2.1 Communication Skills - Ii
2.1 Communication Skills - Ii
2.1 Communication Skills - Ii
3 - 2
Section A
1.1 Prepositions
1.2 Pronouns
1.3 Determiners
1.4 Conjunctions
1.5 Question and Question Tag
1.6 Tenses (Simple Present, Simple Past)
Section B
(Note: The following contents are only for practice. They should not be included in the final
theory examination)
1. Listening Comprehension
Looking into the present day needs of effective communication in every field, it is imperative to
develop necessary competencies in students by giving practical tips and emphasis on grammar,
vocabulary and its usage in addition to practical exercises. The teacher should give report writing
assignments, projects etc. while teaching this subject.
Basic elements of Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Ordinary Differential
Equations and Statistics can be taught in the light of their applications in the field of
engineering and technology. By laying more stress on applied part, teachers can also help
in providing continuing education base to the students.
4 - 2
Applied Physics includes the study of a large number of diverse topics related to things that go in
the world around us. It aims to give an understanding of this world both by observation and
prediction of the way in which objects behave. Concrete use of physical principles and analysis
in various fields of engineering and technology are given prominence in the course content.
3.1 Lenses, reflection & refraction of light, refractive index, lens formula (no
derivation), real and virtual image, magnification.
3.2 Power of lens, microscope, telescope (definition only)
3.3 Total internal reflection, critical angle and conditions for total internal
Teacher may use various instructional media like models, charts and graphs while imparting
instructions. The field application should be made clear before teaching the basics of waves,
sound, light, electrostatics, semiconductor and modern physics etc to develop proper
understanding of the physical phenomenon. Use of demonstration will make the subject
interesting and develop scientific temper in the students.
The role of chemistry in every branch of engineering and technology is expanding greatly. Now
a days, various chemical products are playing important role in the field of engineering with
increasing number of such products each successive years. The strength of materials, the
chemical composition of substances, their behaviour when subjected to different treatment and
environment, and the laws of heat and dynamic energy have entered in almost every activity of
modern life. Chemistry is considered as one of the core subjects for diploma students in
engineering and technology for developing in them scientific temper and appreciation of
chemical properties of materials, which they have to handle in their professional career. Effort
should be made to teach this subject through demonstrations/ minor projects and with the active
involvement of students.
1. Metallurgy (08 hrs)
1.1 A brief introduction of the terms: Metallurgy (types), mineral, ore, gangue or
matrix, flux, slag, concentration (methods of concentrating the ores), ore, roasting,
calcinations, smelting and refining of metal.
1.2 Metallurgy of (i) Aluminium (ii) Iron
1.3 Definition of an alloy, purposes of alloying, composition, properties and uses of
alloys, monel metal, magnalium, duralumin, alnico, stainless steel and invar.
Teacher may take help of various models and charts while imparting instructions to make the
concepts clear. More emphasis may be laid on discussing and explaining practical applications
of various chemical processes and reactions. In addition, students should be
encouraged/motivated to study those processes in more details, which may find practical
applications in their future professional life.
Applied Mechanics, being a fundamental subject, the teachers are expected to emphasize on the
applications of applied mechanics in various subjects so that students are able to appreciate the
importance of the subject.
Drawing is said to be the language of engineers and technicians. Reading and interpreting
engineering drawing is their day-to-day responsibility. The course is aimed at developing basic
graphic skills so as to enable them to use these skills in preparation of engineering drawings,
their reading and interpretation SP 46 – 1988 should be followed
2.1.1 Types of threads-External and Internal threads, Right and Left hand
threads (Actual and Conventional representation), single and multiple start
2.1.2 Different Forms of screw threads-V threads (B.S.W threads, B.A thread,
American National and Metric thread), Square threads (square, Acme,
Buttress and Knuckle thread)
2.2.1 Different views of hexagonal and square nuts and hexagonal headed bolt
2.2.2 Assembly of Hexagonal headed bolt and Hexagonal nut with washer.
2.2.3 Assembly of square headed bolt with hexagonal and with washer.
2.3.1 Different types of locking devices-Lock nut, castle nut, split pin nut,
locking plate, slotted nut and spring washer.
2.3.2 Foundations bolts-Rag bolt, Lewis bolt, curved bolt and eye bolt.
2.4 Drawing of various types of machine screw, set screw, studs and washers
3.1 Various types of keys and cotters and their practical application and
preparation of drawing of various keys and cotters showing keys and cotters
in position
5. Couplings (2 sheets)
5.1 Flange coupling (Protected and non-protected), muff coupling and half-lap muff
6. Symbols and Conventions (2 sheets)
7.1 Concept of AutoCAD, Tool bars in AutoCAD, coordinate system, snap, grid, and
ortho mode
7.2 Drawing commands – point, line, arc, circle, ellipse
7.3 Editing commands – scale, erase, copy, stretch, lengthen and explode
Teacher should show model or realia of the component/part whose drawing is to be made.
Emphasis should be given on cleanliness, dimensioning and layout of sheet. Focus should be on
proper selection of drawing instrument and its proper use.
Psychomotor skills are mastered through practice, an opportunity therefore, has been extended to
students through this course to refine their skills in different trades. The basic skills developed
during first semester will be refined during this course by doing higher order skills jobs. In
addition to developing general manual and machining skills in the students, the objective of
development of sense of dignity of labour, precision, safety at work places, team working and
right attitude among the students will also be met.
Note: The students are supposed to come in proper workshop dress prescribed by the institute.
Wearing shoes in the workshop(s) is compulsory. Importance of safety and cleanliness,
safety measures and upkeep of tools, equipment and environment in each of the following
shops should be explained and practiced. The students should prepare sketches of various
tools/jobs in their practical Notebook.
The following shops are included in the syllabus.
1. Carpentry Shop-II
2. Plumbing Shop
3. Welding Shop -II
4. Electric Shop –II
5. Electronic Shop-II or Machine Shop
6. Painting Shop
1. The branches e.g. Civil Engineering, Civil Engg. (Spl. in Highway Engg.), Electrical
Engineering, Fire Technology and Safety, Electrical and Electronics Engg., Power
Station Engg., Mechanical Engineering and cluster branches, Aircraft Maintenance
Engineering, Chemical Engg. and cluster branches, Ceramic Engg., Printing Technology
(Spl. Press Tech.), Printing Technology (Spl. in CAD/GAT) will do Machine Shop
instead of Electronic shop- II
2. The branches e.g. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and
Instrumentation, Instrumentation and Control, Electronics Engg. (Spl. Power
Electronics), Computer Engineering, Medical Electronics and Food Technology will do
Electronic shop-II instead of Machine shop.
3. The instructor is to first explain the introductory part given at the beginning under each
shop followed by demonstration and practice by students.
1. Carpentry Shop-II
1.1 Introduction to joints, their relative advantages and uses.
Job I Preparation of dovetail joint and glued joint.
Job II Preparation of mitre joint
Job III Preparation of a lengthening Joint
Job IV Preparation of at least one utility job with and without lamination.
1.2 Demonstration of job showing use of rip saw, bow saw and tenon saw, method of
sharpening various saws.
1.3 Demonstration of job on band saw and circular saw, chain and chisel, universal
wood working machine, Saw re-sharpening machine, saw brazing unit.
1.4 Importance and need of polishing wooden items. Introduction to polishing
Job V Polishing on wooden items.
2. Plumbing Shop
3. Welding Shop – II
3.1 Introduction to gas welding, spot welding and seam welding and welding
techniques. Adjustments of different types of flames in gas welding,
demonstration and precautions about handling welding equipment.
Job I Practice in handling gas welding equipment (Low pressure and
High pressure) and welding and tacking practice on simple jobs.
3.2 Common welding joints generally made by gas welding.
Job II Preparation of butt joint by gas welding.
Job III Preparation of small cot frame from conduit pipe by gas welding.
Job IV Preparation of square pyramid from MS rods by welding (type of
welding to be decided by students themselves).
Job V Exercise of preparing a job on spot/seam welding machine.
3.3 Demonstration and use of TIG and MIG welding equipment
4. Electric Shop – II
Job I Laying out 3-phase wiring for an electric motor or any other
3-phase machine.
Job II Connecting single-phase energy meter and testing it. Reading and
working out the power consumption and the cost of energy.
Job III Checking continuity of connection (with tester and series lamp)
location of faults with a multimeter and their rectification in simple
machines and/or other electric circuits fitted with earthing.
Job IV Finding fault in simple electric machine and its rectification
5. Electronic Shop- II
5.2 Identification and familiarization with active and passive components; types and
colour code of resistor, capacitors and potentiometers (including VDR, LDR, and
thermistor). Identification of components including diode, LED, transistor, LCD,
UJT, FET, coils, relays, read relays, transformers, linear and digital ICs,
Note: For the above field visits to relevant place may be arranged.
Job I Cut, bend, tin components, leads, inserts and solder components
(capacitor, diodes, transistor, IFT, ICs etc) on a PCB.
Job II Soldering practice
Job III Temperature controlled soldering station
Job IV De-soldering pump
Job V De-soldering strip/wik
Job VI De-solder, remove and clean all the components, wires from a
given equipment, a PCB or a tag strip.
Job VII Wiring of a small circuit on a PCB/tag strip involving lacking,
sleeving and use of identifier tags
1. Machine Shop
Introduction to various machines used in machine shop such as Lathe, Milling Machine,
Shaper, Slotter, Drilling Machine , Radial drilling Machine, Surface grinder.
6. Painting Shop
Introduction to painting shop and its necessity. Different types of paints. Introduction of
powder coating plant and spray painting with their uses.