The IBM Solution Architecture For Energy and Utilities Framework
The IBM Solution Architecture For Energy and Utilities Framework
The IBM Solution Architecture For Energy and Utilities Framework
models. Climate change and the environment have become enduring public policy priorities. Growth in renewable
generation and distributed resources are enabling utility companies to manage more green energy and a more
bidirectional, less predictable network. And at the same time, consumers are demanding a new and direct role in
personal energy management and conservation. Internally, there is increased pressure to keep rates low but increase
operational efficiency and workforce productivity to deliver higher quality, more reliable utilities (electricity, gas,
or water). While the pressure on rates is a constant, the new business models driven from these market forces are
Each utility company can leverage the technology compo- Asset, Device and Service Monitoring
nents of the Solution Architecture for Energy and Utilities To improve outage management and speed time to resolution,
Framework to build unique roadmaps for transformation. utility companies need real-time control and analysis tools that
The framework approach will help increase the reuse of assets can help visualize network, device and infrastructure availabil-
for each successive project, improving ROI and speed ity and performance.
of implementation.
Asset, Device and Service Monitoring provides tools to
The Solution Architecture for Energy and Utilities Framework monitor and manage events from all elements of the network
strengthens line-of-business and IT collaboration by support- infrastructure including power devices, communications/data
ing seven software capabilities critical to smarter energy and network, systems and infrastructure. Real time measurement
utility solutions: and analysis of utility network data provides operational dash-
boards for utility LOB applications. Powerful workflow auto-
• Asset, Device and Service Monitoring mates business processes on an agile technology platform
• Asset Lifecycle Management enforcing best practices and knowledge capture from a skilled
• Informed Decision Making workforce. Better, more real-time decisions result in a
• Improve Customer Experience healthier, integrated and responsive infrastructure.
• Business Process Automation
• Regulatory, Risk and Compliance Management
• Security Solutions
Power Generation Transmission and Distribution Customer Operations Corporate Support Services
Plant Operations Mobile Workforce Management Customer Management Human Resources
Fleet Management Asset Lifecycle Management Customer Care Accounting
Supply Expansion Supply Chain Management Customer System Payroll
The IBM Solution Architecture for Energy and Utilities Framework integrates information and processes across a utility company.
Climate change and environmental
issues have become enduring
public policy priorities
Asset Lifecycle Management Projects within this area of the Solutions Architecture for
Asset management is often a manual process full of cost Energy and Utilities Framework help you turn real time data
and complexity. Consider Asset Lifecycle Management into actionable information. With strong analytics and effective
tools to help track, document and make decisions about the business dashboards, you can assess carbon reduction pro-
procurement, deployment, operation, maintenance, and grams to see if they are effective, optimize energy line load
disposal of field assets. profiles or analyze workforce metrics to help create strategic
plans. You can also drive new interactions with customers as
This capability of the framework can help manage every you enable them to monitor personal utility consumption, costs
aspect of the life cycle of an asset or meter (including and power sources. You can target new time-of-use energy
acquisition, compatible unit estimating, work management, packages to encourage users to save electricity during
inventory control, location, configuration, preventive mainte- peak periods.
nance, safety and disposal) reducing the cost and complexity
associated with redundant asset management infrastructure Improved Customer Experience
and manual processes. It helps improve the availability and Environmental and economic issues are leading many con-
longevity of strategic assets by managing the content sumers today to look for ways to be actively engaged in the
needed to operate and maintain them. understanding and management of their personal utility use.
Utility companies can now deliver a convenient, personalized
Informed Decision Making customer experience by combining self-service capabilities
As the rate and pace of change to utility systems and with interactive communications, enabling consumers to have
technology increases, companies that can analyze events, more control of their utility management and helping Customer
develop insights and correlate reactions to change in a timely Service Representatives to better serve customers.
fashion will benefit from improved business flexibility and
performance. Solutions built around this framework capability can improve
outage management and supply/demand through two-way
communication with customers. Utility companies can deliver
new tools that provide consumers with more information about,
and control of, their sources and uses of utilities.
Regulatory, Risk and Compliance Management
Every utility must address changing regulatory requirements,
IBM Business Partner ecosystem enriches the framework
managing large quantities of utility documents and processes
IBM Business Partners augment the Solution Architecture for Energy
to comply with government-mandated regulations. Utilities
and Utilities Framework when they enable their solutions on one of the
must also manage regulatory interactions, including rate
seven framework software capabilities. Through a unique and compre-
case management and federal audits.
hensive validation process, IBM works with business partners to
ensure their solutions are enabled on IBM software and industry
To meet increased regulatory oversight, new regulations and
standards (like the IEC Common Information Model) to facilitate
enforcement initiatives, the Solution Architecture for Energy and
simple integration and deployment of partner solutions.
Utilities Framework enables a flexible approach that helps you
make smart, cost-effective decisions. While each mandate has
IBM Business Partner applications enhance the framework and
its own specific requirements, all have a common denominator:
provide several key advantages. They can reduce the need for internal
the need for greater visibility and control of content and pro-
integration testing by providing pre-certified compatibility between
cesses to lower risk. This capability helps you effectively man-
solutions. Utility companies are better able to accommodate new
age regulatory interaction including rate case management and
requirements and components, further streamlining operations. These
federal audits, while providing security-rich content, data prove-
validated solutions drive innovation by deploying new applications
nance and change control for regulatory compliance.
faster and integrating them more easily.
Security Solutions
As security standards for the Smart Grid are refined, the grid’s
Business Process Automation control networks will take advantage of technology already
Utility transformation calls for companies to create new used in IT networks from other dynamic industries. One of the
approaches, integrate existing applications and optimize biggest advantages of this transformation is the ability to use
business processes to drive pro-active network management, TCP/IP technologies for remote monitoring of energy devices,
increased customer satisfaction, and improved business as well as managing grid assets and operations. But this
productivity. could also increase the opportunity for some to exploit the
more open protocols of the Smart Grid for cyber-attacks.
Today, process logic and user interfaces are often tightly And the stakes are enormous.
bound together within business applications and changes to
systems are difficult and costly. The Solution Architecture for The good news is that hardened TCP/IP security technologies
Energy and Utilities Framework provides tools and best prac- and software architectural frameworks have evolved to the
tices to help create or redesign, model, simulate, implement point where they can be used to help keep the utility network
and support new core business processes as well as extend secure. The key is implementing an end-to-end security
the investment in legacy CIS applications. By leveraging an architecture within the utility network. Security solutions can
SOA-based infrastructure that is open, scalable, flexible and encompass everything from grid and distribution manage-
based on E&U industry standards, you can better identify and ment, to finance and administration, customer management,
reduce bottlenecks in your business workflow and improve HR and procurement.
the distribution and sharing of data in real time.
“It turns out that the real key isn’t
the fact that we’ve got visibility
into the grid, though that was our
initial goal. It’s that we now have
information available on grid
performance that we didn’t have
before. We can do a lot with that
Peter Vinter
Power grid specialist
DONG Energy
Security solutions within the framework can help to detect For example, you might launch a project to improve your
patterns of traffic and actions that are suspicious, going network visibility and control in order to identify outages and
beyond a ‘perimeter defense’ style of security. Software can restore service faster, improving customer satisfaction. A
also help manage access to business systems and informa- project such as this can help highlight the practical benefits
tion to ensure integrity and compliance as well as assess of a framework approach to your users by reducing complex-
the overall security and compliance status of the business ity and delivering return on investment quickly and can be
infrastructure to defend against potential security threats leveraged by successive smart metering deployments and/or
and business risks customer energy management tools.
As you begin your implementation, you’ll need to refine For more information
your key business needs, along with dependencies or To learn more about the IBM Solution Architecture for Energy
sequencing imperatives. Consider beginning your frame- and Utilities Framework, contact your local IBM representative
work adoption with starter projects. These might be small in or
scope, but deliver immediate business value and help
establish buy-in from the rest of the company.
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