About Welding Process 46

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46 Welding Technology and Design

pressure as 500°C and 2.75 MPa respectively. The maximum shear strength is
obtained with the bonding time of around 4 hours. The production of oxide free
surfaces on aluminium alloy can be possible by using argon-ion spatter cleaning,
followed by coating by silver. Such surfaces are readily bonded above the
dissociation temperature of Ag2O (=200°C).
Dissimilar metals: The need to have physical and chemical compatibility
between the two material to be joined, makes it necessary to have interlayers in
diffusion bonding of dissimilar metals. Use of multiple layer is more common to
obtain good and sound bonding. The interlayers must exhibit mutual solubility
without the formation of intermetallic compounds, wide temperature range for
bonding (0.5 to 0.7 Tm), compatible thermal expansion, and Young's moduli.
Joining of Ti alloy with stainless steel can be achieved by having interlayers made
of Ni/Cu/V combination. Thus the joint will have stainless steel/Ni/Cu/V/Ti-Al-
4V interface. Such a bond made at 850°C under a pressure of 10 MPa gives a
tensile strength of around 400 MPa (70% of the UTS of stainless steel).
Metal matrix composites (e.g. Ti alloy with SiC fibres) are also produced by
diffusion bonding methods, similar to the dissimilar metal joining. Titanium alloy
components joined by diffusion bonding are widely used in aerospace applications.
Dissimilar metal (Ti/S.S., Ti/Al) diffusion bonded components find their application
in cryogenic tube constructions. Al/Zr joints are used in nuclear fuel element
constructions. Metal/ceramics joints are used in high temperature applications as
in engine valves and fuel nozzles.
1.2.6 Selection of welding process
There are a number of welding processes available; however, their application is
dictated by the material properties, type of weld joints, their quality required in the
service condition, cost and availability of the machine and operator's skill. The
following gives a comparative study of the different processes discussed and their
applicabliity to different materials.
(a) Oxy-acetylene gas welding: This process can be used for carbon steel, copper,
aluminium, bronze welding. Sheet metal welding and small diameter pipe
welding can be effectively carried out. Control of the flame is important.
Plates of thickness upto 8 mm - 10 mm can be welded.
Red brass and yellow brass are preferably welded by oxy-acetylene process
to minimize vapourization of zinc.
(b) Shielded metal arc welding: This process is widely used. All engineering
materials can be welded. However, low melting and high reactive metals
will be difficult to weld. This process is easy to operate and plates of
thickness ranging from 1 mm to 25 mm can be easily welded. Preheating
will be required in some alloy steels. Welding can be done in flat, inclined,
vertical and overhead position. Edge preparations are essential in welding
thick plates.
Manual metal arc welding is commonly used in the erection of structural
works like storage tanks, bridge etc. In open breezy conditions flux cored
self shielded welding is better suited. Heavier plates are usually groove

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