Reading Turtles Production
Reading Turtles Production
Reading Turtles Production
Sea turtles are reptiles. They are cold blooded animals; their body temperatures
adjust to the temperature of the surrounding waters. They breathe through lungs and
must swim to the surface to breathe. However, they can "hold their breath" for a long
time. Some sea turtles have stayed under water for up to 5 hours. The "legs" of sea
turtles are actually flippers, and they are very strong swimmers, using the front flippers
to swim and the rear flippers to steer and balance. Unlike other turtles, the sea turtle
cannot retract its flippers or head into its shell. Sea turtles spend all their lives in the
seas. With the exception of rare occasions to bask in the sun, male sea turtles never
come on shore. The female sea turtle, however, returns to her birthplace on shore to
nest and lay her eggs. It is extremely important that she has her beach area to nest for
her species to survive.