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Operation Guide 5229 5518

About This Manual
• Depending on the model of your watch, digital display
text appears either as dark figures on a light
background or light figures on a dark background. All
sample displays in this manual are shown using dark
figures on a light background.
• Button operations are indicated using the letters shown
in the illustration.
• Note that the product illustrations in this manual are
intended for reference only, and so the actual product
may appear somewhat different than depicted by an


• Each section of this manual provides you with the information you need to perform Contents
operations in each mode. Further details and technical information can be found in
the “Reference” section. General Guide ………………………………………………………………………… E-6
Timekeeping …………………………………………………………………………… E-8
To set the digital time and date ……………………………………………… E-9
To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting ………………E-12
Stopwatch ………………………………………………………………………………E-14
To specify a distance value ……………………………………………………E-16
To specify lap time or split time readings ……………………………………E-19
To perform elapsed time measurement ………………………………………E-20
To set up the stopwatch to take lap time readings …………………………E-21
To perform a lap time measurement …………………………………………E-22
To set up the stopwatch to take split time readings …………………………E-23
To perform a split time measurement …………………………………………E-24
To measure times with the stopwatch ………………………………………E-25

E-2 E-3

Countdown Timer………………………………………………………………………E-26 Illumination ……………………………………………………………………………E-39

To use the countdown timer ……………………………………………………E-27 To illuminate the face manually ………………………………………………E-39
To configure countdown start time and auto-repeat settings ………………E-28 To specify the illumination duration……………………………………………E-40
World Time ………………………………………………………………………………E-30 To turn the auto light switch on and off ………………………………………E-43
To view the current time in another time zone ………………………………E-31 Hand Home Position Correction ……………………………………………………E-44
To toggle a city code time between Standard Time and To adjust home positions ………………………………………………………E-44
Daylight Saving Time ………………………………………………………E-32
Reference ………………………………………………………………………………E-46
To swap your Home City and World Time City ………………………………E-33
Specifications …………………………………………………………………………E-50
Alarms ……………………………………………………………………………………E-34
To set an alarm time ……………………………………………………………E-35
To turn an alarm on and off ……………………………………………………E-37
To turn the Hourly Time Signal on and off ……………………………………E-38

E-4 E-5

General Guide Stopwatch Mode (page E-14) Countdown Timer Mode (page E-26)

• Press C to change from mode to mode.

• In any mode (except a setting mode), press B to illuminate the face. C

Timekeeping Mode

Alarm Mode (page E-34) World Time Mode (page E-30)


E-6 E-7

Timekeeping To set the digital time and date

1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for about three
PM indicator seconds until the currently selected city code flashes in
You can adjust the Home Time city date and time in the Timekeeping Mode.
• The analog time of this watch is synchronized with the digital time. The analog time City code the right digital dial. This is the setting mode.
setting is adjusted automatically whenever you change the digital time. 2. Use D (east) and B (west) to display the city code
• If the analog time does not match the digital time for any reason, use the procedure you want to select.
described under “To adjust home positions” (page E-44) to match the analog setting to • Make sure you select your Home City code before
the digital setting. changing any other setting.
• Pressing D in the Timekeeping Mode toggles digital display between the Home • For full information on city codes, see the “City Code
City Date and Home City Time. Table” at the back of this manual.
Home City Date Home City Time
Month Day Day of week Hour : Minutes Day of week Seconds
PM indicator
Hour : Minutes

E-8 Seconds Seconds E-9

Operation Guide 5229 5518
3. Press C to change the flashing screen content in the sequence shown below to Screen: To do this: Do this:
select the other settings.
Toggle between 12-hour (12H) and Press D.
12/24-Hour 24-hour (24H) timekeeping
City Code DST Seconds Hour
Reset the seconds to 00 Press D.
Day Month Year Minutes
Change the hour and minutes
4. When the setting you want to change is flashing, use D or B to change it as Use D (+) and B (–).
described below.
Change the year, month, or day
Screen: To do this: Do this:
Toggle the face illumination duration
Use D (east) and B between 1.5 seconds (LT1) and three Press D.
Change the city code (west). seconds (LT3)
Toggle the DST setting between Daylight
Saving Time (on) and Standard Time Press D. 5. Press A to exit the setting mode.
(OFF). • The day of the week is displayed automatically in accordance with the date
(year, month, and day) settings.
E-10 E-11

Daylight Saving Time (DST) 12-hour and 24-hour timekeeping

Daylight Saving Time (summer time) advances the time setting by one hour from • With the 12-hour format, the PM indicator appears in the left digital dial for times in
Standard Time. Remember that not all countries or even local areas use Daylight the range of noon to 11:59 p.m. and no indicator appears for times in the range of
Saving Time. midnight to 11:59 a.m.
• With the 24-hour format, times are displayed in the range of 0:00 to 23:59, without
To change the Daylight Saving Time (summer time) setting the PM indicator.
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A for about three • The 12-hour/24-hour timekeeping format you select in the Timekeeping Mode is
DST indicator seconds until the currently selected city code flashes in applied in all other modes.
the right digital dial. This is the setting mode.
2. Press C. This will display the DST setting screen.
3. Use D to toggle the DST setting on (on) and off (OFF).
• The default DST setting is off (OFF).
4. When the setting you want is selected, press A to exit
the setting mode.
• The DST indicator appears to indicate that Daylight
Saving Time is turned on.

E-12 E-13

Stopwatch Important!
• Check to make sure that the speed hand is not moving before you perform any
You can use the stopwatch to measure elapsed time, lap Stopwatch Mode button operation.
times and split times. If you specify a distance value, the
stopwatch also will calculate and display speeds. Specifying a Distance Value
• The digital display range of the stopwatch is 99 hours, You can use the procedure below to specify a distance value, if you want. If you
59 minutes, 59.999 seconds. The stopwatch continues specify a distance value, the watch will calculate and indicate speed for certain
to run until you stop it. If it reaches the above limit, it will stopwatch operations.
restart the time measurement from zero. • The distance value represents kilometers, miles, or any other distance unit you
• The stopwatch operation continues even if you exit the want. Specifying a distance value of 10.0, for example, can mean 10.0 kilometers or
Stopwatch Mode. If you exit the Stopwatch Mode while 10.0 miles.
Speed hand Right dial a stopwatch operation is in progress, the segments
• No speed calculation is performed when 0.0 is specified as the current distance
along the top of the right digital dial (right dial display value.
segments segments) will indicate the seconds of the current time. • For lap time readings, you can specify either the lap distance (when all the laps are
Each segment represents one second. This is to let you the same distance) or the total race distance.
know that a stopwatch operation is in progress. • For split time readings, you can specify the total race distance only. Though the
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the watch will indicate a speed each time you take a split reading, they will be based
Stopwatch Mode, which you enter by pressing C on the total race distance, and so they will not indicate actual intermediate split
(page E-7). speeds.
E-14 E-15

To specify a distance value How speed is indicated

1. In the Stopwatch Mode, make sure the stopwatch is • While an elapsed time measurement operation is being
stopped and reset to all zeros. 1000 indicator performed in the Stopwatch Mode, the watch will
• If you need to reset the stopwatch to all zeros, press indicate a speed value, which is calculated based on
A. the distance you specified and the elapsed time.
2. Hold down A for about three seconds until the current The speed value is indicated as described below.
distance value setting flashes in the left digital dial. Speed hand: Up to 100
• This is the distance value setting mode. Right dial display segments: 100 unit
A 1000 indicator points to 1000 (located to the right of
3. Press C to move the flashing between the values on the right dial display segments) when the speed value
the left side and right side of the distance value decimal is between 1000 and 1998.
point. OVER
• The speed hand indicates speed values less than 100.
4. While a distance value is flashing, use D (+) and B (–) Speed hand Only even-numbered values are indicated.
to change it. (Up to 100) • Speed can be indicated from 0 to 1998. OVER is
• You can specify a distance value in the range of 0.1 indicated by the speed hand when the speed exceeds
to 99.9. (100 unit) 1998.
5. After specifying the distance value you want, press A
to exit the setting mode.
E-16 E-17

Example: To specify lap time or split time readings

When the speed value is 1,740. 1. In the Stopwatch Mode, make sure the stopwatch is stopped and reset to all zeros.
Speed hand: Indicates 40. • Make sure that LAP (lap times) or SPL (split times) is shown in the left digital
Right dial display segments: Indicate 700. dial.
1000 indicator: Displayed • If you need to reset the stopwatch to all zeros, press A.
2. You can toggle between LAP (lap times) and SPL (split times) by pressing A.
Time Measurement
You need to specify either lap time (page E-21) or split time (page E-23) measurement before
you start a stopwatch operation.
• If you want to measure total elapsed time, select split time measurement.

E-18 E-19
Operation Guide 5229 5518
Elapsed Time Measurement Lap Time
Use the following procedure to measure elapsed time, without taking lap time or split Lap time readings appear in the left digital dial. They show
time readings. Lap time the time elapsed since the last lap time reading was taken.
• If you want the watch to calculate the speed of each lap
To perform elapsed time measurement (when all of the laps are the same distance), specify the
Select split time (SPL) measurement and then perform the following button operations. lap distance for the distance setting (page E-15).
D Start ➝ D Stop ➝ A Reset • If you want the watch to calculate the speed of the
• If you have a distance value (page E-15) specified for the current elapsed time entire race, specify the race distance for the distance
measurement, the right dial display segments and speed hand will indicate the setting (page E-15). A speed will be indicated each time
speed when you press D to stop the elapsed time operation. you take a lap reading, but these lap speeds will not
• After pressing D to stop an elapsed time operation, you could press D again to indicate actual speed of the entire race.
restart from the point where you left off.
To set up the stopwatch to take lap time readings
1. In the Stopwatch Mode, make sure the stopwatch is stopped and reset to all zeros.
• If you need to reset the stopwatch to all zeros, press A.
2. Make sure that LAP (lap times) is shown in the left digital dial.
• If SPL (split times) is displayed, press A to toggle it to LAP.

E-20 E-21

To perform a lap time measurement Split Time

Select lap time (LAP) measurement and then perform the Split time readings appear in the left digital dial. They
Minutes Hours following button operations. Split time show the time elapsed since the beginning of the current
Seconds D Start ➝ A Lap* ➝ A Lap* ➝ D Stop ➝ A Reset time measurement.
* Lap time remains frozen in the left digital dial for about • If you want the watch to calculate the speed of the race,
12 seconds. After that, elapsed time measurement specify the race distance for the distance setting (page
reappears. E-15).
• You can press A to take lap readings as many times • For split time readings, you can specify the total race
as you like. distance only. Though the watch will indicate a speed
• While a lap time is displayed, the right digital dial will each time you take a split reading, they will be based
alternate between the lap number (#01 to #99) and the on the total race distance, and so they will not indicate
lap hour value. If you take more than 99 lap readings, actual intermediate split speeds.
Lap number the lap number will restart from #00 following lap #99.
Speed hand • Pressing D to stop elapsed time measurement To set up the stopwatch to take split time readings
(calculated) displays the time (and speed if a distance is specified) 1. In the Stopwatch Mode, make sure the stopwatch is stopped and reset to all zeros.
1/1000 seconds of the final lap. • If you need to reset the stopwatch to all zeros, press A.
2. Make sure that SPL (split times) is shown in the left digital dial.
• If LAP (lap times) is displayed, press A to toggle it to SPL.
E-22 E-23

To perform a split time measurement To measure times with the stopwatch

Select split time (SPL) measurement and then perform the
Minutes Elapsed Time
following button operations.
Seconds D Start ➝ A Split ➝ A Split Release* ➝ D Stop ➝ D D A
A Reset Start Stop Reset
* The split time is released automatically if you do not
press A within about 12 seconds. Lap Time
• You can press A to take split readings as many times D A A D A
as you like. Start Lap Lap Stop Reset
• The stopwatch continues elapsed time measurement (LAP displayed) (Lap01) (Lap02)
internally while a split time reading is displayed.
• Pressing A while a split time is displayed will switch Split Time
Hours back to normal elapsed time measurement. The
elapsed time will appear in the left digital dial. D A A D A
Speed hand
(calculated) • You also could press D to stop elapsed time Start Split Split release Stop Reset
measurement instead. (SPL displayed)
1/1000 seconds
• Pressing D to stop elapsed time measurement
displays the time (and speed if a distance is specified)
of the final split (which is the overall elapsed time).
E-24 E-25

Countdown Timer To use the countdown timer

Press D while in the Countdown Timer Mode to start the countdown in the left digital
You can set the countdown start time within a range of dial.
Start time one minute to 24 hours. An alarm sounds when the • When the end of the countdown is reached, the alarm will sound for 10 seconds or
(Hours : Minutes)
countdown reaches zero. until you stop it by pressing any button.
• You also can select auto-repeat, which automatically • If auto-repeat is turned off, the countdown time is reset to its starting value
restarts the countdown from the original value you set automatically after the alarm stops.
whenever zero is reached. • If auto-repeat is turned on, the countdown will restart automatically without pausing
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the when it reaches zero.
Countdown Timer Mode, which you enter by pressing • The countdown timer measurement operation continues even if you exit the
C (page E-7). Countdown Timer Mode.
• Press D while a countdown operation is in progress to pause it.
Press D again to resume the countdown.
• To stop a countdown timer operation completely, first pause it (by pressing D),
and then press A. This returns the countdown time to its starting value.
Auto-repeat off

E-26 E-27

To configure countdown start time and auto-repeat settings • To toggle auto repeat between on and off, press D while the on/off setting is
1. While the countdown start time is shown in the left flashing in the left digital dial.
Auto-repeat on digital dial in the Countdown Timer Mode, hold down 4. Press A to exit the setting mode.
A for about three seconds until the hour setting of the • The auto-repeat on ( ) indicator is displayed on the Countdown Timer Mode
countdown start time starts to flash. This is the setting screen while this function is turned on.
• If the countdown start time is not displayed, use the
procedure under “To use the countdown timer” (page
E-27) to display it.
2. Press C to move the flashing in the sequence shown
Start time below, and select the setting you want to change.
(Hours : Minutes)
Start Time Start Time Auto-Repeat
(Hours) (Minutes) On/Off

3. Perform the following operations, depending on which setting is currently selected

in the left digital dial.
• While the start time setting is flashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.
E-28 E-29
Operation Guide 5229 5518
World Time To view the current time in another time zone
In the World Time Mode, use D to scroll through available city codes (time zones).
World Time digitally displays the current time in one of • The left digital dial will show the time in the currently selected World Time City.
World Time
48 cities (29 time zones) around the world. A simple • A PM indicator will be displayed in the left digital dial between the hours of noon
operation swaps your Home City with the currently and midnight.
selected World Time City. • When the city code (time zone) you want is selected, you can press A to display
• The times kept in the World Time Mode are the date. After about one second, the watch will resume regular timekeeping for the
synchronized with the time being kept in the currently selected city.
Timekeeping Mode. If you feel that there is an error in PM indicator Date
any World Time Mode time, check to make sure you
have the correct city selected as your Home City. Also Hour : Minutes
Currently selected check to make sure that the current time as shown in A
World Time City the Timekeeping Mode is correct.
• Times in the World Time Mode are based on UTC offsets. See the “City Code Table”
at the back of this manual for information about the UTC offsets that are supported.
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the World Time Mode, which One second
you enter by pressing C (page E-7).
E-30 E-31

To toggle a city code time between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time Swapping your Home City and World Time City
1. In the World Time Mode, press D to display the city You can use the procedure below to swap your Home City and World Time City. This
DST indicator code (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight Saving changes your Home City to your World Time City, and your World Time City to your
Time setting you want to change. Home City. This capability can come in handy when you frequently travel between two
2. Hold down A for about three seconds to toggle cities in different time zones.
between Daylight Saving Time (DST indicator
displayed) and Standard Time (DST indicator not To swap your Home City and World Time City
displayed). 1. In the World Time Mode, use D to select the World Time City you want.
• A DST indicator will be displayed in the left digital 2. Hold down A and B until the watch beeps.
dial if Daylight Saving Time is turned on. • This will make the World Time City you selected in step 1 your Home City, and
• You can turn on DST individually for each city code, cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current time in that city. At the
except UTC. same time, it will change the Home City you had selected prior to step 2 your
• Turning on DST for the city code that is currently World Time City, and cause the content of left digital dial to change accordingly.
selected as your Home City will turn on DST for • After swapping the Home City and World Time City, the watch stays in the World
normal timekeeping. Time Mode with the city that was selected as the Home City prior to step 2 now
displayed as the World Time City.

E-32 E-33

Alarms To set an alarm time

1. In the Alarm Mode, use D to scroll through the alarm
When an alarm is turned on, the alarm tone will sound screens in the right digital dial until the one whose time
Alarm time when its alarm time is reached. One of the alarms is a you want to set is displayed.
(Hour : Minutes)
snooze alarm, while the other four are daily alarms.
You also can turn on an Hourly Time Signal that causes AL1 AL2 AL3 AL4 SNZ
the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.
• There are five alarm screens numbered AL1, AL2, AL3
and AL4 for the daily alarm, and a snooze alarm screen SIG
indicated by SNZ. The Hourly Time Signal screen is On/Off status
indicated by SIG. • To set a daily alarm, display alarm screen AL1, AL2,
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the AL3 or AL4. To set the snooze alarm, display the
Alarm Mode, which you enter by pressing C (page E-7). SNZ screen.
Alarm number • SIG is the Hourly Time Signal setting (page E-38).
• The snooze alarm repeats every five minutes.
2. After you select an alarm, hold down A for about three seconds until the hour
setting of the alarm time starts to flash. This is the setting mode.
• This operation turns on the alarm automatically.
E-34 E-35

3. Press C to move the flashing between the hour and minute settings. To turn an alarm on and off
1. In the Alarm Mode, use D to select an alarm in the
4. While a setting is flashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it. Alarm on right digital dial.
5. Press A to exit the setting mode.
2. Press A to toggle it on (on) and off (OFF).
Alarm Operation • Turning on a alarm (AL1, AL2, AL3, AL4 or SNZ)
displays the alarm on indicator on its Alarm Mode
The alarm tone sounds at the preset time for 10 seconds, regardless of the mode the screen.
watch is in. In the case of the snooze alarm, the alarm operation is performed a total • In all modes, the alarm on indicator is shown when
of seven times, every five minutes, or until you turn the alarm off (page E-37). any alarm is turned on.
• Alarm and Hourly Time Signal operations are performed in accordance with the • The alarm on indicator flashes while the alarm is
current time in your Home City, as kept in the Timekeeping Mode. sounding.
• To stop the alarm tone after it starts to sound, press any button. • The snooze alarm indicator flashes while the snooze
• Performing any one of the following operations during a 5-minute interval between alarm is sounding and during the 5-minute intervals
snooze alarms cancels the current snooze alarm operation. Snooze alarm between alarms.
Displaying the Timekeeping Mode setting screen (page E-9) indicator
Displaying the SNZ setting screen (page E-35)
On/Off status

E-36 E-37

To turn the Hourly Time Signal on and off Illumination

1. In the Alarm Mode, use D to select the Hourly Time
Hourly time signal Signal (SIG) (page E-35). An LED (light-emitting diode) illuminates the face of the
on indicator
2. Press A to toggle it on (on) and off (OFF). watch for easy reading in the dark. The watch’s auto light
• The Hourly Time Signal on indicator is shown on the switch turns on illumination automatically when you angle
display in all modes while this function is turned on. the watch towards your face.
• The auto light switch must be turned on (indicated by
the auto light switch on indicator) for it to operate.
• See “Illumination Precautions” (page E-48) for other
important information about using illumination.
Auto light switch on To illuminate the face manually
indicator In any mode, press B to turn on illumination.
On/Off status • The above operation turns on illumination regardless of
the current auto light switch setting.

E-38 E-39
Operation Guide 5229 5518
• You can use the procedure below to select either 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds as the About the Auto Light Switch
illumination duration. When you press B, illumination will remain on for about 1.5 Turning on the auto light switch causes illumination to turn on, whenever you position
seconds or 3 seconds, depending on the current illumination duration setting. your wrist as described below in any mode.
To specify the illumination duration Moving the watch to a position that is parallel to the ground and then tilting it towards
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the you more than 40 degrees causes illumination to turn on.
display contents start to flash. This is the setting mode. • Wear the watch on the outside of your wrist.
2. Press C nine times to display the current illumination
duration LT1 or LT3.
3. Press D to toggle the setting between LT1 (1.5 Parallel to More than
seconds) and LT3 (three seconds). ground 40°
4. Press A to exit the setting mode.

E-40 E-41

Warning! To turn the auto light switch on and off

• Always make sure you are in a safe place whenever you are reading the watch In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down B for about three seconds to toggle the auto
using the auto light switch. Be especially careful when running or engaged in light switch on (auto light switch on indicator displayed) and off (auto light switch on
any other activity that can result in accident or injury. Also take care that indicator not displayed).
sudden illumination by the auto light switch does not startle or distract others • The auto light switch on indicator remains in all modes while the auto light switch is
around you. turned on.
• When you are wearing the watch, make sure that its auto light switch is turned • In order to protect against running down the battery, the auto light switch will turn
off before riding a bicycle or operating a motorcycle or any other motor off automatically approximately six hours after you turn it on. Repeat the above
vehicle. Sudden and unintended operation of the auto light switch can create procedure to turn the auto light switch back on if you want.
a distraction, which can result in a traffic accident and serious personal injury.

E-42 E-43

Hand Home Position Correction Hour and minute hands

3. Check the positions of the hour and minute hands.
• The hands are in the correct home positions if they
The speed, hour, and minute hands of the watch can be thrown off by exposure to are pointed at 12 o’clock. If they aren’t, use D
strong magnetism or impact. The watch is designed to correct speed, hour and minute (clockwise) and B (counterclockwise) to adjust their
hand manually. positions.

To adjust home positions 4. When everything is the way you want, press A to
return to regular timekeeping.
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down D for about three • This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to
Speed hand seconds until Sub flashes in the left digital dial. the current Timekeeping Mode time and the speed
• This is the home position adjustment mode. Correct hour and minute
hand to move to the 0 position.
hand positions
2. Check the position of the speed hand. • Pressing C here will return to the setting at the
• The speed hand is in the correct home position if it is beginning of step 2.
pointed at 50 (12 o’clock). If it isn’t, use D to move
the hand clockwise until it is.
• After confirming that the speed hand is in its correct
home position, press C.
Correct speed hand

E-44 E-45

Reference Initial Screens

When you enter the Stopwatch Mode, World Time Mode or Alarm Mode, the data you
This section contains more detailed and technical information about watch operation. were viewing when you last exited the mode will appear first in the left digital dial.
It also contains important precautions and notes about the various features and
functions of this watch. Timekeeping
• Resetting the seconds to 00 while the current count is in the range of 30 to 59
Auto Return Features causes the minutes to be increased by 1. In the range of 00 to 29, the seconds are
• If you leave the watch with a flashing setting on any display dial for two or three reset to 00 without changing the minutes.
minutes without performing any operation, the watch will exit the setting mode • The year can be set in the range of 2000 to 2099.
automatically. • The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month
• The watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do not perform lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to
any operation for two or three minutes in the Alarm Mode. change it except when battery has replaced.
• The current time for all city codes in the Timekeeping Mode and World Time Mode
High-Speed Movement is calculated in accordance with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for each
• The D and B buttons are used to change setting in various setting modes. In city, based on your Home City time setting.
most cases, holding down these buttons will start high-speed movement.

E-46 E-47

Illumination Precautions • Static electricity or magnetic force can interfere with proper operation of the auto
• Illumination may be difficult to see when viewed under direct sunlight. light switch. If illumination does not turn on, try moving the watch back to the
• Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds. starting position (parallel with the ground) and then tilt it back toward you again. If
• Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery. this does not work, drop your arm all the way down so it hangs at your side, and
then bring it back up again.
Auto light switch precautions • Under certain conditions, illumination may not turn on until about one second after
• Avoid wearing the watch on the inside of your wrist. Doing so causes the auto light you turn the face of the watch towards you. This does not necessarily indicate
switch to operate when it is not needed, which shortens battery life. If you want to malfunction of the auto light switch.
wear the watch on the inside of your wrist, turn off the auto light switch feature. • You may notice a very faint clicking sound coming from the watch when it is shaken
back and forth. This sound is caused by mechanical operation of the auto light
• Illumination may not turn on if the face of the watch is switch, and does not indicate a problem with the watch.
More than 15 degrees more than 15 degrees above or below parallel. Make
too high
sure that the back of your hand is parallel to the ground.
• Illumination turns off in about 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds,
even if you keep the watch pointed towards your face.

E-48 E-49
Operation Guide 5229 5518
Specifications Countdown Timer:
Measuring unit: 1 second
Accuracy at normal temperature: ± 15 seconds a month Input range: 1 minute to 24 hours (1-minute increments)
Other: Auto-repeat timing
Digital Timekeeping: Hour, minutes, seconds, p.m., month, day, day of the week
Time format: 12-hour and 24-hour World Time: 48 cities (29 time zones)
Calendar system: Full Auto-calendar pre-programmed from the year 2000 to 2099 Other: Daylight Saving Time/Standard Time; Home City/World Time City
Other: Home City code (can be assigned one of 48 city codes); Standard Time / Swapping
Daylight Saving Time (summer time) Alarms: 5 daily alarms (with one snooze alarm); Hourly Time Signal
Analog Timekeeping: Hour, minutes (hand moves every 20 seconds) Illumination: LED (light-emitting diode); Auto Light Switch; Selectable illumination
Stopwatch: duration
Measuring unit: 1/1000 seconds Battery: One lithium battery (Type: CR1220)
Measuring capacity: 99:59'59.999" Approximate Battery Life: 3 years on type CR1220
Measuring accuracy: ±0.0006% (10 seconds of alarm operation per day, one illumination operation (1.5 seconds)
Measuring modes: Elapsed time, Lap time, Split time per day)
Other: Speed
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

E-50 E-51


City Code Table City City UTC Offset/ City City UTC Offset/
Code GMT Differential Code GMT Differential
City UTC Offset/ City UTC Offset/ UTC MOW Moscow
City City +3
Code GMT Differential Code GMT Differential LIS Lisbon 0 JED Jeddah
PPG Pago Pago –11 MIA Miami LON London THR Tehran +3.5
HNL Honolulu –10 YTO Toronto –5 MAD Madrid DXB Dubai +4
ANC Anchorage –9 NYC New York PAR Paris KBL Kabul +4.5
YVR Vancouver SCL* Santiago ROM Rome +1 KHI Karachi +5
–8 –4
LAX Los Angeles YHZ Halifax BER Berlin DEL Delhi +5.5
YEA Edmonton YYT St. Johns –3.5 STO Stockholm DAC Dhaka +6
DEN Denver RIO Rio De Janeiro –3 ATH Athens RGN Yangon +6.5
MEX Mexico City RAI Praia –1 CAI Cairo +2 BKK Bangkok +7
CHI Chicago JRS Jerusalem

L-2 L-3

City UTC Offset/ * As of January 2016, the official UTC

City offset for Santiago, Chile (SCL) has
Code GMT Differential
SIN Singapore been changed from –4 to –3, but this
watch still uses an offset of –4 (the old
HKG Hong Kong offset) for SCL. Because of this, you
BJS Beijing should leave the summer time setting
TPE Taipei turned on (which advances the time
by one hour) for the SCL time.
SEL Seoul
TYO Tokyo x This table shows the city codes of this
ADL Adelaide +9.5 watch.
• The rules governing global times (UTC
GUM Guam
+10 offset and GMT differential) and
SYD Sydney summer time are determined by each
NOU Noumea +11 individual country.
WLG Wellington +12


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