GYN History OSCE
GYN History OSCE
GYN History OSCE
Confirms name and DOB
Partner should not be in the room (sensitive, domestic abuse, FGM etc.)
(You can ask occupation at the start).
P/C – how can I help?
I have read from your GP that ____. May I just ask if you know why you are referred here?
Give patient time to explain why they are – is it the GP or the patient that is worried?
What worries? How does this affect your life?
o I understand why this is worrying.
o Problems are usually benign, although it can present quite dramatically. I would like
to ask more specific questions to ascertain what is really going on, then we can
discuss about how we can get you better.
Hx P/C:
Address the P/C directly. “Bleeding heavily” – use their own words (not medical terms).
o How long?
How many days do you bleed – which part is the heaviest?
Normally first few days heaviest.
3/28 3 days bleeding (but don’t tell which day heaviest).
Other bleeding – IMB, PCB?
o Is it getting worse?
What is your normal periods like?
How many days between first day of one period and first day of the
Is it regular?
Is there pain? SOCRATES + what has been tried? Does it come at any
other time of the cycle? Pain on intercourse (deep or superficial?)
Pain starts T-minus 2 days before period and reach a
crescendo on day 1.
LMP – when was your first day of your last period?
Pregnancies are dated from 1st day of LMP.
o Qualify “heavy”:
Do you pass clots (if so: how large?)?
Need double protection (e.g. pads and tampons)?
Would you describe it as “flooding”?
“Associated” questions to form your differentials – shows you are organised and thinking.
There are mainly 2 categories of causes – 1 is structural, the other is not. Firstly, there are a few
things I would want to rule out (pregnancy-related would be inferred from LMP question already).
Infections (not Have you been pregnant before? Then specifically: previous problems
just STIs) with pregnancy (ectopic)?
The following questions are quite sensitive, I ask them to everyone,
please do not get offended…
o How many partners do you have? Regular/casual? Do your
partners wear any condoms? Have you ever had sex with
someone with a known STI.
PID/acute salpingitis – FEVER, bilateral pelvic pain, discharge, pain on SI,
Cancer General – weight loss, appetite changes, bowel habit changes, bloating
(endometrial Cervical CA – ever had a smear test done before… what were the results?
CA if > 45 y) Ever had sexual intercourse before (based on above Hx)?
Endometrial CA – post-menopausal bleed. Risk factors.
Non-structural causes
Coagulation Do you bruise or bleed easily?
Any family history of bleeding conditions?
Iatrogenic (in Sometimes this can be due to side effects of contraception and from
this case: stopping them.
contraception How do you go about avoiding being pregnant?
related) o Then specifically: do you take any pills e.g. for period pain or
o Then specifically: have you stopped using it (expired?); what
regime (could be breakthrough bleed).
o Then specifically: do you have an IUD inserted?
Not yet Endometriosis = cyclical + chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia, dyschezia, PR bleed,
classified infertility.
DUB (most common) = no cause found, dx of exclusion.
GYN history taking.
Systems review
Thyroid Sx – TAAT? Agitated? Low mood?
Anaemia Sx – TAAT, SOB on exertion.
Uro – (see fibroid Sx) frequency/volume/urgency/nocturia; dysuria/haematuria (DDx:
GI – (see cancer Sx) PR bleed (DDx: confused)
Blood test – FBC esp. Hb, thyroid function (TAAT), coagulation screen (if indicated).
Physical exam + speculum
o Asymmetric and bulky? Fibroids (usually > 3 cm).
o Cervical polyps (not endometrial) from speculum.
o Ectropion from speculum.
Uterus palpable
o TVS – rule out local organic causes. If suspicious, endometrial Bx
> 45 years old 2WW
Hysteroscopy – allows detection of polyps and submucosal fibroids.
No structural problems PHARM (start conservatively and Tx Sx, while awaiting Ix).
o Long-term i.e. 12 months IUS (Mirena) is 1st-line unless there is pelvic anatomy
distortion (< 3 cm fibroids)
S/E: anticipated bleeding changes in 1st few cycles, and may last for > 6m.
o TXA (antifibrinolytic), NSAID (mefanamic acid) good if hormonal Tx unacceptable
NSAID > TXA if dysmenorrhoea co-exist.
Stop if don’t improve within 3m.
o High-dose progesterone (NET) from day 5 to 26 of cycle, or injected progestogens
o GnRH agonists (usually to shrink fibroid before operation)
Fibroids > 3 cm
o Ulipristal acetate 5 mg (x4) if Hb < 102 (if > 102, consider).
Hand them a PIL and address concerns (fertility, lifestyle). Support group e.g. for
endometriosis (fertility etc).
GYN history taking.
PV discharge
Nature: colour, consistency, odour?
Has it change?
Associated: itch, discolouration of vagina or any other skin changes
Any treatment?
Foreign body Retained tampons or swabs after childbirth
Offensive discharge
Atrophic vaginitis E deficiency (before menarche, during lactation, after menopause)
PHYSIOLOGIC Most common! Non-offensive.
Increases around ovulation, during pregnancy; taking COCP
Lochia = postpartum (brownish)
Polyps do increase cervical mucus discharge.
Systems review
Uro/GI/thyroid most relevant.
Treat infection with antibiotics if necessary.
Remove any retained foreign bodies.
GYN history taking.
Hx P/C
o Onset (when – PCB or…?), duration, severity, course (improving/worsening), cyclical?
o Precipitate/ relieving
o Previous episodes
GYN Hx (remember the patient is post-menopausal).
o Any menopausal Sx
o Previous smears (+ regularity + results)
o Past problems + previous Tx e.g. PCOS and E-only HRT.
o Ever taken any contraception?
Obstetric Hx
o G?PX+Y
o Any complications with each pregnancy (sensitive)
o Previous Tx
Endometrial RF: age, Hx atypical hyperplasia or CA, nulliparity, early menarche/late
CA menopause, E-only HRT, obesity (aromatase), infertility with anovulatory cycles
e.g. PCOS, other E-secreting tumours (granulosa cell tumour), Tamoxifen.
Cervical CA RF: HPV exposure (partners + OCP use), immunosuppression, smoking, diet (lack
of b-caterone).
Vulvar CA Is rare. Any skin changes + itch? Red = Paget’s. Melnoma.
RF: smoking, HPV, immunosuppression, previous XRT
Vaginal CA Is rare. Pt: bleeding
RF (squamous): HPV, previous pelvic XRT, chronic inflammation e.g. pessaries/
RF (adenoCA): DES exposure.
Infections As above
Endometrial On Bx
Polyps Endometrial (hysteroscopy) or cervical (speculum)
Atrophic PCB, vaginal dryness and soreness.
Coagulation Bruise/bleed easily. FHx.
O/E + speculum
o FBC, thyroid, clotting
o TVS (> 4 mm abnormal postmenopausal).
o Pipelle Bx (or hysteroscopy if inconclusive/ untolerated).
o Do you go for regular smear test? When was it? What was the result (have you
heard from the doctor)?
If didn’t go – explain the benefits and offer smear test.
If the results were abnormal – what was done?