Bridge Wind

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Wind Pressure in accordance with NZS 4203:1992

V(z) = V.Mls.M(z,cat).Ms.Mt.Mr

V = basic directional wind speed = 47 m/s
Mls.= limit state multiplier = 1.07 ultimate (100 year return period)

M(z,cat).= site terrain / height multiplier = 1.11 ULS

Category 2.5
ULS Height 45 m
Ms. = shielding multiplier = 1
Mt. = topographic multiplier = 1.2
Mr = structure risk multiplier = 1

Ultimate Wind Ultimate Wind

(no live load) (with live load)
Velocity (>=30 m/s for ultimate) 67.0 m/s 35.0 m/s
limited to 35m/s cl

Wind Forces Calculated from BS5400 Part 2 "Specifications for Loads"

Nominal Transverse Wind Load

Pt = q.A1.Cd (cl 5.3.3)

q = 0.613v^2 (cl 5.3.3) Unloaded Bridge Live Loaded Bridge

q 2.75 kPa 0.75 kPa
A1 is derived from table 4 A1 (m2/m) 4 5.5
Effective depth to derive Cd (Table 5) d 4 4
b 6.81 6.81
b/d 1.70 1.70
Cd 1.65 1.65
Pt 18 kN/m 7 kN/m

Equivalent Pressure 4.54 kPa 1.24 kPa

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