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HETP Evaluation of Structured and

Randomic Packing Distillation Column
Marisa Fernandes Mendes
Chemical Engineering Department, Technology Institute,
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

1. Introduction
Packed columns are equipment commonly found in absorption, distillation, stripping, heat
exchangers and other operations, like removal of dust, mist and odors and for other
purposes. Mass transfer between phases is promoted by their intimate contact through all
the extent of the packed bed. The main factors involving the design of packed columns are
mechanics and equipment efficiency. Among the mechanical factors one could mention
liquid distributors, supports, pressure drop and capacity of the column. The factors related
to column efficiency are liquid distribution and redistribution, in order to obtain the
maximum area possible for liquid and vapor contact (Caldas and Lacerda, 1988).
These columns are useful devices in the mass transfer and are available in various
construction materials such as metal, plastic, porcelain, ceramic and so on. They also have
good efficiency and capacity, moreover, are usually cheaper than other devices of mass
transfer (Eckert, 1975).
The main desirable requirements for the packing of distillation columns are: to promote a
uniform distribution of gas and liquid, have large surface area (for greater contact between
the liquid and vapor phase) and have an open structure, providing a low resistance to the
gas flow. Packed columns are manufactured so they are able to gather, leaving small gaps
without covering each other. Many types and shapes of packing can satisfactorily meet these
requirements (Henley and Seader, 1981).
The packing are divided in random – randomly distributed in the interior of the column –
and structured – distributed in a regular geometry. There are some rules which should be
followed when designing a packed column (Caldas and Lacerda, 1988):
a. The column should operate in the loading region (40 to 80% flooding), which will
assure the best surface area for the maximum mass transfer efficiency;
b. The packing size (random) should not be greater than 1/8 the column diameter;
c. The packing bed is limited to 6D (Raschig rings or sells) or 12D for Pall rings. It is not
recommended bed sections grater than 10m;
d. Liquid initial distribution and its redistribution at the top of each section are very
important to correct liquid migration to the column walls.
A preliminary design of a packed column involves the following steps:
1. Choice of packing;
2. Column diameter estimation;

42 Mass Transfer / Book 1

3. Mass transfer coefficients determination;

4. Pressure drop estimation;
5. Internals design.
This chapter deals with column packing efficiency, considering the main studies including
random and structured packing columns. In packed columns, mass transfer efficiency is
related to intimate contact and rate transfer between liquid and vapor phases. The most
used concept to evaluate the height of a packed column, which is related to separation
efficiency, is the HETP (Height Equivalent to Theoretical Plate), defined by the following

Z   HETP    N  (1)

in which Z is the height of the packed bed necessary to obtain a separation equivalent to N
theoretical stages (Caldas and Lacerda, 1988).
Unfortunately, there are only a few generalized methods available in the open literature for
estimating the HETP. These methods are empirical and supported by the vendor advice. The
performance data published by universities are often obtained using small columns and with
packing not industrially important. When commercial-scale data are published, they usually
are not supported by analysis or generalization (Vital et al., 1984). Several correlations and
empirical rules have been developed for HETP estimation in the last 50 years. Among the
empirical methods, there is a rule of thumb for traditional random packing that says

HETP  column diameter (2)

That rule can be used only in small diameter columns (Caldas and Lacerda, 1988).
The empirical correlation of Murch (1953) cited by Caldas and Lacerda (1988) is based on
HETP values published for towers smaller than 0.3 m of diameter and, in most cases,
smaller than 0.2 m. The author had additional data for towers of 0.36, 0.46 and 0.76 m of
diameter. The final correlation is

  
HETP  K1GK2 DK3 Z1 3  L 
 L 

K1, K2 and K3 are constants that depend on the size and type of the packing.
Lockett (1998) has proposed a correlation to estimate HETP in columns containing
structured packing elements. It was inspired on Bravo et al.’s correlation (1985) in order to
develop an empirical relation between HETP and the packing surface area, operating at 80%

 4.82   
flooding condition (Caldas and Lacerda, 1988):

 G  r0.06



in which

 
 0.00058 ap  G 
0.25 
  ap  1  0.78e

  
  L  

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 43

According to the double film theory, HETP can be evaluated more accurately by the
following expression (Wang et al., 2005):

ln   uGs u 
HETP     Ls 
  1  kG ae kL a e 

Therefore, the precision to evaluate HETP by equation (6) depends on the accuracy of
correlations used to predict the effective interfacial area and the vapor and liquid mass
transfer coefficients. So, we shall continue this discussion presenting the most used
correlations for wetted area estimation, both for random and structured packed columns.
Wang et al. (2005) also presented a complete discussion about the different correlations
mostly used for random and structured packing.

2. Literature review
The literature review will be divided in two sections, treating and analyzing separately
random and structured distillation columns as the correlations for the effective area and
HETP evaluation.

2.1 Part A: performance of random packing

Before 1915, packed columns were filled with coal or randomly with ceramic or glass shards.
This year, Fredrick Raschig introduced a degree of standardization in the industry. Raschig
rings, together with the Berl saddles, were the packing commonly used until 1965. In the
following decade, Pall rings and some more exotic form of saddles has gained greater
importance (Henley and Seader, 1981). Pall rings are essentially Raschig rings, in which
openings and grooves were made on the surface of the ring to increase the free area and
improve the distribution of the liquid. Berl saddles were developed to overcome the Raschig
rings in the distribution of the liquid. Intalox saddles can be considered as an improvement
of Berl saddles, and facilitated its manufacture by its shape. The packing Hypac and Super
Intalox can be considered an improvement of Pall rings and saddles Intalox, respectively
(Sinnott, 1999). In Figure 1, the packing are illustrated and commented.
The packing can be grouped into generations that are related to the technological advances.
The improvements cited are from the second generation of packing. Today, there are
packing of the fourth generation, as the Raschig super ring (Darakchiev & Semkov, 2008).
Tests with the objective to compare packing are not universally significant. This is because
the efficiency of the packing does not depend, exclusively, on their shape and material, but
other variables, like the system to be distilled. This means, for example, that a packing can
not be effective for viscous systems, but has a high efficiency for non-viscous systems.
Moreover, the ratio of liquid-vapor flow and other hydrodynamic variables also must be
considered in comparisons between packing. The technical data, evaluated on packing, are,
generally, the physical properties (surface area, free area, tensile strength, temperature and
chemical stability), the hydrodynamic characteristics (pressure drop and flow rate
allowable) and process efficiency (Henley and Seader, 1981). This means that Raschig rings
can be as efficient as Pall rings, depending on the upward velocity of the gas inside the
column, for example. These and other features involving the packing are extensively
detailed in the study of Eckert (1970).

44 Mass Transfer / Book 1

Ref: Henley & Seader (1981)

Fig. 1. Random packing: (a) plastic pall rings. (b) metal pall rings (Metal Hypac). (c) Raschig
rings. (d) Intalox saddles. (e) Intalox saddles of plastic. (f) Intalox saddles
In literature, some studies on distillation show a comparison between various types of
random and structured packing. Although these studies might reveal some tendency of the
packing efficiency for different types and materials, it is important to emphasize that they
should not generalize the comparisons.
Cornell et al. (1960) published the first general model for mass transfer in packed columns.
Different correlations of published data of HL and HV, together with new data on industrial
scale distillation columns, were presented to traditional packing, such as Raschig rings and
Berl saddles, made of ceramic. Data obtained from the experimental study of HL and HV
were analyzed and correlated in order to project packed columns. The heights of mass
transfer for vapor and liquid phases, are given by:

  SCV 0 ,5  d   Z 3

HV   C   

 GL  f1  f 2  f3 n  12   10 

H L    C fL     SCL 0 ,5
0 ,15

 10 


HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 45

  
f1   L 
0 ,16

 W  (9)

 
f2   W 
1, 25

 L  (10)

G  DG

 L  DL
In the f factors, the liquid properties are done in the same conditions of the column and the
water properties are used at 20 ºC. The parameters n and m referred to the packing type,
being 0.6 and 1.24, respectively, for the Raschig rings. CfL represents the approximation
coefficient of the flooding point for the liquid phase mass transfer. The values of φ and Ψ are
packing parameters for the liquid and vapor phase mass transfer, respectively, and are
graphically obtained. In this correlation, some variables don’t obey a single unit system and
therefore need to be specified: dc(in), Z(ft), H(ft), G(lbm/h.ft2).
Onda et al. (1968 a, b) presented a new model to predict the global mass transfer unit. In
this method, the transfer units are expressed by the liquid and vapor mass transfer

HV 
kV  aW  P  MV

HL 
kL  aW  L
In which:

 R T   GV 
kV        SCV  3   aP  dP 

0 ,7

a 
 P VD  aP  V  (15)

  3  GL  3
   SCL  2   aP  dP 
1 2

kL   L   0 , 0051  


 g  L   aw   L 

where Γ is a constant whose values can vary from 5.23 (normally used) or 2, if the packing
are Raschig rings or Berl saddles with dimension or nominal size inferior to 15 mm.
It can be noted, in these equations, the dependence of the mass transfer units with the wet
superficial area. It is considered, in this model, that the wet area is equal to the liquid-gas
interfacial area that can be written as

46 Mass Transfer / Book 1

   
0 , 75  
  
aW  ap  1  exp  1, 45  ReL 0 ,1 FrL 0 ,05  WeL 0 , 2   
 
 C 
 

Re L 
aP   L

WeL 
GL 2
aP     L

aP  GL 2
FrL 
g  L 2

The ranges in which the equation should be used are: 0.04 < ReL < 500; 1.2x10-8 < WeL < 0.27;
2.5x10-9 < FrL < 1.8x10-2; 0.3 < (σc/σ) < 2.
The equation for the superficial area mentioned can be applied, with deviations of,
approximately, 20% for columns packed with Raschig rings, Berl saddles, spheres, made of
ceramic, glass, certain polymers and coatted with paraffin.
Bolles and Fair (1982) compiled and analyzed a large amount of performance data in the
literature of packed beds, and developed a model of mass transfer in packed column.
Indeed, the authors expanded the database of Cornell et al. (1960) and adapted the model to
new experimental results, measured at larger scales of operation in another type of packing
(Pall rings) and other material (metal). The database covers distillation results in a wide
range of operating conditions, such as pressures from 0.97 to 315 psia and column diameters
between 0.82 to 4.0 ft. With the inclusion of new data, adjustments were needed in the
original model and the values of φ and Ψ had to be recalculated. However, the equation of
Bolles and Fair model (1982) is written in the same way that the model of Cornell et al.
(1960). The only difference occurs in the equation for the height of mass transfer to the vapor
phase, just by changing the units of some variables:

  SCV 0 ,5  Z 3

HV   d 'C m   
 3600  GL  f1  f 2  f3 n  10 

In this equation, d’C is the adjusted column diameter, which is the same diameter or 2 ft, if
the column presents a diameter higher than that.
Unlike the graphs for estimating the values of φ and Ψ, provided by Cornell et al. (1960),
where only one type of material is analyzed (ceramic) and the percentage of flooding,
required to read the parameters, is said to be less than 50% in the work of Bolles and Fair
(1982), these graphics are more comprehensive, firstly because they include graphics for
Raschig rings, Berl saddles and metal Pall rings, and second because they allow variable
readings for different flooding values.
The flooding factor, necessary to calculate the height of a mass transfer unit in the Bolles and
Fair (1982) model, is nothing more than the relation between the vapor velocity, based on

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 47

the superficial area of the column, and the vapor velocity, based on the superficial area of
the column at the flooding point. The Eckert model (1970) is used for the determination of
these values. The authors compared the modified correlation with the original model and
with the correlation of Onda et al. (1968 a, b), concluding that the lower deviations were
obtained by the proposed model, followed by the Cornell et al. (1960) model and by the
Onda et al. (1968 a, b) model.
Bravo and Fair (1982) had as objective the development of a general project model to be
applied in packed distillation columns, using a correlation that don’t need validation for the
different types and sizes of packing. Moreover, the authors didn’t want the dependence on
the flooding point, as the model of Bolles and Fair (1982). For this purpose, the authors used
the Onda et al. (1968 a, b) model, with the database of Bolles and Fair (1982) to give a better
correlation, based on the effective interfacial area to calculate the mass transfer rate. The
authors suggested the following equation:

ae 
 ae  HV    ae  HL 

Evidently, the selection of kV e kL models is crucial, being chosen by the authors the models
of Shulman et al. (1955) and Onda et al. (1968a, b), since they correspond to features
commonly accepted. The latter equation has been written in equations 23 and 24. For the
first, we have:

 d 'p  GV 
kV  V  RT
 1.195     SCV 

 V  1    
3 (23)

kL  d ' p  d 'p  GL 
 25.1     SCL 

 L 

The database used provided the necessary variables for the effective area calculation by the
both methods. These areas were compared with the known values of the specific areas of the
packing used. Because of that, the Onda et al. (1968 a, b) model was chosen to provide
moderate areas values, beyond cover a large range of type and size packing and tested
The authors defined the main points that should be taken in consideration by the new
model and tested various dimensional groups, including column, packing and systems
characteristics and the hydrodynamic of the process. The better correlation, for all the
systems and packing tested is given by:

  0.5 
 0.498   0.4   CaL  ReV 
ae 0.392

Z 


 L  GL
CaL 
L    gC

48 Mass Transfer / Book 1

6  GV
ReV 
aP  V

Recently, with the emergence of more modern packing, other correlations to predict the rate
of mass transfer in packed columns have been studied. Wagner et al. (1997), for example,
developed a semi-empirical model, taking into account the effects of pressure drop and
holdup in the column for the Nutter rings and IMTP, CMR and Flaximax packing. These
packing have higher efficiency and therefore have become more popular for new projects of
packed columns today. However, for the traditional packing, according to the author, only
correlations of Cornell et al. (1960), Onda et al. (1968a, b), Bolles and Fair (1982) and Bravo
and Fair (1982), presented have been large and viable enough to receive credit on
commercial projects for both applications to distillation and absorption.
Berg et al. (1984) questioned whether the extractive distillation could be performed in a packed
distillation column, or only columns with trays could play such a process. Four different
packing were used and ten separation agents were applied in the separation of ethyl acetate
from a mixture of water and ethanol, which results in a mixture that has three binary
azeotropes and a ternary. A serie of runs was made in a column of six glass plates, with a
diameter of 3.8 cm, and in two packed columns. Columns with Berl saddles and Intalox
saddles (both porcelain and 1.27 cm) had 61 cm long and 2.9 cm in diameter. The columns
with propellers made of Pyrex glass and with a size of 0.7 cm, and Raschig rings made of flint
glass and size 0.6 cm, were 22.9 cm long and 1.9 cm in diameter. The real trays in each column
were determined with a mixture of ethyl benzene and m-xylene. The cell, fed with the mixture,
remained under total reflux at the bubble point for an hour. After, the feed pump was
switched on and the separating agent was fed at 90 °C at the top of the column. Samples from
the top and bottom were analyzed every half hour, even remain constant, two hours or less.
The results showed, on average, than the packed column was not efficient as the columns of
plates for this system. The best packing for this study were, in ascending order, glass helices,
Berl saddles, Intalox saddles and Raschig rings. The columns with sieve plates showed the best
results. Propellers glass and Berl saddles were not as effective as the number of perforated
plates and Intalox saddles and Raschig rings were the worst packing tested. When the
separating agent was 1,5-pentanediol, the tray column showed a relative volatility of ethyl
acetate/ethanol of 3.19. While the packed column showed 2.32 to Propeller glass, 2.08 for Berl
saddles, 2.02 for Intalox saddles and 2.08 for Raschig rings.
Through the years, several empirical rules have been proposed to estimate the packing
efficiency. Most of the correlations and rules are developed for handles and saddle packing.
Vital et al. (1984) cited several authors who proposed to develop empirical correlations for
predicting the efficiency of packed columns (Furnas & Taylor, 1940; Robinson & Gilliand,
1950; Hands & Whitt, 1951; Murch, 1953; Ellis, 1953 and Garner, 1956).
According to Wagner et al. (1997), the HETP is widely used to characterize the ability of
mass transfer in packed column. However, it is theoretically grounded in what concerns the
mass transport between phases. Conversely, the height of a global mass transfer, HOV, is
more appropriate, considering the mass transfer coefficient (k) of the liquid phase
(represented by subscript L) and vapor (represented by subscript V) individually. Thus, the
knowledge of the theory allows the representation:

HOV  HV    HL (28)

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 49

HV 
kV  ae  P  MV

HL 
kL  a e   L

The effective interfacial mass transfer area, in a given system, is considered equal to the
liquid and vapor phases, as is the area through which mass transfer occurs at the interface. It
is important to also note that ae is not composed only by the wet surface area of the packing
(aW), but throughout the area that allows contact between the liquid and vapor phases
(Bravo and Fair, 1982). This area can be smaller than the global interfacial area, due to the
existence of stagnant places, where the liquid reaches saturation and no longer participate in
the mass transfer process. Due to this complicated physical configuration, the effective
interfacial area is difficult to measure directly. The authors proposed a new model using
high-efficiency random packing as IMTP, CMR, Fleximac and Nutter. The final model

. . .
∈ 1 ∈ (31)
1 1
4 1

After the test using 326 experimental data, the predicted values of HETP showed a deviation
less than 25% from the experimental results. It was observed that physical properties have a
little effect on mass transfer.
Four binary systems were tested (cyclohexane-heptane, methanol-ethanol, ethylbenzene-
styrene and ethanol-water) from different database and different packing types and sizes.
The only packing parameter needed was a packing characteristic which has a value of 0.030
for a 2 in Pall and Raschig rings and about 0.050 for 2 in nominal size of the high efficiency
packing investigated.
The theoretical relations between the mass transfer coefficient and a packing efficiency
definition, are not easily obtained, in a general manner. This is due to the divergence
between the mechanisms of mass transfer in a packed section and the concept of an ideal
stage. The theoretical relation deduced, applied in the most simple and commonly situation
is described as:

ln 
 1

Although validated only for the cases of dilute solutions, constant inclination of the
equilibrium line, constant molar flow rates, binary systems and equimolar countercurrent
diffusion, this equation has been applied to systems with very different conditions from
these, and even for multicomponent systems (Caldas & Lacerda, 1988).
The design of packed columns by the method of the height of a global mass transfer unit is
an established practice and advisable. For this, it is necessary to know the height of the mass
transfer unit for both liquid and for vapor phases.
HL values are usually experimentally obtained by absorption and desorption of a gas,
slightly soluble, from a liquid film flowing over a packed tower, in a countercurrent mode
with an air stream. Under these conditions, changes in gas concentration are neglected and

50 Mass Transfer / Book 1

no resistance in the gas film is considered. The variables that affect the height of the liquid
transfer unit are the height of the packed section, gas velocity, column diameter, the
physical properties of liquid and the type and size of the packing.
The values of the height of a transfer unit of a gas film, HV, need to be measured under the
same conditions as the resistance of the liquid film is known. This can be done by the
absorption of a highly soluble gas. An alternative method to determine HV involves the
vaporization of a liquid, at constant temperature, within a gas stream. In this case, the
resistance of the liquid film is zero and HV is equal to HOV. The variables that affect the
height of transfer unit of a gas film are the gas and liquid velocities, the physical
properties of the gas, column diameter, the height, type and size of the packing (Cornell et
al., 1960).
Linek et al. (2001) studied the hydraulic and mass transfer data measuring pressure drop,
liquid hold-up, gas and liquid side volumetric mass transfer coefficients and the interfacial
area for Rauschert-Metall-Sattel-Rings (RMSR) with 25, 40 and 50 mm. The shape and
characteristics of the studied packing corresponded with the metal Pall rings and Intalox
packing of Norton. The distillation experiments were performed using the systems
methanol-ethanol, ethanol-water and isooctane-toluene at atmospheric pressure in a column
of diameter 0.1 m and a height of packing 1.67 m, operated under total reflux. The measured
values of HETP were compared with those calculated for the different sizes of RMSR
packing for the distillation systems. The calculated values differ by less than ± 15% from the
experimental values, with the exception for the data obtained at extremely low gas flow
rates in the system ethanol-methanol for which the respective difference reached 46%.
Figure 2, from the paper of Linek et al. (2001), shows the comparison of measured values of
HETP with those calculated from absorption mass transfer data using the model described
in Linek et al. (1995) cited by Linek et al. (2001).

Fig. 2. Comparison of measured values of HETP with those calculated from absorption mass
transfer data (Linek et al., 2001)

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 51

Senol (2001) studied the performance of a randomly packed distillation column depending
on the effective vapor-liquid interfacial area and the flood ratio. The analysis were mainly
focused optimizing HETP and effective interfacial areas as function of the flood ratio
estimated by Eckert flooding model (Eckert, 1970 cited by Senol, 2001). The experiments
were done in a pilot scale column of 9 cm inside diameter randomly filled to a depth of 1.90
m with Raschig-type ceramic rings under atmospheric pressure. The runs were conducted to
determine the capacity and efficiency at total reflux for several pressure drops. The
efficiency tests were made using three packings of 6.25, 9 and 10.8 mm nominal sizes and
binary systems like trichloroethylene/heptane, methylcyclohexane/toluene,
heptane/toluene and benzene/toluene. The HETP was obtained by the Fenske equation.
The efficiency results gave evidence of two critical factors, the flood ratio and the packing
geometry that affects significantly the magnitude of effective interfacial area.
A working database of 2350 measurements (under total molar reflux), in the work of Piché
et al. (2003), were extracted from the open literature to generate height equivalent to a
theoretical plate (HETP) calculations, essential for the design of randomly packed
distillation columns. According to the authors, the HETP approaches more a rule of thumb
concept than an exact science and can be calculated as:
´⁄ ´
ln (33)
´⁄ ´ 1
The database used included 325 measurements on the interfacial area, 1100 measurements
on the liquid-film coefficient (kLaw), 361 measurements on the gas-film coefficient (kGaw),
1242 measurements on the liquid-overall coefficient (KLaw) and 742 measurements on the
gas-overall coefficient (KGaw). The distillation database constituted 2357 HETP
measurements taken from 22 different references, conducted at total molar reflux with
standard binary mixtures (chlorobenzene-ethylbenzene, ethylbenzene-styrene, benzene-
toluene, methanol/ethanol, trans-decalin/cis-decalin, ethanol-water, hexane-heptane,
isopropanol-water, iso-octane-toluene, toluene-methylcyclohexane, cyclohexane-
cyclohexanol, o-xylene-p-xylene, benzene-1,1-dichloroethylene, trichloroethylene-n-heptane,
n-heptane-toluene). All the systems were distilled using 24 varieties of packing. After the
construction of a new model based on a neural network, the deviations were calculated and
were better than the original model of Piche et al. (2002) cited in Piche et al. (2003). The
minimum deviation of HETP was 21.3%, including all the systems studied.
Darakchiev & Semkov (2008) studied the rectification of ethanol with three types of modern
random packings, IMTP, Raschig Super Rings and Ralu Flow, in conditions close to real
conditions of industrial operation. The experiments were performed in high and medium
concentrations. The experimental unit consisted of a column of internal diameter of 21.3 cm,
made of stainless steel, with reboiler of 80000 cm3 of capacity and maximum resistance of 45
kW, condenser, pipes, devices for monitoring and measurement and a control panel. The
column was built in separated sections and assembled by flanges. The packed section has a
height of 2.8 m. To limit the damaging effect of preferential channels, reflectors rings were
willing on 20 cm distance between the height of the packing. One type of disperser, a type of
liquid distributor, with 21 holes of 3 mm with Teflon nozzle of 1.7 mm, was attached to the
upper spine. To prevent clogging, a filter was placed before the distributor.
A diaphragm and a differential manometer were used to measure the discharge flow, which
may be total or partial. The column was insulated by a layer of 50 mm glass fiber. The

52 Mass Transfer / Book 1

experimental runs were done feeding 60000 cm3 of the solution to reboiler. The minimum
liquid flow rate in the distributor needed to ensure good distribution of liquid in the column
was obtained, experimentally, in 58000 cm3/h, which required a minimum output of 13 kW.
After equilibrium, samples were taken before and after the packing. A densimeter was used
to determine the concentration of the samples, applying temperature corrections. Eight
types of random packings were studied: four metal Raschig Super Rings, with dimensions
of 1.27, 1.52, 1.78 and 2.54 cm, a Raschig Super Ring, made of plastic, of 1. 52 cm, two kinds
of IMTP packing and a Ralu Flow of plastic. The results showed good efficiency of the
packing in ethanol dehydration. The best packing tested was Raschig Super Ring in the
smaller dimension, producing a HETP with 28 cm. Comparing metal to plastic, there was a
6% lower efficiency for plastic packing.
Larachi et al. (2008) proposed two correlations to evaluate the local gas or liquids side mass
transfer coefficient and the effective gas-liquid interfacial area. The study was done using
structured and random packing, testing 861 experiments for structured packings and 4291
experiments for random packings. In order to reconstruct HETP values from the mass
transfer parameters, 1192 HETP experiments for random packings and 127 experiments for
structured packings were evaluated. All the distillation experiments were done at total
molar reflux with standard binary mixtures as chlorobenzene/ethylbenzene,
ethylbenzene/styrene, benzene/toluene, methanol/ethanol, etc. All the physical chemical
properties unavailable were predicted according to the rules of Reid et al. (1987). According
to the neural network weights, the relative deviation was 29.2% for the random packing and
18.2% for the experiments done with structured packings.
Soares (2010) studied the ethanol concentration using different salts, NaCl, CaCl2, Ca(NO3)2,
sodium acetate and potassium acetate, in a packed column, with 5.9 cm of internal diameter
and 37 cm of packed section height, with Raschig rings (0.73 cm) made of glass. The HETP
was evaluated operating the distillation column at total reflux ratio. Despite of the less
efficiency compared with the more modern packing, this type of packing presented the
lowest costs. The correlations used in this work were Bravo & Fair (1982), Bolles and Fair
(1982) and Onda et al. (1968 a, b). The Cornell et al. (1960) correlation was not adopted, due
to the fact that the model of Bolles and Fair (1982) is its improvement. All the physical-
chemical properties were estimated by the different methods present in Reid et al. (1987).
The thermodynamic modeling was done based on the work of Macedo et al. (1990), that
introduced the Debye-Hückel term in UNIQUAC, to calculate the phase equilibrium for
electrolytes. Two systems with different ethanol concentration were studied, 7 and 52 ºGL.
The better results of predicted HETP were obtained using the Onda et al. (1968 a, b) and
with the Bolles and Fair (1982) correlations. The results predicted by the correlation of Bravo
and Fair (1982) modified by Onda et al. (1968 a, b) were much higher than the experimental
HETP. According to Caldas and Lacerda (1988), the maximum deviation is 27% using
Raschig rings made of ceramic.
The choice for a distillation column is based on the cost and on the properties of the studied
system. In the past, except for the columns with small diameters, the trays are adopted in
the most of the distillation columns. However, the development of high efficient packing
and the need for the improvement of the capacity, efficiency, and to reduce the pressure
drop, has led to a more use of the packing columns in a large wide of applications in an
industrial scale (Perry and Green, 1999).
The difference in cost and height, between the tray and packed columns, are not significant,
if operating conditions are providing efficiency close to maximal. In general, trays are used

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 53

in large diameter columns and in columns that need 20 to 30 stages. The packing are widely
applied in the gas absorption, vacuum processes and pilot scale units (Henley and Seader,
1981). This can be explained, considering that: the packed columns can contain packing
made of ceramic or plastic, desirable characteristics required for corrosive systems (very
common in gas absorption processes), show characteristics of efficiency and pressure drop,
critical factors in the vacuum distillation (often used to separate thermally sensitive
mixtures, suffering decomposition and/or polymerization at high temperatures) are cheaper
than the tray columns when employed less than 76 cm diameter. Another recommendation,
for the preferential use of packed column, is made when you want separate systems with a
tendency to form foams, since the tray columns have a higher degree of agitation (Perry and
Green, 1999).
According to Perry & Green (1999), the main restrictions on the use of packed columns are:
1) when multiple feeds and/or multiple side streams and condensers and/or intermediary
reboilers are required (tray valves are desirable in these cases); 2) when a periodic cleaning
must be done inside the column due to certain characteristics of the system to be distilled
(trays are easier to clean), 3) when data for the design of packed distillation columns are not
available for certain mixtures (projects of tray columns are better established than for
packed columns).
None of the three restrictions limit the use of packing to obtain anhydrous ethanol by
extractive saline distillation. Doubts could arise with respect to the periodic cleaning of the
interior of the column, needed for the alleged deposition of salt. This would not be
necessary because the salt would tend strongly to remain in solution. Side devices are not
required and the project data can be obtained through studies on a pilot scale, emphasizing
the importance of this work.
The packed distillation columns must be fitted with a good distribution of liquid through
the interior of the packing, to promote fluid turbulence and mass transfer by liquid
dispersion. This allows for a greater contact between the liquid and vapor phases, increasing
the efficiency of separation. At low flow rate of steam and/or liquids, or if the feeding of the
liquid is not regular distributed over the packing, the liquid will tend to descend the walls of
the column, forming preferential channels. Thus, the upward flow of steam is bypassed by
the middle column, without a proper contact between the phases. In very small flow rates,
the liquid may be insufficient to wet the packing surface. Therefore, it is strongly
recommended an adjusted flow condition and the use of distributors, what can improve the
wettability of the interior of the column (Henley and Seader, 1981).
The proposal of a generalized correlation for the HETP is a difficult task, because packed
columns are equipments of continuous contact, so that the modeling of the phenomenon is
more powerful when done by balances in the differential element of the packing. However,
the use of HETP in specific situations provides reliable results and, in many cases, is the
only possible systematic (Caldas & Lacerda, 1988).

2.2 Part B: performance of structured packing

In the field of distillation, structured packings have been established for several decades.
They are preferred where liquid loads are acceptable, a high separation performance is
required and low pressure drop is of importance (Fischer et al., 2003).
The first generation of structured packing was brought up in the early forties. In 1953, it was
patented a packing named Panapak ™, made of a wavy-form expanded metal sheet, which
was not successful may due to maldistribution or lack of good marketing (Kister, 1992).

54 Mass Transfer / Book 1

The second generation came up at the end of 1950’s with the highly efficient wire mesh
packings, as Goodloe ™, Hyperfil ™ and Koch-Sulzer. Until the 70’s, those packings were
the most used in vacuum distillation due to their low pressure drop per theoretical stage.
However, high cost, low capacity and high sensitivity to solids have prevented the
utilization of wire mesh packings, except in vacuum distillation.
The corrugated structured packings, introduced by Sulzer by the end of the 70’s, have
initiated the third generation of structured packed columns. High capacity, lower cost, less
sensitivity to solids while keeping a high performance, have made them competitive in
relation to other column internals. The 1980’s have perceived a growing popularity of those
packings, especially on revamps in oil and petrochemical plants (Nicolaiewsky, 1999).
Those structured packings, made of corrugated metal sheets, had their surfaces treated,
chemical or mechanically, in order to enhance their wettability and, consequently, their
wetted area, improving their performance. The way wetted area is created, maintained and
renewed, related to different surface geometry, has a remarkable effect not only on packing
efficiency, but also on the performance of packed columns (Nicolaiewsky et al., 1999).
Spiegel and Meier (2003) summarized in the Figure 3 the evolution of the structured
packings, concluding that no better performance was achieved with various packings of
similar geometry. In 1994, a new geometry was developed and called as Optiflow and, in
1999, an improved structure of corrugated sheet packings, the MellapackPlus was
developed based on CFD simulations and experimental tests. This new structure, compared
with conventional Mellapak, has the pressure drop remarkably lowered and the maximum
useful capacity could be extended uo to 50%.

Fig. 3. History of structured packings (Spiegel and Meier, 2003)

According to Shi and Mersman (1985), the effective interfacial area includes not only films
on the packing surface but also drops, jets and sprays which flow through the voids of the
packed bed. In truth, wetted area can be divided into two parts: one occupied by the liquid
film flowing over the surface of the packing and the other, the stagnant liquid. In gas
absorption, the fraction of the wetted area occupied by the stagnant liquid soon becomes
saturated with gas, and as renewal of that liquid is insignificant; it does not contribute to
mass transfer. However, in distillation, these portions of stagnant liquid are also effective in
the separation (Puranik and Vogelpohl, 1974).

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 55

The first fundamental model for structured packing efficiency is attributed to Bravo et al.
(1985), applied to Sulzer gauze packings, in which the effective interfacial area should be
considered equal to the nominal packing area. The pressure effect was not included in that
model, due to the vacuum conditions on the tests, involving low liquid flow rates and films
with lower resistance to mass transfer (Orlando Jr. et al., 2009).
Later, in 1987, Fair and Bravo proposed the following equations to predict the wetted area of
corrugated structured packings:

ae= .ap (34)

where = 0.50 + 0.0059 (% flood) and = 1.0 for above 85% flood. The above equations
mean that the effective interfacial area is always lower than the nominal packing area.
Based on measurements of widths of liquid films flowing over inclined surfaces, Shi and
Mersmann (1985) have established a correlation for the estimation of wetted area. For the
liquid film thickness, they used Nusselt’s equation. The authors’ correlation for the wetted
area took into account the influence of physical properties like viscosity, surface tension and
contact angle, with a great influence of the latter. The authors found out that a small
variation on contact angle would cause a large influence on the wetted area, which is not
reasonable according to findings of Nicolaiewsky et al. (1999), in which work correlations
for the estimation of liquid film width and thickness were proposed to be used on a wetted
area model in packed columns containing structured packing.
Shi and Mersmann’s (1985) correlation for sheet metal structured packings can be written:

29.12  WeL FrL  S 0.359


 1  0.93 cos  sin  

ap 0.2 0.6

in which FSE accounts for variations in surface enhancements and the contact angle θ
accounts for surface material wettability. For sheet metal packing, the authors stated that:

cos θ = 0.9 for σ ≤ 0.055 N/m

cos  5.211x1016.835 for σ ≥ 0.055 N/m

4 uLe L
ReL 

FrL 

uL2 LS
WeL 
 gc

Henriques de Brito and coworkers (1994) measured the effective interfacial area of sheet
metal structured packings such as Mellapak 125Y, 250Y and 500Y. Their results have
demonstrated that the effective area can be much higher than the packing surface area due
to instabilities in liquid flow, such as ripples, waves, detachment of the film into liquid

56 Mass Transfer / Book 1

showers, etc. The resulting correlation for all measurements is a function of the Reynolds
number for the liquid phase, as follows:

 0.465ReL
ae 0.30

It must be pointed out that the authors have not checked the correlation with fluids with
different densities and viscosities.
Later on, Rocha et al. (1993, 1996) developed a mechanistic model aiming the design and
optimization of CSSP (continuous separation structured packing) distillation columns of the
metallic corrugated type, also applied to absorption and stripping processes. Liquid holdup
prediction was the key to the development of correlations to measure pressure drop, capacity
and mass transfer efficiency in the packing. In their model, Rocha and coworkers used Shi and
Mersmann’s (1985) correlation in order to evaluate the interfacial area available for mass
transfer and the liquid holdup present in the packing. Those correlations involved parameters
related to surface treatment, as contact angle on the packing surface, as well as packing
geometry, liquid and vapor flow rates and physical properties of the system (Orlando Jr. et al.,
2009). For the estimation of the liquid side mass transfer coefficient, Rocha et al. (1996) used a
correlation developed by Brunazzi and coworkers (1995) for the evaluation of effective areas in
absorption columns containing Mellapak 250Y and Sulzer BX.
Rocha et al. (1993) studied correlations to calculate flooding velocity and mass transfer
efficiency by using the concept of HETP for distillation columns filled with structured
packings. The authors observed that there are few correlations to predict HETP values amd
most of them need empirical constants or exponents for their calculation. The disadvantage
is that these values are not reported for all the packings and all the sizes available. It was
used the Billet (Billet, 1987), Spiegel and Meier (Spiegel & Meier, 1987) and Bravo et al.
(1985) correlations for the HETP calculation and the deviation between them was 11%.
Billingham and Lockett (1999) studied very small modifications to structured packing in
order to increase the capacity. It was tested the air-water system and the cryogenic
distillation. It was done three bricks of aluminum Flexipac 1Y in the initial experiments and
in the other experiments, the packing was removed and the bricks disassembled and
repinned together with each alternate sheet staggered in a vertical direction. For the
cryogenic distillation, a larger specific surface area packing than Flexipac was used. The
authors observed that the key is to reduce the pressure drop associated with vapour entry
into the bricks, facilitating the passage of liquid from the bricks. Although the modified
packings have increased capacity, HETP is about 25% higher than that the unmodified
packings. To overcome this problem, another packing was used with the bricks having a flat
top and a staggered base and were made from sheets of two different lenghs arranged
alternatively. The modified packing had about 15% more capacity and the HETP has the
same value of the unmodified packings.
None of those models mentioned so far considered the effect of vapor flow and thus can
only be used with low vapor rates. However, since industrial columns often operate above
the loading point, it was necessary to develop a correlation for effective interfacial area
which was valid for a wide range of vapor rates (Xu et al., 2000). Using Billet and Schultes’
model (1993) for effective interfacial area (which is very similar to Shi and Mersmann’s
model, but at least was validated with experimental data), Xu et al. (2000) introduced in that
model the Marangoni effect. The authors considered that the surface tension positive

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 57

systems should have a higher interfacial area than the neutral and negative systems because
the liquid films are more stable. This result is in agreement with measurements of contact
angles formed by liquid films of diverse properties, in flat or textured surfaces
(Nicolaiewsky and Fair, 1999), in which it was clear that texturing of surfaces would
enhance wetting characteristics of positive systems. Xu et al’s model (2000) was validated
for three structured packing (Gempak 2.5A, AW7 and AW12), with three test systems
(methanol-isopropanol, water-acetic acid and methanol-water), at two operating pressures
(710 and 260 mmHg), having achieved an average 10.2% deviation of model prediction. The
deviations are 20% approximately for 90% of the data points.
Olujic et al. (2003) made experimental studies in a distillation column at total reflux to report
the capacity of a new generation of Montz structured packing. According to the authors, the
major feature of Montz B1 is a smooth bend in the bottom third of the corrugation with
continuously increasing corrugation base width. The experiments were done using a bed
height of approximately 3.3 m and the system cyclohexane/heptanes was utilized, under
different conditions of pressure, 0.17, 0.33, 1.03 and 4.14 bar. Five different dimensions of
structured packing were investigated with ap (m2/m3) of 244, 247, 250, 346 and 350. The
number of equilibrium stages was calculated from the distillate and bottom compositions
using the Fenske equation and an average relative volatility. Among the various results
published by the authors, Figure 4 shows the dimensionless product of the specific surface
area and HETP as a function of the operational pressure for both packing sizes. The figure
concludes that larger surface area packing appear to use their available surface less
efficiently. The performance enhancement in case of 350 series packings is 21% with respect
to the standard size. The relatively high efficiency is similar as the original packing in its
range of application. Because of that characteristic, columns equipped with B1-250 packing
can be revamped with B1-250M packing.

Fig. 4. Relative surface utilization efficiency as a function of operating pressure (total reflux)
In 2006, results from continuous feed and total reflux distillation experiments, carried out
with a common type and size structured packing using two- and three-component mixtures
of common alcohols and water, were published (Mori et al., 2006). The composition profiles

58 Mass Transfer / Book 1

measured with the three component mixture were used to validate the rate-based (non-
equilibrium) model developed at the Nagoya Institute of Technology (NIT), which appeared
to be highly accurate, but also sensitive to the choice of the predictive method for the
interfacial area. The rate-based, non-equilibrium (NEQ) approach adopted at NIT (Mori et
al., 1996, 1999, 2002) includes Bravo et al. (1985) correlations for vapor and liquid side mass
transfer coefficients that differ to some extent from those employed in the Delft model
(Olujic et al., 1999). Two simple empirical models for effective specific area were considered
in this work. First one is that introduced by Olujic and coworkers (1999) for Montz B1-250
packing and the other one is proposed by Henriques de Brito et al. (1994), for Mellapak
packings. The authors concluded that the Delft model overpredicts the measurements at
higher F factors to such an extent that it may be considered as safe or conservative. The NEQ
model developed at NIT, in conjunction with Henriques de Brito et al. (1994) correlation for
effective area, proved to be capable of reproducing all the measured composition profiles
very well, regardless of the water content of the feed.
Also, in 2006, Mori et al. presented results of continuous feed and total reflux distillation
experiments carried out with a common type and size structured packing, Montz-pack B1-
250, using two (methanol-water) and three (methanol/ethanol/water) component mixtures
of common alcohols and water. The packing is a conventional corrugated sheet metal
structured packing with a regular shallow embossed unperforated surface, a corrugation
inclination angle of 45º and an element height of 0.196 m. The experiments were done in a
210 mm diameter distillation column, with a total packed height of 2.156 m and the packed
bed consisted of four sections. The experimental packing efficiency, expressed as HETP,
under total reflux conditions, was calculated using the Fenske equation to estimate the
number of equilibrium stages. The rate-based, non-equilibrium (NEQ) model was used
because it does not require any empirically determined packing specific constant, just the
main dimensions of corrugated sheets as well as the corrugation inclination angle. The
model includes Bravo et al. (1985) correlations for vapor and liquid side mass transfer
coefficients that differ from the Delft model. Two simple empirical model for the calculation
of the effective specific area was considered: the first one, by Olujic et al. (1999) for B1-250
packing (equation 40) and the other one was proposed by Brito et al. (1994) for Mellapack
packings (equation 41).

 

ae 1
ap 1  0.000002143u1.5

 0.465 Re0.3L

Equation 40 was originally developed for Mellapak and is assumed here to be valid for
other similar sheet metal packings, including Montzpak B1-250. The results, at total reflux
conditions, is presented in Figure 5, that shows the mass transfer efficiency (the average
HETP of B1-250) as a function of vapor load factor (F-factor). In the figure, Feed 1 refers to a
low water content and the Feed 2 to a feed with relatively high water content. In both cases,
the efficiency slowly decreases with increasing F-factor. According to the authors, a
pronounced trend was observed with the B1-250 packing because is it an inherent
characteristic of the Delft method (Olujic et al., 1999 cited by Mori et al., 2006).

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 59

Fig. 5. Comparison of calculated and measured packing efficiencies at total reflux conditions
Ceramic foam packing has been known for many years and has a wide range of applications
due to its low density and attractive thermal, mechanical, electrical, and acoustical
properties. In a recent paper (Lévêque et al., 2009), its performance was evaluated as a
distillation packing material. The hydraulic characteristics of the foam were experimentally
determined for gas–liquid countercurrent flow using an air–water system. The performance
in terms of pressure drop per unit height and flooding behavior was quite low compared
with classical distillation packing materials (Sulzer M250Y, Sulzer CY and Pall rings). The
liquid hold-up of the foam packing increased with increased liquid–gas loading in the
loading zone, and the liquid hold-up was greater than other classical packing materials.
Mass transfer efficiency was determined over the entire operating range using a
cyclohexane/n-heptane system at atmospheric pressure under total reflux. The foam
packing performance was very good, with a HETP of 0.2 m and increasing mass transfer
with increasing gas and liquid superficial velocities inside the packing (Lévêque et al., 2009).
Last year, a French group from Université de Toulouse (Bessou et al., 2010), sponsored by
Sulzer and Snecma Propulsion Solide, has developed a new structured packing, made of
carbon, named The Sepcarb 4D packing, presenting its performance characteristics. The
advantages of the packing rest on being inert, corrosion-resistant; has very low density (40
kg/m3), with tubes of small thickness (0.2 mm). The separation efficiency has been
determined using the HETP concept on distillation experiments with cyclohexane/n-
heptane system at atmospheric pressure and total reflux. The best results were obtained
with wall wipers, which improved liquid redistribution between packing cylinders and
involved low wall effects. HETP calculated was 0.2 m, which corresponds to a good transfer
performance when compared to classical packings such as Mellapak 250Y, Mellapak 425Y
and Pall rings.
Performance of a distillation column, operating continuously with a mixture of known
composition (C8-C14), containing Sulzer DX SS structured packing, has been evaluated. Prior
to the experimental tests, simulation studies using commercial software PRO/II® were
performed in order to establish the optimum operational conditions for the distillation,
especially concerning operating pressure, top and bottom temperatures, feed location and
reflux ratio. The results of PRO/II® were very similar to the analysis of the products
obtained during continuous operation, therefore permitting the use of the properties

60 Mass Transfer / Book 1

calculated by that software on the theoretical models investigated. Five theoretical models
available in the literature (Bravo, Rocha and Fair, 1985; Rocha, Bravo and Fair, 1993, 1996;
Brunazzi and Pagliant, 1997; Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant, 2006; Olujić et al., 2004) and an
empirical model (Carrillo and coworkers, 2000) have been compared. Modifications
concerning calculation of specific areas were performed on the correlations in order to fit
them for gauze packing HETP evaluation. As the laboratory distillation column was
operated continuously, different HETP values were found by the models investigated for
each section of the column. The low liquid flow rates in the top section of the column are a
source of error for HETP evaluation by the models; therefore, more reliable HETP values
were found in the bottom section, in which liquid flow rates were much greater. Among the
theoretical models, Olujić et al. (2004) has shown good results relatively to the experimental
tests. In addition, the former model by Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985) underestimates HETP
values; however, with the modifications proposed in this work, it has achieved more
realistic performance prediction, remaining a good choice for gauze packing HETP
evaluation. Having the advantage of avoiding the calculation of effective area and mass
transfer coefficients, an empirical model proposed by Carrillo and coworkers (2000) was also
investigated, showing low deviations compared to the theoretical models tested.
Among the short-cut methods for the estimation of column efficiency, Carrillo and
coworkers (2000) have proposed a modification of the Lockett equation (1998) to be used for
HETP estimation of Sulzer BX packing. The correlation was proposed to be a function of the
gas flow factor, densities of the liquid and vapor phases and the system pressure. The HETP
values calculated by the modified equation have shown a good fit, compared to the
published experimental data available.
Later, Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant (2006) used the absorption column studies developed by
Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997), and made some modifications on the liquid side mass transfer
coefficient, to adapt those correlations for HETP evaluation of distillation columns. Olujić’s
model (1997) was developed to predict hydraulic and separation performance of corrugated
sheet structured packing in distillation systems. Since 1997, until its last version (Olujić et al.
(2004), the model, named the Delft model, has been enhanced through tests using Montz B1
and BSH packings. A complete evaluation of Delft’s model has been accomplished by Fair
and coworkers (2000), showing that it overestimates the effective superficial area for
structured packing column design. In order to compensate for that deviation, Olujić et al.
(2004) have adapted Onda’s correlation (1968) apud Olujić et al. (2004) to be used with
structured packing columns.
In 2009, two works deal with the HETP evaluation using distinct base lube oil mixtures in a
lab-scale distillation column, of 40 mm of nominal diameter, having 4 sections of 550 mm
each containing Sulzer DX (gauze) structured packing, as the contacting device (Machado et
al. and Orlando Jr. et al., 2009). Orlando Jr. et al. (2009) made several tests with a
hydrocarbon mixture (C8-C14) to evaluate HETP using six HETP correlations to find out
which is the most appropriate for structured packed columns with medium distillates. The
theoretical models investigated are: Bravo et al. (1985), Rocha et al. (1993, 1996), Brunazzi
and Pagliant (1997), Carlo et al. (2006) and Olujic et al. (2004). As the laboratory distillation
column was operated continuously, different HETP values were found by the models for
each section of the column. Olujic et al. (2004) was the best method, showing good results,
together with the correlation of Carrillo et al. (2000), in which low deviations were obtained.
The average deviation varied from 8 to 47%. The deviations can be explained by the fact that

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 61

most of the models have been proposed from testes using corrugated sheet structured
packing elements, which performs differently from gauze type packing.
In the work of Machado and coworkers (2009), the authors worked with two mixtures, a
heavier one composed of neutral medium and bright stock and another composed of
spindle and neutral light. Simulation studies using the PRO II software had been performed
in order to establish the best operating conditions in the distillation unit. Concerning the
empirical models, a comparison between the Lockett (1998) and Carrillo et al. (2000) models
was done. Among the theoretical models, Olujic et al. (2004) was chosen for being one of the
most recent and robust. According to the authors, unfortunately, neither mass transfer
model was able to properly describe the base lube oil distillation. Olujic et al. (2004) model
yielded underestimated area values, by using Onda´s correlation (Onda et al., 1968), but a
modified version proposed by Orlando Jr. et al. (2009) provided more realistic values for the
effective areas. It was concluded that the nature of the mixtures had no influence on HETP
deviations, pointing out that the low vapor flowrate inside the column was the most
influential variable. Large deviations varying from 27 to 70% were obtained for all the
mixtures and using all the methods.
Finally, Li et al. (2010) used a special high-performance structured packing, PACK-13C, with
a surface area of 1135 m2/m3 and the first stable isotope pilot-scale plant using structured
packing was designed. The height and inner diameter of the distillation column were 20 m
and 45 mm, respectively, and the height of the packing bed was 18 m. The raw materials
utilized were only high purity CO gas and liquid notrogen. When the F-factor changes from
0.18 to 0.90 m/s, the number of theoretical plates per meter decreases from 30 to 20. The new
structured packing was a combination of the advantages of structured and random packing,
as showed in Figure 6. The inclination angle was 45º, the height of corrugation was 2.5 mm,
the porosity was 0.77 and the silk diameter was 0.085 mm.

Fig. 6. Illustration of the structured packing PACK-13C (Li et al., 2010)

The minimum theoretical plates, at total reflux, was calculated by the Fenske equation. The
authors concluded that the PACK-13C structured packing exhibits very high performance in
isotope separation, combining the advantages of high theoretical plate numbers of the
random packing and the excellent hydrodynamic properties of structured packing. Figure 7
confirms the characteristics of the structured packing relating the theoretical plates number
and factor F.

62 Mass Transfer / Book 1

Fig. 7. The theoretical plates of PACK-13C (Li et al., 2010)

3. Conclusions
The use of packed columns for continuous contacting of vapors and liquids is well
established in the chemical industry, nowadays. The design of the columns require a
knowledge of the height of a transfer unit and this chapter had as main objective the
description of the present correlations, relating their advantages and disadvantages, for
random and structured packing.
Among the researches encountered in the literature and cited in this chapter, it is important
to have a model that describes the fluid dynamic relationships in packed columns with
countercurrent flow of the gas and liquid phases to describe up the flood point. It is so
important because above this point, the liquid accumulates to such an extent that column
instability occurs. The disadvantage of some correlations relies on the fact that many
parameter characteristics is only obtained graphically, what introduces deviations in the
calculation of areas and HETP.
For the distillation in packed columns, it was ascertained that the resistance in both phases,
liquid and vapor phases, should be taken into account in the HETP evaluation.
About the packing, new random and structured packing have been studied, but the
difficulty in HETP representation remains the problem, due to the fact that it is so difficult to
find a correlation that covers all systems with different physical properties and different
nominal sizes of the packing.
Moreover, normally, HETP is substantially constant over a wide range of vapor flows; on
the other hand, vapor flow varies increasing or decreasing the mass transfer depending on
the liquid phase. Because of that, HETP is not constant along the column and it is convenient
to define one value that which may be used for design purposes. Due to these factors, the
correlations proposed, empirical or theoretical, do not reach the real value of HETP for any
system studied.

HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column 63

Finally, to better evaluate HETP, it is also important to choose a thermodynamic model that
can represent the behavior of the liquid-vapor equilibrium and complex methodologies to
calculate the theoretical number of stages.

4. Nomenclature
dP – nominal size of the packing
– inclination ratio between the equilibrium and operation straight
– fraction of surface used for mass transfer
P – pressure of the system
G – mass flow of the phase
GL – liquid mass flow
GV – vapor mass flow
G - V – gas or vapor rate
L – liquid rate
M – molecular mass
ML – molecular weight of liquid
MV – molecular weight of vapor
ρ – density
H – height representation of the mass transfer unit
HG – HV – height of gas-side phase transfer unit (m)
HL – height of liquid-side phase transfer unit (m)
HOG - HOV – height of an overall gas phase transfer unit (m)
gC - conversion factor between strengh and mass
CaL – capilar number
CfL – coefficient for effect of approach of flood point on liquid-phase mass transfer
Cpk – packing characteristic
h – operating holdup - m3/m3
c – void fraction
– corrugation angle
γ – angle with the horizontal for falling film or corrugation channel
 - contact angle
g – gravity acceleration
R – universal constant of the gases
T – absolute temperature
S – side dimension of corrugation – m
uLs - liquid phase superficial velocity – m / s
uGs – vapor phase superficial velocity – m / s
L – liquid viscosity – kg / m.s
v – G – vapor viscosity – kg / m.s
w – water viscosity - kg / m.s
ρL - liquid density – kg / m3
ρv – vapor density - kg / m3
ρw – water density - kg / m3
ε – void fraction of packing
 - packing parameter (function of packing type, size and GL)

64 Mass Transfer / Book 1

 - ratio (density of water/density of liquid)

d’p – diameter of a sphere with the same superficial area of the packing element
dc – column diameter
SC – Schmidt number
SCV - Schmidt number of the vapor phase
SCL - Schmidt number of the liquid phase
D – diffusivity
DL – liquid diffusion coefficient – m2/s
DV – vapor diffusion coefficient - m2/s
σ - liquid surface tension - N/m
σc – critical surface tension – N/m
Z – height of the packed bed
N – number of theoretical stages
m – slope of equilibrium line
ae – effective interfacial area (m2 / m3)
aw – wetted surface area of packing (m2 / m3)
ap - specific surface of the packing (m2 / m3)
kG - kV – gas-phase mass transfer coefficient
kL – liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient
r – relation between liquid viscosity at the packing bed temperature and viscosity of the

4 uLe L
water at reference temperature of 20 oC
ReL 
(Reynolds number for liquid)

FrL 
(Froude number for liquid)
uL2 LS
WeL 
 gc
(Weber number for liquid)

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Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes
Edited by Dr. Jozef Markoš

ISBN 978-953-307-619-5
Hard cover, 306 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 04, November, 2011
Published in print edition November, 2011

This book offers several solutions or approaches in solving mass transfer problems for different practical
chemical engineering applications: measurements of the diffusion coefficients, estimation of the mass transfer
coefficients, mass transfer limitation in separation processes like drying, extractions, absorption, membrane
processes, mass transfer in the microbial fuel cell design, and problems of the mass transfer coupled with the
heterogeneous combustion. I believe this book can provide its readers with interesting ideas and inspirations
or direct solutions of their particular problems.

How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:

Marisa Fernandes Mendes (2011). HETP Evaluation of Structured and Randomic Packing Distillation Column,
Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes, Dr. Jozef Markoš (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-619-5,
InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/mass-transfer-in-chemical-engineering-

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