Simplified Keys To Soil Series Pampanga
Simplified Keys To Soil Series Pampanga
Simplified Keys To Soil Series Pampanga
1 Released Rice Varieties (1968-1994) 34 Use of Evaporation Suppressant Table of Contents
2 Pagpaparami at Pagpupuro ng Binhi 35 Pagpaparami ng Purong Binhi ng Palay
sa Sariling Bukid 36 Management of Sulfur- Deficient Lowland Rice Soils
3 Paggawa ng Maligaya Rice Hull Stove 37 Management of Planthoppers and Leafhoppers
4 PhilRice Micromill 38 Management Options for Ricefield Weeds The Simplified Key to Soil Series............ 2
5 PhilRice Flourmill
39 Use of Indigo as Green Manure
6 PhilRice Drumseeder Guide to Soil Series Identification.......... 3
40 Management of Salt-affected Soils for Rice Production
7 PhilRice Rototiller
41 Wet-Seeded Rice Production
8 Rice Food Products Color Groups......................................... 6
42 Matatag Lines
9 PhilRice-UAF Batch Dryer
10 Integrated Management of the Malayan Black Bug 43 Hybrid Rice Seed Production Dark Gray/Yellowish Gray......... 7
11 SG800 Rice Stripper-Harvester 44 Metarhizium anisopliae: Microbial Control Agent
12 Dry-Seeded Rice-Based Cropping Technologies for Rice Black Bug Grayish Brown/Dark Brown...... 8
13 Maligaya Rice Hull Stove 45 Integrated Nutrient Management for Rice Production
Dark Yellowish Brown/
14 10 Steps in Compost Production 46 Management of Armyworms/Cutworms
15 Rice Tungro Virus Disease 47 Carbonized Rice Hull Strong Brown............................ 11
16 The Philippine Rice Seed Industry 48 Rice-based Microbial Inoculant
and The National Rice Seed Production Network 49 Integrated Farm and Household Waste Management
Soil Profile Pictures................................ 12
17 10 Hakbang sa Paggawa ng Kompost
50 Rice Postproduction Practices
18 10 nga Addang ti Panagaramid iti Kompost Soil Properties that affect crop growth.... 17
51 Ecological Rice Farming
19 Characteristics of Popular Philippine
52 Modified Dry Direct Seeding Technology Soil Productivity...................................... 20
Rice Varieties
53 Palayamanan: Making the Most out of Rice Farms
20 Rice Stem Borers in the Philippines Crop Suitability Analysis……................. 22
21 Rice Food Products (revised edition) 54 Practical Guidelines in Predicting Soil
22 Leaf Color Chart (English) Fertility Status of Lowland Rice Soils Soil Management Recommendations.... 27
23 Leaf Color Chart (Ilocano) 55 Bakanae: The Foolish Disease of Rice
24 Leaf Color Chart (Filipino) 56 Management of Rice Blast Disease Soil Taxonomic Classification………… 36
25 Equipment for Rice Production and Processing 57 Root-knot Management in Rice-Onion
26 Use of 40kg Certified Seeds per Hectare
Appendices…………………………….. 43
Cropping System
27 Rice Wine 58 Management of Yellow and White Stemborers Steps to Identify Soil Series...... 44
28 Management of Field Rats 59 The PhilRice Dapog Technology
29 Controlled Irrigation: Saving water Soil Sampling........................... 44
60 Rice Straw-Based Nutrient Management in
while having good yield
Irrigated Lowland Rice
30 Minus-one Element Technique: Color Determination....................45
61 Biofertilizer Production:
Soil Nutrition Deficiency Test Made Easy
31 Management of the Rice Black Bug
Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) Texture Determination.............. 46
62 Trichoderma: Biofungicide for vegetables
32 Management of Zinc-deficient Soils pH Determination..................... 47
63 Barayti ng Palay handog ng PhilRice
33 Management Options for Golden Apple Snail
64 Management of Zinc-deficient soils (revised edition)
The PalayCheck® System…….. 48
References…………………………….... 50
Pampanga iii
This guidebook on “Simplified Key to Soil Series Identification” was
developed to make the field identification of soils easier.
This is a good guide for effective nutrient management, which is one of the
components of the PalayCheck System, a dynamic rice crop management
system that presents easy-to-follow practices to achieve respective Key
Checks and improve crop yield and input-use efficiency.
It features the different color, texture, pH, coarse fragments, and mottles
of the most common soils of Pampanga and contains four simple
steps in identifying the soil series right in the field. It also includes
the soil productivity index, soil properties that affect crop growth, soil
taxonomic classification, crop suitability analysis, and soil management
The concept of simplified keys to soil series was first used in Thailand. In
the Philippines, the project “Simplification of the Philippine Soil Series for
Rice and Corn” started in 2005 under the Nutrient Management Support
System (NuMASS) to provide management recommendations for soils
identified in the field.
This project was funded by the Knowledge We hope that this publication can help you identify suitable crops in
Management and Promotion Program (KMP) of your area, learn the limitations of your soils for crop production, and
PhilRice®. subsequently identify the corresponding management recommendations.
Arayat (Ayt)
Dark Gray/Yellowish Gray Fragments
pH 6.5-7.0
Fe (brown)
and Mn (black)
Grayish Brown/Dark Brown
go to page 13
Prensa (Pr)
Dark Yellowish Brown/
Strong Brown Coarse none
pH 6.5-7.2
Fe (yellowish
Others brown) and Mn
(black) mottles
go to page 13
nodules; structureless
Others Others
go to page 14 go to page 14
Coarse Coarse
None None
Fragments Fragments
pH 6.8-7.6 pH 7.0-7.5
Fe (yellowish Fe (yellowish
Others Others
brown) and Mn brown) mottles
go to page 15 go to page 16
Mn (black) Fe (yellowish
Others Others
mottles brown) mottles
go to page 15 go to page 16
Profile Pictures 22
26 16
13 13
16 8 18
24 39 30
107 39
La Paz (Lp) Bigaa (Bga) Bantog (Btg) Quingua (Qga) Buenavista (Bta)
page 18 page 18 page 18 page 19 page 19
that affect
40 the growth
of crops
105 120+
page 19 page 18
of land on a sustainable basis, based on physical and chemical
properties and environmental factors. It is the ultimate aim
of soil survey and this may come up through good judgment
Suitability Analysis and thorough evaluation of soil properties and qualities like soil
depth, soil texture, slope, soil drainage, erosion, flooding and
fertility. Based from these properties, the suitability of a certain
tract of land for crop production can be determined.
f – soil fertility
Suitability Ratings:
Guide to abbreviations
S1 – Highly suitable
t – topographic; slope
w – drainage; flooding
S3 – Marginally suitable
S2 – Moderately suitable
Table 3. The crop suitability analysis of the soils of Pampanga for different crops.
Pampanga 27
tree species; suitable
Plant locally adapted
Plantation crops
Soil Management
for citrus
Root crops
and enhance its performance to increase farm
due to sandy
Suitable for
profitably and preserve environmental quality. It is
root crops
the combination of soil factors to maximize crop
production at the lowest possible cost while leaving
organic matter;
practice timing
deep plowing;
Application of
the soil so that maximum benefits result (Harpstead,
of planting;
et al., 1997).
Soil management recommendations
suitable for each soil identified were enumerated
in the succeeding pages (table 4). In making soil
management recommendations, soil properties such
fertility problem;
rice during wet
as texture, mineralogy, moisture and temperature
needs ample
address the
fertilizers to
Suitable for
season but
regimes, and climate were considered since these
amount of
factors affect the crop growth. However, these
properties cannot be changed but control tillage, crop
rotations, soil amendments, and other management
choices can be done. Through these choices, the
flooding; gravels
structure, biological activity, chemical content of soil
fertility; subject
throughout the
can be altered and later on influence erosion rates,
for crop
capacity, low
to seasonal
are present
poor water
pest population, and nutrient availability and crop
Unsuitable under
of adequate
present condition
Poor drainage; Practice shallow drainage irrigation Establishment but becomes
high shrink and cultivation when and flood control of adequate suitable if proper
swell capacity system due to
soil moisture is drainage management
upon wetting seasonal flooding
optimum; suited and irrigation practices like
and drying hazard in low
for irrigated and system; establishment of
producing wide rainfed paddy areas; use of
Bantog application of adequate drainage
cracks in the broadbeds,
rice; maintain organic matter and flood control
soil, hard when properly the ridges or furrows
and farm systems; use
dry; seasonal and mulching;
paddy dikes manure of suitable tree
flooding in low application of
species and proper
areas; slow organic matter
permeability and farm manure
Cropping Pattern: rice-rice
rice-diversified crops/vegetables/root crops
Pampanga 31
Limitation Soil Management Recommendation
Soil Series for crop Diversified Tree/Forest/
production Rice Root crops
crops Plantation crops
Surface Suitable for rice
hardening production due to
and cracking its clayey texture;
of adequate
during dry apply fertilizer Use of
Not suitable drainage and
season making to maintain the broadbeds,
for rootcrops flood control
tillage difficult; fertility of the ridges or furrows
due to systems; use
soil; construction and mulching;
Suited for
Suited for
root crops;
Suited for diversified crops; Suited for
paddy rice; construction tree crops;
of adequate
application of adequate construction
of inorganic drainage irrigation of adequate
Climate, irrigation and
fertilizers to and flood drainage
Quingua seasonal flood control
maintain the control system; irrigation and
flooding system; proper
fertility of the proper timing of flood control
timing of
soil cultivation and system
cultivation and
Cropping Pattern: rice-rice
rice-diversified crops/vegetables/root crops
Plow when Construction
moisture of adequate
Low conditions are Not suitable drainage
physiography ideal; apply green for rootcrops irrigation and
subjected Suited for manure; timing because of flood control
San to seasonal paddy rice of planting; some waterlogging system; slightly
Fernando flooding; slightly elevated during rainy elevated areas
waterlogged areas are suitable season are suitable for
during rainy for sugarcane and fruit trees
season corn
Cropping Pattern: rice/corn/sugarcane-fallow
Pampanga 35
Soil Taxonomic Classification
FLUVAQUENTIC of clay (18-35%) and
EPIAQUOLL isohyperthermic temperature
regime (>22°C). It is Mollisol
(-oll) or dark-colored,
fertile soils with high base
saturation and natural
to medium acid pH. It is
saturated with water for
repeated periods of time
(aqu-) due to river flooding
(fluvaquentic) manifested
by its grayish color with or
without mottles.
San Fine, smectitic (ca.), It is a fine-textured soil (35-
Fernando isohyperthermic, 60% clay content) and has
TYPIC EPIAQUEPT isohyperthermic temperature
regime (>22°C). It is an
Inceptisol (-ept), i.e. it is in
the incipient development
towards mature soils but
have not yet fully developed
their diagnostic horizons.
It is a typical (typic)
representative of the great
group Epiaquepts. It is
saturated with water for
repeated periods of time
(aqu-) manifested by its
grayish color with or without
Soil sampling
Soil color is an indirect
Choose a vacant measure of other charac-
area in your field. teristics such as drainage,
Using a spade/ aeration, and organic mat-
auger, dig up to ter content. Black-colored
50cm from the soil soils may indicate high
surface. fertility and productivity.
7) No significant yield
2) No high and low soil spots after final loss due to pests.
3) Practiced synchronous planting after 8) Cut and threshed the crop at the
a fallow period. right time.
References We thank the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) for
the secondary data of the soils used in this guidebook.
Badayos, R. B. 1990. Lowland rice soils in the Philippines, Subject Matter Specialists
their characteristics and classification in relation to PhilRice
productivity. Inaugural Professiorial Lecture. SEARCA, Wilfredo B. Collado
UPLB. Mary Rose O. Obico
Rona T. Dollentas
Beinroth, F. H. 1978. Some fundamentals of soil Jeny V. Ravis
classification. In: Soil-resource data for agricultural Jesiree Elena Ann P. Dela Torre
Jovino L. De Dios
development. Ed. Leslie D. Swindale. Hawaii Ag. Expt. Leo C. Javier
Sra., College of Trop. Agric., University of Hawaii. Eduardo Jimmy P. Quilang, Jr., PhD
p. 12-19.
UP Los Baños
MI Hampstead, TJ Sauer, and WF Bennet. 1997. Soil Rodrigo B. Badayos, PhD
Armando E. Soliman
Science Simplified. 3rd Edition. Iowa State University
Press, Ames Iowa 500014. Managing Editor/Layout Artist
Marc Elvin T. Lozano
“Simplified Keys to Soil Series (29 Soil Series for Maize Judith P. dela Torre
Production), Lop Buri Province” The International
Training Workshop on “Applying Information
Technology for Site-Specific Agriculture in Small Farms Editorial Advisers
of Tropics.” August 4-10, 2003. Bangkok, Thailand. Atty. Ronilo A. Beronio
Andrei B. Lanuza
Soil Survey of Pampanga Province. Department of
For more information,
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bureau of Soils, text the Farmers’ Text Center (0920) 911-1398);
Manila, Philippines. Bureau of Printing Manila. write, visit, or call:
Agronomy, Soils, and Plant Physiology Division
Soil Survey Manual. US Department of Agricultural Philippine Rice Research Institute
Handbook No. 18. August 1951. Soil Survey Staff, Maligaya, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 3119
Bureau of Plant and Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Tel. No. (044) 456-0285; -0113; -0651 local 217, 215, or 212
Engineering. Agricultural Research Administration,
US Department of Agriculture. Readers are encouraged to reproduce the content of this bulletin
with acknowledgment. Suggested citation: