86356-00 8
86356-00 8
86356-00 8
EXERCISE OBJECTIVE When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with the operation of
the four-quadrant chopper.
DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points:
The dc-to-dc converters discussed so far, that is, the buck chopper, the boost
chopper, and the buck/boost chopper, allow a dc voltage to be converted into a
dc voltage of the same polarity and having a lower or higher value. Furthermore,
in the buck and boost choppers, the current can flow in one direction only,
whereas in the buck/boost chopper, it can flow in either direction.
Voltage (V)
Quadrant II Quadrant I
Current (A)
In Figure 53, four dots have been drawn, one in each quadrant. Each of these
dots represents a possible operating point of the four-quadrant chopper. Drawing
straight lines from any one of these dots to the horizontal and vertical
axes (current and voltage axes, respectively) allows the dc current and voltage at
the output of the four-quadrant chopper to be determined. For example, the dot in
Quadrant 3 indicates that the current and voltage are equal to -2 A dc and
-60 V dc, respectively. If the operating point of the four-quadrant chopper passes
from the dot in Quadrant 3 to the dot in Quadrant 4, the current and voltage
change to +2 A dc and -60 V dc, respectively. This indicates that the direction in
which current flows has been reversed while the voltage remains the same.
In this equation, ߙொభǡொఱ is the duty cycle of the switching control signals applied to
electronic switches ܳଵ and ܳହ in the four-quadrant chopper shown in Figure 54.
Since the duty cycle can vary from approximately 0 to 100%, the voltage ܧை can
vary from approximately -ܧூ to +ܧூ .
ܫை ܮଵ
ܳଵ ܦଵ ܳଶ ܦଶ
ܧூ ܴଵ ܧை
ܳସ ܦସ ܳହ ܦହ
ܳଶ and ܳସ
Voltage 0
(ܧை )
(ܫை )
Varying the frequency of the switching control signals while maintaining the duty
cycle constant does not affect the dc voltage and current at the four-quadrant
chopper output. However, the ripple magnitude decreases as the frequency of
the switching control signals increases.
High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise. Do not make or modify any
banana jack connections with the power on unless otherwise specified.
In this part of the exercise, you will set up and connect the equipment.
Make sure that the batteries in the Lead-Acid Battery Pack are fully charged
by measuring the open-circuit voltage with a voltmeter. If the open-circuit
voltage is lower than 51 V, ask your instructor for assistance as the battery
pack is probably not fully-charged. Appendix C of this manual indicates how
to prepare (charge) the Lead-Acid Battery Pack before each laboratory
2. Connect the Power Input of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface to
a 24 V ac power supply.
Connect the Low Power Input of the IGBT Chopper/Inverter to the Power
Input of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface. Turn the 24 V ac power
supply on.
3. Connect the USB port of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface to a
USB port of the host computer.
4. Make sure that the main power switch of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/
Power Supply is set to O (off), then connect the Power Input to an ac power
Connect the common (white) terminal of the Switching Control Inputs on the
IGBT Chopper/Inverter to one of the two analog common (white) terminals on
the Data Acquisition and Control Interface using a miniature banana plug
6. Turn the host computer on, then start the LVDAC-EMS software.
In the LVDAC-EMS Start-Up window, make sure that the Data Acquisition
and Control Interface and the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
are detected. Make sure that the Computer-Based Instrumentation and
Chopper/Inverter Control functions for the Data Acquisition and Control
Interface are available, as well as the Standard Functions (C.B. control) for
the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply. Select the network voltage
and frequency that correspond to the voltage and frequency of your local
ac power network, then click the OK button to close the LVDAC-EMS
Start-Up window.
7. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 55. Use the 2 mH inductor of the Filtering
Inductors/Capacitors module to implement ܮଵ .
2 mH
ܳଵ ܦଵ ܳଶ ܦଶ
ܧூ ܥௌ ܴଵ
100 V 171 ȍ
ܳସ ܦସ ܳହ ܦହ
8. Make the necessary connections and switch settings on the Resistive Load
in order to obtain the resistance value required.
In this part of the exercise, you will observe the switching control signals and see
that the electronic switches in a four-quadrant chopper are switched in pairs (ܳଵ
with ܳହ and ܳଶ with ܳସ ), and that when one pair of electronic switches is on, the
other pair is off.
10. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Chopper/Inverter Control window and make the
following settings:
11. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Oscilloscope window and display the four
switching control signals (AI-1, AI-2, AI-4, and AI-5).
Select the Continuous Refresh mode, set the time base to display two
complete cycles, and set the trigger controls so that the Oscilloscope triggers
when the rising edge of the switching control signal (AI-1) of electronic
switch ܳଵ reaches 2 V.
12. Referring to the waveforms of the switching control signals displayed on the
Oscilloscope, describe the switching sequence of the electronic switches in
the four-quadrant chopper.
13. Referring to the waveform of the switching control signals, does the duty
cycle setting that you have made in the Chopper/Inverter Control window
correspond to the duty cycle of the switching control signals of electronic
switches ܳଵ and ܳହ or to the duty cycle of the switching control signals of
electronic switches ܳଶ and ܳସ ?
In this part of the exercise, you will calculate the average (dc) output voltage of a
four-quadrant chopper for various duty cycles and compare the results with the
measured average (dc) output voltages using the circuit in Figure 55. You will
observe that the dc voltage can be either positive or negative and that the current
can flow in both directions at the output of a four-quadrant chopper. You will also
observe the effect of the switching frequency on the voltage conversion.
14. Considering an input voltage ܧூ equal to 100 V and using the equation
ܧை ൌ ܧூ ൈ ሺʹߙொభǡொఱ െ ͳሻ, calculate the dc voltage which should appear at the
output of the four-quadrant chopper for the following duty cycles: 25%, 50%,
and 75%.
Table 14. Calculated dc output voltages of a four-quadrant chopper for various duty cycles.
15. In the Oscilloscope window, display the voltage and current (inputs E1
and I1) at the four-quadrant chopper input, the switching control signal (AI-1)
of electronic switch ܳଵ , and the voltage and current (inputs E2 and I2) at the
four-quadrant chopper output.
16. In the Data Acquisition and Control Settings of LVDAC-EMS, set the range of
E4 to High. This corresponds to a 0 V to 800 V range.
18. Explain why the dc voltage and current at the four-quadrant chopper output
are almost null when the duty cycle is 50%.
19. Does the polarity of the dc currents measured in step 16 confirm that the
current can flow in both directions in a four-quadrant chopper?
Yes No
20. Does the polarity of the dc voltages at the output of the four-quadrant
chopper measured in step 16 confirm that the voltage can be either positive
or negative?
Yes No
21. Do the voltages calculated in step 14 and measured in step 16 confirm that
ܧை ൌ ܧூ ൈ ሺʹߙொభǡொఱ െ ͳሻ in a four-quadrant chopper?
Yes No
22. Determine the range of the dc output voltage of the four-quadrant chopper by
varying the duty cycle from 0% to 100%.
DC output voltage when the duty cycle ߙொభǡொఱ is set to 0%: _____
DC output voltage when the duty cycle ߙொభǡொఱ is set to 100%: _____
23. In the Chopper/Inverter Control window, set the duty cycle to 80%.
Vary the switching frequency from 15 000 Hz to 1000 Hz while observing the
voltage and current waveforms at the output of the four-quadrant chopper.
Does the switching frequency have a significant effect on the dc voltage and
current the four-quadrant chopper supplies? If so, describe this effect.
In this part of the exercise, you will partially discharge the batteries in the Lead-
Acid Battery Pack. The batteries must be partially discharged in the next part of
the exercise to obtain the desired operating point and make the appropriate
You observed that the dc voltage can be either positive or negative and that the
current can flow in both directions at the output of a four-quadrant chopper.
However, you observed the operation of the four-quadrant chopper in
quadrants 1 and 3 only. In this part of the exercise, you will use the circuit shown
in Figure 56 to observe the operation of the chopper in the four quadrants. You
will use the Oscilloscope in the X-Y mode to observe in which quadrant the four-
quadrant chopper operates.
2 mH
ܳଵ ܦଵ ܳଶ ܦଶ
ܧூ ܥௌ
100 V 50 V
ܳସ ܦସ ܳହ ܦହ
30. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Data Table window. Under the Options tab, open
the Record Settings dialog box, select Oscilloscope in the Settings field, then
select Channel 1 AVG and Channel 2 AVG as the parameters to be record-
ed. Close the Record Settings dialog box.
31. Make sure that the average (dc) output current ܫை (input I2) is null. Slightly
readjust the voltage of the voltage source if necessary. In this operating
condition, the average (dc) output voltageܧை of the four-quadrant chopper is
positive and equal to the battery voltage plus or minus the voltage drop
across inductorܮଵ .
In the Chopper/Inverter Control window, vary the duty cycle between 70%
and 80% by 1% increments. For each setting, observe the location of the dot
in the Oscilloscope display and record the average (dc) output current ܫை
(Channel 1 AVG) and average (dc) output voltage ܧை (Channel 2 AVG) of the
four-quadrant chopper in the data table. Do not exceed 4.5 A at the output of
the four-quadrant chopper. Manually record the duty cycle ߙொభǡொఱ
corresponding to each setting in the Data Table.
33. Reverse the battery connections in the circuit as shown in Figure 57.
2 mH
ܳଵ ܦଵ ܳଶ ܦଶ
ܧூ ܥௌ
100 V 50 V
ܳସ ܦସ ܳହ ܦହ
Figure 57. Circuit used to demonstrate four-quadrant operation (with reversed battery
34. In the Chopper/Inverter Control window, set the duty cycle to 25% then start
the four-quadrant chopper and the voltage source. Make sure that the
average (dc) output current ܫை (input I2) is null. Slightly readjust the voltage of
the voltage source if necessary. In this operating condition, the average
(dc) output voltageܧை of the four-quadrant chopper is negative and equal to
the battery voltage plus or minus the voltage drop across inductorܮଵ .
In the Chopper/Inverter Control window, vary the duty cycle between 30%
and 20% by 1% increments. For each setting, observe the location of the dot
in the Oscilloscope display and record the average (dc) output current ܫை
(Channel 1 AVG) and average (dc) voltage ܧை (Channel 2 AVG) of the four-
quadrant chopper in the data table. Make sure not to exceed 4.5 A at the
output of the four-quadrant chopper. Manually record the duty cycle
corresponding to each setting in the data table.
36. Transfer your recorded data into a spreadsheet application, and plot on a
same graph, a curve of the dc output voltage (Y axis) versus dc output
current (X axis) when the duty cycle varies from 70% to 80%, and a curve of
the dc output voltage (Y axis) versus dc output current (X axis) when the duty
cycle varies from 30% to 20%.
37. Do the curves you plotted confirm that the four-quadrant chopper can
operate in any of the four quadrants?
Yes No
38. Referring to the curves you plotted, determine the duty cycle at which the
current changes polarity.
39. Close LVDAC-EMS, turn off all equipment, and remove all leads and cables.
CONCLUSION In this exercise, you observed that the electronic switches are switched in pairs in
a four-quadrant chopper, and that when one pair of electronic switches is on, the
other pair is off. You observed that the voltage at the input of the four-quadrant
chopper is alternately applied to its output through each pair of electronic
switches and that the polarity of the output voltage alternates depending on
which pair of electronic switches is on. You also observed that the four-quadrant
chopper can provide a positive or a negative average (dc) voltage regardless of
the direction in which current flows, thereby allowing four-quadrant operation.
REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Referring to Figure 54, is the voltage ܧை applied to the load positive or
negative when electronic switches ܳଶ and ܳସ are switched on?
2. Determine the output voltage variation that can be observed when the duty
cycle of a four-quadrant chopper varies from 0% to 100%?
5. What is the main feature which distinguishes the four-quadrant chopper from
the buck/boost chopper?