Agora Program
Agora Program
Agora Program
student conference
A student organized
conference under the
auspices of the
Department of
Humanities and Social
Sciences and with
generous financial
support from the RDC
CAT Fund.
the keynote
Brenda Sargeant
The Power of can be found online world, to your own
Communities and off and town, or to just
involvement in them yourself....get
Communities aren't brings powerful involved.
just small town change & abundant
neighbours drinking opportunities.
coffee & gossiping.
Communities are Find your
everywhere - within communities. Dig in.
businesses, on social Reap the benefits of
media platforms, in being a part of
towns & cities, something that
politics, and through matters...whether it
volunteerism. They matters to the
the morning program
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this program, but some last minute changes may still occur. Some titles shortened.
Our apologies to presenters for any errors or omissions.
9:00-10:15 POETRY: Kristen Lowe “Kiss of Dani Van Alstyne Phedra-Lyn Andrew
Ceanna Prediger the Fur Queen and “Thinking Styles in “The Male Feminist: A
“Teachers are Colonialism: A Short Athletes and Non- Rare Species”
Sculptors” Story” athletes” Amanda D. Gagne
Nadine P. Ross Kennedy C. Burgess Carmella L. Wallace “Breaking the Image:
Sayde Jayne Vockeroth “Cultural Stereotypes: “Being Perfectly A Deconstruction of
Ashton H. Udal The Effects on One’s Mindful” Female Representations
“Degrees of Identity” Deb Helmer “Health in Art and Literature”
Separation” Kalyn Schmidt Behavior Change Amber Moss (short
Wendy N. “Border-crossing: Program” story?)
MacDormand Analyzing Native and August S. Kortzman (MOD: Hollie A)
(MOD: Guillermo) Settler-Invader “Quality of Life of
Relations in Canadian Young Adults Residing
Literature and in a Long-Term Care
Identity” Facility”
(MOD: Jan Olesen) (MOD: Anomi
the afternoon program
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this program, but some last minute changes may still occur. Some titles shortened.
Our apologies to presenters for any errors or omissions.
2:45-3:45 STORY: Molly J. Rainforth “‘A Allie Foerger “The Catherine Saffran “The
Jessica Groves Rose for Emily’ by Present Beef with Meat Birth of the Holy
Ashley R. Ethier William Faulkner” Production” Roman Empire”
“When Art Strikes a Cyril C. House Brad Bodechon “Moral Elena Rousseau “There
Chord: An Evaluation “Wordsworth” Permissibility of Must Be Cakes and
of Music’s Influence on Rachel Holden “The Torture” Ale”
Emotionally-Evocative Term ‘Age of Anxiety’” Kayln A. Cook Nirupama Raghavan
Fine Art” Ceanna Prediger “Vaccinations in “(Not) Pricked Out for
Kristal Harvey “Loneliness: The Livestock” Women’s Pleasure”
Madison P. Lewis Sickness of the Soul” Jordana M. Roller “A Layla Bougie “(Her)
“Getting Back Into the Dallas Hancox How-To for All the Death Before (His)
Groove” “Wallace Stevens’ Women in the World “ Dishonour”
(MOD: Stephane P) Poetry” (MOD: Larry S) (MOD: Dan Haas)
(MOD: Jan Olesen)