Bonsai: Growing Interesting Small Trees: Abstract-Graphs Are Increasingly Used To Model A Variety of Loosely
Bonsai: Growing Interesting Small Trees: Abstract-Graphs Are Increasingly Used To Model A Variety of Loosely
Bonsai: Growing Interesting Small Trees: Abstract-Graphs Are Increasingly Used To Model A Variety of Loosely
Abstract—Graphs are increasingly used to model a variety of loosely requirements in graph mining. Speci cally, we consider solving the
structured data such as biological or social networks and entity- following computationally hard problem: Given a large undirected
relationships. Given this profusion of large-scale graph data, efficiently
graph, where a weight indicating individual score/relevance is asso-
discovering interesting substructures buried within is essential. These
substructures are typically used in determining subsequent actions, ciated with every vertex, identify a maximum-weight connected set
such as conducting visual analytics by humans or designing expensive of nodes whose size is upper-bounded by a user-speci ed threshold
biomedical experiments. In such settings, it is often desirable to constrain k. is set of nodes corresponds to a subtree of k nodes with
the size of the discovered results in order to directly control the associated maximal weight.
In this paper, we address the problem of finding cardinality-constrained
Our main contribution is an efficient constant-factor approxima-
connected subtrees in large node-weighted graphs that maximize the tion algorithm for this strongly NP-hard problem. For any given
sum of weights of selected nodes. We provide an efficient constant- cardinality k, our algorithm is guaranteed to discover a subtree
factor approximation algorithm for this strongly NP-hard problem. Our spanning at most k vertices that sum to a weight of at least 5(11+e)
techniques can be applied in a wide variety of application settings, for
example in differential analysis of graphs, a problem that frequently times the weight of the optimal subtree of this size.
arises in bioinformatics but also has applications on the web. e remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In the next
section, we lay out the formal framework for our algorithm and
I. I show its relation to another well-known graph mining problem.
In Section III we explain our algorithm in detail. In Section IV
Given a large graph with weighted nodes, how can we efficiently we provide an experimental evaluation on synthetic and real-
identify a heavy connected subtree within a given size? When each world graphs. We address implementation issues in Section V and
node exhibits an individual interestingness factor, how can we nd conclude in Section VI.
small but highly interesting subtrees?
e problem of discovering interesting subgraphs from large graphs II. P
has for long attracted the attention of researchers from different For a given graph G = (V, E) let T ( G ) denote the set of subtrees
streams. A variety of measures are used for determining the of G. For any integer k, let Tk ( G ) denote the set of subtrees of G
interestingness of a subgraph, ranging from the sum of scores of spanning not more than k vertices:
selected nodes/edges [15], [16], [24], edge density [13], [17], or { }
Tk ( G ) := T = (VT , ET ) ∈ T ( G ) |VT | ≤ k .
the frequency of its (isomorphism class) occurrence in the larger
graph [18]. It is striking to see that the proposed methods don’t Let f be ∑a function de ned on a set S. By abuse of notation, let
offer any support to directly control the size of the discovered f ( X ) := x∈X f ( x ) for a subset X ⊆ S.
subgraph. As a consequence, the results can be extremely large or
A. Cardinality-Constrained Weighted Trees
their size can vary as an arbitrary function of the parameters of
the algorithm. ere are many application settings where it is not We address the following combinatorial optimization problem in
enough to identify heavy or interesting subgraphs, but it is also the remainder of this paper:
essential to keep their size small. A well-known application of this .
Problem 1: Node-Weighted k-Cardinality Tree (KCT)
problem arises in the eld of bioinformatics [1], [9]. In this setting,
Given Undirected graph G = (V, E), a non-negative weight
we are given the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of an
organism, where each node is annotated with a score signifying function de ned on the vertices, w : V → R≥0 , and a
its deviation from normal behavior in response to a disease. In cardinality k ∈ N.
Goal Identify a subtree T = .(VT , ET ) of G with the maxi-
order to unearth the biological processes involved and thus aid
the design of targeted drugs, it is important to identify not only mum sum of node weights that satis es the cardinality
subnetworks with high score, but also to limit their size so that constraint |VT | ≤ k:
costs of biomedical trials are kept manageably low. T := arg max w(VT ). (1)
Similar needs arise in visual analytics applications of large-scale T ∈Tk ( G )
graphs. Due to varying visual fatigue levels (either due to individ-
uals or the device used), it is important to enable users to explicitly is problem was proven strongly NP-hard by Fischetti et al., using
control the size of the output graph they are comfortable with for a reduction to the node-weighted Steiner tree problem [12].
navigation. While substantial progress has been made in visual Although a large body of literature exists for similar problems (like
exploration of large graphs [21], [25], such a control still is not in the variant of KCT with edge costs instead of node weights), the
the hands of the users. node-weighted KCT problem has not received much attention yet.
In this paper, we take rst steps towards efficiently addressing these e existing algorithms rely on:
• (meta-)heuristics that do not provide any guarantees, such as In the former case, the endpoint is marked as inactive. In the latter
Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithms [4], Variable Neighbor- case (we call the edge e tight), we merge both endpoint components
hood Search [5], and Ant-Colony Optimization [3], of the edge into a new component. e potential of the newly
• Integer Programming via branch-and-bound to obtain exact formed component corresponds to the sum of potentials of its
solutions, however at the expense of worst-case exponential constituent two components. e growth phase continues until
running time, or there are no more active components. e output of the procedure
• reduction to the related k-MST problem [20]. is the set of tight edges (which corresponds to a forest in the graph).
In Goemans and Williamson’s algorithm, the growth phase is
B. Prize-Collecting Steiner Trees followed by a pruning phase. As this pruning step is not part of
As a subroutine, our algorithm solves carefully-chosen instances our algorithm, we omit its description and refer to the literature
of the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree problem (PCST): [14], [20].
It is worth noting that in their original paper, Goemans and
. Williamson reduce PCST to a rooted variant where we are given
Problem 2: Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree (PCST)
a designated vertex r, the root, which must be spanned by the
Given Undirected graph G = (V, E), a non-negative cost func-
output subtree. In order to obtain the algorithm in eorem 1 one
tion de ned on the edges, c : E → R≥0 , and a non-
just runs the algorithm for the rooted version on each possible
negative penalty function de ned on the vertices:
choice of r. However, due to the large size of the problem
π : V → R≥0 . . instances, this guessing step would be prohibitively slow for our
Goal Identify a subtree T = (VT , ET ) of G, minimizing the
purposes. erefore, in our implementation, we use the algorithm
sum of costs of the included edges and the penalties of
of Johnson et al. [20], which is also based on the original work
the vertices not included:
of Goemans and Williamson but works in the unrooted setting
T := arg min c( ET ) + π (V \ VT ). (2) and offers an approximation guarantee of 2 while avoiding the
T ∈T ( G ) guessing step altogether. e time complexity of this algorithm
( )
is O n2 log(n) . We will denote by UnrootedGrowth( G, c, π ) the
Note that this problem does not include a constraint on the size of output of this algorithm on the PCST instance ( G, c, π ).
T, rather we assign a penalty for the nodes that are not spanned.
e PCST problem, which is known to be NP-hard [22], has III. A
been studied intensively in the literature because many real-world In this section we formally describe our algorithm. Our approach
problems – like utility network design – can be expressed in is to solve a number of carefully constructed PCST instances.
its terms. Several good approximation algorithms are known for We will use implicitly the framework of Lagrangian relaxation for
the PCST. In (their seminal
) work, Goemans and Williamson [14] approximation algorithms introduced by Jian and Vazirani [19]
propose an O n3 log(n) clustering algorithm that guarantees an for location problems and by Chudak et al. [7] for Steiner tree
approximation ratio of 2 − n−1 : problems. However, we only describe the parts relevant to our
analysis. More speci cally, we avoid introducing the underlying
eorem 1 (Goemans and Williamson): ere is a polynomial-
linear program and its Lagrangian relaxation.
time algorithm that, given an instance ( G, c, π ) of PCST, returns
a tree T ∈ T ( G ) such that A. Main Idea
{ }
c( ET ) + 2π (V \ VT ) ≤ 2 min c( ES ) + π (V \ VS ) . (3) e key of our algorithm is to construct and solve instances of the
S∈T ( G ) PCST problem in such a way that we can guarantee a constant-
factor approximation to our original KCT problem.
In this section we give a brief description of the approximation roughout the rest of this section, we denote by OPT the weight
technique of Goemans and Williamson for the PCST, as described of the optimal solution to the KCT instance at hand. e problem
in [20]. e algorithm contains two stages: a growth and a is somewhat easier to solve if OPT is known beforehand, therefore
pruning phase. In the growth phase, initially every vertex forms we assume for now that the value is known. Indeed this will not
a singleton component (cluster). Every component is assigned be the case in our applications but we can easily guess its value up
a growth potential that corresponds to the sum of penalties of to an e multiplicative error using binary search, as we will show
all vertices included in the component. A component is called in section III-C. Next, we describe the algorithm in detail.
active if it has positive remaining potential and passive otherwise.
Additionally, we maintain a residual value r (e) for every edge e, B. Basic Algorithm
that initially corresponds to the edge cost. e active components Given an instance of KCT and the value OPT, we derive several
grow uniformly over time, meaning that for each time increment instances of the PCST problem. For this purpose, we identify the
δ, the potential of each active component is reduced by δ. At the node weights with penalties and set the cost of every edge in the
same time, the residual value of an edge with one active endpoint graph to 1. By scaling these node penalties (that is, multiplying
component is reduced by δ, the residual value of an edge with two them with a factor λ ∈ R>0 ), we can indirectly control the size of
active endpoint components is reduced by 2δ. the output solution. For instance, if we use a multiplicator λ1 = 0,
is growth procedure continues until either the optimal solution of the associated PCST instance is given by
• the potential of an active component reduces to 0 or the empty tree, whereas for a sufficiently large factor, e. g. λ2 >
• the residual value r (e) of an edge e reduces to 0. n maxe∈E c(e), the optimum is any spanning tree of the graph.
Algorithm 1: HeavySubtree(G, w, k, OPT) Algorithm 2: Bonsai(G, w, k, e)
Data: Graph G = (V, E), weight function w : V → R≥0 , Data: Graph G = (V, E), weight function w : V → R≥0 ,
cardinality k ∈ N cardinality k ∈ N, error bound 0 < e < 1
1 begin [ ] 1 begin
2 [λ1 , λ2 ] ← 0, n/(w(V ) − OPT) . initial penalty interval 2 [w1 , w2 ] ← [w∗ , kw∗ ] . initial interval for OPT
3 T1 ← (arg maxv∈V w(v), ∅) . tree of heaviest node 3 while w2 − w1 ≥ ew∗ do
4 T2 ← SpanningTree( G ) . any spanning tree of G 4 OPTγ ← w2 + 2
. guessed value for OPT
while λ2 − λ1 ≥ w(V )−OPT do 5 T ← HeavySubtree( G, w, k, OPTγ )
6 λ ← λ1 + λ2 6 if w( T ) ≥ 5 γ then
7 T ← UnrootedGrowth( G, 1, λw) . solve PCST with unit edge costs 7 w1 ← OPTγ
and λ-scaled node penalties
8 if w(VT ) ≤ OPT then 8 else
9 (λ1 , T1 ) ← (λ, T ) 9 w2 ← OPTγ
10 else 10 return T
11 (λ2 , T2 ) ← (λ, T )
12 T1 ← TreeDP(T1 , w, k)
13 T2 ← TreeDP(T2 , w, k) We then run our algorithm a total of
14 T ← arg maxw(V ) {T1 , T2 } . heaviest subtree of T1 or T2
⌈ ( ∗ )⌉ ⌈ ( )⌉
having k vertices
kw − w∗ k
15 return T log ≤ log
ew∗ e
times, thus achieving independence from graph properties like the
number of nodes/edges and the maximum node weight w∗ . Using
We will use the existing algorithm of Johnson et al. [20] for the this termination criterion will ensure that the last guessed value,
PCST (which provides a 2-approximation [11]) to obtain a tree OPTγ , differs in the worst-case by a factor of 1+ e from the true
that has a weight of at least OPT and is as small as possible. optimum:
e idea is to perform binary search over the range of scale factors
OPTγ (1 + e) ≥ OPTγ + ew∗ ≥ OPT (4)
λ ∈ [λ1 , λ2 ]. At each step of this binary search procedure, we solve
the PCST instance using the λ-scaled penalties. If the returned tree for the last guessed optimum value OPTγ (line 4 in Algorithm
has weight of at least OPT, we decrease λ, thus requesting a smaller Bonsai) and the true optimum OPT. Note that the binary search
tree in the next iteration. If the returned tree has weight less than interval can be narrowed down further, for example by computing
OPT, we increase λ, thus allowing for a larger output solution in the greedy solution of the problem and using its weight, wgreedy
the next run. is binary search procedure is continued until the as the lower bound. In fact, we use this improvement in our
nal interval is sufficiently small. implementation.
As the solution for the original KCT problem, we nally extract D. Complete Algorithm
the heaviest subtree spanning k vertices from the tree obtained in
We can now combine the existing parts to obtain the complete
the last solved PCST instance. For this purpose, we use a dynamic
procedure, given in Algorithm 2:
programming procedure called TreeDP( T, w, k ), consisting of the
algorithm by Blum [2]. e complete procedure is described in
.Bonsai(G, w, k, e)
Algorithm 1.
e following theorem ensures the quality of the returned solution: .ew∗
eorem 2: Given an instance ( G, w, k, OPT) of the KCT problem, .w∗
.k w∗
.TreeDP .UnrootedGrowth
.TreeDP .UnrootedGrowth
.TreeDP .UnrootedGrowth
.TreeDP .UnrootedGrowth
. .4 .4.5 .5 .5
. .e 1.0 0.009 8.218 642.6 726.0 0.89
Figure 2: Impact of error bound and cardinality
Table I: Experimental results for the biological network
B. Synthetic Graphs
as possible, getting closer to this goal as the search progresses.
For the last obtained trees, we retrieve the heaviest subtree T that In the following, we demonstrate the running time and quality
satis es our cardinality constraint, using the dynamic programming of our algorithm for synthetically created graphs. We execute the
procedure TreeDP. Depending on the weight of tree T we proceed in Bonsai( G, w, k, e) algorithm over a wide variety of settings:
the outer binary search procedure, increasing or reducing our guess • as input graphs we generate power-law random graphs us-
for the optimum weight until the nal interval is small enough. ing the R-MAT graph generator [6] (with parameters a =
For the resulting tree returned in line 10 of Algorithm 2 we have 0.45, b = 0.15, c = 0.15, d = 0.25) with n ∈ {i · 103 | i =
(using eorem 2): 2, 5, 10, 20} nodes and m ∈ {4n, 10n, 50n} edges,
• a weight functio,n w : V → R≥0 , that assigns power-law
OPTγ (4) OPT distributed values from the interval [0, 1] to the nodes,
w( T ) ≥ ≥ . (5)
5 5(1 + e ) • cardinality constraints k ∈ {5, 10, 20, 100}, and
A schematic overview of the algorithm is depicted in Figure 1. • error bound e = 0.5.
e impact of the cardinality constraint as well as the error bound Figure 3 provides an overview over the resulting running times
on the required number of iterations of HeavySubtree is shown in with an error bound of e = 0.5 and different graph sizes (nodes,
Figure 2. edges) and cardinality values using a logarithmic scale. e lower
part of each bar represents the required time for computing the
IV. E E rst candidate solution (UnrootedGrowth followed by TreeDP). e
In this section, we provide the experimental evaluation of our full bar represents the total running time for the complete Bonsai
algorithm. All experiments were conducted on Dell PowerEdge algorithm.
M610 servers, each of which has two Intel Xeon E5530 CPUs, e impact of the cardinality k is negligible in all the problem
48 GB of main memory, a large iSCSI-attached disk array, and instances. is is due to the fact that we use the weight of the
runs Debian GNU/Linux (SMP Kernel as an operating greedy solution as the lower bound for the value OPT, which is a
system. Experiments were conducted using the Java Hotspot 64-Bit much tighter bound than the maximal node weight.
Server Virtual Machine (build 11.2-b01) installed on our servers. In Figure 4 we compare the weight of the rst returned candidate
Note that our algorithm was implemented as a single-thread. with the weight of nal solution over a varying number of vertices
and edges for different cardinalities k. It is striking that the
A. Biological Networks difference between the weight of the rst candidate tree (lower
As a rst example we present the results of our algorithm for a part of each bar) and the weight of the nal output (full bar) is in
real-world graph. We run Bonsai on the protein-protein interaction all the cases very small, although the time to obtain it is almost
network used by Dittrich et al. [9] for discovering functional an order of magnitude lower than the total running time of the
modules. e node scores provided in this dataset are real numbers. algorithm. Note also that on average in all experiments we obtain
erefore, in order to execute our algorithm, we map the scores to a solution that is much better than the worst-case approximation
non-negative values by adding to each score the minimum score in guarantee, as – by the design of the experiments – the value OPT
the network. e graph contains 2034 proteins (nodes) and 8399 is upper-bounded by k.
interactions (edges).
V. I D
Table 1 contains the experimental evaluation of this network
for different cardinalities k and error bounds e. Note that the In this section, we brie y present the details of our implementation
implementation of our algorithm returns a rst candidate solution of Bonsai and its constituent subroutines. Our algorithms were
aer the rst execution of the UnrootedGrowth procedure, followed implemented using Java 1.6. To the best of our knowledge, our
by a call to the TreeDP routine. In the table, tfinal denotes the total algorithm is the rst ever practical implementation of an constant-
running time of the algorithm, tfirst the time to return the rst factor approximation algorithm for the KCT problem.
Figure 3: Running times (wallclock) for various number of vertices, edges, and cardinality constraints
Figure 4: Solution quality for various number of vertices, edges, and cardinality constraints
.weight of tree
.weight of tree
2. 0 2. 0 2. 0
.10 .10 .10
.5 .5 .5
. . . . . .
.2 .5 .10 .20 .2 .5 .10 .20 .2 .5 .10 .20
. .thousand vertices . .thousand vertices . .thousand vertices
(a) m = 4n edges (b) m = 10n edges (c) m = 50n edges
Our implementation of UnrootedGrowth essentially follows the obtained for already probed choices of OPT be W0 , W1 , . . . , Wi−1 ,
ideas outlined in [20] and [10], and we omit its detailed discussion and corresponding values of λ be l0 , l1 , . . . , li−1 . If we keep track
due to the lack of space. Brie y, the key data structure used during of the Wi and li values, we can tighten the range of values explored
running of UnrootedGrowth is a collection of min-heaps, each of from both sides:
which corresponds to a component, i. e. a connected set of nodes (i) Improving λ1 . If the weight of the nal tree found in an
– either active (the cluster of nodes that continues to grow), or earlier iteration is smaller than the value of OPTi being used
passive (the cluster of nodes which have stopped growing). We in the current execution of HeavySubtree, then we know that
implemented min-heaps as FibonacciHeaps, which are known to the best λ we can hope to nd presently cannot be smaller.
be superior in performance [8]. at is, if OPTi ≤ Wj for some 0 < j < i, then li (i. e.,
Despite a highly optimized implementation of UnrootedGrowth, a the nal value found by the current HeavySubtree instance)
naive implementation of Bonsai exhibits super-linear growth in is strictly lower-bounded by l j .
execution time as we increase the size of the graph – which (ii) Improving λ2 . In every iteration of HeavySubtree, we can
is not surprising in itself since UnrootedGrowth which ( we call
) continue to upper-bound the value of λ2 by the best value l j
polylogarithmically many times, has complexity in O n2 log(n) . found in earlier iteration, j, where OPTi ≥ Wj .
As a result, we explored the potential of optimizing the number It should be noted that the inner search optimization presented
of probes above does not lead to any loss in the quality of results found.
e key to optimizing the number of probes made in the inner
binary-search lies in keeping track of the best results found in VI. C
earlier iterations of outer binary-search, and using them to cut In this paper we have provided a practical constant-factor ap-
down the range of values to be considered as multiplication pa- proximation algorithm for the KCT problem, named Bonsai. Our
rameters λ. In other words, aer the rst complete execution of the algorithm works by reducing KCT to certain instances of the re-
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of the HeavySubtree routine for one of the choices, say OPTi , of approximation guarantee of 5(11+e) for the KCT problem. Further-
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