Application of A Matrix Converter For The Power Control of A Variable-Speed Wind-Turbine Driving A Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
Application of A Matrix Converter For The Power Control of A Variable-Speed Wind-Turbine Driving A Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
Application of A Matrix Converter For The Power Control of A Variable-Speed Wind-Turbine Driving A Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
Abstract--A grid-connected wind-power generation scheme In this paper, the use of a direct matrix converter [4,5,6] for
using a doubly-fed induction generator @FIG) in conjunction the control of the rotor-side currents of a DFIG system is
with a direct AC-AC matrix converter is proposed. The proposed. Such a configuration offers certain advantages,
analysis employs a stator-flux vector-control algorithm and a notably:
space vector modulated matrix converter to control the
1) the power converter requires no bulky and costly energy
generator rotor current. The system enables optimal speed
tracking for maximum energy capture from the wind and high storage components, like those in the dc-link converter,
performance active and reactive power regulation. The paper 2) the control scheme required by a direct AC-AC
describes the operating principles of this power generation conversion scheme is simpler than that used by a two-
scheme. The matrix converter-based rotor current control stage power conversion.
scheme is highlighted. Simulation studies of the proposed
power generation system were carried out. Results obtained For maximum energy capture from the wind, high
are presented illustrating the good control performance of the performance speed control is desired to enable the generator
system. speed to closely track the value predicted by the wind turbine
power-speed characteristic curve. This is realized by
I. INTRODUCTION regulating the rotor current using a stator-flux, field-oriented
Wind power is widely recognized as a viable source of scheme and a space-vector modulated matrix converter. The
renewable energy. In the UK the percentage of electrical control scheme also enables flexible adjustment of the power
power generated by wind-driven turbines to the total power factor. In this paper, the operating principles of this power
generation increases steadily. Most wind turbines currently generation scheme and the control method used are
operate at constant speeds through grid-connected discussed. Simulation studies were carried out using a
alternators or induction generators. The present system deals 7.5kW induction generator. The results under various
with a variable-speed wind generation scheme. This has a operating conditions are presented. Features of the system
higher energy cap? .? capability than a constant speed and its performance are analysed.
system and reduces mechanical stresses and audible noises.
Integration of the three-phase induction machine and power 11. PRINCIPLE OF A VARIABLE-SPEED
electronic converter provides an effective means to achieve WIND-TURBINE DRIVEN DFIG
variable-speed, constant-frequency (VSCF) wind-power For a horizontal-axis wind turbine, the mechanical output
generation. A number of machine-converter configurations power P, is a function of wind velocity V, and can be
have been proposed in the literature [1,2,3]. One of these, expressed as
considered most attractive by the authors, is that developed
by Pena et a1 [3], which employs a doubly-fed induction pt =+cpp.-R=v;, (1)
generator (DFIG) interfaced to the power grid using a dc- where C, is the coefficient of power, p is the air density and
link voltage-source converter, commonly known as a R is the turbine radius. The turbine torque is the ratio of the
Scherbius drive. In such a configuration, the converter rating output power to the shaft speed at, namely, T,=Pimt.
required is only the slip-fraction of the machine power rating
due to the restricted speed range, and sinusoidal currents can The turbine is normally coupled to a generator shaft through
be obtained from both the stator and rotor windings. a gearbox whose gear ratio <is chosen so as to maintain the
However, the use of PWM dc-link converters requires two- generator shaft speed within a desired speed range.
stage power conversion, namely rectification and inversion, Neglecting the transmission losses, the torque and shaft
which demands a cumbersome control strategy for the speed of the wind turbine, referred to the generator side of
overall power generation system. the gearbox, are given by
T, r,
= - and w , = <wt, (2)
respectively where T, is the driving torque of the generator
and w, is the generator shaft speed.
to the machine in the subsynchronous mode or delivered to B. Principle ofActive and Reactive Power Control
the grid in the supersynchronous mode. To provide independent control of the stator active power P,
and reactive power Qs of the DFIG, by means of rotor
Now the output power of a wind turbine at a specific wind current regulation, it is necessary to define the dq
speed varies with change of the turbine shaft speed. The components of the rotor currents in the stator-flux oriented
control objective is to ensure that the power developed by the reference frame and show that P, and Q, can be represented
turbine is a maximum at any wind speed. The control as functions of the individual current components.
scheme must also maintain continuous power flow from the Subsequently, the P, and Qs commands can be used to
DFIG to the grid. To achieve this, a turbine shaft speed determine the reference rotor currents.
which results in a maximum turbine power must be
determined and the DFIG is controlled so as to obtain the Stator-flux oriented control is used to regulate the rotor
desired shaft speed. The desired shaft speed can be current. In this scheme the d components
determined by an optimal power tracking algorithm which is of the rotor current vector is aligned with the stator-flux
not fully investigated in this present work. Instead, the stator linkage vector I,,hence the active and reactive currents
active power is controlled directly assuming that a maximum
generator developed power is known. The ideal machine supplied to the power grid become linear functions of the
iutor current d and q components, given as
stator power, denoted by P,*,is used as the reference value
for the DFIG power control loop. In the inner current control (4)
loop, the stator-flux vector position is used to establish a -
reference frame that allows the d and q axis components of The magnitude of the stator magnetising current vector z,,f.
the rotor current to be controlled independently. Adjustment is a constant determined by the supply voltage. The stator
of the q-axis component of the rotor current. i,, controls active and reactive power components may be given as
either the generator developed-torque or the stator-side
active power of the DFIG (Ps).Regulating the d-axis
component, jdr, controls directly the stator-side reactive 3 3 L;
power flow (Qs). Q, = $ ( V ~ , I : ~- ~ k " , )= 2 v e l ds
gs e =Tu L,
E -ImS('ms -i:r)
When a matrix converter is used to control the DFIG, Knowing L,,, L, and ideal values of Ps- and Q,-, the
regulation of the rotor currents and phase-angle control of
the grid-side currents are a combined task which can be
reference values for J;~
and I:,. can be calculated directlj
accomplished by a single modulation scheme From the rotor from the above equations
current control loop, Fig 4, the desired rotor voltage vector is
generated and taken as the reference output voltage for the C. Rotor Current Regulation Using a Matrix Converter
matrix converter The space vector modulation technique [6] As the reference rotor current components are in stator-flux
is used to achieve the above control Objective oriented coordinates, these must be transferred to the same
reference frame as the DFIG rotor current vector. This is
achieved by rotating the rotor reference current vector by an
angular position p = (w - w )dt . Due to the rotor speed
variation, p is updated at every sample interval. Once the
reference frame for both the command and measured current
vectors are conformed, simple proportional plus integral (PI)
regulators can be used to control the d and q components of
power the rotor current. The cross-coupling effect of the d-g
components must be compensated at the output of the
controllers. In stator-flux oriented coordinates, these may be
expressed as
nv vir' = - - m 8 , d r i i r , (7)
in the ideal turbine characteristics. It can be shown that the
optimal output power derived from the reference power
curve is achieved for any wind speed.
A variable-speed wind-power generator using a DFIG in
conjunction with a matrix converter is proposed. Stable
operation of the DFIG was achieved by means of stator-flux
oriented control technique. The operational principle of the
proposed wind-power generator and the validity of the
control scheme were illustrated by the steady-state and
transient responses of the power and currents associated with ,
the machine stator and rotor. Simulation results demonstrate 6r sped 2 940
. U. P,‘
Doubly-fed induction machine parameters: 3 760
7.5 kW, 415V, 6 poles, rated speed 970 rpm, N,/N,= 1.7, , \
0 02 04 06 08 1 12 14 16 18 2(SeC)
q=l.O20, K=0.8ln, L3=0.093H, Lr=0.081H, Lm=0.0664H
(all referred to rotor). (b) rotor currents i, and shaft speed
_____. - 04
[ 11 R. Jones and G. A. Smith, “High quality mains power r’ 200
from variable-speed wind turbines,” Renewable Energy, ,. 1M)
1989. I - \
0 05 1 1 5 2 (sec)
[5] L. Huber, D. Borojevic, N. Burany : “Analysis, Design
and Implementation of the Space-Vector Modulator for (d) stator active power
Force-Commutated Cycloconverters,” IEE Proc. Part B, Figure 5 Step responses to current command zgrs
Vo1.139, No.2, March 1992. in subsynchronous mode
[6] L. Zhang, C. Watthanasarn and W. Shepherd, “Analysisand
Implementationof a Space Vector Modulation Algorithm for
Direct AC-AC Matrix Converters”,European Power
Electronics Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, May 1996, pp 7-15.
[7] W. Shepherd, L. N. Hulley, D. T. W. Liang, Power
Electronics andMOtor Control (2nd edition), Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, England, 1995.
[8] P.Vas, Vector Control ofAC Machines, Oxford Science
Publishng, 1990.
0 0.5 1 15 (sec)
[9] C. Watthanasarn, “Optimal Control and Applications of
AC-AC Matrix Converters,” PhD Thesis, 1997, (a) synchronous rotor currents ziTand i;,.
University of Bradford, UK.
(kW/kVAR) (rpm1
3 p,
2- 1_1_1$1200
1 r speed 3 1000
01 i 800
-1 ' y"-- 4 600
1 i Q, Ikh..--.--.- i 400
I 1
-4 0
' 200
05 1 15 2 \sec)
(kW) 2 5 j-
1.15 1.2
(c) converter input current I , , and voltage vas
(sec) -10
- 1 2
20' 7pr i
wind SDeed ( m k )
0 5 ; '.-.-..-.---.-.-
L- ~~ 0 -L
. .___ -
0 0 5 1 1 5 (sec) 0 1 2 3 4 5
time (sec)
(d) stator active power P, shaft speed (rpm)
Figure 6 Step responses to current command i q r
in supersynchronous mode 1000 -____ \
------ -
'OO 1 2 3 4 5 6 tlme(sec,
:: 9 '\
3 0
2 0 1
10; Qnet
-10 L--
-___J (sec) or
0 0.5 1.o 1.5
-'O 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 time ( s e c )
(b) rotor currents i,
(c) resultant output power to utility grid
Figure 9 Optimal power tracking operation of a DFIG