the
mathematics performance of each student in an international setting, where the score of 400, 475,
550 and 625 denoted the Low, Intermediate, High and Advanced international benchmark
respectively (More details about the four international benchmarks are given in Appendix 1). In
this study, if individual student’s benchmark scores were below 3 (i.e. the Intermediate
As far as the predictor variables are concerned, at the student level, a total of eight
variables were used, i.e. student gender (0=girl, 1=boy), student immigration background
(0=both parents were born in the country, 1=at least one parent was not born in the country),
number of books at home as proxy for family SES (1=0-10, 2=11-25, 3=26-100, 4=101-200,
5=over 200), frequency of test language spoken at home (1=never, 2=sometimes, 3=almost
always, 4=always), frequency of mathematics homework (1=never, 2=less than once a week,
3=1or 2 times a week, 4=3 or 4 times a week, 5=every day), positive affect to mathematics, self-
confidence in learning mathematics, and perception of school safety. At the school/class level, a
total of nine variables were used, i.e. teacher gender (0=female, 1=male), number of years of
teaching experience, class size for mathematics instruction (number of students in mathematics
factors, teacher’s perception of school climate, index of good attendance at school (1=low,
perception of school climate, and teacher professional development opportunity. A total of six
scales were developed to respectively measure student’s positive affect to mathematics, self-
availability of school resources for mathematics instruction, and principal’s perception of school
climate. In addition, two index variables, i.e. student’s perception of school safety and teacher
professional development opportunity were created based on relevant items in the student
questionnaire and teacher questionnaire respectively. Details of scale and index development are
included in Appendix 2.
a result, the coefficients for those variables were interpreted as the mean log-odds difference
between the two groups. All scale and index variables were transformed into z scores (M=0,
For all the variables, the number of cases with incomplete data of each variable was
calculated. The highest percentage of cases with incomplete data for all student-level variables
was 2.29%, and that for the school/class level variables was 11.96%. The multiple imputation
(MI) method was used to impute missing data on the variables. Consequently, five imputed
Data Analysis
In this study, all analyses involved use of the five imputed datasets. Each imputed dataset was
analysed separately and then the results were averaged across the five datasets. Furthermore, for
each imputed dataset, there were five outcome variables indicating whether students were
mathematically low-achieving students or not. Thus, when analysing each imputed dataset, all
analyses concerned with the outcome variable were actually replicated five times, using a
different outcome variable each time, and the results were combined into a single result that
included information on standard errors which incorporated both sampling and imputation error,
7 were used to prepare and analyse the data. IDB Analyser software was developed by IEA
(2009) specifically for managing and analysing TIMSS international data files (Foy & Olson,
2009). In this study, student file, teacher file and school file for Singapore were merged into one
through IDB Analyser’s merge module for subsequent data preparation and analyses. SPSS 20
and IDB Analyser’s analysis module were used to conduct reliability analysis of scales and
indices, descriptive and between-group inferential analyses (independent samples T-test). HLM 7
was used for two-level HGLM analyses. It is noteworthy that because of the use of merged file,
the reported mathematics teacher weights MATWGT was involved in the analyses where
appropriate, which could correctly reflect the characteristics of the student population.
In the two-level HGLM analyses (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002), full maximum likelihood
method was used to estimate the model parameters. A model building process was applied to
study the incremental contribution of variables in predicting the status of mathematically low-
achieving students. Specifically, student, class and school variables were used to build a model
for fourth graders in Singapore. The level 1 unit of analysis was students and the level 2 unit of
analysis was schools/classes. The model building process was first conducted at level 1 and then
at level 2. At each step in the model building, a model trimming procedure was employed to
achieve parsimony.
For each of the five imputed datasets, three sets of HGLM models were analyzed and
modified in the modelling process. Firstly, the fully unconditional model (Model A) was
examined, which did not contain any predictors. Secondly, student variables were added to the
model as level 1 predictors, and nonsignificant predictors were removed (model trimming).
Thirdly, class and school variables were added to model B as level 2 predictors. In order to
achieve model parsimony, the final model (Model C) only included statistically significant
variables. With α = 0.05, the conclusions on statistical significance of relationships between each
individual variable and outcome variable were the same across Model B and Model C. It
As mentioned earlier, six scales were developed to respectively measure student’s positive affect
climate, availability of school resources for mathematics instruction, and principal’s perception
of school climate. Descriptive statistics together with the reliability coefficients for these scales
Table 2 displays the quantity and mean score of mathematically low-achieving students, as
Quantity and Mean Score of Mathematically Low-achieving Fourth Graders
Sample Size Population Size Percentage (se) Mean Score (se)
Low-achieving 457 4071 8.25 (0.9) 435 (6.1)
Low-achieving 4584 45305 91.75 (0.9) 614 (3.1)
se = standard error.
It is apparent from the table that there were 4071 mathematically low-achieving fourth
graders in Singapore, they accounted for 8.25% of the student population at grade four, and their
Independent samples T-test was carried out to compare mathematically low-achieving students
with the rest of student population at grade four in terms of the considered variables, the
results are given in Table 3. In this way, the major characteristics of this particular group of
Major Characteristics of Mathematically Low-achieving Fourth Graders
Mathematically Non-mathematically
Characteristics Low-achieving Low-achieving Sig.
Students Students
Student gender 0.60 0.51 ***
Student immigration background 0.39 0.37 -
Number of books at home 2.34 3.07 ***
Frequency of test language spoken at home 2.22 2.74 ***
Frequency of mathematics homework 3.63 3.93 ***
Positive affect to mathematics 8.54 9.70 ***
Self-confidence in learning mathematics 8.94 11.29 ***
Student’s perception of school safety 2.79 3.53 ***
different from the rest of student population at grade four in the majority of variables.
Specifically, they consisted of bigger proportion of boys, had less number of books at home
(lower family SES), spoke test language at home and did mathematics homework less frequently,
had lower self-confidence in learning mathematics and worse perceptions of school safety.
Furthermore, they were taught mathematics by teachers who were comprised of larger proportion
of males, had longer teaching experience, enjoyed more teacher professional development
opportunities, handled smaller class, but perceived more limitations on mathematics instruction
due to student factors and worse school climate. Lastly, mathematically low-achieving fourth
graders attended schools whose principals had worse perceptions of school climate.
In the HGLM analyses, only the results from population-average models (with robust standard
questions were of interest in this study (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002). The unconditional model
where γ00 is the average log-odds of being mathematically low-achieving student across the
schools. The variance of u0j is the variance between schools in school-average log-odds of being
mathematically low-achieving student. The results from Model A are given in Table 4.
According to the table, in Singapore, the odds of being mathematically low-achieving student at
Model building at the student level (level 1) began by adding all student-level predictors.
mathematically low-achieving student. The effects of these predictors were modelled as fixed
coefficients while the intercept was treated as random. After model trimming, the results from
Model B are also given in Table 4. Later on, Model B was compared with Model A to examine
how much the student-level variables contributed to the prediction of status of mathematically
low-achieving student.
From Model B, student gender, number of books at home, frequency of test language
and student’s perception of school safety were significantly associated with the log-odds of being
learning mathematics was the strongest one. A one standard deviation increase in it reduced the
log-odds of being mathematically low-achieving student by 0.70, which was associated with a
relative odds ratio of e = 0.5, after controlling for the other predictors in the model and the
random school effect u0j. That is, if two students were similar in other ways but differed by one
standard deviation in their self-confidence in learning mathematics, then the odds of being
mathematically low-achieving student for the student with higher self-confidence were 0.5 times
the odds for the student with lower self-confidence. Interestingly, the relationship between
student gender and the log-odds of being mathematically low-achieving student was positive.
The odds of being mathematically low-achieving student for boys were e = 1.42 times the
odds for girls. Surprisingly, student’s positive affect to mathematics was not significantly related
After model building and model trimming at the student level (level 1) and at the
school/class level (level 2), the final model (Model C) was obtained. The details of the final
model are also displayed in Table 4. According to Model C, teacher professional development
opportunity and principal’s perception of school climate were significantly related to the log-
teacher professional development opportunity and the log-odds of being mathematically low-
achieving student was positive. Holding constant the other predictors in the model and the
random school effect u0j, a one standard deviation increase in teacher professional development
mathematics teacher enjoyed more professional development opportunities was more likely to be
(frequency of test language spoken at home) + β4j (frequency of mathematics homework) + β5j
Level 2: β0j = γ00 + γ01 (teacher professional development opportunity) + γ02 (principal’s
β1j = γ10
β2j = γ20
β3j = γ30
β4j = γ40
β5j = γ50
β6j = γ60.
The model fit statistic McFadden’s ρ2 was calculated by computing the proportion
reduction in deviance obtained from the final model relative to the unconditional model, which
was equal to 0.04. Adding the student-level variables to the unconditional model reduced 34% of
students. After including the school/class-level variables in the student-level model, the variance
was further reduced by 12%. The final model explained a total of 42% of the intercept variance.
In this study, the quantity and major characteristics of mathematically low-achieving fourth
graders in high-performing Singapore were examined. It was found that in Singapore, there were
4071 mathematically low-achieving fourth graders, which accounted for 8.25% of the student
population at grade four. This particular group of students significantly differed from the rest of
the student population in many aspects, including gender composition, number of books at home
(as proxy for family SES), self-confidence in learning mathematics, mathematics teacher’s
Furthermore, HGLM techniques were used in this study to predict the status of
mathematically low-achieving student at grade four in Singapore. Among the six student-level
strongest, which is essentially in accord with the previous findings that student’s self-confidence
the USA, Russia, South Africa and Malaysia (Abd.Ghagar, et al., 2011; Wang, et al., 2012).
One unexpected finding is that student’s positive affect to mathematics was not
significantly associated with the log-odds of being mathematically low-achieving student. One
pleasurable activity; whether they like it or not, they are motivated to study mathematics hard by
instrumental reasons, e.g. pass various exams to attend the desired secondary schools and
universities. As noted by Leung (2001), the traditional view in East Asian countries has been
that “studying is a serious endeavour” (p. 41). Students need to study hard, but do not need to
number of books at home (as proxy for family SES) were significantly associated with the log-
odds of being mathematically low-achieving student, given plenty of evidence from previous
positively related to the log-odds of being mathematically low-achieving student. That is, student
whose mathematics teacher enjoyed more professional development opportunities was more
likely to be mathematically low-achieving student. This finding was surprising at first glance
because it was assumed that less teacher professional development opportunities would relate to
lower student achievement. However, on second thought, this finding seems reasonable and even
encouraging given that this group of students would benefit from mathematics teachers who
This study provides several implications for educational research and practice. Firstly,
this study used cross-sectional observational data, thus claims about causal relationship are
inappropriate. This made impossible exploring the direction of the influence of students’
perceptions and the status of mathematically low-achieving students. Further research can
explore the possibilities in this regard. However, this study does provide evidence about the
Secondly, it was found that boys were more likely to be mathematically low-achieving
students than girls at grade four in Singapore. Clearly, reasons behind this phenomenon need to
associated with the log-odds of being mathematically low-achieving student in Singapore. Given
the great efforts and resources put into this area, it seems necessary for teacher educators and
activities from both quantitative and qualitative perspective so that effective strategies for closing
students at grade four in Singapore based on TIMSS 2007 data. The model fit statistic
McFadden’s ρ2 for this model was equal to 0.04. According to Hensher and Johnson (1981),
values in the 0.2 to 0.4 range are considered highly satisfactory. Therefore, the model from this
fourth grader in Singapore. Moreover, a replicate study with the soon available TIMSS 2011 data
will be able to provide new evidence and insights about the changes in the predictive model over
the period. Thereby, the high-low achievement gap and the particular group of mathematically
low-achieving students within high-performing Singapore can gain sustainable attention. At the
same time, relevant educational research and practices can be constantly revisited for
Lastly, by focusing on Singapore, this study makes a good starting point to understand
efforts can be extended to other high-performing systems, which will help us develop a more
comprehensive understanding of issues regarding achievement gap in the East Asian area. In
addition, relevant similarities and differences among these places can be identified.
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Appendix 1
TIMSS 2007 International Benchmarks of Mathematics Achievement for Grade 4
Advanced International Benchmark – 625
Students can apply their understanding and knowledge in a variety of relatively complex situations and explain
their reasoning. They can apply proportional reasoning in a variety of contexts. They demonstrate a developing
understanding of fractions and decimals. They can select appropriate information to solve multi-step word
problems. They can formulate or select a rule for a relationship. Students can apply geometric knowledge of a
range of two- and three-dimensional shapes in a variety of situations. They can organize, interpret, and
represent data to solve problems.
Six scales and two index variables were developed based on the recoded questionnaire items
with reference to TIMSS 2007 User Guide (Foy & Olson, 2009). When recoding the original
items for scale development, the general principle was that a higher code represented a more
favourable characteristic. The scale for student’s positive affect to mathematics was based on
student’s responses to three items in the student questionnaire, and each item was recoded on 4-
point scale (1=Disagree a lot, 2=Disagree a little, 3=Agree a little, 4=Agree a lot). The scale for
student’s self-confidence in learning mathematics was based on student’s responses to four items
in the student questionnaire, and each item was recoded on 4-point scale (1=Disagree a lot,
2=Disagree a little, 3=Agree a little, 4=Agree a lot). The scale for teacher’s perception of few or
no limitations on mathematics instruction due to student factors was based on teacher’s
responses to five items in the teacher questionnaire, and each item was recoded on 4-point scale
(1= A lot, 2=Some, 3= A little, 4=Not at all). The scale for teacher’s perception of school climate
was based on teacher’s responses to eight items characterizing his/her school in the teacher
questionnaire, and each item was recoded on 5-point scale (1=Very low, 2=Low, 3=Medium,
4=High, 5=Very high). The scale for availability of school resources for mathematics instruction
was based on principal’s responses to ten items characterizing the extent to which the school’s
instruction capacity is affected by shortage of resources, and each item was recoded on 4-point
scale (1=A lot, 2=Some, 3=A little, 4=None). The scale for principal’s perception of school
climate was based on principal’s responses to eight items characterizing his/her school in the
school questionnaire, and each item was recoded on 5-point scale (1= Very low, 2=Low,
3=Medium, 4=High, 5=Very high). Reliability analyses indicated that the six scales were fairly
reliable measures, with all Cronbach’s alpha values above 0.7. The items and descriptive
statistics are displayed in Table 6.
In addition, two indices were created by summating relevant items which were recoded
into dummy variables. The index of student’s perception of school safety was calculated by
adding up student’s responses to five items in the student questionnaire: ‘In school, did any of
these things happen during the last month? (a) something of mine was stolen; (b) I was hit or
hurt by other student(s); (c) I was made to do things at I didn’t want to do by other students; (d) I
was made fun of or called names; (e) I was left out of activities by other students (0=No, 1=Yes)’.
Reliability analysis revealed that Cronbach’s alpha value for this index was 0.58. Despite
relatively low reliability, this index was retained for use in data analysis. The index of teacher
professional development opportunity was created by summing six recoded items related to
professional development in the teacher questionnaire: ‘In the past two years, have you
participated in professional development in any of the following? (a) mathematics content, (b)
mathematics pedagogy/instruction, (c) mathematics curriculum, (d) integrating information
technology into mathematics, (e) improving students’ critical thinking or problem solving skills,
(f) mathematics assessment (0=No, 1=Yes)’. Reliability analysis revealed that this index variable
was acceptable, with Cronbach’s alpha value being 0.81.
The summated scores for each scale and index variable were standardized into z score for
subsequent HGLM analysis.
Items and Descriptive Statistics for Scale
Scale and Item M SE α
Positive affect to mathematics 0.86
I enjoy learning mathematics. 3.22 0.02
Mathematics is boring. 3.19 0.02
I like mathematics. 3.20 0.02
Self-confidence in learning mathematics 0.75
I usually do well in mathematics. 2.92 0.02
Mathematics is harder for me than for many of my classmates. 2.67 0.02
I am just not good at mathematics. 2.70 0.02
I learn things quickly in mathematics. 2.81 0.02
Teacher’s perception of few or no limitations on mathematics instruction due to
student factors
Students with different academic abilities. 2.11 0.04
Students who come from a wide range of backgrounds. 2.61 0.05
Student with special needs. 2.80 0.06
Uninterested students. 2.31 0.05
Disruptive students. 2.36 0.05
Teacher’s perception of school climate 0.82
Teachers’ job satisfaction. 3.46 0.04
Teachers’ understanding of the school’s curricular goals. 3.80 0.04
Teachers’ degree of success in implementing the school’s curriculum. 3.63 0.03
Teachers’ expectations for student achievement. 3.86 0.04
Parental support for student achievement. 3.29 0.04
Parental involvement in school activities. 3.21 0.04
Students’ regard for school property. 3.11 0.04
Students’ desire to do well in school. 3.37 0.03
Availability of school resources for mathematics instruction 0.90
Instructional materials. 3.92 0
Budget for supplies. 3.89 0
School buildings and grounds. 3.47 0
Heating/cooling and lighting systems. 3.77 0
Instructional space. 3.29 0
Computers for mathematics instruction. 3.71 0
Computer software for mathematics instruction. 3.61 0
Calculators for mathematics instruction. 3.81 0
Library materials relevant to mathematics instruction. 3.59 0
Audio-visual resources for mathematics instruction. 3.63 0
Principal’s perception of school climate 0.83
Teachers’ job satisfaction. 3.82 0
Teachers’ understanding of the school’s curricular goals. 3.97 0
Teachers’ degree of success in implementing the school’s curriculum. 3.81 0
Teachers’ expectations for student achievement. 3.93 0
Parental support for student achievement. 3.60 0
Parental involvement in school activities. 3.27 0
Students’ regard for school property. 3.79 0
Students’ desire to do well in school. 3.82 0