Mimicry, Aposematism, and Related Phenomena: A Bibliography - Stanislav Komarek
Mimicry, Aposematism, and Related Phenomena: A Bibliography - Stanislav Komarek
Mimicry, Aposematism, and Related Phenomena: A Bibliography - Stanislav Komarek
lam indebted to my colleagues for their taxonomical consultations (Jan Buchar
- Chelicerata, Karel Hůrka - Coleoptera, František Krampl- Lepidoptera. Miro
slav Švátora - Vertebrata. Pavel Štys - Heteroptera). lam also grateful to Jaro
slav Šimek for his immense cooperation withdatapreparation.
much infonnation that it is impossible for them to be sensibly indexed in a way
fit for short articles or monothematic studies prevailing in this bibliography (the
above-mentioned basic publications form an essential part of the equipment of
anyone who wants to seriously deal with mimicry and aposematism, and pos
session and knowledge or them is a prerequisite for such study).
The usage of generic names corresponds intentionally with their use in re
spective books and does not pretend to translate them into current nomencla
ture, wbich would be a task far beyond anyone's power due to its enormous
scope, This is the reason why sometimes two apparent synonyms are used as
two different generic names, and only exceptionally they are unified for some
'classical' subjects of mimetism and aposematism (Danaus, Thyria), The system
itself has been simplilled on purpose and it works also with 'collective' taxa (like
'Evertebrata', 'Lepidoptera Heterocera') to facilitate orientation (tbe ambition of
this book is absolutely not taxonomical). Individual families (even subfamilies in
butterf1ies of the Nymphalidae family) are distinguished only in the largest in
sect orders (Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Heteroptera, Homop
tera), spiders. and in higher plants. otherwise only systematic units on the level
or order and higher are used. For the sake or clarity, the systematic part com
bines a systematic viewpoint with an alphabetical one; besides this a purely
alphabetical index ol' taxa is used.
Apmt from information on the mimic and the model (if it exists at all), every
work describes a zoogeographical- or phytogeographical- region, which is quite
a reasonable point of view (particularly in butterf1ies, for instance). Every work
also gives information on the type or adaptive coloration (such as crypsis, apose
matism. various types ol' mimicry, etc,). Further. every work describes its own
concerning the absolute monopoly that selection processes are supposed to have
of the origin oť mimicry just because it is in accord with modern ideological
trends in science. Scientific cognition is not aimed at reinforcing orthodoxy of
any kind but seeks to achieve true experience, and true cognition; it is to these
that science should cling much more than just to an abstract principIe (repre
sented here by a view of matter - including living matter - as only a passive
filling oť the void without its own activity and spontaneity). It is evident that
consistent, post-Cartcsian scientific thought cannot attribute to living organ
isms (not even on the unconscious level) anything analogous to the human
creative ťreedom or act oť decision (a good question then is how in the Palaeo
lithic age these qualities originated 'all of a sudden' in Man, who is part of the
living world in the same way as other organisms).
Such a view on mimicry phenomena would quite easily account for those
types of resemblance thal have no visible function (a conspicuous resemblance
between the leaves of a number of totally unrelated plants, independent even in
terms of their biotope type), or ťor those very similar to 'classical' mimicry but
geographically disparate (in particular, the frequent occurrence oť conspicuous
resemblance between species of butterflies with absolutely diťferent geographic
distribution). To these kinds oť resemblance we can usually only reťer as
a 'coincidence' - but to interpret something as a 'coincidence' is always a sign of
either helplessness or lack oť will to keep on looking for a solution. It would also
allow us to circumvent the disturbing question oť why mimetic imitation of oth
er organisms is concentrated in some groups (such as the Cerambycidae family
in beetles), while com pletely missing in others (mimicry produced by selection
only would require a more regular distribution). Ultimately, aH of these 'classi
cal neo-Darwinisť concepts of the origin of mimicry are quite subjective, for
even though one can obtain data by experimental methods, e.g. about distinc
tive properties in birds and the predation thereby caused, the very origin of
mimicry, like aU other evolutionary processes in general, cannot be evoked and
repeated experimentally due to its slowness.
Am Amphibia Ma Mantodea
Apoiclea Me Melitaeinae (Lep.. Nymphaliclae)
Ar Araneae MEs eye spots
As Asia MFh false heacl
At Arctiidae MFl floral mimicry
Au Australia ancl Oceania MI intraspecific mimicry (male and
Av Aves female flowers)
Bl Blattoclea Mlf intrailoral mim.(imitation oť pollen,
bm book or lllonograph nectar etc.)
Br Bryophyta Mlv mimicry of insectivorous plants
Bs Brassolinae (Lep .. NymphalidaeJ MLv mimicry of leaves and other
C crypsis vegetative parts
Ca Carabidae Mm Mammalia
Cc Coccinelliclae Mo Mollusca
Cd Cauclata (Amphibia) MO other types of mimicry
Ce Cerambyciclae MP Peckhamian or aggressive mim.
Ci Cicindelidae Mr Morphinae (Lep .• Nympha1iclae)
Cl Coelenterata MSd
mimicry of seeds
Cn carrion MSx
sexua1 mimicry (plants)
Co Coleoptera Mt meta1lic colours
Cr Crustacea
My Myrmecoiclea
Diptera Ne Nearctis
de clescription No Noctuiclae
Dg clung
Nt Neotropis
Fun;.(i Op Ophidia
lbo fielcl or behavioral observation Or Orchidaceae
Fl flowers Os Ophrys (Orchidaceae)
ft feeding trials and stomach analyses Ov ova, eggs
Ge Geometridae P Palearctis
ge genetics and evolution Pa Papilionidae
H Heteroptera Pd Papilio darclanus
Ha Holantarktis (plants only) PESL Proc. Ent. Soc. London
He "Heterocera" (Lep.) Ph Phasmatodea
Hl Heliconiinae (Lep., Nympha1iclae) Pi Pieridae
Ho "Homoptera" Pl plants
Hs Hespericlae Ps Pisces
Hy Hymenoptera Pt Paleotropis (plants only)
Ch Chrysomelidae R Rhopa1ocera
I lnsecta Re Reptilia
,J. Journal rw review
L Lepicloptera S Sea
La Lampyriclae Sa Salticidae
Sl Salientia (Amphibia) Th Thornisidae
Sn Syntomidae th theoretical approach
Sr Sauria to toxicology
Ss Satyrinae (Lep .. Nymphalidae) Ve Vespoidea
St Staphylinidae W World
Sy Sy rp hidae Z. Zeitschrift. Zeitung
Te Tenebrionidae Zy Zygaenidae
TESL Trans. Ent. Soc. London
Injormations (in italic): zoogeographical region; mimic ar subject; type oj problem; model (ifit
exists et all): type ofwork
1. ABALOSJ. W. (1967): The cora1ine frog: a venomous amphibian of the Southern Chaco.
Turtox News 45: 34-35. Nt; AmSl (Dendrobates); A; de.Jbo
2. ABBlATI M. -SANTANGELO G. (1989): A record on Coralium rubrum L. (1758) associeted
fauna: Balssia gasti (Balss 1921) (Crustacea. Decapoda). Atti Soc. Toscana ScL Nat. P. V.
Mem. Ser.B 96:237-241. S; Cr (Decapodo., BaIssia gasti); MBM; Cl (Coralium rubmm); de.jho
3. ABBOTTJ. F. (1911): Poulton's theory of the origin of mimicry. Science 33: 267sq. W;
An:MBM; th
4. ABBOTT J. F. (1914): Mimicry in the genus Limenitis with special reference to the
"Poulton hypothesis". Mo. Washington Univ. Stud. St. Louis 1: 203-221. Ne; LRLi
(Limenitis); MBM: LRPa (Battus philenor); de, th,jho
5. ABEILLE E. DE P. (1891): Malachides ďEurope et pays voisins. Ann. Soc. E. Fr. 1891:
115-230, 405-446. P: Co (Malachidae); MBM; Co; de
6. ACKERY P. R. (1987): The danaid genus Teflervo (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)- a cladistic
approaclL Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 89 (3): 203-274. As; LRDa (Tellervo); MBM; IR; th, to, ge
7. ACKERY P. R. (1988): Hostplants and clasification:a review of nympha1id butterflies.
l3iol. J. Linn. Soc. 33: 95-203. W: LRNy; A, MBM; to
8. ACKERY P. R. -VANE-WRIGHT R. I. (1984): Milkweed butterflies, their cladistics and
biology. 425 pp. London. W; LRDa: A, MBM; ge. de. Jbo.JtAv
9. ACKERY P. R. -VANE-WRIGHT R. 1. (1985): Patterns of plant utilization by danaine
butterflies. Nota Lepidopterologica (Suppl.). Europ. Congr. Lepid. 3: 3-6. W; LRDa; A: to
10. ACORN J. H. (1988): Mimetic tiger beetles and the puzzle of cicindelid coloration
(Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Coleopt. Bull. 42 (1): 28-33. Ne; CoCi; MBM; Co (MelDidae),
Hy (Mutillidae); de. Jbo. th
ll. ADAMS M. J. -BERNARD G. 1. (1981): Pronophilinae butterflies (Satyridae) of the
Cordillera de Merida, Venezuela. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 71 (4): 343-372. Nt; LRSs; MBM;
IRSs: de, tll,jho
12. ADLERZG. (1895): Om en myrliknande svensk spindel. E. Tidskr. 16: 249-253. P; ArSa
(Myrmarachne): MBM. MP; HyMy; de
13. AGUILARF.P.G. (1970): Los .,pa1itos vivients de lima" L. Phasmatidae de las lomas. Rev.
Peru. E. Agric. 13: 1-8. Nt; Ph (Bostra scabrinota. Libethra minuseula); C; Pl; de
14. AIELLO A. (1980): Camouflage by integumenta1 wetting in bark bugs. Science 207:
77:3-775. Nt; H (Aradid.ae); C; de
15. AIELLO A. (1984): Adelpha (Nympha1idae): deception on the wing. Psyche 91 (1-2): 1-
45. Nt; LRNm (Adelpha): MBM: IR; de. jho
16. AIELLO A. -BROWN K. S. JR. (1987): Mimicry by illusion in a sexua1ly dimorphic. day
tlying moth. Dysschema jansonis (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae: Pericopinae). J. Res. Lepid.
26 (1-4): 173-176. Nt: LHeAt (Dysschema jansonis); MBM: LRPa (Parides), IRIt; de. jho
17. AIELLO A. -SILBERGLIED R. E. (1978): Life history of Dynastor darius (Lepidoptera:
Nyphalidae: Brassolidae) in Panama. Psyche 85 (4): 331-345. Nt; LRBs (Dynastor darius);
MEs: de. Jbo
18. AIELLO A. -SILBERGLIED R. E. (1978): ,Orange' bands, a simple recessive in Anartia
fatima (Nympha1idae). J. Lepid. Soc. 32 (2): 135-137. Nt; LRNm (Anartia jatima); A; ge
19. AIELLO A. -VOGT G. (1986): Tachygonidius dasypus (Coleoptera: CurcuHonidae).
Observations on an unusual tropical weevil. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wet., Ser. C: 89
(2): 117-120. Nt: CoCu (Tachygonidius dasypus); MBM; HyAp, F; de,jbo
20. AIGNER-ABAFI L. V. (1902): A mimicry. Allatt. Kozl. 1902: 117-126. W; I; MBM: I; de, th
21. AIGNER-ABAFI L. V. (1902): Úber Mimikry. Allg. Z. E. 7: 368-372, 405-409. W; I; C. A,
MBM: I: til
22. AIGNER-ABAFI L. V. (1903): A mimicry rol. Rovartani Lapok 10: 28-34, 45-53. W; I;
MBM; I: de. th
23. AITKEN E. H. (1894): The larva and pupa of Spalgis epius, Westv. J. Bombay Nat. Hist.
Soc. 8: 485-487. As: LRLn (Spalgis epius): MO: Mm (Primates); de
24. AITKEN E. H. (1897): Toads eating poisonous insects." J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. ll:
25. AITKEN E. H. (1904): The ellemies of butterf1ies. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 16: 156. As:
LRDCl: A: Jbo. ft/iV (Merops)
26. AKKRE R. D. -RETTENMEYER C. W. (1966): Behaviour of Staphylii1idae associated
with army ants. J. Kansas E. Soc. 39: 745-782. Nt: CoSt; MP; HyMy (Ecitonidae}:jbo
27. AKRE R. D. -SEHLKE G. -ZACK R. S. (1985): Chemical númicry by Microdon larvae
(Diptera: Syrphidae). Proc. Wash. St. E. Soc. No. 47: 754-755. Ne; DSy (Microdon); MO;
HyMy: to
28. ALBANI G. (1898): Sul mimetismo nei coleotteri. Boll. Nat. Siena 8: 99 sq. P; Co: MBM:
Co: de
29. ALCOCK A. (1889): Remarks on some insects that posses special means of scaring
their enemies. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal. 58: 3 sq. As; I; C. A, MBM: I: de,jbo
30. ALCOCK A. (1896): An instance of the natural repellent effects of ,warning colours·. J.
Asiat. Soc. Bengal 65: 539-540. As: An: A:jbo
31. ALCOCK A. (1902): A naturalist in lndian seas. xxiv + 328 pp., London. S; An; C. A.
MBM: An: de
32. ALCOCK J. (1965): The relative palatabllity of butterf1ies and the behaviour of their
avian predators. Thesis, Amherst College. Mass.. USA. Ne; IR; C. A. MBM: LR;jtAv
33. ALCOCK J. (1969): Observational learning in three species of birds. Ibis 111 : 308-321.
Ne: [: C, A. MBM: I: .lMv
34. ALCOCK J. (I 969): Observational learning by fork-tailed flycatchers (Muscivora
tyrannus). Anim. Behav. 17: 652-657. Nt: LR: C, A, MBM; LR;jtAv (Muscivora tyrannus)
35. ALCOCK J. (1970): Punishment levels and the response of black-capped chicadees
(Parus atricapillus) to three kinds of artificial seeds. Anim. Behav. 18: 592-599. Ne; Ao;
1tAv (Parus atrimpi/lus)
36. ALCOCKJ. (1970): Interspecific differences in avian feeding behaviour and the evolution
of Batesian mimicry. Behaviour 40: 1-9. Ne; I; MBM; I;jtAv
37. ALCOCK J. (1970): Punishment levels ant the response of white-throated sparrows
(ZOnotrichia albicollis) to three kinds of artificia1 models and minúcs. Anim. Behav. 18:
733-739. Ne: Ao: MBM:ftAv (Zonotrichia albicollis)
38. ALCOCKJ. (1973): The feeding response of hand-reared red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius
phoeniceus) to a stinkbug (Euschistus conspersus). Am. MidI. Nat. 89: 307-313. Ne; H
(PentCltomidae. Euschistus c071sp e rs lts) : A;ftAv (Agelaius phoeniceus)
39. ALDERSON J. A. (1977): White goshawk uses white cacatoos as .. cover". Record of the
white goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae on the Plenty River in Victoria. Victorian Nat.
94 (1): 16-17. Au: Av (Accipiter novaehollandiae); MP; Av (Cacatua galerita); de.jbo
40. ALDRICH J. R. -BLUM M. S. (1978): Aposematic aggregation of a bug (Hemiptera:
Coreidae): the c1efensive display and formation of aggregations. Biotropica 10: 58-61.
Nt: Ff (Coreiclae): A: fbo
WATERS R. M. (1990): Sapindaceae. cyanolipids. and bugs. J. Chem. Ecol. 16: 199-
210. Nt: II: A: to
42. ALEXANDER A. J. (1961): A study of the biology and behaviour of the caterpillars.
pupae and emerf:(in,� butterf1ies of the subfamily Heliconiinae in Trinidad, West Indies,
1. Some aspects oť larval behaviour. Zoologica 46: 1-23. Nt; LRH1: A: bo f
43. ALEXANDER A. J. (1961): A study of tile biology and behaviour of the catterpi1lars; pupae
and emerging butterflies ofthe subfamily Heliconinae in Trinidad. West Indies. II. Molting,
and the behaviour of pupae and emerging adults. ZOologica 46: 105 123. Nt: LRH1: A;jbo
44. ALFIERI A. (1926): Sur deux Pyralides remarqables des deserts egyptiens. Bull. Soc.
Roy, E. Egypte 19: 288-294. P: LHe (Pyralidae): C; de
45. ALFORD D. V. (1975): Bumblebees. 352pp. London. Dawis Poynter. P, Ne; HyAp
(Bombinae): MBM. MP: HyAp: de. jbo, bm
46, ALI S. A. (1931): The origin of minúcry in cuckoo eggs. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 34:
1067 1072. P. As: AvOv (Cuculidae): MP: AvOv; cle, th
47. ALLEN E. C. [1915J: Protective coloration. Proc. E. Soc. NovaScotia I: 78 sq. Ne; I; C; cle. th
48. ALLEN G. (1879): The colour sense :its origin and development. An essay in comparative
psychology. London, Triibner (german ed.: Darwinistische Schriften No. 7, Leipzig,
Giinther, 1880J. W: An; C, A. MBM: An: tll. bm
49. ALLEN G. (1883J: ..Mimicry in insects & c., discussed." Encyclopaedia Britanica, 9. ed.,
16: 341-345. W; I; MBM; I; de. tll
50. ALLEN G. R. ET ALL. (1975): Mimicry in marine fishes. Tropical Fish Hobby 24 (1): 46-
56. S: Ps; MBM; Ps; de
51. ALLEN 11. (1887): On the coloration of mammals. Science 9: 36. Ne; Mm; C; de.jbo
52. ALLEN J. A. (1874): On geographical variation in color among North American squirrels;
with a list of the species and varietes of the American squirridae occuring north of
Mexico. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hisl. 16: 276-294. Ne; Mm (Sciuridae); C; de, tll
53. ALLEN W. H. R. (1923): Protective coloration and mimicry in insects. Singapore Nat. 2:
28-33. As: J; C. A. MBM: I: de
54. ALLER T. -CALDWELL R. L. (1979): An investigation of the possible presence of an
aggregation pheromone in the milkweed bugs, Oncope1tus fasciatus and L ygaeus kalmii.
Physiol. E. 4: 289-290. Ne: H (Lygaeidae. Oncopeltusjasciatus, Lygaeus kalmii); A;jbo
55. ALLNAUD C. [1899): Deux Coleopteres nouveaux du Sud-est Madagascar. BulI. Mus.
Paris 1899: 366-367. AJ; Co: MBM: de
56. AMADON D. (196]): Relationship of the falconiform genus Harpagus. Condor 63: 178-
179. Nt: Av (Harpagus): MBM, MP; Av (Accipiter bicolor); de
57. ANANTHASUBRAMANIAN K. S. -RAMACHANDRAN C. (1990): Preliminary observations
on the behaviour ofFormicomus sp., a coleopteran ant-mimic, towards the nymphs of
membracid bug Leptocentrus taurus (F.) (Homoptera:Insecta) Indian Zool. 14 (1-2):
131-133. As; Co (Anthicidae, fi'ormi.comus): MBM; HyMy {Camponotus compressus);jbo
58. ANDERSON (1877J: ? Proc. As. Soc. Beng., Aug. 1877 As; Ma (Gongylus gangylodes),
MP; PlFl; de
59. ANDERSON J. (1898J: Zoologyof Egypt, Vol. 1. Reptilia and Batrachia. 371 pp., Landon,
B. Quaritch. AI ReOp (Dasypeltis scabra); MBM; ReOp (Echis carinatus); de
60. ANDERSON J. A. (1964J: A report on the gecko Teratolepis fasciata (Blyth, 1853). J.
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 61: 161-171. As; ReSr(Teratolepisjasciata); MBM; ReOp; de,jbo
61. ANDERSON R. S. -PECK B. (1986): Geographic patterns of colour variation in North
American Nicrophorus burying beetles (Coleoptera: Sylphidae). J. Nat. Hist. 20 (2):
283-297. Ne: Ca (Sylphidae, Necropllarus): MBM; HyAp (Bambus); de,jbo
62. ANDERSSON M. (1976): Lemmus lemmus: a possible case of aposematic coloration
and behaviour. J. Mammalogy 57: 461-469. P; Mm (Lemmus lemmus); A;jbo. de, tll
63. ANDERSSON M. (1980): Why are there so many threat displays? J. Theor. Biol. 86:
773-781. An; A; th. ge
64. ANDERSSON M. (1983): On the functions of conspicuous seasonaJ plumages in birds.
Anim. Behav. 31: 1262-1264. P: Av; A; th.jbo
65. ANDRE M. -LAMY E. (1940J: Coloration tegumentaire, ressemblance protective et
mimetisme chez les acariens. Compt. Rend. G. Intern. Congr. E., 1935 Madrid: 413-
439. P: Acar-ina: C. A. MBM: de
66. ANDREUCCI A. (1911]: Sul mimetismo della larva di Spintherops spectrum (Esp.J.
Boll. Soc. E. Ital. 43: 234-237. P; LHeNo {Spintherops spectrumJ; C; de
67. ANDREWS H. L. (POULTON COMM.) (1908): The bulbul feeding its young on specially
protected insects. P.E.S.L. 1908: 31-33. Aj; LRAc (Acraea), LHe (Hypsidae): A: jtAu
68. ANDREWS H. 1. {POULTON COMM.J (1924): The hind-winged patch of Amauris
albimaculata probably darkened in mimicry of A. ansorgei. P.E.S.L. 1924: 29-31. Aj;
LRDa(Amauris albimaculata); MBM: LRDa (Amauris ansorgei): de
69. ANDREWS H. 1. (1911): King crows an.d buttertlies. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 20: 850-
851. As; LRDa; A: jtAu (Corvus)
70. ANGULO A. O. -WEIGERT G. T. (1975): Mimetismo y homocromismo larval en noctuidos
chilenos (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) BoL.Soc.
. Biol. Concepcion 49: 171-175. Nt: LHeNo
(larvae); C: de
71. ANNANDALE N. (1897): Notes on the habits of Malayan Phasmidae, and of a flower-like
beetle larva. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 14: 439-444. As; Ph, Co(larvae); C; PlFl; de
72. ANNANDALE N. (1900J: Notes on Orthoptera in the Siamese Malay States. E. Rec. 12:
75-77,95-97. As: O: C. MBM: de
73. ANNANDALE N. (1900): Observations on the habits and natural surroundings of insects
made during the .Skeat Expedition' to the Malay Penninsula, 1899-1900. Summary:
Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1900: 792-793. As:I: C, A, MBM: de.fbo
74. ANONYMUS [.DISCIPLE OF DARWIN'") (1875): Origin of bright colouring in animals.
Nature ll: 208-209. I: A; th
75. ANONYMUS (1881): Uber Farbung, Farbwechsel und Farben-Nachafung der Thiere.
Kosmos 10: 378-382. An: C, A. MBM; An: de, th
76. ANONYMUS (1886): Mimicry and protection. Proc. Am. E. Soc. 13: 3. I; C, MBM; th
77. ANONYMUS (1891): "Resemblance between different Orthoptera". Berliner E. Z. 36:
71-72. O; MBM: O: de
78. ANONYMUS (1893): ? Insect Life 6 (1): ? Ne: Ar (Araneidae, Ordgarius cornigerus); C;
galls on Quercus:de
79. ANONYMUS (1896): "Resemblance of pupa of Fenisca to human head." E. News
Philadelphia 7: 193. Ne: LRLn (Fenisca): MO: Mm (Hmno sapiens): de
80. ANONYMUS (1903): ,.Kanima buttermes, attitude." Science 17: 31. As; LRNm (Kallima);
81. ANONYMUS (1905): "Dimorphic mimicry in Rbopalocera." Knowledge (n.s.12: 1-3. LR.;
MBM:LR: de
82. ANONYMUS (1932): Fa]se mimicry in animals. Nature 129: 538. W; Mm Av; MO; Mm
Av: de
83. ANONYMUS (1936): Sir Edward Poulton, F.R.S. Nature 138: 497. An; MBM: An; nv
84. ANONYMUS (1945): Animal concealment and flash coloration. Nature 155: 232-233.
W' An: C. A: 1.11
85. ANONYMUS (1972): Mimetic fishes. Nature 236: 329-330. S; Ps: MBM, MP; Ps: de,fbo. th
86. ANONYMUS (1972): A.llimal coloration. Jumping for life. Nature 235: 312. P; CoCh
(Ha!ticinae): A:fbo, de tll
87. ANONYMUS (1975): Mimikry bei Erdwolf. Naturwiss. Rundschau 28 (10): 376-377. Aj;
Mm (Proteles clistatus): MBM:Mm (Hyaena brunnea): de
88. ANONYMUS (1976): Die ,Femmes falales' der Leuchtkafer. Umschau 1976 (7): 226. Ne;
CoLa; MP: CoLa:de.. tbo, tll
89. ANONYMUS (1982): Observations June-August 1982. Newsletter PNG Bird Soc. No.
193-194: 37-42. Alt: Av (Megalurus albolimbatus); MBM; Av (Megalurus timoriensis); de.
90. ANONYMUS (1983): Butterílies and blood groups. Countryside 25 (3): 107-108. LR;
91. APLlN R. T. -BENN M. H. -ROTHSCHILD M. (1968): Poisonous a1kaloids in the body
tissues of the cinnabar moth (Callimorpha jacobaeae L.). Nature 219: 747-748. P; LHeAt
(Callimorpha jacobaeae); A: to
92. APLlN R. T. -D'ARCY WARD R. -ROTHSCHILD M. (1975): Examination of the Large
White and Smal1 White buUerflies (Pieris spp.) for the presence of mustard oils and
mustard oi! glycosides. J. E. (A) 50: 73-78. P: LRPi (Pieris); A; to
93. APLIN R. T. -ROTHSCHILD M. (1972): Poissonous alkaloids in the body tissues of the
garden tiger moth (Arctia caja L.) and the cinnabar moth (Tyria (Cal1imorpha) jacobae
L.l. in: Vries H. de & E. Kochva (eds.). Toxins of animal and plant origin 2: 579-595.
London, Gordon & Breach. P: LHeAi (Arctia caja. Tllyria.jacobaeae): A; to
94. ARBEL A. (1979): The coin-marked snake- a case of animal mimicry. Israel - Lanci and
Nature 4: 112-114. P: ReOp (Colubridae): MBM: ReOp (Viperidae); de
95. ARGYL -DUKE OF - (COMM. F. P. PASCOE) (1882): Mimicry in moths. Nature 27: 125.
P: LHeNo: C:Pl; de
96. ARlOLA V. (19] 5): Selezione naturale e teleologia. Atti Soc. Ligustica....Genova 26: 109-
138. An: C. A. MBM: tl1
97. ARMIT W. E. (1878): Power of stupefYing spiders possessed by wasps. Mimicry in birds.
Nature 18: 642-643. Au: Ar (Theridiidae. Latrodectus); A; de
98: ARMSTRONG E. A. (1951): The nature and function of animal mimesis. Bull. Anim.
Behav. 9: 46-58. W; An; MBM. C; An; de.fbo. tll
99. ARNOLD N. (1894): Apul1l mohileviensium species novae. parum cognitae. vel imperfecte
descriptae.III. Horae Soc. E. Ross. 28: 161-178. P; D; MBM; HyAp; de
100. ARROW G. J. (1926): Mimicry in Coleoptera. P.E.S.L. 1: 18-19. Aj. Au; Co; MBM; I; de
101. ARROW G. J. (1927): Mimicry in beetles. Nat. Hist. Mag. 1: 166-172. W; Co; MBM; I; de
102. ARROW G. J. (1928): Some more mimetic beetles. Nat. Hist. Mag. 1: 244-251. W; Co;
103. ARROW G. J. (1929): An interesting case of mimicry in beetles. P.E.S.L. 4: 113-114.
Co (Anthribidae): MBM: Co: de
104. ATKINS E. L. (1948): Mimicry between the Drone-fly. Eristalis tenax (L.) and the
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mell!fera): tll
105. ATKINSON G. F. (1888): New instances of protective resel11blances in spiders. Am.
Nat. 22: 545-546. Ne: Ar; C. MBM: de
106. ATZ J. W. (1951): Fishes that 100k like plants. Animal Kingdom 54: 130-136. Nt: Ps; C;
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Ps (Pomadysic1.ae. Plectorhynchus): C: Pl; de
108. AUEL H. (1908): Die Variabilitii.t der F1iigelfarbe bei Psilura monacha L. in Potsdam
1907. nebst einem Beitrag zur Bekii.mpfung der Mil11ikry-Theorie. Z. Wiss. lnsektenbiol.
4: 10-16.39-41. P: LHe (Lymantriidae. Psilura rnonacha); C, MO: de, th
109. AURIVlLLUS C. (1882): "On mimicry in butterflies. etc." E. Tidskr. 3: 195-214. AJ; IR:
MBM; LR: de. tll
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Anpassungen ihres Kéirperbaues vermittelt. Eine biologisch-morphologische Studie.
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III. AURlVILLUS C. (1899): Rhopalocera aethiopica. Die Tagfalter des aethiopischen
Faunengebietes. eine systel11atisch-geographische Studie. Svenska Ak. Handl. 31 (�)):
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112. AUSTEN E. E. (1896): Notes on a recent zoological expedition on the Lower Amazon.
Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1896: 768-779 (mimicry pp.: 777-778) Nt; LHe (Sesiic1.ae). D
(Micropezic1.ae. Calobata): MBM: HyVe (Polybia phthisica), Hy
(Ichneumonidae. Cryptus);
113. AUSTEN E. E. (1909): Two remarkable new species of Diptera. Novitates Zool. 16:
129-131. Nt: D (Mydidae. Mydas praegrandisJ: MBM;Hy (Pompilidae, Pepsis heros);de
114. AUSTIN G. T. (1972): A possible case of mimicry between L y caenid butterflies
(Lycaenidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 26 (1): 63-64. Nt: LRLn: MBM; LRLn: de
115. AUTUMN K. -BATUR H. (1989): Mimicry of scorpions byjuvenile 1izards. Teratoscincus
roborowskii (Gekkonidae) Chin. Herpetol. Res. 2 (2): 60-64. P; ReSr (Teratoscincus
roborows/cii): MBM: Scorpiones (Mesobuthus): de. IlJo
116. AVERY M. L. (1985): Application of mimicry theory to bird damage control. J. Wild!.
Manage. 49: 1116-1121. An: MBM: An; tll..ftAv
117. AVINOFF A. (1950): An analysis of color ane! pattern in butterflies of the Asiatic genus
Karanasa. Arlll. Carnegie Mus. 31: 321-330. As: LRSs (Karanasa); C;de. tll
118. AZAMBUJA G. - A. DE (1885): A singular case oť mimicry. Nature 32: 366. Nt: I: MBM;
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color in Apanthesis phalerata (Arctiidae) [Lep.]. J. Res. Lepid. 13 (1): 49-56. Ne; LHeAt
(Apanthesis phalerata): A: ge
120. BACHMANN S. L. (1983): Buzz pollination in angiosperms. Pp. 73-113 in: Jones C. E.,
Little R. J. (ed.): Handbook of experimental pollen biology. xviii + 558 pp. New York,
Cincinnati. van Nostrand Reinhold. Ne; DSy (Volucel1a mexicana); MBM; HyAp
(Xylocopa); de
121. BADOCK H. D. (1917): Ant-like spiders from Malaya. collected by the Annandale
Robinson expedition. 1901-2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1917: 277-321. As: ArSa; MBM.
MP: H!JMlj: de
122. BAGNERES A. G. -ERRARD C. -MULHEIM C. -JOULlE C. -LANGE C. (1991): lnduced
mimicry of colony odors in ants. J. Chem. Eco!' 17 (8): 1641-1664. Ne; HyMy: MP
(chemical): HyMy:Jbo
123. BAlLEY J. R. (1966): Modes of evolution in New World opistoglyph snakes. Mem. Ins1.
Butantan 33: 67-72. Nt: ReOp (Colubridae!: MBM; ReOp (Micrurus);de. ge
124. BAJGER J. (1980): Diversity of defensive responses in populations of fire toads
(Bombina bombina and Bombina variegata). Herpetologica 36: 133-137. P: AmSl
(Bombina bombina. Bombina variegata); A;jbo
125. BAKER C. N. (POULTON COMM.) (1918): The conspicuous Catocaline moth Egybolis
vaillantina. Stoll. seized and dropped by a bird. at Durban. P.E.S.L. 1918: 27-29. Aj:
WeNo (Egybolis vaillantina): A: ftAv
126. BAKER E. C. S. (1923): Cuckoos' eggs and evolution. Proc. ZooL Soc. London 1923:
277-294. P: AvOv (Cuculus canorus): MP: AvOv: th
127. BAKER R. R. (1970): Bird predation as a selective pressure on the immature stages of
the cabbage butterflies. Pieris rapae and P. brassicae. J. ZooL London 1962: 43-59. P;
LRPi (Pieris rapae. Pieris brassicae): A;ftAv
128. BAKER R. R. (1985): Bird coloration: in defence of unprofitable prey. Anim. Behav. 33
(4): 1387-1388. P: Av; A:ft, th
129. BAKER R. R. -BIBBY C. J. (1987):Merlin Falco columbarius predation and theories of
the evolution ofbird coloration. Ibis 129:259-263. P; Av; C. A;jtAv (FaIco columbarius)
130. BAKER R. R. -HOUNSOME M. V. (1983): Bird coloration: unprofitable prey supported
by ringing data. Anim. Behav. 31 (2): 614-615. P; Av; A;jt. th
13J. BAKER R. R. -PARKER G. A. (1979): The evolution of bird coloration. Trans. Roy. Soc.
London, B. BioL Sci. 287: 63-130. P: Av; C, A: ge, th, bm
132. BALINSKY B. J. (1977): Inheritance of wing colour in females of the butterfly Acraea
horta (L.) [Lep., Nymphalidael. J. E. Soc. South. Afr. 40 (1): I-ll. Aj: LRAc (Acraea
horta); A: ge
133. BALINSKY B. ,J. (1979): Variation and inheritance of wing spotting in the butterfly
Acraea horta (L.) (Lepidoptera, Acraeidae). Rev. Zool. Afr. 93 (4): 810-879. AJ; LRAc
(Acraea horta); A: ge
134. BALSBAUGH E. U. JR. (1988): Mimicry and the ChrysomeJidae. Pp. 261-284 in:Jolivet
P., E. Petitpierre & T. H. Hsiao (eds.). Biology of ChrysomeJidae. Dordrecht, Kluwer. W:
CoCh; MBM; Co; de, to, fbo
135. BALSBAUGH E. U. JR. -FAUSKE G. (1991): Possible Muellerian mimicry ofGalerucinae
with Criocerinae (both Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and with Maepha opulenta
(Lepidoptera:Arctiidae). Coleopt. Bull. 45 (3):227-231. Nt; CoCh (Lema), WeAt (Maepha
opulenta): MBM: CoCh (Diabrotica): de..fbo
136. BANKS E. (1925):Variation in the colours of Palearctic birds in relation to the conditions
in which they Jive. Proc. ZooL Soc. London 1925: 311-322. P; Av; C; de, th
137. BANKS N. (1892): Mimicry in spiders. Proc. E. Soc. Washington 2: 174-176. Ne; Ar; C,
138. BANKS N. (1908): Some phases of protective resemblance in our spiders. Proc. E. Soc.
Washington 9: 2-9. Ne: Ar: C, MBM: de
139. BANKS N. (1930): Ant-like spiders of the genus Myrmarachne from the Philippines.
Psyche 37: 207-218. As: ArSa (Mynnarachne); MBM, MP; HyMy; de
140. BANTA A. M. -POCOCK R. I. (l911):The distastefulness of Anosia plexippus. I. Nature
88: 243. Ne: LRDaDp; A:ftAv
141. BANTA A. M. -POCOCK R. I. (1912): The distastefulness of Anosia plexippus. II. Nature
89: 242-243. Ne: LRDaDp; A:ftAu
142. BANTOCK C. R. -HARVEY P. H. (1974): Colour polymorphism and selective predation
experiments. J. Biol. Educ. 8: 323-329. P; I; C, A;jtAv
143. BARBER H. S. (1951):North An1erican fireflies of the genus Photuris. Smithson. Misc.
Collect. 117: 1-58. Ne: CoLa (Photuris); MP; CoLa; de
144. BARBER M. E. (Ch. DARWIN COMM.) (1874):Notes on the peculiar habits and changes
with take pIace in the larva and pupa of Papilio niveus. T.E.S.L. 1874: 519-521. Aj:
LRPa (Papilio niveus, lanJae, pupae); C; de
145. BARKER C. N. (POULTON COMM.) (1919):African Papilios of the niveus, Cram., group
attacked by birds. P.E.S.L. 1919: 33-34. Aj: LRPa (Papilio niueus); A; jtAu
146. BARKER C. N. (POULTON COMM.) (1919): Notes on the locustid ant mimic
Myrmecophana sp.? fallax. P.E.S.L. 1919: 39-40. Aj: O (Myrmecophanafallax); MBM;
147. BARNARD C. J. (1979): Predation and rhe evolution of social mimicry in birds. Am .
Nat. 113: 613-618. Ne; Av; MO; Av; de, th
148. BARNARD C. J. (1982): Social mimicry and interspecific exploitation. Am. Nat. 120
(3): 411-415. Ne: Av: MO; Av: de, th
149. BARRETI J. A. (1976): The maintenance of non-mimetic forms in a dimorphic
mimíc species. Evolution 30: 82-85. An; MBM; An: th
150. BARROWS E. M. (1979): Life cycles, mating, and color change in tortoise beetles
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Coleopt. Bull. 33 (1): 9-16. Ne; CoCh
(Cassidinae): C, A;fbo
151. BASTOCK M. -BLEST A. D. (1958): An analysis of behaviour sequences in Automeris
aurantiaca Weym. (Lepidoptera). Behavíour 12: 243-284. Ne; LHe (Saturniidae.
Automeris aurantiaca): MEs:fbo
152. BATES H. W. (1858): Excursion to St. Paulo, Upper Amazonas. Zoologist 16: 6160-
6169. Nt; LRPi(Leptalis): MBM: LRIt:jbo
153. BATES H. W. (1859): Notes on South American butterflies. T.E.S.L. 1859: I-ll. Nt:
LRPi (Leptalis): MBM: LRIt:jbo
154. BATES H. W. (1862): Contribution to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley. Lepidoptera:
Heliconidae. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 23: 495-566. Nt; LRPi (Leptalis); MBM; LRIt
(Wwmia): de. th, jbo
155. BATES H. W. (1862): Contribution to an insect fauna of the Amazon vaIIey. Coleoptera:
Longicornes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 9 (3. ser.): 446-458. Nt: CoCe; MBM; CoCu; de
156. BATES H. W. (1863): The naturalist on the River Amazonas. Ixxxix + 395 pp., London,
,J. Murray (2nd ed. 1892). Nt: I; MBM; I: de
157. BATES H. W. (1867),: On a collection of butterflies formed by Thomas Belt, Esq., in the
interior of the Province Maranham, Brazil. T.E.S.L. 1867: 535-546. Nt; LRPi(Leptalis);
MBM; LRIt: de
158. BATES H. W. (1868): The pressiclenťs adress. P.E.S.L. 1868: 55-69. AJ; LRPaPd: MBM;
159. BATES H. W. (186B): Descriptions of three new species of Ctenostoma (tlibe Cicindeles).
E. Month. Mag. 4: 276-279. Nt; CoCi(Ctenostoma); MBM; HyMy; de
160. BATES H. W. (1870): Contribution to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae). T.E.S.L. lB70: 391-444 (note p. 442). Nt; CoCe: MBM; Co(Hispidae); de
161. BAUM J. (1933): Mimicry and related phenomenon in spiders. (in Czech) Věda přírodní
(Prague) 14: 229-234. W; Ar: C, A, MBM; I: de,jbo
162. BAUR E. (1911): Einfiihrung in die expelimentelle Vererbungslehre. Berlin, Borntriiger.
As: LRPa(Papilio memnon): MBM: LRPa: ge
163. BEAL F. E. L. (1907): U. S. Dept. Agríc. Wash. Biol. Surv. Bull. 30. Ne; I: C, A;ftAv
164. BEAL F. E. L. (1909): The relations between birds and insects. Yearb. Dept. Agríc.
Wash. 190B: 343-350. Ne: I; C. A;ftAv
165. BEAL F. E. L. (191B): Food habits of the swallows, a famHy of valuable native birds. U.
S. Dept. Agric. Wash. Biol. Surv. Bull. 619: 1-2B. Ne; I: C, A:JtAv(Hirundinidae)
166. BEBBINGTON J .E. (1979): Coloration in butterflies and moths. Newslet. Surrey Trust
Nat. Conserv. No. 50:B-9. P; LR. LHe; C, A; de
167. BECHTEL H. B. (197B): Color and pattern in snakes (Reptilia, Serpentes). J. Herpetol.
12: 521-532. W: ReOp: C, A: de. ge
168. BECK A. F. -GAR.1\IETI W. J. (1986): Unusual predator damage to Carterocephalus
silvicolus (Meigen) (Hespelidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 40 (4): 351-352. P; LRHs(Carterocephalus
silvicolus): A;JtAu
169. BECKER H. (1928): Vogel als Feinde der Schmetterlinge Lepidopt. Rundschau Wien
2: 139. P: LR; C, A;ftAv
170. BECKER V. O. (1982): Stenomine moth of the Neotropica! genus T imocratica
(Oecophoridae) Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (E.) 45 (3):211-306. Nt: LHe(Oecophoridae,
Timocratica): MBM: LHeAt (Agylla): de
171. BEDDARD F. E. (1892): Animal coloration. 288 pp., London, S. Sonnenschein & Co.,
(2. ecl. 1895, NewYork, Macmil1an & Co.) W: An: C, A, MBM: An: de, bm
172. BEDDARD F. E. (1892): Some recent observation upon mimicry. Nat. ScL 1: 13 sq.
An: MBM; An: de,jho
173. BEDDARD F.E. (1891): Warning colours. Nature 45: 78. An: A: th
174. BEDFORD G. O. -CHINNICK L. J. (1966): Conspicuous displays in two species of
australian stick insects. Anim. Behav. 14: 518-521. Au: Ph: C. A: Pl;jbo
175. BEEBE W. (POULTON COMM.) (1933): Dr. William Beebe's note on butterflíes and
1110ths attaches by bircls in the Galapagos lslands, etc. P.R.E.S.L. 8: 14-16. (from
Beebe W. . J 924: Galapagos: Worlďs End, London, p. 93-96.) Nt: LR. LHe: C, A;ftAl!
176. BEEBE W. (1946): Píele! notes on snakes of Kartabo. British Guiana and Cariapito,
Venezuela. Zoolog:ica 31: ll-52. Nt: ReOp (Colu.bridae); MBM; ReOp (Crotalidae);jbo. de
177. BEEBE W. (1950): Highjungle. Lone!on. Boclley Head, New York, Duell, Sloan & Pearce.
Nt: LRHI: A: jbo
178. BEEBE W. (1953): Contribution to the life history of the Euchromie! moth, Aethria
camicauda, Bntler. Zoolog:ica 38: 155-160. Nt; LHeSn (Aethria carnicauda); A; jbo
179. BEEBE W. (1955): Polymorphisl11s in rearecl broods of Heliconius butterf1ies from
Surinam ancl Trinidad. Zoologica 40: 139-143. Nt; LRHl; A; ge
180. BEEBE W. -KENNEDY R. (1957): Habits, palatability ancl mimicry in thirteen ctenuchid
moth species from Trinidad, B. W. I. Zoolog:ica 42: 147-158. Nt; LHeSn; A. MBM; HyVe,
181. BEER G. DE (1964): Atlas of evolution. London: Nelson. An; C, A. MBM; An; ge
182. BEGOSSl A. -BENSON W. W. (1988): Host plants and defense mechanisms in
Oeclionychina (Alticinae). Pp. 57-71. in: Jolivet P., E. Petitpierre & T. H. Hsiao (eds.):
Biology of Chrysomelidae. Dordrecht. Kluwer. P; CoCh (Oedionychia); MBM: Co; de.fbo
183. BEHRENS W. (1887): Materialien zu einer Monographie der
Pachyrrhynchidae. Stett. E. Z. 48: 211-257. P: CoCu; C, MBM; cle
184. BEl-ruRA B. K. (1955): Adaptive coloration and camouf1age of the common Membracid
(,tree hopper') Otionotus oneratus WaJk. (Homoptera: Rhynchota). J. Bombay Nat.
Hist. Soc. 53: 145-146. A s: Ho (Membracidae. OLiDnotus oneratus): A. C;fbo. de
185. BEJR M. -HOCKlNG B. (1965): A new Sphodromantís (Dictyoptera:Mantidae) from
Tanganyíka. with notes on habits. P.R.E.S.L. (B) 34: 31-32. AI; Ma (SphodromantLs); C;
Pl (Accacia drepanolobiwn). galls from HyMy (Crematogaster); de,jba
186. BELAND P. (1977): Mimicry in oríoles of south eastem Queensland. Emu 77 (4): 215-
218. Al!: Al! (Orio1us sagittatus): MBM: Al! (SphecoLheres l!iridLs); de. jbo
187. BELJAJEFF M. M. (1927): Ein Experiment i.iber clíe Bedeutung der Schutzfarbung.
Biol. Zentralbl. 47: 107-113. P: Ma (MantLs religiDsa); C;fbo
188. BELL T. R. (1893): Notes on a spider. Nature 47: 557-558. Aj; Ar (Araneidae, Argiope,
co11ectilJe webb): C: PIFl: cle. Jbo
189. BELL T. R. (1906): Observations on Indian butterflies. E. Month. Mag. 42: 121-128.
As: LR: C. A. MFh: .fbo
190. BELL T. R. (1914): The proportion of the female forms of Papilio polytes in North
Kanara. P.E.S.L. 1914: 99-100. As: LRPa (Papi1io polyLes); MBM: LRPa; ge
191. BELT T. (1866): No title. P.E.S.L. 1866: 45. Nt; LRH/: A. MBM: LR: cle,fbo,.ft
192. BELT T. (1874): The naturalist in Nicaragua. 306 pp.. New York, E. P. Dutton (2. ed.
1888. London, review: Nature 9: 218-221, A. R. Wallace) Nt; An; C. A, MBM: An;jbo,
de. bm
193. BELWOOD J. J. (1990): Anti-predator defences and ecology of Neotropical forest
katydids. especially the Pseudophyllidae. Pp 8-26. in: Bailey W . J.. Rentz D. C. F.
(ecls): The TeUiogoniidae. Biology. systematics and evolution. ix + 395. Berlin, Heidelberg
etc. Springer. Nt: O (Pseuc/aphljlliclae); C: Pl:jbo
194. BEMMELEN ,J. F. V. (1921): Das Farbenmuster der mimetischen Schmetterlinge. Zool.
Anz. 52: 269-277. [eng!.: Proc. Acad. ScL Amsterdam 23 (1922): 877-886) W; LR:
MBM: LR: ge
195. BENGSTON S. A. (1981): Does bircl preda1ion inf1uence the spot-number variation in
Maniolajurtina (Lepidoptera). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. London 15 (1): 23-27. P: LRSs (ManiDla
ju rtina): MEs: ItAl!
196. BENITEZ MORERA A. (1943): Los medios de defensa de los insectos l. Graellsia, Madrid
1 (4): 13-15. [: C. A. MBM MP: de
197. BENITEZ MORERA A. (1944): Los medios de defensa de los insectes II. Graellsia,
Madrid 2: l55-163. l: C. A. MBM. MP; cle
198. BENlTEZ MORE RA A. (1945): Los medios de defensa de los insectos lIl. Graellsia,
Madrid 3: 125-127. [: C. A. MBM, MP; cle
199. BENNET A. W. (1870): On the theory of natural selection looked at from a mathematical
point of view. Nature 3: 30-33. Nt: LRPi (LeptalLs): MBM; LRIt; th
200. BENNET A. W. [1877): Is protective mímicry due to natural selectíon? Aru. Nat. ll: 3-
7. LR; MBM; LR; tll
201. BENSON P. [1979): Observations on the development of certain fire salamander larvae.
Herptile 4 (4): 17-20. P; AmCd (Salamandra salamandra); A; jbo
202. BENSON W. W. (1971): Evidence for the evolution of unpalatability through kin selection
in the Helíconiinae (Lep.) [Nymphalidae]. Aru. Nat. 105: 213-226. Nt; LRHl; A; ge
203. BENSON W. W. (1972): Natural se1ection for Muellerian mimicry in Heliconius erato
in Costa Rica. Science 176: 936-939. Ni; LRHI (Heli.conius erato); MBM; LRHI; ge
204. BENSON W. W. (1977): On the proposed spectrum between Batesian and Muellerian
mimicry. Evolution 31: 454-455. An; MBM; An; th
205. BENSON W. W. [1982): Alternative models for inrrageneric diversification in the humid
tropics: tests with passion vine butterflies. Pp. 608-640 in: Prance G. T. (ed.): Biological
diversification in the tropics. New York, Columbia Univ. Press. Nt; LRHl; A; ge, th
206. BENSON W. W. -BROWN K. S.JR. -GILBERT L. E. (1976): Coevolution of plants and
herbivores: passion flower butterflies. Evolution 29: 659-680. Nt; LI�Hl; A: ge, th
207. BEQUAERT,J. [1922): The predaceous enemies of ants. Bull. Aru. Mus. Nat. Hist. 65:
271-331. (review: P.E.S.L. 1924: 68-71, E. B. Poulton) Ne: HyMy; ft
208. BEQUAERT,J. [1930): Are ants better protected against the attacs of their predaceous
enemies than other arthropods? Zool. Anz. 88 (7/8): 163-176. Ne; HyMy; ft
209. BEQUAERTJ. (1933): Review of the Polybiine wasps ofthe Nearctic Region. E. Aruer.
13 (3). Ne; HyVe (Polybiinae); MBM: HyVe; de
210. BERENBAUM M. R. -MILICZKY E. (1984): Mantids and milkweed bugs: Efficacy of
aposematic coloration against inveriebrate predators. Am. MidI. Nat. 111 (1): 64-68.
Ne: H (Lygaeidae. Oncopeltl1s): A: ItMa (Tenodera ard(f"oUa)
211. BERG L. S. (1926): Mimicry and related phenomena.
Chap. VIII (pp. 314-337) in:
Nomogenesis ar evolution determinecl by law. 477 pp. London, Constable. An; C. A,
212. BERGERJ. (l906): Uber die Konvergenz - Erscheinungen zwischen den Raupen von
Plusia c-aureum Kn. und Notodonta ziczac L. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 2: 237-246, 265-
276. P; LHeNo (Plusia c-al1reum. larvae): MO: LHe (Notodontidae, Notodonta zi.czac,
lamae); de
213. BERGERJ. -KASTERJ. (1979): Convergent evolution between phyla: a test case of
mimicry between caddisfly larvae (Helicopsyche borealis) and aquatic snails (Physa
integra) Evolution 33 (l): 511-513. P; Trichoptera (HeUcopsyche borealis); MO: Mo
(Gastropoda. Physa integra); de. th
214. BERGROTH E. (1892): On a Indian ant-mimicking Hemipteron E. Month. Mag. 28:
107. As; H (Coreidae. D111i.chius injlatus); HyMy; de
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(Eustheinae): MBM: Ho; cle
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P: H (Dinodoriclae. Megymenum): MBM: H (Pentatomidae): de
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Soc. E. France 1927: 52-55. Au: Ar; MBM: HyMy; de
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219. BERNARD! G. (1960): Le polymorphisme et le mimétisme de I'Hypolímnas dubia Palisot
de Beavois. Ann. Soc. E. France 128: 141-158. A;
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220. BERNARDI G. (1962): La variation géographique du mimét.isme chez les Lépidopteres.
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Lépidopteres. Proc. Intern. Congr. Zool. 16th, Washington 4: 161-166. Aj; LR; MBM;
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222. BERNARDI G . (1974): Polymorphisme et mimétisme chez l e s Lépidopteres
Rhopalocéres. Mém. Soc. Zool. France 37: 129-165. AJ; LR; MBM; LR; de. tll. ge
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Aterica galene
(Lep., Nymphalidae). Arm.
Soc. E. France 142: 689-701. Ať LRNm (Aterica galene);
MBM: LRDa (Amauris); ge, de, th
224. BERNARDI G. (1984): Les théories explicatives du mimétisme batésien chez les Insectes
Lépidoptéres et les mécanismes de la finalité. Pp. 131-145 in: ParrotJ. (ed.): La fin et
les moyens. étude sur la tlnalité biologique et ses mécanismes. Paris, Maloine. AJ
MBM; LR; ge, th
225. BERNARDI G. -PIERREJ. -NGUYEN T. H. (1985): Le polymorphlsme et le mimétisme
de Papilio dardanus Brown (Lep.. Papilionidae). Bull. Soc. E. France 90 (3-4): 1106-
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226. BERNARDl N. (1973): Warningly-colored pupae oť Neotropica! ctenuchid moths
(Lepidoptera. Ctenuchiclae). Rev. Bras. E. 17 (14): 105-108. Ne: LHeSn (pupae): A; de
227. BERNAYS E. A. -EDGAR J, A. -ROTHSCHILD M. (l977): Pyrolizidine a1caloids
sequestred and stared by the aposematic grashopper, Zonocerus variegatus. J. Zool.
London 182: 85-87. Ne: O (Zonocerns variegatus); A; to
228. BERNAYS E. A. -MONTLLOR C. B. (l 989): Aposematism of Uresiphita reversalis larvae
(Pyralidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 43 (4): 261-273. Ne; LHe (Pyralidae, Uresiphita reversalis,
1arvae): A: de
229. BERTKAU P. (1886): ,,Ant-Iike spiders" Verh. Niederrh. Ges. Natur- u. Heilkunde 43:
66-69. P: Ar: MBM; HyMy; de
230. BERTRAM H. (1967): Genetik des mimetischen Polymorphismus bei Schmetterlingen.
Z. Zool. Syst. Evol.-Forsch. 5: 333-397. LR; MBM: LR; ge
231. BETHAM J. A. (1890): The butterflies oť the Central Provinces. J. Bombay Nat. Hist.
Soc. 5: 19-28. As: LR; MBM; LR: de,Jbo
232. BETTlNI S. (ED.) (1978): Arthropod venoms. Berlín. W; Arthropoda: A: to, bm
233. BEUK S. (J 910): Varovalna barva i podobnost u živalstvu (in slovenian). Idrija. An; A,
MBM: An; de. th
234. BEUK S. (1914): Mimikrija in podobni pojavi (in slovenian). 80 pp., Idrija. An; C, A,
MBM. MP: An; de, th
235. BEUTENMULLER W. (1901): Monograph of the Sesiidae oť America, north of Mexico.
Mem. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1 (6): 217-352, Ne; LHe (Sesiidae): MBM: HyVe: de
236. 13EUTENMULLER W. (1903): Notes on some beetles from the Black mountalns, with
deseription of new species. Bull. Amer. Mus. 19: 511-519. Ne; Co: MBM: HyMy: de
237. BHATTACHARYA G. C. (1939): On the moulting and metamorphosis of Myrmarachne
plataleoides. Camb. Trans. Bose Res. Inst. 12: 103-114. As; A,Sa (Myrmarachne
plataleoides): MBM. MP: HyMy;J
238. BroWELL E. (1896): On the eggs of Cuculus canorus. Bu11. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 5: 29-30.
P; AvOv (CucullLs canorus): MP: AvOv; de
239. BIEDERMANN W. (1904): Die Schillerfarben bei Insekten und Vogeln. Festschrift
Haeckel (Denkschr. Ges. Jena ll): 215-300. J, Av; Mt; de
240. BIEDERIVIANN W. (1914): Farbe und Zeichnung der Insekten. In: Winterstein (ed.):
Hanbduch vcrgleichender Physiologie 3: 1657-1994. W; J; C, A. MBM: I: de,jbo, ge, th,
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T.E.S.L. 1902: 362-366. As: LR;.ftAv
242. BINGHAM C. T. (1907): On a remarcable underscribed form of moth belonging to the
family Tineidae. T.E.S.L. 1907: 177-179. As; LHe (Tineidae, pupae); MBM; ReOp; de
243. BIRKHEAD T. R. (1974): Predation by birds on social wasps. Brit. Birds 67: 221-229.
P; HyVe; A:.ftAv
244. BISHOP L. G. -CHUNG D. W. (1972): Convergence of visual sensory capabilities in
a palr of Batesian mimics. J. Insect Physiol. 18: 1501-1508. P: DSy (Eristalis tenax);
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moth Arctia caja (L.). Proc. Roy. Soc. London, B, Biol. Ser. 152: 255-262. P; LHeAt
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246. BLAIR B. W. (1984): Insects - passive models of defence. Zimbabwe Wild!. No. 37: 10-
ll. AJ
247. BLAISDELLM. B. (1976): Darwinism and its data : The adaptive coloration of animals.
Ph. D. thesis, Harvard. An: C. A. MBM; th
248. BLAKISTON T. -ALEXANDER T. (1884): Protection by mimicry. A problem in
mathematical zoology. Nature 29: 405-406. An; MBM; An; th
(L.) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). Neth.J. Zool. 21: 61-116. P; .LHeGe (Bupalus piniarius,
larvae): A: de. ge
274. BOEVEJ.-L. (1991): Gregariousness, Held distribution and defence in the sawf1y larvae
Croesus varus and C. septentrionalis (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Oeco10gia, Berlin
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275. BOEVE J.-L. -PASTEELS J. M. (1985): Modes of defense in nematine sawfly larvae.
Efficieney against ants and birds. J. Chem. Eco!. II (8): 1019-1036. P; H y
(Tenthredinidae. Nematinae); A: ft (Av, HyMy), to
276. BOISDUVAL J. B. (1836): Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Species général des
Lépidopteres 1. (pp. 372-373) 690 pp., Paris. Roret. AJ; LR; MBM; LR; de
277. BONARIC J. C. (1974): Notes sur une araignée myrmécomimétique du génre
Phruro1ithus (Aran., Clubionidae). Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 99 (4): 637-643. P; Ar (Clubionidae,
Phrurolithus): MBM. MP: Hy My ; de,jbo
278. BONNET P. (1975): Las aranas. Graellsia 31: 247-265. P; Ar: MBM, MP: HyMy; de,jbo
279. BOPPRÉ M. (1978): Chemica! communication, plant relationship, and rnimicry in the
evolution ol' danaid butterflies. E. Exp. Appl. 24: 264-277. W; LRDa; A, MBM; LR; to,jbo
280. BOPPRÉ M. (1983): Leaf-scraching - a specialized behaviour of plant substances.
Oecologia 59: 414-416. W: LRDa: A: to
281. BOPPRÉ M. (1984): Redefining.. pharmacophagy". J. Chem. Ecol. 10 (7): 1151-1156.
W: LRDa; A: th, to
282. BOPPRÉ M. (1990): Lepidoptera and pyrrolizidine alcaloids : exemplification of
complexity in chemical ecology. J. Chem. Ecol. 16 (J): 165-185. W; L; A; to
283. BORADAILE L. A. (1907): ? Zool. Zentralbl. 14: 400. S; Cr; C; de
284. BOULARD M. (1973): Le pronotum des Membracides: camouflage sélectinné ou
orthogenese hyperthélique? Bun. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Paris 3e sér. 109, Zool. 83:
145-156. W; Ho (Membracidae); C; ge, tll
285. BOULARD M. (1975): Les cigales des savanas centrafricaines. Systématique, notes
biologiques et biogéographiques. Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. Paris 3e sér. 315, Zool. 222:
869-928. AI; Ho (Cicadoidea); MBM; Ho (Cicadoidea); de,jbo
286. BOULARD M. (1978): Premier cas de l'mimétisme ostensible chez les Homopteres
Auchenorhynques (Insecta). Compt. Rend. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. D 287
(16): 1389-1391. P; Ho (Cicadellidae, Lissocarta vespiformis); MBM; HyVe; de
287. BOULARD M. (1985): Apparence et mimétisme che z les cigales (Hom., Cicadoidea).
Bull. Soc. E. France 90 (I-2): 1016-1057. W; Ho (Cicadoidea); C, A, MBM; Ho
(Cicadoídea); de. jbo
288. BOULARD M. (1991): Modalités du mimétisme principalment chez les Insectes.
Définitions sur images. Compt. Rend. Colloq... La science et l'image", Avignon, aYTiI
1990: W: I: C. MBM. MP: I: tll
289. BOULARD M. (1991): Le mimétisme.Caractéristique et moda!ités principa!es. Élements
de vocabulaire. Ecol. Prat. Haut. Étud. Trav. Lab. Biol. Evol. Ins. 4: 1-48. -; An; C, A,
MBM:An; th
290. BOULARD M. -JAUFFRET P. (1984): Description d'un Gelastocoris nouveau du Brési1.
Nouv. Rev. E. (N.S.) 1 (1): 7-18. Nt: Ho (Gelastocoris); A, MBM: de
291. BOURDHOUXE L. -JOLIVET P. ( l981): Nouvelles observations sur le complexe
mimétique de Mesoplatys cincta Oliver (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) au Senéga!. Bull.
Mens. Soc. Linn. L yon 50 (2): 46-48. AJ; H (Pentatomidae, Asopinae); MP; CoCh
(Mesoplatyx cincta); de. jbo
292. BOURGEOIS J. (1909): Un cas de mimétisme défensif. Mitt. Schw. E. Ges. ll: 395 sq.
P: DSy (Ceria conopsoides): MBM: D (CoTlopidae): de
293. BOURGEOIS J. (1909): Sur le mimétisme de quelques especes d'insectes vivants sur
les Borraginées. Bun. Soc. E. France 14: 155 sq. (reprint Natura!iste 204-205). P: [; C,
A. MBM; I: de. fbo
294. BOURLIERE F. (1942): Sur l'homochromie de quelquers Orthopteres et san role
protecteur. Bun. Soc. E. France 47: 116-117. P: O; C: de,jbo
295. BOURLIERE F. -CHAURIN R. (1945): Sur la ressemblance mimétique entre les larves
de Nabis lativentris Boh. (Hem.) et les fourmis. Bull. Soc. E. France 50: 8-10. P: H
(Nabidae, Nabis lativentris); MBM. MP: HyMy; cle
296. BOUTIERE H. (1958): Les seorpaenides des ea\lX maroeaines. Trav. Inst. ScL Cherifien
No. 15: 84. S: Ps (Scorpaenidae): C; de
297. BOUVIER E. L. (1906): La faune pélegique des Invertébrées. La mer des Sargasses et
sa faune. Revue Gén. ScL Pur. Appliq. ? S; An; C; de,jbo
298. BOVALLIUS C. (1885): Mimoneetes, a remareable genus of Amphipoda Hyperidea.
Nova Aeta Reg. Soc. ScL Uppsala, 3. Ser. ? S; Cr (Amphipoda, Mimonectes); MBM; Cl;
299. BOVEY P. (1941): Contribution a l'étude génetique et biogéographique de Zygaena
ephia1tes L. (Lep., ZyagenidaeJ. Revue Suisse Zool. 48 (1941): 1-90. P; meZy (Zygaena
ephialtes): A: ge
300. BOVEY P. (1942): Apparition des formes orangées dans un croisement interracial de
Zygaena ephialtes L. . Arch. Julius Klaus-Stift. Vererb. Forsch. 17 (1942): 432 433 . P;
317. BOYDEN T. C. (1976): Butterf1y palatability and mimicry: experiments with Ameiva
Jizards. Evolution 30 (l): 73-81. Nt: LR; C. A:JtSr (Ameiva ameiva)
318. BOYDEN T. C. (1983): Mimicry, preclation and potential pollination by the mantispid,
Climaciella brunnea var. instabilis (Say) (Mantispidae: Neuroptera). J. New York E.
Soc. 91 (4): 508-511. Ne; N (Climaciella bmnnea); MBM; ?; de,jbo
319. BOYLAN T. (1970): Thomy deviJ. Anim. Kingdom 73 (1): 24-27. Ne; ReSr (Moloch
horridus): C: de
320. BRN\ A. T. -MOKSNES A. -ROSKAFT E. (1992): Adaptations of bramblings and
chaffinches towarcls parasitism by the common cuckoo. Anim. Behav. 43: 67-78. P;
AvOv (Cuculus canoms); MP; AvOv:jbo
321. BRACHV. (1978): Brachynemurus nebulosus (Neuroptera. Myrmeleonidae): a possibile
Batesian mimic oť Florida mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). E. News 89 (7-
8): 153-156. Ne: N (Bmchynemurus nebulosus, larvae): MBM: Hy (Mutillidae,
Dasymutilla); de
322. BRACKBILL H. (1979): Def1ection display of gray hairstreak butterny. E. News 90 (2):
109. Ne; LRLn (Strymon melinus); MFh; de,jbo
323. BRADLEY J. C. (1951): The evolution oť antigeny in the colour-pattern oť some Scoliidae.
Trans. 9th. Intern. Congr. E. Amsterdam 1951, 1: 88-90. P; Hy (Scoliidae); A; de. ge
324. BRADOO B. L. (1980): A new ant-like spider of the genus Myrmarachne (Sa!ticidae)
from India. Current ScL 49 (1 OJ: 387-388. As: ArSa (Myrmarachne platypalpus): MBM,
MP; HyMy (Cmnponotus): de
325. BRAKEFIELD P. M. (1979): An experimental study of the maintenance of variation in
spot pattern in Maniolajurtina. PhD-thesis. Univ. of Liverpool, U.K. P; LrSs (Maniola
jurtina): MEs; ge
326. BRAKEFIELD P. M. (1984): The ecological genetics of quantitative characters of Maniola
jurtina and other butterflies. Pp. 167-190 in: Vane-Wright R. 1. & Ackery P. R. (eds.):
The biology of buttert1ies. Orlando. Academic Press. P; LRSs (Maniolajurtina); MEs; ge
327. BRAKEFIELD P. M. (1984): Ecological studies on the polymorphic ladybird Ada!ia
bipunctata in the Nederlands. J. Anim. EcoL 53 (3): 775-790. P; CoCc (Adalia
bipuTlctata): A: ge. .Jho
328. BRAKEFIELD P. M. (1985): Polymarphic Muellerian mimicry and interactions with
thermal melanism in ladybirds and a soldier beetle: A hypothesis. Bio1. J. Linn.. Soc.
26 (3): 243-267. P: CoCc (Adalia); MBM; CoCc (Adalia); ge. th
329. BRAKEFIELD P. M. (1987): Tropical dry and wet season polyphenism in the butterfly
Melanitus leda (Satyridae): Phenotypic plasticity and climatic correlates. Bio1. J. Linn.
Soc. 27: ? AI LRSs (MelaniLus leda); MEs; ge.jbo
330. BRAKEFIELD P. M. (1988): What is the progress towards understanding the selection
webs inf1uencing melanic polymorphism in insects? Pp. 148-162, xii + 282pp in: de
Jong G. (ed.): Population genetics and evolution. Berlin, Heidelberg etc.. Springer. P;
CoCc (Adalia); A: tll, ge
331. BRAKEFIELD P. M. -DOWDWSWELL W. H. (1985): Comparison of two indenpendent
scoring techlliques for spot variation in Maniolajurtina (L.) and the consequences of
some differences. Bio1. J. Línn. Soc. 24: 329-335. P; LRSs (Maniolajurtina); MEs; ge
332. BRAKEFIELD P. M. -LARSEN T. B. (1984): The evolutionary significance of dry and
wet season forms in same tropical buttert1ies. Bio1. J. Linn. Soc. 22: 1-12. Aj: LRSs;
333. BRAKEFIELD P. M. -LIEBERT T. G. (1985): Studies of colour polymorphism in some
margina! populations af the aposematic Jersey tiger moth Callimorpha guadripunctaria.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 26: 225-241. P: LHeAt (Callimorpha quadripunctuaria); A; ge
334. BRAKEFIELD P. M. -NOORDWIJK A. J. V. (1985): The genetics of spott pattem
charakters in the meadow brown butterf1y Maniolajurtina (Lepidoptera: Satyridae).
Heredity 54 (2): 274-284. P; LRSs (Maniolajurtina); MEs; ge
335. BRAKEFIELD P. M. -REITSMA N. (199l): Phenotypic plasticity. seasona! climate and
the population biology in the Bicyc1us butternies in Malawi. Ecol. E. 10: 291-303. Aj;
LRSs (Bicydus); MEs; ge,fbo
336. BRAME A. H. JR. -LONG M. C. -CHrRl A. A. (1973): Defensive display ofthe desert
slender salamander Batrachoseps aric1us. Herpeton 8 (1): 1-3. Ne; AmCd (Batrachoseps
aridus); A; de. jho
337. BRANDICOUR TV. (1898): Les couleurs protectrices. BulJ. Soc. Nord France 13: 282-
285. An: C. A: de. Lil
338. BRANDON R. A. -HUHEEY J. E. (1971): Movements and interactions of two species of
Desmognathus (Amphibia, Plethodontidae). Am. MidI. Nat. 86: 86-92. Ne; AmCd
(Desnwgnatllus); A: jbo
339. BRANDON R. A. -HUHEEY J. E. (1975): Diurnal activity, avian predation and the
question of warming coloration and cryptic coloration in saJamanders. Herpetologica
31 (31: 252-255. Ne: AmCd; C, A; Jbo,ftAv
340. BRANDON R. A. -LABANICK G. M. -HUHEEY J. E. (1977): Defensive behaviour in the
plethodontid salamanders Pseudotriton montanus and Pseudotriton ruber.
HerpetologicaJ Rev. 8 (3): Suppl. 2. Ne; AmCd (Pseudotriton nwnatanus, Pseudotriton
ruber): A:jbo
341. BRANDON R. A. -LABANICK G. M. -HUHEEY J. E. (I 979): Re1ative paJatabHity, defensive
behaviour, and mimetic relationship of red saJamanders (Pseudotriton ruberJ, mud
saJamanders (Pseudotriton montanusJ, and red efts (Notophthalmus viridescens).
Herpetologica 35: 289-303. Ne; AmCd (Pseudtriton ruber. Pseudotriton nwntanus); MBM;
AmCd (Notophthhalmus viridescens); ItAv (Gallus gallus)
342. BR.A.NTJES N. B. H. (1981): Mimicry. (in Dutch) Levende Nat. 83 (1):. Nt; PS (Characidae.
AstyanaxIasciatus): MBM; PS (Characidae, Probolodus heterostomus); de
343. BRATTSTROM B. H. (1955): The coral snake ,mimic' problem and protective coloration.
Evolution 9: 217-219. Nt; ReOp (Colubridae): MBM; ReOp (Elapidae); de,.fbo, th
344. BRAUER F. (1885): Systematisch-zoologische Studien 3. Betrachtungen uber
tauschende und wahre systematische Almlichkeiten. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien,
Ser. I. 91: 385-392. P: D: MBM; Hy; de
BRAUNS H. (1898): Ein neuer Dorylidengast des Mimicry-Typus. Wien. E. Zeit. 17:
224-227. Nt: CoSt: MBM; HyMy (DoryLidae); de
359. BRINDLEY M. D. (1935): The mean by which the resemblance of the British capsid
bug P�lophorus cinnamopterus Kb. , to the "wood ant", Formica rufa Linn. , is produced.
P. RE. S. L. 9: 91-92. P: H (Miridae, Pllophorus cinnamopterus): MBM; HyMy (Formica
rufa): de.Jbo
360. BRISLEY H. R (1925): Notes on the Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of Arizona. Trans.
Am. E. Soc. 51: 167-182. Ne: CoCh (larvae); C; caterpillar dropping; de
361. BRISTOW C. R (1981): A revision of the brassoline genus Catophlebia (Lepidoptera:
Rhopalocera). Zool. J. Liml. Soc. 72 (2): 117-163. Nt: LRBs (Catophlebia); MBM; LRBs
(Catophlebia); de
362. BRISTOW C. R. (1991): A revision of the brassoline genus Opsiphanes (Lepidoptera:
Rhopalocera). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 101 (3): 203-293. Nt; LRBs (Opsiphanes); MBM; LRBs; de
363. BRISTOWE W. S. (1941): The comity of spiders. 2. 560 pp. , London, Ray Society. W;
Ar: C. MBM. MP: HyMy; de, jbo. th
364. BRISTOWE W, S. (1945): Spider misceling J. Quekett Micr. Cl. (4) 2 (2): 63-67, P; Ar;
MBM. MP: HyMy: de.Jbo
365. BROCKl\IlANN D, (1986): Seltsame Mimikry. Acanthurus pyroferus imitiert Centropyge
eibli. Aquarium Aqua Terra 20: 81-82, S; Ps (Acanthuridae. Acanthurus pyroferus);
MBM; Ps (Chaetodntidae, Centropyge eib1i); de
366, BRODIE E. D JR (1973): Defensive mechanismus of pJethodontid salamanders. HISS
. •
380. BRONGNIART A. -BRONGNIART C. (1888): Sur une cigale vésicante de la Chine et du
Tonkin. Compt. Rend. Acad. ScL Paris 106 (9): 607-609. As: Ho (Cicadidae. Huechys
sanguinea): A: Jbo. de
381. BRONGNIART C. (1895): Note sur les Homopteres du genre Flatoides Guérin. Bull.
Mus. Natioll. I-list. Paris 1: 94-97. As: Ho (Flatidae. Flatoides): A; de
382. BROOKE M. DE L. -DAV1ES M. B. (1991): A failure to demonstrate host imprinting in
the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) and alternative hypothesis for the maintenance of egg
mimicry. Ethology 89 (2): 154-166. P: AvOv (Cuculus canorus); MP: AvOv:jbo
383. BROOKE M. DE L. -DAVIES N. B. (1989): Egg mimicry by cuckoos Cuculus canorus
in relation to discrimination by 110sts. Nature 335: 630-632. P; AvOv (Cuculus canorus);
MP; AvOlJ: Jbo
384. BROOKER L. C. -BROOKER M. G. -BROOKER A. M. H. (1990): An alternative
population-genetic model for the evolution of egg mimesis and egg crypsis in cuckoos.
J. Theor. Biol. 146 (1): 123-143. AvOv (Cuculidae); MP, C; AvOv; tll, ge
385. BROOKER M. G. -BROOKER L. C. (1989): Cuckoo hosts in Australia. Austr. Zool.
Rev. No. 2: l-D6. Au; AlJOv (C[Lculiclae); MP; AvOlJ (Acantlliza, Malurt!s, Petroica); de,
386. BROOKER M. G. -BROOKER L. C. (1989): The comparative breeding behaviour of two
sympatric cuckoos. H orsfielďs bronze-cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis and the shining
bronze cuckoo C. lucidus. in Western Australia: a new model for the evolution of egg
morphology and host specifity in avian brood. Ibis 131: 528-547. Au; AvOv
(Chrysococct}X basalls. Chrysococcyx luciclus); MP; AlJOv; ge,jbo
387. BROUGH E. J. (1978): The multifunctional role of the mandibular gland secretion of
an Australian desert ani, Calomyrmex (Hymenoptera:Formicidae). Z. Tierpsychol. 46
(3): 279-297. Au: H!JM!} (Formicidae, Calomyrmex); A; cle, to
388. BROUGHTON K. E. -MIDDLETON A. L. A. -BAIKY E. D. (1987): Early vocalizations of
the brown-headed cowbird ano three host species. Bird. Behav. 7 (1): 27-30. Ne; Av
(Molothrus ater); MP: Av (Denclroica, Zonotrichia , Spizella): cle,jbo
389. BROWER J. V. Z. (1958): Experimental studies of mimicry in some North American
buUerflies. 1. The monarch, Danaus plexippus and the viceroy, Limenitis archippus
archippus. Evolution 12: 32-47. Ne; LRLi (Limenitis archippus); MBM; LRDaDp; JtAv
390. BROWER J. V. Z. (1958]: Experimental studies of mimicry in some North American
butterflies. II. Battus philenor and Papilio troilus, P. polyxenes and P. glaucus. Evolution
12: 123-136. Ne: LRPa (Papi/iD troi/lLS, Papilio polyxenes, Papilio glaucus); MBM; LRPa
(Battus philerlOr);ftAlJ
391. BROWER J. V. Z. (1958]: Experimental studies of mimicry in some North American
buUerf1ies. III. Danaus gilippus berenice and Limenitis archippus floridensis. Evolution
12: 273-285. Ne: LRLi (Lirnenitis archippus); MBM; LRDa (Dallaus glippus);ftAlJ
392. BROWER J. V. Z. (1960]: Experimental studies of mimicry IV. The reactions of starlings
to different proportions of models and mimics. Am. Nat. 94: 271-282. Ne; LR; MBM;
LR:. fi/tu (S/llrTULS uulgaris)
393. BROWER ci. V. Z. (1963]: Experimental studies and new evidence on the evolution of
mimicry in butterflies. Proc. 14th Internat. Congr. Zool. 4: 156-161. Ne: LR: MBM; LR;
394. BROWER J. V. Z. -BROWER L. P. (1961): Palatability of North American model and
mimic butterflies to caged mice. Ll. Lepidop. Soc. 15: 23-24. Ne; LR; MBM; LR; .{/Mm
395. BROWER J. V. Z. -BROWER L. P. (1962): Experimental studies of mimicry V1. The
reaction of toads (Bufo terrestris) to honeybees (Apis mellifera) and their dronef1y
mimics (Erista1is vinetorum). Am. Nat. 96: 297-307. Ne; DSy (Eristalis vinetomm);
MBM: HyAp (Apis rnellifera); ftAmSl (Bl.!cto terrestris)
396. BROWER L. P. (1958): Bird predation and food plant specifity in dosely related
procryptic insecls. Am. Nat. 92: 183-187. Ne; L: C;ftAu
397. BROWER L. P. (1959): Autecological relationship an interspecific sexual behavior in
butterflies of the Papilio glaucus group. Proc. 15th Intern. Congr. Zool. London: 810-
812. Ne; LRPa (Papilio glauclls): MBM: LRPa (Battus philellor):.fbo, ge
398. BROWER L. P. (1963): The evolution of sex-limited mimicry in butterflies. Proc. 16th
lntern. Congr. ZooI. 4: 173-179. LR: MBM; LR; ge
421. BROWER L. P. -BROWERJ. V. Z. -STILES F. G. -CROZE H. J. -HOWER A. S. (1964):
Mimicry: differential advantage of color-patterns in the natural enviroment. Science
144: 185. Ne; LR: MBM; LR:fbo. ge
422. BROWER L. P. -BROWER J. V. Z. -WESCOTf P. W. (1960): Experimental studies of
mimicry. V. The reaction of toads (Bufo terrestris) to bumblebees (Bombus
americanorum) and their robberfly mimics (Mal1ophora bomboides) with a discussion
on aggressive mimicry. Am Nat. 94: 343-355. Ne; D (Asi/idae. Mallophora bomboides);
440. BROWER L. P. -SEIBER J. N. -NELSON C. J. -LYNCH S. P. -TUSKES P. M. (1982):
Plant-determinecl variation in the cardenoline content, thin-layer chromatography
profiles. and emetic potency of monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus L. rearecl on
milkweed plants in California. 1. Asclepias eriocarpa. J. Chem. Ecol. 8: 579-633. Ne;
LRDaDp: A: to. ft (Av)
441. BROWER L. P. -SINK L. S. (1985): A natural toxic defense system: cardenolides in
butterflies versus birds. Ann. New YorkAcad. Sci. 433: 171-186. Ne; LRDa; A; to,JtAv
442. BROWN C. R. (1984): Light-breasted purple martins dominate dark-breasted in a roost:
implication for [emale mimicry. Auk 101: 162-164. Ne; Al! (Progne); MO; fbo
443. BROWN C. W. (1974): Hybridization among the subspecies of the plethodontid
salamander Ensalina eschscholtzi. Univ. California Publs. Zool. 98: 1-57. Ne; AmCd
(Ensaiina eschscholtzi); A: ge..!bo
444. BROWN I. L. (1980): Population biology of the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas
chalcedona. Structure of the Jaspers Ridge colony. Oecologia 47: 239-25l. Ne; LRMe
(Euphydryas chalcedona); A; fbo
445. BROWN K. S. JR (1967): Chemotaxonomy and chemomimicry: The case of 3-
hydroxykynurenine. Syst. Zool. 16: 213-216. Nt: LRHl; A; to
446. BROWN K. S. JR (1972): The heliconians of Brazil III. Ecology and biology ofHeliconius
nattereri, a key primitive species near extinction, and comments on the evolutionary
development of Heliconius and Eueides. Zoologica 57: 41-69. Nt: LRHl. (Heliconius
naitereri); A: .!bo
447. BROWN K. S. JR (1975): Geographical patterns of evolution in Neotropical Lepidoptera.
Systematics and derivation of known and new Heliconiini (Nymphalidae: Nymphalinae).
J. E. B 44 (3): 201-24l. Nt: LRHl; A: ge. de
448. BROWN K. S. ,JR. (J 976): An illustrated key to the silvaniform Heliconius (Lepidoptera:
Nymphalidae) with descriptions of new subspecies. TE.S.L. 102: 374-484. Nt: LRHl
(Heliconius): A: de
449. BROWN K. S. JR (l977): Geographical patterns of evolution in neotropical
Lepicloptera: differentiation of the species of Melinaea and Mechanitis (Nymphalidae,
Ithomiinae). Systematic Ent. 2 (3): 161-197. Nt; LRIt (Meltnaea, Mechanitis); MBM;
LR: de. ge
450. BROWN K. S. ,JR (1977): Centros de evolucao, refúgios quarternarios e conservacao
de patrimónios genéticos na regiao neotropical: padroes de diferencicao em Ithomiinae
[Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Acta Amazonica 7 (1): 75-137. Nt; LRIt; A; ge
451. BROWN K. S. JR (1980): A review of the genus Hypothyris (Nymphalidae), with
descriptions ofthree new subspecies and early stages ofH. daphnis. J. Lepid. Soc. 34
(2): 152-172. Nt: LRNm (HypothWis): MBM; LR; de
452. BROWN K. S. JR (198]): The biology of Heliconius and re1ated genera. Ann. Rev. E.
26: 427-456. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius): A;.fbo
453. BROWN K. S. JR. (1982): Historical and ecological factors in the biogeography of
aposematic Neotropical butterflies. Am. Zaol. 22 (2): 453-471. Nt; LRIt, LRHl; A, MBM;
LR; de !bo, ge
lllultiple Muellerian mimicry in Heliconius numata (Lepid. Nymph. l. Biotropica 6 (4):
205-228. NL: LRHl (HeliconilLs Ilwnata): MBM: LRH1: ge
460. BROWN K. S. JR. -BENSON W. W. (1975): The heliconiáns of Brazil. Bull. Allyn. Mus.
26: 1-19. Nt: LI�HI: A. MBM: LRH1: de.Jbo
461. BROWN K. S. JR -BENSON W. W. (1977): Evolution in modern Amazonian non-fores1.
islands: Heliconius hermathena [Lep. , Heliconidae]. Biotropica 9 (2): 95-117. Nt: LRHl
(HeliconilLs hennathena): MBM: LRFIl: de. ge
462. BROWN K. S. ,JR. -DA..cMMAN A. -FEENY P. (1981): Troidine swallowt.ails (Lepidoptera:
Papilioniclae) in Sou1.heastern Brazil: natural history and foodplant relationship. ,J.
Res. Lepid. 19 (4): 199-226. Nt: LRPa: MBM; LR: de, Jbo, to
463. BROWN K. S. ,JR -HOLZINGER H. (1972): The Heliconias of Brazil (Lep., Nymphalidae)
IV. Systematics ancl biology of Eueides tales Cramer, with clescription of a new
subspecies from Venezuela (Lep. , NYll1phalidae, Heliconiinae). Z. Arbeitsgem. Osterr.
E. 24 (1-2): 44-65. Nt: LRHl (Eueides tales): MBM: LRH1: de.jbo
464. BROWN K. S. ,JR. -OTERO S. L. (1986): Biology and ecology ofParides ascanius (Cramer.
1775) (Lep., Papilionidael. a primitive buUertly threatened wi1.h ext.inction. Atalanta
10: 2-14. Ni: LRPa (Parides ascanius): MBM; LR:Jbo
465. BROWN K. S. JR. -SHEPPARD P. M. -TURNER ,I. R G. (1974): Quaternary refugia in
tropical America: evidence from race farmation in Heliconius buttertlies [Lep. ,
Nymphaliclae]. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lonclon, Ser. B. 187 (1088): 369-378. N t : LRH1: MBM:
LRl-Jl; ge
466. BROWN K. S. JR. -VASCONCELLOS-NETO ,J. (1976):Preclation on aposematic i1.homiine
butter11ies [Lep., Nymphaliclae] by tanagers (Pipraeidea melanonota) Biotropica 8 (2):
136-141. Nt: LRIt: A:JtAv (Pipmeidea melanonota)
467. BROWN K. S. JR -VASCONCELLOS-NETO J. (1982): Interspecit1c hybriclization in
Mechanitis butlerOies (Ithomiinae): a novel pathway for 1.he breakdown of isolating
mechaIlisms. Biotropica 14 (4): 288-294. Nt; LRlt (MechanWs): A: ge
468. BROWN K. W. (1972): A population approach to computer taxonomy with applications
in the genus Gonasidia (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Dissertation Abstr. Internat. (B)33
(2): 764. Ne: CoTe (Gonasidia daLa): MBM: Co; de
469. BROWN R. J. -BROWN M. N. -BROOKE M. DE L. -DAVIES N. B. (1990): Reactions of
warblers lo model cuckoo eggs. Ibis 132: 109-111. P; AvOv (Cucu1us CWlOnLS): MP;
AvOv (AcrocejJhalIL�):
470. BROWN R. M. (1969): Notes on larva and habitat of Callophrys fotis bayensis
(Lycaeniclael. J. Res. Lepicl. 8: 49-50. Ne; LRLn (Callophrysfotis. larvae): C:fbo. de
471. BROWN W. L. JR (1955): The first social parasites in the ant tribe Dacetini. Insecles
Sociaux 2: 181-186. Ne: Hl/Ml] (Dacetini); MO; HyMy: de.jbo
472. BROWN W. L. JR. (1985): The qllaclrimaclllate color pattern in beetles ancl a possible
mimicry complex. Pp. 432-436 in: Ball G. E. (ecl.): Taxonomy, phylogeny. ancl
zoogeo!-(raphy ofbeet.les and an1.s: A volume cleclicatecl to the memory ofPhilip Jackson
Darlinglon. Dorclrecht, ,Junk (Ser. Ent.omol. 33). As: CoCa (Physodera c1ejeC1lli): MBM.
MP: Co (Endomychidoe. ElLromorphl[S austerus); de, jbo
473. BROWN W. L. ,JR. -WILSON E. O. (1957): A new parasitic ant of the genus Monomorium
from Alabama. will! consideration of the status of genus Epixenus Emery. E. News
68: 239-246. Ne: H!JMlJ (Mmwmorium): MP: HyMy; de.Jbo
474. BRUCE A. J (19751: Coral reef shrill1ps and t.heir colour patterns. Endeavour 121:
, .
23-27. S: Cr (Decal'0c1n): C. A: de
475. BRUEL L. (1932): Uber Begriff unrl Erkliirung der Mimikry. Biol. Zentralbl. 52: 13-
42.: An: MBM: An: tll
476. BRUES C. T. (1902): New ancl lit.t.le-known gllesls of the Texan legionary ants. Am.
Na1.. 36: 365-378. Ne: CoSt: MBM: HyMy; de
477. BRUES C. T. (1903]: Descript.iolls ?f new ant-like and myrll1ecophilons Hymenoplera.
Trans. Am. E. Soc. 29: 119-128. Ne: Hy: MBM; HyMy: cle
478. BRUES C. T. (1939): l11e mimet.ic resemblance of flies oft.he genus Systropus to wasps.
Psyche 46: 20-22. Ne: D (Bombylidae, Systropus); MBM; Hl]Ve: de
479. BRUGGER K. E. (1989): Recl-talled hawk clies with caral snake in lalons. Copeia 2:
508-510. Nt: ReOp (MicrunLsjitlvirws); A;.flA.v (BuLeo.iamaicensis)
480. BRUNNER D. -GANDOLFO D. (1990): Morphological adaptations to an unusual
defensive strategy in the mantid Orthoderella ornata (Insecta: Mantidae). J. Zool. 222
(1): 129-136. Ne: Ma (Orthoderella omata); C; de,jbo
481. BRUNNER V. WATIENWYL C. (1873): Uber die Hypertelie in der Natur. Verh. Zool.
Bot. Ges. Wien 23: 133-138. O; C: th. de
482. BRUNNER V. WATTENWYL C. (1883): Uber hypertelische Nachahmungen bei
Orthopteren. Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 33: 247-249. O; C; de, th
483. BRUNNERV. WATIENWYL C. (1897): Betrachtungen uber Frabenpracht der Insekten
(engl. ed.: Observation on the co!oration of insects). Leipzig (rev. Nature 58: 193[1898]
E. B. Pou!ton. Biol. Centralbl. 18: 456-458[18981. T. Garbowski). W; I; C. A. MBM: I:
de, tll
484. BRUNNER V. WATTENWYL C. [1899): Die Fiirbung der Insekten. Wien. I; C, A, MBM;
th. de
485. BRUNNER V. WATIENwYL C. (1900): Note on the co!oration of insects. E. Rec. 12:2-
4. I: C, A. M: tll. de
486. BRUNS H. (1952): Warn- und Tarntrachten im Tierreich. 76 pp. Stuttgart. Kosmos.
W: An: C. A. MBM: An: de. fbo, bm
487. BRUNTZ1. (1906): Orthopteres ďA1gerie. Un cas ďhomochromie. Bull. Soc. E. France
31: 118 sq. P; O (Erenwbia cisti); C: de
488. BRYK F. (1928): Uber den Mimetismus der afrikanischen Papnio-Arten. Ein Versuch
zu einer neuen Mimikrytheorie. Soc. E. 43: 9-12, 13-16. AJ; LRPa; MBM: LR; de, th
489. BRYK F. (1953): Papilio rex alinderi Bryk fa. ho!mi (forma nova) (Lepidoptera). -Ein
Beitrag zur Frage des heterotropen Mimetismus. E. Tidskr. 74: 46-50. AJ; LRPa (Papilio
rex); MBM; de
490. BUDDENBROCK W. V. [1934): Bemerkungen zur Lehre von den Schutzanpassungen.
Bremer Beitr. Naturwiss. 2: 138-168. An; C, A. MBM; An: th
491. BUGNION E. [1903): Observation re!ative a un cas de mimétisme. Bull. Soc. Vaud.
39: 385 sq. P: Ma (Blepllaris mendica): C: de
492. BULLlNI1. (1976): II significato biologico del mimetismo. Recenti progressi ne110 studio
de! mimetismo muel1eriano. Accad. Naz. Lincei, Atti Convegni Lincei 15: 23-47. P;
LHeZ!} (Z!}gaena ephialtes); MBM: LHeSn (Amata):jbo
493. BULLlNI1. -SBORDONI V. (1970): Evo!uzione de! mimetismo in Zygaena ephialtes
[ Atti Assoc. Genet. Ital. 15: 207-209. P; LHeZ!} (Zygaena ephialtes); MBM; LHeSn
(Amata): ge
494. BULLINI 1. -SBORDONI V. [1971): Ricerche sperimenta1i sur valore mimetico del1a
forma ephia!toide rossa di Zygaena ephialtes (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Bo!1. ZooL
38: 502. P: LHeZy (Zygaena ephialtes): MBM; LHeZy (Zygaena);jbo
495. BULLINI1. -SBORDONI V. [1975): Etho!ogical aspects in the mimicry of the burnet
moth Zygaena ephialtes. Proc. 14th Intern. Ethol. Congr. Parma, Aug. 27th-Sep. 5th
1975. P; LHeZ!} (Zygaena ephialtes); MBM; LHeSn (Amata):jbo
496. BULLINI1. -SBORDONI V. -RAGAZZINI P. (1969); Mimetismo mulleriano in popu!azioni
italianí di Zygaena ephialtes 1.)
( (Lep.. ZygaenidaeJ, Arch. Zool. Ital. 54; 181-214. P;
LHeZy (Zygaena ephialtes): MBM: LHeSn (Amata);jbo. ge
497. BULLlNI1. -SBORDONI V. -RAGAZZINI P. -FORESTIERO S. (1974): Esperimenti di
predazione in !aboratorio sul mimetismo di Zygaena ephialtes. BolL Zool. 41: 463-
464. P: LHeZy (Zygaena ephialtes); A: JtAu
Mimicry in the burnet moth Zygaena ephialtes: deforestation and abundances of the
mimetic complex at Villa di Fano (Centra! Italy). P; LHeZy (Zygaena ephialtes): MBM;
LHeSn (Arnata): Jbo
499. BURDICK W. N. (1943): Notes on Heteropogon vespoides Bigot and other Asilidae.
Canad. E. 75: 199. Ne: D (Asilidae. Heteropogon vespoides); MBM; HyVe; de.jbo
500. BURGESS W. E. (1980): Surgeonťish and angelfish mimics. Tropica! Fish Hobby 29
[2): 52-56. S: Ps (Acanthuridae. Acanthurus pyroJerus); MBM; Ps (Chaetodontidae,
Cer![ropyge); de
501. BURGIS H. (1984): Diebische Spinnen. Biologie uns. Zeit 14 (6): 177-182. P: Ar
(TlJ.gridiidae. Argyrodes rostratus): MP; Ar; de,jbo
502. BURN G. H. (1906): No tit1e. P.E.S.1. 1906: 52. P: LRLn: MFh: de,jbo
503. BURNS J. M. (1966): Preferential mating versus mimicry: disruptive selection and
sex-limited dimorpbism in Papilio glaucus. Science 153: 551-553. Ne;LRPa (Papilin
glalLcus): MBM: LRPa (Battus philenor); ge
504. BURNS J. M. (1967): Selective forces in Papilio glaucus. Science 156: 534. Ne; LRPq
(Papilío glaucus): MBM; LRPa (Battus philenor); ge
505. BURNS J. M. (1969): Cryptic feeding posture of a skipper butterfly, Erynnis brizo
(Lep., Hesperiidae). Psyche 76: 382-386. Ne: LRHs (Erynnis brizo); C: de,jbo
506. BURR M. (1897): Phyllocrania illudens from Madagascar imiting dead leaves. P.E.S.L.
1897: 55 sq. AI Ma (Phyllocrania illudens); C; H; de
507. BURR M. (1899): Mimicry in Orthoptera. E. Rec. ll: 48 sq. O; C; Pl; de
508. BUR T W. H. (1932): McAtee on tbe effectiveness in nature of so-ca1led protective
adaptations in tbe anima1 kingdom, cbiefly as illustrated by tbe food babits of nearctic
birds. Condor 34: 196-198. Ne: I; C, A:jtAv, th
509. BURTI E. H. JR. (ED.) (1979): Tbe bebaviora1 significance of color. London, Garland.
An; C, A. MBM; An: .fbo. th, bm
510. BURTI E. H. JR. (1979): An ana1ysis of pbysica1, physiologica1 and optica1 aspects of
avian coloration with emphasis on wood-warblers. Ne: Av (Parulidae); C, A; de,jbo, th
511. BURTI E. H. JR. (1981): Tbe adaptiveness of animal colors. Bioscience 31 (l0): 723-
729. An; C, A; th
512. BURUKOVSKIJ R. N. (J 983): Mimicry in shlimps. (in russ.) Priroda, Moskva 1983 (8):
31. S; Cr (Decapoda. Exhipolysmata hastatoides); MBM; Cr (Decapoda, Palaemon
hastatus): de
513. BUSCHINGER A. -MASCHWITZ U. (1984): Defensive behavior and defensive
mechanisms in ants. Pp. 95-150 in: Hermann H. R. (ed.): Defensive mechanisms in
social insects. 259 pp., NewYork, Praeger. W; HyMy; A;ft
514. BUSCHMANN L. L. (1974): Flash behaviour of Nova Scotis firefly , Photulis fairchildi
Barber, duling courtship and aggresive mimicry (Coleoptera, LampyIidae). Coleopt.
Bull. 28 (1): 27-32. Ne; CoLa (Photurisfairchildi); MP; CoLa;jbo
515. BUSNEL R. G. (1963): Acoustic behaviour of anima1s. xx + 933 pp. NewYork, Elsevier.
Ne, P; DSII (Eristalis teTlax); MBM (sound); HyAp (Apis mellifera); de
516. BUSTARD H. R. (1968): Pygopus nigliceps (Fischer): a lizard mimicking a venomous
snake. Blit. J. Herpetol. 4: 22-24. As; ReSr (Pygopodidae, Pygopus nigrkeps); MBM;
ReOp; de
517. BUTCHER G. S. -ROHWER S. (1989): The evolution of conspicuous and distinctive
coloration for communication in birds. Current Ornitbology (Sta. Barb ara)6 : 51-108.
Al!; C. A: jbo. th
518. BUTLERA. G. (1868): The larva ofAbraxas grossulariata distastefull to frogs. E. Montb.
Mag. 5: 131-132. P; llieGe (Abraxas grossulariata, larvae); A;jtAmSl
519. BUTLER A. G. (1869): Remarks upon certain caterpilar etc.. wbich are unpa1atable to
their enemies. T.E.S.L. 1869: 27-29. P: L (larvae); C, A;jtReSr (Lacerta l!iridis)
520. BUTLER A. G. (1870): Mimicry versus hybridity. Nature 3: 165. LR; MBM; LR; th
521. BUTLER A. G. (1871): A monograph of the genus Elyrrmias. Proc. Zool. Soc. Landon
1871: 518sq. As: LRSs (Elymnias); MBM; LRDa (Euploea); de
522. BUTLER A. G. (1889): A few remarks respecting insects supposed to be distasteful to
birds. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. 6th ser.: 171-173. P; I; A;ftAl!
523. BUTLER A. G. (1889): Notes made cJuring the summer of 1887 on the effect of offeling
various insects, larvae ancJ pupae to bircJs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (61, 4: 463-473. P; I;
C, A;JtAv
524. BUTLERA. G. (1890): Notes made duling the present year on the acceptance or rejection
of insects by birds. Ann . Mag. Nat. Hist. (6)6: 324-327. P: I; C, A;jtAv
525. BUTLER A. G. (1890): Erista1is tenax in England. E. Aru. 6: 126. P; DSy (Eristalis
tenax): MBM: HyAp (Apis mell(fera):jbo
526. BUTLERA. G. (1910):A fewwords respecting insects and their natura1 enemies. T.E.S.L.
1910: 151-154. P: I; C. A;ft, th
527. BUTLER A. G. -BATES H. W. (1870): No titie. P.E.S.L. 1870: 41-42. Aj; LRPi; MBM;
LRPi; de
528. BUTLERA. G. -ROTHSCHILD W. (1892): On a new and also on a little-known species
of Pseudacraea in the collection of the Hon. Walter Rothschild. T.E.S.L. 1892: 201-
203. pl. X. AI LRNm (Pseudacraea); MBM; LRDa (DanalLs chrisippus); de
529. BUTLER A. G. -WALLACE A. R. ( l871): Mimicry versus hybridity. Nature 3: 165-166.
AJ, Nt: LR: MBM: LR: th
530. BUTLER E. A. (1921): On Nabis lativentris Boh. (Hemiptera-Heteropteral. E. Mon.
M ag. 57: 79-81. P: H (Nabídae, Nabis lativentris): MBM: HyMy; de
531. BUTrERFIELD W. R. (1905): Protective coloration in the inside ofthe mouth in nestling
bircls. Nature 7 (2): 534. P: Av: A: de, lh
532. �jXTON P. A. (1926): Butterfly and bird. P.E.S.L. 1: 37. Au.; LRNm (HypoHmnas baHna);
MBM: ftAl! (Col1ocallia uropygialis)
533. BUXTON P. A. (1927): Resemblance between a pholcid spider, a tipulid and a reduviid
in Samoa. P.E.S.L. 2: 65-66. Au: Ar (Pholcidae, Pholcus au.coralis), Di (Tipulidae,
Trentepholia pacifica): MBM: H (Reduviidae, Gardena); de
534. BYATT H. A. -POULTON E. B. (1905): Pseudacraea and Limnas, the numerical
proportion of rnimic and model. T.E.S.L. 1905: 263-267. AJ; LRNm (Pseudacraea);
MBM: LRAc (Limnas);jbo, th
535. CAlRNS D, K. (1986): P lumage colour in pursuit-diving seabirds:Why do penguins
wear tuxedos? Bird Behav. 6 (2): 58-65. S; Av: C;jbo, de
536. CALDWELL G. S. (1986): P redation as se!ective force on foraging herons:Effects of
plumage color and flocking. Auk 103 (3): 494-505. Ne; Av (Egretta caerulea); A;jbo
537. CALDWELL G. S. -RUBINOFF R. W. (1983): Avoidance of venomous snakes by naive
herons and e,grels. Auk 100 (1): 195-198. S; ReOp (Pelamis platurus); A;jtAv (Ardea)
538. Ci'>.LLOIS R. (1960): Les trois fonctions du mimétisme. P p. 71-166 in: Méduse et cie.
Paris, Galimard. An: C, A. MBM: Pl. An: th, de
539. CALLOIS R. (1963): Le mimétisme anima1. 109 pp. P aris, Hachette. An; C, A, MBM;
An. Pl: th, de
540. CALTAGIRONE L. E. (1984): Adaptations of insects to modes of like. Pp. 217-245 in:
Huffaker C. B., l�abb R. L. (eds.):Ecological entomology. NewYork. Chilchester etc.,
.J.Willey & 80ns. I: C, A. MBM: de. th
541. CALVERT p, P. (1892): Resemblances in Odonata. P. 134 in: Biologia Centrali-americana
50. Odonata. xxx + 420pp. Nt: I (Odonata): MBM: I (Odonata); de
542. CALVERT W. H. -BROWER L. P. (1986): The location of monarch butterfly (Danaus
p! xippus L.) overwintering colonies in Mexico in re!ation to topography and c1imate.
? Ne: LRDaDp: A: Jbo
543. CALVERT W. H. -HENDRlCK L. E. -BROWERL. P. (1979): Mortality of monarch butterfly
(Danaus plexippus L.): avian predation at five overwintering sites in Mexico. Science
204: 847-851, Ne: LRDaDp: A:JtAl!
544. CAMERANO L. (1885): Ricerche in torno alla distribuzione dei colori nel regno anima1e.
Mem. Acc. Tor. (2)36: 329-360. A; C. A. MBM: de, tll
545. CAMERON P. (1878): On the larvae 01 the Tenthredinidae. with special reference to
protective resemblance. T.E.S.L. 1878: 193-199. P: Hy (Tenthredinidae, larvae): C, A;
de, tll
546. CA.l\1ERON P. (1880): Notes on the coloration and development of insects. T.E.S.L.
1880: 69-79. P: L, Hy (Tenthredinídae, larvae): C, A: de. th,jbo
547. CAMERON P. (1897): New species of Hymenoptera from Centra! America. Ann. Mag.
NaL Hist. 19: 261-276, 368-378. Nt: Hy (Mulillidae); MBM; HyMy: de
548. CAMPOS SEABRA C. A. -MOURE .J. S. (1961): Sobre duas especies mimeticas de
Centris Fabricius (Hymenoptera-Apoidea). Rev. Bras. E. 10: 25-29. Nt; HyAp (Centris
erythromchiaJ: MBM: HyAp (Centris rufohirta); de,jbo
549. CAPINERAJ. L. (1976): Asparagus beetle defense behaviour: adaptations for survival
in dispersing and non-dispersing species. [Col., Chrysomeldiae]. Ann. E. Soc. Am. 69
(2): 269-272. Ne: CaCh (Crioccris): A:ftAv
550. CARLBERG U. (J 985): Evolutionary and eco!ogical aspects on hatéhing time and
defensive behaviour of Phasmida (Insecta). Biol. Zentralbl. 104: 529-537, W; Ph: MBM;
HljlVJtj: cle. .lha
551. CARLBERG V. (1981): Hatching time of Extatosoma tiaratum (Macleay) (P hasmida).
E. Month. Mag. 117: 199-200. As: Ph (Extatosoma tiaratwn); MBM; HyMy; de,fbo
552. CARLBERG V. (1981): Defensive behaviollr in females of the stick insect Sipyloides
sipylus (Westwoocl) (P hasmida). Zool. Anz. 207 (3-4): 177-180. As; Ph (Sípyloidea
sipylus): C: Pl: cle !bo. .
575. CARPENTERG. D. H. (POULTON COMM.) (1926): Further observations on insects in
Uganda by Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter. P.E.S.L. 1: 9-12. A;
576. CARPENTER G. D. H. (POULTON COMM.) (1928): Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter's further
observations on insects in Uganda. P.E.S.L. 3: 5-9. AJ; I: MBM; I; de.jbo
577. CARPENTERG. D. H. (POULTONCOMM.) (1928): The distastefulness ofan Acraea to
a chamaeleon. P.E.S.L. 3: 23. AJ; LRAc (Acraea): A: jtReSr (Chamaeleo)
578. CARPENTERG. D. H. (POULTONCOMM.) (1928): An aegerid moth (sp. n.) from Uganda
mimicking a iclmeumoid. P:E.S.L. 3: 54. Aj; LHe (Sesíidae, Aegeriajerox); MBM; Hy
(Ichnewl1onidae): de
579. CARPENTERG. D. H. (POULTON COMM.) (1929): Further observations of the attacs
ofbirds upon insects in Kenya Colony. P.E.S.L. 4: 94. AI; I; A;jtAv
580. CARPENTERG. D. H. (POULTON COMM.) (1931): Acraeine butterflies congregating in
a small area for the nighťs rest. observed by Dr. Hale Carpenter in Portuguese East
Africa. P.E.S.L. 6: 71. AI: LRAc: A: jho
581. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1912): Synaposematic resemblance between Acraeinae larvae.
T.E.S.L. 1912: 702-705. AI: LRAc (larvae); A. MBM: LRAc (larvae); de.jbo
582. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1912): The hfe history of Pseudacraea eurytus hobleyi, Naeve.
T.E.S.L. 1912: 114-118. AJ; LRNm (Pseudacraea eurytus); MBM; LRAc (Acraea);jbo
583. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1913): Pseudacraea and their acraeine models on Bugalla
island. Sesse. Lake Victoria. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1913: 517. Aj; LRNm (Pseudacraea):
MBM: LRAc:fbo
584. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1913): Pseudacraea eurytus hobleyi, its forms and its models
on Bugalla Island. Lake Victoria, with other members of the same combination. TE.S.L.
1912: 606-644. AI: LRNm (Pseudacraea eUIlJtus): MBM; LRAc (Acraea);jbo, de
585. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1913): Paracraea boisduva1i, Doubl., and its models, with specia1
reference to Bugalla Island. T.E.S.L. 1913: 646-655. AJ; LRNm (Paracraea bOisduvalí);
MBM: LRAc (Acraea): de,fbo
586. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1913): The inheritance of sma1l variations in the pattern of
Papilio dardanus. Brown. TE.S.L. 1913: 656-666. AJ;
587. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1913): Synepigonic series of Papilio dardanus. from parent
form planemoides. P.E.S.L. 1913: 53-56. A;
588. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1913): Notes to struggie for existence in tropical Africa. Bedrock
2 (Oct.): 358-376. AI: LR: MBM: LR:jbo. th
589. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1913): Pseuacraeas an their Acraeine models on Bungalla
Island, Victoria Nyanza. Nature 92: 3 86. AJ; LRNm (Pseudacraea); MBM; LRAc (Acraea);
de . .Ibo
590. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1913): The enemies of protected insects with special reference
to Acraea zetes. Rep . 83th Meet. Brit. Ass . Adv. Sci .: 516 sq. A;
591. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1914): An interesting polymorphic butterfly. J. EastAfr. Soc. 4:
131-134. Aj: LRPaPd: MBM; LRDa:jbo. de
592. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1914): Observations in the islands in the N. W. of the Victoria
Nyanza. P.E.S.L. 1914: 51-55. A;
J LR:jbo
593. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1914): The evolution of mimetic resemblance. Bedrock 3 (July).
LR: MBM: LR: ge
594. CAR PENTER G. D. H. (1915): Observations on butterflies and the attacks made on
them by birds, about 30 miles W. of the Victoria Nyanza and about lOS. Lat. P.E.S,L.
1915: 64-72. AJ: LR:jtAv
595. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1915): A common synaposematic association of male African
Pieridae probably specially related to the habits of drinking at damp mud . P.E.S.L.
1915: 76-79. A;
596. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1920): A naturalist on Lake Victoria. 3 3 3 pp., London, Unwin.
Aj; I: C. A. MBM: I: de. .Ibo. bm
597. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1920): Pseudacraea eurytus hobleyi and the bearing of the
facts on the e xplanation of mimicry by natural selection. T.E.S.L. 1920: 84-98. AJ;
LRNm (Pseuclacraea eurytus); MBM: LRAc (Acraea): cle,jbo, ge
598. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1921): Experiments on the relative edibility of insects. with
special reference to their coloration. TE.S.L. 1921: 1-105. A;
599. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1923): Pseudacraea eurytus and its models in Eastern Uganda.
T.E.S.L. 1923: 469-491. AJ; LRNrn (Pseudacraea eurytus): MBM; LRAc (Acraea); de,jbo
600. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1925): On Pseudacraea eurytus L. , and Hs models in Eastern
Uganda. P.E.S.L. 1925: 13-14. AJ; LRNrn {Pseudacraea eurytus); MBM; LRAc {Planerna
poggei}: de. fbo
601. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1925): A naturalist in EastAfrica. Oxford, Univ. Press. Af; I; C,
A. MBM: I: de, .fbo. ft. bm
602. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1927): Pairs of Danaida chrisippus L., and of three Acraeine
species, ial�en in coitu at Zapi, E. Madi, N. Uganda, by Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter. P.E.S.L.
2: 68-71. Af; LRDa (Danaus chrysippus), LRAc; A;jbo
603. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1929): Mimicry. Nature 123: 661-663, Aj: LRNm (Pseudacraea);
MBM; LRAc (Acraea); th
604, CARPENTER G, D. H, (1930): Attacks of birds upon buUerflies, P.E.S.L. 5: 52. AJ;
LRDa (Amauris): A:ftAl!
605. CARPENTER G. D, H. (1930): A new form of Pseuacraea eurytus, P.E,S.L. 5: 52-55,
Al: LRNrn (Pseudacraea ewytus): MBM: LRAc (Acraea); de
606. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1930): Bird attacking buUerflies. P.E.S.L. 62. Aj, P; LRPi; A;
607. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1931): Observations on insects in Ngamiland, P.E.S.L.. 6: 49-
Sl. AJ I: A. MBM: I:.fbo
608. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1931): The forms of Acraea althoffi Dew.. P.E.S.L. 6: 62-65. Af;
LRAc (Acraea althqfi): MBM: LRAc: de
609. CARPENTER G, D. H. (1931): A mimetic association of a Syrphid with a,Xylocopid
and a Scoliid, P.E.S.L. 6: 77. AJ; DSy (Protylocera ellioti): MBM; HyAp (Xylocopa senior),
Hll (Scoliidae, Diellis collaris): de, .fbo
610. CARPENTER G. D. H, (1932): Eurytela dryope attached by a bird in Africa. P.E.S.L. 7:
18-19. AJ: LRNm {Eurytela dnJope);ftAl!
611. CARPENTER G. D. H, (1932): Resemblance of moths to bird-droppings. P.E.S.L. 7:
22-23. AI LHeGe (Problepsis egretta): C, MO; Al! (droppings); de
612. CARPENTER G, D. H. (1932): Lycaenid (Liptenine) mimetic butterfly from L. Victoria,
Uganda. P,E.S.L. 7: 26-27. AJ: LRLn (Mimacraea); MBM; LRAc; de,jbo
613. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1932): Synaposematic association of Ichneumonidae,
P sal1lmocharidae and Syntomidae. P.E.S.L, 7: 44, Al; LHeSn; MBM; H yVe
(Psarnmocharidae), Hy (Ichneumonidae): de, Jbo
614, CARPENTER G, D. H, (1932): Resemblance of a geometrid moth (Semiothisa suberetata,
Warr. , Boarminae) to a Hesperid butterfly (T agetes flesus, F.). P.E.S.L. 7: 59-60. Aj;
LHeGe (Semiothisa suberetata); MBM; LRHs (Tagetes.flesus); de
615. CARPENTER G, D. H. (1932): Mil1licry, natural selection and Acraea johnstoni. J.
East Alr. Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc. No 40-41: 78-90. AJ; LRAc (Acraeajolmstoni): MBM;
616. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1932): Mimicry. Science Progress 104: 609-25. Al; LRNm
(Pseudacraea); MBM: LRAc (Planerna); de,jbo
617. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1932): T he forl1ls of Acraea johnstoni, Godm. (Lep.,
Nymphalidae), and their distribution. T,E.S.L. 1932: 251-266. AJ; LRAc {Acraea
johnstoni}: A:fbo
618. CARPENTER G, D, H. (1933): Resemblance between species of Alethis and Euphaedra.
P.RE,S.L. 8: 104-106. AJ: LHeGe (Alethis): MBM; LHeGe (Euphaedra); de
619. CARPENTER G, D. H, (1933): A synaposematic Acraeine association from the Budongo
forest. Uganda. P,RE.S.L. 8: 109. AJ; LRAc: MBM; LRAc: de,jbo
620. CARPENTER G. D, H. (1933): Gregarious resUng habits of aposematic butterflies.
P.RE.S,L. 8: IlO-lIl. As, Nt; LR: A:.fbo
621. CARPENTER G, D, H, (1933): Resemblance between a geometrid (Semiothisa
suberetata, Warr. , Boarminae), a Hesperid (Sarangesa subalbicans, B.-B.) and
AJ; LHeGe (Semiothisa
a Lycaenid (Liptena ilma simplex. Aurir.). P.RE.S.L. 8: 126-127.
suberetata): MBM; LRHs (Sarangesa subalbicans), LRLn (Liptena ilma): de
622. CARPENTER G, D. H. (1933): An apparently undescribed species of Lycaenidae
mirnicking Vanessula rnilca, Hew, (Nymphaliidae). P.RE.S.L, 8: 127. AJ; LRLn: MBM;
LRNrn (Vanessula rni1ca): de
623. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1933): An undescribed species of Syntomidae resembling
a Scoliid masp. P.R.E.S.L. 8: 127. AJ; LHeSn; MBM:Hy (Scoliidae):de
624. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1933): Beak marks on butterflies wings. P.R.E.S.L. 143-144.
Au: LRDa (Euploea unibrunnea): A:ftAv
625. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1933): Attacks ofbirds on butterflies. T.E.S.L. 81: 21-26. Af;
626. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1933): Mimicry in animals. Nature 132: 850. An;MBM;An;th, ge
627. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1934): Attacks ofbirds upon butterflies in the Salomon Isles.
P.R.E.S.L. 9: 79. Au: LRDa (DanalLS affmis); I.RNm(Hypolimnas alimena); A, MBM;ftAv
628. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1934): Mimics and parasites of the honeybee inAfrica. P.R.E.S.L.
9: 87-89. Af: DS!} (Eristalis plumipes, Eristalis melanops); MBM, MP; HyAp (Apis
mellifera): de.Jbo
629. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1934): Evidence of attacks ofbirds uponbutterflies. P.R.E.S.L.
9: 14-15. Af: LR; A. MBM; LR:ftAv
630. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1934): Attacks of birds and other enemies on butterflies.
P.R.E.S.L. 9: 47-48. 4f: LR: A, MBM: LR;ftAv
631. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1934): African Hesperidae and attacksbybirds. P.R.E.S.L. 9:
52-53. Af: LRHs: A. MBM:ftAv
632. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1934): Further examples of attacks ofbirds upon Lepidoptera.
P.R.E.S.L. 9: 90-91. Af: LR: A. MBM: LR;ftAv
633. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1934): Mimicry in insects. Nature 134: 761. I;A, MBM;I;th, ge
634. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1935): A suggested explanation of variation in cryptic
Lepidoptera. E. Month. Mag. 71: 234-236. AJ; L:C;th
635. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1935): All-female families of Hypolimnasbolina L. bred by Mr.
H. W. Simmonds in Fiji. P.R.E.S.L. (A)lO: 32-33. Au;LRNm(Hypolimnas bolina);MBM:
636. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1935): A new Bematistes-Pseudacraea combination from
Uganda. P.R.E.S.L. 10: 57-59. Af: LRNm(Pseudacraea eurytus); MBM;LRAc(Bematistes
schubotzi): de
637. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1935): Evidence of preferentia! feeding by birds in Egypt.
P.R.E.S.L. 10: 88-89. AJ; HyAp (Apis·mellifera);ftAv (Hirundo rlLSuca)
638. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1935): Attacks of birds upon butterflies. Nature 135: 194. W;
639. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1935): Mimikry. E. Rundschau 2: 20-24. 3: 37-39, 4/5: 50-53.
1: MBM; I: tll. ge
640. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1936): Insect coloration and natural science. Nature 138: 686-
687. I;C. A. MBM: tll
641. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1936): Birds do attack but1erflies. ScL P rogress 30: 628-634.
642. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1936): Pseuacraea eurytus (L.) and its models in the Budongo
forest, Bunyoro, western Uganda (Lepidoptera). P,R.E,S.L. (A)lI: 22-28, AJ; LRNm
(Pseudacraea eUfljtus): MBM;LRAc;jbo. de
643. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1936): Eccoptoptera cupricollis Chd., and another coleopterous
mutilloid. P.R.E.S.L. (A)lI: 49-50. AJ: CoCa (Eccoptoptera cupricollis): MBM; Hy
(Mutillidae. Mutilla): de
644. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1936): The aposematic larva of Brithis pancratii Cyr. distasteful
to guinea-fowl and odoriferous white moths refusedby a ga!ago. P.R.E.S.L. (A)ll: 51.
Af: LHeNo (Britllis pancratii. larvae);A;ftAv(Numida meleagrislftMm(Galago)
645. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1936): Insect coloration and natura! selection. Nature 138:
686-387.1;C. A. MBM: I: til
646. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1936): Natura! se1ection. Nature 138: 1017. AJ; LRPaPd;MBM:
LRDa: til
647. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1936): The facts of mimicry require natural selection for their
explanation. Proc. Roy. Soc. London. Ser. B. 121: 65-67. I;MBM: 1;ge, tll
648. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1937): Further evidence tbatbirds do attackbutterflies. P roc.
Zool. Soc. London. Ser. A. 3: 227-247. W: LR:ftAv
649. CARPENTER G. D. H. (I937): Mimicry, as viewedby professor Shull. Science 85 (2206):
359. I: MBM: I; ge. th
650. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1937): Lizards as enemies of butterflies. P.E.S.L. 12: 151-16l.
W: LR; jtReSr
651. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1937): The needs of the mimetic theory. Science 86: 157. I;
MBM: I: ge. tll
652. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1938): Two remarkable cases of beak-marks on butterilies. P.RE.S.L.
(A)13: 101-102. Nt As: LRPa (PapiliD crassus). LRDa (Euploea mulciber); A;./tAv
653. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1939): Resemblance of a geometrid moth Amnemopsyche (Agirpa)
wardi E. M. Sharpe to the butterfly Acraea acerata tenella Rog. irtthe Congo. P.RE.S.L.
A (14): 87. Aj: LHeGe (Amnemopsyche wardO; MBM; LRAc (Acraea acerata); de
654. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1939): A further note on Pseudacraea eurytus (L.) (Lepid.
Nymphalidae) and its models in eastern Uganda. P.RE.S.L. A (14): 18. AJ; LRNm
(Pseudacraea eurytus): MBM: LRAc; de. jbo
655. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1939): Birds as enemies of butterflies. with special reference to
mil11icry. 7. lnternat. E. Congr. Berlin 1938: 1061-1074. W; LR; MBM; LR;jtAv. th
656. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1940): An interesting sidelight on the causes of coloration in
butterflies. Nature 147: 256. LR: C. A. MBM; LR; th
657. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1940): Physiology and ecology of cuticule colours in insects.
(Inc1uding note by H. Kall11usJ. Nature 148: 693-694. I; C. A; th
658. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1940): Preliminary account of an investigatión of the euploeine
butterflies of Melanesia. Proc. 6th Pacif. Sci. Congr.. Berkeley 4: 305-309. Au: LRDa;
A: de.Jbo
659. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1940): Destruction of cabbage white butterflies by birds. Nature
145: 900-901. P: LRP{(Pieris brassicae): A:JtAv
660. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1941): The relative frequency of beakmarks on butterflies of
different edibility to birds. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. Ser. A. 111: 223-231. W; LR; C. A.
MBM: LR;jtAv
661. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1942): Resemblance between an Agaristid and Xylocyrtid (Lep..
Heterocera). P.RE.S.L. (A)17: 76. AJ; LHe (Agaristidae): MBM: LHe (Xylocyrtidae); de
662. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1942): Observations and experiments in Africa by the late C. F.
M. Swynnerton non wild birds eating butterflies and the preference shown. Proc.
Linn. Soc. London 1941-2: 10-46. Aj: LR: C. A. MBM: LR;JtAv
663. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1943): Birds as enemies of the larvae ofZygaena filipendulae L.
(Lep.). E. Month. Mag. 79: 157-159. P: LHeZy (Zygaenafilipendulae. larvae); A;JtAv
664. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1943): Beak-l11arked butterflies. P.RE.S.L. (A)l8: 25-26. P; LR;
665. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1944): Natural selection in the six-spot burnet moth. Nature
154: 239-240. P: LHeZy (Zygaena): A:Jbo,jtAv
666. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1944): Evidence of extensive destruction ofDanaus chrisippus
L. (Lepidoptera) in SW Abyssinia. With a note by Lt.-Col. F. C. Frasser on method of
capture by Mantids. P.RE.S.L. (A)l9: 27-29. AJ
667. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1944): Obituary of E. B. Poulton. Nature 153: 15-17. I; MBM; I;
668. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1944): Edward Bagnall Poulton. Obit. Not. Fellows Roy. Soc.
Lond. 4: 655-680. I; MBM: I: tll
669. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1946): The relative edibility and behaviour of some aposematic
grasshoppers. E. Month. Mag. 82: 5-10. AJ; O; A;fbo,jtAv
670. CARPENTERG. D. H. (1946): Mimetic polymorphism. Nature 158: 277-279. LR; MBM;
LR; ge. tll
671. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1947): T he writings ofl. Portschinsky on the warning colours
and eyespots. P.RE.S.L. (A)22: 103-113. P: LHe; A. MEs; rw
676. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1948): Notes of the ma!es of Papilio dardanus Brown (Lep.),
with the description 01' a new transitional race and a redescription of P. dardanus
ochracea PO\llton. P.R.E.S.L. (B)17: 11-17. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM; RLDa; de
677. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1949): Homochromie et moyens de defense chez les insectes.
Compt. Rend. 13e Congr. Internat. Zool. Paris 1948: 466-467. I; C. A; th
678. CARPENTER G. D. H. (1949): Pseudacraea eurytus (L.) (Lep.. Nymphalidae): a study
of a polymorphic millŮc in various degrees of speciation. T.E.S.L. 100: 71-133. AJ;
LRNm (Pseudacraea eWLjtus): MBM; LRAc (Acraea); de, ge, th
679. CARPENTER G. D. H. -ARMSTRONG H. E. (1936): Insect coloration. Nature 138: 242-
243. I: C, A; tll
680. CARPENTER G. D. H. -COLLINGE W. E. (1937): WHd birds and butterflies. Nature
140: 974-975. LR:JtAv
681. CARPENTER G. D. H. -CORNES J. J. S. (1937): Altitude and concea!ing coloration.
Nature 140: 684. P: LHeNo; C:.fbo
682. CARPENTER G. D. H. -FORD E. B. (1933): Mimicry. viii + 134 pp. London. Methuen.
(rev. Nature 133: 235). [8 reprints till 1954, russ. ed. 1935, Moskva, Leningrad,
Biovedgiz.] W: An: C, A, MBM. MP. MFh, MEs, MO: An, Pl; bm,nu. de, .fbo,ge, tl1
683. CARPENTER G. D. H. -HOBBY B. M. (1944): On Limenitis bredowi Geyer (Lep ..
Nymphalidael \Vith description of a new subspecies and revival of another. A study in
geographica! distribution and speciation. T.E.S. L. 94: 311-344. Ne; LRLi (Limenitis
bredowi): MBM:LRPa (Battus philenor):de .fbo •
701. CASPARI W. (190 ll: Einige Bemerkungen zu dem Thema "Ver[olgung der
durch Vogel". Soc. E. 16: 33-35.
P: LR:ftAv
702. CASSOLA F. (1986): Studies of cicindelids XLI. A new Dromica from the Transvaal
(Coleoptera, Cicindelidae).J. E. Soc. South. Mr. 49: 137-140. AJ; CoCi(Dromica); MBM;
CoCa (Polyhirma); de
703. CASTELSJ. -POULTON E. B. (1898): Protective mimicry. Nature 58: 223. 1; MBM; 1; th
704. CASTUERJ. L. (1989): Life as a leaf. lnt. Wildl. 19 (2): 18-21. Nt; O (Teitigoniidae); C;
Pl: de..jho
705. CATHERINE G. (1930): La chas se des insectes. Leurs moyens de
L·homochromie. Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Seine-Marit 16: 41-50.1; C; th de
706. CATIANEO-VIETTI R. (1990): Colore e mimetismo negli opistobranchí. Lav. Soc. Ital.
Malacol. 23: 217-228. S: Mo (Opisthobranchia) ; C. A, MBM; de.jbo
707. CAV E W. A. (1908): Note on Kallima philarchus. Spolía Zeylanica 5: 142. As; LRNm
(KaWma philarchus ); C; Pl; de. ,jho
708. CESNOLAA. P. DI (1904): Prelimínary note on the protective value of colour in Mantis
relígiosa. Biometrica 3: 58-59. P; Ma (Mantis religiDsa); C:jbo
709. CřW P. (1986): Field observatíons and feeding experiments on the responses of rufous
taíled jacamars (Galbula ruficauda) [or freeflying butterflies in a tropical raín-forest.
Biol.J. Liml. Soc 29: 161-189. Nt: LR:ftAv (Galbula ruficauda)
710. CHAI P. (1987): Pattern of prey selection by an insectivorous bird
on butterflies in
a tropical raínforest. PhD-Thesis. Univ. of Texas. Austin. Nt;
711. CHAI P. (1988): Wing coloration offree-flying neotropicaI butlerflies as a signaI learned
by a specialízed avian predator. Biotropica 20 (1): 20-30. Nt: LR; C. A:ft..4.v
712. CHAI P. -SRYGLEY R. B. (1990): Predation and the flíght, morphology, and temperature
of neotropical rain-forest butterflies. Am. Nat. 135: 748-765. Nt; LR; C. A;ftAv jho•.
727. CHAPMAN T. A. (1912): The genus Pseudaeraea - an extraordinary example of mimetie
polYl11orphism. E. Rec. 24: 233sq. AI: LRNm (Pseudacraea); MBM; LRAc (Acraea): de
728. CHAPMAN T. A. (1913): Mimicry (7) in Erebias. (+Diseussion) P.E.S.L. 1913: 107-110.
P:LRSs {Erebia}: MBM; LRSs {Erebia}: de. th
729. CHAPMAN T. A. (1914): A point in mimicry. P. E.S.L. 1914: 31-32. As;LRLn (Curetis):
730. CHAPMAN T. A. (1915): A eurious ease of syneryptic resemblance. P. E.S.L. 1915: 80-
81. P; D {Stralio1Jlyidae. NemotelusJ. UIe (Psychidae. L4{fia). Ar
(Araneidae. Cyclosa);
752. CINTRA R. (1990): Black-eared fairy (Heliothryx aurita, Trochilidae) using a gliding
tlight like falling leaves when leaving nest. J. Orn. 131 (3): 333-335. Nt: Av (Heliothryx
aurita): C: Pl:fbo
753. ClRER A. M. -MARTINEZ-RICAJ. B. (1990): The polymorphism of Podarcis pityusensis
and its adaptive evolution in Mediterranean isles. Herpetol. J. 1 (10): 465-473. P: ReSr
(Podarcis pityusensis): MO: de, }bo, tll
754. CLARKE B. (1962): Balanced polymorphism and the diversity of sympatric species.
System. Assoc. Publ. 4: 47-70. An: MBM: An: th
755. CLARKE C. A. (l977): Philip McDonald Sheppard. Biogr. Mem. Fellows Roy. Soc. 23:
264-294. W: LRPa: MBM: LRDa, LRPa; tll
756. CLARKE C. A. (1986): An explanation of thorowbacks. A promising buttertly model.
Bull. Amat. E. Soc. 45: 192. A;
757. CLARKE C. A. -CLARKE F. M. M. -COLLINS S. C. -GILL A. L. -TURNERJ. R. G. (1985):
Male-1ike females, mimicry and transvestism in buttertlies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae).
Syst. E. 10 (3): 257-283. AJ; LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa; ge
758. CLARKE C. A. -CLARKE F. M. M. -GILL A. C. L. (1987): Race crosses between two
Kenya mirnetic forms of Papilio dardanus Brown 1776 and the non-mimetic dardanus
humbloti Obtb.. 1888 from the Comoros. Papi1io Internat. 3: 199-201. AI; LRPaPd;
MBM: LRDa: ge
759. CLARKE C. A. -CLARKE F. M. M. -GORDON I. J. -MARSH N. A. (1989): Rule-breaking
mimics: palatability of the butterf1ies Hypolimnas bolina and Hypolimnas misippus,
a sister species pair. J. Linn. Soc. 37 (4): 359-365. Aj;
Hypolimnas misippus): MBM; LRDa; ge. to.Jt
760. CLARKE C. A. -CLARKE F. M. M. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1968): Mimicry and Papilio
memnon: some breeding results from England. Malayan Nat. J. 21: 201-219. As;
LRPaPd (Papilio memnon); MBM: LRPa; ge
761. CLARKE C. A. -GORDON 1. J. -SMITH C. R -VANE-WRIGHT R. I. (1990): Phylogenetic
relationship ofthree African swallowtail buttertlies, Papilio dardanus, P. phorcas and
P. constantinus: new data frorn hybrids (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Syst. E. ? Aj;
LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa: ge
762. CLARKE C. A. -JOHNSTON G. -JOHNSTON B. (1983): AH female broods in Hypolimnas
bolina (L.). A re-survey of West-Fiji after 60 years. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 90: 221-235. Au;
LRNm (Hypolimnas bolina): MBM; LRDa (Euploea); ge
763. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1956): Hand-pairing of buttertlies. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM;
764. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1959): The breeding of Papi1io dardanus in England.
Technique and sorne results. Entomologist 92: 89-95. Aj;
765. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1959): The genetics of some mimetic forms of Papi1io
dardanus Brown and Papilio glaucus Linn. J. Genet. 56: 236-259. A,
glaucus). LRPaPd; MBM: LRDa. LRPa: ge
766. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1959): The genetics of Papilio dardanus Brown. I.
Race cenea from South Africa. Genetics 44: 1347-1358. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa; ge
767. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1960): The genetics of Papilio dardanus Brown. II.
Races dardanus. polytrophus, meseres and tibulus. Genetics 45: 439-457. A;
MBM: LRDa: ge
768. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1960): The genetics of Papilio dardanus Brown. III.
Race antinori from Abyssinia and race rneriones from Madagascar. Genetics 45: 683-
698. AI: LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa: ge
769. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1960): The evolution of dominance under disruptive
selection. Heredity 14: 73-87. A;
770. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1960): The evolution of mirnicry in the buttertly
Papilio dardanus. Heredity 14: 163-173. AI; LRPaPd: MBM; LRDa: ge
771. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1960): Super-genes and mimicry. Heredity 14: 175-
185. AI: LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa; ge. th
772. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1962): The genetics of tb.e mimetic buttertly Papilio
glaucus. Ecology 43: 159-161. Ne: LRPa (Papilio glaucus): MBM: LRPa (Battus philenor):
773. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1962): The genetics of Papilio dardanus Brown. IV.
Data on the race ochracea, race flavicornis and further information on race polytrophus
and dardanus. Genetics 47: 909-920. AJ: LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa; ge
774. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. [1962): Disruptive selection and its effect on a metrical
character in the butterfly Papilio dardanus. Evolution 16: 214-226. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM:
LRDa: ge
775. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. [1963): Interactions between major genes and
polygenes in the determination of the mimetic patterns of Papilio dardanus. Evolution
17: 404-413. AJ; LRPaPd; MBM: LRDa; ge
776. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. [197I): Further studies on the genetics of the mimetic
buttertly Papilio memnon L. [Lep., Papilionidae]. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B
263: 35-70. As: LRPa (Papilio menmon); MBM; LRPa; ge
777. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPP ARD P. M. (1972): Genetic and enviromental factors intluencing
the pupal colour in the swalowtail butterflies Battus philenor (L.) and Papilio polytes
L. [Lep., Papilionidae]. J. E. Ser. A. 46: 123-133. Ne; LRPa (Battus philenor. Papilio
poly/es, pupae): C: ge, Jbo
778. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1972): The genetics of the mimetic buttertly Papilio
polytes L. lLep., Papilionidae]. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. Ser. B 263: 431-458. As:
LRPa (Papilio polytes): MBM; LRPa: ge
779. CLr\RKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1973): The genetics of four new forms of the mimetic
butterfly Papilio memnon L. [Lep.. Papilionidae]. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B 184
(1074): 1-14. As; LRPa (Pap ma memnon): MBM; LRPa; ge
780. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1975): The genetics of the mimetic butterfly
Hypolimnas bolina (L.) [Lep., Nymphalidae]. Phi!. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. Ser. B 272
(917): 229-265. As, Au: LRNm (Hypalimnas bolina): LRDa (Euploea); ge
781. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1977): Data suggesting absence of linkage between
two loci in tlie mimetic buttertly Hypolimnas bolina (Nymphalidae).J. Lepid. Soc. 31:
139-143. As, Au; LRNm (HypoliT1U1a.� bolina); MBM; LRDa (Euploea); ge
782. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1977): A new tailed female form of Papilio memnon
L. and its genetic contro!. Syst. E. 2: 17-19. As; LRPa (Papilio memnon); MBM; LRPa; ge
783. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. -KAt�UNARATUE P. B. (1967): The genetics of Chilasa
clytia lankeswara (the comrnon mime). Entomologist 100: 27-28. As; LRNm (Chilasa
clytm): MBM: LR: ge
784. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. -MITIWOCHV. (1976): Heterochromatin polymorphism
and colour pattern in the tiger swalowtail butterf1y Papilio glaucus L. [Lep., Papilionidae],
Nature 263: 585-587. Ne: LRPa (Papilio glaucus); MBM; LRPa (Battus philenor); ge
785. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. -SCALI V. [1975): AlHemale broods in the butterfly
Hypolimnas bolina (L.). Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B 189: 29-37. As, Au; LRNm
(Hypolimnas bolina); MBM; LRDa (Euploea); ge
786. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. -SMITH A. G. (1973): The genetics of fore and hind
wing colour in crosses between Danaus chrysippus from Australia and from Siera
Leone (Danaidae) lLep.]. J. Lepid. Soc. 47 (I): 73-77. AJ, Au; LRDa (Danaus c!lrysippus);
787. CLARKE C. A. -SHEPPARD P. M. -THORNTON I. W. B. (1968): The genetics of the
mimetic butterfly Papilio memnon (L.). Phi!. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B 254: 37-
39. As; LRPa (Papilio menmon); MBM; LRPa:ge
788. CLARKE F. M. M. (1978): Papilio mernnon: a tailed .butlerianus" in the Malay Peninsula.
Malayan Nat. J. 30: 551-553. As; LRPa (Papilio menmon); MBM; LRPa; de. ge
789. CLARKE F. M. M. -TAN AHSAN (1982): Two intermediate female forms in Papilio
memnon. Malay Nat. J. 35: 183-185. As; LRPa (Papilio memnon); MBM; LRPa; de, ge
790. CLAYTON (1918): "Mimicryin spiders" BombayJ. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26: 302. As; Ar; C. M,
O: de
791. CLAYTON R. (1991): The new and improved viceroy. News Lepid. Soc. 1991 (3): 48. Ne;
LRLi (Limenitis archippus); MBM: LRDaDp; de
792. CLEARE L. D. (1919): Insect camouflage. Timehri Demerara 6: 136-144. As; I: C: de
793. CLEARE L. JR. (1924): Insect camouflage.J. Bd. Agric, Brit. Guiana (Georgetown) 17:
163-175. Nt: I: C: de
794. CLENCH H. K. (1967): Temporal dissociation and population regulation in certain
hesperiine butterflies. Ecology 48: 1000-1006. Ne; LRHs; MBM; LRHs; de,Jbo
795. CLENCH M. H. [1991): Another case of blue jay kleptoparasitism. Florida Field
19 (4): 109-110. Ne: Av (Cyallocita cristata); MP (vocal); Av (Bllteo lineatus); de
811. COCKERELL T. D. A (1890): What are the uses of bright colours in Hymenoptera? E.
820. CODf<�LLA S. G. JR. -LEDERHOUSE R. C. (1990): The effeet of wing orientation on
aposematie signalling in the pipevine swallowtail buUerfly, Batius philenor. Anim.
Behav. 40 (2): 404-405. Ne: LRPa(Battus philenor); A;jbo
821. CODY M. L. (1969): Convergent eharaeteristies in sympatrie populations: a possible
relation to inlerspecifie lerritory. Condor 71: 222-239. Ne; Av: MO: Av; de, tll
822. CODY M. L. (1973): Character eonvergenee. Ann. Rev. Eeo!. Syst. 4: 189-211.
Ne; Av;
MO; Av: de. th
823. COE W. R. (1924): Mulaiion and enviroment. Pp. 111-447 in: Organie adaptation to
enviroment. New Haven. I: MBM: I: [Je
824. COHEN J. A. (1985): Differences and similarities in cardenolide contents oť queen
and monareh butterflies in Florida and their ecological and evolutionary aplicalions.
J. Chem. Eeo!. II (1): 85-lO4. Ne: LRDaDp, LRDa(Danaus gilippus); A; to
825. COHENJ. A. -BROWER L. P. (1983): Cardenolide sequestration by the dogbane tiger
moth (Cycnia tenera; Arctiidae). J. Chem. Eeo!. 9 (4): 521-532. Ne; LHeAt(Cycnia
tenera): A; to
826. COLE L. J
' . 315-328. S; Pantopoda
(Anoplodactylus insignis): MBM: Cl(Obelia marginata): de
827. COLEBROOK-ROBJENTJ. F. R. (1984): The breeding of the didrie euekoo Chrysococeyx
caprius in Zambia. Pp. 763-777 in: Ledger J. (ed.): Proe. 5th PanAfr. Ornith. Congr.
(Lilongwe, Malawi, 1980l. 884pp. Johannesburg, South Afr. Ornith. Soc. Aj; AuOv
(Chrysococcyx caprius); MP; AuOv; de, jbo
828. COLLAR T A. (1929): Quelques observations sur une araignée mimétique. Revue Zool.
Bot. Afr. 18: 147-161. Aj: ArSa(M1Jfmarachnefoenisex); MBM, MP: HyMy(Oecophylla):
829. COLLART A. (1929): Quelques notes sur les Myrmarachne, araignées oeeophylliformes.
Bull. Cere. Zool. Congol. 5: 117-118. AJ: ArSa(Myrmarachnefoenisex); MBM, MP: HyMy
(Oecophyl1a): fbo
830. COLLART A. (1941): No1es complementaires sur Myrrnarachne foenisexSimon araignée
myrmécomorphe du Congo Belge. Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belg. 17: I-ll. AJ; ArSa
(Myrmarachnefoenisex): MBM, MP; HyMy(Oecophyl1a);jbo
831. COLLENETTE C. L. (1922): Protective devices by lycaenid butterflies agains1. the attack
of Hzards and birds. J. Straits Branch, Roy. Asiatic Soc. Singapore 85: 230-231. As;
LRLn; MFh: de. .tbo, ftSr
832. COLLENETTE C. L. (1935): Notes eoncerning attacs by British birds on buttertlies.
Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1935: 201-217. P: LR:ftAu
833. COLLENETTf': C. L. -TALBOT G. (1928): ObservaUons on the bionomics of the
Lepidoptera of Matlo Grosso, Brasi!. T.E.S.L. 76: 391-416. Nt; L; C, A. MBM;jbo,.ftAv
834. COLLENETTE C. L. (POULTON COMM.) (1928): Butterflies fromJava bearing evidence
of attacks by birds or lizards. P.E.S.L. 3: 36-37. As: LR;ftAv,ftSr
835. COLLlN J. E. (1913): A caleopteron resembling a dipteron. P.E.S.L. 1913: 15. As; Co
(Rhipiphoridae, Myoditesj ; MBM: D(Acroceridae); de
836. COLLlNGE W. E. (1919): Wild birds and distasteful insect larvae. Nature 103: 404. P;
LHeGe(Abrcvcas grossulariata): A;ftAv
837. COLLlNS C. T. (1970): Birds, moths and Iights. Urner Field Observer 12: 32. Ne: LHe;
C. A: jbo. JtAv
838. COLLlNS C. T. -WATSON A. (1983): Field observation ofbird predation on Neotropieal
molhs. Biotropica 15 (lJ: 53-60. Nt: Uie; C. A. MBM: LR:.fbo,ftAu
839. COLLINS M. -MORRIS G. (1985): Threatened swallowtails of the world. 9-10. The
IUCN Red Data Book. Cambridge. W; LRPa; A, MBM; LR; de
840. COLLTNS P. (1904): The protective resemblance of insects. Knowledge (n.s.) 1: 51-55.
I: C: de. th
841. COLLlNS P. (1904): Flower mimics and al1uring resemblance. Knowledge (n.s.) 1: 137-
140. I: C: PIFl: de. th
842. COLLTNS P. (1904): Terri(ying masks and warning liveries. Konwledge (n.s.) 1: 208-
211. I: A: de, tl!
843. COLLINS P. (1905): Mimicry among insects. Knowledge (n.s.) 2: 239-242. I; MBM; I;
de. th
844. COLLINS S. C. (l987): Mimicry and description in buUerflies. An account of Dr. l.
Gordon's lecture to the Society. East Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bul!. 17 (4): 39. Aj: IR; MBM;
845. COLTHRUP (J 903): "Birds attaching butterflies." Entomologist 36: 173. LR:JtAv
846. COLTHRUP (1914): "Mimicry" E. Rec. 26: 164-168. I; MBM: de, th
847. COLVILLE R. E. -GRlSWOLD C. (1983): Nesting biology of T rypoxylon xanthardum in
Costa Rica with observations on its spider prey (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae; Arancae:
Senoculidae).J. Kansas E. Soc. 56 (2): 205-216. Nt:Ar (Serwculidae, Senoculus}; C; de,Jbo
848. COMBES E. (1904): Étude sur le mimétisme. Soc. Pyrenées-or. 45: 39-44. P; I: C,
MBM: I; de, Jbo
849. COMSTOCK J. A (1927): P rotective co]oration and mimicry, Bul!. S. Ca!if, Acad. Sci.
26: 1-4. Ne: I: C, MBM: I: de
850. COMSTOCK J. A. -HENNE C. (1967): Early stuges of L ycomorpha regulus Grinell,
with notes on the imago (Lepidoptera:Aroatidae), J, Res, Lepid. 6: 275-280, Ne; UieSn
(Lycomorpha regulus): A, C: de
851. CONN D. L. T. (1972): The genetics of tbe bee-like patterns of Merodon equestris
[Dipt., Syrphidae]. Heredity 28: 379-386. P: DSy (Merodon equestris); MBM; HyVe; ge
852. CONN D. L. T. (1972): The genetics of mimetic colour polymorphism in tbe large
narcissus bulb f1y, MerodoIl equestris Fab. (Diptera: Syrphidae). Fhil. Trans. Roy.
Soc. Landon, Ser. B 264: 353-402. P: DSy (Merodon equestris): MBM; HyVe; ge
853. CONN D. L. T. (1976): Evidence of restricted mimetic colour polymorphism of tbe large
narcissus bulb f1y, Merodon equestris Fab. (Diptera: Syrphidae) in the Pyrenées
[France/Spainj. Heredity 36 (2): 185-189. P: DSy (Merodon equestris); MBM; HyVe; ge
854. CONRADl A. F. (1904): Variations in the protective value of the odoriferous of some
Heteroptera. Science 19: 393-394. P: H; A: to,ft
85;-). COOK L. lVL (1969): Au experiment on selection for mimicry. Entomologist 102: 107-
113. Ne: Ao. LHe (Saturniidae): A, MBM: LR:JtAv
856. COOK L. M. (1978): Zaire butterflies and fannal diversity in the tropics. Biol. .J. Linn.
Soc. 10 (3): 349-360. Aj: LR: MBM: LR: Jbo. th
857. COOK L. M. -BROWER L. P. (1969): Observations on polymorphism in two species of
Heliconiidae butterf1ies from Trinidad, West Indies. Entomologist 102: 125-128. Nt:
858. COOK L. M. -BROWER L. P. -ALCOCKJ. (1969): Au attempt to verify mimetic advantage
in a Neotropical enviroment. Evolution 23: 339-345. Nt: Ao, LHe (Satur niidae.
Hyalophora promethea):MBM:LRPa (Pmides anchises);ftAv.jho
859. COOKE A H. (1894): "Mimicry in mollusca" Nature 49: 426. S; Mo (Gastropoda,
Strombus):MBM: Mo (Gastropoda. Conus): de
860. COOPERJ. M. (1984): Apostatic selection on prey that match the background. Biol. J.
Liml. Soc. 23 (2-3): 221-228. Ao; C:ftAu. th
861. COOPER W. E. JR. (1981): Mimicry and the spatial occupation in the mydas ny.
Mydas clavatus.J. Alabama Acad. Sci. 52 (2): 58·65. Ne: Di (Mydidae, Mydasdavatus);
MBM: Hy (Pompilidae): de.jho
862. COOPER W. E. JR. (1992): Does gregariousness reduce attacks on aposematic prey?
Limitations of one experimental test. Anim. Behav. 43 (l): 163-164. I; A; th
863. COOPER W. E. JR. -VITI' L. J. (1985): Blue tails and autotomy: Enhancement of
predation injuvenile skinks. Z. Tierpsychol. 70 (4): 265-276. P: ReSr (Ewnecesfasciatus,
Eumeces laticeps):A: ft
864. COOTE J. (1981): The Californian mountain kingsnake (Lampropeltis zonata) and tbe
coral snake mimic problem. Herpetile 6 (4): 17-18. Ne; ReOp (Lampropeltis zonata);
MBM; ReOp (Micrurus. Micruroides):de. tll
865. COPE E. D. (1860): Catalogue of the colubrid snakes in the Museum of the Natural
Sciences in Philadelphia, \\'ith notes and descriptions of new species. Proc. Acad. Nat.
ScL P hiladelphia 12: 241-266. Ne. Nt: ReOp (Colubridae); MBM: ReOp (Micrurus); de
866. COPE E. D. (1871): Proc. Aro. Phil. Soc. 1871: 200sq. Ne. Nt; ReOp (Colubridae): MBM:
ReOp (MicrunLs): de
867. COPE E. D. (1893): The color variation of the milk snake. Aro. Nat. 27: lO66-1071. Ne.
Nt: ReOp {Lampropeltis}: MBM; ReOp (Micrurus); de, th
868. COPELANDJ. (1983): Male firefly mimicry. Science 221: 484-185. Ne: CoLa; MP: CoLa:
fLJo. tll. I'U'
869. COPPINGER R. P. (1969): The effect of experience and novelty on av:ian feeding behaviour
with reference to the evolution of warning coloration in butterllies. 1. Reactions of
wild-caught adult blue jays to novel insects. Behav:iour 35: 45-60. Ne; LR; A: JtAv
870. COPPINGER R. P. (1970): The effect of experience and nove1ty on avian feeding behaviour
with reference to the evo1ution of warning co10ration in butterflies. II. Reactions of
naive bircls to novel insects. Am. Nat. 104: 323-335. Ne; IR; A;JtAv
871. CORBET A. S. (1933): The forms of Elymnias kunstleri Hanr. (Lep., Satyridael. Stylaps,
London 2: 130-133. As: LRSs (EIumnias lcuTlstleri); MBM; LRNm: de
872. CORBET A. S. (1937): Observations on species of Satyridae and Amathusiidae from
the Malay Peninsllla. l'.E.S.L. (B)6: 96-99. As; IRSs (ElYTlUlias); MBM; LRNm: de
873. CORBET A. S. -PENDLEBURY H. M. (1934): The buttertlies of lhe Malay Peninsula.
xxvi+252pp., Kuala Lumpur, Kyle, Palmers & Co. 3rd ed. 1978. xiv+578 pp., Kuala
Lumpur, Malay. Nat. Soc. As; LR; MBM: LR; de, bm
874. CORDEIRO N. (1988): On the mimetic associations of Euxanthe wakefjeldi (Ward) to
ii.s danaid models (Lepidoptera: Nymhpalidae, Danaidae). East Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc.
Bull. 18 (3): 30-33. AI; LRCx (Euxantlle walcefteldi); MBM; LRDa (Amauris ochlea,
Amauris Tliavius. Tirwnala petiverana); de,jbo
875. CORDER (1893): .,Mimicry." Field Club 4: 26-28. I; C, MBM; I: de,jbo
876. CORNES J. J. S. (1937): Attitude and concealing coloration. Nature 140: 684. An; C;
f bo, tll
877. COSTA LIMA A. DA (1920): Note sobre o mimetismo da nympha do Alydus com formiga.
Arch. Sup. Agr. Med. Nictheroy Brasil. 4: 5sq. Nt; H (Coreidae, AIUd us); MBM; HyMy;
878. COSTA LIMA A. M. DA (1959): Insetos de Brazil. XV. Ordem Mantodea. Agronomia,
Rio de Janeiro 17 (1): 51-61. Nt; Ma; C. MP: Pl, PlFI; de
879. COSTE (1892): On insects colours. Nature 45: 513-517, 541, 542, 605. L: C, A; de, tll
880. COTES E. C. (1896): Miscellaneous notes from the Entomological Section. Ind. Mus.
Notes. 3 (61. 23 pp. As; D (Asilidae): MP: HyAp; de
881. COTT H. B. (POULTON COMM.) (1930): Aposematic and procryptic appearance and
behaviour of crabs observed at Beira by H. B. Cott. P.E.S.L. 5: 43-44. AJ; Cr (Decapoda,
Ocypoda. Sesarnw): C, A:jbo, nv
882. COTT H. B. (1926): Observations on the life-habits of some batrachians and reptiles
[mm the Lower Amazon and a note on some mammals from Marajó Island. Proc. z...o
., l.
Soc. London 1926: 1159-1178. Nt: Re. Am; C. A;fbo
883. COTT H. B. (1929): Observations on the natural history of the landcrab Sesarma
meinerti, from Beira. with special reference to the theory of warning colours. Proc.
Zool. Soc. London 1929: 679-692. AJ
884. COTT H. B. (1929): Observations on the natural history of the racing crab Ocypocla
ceratophthalma, ťrom Beira. Proc. Zool. Soc. Landon 1929: 755-765. AJ; Cr (Decapoda,
Ocypoda ceratopllthalma); A:jbo
885. COTT H. B. (1932): Protective adaptations o[ animals. Nature 130: 902-903. An: C, A,
MBM;An: tll
886. COTT H. B. (1932): On the ecology of tree-frogs in the Lower Zambezi ValIey, with
special reference to predatory habits considered in relation to the theory of warning
colours and mimicry. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1932: 471-541. AJ; I: C. A. MBM; I:
JtAmSl (Hylidae)
887. COTT H. B. (1934): On the ecology of Hyla arborea var. meridionalis in Gran Canaria,
with special reference to predatory habits considered in relation to the protective
adaptations of insects. Proc. Zool. Soc. Landon 1934: 311-331. P: I: C, A, MBM: I;
JtArnSl (Hyla arborea)
888. COTT H. B. (1935): Warning colours and mimicry: a rep1y to Dr. McAtee. P.E.S.L.
1935: 109-119. I: A, MBM: I; Jt, tll
889. COTT H. B. (1935): The nature and function of disruptive coloration in animals. Rept.
Brit. Assn. Adv. Sci. 1935: 384-385. An; C; de, tll
890. eOTT·H. B. (J 936): Concealing coloration in nature. Geogr. Mag. London 3 (2): 73-·88.
Afl: C: de, tll
891. COTT H. B. (1936): The effectiveness of pro Lective adaptations in the hive-bee, illustra'ted
by experiments on feeding reactions, habit formation, and memory of the comon to ad
(Bufo bufo bufo). Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1936: 111-133. P; HyAp; A; ftArnSI (Bufo
892. COTI H. B. (1938): Adaptive appearance and interspecific relationship. Rept. Brit.
Assn. Adv. Scl. 1938: 440-441 . An; A, MBM; An; th
893. COTI H. B. (1938): Camouflage in nature and war. Roy. Engineers J. 1938 (2): 501-
517. An, Mm (HonlD sapiens); C; de, th .
894. COTI H. B. (1940): Adaptive coloration in animaJs. xxxii+508 pp. London, Mel.lmen.
(reprint 1957). W; An; C. A. MBM, MO. MFh, MEs; An, Pl; cle . .fbo,ft, th, bm. ro)
895. COTI H. B. (1946): Relative edibility of birds. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 384: 1-155. P.
AJ; Av; C, A:jlliyVe (Vespa),f tMm (Felis, Homo)
896. COTI H. B. (1948): Camouflage. Adv. Scl. 4 (16): 300-309. An; C; th
897. COTI H. B. (1964): Colouration, adaptive. PaJatability of birds and eggs. In: Thomson
A. L. (ed.): A new dictionary of birds. London, Nelson. W; Av, AvOv; C, A;ftMm(Homo
898. COTI H. B. -NELSON C. W. (1970): The paJatability of bircls, mainly based upon
observations of a tasting panel in Zambia. Ostrich Suppl. 8: 357-384. AI; Av: C, A;ft,
899. COULON L. (1928): Mimétisme entomologique au Musée ďElbeuf. Bull. Soc. Scl. Nat.
Elbeuf 46: 37-48. P; 1; MBM: J; de
900. COURTNEY J. (1967): Thejuvenile food begging ca]] of some fledgling cuckoos - vocaJ
mimicry or vocaJ duplication by naturaJ selection? Emu 67: 154-157. Au; Av(Cuculidae);
MP(vocal); Av: cle. th
901. COURTNEY S. (1982): Notes on the biology of Zegris eupheme (Pieridae). J. Lepid.
Soc. 36 (2): 132-135. P; LRPi(Zegris eupheme); C; Pl(Isatis Linctoria); de
902. COURTNEY S. P. (1984): The evolution of egg c1ustering by buUerilies and
other insects.
Am. Nat. 123: 276-281. Ne; LR(eggs); A; th. ge
903. COVILLE R. (1976): Predatory behaviour of the spider wasp, ChaJybion californicum
(Hymenoptera: Spheciclae). Pan.-Pacific E. 52: 229-233. Ne; Hy(Sphecidae. Chalybion
cal(fornicum): MP; Ar; cle.fbo
904. COWAN P. J. [1972): The contrast ancl coloration of sea bircls:aTl experimentaJ
Ibis 114: 390-393. S; Av; C; th. de . .fbo
912. CRAWFORD W. H. (POULTON COMM) (1928): The resting aUitucle of the oriental
but1erfly KaJlima. P.E.S.L. 3: 69. As; LRNm(Kallima); C;jbo
913. CRAWSHAY G. A. (1905): "Moma orion, protective resemblance." E. Rec. 17: 46. P;
LHeNo(Moma orion); Cr; Pl(Lichenes); de
914. CROSS E. A. (1965): The generic relationship of the family Pyemotidae (Acarina:
Trombicliformes). Univ. Kansas Sci. BulI. 45: 29-275. Ne; Acarina(Pyemotidae); MBM;
HyMy; cle
915. CROSSLAND C. (1911): Warning coloration in
a nuclibranch mollusc and in
a chamae1eon. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lonclon 1911: 1062-7. A;
Mo (Nudibranchia), ReSr
(Chamaeleo); A: de
916. CROWFORD W. M. (1911): Lessons to be learnt a large collection of butterflies. Trans.
Norf. NaL Soc. 9: 149. LR: MBM: LR: th
917. CROZIER W. ,J. (1916): On the immunity coloration ofsome nudibranchs. Proc. Nat.
Acad. ScL Washington 12 (2): 672-675. S: Mo (Nudibranchia, Chromodoris zebra): A:
918. CSIKI E. (1904): Positive Daten liber die Nahrung unserer Vogel. Aquila (Budapest)
11-19: 1904-1912. P: I: C, A;ftAv
919. CUDNEY B. (1983): Ragwort, the cinnabar motll and warning coloration, Countryside
25: 307. P: LHeAt (Pllragmatobiafuliginosa); A;jbo, to
920. CUÉNOT L. (1890): Le sang de Meloe et le role de la cantharidine dans la biologie des
insectes vésicanls. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 15: 126-128, P: Co (Meloidae, Meloe); A; to
921. CUÉNOT L. (1892): Les moyens de défense la série animale, Paris. An: C, A. MBM: An;
c1e,fbo. to. th bm
922. CUÉNOT L. (1895): La saignée réflexe chez les insectes. Mém. Soc. E. Alzat. 10: 39. I;
A: to
923. CUÉNOTL. (1896): Le rejet de sang comme moyen de défense chez quelques sauterelles.
Compt. Rene!. Acad. Sci. 122: 328. P: O: A; to,fbo
924. CUÉNOTL. (1897): SUl' la saignée réi1exe et les moyens de défense de que1ques insectes.
Arch. Zool. Exp. 4 (3-4): 655. I: A: to,jbo
925. CUÉNOT L. (1898): Les moyens de défense chez animaux. BulI. Soc. Zool. France 23:
37-58. AI1: C. A. MBM: An: de,fbo, to. th. bm
926. CUÉNOT L. (1927): Recherches sur la valeur protectrice de l'llomochromie cllez
quelques animaux aquatiques. Arm. ScL Nat. Zool. 10: 123-150. An; C;fbo.ft
927. CUÉNOT L. (1932): La genése des especes animales. 822 pp. Paris, Alcan. W: An; C, A.
MBM: An: de.jbo. tll, bm . nv
928. CUÉNOTL. (1941): lnvention et finalité en biologie. 259 pp. Paris. Flammarion. W; AI1;
C. A. MBM: A11: de. jbo. tll. bm. nv
930. CUMMING R. (1978): Mimicry in nymphal dark bush cricket. Bull. Amat. E. Soc. 37:
190-191. P: O (Plwlidoptera grisaeoptera); MBM: Ar (Lycosidae, Pardosa lugubris); de
931. CUMMINS B. (1979): Mimicry an example ofadaptation. Bull. Basildon Nat. Hist. Soc.
No. 60: 6-7. P: LRPi (Amhocharis cardamines); MBM; LRPi (Pieris); de, tll
932. CUNNINGHAM J. T. (1900): Sexual dimorphism in the animal kingdom: a theory of
the evolution of secondary sexual characLers. xi+317 pp.. London. AI1; C. A: de, tll, nv,
933. CURIO E. (1965): Die Schlangenmimikry einer sť.iclamerikanischen Schwarmerraupe.
Ergebnisse der deutschen Galapagos-Expedition 1962/63. NaLur u. Museum 95: 207-
211. Nt: LHe (Sphingidae. Pllolus labruscae. larvae); MBM; ReOp; de, jbo
934. CURIO E. (1965): Die Schutzanpassungen dreier Raupen eines Schwarmers
(Sphingidae, Pllolus lahmscae. larvae); MBM: ReOp; de.jbo
935. CURIO E. (1965): Ein Falter mit falschem Kopf. Natur u. Museum 95: 43-46. Nt;
LRLn: MFh: de
936. CURlO E. (1966): "Snake mimicry in a South American hawk moth caterpillar."
Aquarium. Den Haag 37: 132-135. Nt; LHe (Sphingidae. Pllolus labruscae, larvae);
I'vfBM: ReOp: cle.Jbo
937. CURlO E. (1976): The ethology of predatíon. Berlín, Springer. An: C. A, MBM; An;Jt, tll,
bm. nv
938. CURRAN C. H. (1945): A camouflage artist among caterpillars. Nat. Híst. 54: 360-363.
Ne: LHeGe (Synchlora areata. larvae); C; Pl: de
939. CURTIS B. A. (1988): Do ant-mimicking Cosmopllasis spiders prey on their Camponotus
models? Cimbebasia 10: 67-70. AJ; HyMy (Camponotus);jbo
940. CURTIS W. P. (1903): "Birds destroying butterflies." Entomologist 36: 68. LR;ftAv
941. CURTTS W. P. (1913): Tlle coloration problems. E. Rec. 25: 57-60. I; C. A, MBM: I; th
942. CURTIS W. P. (1916): The coloration problems. I. E. Rec. 28: 217-220. I; C, A, MBM: I; th
943. CURTIS W. P. (l917): The coloration problems. II. E. Rec. 29: 5-11. I; C. A. MBM; I; th
944. CUSHING J. E. (1939): The relation of some observations upon predation to theories
of protective coloration. Condor 41: 100-111. An: C; th. jtAL'
945. CUTLER B. (l970): A taxonomic revision of the genus Consignis Simon. Ph. D.
dissertation. University of MinnE"sota. Ne: ArSa (Consígnis); MBM, MP; HyMy; de
946. CUTLER B. (1980): Synemosyna bicolor is the female of Synemosyna americana
(Araneae, Salticidae). J. Arachnol. 9: 342- 343. Ne; ArSa (Synemosyna); MBM, MP;
HyMy: de
947. CUTLER B. (1981):
A revision of the spider genus Paradamoetas (Araneae, Salticidae).
Bull. Am. Mus. Nat.
Hist. 170: 207-215. Ne, Nt: Ar, Sa (Paradamoelas): MBM, MP:
HyMy: de
948. CUTLER B. (1982): Description of a new species of Paradamoetas (Araneae, Salticidae),
",,,ith a revised key to thE" genus. Great Lakes E. 15: 219-222. Ne: ArSa (Paradarrwetes);
949. CUTLER 1:3. (1985): Taxonomie notes on neotropical species in the genus Synemosyna
(Araneae: Saltieidae). Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 20: 83-91. Nt; ArSa (Synemosyna);
MBM. MP: HtjMy: de
950. CUTLER B. (1991): Reduced predation on the antlike jumping spider Synageles
occidentalis (Araneae: Salticidae). J. Insect Bebav. 4: 401-407. Nt, Ne; ArSa (Synageles);
MBM. MP: H!JMy; de
951. CZAJKA M. (1963): Unknown faets of the bilogy of the spider Ero fureata (Villers)
(Mimetidae, Araneae). Polskie Pismo E. 33: 229-231. P; Ar (Mimetidae, Erojllrcata);
MP; Ar:Jbo
952. CZAPLICKI J. A. -PORTER R. H. -WICOXOl\J H. C. (1975): Olfaetory mímicr,,! involving
garter snakes and artificial model s and mimics. Behaviour 54: 60-71. Ne; Ao;jtReOp
(Tar/UlOphis sirtalis), to
953. D'ABRERA B. (1971): Butterflies of the Australian region. 415 pp. Melbourne,
Lansdowne. (2nd ed. 1977). AH: LR: A, MBM. MFh; LR: de
954. D'A1:3RERA 1:3. (1981): Butterflies of the Neotropical region. Part l. Papilionidae &
Pieridae. xxxi+244 pp. Melbourne & Farrington, Lansdown & Classey. Nt; LRPa, LRPi;
A, MBM; LR: de
955. D'ORVILLE H. (1869): ? E. Month. Mag. 6: 16. P; LHeNo (CUcli/lia verbasci. Cucu1lía
absinthiL laruue); A:.ftAu
DACHY Y. (1987): Pigmentation et homochromie chez Eurynebria complanata L. sur
le liUoral Atlantique de France. Entomologiste 43 (3): 175-183
P: CoCa (Eurynebria
complanato): C: de
(1984): School-oriented mimicry. a new type of mimicry in
fishes. Marine Eco!' Progr. Ser. 20 (1-2): 45-50.
S; Ps (Bleniidae, Meiacanthlls
nigrolineatus): MBM; Ps (Apogonidae); de, .Ibo
958. DAHL F. (1899): Das Leben der Vogel im Bismarkarchipel. Mittei!. Zool. Sammlung
Berlín 1: 107-222. Au: I: C. A. MBM: IijtAu
959. DAHL F. (1903): Uber tauschende Áhnlichkeit zwischen einer deutschen Springspinne
(Ballus depressus). und einem am gleichen Orte vorkommenden Russelkafer
(Strophosomus capitatus). Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin 1903: 273-
278. P; ArSa (Bal/us depressus); MBM: CoCu (Strophosomus capitatus); de,jbo
960. DAHL F. (1905): Anpassungsfarben bei Krabbenspinnen. Naturwiss. Wochenschr. 4:
597-599. P: ArTh: C. MP: PIFI; de,fbo
961. DALE G. -PAPPANTONION A. (1986): Eye-picking behaviour 01' the Clltlip minllow
Exoglossum maxillingua : aplications to studies of eyespot mirnicry. Ann. New York
Acad. ScL 463: 177-178. Ne: Ps (Cyprinidae, Exoglossum maxillingua); MEs;fbo
962. DALLAS E. D. (1926): Un caso interesante de mimetismo. Rev. Soc. E. Argent. 1 [2):
59-60. Nt: CoCu: C; Lichenes; de
963. DAMPF A. O: Uber die Trutzstellung von Aretia caja. Z. Wiss. Insektenbiol. 5: 242 sq.
P; LRAt (Arctia caJa); A;fbo
964. DAMPF A. (1939): Un caso de fitomimetismo en un ortoptero mexicano (Dysygonia
fuscifrons Bľllnner) (Ins., Orthoptera). An. Esc. Nac. Cienc. Biol., Mexico 1: 525-532.
Nt: O (Dysygoniafusc(frons); C; Lichenes: de
965. DARLINGTON P. cl. (1938): Experiments on mimicry in Cuba. with suggestions for
futme study. T.E.S.L. 87: 681-695. Nt: I: MBM; I;fbo,ft, th
966. DARWIN CH. (1871): The descend of man and selection in relation to sex. II. 325 pp.
London, J. Murray. W: An; C, A, MBM; An; de,jbo, 1W
967. DAVIDSON W. M. (1949): Lizards catches underwing moths. Lepidop. News 3: 64. Ne;
LHeNo rCatocala):A: ftReSr
968. DAVIES N. B. (1977): Prey selection and the search strategy of the sppoted flycatcher
(Muscicapa striata): A field study of optima! foraging. Anim. Behav. 25: 1016-1033. P:
[: C, A: ftAv (Muscicapa stliata)
969. DAvlES N. B. (1977): Prey selection and socia! behaviour in wagtail (Aves: Motacillidae).
J. Anim. Eco!' 46: 37-57. P: I: C, A:ftAv rMotacilla)
970. DAVIES N. B. -BROOKE M. DE L. (1988): Cockoos versus reed warblers: adaptations
ane! counterae!aptations. Anim. Behav. 36: 262-284. P; AvOv (Cuculus canorus); MP:
AvOv (Acrocephalus scirpaceus): jbo, ge
971. DAVlES N. B. -BROOKE M. DE L. (1989): An experimenta1 study of co-evolution between
the cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, and its hosts. I. Host egg discrimination. J. Anim. Eco!.
58 (l): 207-224. P:AvOv (Cuculus canorus); MP: AvOv;jbo
972. DAVIES N. B. -BROOKE M. DE L. (1989): An experimenta1 study of co-evolution between
the cuckoo, Cuculus canorus and its host. II. Host egg markings, chick discrimination
and general discussion. J. Anim. Eco!. 58 (l): 225-236. P; AvOv (Cuculus canorus);
MP: AvOv:jbo
973. DAVIES N. B. -GREEN R. E. (1976): The development and ecological significance of
feeding lechniques in the reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus). Anim. Behav. 24:
213-229. P: I: C. A:JtAv (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
974. DAVlSON G. W. H. (1982): Convergence with terrestria! Cercopithecines by the monkey
Rhinopithecus roxellanae. Folia Primato!. 37 (3-4): 209-215. As:Mm (Rhinopithecus
roxellanae):MO: de.fbo
975. DAVISON G. W. H. (1983): The eyes have it: Ocelli in a reinforest pheasant. Anim.
Behav. 31 (4): 1037-1042. As; Av (Polyplectron malacense); MEs: de.jbo
976. DAWN W. (1955): Black-bílled cuckoo feeds on monarch butterfly. wnson BulI. 67:
133. Ne: LRDaDp: A:ftAv (Cuculidae)
977. DE MARCHI G. (1990): Precopulatory reproductive isolation and wing colour
dimorphism in Calopteryx splendens females in southern It aly (Zygoptera:
Calopterygidae). Odonatologica 19 (3): 243-250. P; Odonata (Callopteryx splendens);
MBM; Odonata (Callopteryx Ilaemorrhoidalis):jbo, de
978. DE STEFANI-PEREZ (1905): Mimismo di una galla. Marcellia 3: 66-70. P; Hy (Cynipidae.
galls): MO: de
979. DE VRIES P. (1987): The butterflies of Costa Rica and their natural history. pp. 24-27.
Princeton, Univ. Press. Nt: LR:A, MBM: LR:de, jbo
980, DE 2YLVA T. S. V. (1971): Clever adaptations that ensure survivaI. Loris 1 (4): 205.
As: LRPa:MBM:LR: de.Jbo
981. DEAN B. (1902): A case of mimicry outmimickecl? Science 16: 832sq, As: LRNm
(Kallima):C; tll
982. DEAN B. (1908): Accidental resemblance among animals, A chapter in un-natural
history. Popul. Scl. Month, 72: 304-312. W: Afl; MO; An: de, tll
983. DEAN J, (1980): Encounters between bombardier beetles and two species oftoads (Bufo
americanus, B. marinus): speed of prey-capture does not determine success. J. Comp,
Physiol. 135 (l): 41-50. P:CoCa (Brachinus); A:jtAmSl (BuJo americanus. Blifo marinus)
984. DEAN J. (1980): Effect of thermal and chemical components of bombardier beetle
chemical defense: g!ossopharyngeal response in two species of toads. J. Comp. Physio!.
135 (l): 51-59, P; CoCa (Bracllinus); A:JtAmSl (BuJo americanus. Bufo ma1inus)
985. DEBELlUS H. (l982): Mimicry in b!ennies in the Gulfof Aqaba, Het Zee-Aquarium 32
(5): 145-151. S: Ps (Blenniidae); MBM; Ps; de,jbo
986. DEECKE W, (l920): Die palaontologische Sejte der Mimikry. Ber. Naturforsch. Ges.
Freiburg 23: 1-8. An (fossil); MBM: An ([ossil): tll, ge
987. DEL-CLARO K. (1991): Notes to mimicry between two tropical beetles in south-eastern
Brazil. ,J. Trop. EcoL 7 (3): 407-410, Nt: Co: MBM; Co: de
988. DEL-CLARO K. -VASCONCELLOS-NETO J. (1991): Os padroes de coloracao animal.
Exernplos na Serra do Japi. In: Morellato L. P. (ed.): Hist6ria natural de Serra do Japi.
Campinas, Edunicamp. Nt; An: C, A, MBM:An:de,jbo
989. DEMPSTER J. P. (1971): Some effects of grazing on the population ecology of the
cinnabar moth [Callimorpha jacobaeae L.). In: Duffey E. & Watt A. S. (eds.): Scientific
management of animal & plant communities for conservation. Oxford, Blackwell. P;
LHeAt (Thyria jacobaeae, larvae): A;fbo
990. DEMPSTER J. P. (1982): The ecology of the cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae 1..
[Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Adv. Ecol. Res. 12: 1-34. P: LHeAt (Thyriajacobaeae): A;fbo
991. DENNE K (1982): Tutelina similis (Araneae: Salticidae) an ant mimic that feeds on
ants. Am. Arachnol. 26: 14. Ne; ArSa (Tutelina similis); MBM. MP; HyMy;fbo
992. DENNIS RL. H. (1984): Bristome butterflies. Gonepteryxrhamni (L.), playing opossum.
E. Gaz. 35 (1): 6-7. P: LRPi (Gonepteryx rhanmi); C;Jbo
993. DENNIS R L. H. -PORTER K. -WILLIAMS W. R (1986): Ocellation in Coenonympha
tullia [Mueller) (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). II. Population differentiation and clina! variation
in the context of climatically induced antipredator defence strategies. E. Gaz. 37 (3):
133-172. P: LRSs (Coenonympha tullia): MEs; ge
994. DENSO P. (1905): Ober Mimicry. Geneve Bul. Soc. Lepidopt. 1: 38-59. LR; MBM; LR; th
995. DEORAS P. J. (1965): Snakes of India. 144 pp. New Delhi, National Book Trust. As;
ReOp (Colubridae): MBM: ReOp (Naja): de
996. DESCIMON H. (1987): L'évolution de la coloration chez les Charaxidae neotropicaux:
strategies adaptives et cladogenese. (Lepidoptera, Rhopa!ocera). Bull. Soc. Zool. France
III (3-4): 261-295. Nt: LRCx; MBM: LR: th
997. DElTNER K (1987): Chemosystematics and the evolution of beetle chemica1 defences.
Arm. Rev. E. 32: 17-48. Co: A; to
998. DEWITZ H. (1878): .,Cocoon-Mimicry?" (review from Arch. Naturgesch. 20). Kosmos
2: 85-88. Nt; LHe (cocoon); MO: Hy (Braconidae, parasitation); de
999. DEYRUP M. (1986): Observations on Mantoida maya (Orthoptera: Mantidae). Florida
E. 69 (2J: 434-435. Nt: Ma (Mantoida maya): MBM; HyMy; de,fbo
1000. DEYRUP M. (1988): Review of adaptations of velvet ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae).
Great Lakes E. 21 (1): 1-4. Ne; Hy (Mutillidae); A; de.fbo
1001. DEYRUP M. -EISNER T. (1987): A mordellid-meloid mimicry. Psyche 94 [3-4): 215-
218. Ne: Co (Mordellidae); MBM: Co (Meloidae); de
1002. OlAMOND J. M. (1972): The avifauna of eastern New Guinea. Publ. Natta!l Ornithol.
Club 12. Au; Av: MBM: Av: de.fbo
1003. OlAMOND J. M. [1982J: Mimicry of friarbirds by orioles. Auk 99: 187-196. Au; Av
(Oriolus szalai): MBM: Av (Phi/emon, Pycnopygius stictocephalus); de.fbo
1004. OlCK J. A. -MITCHELL R M. (1979): Un comportement antipredateur clu gobe-mouche
royal. Oiseau 49 (2): 155-157. Nt; Av (Onychorhynchus coronatus): MBM; Av: de
1005. OlETZE C. (1871): Ober einige Beispiele von Nachahmung bei Insekten. Stett. E. Z.
32: 279. P: LHeGe (Siona lineata); MBM; LRPi (Pieris napij; de
1006. DIETZE C. (1876): .,Some remarks on mimicry in Lepidoptera." Stett. E. Z. 37: 448-
450. LR: 1HBM: LR: tll
1007. OlLL1.. M. (1975): Ca1culated risk taking by predators as a factor in Batesian mimicry.
Canacl. J. Zool. 53: 1614-1621. An; MBM; An; tll
1008. OlSCUSSION (1897): .. Protective resemblance of case of Coleophora octagonella." -
"Spiny insects on spiny plants." Proc. E. Soc. Washington 4: 50. 173. Ne; LHe
(Coleoplloridae. Coleophora octagonella); C; Pl; de
1009. OlSCUSSION (1901): ..D. on mimicry." Berlín. E. Z. 46: 13-18. I: MBM; I: th
1010. OlSTANT W. L. (1880): Biologia Centra1i-Americana 46. Insecta, Rhynchota,
Hemiptera-Heteroptera. xx+462 pp., Vol. I. p. ix. Nt; H: MBM; de
1011. OlSTANTW. L. (1882): Difficult cases of mimicry. Nature 26: 105. Nt; LR; MBM; LR;
1012. OlSTANT W. L. (1883): . On mirnicry in butterflies." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5)11: 43-
1016. DISTANTW. L. (1892): A naturalist in the Transvaal. xvi+277 pp. London. Porter. AJ;
I: A, MBM: I: de,./bo
1017. DISTANTW. L. (1892): A monograph ofOriental Cicadidae.? 5: 17-120 (p. 119). As;
Ho (Cica-didae): MBM: LHe (Sphingidae); de
1018. DISTANTW. L. (1897): Zoological
rambles in around the Transvaal. Zoologist 1 (4):
157-168. AI: I: A MBM: I; de. .fbo
1019. DISTANT W. L.
(l897): Stridulation and habits of Cicadldae. Zoo1ogist 1 (4): 520-
521. AI: Ho (Cicadidae): MBM; Ho (Cicadidue); fbo
1020. DISTANTW. L. (1899); "On mimicry." Zoologist 4:? (rev. Nature 60: 428,61: 235.) I;
MBM; I: th
1021. DISTANTW. L. (1899): Biological suggestions. Mimicry I. Zoologist 3: 289-315, 341-
363.443-470,529-556. An; MBM: An; th
1022. DISTANTW. L. (1900): Biological suggestions. Mimicry II. Zoologist 4: 116-130. An;
MBM;An; th
1023. DISTANTW. L. (1901): Biologica\ suggestions. Animal sense perceptions. Zoologist
5: 321-338. I; MBM: I: tll ../bo
1024. DISTANT W. L. (1902): Insecta transvaa1iensia. Parts II., nI. pp. 25-80. London. A./;
Ma. Ph: MP. C: Pl: cle
1025. DISTANTW. L. (1902): A.TJ.ima1 sense perception. Zoologist 6: 161-178. I; MBM; I; th,
ft. .IlJo
1026. DITMARS R. L. (1927): Occurence and habits ofour poisonous snakes. Bull. Antivenin
Inst. Amer. Glenolden 1 (1): 3-5. Ne; ReOp; MBM. A: ReOp; cle
1027. DITMARS R. L. (1931): Snakes ofthe world. New York. Macmil1an & co. 207 pp. W:
ReOp; MBM: ReOp: cle. jbo
1028. DITMARS R. L. (1938): The fight to live. 238 pp. London, L. Dickson. W; ReOp; MBM;
ReOp: de.fbo
1029. DIXEYF. A. (1890): On the phylogenetic significance ofthe wing markings in certain
genera of Nyphalidae. T.E.S.L. 1890: 89-129. W; LRNy: MBM; LR; cle, ge
1030. DIXEY F. A. (1894): On the phylogeny of the Pieridae, as il1ustrated by their wing
markings and geographical distribution. T.E.S.L. 1894: 249-334. W; LRPi; MBM; LR;
1031. DIXEYF. A. (1896): On the relation ofmimetic patterns to the original formo T.E.S.L.
1896: 65-78. (Disc. P.E.S.L. 1896: 4-7). W; LR: MBM; IR; de. ge
1032. DIXEYF. A. (l897): Mimetic attraction. T.E.S.L. 1897: 317-332. W; IR; MBM: IR; ge, th
1033. DIXEY F. A. (1902): Notes of some cases of seasonal dimorphism .in butterflies, with
an account oť experiments by Mr. Guy A. K. Marshall F. S. Z. P.E.S.L. 1902: '15-18.
Aj: LR; C:fbo
1034. DIXEY F. A. (1906): On the diaposematic resemblance between Huphina corva and
Ixias ba\inensis. T.E.S.L. 1906: 83-84. As: LRPi (Ixias balinensis); MBM: LRPi (Huphina
corva); de
1035. DIXEY F. A. (1906): No title. P.E.S.L. 1906: 30-31, 69-71. 96-97. As. AJ; LR; MBM;
LR: de
1036. DIXEY F. A. (1907): On epigamic and aposematic scents in Rhopalocera. Rep. Brit.
Assoc. Adv. Scl. 1906: 600. LR; A: to
1037. DIXEY F. A. (1907): Recent deve10pments in the theory of mimicry. Nature 76: 673.
LR: MBM; IR; de
1038. DlXEYF. A. (1907): Parallelism between the genera Phrissura and Mylothris. P.E.S.L.
1907: 18-20. Aj; LRPi (phrissura): MBM: LRPi (Mylothris); de
1039. DIXEY F. A. (1907): Divergent mimicry by the females ofLeuceronia agra. Fab. P.E.S.L.
1907: 28-31. AI LRPi (Leuceronia agra); MBM: LR; de
1040. DIXEY F. A. (1907): Mimetic parallelism in five genera of African pierines. P.E.S.L.
1907: 70-73. AI; LRPi; MBM; LRPi.; de
1041. DIXEY F. A. (1908): On Mťillerian mimicry and diaposematism. A reply to Mr. G. A.
K. Marshall. T.E.S.L. 1908: 559-583. (Disc.: P.E.S.L. 1908: 70-73). LR; MBM: LR; th
1042. DlXEY F. A. (1908): Mimetic relation of Nychitona and Pseudopontia. P.E.S.L. 1908:
13. AI; LRPi (Pseudopontia); MBM; LRPi (Nychitona); de
1043. DIXEY F. A. (1908): Mimicry of the melpomene-1ike Heliconii by other groups of
South American butterf1ies. P.E.S.L. 1980: 51-54. Nt; LR: MBM: LRH1; de
1044. DlXEYF. A. (1908): The double and combined aposeme. P.E.S.L. 1908: 78. Nt: LRHl;
MBM: LRHl: de
1045. DlXEY F. A. (1908): Mimetic relations between Colaenis telesiphe. Hew., Heliconius
telesiphe, Doub!., and Pereute antodyca, Boisd. P.E.S.L. 1908: 91-92. Nt; LRPi
(Colaenis telesiplle, Pereute antodyca); MBM; LRHl (Heliconius telesiphe): de
1046. DlXEY F. A. (1908]: Mimicry by Colaenis telesiphe and Be1enois thysa, probably
Múllerian. P.E.S.L. 1908: 96-97. Nt: LRPi (Belenois thysa); MBM; LRPi (Colaenis
te1esiplle): cle
1047. DlXEY F. A. (1908): On diaposematism ar the interchange of characters between
c1istasteful forms. Rept. 78th Meet. Brit.Assoc. Adv. ScL: 733 sq. LR: MBM: LR: tll
1048. DlXEYF. A. (1909): On the paralleHsl11 between the nymphaline generaAdelpha and
Chlorippe. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. ScL 1909: 515-516. Nt; LRNm (Adelplla); MBM:
I,RNm (Chlorippe); de
1049. DlXEY F. A. (1911): The scents of butterflies. Náture 87: 164-168. LR; A; to
1050. DlXEY F. A. (1911): Mimicry. I. Congr. Internat. E. Bruxelles 1911: 369-384. LR;
MBM;LR: th
1051. DlXEY F. A. (1913): The geographical relations of mimicry. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv.
ScL 1913: 518. Nt: LR: MBM: LR; th
1052. DlXEY F. A. (1913): Geographical relations of mimicry. Nature 92: 386-387. Nt; LR;
MBM: LR: tll
1053. DlXEY F. A. (1913): Mimicry in relation to geographical distribution. P.E.S.L. 1913:
60-69. W: LR: MBM: LR; tll
1054. DlXEY F. A. (1915):.Bionomics of the genus Eronia. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. ScL 85:
475. Ar LRPi (Eronia): MBM; LR: de.jlJo
1055. DlXEY F. A. (1915): Mimicry of Nychitona medusa, Boisd., by Leuceronia pharis,
Boiscl.. extending to habits and f1ight. P.E.S.L. 1915: 97-98. A;
pllwis); MBM: LRPi (Nycllitona medusa): de
1056. DlXEY F. A. (1916): Seasonal dimarphisl11. Proc. South London E. Nat. Hist. Soc.
1916/17: ? AJ: LR: C: de, th
1057. DlXEY F. A. (1917): Mimicry in certain butterflies of New Guinea. 1. P.E.S.L. 1917:
91-93. Au: LRNm (Mynes): MBM; LRPi (Delias, Huphina); de
1058. DlXEY F. A. (1918): On mimicry in certain butterflies of New Guinea. II. P.E.S.L.
1918: 118-129. Au: LRNm (Mynes); MBM; LRPi (Delias, Huphina); de
1059. DlXEYF. A. (1919): Opening address (to British Association). Nature 104: 121-126.
LR; MBM: LR: t.1l
1060, DlXEYF, A.
(1919): The geographical factor in mimicry. Presidential adress, Sect. D,
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci.: 199-207 (reprint in: T.E.S.L. 1920: 208-211). W; LR;
MBM: LR: tll
1061. DlXEY F. A. (1923): The disappearance of cryptic patterns during flight. P.E,S.L.
1923: 67-69, LR: C: tll
1062, DlXEY F. A. (1931): Deve10pment of wings in Lepidoptera. T,E.S.L. 79: 365-393. LR;
C. A:jbo
1063. DlXEY F. A. ET ALL. (1897): Papers, exhibitions, and discussion on mimicry. P.E.S.L.
1897: 20-32, 34-47. W: LR; MBM: LR; ge, tll
1064. DlXEY F. A. -LONGSTAFF G. B. (1907): Entomological observations and captures
during the visit of BJitish Association to South Africa in 1905. T.E.S.L. 1907: 309-
381 (Disc.: P.E.S.L. 1907: 309-381). Aj; LR; C, A, MBM; LR: de,flJo
1065. DlXON C. A. -ERlCKSON Ll. M. -KELLEIT D. N. -ROTHSCHILD M. (1978): Some
adaptations between Danaus plexippus and its food plant, with notes on Danaus
chrysippus and Euploea core (Insecta: Lepidoptera). J. Zoo!. 185: 437-467. W;
LRDaDp, LRDa (Danaus chrysippus, Euploea care); A; to
1066. DLUSSKIJ G. M. (1984): Are dipteran insects protected by their similarity to stinging
hymenopterans? (in russ.) Bull. Mosk. Obšč, Ispyt. Prir. (Otd. Bio!.) 89 (5): 25-40.
DiSy: MBM: HyVe: tll
1067. DOBSON G. E. (1877): Protective l11imicry among bats. Nature 15: 354. M m
(Chiroptem); C : de
1068, DODD C, K. ,JR. (1976): A bibliography of anuran defensive mechanisms. Smithson.
Herp. lnf. Ser. 37: 1-10. W: AmSl; A; de,jlJo, tll
1069. DODD C. K. JR. (1989): Duration of immobility in salamanders, genus P lethodon
(Caudata: Plethodontidae). Herpetologica 45 (4): 467-473. Ne; AmCd (Plethodon); A;
' fbo
lO70. DODD C. K. JR. (1990): Postures associated with immobile woodland salamanders,
genus Plethodon. Florida Sci. 53 (1): 43-49. Ne: AmCd (Plethodon); A;jbo
1071. DODD C. K. JR. ·BRODlE E. D. JR. (1976): Antipredator mechanism of neotropica!
salamanders. Herpetological Rev. 7 (2): 79. Nt; AmCd; A;jbo
1072. DOOD C. K. JR. -BRODlE E. D. ,JR. (1976): Defensive mechanisms of neotropica!
salamanders with an experimenta! analysis of immobility and the effects of
temperature on immobility. Herpetologica 32: 269-290. Nt; AmCd; A;jbo
lO73. DODD C. K. JR. -JOHSON J. A. -BRODlE E. L. JR. (1974): Noxions skin secretions
of an eastern small Plethodon, P. nettingi hubrichti. J. Herpetol. 8 (l): 89-92. Ne;
AmCd (PleUrodon nettingi): MPM: AmCd (Desnwgnathus ochrophaeus);jbo, to
J 074. DOESBURG P. H. VAN, JR. (1968J: A revision of the NewWorld species ofDysdercus
Guerin Meneville (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae). (Colour patterns i3.nd mimicry, p. 191-
199). Zool. Verh. Rijksmus. Leiden 97: 1-215. Nt: H (Pyrrhocoridae, Dysdercus); A,
MBM: H (PY'Thocoridae, Dysdercus): de, Jbo, th
lO75. DOFFLEIN F. (1908): Uber Schutzanpassung durch Ahnlichkeit. Biol. Centralbl. 28:
243-254. An: C, A. MBM: An; de, th
lO76. DOFFLEIN F. (1914): Das Tíer als Glied des Naturganzen. 960 pp. (Bd. II. v. Hesse R.
& Domein F.: Tierbau und Tierleben in ihrem Zusammenhang betrachtet.) Leipzig,
Berlin, Teubner. An: C, A. MBM: Art: de, th
1077. DOHER1Y W. (1889): Notes on Assam butterflies. J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal. 58: 117-
134. As : LR; A. MBM: LR; de,jbo
1078. DOHER1YW. (1891): A list of the butterflies of Engano. J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal. 60 (2):
4-22. As: LR: A: ft (Arthropoda)
1079. DOHRN C. A. (1890): Madagascarisches. Stett. E. Z. 51: 195-198. Af; CoCu (Lithinus):
C: Pl (Lichenes, Parmelia crinita): fbo
1080. DOIG K. A. C. (POULTON COMM) (J 929): The attacks af mantids on buttertlies in
Kenya Colony. P.E.S. L. 4: 73-44, AJ; LR; A, MBM: LR;ftMa
1081 DOIG K. A. C. (POULTON COMM.) (1930): The attacs of birds. a pentatomid bug and
Mantidae upon Imtterflies, observed in Kenya by Maj. K. A. C. Doig, P.E,S,L. 5: 5-6.
Af: LR; A. MBM: LR: ftAv,.ftH (Pentatomidae), .ftMa
1082. DOMINEY W, J, (1980): Female mimicry in male bluegill sunfish - a genetic
polymorphism? Nature 284 (5756): 546-548, Ne: Ps (Centrarchidae, Lepis macrochŮ11S);
MO;.fbo, ge
lO83. DONISTHORPE H. S. J, K. (1901): Cases of protective resemblance, mimicry etc" in
the British Coleoptera. T.E,S,L, 1901: 345-377, P; Co; C, A. MBM: Co; de
1084. DONISTHORPE H. S. J. K. (1902): Some speculations on ants' nest beetles. Trans,
Leicester Soc.6: 224-226. P: CoSt (Mynnedonia); MBM; HyMy; tll
1085, DONISTHORPE H, S, .J. K. (1902): The life of Clytra quadri-punctata L. T,E,S.L.
1902: 11-23. P; CaCh (Cly tra quadri-punctata); MBM; CoCc (Coccinella);jbo,ft
1086. DONISTHORPE H. $, J. K. (1910): Ant and mímic beetle, P.E,S.L. 1910: 20, P; Co
(Anthicidae, F,ormicomus pec1estris): MBM: HyMy (Colobopsis tmncatus): de
1087. DONISTHORPE H. S. J, K. (1917): Spider mimic of a anI. P.E.S.L. 1917: 76. AJ;
ArSa: MBM: H!JMy (Polyrhachis schistacea): de
1088. DONISTHORPE H. S. J. K. (1921): Miminy of ants by other arthropods. T.E.S.L.
1921: 307-311. W; 1, lir: MBM, MP: HyMy; de, tll
1089. DONISTHORPE H, S. J. K. (1927): The guests of british ants, their habits and life
histories. 244 pp" London, Routledge and Sons. P: Co,Hy. D; MP; de,jbo.
1090. DONISTHORPE li. S. J. K. (1940): Mimicry in ants. E, Month, Mag. 76: 254, HyMy:
MBM: HyMy: de
1091. DONITZW. (1887): Neue und auffalende Beispiele von Anpassung und Nachahmung
bei Arthropoden bez. bei Schmetterlingen und Spinnen. Sitzungsber, Nat. Freiburg
1887: 97-102. P: LR. Ar: MBM: LR: de
1092, DONITZ W. (1889): Die Feinde der Schmetterlinge. Sitzungsber. Nat. Freiburg 1889:
185-186. P; LR;.ft
109;'3. DONITZW. (1889): "Note on similarity and protection." Berl. E. Z. 33: 12.1; M. C; I; th
1094. DONITZ W. (1899): "Value of rnirnicry in Orthoptera." Rovartani Lápok 6: 176. P: O:
M. C: de, tll
1095. DOROWW. H. O. -MASCHWJTZ U. -RAPP S. (1990): The natural history ofpolyrhachis
(Myrrnhopla) muelleri Forel, 1893 (Forrnicidae, Formicinae}, a weaver ant with mimetic
larvae and a unusual nestin g behaviour. Trop, Zool. 3 (2): 181-190. AJ; HyMy
(Potyrhachis muellerL larvae. pupae); C: de,jbo
1096. DOUGHERTY V. [1986): Review of the South American genus Zirta (Hemiptera:
Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae), with description of three new species. Ann. E, Soc. Anl .
1097. DOUGLAS J. W. (l874): "Further notes on resemblance to ants among ťhe HemipLera."
1104. DRUCE H. H. (1902): On some new and litt1e-known butterflies of the famil)'
Lycaenidae from tbe African. Austmlian and Orienta! regions. Proc. Zool. Soc. London
1902: 112-121. AJ, As, Au: LRLn; C, A, MBM; LR; de
1105. DRUCE H. H. (1907): Mirnicry in L ycaenids. P.E.S.L. 1907: 17. AJ; LRLn (Mimacraea);
MBM: LRDa: de
1106. DRUCE H. H. (1910): Butterfly and mimic. r.E.S.L. 1910: 73. P; LRSs (Parthestina
yermini): MBM: LRPi (Aporia aguthon); de
1107. DRUMMOND B. A. (1977): Comparative ecologyand rnimetic relationship of íthomine
butterflies in easlern Ecuador. Dissertation Abstr. Internat. [B) 37 (10): 4852-4853.
Nt: LRIt: MBM: LR:.fbo
1108. DUCK\VORTH J. W. (1991): Responses of breeding reed warblers Acrocephalus
scirpaceus to mounts of sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus. cuckoo Cuculus canorus
andjay Garrulus glandarius. Ibis 133 (1): 68-74. P: Av (Cuculus canorus); MBM; Av
(Accipiter nisus); jbo
1 J 09. DUFFEY S. S. (1970): Cardiac glycosides and distastefulness: some observations on
1116. DUNCAN C. J. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1965): Continuous and quantal theories ofsensory
discrimination. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B 158: 343-363. I; MBM; I: JtAu
1117. DUNCAN C. J. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1965): Sensory discrimination and its role in the
evo1ution of Batesian mimicry. Behaviour 24: 269-282. I; MBM: I: JtAu
1118. DUNDEE H. A. (1950): Aclditional records ofHy-psiglena (Co1ubridae) from Oklahoma.
,vith notes on the behaviour and the eggs. Herpetologica 6: 28-30. Ne: ReOp
(Hypsiglena): MBM: ReOp (Crota1idae);Jbo
1119. DUNN E. R (1927): On the relationship of certain plethodont sa!amanders. Copeia
165: 102-106. Ne: AmCd (Plethodontidae); A: de,fbo
1120. DUNN E. R (1954): The cora! snake .. mimic" problem in Panama. Evolution 8: 97-
102. Nt: ReOp (Colubridae); MBM; ReOp (Elapidae); de,jbo, th
1121. DUNNING J. W. (1878): Note on spiders resembling flowers. P.E.S.L. 1878: 39-41. P;
ArTll (Thomtsus citreus): MP. C; P1Fl: de
1122. DUPUIS C. (1950): Contributions a l'étude des Phasiinae cimicophages (Dipteres
Larvaevoridae).x. Bull. Biol. France-Belg. 84: 194-206. P; D (Tachinidae); MP: de,Jbo
1123. DURDEN L. A. (982): An interesting case ofmimicry. Bull. Amat. E. Soc. 41: 26-27.
Ne: LHeSn (Lljcomorpha pllOlus): MBM: Odonata (Calopteron terminale); de
1124. DUSING C. (1886): Ober dle Fii.rbung und Zeichung der Tiere. Kosmos 19: 382-393.
453-463. An: C. A: tll
1125. DUSSOURD D. E. ET AL. (1989): Paternal allocation of sequestered plant pyrrolizidine
alkaloid to eggs in the danaine butterfly. Danaus gilippus. Experlentia 45 (9): 896·
898. Ne: LRDa (Danaus gilippus): A: to
1126. DYAR H. G. (1898): Description of an unusual saw-fly larva belonging to the Xyelinae.
Psyche 8: 212. Ne: Hy (Tenthredinidae. XyeUnae, larvae); C: birďs dropping: de
1127. DYAR H. G. (1904): .. Catocala. the wings as protective". J. New York E. Soc. 12: 57.
Ne: LHeNo (Catocala): A: de. jho
1128. DYK V. (1987): Colour mimicry of the grayling by the brook trout. (in Czech) Živa
(Prague) 35 (6): 227-228. P: Ps (Salmonidae. Sa1mo tmtta); MBM: Ps (Salmonidae,
Thymallus thymallus): de
1129. EATON R L. (1976): Support the hypothesis that aardwolves mimic hyenas.
Mammalia 40 (2): 342-343. AJ; Mm (Proteles cristatus): MBM; Mm (Hyaena brunnea);
1130. EATON R L. (1976): A possible case ofmimicry in larger mammals. Evolution 39 (4):
853-856. Ar: Mm (Acinonyxjubatus); MBM; Mm (MeUiuora capensts); de,Jbo
1131. EATON RL. (19"17): Mimicry in African carnivores. Pp. 183-190 in: Philips RL..
Jonkel C. (eds.): Proc. 1975 Predator Symp. 262pp. Missoula. Univ. of Montana. Aj;
Mm (AcinonyxjubattLs. Proteles cristatus); MBM: Mm (Me1liuora capensis, Hyaena
brunnea): de.jbo
1132. EBERHARD W. G. (1977): Aggressive chemical mimicry by a bolas spider. Science
198: 1173-1175. Nt: Ar (Amneidae, Mastophom); MP (chemical); LHeNo (Spodoptem
.frugiperda); de. ,/ba
1133. ECHTERNACHT A. C. (1973): The color pattern of Sonora michoacensis (Duges)
(Serpentes, Colubridael and its bearing on the origin ofspecies. Breviora Mus. Comp.
Zool. 410: 1-18. Nt: ReOp (Sonora michoacensís); MBM: ReOp (Micrurus); de, ge
1134. EDGAR B. (1990): Chance encounter with a mimic. Pac. Discovery 43 (1): 45. Nt;
ReOp (Scolecopllis atrocinctus): MBM; ReOp (Micrurus); de, jbo, tll
1135. EDGARJ. A. -COCKRUM P. A. -FRAHN J. C. (I 976): Pyrolizidin alcaloids in Danaus
plexippus L. ane! Danaus chrysippus L. Experientia 32: 1535-1537. Ne, AJ, As;
LRDaDp. LRDa (Danaus chrysippus); A; to
1136. EDGE D. A (1982): Rediscovery of a rare butterfly. Rostrum 2: 1 (unpaginatedJ. AJ;
LRNm (Erikssonia acraeina): MBM: LRAc (Acraea eponina); de
1137. EDMUNDS J. -EDMUNDS M. (1974): Polymorphic mimicry and natural selection:
a reappraisal. Evolution 28: 402-407. LR; MBM; LR; th
1138. EDMUNDS M. (1966): Natural selection in the mimetic butterfly Hypolimnas misippus
L. in Ghana. Nature 212: 1478. At LRNm (HypoUmnas mtsippus): MBM; LRDa;jtAv
1139. EDMUNDS M. (1969): The evidence for sexual selection in the mimetic butterfly
Hypolimnas misippus L. Nature 221: 488. AJ; LRNm (Hypolimnas mísippus); MBM;
LRDa: ge
1140. EDMUNDS M. (J 969): Polymorphism in the mil1letic butterfly Hypolil1lnas misippus
1. in Ghana. Heredity 24: 281-302. Aj: LRNm(HypoUmnas misippus): MBM: LRDa: ge
1141. EDMUNDS M. (1972): Defensíve behavíour in Ghanaian praying mantids [Mant.]. J.
Zool. Linn. Soc. 51: 1-32. AJ; Ma: C. A: .Ibo. de
1142. EDMUNDS M. (1974): Defence in animals. A survey in antipredator defences. 357
pp., Essex, Longman. W: Afl: C, A, MBM: An: de. .fbo, th, ge. rUJ. bm
J 143. EDMUNDS M. (1974): Significance of beak l1larks on butterf1y wings. Oikos 25: 117-
118. LR:ItAu. tll
1144. EDMUNDS M. (1976): The defensive behaviour of Ghanaian praying mantids with
a discussion ol territoriality. Zool. J. Línn. Soc. 58: 1-37. Aj: Ma; C. A;fbo, de
1145. EDMUNDS M. (J 976): Larva! mortality and population regu!ation in the butterf1y
Danaus chrvsippus in Ghana. Zool. J. Línn. Soc. 58: 129-145. Aj: LRDa (Danaus
cllrysippLls. la n'ae) ; A:.fba
1146. EDMUNDS M. (J 978): On the association between Myrmarachne spp. and ants.
Bul!. Brit. Araclmol. Soc. 4 (4): 149-160. Aj: ArSa (Myrmaraclme); MBM, MP ; HyMy;
1147. EDMUNDS M. (1980): Camouflage and mimicry. Pp. 312-317 in: Burn D. M. (ed.):
The complete encyclopedia of the animal world. . 400 p. London, Octopus Books. W;
An: C. A. MBM; Afl; de . .fbo. th, TU!
1148. EDMUNDS M. (198]): On defining mimicry. Biol. J. Línn. Soc. 16 (1): 9-14. I; MBM.
MP MO; I: I/]
1149. EDMUNDS M. (1981): Defensive behaviour and mimicry. Pp. 121-129 in: McFarland
D. (ed.): The Oxford companion to animal behaviour. 657 pp. Oxford, Univ. Press. W;
An; C. A MBM: An: de, .tbo. th. rUJ
Euphydryas editha. III. Selection and the phenetics of the Jasper Ridge colony.
Evolution 22: 46-54. Ne: LRMe (Euphydryas edítha); A; ge
1164. EIBL-EIBESFELDT I. (1947): Die biologische Bedeutung der ausseren Erscheinungs
formen. Umwelt, Wilhelminenberg 1 (12): 246-277. Re, Am; A; th
1165. EIBL-EIBESFELDT I. (1952): Nahrungsérwerb und Beuteschema der Erdkrote.
Behaviour 4: 1-36. P: 1: C, A: ftAmS[ (Bulo buJo)
1166. EIBL-EIBESFELDT I. (1959): Der Fisch Aspidontus taeniatus a1s Nachahmer des
Putzers Labroides dimidiatus. Z. Tierpsychol. 16: 19-25. S; Ps (Blennídae. AspídontlLs
taeniatus); MP: Ps (Labridae, Labroides dimidiatus);jbo, de
1167. EIGENMANN C. H. -ALLEN W. R. (1921): A leaf-mimicking fish. Biol. Bull. Wood's
Hole Mass. 41: 301-305. Nt: Ps (Nandidae, Monocirrhus); C: Pl; de
1168. EJGENMANN C. H. -ALLEN W. R. (1942): Eishes of western South America. 1.. II.
xv+494pp. Lexington [Kent.) Nt; Ps (Nandídae. Monocirrhus): C; Pl; de
1169. EIMER G. H. T. (e. FICKER COOP.) (1897): Die Enstehung der Arten auf Grund von
vererben erworbener Eigenschaften nach den Gesetzen organischen Wachsens. II.
Orthogenesis der Schmetterlinge,." xvi+513 pp.. Leipzig. W. Engelmann. W; LR; C.
A. MBM; LR: tll, de. ge. bm. nu
1170. EIMER G. H. T. (K. FICKERT COOP.) (1895): Die Artbildung und Verwandschaft bei
den Schmetterlingen. II. Thei!. Eine systematische Darstellung der Abanderungen,
Abarten uncl Arten der Schwa1benschwanz·ahnlichen Formen der Gattung Papilio.
viii+153 pp, (pp. 67-76), Jena LRPa (PapUio); MBM; LR: th
1171. EISENTRAUT M. (1927): Beitrag zur Frage der Farbanpassung der Orthopteren an
die Farbung der Umgebung. I. Die Farbvariationen von Oedipoda caerulescens und
ihre Beziehung zur Bodenfarbe. Z. Morph. Oeko!. Tiere 7: 608·642. P; O (Oedípoda
caeru[escens): C; Jbo
1172. EISNER T. (1970): ChemicaJ defense in arthropods. Pp 157-217 in: Sondheimer
E. & Simeone J. B. (eds.): Chemica! ecology. New York, Academie Press. I; A; to.
th. bm
1173. EISNER T. (1972): Chemical ecology: On arthropods and how they live as chemists.
Verhand!. Deutsch. Zoo!. Ges. 65: 123-137. I; A; to, th, bm
1174. EISNER T. (1982): For love of nature: exploration and discovery at biologica1 field
stations. Bioscience 32 (5): 321-326. I: MBM, A; I; de
1175. EISNER T. (1985): A ny mimics jumping spiders. Psyche 92 (lJ: 103-104. Ne; D
(Trypetidae. Zonosemata vittigera); MP. MO; ArSa: de,jbo
1176. EISNER T. -EISNER M. (1991): Unapalatability of the pyrrolizidine aklcaloid
containing moth Utethesia ornatrix, and its larva, to wolf spiders. Psyche 98 (1):
111-119. Ne; LHeAt (Utethesia ornatrix); A;JtAr (Lycosa ceratícola)
1177. EISNER T. -KAFATOS F. C. (1962): Defense mechanisms of arthropods. X.
A pheromone promoting aggregation in a aposematic distasteful insect.· Psyche 69:
53-61. Ne: CoLU: A: jbo
1178. EISNER T. -KAFATOS F. C. -LlNSLEY E. G. (1962): Lycid predation by mimetic adult
Cerambycidae (Coleopteral. Evolution 16: 316-324. Ne; CoCe (Elytro[eptus ignitus);
MP. MBM: CoLy (Lycus loripes); de. jbo
1179. EISNER T. -MEINWALD Y. C. (J 965): Defensive secretion of a caterpillar (Papilio).
Science 150: 1733-1735. Ne: LRPa (Papilio, larvae); A; to
1180. EISNER T. -MEINWALD Y. C. (1966): Defensive secretions of arthropods. Science
153: 1341-1350. I: A: 1: to, th
1181. EISNER T. -SHEPHERD J. (1965): Caterpillar feeding on a sundew plant. Science
150: 1608-1609. Ne: L (larvae); A; to
1182. EKfS G. (1977): Classification, phylogeny, and zoogeography of the genus Perilypus
(Coleoptera: Cleridae). Smithsonian Contr. Zool. 227: 1-138. Nt; Co (Cleridae.
PerUypus); MBM; Co; de
1183. EKKENS D. (1972): Peruvian treehopper behaviour (Homoptera: Membracidae). E.
News 83 (10): 257-271. Nt; Ho (MembracídaeJ; A; de,jbo
1184. ELDREDGE N. (1980): An extravagance of species: The diversity of fossi! trilobites
poses a challenge to traditional evolutionary theory. Nat. Hist. 89 (7): 46-51.
Trilobitomorpha (probolops); MBM; TrUobitomorpha (Schizosty[us)'; de, th
1185. EL.KINS J. C. (1969): A new genus of hemipteran wasp nlÍmics (Hem., Het., Reduviidae.
Harpacl:orinae). J. Kansas E. Soc. 42: 456-461. Nt: H (Reduviidae, Coilopus velllls,
C0i10pllS crabrus): MBM; HyVe: de
1186. ELMES G. W. -THOMAS J. A. -WARDLAW J. C. (1979): Larvae of Maculinea rebeli,
a large blue butterf1y, and tlleir Myrmica host ants: wild adaptions and behaviour in
ant-nests. J. Zool. (Landon) 224 (l): 79-92. P: LRLn (Maculinea rebeli, pheromon);
MP: HyM11 (MWmica): de,Jho
1 187. ELTON C. S. (1922): On tlle colours of water-mites. Proc. Zool. Soc. Landon 1922:
1231-1239. P: Hyc1mcarina: A. C: de
1188. ELTR I NGliAM li. (J 906J: The late proíessor Packarďs paper on the markings of
organisms. P.E.S.L. 1906: 37-48. An: MBM: An: th
1189. ELTRlNGHr"\M H. (1909): Mirnetic relations of East and West Aťrican butterf1ies.
P.E.S.L. 1909: 67-69. Aj; LR; MBM; LR ; de
1190. ELTRlNGIiAM li. (1909): An account of some experiments on the edibility of certain
lepidopterous larvae. T.E.S.L. 1909: 471-478. P; L (larvae): C. A:JtAv
1191. ELTRlNGliAIVI H. (191OJ: Edibility of lepidopterous larvae. P.E.S.L. 1910: 31-32. P; L
(laruoe): C. A:ftAu
1192. ELTRlNGHi'\M H. (1910): Mrican mimetic butterflies. 136 pp.. Oxford, Clarendon.
(review: Nature 86[1911]: 70-72, E. B. PoultonJ AJ; LR: MBM: LR: de,jbo, bm
1193. ELTRINGf-l..AM H. (1915): A family of Acraeajonstoni. P.E.S.L. 1915: 79. Aj; LRAc
(Acraenjonsloni): A: ge
1194. ELTRlNGHAM H. (1916): On specific and mimetic relationship in tlle genus Heliconius.
T.E.S.L. 1916: 104-148. Nt: LRHl; MBM: LRHl; de
1195. ELTRlNGHAM H. (1919): Butterfly vision. T.E.S.L. 1919: LR; C, A. MBM; LR;jbo
1196. ELTRINGHi\M H. (1924): Dr. V. G. L. van Someren's observations on the early stages
of Mimacra.ea marshalli dohertyi Roth. (RhopaloceraJ. T.E.S.L. 1924: 152-159. AJ:
LRLn (Mimacmeu rnars!111lli): MBM; LRDa (DcI11aus chrysippus). LRAc (AcraeCl encedon):
1197. ELTRINGHAM fi. ( 192 7) : Attacks by birds on butterf1ies. P.E.S.L. 2: 82. P; LR;JtAv
1198. ELTRlNGHAM H. (1931): A pretence of tinging by a Tipulid. P.E.S.L. 6: 60-61. P; D
(Tipulidae. Clenophom pectinicornis): MBM: H!)Ve: de, ./bo
1199. EMERY C. (1886): Mimetismo e costUl1li parassitari dej Camponotus lateralis, Ol.
Bul!. E. ita!. 1886: 412-41 3. P: H!}My (Camponotus latcralis): MP; HyMy: de
1200. EMERY C. (1890): Voyage de M. E. Simon a.u Venezuela.. Formicides. Ann. Soc. E. Fr.
(6J I O: 55-76. Nl: ArSa: MBM; HyM!): cle
1201. EMETS V. M. (1979): Does Eristalis tenax copy the honey bee? (in russ.) Priroda,
Moskwa 1979 (lJ: 1 17 . P; DSy (ETistalis lena.x): MBM; HyAd (Apis mel/ifera);
1202. EMLEN J. M. (1968): Batesian mimicry: A preliminary theoreticaJ investigation of
qua.ntitative aspects. Am. Nat. 102: 235-241. An: MBM: An; tll
1203. EMMEL T. C. (1965): A new mimetic assemblage of lycid and cerambycid beetles in
central Clliapas. Southw. Natura1ist 10 (I): 14-16. Nt; CoCe; MBM; CoL!); de
1204. EMMEL T. C. (1972J: Mate selection and balanced polymorphism in the tropical
nympha!id butterfly Anartia fatima [Lep.. Nymphalidae]. Evolution 2 6 : 96-107. Nt;
LRNm (AnarliaIatima): A: ge
1205. EMMEL T. C. -LECK C. F. (1970): Seasonal changes in organisation of tropica! rain
forest butterf1y populations in Panama. J. Lepid. Res. 8: 133-152. Nt; LR: A. MBM:
j 206. EMMERSON W. (1988): Survival and a.ppearance in decapods. Mr. Wild!. 42 (lJ: 20-
22. AI Cr (Decapoda): A: .fbo. de
1207. EMMRICH D. (1986J: Die aIrikanische Eierschlage - Dasypeltis scabra. Aquarien
terrm. Mona.tschr. Omith. Vivar. 33 (7J: 241-244. AJ; ReOp (Dasypeltis scabra); MBM;
ReOp {Echis carinata); de
1208. EMMRICH D. (l987): The african egg-eating snake, Dasypeltis scabra. Part 1. Snake
Keep 1 (9J: 7-10. AJ; ReOp (Dasypellis scabra); MBM: ReOp (CatL.�us rhombemus,
Echis car[nalLLs): de
1209. EMSLEY M. G. (1963): A morphological study of imagine Heliconiinae with
consideration of ihe evolutionary relationship within the group. Zoologica 48: 85-
130. NI: LRH1: A; ge
1210. EMSLEY M. G. (1964): The .geographical distribution of the color-pattem components
of Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene with genetical evidence for the
systematic relationship between the two species. Zoologica 49: 245-286. Nt: LRHl
(Heliconius melpomene): MBM: LRHl (Heliconius emto); ge
1211. EMSLEY M. G. (1965): Speciation in Heliconius: Morphology and geographical
distribution. Zoologica 50: 191-254. Nt; LRH1; A; ge
1212. EMSLEY M. G. (1966): The mime tical significance of Erythrolamprus aesculapi
ocellatus Peters from Tobago. Evolution 20: 663-664. Nt; ReOp (Erythrolamprus
aesculapi): MBM: ReOp (Micmrus): de. ge. th
1213. EMSLEY M. G. (1970J: Tlle research potentia! of the Neotropical mimetic butterflies
of the genus Heliconius (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Va J. ScL 21: 113. Nt; LRH1; A;
1214. EMSLEY M. G. (1977J: Creature from outer space? No. just a treehopper. Internat.
Wild!. 7 (21: 44-47. Nt: Ho (MembmcidaeJ: C. A; de.jbo
1215. EMS LEY M. G. -SANDVED K. B. (1972): The ostentalions and the obscure.
Smithsonian 3 (5J: 42-47. I: C. A. M; I: tll
1216. ENDERLEIN G. (1903): Die lnsekten uncl Arachnoiden der Kerguelen. Valdivia Exp.
3: 199-249. ?: I. Ar: C. MBM: de
1217. ENDERLEIN G. (1906): The sea!y winged Copeognatha ..... Spo!ia Zeylanica 4: 39-
122. As: Psocoptera (Copeognatlla); MBM; Uie: de
1218. ENDLER J. A. (1978): A predator's view of animal color patterns. Evo!, Bio!. ll: 219-
364. An: C. A. MBM: Alt: rw. bm. tll
1219. ENDLERcT. A. (198]): An overview of the relationship between mimicry and crypsis.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 16: 25-31. An: C, MBM: Pl. An; th
1220. ENDLER J. A. (1982): Convergence and divergence effects of natural selection on
color patterns in two fish faunas. Evolution 36: 178-188. S; Ps: C. A; jbo. th
1221. ENDLER J. A. (1984): Progressive background matching in moths, and a quantitative
measure of crypsis. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 22: 187-231. Ne; Uie: C;ftAu
1222. ENDLER J. A. (1986): Defense against predators. Pp. 109-134 in: Feder M. E. &
Lander G. V. (eds.): Predator-prey relationship: perspectives and approaches from
the study of lower invertebrates. Chicago, Univ. Press. An: C, A. MBM; An; de,jbo, rw
1223. ENDLER J. A. (1986): Natural selection in the wild. Princeton (N.J.), Univ. Press. An:
C. A. MBM: lm: de. Jbo. .ft. ge. th. nu, bm
1224. ENGELMANN J. G. (1960): The effect of coloration on Great Barrier Reef animals.
Pap. Mich. Acad. ScL 45: 9-15. S; Ps (Chaetodontidae, Chaetodontoplus): MBM; Ps;
de. .I
1225. ENGEN S. - JAERVI T. -WIKLUND C. (1986): The evo1ution of aposematic coloration by
individual selection: A !ife-span survival model. Oikos 46 (3): 397-403. An; A: tll, ge
1226. ENGLEHARDT W. (1971): Gestalt un Lebensweise der "Anleisenspinne" Synageles
venator (Lucas). Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Ameisenl1limíkryforschung. Zool. Anzeiger
185: 318-334. P: ArSa (Synageles uenator): MBM, MP; HyMy: de,Jbo
1227. ENTZ G. (1904): Az állatok szine és a mimicry 1. (in hung.) Terl1les. Kozl. Magyar
Tars. 34: 201-206, 207-276, 417-441,465-483. I; MBM; I; tll _
1228. ENTZ G. (1905): Az állatok szine és a mimicry II. (in hung.) Termes. Kozl. Magyar
Tars. 35: 97-137, 201-221. (abstr. Rovartani Lápok 1905: 199-201, germ. abstr. p.
21-22) I; MBM: I: tll
1229. ENTZ G. (1905): A mimicry és a megesodálás. (in hung.) Termes. Kozl. Magyar Tars.
35: 460-464. I; MBM: I: th
1230. ENTZ G. (1905): Az állatok szine es a mil1licry III. (in hung.J Szín és alakmajamolás,
alruházkodás. Alatt. Koz!. Magyar Tars. 4: 49-52. (gerl1lan transl. :58-60). I; MBM; I;
1231. ENTZ G. (1907): Die Farben der Tiere und die Mimikry r. Math.-naturw. Berichte a.
Ungarn. 24: 71-201. Leipzig, Teubner. An; C, A. MBM; An: de,jbo, tll. ge, rw, bm
1232. ENTZ G. (1908): Die Farben der Tiere und die Mimikry II. Math.-naturw. Berichte a.
Ungarn, 25: 1-94, Leipzig. Teubner. An; C, A. MBM: An; de,jbo. th, ge. nu, bm
1233. ERBERW. (1968): Schmetterlingsfang in Lagos, Nigeria. Mitt. E. Ges. Basel18: 123-
AJ; LR: MBM: LR;jbo
1234. ERGENE S. [1951J:Wáhlen Heuschrecken ein homochromes Milieu? Deutsche Zool.
Z. 1: 122-132. P: O: C:Jbo, th
1235. ERGENE S. [1951): Hat homochrome Farbung Schutzwert? Deutsche Zool. Z. 1:
187-195. An: C: th
1236. ERWIN T. L. [1986): Agra. arboreal beetles of neotropical forests: mixta group. virgata
group. and ohausi group systematics [Carabidae). Syst. E. ll: 314sq. Nt: CoCa (Agra);
MBM: Co (Brenthidae): de .
1237. ESAKI T. [1922): On the ecology and meaning of the mimetic coloration ofKallima.
Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 12: 1-6. As; LRNm (Kallima); C; Pl;jbo
1238. ESAKI T. [1925): Dber die Mimese der Kallima-Arten. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 20 (29):
110-113. As: LRNm (Kallima); C: Pl; de.jbo
1239. ESAKI T. [1925): Das Problem derKallima-Mimese. (injap.) Botany & Zoology (Tokyo)
3:45-48. As: LRNm (Kallima): C: Pl; de.jbo
1240. ESCH H. -WlLSON D. (1967): The sounds produced byflies and bees. Z. Vergl. Physiol.
54: 256-267. P: DSy (Eristalis); MBM (sound); HyAp (Apis mellifera); de.jbo
1241. ESCHERlCH K. (1894): Zwei Fi:iIle von Anpassung. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 44:
299-300. P: Co: C; de
1242. ESCHERlCH T. [1909): Die Termiten oder weisse Ameisen. Pp. 134-146. Leipzig. W;
I: MBM. MP: lsoptera: de. jbo. rul
1258. EVANSD. L. -CASTORIADES N. -BADDRUDDlNE H. (1986): Cardenolides in the defence
of Caenocoris nerii. Oikos 46: 325-329. P; H (Lyga.eidae. Ca.enocoris nelii); A: to
1259. EVANS D. L. -WALDBAUER G. P. (1982): Behaviour of adu!t and naive birds when
presented with a bumblebee and its mimic. Z. T ierpsychoI. 59: 247-259. Ne; DSy
(Mallota bautias): MBM. MP: HyAp (Bambus pennsylvanicus);ftAv
1260. EVANS G. M. (1986): Convergent evolution. Herpetile II (4): 143-148. ReOp; MBM;
1261. EVANS G. M. (1987): The coral snake question. Herpetile 12 (3): 105-107, 110. Nt:
ReOp (Lampropeltis); MBM; ReOp (MicrunLs. Micruroides); de, tll
1262. EVAt'\JS H. E. (1968): Studies of neotropical Pompilidae (Hymenoptera) N. Examples
of duel sex-limited mimicry in Chirodamus. Psyche 75: 1-22. Ne; Hy (Pompilidae.
Chirodmnus): MO: de
1263. EVANS H. E. (1969): Studies on neotropical Pompilidae (Hymenoptera). 5.
Austrochares Banks. Psyche 76: 18-28. Nt: Hy (Pompi1idae, AustrocharesJ; MO; de
1264. EVANS H. E. (1970): A new genus of ant-mimicking spider wasps from Australia
(Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Psyche 77: 303-307. Ay; Hy (Pompilidae); MBM; HyMy;
1265. EVANS H. E. (1973): A study in orange. Insect Wild. Dig. 1 (1): 8-13. I: A. M: I; de,jbo
1266. EVANS H. E. (1979): Mcndacity as a way of life. Problems relating to mimicry and
warning coloration. News Bull. E. Soc. Qd. 7 (5): 60-64. I; A; th
1267. EVANS M. A. (1965): Mimicry and the Darwinian heritage. J. Hist. Ideas 26: 211-
220. An: MBM: An: tll
1268. EVANS W. H. (1932): The identification of Indian buttertlies. x+454 pp. , 2. ed. Bombay,
Nat. Hist. Soc. As: LR: MBM, A: LR: de
1269. EVERETT A. (WALLACE A. R. COMM.) (1870): No title. P.E.S.L. 1870: 29-30. As;
ArTll (Ornithoscatoides): C. MP; birďs dropping; de
1270. EVERSHED J. (1912): Butteríly migration in relation to mimicry. Nature 89: 659.
As: LR; MBA1; LR; jbo
1271. EWERS W. H. (1974): A spider which appears mimÍc a tlower. Science New Guinea 2
(3): 259-260. Au; Ar (Araneidae. ArgiDpe aetllera); MP; PLFl; de
1272. EWOR (1893): ,.Protective colouring, selection of positions." Field Club 4: 107. I; C; th
1273. FAIRCHILD -COOK (1899): "Mimicry by position, movement, etc." Proc. E. Soc.
Washin.!.(ton 4: 293. I: C. MBM; I; de,fbo
1274. FAIRMAlRE L. (1893): Liste des Clerides de Madagascar. Ann. Soc. E. Belg. 37: 375-
398. AI: CO (Cleridae); MBM; CoCe; de
1275. FAIRMAIRE L. (1902): Description des Clerides recuei11is par M. le Dr. Decorse dansle
Sud-est de Madagascar. BulI. Mus. Paris 8: 306-317. Aj;
1276. FALLON -MABILE (1872): "On variation in the colour of lepidopterous larvae and
pupae. " Bull. Soc. E. Fr. (5)2: 55-56. P: L (larvae); A. C; de
1277. FARINE .J. P. -LOBREAU J. B. (1984): Le grégarisme chez Dysdercus cingulatus
Fabr. (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae). Insect. Soc. 31: 277-290. A;
Dysdercus); A;.foo
1278. FASSL A. H. (1910): Ein eigenartiger Fall von Mimikry. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 6: 310sq.
Nt: LHeGe (larvae): MBM: ReOp (Micrurus mipa.rtitus): de
1279. FAWCE'IT J. M. (1913): Mimicry in siklworm moths. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 21:?
As: LHe (Satumiidae): MBM: ReOp; de
1280. FEATHER W. (POULTON COMM. ) (1920): Observations on the red (gregoryi, Dist.)
and green (speciosa, Melich. ) forms of the homopteron Ityraea nigrocincta, Walk. , at
Kibwezi, B. E. Africa. P,E.S.L. 1920: 3-5. Aj; Ho IFlatidae, Ityraea nigrocincta); C
(collective): PLFl; de,fbo
1281. FEATHER W. (POULTON COMM. ) (1922): The sudden apparence in the western
hind-\\ing pattern in males of Papilio dardanus Brown, at Kibwezi, Kenya Colony.
P.E.S.L. 1922: 75-76. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa; de
1282. FEDERLEY H. (1904): Uber Spilosoma mendica Cl. und var. rustica Hb. . sowie uber
die vermutete Mimikry der ersteren. Allg. Z. E. 9: 178-18l. P; LHeAt ISpilosoma
mendica); MBM: LHe; de
1283. FEHERJ. (1913): A rovar-mimikri ivari szernpontbol. (in hung.l Rovart. Lap. 20: 17-
21, 63-66. I; MBM: I: de, tll
1284. FENDER K. M. (1969): Notes on Matheteus theveneti Le Conte (Coleoptera:
Lampyridae). Coleopt. BulI. 23: 52. Ne; CoLa (Matheteus theveneti); C: Pl (Rubus); de
1285. FERGUSON R. L. -METCALF R. L. -FISCHER D. C. (1985): Disposition and fate of
cucurbiiacin B in five species of diabroticiies. J. Chem. Eco!' II (9): 1307-1321. Nt;
CaCh (Diabrotica): A; to
1286. FERNADEZ J. M. (1949): La Spheniscomyia filiola Loew y su mimetismo. GraelIsia
(Madrid) 7: 19-21. P: D (Trypetidae. Spheniscomyiaftliola); MBM; Ar; de
1287. FERNANDES J. DE A. (1964): Curiosidades do mundo dos insectos. Naturalia
(Coimbra) II (1-2): 1-12. I: C. A. MBM: I: de
1288. FICKEN M. S. -FICKEN R. W. (1974): Is the golden-winged warbler a socia1 mimic of
the black-capped chickadee? Wilson BulI. 86 (4): 468-471. Ne; Av (Vermivora
chrysoptera): MP: Au (Parus aíricapillus); de.jbo
1289. FICKEN R. W. -FICKEN M. S. (1982): Unclerspecific plumage similarity: the
mockingbird and leggerheacl shrike. Wilson Bul!. 94 (2): 223. Ne; Av (Mimus
polyglottus): MBM: Av (Laníus ludovicíanus): de,jbo
1290. FIEBRIG K. [1907): Eine Ameisen-ahnliche GrylIidae aus Paraguay. Myrmegryllus
dipterus nov. gen. et spec. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 3: 101-106. Nt; O (Myrmegryllus
dipterus): MBM: HlJMy: de
1291. FIEDLER K. (1989): New information on the biology of Maculinea nausithous and M.
teleius (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Nota Lepidopterol. 12 (4): 246-256. P; LRLn
{Maculínea nausithous. larvae}; MP: HyMy; de,jbo
1292. FIELD L. H. (1974): A description and experimental analysis of Batesian mimicry
betwen a marine gastropod ancl an amphipod. Pacific Sci. 28 (4): 439-447. S; Cr
(Amphípoda. Stenopleustes); MBM: Mo (Gasíropoda. Lacuna): de.jbo
1293. FINK L. S. (1980): Bird predation on overwintering monarch butterflies. Senior honor
thesis. Amherst Coll .• Massachusetts. Ne; LRDaDp; A;ftAv
1294. FINK L. S. -BROWER L. B. -WADE R. B. -SPITZERP. R. (1983): Overwintering monarch
butterflies as foocl for insectivorous birds in Mexico. Ne; LRDaDp; A;JtAu
1295. FINK L. S. -BROWER L. P. (1981): Birds can overcome the cardenolide defence of
monarch butterflies in Mexico. Nature 291: 67-70. Ne; LRDaDp; A:JtAv
1296. FINN F. (1885): Contributions to the theory of warning colours and mimicry. I.
Experiments with a babbler (Crateropus canorus). J. Asiatic. Soc. Bengal. 64: 344-
356. As: [: A. MBM: I: jMu (Crateropus canorus)
1297. FINN F.
(1896): Contributions to the theory of warning colours and mimicry. II.
Experiments with a lizard (Calotes versicolor). J. Asiatic. Soc. Bengal. 65: 42-48. As;
[: A. MBM: I; .ftReSr (CaIotes uersicolor)
1298. FTNN F. (1897): Contributions to the theory of warning colours and mimicry. III.
Experiments with a tupaia ancl a frog. J. Asiatic. Soc. Beng;al. 66: 528-533. As: I; A.
MBM: l;fl:Mm (Tupaía),.ftAmSl
1299. FINN F. (1897): Contributions to the theory of warning colours and mimicry. IV.
Experiments with various birds. J. Asiatic. Soc. Bengal 66: 613-668. As; I; A. MBM;
I: .ftAu
1300. FINN F. (1899): No title. Nature 60: 57. An; MBM; An;jbo. tll
1301. FIRSCHEIN I. L. (J 951): Phragmosis and the "Unken Reflex" in a Mexican hylid frog
Pternohyla fodiens. Copeia 1951: 74. Nt: AmSl (Pternohylajodíens); A:jbo
1302. FISCHER E. (1903): Lepídopterologische Experimental-Forschungen. Allg. Z. E. 8:
221-227.269-283,316-325,356-367. P; LR: MBM; LR; ge
1303. FISCHER-SIGWART H. (1889): Das Thierleben in Terrarium. Mitt. Aagrau Ges. 5: 1-
178. P: H (Nepidae. Ranatra linearis): C: de.jbo
1304. FISHELSON L. (1960); The biology and behaviour of Poekílocerus bufonius Klug,
with special reference to the repellent gland. Eos (Madrid) 36: 41-62. P; O (Poekílocerus
bL!fonius); A; to
1305. FISHER R. A. (1927): On some objections to mimicry theory; statistical and genetic.
T.E.S.L. 75: 269-278, I; MBM: J: th. ge
1306. FISHER R. A. (1930): The genetical theory of natural selectiol1 (Chap. VII'Mimicry')
xiv+272 pp. Oxford. Claredon Press (2nd ed. 1958, New York, Dover). An; MBM. A;
An: th. ge, rw. bm
1307. FISHER R. A. (1931): ? Biol. Rev. 6: 345-368. LR; MBM; LR; ge
1308. FISHER R. A. (1934): The .,viceroy" (Basilarchia archippus Cram.) mistaken for its
model the "monarch" (Danaus plexippus Linn.). P.R.E.S.L. 9: 97. Ne; LRLi (Limenitis
archippus); MBM: LRDaDp:Jbo
1309. FISHER R. A. -FORD E. B. (1928): The variability of species in the Lepidoptera. with
the reference lo abundance and sex. T.E.S.L. 76: 367-384. L; MBM; L; ge, th
1310. FISHER R. M. -TUCKERMAN R. D. (1986): MimicľY of bumble bees by carion beetles
(Coleoptera: SiIphidae). J. Kansas E. Soc. 59 [ll: 20-25. Ne; Co (Sylphidae, Necrophilus
ClTJ1cricano): MBM; HyAp (Psithyrus ashtoniJ; de.jbo
1311. FISHER W. S. [193l): A new ant-like cerambycid beetle from Honduras. Psyche 38:
99-111. Nt: CoCe (Eplop/wrus velutinus); MBM; HyMy; de
1312. FITZ-GIBBON M. (1892): Use of hairs of Acronycta alni. Entomologist 25: 39-40. F;
UIeNo (Acronycta alni. larvae): A;jbo
1313. FLETCHER B. M. (1909): Two mimics !'lf Danaida chrysippus in Ceylon. P.E.S.L.
1909: 26. As: LRNm (Argynnis hyperbius), LRSs (Elymnias nodularis); MBM; LRDa
(Danaus chrysippus); de
1314. E'LETCHER B. M. (1909): Birds attacking butterflies. P.E.S.L. 1909: 28. As; LRLi
(Neptis eurynone): A:JtAv
1315. FLETCHER B. M. (1909): Black ants and their mimics. P.E.S.L. 1909: 45-46. As;
CoCi (Deocrania concinna). Ho. ArSa; MBM: HyMy: de
1316. FLETCHER B. M. (1909): Mass of bugs resembling a flower. P.E.S.L. 1909: 46. As; H
(Pyrrhocoriclac. Dysdercus cingulatus): A; F1F!; de
1317. FLETCHER B. M. (1909): Cases of mimicry from Ceylon. P.E.S.L. 1909: 26-28. As; l,
Ar: C, MBM: l: de. fbo
1318. FLETCHER B. M. (1913): "Ant-mimicry, FOľmicomus [Coleopt., Anthicidae). J. Bombay
Nat. Hist. Soc. 22: 415. As: Co (Anthicidae, Formicomus); MBM; HyMy; de
1319. FLETCHER N. (1980): Kill or be killed! Practical fishkeeper 1980: 52-53. As; Fs
(Nandidae); C; Pl: cle
1320. FLETCHER P. 1:3. (1903): "Deilephila galii as [ood of birds." Canad. E. 35: 109. Ne;
UIe (Sphingidae, Dei/ephila galii): A;ftAv
1321. FLETCHER T. B. [POULTON COMM.) (1932): The courtship of a male Danaida
chrysippus, L., by a male Hypolimnas misippus. L .. which evidently mistook the
model for its own mimetic female. P.E.S.L. 7: 20. As; LRNm (Hypolimnas misippus);
MBM: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus);.fbo
1322. FLETCHER T. B. (1907J: Signification of the stridulation in Manduca. Spolia Zeylanica
4: 179-180. As; LHe (Sphingidae, Mancluca); A; de
1323. FLETCHER T. B. (1907): False-warning coloration in a syntomid moth. Spolia
Zeylanica 5: 63. As: UIeSn: A: cle
1324. FLETCHER T. B. (1929): Notes on butterfly migration, bird-attacs on buiterflies etc.
P.E.S.L. 4: 103-105. As: LR: A:ftAv,Jbo
1325. FLOERSHEIM C. (1906): On some enemies of the cliurnal Rhopalocera. E. Rec. 18:
36-39. LR: C. A;ft
1326. FLOOD N. J. [I 989): Coloration in New World orioles. I. Tests ofpredation-related
hypotheses. Ne: Av (Icterus): A: th
1327. FLOR (1860): Die Rhynchoten Livlands I. p. 482, Dorpat. P; H (Miridae. Systellonotus
triguttatus): MBM: HyMy (FormicaJuscaJ: de
1328. FLORENTIN R. (1899): La coleur claus la nature. Arch. Zool. Exp. Notes 1899: 8-13.
An; MBM: An: th
1329. FOELIX R. F. (1982): Biology of spiders. 306 pp. Cambridge (Mass.l, Harvard Univ.
Press. W: Ar: MBM, MP; Ar, HyMy: de, jho, rw. bm
1330. FOGDEN M. -FOGDEN M. (1974): Animals and their colors. 172 pp. NewYork, Crown
(fr. ed. Paris, Nathan, 1974). W; An: C, A, MBM; An; de,jho, th, rw, bm
1331. FORBES H. O. (1885): A naturalisťs wandering in the Eastern Archipelago. London
[germ. ecl. Jena, 1886). As; Av (Mimeta); MBM: Av (Fhilemon); de,jho
1332. FORBES W. T. M. (1954): Lepicloptera of NewYork and neighboring States. III. Noctuidae.
Mern. Cornell Agric. Exp. Sta., Ithaca 329 (1954): 1-433. Ne; llieNo: MBM; UIe: de
1333. FORBES W. T. M. (1960): Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring States. IV.
Agaristidae through Nymphalidae including butterflies. Mem. Cornell Agric. Exp.
Sta.. Ithaca 371 (1960): 1-188. Ne: LHe. LR; MBM; LHe, LR; de
1334. FORD E. B. (l924): Two European butterf1ies that mimic the genus Limenitis.P.E.S.L.
1924: 147-148. P: LRNm{Araschnía levana), LRLí(Neptis lucUla): MBM; LRLí(Limenítis
síbiHa, Limenítis camilla): de
1335. FORD E. B. (1931): Mendelism and evolution. Landon, Methuen. W; LR: MBM: LR;
ge, tll
1336. FORD E. B. (1936): The genetics ofPapilio dardanus Brown (Lep.). T.E.S.L. 85: 435
466. Af: LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa: ge
J337. FORD·E. B: (1937): Problems of heredity in the Lepidoptera. BioL Rev. 12: 461-503.
L: MBM; L: ge, tl!
1338. FORD E. B. (1938): The genetic basis of adaptation.Pp. 43-55 in: Beer G. R de (ed.):
Evolution. Oxford. L; A, MBM; L; ge, tll
1339. FORD E. B. (1940): Polymorphism and Laxonomy. In: Huxley J. S. (ed.) The new
systematics. Oxford. Univ. Press. LR; MBM: LR; ge. nu
1340. FORD E. B. (1940): Genetic research in the Lepidoptera (Galton, Lecture, 1939).
Arm. Eugen. 10: 227-252. W: L; MBM; L: ge, tl!
J341. FORD E. B. (1945): Polymorphism. BioL Rev. 20: 73-88. L; A, MBM; L; ge, tll
1342. FORD E. B. (1945): Butterflies. xiv+368 pp. Lamion, Co1lins (2.ed.1975). W; LR; A,
MBM: LR;ge, jbo, de, bm, nu
1343. FORD E. B. (1953): The genetics of polymorhism in the Lepidoptera. Adv. Genet. 5:
43-87. W: L; MBM; L: ge, tll
1344. FORD E. B. (1955): Moths. 266 pp. London, Co1lins [2.ed.1967). W: LHe; C, A, MBM;
LR, LHe; de, fbo, ge, bm, nv
1345. FORD E. B. (1961): The theory of genetic polymorphism. Pp. 11-19 in: KennedyJ. S.
(ed.): Insect polymorphism. 115 pp. Landon, Roy. E. Soc. W; L: MBM; L; ge, tll
1346. FORD E. B. (1963): Mimicry. Proc. 16th Internat. Congr. ZooL, Washington 4: 184
186. W: L; MBM: L;ge, tll
1347. FORD E. B. (1964): Ecological genetics. Landon. Methuen (2.ed.1971, 3.ed.1975,
fr.ed. Paris. Gaulthier-Vil1ars J972). W,' An; C, A, MBM, MP: An; ge, tl!, jbo, bm, nv
1348. FORD E. B. (1965): Genetic polymorphism. Landon: Faber & Faber. LR; MBM; LR;
ge, rw, bm
1349. FORD E. B. (1976): Genetics and adaptation. Landon. W: An; C, A, MBM. MP; An; ge,
tll, jbo, bm, rw
1350. FORD H. A. (1971): The degree of mimetic protection gained by new partial mirnics.
Heredity 27: 227-236. LR; MBM; LR: ge, th
1351. FORD H. D. (1922): Terifying and protective coloration of insects ut the time of
emergence. E. Month. Mag. 58: 162-163. I; A; de,Jbo
1352. FORD H. D. -FORD E. B. (J930): Fluctuations in numbers, and its influence on
variation in Melitaea aurinia, Rott. (Lepidoptera). T.E.S.L. 78: 345-351. P; LRMe
(Melítaea aurinía): A; .tbo, ge
1353. FORSTER L. M. -MURPHY F. M. (1986): Ecology and behaviour in Portia schultzii,
with notes on related species (Araneae: Salticidae). J. ArachnoL 14 (l): 29-42. P;
ArSa (Portia schultzii); C: de,jbo
1354. FORSYTH A -ALCOCKJ. (1990): Female mimicry and resource defense polygynyby
male of a tropical rove beetle, Leistotrophus versicolor (Co1eoptera; SLaphylinidae).
Behav. EcoL SociobioL 26 (5): 325-330. Nt; CoSt (Leistotrophus versícolor); MO;jbo, de
1355. FOUNTAINE M. E. (POULTON COMM.) (1927): An all-female farnily of Mylothris
spica, Moschl.. reared by Mies M. E. Fountaine from a company of larvae at Buea
(about 3000 ft.) in the Cameroons. P.E.S.L. 2: 75. Aj; L.RPi (Mylothris spíca); MBM;
1356. FOUNTAINE M. E. -LEIGH G. F. (POULTON COMM.) (1912): Families of Papilio
dardanus. Brown, bred in NaLal fmm female parents of the trophonius. Westw..
[orm. P.E.S.L. 1912: 134-136. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM: LRDa: ge
1357. FOWLER H. G. (1981): Behav10ur of two myrmecophiles ofParaguayan leaf-cutting
ants. Revista Chi!. E. ll: 69-72. Nt; Ar rClubíonidae. Corrína vertebrata); MP: HyMy
(Acromyrmex landolti):jbo
1358. FOWLER H. G. (1983): A note on myrmecophilous spiders associated with the grass
cutting ant, Acromyrmex landolti Forel (s.s.) (Formicidae: Hymenoptera). Attini 14:
6. Nt: Ar (Cluhionidae, Corrína verlebrata); MP; HyMy (Acromyrmex landolU); de,jbo
1359. FOWLER H. G. (1984): Note on a c1ubionid spider associated with attine ants. J.
Arachnol. 12 (l): 117-118. Nt: Ar (CLubionidae, Corrina vertebrata); MP; HyMy
(AcronuJrl1lex landolti); de,jbo
1360. FOWLER W. (1892): No title. P.E.S.L. 1892: 18. As; LRNI1l (Kallima); C; Pl;jho
1361. F'OWLER W. W. (1894): Biologia centrali-Americana 49. Insecta. Rhynchota.
Hemiptera-Hol110ptera, Vol. 2., Part I. 339 +xiipp. London, Taylor & Francis. Nt; Ho
(Mcrnbracidae. Heteronotus trinodesmus): MBM; HyMy: de
1362. F'OWLER W. W. (1901): The presidenťs adress (protective resemblance and mimicry
in Coleoptera). P.E.S.L. 1901: 33-59. W:. Co: C, A. MBM; Co; de,jho
1363. F'OWLER W. W. (1902): The presidenťs adress (discussion to Marshall, G. A. K. & E.
B. Poulton. 1902). P. E.S.L. 1902: 60-74. AJ; I: C, A. MBM; I; th
1364. FOWLER W. W. (1918): A combined instance ofprotective resemblance and mimicry
in a locust larva. E. Month. Mag. 54 (3-4): 92. As; O; C, MBM; ?; de
1365. FOX G. - KERSTITCH A. (1990): The sting. Pract. Fishkeeping 1990: 84-86. 5; Ps
(Scorpaeni.dae. Pterois volitans); MBM; Mo (Cephalopoda, Octopus horridus); de
1366. FOX R. M. (1939): Notes on Melinaea lilis D. & H. with the description of a new
subspecies. (Lepidoptera: Ithomíidae). E. News, Philadelphia 50: 72-76. Nt; LRIt
(Melinaea lilis); A: de
1367. FOX R. M. (1967): A monograph of the rthomiidae (Lepidoptera). Part 3. The tribe
Mechanitini Fox. Mem. Am. E. Soc. 22: 1-190. Nt; LRIt; MBM. A; de
1368. FOX W. J. (1899): "Birds capturing butterflies". Nature 60: 152. P; LR;ftAv
1369. FOY S. (1983): The grand design: Form and colour in animals. W; An, PL: C, A; bm,
rw, de.Jho
1370. F'OYDEN M. (1967): Capture by camouflage. Animals 10: 260. P; Ar; C;jho
1371. FRAGA R. M. (1983): The eggs of the parasitic screaming cowbird (Molothrus
rufoaxillaris) and its host, the bay winged cowbird (M. badius): is there evidence for
mimicry? J. Ornith. 124 (2): 187-193. Nt: AuOu (Molothrus rufoaxillaris); MP; AvOv
(Molotllrus badius); de,Jho
1372. FRANK L. G. -DAVIDSONJ. M. -SMITH E. R. (1985): Androgen levels in the spotted
hyaena Crocuta crocuta: the influence of social factors.J. Zool., London (Ser. 1) 207
(4): 613-615. Af: Mm (Crocuta crocuta); MO; de,jho
1373. FRANKENBERG G. V. (1937): Unzweckmassigkeit im Organismenreich. Natur u.
Volk 67: 521-534. An. Pl: C; de. tll
1374. FRANKS N. R. -HOLLDOBLER B. (1987): Sexual competition during colony
reproduction in anny ants. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 30: 229-243. Nt; HyMy; MP; HyMy;jho
1375. FRANSSEN C. J. H. (1933): Biologische Untersuchungen an Termitoxenia hemicyc1ia
Sclunitz. Termitoxenia punctiventris Schmitz und Odontoxenia brevirostris Schmitz.
Biol. Zentralbl. 53: 337-358. Af: Di (Termitoxeniidae. Termitoxenia, Odontoxenia):
MP: Isoptera (Ov): de,jho
1376. FRANZ E. (1940): Die Flechteniihnhchkeit der Stabheuschrecke Orxines maclotti
[de Haan). Natur u. Volk 70: 618-622. As: Ph (Orxines maclotti); C; Licllenes; de
1377. FRANZ V. (1907): Gedanken uber Schutzfiirbung und Mimikry bei Schmetterlings
raupen. Natur u. Haus (Dresden) 15: 373-375. P; L (laruae): C, M;jho, th
1378. FRANZ V. (1932): Ober schutzende Ahnlichkeiten und Warnfiirbung harmloser Tiere.
Jena Z. Natllrw. 67: 551-570. An: C. A; de. Jbo. th
1379. FRANZ V. (1933): Weiteres úber Schreckfiirbung harmloser Tiere. Biol. Zentralbl.
53: 250-258. An: A: de. jbo. lil
1380. FRANZL S. -NAHRSTEDT A. -NAUMANN C. M. (1987): Chemische Abwehr bei
Zygaena-Larven (Lepidoptera. Zygaenidae): Einfluss der Hautungsperiodik auf
Morphologie und Inhaltstoffe kutiklllarer Wehrsekretbehalter. Verh. Delltsch. Zool.
Ges. 80: 208-209. P: LHeZy (laruae): A; to
1381. FRASER F. C. (1944): "Mimicry in Trichius fasciatus (Col., Cetonidae)." J. Soc. Brit.
E. 2: 184-185. P: Co (Scarabeidae. TrichiusfClsciatlls); MBM; HyAp (Bombus); de
1382. F'RASER F. C. (1953): Facts and fiction. A note on the resting habits of Kallima, the
leaf-butterfly. E. Month. Mag. 89: 278·279. As; LRNm (Ka1lil1la); C; Pl;jho
1383. FRAZERJ. F. D. -ROTHSCHILD M. (1961): Defence mechanism in warningly-coloured
moths ancl other insects. Proc. 11th Internat. Congr. E. Vienna 1960 1: 249-256. P;
LHeAt (ThyriClJacobaeae): A: to
1384. FREE J. B. -BUTLER C. G. (1959): Bumblebees. XÍv+208 pp. London. Collins. P, Ne;
HyAp (Psithyrus). DSy (Volucella); MBM, MP: HyAp (Bombus); de,jbo, th, bm
1385. FREILING H. (1938): Das Zeichnungs- und Farbmuster der Vogel a1s Anpassungs
und Wesensausdruck. Mitt. Ver. Sachs. Ornith. 5: 213-219. P; Av; C, A; de,jbo
1386. F R lCKE H. W. (1970): Ein mimetisches Kollektive - B e o b achtungen an
Fischschwúrmen, die Seeige1 nachahmen. Marine Biol. 5: 307-314. S; Ps (Siphamia
argentea); MBM (callective): Echinodermata (Echinoidea, Astropyga radiata); de,
1387. FRlCKE H. W. (1973): Tauschende Signalnachahmung bei jungen Meeresfischen.
Umschau 73 (2): 52-53. S: Ps (Blenniidae, Aspidontus rhynorhynchus); 1vlP; Ps
(Lnb,idae.Lnbroides dimidiatus); de.jbo
1388. FRlEDEL E. (1899): Werden die fliegenden Schmetterlinge von Vogeln verfolgt?
Naturwiss. Wochenschr. 14: 86sq. P: LR;,{tAv
1389. FRIELING H. (1950): Die theoretischen Grundlagen der tierischen Farbmuster.
Syllegomena Biol. (Festschrift O. Kleinschmidt) pp. 125-142. An; C. A. MBM; th
1390. FRlNGS K. F. (1899); Vorliebe der Lepidopteren fur ihnen gleichartige Farbe. Soc. E.
14: 9sq. P: IR: C: jbo
1391. FRlNGS K. F. (1900): Verfolgung der Schmetterlinge durch Vogel. Soc. E. 15: 76 sq.
P; LR:.ftAv
1392. FRINGS K. F. (1902): Ein Schlusswort zur Verfolgung der Schmetterlinge durch Vogel.
Soc. E. 7: 99. 123. 130. P: IR;,{tAv
1393. FRITH C. B. (1978): The role of display and coloration in the sunbittern. Avicultura!
Mag. 84 (3): 15Ó-157. Nt; Av (Eurypyga helias); A; de.Jbo
1394. FROGGATT W. W. (1893): .. TipuHd and Reduviid- mimicry." Proc. Linn. Soc. New
South Wales (2)8: 126. Au: H (Reduoiidae); M; D (Tipulidae); de
1395. FROGGATT W. W. (1896): .. Chalcid mimicking spider." Proc. Linn. Soc. New South
Wales 1896: 339. Au: Hy (Chalcid.iclae); MP. MO; Ar; de
1396. FROGGATT W. W. (1898): . .Resemblance of grasshopper to ant." Proc. Linn. Soc.
New South Wales 23: 437. Au: O: MBM; HyMy; de
1397. FROHAWK F. W. (1934): The complete book of British butterflies. 384 pp., London &
Melbourne, Ward. Lock & Co. P: L: C; de,jbo
1398. FROMMHOLD E. (1954): Heimische Lurche und Kriechtiere. 122 pp.. Wittenberg,
Ziemsen. P; Am: A: de. ,{bo
1399. FROSCHAMMERJ. (l877): Die Phantasie a1s das Grundprinzip des Weltprocesses.
Munchen. An: MBM: An; th
1400. FRUHSTORFER H. (1898): ..lmperfect mimicry of Dismorphia and Ithomia." Berlin.
E. Z. 43: 200. Nt: LRPi (Dismorp7lia); MBM: LRIt (Ithomia); de
1401. FRUHSTORFER H. (1899): "Resemblance between fly and bee." BerHn. E. Z. 44: 2.
Nt: D: MBM: HyAp: de
1402. FRUHSTORFER H. (1899): .. Mimicry of Lepidoptera, the larvae of which Jive on
pOiSOIlOUS plants." Berlin. E. Z. 44: 30. Nt; LR; A. MBM; LR; to
1403. FRUHSTORFER H. (1900): Rhopa1ocera Baziliana. Verzeichniss der von W. Doherty
auf der lnsel Bazilan gesammelten Tagfa1ter. Berlin. E. Z. 45: 1-38. As; LRNm (Cadugo
meloneLls); MBM: LRPa (Papilio macLlreus); de
1404. FRUHSTORFER H. (1906): ? Deutsche E. Z. Iris 19: 177. As: LRPo (Pharmacophagus);
A: ,{tAv (Gallus gallus)
1405. FRY C. H. (1969): The recognition and treatment of venomous and non-venomous
insects in small bee-eaters. Ibis 111: 23-29. As, AJ
1406. FRY C. H. (1984): The bee-eaters. Ca1ton. P. As, AJ;
1407. FRY E. (1903): On natural selection. Nature 67: 414. An; MBM; An; th
1408. FRY H. (1902): Animal sense perceptions. Zoologist 1902: 392-393. P; H; A;,{tAv
1409. FRYE R. D. -BALSBAUGH E. U.JR. -CARLSON R. B. (1981): Supression of selected
weeds with insects. CSRS ND Proj. No. 1527. Proj. Type: Hatch (USA). Ne; CaCh; MO;
Co Co: cle
1410. FRYER H. F. (1899): Protective resemblance of Penthina gentiana and Eupoecilia
roseana. E. Month. Mag. 1899: 6-7. P; LHe (Tartricidoe. Penthia gentiana. Eupoecilia
roseOTlCl); C: Pl; de
1411. FRYERJ. C. F. (1913): An investigation by pedigree breeding into the polymorphism
of Papilio polytes Linn. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Ser. B 204: 227-254. As; LRPa (Papilio
polytes); MBM: LRPa; ge
1412. FRYERJ. C. F. (1913): Field-observations on the enernies of butterflies in Ceylon.
Proc. 7..001. Soc. London 1913: 613-618. As; LR; C, A, MBM; LR:Jt,jbo
1413. FRYERJ. C. F. (1913): Wings of danaine and euploeine buttertlies killed by birds in
Ceylon. P.E.S.L. 1913: 40-41. As; LRDa: A;jtAu
1414. FULLER C. (1896): Plant.-galls formed bu insects. Notes on some passive means of
defense. Agric. Gaz. New South Wales 6 (8): 695-699. Au; Hy (Cynipidae, galls); MO:
L (larvae): de
1415. FULTON B. B. (1918): Observations on the life history and habits of Pilophorus
walshii Uhler. Ann. E. Soc. AnI. ll: 93-96. Ne:H (Miridae, PilophortLS walshii); MBM:
HyMy: de
1416. FUMOUZE A. (1888): Sur I'Huechys sanguinea (Cicada sanguinolenta d'Olivier).
Compt. Rend. Acad. ScL Paris 106 (ll): 759-762. As; Ho (Cicadidae, Huechys
sanguinea); A: to
1417. FUMOUZE A. (1888): Huechys sanguinea, note ďentomologie appliquée. Bul!. Soc.
E. France 6 (8): 12-23. As: Ho (Cicadidae, Huechys sanguinea); A; to
1418. FUNKHOUSER W. D. (1951): Homoptera fam. Membracidae. 383 pp. Genera
lnsectorum 208. W: Ho (Membracidae); A, MO: de,jbo
FURTH D. G. (1980): Altica of IsraeJ (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). Israel J.
E. 14: 55-56. P; H (Pentatomidae, Zicrona coerulea); MP; CoCh (ALtica); de,jbo
1420. FURTH D. G. (1983): Flea beetle mimicry. Chrysomela 8: 3. P; H (Pentatomidae,
Zicrona coerulea); MP; CoCh (ALtica); de, jbo
1421. FUSEINI B. A. -KUMAR R. (1975): Ecology of coton stainers (Heteroptera:
Pyrrhocoridae) in southern Ghana. ·Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 7 (2): 113-146. AJ; H
(Pyrr/wcoridae. Dysdercus); A:jbo, ftMm
1422. FYSON D. R. (1915): Observations by Mrs. D. R. Fyson on the proportions of the
female forms of Papilio polytes L., in the neighbourhood of Madras City. P.E.S.L.
1915: 92-94. As: LRPa (Papilio polytes); MBM; LRPa: ge,jbo
1423. GABRlTSCHEVSKY E. (1924): Farbenpolymorphismus und Vererbung rnimetischer
VarieUHen der Fliege Volucella bombylans und anderer ,.hummelahnlicher"
Zweifliigler. Z. Indukt. Abstammungslehre 32: 321-353. P; DSy (Volucella bombylans);
MBM; HyAp (Bombus); ge
1424. GABRITSCHEVSKY E. (1926): Convergence of coloration between American pilose
flies and bumblebees (Bombus). Biol. Bul!. Mar. Biol. Lab. Woods Hole 51: 269-287.
Ne; DSy (Mallota); MBM, MP: HyAp (Bombus); de
1425. GABRlTSCHEVSKY E. (1927): Experiments on co10r changes and regeneration in
t.he crab-spider, Misumena vatia.J. Exp. Zool. 47: 251-269. P. Ne: ArTh (Misumena
vatia); C, MP: PLF1:Jho
1426. GADEAU H. DE K. (1908): Sur l'homochromie des femel!es du Misumena vatia Clerc.
Bul!. Soc. Etud. ScL Nat., Elbeuf, 26: 33-34. P; ArTh (Misumena uatia); C, MP: PlFL;
de, jho
1427. GADOLLA -TROST (1905): "Mimicry." Mitt. Ver. Steiermark 41: 81-85. An; MBM, C;
1428. GADOW H. (1902): Colour in Amphibia. Proc. Roy. lnst. Brit. 16: 587-594. W; Am; C,
A; de, jho, th
1429. GADOW H. (1903): Evolution of the colour-pattern and onthogenetic variation in
certain Mexican species of lizards. with adaptation to their surroundings, Proc. Roy.
Soc. London 72: 109-125. Nt: ReSr; C; ge,jbo
1430. GADOW H. (1908): Through southern Mexico. London Nt; Re, Am: C, A; de,jbo
1431. GADOW H. (1911): Isotely and coral snakes. Zaol.Jahrb. Syst. 31: 1-24. Nt; ReOp; A,
MBM; ReOp (Micmms): de, tll, ge
1432. GADOW H. (1923): Amphibia and Reptiles. Cambridge Natural History Vll, xiv+668
pp. W: Re, Am: C. A: de, Ibo. bm
1433. GAGNE W. C. (1982): Insular evolution and speciation of the genus Nesiomiris in
Hawaii (Heteroptera: Miridae). Entomologia Gen. 8 (l): 87-88. Au; H (Miridae,
Nesiomiris): A: JtAu, th. ge
1434. GAHAN C. J. (1891): Mimetic resemblances between species of the coleopterous
genera Lema and Diabrotica. T.E.S.L. 1891: 367-394. Nt: CoCh (Lema); MBM; CoCh
(Diabrotica): de
1435. GAHAN C. J. (1891): No title. P.E.S.L. 1891: 16. As; CoCe (Pemptolasius); MBM; Co
(Hispidae.Estigmena chinensis): de
1436. GAHAN C. J. (1895): Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. LVI. A list
of the Longicorn Coleoptera... . Ann. Mus. Genova 34: 5-104. As; CoCc; MBM; Co.
HyVe: de
1437. GAHAN C. J. (1913): Mimicry in Coleoptera. Proc. South. Landon E. Nat. Soc. 1912-
1914: 28-38. W: Co: MBM: Co: de
1438. GAHAN C. J. (1920): East African Flatidae. P.E.S.L. 1920: 11-12. Aj; Ho (Flatir1ae,
ltyraea): C (collective): PlFl: de
1439. GALIANO M. E. (1964): Salticidae (Araneae) formiciformes. 1. Revisión del genero
Martella Peckham, 1892. Physis 24: 353-363. Nt; ArSa (Martella); MBM. MP; HyMy;
1440. GALIANO M. E. (1964): Salticidae (Araneae) formiciformes. II. Revisión del genero
Zuniga Peckham, 1892. Acta Zool. Lilloana 20: 67-79. Nt; ArSa (Zuniga); MBM. MP;
1441. GALIANO M. E. (1965): Salticidae (Araneae) formiciformes. IV. Revisión del genero
Sarinda Peckham 1892. Mus. Argentin. Cienc. Nat. Bernardino Rivadavia 1: 267-
312. Nt: ArSa (Sarinda): MBM.MP: HyMy: de
1442. GALlANO M. E. (1966): Salticidae (Araneae) formiciformes. V. Revisión del genero
Synemosyna Hentz, 1846. Rev. Mus. Argentin. Cienc. Nat. Bernardino Rivadaria 1:
339-380. Nt: ArSa (Synemosyna); MBM. MP; HyMy; de
GALIANO M. E. (1969): Salticidae (Araneae) formiciformes. Vl. El genero Myrmarachne
McLeay 1839. en America. Rev. Mus. Argentin. Cienc. Nat. Bernardino Rivadavia 3:
107-148. NI. Ne: ArSa (Myrmarachne); MBM. MP; HyMy; de
1444. GALILEO M. H. M. -MARTINS U. R. (1988): Os generos de Calliini (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae. Lamiinae) relacionados com Zenicomus Thompson, 1868. Rev. Brasil.
E. 32 (3-4): 507-524. Nt: CoCe (Calliini); MBM; CoLa; de
1445. GALLARDO A. (1908): Notable mimetismo de la oruga del esfingido Dilophonota
lassauxi [Boisduval) Berg. An. Mus. Nat. Buenos Aires (3)9: 243-248. Nt; LHe
(Sphingir1ae. Dilophonta lassauxi, larvae); MBM: ReOp; de
1446. GANS C. (1961): Mimicry in procrypticaly colored snakes of the genus Dasypeltis.
Evolution 15 (1): 72-91. AI: ReOp (Dasypeltis); MBM; ReOp (Viperidae): de.jbo
1447. GANS C. (1965): Emphatic learning and the mimicry of African snakes. Evolution
18: 705. Aj; ReOp (Dasypeltis): MBM: ReOp (Viperidae): de,jbo
1448. GANS C. (1976): Aspects of the bilogy of1iropeltid snakes. Linnean Soc. Symp. Ser.
3: 191-204. As: ReOp (Uropeltidae): A:.Ibo.de
1449. GANS C. (1986): Automimicry and Batesian mimicry in uropeltid snakes: pigment
pattern. proportions and behaviour. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 83 [Suppl.): 152-158.
As: ReOp (Uropeltidae): MBM. MO: ReOp (Uropeltidae):.fbo
1450. GANS C. -LATIFI M. (1973): Another case of presumptive mimicry in snakes. Copeia
1973 (4): 801-802. P: ReOp (Boiga trinotatumJ: MBM: ReOp (Echis carinatus); de
1451. GANS C. -RICHMOND N. D. (1957): Warning behaviour in snakes of the genus
Dasypeltis. Copeia 1957: 269-274. Aj; ReOp (Dasypeltis); MBM: ReOp (Viperidae); de.
1452. GARBOWSKI T. -REBEL H. (1898): ..Association of Apteroma crenulella and snails."
Verh. ZaoL-Bot. Ges. Wien 1898: 95-96. P; LHe (Psychir1ae.Apterona crenulella, larvae);
M: Mo (Gastropoda): de.jbo
1453. GARBUTT N. (1989): Spots, stripes and serpentes. Herptile 14 (2): 83-91. W; ReOp;
C. A. MBM: ReOp: nu
canorus) durch díe Wirtsvogel-Beobachtungen und experirnentelle Untersuchungen
am Surnpfrohrsanger (Acrocephalus palustris). Vogelwelt 103 (6): 201 - 224. P; AvOv
(Cuculus canoms); MP; AvOv (Acrocephalus palustris);jbo
1457. GARVISH L. -GARVISH B. (1981): Patterns that conceal a birďs eye. Z. Tierpsychol.
56 (3): 193-204. W; Av; C; de. tll
1458. GAUL A. T. (1952); Audio mimicI'y: An adjunct to color mimicry. Psyche 59: 82-83.
Ne; DSy (Spilomyia hamifera); MBM (sound); HyVe (Dolichovespula arenaria); de
1459. GAYEJ. A. DE (1912): The west.African agaristid moth Messaga monteironis. ButleI'.
a mirnic o[ the HespeI'id Pyrrhochalcia iphis. Drury. P.E.S.L. 1912: 109-110. Aj; llie
(Agaristidae. Messaga monteironis); MBM; LRHs (Pyrrhochalcia iphis); de
1460. GEBELL (1904): "Notes on cuckoo eggs rnimicry 1." Aquilla II : 377-379. P; AvOv
(Cuculus canorus): MP; AvOv; de, .[bo
146l. GEBELL (1905): .. Notes on cuckoo eggs rnimicry ll." Aqui1la 12: 338-339. P; AvOv
(Cuculus canorusj; MP: AuOv; de,fbo
1462. GEHLBACH F. H. (1972): Coral snake mirnicry reconsidered: The stralegy of self
mimicry. Forma Functio 5: 311-320. Nt; ReOp (Micruroides euryxanthus); MO; ReOp
(Micmrus fulvinus); de. tll
1463. GELPERlN A. (1968): Feeding behavior of the preying mantis: a learned modification.
Nature 219: 399-400. Ne; I: C. A;ftMa
1464. GERASIMOV V. V. (1964): Specifity of imltation by fishes. (in russ.) Trudy Murmansk.
Morsk. Biol. Inst. 5 (9): 177-180. S; Ps; MBM. MO; Ps; de.jbo
1465. GERHARD E. (1883): Uber die Ahnlichkeit einzelner Arten von Schrnetterllngen.
Bull. Soc. E. Ital. 15: 158 sq. W: LR; MBM; LR; th
1466. GERHARDT U. (1924): Weitere studien uber die Biologie der Spinnen. Arch.
Naturgesch. 90: 85-192. P: Ar (Mimetidae. Erofurcata); MP; Ar;jbo
1467. GEROULD J. H. (1915): The cotton-worm moth in 1912. Science 41: 464-465. Ne;
LHe; C, M: de
1468. GEROULD J. H. (1916): Mimicry in butterf1ies. Am. Nat. 50: 184-192. Ne. Nt: LR;
MBM; LR: de. tll
1469. GER STACKER A. (1863): Scepastus und Phyl1oscirtus. zwei kaferahnliche
Gryllodengattungen. nebst Bemerkungen uber Formanalogien unter den Insekten.
Stett. E. Z. 24: 408-436. As, Nt: O (Scepastus. Phylloscirtus); MBM; CoCu, CoCi; de •
1479. GETIYT. (J 987): Crypsis, mimicry, and switching: the basic similarity of superficially
different analyses. Am. Nat. 130 (5): 793-797. An; C .A. MBM: An; th
1480. GETIYT. -KREBSJ. R. (1985): Lagging partialpreferences for cryptic prey: a single
detection analysis of great tit foraging. Am. Nat. 125: 39-60. Ne; I; C; JtAv (Parus
1481. GHARPUREY K. C. (1954): The snakes of India and Pakistan. 154 pp. Bombay,
Popul. Book Depot. As; ReOp (Colubridae); MBM: ReOp (Naja); de
1482. GIACOMELLl E. (1905): Apuntes sobre el mimetismo y los colores protectores en la
region Riojana. An. Soc. Sci. Argent. 60: 114-121. Ni; I; C, A. MBM; I; de,jbo
1483. GIACOMELLl E. (1922): Mimetismo verdadero e espurio. Physis (Buenos Aires) 5:
224-229. Ni: I: MBM, C: I: th
1484. GIACOMELLI E. (1923): Sobre el significado mimetico de las manchas ocelarc�s y en
general de la superllcie inferior de las alas en e1 genero Caligo (Fam. Brassolidae).
Rev. ChiI. Hist. Nat. 27: 16-19. Nt; LRBs (Caligo); MEs; de,jbo
1485. GIARD A. (1872): Especes imitatrices; mimétisme. Pp. 556-564 in: Recherches sur
les ascidies composées ou synascidies. Arch. Zool. Exp. Génér. 1: 501-704. S; Ascidia;
A. MBM; Ascidia: de
1486. GIA.RD A. (1873): Un insect imitateur du Bibio marci. Bull. Sci. Dep. Nord 1873 (9-
10): 192-194. P: I; MBM: D (Bibionidae, Bibio marci]; de
1487. GIARD A. (1892): Sur un diptere stratiomyide imitant un tentherede. Compt. Rend.
Séanc. Soc. Biol. nova series 4: 43-45. P; D (Stratiomyidae. Beris vallata); MBM: Hy
(Tenthredinidne. Atllalia annulata); de
1488. GIARD A (1894): Convergence et poecílogony chez les insects. Ann. Soc. E. France
43: 128-135. (angl. trans!. Psyche 7: 171-175.) L; MBM, MO; L; th
1489. GIARD A (1894): Sur le mimétisme parasitaire. Al:m. Soc. E. France 43: 124-128. P:
DSy (Volucel/a); MBM, MP: HyAp (Bombus); de, tll
1490. GIARD A. (1895): "Resemblance between Coccinelidae and Chrysomelidae."
Soc. Chili 5: 105. Nt: CoCh; MBM;
CoCc: de
149l. GIARD A. (1895): "Resemblance of larva to stems of its food- plants, moss." BulI. Soc.
E. France 1895: 236. P: IHe (larvae); C: Br; de
1492. GIARD A. (1897): "Resemblance between Arctophila mussitans and Bombus
muscorum." Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1897: 7. P; DSy (Arctophila mussitans); MBM;
HyAp (Bombus mllscorum): de
1493. GIBBONS R. (1985): A case ofmistaken identity. Natural. World 14: 20-21. Co; MBM;
Co: de
1494. GIBSON D. O. (1974): Batesian mimicry without distastefulness? Nature 250: 77-
79. Ao: C. A. MBM:ftAv, tll
1495. GIBSON D. O. (1980): The role of escape in mimicry and polymorphism: l. The
response of captive birds to artificial prey. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 14 (2): 201-214. Ao; C,
A. MBM; (tAv (Erithaclls rubecllla)
1496. GlBSON D. O. (1984): How is automimicry maintained? Pp. 163-165 in: Vane-Wright
R. l. & P. R. Ackery (eds.): The biology of butterflies. Orlando. Academie Press. AJ;
LRDa (Danaus chrysippus): MO; }bo, th
1497. GILBERT L. E. (1976): Postmating Íemale ol'der in Heliconius butterflies: A rnale
contributed antiaphrodisiac? Science 193: 419-420. Nt; LRHl; A;jbo
1498. GILL A. (1986): Some interesting swallowtaíl butterflies in City Park. BuU. East Afr.
Nat. Hist. Soc. 16: 183-189. Af: LRPaPd; MBM; IRDa;jbo
1499. GILL A. (l986): The breeding cf Papilio dardanus from Pemba Island. Anlateur E.
Soc. Bull. 45: 183-189. Aj: LRPaPd; MBM: IRDa.; ge
1500. GILLAUDERS A. T. (1897): The Hemiptera-Homoptera. Trans. Manchester. Mler.
Soc. 1897: 28-41. P: Ho (Psyllidae); MBM; de
1501. GINGERICH P. D. (1975): Is the aardwolf a mímic of the hyaena? Nature 253: 191-
192. J\{: Mm (Proteles crístatus): MBM; Mm (Hyaena brunnea): de, th
1502. GlRAULT A. (1912): A few experiments with the effects of the protective vapors of
Heteroptera on other insects. E. News 23: 346sq. P: H; C, A;JtI
1503. GlRAULT A. (1915): The occurence of striking peculiarities of pattern in unrelated
Chalcídojd Hymenoptera. E. News 26: 417-418. P; Hy (Chalcidoidea); MBM; Hy
(Chalcidoidea): de
1504. GITILEMAN J. L. -HARVEY P. H. (1980): Why are distasteful prey not cryptic? Nature
286: 149-150. Ao: C. A:JtAv (Gallus gallus)
1505. GITILEMAN J. L. -HARVEY P. H. -GREENWOOD P. J. (1980): The evolution of
conspicuous coloration: some experiments of bad taste. Anim. Behav. 28: 897-899.
Ao: C .4.: ItAv (Gallus gallus)
1506. GLASER L. (1890): Ueber Dimorphie und Mimetik bei den Schmetterlingen. E. Nachr.
16: 212-218. LR: MBM: LR: de. th
1507. GLAUERT L. (1935): Birds and butterflies. Nature 134: 959. LR;JtAv
1508. GLEITMAN H. -ROPZIN P. (1971): Learning and memory. Pp. 191-278 in: Hoar W.
S., Randa]] D. J. (eds.): Fish physiology. Vol. 6, xvi+559 pp" New York & London,
Academie Press. S: Ps (Blennidae, Aspidontus); MP: Ps (Labridae, Labroides): Jbo
1509. GLENDlNNING .J. l. -MEJIN A. A. -BROWER L. P. (1988): Behavioral and ecologica!
interactions of foraging mice (Peromyscus melanotis) with overwintering monarch
butterflies (Danaus plexipplls) in Mexico. Oecologia 75 (2): 222-227. Ne; LRDaDp; A;
JtMm (Peromyscus melanotis)
1510. GLOE P. (1982): Jagender Merlin (Falco columbarius) imitiert Drosselflug. Ornith.
Mítt. (Gottingen) 34 (4): 95-96. P: Av (Falco columbarius); MP; Av (Turdus philomelos):
1511. GLUE D. (1986): A host of cuckoos. Birds RSPB Mag. II (2): 46-51. P: AvOv (Cuculus
canoms): MP; AvOv; Jbo
1512. GLUMAE S. (1962): The problern ofmimicry in Syrphoidea. (in serb.) Arh. Biol. Nauka
(Beogradl 14: 61-67. P: DSy: MBM; HyAp: th
1513. GOETMARK F. (1987): White underparts in gulls function as hunting camoul1age.
Anim. Behav. 35 (6): 1786-1792. P: Av (Laridae); C;.fbo
1514. GOGALAA. (1985): Ant mimicry. Proteus 47 (6): 211-212. P: Hy (Mutillidae), H (Miridae.
Ca1J1]Jonotidea. Mynnecoris). ArSa (Myrmarachne); MBM. MP; HyMy; de. tll
1515. GOGALA M. -VIl�T M. -BLEJEC A. (1984): The moeking bug Phymata erassipes.
Intern. Congr. E. 17th: 229. P; H (Reduuiidae. Phymata crassípes); MBM: H (Lygaeidae.
Neacoryphus bicruris): de
1516. GOLDSCHIMDT R. B. (1945): Mimetic polymorphism, a eontroversial chapter of
Darwinism. Quaterly Rev. Biol. 20: 147-164,205-230. LR; MBM: LR; ge. th
song in Aťrican birds. EANHS BulI. 1985: 75-77. AI Au (V ic1uic1ae): MBM: Au
(Eslrildidae): cle. IlJO
1530. GOODMAN N. (l877): ..A striking instance. a Laphria reproducing the appearance
and habits of Vespa orientalis." Proc. Cambridge Phl!. Soc. 3 (2): 33. P; D (Laphridae,
Laphria): MBM: HyVe íVespa orientalis): de
1531. GOOSENS T. (1871): "Protective and general variation in the colour of lepidopterous
larvae and on the egg state.'· Artn. Soc. E. Fr. (4)10: 111-118., (5)1: 10-12. P: L
(laruae, eggs): C. A: cle
1532. GOOSENS T. (1873): ? Artn. Soc. E. Fr. (5)3: 123-128. P: L {laroae}; A; c1e,jbo
1533. GORDON I. J. (1982): The biology oť Danaus chrysippus L. (Lepidoptera: Danaidae)
and its mimics in Ghana. PhD-thesis, Univ. of Ghana. r1r LRDa (Danaus chrysippus);
1534. GORDON 1. J. (1984): Mimicry, migration and speciation in Acraea encedon and A
encedana. Pp. 193-196 in: Vane-Wright R J., Ackery P. (eds,): The biology of butterllies.
Orlando, Academic Press. Aj LRAc (Acraea encedon, Acraea encedana); A; jbo. ge
1535. GORDON l. J. (1987): Natural selection for rare and mimeiic colour pattern
combinations in wild populations ol' the diadem butterlly, Hypolimnas misippus L.
f1ť LRNI7l (Hl!poHmnas l7lisippus): MBM; LRDa; ge
1536. GORDON 1. J. -SMITH D. A S. (1989): Genetics oť the mimetic African butterfiy
Hypolimnas misippus: Hindwing polymorphism. Heredity 63 (3J: 409-425. AJ; LRlVm
(Hypolimnas misippus): MBM: LRDa; ge
1537. GORHAM A S. (1880): Malacodermata. Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta.
CoJcoptera. voL 3 (2):xi+372pp. Nt: CoCe; MBM: CoLy; de
1538. GOTTFFUED C. F. (1990): One of nature's most incredible phenomena: the monarch
butterílies. Proc. Roy. Inst. Great Brit. 62: 127 160. Ne; LRDaDp; A;jbo. th
1539. GaTZ W. (1921): Ein Wort zur Bienenrnimikry von Erista1is. Arttwort aul' Herrn
HeikerUngers Arbeit .,Die Bienenrnimikry." Mitt. Munchn. E. Ges. ll: 14-23. P: DSy
(Eristalis); MBM: HyAp (Apis mellij'era); Ih
1540. GOULD L. J. (1892): Experiments in 1890 and 1891 on the colour-relation between
certain lepidopterous larvae and their surroundings. together with some other
observations on lepidoplerous larvae. T.E.S.L. 1892: 215-246. P: LHe (1amae): C, A:
154l. GOULD L. J. (1893): Notes on warning and protective colour in Lepidoptera. Nat.
ScL 2: 439-443. P: L: C. A; cle,jbo
1542. GOULLLART M. (1972J: Le mimétisme chez les insects. Bul!. Soc. E. Nation. France
180: 1-7. W: Ma: C: de
1543. GOUNELLE E. (1905): Concordance des varietés locales chez les Lycides et les insectes
qui les miment. Bul!. Soc. E. France 1905: 132. W: Co. L. H: MBM: CoLy; de
1544. GOWLETT-HOLMES K. L. -HOLMES N. J. C. (1989): Rediscovery of Primovula (P.)
helenae Cate and description of a new species of Crenavolva from South Australia
(Mollusca: Gastropoda: Ovulidae). Trans. Roy. Soc. South Austr. 113 (4): 105-214.
S: Mo (Gastropoda. Primouula helE'11ae); MBM; Cl (Euplexaura): de
1545. GRAHAM M. W. R DE V. (1950): Postura1 habits and colour-pattern evolution in
Lepidoptera. Trans. Soc. Brit. E. 10: 217-232. L: C, A: de, tll
1546. GRAVELY F. H. (1912): Mimicry ol' a Mutilid by a spider. Rec. Ind. Mus. Ca1cutta 7:
87. As: Ar; MBM: Hy (MutiWdae); cle
1547. GRAVES G. R (1990): Function oť crest displays in roya1 llycatcher (Onychorhynchus).
Condor 92 (2): 522-524. Ne: Au (Onychorhynchus coronatus, Onychorhynchus
mexicanus); MBM; ReOp: rle,jbo
1548. GRI\Y A. (1863): Variation and mimetic analo?(y in Lepidoplera. Artl. J. Scí. Arts 36
(Ser.ll): 285-290. Nt, lVe: LR; MBM; LR: de, th, rw
1549. GREDLER P. V. (j 903): 7-úologische Para1lelen. Ber. Ver. lnsbruck 27: 57-64. An; M; de
1550. GREEN E. E. O: On a remarkable mimic spíder. SpoJia Zeylanica 8: 92-93. As; Ar:
MBM: CoCc; de
1551. GREEN E. E. (1895): "Mimícry of coccid scale by leaf-mining larva". E. Month. Mag.
1895: 232. LHe (laruae); M: Ho: de
1552_ GREEN E. E. (1896): .,An apparent head at caudal extremity." P.E.S.L. 1896: 18. As:
LR; MFh: de
1553. GREEN E. E. (1903): "Birds and bugs." Spolia Zeylanica 1: 73. As: H; A;ftAv
1554. GREEN E. E. (1904): "Xylocopa and Asilid fly." Spolia Zeylanica 2: 158. As; D (Asilidae);
MBM; HyAp (Xylocopa): de
1555. GREEN E. E. (1904): Notes of some Ceylon butterflies. Spolia Zeylanica 2: 76. As;
LR: C. A:fbo
1556. GREEN E. E. (1904): No title. P.E.S.L. 1904: 66. As; Ar; MBM; CoCc; de
1557. GREEN E. E. (1905): The habits of the leaf butterfly. The resting position of Ka1lima.
J. Bombay Nal. Hist. Soc. 16: 370. As; LRNm (Kallima); C; Pl;fbo
1558. GREEN E. E. (1908): Mimicry in insect Ii[e. as exemplified by Ceylon insects. Spolia
Zeylanica 5: 87-94. As; I: C. A. MBM; I:.fbo. de
1559. GREEN E. E. (1910): Remarkable mimetic resemblance between a cicadid and an
arctiid moth. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 20: 282. As: Ho (Cicadidae. Pangora); MBM;
llieAt (Gaeana atkinsoni); de
1560. GREEN J. F. (1903): Protective colouIing. Trans. West Kent Soc. 1903/1904: 35-45.
An; C; de. tll
1561. GREENE E. (1988); Flies that [001 spiders. Nat. Can. (Ottawa) 17 (2): lO. Ne; D
(Trypetidae. Rlw.goletLs pomonella): MBM: ArSa; de, fbo
1562. GREENE E. (1989): A diet-induced deve10pmentéil polymorphism in a caterpillar.
Science 243; 643-646. Ne: llieGe (Nemoria arizonaria); C; Ft (Quercus); de,fbo
1563. GREENE E. -ORSAK L. J. -WHITMAN D. W. (1987): A tephritid fly mimics the terIitoIial
displays of its jumping spider predators. Science 236: 310-312. Ne; D (Trypetidae,
Zonosemata vittigera); MO, MP: ArSa:fbo
1564. GREENE H. W. (1973): Defensive tail display by snakes and amphisbaenians. J.
HerpetoJ. 7: 143-161. W: ReOp. ReSr (Amphisbaenidae): MFh; de
1565. GREENE H. W. (1976): Coral snake mimicry; do it occur? Herpetological Rev. 7 (2):
85. Nt; ReOp (Colubridae); MBM; ReOp (Elapidae); th
1566. GREENE H. W. (1977): The aardwolf as hyaena mimic. Anim. Behav. 25 (l): 245-
246. AI: Mm (Froteles cristatus); MBM; Mm (Hyaena brunnea); de. th
1567. GREENE H. W. (1988): Antipredator mechanismus in reptiles. Biology of the Reptilia
(C. Gaus & R. B. Huey eds.) 16: 1-152. New York. A. R. Liss. W; ReOp, ReSr; A; de.
Jbo, bm
1568. GREENE H. W. (1989): Defensive behaviour and feeding biology of the Asian mock
viper Psammodynastes pulverulentus [ColubIidaeJ. a specialized predator on scincid
lizards. Chin. Herpetol. Res. 2 (2): 21-32. As: ReOp (Psammodynastes pulverulentus);
MBM; ReOp: de..{bo
1569. GREENE H. W. -MCDlARMID R. W. (1981): Coral snake mimicry: Does it occur?
Science 213; 1207-1212. Nt; ReOp (Colubridae); MBM; ReOp (Elapidae); th
1570. GREENE H. W. -PYBURN W. F. (1973); Comments on aposematism and mirnicry
among coral snakes. Biologist 55 (4); 144-148. Nt; ReOp (Colubridae); A. MBM: ReOp
(Elapidae): tll
1571. GREENFIELD D. W. (1972); Notes on the biology of the arrow blenny, Lucayablennius
zingaro (Bohlke) [rom British Honduras. Copeia 1972 (3); 590-592. Nt; Ps
(Chaenopsidae, Lucayablennius zingaro); MBM; Ps; de._fbo
1572. GREENSLADE P. J. M. -HALLlDAYR. B. (1983J; Colony dispersion and relationships
of meat ants lIidomyrmex purpureus and allies in an arid locality in South Australia.
Insectes Soc. 30: 82-99. Ay: HyMy: MP: HyMy (Iridomyrmex);fbo. de
1573. GREGORY J. W. (1896); The Great Rift Valley, being the narrative of ajourney to
Mount Kenya and Lake Baringo. London. AJ; Ho (Flatidae. ltyraea); C (collecUve);
PIFl; de
1574. GRENSTED F. F. (A. R. WALLACE COMM.) (1889): Protective coloration in eggs.
Nature 41 ; 53. P: AvOv (Lanius colluno); C:fbo, de
1575. GRESSITT J. L. (1982J; Ecology and biogeography of New Guinea Coleoptera.
Monograph. Biol. 42 (2); 709-734. Au; Co; MBM; Co; de,fbo
1576. GRESSITT J. -SEDLACEK J. -SZENT-YVANY J. (1965); Flora and fauna on back of
l1l0ss-forest-weevils. Science 150; 1833-1835. Nt; CoCu; C; de .fbo
1577. GRlFFITHS G. C. (1897); On some lepidopterous larvae; their habits and means of
protection. Proc. I:3ristol Soc. 8; 73-93. P: L (larvae); C, A; de . .fbo
1578. GRILLITSCH H. (1984); ZUl1l Feindabwehr-Verhalten des Kammolches, Triturus
cristatus cristatus (Laurenti, 1768) (Caudata: Salamandridae). Salamandra 20 (1):
61-63. P: AmCd (Triturus cristatus): A:}bo
1579. GRlMSHAW J. (1979): Circus clowns oť the arthropod world. News Bull. E. Soc.
Queensland 7 (8): 105-109. Al!: ArSa: MBM; HyMy; de.}bo
1580. GRlNELL F.. JR. (1911): Notes on the mimicry in two Sesiids: Sesia rutilans and
Sesia animosa. Bull. South Ca1if. Acad. Sci Los Angeles 10: 67-68. Ne; llie (Sesiidae.
Sesia ruWaTls. Sesia ani1llDsa): MBM: HyVe: de
1581. GRlNELL F., JR. (1912): An example of protective resemblance in a satyrid chrysalis.
E. News Philadelphia 23: 471-472. Ne: LRSs (pupae); C: de
1582. GRlNFELD E. K. (1975): Syrphid or llower inhabiting llies. (in russ.) Zaščita Rast.
1975 (12): 33-34. P: DS!): MBM: HyVe: de
1583. GRINNELL J. -GRlNNELL H. (1907): Reptiles of Los Angeles County. Ca1ifornia. Throop
Inst. Bull. 35: 1-64. Ne; ReOp (Pituophis): MBM: ReOp (Crota[us); de
1584. GROBER M. S. (1988): Brittle-star bioluminiscence functions as an aposematic signa1
to deter crustacean predators. Anim. Behav. 36 (2): 493-501. S: Echinodermata
(Ophiuroidea. Ophiopsila liisei): A:.fbo
1585. GROBMAN A. B. (1978): An alternative solution to the coral snake mimic problem
(Reptilia, Serpentes. Elapidae). J. Herpeto!. 12: I-ll. Nt; ReOp (Co[ubridae); MBM:
ReOp (Elapidae): tll
1586. GROTE A. R. (1888): Characters 01' protection and defence in insects. Canad. E. 20:
154-156. Ne: I: C. A: de
1587. GROTE A. R. (1888): The origin of ornamentation in the Lepidoptera. Canad. E. 20:
114-1 J 7. Ne: L: C. A: de
1588. GROTE A. R. (1896): Note on g;eographica1 distribution and rnimicry of Apatele. J.
New York E. Soc. 4: 81-85. Ne: llieNo (ApateLe); C; de
1589. GROTE A. R. (1900): The descent of the Pieridae. Proc. Amer. Phi!. Soc. 39: 4 67. Ne;
aux association l11il11étiques de la foret equatoria!e africaine. II. Associations
l11il11étiques sans modeles toxiques. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 104 (4): 435-445. AJ;
LRNm (Eupllaedra. Bebearia); MBM. MO; de. fbo. tll
1604. GUNST DE (1950): ... Timulla mal11blia (Hym., Mutil.), mil11icking Clerids." E. Ber.,
Amsterdam 13: 142. P: Hy (Mutillidae. Timulla mamblia): MBM: Co (Cleridae): de
1605. GUNTHER R. T. (1899): Contribution to the natura! history of Lake Urnu. N. W.
Persia. and its neighbourhood. J. Linn. Soc. 26: 345-453., p.367. P; I: MBM: I: de
1606. GUP PY P. 1. (POULTON COMM.) (1931): The gregarious sleeping habits of the
Heliconian and an Ithol11iinae butterfly in Trinidad, observed by P. Lechl11ere Gupy.
P.E.S.L. 6: 68-69. Nt: LRHI, LRIt; A;jho
GUPPY P. 1. (1893): .. Resel11blance of larva to twig." .J. Trinidad Club 1: 200. Nt; LHe
(larvae); C: Pl: de
1608. GUPTA B. K. (1976): P r otective resemblance of the nest of Nasutitermes beckeri
Prasad and Sen-Sarl11a (Insecta: Isoptera: Termitidae) to the bark ofVeteria indica.
Current Sci. 45 (3): 105. As: Isoptera (Nasutitermes beckeri. nest); C: Pl (Veteria indica);
1609. GUTHRlE R. D. (l971): A new theory of l11ammalian rul11 p patch colouration.
Behaviour 38: 132-145. Mm: C. A: tll
1610. GWINNER E. (196l): Ober die Entstachelungshandlung des Neuntoters (Lanius
collurio).Voge1warte 21: 36-47. P: HyVe; A:ftAv (Lanius collurio)
1611. G\VYNNE M. D. (1965): Protective display and underwing cryptic markings in an
East Africa saturnioid. Nature 206: 957-958. AJ; LHe (Saturniidae); C; de, jho
1612. GYPPY R. (1967): Further comments on possible l11il11icry of Caenurgia caerulea'
(NoduidaeJ. J. Lepid. Soc. 21: 122-124. Ne: LHeNo (Caenurgia caeru/ea); MBM: LRI�n
(Plebf!jus icarioicles): de, tll
1613. HAARTMAN 1. V. (1957): Adaptation in hole-nesting birds. Evolution ll: 339-347.
P: Au; MBM: ReOp; de. tll
1614. HAARTMAN 1. V. (1976): The reaction of the regular cuckoo host to foreign eggs.
Ornis Fennica 53: 96-98. P: AvOv (Cuculus canorus): MP; AvOv; fbo. tll
1615. HAARTMANN L.V. (1981J: Co-evolution of the cuckoo Cuculus canorus and a regular
cuckoo host. Ornis Fennica 58: 1-10. P; AvOv (Cuculus canorus); MP; AvOv;jho, tll
1616. HAAS F. (1945): Collective mimicry. Ecology 26: 412-413. Ne; O; MBM (collective); L
(larvae); de..fbo
1617. HAASE E. (1888J: Duftapparate indo-austra!ischer Schmetterlinge III. Corresp. E.
Verein Iris (DresdenJ 5: 287-292. As: LR: A: to
1618. HAASE E. (1889): Ober Mimicry bei Schmetterlingen. Tag. Beut. Nat.Vers. (6)1: 49.
LR; MBM: LR: de. tll
1619. HAASE E. (1891): ZUl11 System der Tagfalter. Deutsche E. Z. Iris. Lepidopterol. Heft.
(DresdenJ 4: 1-32 . LR: MBM: LR: de. tll
1620. HAASE E. (1893): Untersuchungen uber die Mimicry auf Grundlage eines naturlichen
Systems der P apilioniden. I. Entwurf eines naturlichen Systems.: II. Untersuchungen
uber die Mirnicry. Biblioth. Zoolog. 4 Stuttgart. (review. Stettin. E. Z. 53: 332-349, A.
Seitz; Nature 57[1898J: 1-4,25-26; E. B. P oulton) W: LR. I; MBM: LR. I: de. jho. th.
bm. nu
1621. HABER W. A. (1978): Evolutionary ecology of trop-ica! mimetic buttertlies. Phd- thesis,
Minnesota Univ., USA -Dissertation Abstr. Intern. (B) 39 (2): 531. Nt: LRIt: MBM; LR;
f bo
1622. HACKER S. D. -MADIN L. P. (l991): Why habitat architecture and color are important
to shrimps living in pelagic Sargassum: use of camoutlage and plant-part mimicry.
Mar. Eco!' Prog. Ser. 70 (2): 143-155. S; Cr (Decapoda, Hippolete coeru/escens. Latreutes
fucorum): C: Pl (Algae): de. jho
1623. HADELER K.P. -MOTTONI P. DE -TESEl A. (1982): Mimetic gain in Batesian and
Muellerian mimicry. Oecologia 53 (l): 34-92. An: MBM: An; tll
1624. HADER W. (1906): Schutzfarbung? E. Z. Guben 20: 37. I: C: de. tll
1625. HAEFELFINGER H. R. (1965): Farbe und Farbanpassung bei Meerestieren. Basel,
llpp. S: Ps: MBM. A: Ps: de.,fbo
1626. I-lAENSCH (1896J: "Resemblance between insects of different orders." Berlin. E. Z.
1899: 22. I: MBM: I; de, th
1627. HAENSCH (l898J: .. Complex resemblance in Lepidoptera.'·· Berlin. E. Z. 43: 14. L;
MBM: L: de. tll
1628. HAENSCH (1899J: ..Resemblance of Dismorphia methymna and Neapeogenes yanetta. "
Berlin. E. Z. 44: 22. Nt: I.RPí (Disnwrphia methymna); MBM; IRIt (Neapogenes yanetta); de
1629. HAFERNIK J. E. JR. (1982J: Mimetic selection and subspeciflc variation in the
spicebush swallowtail Papilio troilus Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) Pan-Pacific
E. 58 (4J: 278-283. Ne; LRPa (papilin troí/us): MBM; LRPa (Battus polydammus); ge
1630. HAGEN B. {l894J: Verzeichnis der von mir auf Sumatra gefangenen Rhopaloceren.
Deutsche E. Z. Iris Lep. 7: 1-44. As; LR; MBM; LR; tll
1631. HAGEN H. A. (1872J: Mimicry in the colours of insects. Am. Nat. 6: 388-393. -Nature
7: 113-114. I: C, MBM: I; de, tll
1632. HAGEN H. A. (1877J: ,,All colours concerned in mimicry are hypodermatic." Psyche
2: 23. I; C, MBM: I; th
1633. HAGEN H. A. (1882J: On the color and pattern of insects. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Se.
17: 234-267. I: C, A. MBM: I; de. tll
1634. HAHNEL P. (1890J: Entomologische Erinnerungen aus Sud-Amerika. Deutsch, E, Z.
Iris 3: 310-323. Nt; I: C. A. MBM; I: de.jbo.ftAv
1635. HAlG E. F. G. (1937J: The butterflies of Nigeria III. Danaididae. Nigerian Field 6: 71-
76. AJ: LRDa: A: de, .{bo. to
1636. HAlLMAN J. P. (l977J: Optical signals: anlmal communication and light. W; An. Pl;
C, A: bm, rtu. de. b
.{ o
1637. HAlLMAN J. P. (1981J: A test of symmetry-deception in a chaetodontid fish. Anim.
Behav. 29 (4J: 1267. S: Ps (ChaetodontidCle. Forcípiger.flavissím.us): C; de
1638. HALE W. G. (1970J: Infraspecific categories in birds.Biol. J, Linn. Soc. 2: 239-255.
Au: MBM: Av: de. tll
1639. HALLB. P. -MOREAU R. E. -GALBRAITH I. C. J. (1966J: Polymorphism and paralelism
in the African bush-shrikes of the genu s Malaconotus. Ibis 108: 161-182. Aj; Av
(MCllClconotus): MO; Au (M alaconotus); de,.{bo
1640. HAMILTON J. (1894J: Coleoptera taken at Lake Worth, Florida. Canad. Ent. 1894:
250-256. Ne: Co: MBM: HyMy: de.jbn
1641. HAMILTON W. J. (1973J: Life's color code. W; An. Pl; C, A; bm. rtu. de,jbo
1642. HAMM A. H. (1906J: A permanent record ofBritish moths in their natural attitudes
of rest. T.E.S.L.: 483A85. P: LE-le: C: de.jbo
1643. HAMM A. H. {1911]: Hemipterous mimics of Hymenoptera. P.E.S.L. 1911: 30-32. P;
H: MBM: Hy; de
1644. HAMM A. H. (1933J: Behaviour of a caged and tame greenfinch towards lepidopterous
and homoptemus larvae. J. E. Soc. South Engl. 1: 94-95, P; LHeGe (AbraxCls
grossLLlClriCltCl): A:.ftAv (Chlom cllloris)
1645. HAMPSON G. F. (1891J: lllustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera
in the collection of theBritish Museum. Part VIII. The Lepidoptera Heterocera of the
Nilgiri clistrict. iv+144pp., p 43. London. As; LHe: MBM; LR: de
1646. HAMPSON G. F. (1898J: Protective and pseudomimicry. Nature 57: 364. As; LHeZy
(Clwlcosia): MBM: LRDa, LRPa: th
1647. HANCOCK D. L. (1979J: The systematic position of Papilio anactus Mac Leay
(Lepldoptera: PapnionidaeJ. Austr. E. Mag. 6 (3): 49-53. Au; LRNm (CressidCl cressida);
MBM: LRPa (Papílío Clnactus): de
1648. HANCOX A. P. -ALLEN J. A. (1991]: A simulation of evasive mimicry in the wild. J.
Zool. 223 (lJ: 9-13. An: MBM: An: th
1649. HANDLIRSCH A: {1888J: Úber einige Fiille von Mimicry zwischen Hymenopteren.
Sitzungsb. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 38: 67-69. W; Hy; MBM; Hy; de
1650. HANDLIRSCH A. (1926J: Biologie (Okologie-Ethologie). In: Schroder Ch. (ed.):
Handbuch der Entomologie II, Jena. Fischer. I: C. A. MBM; I: de..{bo, tll. bm. rw
1651. HANITSCH R. {POULTON COMM.J (1916J: Observations by Dr. R. Hanitsch on the
proportions of the female forms of Papilio polytes. L., on Singapore Island, P.E. S.L.
1916: 76-78. As: LRPa (Papilio polytes): MBM: LR; ge.jbo
1652. HANlTSCH R. (POULTON COMM.J {l917J: Forms of Papilio polytes romulus, Cram.,
from Singapore Island and tbe mainland opposite. P.E.S.L. 1917: 30-34. As: LRPa
(Papílio polytes); MBM: LR: ge
1653. HANSONT. C. (1977): Notes on Brazilian insects. Bul1. Amat. E. Soc. 312: 135-138.
Nt: D (Mydidae. Mydas heros): MBM: Hy (Pompili.dae, Pepsis atrata); de
1654. HAPP F. (1985): Coronel1a austriaca austriaca - eine Mimikry-Schlange? Ein
Erfahrungsbericht uber die Sonderstellung der Coronella austriaca austriaca unter
den Kiirtner Schlangen. Carinthia II 175: 285-290. P; ReOp (Coronella austriaca);
MBM; ReOp (Vipera benlS); de.jbo
1655. HAPP. G. M. -EISNER T. (1961): Hemorrhage in a coccinel1id beetle and its repel1ent
effect on ants. Science 134: 329-331. Ne: CoCc; A; to
1656. HARDER (19;:)1): Moderne Auffassungen uber das Problem der Schutztrachten und
Mimicry. lnt. E. Z. Guben 24: 504-507. I: A. MBM; I: th
1657. HARDOUIN R. (1943): Mimétisme et homochromie chez des insectes. Bull. Soc. Zool.
France 68: 86-88. P: COCLL (Cryptorhynchus lapathi); C, MBM; Co (Scarabaei.dae, Valgus
Ilemiptems): de
1658. HARDOUlN R. (1946): Le mimétisme animal. 22 1pp. Paris. P. V. F. ed. An; C, MBM,
1659. HARDWICK (1891): ? Science Gossip. p. 68. As; Ma; MBM; ReOp (Naja najal; de
1660. HARDY G. H. (1915): A further exhibit of supposed cases of mimicry. Proc. Roy. Soc.
1669. HARRlSON C. J. O. (1968): Egg mimicry in British cuckoos. Bird Study 15: 22-28. P:
AvOv (Cuculus canorus): MP: AvOv: }bo, de
1670. HARRlSON C. J. O. (l971): Notes on the identification of eggs, egg mimicry and
distributional history and the status of the form serratus, in the parasitic Clamator
cuckoos. Bu11. Brit. Ornith. Cl. 91: 126-131. AJ;
1671. HARRlSON H. H. (1971): The world of the snake. 160 pp. Philade1phia & New York,
1672. HARRlSON ,J. W. H. (1906): .. Polia chi, contradicting protection." E. Rec. 18: 64.
LHeNo (Polia chi): C; de.}bo
1673. HART W. E. (1889): Protective resemblance in larva of Papilio pammon. J. Bombay
Nat. Hist. Soc. 4: 277-289. As; LRPa (Papilio pammon, larvae); C; de
1674. HART W. E. (1889): Notes on a caterpillar farmo J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 4: 2 77-
289. As: LR (larvae): C; de
1675. HARTW. E. [1891): Protective mimicry. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 6: 410-416. As; L
(larvae); C: de
1676. HART W. E. (1892): "Resemblance of lepidopterous larvae to snakes." J. Bombay
Nat. Hist. Soc. 7: 105. As; L (lan!ae); MBM; ReOp: de
1677. HART W. E. (1892): Parasitism of Volucella. Nature 47: 78. P: DS y (Volucella); MBM;
HyAp (BornbtLS): fbo
1678. HARTERT E. (1889): Biologisches aus dem indischen Faunengebiet. Berl. E. Z. 33:
289-292. As: I: C. A. MBM: I: de. fbo
1679. HARTLEY J. C. -BURGEN M. M. (1986): Colour
polymorphism in Ephippigera
ephippiger (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) Biol. J.
Linn. Soc. 27 (2): 191-199. P;
O (Ephippigera ephíppiger); A; de,fbo, ge
] 680. HARVEY P. H. (1983): Why some insects look pretty nasty. New Scl. 97: 26-27. I: A;
1681. HARVEYP. H. -BULLJ.J. -PEMBERTON M. -PAXTON R.J. (1982): The evolution of
aposematic coloration in distasteful prey: a family model. Am. Nat. 119: 710-719. I;
A: th.ge
1682. HARVEY P. H. -GREENWOOD P. J. (1978): Anti-predator defence strategies: some
evolutionaryproblems. Pp. 129-151 in: Krebs J. R., Davies N. B. (eds.): Behavioural
ecology. an evolutionary appmach. Oxford, Blackwell. I; A; tll., ge
1683. HARVEY P. H. -PAXTON R. J. (1981): The evolution of aposematic coloration. Oikos
37: 391-393. I: A; tll, ge
1684. HARVEY P. H. -PAXTON R. J. (1981): On aposematic coloration: a rejOinder. Oikos
37: 395-396. I: A: th. ge
1685. HARZ K. (1977): Zur Wirkung der Warnfarben auf Fressfeinde. Articulata 1 (6): 33-
34. I: MBM, A: I; ft
1686. HASE A. (1932): Beobachtungen an Cochlidion-Raupen sowie uber ihre
Schneckenahnlichkeit (Konvergenz). Jena. Z. Naturw. 67: 221-2 44. P; LHe
(Cochlidiidae. Cochlidion, larvae); MO; Mo (Gastropoda); de, th,jbo
1687. HASKELL P. T. (1961): Insect Sounds. viii + 189pp. London, Witherby. P; LHe
(Spllingidae, Acherontia atropos, sound); MP; HyAp (Apis rnellifera, queen, sound); de
1688. H.I\SKlNJ. R. (1913): The danaine species ofNorth America and their mimics. Bates's
theory as applied to these species. E. News (Philadelphia) 24: 113-120. Ne: LR; MBM:
LRDa: de. th.fbo
1689. HASTINGS I. M. (1994): Manifestation of sexual selection may depend on the genetic
basis of sex determination. Proc. Roy. Soc. Land. B 258: 83-87. An; A, MBM; An; ge,
1690. HAUGUM J. -LOW A. M. (1978): A monograph of the birdwing butterflies. Vol. I,
part 1. lntroduction, Ornithoptera (Aetheopteral. 84 pp. Klampenborg, Scand. Sci.
Press. As: LRPa (Ornithoptera); MBM; LRPa: de
1691. HAUGUM J. -LOW A. M. (1981): A monograph of the birdwing butterflies. Vol. 2,
part 1. Trogonoptera & Ripponia. 104pp. Klampenborg, Scand. Scl. P ress. As; LRPa
(rrogonoptera brookiana); A: de
1692. HAUPT H. (1953): Jnsekten mit ratselhaften Verzierungen. 57 pp. Leipzig, Geest &
Portig. I: MO; I; de, tll
1693. HAVENHORST P. (1930): Periodieke Mimicry bij de rups van den Vliervlinder
(Ourapteryx sambucaria L.l. E. Ber. (Amsterdam) 8: 86-87. P; LHeGe (Ourapten]x
sambucaria. laroae); C; de.fbo
1694. HAVILAND M. D. (1925): Defensive colour and pattern in four caterpillars from British
Guiana. T.E.S.L. 1925: 575-278, 580-583 (appendix fmm E.B. Poulton). Nt; L (larvae);
1695. HAXEL W. N. (1990): Sex-limited variability and mimicry in ihe swallowtail butterfly
Papilio polyxenes Fabr. Heredity 65 (1): 105-114. Ne; LRPa (Papilio polyxentLS); MBM;
LRPa (BatttLS); ge
1696. HAYWARDJ. K. (POULTON COMM.) (1931): A great pierine migration in Argentine:
attacks by birds ancl lizards upon the migrants. P.E.S.L. 6: 32-33. Nt: LRPi; A;jbo,
1697. HEALJ. (1979): Colour patterns of Syrphidae: 1. Genetic variation in the dronefly
Eristalis tenax. Hericlity 42: 223-236. P; DSy (Eristcúis tenax); MBM: HyAp (Apis
mell!fera): ge
1698. HEALJ. (1979): Colour patterns of Syrphidae: 2. Eristalis intricarius. Hereclity 43:
229-238. P; DSy (Eristalis intricaritLS); MBM; HyAp (BombtLS); ge
1699. HEALJ. R (1981): Colour patterns ofSyrphidae. HI. Sexual dimorphism in Eristalis
rrrbllstorum. Ecol. E. 6 (2): 119-127. P: DSy (Eristalis arbustorum):
MBM: HyAp. HyVe;
1700. HEALJ. R. (1982): ColoU!" patterns in Syrphidae. N. Mimicry and variation in natural
pOpUlatiOlls ofEristalis tenax. Heredity 49 (1): 95-109. P: DSy (Eristalis tenax); MBM;
HyAp (Apis melll[era): ge. JtAu
1701. HEALJ. R. (1989): Variation and seasonal changes in hoverfly species: lnteractions
between temperatllre. age and genotype. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 36 (3): 251-269. P; DSy
(Eristalis tenax. Eristalis intricarius); MBM; HyAp; ge.jbo
1702. HECHT (1898): ? Zool. Centralbl. 5: 98. Mo: MBM, MO; de
1703. HECHT M. K. -MARIEN D. (1956): The coral snakes mimic problem: a reinterpretation.
J. Morphol. 98: 335-365. Nt: ReOp; MBM: ReOp (Elapidae); de. th
1704. HECK K. L. JR. -WEINSTEIN M. P. (1978): Mimetic relationship between tropical
burrfishes and opisthobranchs. Biotropica 10 (1): 78-79. S; Ps (Didontidae.
Chilomycterus atennatum): MBM: Mo (Opisthobranchia, Aplysia dactylomelia); de.jbo
1705. HECKEL M. E. (1891): No title. Nature 44: 451. P; ArTh (Thomisus); C; PLFl
(ConvolvtLltLs); de
1706. HECg J. (1976): Attempt at cJassification of the genus Euphaedra Hbn. (Lep.,
NymphalidaeJ. Lamblllionea 76 (5-6): 38-48, (7-8): 53-63. AJ; LR; MBM; LRNm
(Euphaedra): de
1707. HEIKERTINGER F. (1916): Úber Form and Farbung der Insekten, uber Mimikry und
verwandte Erscheinungen. A. d. Heimat (Stuttgart) 26: 1-8. P; I; C, A. MBM; I; de. th
1708. HElKERTINGER F. (1916): Die Grundlagen des Schutzfarbungsproblems. A. d. Heimat
(Stuttgart) 29: 132-139. P: I: C; th
1709. H E I K E RTINGER F. ( 1 9 1 7 ) : K r i t i s c h e s ube r "Schu t z e i n r i c h t u ngen" u n d
"Nachahmungserscheinungen" bei Rhynchoten. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 13: 169-176,
219-226. P: H. Ho: C. MBM; de. th
1710. HEIKERTINGER F. (1917): Úber einige Versuche mit L ytta vesicatoria zur
Schutzmittelfrage. Biol. Zentralbl. 37: 446-460. P; Co (Meloidae. Lytta vesicatoria);
C; to. .ft
1711. HEIKERTINGER F. (1917): Das Scheinproblem von der Zweckmassigkeit im
Organischen. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik selektionstheoretischer Probleme. Biol. Zentralbl.
37: 333-352. P: I; C, MBM: I: ge. tll
Ges. Wien 68: 164-194. P; LHe (Sesiidae); MBM; HyVe; de. th.jbo
1713. HElKERTINGER F. (1918): Die Bienenmimikry von Eristalis. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol.
14: 1-5,73-79. P; DSy (Eristalis tenax); MBM: HyAp (Apis mellifera); de, tll
1714. HEIKERTINGER F. (1918): Das Scheinproblem von der "fremddienlichen
Zweckmassigkeit". Naturw. 6: 181-185. P; I: C, MBM: I: tll
1715. HElKERTINGER F. (1918): Zur Klarheit im Schutzmittelproblem. Ein abschlissendes
Wort. A. d. Heimat (Stuttgart) 31: 77-78. P; I; C, A. MBM; I; tll
1716. HEIKERTINGER F. (1918): Zur Lčsung des Trutztrachtenproblems. Der Fa]]
Pyrrhocoris apterus und das Prinzip der Ungewohntfarbung. Wiener E. Z. 37: 179-
196. P; H (Pyrrhocoridae, PyrrllOCOris apterus); A; de.jbo, tll
1717. HEIKERTINGER F. (1919): Die metoke Myrmekoidie. Tatsachenmaterial zur Uisung
des Mim:ikryproblems. Biol. Zentralbl. 39: 65-102. P; I; MBM; HyMy; de,jbo. tll
1718. HEIKERTINGER F. (1919): Die Schutzmittel der Marienkafer (Coccinelidae). A. d.
Heimat (Stuttgart) 31: 132-134. P: CoCc; A; to. .ft
1719. HEIKERTINGER F. (1919): Die Insektennahrung des Grauen Fliegenfangers
(Muscicapa griseola) im Lichte der Schutzm:ittelhypothese. Osterr. Monatschr. Naturw.
Fortbild. 15: 67-72. P: I: C. A:ftAv (Muscicapa)
1720. HEIKERTINGER F. (1919): Bionomische Irrtumer. Der Rotklee und die Hummeln. Z.
Naturw. Unterr. 1919: 374-376. P: HyAp (Bambus); A;jbo
1721. HElKERTINGER F. (1919): Versuche unci Freilandforschungen zur Mim:ikryhypothese.
l. Akuleate Hymenopteren als Spinnenbeute. Biol. Zentralbl. 39: 352-363. P: HyVe,
HyAp: A:ftAr
1722. HEIKERTINGER F. (1919): Exakte Begriffsfassung und Terminologie im Problem
der Mimikry und verwandter Erscheinungen. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 15: 57-65, 162-
174. I; C, A. MBM: I: tll
J 723. HEIKERTINGER F. (1920): Der Bienenfang der Spinnen. Naturw. Wochenschr. N. F.
19: 752. P: .HyAp (Apis me11!fera);ftAr
1724. HEIKERTINGER F. (1920): Nahrung der Wiirger vom Farbenschutzstandpunkt. A.
d. Heimat (Stuttgart) 33: 145-150. P; I; C. A; .ftAv (Lanius)
1725. HEIKERTINGER F. (1921): Die Wespenmimikry o der Sphekoidie. Verh. Zool.-Bot.
Ges. Wien 70: 316-385. P; I: MBM: HyVe; de.jbo. th
1726. HElKERTINGER F. (1921): Die morphologisch-analytische Metho de in der Kritik der
Mimirkyhypothese (Wespenmimikry der Bockkafer). Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 44: 267-296.
P: CoCe: MBM: HyVe: de. th
1727. HEIKERTINGER F. (1921): Welchen Qu ellen entspringen die biolo gisch en
Trachthypo thesen? I. H. W. Bates. Zool. Anz. 53: 286-297. An; MBM; An; th, rw
1728. HEIKERTINGER F. (1921): Ober die angebliche Giftwirlrung des Coccinellidenblutes.
Wien. E. Z. 38: 109-113. P; CoCc; A; to
1729. HEIKERTINGER F. (1921): Tauschende A.lmlichkeit mit Wespen und Bienen
(Sphekoidie). Naturw. Wochenschr. N. F. 20: 589-592. P; I; MBM; HyAp, HyVe; de, th
1730. HEIKERTINGER F. (1921): Tauschende Ahnlichkeit mit Ameisen (Myrmekoidie).
Naturw. Wochenschr. N. F. 20: 709-713. P; I; MBM; HyMy; de, th
1731. HEIKERTINGER F. (1922): Welchen Quellen entspringen die biolo gischen
Trachthypothesen? II. A. R. Wallace Zool. Anz. 54: 30-38. An; MBM; An; th, rw
1732. HEIKERTINGER F. (1922): Welchen Quellen entspringen die biolo gischen
Trachthypothesen? III. A. R. Wallace (Warntrachthypothese). Zool. Anz. 54: 39-47.
An:A: th. rw
1748. HEIKERTINGERF. (1926): Die Ameisenmimese: III. Tastmimese. Biol. Zentralbl. 46:
593-625. I: MBM, MP: HyMy: th. de,jbo
1749. HElKERTINGER F. (1926): Uber der Fuhler von Mimeciton und seine Anpassung.
Eine Anfrage an E. Wasmann. Zool. Anz. 68: 17-24. Nt: CoSt (Mimeciton); MBM; HyMy
(Eci/on): de. tlJ
1750. HEIKERTlNGE R F. ( 1 9 2 6 ): Zur Mimese der K a l l i m a-Arten und anderer
Blattschmetterlinge. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 21: lll-ll8. As; LRNm (KalLima); C: Pl;
de, th
1751. HEIKERTINGER F. (1927): Welehen Quellen entspringen die biologisch en
Trachthypothesen? X. E. Wasmann (Ameisenmimese). Zool. Anz. 69: 225-248. I;
MBM. MP; HyMy: tll. nu
1752. HEIKERTINGER F. (1927): Die Ameisenmimese: IV. Uisung des Problems. Biol.
Zentralbl. 47: 462-501. I: MBM. MP; HyMy; th, de,jbo
1753. HEIKERTINGERF. (1927): Uber Myrmekoidie als ,,Anpassung" bei Histeriden. Zool.
Anz. 71: 23-43, 73-82. P; Co (Histeridae): MBM; HyMy; de, tll
1754. HEIKERTINGERF. (1927): Uber die Grundlagen des Mimikryproblems. Verh. Zool.
Bot. Ges. Wien 77: 8-10. An: M: An; th
1755. HElKERTINGERF. (1927): Uber FUhleranpassungen bei myrmekophilen Karem. Z.
Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 22 (3l): 124-147. Co; MBM; HyMy; de, tll
1756. HEIKERTINGER F. (1928): Uber die Begriffe "Auslese" und "Ausmerzung" als
1757. HElKERTINGERF. (1929): Einige Versuche mit der warnfarbigen Raupe von Euchelia
1759. HElKERTINGERF. (1929): Uber das Mil1likryproblem und seine Schwesterprobleme.
Trans. IV. Intern. Congr. E. lthaca 1928, vol. 2, 1929: 821 - 831. I; C, A, MBM; [; th
1760. HEIKERTINGER F. (1930): Uber "transform ative Schutzfarbung" und ihre
wissenschaftliche Begrudung. Biol. Zentralbl. 50: 193 - 219. I: C, A; de, th
1761. HEIKERTINGER F. (1932): Die Coccinelliden, ihr "Ekelblut", ihre Warntracht und
ihre Feinde. Biol. Zentralbl. 52: 65-102, 385-412. P: CoCc; A;jbo,ft, to
1762. HElKERTINGER F. (1933): Kritisches zum Mimikryproblem: Uber Schmetterlings
mimikry. V. Congr. Intern. ďE. Paris 1932, 1933: 119-130. LR; MBM; LR; th
1763. HElKERTINGERF. (1933): Kritik der Schmetterlingsmimikry: I. Das Ratsel des Papilio
dardanus nnd seine Uisung. Biol. Zentralbl. 53 (33): 561-599. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM;
LRDa: de. lIJ
1764. HEIKERTINGER F. (1934): Kritik der Schmetterlingsmimikry: II. Die Mimikrytypen
der afrikanischen Papilioniden und ihr Verhaltnis zu den nichtmimetischen
Vewandten. Biol. Zentralbl. 54 (34): 365-389. Aj; LRPa; MBM; LRDa; de, tll
1765. HEIKERTINGERF. (1935): Kritik der Schmetterlingsmimikry: III. Die Mimikrytypen
der afrikanischen Nymphaliden usw. Biol. Zentralbl. 55 (35): 461-483. AI; LRNm;
MBM: LRDa. LRAc; de, tll
1766. HEIKERTINGER F. (1935): Werden ubelriechende und giftige Kafe r von
Insektenfressern gemieden? (Versuchsergebnisse). E. Blatt. 31: 81-94. P: Co; C, A;
to. ft
1767. HElKERTINGERF. (1936): Kritik der Schmetterlingsmimikry: IV. Die Mimikrymodelle
der Tagfalter Afrikas und ihr ..Ekelgeschmack". Biol. Zentralbl. 56 (36): 151-166. Aj;
LRDa. LRAc; A: de. th. ft
1768. HEIKERTINGERF. (1936): Kritik der Schmetterlingsmimikry: V. Werden die Tagfalter
von Vógeln gejagt? 1. Freilandbeobachtungen. Biol. Zentralbl. 56 (36): 463-494. W;
LR: C. A: JMu
1769. HEIKERTINGER F. (1936): Kritik der Schmetterlingsmimikry: VI. Die Mimikry der
Tagfalter Súdamerikas: Die Dismorphiinen. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 86-87 (36-
37): 35-72. Nt: LRPi (DismO/phiinae): MBM: LRH1, LRIt; de. tll
1770 HEIKERTINGER F. (1936): Noch ein Wort úber Wespenmimikry. Z. Morph. Okol.
1771. HEIKERTINGERF. (1937): Kritik der Schmetterlingsmimikry: V. Werden die Tagfalter
von V6geln gejagt?: 2. Mageninhaltsuntersuchungen. Biol. Zentralbl. 57 (37); 2-21.
W; LR: C, A:fiAv
1772. HEIKERTINGER F. (1937): Uber zwei Grundbegriffe der Erniihrungsbiologie:
"Normalnahrungskreis" und .wirkliche Feinde". Biol. Zentralbl. 57: 431-441. I; C, A;
1773. HE1KERTlNGERF. (1937): 1st das Mimikryproblem eine vergleichend-morphologische
oder eine 6kologische Frage? Zaol. Anz. 119: 11-16. An; MBM, MP; An; tll
1774. HEIKERTINGER F. (1938): Uber die lnsektennahrung der Erdkr6te (Bufo vulgaris).
Koleopt. Rundsch. 24: 181-189. P; I: C, A;jtAmSl (Bqfo btifo)
1775. HEIKERTINGER F. (1939): Zur Frage des Ekelgeschmacks der Euchelia-Raupe. Z.
Morph. Okol. Tiere 35: 586-593. P; UieAt rrllyriajacobaeae, larvae); A; to,jt
1776. HEIKERTlNGER F. (1939): Uber den derzeitigen Stand der Mimikryfrage und der
Tiertrachtfragen im allgemeinen. Ber. Vll. lnt. E. Kongr. Berlin 1938: 553-563. An;
C, A. MBM. MP: An; tll. rw
1777. HE1KERTINGERF. (1939): Uber einige Futterungsversuche mitV6geln und Zygaenen.
E. Rundsch. 56: 220-224 .. 337-340. 355-356. P; UieZy (Zygaena); A;jtAv
1778. HEIKERTINGER F. (1940): Kritik der Schmetter1ingsmimikry: VII . Ub er
Futterungsversuche mit Tagfaltern und V6geln in der Mimikryforschung. Ver. 2001.
Bot. Ges. Wien 90-91 (40-41): 5-25. W; LR; A. MBM; LR;jtAv
1779. HElKERTINGERF. (1940): Exakte Mimikryforschung und angewandte Entomologie.
Z. Angew. E. 26: 608-623. I: MBM: I; tll
1780. HEIKERTlNGERF. (1941): Noch ein Wort uber Mimikry. Ber. Westpreuss. Bot.-Zool.
Ver. 62: 75-80. I: MBM; I: tll
1781. H EIKERTINGER F. (1942): Eine Erwiderung an d i e Gegner der exak t e n
Mimikryforschung. Z. Angew. E . 29: 347-365. I; M;I; tll
1782. HEIKERTINGER F. (1944): Oas Problem der Schmetterlingsmimikry und seine
L6sung. Z. Wien. E. Ges. 29:? W; LR; MBM; LR; tll, de
1783. HEIKERTINGERF. (1946): Sind die Schmetterlingsbilder in naturkundlichen Werken
richtig? Z. Wien. E. Ges. 31: 3-3. W; LR; MBM; LR; tll
1784. HEIKERTINGER F. (1946): Die Blattschmetterlinge. ein Irrtun der selektionistischen
Biologie. Zentralbl. Ges.-Geb. E. (Lienz) 1: 156-167. W; LR; C; Pl; tll. de
1785. HE1KERTINGERF. (1949): Oas Problem der "Tota1zeichnung" auf den Schmetterlings
flugeln. Z. Wien. E. Ges. 34: 85-89. L; C, A; tll
1786. HEIKERTINGER F. (1951): Oas Fundamentalprinzip der Spezialisation in der
Tierernahrung und seine Auswirkungen auf die grossen Werdehypothesen der
Biologie. Verh. Zaol.-Bot. Ges. Wien 92: 36-55. I; C. A; tll
1787. HEIKERTlNGER F. (1954): Oas Ratsel der Mimikry und seine LOsung. Eine kritische
Darstellung des Werdens. des Wesens und der Widerlegung der Tiertrachthypothesen.
208 pp. Jena, G.Fischer. W; I: C. A. MBM, MP. MEs. MFh. MO; I. Pl;de,Jbo. tll, bm. rw.Jt:
1788. HEINRICH B. (1979): Fora,ging strategies of caterpillars. leaf damage. and possible
predator avoidance strategies. Oecologia 42: 325-337. L (larvae); C. A;jbo,jt
1789. HEINRICH B. -COLLlNS L. (1983): Caterpillar leaf damage. and the game of hide
and-seek with birds. Ecology 64: 592-602. L (larvae); C. A;jtAv
1790. HEINRICH G. (1938): Les Ichneumonidae de Madagascar. III. Ichneumonidae,
Ichn e umo n i n a e . Mém. Acad . Malgache (Tanana r i v e) 2 5 : 1 - 1 3 9 . Aj; Hy
(Ic1mewllonidew): MO: Hy (Ichneumonidae); de
1791. HEINRICH P. (1980): Artful diners. Natural Hist" New York 89 (6): 42-51. Ne: L
(larvae): C. A:fiAv
1792. HELLER K. M. (1892): Ein bemerkenswerther Fall von Mimicry. E. Nachr. 18: 183-
185. Aj: CoCi: MBM: Hy (Pompilidae); de
1793. HELLER K. M. (1911): Ein borkenahnlicher Russelkafer (Mecocorynus cristatus).
Deutsche E. Nationalbibl. (Berlin) 2: 79-80. Aj; CoCu (Mecocorynus cristatus); C; Pl;
1794. HELLER K. M. (1928): Zur Kenninis der Schutzfarbung bei Insekten. Zaol. Anz. 78:
13-21. I: C: de. tll
1795. HELLMANN C. (1986): Schmetterlinge im Goldrausch. Kosmos (Stuttgart) 82 (10):
37-38. As: LRDa (Euploea care, pupae); A; de
1796. HENDERSON G. -AKRE R. D. (1986): Morphology of Myrmecophila manni.
a myrmecophilous cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). J. E. Soc. Brit. Columb. 83: 57-
62. Ne: O (M[Jrmecophila manni); MBM. MP: HyMy; de
1797. HENDERSON G. -AKRE R. D. (1986): Biology of the myrmecophilous cricket
Myrmecophna manni (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). J. Kansas E. Soc. 59 (3): 454-467. Ne;
O (Myrmecophi/a manni); MBM. MP; HyMy;jbo
1798. HENDERSON G. -AKRE R. D. (1986): Dominance hierarchies in Myrmecophila manni
(Orthoptera: GryllidaeJ. Pan-Pacific E. 62 (1): 24-28. Ne; O (Myrmecophila manni);
MBM. MP: HyMy:jbo
1799. HENDERSON R. W. (1984): Scaphiodonthophis (Serpentes: Colubridae): natural
history and test 01' a mimicry-related hypothesis. Special Publs. Univ. Kansas Mus.
Nat. Hist. 10: 185-194. Ne: ReOp (Scaphtodontophis annulatus, Scaphtodontophis
venutissímus): MBM: ReOp (Mícrurus nigrocÍ/lctus); de,jbo
1800. HENKE K. (1936): Mi1tei1ungen aus verschiedenen biologischen G ebieten.
Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 24: 746-748. P; HyAp (Psithyrus): MP; HyAp (Bambus);
1801. HENNEBERG B. (1933): Dber Schutztrachten bei lnsekten. Ber. Oberhess. Ges. Giesen
(N.F.) 16: 190-195. I: C: de. th
1802. HENNING S. F. (1982): Chemical communication between lycaenid larvae
(Lepidoptera, L ycaenidae) and ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Occas Bull. Zool.
Soc. South Afr. 2: 155. AI; LRLn (larvae); MP (cilemical); HyMy; de,Jbo
1803. HENNING S. F. (1987): Myrmecophilous Lycaenidae (ar how ants help butterflies).
South. Afr. J. ScL 83 (1): 9-10. AJ LRLn (larvae); MP (chemical); HyMy; de,jbo
1804. HENRY G. M. (POULTON COMM.) (1926): The terrifying appearence of the pupa of
Dysphania (Euschemia) palmyra. Cram. (Geometridae). observed by Mr. G. M. Henry,
in Ceylon. P.E.S.L. 1: 61-62. As; UieGe (Dysphania palmyra. pupae); MEs; de.jbo
1805. HENSEL J. L. -BRODlE E. D. (1976): An experimental study of aposemtaic coloration
in the salamander Plethodon jordani. Copeia 1976: 59-65. Ne; AmCd (Plethodon
jordani): A:jboJt
1806. HENSLOW G. (1899): Mimetic resemblances in animals and plants. Nat. Sci. 15:
121ff. Pl. An: MBM. C: An. Pl; de. tll
1807. HEPPNER J. B. (1983): Ecological notes on Brachodidae of eastern Europe. Nota
Lepid. 6 (2-3): 99-110. P; Uie (Bracllodidae, Bracllodes appendiculata); MO; HyAp
(Andrena): de,jbo
1808. HERÁŇ l. (1976): Animal coloration: the nature and purpose of colours in
invertebrates. London. Hamlyn. W; An; C, A, MBM; An; de, th.jbo, rw, bm
1809. HERDMAN W. A. (1889): ? Report Brit. Ass. Newcastle. S; Mo (Nudibrancllia); A; de,
1810. HERING M. (1893): "Resemblances ofHypatima bindella to broken twig." Stettin. E.
Z. 54: P; LHe (Blastobasidae. Hypatima bindelZa); C; Pl; de
1811. HERING M. (1926): Biologie der Schmetterlinge. 480 pp.. p. 305-328. Berlin. Springer.
W; L: C. A. MBM: L: de. tll. bm. rw
New York. London. Academie Press. Ne; HyVe. HyAp; MBM; HyVe, HyAp; de.jbo
1813. HERNANNS J. F. LE T. (1987): Homochromie chez les araignées. Rev. Vervictoise
Hist. Nat. 1987: 6-8. P: Ar; C: de.Jbo
1814. HERREBOUT W. M. -KUYTEN P. J. -RUITER L. DE (1963): Observations on eolour
patterns and behaviour of catterpillars feeding on Scotch Pine with a discission of
their functional significanee. Arch. Neel. Zool. 15: 315-357. P; LHe (larvae); C;jbo
1815. HERRERA C. M. (1985): Aposematic insects as six-legged fruits: Incidental short
circuiting of their defense by frugivorous birds. Am. Nat. 126 (2): 286-293. Ne; I: A;
Pl (fruits); de. jbo. th
1816. HERRERA M. (1917): Insectos homocromicos y mimetieos mexicanos. Bol. Direet.
Estud.Biol. Mexieo. 2: 83-91. Nt; I; C. A. MBM; I; de,jbo, tll
1817. HERRMANN H.-J. (1988): Einige Bemerkungen uber Haltung und Verhalten von
Pleurodema thaul (Lesson. 1926) (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Sauria 10 (1): 27-28. Nt;
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1818. HERRMANN H.-J. (1989): Uber Haltung und Verhalten von Phrynomerus microps
(Peters 1875). Sauria II (2): 25-26. Nt: AmSl (Phryno1llerus microps); A; de,}bo
1819. HERVE (1953): ,.Denops longicollis (Col., Cleridae) mimicking Crematogaster
scutellaris (Hym., Formicidae)." Entomologiste 9: 25-26. P; Co (Cleridae, Denops
longicollis): MBM: HyMy (Cre1llatogaster scutellaris); de
1820. HESPENHEIDE H. A. (1971): Food preference and the extent of overlap in same
insectivorous birds, with special reference to the Tyrarrnidae. Ibis 113: 59-72. Ne; I;
C. A: .ftAu (fyrannidae)
1821. HESPENHEIDE H. A. (1973): A novel mimicry complex: beetles and flies (Col.: Dipt.).
J. E. 48 (1): 49-56. Nt; CoCu (Zygapinae); MBM; D; de,}bo
1822. HESPENHEIDE H. A. (1975): Prey characteristics and predator niche width. Pp.
158-180 in: .Cody M. L., Diamond J. M. (eds.): Ecology and evolution of comunities.
Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard Dniv. Press. I; C, A;ft
1823. HESPENHEIDE H. A. (1976): Reversed sex-limited mirnicry in a beetle. Evolution 29
(4): 780-783. Ne: Co(Buprestidae. Chrysobothris humilis); MBM. MO; CaCh(Clytrinae),
Co (Buprestidae. Chrysobothris); de.}bo
1824. HESPENHEIDE H. A. (1980): New species and a review of the genus Helleriella
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Zygopinae). Coleopt. Bull. 34: 323-332. Nt; CoCu
(Zygopinae, Helleriella); MBM; HyMy {Zacryptocerus}; de
1825. HESPENHEIDE H. A. (1984): New neotropical species of putative ant-rnirnicry weevils
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Zygopinae). Coleopt. Bull. 38 (4): 313-321. Nt; CoCu
(Zygopinae); MBM; HyMy; de
1826. HESPENHEIDE H. A. (1986): Mimicry of ants of the genus Zacroptocerus
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. New York E. Soc. 94 (3): 394-408. Nt; CoCu(Zygopinae},
Ar: MBM: HyMy (Zacryptocerus):}bo. de
1827. HESS W. N. (1920): Notes on tbe biology ofsome common Lampyridae. Biol. Bull. 38
(2): 39-76. Ne; CoLa; MP; CoLa; de,fbo
1828. HESSE A. J. (1933): Recurrence of structural and colour patterns among insects.
Have they a greater functional than protective significance? South Afr. J. ScL 30:
326-337. AJ; I: C. A, MBM: I; tll
1829. HESSE E. (1916): Wespenfeinde unter den Vogeln. Omithol. Monatsber. 24: 3-4. P;
HyVe; A;ftAv
1830. HESSE E. (1982): Dntersuchungen zum Verhalten von Haushuhnkiiken (Gallus
domesticus) gegeniiber warnfarbiger Beute. Staatsexamenarbeit, Gottingen. Ao; A;
JtAv (Gallus gallus)
1831. HESSE R. (1937): Oekologie. Fortschr. Zool., Jena (N.F.) 1: 539-548. An; C. A, MBM;
An; de. }bo, tll. rw
1840. HICKSON S. .J. (1910): Colour in animaJs. Ann. Rep. & Trans. Manchester Micr.
Soc.: 36-48. Afl: C. A: de.jbo. tll
1841. HIGG!NS L. G. (1981): A revision of Phyciodes Hiibner and related genera, with
a rev:iew of the classification of the Melitaeinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Bull.
Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.) 43 (3): 77-243. Nt; LRMe (Phyciodes); C; de
1842. HIGUCHI H. (1989): Responses of the Bush Warbler Cettia diphone to artificial eggs
of Cuculus cuckoos in Japan. Ibis 131: 94-98. P; AvOv (Cuculus poliocepha1us, C.
saturatus); MP: AvOv (Cettia diphone);Jbo
1843. HIGUCHI H. -SATO S. (I 984): An example of character release in host selection and
egg colour olcuckoos Cuculus spp. in Japan. Ibis 126 (3): 398-404. P;AvOv (Cuculus
saturatus. C.polioceph.alus); MP: AvOv;fbo
1844. HILL G. E. (1988): The function of delayed plumage maturation in male black-headed
grosbeaks. Auk 105 (1): 1-10. Ne: Av (Pheucticus melanocephalus); MO; de,jbo
1845. HILL M. D. (1913): Animal coloration. Nature 90: 593. Av; C; th
1846. HILTON D. F. (1987): A terminology for females with color patterns that mim:ic males.
E. News 98 (5): 221-223. Ne; Odonata: MO: de,jbo, th
1847. HINDE S. L. (1902): The protective resemblance to flowers borne by an African
Hornopterous insects. FIata nigrocincta, Walker, T.E,S.L. 1902: 695-698. (reading
and diskussion: P,E.S.L. 1902: 26-27)Aj;
PLFl: de, .Ibo
1848. HINGSTON R. W. G (1927): Protective devices in spiders' snares, with a description
of seven new species of Orb-weaving spiders. Proc. Zool Soc. London 1927: 259-
293. As; Ar: C: de,Ibo
1849. HINGSTON R. W. G (1927): The liquid-squirting habit of oriental grasshoppers.
T,E,S.L. 1927: 65-68. As: O; A: to .fbo
1860. HINTON H. E. (1974): L ycaenid pupae that mirnic anthropoid heads. J. E. 49: 65-
69. W; LRLn (Spalgis lemolea, Spalgis epuis, Fenisca tarquinius, pupae); MBM; Mm
(Primates). birďs dropping;
1861. HINTON H. E. (1976): Possible significance of the red patches of the female cr:ab
spider, Misumena vatia (Araneae, Salticidae). J. Zool. 180: 35-39. P:ArTh (Misumena
vatia): A; de.. fbo. tll
1862. HINTON H. E. (1977): Mimicry provides information about the perceptual capacities
of predators. Folia E. Mex. 37: 19-29. Nt: Ho (MembracidaeJ: A, MO:ftAv
1863. HINTON H. E. (1977): Subsoeia! behaviour and biology of some Mexiean membracid
bugs (Hom.). Eeo!. E. 2 (1): 61-79. Nt: Ho (Membracidae. Bilimekia brooIJ1ťteldi); A: de.
jbo. tll
1864. HINTON H. E. -GlBBS D. F. -SILBERGLIED R (1969): Stridulatory files as difraction
gratings in mutillid wasps. J. Inseet Physio!. 15: 549-552. Nt: Hy(Mutillidae): A;jbo
1865. HINTON H. F. (1958): On the nature and metamorphosis of the color pattern oť
Thaumalea (Diptera, Thaumaleiae). J. lnseet. Physiol. 2: 249-260. ?: D(I'llaumaleidae.
Thaltrnalea): A: de.jbo
1866. HINTON H. F. (1958): On the pupa of Spalgis lemolea Druee (Lepidoptera. L yeaenidaeJ.
J. Soc. Brit. E. 6: 23-25. AI: LRLn (Spalgis lemolea. pupae): MBM: Mm (Primates); de
1867. HlRASHIMA Y. -AIZAWA K. -MIURA T. -V.lENGSIRl T. (1979J: Field studies on the
biological control of seafhoppers ancl planthoppers (Hemiptera: Homoptera)injurious
to rice plants in South-East Asia. Progress report for the year 1977. Esakia 13: 1-20.
As: LRLIJ (Spi.ndasis syarna. larvae); C; Pl(polygonacae); de
1868. HOBBY B. M. (1930): The British species of Asilidae and their prey. Trans. E. Soc.
South Eng!. 1930: 1-42. P; I: C. A:ftD (Asilidae)
1869. HOBBY B. M. -KILLINGTON F. J. (1932): .. Defensive display by Pyrameis atalanta
against Vespa crabro.·· J. E. South Eng!. 1: 7. P: LRNm(Pyrameis atalanta}: A;.ftHyVe
(Vespa crabrol
1870. HOCKEY P. A. R. -BOSMAN A. L. -RYAN P. G. (1987): The maintenance of
polymorphism and cryptic mimesis in the limpet Scurria variabilis by two species of
Cinclodes (Aves: Furnariinae) in central Chile. Veliger 30 (1): 5-10. Nt: Mo(Gastropoda.
Scurria llariabilis): MBM: Cr (Cirripedia. Chthamalus); de.jbo
1871. HOCKIN ,J. W. (POULTON COMM.) (1917): Papilio polytes romulus. Cram .. from the
extreme south of India and from the mainland opposite Singapore Islands. P.E.S.L.
1917: 80-84. As: LRPa(Papilio polytes): MBM: LRPa; de
1872. HODGSON G.G.C. (1909): Which is of the greater importance to Rhopalocera - the
upper Ol undersites of the wings? London J. City E. Soc. 1909: 29-44. P; LR; C; th
1873. HOESCH W. (1958): Uber das Zusammenwirken von Fii.rbung und Verhalten. J.
Ornitho!. 99: 173-177. ReOp: C. A;ftAv
1874. HOESCH W. (1959): Von der Maulwurfsnatter (Pseudaspis cana). Natur. u. Volk 89:
202-205. AI: ReOp (Pseudaspí.s cana): MBM; ReOp (Bití.s caudalis): de.fbo
1875. HOFFMANN A. (1886): Einiges uber Form und Farbenschutz in Anwendung auf
Calocampa solidaginis. Stettin. E. Z. 47: 161-166. P; LHeNo(Calocampa solidaginis);
C: de. th
1876. HOFFMANN F. (1934): Zur Biologie der Rothschildia arethusa W1kr, (Lepidoptera.
Saturnidae) nebst Bemerkungen uber Mimikry. E. Jahrb.1935: 84-87. Nt: LHe
(Satllrniidae. Rothschildia aretllusa): MBM: ?: de.jbo
1877. HOFFMANN KH. (1985): Color and color changes, Pp. 206-225 in: Hoffmann K. H.
(ed.): Enviromental physiology and biochemistry of insects. New York. Springer. W;
An; C. A: de . .fbo. th. bm. nv
1883. HOLLAND W. J. (1891): Asiatic Lepidoptera. List ofthe Diurnal Lepidoptera ... taken
in Celebes ... . Proc. Boston E. Soc. 25: 52-82 (p.56 mimicry). As: LR: MBM: LR: de
1884. HOLLAND W. J. (1892): The life history of Spalgis s-signata Hol!. Psyche 6: 201-203.
Aj; LRLn(Spalgis s-signata, pupae): MBM: Mm (Primates); de
1885. HOLLDOBLER B. [1953): Gibt es in Deutschland Ameisengaste, die eehte Ta.useher
sind? Naturwissenschaften 40: 34-35. P: Co: MBM: HyMy: de,jbo
1886. HOLLDOBLER B. (1967): Zur Physiologie der Gast-Wirt-Beziehungen (Myrmecophilie)
bei Ameisen. Z. Vergl. Physiol. 56: 1-21. Co: MBM, MP: HyMy:jbo
1887. HOLLDOBLER B. (1970): Contribution to the physiology of guest-host relations
(myrmecophily) in ants II: The relation between the imagos of Atemeles pubicollis
and Formica and Myrmica. Z. Vergl. Physiol. 66: 215. P: CoSt (Atemeles pubicollis,
lr.l.rvae): MP: HyMy (Fonnica. Myrmřca. larvae); de,jbo
1888. HOLLDOBLER B. (1971): Communication between ants [Hym., Formicidae) and their
uests. Scl. Amer. 224 (3): 86-93. P: Co: MBM: HyMy:jbo
1889. HOLLlNG C. S. (1961): Principles of insects predation. Ann. Rev. E. 6: 163-182. I: C.
A. MBM: I:It
1890. HOLLlNG C. S. (1963): Mimicry and predator behavior. Proe. Intern. Congr. Zool.,
16th, Washington, 4: 166-172. I: MBM: I;ft
1891. HOLLING C. S. (1965): The funetional response ofpredators to prey density and its
role in mimicry and population regulation. Memoirs E. Soc. Canada 45: 1-60. I: M: I:
1892. HOLLOWAY B. A. (1976): Pollen-feeding in hower-t)ies (Diptera: Syrphidae). New
Zeal. J. Zool. 3 (4): 339-350. Au: DSlj (Elistalis tenax): MBM; HyAp (Apis meHifera):
jbo, th
1893. HOLM E. -KIRSTEN J. F. (1979): Pre-adaptation and speed mimicry among Namib
Desert scarabaeids with orange elytra. J. Arid Environ. 2 (3): 263-271. Aj; Co
(Scarabaeidae): MBM: Co (Scarabaeidae): de,jbo
1894. HOLMBERG E. J. (l917): Un caso de mimetismo en las abejas. Physis (Buenos
Aires) 3: 234-237. Nt: HyAp; MBM: HyAp: de
1895. HOLZINGER H. -BROWN K. S. JR. (1982): Zur Kenntnis von Helieonius xanthocles
Bates (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Z. Arbeitsgem. Osterr. E. 34 (1-2): 19-36. Nt;
LRHl (Heliconills xanthocles): A: de
1896. HONDA K. (l98l): Larval osmeterial seeretions of the swalowtails. J. Chem. Eeo!. 7
(6): 1089-1113. P. As: LRPa (larvae); A: to
1897. HONRATH E. G. (1892): "Resemblanee of Epieopeia to Papilio." Berl. E. Z. 36: 21. As:
LHe (Epicopeir1ae. Epicopeia); MNM; LRPa (Pharma.cophagllS): de
1898. HOPKINS F. G. (1891): Pigment in yellow butterflies. Nature 45: 197-198. LR; A; de,
1899. HOPKINS G. H. E. (POULTON COMM.) (1930): Mimetic resemblance of an Aegeriid
moth to an abundant type of braeonid model; and the flight of tbe Lycaenid Mimaeraea
poultoni, Neave, to tbat of an Aeraea, observed in Uganda by G. H. E. Hopkins.
P.E.S.L. 5: 3-4. AJ: llie (Sesiidae); MBM: Hy (Braconidae): de
1900. HOPKINS G. H. E. (POULTON COMM.) (1930): Further confirmations of the
observation that distasteful butterJlies are not eaten by insects. P.E.S.L. 5: 41. Aj;
LR: A:jtI
1901. HORÁK A. (1987): Dapnis neri! and toxins of sphingid moths. (in czech) Živa 37 (5):
67-69. AI: LHe (Sphingidae, Daphnis nerii, larvae); MBM; ReOp; de. to
1902. HORDY G. H. (1945): On flies tbat fold tbeir wings, E. Month, Mag, 81: 93-94, AU;
DSy: MBM: HyVe; de,jbo
1903. HORJ.\IIE CH. -WALLACE A. R. ET ALL. "(1869): No tiUe, P,E.S.L. 1869: 7-11. I: C. A;jt
1904. HORN (1879): .,Theory ofinsects mimicry questioned". Trans. Am. E. Soc. 7: 2. Ne: I:
C. MBM: I: tll
1905. HORNE CH. (1869): No title. P.E.S.L. 1869: 12-13. As: I; C, A: jtAv. jtReSr.
1910. HORWOOD A. L. (1909): The coloration of birďs eggs. Nature 82: 247. AvOv; C; th
1911. HOUSTON K. J. (1979): Mosaic dominance in the inheritance of the colour patterns
of Coelophora inaequalis (F.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). J. Aust. E. Soc. 18 (1): 45-
51. Au: CoCc (Coelophom inaequalis): A: ge
1912. HOUSTON K. J. (1983): Inheritance of colour pattern in Phrynocaria gratiosa (MulsantJ
(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Gen. App!. E. 15: 19-30. Au; CoCc (Phrynocaria gmtiosa);
1913. HOUSTON K. J. -HALES D. F. (1980): Allelic frequencies and inheritance of colour
pattern in Coelophora inaequalis (F.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Aust. J. Zool. 28
(5-6): 669-677. Au: CoCc (Coelop/wm inaequalis); A; ge
1914. HOUSTON T. F. (1967): A bee with a difference. Wildl. Austr. 4: 68-70. Au; HyAp
(Hyleoides cincinnus): MBM; HyVe (Eumenidae); de
1915. HOUSTON T. F. (1989): Leioproctus bees associated with Western Australian smoke
bush (Conospermum spp.) and their adaptations for foraging and concealment
(Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Paracolletini). Rec. West. Austr. Mus. 14 (3): 275-292. Au;
HyAp (Colletidae. Leioproctus): C: Pl (Conospermum); de,jbo
1916. HOÚTEN J. M. V. D. (1933): De vlinders van Java. Natura (Breda) 1933: 239-243.
As; LR; MBM: LR; de
1917. HOVANITZ W. (J 940): Ecological color variation in butterfly and the problem of
"protective coloration". Ecology 21: 371-380. Ne; LRSs (Oeneis chryxus); C;jbo
1918. HOWARD L. O. (1892): "Resemblance of parasitised mealy-bug to puparium of
Diptera." Proc. E. Soc. Washington 2: 237. Ne; H; MO; D (pupae); de
1919. HOWARD L. O. (1900): "Resemblance of Hyperaspis larva to Coccid." Bull. U. S.
Dept. Agric. 26: 18. Ne; CoCe (Hyperaspis, larvae); M; Ho (Coccidae); de
1920. HOWARD R. R. (1973): Avoidance learning of spotted salamanders , Ambystoma
maculatum, by domestic chickens. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 52 (4): 56. Ne; AmCd
(Ambystoma maculatum); A; jtAv (Gallus gallus)
1921. HOWARD R. R. -BRODlE E. D. JR. (1971): Experimental study of mimicry in
salamanders involving Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens and Pseudotriton ruber
schencki. Nature 233: 277. Ne; AmCd (Pseudotriton ruber); MBM; AmCd
(Notophthalmus viridescens); .[bo, jtAv
1922. HOWARD R. R. -BRODlE E. D. JR. (1973): A batesian mimetic complex in
salamanders: response on avian predators. Herpetologica 29 (1): 33-41. Ne; AmCd
(Pseudotriton ruber): MBM; AmCd (Notophthalmus viridescens);jbo,jtAv
1923. HOWARD R. W. ET ALL. (1982): Defensive adaptations of eggs and adults of
Gastrophysa cyanea (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Chem. Ecol. 8 (2): 453-462. Ne;
CoCh (Gastrophysa cyanea); A:to
1924. HOWARD R. W. -AKRE R. D. -GARNETIW. B. (1990): Chemical mimicryin anobligate
predator of carpenter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ann. E. Soc. Am. 83 (3): 607-
616. Ne: DSy (Microdon piperi, larvae); MP (chemical); HyMy (Camponotus modae); de,
1925. HOWARD R. W. -MCDANIEL C. A. -BLOMQUIST G. J. (1980): Chemical mimicry as
an integrating mechanism: cuticular hydrocarbons of a termitophile and its host.
Science 210: 431-433. Ne: D (Termitoxeniidae, Trichopsenius jrosti); MP (chemical);
[soptem (Reticulitermes virgini.cus); de, jbo
1926. HOWARD R. W. -MCDANIEL C. A. -BLOMQUIST G. J. (1982): Chemical mimicry as
an integrating mechanism for three termitophil;es associated with Reticulitermes
virginicus (Banks). Psyche 89 (1-2): 157-167. Ne; D (Termitoxeniidae, Philotermes,
TrichopsenitLS depressus, Xenistusa); MP (chemical); [soptem (Reticulitermes virginicus);
1927. HOWARD R. W. -STANLEY-SAMUELSON D. W. -AKRE R. D. (1990): Biosynthesis
and chemical mimicry of cuticular hydrocarbons from the obligate predator, Microdon
albicomatus Novak (Diptera: Syrphidae) and its ant prey, Myrmica incompleta
Provancher (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Kans. E. Soc. 63 (3): 437-443. Ne; DSy
(Microdon albicomatus. larvae): MP (chemical); HyMy (Myrmica incompleta); de,jbo
1928. HOWARTHT. G. -KAWAZOE A. -SIBATANI A. (1976): A new mimetic species ofDanaus
(Tirumala) from the Solomon Islands (Lepidoptera: Danaidae). (injap.) Tyo to Ga 27
(4): 131-137. Au: LRNm (Hypolimnas); MBM; LRDa (Tirumala); de
1929. HUBBARD H. G. (1899): On Thalassa montezumae Muls. (family Coccinellidae). Proc.
E. Soc. Washington 4: 297-298. Nt: CoCc (Tllalassa montezumae. pupae): M; Ho
(Coccidae); de
1930. HUBBARD M. E. (1903): Correlated protective devices in some Caltfornia salamanders.
Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 1 (4): 157-170. Ne: AmCd; A; de
1931. HUBERT R. (1900J: Le mimétisme. Bull. Soc. Rouen 35: 59-77. An; MBM, C; An; de,
1932. HUEY R. B. -PIANKA E. R. (1977J: Natural selection for juvenile lizards mimicking
noxious beetles. Science 195 (4274): 201-203. AJ; ReSr (Eremias lugubris); MBM;
CoCa (Anthia): de . . {ba
1933. HUHEEY J. E. (1960): Mimicry in the color pattern of certain Appalachian
salamanders. J. Elisha Mitchell ScL Soc. 76: 246-251. Ne; AmCd (Desmognatllus
ocl1ropllaeus): MBM: AmCd (PletllodonJordaní); de.jbo
1934. HUHEEY J. E. (1961): Studies on warning coloration and mimicry III. Evolution of
Mullerian mimicry. Evolution 15: 567-568. Ne; AmCd; MBM; AmCd;jbo, ge
1935. HUHEEY J. E. (1964): Studies of warning coloration and mimicry IV. A mathematical
model ofmodel-mimic frequencies. Ecology 45: 185-188. An: MBM; An: tll
1936. HUHEEY J. E. (1966J: Studie s in warning coloration and mirnicry V. Red-cheeked
dusky salarnanders in North Carolina. J. E1isha Mitchell Scient. Soc. 82: 126-131.
Ne: AmCd: MBM: AmCd:fbo
1937. HUHEEY J. E. (1976): Studies in warning coloration and mlmicry Vll. Evolutionary
consequences ol' a Batesian-Mullerian spectrum: a model for Mullerian mimicry.
Evolution 30 (1J: 86-93. An; MBM: An; tll
19:38. HUHEEY J. E. (1977J: Novel toxins and the question of warning coloration and
mimicry in sa1amanders. Herpetological Rev. 8 (3): Suppl. 10. Ne; AmCa; A, MBM:
AmCa:jbo, to
1939. HUHEEY J. E. (1980): The question of synchrony or "temporal sympatry" in mimicry.
Evolution 34: 614-616. An: MBM: An: tll
1940. HUHEEY J. E. (1980J: Batesian and Mullerian mimicry: semantic and substantive
differences of opinion. Evolution 34: 1212-1215. An; MBM; An; tl1
1941. HUHEEY J. E. (1980): Studies in warning coloration and mimicry VlIl. Further
evidence for a frequency-dependent model of predation. J. Herpetol. 14 (3): 223-
230. Ne: HyAp (Apis mell((era): MO:,{tAmSl (Bl-1fo terrestris, Hyla cinerea)
1942. HUHEEY J. E. (1984J: Warning coloration and mimicry. Pp. 257-297 in: Bell W. J.,
Carde R. T. (eds.): Chemical ecology of insects. xvi+ 524 pp . London & New York.
and its presumed mimicry (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). E. News 82: 43-47. P: HyMy
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1952. HURLBERT S. H. (1970): Predator responses to the vermilion-spotted newt,
(Notophthalmus viridescens). J. Herpet. 4: 47-55. Ne: AmCd (Notophthalmus
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1953. HURST C. H. (1891): Appearance as an aid to protection. Trans. Manchester. Micr.
Soc. 1890: 63-71. An: C. MBM: An: de. tll
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133: 260. P: AvOv (Cuculus canorus): MP: AvOv: ge
1955. HUSTLER K. (1990): Why do cuckoos look Jike accipiters? Honeyguide 36 (1): 38-39.
Aj: Av (Chrysococcyx caprius. Cuculus canorus): M: Av (Accipiter): th, de
1956. HUTCHINSON G. E. (1981): Thoughts on aquatic insects. Bioscience 31 (7): 495-
500. I: C: th
1957. HUTTON. POULTON E. B. (1903): "Pseudo-mimicry". Nature 67: 439. I; MO; I: th
1958. HUXLEY J. (1932): "Protective" adaptations of anima!s. Nature 130: 203. An; C. A.
MBM:An: tll
1959. HUXLEY J. S. (1938): The present standing of the theory of sexua! se!ection. Pp. 11-
42 in: Beer G. R. de (ed.): Evolution. Oxford. An; MBM; An; ge, th
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discussion of the biological functions of colour. Proc. 8th. Int. Ornith. Congr. Oxford
1934: 430-455. Av: A: de .. {bo, th
1961. HUXLEY J. S. (1945): Evolution. the modern synthesis. London. G. Allen. An; MBM;
An: th. ge
1962. IDEKER J. (1977): Field separation of Cicinde!a species by escape behaviour (Col..
Cicindelidae). Cicindela 9 (2): 39-40. Ne; H (Saldidae, Pentacora signoretQ: MBM:
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1963. IKIN M. -TURNERJ. R. G. (1972): Experimentes on mimicry: Gestalt perception and
the evolution of genetic linkage. Nature 239 (5374): 527-527. P; Ao: A, MBM;ftAv
1964. ILENKO N. N. -ILENKO E. P. (1987): Adaptive signifikance of skin colour and severa!
behavioural reactions of the red spoted fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombinaJ. (in
russ.) Probl. ObŠč. Mol. Biol. 6: 50 53. P; AmSl (Bombina bombina); A;jbo
(Hemipteral frorn British Honduras. Florida Ent. 56 (3): 200-202. Nt: H (Reduviidae.
Notocyrtus vesiculosus); MBM; HyAp (TrigonaJulviventris);
1977. JACKSON J. F. -DRUMMOND B. A. (1974): A Batesian ant-mimicry complex from
the Mountain Pine Ridge of British Honduras. with an exarnple of transformational
rnimicry (Hymenoptera, Forrnicidae). Am. MidI. Nat. 91 (1): 248-251. Nt; Ar
(Clubionidae)ArSa, Ma. H (Miridae); MBM; HyMy (Camponotus planus). HyVe;
1978. JACKSON J. F. -INGRAM W. -CAMPBELL H. W. (1976): The dorsal pigmentation
pattern of snakes as an antipredator strategy: a multivariate approach. Aro. Nat.
110: 1029-1953. W: ReOp; C. A MBM; ReOp: ft. nu
1979. JACKSON L. A. (1983): Mirn{cry and mimesis in fishes. Freshwater Mar. Aquar. 6 (6):
32-33. W; Ps: MBM, C; Ps; nu
JACKSON R. R. (1982): The biology of ant-like jumping spiders intraspecific
interactions ol' Myrmarachne lupata (Araneae. Salticidae). Zoo!. J. Linn. Soc. 76:
293-319. Au; ArSa (Myrmarachne lupata); MBM; HyMy;jbo
1981. JACKSON R. R. (1986): The biology of Phyaces comosus (Araneae: SalticidaeJ,
predatory behaviour, antipredator adaptations and silk utilization. Bull. Blit. Mus.
Nat. Hist. (Zoo!. ) 50 (2): 109-116. As; ArSa (Phyaces comosus): C;jbo
1982. JACKSON R. R. (1986): The biology of ant-likejumping spiders (Araneae. Salticidae):
prey and predatory behaviour ofMyrrnarachne with particular attention to M. lupata
frorn Queensland. Zoo!. J. Linn. Soc. 88: 179-190. Au; ArSa (Myrmarachne); MBM;
1983. JACKSON R. R. (1990): Predatory and silk utilisation behaviour of Gelotia sp. indet.
(Araneae: Salticidae: SpartaeinaeJ. a web-invading aggressive mirníc from Sri LarIka.
New Zealand J. Zoo!. 17 (4): 475-482. As; ArSa (Gelotia); MP (vibratory signals); Ar;Jbo
1984. JACKSON R. R. -BRASSINGTON R. J. (1987): The biology of Pholcus phalangioides
(Araneae, Pholcidae): Predatory versatility. araneophagy and aggressive mimicry. J.
Zoo!. 211 (2): 227-238. AtL' Ar (Pholcidae, Pholcus phalangioides); MP (vibratory signals);
1985. JACKSON R. R. -HALLAS S. E. (1986): Comparative biology of Portia africana, P.
albimana, P. fimbriata. P. labiata and P. schulzi. araneophagic. web-buildingjumping
spiders (Araneae: Salticidae): utilization of webs, predatory versatility. and intraspecific
interactions. New Zealand J. Zoo!. 13: 423-489. Aj.
Au: ArSa (Portia); MP (vibratory
signals); Ar:jbo
1994. JACOBSON E. (1909): Beobachtungen uber den Polymorphismus von Papilio memnon
L. Tijdschr. E. 52: 125-157. As: LRPa (Papili.o memnan): MBM: LRPa: ge
JACOBSON E. (1910): Corrigenda zu Edw. Jacobson: .. Beobachtungen uber den
Polymorphismus von Papilio memnan". Tijdschr. E. 53: 195. As: LRPa (Papilia
memnan): MBM: LRPa: ge
1996. JACOBSON G. (1900): Sur un cas interessant de mirnicry entre les coleopteres russes.
[in russ.) Ann. Mus. Petersh. 5: 9. P: CaCh {Paropsides}; MBM: CaCc (Coccinel1a); de
1997. JACOBSON H. R. -KISTNER D. H. (1983): Revisian af same myrmecoid Zyrasini
from Africa (Coleoptera: StC1phylinidae) with notes on their behaviour and relatlonship.
Sociobiolo.C:Y 8 (l): 1-50. Af; CoSt (Zyrasini); MBM. MP; HyMy: de. .fbo
1998. JACOBSON H. R. -KISTNER D. H. (1991): Cladlstic study, taxonomie restructuring
and revision ol' the mvrmecophilous tribe Leptanillophilini with comments on its
evoluUon ane! host relationship (Coeloptera: Staphylinie!ae: Hymenoptera:
Formicie!ae). Sociobiology 18 (l): 1-150. Nt: CoSt(Leptanillophmni): MBM. MP; HyMy:
1999. JACOBSON H. R. -KISTNER D. H. -ABDEL-GALIL F. A. (1987): A ree!escription of
the myrmecophilous genera Probegeria, Begeria and the descriptlon of a closely related
new genus fmm Arizona (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Sociobiology 13 (3): 307-338.
Ne: CoSi {Begeria. Probegeria}: MBM. MP: HyMy; de
2000. JACOBSON H. R. -PASTEELS J. M. (1985): New species and new records of West
ane! Central Alí-ican Crotocini with a redescription of the genera Termitopula and
Terl11itopullus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Sociobiology II (l): 1-28. Aj: CoSt
(Crotocini): MBM, MP: Isoptem: cle
2001. JACOBY M. (1905): ..Resemblance between a chrysomelid and Trigona." P.E.S.L.
1905: 18. Nt: CoCh: MBM: H!)Ap (Trigona): de
2002. JAJ\,1ESON D. L. (ED.) (l977): Evolutionary genetics. (reprint of significant research
papers). Benchmark Pap. Genet. 8: xi+332pp. W; LR; MBM: LR; ge
2003. JANET C. (1898): Observations de M. Piepers sur des chenilles myrmecoides. Bull.
Soc. Zaol. FrClnce 1898: 130. As: LHe (Notoclonticlae. Stauropus sikkimensis. larvae):
MBM; H!)My; de
2004. JANIN P. (19E;8): Les colorations chez les lépidopteres adultes: revue de quelques
travaux experil11 entaux portant sur leur valeur adaptive. Anée Biol. 7: 513-556. L:
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2005. JANIN P. (1972): Experiences sur la predation de Lépidopteres captifs par des oiseaux
sauvages. J. La cOl11estibilité comme objet l'experience. Rev. Comport. Anim. 6: 25-
42. P: LHeAt (Arclia ca;a); A:IlAu
2006. JANSON O. E. (1909): Mimicry of oriental cocmach and beetle. P,E.S.L. 1909: 3. As:
Blattodea: MBM: Co: cle
2007. JANSON O. E. (1913): A remarkable Coleoptemn. P.E.S.L. 1913: 15. Nt: CoSt
(EcitomOf]Jha arac/l11oicles):
MBM: HyMy (Eciton hetschkoi); cle
2008. JANZEN D. H. (1966): Coevolution between ants and acacias in Central America.
Evolution 20: 249-275. Nt: H!JMy: A:.fbo
2009. JANZEN D. H. (1980): Two potencial coral snake mimics in a tmpical deciduous
forest. Biotropica 12 (1): 77-78. Nt: ReOp(Geomyda pulcherrimaJ: MBM: ReOp(Micrurus
nigrocinctu5): de
2010. JANZEN D. H. -POND C. M. (1976): Food and feeding behaviour of a captive Costa
Rican least pigmy owl Glaucic!ium minutissimum rarum Griscom. (Aves: Strigidae).
Brenesia 9: 71-80. Nt: I: C, A:ftAv (Glallciclium minutissimum)
2011. JAPHA A (1909): Die Trutzstellung des Abendpfauenauges (Smerinthus ocellatus
L.). Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 27: 321-328. P: LHe (Spllingidae. Smerinthus ocellatus); MEs:
.!bo, de
2012. JÁRVI T. (1981): Individual versus kin selection for aposematic coloration: a reply to
Harvey and Paxton. Oikos 37: 393-395. I: A: ge, tll
2013. JÁRVI T. -SILLÉN-TULLBERG B, -WIKLUND C. (1981): The cost of being aposematic.
An experimental study of predation on larvae of Papilio machaon by the Great Tit
Parus major. Oikos 36: 267-272. P: LRPa (Papilio machaon, laruae); A; ftAv (Parus
2014. JARVINEN A (1984): Relationship between the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus
and its host. the Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus. Ornis Fennica 61: 84-88. P;
AvOv (Cuculus canorus): MP: AvOl! (P/lOenicurus p/lOenicurus);jbo
2015. JEANNEL R (1935): Homochromie et mimétisme. Revue Fr. E. 2 (3): 113-116. 2 (4):
181-186. I; C. MBM; I; th
2016. JEANNEL R (J 941): Les Henicocephalides. Monographie d'un groupe d'Hemipteres
Hematophages. Arm. Soc. E. Fr. IlO: 273-386. P; H (Coreidae, Enicocepha1inae);
MBM: H1JM!J: de
2017. JEFFERYS (1898): "Protective resemblance in Lepidoptera". Entomologist 1898: 241.
2018. JEFFORDS M. R (1979): Batesian rnimicry: the selective advantage of color patterns.
Dissertation Abstr. Internat. (B) 39 (12) (j): 5747. Ne; LHe (Saturniidae. Callosamia
promethea): MBM: LRPa (Battus phi/enor); jbo. ge, th
2019. JEFFORDS M. R -STERNBURGJ. G. -WALDBAUER G. B. (1979): Batesian mimiCly:
field demollstration of the survival value of pipevine swallowtail and rnonarch color
patterns. Evolution 33: 275-286. Ne; LHe (Saturniidae. Callosamia promethea); MBM;
LRPa (Battus philenor):jbo. ge, th
2020. JEFFORDS M. R -WALDBAUER G. P. -STERNBURG J. G. (1980): Deterrnination of
the tirne of day at which diurnal moths painted to resemble buUertlies are attacked
by birds. Evolution 34: 1205-1211. Ne; LHe (Saturniidaf'. Callosamia promethea,
Ao): A. MO: LR:,(tAv
2021. JELLISON W. L. (1945): Cryptic resemblance in Sathrophyllia rugosa L. Ann . E. Soc.
Am. 38: 412-413. Ne: O (Satropl1yllia rugosa): C: de
2022. JENKINS D. W. (1983): Neotropical Nyrnphalidae. 1. Revision of Hamadryas. Bul!.
Allyn Mus. 81: 1-146. Ni: LRNm (Hamadryas); C. A;de
2023. JENKINS D. W. (1987): Neotropical Nymphalidae. 6. Revision of Asterope (Cal1ithea
auci.). Bull. Allvn Mus. 114: 1-66. Nt;LRNm (Asterope); MBM: LR;de
2024. JENKYN T. (19 2): Patterns for survival. Butterflies wings. Country Life 171: 222-
2025. JENSEN R AC. -CLINNING C. F. (1974): Breeding biology of two cuckoos and their
hosts in South West Africa. Living Bird 13: 5-50. Aj; AvOv (Chrysococcyx klaas.
CUCU111S damosus): MP: AvOv:Jbo
2026. cJERMYN T. (POULTON COMM.) (1917): Notes on rnimicry in oriental buttertlies.
P.E.S.L. 1917: 9-13. As: LR: MBM: LR: de.jbo
2027. JEŠATKO K. (1938): "Carabus vario10sus mimicking cup of beech fruit." (in czech.)
Acta Soc. E. Cechosl. (prague) 35: 89-91. P:CoCa (Carabus variolosus); C; Pl (Fagus
syll!atica); de
2028. JOANNIS J. DE (1913): Remarque sur un cas colleciif de mimétisme chez des
Lepidopteres. Bu11. Soc. E. Fr. 1913: 137-140.LR;A. MBM: LR; de.jbo
2029. JOHANSEN R M. (1976): Algunos aspectos sobre la conducta mimetica de
Franklinolhrips vespiformis (CrawfordJ. (Insecta: Thysanoptera). An. Inst. Biol., Univ.
Nac. Auton. Mex., Ser. Zoo 1. 47 (1): 25-50. Nt; Thysanoptera (Franklinothrips
vespiformis): MBM: HyVe: de. .Ibo
2030. JOHKI Y. (l980): "Warning coloration" in larvae of a diurna! moth, Pryeria sinensis
Moore (Lepidoptera. Zygaenidae). Internat. Congr. Entomol. 16th. 1980: 237. As;
LHeZy (Pr-yeria sinensis. larvae): A: ftReSr (Takydromlls tacllydromoides)
2031. JOHKlY. -HIDAKA T. (i979): Function of the "warning coloration" in larvae of a diurna1
moth, Pryeria sinica Moore (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Appl. E. Zool. 14: 164-172.
As: LHeZy (Pryeria sinensis. larvae): A;JtS (Takydrornlls tachydrorrwides)
2032. JOHNSON C. W. (1886): Mimicry in a neuropterous insect. Nature 33: 365-366. P;N
íMantispa}: MBM; Ma (Mantis); de
2033. JOHNSON C. W. (1894): "Mimicry of Phlogophora meticu10sa." Entomologist 1894:
317. P: LHeNo (Phlogophora rneticulosa); C: de
2034. JOHNSON D. S. (1975): Three unusual catfishes. Todays Aquarist 2 (2): 20-22. Nt;
Ps (Cal1ichth1jidae. Corl.jr1oras simlLlans): MBM; Ps: de
2035. JOHNSON J. A. -BRODlE E. D. (1975): The seleciive advantage of the defensive
posture of the newt. Taricha granulosa. Am. Midl. Nat. 93 (1): 139-148. Ne; AmCd
(Taricha granulosa); A: jbo
2036. JOHNSON K. (1986): A new species of Tmolus (Lycaenidae) with notes on the
Euptychia westwoodi (Satyridae] mimicry complex. Bull. Allyn Mus. 106: I-ll. Nt;
LRSs (Euptycilia westwoodi). lRLn (Trnolus); MFh; de
2037. JOHNSON K. -BORGO P. M. (1976): Patterned perching in two Callophrys (Mitoura)
(Lycaenídae).J. Lepíd. Soc. 30: 169-183. Nt; LRLn (Callophrys); MFh: de,jbo
2038. JOHNSON S. (1991): Grow your own egg. Hawaii Shell News 39 (6): 3. S; Mo
(Gastropoda, Ovula ovorum); MO; Mo (Gastropoda, Phyllidia, eggs); de,jbo
2039. JOICEY J, J. -TALBOT G. (1917): New South-American Rhopa!ocera. Proc. Zool.
Soc. London 1917: 259-264. Nt: LR: MBM: LR; de
2040. JOLIVET P. -VAN PARYS E. (1977): Un cas inedit de mimétisme agressif entre un
chrysomelide (Mesoplatyx cineta Olivier) et un carabíque (Cyaneodinodes ammon
Fabricius) (Coleoptera). Bul. Mens. Soc. Linn. L yon 46 (6): 168-180. P; CoCa
(Cyaneodinodes amnwn); MP: CoCh (Mesoplatyx cineta); de, Jho
2041- JONES AH. (1906): No title. P.E.S.L. 1906: 33. P; LR:ftSr
2042. JONES D. A. -PARSONS J. -ROTHSCHILD M. (1962): Rel ase of hydrocyanic acid
from crushed tissues of a!1 stages in the life-cyc1e of species of the Zygaeninae
(Lepídoplera). Nature 193: 52-53. P; LHeZy: A; to
2043. JONES F. M. (POULTON COMM.) (1931): The gregarious sleeping habits of Helíconius
charitonia L. P.E.S.L. 6: 4-10. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius charitonia); A:jbo
JONES F. M. (1930): The sleeping HeJiconias in Florida. Nat. Hist. 30: 635-644. Nt;
JONES F. M. (1932): Inseet eoloration and the relative acceptabnity of ínsects to
bírds. T.E.S.L. 80: 345-385. pl. 18-28. Ne; I: C, A;ftAv
JONES F. M. (1934): Bird-feeding experiments in 1934, on Martha's Vineygard Island,
Massachusetts: the return of the ,,17-year Cicada" to the is:and; notes on two of its
buttertlies. P.R.E.S.L. 9: 80-82. Ne; I: C, A;ftAv
JONES F. M. (1934): Furiher experiments on coloration and relative acceptability of
inseets to birds. T.E.S.L. 82: 443-453. Ne: I; C, A:ftAv
JONES F. M. (1937): Relative acceptability and poisonous food-plants. P.R.E.S.L.
12: 4-6. 74-76. Ne: I: A: to
2049. JONES J. M. (1967): "Raptor tlíght" of cuckoos. Brit. Birds 60: 370. P; Av (Cuculus
eanorus): MBM: Av (Aeeipiter);
2050. JONES-WALTERS L. (1989): The c1assifieation of mimetic resemblances in spiders.
Brit. Arachno!. Soc. News!. 55: 2-3. W; Ar; C, MBM, MP; Ar, HyMy; th
2051. JORDAN D. -SNYDERJ. (1901): A review of apoda! fishes ofJapan. Proc. U. S. Nat.
Mus. 23: ? S; Ps (Muraenidae. Chlevastes eolubrinus); MBM; ReOp; de
2052. JORDAN D. -SNYDER J. (1905): A guide of the study of fishes. xxvi+624pp., New
York. 5: Ps (Muraenidae. Cillevastes colubrinus); MBM; ReOp; de
2053. JORDAN K. (1896): On mechanical selection and other problems. Novit. Zoo!. 3:
426-525. W: LRPa (Papi.lio); MBM: LR: th, ge
2054. JORDAN K. (1897): On mimicry. Nature 1897: 153,419. LR; MBM; LR; tll
2055. JORDAN K. (1907): Papilionidae. Pp. 1-145 in: Kernen A: Die Gross-Schmetterlínge
der Erde 5, Stuttgart. Nt; LRPa; MBM; LR: de
2056. JORDAN K. (1909): P olymorphic P apilío and Styx inferna!is. P.E.S.L. 1909: ll. Nt:
LRPa (Papilio lysithous. Papilio hectoroides): MBM; UWa (Styx ínfernalis); de
2057. JORDAN K. (1909): Mimetic locust. P.E.S.L. 1909: ll. Aj; O (Acrotylus); C; de
2058. JORDAN K. (I 911): The systematics of some Lepidoptera which resemble each other.
and their bearing on genera! questions oj' evolution. I. Congr. Int. E. 1910, Bruxelles:
385-404. W; LRPa; MBM: LR; ge, til
2059. JORDAN K. (1913): South American Papilios. P.E.S.L. 1913: 129-130. Nt; LRPa
(Cosmodesmus, Pharmacophagus); A. MBM: LRPa; de
2060. JORDAN K. (1922): The scent-organ of certain mimetic Castnidae. P.E.S.L. 1922:
91. Nt: LHe (Castniidae); MBM; LR; de
2061. JORDAN K. (1924): A race of Asota heliconia L. (Hypsidae), which has 10st the warning
colour of the body. P.E.S.L. 1924: 34-35. Nt: LHe (Hypsidae. Asota helimnia); A; de
2062. JORDAN K. (1932): Calliper-like appendages in some American moths. P.E.S.L. 7:
16. Nt: LHeZy, LHe5n: MBM; HyAp. HyVe; de
2063. JORDAN K. (1932): Resemblance between Arctiids and Syntomids. P.E.S.L. 7: 16-
18. Nt: LHeSn: MBM: LHeAt: de
JORDAN R C R (1872): "On mimicry in British Lepidoptera". E. Month. Mag, 8:
251-253. P: L: C, A, MBM: L: de
JORGENSEN T. H, (1984): Polymorphisrn and sexual dirnorphisrn in the large yellow
underwing Noctua pronuba (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). E, Gaz, 35 (l): 9-17. P;
LHeNo (Nodua pronuba); A: ge
2066. JOUGlJET (1927): "Critisrn of mirnic!'y." J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc, 32: 377. As: I;
1VIBM: [: tll
2067. JOURDAIN F. C. R (1917): On the eggs of someJapanese Cuckoos. BulI. Brit. Ornith.
CL Lonclol1 37: 45, P: AvOv (Cuculus): MP: AvOv; de,jbo
2068. JOURDAlN F. C. R (1925): A study of parasitisrn in the cuckoos, Proc. ZooL Soc.
London: 639-667, W: AvOv (Cuculidae): MP: AvOv; de,jbo, rw, th
2069. JOURDAlN S. (1901): Sur les rnoyens employes par les insectes pour se defenclre
contre leurs ennemis. Compt. Rend. Ass. Franc. 29 (l): 190-191. P; I;C. A, MBM;I;
2070. JOUVENTIN P. -PASTEUR G. -CAMBEFORT J. P. (1977): Observational learning of
baboons and avoidance of mirnics: exploratory tests. Evolution 31 (1): 214-218. I:
MBM: I: ftMm (Mandrillus spllinx)
2071. JUDD S. J. (1899): The efficiency of sorne protective adaptations in securing insects
frorn birds. Amer. Nat. 33: 461-484. Ne; I; C, A, MBM: I;ftAv
2072. KÁCHA P. -PETR V. (1995): Carnouflage and mimicry in fossils, 1.: general part. Acta
Mus. Nat. Prague, Ser. B. Hist. Nat. 51 (l-4): 53-82. Trilobitomorpha,fossil;MO;th,
2073. KALLMAN K. D. (1971): The pike killifish pint-size predator. Anim. Kingd. 74 (3): 22-
24. Nt: Ps (Poecilidae. Belonesox belizanus); MBM; Ps: de
2074. KALSHOVEN L. G. E. (1935): Indomalaysian Nothopeus species (Col., Cerarnbycidael.
remarks on their foodplants. identity and mil11icry. E. Medd. Ned.-Ind. (Buitenzorg)
1: 50-54. As: CoCe (Nothopeus): MBM; Co: de
2075. KALSHOVEN L. G. E. (1961): Larvae of Hol11 0des l11imicking the aggressive Oecophylla
ant in Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Tijdschr. E. 104: 43-50. As; LHeNo
(Homodes. larvae): MBM: HyMy (Oecophylla): de,jbo
2076. KAMBLE S. T. (1974): Notes on a predator of Dysdercus koenigii Fabr. (Hel11iptera:
Pyrrhocoridae). Current ScL 43 (5): 159. As: H (Pyrrhocoridae. Dysdercus koenígii);
2077. KAMIL A. C. -LIND STROM F. -PETERS J. (1985): The detection of cryptic prey by
blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata). L The effects of travel time. Anil11. Behav. 33: 1008-
1079. Ne: I: C:ftAv (Cyanocitta crLc;tata)
2078. KAMMERER P. -KGHLER W. (1906): Allerlei Futterungsversuche. II. Werden
grellfarbige Kerbtiere gefressen? BL Aquarienkunde (Magdeburg) 17: 187-189. 200-
202,211-212. P: I: A;ftPs,ftRe,ftAm
2079. KAMOUN S. (1991): Parasematic coloration: A novel anti-predator rnechanism in
tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidael. Coleopt. Bull. 45 (1): 15-19. P: CoCi: MEs;
tbo, cle
2080. KANNAN K. (POULTON COMM.) (1925): Confirmation by Dr. Kuhni Kannan in S.
India 01' Dr. V. G. L. van Someren's observations on Hyperechia and Xylocopa at
Nairobi. P.E.S.L. 1925: 12-13. As: D (Asilidae, Hyperechia xylocopaeformis); MBM,
MP: HyAp (Xylocopa tenuiscapa):jbo
2081. KANNAN K. (POULTON COMM.) (1926): Proof by Dr. Kuhni Kannan that the larva of
Hyperechia xylocopaeformis, Walk., preys upon larva ofXylocopa tenuiscapa. Westw.,
in S. India. P.E.S.L. 16: 1-2. As; D (Asilidae. Hyperechiaxylocopaeformis); MBM, MP:
HyAp (Xylocopa tenLLiscapa); de,jbo
2082. KARALUS K. -ECKERT A. (1974): The owls of North Anlerica. New York. Ne; Av
(GlaucidiLLm); MEs; cle
2083. KARDONG K. v. (1980): Gopher snakes and rattle snakes: presumptive Batesian
l11il11icry. Northwest Sci. 54: 1-4. Ne; ReOp (Pituophis melanoleucus); MBM; ReOp
(Crotalus viridis): de
KARNY H. (1914): Schutzanpassungen der Heuschrecken. Maximilian-Gymnasiul11,
Wien IX (Schulprogramm). P; O; C: de
2085. KARNY H. (1929): Uber einen neuen Fal! von transformativer Schutzfii.rbung bei
einer Laubheuschrecke (Tettigoniidae). Zool. Anz.. Wasmann-Festschrift: 232-237.
P: O (Tettigoniidae): C: de
2086. KARNY H. H. (1923): Flechtennachahmende Heuschrecken. Natur 14: 317-320. Nt;
O: C: Lichenes: de
2087. KARRENJ. B. (1964): Protective coloration and form in the North American genus
Exema (Chrysomelidae. Coleoptera). Proc. North Centra! Branch - E. Soc. Am.19:
77-79. Ne: CaCh (Exema); C: Pl: de
2088. KARSCH F. (1887): ("Resemblance in appearance between two genera of Tachinidae").
E. Nachr.13: 97-105. As; D (Tachinidae): M; D (Tachinidae); de
2089. KARSCH F. (1894): "Double mimicry: mimicry between insects of different countries."
Berlin. E. Z. 39: ll. I: MO: I; de
2090. KARSCH F. (1894): "False mimicry between Xerophyllum and Membracis." Berlin.
E. Z. 39: 15. Ho (Membracidae. Xerophyllum); MO; Ho (Membracidae, Membracis);
2091. KARTASEV V. M. (1989): Predators' behaviour is determined by the behaviour of
their p,rey. (in russ.) Priroda (Moskwa) 1989 (7): 115. Nt;Ar (Araneidae, Mastophora);
MP (chemical); llie:)bo
2092. KATHARINER L. (1898): Werden die f1iegenden Schmetterlinge durch Vogel
. verfolgt?
Biol. Centralbl. 18: 680-682. LR:JtAv
2093. KATHAR1NER L. (1902): Die Mimikry auf dem 5. Internat. Zoologenkongress. Ins.
Borse 19: 11 sq I: MBM: I: de..fbo, tl!
2094. KATO S. (1978): Notes on the Nymphalidae of the Ambon Island. Indonesia
(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). (in jap., engl. summary) Trans. Lepid. Soc.Japan 29
(2): 77-87. As: LRNm (Hypolimnas alltilope); MBM: LRDa (Euploea); de
2095. KAYE W.J. (P OULTON COMM.) (1903); No tit1e. P.E.S.L. 1903: 54-56. Nt: LR; MBM;
LR: cle
2096. KAYE W.J. (1902): No title. P.E.S.L. 1902: 14-15. Nt; LR: MBM; LR: de
2097. KAYE W.J. (1903): Some considerations concerning mimicry. E. Rec. 15: 177-179.
Nt: LR: MBM: LR: th
2098. KAYE W. J. (1904): No title. P.E.S.L. 1904: 2. Nt; LR. LHe; MBM; LR: cle
2099. KAYE W. J. (1905): "Resemblance of butterf1y to head of mouse". P.E.S.L. 1905: 2.
Nt: LR: MO: Mm (Muridae); cle
2100. KAYE W.J. (1905): Transparency in w:ings oť Lepidoptera. E. Rec. 17: 83-86, 115-
121. Nt: LR: MBM, C: LR; cle. tl1
2101. KAYE W. J. (1906): Notes on the dominant Mullerian group of butterf1ies from the
Potaro distrikt of British Guiana. T.E.S.L. 1906: 411-439. Nt; LR; MBM; LR: cle
2102. KAYEW.J. (1907): Convergent group of Heliconine butterflies. P.E.S.L. 1907: 76. Nt;
LRHl: MBM: LRHl; de
2103, KAYEW,J. (1907): Enemies of South American butterflies. P.E.S.L. 1907: 78-79. Nt;
LR: C. A. M: LR:.ftAv
2104. MYE W.J, (1908): Association of Pierine and Nympha!ine butterf1ies. P,E.S.L. 1908:
22-23. Nt: LRlIJm: MBM: LRPi; cle
2105. KAYE W. J. (1908): Colour clerivation of Leucothyris zelica. P.E.S.L. 1908: 61. Nt;
LRPi (Leucotl1yris zeli.ca): MBM: LRIt; de
2lO6. KAYE W.J. (1908): Pmal1el variation of Heliconius forms. P.E.S.L. 1908: 94-95. Ni;
LRHl; MBM: LRHL: cle
2107. KAYE W.J. (19lO): Mimics and models from South America. P.E,S,L. 1910: 54-57.
Nt: llieSn: MBM: HyVe: cle
2108. KAYE W. J. (1910): Close resemblance of butterflies from South America. P.E.S,L.
19 lO: 68. Nt: LR: MBM; LR: cle
2lO9. KAYE W. J. (1911): Brazilian Syntomids. P.E.S.L, 1911: 106-108. Nt;llieSn; MBM;
HyVe: de
2110. KAYE W. J. (1912): Brazilian Ithomiines. P.E.S.L. 1912: 43-44. Nt; LRIt; MBM, C;
LRIt: de
2111. KAYE W. J. (1912): Mullerian associations from Costa Rica, Venezuela and Brazi!.
P.E.S.L. 1912: 127-129, Nt: LR, LHe; MBM; LR; de
2112, KAYEW.J. (1913): A few observations in mimicry. T.E.S,L. 1913: l-lO.Nt;llieSn;
MBM: HLJVe. HyAp: de
2113. KAYE W. J. (1916): A reply to Dr. Eltringham's paper on the genus Helieonius. T.E.S.L.
1916: 149-155. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius): MBM: LRHl (Heliconius): de. tlI
2114. KAYE W. J. (1922): Butterflies from Venezuela. P.E.S.L. 1922: 95-101. Nt: LRIt: A;
2115. KAYE W. J. (1923): The upper-surfaee patterns of butterflies seen beneath in a floating
flight. P.E.S.L. 1923: 37-39. Nt: LR. LHeGe; A. MBM: LR;ftAv. tlI
2116. KAYE W. J. (1924): The forms of Helieonius numata. H. heeate and H. silvana. P.E.S.L.
1924: 132-136. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius): MBM; LRHl (Heliconius); de
2117. KAYE W. J. (1930): Helieonius eharithonia and its mimles in Colombia, Venezuela,
Costa Rica, Cuba and Haiti. P.E.S.L. 1930: 89-90. Nt; LR: MBM; LRHl (HeliconiHs
charitonia); de
2118. KAYE W. J. -JOICEY J. J. (1918): A mimetie association of Ithomiinae butterflies,
and a rare Dioptid moth. P.E.S.L. 1918: 50-51. Nt; LHe (Dioptidae. Dioptis pellucida);
MBM: LRIt: de
2119. KEELER C. A. (1893): Evolution of the eolors of North Ameriean landbirds. Occas.
Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. 3: 1-361. Aj, MO: Av (Sturnella); de
2120. KEELER C. E. (1926): Reeent works by Gabritschevsky on the inheritance of color
varieties ill Volucella bombylans. Psyche 33: 22-27. P; DSy (VolHcella bombylans);
MBM; HyAp (Bombus}: [Je
2121. KEELER C. E. (1928): L'identité chimique determinant prealablement la mutation
parallele et le mimétisme. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 53: 300-308. I; MBM; I; [Je. tll
2122. KElPER R. R. (1968): Field studies of Catocala behaviour (Lep., Plusiidae). J. Res.
Lep. 7: 113-121. Ne: LHeNo (Catocala): A;Jbo
2123. KElPER R. R. (1969): Behavioral adaptations of cryptic moths. N. Preliminary studies
on species resembling dead leaves. J. Lep. Soc. 23: 205-210. Ne: LHeNe. LHeGe; C;
2124. KELLER C. (1878): . Observations on mimiery in Lepidoptera." Viert. Ges. Ziirich 22:
2138. KERSHAW J. C. W. (1905): Butterfly-destroyers in Southern China. T.E.S.L. 1905:
5-8. As: LR;.ft
2139. KERSHAW J. C. W. -KIRKALDY G. W. (1908): On the metamorphoses of two
Hemiptera-Heteroptera from Southern China. T.E.S. L. 1908: 59-62. As; H (Coreidae.
Riptortus linearis): MBM: HyMy: de.jbo
2140. KERVILLE H. G. DE (1907): Sur l'homochromie protectrice des femelles de Misumena
vatia Clerck. Bull. Soc. E. Fr. 1907: 145-146. P; ArTh (Misumena vatia); C. MP; PlFl;
2141. KETrLEWELL H. B. D. (1955): Recognition of appropriate backgrounds by the pale
and black phases of Lepidoptera. Nature 175: 943-944. P; Ufe; C;fbo
2142. KETrLEWELL H. B. D. (1959): Brazilian insect adaptations. Endeavour 18: 200-
210. Nt: I: C. A. MEs; de
2143. KETrLEWELL H. B. D. (1965): Insect survival and selection for pattern. Science
148: 1290-1296. P; I: C. A:.ft
2144. KETrLEWELL H. B. D. (1965): Insect adaptions. Animals 5: 520-523. P; I; C, A;.ft
2145. KETrLEWELL H. B. D. -CONN D. L. (1977): Further background-choice experiments
on cryptic Lepidoptera. J. Zool. 181: 371-376. P; Ufe; C;jbo
2146. KEYS (1906): .. Labia minor and Lithocharis." E. Month. Mag. 42: 137. P; Dermaptera
(La.bia minor): MBM: CoSt (Lithocharis); de
2147. KILTlE R. A. (1989): Testing Thayer's countershading hypothesis: An image processing
approach. Anim. Behav. 38 (3): 542-544. Ne; Mm (SCiU111S carolinensis); C; de, th
2148. KIMLER W. C. (1982): Mimicry: history of an evolutionary exemplar. 413 pp. Unpubl.
Ph.D. thesis. Cornell Univ., Ithaca. New York. W: An; MBM, MP; An; th, rw. bm
2149. KIMLER W. C. (1983): Mimicry: view of naturalist and ecologists before the modern
synthesis. Pp. 97-129 in: Grene M. (ed. ): Dirnensions of Darwinism, New York.
Cambridge Univ. Press; Paris, Editions de la Maison des Sciences de J'homme. W:
An: MBM: An: tll. rw. bm
2150. KINGSOLVER J. G. (1987): Predation, therrnoregulation and wing color in pierid
buttertlies. Oecologia 73 (2): 301-306. Ne; LRPi (Pieris); A;.ft
215l. KINSLEY E. G. (1958): Mimetic form and coloration in the Cerarnbycidae (Coleoptera).
Ann. E. Soc. Amer. 52: 125-13l. Ne; CoCe: MBM, MP; CoLy; de,fbo
2152. KIPJATKOV V. E. (1987): Chemical mimicry. (in russ) Priroda (Moskwa) 1987 (2):
116-117. P; HyMy (Tapinoma): MP (chemical); HyMy (Bothriornyrmex syrius); de
2153. KIRBY W. (1823): A description on some insects, which appear to exempli:fY Mr.
William S. Mac Leay's doctrine of affinity and analogy. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 14:
93- ] ll. W: I: MBM, MP; I; tll
2154. KIRBY W. F. (1891): Catalogue of the clescribed Hemiptera, Heteroptera and
Homoptera of Ceylon, . . . collection E. E. Green. J. Linn. Soc. 24: 72-176, p. 73. As; H;
MBM: Hl/My: cle'
2155. KIRBY W. -SPENCE W. (1817): An introduction to entomology or eJements of the
natural history of insects. II. Vol. Longrnan, Hurst, Reece, Orrne and Brown, 530 pp.
(germ. ed. 1823, Stuttgart, Cotta) W; I; C. A. MBM. MP; I; de,fbo
2156. KIRlAKOFF S. G. (1947): Les papillons l11il11étiques. Lambillionea 47: 46-53. W; LR;
MBM: LR: de
2157. KIRK V. M. (1971): Color changes by adults of the tortoise beetle, Physonota helianthi
(RandaJJ) (Coleoptera: Chrysornelidae). Coleopts. Bull. 25 (3): 91-94. Ne; CoCh
(Physonota heliW1tlli): C; .fbo
2158. KIRKALDY G. W. (1902): Mél110ir upon the rhynchotal fal11ily Capsidae. T.E. S. L.
1902: 243-272. P; H (Miridae); MBM;HyMy; de
2159. KIRKPATRlCK T. W. (1957): Insect life in the tropics. xiv+311pp, New York. Longrnans,
Green. Nt: Ufe (Coclllididae, cocoonJ; MO; Hy [Braconidae, parasitation simulated); de
2160. KISTNER D. H. (1966): A revision of the Mrican species of the A1eocharine Tribe
Dorylomimini II. The genera Dorylomil11 u s. Dorylonannus, Dorylogaster,
Dorylobactrus. and Mimanornma, with notes on their behaviour. Ann. E. Soc. Am.
59: 320-340. AI: CoSt (Dorylomimini): MBM. MP: HyMy: de
2161. KISTNER D. H. (1968): Revision of the Mrican species of the termithophilous tribe
Corotocini. I. A new genus and species from Oval11boland and its zoogeographical
significance. ,J. New York E. Soc. 76: 213-221. AJ; CoSt (Crotocini); MBM, MP; Isoptera: de
2162. KISTNER D. H. (1969): The biology of thernitophiles. Pp. 525-557 in: Krishna K..
Weesner F. (eds.): Biology of terrnites. l. 557 pp. Ne,wYork, Londan, Academie Press.
W: CoSI; MBM. MP: [soptem: de,Jho
2163. KISTNER D. H. (1972): A new genus af the Staphylinid tribe Dorylomimini from
Africa and its passible significance to ant phylogeny. E. News 83: 85-91. AJ; CoSt
(Rl1opalogaster): MBM. MP: HyMy; de
2164. KISTNER D. H. (1975): A review af the myrmecaphilous StaphyHnidae associated
with Aenictlls in Africa and the Orient (Coleoptera; Hymenaptera, Formicidae) with
notes on their behaviour and glands. Sociobiology 1 (1): 21-73. AJ As; COSt; MBM,
MP: HyMy (Aentctus); de, nu
2165. KISTNER D. H. (1976): The natura! history of the myrrnecophilous tribe Pygostenini
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 3. Behaviour and food habits of the Pygostenini.
Sociobiology 2 (2): 171-188. Nt: CoSt (Pygostenini): MBM, MP; HyMy;.fbo
2166. KISTNER D. H. (l977): New species and records of the termitophilous genus
Schizelythron from Malaya with a brief note on their behaviour (Coleoptera:
StaphyHnidae, Trichopseniidae). Sociobiology 2 (4): 297-304. As; CoSt (Schizelythron);
MBM, MP: Mo (Gastropoda): de
2167. KISTNER D. H. (1979): Socia! and evollltionary significance oť socia! insect syrnbionts.
Pp. 339-413 in: Hermann H. R. (ed.): Socia! insects, Vol. I. 437 pp., New York.
Academie. W: Co. Hy. D: MP: HyMy. [soptem: ge, th, de,.fbo
2168. KISTNER D. H. (1982): The socia! insects' bestiary. Pp. 1-224 in: Hermann H. R.
(ed.): Social insect, VoL 3, 491 pp.. New York. Academie. W: Co, Hy, D; MP: HyMy,
[soptera: ge. tll. de. jbo
2169. KISTNER D. H. (1983): A new genlls and twelwe new species of ant mimics associated
with Pheidolegeton (Co-l eoptera, Staphylinidae: Hymenoptera, Formicidae).
Sociobiology 8 (2): 155-198. As: CoSt (Pheidolegeton); MBM, MP: HyMy; de, th
2170. KISTNER D. H. (1990): The integration of foreign insects into termite societies or
why do tennites tolerate foreign insects in their societies? Sociobiology 17 (1): 191-
215. AJ; CoSI; MBM. MP: Isoptera; de.jbo
2171. KISTNER D. H. -DAVIS L. N. (1989): New speeies ofNotoxopria and their behaviour,
with notes on Mimopria (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae). Sociobiology 16 (2): 217-238.
Nt; Hy (Diapriidae, Notoxopria, Mimopria); MBM; HyMy; de
2172. KISTNER D. H. -JACOBSON H. R. [1990): Cladistic ana!ysis and taxonomie revision
of the ecitophnous tribe Ecitocharini with studies of their behaviour and evolution
(Coleoptera, Staphylinidae. A1eocharidae). Sociobiology 17 (3): 333-480. Nt; CoSt
(Ecitocharini); MBM, MP: HyMy; de.jtAv. tll
2173. KISTNER D. H. -ZIMMERMAN R. (1986): A new genus of ant mimic from Sulawesi
and its relationship to Pheigetoxenlls (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Sociobiology ll:
325-328. As: CoSt (Pheigetoxenus): MP: HyMy: de
2174. KLANN M. (1989): .,Common Skimmer" on the OslofJord. (in norw.) Var Fuglefauna
12 (2): 120. P: Au (Stema 11inL1ldo): MBM; Au (Rhynchops);.fbo
2175. KLAUBER L. M. (1939): Studies of reptile life in the arid southwest. Part II.
Speculations on protective coloration and protective reflectivity. Bull. Zool. Soc. San
Diego 14: 65-79. Ne: ReOp (Pituophis): MBM; ReOp (Crotalus); de
2176. KLAUBER 1. M. (1947): Classification and ranges of the gopher snakes of the genus
Pituophis in the western United States. Bull. Zool. Soc. San Diego 22: 1-81. Ne;
ReOp (Pituopl1is): MBM; ReOp (Crotalus); de
2177. KLAUSEW1TZ W. (1961): Das Farbenkleid der Kora!lenfische. Natur u. Volk 91: 204-
215. S: Ps: MO: Ps: deJbo
2178. KLAUSEWITZ W. (1964): A new case of fish mimicry? Trop. Fish. Hobby 12 (12): 28-
32. Nt; Ps (Anostomidae. Abmmites); MBM; Ps; de
2179. KLEINHOUT J. (1971): Uber visuelle Anpassungserscheinungen als Schutz gegen
Angreifer bei Bupa!us piniarius L. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). J. Nat. Hist. 5: 285-
291. P: LHeGe (Bupalus piniarius): C: de . .fbo
2180. KLOFTW. (i 959): Versuch einerAnalyse der trophobiotischen Beziehungen vonAmeisen
zu Aphiden. Bio!. Zentra!bl. 78: 863-870. P: Ho (Aphidomorpha); MP; HyMy;jbo
2181. KLOPFER P. H. (1962): Behavioral aspects of ecology. 173 pp. Englewood Cliffs (New
Jersey), Prentice Hall. Ne: I; MBM; I:JtAu
2182. KLOTS A. B. (1951): A field guide to the butterf1ies of North America, east of the
Great Plains. 349 pp. Boston, Houghton Mimin. Ne; LRLn; MFIl; de
2183. KLOTS A. B. (1960): Vida y costumbres de las mariposas. Pp. 121-124. Barcelona,
Juventud. W: LR: MBM: LR; de, tll
2184. KLUlJVER H. N. (1933): Bijdrage tot de biologie en de ecologie van den spreeuw
(SturI1lIS vulgaris L.) gedurende zijn voortplantingstijd. VersI. Plantenziekt Dienst
Wageningen 69: 146. P: I: C. A:ftAv (Sturnus vulgaris)
2185. KNAPP R. A. -SARGENT R. C. (1989): Egg-mimicry as a mating strategy in the fantail
darter. Etheos10ma f1abellare: females prefer males with eggs. Behav. Eco!' Sociobiol.
25 (5): 321-326. Ne: Ps (Percidae. EtlleostomajIabellare): MO: eggs;.fbo
KNATZ (1890): Mimikry. E. Z. 1890,91: 37. P; AvOv; C, MP; AvOv: de
KNAUER (1883): .. Mimicry in insects discussed." Humboldt 1: 13-20. I; MBM; I; tlL
2188. KN1GHT H. H. (1924): On the nature of the color patterns in Heteroptera with data
on the effects prociuced by temperature and humidity. Ann. E. Soc. Amer. 17: 258-
272. Ne: H: C. A: de, fbo
2189. KNIGHT H. H. (1968): Review of genus Orectoderus Uhler with a key to the species
(Hemiptera: Mirielae). lowa S1ate J. ScL 42: 311-318. Ne; H (Miridae, Orectoderus);
MBM; HUMy; de
2190. KNOWLTON G. F. (1936): Lizard eligestion studies. Herpetologica 1: 9-10. Ne: I: C, A;
2191. KNOWLTON G. F. (1953): Predators of Vanessa cardui. Lepid. News 7: 55. Ne: LR
(Vanessa cardui): A:ftAv
2192. KNOWLTON G. F. -JONES M. J. (1932): Studies of the food habits of Utah Iizarels.
Ohio J. ScL 32: 467-470. Ne; I: C. A;ftReSr
2193. KOENIG L. (1950): Untersuchungen Liber Nahrungserwerb und Beueschema des
Bienenfressers. Zool. Inf. (Biol. Stat. Wi1helminenberg) 2: ? P; I; C, A; jMv (Merops
2194. KOFRON C. P. (1982): A review ofMexican snail-eating snakes, Dipsas brevifacies and
D. gaigeae. ,J. Herpetol. 16: 270-286. Nt; ReOp (Dipsas); MBM; ReOp (MicTlLTlLs); de,.fbo
2195. KOHDA Y. (1983): The effect of color patterns on aggressive behaviours of a freshwater
serranid fish. Coreoperca kawamebari. L"oO!. Mag. Zool. Soc. Jap. 92 (3): 356-360. P;
Ps (Sen'anidae. Coreoperca kawamebari); MEs;.fbo
2196. KOHDA Y. -WATANABE M. (1982): Agonistic behavior anel color pattern in a Japanese
fresh water serraniel fish, Coreoperca kawamebarL Zool. Mag. Zool. Soc. Jap. 91 (l):
61-69. P: Ps (Serranidae. Coreoperca kawamebari); MEs;.fbo
2197. KOHDA Y. -WATANABE M. (1983): Reproductive behavior anel color pattern in
a freshwater serraniel fish. Coreoperca kawamebarL Zool. Mag. Zool. Soc. Jap. 92
(2): 207-215. P: Ps (Serranidae. Coreoperca kawamebari): MEs;.fbo
2198. KOHDA Y. -WATANABE M. (1988): Preference for stripeel backgrounds by striped
Hshes. Zool. ScL 5 (2): 501-503. P; Ps; C;.fbo
2199. KOHDA Y. -WATANABE M. (1990): The aggression-releasing etlect of the eye-Iike
spot of the oyanirallli Coreoperca kawamebari. a freshwater serraniel fish. Ethology
84 (2): 162-16G. P: Ps (Serranidae. Coreoperca kawamebari): MEs:.fbo
2200. KOHDA Y. -WATANABE M. (1991): Why is the eye-spot of the oyanirami fish
Coreoperca kawamebari locateci near the real eye? Ethology 87 (1-2): 119-122. P: Ps
(Serranidae. Coreoperca kawamebari); MEs:fbo
2201. KOHLER P. (1926): Sobre mimetismo en lepidopteros. Rev. Soc. E. Argent. 1 (2): 49-
54. Nt; L; MBM: L: cle
2202. KOLYER J. M. (1968): Note on damaged specimens. J. Res. Lepid. 7: 105-111. Ne;
2203. KOMA! T (1970): Theory of .. mutual selection". Proc. Jap. Acacl. 4G: 383-386. P, As;
I: C, MBM: J. Pl: tll. ge
2204. KOMAREK S. (1989): Vorkommen, Morphologie unel Evolution eler Augenmuster in
der Flugelzeichnung der Familie Sphingidae. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. Oekol. Geogr. Tiere
1lf3 (3): 217-254. W: IRe (Sphingidae); MEs; de. ge. tll
2205. KOMAREK S. (1991): Die Augenmuster auf den HinternLigeln der Gattung Smerinthus
(Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) und ihre Evolution. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, Ser. B.
Bot.-Zool. 92: 99-112. P, Ne: LHe (Sphingidae, SmerintILus); MEs; de, ge, Lh
2206. KOMAREK S. (1991): Geschichte der Mimikry - Forschung bei Insekten 1700-1900.
Kurzfassungen der Entomologen - Tagung der DGaaE, SEG und OEG, Wien, 2.
6.4.1991, p. 104. I; A, MBM, MP: I: th
2207. KOMAREK S. (1992): Mimikry und verwandte Erscheinungen. Europ. J. Semiotic.
Stud. 4 (4): 159-162. An. Pl; MBM. MP. MO. C, A: An, Pl: th
2208. KOMAREK S. (1992): Begriff des "Aposematismus" und seine historische Entwicklung.
Abstr. des 13. Ethologentreffens der Ethol. Ges., Prag, 1.-7.9.1992, p. 79. An; A; th
2209. KOMAREK S. (1994): Geschichte der Mimikry - Forschung bei Schmetterlingen:
Entstehung der Grundbegriffe. Abstr. IX. Eur. Congr. Lepidopterology. Lednice, 5.
9.9.1994, p. 8. LR; MBM; LR; tll
2210. KOMATSU T. (1961): Notes on spiders and ants. Acta Arachn. Tokyo 17: 25-27. P;
Ar: MBM: HyMy: de.Jbo
2211. KONIG R. (1975): Leptomyrina phidias F., ein madagassischer Blau1ing mit "falschem
Kopf' (Lepidoptera: L ycaenidae, Theclinae). Zool. Beitr. 26 (4): 402-407. Aj:
(Leptomy rina phidias); MFh: de, .tbo
2212. KONIG R. (1989): Blattrippenmimese bei Stabschrecken? Unsecta: Phasmidae,
Heteroneminae). Tier u. Mus. 1 (3): 72-73. As; Ph (Heteroneminae); C; Pl; de
2213. KOPTUR S. (1989): Mimicry of tlowers by parasitoid wasp pupae. Biotropica 21 (l):
93-95. Nt: Hy (Braconidae, Glyptapanteles, pupae); MO; PLFl; de
2214. KOZLOV M. (1987): Defensive reactions in caterpillars of lepidopterans. (in russ.)
Usp. Sovrem. Biol. 104 (2): 297-310. P; L (larvae); A; Jho
2215. KRAATZ G. (1890): Cirrhospila und Melinospila, zwei neue Macronotiden (Cetoniden)
Gattungen. Deutsche E. Z. 1890: 277-280. AJ; CO (Scarabeidae, Cirrhospila,
Melinospila): MBM: Co: de
2216. KRÁLíčEK M. -POVOLNÝ D. (1977): Central European Sesiidae-unknown moths?
(in czech) Živa 25 (5): 183-186. P; LHe (Sesiidae); MBM; HyVe; de,Jho
2217. KRASEMANN J. (1988): Jekyll and Hyde transformation. National Geographic, Dec.
1988: 844-845. I: MBM: I;.tbo, de
2218. KRAUSE E. (1883): Ein Schmetter1ing, der einen Kolibri nachahmt. Kosmos 7: 140
143. Nt: LHe (Sphingidae, Macroglossa titan); MO: Av (Trochilidae); de
2219. KRAUSSE A. H. (1910): Clytus rhamni temesiensis Germ. und Clytanthus sartor F.
Mull.-Mimikry. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 6: 301-305. P; CoCe (Clytanthus sartor, Clytus
rhamni); MBM: HyVe; de
2220. KRAUSSE A. H. (1911): Caloptenus italicus L. und Oedipoda coerulescens L. Beirrende
oder schreckenerzeugende Farben? Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 7: 92-94, 133-136. P;
O (Caloptenus italicus, Oedipoda coerulescens); A; th,Jho
2221. KRAUSSE A. H. -VOSSELERJ. (1896): Beitriige zur Orthopteren-fauna Orans (West
2230. KRUSEMAN G. (1960): Over regiona1e convergentie bij hommels. [Hyrn., Bomb.). E.
Ber. (Anlsterdam) 20: 241-243. P; HyAp (Bombus); MO; HyAp (Bombus); de,jbo
2231. KRUYT W. (1974): Over de kleur der libellen. Natura (Amsterdam) 71 (5): 80-86. P;
Odonata: C, A: de. tll
2232. KUENEN O. J. (1965): Thyriajacobaeae L. (Arctiidae: Lepidoptera) and its food plant
Senecio jacobaca L. Archs. Neerl. Zool. 16: 412-413. P; UfeAt (Thyriajacobaeae); A;
2233. KUHNELT W. (1957): Weiss a1s Strukturfarbe bei Wustentenebrioniden. Sitzungsber.
Osterr. Akad. Wiss. 166 (2): 103-112. Aj; CoTe;C; de,foo. th
2234. KUHNT P. (1907): Uber die Farben der Kiifer. E. Jahrb. (Leipzig) 16: 150-159. Co;C,
A: th
2235. KUMAR R. (1966): Studies on the biology, immature stages, and relative growth of
some Austra1ian bu,gs of the superfamily Coreoidea (Heteroptera). Austra1. J. Zool.
14: 895-991. Au: H (Coreoidea); MBM; HyMy; de,foo
2236. KUNCKEL O'HERCULAlS J. (1875): Recherches sur l'organisation et le développent
des Volucelles. Paris. Masson. P; DSy (Volucella); MBM; HyAp (Bombus); de.jbo
2237. KUNCKEL O'HERCULAlS J. (1905): Les Lépidopteres Limacodides et leurs Dipteres
parasites, Bombylides du génre Systropus. Adaptation para1lele d l'hote et du parasite
aUK memes conditions d'existence. Bull. Sci. France Bel,gique 39: 141-151. P; D
(Bombylidae, Systropus); MBM: D (Conopidae, Conops); de
2238. KUNZE R. E. (1891): "Protective resemblance in Danais archippus". E. News
(Philadelphia) 2: 93, Ne: LRLi (Limenitis archippus): MBM: LRDa (Danaus chrisippus):
2239. KUNZE R. E. (1904): Protective resemblance. E. News (Philadelphia) 15: 239-244.
Ne: 1: MBM: I: de. th
2240. KUPPERS P. V. (1977): Zur Problematik der Bates'schen Mimikry bei Papilio memnon
L. und seinen "Vorbildern". Beitrage Naturk. Forsch. Sudwestdeutschl. 36: 134-
151. As: LRPa (Popilio 171e171nurn); MBM: LRPa (Phar171acophagus); de, ge, th
2241. KUROOA N. (1966): On the origin of raptor-pattern and hawk-mimicry in cuckoos.
Misc. Rep. Yamashina Inst. Orn. Zool. 4: 384-387. P; Av (CucuLus); MBM; Av (Aceiptter);
de, ge. tll
2242, KUROSAWA Y. (1982): A remarkable convergence found in Ma1ayan Buprestid beetles,
with description uf two new species from Thailand and Hainan. Bull. Nation. Sci.
Mus. Tokyo. Ser. A 8 (4): 173-204. As; Co (Buprestidae); MO; Co (Buprestidae); de,
jho. tll
2243. KUROSAWA Y. (1985): Revisional notes on the family Lyrnexilonidae (Coleoptera) in
eastern and southeastern Asia. Bull. Nation. ScL Mus. Tokyo [Zool.) II [2): 109-
119. As: Co (LY171exilonidae); MBM; HyVe, Hy (Ichneu171onidae); de,jbo
2244. KUSNEZOW N. J. [1901): On the protective coloration and attitude of Libythea celtis
Esp. Horae Soc. E, Ross. 35: 802-805. P; LR (Libytheidae, Libythea celtis); C;jbo
2245. KUSNEZOW N. J. (1904): On the development of ocellated spots in the larvae of
Oeilephila nerii L. and Pergesa porcellus L. Rev. Russe E. 4: 154-161. P; LHe
(Sphingidae, Deilephi/a neri. Pergesa porcellus, larvae); MEs; de
2246. KUSNEZOW N. J. [1906): Zur Frage uber die Bedeutung der Fiirbung der Hinterflugel
der Catoca1a-Arten. Biol. Centralbl. 26: 116-124. P; UfeNo (Catoea/a); A;jbo, th, de
2247. KUSNEZOW N. J. (1907): A propos de la signification de la couleur des ailes
posterieures de Catocala [Lepidoptera). Rev. Russ. E. 5: 227-234. P; UfeNo (Catocala);
A: de. jbo. tll
2248. KUWAMURA T. [1981): Mimicry of the c1eaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus by thc
blennies Aspidontus taeniatus and Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos. (in jap., engl. summ.l
Nanki Scibutsu 23 (2): 61-70. S; Ps (Blennidae, Aspidontus taeniatus. PlagiDtre171us
rhinorhynchos): MP; Ps (Labridae, Labroides dimidiatus); de,jbo
2249. KUWAMURA T. (1983): Reexamination on the aggressive rnimicry of the cleaner wrasse
Labroides dimidiatus by the blenny Aspidontus taeniatus (Pisces: Perciformes). J.
Ethol. 1 [1-2) : 22-33. S; Ps (Blennidae, Aspidontus taeniatus); MP; Ps (Labridae,
Labroides dimidiatus); de,jbo
2250. KUYTEN P. (1962): Verhaltensbeobachtungen an der Raupe des Kaiseratlas. E. Z.
72: 203-207. As; Ufe (Saturniidae, Attacus atlas, larvae); A;jbo
2251. LA FOLLE T T E P. 1. (1976): A new Homalopoma from southern C alifornia
resembling Parviturbo acuticostatus: a case of mimicry? Veliger 19 (l): 68-76. S;
Mo (Gastropoda, Homalopoma mimi cllm); MBM; Mo (Gastropoda, Parvitu rbo
acuticostatusJ; de
2252. LABANICK G. M. (1979): Comparative aspects of the life histories of mimetic and
non-mimetic salamanders of the Desmognathus ochrophaeus complex (Amphibia,
Urodela). Dissertation Abstr. I ntern. (B)39 (l0): 4770. Ne; AmCd (Desmognathus
ochrophaeus); MBM; AmCd (P1ethodonjordanU;jbo
2253. U\B ANICK G. M. -BRAl�DON R. A. (1981): An experimental study of Batesian mimicry
between the salamnaders Plethodon jordani and Desmognathus ochrophaeus. J,
Herpet. 15 (3): 275-281. Ne; AmCd (Desrnognathus ochrophaeusJ; MBM; AmCd
(PlethodonjordallU: jtAv
2254. LACK D. (1963): Cuckoo hosts in England. Bird Study 10:185-203, P; AvOv (Cuculus);
MP: AvOv; de..!bo
2255. LAHILLE F. (1907): La langosta y sus moscas parasitarias. An. Min. Agric. Buenos
Aires (Zool.) 3 (4): 1-136. Nt: DSy (Baccha nigríventris); MBM; Hy: de
2256. LAIDLAW F. F. (POULTON COMM.) (1926): T he pygmy falcon capturing butterllies in
Kelantan. P.E.S.L. 1: 32. As: LRPa: JtAv (Microhierax.fringillaríusJ
2257. LAITHWAITE E. -WATSON A. -WHALLEY P. E. S. (l975): T he dictionary of butterflies
and moths in colour. xivi+296 pp., London. Nt; LHeSn; MBM; HyVe: de
2258. U\LOY L. (1907): La coleur des poissons et selection naturelle. Rev. Sci. Acad. P aris,
ser. 5, 8: 809-810. Ps; C. A: de. ge. th
2259. U\MBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1911): Euralia anthedon. DoubI.. and E. dubia.
B eauv., proved by breeding to be the forms of a single species. P.E.S.L. 1911: 45. AJ;
LRNm (Hypoli11lnas clubiaJ: MBM: LRDa: de. ge
2260. LAMBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (l911): T he cocoon of Deilemera antinorii,
Oberth. P.E.S.L. 1911: 54. AJ; LHe (Hypsidae, Deilemera antinoríi. cocoon); MO; Hy
(Braconidae. cocoon); de
2261. U\MBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1912): HypoJimnas (Euralia) dubius, Beanv.,
a Mendelian dominant, and H. (E.) anthedon, Boisd., recessive. P.E.S.L. 1912: 4. Aj;
LRNm (Hypolimnas dubia): MBM: LRDa; ge
2262. LAMBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1912): B utterflies a natural food of monkeys.
Monkeys cating butterflies. P.E.S.L. 1912: 4-5, 17-18. AJ; LR;jtMm (PrímatesJ
2263. LAMBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1912): T hree families of P. dardanus, Brown,
bred from hippocoon, F., females in the Lagos district by W. A. Lamborn. P.E.S.L.
1912: 12-17. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa: ge
2264. LAMBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1912): Families of butterflies bred by W. A.
Lamborn in the Lagos district. P.E.S.L. 1912: 75-78. AJ; LRNm (Hypolimnas dubia);
MBM: LRDa: ge
2265. LA MBORNW. A. (POULTONCOMM.) [l912):WestMrican Homoptera. P.E.S.L. 1912:
90, AJ: Ho (Flaticlae. FIata): C (col1ectiveJ: PLFl; de
2266. LAMBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1912): Three families of Papilio dardanus,
Brown, bred from known fema1e parents in the Lagos district of WestMrica. P.E.S.L.
1912: 131-134. AJ: LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa.; ge
2267. U\MBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1914): A family containing nine hippocoon
and eight dionysus bred from a hippocoon female of P apilio dardanus in S. Nigeria.
P.E.S.L. 1914: 63-66. AJ: LRPaPd; MBM: LRDa: ge
2268. LAMBORN W. A. [POULTON COMM.l (1914):A family raised by W. A. Lamborn from
parents belonging to two forms of WestMrican Pyrrhocorid bugs. P.E.S.L. 1914: 78.
AJ; H (Pyrrl1ocoridae, Dysdercus melanoderes); A; ge
2269. U\MBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (l917):Observations on the mimetic females
of P apilio dardanus, in late German East Mrica. P.E.S.L. 1917: 65-67. Aj; LRPaPd;
MBM: LRDa; ,!bo
2270. LAMBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (920): T he attacks of birds on butterflies
witnessend in Nyasaland by W. A. Lamborn. T he marks of a birďs beak recognisable
011 rejected wíngs. P.E.S.L. 1920: 24-29. AJ: LR;jtAv
2272. LAMBORN\V. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1921): A Hypsid moth inspected and neglected
by Geckos. P.E.S.L. 1921: 7. As; IRe (Hypsidae. Hypsa a/ciphron); A;jtSr (Cekkonidae)
2273. LAMBORN W. A. (P OULTON COMM.) (1930): The construction of false braconid
cocoons by the W. African bombycid larva Norasuma kolga, Druce. P.E.S.L. 5: 13.
Ar: LHe (Bombycid.ae. Norasuma kolga. cocoon); MO; Hy (Braconidae. cocoon); de,Jbo
2274. LAMBORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1935): Further strikfng evidence of the
clistastefulness which accompanies the aposematic display of the African acridian
Zonocerus elegans. Thun. P.E.S.L. 1935: ? AJ; O (Zonocerus elegans); A;ft
2275. LAMBORN W. A. (1911): Instances of mimicry, protective resemblance, & C., from
the Lagos clistrict. P,E.S.L. 1911: 46-47. AJ; LR; MBM; LR; de,fbo
2276. LAMBORl'J\V. A. (1913): Cocoons of moths from the Lagos district. P.E.S.L. 1913: 5-7.
Ap IRe (HlJPsidae, Deilem.era antinoriL cocoon); MO; Hy (Braconidae, cocoon); de,fbo
2277. LAMBORN W. A. (1914): Account of the larvae of two species of the Geometrid genus
Alethís in the Lagos district. P.E.S.L. 1914: 50-51. Aj; IReCe (Al.ethis, lamae); A; de
2278. LAMBORN W. A. (1914): The retention of spaces for the "tails" in the pupae of the
tailless females of Papilio clardanus. P.E.S.L. 1914: 67. Aj; LRPaPd: MBM; LRDa; ge
2279. LAMBORN W. A. (1926): The proof by W. A. Lamborn that the larva of the mimetic
Hyperechia bifasciata, Grunb. (Asilidae), preys on the larva of its aculeate model
Xylocopa inconstans, Srn., in Nyasaland. P.E.S.L. 1: 44-47. AJ; D (Asilidae,Hyperechin.
bifascin.ta); MBM: HyAp (Xy/ocopa inconstans); de,fbo
2280. LAMONT A. (1969): Prolegomena to aggressive mimicry and protective resemblance
in early fishes, chelicerates, trilobites ancl brachiopods. Scott. J. Sci. 1 (2): 75-103.
Ps (SL,j/onurus), Trilobitomorpha, Brachiopoda. Che/icerata.fossil: C, MP. MFh; de, th
2281. LANDING B. H. (1984): Factors in the distribution of butterf1y color and behaviour
patterns-selecied aspects. 200 pp., Los Angeles, publ. by the autor. Ne; LR: MBM;
LR: de.jbo
2282. LANDOIS H. (1874): Tierstimmen. Freiburg i. Br., p. 26. P; DSy (Erista1is tenax,
sOlmd): MBM: HyAp (Apis mel/ifera, sOllnd); de,fbo.ftA mSl
2283. LANDOIS H. (1896): Unregelmassiges Flatiern vie1er Schmetterlinge. Jahresb. Westf.
Ver. 24: 28. P: LR: ftAv
2284. LANDOLT P. J. (1984): Behavior of the papaya fruít f1y Toxotrypana curvicauda
Gerstaecker (Diptera:Tephritidael, in relation to the host plant, Carica papaya L.
Folia E. Mexic. 61: 215-224. Nt: D (Trypetidae. Toxotrypana curvicauda); C; Pl;ftVe
2285. LANE C. (1957): P reliminary note on lnsects eaten and rejected by a tame shama
(Kittacincla maJabarica Gm.l, with the suggestion that in certain species of butierf1ies
and moths femaJes are less palatable than males. E. Month. Mag. 93: 172-179. P; I;
C,A.ftAv (Kittacihc1a malabarica)
2286. LANE C. (1959): A very toxic moth: the five-spút Burnet (Zygaena trifolii Esp.). E.
Month. Mag. 95: 93-94. P: IReZy (Zygaena trifotii): A; to
2287. LANE C. -ROTHSCHILD M. (1961): Observations on colonies of the Narrow-bordered
Five-spot Burnet (Zygaena lonicerae Scher.) near Bicester. Entomologist 94: 79·81.
P: IReZy (Zygaena lonicerae): A; fbo, ge. to
2288. LANE C. -ROTSCHILD M. (1965): A case of Mullerian mimicry of sound. P.R.E.S.L.,
A, 40: 156-158. P: Co (Sylphidae. Necrop};onLs investigator; sound); MBM; HyAp
(Bombus, sound); ./bo
2289. LANE F. (1973): Nota sobre Sphecomorpha chalybea Newman, 1838 (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae). Atlas Soc. Bíol. Rio de Janeiro 17 (1): 23-25. Nt; CoCe (Sphecomorpha
chalybea); MBM: HyVe: de,Jho
2290. LANGE P. (1907): Mimikry, Schutz- und Trutzfarben und sekundii.re Geschlechts
unterschiede der Insekten. Ber. Bot.-Zool. Ver. Danzig 29: 84-87. I; C, A, MBM; I ; de. th
2291. LANGER T. W. (1969): Hvordan overlever insekterne? Natureus Verd. 1969: 29-48.
P; I; C. A, MBM: I ; de. ,/bo
2292. LANKESTER C. H. (POULTON COMM.) (1926): The female of the leaf-like Tettigoniid
Mimetica. and a leaf-1ike Geometricl moth from Costa Rica. P.E.S.L. 1: 9-10. Nt;
O (Mimetica). [HeCe (Phyllodonta angu/osa); C; Pl; de,fbo
2293. LANKESTER C. H. -GUPPY L. (POULTON COMM.) (1923): The leaf-like appearance
of a neotropical Tettigoniid (Locustid) and moth (Thyrididae). P.E.S.L. 1923: 83-87.
Nt: O (Typophyl1um),IRe (Thyrididae. Draconia rusina); C; Pl; de
2294. LANNOY F. DE (1908): Observations sur les foumis. 1. Notes sur le Lasius niger.
Defense des Lasius niger contre des araignées myrmecophages. Ann . Soc. E. Belgique
10: 313-315. P;Ar; MBM. MP; HyMy (Lasius niger):jbo
2295. LANTZ L. A. (1916): Quelques observations sur le inimétisme chez les reptiles
caucasiens. BulI. Mus. Georgie (Tif1is) 9: 225-230. P: Re;C. MBM; Re;jbo
2296. LAPORTE P. (1982): Un benefice du parasitisme de la reproduction chez les oiseaux
en milieu tropical. Carnets Zool. 42 (2): 20-22. Nt;AvOv (Scaphidura oryzivora);MP:
2297. LARSEN T. 1:3. (1982): False haed butterf1ies: the case of Oxylides faunas Drury
(Lycaenidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 36 (3): 238-239. Ne: LeLn (Oxylidesfaunas); MFh: de
2298. LÁSKA P. -BIČlK V. (1997): Mimicry in Syrphidae (Diptera) and Crabronidae
(Hymenoptera). Folia Fac. ScL Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brunnensis. Biol. 95: 105-106.
P: Hy (Sphecidae. Ectemnius cavifTons. Ectel1U1ius planifTons);MP: DSy (Scaera pyrastri):
2299. LATREILLE P. (1802): Instinct et industrie des Insectes dans les moyens de defendre
leur existence. Pp. 190-279 in: Historie naturelle. genera!e et particuliere des
Crustaces et des lnsectes. Paris. Dufart. I; C. A:}bo. de. to
2300. LATIER O. H. (1893): Aggressive mimicry among the f1ies of the genus Volucella.
Nat. Sci. 2: 54-56. P: D5y (Volucella pellucens): MP: HyAp (Bomb us): de.jbo
2301. LATIER O. H. (1903): The Cuckoos. Cornhill Magazine. April 1903. P: AvOv (Cuculus
clavator): MBM: ?: de
2305. LAWRENCE R. F. (1942): A contribution to the araneid fauna of Nata! and Zululand.
Ann. Natal Mus. Pembury 10 (2): 141-190. Aj; ArSa (Cosmophasis quadrimilculatus);
MBM: CoCa (Eudem.a): de
2306. LE CERF F. (1917): Contributions a l'étude des Aegeriidae. Etud. Lép. Comp. 14:
137-388. W: LHe (Sesiidae); MBM: HyVe;de
2307. LE GARE M. J. -HOVANITZ M. (1951): Genetic and ecologic analyses of wild
populations in Lepidoptera. II. Color pattern variation in Melitaca chaIcedona.
Wasmann J. Biol. 9: 257-310. Ne; LRMe (Melitaea chalcedona);A: ge
2308. LEA A. M. (1915): Stomach contens of birds. Trans. Roy. Soc. South. Austr. 39: 760-
766. Au: I: C. A:ftAv
2309. LEA F. E. S. (POULTON COMM.) (1929): The great predominance of Lycid beetles as
models for mimicry in Austra!ia. P.E.S.L. 4: 75-76. Au; CoCe. Co (Cantharidae.
Oedemeridae); MBM:CoLy: de
2310. LEA R. G. -TURNER J. R. G. (1972): Experiments on mimicry: II. The effect of
a Batesian mimic on its model. Behaviour 42: 131-151. Ao; MBM; .f tAv
2311. LEDERHOUSE R. C. (1990): Avoid the hunt: primary defenses of lepidopteran
caterpillars. Pp. 175-189 in: Evans D. L.. SchmidtJ. O. (eds.): Insect defenses: adaptive
mechanisms and strategies of predators and pray. xii+482pp.. Albany. State Univ.
of New York Press. Ne:L (larvae): A. C:.ftAv
2312. LEDERHOUSE R. C. -CODELLA S. G. -COWELL P. J. (1987): Diurnal predation on
roosting buUerf1ies during incIement weather: a substantia! source of mortality in
the black swa!lowtail, Papilio polyxenes (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). J. New York E.
Soc. 95: 310-319. Ne: LRPa (Papilio polyxenus); A;.ftAv
2313. LEDERHOUSE R. C. -SCRlBER J. M. (1987): lncreased relative frequency of dark
morph females in the Tiger SwalIowtail Papilio glaucus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)
in S-Central Florida. Am MidI. Nat. 118 (l): 211-213. Ne; LRPa (Papilio glaucus);
2315. LEIGH G. F. (POULTON COMM.) (1903): Protective resemblance and other modes of
defence adopied by the larvae ancl pupae of Natal Lepidopt. P.E.S.L. 1903: 30. Aj: L
(larvae. pllpae): C. MBM: de
2316. LEIGH G. F. (POULTON COMM. ) (1927): Injury seen to be inf1icted on the female f.
trophonius, Westw., of Papilio darclanus cenea. Stoll, at Durban. P.E.S.L. 2: 11-12.
j LRDa: .flAv
2317. LEIGH G. F. (POULTON COMM.) (1928): The proportions of the forms of Papilio
c1ardanus cenea. Stoll, bred in 1927 from wild larvae in the Durban district by G. F.
Leigh. P.E.S.L. 3: 16-17. AJ: LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa; ge
2318. LEIGH G. F. (TALBOT ETJOICEY COMM.) (1916): A bred family of P apilio dardanus.
Brown. and rare Souih African butterflies. P.E.S.L. 1916: 60-62. Aj: LRPaPd; MBM;
LRDa: [je
2319. LEIGH G. F. (1906): Notes on Euralia wahlbergi Wallgr., and E. mima Trim. P.E.S.L.
1906: 52-56. AI LRNm (Ellmlia wahlbergi. Eumlia mima): MBM; LRAc; de
2320. LEIGH G. F. -POULTON E. B. (POULTON COMM.) (1911): Family containing a new
female form.leighi. bred from a trophonius, Westw. , female ofPapilio dardanus cenea,
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misipplls): MBM: LRDa: [je
2322. LEIMAR O. -ENgUIST M. -SILLÉN-TULLBERG B. (1986): Evolutionary stability of
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A/:;oniclae): se!ectecl osteology. with comments of phylogeny. Copeia 1988 (1): 64-71.
S: Ps (Agonidae. Botllmgonus swani); C: POrlfem, Tunicata; de
2324. LEMAlRE M. ET ALL. (1986): Strategie de camouf1age du predateur Hypoponera
ecluardi dans les societes cle Reiiculitermes europaeus. Actes Colloq. Insectes Soc.
3: 97-10J. P: HUMy (Hypoponem eduardi); MP (cllemical); lsoptem (Reticlllitermes);
2325. LEMAIRE M. ET ALL. (1987): Chemical mimicry ofHypopomera eduarcli. predatory
ant of Europaean termites. P. 413 in: Eder J., Rembold H. (eds.): Chemistry and
biology of social insects. xxxviii+757pp .. Munchen, Peperny. P; HyMy (Hypoponem
ecluarcli): MP (chemical): lsoptem (Reticuliterrnes);]bo
2326. LENKO K. (1964): Sobre o mimetismo do cerambicideo Pertyia sericea com
Campanotus sericeiventris. Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Sao Paulo 16 (9): 89-95. Nt;
CoCe (Pertyia sericea): MBM: HyMy (CampanotllS sericeiventris); de
2327. LEPESME P. (1950): Notes longicornesques. Longicornia (Paris) 1: 587-590. Nt; CoCe
(Amphides1J1us): MBM: CoLy: cle
2328. LERAUT P. (1992): Un cas de mimétisme reste inapercu? (Neur.. Lep.). E. Gallica 3
(I): 14. P: N (Ubelloides oiiolllanus): MBM: LRPi (Aporia cmtaegi); de
2329. LEROY Y. (1972): Ultrastructure des tegumentes des surfaces apparentes chez les
Sauierelles (lns.. Orth., Tettigonioidea). Bull. Soc. E. France 77: 1 80- 190 . P;
O (TettigonioicIea): C. A: de
2330. LEROY Y. (1973): Sur l'homochromie mimétique. J. Psy. Norm. & Path. 3: 261-288.
An: C: tll
2331. LEROY Y. (1973): La fonction ďapparence chez les Tettigonioidea (Insectes Orthopteres
Ensiferes). La Terre et la Vie 27 : 578-606. P: D (Tettigonioidea); A;.fbo. tll
2332. LEROY Y. (1974): Le mimétisme animal. Recherche 5 (45): 417-426. An; C. A, MBM;
A: Ul
2333. LEROY Y. (1985): Le camouflage chez les sauterelles Tettigonioidea (Orth.J. Bull.
Soc. E. Fr. 90 (1-2) P: O (Tetti[jonioidea); C:.fbo, tll
2334. LESLlE L. R. (1909): Coloration on birďs eggs. Nature 82: 157-158. P; AvDv (CuculllS
canortLs): MP: AvOv: cle
2335. LESSERT R. DE (1942): Araignées myrmecomorphes du Congo belge. Rev. Suisse
Zool. Geneve 49: 7- 13 . AI ArSa (Myrmamcllne milloti. Myrmamcllne Joenisex,
Depreissia TJ1Y1'Tnex): MBM: HyMy: cle
2336. LEVER R. A. (1934): On a Euploeine association on a smal1 island near Santa Isabel
in the Solomons, also a further observation on Euploeas attraeted by dead leaves of
Tournefortia. P.R.E.S.L. 9: 57. Au; LRDa (Euploea); A;jbo. to
2337. LEV! H. W. (1965): An unusual case of mimicry. Evolution 19: 261-262. Ne; Ar
(Tlleridiidae. Latrodectus mactans): MBM: Diplopoda (Armadilliwn klugii): de,jbo
2338. LEV I H. W. (1986): Ant-mimicking orb weavers of the genus lldibaha. Pp. 159-162
in: Eberhard W. G., Lubin Y. D. , Robinson B. C. (eds.): Proc. Int. CongressArachnology,
9th Panama, 1983. 333 pp., Washington DC, Smithsonian Inst. Press. Ne; Ar
(Theridiidae, Hdibaha (:MBM, MP: HyMy: de,jbo
2339. LEVIEUX J. (1967): La place de Camponotus acvapimensis Mayr (Hymenoptera ,
Formicidae) dans la chaine alirnentaire ďune savane de Cote d'Ivoire. Inseetes Soc.
14: 313-322. AJ: HyMy (Camponotus acvapimensis);ftAv,ftAmSl
2340. LEVITA B. (1970): Étude de l'homochromie chez (Oedipoda coerulescens) Bull. Biol.
Fr, Belg. 104: 149-213. P; O (Oed;poda.coerulescens); C;jbo
2341. LEWIS F. T. (1907): "Mimiery in South American butterflies not eonnected with birds."
Am. Nat. 1907. (review Nature 77 [1908): 467.) Nt; LR.; MBM; LR; th,jbo
2342. LEWIS G. (1882): On a visit to Ceylon. and the relation of Ceylonese beetles to the
vegetation there. T.E.S. L. 1882: ? As; Co; C; Pl; de,jbo
2343. LEY C. -WATTW. B. (1989): Testing the "mirnicry" explanation for the Colias "alba"
polymorphism: Palatability of Coli;'s and other butterflies to wild bird predators.
Fund. Eeol. 3 (2): 183-192. Ne:LRPi (Colias); MO; JtAv (Perisoreus)
2344. LICHY R. (1960): Documentos para servir al estudio de los Lepidopteros de Venezuela.
Un especie nueva del genero Heliconius Kluk (Rhopalocera, Nymphalidae), Heliconius
luciana sp. 11. Rev. Fac. Agron. Univ. Cent. Venez. (Maracay) 2 (3): 20-44, 45-66. Nt;
LRHl (Heltconius luctana): MBM; LRHl (Heltconius anliochus); de
2345. LIEBERMAN A. (1977): Do not touch: herpetological warning to predators. Zoonooz
50 (2): 7-11. Re:A;de
2346. LIEBER T T. G. -BRAKEFIELD P. M. (1990): The genetics of colour polymorphism in
the aposematic Jersey tiger moth Callimorpha quadripunctaria. Heredity 64 (1): 87-
92. P; LHeAt (CaHimorpha quadripunctaria): A; ge
2347. LlEFTINCK M. A. (1939): Einige treffende staal1jes van vermomming in het spinnrijk.
Trop. Natuur Weltvreclen 28 (3): 48-51. As: Ar; C, MBM; HyMy: de
2348. LIEFTINCK M. A. (1951): Biological and ecological observations on a bark hannting
Mantid in Java (Orthoptera, Mantoidea). Trans. 9th. Intern. Congr. E. Amsterdam
1951 2: 125-134. As:Ma: C: Pl (bark); de,jbo
2349. LIEPELT W. (1963): Zur Schutzwirkung des Stachelgiftes von Bienen und Wespen
gegenuber Trauerfliegenschnapper und Gartenrolschwanz. Zool. Jahrb. Allg. Zool.
Physiol. Tiere 70: 167-176. P: HyVe. HyAp; A;ftAv (Ftcedula, Phoentcurus), to
2350. LIGHT S. S. (1926): Ants and their Hemipterous and Iclmeumonid (Cryptinae) mimics
observed together at Como. Italy. P.E.S. L. 1: 13-14. P; H (Miridae, Pilophorus
perplexus)Hy (lc1meumonidae. Pezomachus); MBM; HyMy (La.sius emarginatus, Formtca
Jusca); .Ibo. de
2351. LIGHTON J. R. B. -GILLESPIE R. G. (1989): The energetics of mirnicry: the cost of
pedestrian transport in a forrnicine ant and its mirnic, a clubionid spider. Physiol. E.
14 (2): 173-177. Ne: Ar (Clubionidae. Myrmecotypus rettenmeyeri); MBM; HyMy
(CamponotLL.<; sericiventris):jbo
2352. LlND.ROTH C. H. (1971): Disappearance as a protective factor, A supposed case of
Batesian rnirnicry among· beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae and Chrysomelidae). E.
Scand. 2: 41-48. P: CaCh; MBM;CoCa (Lebia); de,jbo
2353. LINELL M. L. (1889): The habits of Goes and Oncideres. E. Am. 5: 39-40. Ne; CoCe
(Oncideres): MBM: CoCe (Goes); de
2354. LINSENMAlER W. (1972): Knaurs Grosses Insekten-Buch. Munchen. I; MEs; de
2355. LINSLEY E. G. (1959): Ecology of Cerambycidae. Ann. Rev. E. 4: 99-138. W; CoCe:
MBM: Co. HlJVe: de. nu
2356. LINSLEY E. G. (1959): Mimetic foml and coloration in the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
Ann. E. Soc. Am. 52: 125-131. Ne. Nt: CoCe; MBM; HyVe; de,jbo
2357. LlNSLEY E. G. (1961): L ycidlike Cerambycidae. Ann. E. Soc. Am. 54: 628-635. Ne;
CoCe:MBM: CoLy: de. Jbo
2358. LINSLEY E. G. (1961): The Cerambycidae of North America, part l. Introduction.
Univ. Calif. Publ. E. 18: 1-97. Ne: CoCe: MBM: Co (Lamellicornia); de
2359. L1NSLEY E. G. -EISNER T. -KLOTS A. B. (1961): Mimetic assemblages of sibling
species oflycid beetles. Evolution 15: 15-29. Ne; L, Hy, D, H, Co: MBM; CoLy:jbo
2360. L1PPERT (1883): .. On mimicry in butierflies." Humboldt 1: 402-408. LR: MBM: LR;
cle, tll
2361. L1SLE H. F. DE (1976): Coral snake mimicry. Herpetology 8 (2): 18-24. Nt; ReOp
(Micmnls): MBM: ReOp (EnJthrolamprus); cle
2362. LIU C.-Y. -CHEN K.-F. (1932): Analysis of the stomach contents of two species of
frogs (Rana lil11nocharis and Rana nigromaculata) in the vicinity of Kashing with
special reference to insects. Yearb. Bur. Ent. Hangchow 2: 183-191. (rev. Poulton:
P.R.E.S.L. 9: 42-43.) As: I: C, A: JtAmSl (Rana limnocharis, Rana nigromaculata)
2363. LLORENTE BOUSQUETS J. -GARCES MEDINA A. R. (1983): Notas sobre Disl110rphia
amphiona lupita Lal11as (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) y observationes sobre algunos
cOl11plejos mil11eticos en Mexico. Revista Soc. Mex. Lepidopt. 8 (2): 27-39. Nt; LRPi
(Dismorphia amphiona): MBM: LRHl:jbo
2364. LLOYD H. A. -SCHMUFF N. R. -HEFETZ A. (1986): Chemistry of the anal glands of
Bothriomyrmex syrius Fore1: Olfactory mimetism and temporary socia! parasitism.
COl11p. Biochem. Physio!. B, 83B (1): 71-73. P: HyMy (Bothriomyrmex syrius): MP
(chemical): HyMy (Tapinoma); cle
2365. LLOYD J. D. K. (1915): Mimicry. Rep. Winchester Col!. Soc, 1915-17: 69-81. I: MBM;
I: th, rw
2366. LLOYD J. E. (1965): Aggressive mimicry in Photuris: Firefly femmes fata!es. Science
149: 653-654. Ne: CoLa (Photuris): MP; CoLa (Photuris};jbo
2367. LLOYDJ. E. (1969): Flashes and behaviour of someAmericanfireflies. Conservationist
23 (6): 8-12. Ne: CoLa (Photuris): MP: CoLa (Photuris};jbo
2368. LLOYD J. E. (1973): Fireflies. Animals 15 (5): 220-225. Ne; CoLa (Photuris): MP; CoLa
2369. LLOYD J. E. (1975): Aggressive mimicry in Photuris fireflies: Signal repertoires by
femmes fatales. Science 187 (4175): 452-453. Ne: CoLa (Photuris); MP: CoLa (Photuris);
2370. LLOYD J. E. (1978): Insect bioluminiscence. Pp. 241-272 in: Herring P. (ed.):
Biolul11iniscence in action. 570 pp. London, New York, San Francisco, Academie
Press. Ne: CoLa (Photuris): MP: CoLa (Photuris};jbo
2371. LLOYD J. E. (1980): Male Photuris fireflies mimic sexua! signalis of their females'
prey: Science 210: 669-671. Ne; CoLa (Photuris); MP; CoLa (Photuris};jbo
2372. LLOYD J. E. (1981): Firefly mate-rivals mimic their predators and vice versa. Nature
250: 498-499. Ne: CoLa (Photuris); MP; CoLa (Photuris};jbo
2373. LLOYD J. E. (1981): Mimicry in the sexua! signa!s of fireflies. ScL Am. 245 (1): 110-
117. Ne: CoLa (Photuris); MP: CoLa (Photuris}:jbo
2374. LLOYD J. E. (1981): Aggressive mimicry in fireflies. Anima 12 (Dec), No. 105: 16-21.
Ne: CoLa (Photuris); MP: CoLa (Photuris);jbo
2375. LLOYD J. E. (1983): Male firefly mimicry. Science 221: 485. Ne; CoLa (Photuris); MP;
CoLa (Photuns): jho
2376. LLOYD J. E. (1983): Biolul11iniscence and communication in insects. Ann. Rev. E.
28: 131-160. Ne: CoLa (PllOturis): MP: CoLa (Photuris}:jbo
2377. LLOYD J. E. (1984): On deception, a way of all flesh, and firefly signals and
systematics. Oxford Surveys Evo!, Biol. 1: 48-84. Ne; CoLa (Photuris): MP; CoLa
(Photuris); Jbo
2378. LLOYD J. E. (1984): Occurrence of aggressive mimicry in fireflies. Florida E. 67 (3):
368-376. Ne; CoLa (PllOturis); MP: CoLa (Photuns};jbo
2379. LLOYD J. E. (1985): Firefly cOl11munication and deception: "Oh, what a tangled web".
Pp. 113-128 in: Mitchell R. W., Thompson N, S. (eds.): Deception: perspectives on
human and nonhuman deceit. 388 pp. Albany, Suny Press. Ne: CoLa (Photuris); MP:
CoLa (P/]otuns): Jbo
2380. LLOYD J. E. (1990): Fireflies semiosystematics and predation: a history. Florida E.
73 (1): 51-66. Ne: CoLa (Photuris): MP; CoLa (Photuris};jbo
2381. LLOYD J. E. -WING S. R. (1983): Nocturna! aerial predation of fireflies by light-
seeking tlret1ies. Science 222 (ll): 634-635. Ne; CoLa (Photuris); MP; CoLa (Photuris);
2382. LOCH L (1978): Bizarre opisthobranch defences. Austr. Nai. Hist. 19 (5): 158-162. S;
Mo (Gastropoda. Opistllobranchia); A; de
2383. LOCKW OOD R. (l990): A case for fry mimicry in the Tanganyikan cichlid,
Neolamprologus leleupi. Buntbarsche Bull. 139: 18-23. Aj: Ps (Ci c h li d ae,
Neolamprologlls lelellpi); MO; Ps (Cichlidae, Neolamprologus elongatus); de,)bo
2384. LOFTIN RW. (1991): Bluejay imitates hawk for kleptoparasitism. Florida Field Nat.
19 (2): 55. Ne; Al! (Cuanocitta cristata); MBM. MP (vocal); Av (Buteo lineatus); de.jbo
2385. LONGFIELD C. (POULTON COMM.) (1931): Attacks by birds on migrating butterflies
observed at Panama by Miss Cynthia Longfield. P.E's.L. 6: 90-91. Nt; LR;JtAv
2386. LONGFIELD C. (1934): Some observations on Lepidoptera in East and Centra! Africa.
P.R.E.S.L. 9: 85-86. AI: LR; MBM: LR; de.jbo
2387. LONGLEYW. H. (1914): Report upon color of fishes of the Tortugas reefs. Year Book
13: 207-28. S: Ps: C. A;jbo. tll. cle
2388. LONGLEYW. H. (1915): Coloration of tropical reef fishes. Year Book 14: 208-209. S:
Ps; C. A; .fbo. tll. de
2389. LONGLEYW. H. (I 916): Observations upon tropical fishes and inferences from their
adaptive coloration. Proc. Nai. Acad. Sci 2: 733-777. S; Ps; C, A;jbo. tll. de
2390. LONGLEY W. H. (1916): The significance of the colors of tropical reef fishes. Year
2406. LONGSTAFF G. B. (1907): Association of a11ied forms of South American butterflies.
P.E.S.L. 1907: 75-76. Nt; LRIt; A:jbo
2407. LONGSTAFF G. B. (1908): Bionomic notes on buttertlies. T.E.S.L. 1908: 607-673.
As: LR: C. A. MBM, MEs, MFh: LR: fbo
2408. LONGSTAFF G. B. (1912): Buttertly-hunting in many lancls. (Notes of a field
naturalist.) xx+729pp. London. As; LR: C. A. MBM, MEs, MFh; LR:jbo
2409. LONGSTAFF G. B. (1914): Further notes on scents in butterflies. E. Month. Mag. 50:
1-8. P: LR: A:ft
2410. LONGSTAFF G. B. -POULTON E. B. (1907): A few notes on sorne african chamaeleons,
etc. J. Linn. Soc. (Zoo1.) 30: 45-48. AI; I; C, A; ftReSr (Chamaeleo)
2411. LOSEY G. S. (1972): Predation protection in the poison-fang blenny, Meiacanthus
atroclorsaJis. and its mimic, Escenius bicolor ancl Runula lanclandus (Blenniiclae).
Pacific Sci. 26 (2): 129-139. S: Ps (Blenniidae. Escenius bicolor, Runula landandus):
MBM, MP; Ps (Blenniidae. Meiacanihus atrodorsa!is);jbo, de
2412. LOSEY G. S. JR. (1974): Aspidontus taeniatus: effects of increasecl abunclance on
cleaning symbiosis with notes on pelagic dispersion and A. filamentosus (Pisces:
Blenniiclae). Z. TierpsychoI. 34 (4): 430-435. S; Ps (Blenniidae, Aspidontus taeniatus);
'MP; Ps (Labridae, Labroides dimidiatus);jbo
2413. LOSEY G. S. JR. (1978): The symbiotis behaviour of fishes. Pp. 1-31 in: Mostofsky
D. I. (ed.): The behaviour of fish ancl other aquatic animals. xii+393 pp., New York,
San Francisco, Acaclemie Press. S: Ps: MP; Ps; rw. lil
2414. LOVERlDGE A. (1927): Notes on snakes ancl snake-bites in East-Africa 1. BuIl.
Antivenin lnst. Am Glenolclen 1: 106-1 J 7. AJ; ReOp; A; to
2415. LOVERlDGE A. (1928): Notes on snakes ancl snake-bites in East Africa II. BulI.
Antivenin 1nst. Am Glenolden 2: 1-5, 32"41. At ReOp: A; to
russ.) Compt. Rencl, Acad. Sci. UdSS, New Ser. 3: 57-60. P; Ps; MBM. C; ?; de
2429. LULlNG K H. (1971): Der Farberfrosch Phyllobates bieolor Bibron der Cordi1lera
Azul (Peru). Bonn. Zool. Beitr. 22: 161-174. Nt; ArnSl (Pllyllobaies bicolor); A; to
2430. LULL (1893): "Spicler mimicry." lnsect Life 6: 38sq. Ar; C. MBM; HyMy; de
2431. LULL (1893): "Spider mimicry." Intern.J. Anat. PhysioI. 3: 414sq. Ar; C, MBM; HyMy;
2432. LUTZ F. E. (1912): "Cyphonia clavigera mimicry." J. NewYark E. Soc. 20: 67-68. Nt;
Ho (Membracidae. C!Jpllonia davigera): MO: HyMy; de
2433. LUTZ K. G. (1895): Das Bluten der Coccine11iden. Zool. Anz. 37: 244-255. P: CoCc; A;
./bo. to
2434. LYAL C. H. C. (1986): Observations on zygopine weevi! behaviour (Coleoptera:
Curculioniclae: Zygopinae). J. Nat. Hist. 20 (4): 787.. 797. As; CoCu(Zygopinae): C;./bo
2435. LYNCH J. D. (1985): Mimetic and non-mimetic populations of Eleutherodactylus
gaigeae (Dunn) in lower Central America ancl Colombia (Amphibia: Anura,
Leptoclactyliclae). Studies Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 2 0 (4): 195-202. Nt: ArnSl
(Elelltherodactylus gaígeae): A. MBM: AmSl; de../bo
2436. LYON tl. E. -MONTGOMERIE R. D. (1985): Conspicuous plumage of birds: sexual
selection or unprofitable prey? Anim. Behav. 33: 1038-1040. P: Av; A; tll
2437. LYTHGOE J. N. (1979): The ecology of vision. NewYork, Oxford Univ. Press. W; An,
Pl: C. A: bm. nu, de. jbo
2438. M'INTOSH W. C. (1901): The coloration of marine animals. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 7:
221-240 (note Nature 64: 62). S: An; C. A. MBM; An; de, tll
2439. MACBRIDE E. W. -CARTER G. S. (1929): Mimicry. Nature 123: 712-713. I; MBM; I; th
2440. MAC LEAN D.B. (1984): Evaluation of population attributes and life history traits of
Catocala (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by means of multivariate analysis. Am. MidI. N at.
112 (1): 67-75. Ne: LHeNo (Catocala); A: tll
2441. MAC LEAN D.B. -SARGENT T. D. -MAC LEAi'\!B. K. (1989): Discriminant analysis of
lepidopteran prey characteristics and their effects on the outcome of bird-feeding
trials. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 36 (3): 295-311. Ne; L; C, A, MBM; L;.ftAv, th
2442. MAC-LEAY W. S. (1819): Horae Entomologicae: or essays on the annulose animals.
Part 2.365 pp., London, S. Bagster. P: D: MBM, MP; HyVe, HyAp; de
2443. MACE H. (1939): Butterfly colors. E. Mag. 3: 88-90. LR; C, A, MBM; LR; de, th
2444. MACHADO A. B. M. (1957): Helicopsyche planorboides n. sp. (Trichoptera,
HelicopsychidaeJ and its mimetic relation to Planorbis (Mollusca, Pulmonata). An.
Acad. Bras. Cienc. 29: 193-200.Nt: Trichoptera (Helicopsyche planorboides); MO; Mo
(Gastropoda. Planorbis): de
2445. MACHADO A. B. M. (1957): Sobre a possibilidade de confusao de conchas de
Planorbideos com casas de insectos tricopteros no Brasil. Rev. Serv. Saude Publ.
(Rio de Janeiro) 9 (2); 169-178. Nt: Trichoptera(Helicopsyche planorboides); MO; Mo
(Gastropoda. Planorbis); de
2446. MACHADO-ALLISON A. (1982): Estudios sobre la subfamilia Serrasalminae (Teleostei;
Characidae). Parte 1. Estudie comparado de los juveniles de las "cachamas" de
Venezuela (generos Colossoma y Piaractus). Acta Biol. Venez. II (3): 1-101. Nt; Ps
rCharacidae. Colossoma brachypomus. Colossoma macropomurn); MBM: Ps; de
2447. l\1ACKENZIE J. M. D. (1930): Means of defence in insects. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.
33: 1000. As: I: C. A. MBM; I: de, tll,jbo
2448. MACKERRAS 1. M. (1960): The Tabanidae (Diptera) of Australia III. Austr. J. Zool. 8:
1-152. Au: D (Tabanidae, Scaptia): MBM; D (CaWplloridae), HyVe; de
2449. MACKEY A. P. (1977); Diffuse competition and polymorphism in some Papua New
Guinea moths (Lep.). J. Aust. E. Soc. 16 (1); 41-42. Au; LHeGe, LHeNo; C, A; ge
2450. MACKINNON P. W. -NICÉVILLE 1. DE (1898): A list of the butterflies of Mussoorie
and the Western Himalayas and neighbouring regions. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 10:
585-605. As: LRPa (Papilio polytes): MBM; LRPa; de
2451. MACLEAN G. (1983): Convergent evolution in birds-chance ar design? African Wildl.
37 (6): 214-219. AI: Av: MBM: Av: de, th
2452. MADSEN T. (1987): Arejuvenile grass snakes, Natrix natrix, aposematically coloured?
Oikos 48 (3): 265-267. P; ReOp (Natrix natrix); A, MBM; I; de, tll
2453. MAGNUS D. B. E. (1963): Sex limited mimicry II- Visual selection in the mate choice
or butterllies. Proc. Inter. Congr. Zool. . 16th. Washington, 4: 179-183. P: LRNrn
(Ary!}nnis pnpllia); MBM: ?:./bo
2454. MAIER C. 1'. (1979): Evolution ofBatesian mimicry in the Syrphidae. J. NewYork E.
Soc. 86 (4): 307. Ne: DSy(Milesiinae); MBM: HyVe: ge. lil
2455. MAJERUS M. E. N. (1982): Larval variation in the pine beauty: Panolis flammea. E.
Rec. J. Var. 94 (7-8): 150. P: LHeNo (Panolisjlammea, [aruae); C; ge
2456. MAJERUS M. E. N. [1983): Some observations of lichen marked larvae of the sca!loped
hazel: Gonodontis bidentata Clerck. E. Rec. J. Var. 60 (2): 21-23. P; UleGe (Gonodontis
bidentata, larvae); C: ge
2457. MAKATSCH W. (1934): Ober die phylogenetische Entwicklung des Brutparasitismus.
Beitr. Fortptl.-Bio!. Vogel 10: 61-65. W; AvOv; MP; AvOv; tll. ge
2458. MAKATSCH W. (1955): Der Brutparasitismus in der Vogelwelt. Radebeul, BerHn.
NeUlnann. W: AvOv: MP; AvOv; de, ge, th
2459. MALCOLM S. B. (1986): Aposematism in a soft-bodied insect: A case for kin selection.
Behav. Eco!. Sociobio!. 18 (5): 387-393. P: Ho (Aphididae, Apllis nerii); A;JtAv (parus
mqjor), JtAr (Zygiel1a X-lwtata)
2460. MALCOLM S. B. (1990): Mimicry: Status of a c1assica! evolutionary paradigm. Trends
Eco!' Evo!, 5: 57-62. A1l; M; An; th. ge
246l. MALCOLM S. B. (1990): Reply from Stephen Ma!colm. Trends Ecol. Evo!. 5 (10):
345-346. An: M: An: th. ge
2462. MALCOLM S. B. -BROWER L. P. (1986): Selective oviposition by monarch butterf1ies
(Danaus plexippus L. l in a mixed stand of Asclepias carassavica L. and A. incarnata
L. in south Florida. J. Lepid. Soc. 40 (4): 255-263. Ne; LRDaDp: A:jbo. to
2463. MALCOLM S. B. -COCKERELL B. J. -BROWER L. P. (1989): Cardenolide fingerprint
of monarch butterflies reared on common milkweed. Asclepias syriaca L. J. Chem.
Eco!' 15 (3): 819-853. Ne: LRDaDp; A:jbo, to
2464. MALCOLM S. B. -ZALUCKI M. P. (1993): Biology and conservation on the Monarch
butterDy. xii + 419 PP" Los Angeles, Eds. Nat. Hist. Mus. L. A. Ne; LRDaDp; A;jbo,
2465. MALCOLM S. -ROTHSCHILD M. (1983): A danaid mullerian mimic, Euploea core
amymone (Cramer) lacking cardenolides in the pupa! and adults stages. Bio!. J.
Linn. Soc. 19: 27-33. As; LRDa (Euploea corel; MBM; LRDa; to
2466. MALLASZ (1899): "Protective value of exudation, etc., of Coccinellidae. " (in hung. )
Rovartani Lápok 6: 113. P: CoCc: A: to
2467. MALLET J. (1986): Gregarious roosting and home range in HeHconius butterflies.
Nation. Geogr. Res. 2 (2): 198-215. Nt; LRHl; A;jbo
2468. MALLET J. (1986): Dispersal and gene Dow in a buttertly with home range behaviour:
Heliconius erato (Lepidoptera: Nympha!idae). Oecologia 68 (2): 210-217. Nt; LRHl
(Helico1lltLS erato): A: g'"
2469. l'v1ALLET J. (1986): Hybrid zones of HeUconius butterflies in Panama and the stability
and movement of warning colour c1ines. Heredity 56 (2): 191-202. Nt; LRH1(Heliconius
erato, Heliconius melpomene): A: ge
2470. MALLET J. (1989): The genetics of warning colour in Peruvian hybrid zones of
Heliconius erato and H. melpomene. Proc. Roy. Soc. London (B) Bio!. Sci. 236: 163-
185. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius erato, Heliconius melpomene): A; ge
247l. MALLET.J. (1990): ls mimicry theory unpalatable? Trends Eco!' Evo!, 5: 344-345.
An: MBM: An; th. ge
2472. MALLET J. ET ALL. (1990): Estimates of selection and gene flow from measures of
clinewidth and linkage disequilibrium in Heliconius hybrid zones. Genetics 124 (4):
921-936. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius emto, Heliconius melpomene); A; ge
2473. MALLET J. -GILBERT L. E. (1995): Why are there so many mimicry rings? Correlations
between habitat, behaviour and mimicry in Heliconius butterflies. Bio!. J. Linn. Soc.
55: 159-180. W: LR; MBM; IR; tll, ge
2474. MALLET J. -JACKSON D. A. (1980): The ecology and social behaviour of the
Neotropical butterfly Heliconius xanthodes Bates in Colombia. Zoo!. J. Linn. Soc. 70
(1): 1-13. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius xanthodes); MBM; LRHl;jbo
2475. MALLET J. -LONGINO J. T. (1982): Hostplant records and descriptions of iuvenile
stages for two rare species of Eucides (Nymphalidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 36 (2): 1 36-144.
Nt; LRffi (Eueides); MBM; LR; de
2476. M/\LLET J. -SINGER M. C. (1987): Individua! selection, kin selection, and the shifting
balance in the evolutation ofwarning colours: The evidence [rom butterflies. Bio!' J.
Linn. Soc. 32 (4): 337-350. LR; A; ge, th
2477. MALORY K. (1983): The slug strategies. Wildlife, London 25 (3): 112-116. S; Mo
(Gastropoda. Nudibranchia); A: de,jbo
2478. MANDERS N. (1907): Temperature experiments on tropical butterflies. P.E.S.L. 1907:
74-75. A:
2479. MANDERS N. (1907): The butterflies ofMauritius and Bourbon. T.E.S.L. 1907: 429-
454. As: LRPa (Papilio pllOrbanta): MBM; LRDa (Euploea goudotiJ; de
2480. MANDERS N. (1908): Mimicry in bourbon butterflies. P.E.S.L. 1908: 3-4. 42-44. As:
LRPa (Papilio phorbanta): MBM: LRDa (Euploea goudoti); de
2481. MANDERS N. (1911): A faetor in the production of mutual resemblance in allied
species ofbutterflies; a presumedMullerian combination ofEuploeas in South India
ancl Amauris in South Africa. T.E.S.L. 1911: 417-425. As. Aj: LRDa (Euploea, Amauris):
MBM. A: LRDa (Euploea. Amauris): de
2482. MA..'\!DERS N. (1911): An invistigation into the validity ofMullerian and other forms
of mimicry. with specia1 reference to the islands of Bourbon, Mauritius and Ceylon.
Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1911: 696-749. As; LRDa: MBM; LRDcí.; de, th
2483. MANDERS N. (1912): The study of mimicry (Batesian andMullerian) by temperature
experiments on two tropical butterflies. T. E. S. L. 445-469. As; LRPa (Papilio
p/wrbanta); MBM: LRDa (Euploea goudoti): de
2484. MANDERS N. (1912): .Mimicry in Java." E. Rec. 24: 73. As; LR; MBM; LR; de
2485. MANDERS N. (1912): The value of protective resemblance in moths. E. Rec. 24: 174-
175. LHe: C. MBM: LHe: th
2486. MANDERS N. (1913): ..Birds and butterflies." Entomologist 46: 292. LR;JtAv
2487. MANDERS N. (1915): The mimetic theory ,.a crucia1 test". P.E.S.L. 1915: 32. Aj:
LRNm (Pseudacraea): MBM; LRAc (Acraea); tll
2488. MANDERS N. ET ALL. (1909): .. Mullerian combinations criticised." E. Rec. 21: 120-
122. LR: MBM: LR: tll
2489. MANLEY D. G. (1984): P redation upon velvet ants of the genus Dasymutil1a in
California (Hymenoptera:Mutil1idae). Pan-Pac. E. 60 (3): 219-226. Ne; Hy (Mutillidae,
Dasymutilla): A: .ftMm (Rodentia). JtReSr, ftMa. Jt (Scorpiones)
2490. MANLEY T. R. (1978): Genetics of conspicuous markings of the 10 moth. J. Hered. 69
(1): 11-18. Ne: LHe (Saturniidae. Automeris io); MEs; ge
2491. MANN W. M. (1912): A protective adaptation in a Brazi1ian membracid. Psyche 19:
145-147. Ne: Ho (Mernbracidae); C. A: de.jbo
2492. MANN W.M. (1912): Note on a guest of Eciton hamatum Fabr. The Stanford expedition
to Brazil, 1911. Psyche 19: 98-100. Nt: CoSt; MP; HyMy (Eciton); de
2493. MARCHAL C. (1890): Coup ďoeil sur le mimétisme chez les Insectes. Bull. Soc.
Saone 4: 238-247. I: C. A. MBM: I: de, th
2494. MARCHAL P. (1900): Sur les moeurs and role uti1e de Nabis lativentris Boh. Bull.
Soc. E. France 1900: 330-332. P; H (Nabidae. Nabis lativentris); MBM; HyMy; de
2495. MARCUS E. (1972): On a mimetic opisthobranch. New York SheJl Club Notes 184: 6-
7. S: Mo (Gastropoda. Opisthobranchia. Bosellia rnimetica); C; Pl (A/gae, Saccoglossa):
2496. MARDEN J. H. (1992): Newton's second law of butterflies. Nat. Hist. 1/92. W: LR:
MO: LR: de. tll
2497. MARDEN J. H. -CHA! P. (1991): Aeria1 predation and butterfly design: How palatability.
mimicry. and the need for evasive flight constrain mass allocation. Am. Nat. 138 (1):
15-36. Nt; LR: MBM. A; LR;jbo, de. tll
2498. MARENZELLER E. V. (1890): Ober Farbung und Zeichnung der Thiere. Vortr. Verein.
Verbr. Naturw. Kenntn. Wien 30 (4): 3-29. An; C, A; de,jbo
2499. MARGALEF R. (1975): Communicaci6n y enganos aspeetos e implicaciones de la
cripsis, advertencia y mimetismo. Graellsia 31: 341-356. An; C. A. MBM; An: th
2500. MARIATH H. A. (1982): Experiments on the selection against different color morphs
of a twig caterpi11ar by insectivorous birds. Z. Tierpsychol. 60 (2): 135-145. Au; LHeGe
(Ectropia excusaria. larvae); C. A:jtAv (Meliphaga virescens. Psophodes ólivaceus)
2501. MARISCAL R. N. (1970): The nature of the symbiosis between lndo-Pacific anemone
fishes and sea-anemones. Mar. Biol. (Berlin) 6: 58-65. S; Ps (Amphiprion); A;jbo
2502. MARISCAL R. N. (1970): A fieJd and laboratory' study of the symbiotic behavior of
fishes and sea anemones from the tropical Indo-Pacific. Univ. Calif. P ubls. Zool. 91:
1-42. S: Ps (Amphiprion); A;.fbo
2503. MARISCAL R. N. (1970): An e.xperimental analysis of the protection of Amphiprion
xanthurus Cuvier & Valencinnes and some other anemone fishes from sea anemones.
J. Exp. Mar. Bio!. Eco!. 4: 134-149. S; Ps (Amphiprion); A;fbo. to
2504. MARLATI C. L. (1898): Japanese Hymenoptera oť the family Tenthredinidae. P roc.
U. S. Mus. 21 (1157): 493-506. P; Hy (Cimbicidae, Cimbex); MBM; HyVe; de
2505. MARMELS J. DE (1982): The genus Euthore Selys in Venezuela, with special notes
on Euthore fasciata fasciata (Hagen, 1853) (Zygoptera: Polythůridae). Advances
Odonato!. 1: 39-41. Nt; Odonata (EtLthorefasciata); MBM; ?; de
2506. MAROTf (1897): "Instances of "protective coloration". " Bull. Natura!. 17: 81-85. An;
C. A. MBM: An: tlt
2507. MARPLES N. M. -BRAKEFIELD P. M. -COWIE R. J. (J 988): Differences between the
7-spot ancl 2-spot ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae) in their toxic eťťects on a bircl
predator. Eco!. E. 14 (1): 79-84. P; CoCc (Adalia bipunctata): MBM: CoCc (Coccinella
septemptLnctata): fiAt!
2508. MARQUES O. A. V. -PUORTO G. (1991): Padroes cromaticos, distribuicao e possivel
mimetismo el11 Erythrolamprus aesculapii (Serpentes. Colubridae). Mem. lnst.
Butantan (Sao Paul o) 53 (1): 127-134. Nt; ReOp (Erythrolamprus aesculapii); MBM;
ReOp (Micntnls): de
2509. MARSH N. A. -CLARKE C. A. -ROTHSCHILD M. -KELLET D. N. (1977): Hypolimnas
bolina (L. ). a mimic of clanaicl butterflies. and its model Euploea core (Cram. ) .store
carclioactive substances. Nature 268: 726-728. As; LRNm (HypoliTTU1as bolina); MBM:
LRDa (Euploea corel: to
2510. MARSH N. -ROTHSCHILD M. [1974): Aposematic and crypUc Lepidoptera tested on
the mouse. J. Zoo!. Lond. 174: 89-122. P: L: C, A;JtMrn (Mus)
2511. MARSH N. -ROTSCHILD M. -EVANS F. (1984): A new look at Lepidoptera toxins.
Symposium or the Royal E. Soc. Lond. ll: 135-139. L: A: to
2512. MARSHALL G. A. K. (1896): Notes on seasonal dimorphism in South African
Rhopalocera. TE. s. L. 1896: 551. Aj; LR: MBM: LR:.fbo
2513. MARSHALL G. A. K. (1897): Stridulation of Cicadidae in Mashunuland. Zoologist
(4)1: 517-519. AJ: Ho (Cicadidae): MBM;?: de.jbo
2514. MARSHALL G. A. K. (1900): Observations on mimicry in South Africa. Ins. Rep. 70,
Meet. Brit. Assoc. 1900: 793-795. Aj; I; C, A, MBM; I;jbo, de
2515. MARSHALL G. A. K. (1900): Conscious protective resemblance. Zoologist 1900: 536-
549. Aj; I: C. MBM: I; de
2516. MARSHALL G. A. K. (1908): On diaposematisl11 with reference to some limitations of
the Mullerian hypothesis of mimicry. T.E.S. L. 1908: 93-142. (note P.E. S. L. 1908:
13-17. ) AJ; I: A, MBM: [: tll
2517. MARSHALL G. A. K. (1908): Reply to Dr. Dixey. P.E. S. L. 1908: 70-73. Nt; LR; MBM:
LR: tll
2518. MARSHALL G. A. K. (1909): On reciprocal mimicry. A rejoinder to Dr. Dixey. P. E. S. L.
1909: 20-22. Nt: LR: MBM: LR: th
2519. MARSHALL G. A. K. (1909): Birds as a factor in the production oť mimetic
resemblances among butterflies. T.E. S. L. 1909: 329-383. (note: P. E. S. L. 1909: 7-8. )
AJ; LR: MBM: LR; ftAt!. th. ge
2520. MARSHALL G. A. K. -P OULTON E. B. (1902): Five years' observations and experiments
(1896-1901) on the bionomics oť South African insects, chiet1y clirected to the
investigation oť mimicry and warning colours. T. E. S. L. 1902: 287-584. (note P. E. S. L.
1902: 10-14. ) AJ: I: C. A. MBM: I; de,jbo, ge,Jt, bm
2521. MARSHALL G. A. K. -UVAROV B. P. (1922): Mimetic grasshoppers. P. E. S. L. 1922:
24. As; O: MBM: CoCi; de
2522. MARSHALL G. F. L. -NICÉVILLE DE L. (1882): Butterflies oť India. I: 22. Calcatta.
As: LRDa: A:.fbo. de
MARSON J. E. (1945): Two !3urmese spiders which mimic scorpions. J. Bombay
Nat. Hist. Soc. 45 (4): 616-617. As; Ar; MBM; Scorpiones; de
MARSON J. E. (1947): The ant mimic Myrmarachne plataleoides. J. E. Africa Nat.
BisL Soc. 19: 62·63. As: ArSa (Mwmarachne plataleotdes); MBM; HyMy; de,jbo
2525. MARSON J. E. -CARPENTER G. D. H. (1946): Observations on
the ant-mimicking
spider Myrmarachne plataleoides Camb. in India. E. Month. Mag. 82: 52-53. As;
ArSa (Myrmaraclme plataleotdes); MBM; HyMy; de,jbo
2526. MARTENS V. (1891): Uber die Drehungsrichtung der schneckenféirmigen Gehii.use
von Insekten-larven. Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Bertin 1891: 79-81. P;Triclloptera.
LHe (Psycllídae. Taleporinae): MO: Mo (Gastropoda): de
2527. MARTIN M. (1982): The Zygaena moths. (in estonian) Eesti Loodus 27 (6): 389 (engl.
summary p.413,russ. summary p.415). P: LHeZy (Zygaena);A;jbo
2528. MARX H. (1956): Tracht und Verha1ten. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Schutzanpassungen,
insbesondere der Mimikry. E. Z. 66: 150-160, 183-184,189-192. I: C, MBM: I; tll
2529. MARX H. -RAAB G. B. -ARNOLD S. ,J. (1982): Pythonodipsas and Spalerosophis,
colubrid snake genera convergent to the vipers. Copeia 1982: 553-561. A; j
(Pytllonodipsas, Spalerosopllis): MBM;ReOp (Viperidae);de.jbo
2530. MASKELL W. M. (1892): Further Coccid notes and remarks on Coccids from New
Zealand. Australia and elsewhere. Trans. New Zeal. Inst. 24: 1-64. Au: Psocoptera;
MBM; Ho (Coccidae): de
2531. MASNER L. (1976): Notes on the ecitophilous diapriid genus Mimpría HoJmgren
(Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea, Diapridae). Can. E. 108: 123-126. Nt; Hy (Diapriidae,
Mimpria); MP: HyMy; de
2532. MASNER L. (1977): A new genus of ecitophilous diapriid wasps from Arizona
(Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea. DiapriidaeJ. Can. E. 109: 33-36. Ne; Hy (Diapriidae);
MP: HyMy;de
2533. MASON C. W. (1926): Structural colours of insects. J. Phys. Chem. 30: 383-395. I;
Mt: de. tll
2534. MASON C. W. -MAXWELL-LEFROY H. (1912): The food of birds in India. Mem. Dept.
Agric. India, Ent. Ser. 3: ]-371. As: I: C, A; JtAv
2535. MASON L. G. (1976): Color variation and bisexual Muellerian mimicry in an
aposematic insect. Evolution 30 (4): 841-846. Ne;Co (Cantharidae, Cllauliognatllus
pennsylvanicus); A, MO: ge, jbo
2536. MASON P. -ROTHSTEIN S. 1. (1987): Crypsis versus mimicry and the color of shiny
cowbird eggs. Am. Nat. 130 (2): 161-167. Ne; AvOv (Molothrus bonariensis); MP, C;
AvOv; de. t.1l
2537. MASON P. -ROTHSTEIN S. I. (1987): Coevolution and avian brood parasitism: cowbird
eggs show evolutionary response to host discrimination. Evolution 40 (6): 1207-
1214. Ne: AvOv (Mol.othrus bonariensis); MP, C;AvOv;de, th
2538. MASON R. T. -CREWS D. (1985): Fema1e mimicry in garter snakes. Nature 316
(6023): 59-60. Ne: ReOp (Tllamnopllis sirtalis); MO;de,jbo
2539. MASSALONGO C. (1903): Intorno al mimismo deJ bruco della Cucullia artemisiae
Hafn. Boll. Nat. Siena 23: 132-134. P; LHeNo (Cucullia artemisiae, larvae); C; Pl
(Artemisia); de
2540. MASTERMAN A T. (1908): On a possibJe case of mimicry in the Common Sole. J.
Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 30: 239-244. S: Ps (Pleuronectidae); C, MO; de,jbo
2541. MASTERS A R. (1990): Pyrrolizidine alka10ids in artificial nectar protect adult
ithomiine buUerf1ies from a spider predator. Biotropica 22 (3): 298-304. Nt; LRIt
(Episcada salvinia); A: to,ftAr (Nepllila clavipes)
2542. MASTERS W. M. (1980): Insect disturbance stridulation: characterization of airborne
and vibrational components of the sound. J. Comp. Physiol. 135 (3): 259-268. P;Co,
H (soU/lel); MBM: Hy (sound):jbo, tll
2543. MASTRO E. (1981): Algal preferences for decoration by the Californian Kelp Crab,
Pugettia producta [Randall) (Decapoda. Majidae). Crustaceana 41 (1): 64-70. S; Cr
(Decapoda. Pugettia producta): C: Jbo
2544. MATESSI C. -CORI R (1972): Models of population genetics of Batesian mimicry.
Theoret. Popul. Biol. 3: 41-68. An; MBM;An; ge, tll
2545. MATHER M. H. -ROITBERG B. D. (1987): A sheep in wolfs clothing: Tephritid f1ies
mimic spider predators. Science 236 (4799): 308-309. Ne;D (Trypetidae. Rllagoletis
zepllyria); MP, MO;ArSa (Salticus scenicus); de, jbo
2546. MATHEW A P. (1934): The life-history of the spider (Myrmarachne plataleoides)
[Cambr.). cl. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 37: 369-374. As;ArSa (Mwmaracllne plataleoides);
MBM: HyMy (Oecophylla smaragdina);jbo
2547. MATHEW A. P. (1935): Transformational.deceptive resemb1ance as seen in the life
history of a plant bug (Riptortus pedestrisJ, and of a mantis (Evantissa pulchra). J.
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 37: 803-813. As; H (Coreidae. Riptortus pedestris), Ma
(Evantissa plllchra): MBM: HyMy; de
2548. MATHEW A. P. (1940): A study of the courting habits of Myrmarachne plataleoides
(Cambr.), a spider mimic of the Indian red-ant Oecophylla smaragdina. J. Bombay
Nat. Hist. Soc. 42: 171-180. As; ArSa (Myrmarachne plataleoides); MBM; HyMy
(Oecophylla smaragdina); Jbo
2549. MATHEW A. P. (1944): Observations on the habits of two spiders mimicking red ant.
(Abstr.) Proc. Ind. ScL Congr. 31 (3): 93-94. As; ArSa (MyrJTIarachne plataleoides,
AmyciaeaJorticeps); MBM: HyMy (Oecophylla);jbo
2550. MATHEW A. P. (1954): Observations on the habits of the two spider mimics of the
red ant Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabr. ). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 52: 249-263. As;
ArSa (Myrmarachne plataleoides, Amyciaea forticeps); MBM; HyMy (Oecophylla
2551. MATHEW G. F. (1888): Life-histories of Rhopalocera from the Australian region.
T.E.S.L. 1888: 137-188. Au: LRPa (Papilio aegeus, larvae); C; birďs dropping; de
2552. MATSulViuRA S. (1907): Die Cicadinen Japans. Annot. Zool. Jap., Tokyo, 6 (2): 83-
116. P: Ho (Cicadidae. Huechys sanguinea); A;ft, de
2553. MATSUNO H. (1989): Mimicry and distinctive coloration in the Common Mormon,
Papilio polites. A hypothesis on the evolution of wing patterns in Papilio. (in jap. )
Yadoriga 140: 2-10. P: LRPa (Papilio polites); MPM; LRPa; de, ge
2554. MATTHEWS E. G. (1977): Signal-based frequency-dependent defense strategies and
the evolution of mimicry. Am. Nat. 111: 213-222. An; A, MBM; An: ge, th
2555. MATTHEWS R. W. -MATTHEWSJ. R. (1978): Insect behavior. xiii+507pp. , New York,
Chichester etc., J. Wiley & Sons I: C, A, MBM; I;jbo, th, nu, bm
2556. MATZDORFF C. (1884): Ueber Schutz- und Trutzfarben im Thierreiche. Monatl. Mitt.
Naturwiss. Ver. Regierungsbez. Frankfurt 2 (10-12): 145-181. An; C, A; de.jbo
2557. MAWDSLEY J. (1-990):
(Coleoptera). Young E. Soc. 7 (2): 9-12. Ne; Co (Cleridae); MBM; HyMy, Hy (Mutillidae);
2558. MAY R. M. (1983): Beetles disguised as ants. Nature 302: 480. W; CoSt; MBM; HyMy;
2559. MAYER A. G. (1897): On the color and color-patterns ofmoths and butterflies. Proc.
Boston Soc. 27: 243-330. (review A. R. Wallace: Nature 55: 618-619.) L; C, A, MBM;
L: th. de
2560. MAYER A. G. (1899): On the development of color in moths and butterflies. Biol.
Leet. Wooďs Holl 1899: 157-164. L: C, A, MBM; L; de, th
2561. MAYNARD SMITH J. (1964): Group selection and kin selection. Nature 201: 1145-
1147. I (larvae); A; ge. th
2562. MAZAE. DELAJ. -MAZAE. DELAR. G. (1981): Notas sobre Agrias amydon oaxacata
Kruck (Nymphalidae: Charaxinae). Revista Soc. Mex. Lepidopt. 6 (2): 47-48. Nt; LRCx
(Agrias amydon): MBM; LRNm (Callicore); de
2563. MAZA E. DE LA J. -WHITE L. J. -WHITE L. A. (1987): Observaciones sobre el
polimorfismo femenino de Baronia brevicornis Salv. (Papilionidae: Baroninae) con la
descripción de ur;ta nueva subspecie del estado de Chiapas, Mexico. Revista Soc.
Mex. Lepidopt. II (1): 3-13. Nt; LRPa (Baronia brevicornis): MBM; LRHI, LRDa; de
2564. MAZA E. DE LA R. G. -DÍAZ FRANCÉS A. (1978): Una nueva subspecie de Parides
lycimenes de Mexico (Lepidoptera: Papllionidae). Revista Soc. Mex. Lepidopt. 4 (1):
7-14. Nt: LRPa (Parides lycimenes); MBM: LRPa; de
2565. MAZA E. DE LA R. G. -MAZA R. DE LA R. F. (1979): Notas sobre los Papllionidae en
Mexico. 5. Zona de los Tuxtlas, Veracruz. Revista Soc. Mex. Lepidopt. 5 (3): 2-18. Nt;
LRPa (Papilio victorinus); MBM; LRPa (Eurytides); de
2566. MC ALPINE D. K. (1973); Some field observations on Nothybus (Diptera, Nothybidae).
Aust. E. Mag. 1 (6): 89-91. As; D (Nothybidae, Nothybus decorus); MBM; HyVe. HyAp;
2567. MC ALPINE D. K. (1987): Studies in upside-down flies (Diptera: NeurochaetidaeJ,
part 2. Biology. adaptations. and specific mating mechanisms. Proc. Linn. Soc. New
South Wales 110 (1): 59-82. As, Au; D (Dolichopodidae); MBM; HyAp (Bambus
reinigiellus); de
2568. MC ALPINE D. K. (1990): A new apterus micropezid fly (Diptera: Schizophora) from
western Australia. Syst. E. 15: 81-86. Au; D (Micropezidae): MBM; HyMy; de
2569. MC ATEE W. L. (1908): Food habits of the Grosbeaks. U. S. Dept. Agr. Biol. Surv.
Bul!. 32: 92 pp. Ne; I; C, A; jtAu
2570. MC ATEE W. L. (1911): Woodpeckers in relation to trees and wood products. U. S.
Dept. Agr. Biol. Surv. Bul1. 39: 99 pp. Ne; I; C. A;jtAu (Picidae)
257l. MC ATEE W. L. (1912): The experimental method of testing the efficiency of warning
and cryptic coloration in protecting anima!s from their enemies. Proc. Acad. Nat.
ScL Philadel. 64: 281-364. Ne; I; C, A;ftAu
2572. MC ATEE W. L. [1913): Index to papers relating to the food of birds, by members of
the Biol. Sunrey in publications of the U. S. Dept. Agr. 1885-191l. U. S. Dept. Agr.
Biol. Surv. BulI. 43: 69 pp. Ne; I; C, A;jtAv
2573. MC ATEE W. L. (1930): "lsopera pedunculata supposed mimlc of Camponotus
compressus." J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 34: 59l. As; O (Isoperapedunculata); MBM;
HyMy (Campol1otus cornpressus); de
2574. MC ATEE W. L. (1932): "Proteciive" adaptations of anima!s. Nature 130: 961-962 .
• An; C. A. M; A; tll
2575. MC ATEE W. L. (1932): Effectiveness in nature of the so-ca!led protective adaptations
in the anima! kingdom, chiefly as illustrated by the food-habits of nearctic birds.
Smith. Mise. Coll. (Washington) 85 (7): 1-20l. (review: P.E.S.L. 1932: 100-105; E. B.
Poulton) Ne; An; C. A. MBM; An;.ftAu, bm
2576. MC ATEE W. L. (1933): Rejoinder to papers on protective adaptations recently published
by the Entomologica! Society of London. P.R.E.S.L. 8: 113-126. Ne; I: C. A;ftAu
2577. MC ATEE W. L. (1935): Text-book facts on protective coloration. Am. Nat. 69: 374-
378. An; C, A: tll. n.v
2578. MC CABE T. L. (1992): Caribbean Horama (Lepidoptera: Aretiidae: Ctenuchinae)
with new species and notes on mimicry. Proc. E. Soc. Washington 94 (2): 243-248.
Nt: UieSn (Horama); MBM: HyVe (Polistes exclamans); de
2579. MC CANN C. (1952): Aposematic insects and their food plants. J. Bombay Nat. Hist.
Soc. 51: 752-754. As; I: A; to.jbo
2580. MC CORKLE D. V. -HAMMOND P. C. (1986): Observations on the biologyof Parnassius
clodius [Papilionidae) in the Padfic northwest. J. Lepid. Soc. 39 [3): 156-162. Ne;
LRPa (ParnassiHs clodius); MBM; Diplopoda (Harpaplle Ilaydeniana); de,jho
2581. MC COSKER J. E. (1977): Fright posture of the plesiopid fish Calloplesiops altive1is:
an example of batesian mimicry. Science 4301: 400-401. S: Ps (Plesiopidae,
Calloplesiops altiuelis); MBM: Ps (Muraenidae, Gymnothorax meleagris); de
2582. MC COSKERJ. E. (1978): Academically speaking: an ichthyological imposter. Pacific
Discovery 31 [5): 28-31. S; Ps (Plesiopidae, Cal1oplesiops altiuelis); MBM; Ps
(Muraenidae. Gymnothorax me1eagris); de
2583. MC DERMOTT [1961): ,,"Mimetism" in Lampyridae e1ytra! pattern." Coleopterol. Bull.
15: 116. Ne; CoLa; MO; ?; de
2584. MC DIARMID R. W. (1971): Comparative l11orphology and evolution of frogs of the
neotr opical genera Atelopus, Dendrophryniscus, M e l a nophryniscus a n d
Oreophrynella. Bull. Los Angeles M u s . S c i . 12: 1 - 6 6 . Nt; AmSI (Atelopus,
Dendrophryniscus, Melanopllryniscus, Oreophrynella); A; de,jbo
2585. MC EVOY P. B. [1979): Advantages and disadvantages to group living in treehoppers
(Homoptera: Membracidae). Miscel!. Publs. E. Soc. Am. II (3): 1-13. Nt: Ho
(Membracidae): A:Jbo, de. tll
2586. MC GILPJ. N. [1923): Cuckoo eggs. S. Austral. Ornith. (Adelaide) 7: 49-51. Au; AuOu
(Cuculidae); MP: AuOu; de, th
2587. MC GOVERN G. M. -KNISLEY C. B. -MITCHELLJ. C. (1986): Prey experiments and
predator-prey si ze relationship in eastern fence lizards, Sceloporus undulatus
hyacinthinus. from Virginia. VirginiaJ. ScL 37 [1): 9-15. Ne; Co;A:.ftReSr (Sceloporus
2588. MC GOVERN G. M. -MITCHELLJ. C. -KNISLEY C. B. (1984): Field experiments on
prey selection by the whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus inornatus, in Arizona. J.
Herpetol. 18 [3): 347-349. Ne; I; C, A:JtReSr (Cnemidophorus inornatus)
2589. MC IVERJ. D. (1987): On the myrmecomorph Coquillettia insignis Uhler (Hemiptera:
Miridael: Arthropod predators as operators in an ant-mimetic system. ZOol.J. Linn.
Soc. 90 (2): 133-144. Ne: H (Miridae, Coqui/lettia insignis); MBM: HyMy;jt (Arthropoda)
2590. MC lVERJ. D. (1989): Protective resemblance in a community of lupine arthropods.
Nationa! Geographic Research 5 (2): 191-204. Ne;H (Miridae,Coquillettia insignis);
MBM;HyMy;ft (Arthropoda)
2591. MC lVER J. D. -ASQUITH A. (1989): Biology of Lopidea nigridea Uhler, a possible
aposematic plant bug (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae). J. New York E. Soc. 97
(4): 417-429. Ne; H (Miridae,Lopidea nigridea);A;jbo
2592. MC IVER J. D. -LATIIN J. D. (1990): Evidence for aposematism in the plant bug
Lopidea nigridea Uhler (Hemiptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 40 (2):
99-112. Ne: H (Miridae,Lopidea nigridea); A;jbo
2593. MC lVER J. D. -STONEDAHL G. M. (1987): Biology of the myrmecomorphic plant
bug Orectoderus obliquus Uhler (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae). J. New York E.
Soc. 95 (2): 278-289. Ne: H (Miridae,Orectoderus obliquus): MBM: HyMy:jbo
2594. MC lVER J. D. -STONEDAHL G. M. (1987): Biology of the myrmecomorphic plant
bug Coquillettia insignis Uhler (Heteroptera: Miridae: PhylinaeJ. J. NewYork E. Soc.
95 (2): 258-277. Ne: H (Miridae,Coqillettia insignis);MBM;HyMy;jt (Arthropoda)
2595. MC IVER J. D. -STONEDAHL G. M. (1993): Myrmecomorphy: Morphological and
behaviora! mimicry of ants. Arm. Rev. E. 38: 351-397. W: Ar, H, Ph, O, Ma, CoSt;
MBM, MP;HyMy: de,jbo
2596. MC KAY (1903): ? Nature 65: 247, 273, 299, 343, 366. 392. 415. 465. 468. LR;jtAv,
2597. MC KAYE K. R. -KOCHER T. (1983): Head ramming behaviour by three paedophagous
cichlids in Lake Malawi. Africa. Anima! Behavior 31: 206-210. Aj; Ps (Cichlidae);MP:
Ps (Ciclllidae); de..fbo
2598. MC KEOWN K. C. (1934): The food of birds from south-western New South Wales.
Rec. Aust. Mus. 19: 113-135. Au: I;C. A;jtAv
2599. MC LACHLAN R. (1898): "Birds attacking butterflies." E. Month. Mag. 1898: 162.
2600. MC LACHLAN R. (1900): A remarkable new mimetic species of Mantispa from Borneo.
E. Month. Mag. 36: 127. As: N (Mantispa): MBM;Hy (Braconidae);de
2601. MC LACHLAN R. -BATES H. W. (1871): No title. P.E.S:L. 1871: 39. Ne; Odonata
(Plathel1lis tril1lamla): MBM: Odonata (Libellula pulchella);de
2602. MC LAJN D. K. (1984): Coevolution: Mullerian mimicry between a plant bug (Miridae)
and a seed bug (Lygaeidae) and their relationship between host plant choice and
unpalatability. Oikos 43: 143-148. Ne; H (Miridae, Lopidea instabile); MBM; H
(Lygaeidae); jtRe
2603. Me LEAN B. K. -CHANDLER L. -MC LEAN D. B. (1978): Phenotypic expression in
the paper wasp Polistes fuscatus (Hymenoptera: Vespidael. Great Lakes E. II (2):
105-116. Ne; HyVe (Polistes juscatus);A;ge.jbo
2604. MC LEAN l. G. -GRIFFINJ. M. (1991): Structure, function and mimicry in begging ca!ls
of passerines and cuckoos. pp. 1273-1284 in: BellB. D. et all.: Acta 20. Congr. Internat.
Ornithol. Christchurch, New Zealand 2-9 December 1990. Vol. 2, pp. 645-1292,
Wellington. N. Z. O. C. T. B. W; Av (CrlLulidae);MP (call); Av (Passerijormes); de,Jbo
2605. MC LEAN I. G. -WAASJ. R. (1987): Do cuckoo chicks mimic the begging calls of their
hosts? Anim. Behav. 35 (6): 1896-1898. Au; Av (Chalcites lucidus, Urodynamis
taitensis); MP (call);Av (Malurinae);jbo
2606. MC LEOD L. (1984): Seasona! polyphenism in African Precis butterflies. pp. 313-
315 in: Vane-Wright R. I. & Ackery P. R. (eds.): The biology of butterflies., Orlando,
Academic Press. AJ; LRNI1l (Precis octavia): MEs: jbo, ge
2607. MC MAHON E. A. (1982): Bait-and-capture strategy of a termite-eating assassin
bug. Insectes sociaux 29: 346-351. Nt; H (Reduviidae);MP: Isoptera: de.jbo
2608. MEAD C. J. (1982): Ringed birds killed by cats. Mamma! Rev. 12: 183-186. P: Av: C.
A:ftM111 (Felis sylvestris)
2609. MEADE W. G. (1910): Protective attitude of a mantis from Borneo. P.E.S.L. 1910:
50-52. As; Ma (Hymenopus bicornis): MP: PLFl (Orchidaceae): de
2610. MEER VAN DER. R. K. -JOUVENAZ D. P. -W OJCIK D. P. (1989): Chemical mimicry
in a parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) of fire ants (Hymenoptera: FormicidaeJ.
J. Chem. Ecol. 15 (8): 2247-2262. Ne: Hy (Eucharitidae,Orasema); MP (chel1licaU:
HyMy (Solenopsis invicta): de,jbo
2611. MEER VAN DER, R, K. -WOJ CIK D. P. (1982): Chemical m imicry in the
myrmecophilous beetle Myrmecaphodius excavaticollis. Science 218 (4574): 806-
808. Ne; Co (Scambaeidae. Myrmecaphodiu.s excavaticollis); MP (chemical); HyMy
(Solenopsis richteri); de
2612. MÉHELY L. (1903): A mimicry elve ésjelenttisége. Allatt. Koz!. 1903: 1-24. An; MBM;
An; de. th
2613. MEIJD EN VAN DER, E. (1976): Changes in the distribution pattern oťTyriajacobaeae
(Lep.. Arctiidae) during the larval period. Neth. J. Zoo!. 26 (1): 136-161. P; LHeAt
(Thyriajacobaeae. larvae); A;fbo
2614. MEIJERE J. C. H. DE (1910): Dber Jacobsons Zuchtungsversuche bezuglich des
Polymorphismus von Papilio memnon F. und uber die Vererbung sekundarer
Geschlechtsmerkmale. Z. Indukt. Abstamm. Vererbungslehre 3: 161-181. As; LRPa
(Papilio memnon): MBM: LRPa: ge
2615. MEINERTZHAGEN R. (1951): Desert colouration. Proc. 10th lnt. Ornith. Congr. 1950:
5: 181-182. P: CoCc; A; to
2617. MELDOLA R. (1867): ? E. Month. Mag. 4: 63. P; UIeGe (Asthena candidata); MBM;
UIeGe (AcidaHa subsericeata); de
2618. MELDOLAR. (1872): .. On mimicry in British Lepidoptera." Entomologist 5: 163. P; L;
2619. MELDOLA R. (1873): On a certain class oť variable protective colouring in insects.
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1873: 153-162. I; C. A. MBM: I: tll
2620. MELDOLA R. (1874): The action oť light upon the sensitive skin oť a pupa had not
analogy with the action on any known photographic chemical. P.E.S.L. 1874. P; LR
(pupae): C: tll
2621. MELDOLA R. (J 877): Neue Beobachtungen uber schutzende Einrichtungen bei
Insekten. Kosmos (Leipzig) 1: ? P: I; C. A. MBM; I; de
2622. MELDOLA R. (1878): No title. P.E.S.L. 1878: 24. As; O (Pterochroza i1ustrata.
Pterochroza ocellata); C; Pl; de
2623. MELDOLA R. (1878): Entomological notes bearing on evolution. Ann . Mag. Nat. Hist.,
5th Ser. 1: 155-161. Nt; LR; MBM; LR; ge
2624. MELDOLA R. (1882): Mimicry between butterflies oť protected genera. Ann. Mag.
Nat. Hist. 10 (5); 417-425. Nt; LR: MBM; LR; tll
2625. MELDOLA R. (1884): Phophorescence in thejelly-fish. Nature 30: 289. S; Cl (Hydrozoa);
A: de, th
2626. MELDOLA R. (1895): Tbe speculative method in entomology. P.E.S.L. 1895: 52-68. I:
C. A. MBM; 1: rw. th
2627. MELDOLA R. (1899): Mimicry and warning colours. Nature 60: 55-57. An: A. MBM;
An; th
2628. MELDOLA R. (1902): Mimetic insects. Proc. Roy. Inst. Brit. 16: 693-698. I; MBM; I;
de, tll
2629. MELDOLA R. (1905): Tbe Bates-Mueller hypothesis ofmimicry: a question oť historical
accurency. Nature 73: 100. I; MBM: I; th
2630. MELDOLA R. -DOUBLEDAY H. (1872): Tbe relationship between colour and edibility
in larvae. E. Month. Mag. 9: 45-69. P: L (Zamae); C. A;ftAv
2631. MELICHAR L. (1904): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schutzfiirbung. Mimikry, bei
Homoptera. E. Jahrb. 13: 213-217. Ho; C. MBM; ?; de
2632. MELIN D. (1918): Nagra tankar om mimicry oeh skyddande likket med stod av
dipterologiska studier. E. T idskr. Upsala 39: 239-294. P; D; MBM; Hy; de. tll
2633. MELL R. (1911): ? Deutsche E. Nationalbibliothek 2: 77. As; UIeZy (Histia rllodope);
1982. pp. 1071-1083. Bull. Soc. E. Fr. 90 (1-2). W; Co (CLeridae); MBM; HyMy. Hy
(Mutillidae): de. rw. th
2637. MENON G. K. -SHAH R.V. (1979): Adaptive features in juvenile plumage pattern of
the Indian Koel Eudynamis scolopacea: host mimesis and hawk-pattern. J. Yamashita
Inst. Ornith. II (2): 87-95. As; Av (Eudynamys scolopacea); MP. MBM: Av (Accipiter).
AvOv: de. ge. tll
2638. MERRELL D. J. (1969): The evolutionary role of dominant genes. Genet. Lect. 1:
167-194. LR: MBM: LR: ge. tll
2639. MERTENS R. (1946): . Die \Varn- und Droh-Reaktionen der Reptilien." Abh.
Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. No. 471, Frankfurt/M. W: Re: A. MBM; Re; de.jbo
2640. MERTENS R. (1956): Das Problem der Mimikry bei Korallenschlangen. Zoo1. Jahrb.
Syst. 84: 541-576. Nt: ReOp (Colubridae. Elapidae); MBM; ReOp (Elapidae); ge. tll, de.
2641. MERTENS R. (1957): Gibt es eine Mimikry bei Kora1lenschlangen? Natur u.Volk 87:
56-66. Nt; ReOp (Colubridae. Elapidae); MBM; ReOp (Elapidae); ge. tll, de
2642. MERTENS R. (1968): Zur Kenntnis der Herpetofauna von Kamerun und Fernando
Poo. Bonn. ZooL Beitr. 19: 69-84 (p. 8l). AI: AmSl (Phrynobatracllus cri.cogaster): A;
2643. METZGER \V. (1935): Gestaltgesetze im Dienste der Tarnung. Natur u.Volk 65: 600-
618. An: C: de. th
2644. MEUNIER F. (1896): .. Bee and fly." Feui11e Natural 26: 121. P; DSy (Eristalis tenax);
MBM: HyAp (Apis mellifera); de.jbo
2645. MEUNIER F. (1908): Un curieux cas de mimétisme chez un Diptere Acroceridae du
genre Ogcodes Meigen. Ann. Soc. Scient. Bruxelles 32: 93. P; D (Acroceridae. Ogcodes);
2646. MEYER A. B. (1870): Some remarks on the poison glands of the genus Calliophis.
Proc. Zool. Soc. Land. 1870: 368-369 (note Nature 34: 596). As; ReOp (Calliophis
intestinalis): MBM: ReOp (Calliophis gracilis. Adenophis); de
2647. MEYER-ROCHO\VV. B. -EGUCHI E. (1983): .. Fh'ige1farben, wie sie die Falter sehen"
-A study of uv- and other colour patterns in Lepidoptera. Annot. Zoo1. Jap. 56 (2):
85-99. P: LR : C, A; optical perception
2648. MEYERE J. C. H. DE (1915): Mededeeling over kleurteekening op de vleugels van
Dipteren. Neuropteren en Lepidopteren. Tijdschr. E. 58: 38-42. W; D, N, L: C. A.
MBM:?: tll
2649. MEYERE J. C. H. DE (l916): Zur Zeichnung des Insekten-, im besonderen des
Dipteren- und Lepidopterent1ugels. Tijdschr. E. 59: 55-147. D, L; MBM: L; de. tll, bm
2650. MICHEL C. -VOSS J. (1988): Communication optique chez les labrides. BulI. Soc.
Roy. ScL Liege 57 (4-5): 379-388. S; Ps (Labridae. Symphorus ocellatus); MEs;jbo
2651. MICHENER C. D. (1949): Parallelism in the evolution ofthe Saturniid moths. Evolution
3: 129-141. Ne: LHe (Saturniidae): MO: LHe (Satumtidae); de. th, ge
2652. MICHENER C. D. (1986): A review of the tribes Diphaglossini and Dissoglottini
(Hymenoptera. ColIetidae). Univ. Kansas ScL Bul1. 53 (4): 183-214. Nt; HyAp
(Colletidae. Diphaglossini. Dissoglottini); MBM: Hy; de
2653. MIDDLEKAUFF \V. \V. (1983): A revision of the sawfly famHy Orussidae for North
and Central Anlerica (Hymenoptera: Symphyta. Orussidae). Univ. Calif. Publ. E.
101: 1-46. Ne. Nt: Hy (Orussidae): MBM. MP; HyMy; de
2654. MIK F. (1886): (.Vespa orientalis and Laphria dizonias occur in company"). -
Dipterologische Miscellen. \Vien. E. Z. 1886: 101-102. P: D (Laphridae. Laphria
dizonias): MB1V1: HyVe (Vespa orientalis): de.jbo
2655. MIK F. (1891); Epithalassius sancti-marci. ein neues Dipteron ausVenedig. Wien. E.
Z. 10: 186-187. P; D (Dolichopodidae, Epithalassius sancti-marci): MBM; D (Empididae);
2656. MILLEDGE G. A. (1990): Revision of the genus Nesoxypilus Beier (Mantodea:
AnlOrphoscelidae: Paraoxypilinae). Mem. Mus. Victoria 50: 347-356. Au: Ma
(Nesoxypilus): MBM: HyMy; de
2657. MILLERJ. Y. (1986): The taxonomy. phylogeny. and zoogeography of the Neotropical
moth subfamily Castninae (Lepidoptera: Castnidae: Castninae). 571 pp. Univ.
Microfilms Ann. Internat. Arbor. Nt: llie (Castniidae. Castninae): A. MBM; LR; de. ge
2658. MILLER K. (1910): Die Schutzfarbung der Insekten. (in russ.) Naturfreund St.
Petersbur 4: 225-250. 290-299. P: I: C. A: de..fbo
2659. MILLER N. C. E. (1931J: Larval Heteroptera secreting an obnoxious fluid from the
thorax. E. Month. Mag. 67: 54-55. P; H (Coreid.ae); MBM; HyMy; to
2660. MILLOT J. (1946): Chenille malgache mimant un groupe de Belonogaster
(HymenopteresJ. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 71: 197-198. Aj; L (!arvae); MBM: Hy
(Braconidae, Belonogaster. group): de
2661. MINKIEWICZ R. (1907): Analyse expérimentale de l'instinct de déguisement chez les
Brachyures Oxyrhynques. Archiv. Zool. Exp. 27: 37-67. S; Cr (Decapoda. Brachyura);
2662. MINTON S. A. (1966): A contribution to the herpetology of West Pakistan. Bull. Am.
Mus. Nat. Hist. 134: 27-184, pls. 9-36. As; ReOp (Co!ubrid.ae); MBM; ReOp (Viperid.ae.
Naja); de
2663. MIT W. C. (1894): Protective resemblance in S. American insects. Entomologist 1894:
51-55. Nt; I: C, A. MBM; I; de, jbo
2664. MITRA T. R. (l974): Note on vertebrate enemies of dragon flies (Odonata). E. News
85 (2): 61. As: Odonata (Tho!ymis tillarga); A:jt (Vertebrata)
2665. MNART S. G. (1871): On the genesis of species. NewYorkApplcton. (review: Nature
3: 270-273, A. W. Bennet.) LR: MBM; LR: th. ge
2666. MJOBERG E. (1926): The strange way in which the vishnu-moth (Trabala vishnu)
deposit her eggs in the shape of larvae. Psyche 33: 6-7. As; IRe (Lasiocampid.ae.
Traba!a vishnu, eggs): MBM; L (Zarvae): de.jbo
2667. MOBIUS K. (1905): Die Formen und Farben der lnsekten asthetisch betrachtet.
Sitzungsber. Akad. Berlin 1905: 159-166. I; C, A. MBM; I; tll
2668. MOCKFORD E. L. (1974): New genus and species of Amphipsocidae from southeastern
Asia (Psocoptera). E. News 85 (5-6): 155-158. As; Psocoptera (Calocaecilius decipiens);
MBM: CoCc; de
2669. MOCKFORD E. L. (1975J: A new species of Tapinella from Mexico and notes on
variation in Tapinella maculata (Psocoptera: Pachytroctidae). Folia E. Mex. 31-32:
99-115. Nt: Psocoptera (Tapinella maculataJ: A: de
2670. MOFFAT C. B. (1935): Butterflies and birds. Irish Nat. J. 5: 225-227. LR;JtAv
2671. MOFFAT J. A. (1897): Protective resemblances. Rep. E. Soc. Ontario 28: 64-67. Ne;
I: C. A. MBM: I: de, th
2672. MOKSENS A. -ROESKAFT E. (1988): Responses of Fieldfares Turdus pilaris and
Bramblings Fringi!1a montifringil1a to experimenta! parasitism by the Cuckoo Cuculus
canorus. Ibis 130: 535-539. P: AvOv (Cucu!us canorus); MP; AvOv (Turdus pi!aris.
F'ringilla nwntifringi11a): .fbo
2673. MOKSNES A. -ROESKAFT E. (1987): Cuckoo host interactions in Norwegian
mountain areas. Ornis Scand. 18: 168-172. P: AvOv (Cucu!us canorus); MP: AvOv;
2674. MOKSNES A. -ROESKAFT E. (1989): Adaptations of Meadow Pipit to parasitism by
the common cuckoo. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 24: 25-30. P; AvOv (Cucu!us canorus);
MP: AvOv (Anthus pratensis);jbo
2675. MOKSNESA. -ROESKAFT E. (1992): Responses of some rare Cuckoo hosts to mimetic
model Cuckoo eggs and to foreign conspecific eggs. Ornis Scand. 23: 17-23. P: AvOv
(Cucu!us canorus); MP; AvOv (Passeriformes);jbo
2676. MOKSNES A. -ROESKAFT E. -BRAA A. T. (1991): Rejection behavior by common
cuckoo hosts towards artificial brood parasite eggs. Auk 108 (2): 348-354. P; AvOv
(Cucu!us canorus); MP: Al!OV (Passeriformes);jbo
H. C. (1991): Behavioural responses of potential hosts towards artificial cuckoo eggs
and dummies. Behaviour 116 (1-2): 64-85. P; AvOv (Cuculus canorus); MP; AvOv
(Passeriformes); .fbo
2678. MOLDENKE A. R. (1970): A revision of the Clytrinae of North America north of the
isthmus of Panama (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Stanford Univ.. CA. viii+310 pp.
Ne: CoCh (C!ytrinae): A; de
2679. MOLlNARIO P. V. (1985): L'abito non fa la cavaletta. Nat. Oggi 3 (10): 139. P; O; MO
(audio, chemical); O: .fbo. de
2680. MOLLET J. (1975): Notes sur quelques Lépidopteres Rhopaloceres de rEst africain.
des insectes; a propos ďune note de M. A. ChappeHer sur le régime alimentaire des
2683. MONTE O. (1932): As cigarrinhas sugadoras. Bol. Agric. Zootec. Vet. Minas Geraes
9: 1 27 (note P. R. E. S. L. (A) 10: 5 (J. G. Myers)). Nt; Ho (F'ulgoridae. Later naria);
MBM: ReOp: de
2684. MONTEIRO O. (189l): Dalagoa Bay: its natives and natural history. 8 Vol.. pp. viii+274.
rhipidius): A: to
2689. MOORE F. (1880): The Lepidoptera of Ceylon T, p. 2. London. As: LRDa; A;jbo
2690. MOORE F. (1883): A monograph of Limnaina and Euploeina, two groups of diurnal
and species. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1883: 201-323. As; LRDa (Euploeinae): A; de.jbo
2691. MOORE F. (1890): Lepidoptera indica. Vol. I. 310 pp .. (Vol. II.. 1898. pp. 143-145;
Vol. III. 1900, pp. 137-260) London, L. Reeve. As: IR: A. C. MBM; IR: de.jbo
2703. MORISHITA K. (1979): The belisama group of the pierine genus DeHas. (in jap.)
Chocho 2 (1l): 9-34. As: LRPi (Delias belisama); MBM: LRDa. LReZy; de
2704. MORLEY W. A. (1896): _Mimicry in Hypera punctata." E. Month. Mag. 32: 91. P;
LReGe (Hypera punctata): C. MBM; ?; de
2705. MORRELL R. (1953): Papilio memnon agenor L. in Singapore: some problems of
mimicry. Malay Nat. J. 8: 109-115. As: LRPa (Papilio 111emnon); MBM; LRPa: ge, de
MORRELL R. (1954): ? Malay Nat. J. 9: 94. As; Evertebrata; MBM; Vertebrata; de
MORRILL W. L. (1979): Coloration of tempora! flight activity of some scarabiids (Col.).
.J. Ga. E. Soc. 14 (3): 255-258. Ne; Co (Scarabaeidae); C;fbo. th. de
2708. MORRlS A. W. (1890): The protective colouring of chrysalides. J. Bombay Soc. Nat.
Hist. 5: 307sq. As: LR (pupae): C: de
MORRlS A. W. (1893): .. Mimicry.·· Field Club 4: 3-6. I; C. MBM; I: de
MORRIS R. F. (1972): Predation by wasps. birds and mammals on Hyphantria cunea.
Canacl. E. 194: 1581-1591. Ne: UleAt (Hyphantria cunea): A;ftHyVe (Vespa).ftAv.
2711. MORRISON N. H. (1981): Fly mimicry by ajumping spider (Salticidae). Aust. E. Mag.
8 (2-3): 22. Au: A,-Sa (Saitls pisclúar): MP; D (Sepsidae. TnJpetidae. Dalic/wpodidae);
2712. MORRISON-SCOTT T. C. S. (1937): The effectiveness of protective aclaptalions in
insects with reference to an examination of stomach-contens of birds from Jiclcla.
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lonci. (1)107: 51-70. AJ; I; C. A;ftAv
MORSE E. S. (1871):? Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 14: 7. S; An; C; de
MORTENSEN T. (POUL TON COMM.) (1922): The shrew-like appearance of
a Lasiocampid 1110th from Java. P.E.S.L. 1922: 83. As; LHe (Lasiocampidae. Suana
cancalor): MBM; Mm (Sarex): de
2715. MORTENSEN T. (1918): Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific expedition. 1914-
1916. l. Observations on protective aclaptations ancl habits. l11ainly in marine anima!s.
Vidensk. Medd. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. (Kobenhavn) 69: 57-96. (review: P.E.S.L.
1918: 44-50: E. B. Poulton) S: An: C. A. MBM: An; de.fbo
MORTENSEN T. (1919): No title. P.E.S.L. 1919: 11-12. LRLn; MFh; de.fbo
MORTENSEN T. (1925): Some observations on protective mimicry. Treubia
(BuitenzorgJ.6: 207-211. As: I: C: de.jbo
2718. MORTON A. C. (1980): Audio mimicry in moths. E. Rec. J. Var. 92 (3): 75-76. P;
[BeAt: A. C. MO (audio); Mm (Chiroptera); de../bo
2719. MORTON E. S. -FARABAUGH S. M. (1979): Infanticide and other adaptations of the
nestling striped cuckoo Tapera neavia. Ibis 121 (2): 212-213. As; Av (Tapera naevia);
MP: Av: de.Jbo
2720. MOSS A. M. (1920): Sphingiclae of Para. Brazil. Nov. Zool. 27: 333-424. Nt; LHe
(Sphingidae. larvae); C. A. MBM: ReOp: de.fba. bm
2721. MOSS A. M. (1926): .. Terrifying aUitucle" in a hespericl pupa. P.E.S.L. 1: 34. Nt: LRHs
(pupae); MEs: de
2722. MOSS A. M. (1933): The greg:arious sleeping habits of certain Ithomiinae ancl
Heliconine butteflies in Brazil. P.R.E.S.L. 7: 66-67. Nt; LRHl. LHeIt: A;fbo
2723. MOSS A. M. (1947): Notes on the Syntomidae of Pará. with specia! reference to wasp
mimicry ancl fedegoso. Heliotropium inclicum (BoraginaceaeJ. as an attractant.
Ent.omologist 80: 30-35. Nt: UleSn: MBM: HyVe: de.fbo
2724. MOSSAKOWSKI D. -STEINBRECHT R. A. (J 985): Zur Bedeutung der silber- und
goldreílektierenden Kutikula bei clen Puppen cler Danaiden. Mitt. Deutsch. Ges. Allg.
Angew. E. 4 (4-6): 177-179. Af: LRDa (Amaurls. pupae); C. A. MBM: de. th.fba
2725. MOSTLER G. (1935): Beobachtungen zur Frage der Wespenmimikry. Z. Morphol.
Okol. Tiere 29: 381-454. P; Ule (Sesiidae). DSy: MBM; HyVe;ftAv
2726. MOSZKOWSKI M. (1908):? Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlín 1908: 77. As:
LRNm (Ka1inuna): C: Pl (Ieafs); de.fbo
2727. MOTRO U. (1989): Shoulcl a<parasite expose itself? (Some theoretica! aspects of
begging anel vigilance behaviour). J. Theor. Biol. 140 (2): 279-287. Av; MP: Av; th. ge
2728. MOTI'RAM J. C. (1914): Controllecl natural selection and value marking. ix+130pp..
Lonclon. An: C. A. MBM: An: ge. tll. bm
2729. MOTl'RAM J. C. (1915): The disiribuUon of seconclary sexual characters amongst
bircls. with relation to their liability to the attack of enemies. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lonci.
1915: 663-678. Av: C. A:.ftAv.f tMm
2730. MOTTRAM J. C. (1915): Some observations on patterri-blending with reference to
obliterative shacling ancl concealment of outline. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lonci. 1915: 679-
693. An: C: de..{bo. tll
2731. MOTTRAM J. C. (1916): An experimental determination ofthe factors which cause
patterns to appear conspicuous in nature. Proc. Zoo!. Soc. Lond. 1916: 383-419. I;
C:jbo.f t
2732. MOrrRAM J. C. (1917): Some observations on the feeding-habits of fish and birds,
with special reference to warning colouration and mimicry. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zoo!.)
34: 47-60. An: C. A:ftAv.ftPs
2733. MOrrRAM J. C. (1918): Some observations upon concealment by the apparent
disruption of surface in a plane at right angles to the surface. Proc. Zoo!. Soc. Lond.
1917: 253-257. L: C:jbo
2734. MOrrRAM J. C. -GREEN E. (1918): ? Science Progress, July, October (note Nature
102: 392.). As. Au: LR. Av (Nectariniidae, Loriidae): C, A:Jt, tll
2735. MOULTON J. C. (POULTON COMM.) (1911): Instances of mimicry exhibited by certain
Sarawak insects. P.E.S.L. 1911: 73-79. As: LHe, CoCe; MBM; L, Co; de
2736. MOULTON J. C. (1909): On some of the principal mimetic (Muellerian) combinations
of tropical american butterilies. T.E.S.L. 1909: 585-606. Nt: LR: MBM; LR; de,jbo, tlt
2737. MOULTON J. C. (1912): On some unintentiona! evidence in support of the mimicry
theories, supplied by a small collection of Bornean butterflies, E. Month. Mag. 48:
79-84. As: LR: MBM: LR: de. th
2738. MOYERJ. T. (1977): Aggressive mimicry between juveniles of the snapper Lutjanus
bohar and species of the damselfish genus Chromis from Japan, Jap, J. Ichthyo!. 24
(3): 218-222. S: Ps (Lutjanidae, Lutjanus bol1ar): MP; Ps (Pomacantltidae, Cltromis): de
2739. MOYNIHAN M. (1960): Some adaptations which help to promote gregariousness.
Proc. Intern. Ornith. Congr.. 12th, Helsinki, 1958: 523-541. Ne: Av: MO; Av: de, tll
2740. MOYNIHAN M. (1968): Social mimicry; character convergence versus character
displacement. Evolution 22: 315-331. Ne: Av: MO; Av; de, tll
2741. MOYNIHAN M. (1982): Spatial parameters and interspecific social relations: Some
differences between birds and fishes. J. Theor, Bio!. 95 (2): 253-262. Nt: Ps, Av; MO;
Ps, Av: de. tll.Jbo
2742. MOYNlHAN M. (1983): A slight discrepancy. Am. Nat. 121 (2): 301. Ps, Av: MO: Ps,
Av: cle, ./bo, tll
2743. MOYNIHAN M. H. (1970): The contro!, supression, decay, disappearence and
replacement of displays. J. Theor. Bio!. 29: 85-112. Av; MO: Av; tlt
2744. MOYNlHAN M. -RODANICHE A. F. (1982): The behavior and natural history of the
Caribean reef squid Sepioteuthis sepioidea. Adranes Etho!. 25: 1-151. S; Mo
(Cephalopocla, Sepioteuth.is
2745. MUELLER H. C. (1972): Zone-tailed hawk and turkey vulture: mimicry or
aerodynamics? Condor 74 (2): 221-222. Nt; Av (Buteo albonotatus); MP; Av (Catltartes
aura): de . ./bo. th
2746. MUGGLETON J. (1979): Non-random mating in wild populations of polymorphic
Bedeutung fiir den .. Nachahmer". Z. Morph. Oko!. Tiere 28: 259-296. Ao; MBM;JtAv
2748. MUHTASIB H. -EVANS D. L. (1987): Lihamarin and histamine in the defense of adult
Zygaena filipendulae. J. Chem. Eco!' 13 (l): 133-142. P; LHeZy (Zygaena./i1ipendulae);
A: to
2749. MULLER C. (1985): Der Feuersalamander (Salamandra salamandra semenovi
Nesterov, 1916) im lran gefunden (Caudata, Salamandridae). Zoo!. Garten (Jena) 55
(5-6): 348-349. P: AmCd (Salamandra salamandra); A, MBM; ?; de
2750. MULLER F. (MELDOLA COMM.) (1879): No title. P.E.S.L. 1879: 2. Nt; LRHI (Eueides
pavana): MBM: LRIt (.. Acraea thalia "); cle
2751. MULLER F. [MELDOLA COMM.) (1883): Entomological notes from Brazi!. -1.)
Persecution of distasteful butterflies by birds. -2.) The colour of the pupa of Papilio
polyclamas Linn. -3.) How the caterpillar of Eunomia eagrus Cram., employs its
hairs. P.E.S.L. 1 883: 23-25. (note: Kosmos 6 (12): 449.) Nt; LRPa (Papilio polyclamas),
LRNm (Eunomia eagrus, pupae, larvae): A C:JtAv
2752. MULLER F. (1876): Einige Worte úber Leptalis. Jen. Z. Naturw. 10: 1-12. Nt; LRPi
(Leptalis): MBM: LRHI: de, .Ibo
2753. MULLER F. (1877): ,.The Maracuja (or Passion-flower) butterflies." Stettin E. Z. 38:
492-496. Nt: LRHI: MBM: LRHI; cle../bo, tll
2754. MULLER F. (l877):? Kosmos 1 (12):? (note: P.E.S.L. 1876: 6-7, R. Meldola.) Nt; LR;
2755. MULLER F. (1878):Uber die Vortheile der Mimikry bei Schmetterlingen. Zool. Anz.
1: 54 55. Nt: LR; MBM: LR; de, }bo, th
2756. MULLER F. (1878):Notes on Brazilian entomology. T.E.S.L. 1878: 211-223. Nt; I; C,
A, MBM: I: jbo, de
2757. MULLER F. (1878): "On the colouration of butterf1ies with reference to sexua!
selection." Kosmos 2: 41-42. Nt: LR: th
2758. MULLER F. (1879):Ituna und Thyridia. Ein merkwUrdiges Beispiel von Mimikry bei
Schmetterlingen. Kosmos 3: 100-108. (english: P.E. S.L. 1879: 20-29.) Nt; LRDa(Ituna
Wone): MBM: LRIt (Thyridia megisto); tll, de,jbo
2759. MULLER F. (1879): Schiitzende Farbung und die Farbenempfindung der Thiere.
Kosmos 5:62-63. An: C: th, jbo
2760. MULLER F. (1881): Bemer kenswerthe Falle e r worbener Aehnlichkeit hei
Schmetterlingen. I. Ahnlichkeit durch Ungeniesbarkeit geschutzter Arten. Kosmos
10: 257-267. Nt: LR; MBM; LR; dE, th
2761. MULLER H. (1879):Schutzende Ahnlichkeit einheimischer Insekten. Kosmos 3: 29-
39, 114-124, P: 1; C, A, MBM; I: de, tll
2762. MULLER W. (1886):Schutzvorrichtungen bei Nympha!idenraupen. Kosmos 19: 351- !
36 J . P: LRNm (tarvae): A: .1bo,.fi
2763. MUNOY P. J. [1973):Vocal mimicry of their hosts by nest1ings of the great spotted
cuckoo and striped crested cuckoo. Ibis 115 (4):602-604. AI; Av (C1amator glandarius,
Oxylophus levai1lantii); MP (vocal): Av: de,jbo
2764. MUNOY P. cl. -COOK A. W. (1974): The birds of Sokoto. Part 3. Breeding data. Bull.
Niger. Ornith. Soc. 10 (37): 1 28. AJ; AvOv (Clamator glandarius); MP; AvOv; de,Jbo
2779. MYERS J. G. (1934): Experiments with spiders and the bee-like Eristalis tenax Linn.
P.R.E.S.L. 9: 93-95. P: DSy (EristaUs tenax); MBM; HyAp (Apis mellifera);JtAr
2780. MYERS J. G. (1934): Attacks by birds upon moths. P.R.E.S.L. 9: 58. Nt; LHe;jtAv
2781. MYERS J. G. (1937): Mimetic and other associations between neotropical insects
and spiders. P.R. E. S. L. (1)12: 70-72. Nt; J. Ar; C, A, MBM; I; de,jbo
2782. MYERS J. G. -SALT G. (1926): The phenomenon of myrmecoidy, with new examples
from Cuba. T.E.S.L. 74: 427-436. Nt; Co; MBM; HyMy; de.jbo
2783. MYSTERUD J. -DUNKER H. (1978): Mammal ear mimicry: a hypothesis on ihe
behavioural function of owl "horns". Behaviour 27: 316. P; Av (Asio. Bubo); MBM; Mm
(ears); de. th.jbo
2784. NAHRSTEDT A. (1988): Flachs, Hornklee, Widderchen und Blausaure. Cyanogenese
in Schmetterlingen. Biologie uns. Zeit 18 (4): 105-109. P: UieZy (Zygaena); A; to
2785. NAKAMURA K. -KATAKURA H. -SASAJI H. (1988): Geographical variation of elytral
spot patterns in the phytophagous ladybird. Epilachna vigintiopunctata (Coleoptera:
Coccinellidae) in the province of Sumatera Barat. Indonesia. Res. P opuI. EcoI. 30 (1):
43-56. As; CoCc (Epilachna vigintiopunctataJ; A; ge
2786. NANAYKKARA G. L. A. (1988): An analysis of the defensive behaviour of the Srí
Lankan pipe snake. Cylindrophis maculatus (Linné. 1758). Snake 20 (1): 81-83. As;
ReOp (CyUndrophis maculatus): MFh:jbo
2787. NAUMANN C. M. (1986): Cyanogenese bei Zygaeniden (Insecta. Lepidoptera) und
ihren larvalen Nahrungspflanzen: Co-evolution oder einseitige Strategie-Optimierung?
Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 79: 181-182. P; UieZy (Zygaena): A: to
2788. NAUMANN C. M. -P O VOLNÝ D. (1987): Zur Lagebeziehung und Funktion von
Wehrsekretbehaltern und Sinneshaaren im larvalen lntegument von Zygaena
(Lepidoptera. Zygaenidae). E. Abh. (Dresden) 50 (2): 193-198. P; LHeZy (Zygaena); A; to
2789. NAUMANN.l-1. (1966): Angeborene Tarnkappen. Beobachtungen an Wasserlaufen.
Mikrokosmos 55: 374-396. P; H (Nepidae); C;jbo
2790. NAVÁS R. H. L. (1912): Biologische Beobachtungen. E. Mitt. Berlin 1: 300-302. Ma
(Mantis), HyMy. Ho (Coccidae); MBM; ?;fbo
2791. NEALE J. (1916): The significance and possible origin of the colour pattern of the
puss caterpilar. Proc, Bournemouth Soc. 7: 60-63. P; LHe (larvae); C;fbo, de
2792. NEAVE S. A. (P OULTON COMM.) (1905): No title. T.E.. S.L, 1905: 22-23. AJ; LHe
(Sphingidoe, Chaerocampa osiris. larvae); MEs: jbo,.ftMm (HOTTW sapiens)
2793. NEAVE S. A. (1906): Some bionomic notes on butterf1ies from the Victoria Nyanza.
T.E.S.L. 1906: 207-244. AJ; LR: MBM; LR;jbo
2794. NEAVE S. A. (1912): East African Asilids and Rhopalocera. P.E.S. L. 1912: 70-71. AJ;
LR; C, A, MBM; LR;ftD (Asilidae)
2795. NEAVE S. A. (1922): Mimicry in N. Rhodesian Lepidop1era: observations noted on
the spot. P.E.S.L. 1922: 84. Ar: Uie (Satumiicloe, PseuclapheUa apoUinaris); MBM:
LRPi (Diestogyna iris);jbo
2796. NECK R. W. (1978): Reddish colouration in a green spider: evolutionary origin and
subsequent adaptation. J. Zool., London 184 (2): 267-269. Ne; Ar (Oxyopidae, Peucetla
viriclons): C, A: ge
2797. NEILL W. T. (1960): The caudal luring of variousjuvenile snakes, Quart. J. Florida
Acad. ScL 23: 173-200. W: ReOp; MP; cle,jbo
2798. NELSON C. E. -MILLER G. A. (1971): A possible case of mimicry in frogs. Herpet,
Rev. 3: 109. Nt: AmSI (Uthoclytes lŮ1eotus); MBM; AmSl (Phyllobates ferrwralis): de,
2799. NELSON J. W. (1986): Ecologicalllotes on male Mydas xanthopterus (Loew) (Diptera:
Mydiclae) and their interactions with Hemipepsis ustulata Dahlbohm (Hymenoptera:
P ompilidae). P an-Pacific E. 62 (4): 316-322. Ne; D (Mydidae, Myclas xanthopterus);
MBM: Hy (pompilidae. Hemipepsis ustu/atoJ; de,jho
2800. NENTWIG W, (1985): A mimicry complex between mutilid wasps (Hymenoptera:
Mutilidae) and spiders (Araneae). Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 20 (2): 113-116.
Nt; ArSa. Ar (Clubionidae, Gnaphosidae); MBM; Hy (MutiHidoe): de,jbo, tll
2801. NENTWIG W. (1985): A tropical caterpil1ar that mimics faeces, leaves and a snake
(Lepidoptera: Oxytenidae: Oxytenis naemia). J, Res. Lepid. 24 (2): 136-141. Nt; LHe
(Sotumiidoe, O.>qjtenis noemia). larvae: C, MBM;Jaeces, Pl (leaves), ReOp; cle
2802. NEN'TWIG W. -HEIMER S. (1984): Sa1ticidae - springende Spinnen: Vorstellung einer
Sinnenfamilie. Biologie uns. Zeit 14 (1): 1-5. W; ArSa; MBM; HyMy: de.jbo
2803. NEUDECKER S. (1989): Eye camoutlage and fa1se eyespots: chaetodontid responses
to predators. Envir. Biol. Fishes 25 (1-3): 143-157. S; Ps (Chaetodontidae. Chaetodon);
2804. NEVJLLE A. C. (1977): Metallic gold and silver colours in some insect cuticles. J.
lnsect Physiol. 23 (10): 1267-1274. I: Mt:fbo. th
2805. NEWBIGIN M. r. (1898): Color in nature: a study in biology. xii+344 pp .. London. J.
Murray (nole: Nature 61: 217-218: E. B. PoulLon.) An. LR; C. A. MBM; An. IR; bm. rw.
Lh. cle . ./bo
2806. NEWMANN L. H. (1934): The "cleverness" oť caterpillars. Some interesting examples oť
hereditary intelligence. The Field (London) 1934: 445. P: L (larvae): C. A. MBM: de.jbo
2807. NEWSTEAD R. (1891): "Birds and distasteful insects." Entomologist 24: 100. 122.
193. I: A:flAv
2808. NEWTON A. (1893): A diclionary oť birds. Part I. London. Black. P: AvOv (Cuculus
canorus): MP; AvOv: cle, th
2809. NGUYEN T. H. (1985): Le polymorphisme et le mimétisme ďIdrusia nyctelius
Doub!eday (Lep.. Nymphalidae). Premier Congres International des Entomo!ogists
ďExpression Francaise, Paris. 6-9 Juillet 1982. Comptes Rendus des Travaux. VII..
Jan.-Feb. 1985: 1083-1102., Bull. Soc. E. Fr. 90 (1-2). As; LRNm (Idrusia nyctelius);
MBM: LRDa: de. jho. tll, ge
2810. NICÉVILLE L. DE (1885): List oť the buttertlies oť Calcutta. J. As. Soc. Beng. 56:
41sq. As: LRDa: A: to
2811. NICÉVILLE L. DE (1890): The butterflies of India. Burmah and Ceylon. Vol. 1.-lI!.
Calcutta. Centra! Press, 503 pp. As: LR: MBM: LR: de,jbo
2812. NICÉVILLE L. DE (1895): On new and Jittle-known butterflies from the Indo-Malayan
re,L>:ion. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 9: 259-321,366-410. As; LRPa: MBM: LRPa; de
2813. N ICHOLSON A J. (1927): A new theory of mimicry in insects. Austral. Zool. 5: lO-
104. I: MBM. MP: I: th. bm
2814. NICHOLSON A. J. -UVAROV B. P. (1932): "Protective" adaptations of aníma1s. Nature
130: 696-697. An: C. A. M: An: th
2815. NICHOLSON C. (1931): Birds nd insects. E. Rec. 43: 87-89. P; I: C, A;ftAv (Erithacus
2816. N ICHOLSON F. (1908): The colours of blue buttertlíes. E. Rec. 20: 114-117. IR: Mt;
de. th
2817. NTCOLA! J. (1974): Mimicry in parasitic birds. ScL Am 231 (4): 93-98. A;
. J
(Vicluinae): MP: Av (Estrildidae): de, jbo. th
2818. NICOLAI J. (1975): Der Brutparasitisl1lus der Witwenviigel. Gefiederte Welt 97 (6):
101-102. (8): 152. (10): 188, (12): 229-230. Af; Av (Viduinae): MP: Av (Estrildidae): cle.
Jho. tll
2819. NICOLAI J. (J 975): Viigelleben. Stuttgart. fO-fO-fO Sachbiicher. W; Av (Glauciclium);
MEs. MFIl:jho
2820. NICOLA1 J. (1977): Der Rotmaskenastrild (Pytilia hypogrammica) als Wirt der Togo
Paradieswitwe (Steganura togoensis). J. Ornith. 118 (2): 175-188. AJ;
togoensis): MP: Av (Pytilia hypogramrnica): de,jbo
2821. NICOLAS H. (1890): Les Hymenopteres et !eurs parasites. Échange 1890-91: 189sq.
P: DSy (Volucella): MBM: HyVe; jho. de
2822. NICOLAUS L. K. (1987): Conditioned aversions in a guild of egg predators: implications
for aposematism and prey defense mimicry. Am MidI. Nat. 117 (2): 405-419. Ne;
2826. NOBLE G. K. (1931): The biology of the Amphibia. 557 pp., New York, London. W;
Am: C. A: de. fbo. tll. bm. nu
2827. NOÉ G. (190 0): Una nuova specie di zanzara. Bull. Soc. E. Ital. 32: 150-155. P; D
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nymphs of Saldidae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae; Hemiptera, Saldidae). Col. Bull. 30
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2873. ORMOND R. (1985): Deceptions on the coral reef. New Scient. 89: 730-733. S; Ps;
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associations among Red Sea coral reef predators. J. Zool. 191 (2): 247-262. S;Ps;
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A. MBM: ?: de. jbo
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strong smelling insects. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 19: 752sq (note: P.E.S.L. 3: 92-
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relation to Eristalis tenax. a two-winged insect. Bo11. Soc. E. Italiana 25: 186-217. P;
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2880. OSTEN-SACKEN C. R. (1893): On the Bugonia-superstition of the ancients. Nature
49: 198. P: DSy (Eristalis tenax);MBM;HyAp (Apis mellifera);de,th
2881. OSTEN-SACKEN C. R. (1895): Additional notes in explanation of the Bugonia-lore of the
ancients. 23 pp.. Heidelberg. P;DSy (Eristalis tenaxJ;MBM;HyAp (Apis mellifera); de. th
2882. OSTEN-SACKEN C. R. (1895): Eristalis tenax in Chinese and Japanese literature.
Berlin. E. Z. 40: 142-147. P; DSy (Eristalis tenax);MBM;HyAp (Apis mellifera);de,th
2883. OUDEMANS J. TH. (1903): Étude sur la position du repos chez les Lépidopteres.
Verh. Kon. Akad.·Wetensch. Amsterdam. II. Sect. Bd. 10: l1sq. P;LR; C; de,jbo.
2884. OWEN D. (1980): Camouflage and mimicry. Oxford. O. Univ. Press (2nd ed. 1982.
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j o,
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2886. OWEN D. F. (1970): Mimetic polymorphism and the palatability spectrum. Oikos 21:
333-336. AJ: LR: MBM: LR;ge. th
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2888. OWEN D. F. (1971): Tropical butterflies. The ecology and behaviour of butterflies in
the tropics with special refrence to African species. 214 pp.. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
2889. OWEN D. F. (1974): Exploring mimetic diversity in West African forest butterflies.
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Acraeidae). and notes on the factors causing distortions of the sex ratio in butterflies.
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go-o j
leonis);MBM: LR; de
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2. Sex ratio and polymorphism in Danaus chrysippus L. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 78 (1-2):
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2895. OWEN D. F. -CHANTER D. O. (1969): Population biologyof tropical african butterflies.
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Af: LRAc (Acraea encedon): A. MBM;LRDa (Danaus chrysippus);ge
2896. OWEN D. F. -CHANTER D. O. (1971): Polymorphism in West African populations of
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2899. OWEN D. F. -OWEN J. -CHANTER D. O. (1973): Low mating frequency in
predominantly female populations of the buttertly, Acraea encedon (L.) (Lep.). E.
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2900. OWEN D. F. -SMITH D. A. S. (1990): Interpopulation variation and selective predation
in lhe meadow brown buttert1y, Maniolajurtina (L.) (Lepidoptera; Satyridae) in the
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2902. OWEN R. E. -OWEN A. R. G. (1984): Mathematical paradigms for mimicry: recurrent
sampling. J. Theor. Bial. 109: 217-247. An: MBM; An; th
2903. OWEN R. E. ·PLOWRIGHT R. C. (1980): Abdominal pile color dimorphism in the
bumble bee, Bombus melanopygus. Heredity 71 (4): 241-247. Ne; HyAp (Bombus
l11e1anopygus); A: ge
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to the physical rather than to the biological environments; with criticism of the
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II. Family Ceratocampidae, subfamily Ceratocampinae. Mem. Acad. Washington 60:
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experimenta! ancl geographical eviclence. Evolution 33: 697-713. E: Mo (Gastropoda):
C. A:ftvs
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2911. PANDA V. (1967): Protective aclaptations of some Membracids of Orissa. Proc. Ind.
Sci. Congr. 54: 413. As: Ho (Membracidae): C, A. MO; de
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tribu des Tachininae, parasite de Leptynia hispanica Bol., insecte Orthoptere de la
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eggs in ovary): de
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l'anatomie ďune larve parasite du groupe des Tachinnines. Cellule 15: 1-290,
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halidayanum. laruae): MO: Ph (Leptynia hispanica, eggs in ovary): de
2914. PAPAGEORGIS C. (1975): Mimicry in Neotropical butterflies. Why are there so many
wing-coloration complexes in one place? Amer. Sci. 63: 522-532. Nt; LR; MBM: LR;
jbo, tll
2915. PAPAVERO N. (1964): Notes on the myrmecomimicry of Syringogaster rufa Cresson,
1912 (Diptera, Acalyptrata, Megamerinidae). Papéis Avulsos clo Departamento cle
Zoologia, Sao Paulo 16: 109-113. Nt; D (Megamerinidae, Syringogaster rufa); MBM;
2916. PAPAVERO N. (l975): Studies of Asilidae (Diptera) systematics and evolution. 4.
Tribe Megapodini Carrera (DasypogoninaeJ. with a review of the neotropical species.
Arquiros Zool. S. Paulo 26 (3): 191-318. Nt: D (Asilidae): MBM: HyVe; de
2917. PAPAVERO N. (1977): The world Oestridae (DipteraJ. mammals and continental drift.
Series E. 14: 1-240. W: D (Oestridae); MBM: HyAp (Bambus); de
2918. PAPAVERO N. -BERNARDl N. (1973): Studi.es of Asilidae (Diptera) systematics and
evolution. 3. Tribe Blepharepiini (Dasypogoninae). Arquiros Zool. S. Paulo 24 (3):
163-209. Ni: D (Asilidae); MBM; HyVe; de
2919. PARAKETZOV I. A. (1962): On some protective adaptations in various populations
and species of Pacific Cottidae. (in russ.) Trudy lnst. Morf. Živ. 42: 146-154. S: Ps
(Cottidae): C. A: cle
2920. PARISI V. (1972): Ricerche su di un mimetismo agressivo artificale. Un possible
modello evolutivo. Quaderni Civ. Stn. ldrobio!. Milano 3-4: 19-30. P; D; MP; ?; de
2921. PARKERJ. R. (l984): Spiders associated with ants. News!. Brit. Arachno!. Soc. 41:
4. P: Ar: MBM: HyMy: cle
2922. PARKER J. R. -CLOUDSLEY-THOMPSON J. L. (1986): Myrmecophilous spiders.
Newsl. Brit. Arachnol. Soc. 45: 2-4. P; Ar; MBM; HyMy: de
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2 1 (4): 762-771. Ar: Av (Viduaparadisea): MP; Av (Pytilia); de,jbo
294 1. PAYNE R. B. (1973): Behaviour, lllimetic songs and song dialects, and relationship
of the parasitic indigobirds (Vidua) of Africa. Ornith. Monogr. ll: 1-333. AJ; Av (Vuiua
paradisea); MP; Av (Pytilia); de,jbo
2942. PAYNE R. B. (1975): Mimicry and relationship of the parasitic African indigobirds
(Vidua). Proc. Intern. Ornith. Congr. 15th: 675. AJ; Av (Vidua paradisea); MP; Av
(PtJtilia): de..fbo
2943. PAYNE R. B. (1977): The ecology of brood parasitism in birds. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst.
8: 1-28. Af; Av (Viduaparadisea); MP: Av {Pytilia}; de.jbo
2944. PAYNE R. B. (1977): Clutch size, egg size, and consequences of signle versus multiple
parasitism in parasitic finches. Ecology 58 (3): 500-513. AJ; Av (Viduaparadisea);
MP: Av (Pytilia): de bo.j
2945. PAYNE R. B. (1979J: Song structure, behaviour, and sequence of song types in
a population of village indigobirds, Vidua chalybeata. Animal Behav. 27 (4): 997-
10 13. Ar: Av (Vidua chalybaeta); MP; Av {Pytilia);jbo
2946. PAYNE R. B. (1980): Behaviour and songs of hybrid parasitic finches. Auk 97 (l):
118- 134. Ar: Av (Viduidae); MP; Av (Estrildidae);
2947. PAYNE R. B. ( 1982): Species limits in the indigobirds (Ploceidae, Vidua) of west
Africa: mouth mimicry. song mimicry and description of new species. Miscel!. Publ.
Mus. Zoo!. Univ. Michigan 162: 1-96. Ar: Av (Vidua); MP; Av (Estrildidae);
2948. PAYNE R. B. (1990): Song mimicry by the village indigobirds (Vidua chalybeata) of
the red-bi1led firefinch (Lagonosticta senegala). Vogelwarte 35 (4): 32 1-328. AJ; Av
(Vidua chalybeata); MP: Av (Lagonosticta senegala),'
2949. PAYNE R. B. -PAYNE K. ( 1977): Social organization and mating succes in local song
populations of village indigobirds. Vidua chalybeata. Z. Tierpsycho!. 45 (2): 1 13-
173. Ar Al, (Vidua chalybeata): MP: Av (PtJtilia);jbo
PAYNE T. (1988): Henry Walter Bates' contribution to Darwinism: a theory of mimicry.
Ky. Lepid.
14 (3): 5- 1 1 . Ne; LRPi: MBM; IRIt; tll
PEAL S. E. ( 1882): Difficult cases of mimicry. Nature 26: 368. As; llie (Saturniidae,
larvae): MBM: Mm (Sorex);
PEARL R. (1911): Data on the relative conspicuousness of barred and self-colored
fowls. Amer. Nat. 4 5: 107-117. Ne; Av; C:jbo
PEARSON D. L. (1985): The function of multiple anti-predator mechanism in adult
tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidael. Eco!. E. 1 0: 65-72. Ne: CoCi; A; de
2954. PEARSON D. L. (1985): Biology of tiger beetles. Arm. Rev. E. 33: 123-147. Ne. As;
CoCi; MBM; Hy (Mutillidae); de
2955. PEARSON D. L. (1989): What is the adaptive significance of multicomponent defensive
repertoirs. Oikos 54 (2): 251-253. Ne; CoCi; A; tll
2956. PEARSON D. L. (1990): The evolution of multi anti-predator characteristics as
i1Iustrated by tigre beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Florida E. 73 ( 1): 67-70. Ne;
CoCi: A: ge. ih
2957. PECKHAM E. G. (1889): Protective resemblances in spiders. Occas. Papers Nat. Hist.
1: 6 1-1 13. Ne; Ar; MP; HyMy; de, tll
Soc. Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
2958. PECKHAM G. W. -PECKHAM E. G. ( 1889): Observations on sexual selection in spiders
of the family Attidae. Occas. Papers Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin (Milwaukee) I: 3-60.
Ne: ArSa: MP: HyMy; de, ge, th
2959. PECKHAM G. W. -PECKHAM E. G. (1889): Additional observations on sexual selection
in spiders of the family Attidae. Occas. Papers Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
1: 1 1 7 1 5 1 Ne: ArSa: MP; HyMy: de. ge. th
- .
2963. PElLE H. D. (J 937): A guide to colIecting butterflies ofIndia. xiv+312 pp. London. J.
Bale, Sons & Danielsson. As: LR: MBM: LR: de
2964. PÉNAU J. (1924): Notules Hémipterologiques. VI. Quelques Héteropteres myrmécoides
de l'Ouest. Bul!. Soc. Sci. Nat. Nantes (4)4: 26-30. As; H: MBM; HyMy: de
2965. PENDLEBURY H. M. (P OULTON COMM.) (1923): Further bionomic notes on
Lepidoptera and other insects from the federated Ma1ay States and Peninsular Siam
byCapt. H. M. Pendlebury. P.E.S.L. 1923: 75-79. As; I: MBM; I: de,fbo
2966. PENDLEBURY H. M. (POULTON COMM.) (1926): Motes of some mimetic insects
from the Malay Peninsula byCapt. H. M. Pendlebury. P.E.S.L. 1: 37-41. As: D. Hy;
2967. PENDLEBURY H. M. (POULTON COMM.) (1929): Observations on Ma1ayan insects
byCapt. H. M. Pendlebury. Mimetic Malayan Coleoptera etc. P.E.S.L. 4: 14-15. As:
Co; MBM: Co. Hy; de
2968. PÉREZCH. (1904): Sur les Phloea. Hémipteres mimétique de Lichens.Compt. Rend.
Soc. Eiol. 56: 429-430. AJ; H (Phtoeidae. Phloea); C: Lichencs: de
2969. PÉRlNGUEY L. (1896): A descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa.
ParL lL Trans. SmIth Afr. E. Soc. 7: 99-623. AI Co: MBM: Hy: de
2970. PÉRINGUEY L. (1902): Some phases of insect life in South Africa. Presidential address.
Trans. South Afr. E. Soc. ll: 26-46. Ar: I: c. A. MBM: I: de, th
2971. PERKINS cl. F. (1932): lndirect evidence of attacks by bird upon British butterflies.
P.E.S.L. 7: ll. P; LR; JtAu
2972. PERKINS L. (1933): Observations on two cJamaican Nymphaline butterflies - Lucinia
cadma. Drury. and its model nj<'Hamine (Eubagis) egaea, F. (cetes. Mén.) by Miss
LilIy Perkins. P.RE.S.L. 8: 3 6. Nt: LRNm (Lucinia cadma); MBM; LRNm (Dynamine
2 87. PERRONE A. S. (1989): Convergenza filogenetica nella ornamentazione cromatica di
Nudibranchi Doridiani: "circolo di rudmanh (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia). Atti
Soc. Ital. Nat. Mus. Civ. Stoi. Nat. Milano 130 (4): 89-92. S: Mo (Gastropoda,
Nlldihranchia): A: ge
2988. PESCHKE K. (1987): Male aggression. female mimicry and female choice in the rove
beetle. Aleochara curtula (Coleoptera. Staphylinidae). Ethology 75 (4): 265-284. P:
CoSt (Aleochara curtllla): MO; tbo
2989. PETER K. (1930): Uber die B deutung der Schutztracht. Biol. Zentralbl. 50: 19-25.
An: A: tll
2990. PE'fERlCH L. (1972): Biological chromatology, Tbe laws of colour and design in nature,
Acta Biotheoretica 21: 24-46. An: C. A: th
2991. PETERICH L. H. (1973): Chromatologie. eine UntersU(;hung der Chromatik der Fauna
unel Flora auf deren rein chromatische Gesetzlichkeiten hin. Tidjschr. E. 116 (8):
143-159. An. Pl: C. A: th
2992. PETERS (1898): "Resemblance in attitude. etc.. of Sphingid larva to snake." Illustr.
Z. E. 3: 89. LHe (Sphingiclae. larvae): MBM: ReOp: de. th
2993. PETERS D. S. (1977): Systematik und Zoogeographic der west-palearktischen Arten
von OSIl.1ia Panzer 1806 s. str., Monosomia Tkalcu 1974 und Orientosomia n. subgen.
(lnsecta: Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Senckenbergiana Biol. 58 (5-6): 287-346. P:
HyAp (Osmic1): A de
2994. PETERSON B. (1950): A method for experimenlal studies on Balesian mimicry. Proc
8lh lnt. Congr. E. Stockholm 1948: 457-459. I: MBM: I; th
2995. PETERSON B. (1964): Monarch butterflies are eaten by birds. J. Lepidopt. Soc. 18:
165-169. Ne: LRDaDp: A:.ftAv
2996. PETERSON M. -HAWKESWOOD T. J. (1980): Notes Oll the biology and dislribution
of two species of Diadoxus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Western Australia. West.
Austr. Nat. 14 (8): 228-233. Au: Co (Buprestidae. Diadoxus); C: Pl: de
2997. P E TSCH H. ( 1 950): Ub e r Warn- u n d D r o h r e akUo n e n . l m p o n i e r g e h abe.
Schreckstellung und Flucl1l des Hamsters. Z. Tierpsychol. 4: 293-295. P; Mm (Cricetus
cricetus): A. MBM: de.Jbo
2998. PEYERlMHOFF P. DE (1899): L'année biologique pour 1896. Partie entomologique.
Rev. E. France 18: 49-65. I: MBM: I: th
2999. PFAN H. K. -SCHROETER B. (1983): Spinnenmimikry bei Pycnogaster jugicola
Gravells (Saltatoptera. Tettigoniidae)? Articulata 2 (3): 36-37. P: O (Pycnogaster
jugicola): MBM: Ar: de. Jho
�iOOO. PHlLLlPS G. C. (1962): Survival value of the white colouration of gulls and other
seabirds. D. Phil. Thesis, Oxford Univ. W: Av (La.ridae); C; de. tll
300 J. PHILLIPS W. W. A. (POULTON COMM. ) (1932): Feeding experiments with Lepidoptera
conclucted by W. W. A. Phillips on a Ceylon Lemur. P.E.S.L. 7: :;32-34. As; LR. LHe; C.
Aj/Mm (Laris tardigradus)
3002. PHILLIPS W. W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1932): Further feeding experiments with
Lepidopiera - also Coleoptera - conducted by W. W. A. Phil1ips on a Ceylon Lemur.
P.ESL. 7: 49-50. As: L. Co: C. A;ftMm (Laris tardigradus)
3003. PHILLlPS W. W. A. (1931): The food of the Ceylon slender loris (Loris tardigradus) in
captivity. Spolia Zeylanica 16: 205-208. As: I; C. A;.ftMm (Laris tardigradus)
3004. PHILPOTT A. (1907): Notes of protective resemblance in New Zealand moths. Trans.
New Zeal. Inst. 39: 212-219. Au: LHe: C; de
3005. PICADO T. (1910): Documents sur le mimétisme recueillis en Cosla-Rica. Bul!. Soc.
France Belg. (2): 89-108. Nt: I: MBM; I: de.jbo
3006. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE O. P. (1902): Arachnida. Araneida 1. In: Biologia Centrali
Americana (zoologia). 317 pp., Lonclon, Taylor & Francis. Nt; Ar: MBM. MP: HyMy:
3007. PICKENS A. L. (1927): A possible serpent-like mimic. Copeia 162: 24-25. Nt; LRPa
(lamae); MBM: ReOp; de
3008. PICKWELL G. (1947): Amphibians ancl repti1es of the Pacific states. 236 pp., Stanford
(Calii) , Stanforcl Univ. Press. Ne: ReOp (Pituopllis): MBM; ReOp (Crotalus); de
3009. PIEPERS M. C. (1898): On the evolution of colour in Lepicloptera. Congr. Internat.
Zool. 4: 232-235. L: C. A ge. tll
3010. PIEPERS M. C. (1899): The evolution of colour in Lepidoptera. Notes Leyden Mus.
22: 1-24. L: C. A: ge. tll
3011. PIEPERS M. C. (1903): Mimicry, Selection, Darwinismus. 452 pp., Leiden, Brill.
(review: Allg. Z. E. 8: 505-507, Ins.-Borse 21 (1904): 4 sq.; L. Kathariner) W; L; C, A,
MBM: L: de. Jbo, ge. th. bm
3012. PIEPERS M. C. (1907): Noch einmaJ Mimicry, Selection. Darwinismus. 481 pp.. Leiden.
Brill. Hi: L: C. A. MBM;L: de, }ba. ge. tll, bm
3013. PIEPERS M. C. (1888): Ober die Entwicklungsgeschichte einiger javanischen
Papilionidenraupen. Tijdschr, E. 30: ? As; LRPa (larvae); C. A; de. .lbo
3014. PIEPERS M. C. (l89p): Mimétisme. Compt. Rend. Congr. Zaol. Int. Leiden: 460-475.
L: MO: L: de. tll
3015. PIEPERS M. C. (1897): Ober das Hom der Sphingiden-Raupen. Tijdschr. E. 40: 1-
26. Ufe (Sphingidae, larvae): C. A: de. th
3016. PIEPERS M. C. (1897): Ober die Farbe und den Polymorphismus der Sphingiden
Raupen. Tijdschr. E. 40: 27-105. Ufe (Sphingidae. larvae); C. A; de, tll
3017. PIEPERS M. C. (1898): "Kbnigsbergers views as to the coloration ofLepidoptera and
larvae in Java." Tijdsch. E. 41: 14-18. As: L: C, A; de,}bo
3018. PIEPERS M. C. (1898): "The cause of the supposed immunity of larva of Papilio
aristolochiae." Tijdsch. E. 41: 66-68. As; LRPa (Papilio aristoloclliae, larvae); A;fbo
3019. PIEPERS M. C. ( i898): Die Farbenevolution (Phylogenie der Farben) bei den Pieriden.
Tijclschr. Neclerl. Dierkund. Vereen (ser. 2)5: 70-289. W; LRPi; C, A. MBM; LR: de, ge,
3020. PIEPERS M. C. (1899): "Mimicry and polymorphism ofPapilio merope, etc." Tijdschr.
E. 42: 28. Af: LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa: tll
3021. PIEPERS M. C. (l901): Thesen uber Mimicry. Verh. 5. Internat. Zaol. Kongr.: 340-
355. L: MBM: L: tll, ge
3022. PIEPERS M. C. (1904): Ober clie sogenannten "Schwiinze" der Lepidoptera. Deutsche
E. Z, Iris 16: 247-285. LR: MO; th, ge
3023. PIEPERS M. C. -SNELLEN P. C. T. (1903): Énumération des lepídopteres héterocéres
de Java III, Famí1le Vl. Zygaenídae. Tijdschr. E. 45: 151-242. As; LHeZy; MBM; LR;
3024. PIERON H. (1910): Le rhytme des attítudes mimétíques chez un Phasmídae
(Orthopteres). BulL Mus. Natl. Híst. Nat. París 1910: 193-196. ?; Ph: C; PC; de
3025. PIERRE F. (1959): Le mimétisme chez les araígnées myrmécomorphes. AIm . Bíol.
(3)35: 191-201. Ar: MBM: HyMy; de.Jbo
3026. PIERRE J. (1973): Le polyl110rphisme de Danaus chrysíppus L. (Lep., Danaídae):
Étude de la varíation de surface cles espaces bleues aJaíres. Compt. Rend. Hebd.
Acad. Sci. París, D, 276: 3147-3150. Af: LRDa (Danaus cllrysippus); A; de, ge, tll
3027. PIERRE ,J. (1973): Étude ďun cycJe l11il11étique ayant Danaus chrysippus (Linn.)
[Lépicloptere Danaidae) pour modele et Hypolimnas misippus (Linn.) (NymphaJidae)
pour mime. Arch. Zaol. Exp. Gén. 114 (1): 73-96. Aj; LRNm (Hypolimnas misippus):
MBM: LRDa (Danaus cllrysippus); ge, ./bo, th
3028. PIERREJ. (1974): Polyl110rphisl11e et coupes infraspécífiques afrícaínes dans J'espece
Danaus chrysippus (L.) (Insecta. Lepidoptera Danaidae). Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat.
Paris, 3rd Sér. 221: 601-640. Af: LRNm (HypoHmnas misippus): MBM; LRDa (Danaus
chnJsippus): ge, ./bo. tll
3029. PIERREJ. (l974): Variation géographique et míl11étisme chez Acraea encedon (Unné)
(Lep., Acraeidae). Bull. Soc. E. Fr. 79 (7-8): 169-177. AJ; LRAc (Acraea encedon);
MBM: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus); de. ge
3030. PIERRE J. (1976): Un nouveau cas ďespeces jumelles chez un papi110n mímétique,
Acraea encedon L. (Lépidoptere, Acraeidae). Compt. Rend. Acad, Sci. Paris. D. 282
(8): 731-734. Af: LRAc (Acraea encedon, Acraea encedana); MBM; LRDa (Danaus
chrusippus): de. ge
3031. PIERREJ. (1976): Polymorphísme et mimétisl11e chez deux especes jumelles. Acraea
encedon el Arraea encedana (Lep.. Acraeidae). Ann. Soc. E. Fr. (N.S.) 12 [4): 621-
638.AJ: LRAc (Acraea encedon. Acraea encedana): MBM; LRDa (Danaus chrysippus);
3032. PIERRE J. (1980): Varíation géografique clu polymorphisme et du míl11étísl11e de
Danaus chrysippus el ďHypolimnas misippus (Lepidopteres Rhopaloceres) en Mrique
et en Asie. Compt. Rend. Seances Soc. Biogeogr. 486: 179-187. Af; LRNm (Hypolirwws
misippus): MBM: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus); ge,jbo, th
3033. PIERRE J. (1983): Mimétisme chez les Acraea. in: Systématique evolutive, cladistique
et mirnétisme chez les Lépidopteres du genre Acraea (NymphalidesJ. thése ďÉtat,
Université de Paris 6: 111-113. AJ; LRAc (Acraea); MBM; LRDa; de,jbo, th, ge
3034. PIERRE J. (1987): Les systemes mimétiques centrés sur Danaus chrysippus L.
(Lepidoptera) et quelques réflexions sur le pseudo-mimétisme. Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr.
111 (3-4): 221-251. Af: LR: MBM: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus): de. ge, th,jbo
3035. PIETREWICZ A. T. -KAMIL A. C. (1979): Search image formation in the blue jay
(Cyanocitta cristata). Science 204: 1332-1333. Ne; I; C. A:ftAv (Cyanocitta cristata)
3036. PIETREWICZ A. T. -KAMIL A. C. (1981): Search images and the detection of cryptic
prey: an operant approach. Pp. 311-322 in: Kamil A. C. & Sargent T. D. (eds.):
Foraging Behaviour, New York. Garland. Ne; llieNo (Catocala reUcta, Catocala retecta);
C. A:.ftAv
3037. PIETSCH T. W. -GROBECKER D. B. (1978): The compleat angler: aggressive mimicry
in an antennariid anglerfish. Science 20 I: 369-370. S; Ps (Antennariidae, Antennarius);
3038. PILE CKI C. -OT.lONALD P. (1971): The effects of predation on artificial mimetic
polymorphism with perfect and imperfect mimics at varying frequencis. Evolution
25: 365-370. Ao; MBM:ftAv. ge. th
3039. PINCHER C. (1946): The colouration of fishes. Discovery (Norwich) 7 (3): 83-86. S;
Ps: C: de, ./bo. th
:3040. PINHEY E. (1979): A preliminary survay of insect mimicry and aposematism in Mrica.
,J. South Mr. Biol. Soc. 18: 23-41. Aj: I: C. A, MBM; I;jbo. de
3041. PITMAN C. R. S. (POULTON COMM.) (1929): Experiments on insects food with the
African Lemur Perodicticus potto Leson, by Capt. C. R. S. Pitman. P.E.S.L. 4: 90-91.
AJ; llie (Sphingidae, Daphnis neriL larvae); A; ftMm (Perodicticus potto)
3042. PITMAN C. R. S. (POULTON COMM.) (1930): Further experiments with insect-food
on the Mrican lemur Perodicticus potto, Lesson, by Capt. C. R. S. Pitman. P.E.S.L.
5: 91-92. Af: I: C. A:.ftMm (Perodicticlls potto)
3043. PITTIONI B. (1938): Die Hummeln und Schmarozerhummeln der Balkan-Halbinsel
mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Fauna Bulgariens. I. Allgemeiner Tei!. Mitt.
Naturw. Jnst. Sofia ll: 12-16. P: HyAp (Psithyrus); MBM. MP; HyAp (Bombus); de
3044. PITTIONI B. (1942): Die boreoalpinen Hummeln und Schnarotzerhummeln (Hymen ..
Apidae. Bombinae). I. Mitt. Naturw. Inst. Sofia 15: 155-218. P; HyAp (Psithyrus);
MBM. MP: HyAp (Bombus); de
3045. PITTIONI B. (1943): Die boreoalpinen Hummeln und Schmarotzerhumme1n (Hymen.,
Apidae. Bombinae). II. Mitt. Naturw. Inst. Sofia 16: 1-78. P; HyAp (P s ithyr us); MBM,
MP: HyAp (Bombus); de
3046. PlZA S. DE T. (1938): Novas espécies de aranhas myrmecomorphas do Brasi! e
consideracoes sobre o seu mimetismo. Revista Mus. Paulista 23: 307-319. Nt; Ar
(Aphantochi/idae. Aphan toch il us rogersi); MBM. MP; HyMy (Cephalotes); de, jbo
3047. PLANTER E. A. (1903): Mimicry as observed in Egypt. Field, Farm, Garden 101:
40sq. AJ; LRLn; MFh; de. /
. bo
3048. PLATEAU F. (1891): La ressemblance protective chez les Lépidopteres europées.
Naturaliste 1891: 251-254. P: L: C. A, MBM; L; de
3049. PLATEAU F. (1892): La ressemblance protéctrice dans le regne animal. Bull. Acad.
Roy. Belg. (3 sér.)23: 89-135. An; C, A. MBM: An; de, th,jbo
3050. PLATEAU F. (1894): Observations et expériences sur les moyens de protection de
I'Abraxas grossulariata L. Mém. Soc. Zool. France 7: 375-392. P; llieGe (Abraxas
grossulariata): A:.{tAv,ftMm (Homo sapiens)
·3051. PLATEAU F. (1894): Sur que1ques cas de faux mimétisme. Naturaliste 1894: 39-41.
P: llie; MO; LHe: th
3052. PLATEAU F. (1895): Cas de mimétisme chez un Tinéide. Ann. Soc. E. Belg. 1895:
411-413. P: LHe (Incurvariidae, Incllrvaria): MBM; Hy; de
3053. PLATEAU F. (1898): L'homochromie de la Venilia macularia L. Bull. Soc. Zool. France
1898: 87. P: llieGe (Venilia macularia); A; de,jbo
3054. PLATEAU F. (1900): Un cas probable de mimétisme défensif. Naturaliste 22: 70-7l.
P: H (Nepidae. Ranatra): C:.tbo
3055. PLATEAU F. (1901): La ressemblance protective chez les chrysalides de Rhopaloeera.
Naturaliste 1901: 41-42. P: IR (pupae); C, A; de. .fba
3056. PLATNICK N. J. (1984): On the pseudoscorpion-mimieking spider Cheliferoides
(Araneae: Salticidae). J. New York E. Soc.9 2 (2): 169-173. Ne; ArSa {Cheliferoides
segrnenlallls}: MBM: Pseudoscorpionida: de.Jbo
3057. PLATf A. P. (1975) : Monomorphic mimiery in Nearctie Limenitis butterflies:
experimenta! hybridization of the L. arthernis-astyanyx complex with L. archippus.
Evolution 29 (l): 120-141. Ne: LRNmLi {Limenitis}: MBM; IR: ge, th. .fba
3058. PLATI A. P. (1983): Evolution of North A merican admiral butterflies. Bu!1. E. Soc.
Am. 29 (3): 11-22. Ne; LRNmLi {Limenitis}: MBM: IR: ge. th .fba
:3059. PLAIT A. P. (1987): Banded admirals from western Maryland: Analysis of the Limenitis
(Basnarchia) arthemis-astyanyx complex (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) at G reen Ridge
State Forest. P roc. E. Soc. Washington 89
(4): 633-645. Ne: LRNmLi (Limenitis); MBM;
IR: ge. th..fba
3060. P LATI A. P. -BROWER L. P. (1968): Mimetic versus disruptive coloration i n
intergrading populations o f Limenitis arthemis and L. astyanyx butterflies (Lep.,
NymphalidaeJ. Evolution 22: 699-718 . Ne; LRNmLi {Limenitis}: MBM: IR: ge. th..fba
3061. PLATI A. P. -COPPINGER R. P. -BROWER L. P. (1971): Demonstration of the selective
advantage of mimetic Limenitis butterflies presented to caged avian predators (Lep.,
Nympha!idae). Evolution 25: 692-701. Ne: LRNmLi (Limenitis); MBM: IR: ge, th..fbo..ftAv
3062. PLATIA. P. -G REENFIELD J. C. (1971): Inter-specific hybridization between Limenitis
arthemis astyanyx and L. archippus (Nymphalidae). J. Lep. Soc. 25 (4): 278-284. Ne:
LRNmLi (Limenitis): MBM: LR: ge. th..fbo
3063. PLA1T A. P. -HARRlSON S. J. -WILLIAMS T. F. (1984): Absence of differential mate
selection in the North Arnerican tiger swallowtail P apilio glaucus. P p. 245-250 in:
Vane-Wright R. L & Ackery P. R. (eds.): The biology of butterflies. Orlando. Academie
Press. Ne: LRPa (Papilio glallcus): MBM: LRPa {Battus philenor}; ge
3064. PLATI A. P. -RAWSON G . W. -BALOGH G. (1978): Inter-specific hybridization involving
Limenitis archippus and its congeneric species (Nymphalidae). J. Lep. Soc. 32 (4):
289-303. Ne: LRNmLi (Lirnenitis): MBM; IR; ge, th..fbo
3065. PLATIE. E. (POULTON COMM.) (1914): A surprisingfamily ofHypolimnas (Euralia)
dubia. Beav., and anthedon, Db!., from Natal. P.E.S.L. 1914: 17-18. Aj: LRNrn
{Hypolimnas dubia}: MBM: IRDa: ge
3066. PLATI E. E. (POULTON COMM.) (1915): The inaria female ofHypolimnas misippus
capturecl ancl evolved by a bird at Durban. P.E.S.L. 1915: 72-73. Ar: LRNm
(Hypolil1l1lus misipplls): MBM: LRDu: JtAu
3067. PLAIT E. E. (POULTON COMM.) (1915): A large family of Acraea encedon L., bred at
Durban from a known female parent. P.E.S.L. 1915: 19-20. Aj: LRAc{Acraea encedon}:
3068. PLAIT E. E. [POULTON COMM.) (1923): A large family ofHypoHmnas (Euralia) dubia
Beauv.. form wahlbergi Wallgr., bred from a capture female of the same form at
Durban. P.E.S.L. 1923: 59-61. Af: LRNrn (Hypolimnas dubia): MBM: LRDa; ge
3069. PLATIE. E. (1914): A large family ofHypolimnas (Euralia) mima Trim.. and wahlbergi
Wallgr.. bred from known parents of the wahlbergi from at Durban. P.E.S.L. 1914:
70-75. Ať LRNrn (Hypolimnas dllbia); MBM; LRDa; ge
3070. PLIG INSKIJ V. (1914): Coloration protéctice des Lépidopteres. (in russ.) Rev. Russ.
E. (Petrograd) 14: 493-494. P: L: C; de
3071. PLISKE T. E. (1972): Sexual selection and dimorphism in female tiger swallowtail.
Papilio glaucus L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae): a reappraisal. Ann. E. Soc. Aru. 65
(6): 1267-1270. Ne: LRPa (Papilioglaucus); MBM; LRPa (Battus phi/enar): ge
3072. PLOWRIGHT R. C. -OWEN R. E. (1980): The evolutionary significanee of bumble bee
color patterns: a mimetic interpretation. Evolution 34 (4): 622-637. Ne. P: HyAp
{PsithwllS}: MBM: HyAp{Bombus}: tll. de
3073. PLOWRlGHT R. C. -STEPHEN W. P. (1973): A numerieal taxonomie analysis of the
evolutionary relationship of Bombus and Psithyrus (Apidae: Hymenoptera). Canad.
E. 105: 733-743. Ne, P: HyAp {Psithyms}: MBM: HyAp (Bombus): th. de
3074. POCOCK R. I. [1908): Warning coloration in the musteline carnivora. Proc. Zool.
Soc. Lond. 1908: 944-959. W; Mm (MustelidaeJ; A: de,jbo, th
3075. POCOCK R. 1.(1909): Description of a new form of ratel (Mellivora) from Siera Leone.
with notes upon the clescribed african forms of this genus. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
1909: 394-398. AJ: Mm(Mellivora): A; de. tll
3076. POCOCK R. I. [1909): Mimicry in spiders. J. Linn. Soc.. Zool. 30: 256-270. W; Ar; C.
Mp, MBM; ?: de .. !ba
3077. POCOCK R. r. [1910): No title. [ .. Ant mimicry by the larvae of a species of Mantis.")
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1910: 837-839. Aj: Ma; MBM; HyMy; de
3078. POCOCK R. 1.(1911): Some probable and possible instances of warning characteristics
amongst insectivorous and carnivorous mammals. Arm. Mag. Nat. Hist. 8: 750-757.
W: Mm (Carnivara. Insectivora): A: de. fbo. th
3079. POCOCK R. l.(191 1): On the palatability of some britishinsects.with notes on the
significance of mimetic resemblance. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1911: 809-864. (note:
pp. 864-868; E. B. Poulton.) P: I; C. A. MBM; I;JtAv
3080. POCOCK R. r. (1911): The distasfefulness of Anosia plex:ippus. Nature 87: 484-485.
Ne: LRDaDp; A;jlAv
3081. POCOCK R. 1.(1912):? Field 23: ? (note: Nature 90: 148.) Af; Mm (Equus); C. A; th
3082. POCOCK R. 1.(1913): Procryptic coloration a protection against Hons. Nature 90:
593. Aj: Mm: C:.ftMm (Pant/lEra leo)
3083. POCOCK R. 1.(1929): Tigers. J. BombayNat. Hist. Soc. 33: 505-541. As; Mm (Panthera
tigris): C. A; de. tll
3084. POCOCK R. r. -ROTHSCHILD N. C. (J 903): On a new .. Bird's-dung" spider from Ceylon.
Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1903: 48-51. As; Ar: C: birďs dropping: de ../bo
3085. POCOCK R. J. [1903): ? ScienUfic American. 28 Nov. 1903. Supplement AJ: Mm
(Equus); C. A: tll
3086. POLHEMUS D. A. -POLHEMUS J. T. (1985): Myrmecomorphic Miridae on mistletoe:
Phoradendrepulus myrmecomorphus. n. gen .. n. sp .. and a redescription of
Pilophorus brachypterus Poppius. Pan-Pac. E. 61: 26-31. Ne; H (Miridae.
Plloradendrepulus. Pi/ophorus): MBM: HyMy; de
3087. POLHEMUS D. A. -RAZAFlMAHATRATRA V. (1990): A new genus and species of
myrrnecomorphic Miridae from Madagascar(Heteroptera). J. New York E. Soc. 98:
1-8. AI H (Miridae): MBM: HyMy; de
3088. PONGRACZ S.(1925): A mimikry. (in hung.) Allat. Kozlem. 22: 9-18. P: I; MBM; I: de
3089. PONTIN A. J.( 1 989) : Adaptatioll 01' aphid eggs to specific ant hosts. E. MonLh. Mag.
125: 4. ?: Ho (Thelaxidae, Naenoecia krizast eggs): MP (chemícal); HyMy; de
3090. POOLE R. W. (1970): Convergent evolution in the larvae of two penstemon-feeding
geometrids [Lep.). J. Kansas E. Soc. 43: 292-297. Ne; LHeGe (Meris altícola. larvae);
MO: LHeGe (Neoterpes gra rraría. larvae): de,jbo
3091. POOLE R. W.(1970): Habitat p\eferences of some species of a Muellerian-mimicry
complex in Northern Venezuela, and their effects on evolution of mimic-wing-pattern.
J. NewYork E. Soc. 78: 121-129. Nt IRIt. LRH1. LRPi, LHeSn. UIeGe. LHe(Pericopidae,
Puralidae): MBM: LRIt. LRH1: de..!ba
3092. POPE C. H.(1928): Some plethodontid salamanders from North Carolina and
Kentucky with the description of a new race of Leurognathus. Amer. Mus. Nov. (New
York) 306: 1-19. Ne: AmCd (Leurognathus): MBM: AmCd: de
3093. POPE C. H. (1935): The reptiles of China. 604 pp., New York.Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.
As; ReOp (Calwnaria septentrionalís): MFh; de
3094. POPPIUS B. -BERGROTH E. (1921): Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Myrmecoiden
Iieteropteren. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 18: 31-88. P; H: MBM; HyMy; de
3095. PORRITT G. T:(1900): PresidenUal address. [..
Yorkshire Union 1900.39 th Ann. Rep.: 97-108. An; C. A, MBM; An; th
3096. PORTER A. H. (1988): Courtship of a model(Adelpha; Nymphalidae) by its probable
Batesian mimic (Limenitis; NymphalidaeJ. J. Res. Lepid. 26 (1-4): 255-256. Ne: LRNmLi
(Límenitís): MBZI;!: LRNm(Adelplla):.fbo
3097. P O R TER C, .P.(1978): A revision of the gen us Epirhyssa ( Hymenoptera.
Ichneumonidae). Stud. E. 20 (1-4): 297-412. Nt: Hy (Ichneumonidae. Epírllyssa);
MBM: HyVe: de
3098. PORTER K. (1984): Sunshine. sex-ratio and behaviour of Euphydryas aurinia larvae.
Pp. 309-31] in: Vane-Wright R. I. & Ackery P. R. (eds.): The biology of butterflies.,
Orlando. Academic Press. P: LRMe (Euphydryas aurinia. lar1Jae): A; .tbo
3099. PORTMANN A. (1956): Tarnung im Tierreich. Heidelberg. Springer. (engl. ed. 1959,
Ann Arbor. Univ. of Michigan Press.) Hl: An: C. A. MBM, MP. MO: Pt An; de. .tba. th.
bm. nv
3100. PORTSCHINSKY J. (1877): Die Bambus-ahnlichen Dipteren. (in russ.) Horae Soc. E.
Rass. 10: 102-198. P: D: MBM: HyAp (Bambus); de
3101. PORTSCHINSKY J. (1885): Lepidopterorum Rossiae biologia I. Drepanulidae.
Cymataphoriclae. Noctuae (part.). (in russ.) Horae Soc. E. Ross. 19: 50-97. P: LHeNe,
LHe (Drepanidae. Cymatop/wridae): C, A: de. ./bo
3102. PORTSCHINSKY J. (1891): Lepidopterorus Rossiae biologia II. Coloration marquante
et tachés ocellés. leur origine et leur développement. l. (in russs.) Horae Soc. E.
Ross. 25: 3-120. P: LHe: MEs. A: de.fbo. th
3103. PORTSCHINSKY J. (1892): Lepidopterorum Rossiae biologia III. Coloration marquante
et tachés ocelés. leur origine et leur développement. II. (in russ.) Horae Soc. E. Ross.
26: 258-411. P: LHe: MEs. A: de.jbo. th
3104. PORTSCHINSKY J. (1893): Lepidopterorum Rossiae biologia IV. Coloration marquante
et tachés ocelés. leur origine et leur développement. III. (in russ.) Horae Soc. E. Ross.
27: 139-223. P: LHe: MEs: de. .bo.
I th
3105. PORTSCHlNSKY J. (1897): Lepidopterorum Rossiae biologia V. Coloration marquante
et tachés ocelés, leur origine et leur développement. IV. (in russ.) Horae Soc. E. Ross.
30: 358-428. (note: Biol. CentralbJ. 18: 752-757.) P: LHe; MEs. A: de,fbo, tll
3106. PORTSCHINSKY J. (1906): Ůber die russische Pferdebiestfliege (Rhinoestrus
purpureus Br.l. weJche ihre Larven in die Augen des Menschen spritzt. (in russ.)
Trudy B. E. Učen. Kom. N. ZemI.. St. Petersburg 6 (6): 1-44. P; D (Oestridae.
RhinaestnLs purpureus): MBM: HyAp (Bambus): de
3107. PORTSCHINSKY J. (1910): Études biologiques sur la coloration et les moeurs des
insectes. (in russ.) Naiurfreund (St. Petersburg) 5: 167-190. P: I: C. A. MBM; I; de,fbo
3108. POUGH F. H. (1964): A coral snake ..mimic" eaten by a bird. Copeia 1964: 223. Nt;
ReOp (PliDcercus diade1llatlls): MBM; ReOp (Micrurus);ftAv (Herpetatheres cachinnans)
3109. POUGH F. H. (1974): Comments on the presumed mimicry of red efts (Notophthalmus)
by red salamnders (Pseudotriton). ? Ne; AmCd (Pseudotriton ruber); MBM: AmCd
(Notophthalmus viridescens): de. tl1
3110. POUGH F. H. (1976); Multiple cryptic effects of crossbanded and ringed patterns of
snakes. Copeia 1976 (4): 834-836. Ne; ReOp; C; de, th
3111. POUGH F. H. (1988): Mimicry of vertebrates: are the rules different? Am. Nat. 131
(Supp!.): 67-102. Ne: ReOp: MBM; ReOp; tll
3112. POUGH F. H. (1988): Mimicry and related phenomena. Biology of the Reptilia (C.
Gans & R. B. Huey eds.)16: 153-234. NewYork. A. R. Liss. Hl; Re,Am; MBM, A. C: Re.
Am: tll. nu. de.Jbo
3113. POUGH F. H. -BROWER L. P. (1977): Predation by birds on Great Southern White
butterflies as a function of palatibility. sex and habitat. Amer. MidI. Natur. 98: 50-
58. Ne: LRPi (Pieris); A:ftAv
3114. POUGH F. H. -BROWER 1. P. -MECK H. R. -KESSEL S. R. (1973): Theoretical
investigations of automimicry: multiple trial learning and the palatability spectrum.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (8): 2261-2265. Ao: MO; tl1
3115. POULTON E. B. (ED.) (1897): The Hope reports I.-VlII. (1897-1908) (The strugle for
existence. protective resemblance. warning colours and seasonal changes in African
insects.) Oxford. AJ Hl: I: C. A. MBM; I; de. fbo. th. bm
3116. POULTON E. B. (1884): Notes upon. or suggested by. the colours. markings. and
protective attitudes of certain Lepidopterous larvae and pupae. and of a phytophagous
Hymenopterolls larva. T.E.S.1. 1884: 27-60. P: LHe (Zamae. pupae)Hy (Tenthredinidae):
C. A:.fba
3117. POULTON E. B. (1885): The essential nature of the colouring ofphytophagous larvae
(and their Pllpae); with an account of some experiments upon the relation between
the colour of such larvae and that of their [ood plants. P.E.S.1. 38: 269-315. P: LHe
(laruae. pLLpae): C. A:jbo
3118. POULTON E. B. (1885): Further notes upon the markings and attitudes of
Lepidopierous larvae. together with a complete account of the life-history oť Sphinx
ligustri ancl Selenia illunaria (larvae). T.E.S.L. 1885: 281-329. P; IRe (Sphingidae,
Spllinx tigustr Larvae). LHeGe (SeLenia iLlunaria. larvae); C;jbo
3119. POULTON E. B. (1886): On artificial production of a gi1ded appearance in certain
LepidopLerous pupae. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1886: 692-693. P; L (pupae); C: de.jbo
3120. POULTON E. B. (1886): Some experiments upon the protection of insects from their
enemies by means of an unpleasant taste or smel!. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1886: 694. P: I: A:
3121. POULTON E. B. (1886): No title. P.E.S.L. 1886: 46-48. P; LRNm (Vanessa. pupae); C:
3122. POULTON E. B. (1886): A further enquiry into a special colour-relation between the
larva of Smerinthus ocellatus and its food-plants. P.E.S.L. 40: 135-173. (note: Nature
33: 474-476.) P: LHe (Sphingidae. Smerinthus ocellatus. larvae); C;jbo
3123. POULTON E. B. (1886): Notes in 1885 upon lepidopterous larvae and pupae. inc1uding
an account of tbe 10ss of weigbt in tbe freshly-formed lepidopterous pupa. T.E.S.L.
1886: 137-179. P: LHe (larvae. pupae): C. A;fbo
3124. POULTON E. B. (1887): An enquiery into the cause and extent of a special colour
re1ation between certain exposecl Lepidopterous pupae and the surfaces wbich
irnrnediately surround them. Phi!. Trans. R. S. L. 178: 311-441. P; LR (pupae); C;jbo
3125. POULTON E. B. (1887): Notes in 1886 upon lepidopterous larvae & c. T.E.S.L. 1887:
281-321. P: IRe (larvae. pupae); C:jbo
3126. POULTON E. B. (1887): The scretion of pure aqueous formic acid by lepidopterous
3127. POULTON E. B. (1887): Further experiments upon the protective value of colour and
markings in insects. Nature 36: 594-595, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1887: 763-766. P: [: C. A:
3128. POULTON E. B. (1887): Tbe experimental proof of the protective value of colour and
markings in insects in reference to their vertebrate enemies. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
1887: 191-274. P: I: C, A:ftAu
3129. POULTON E. B. (1887): No title [Discussion about adaptive colouration in
Lepidopiera). P.E.S.L. 1887: 5. 8-JO, 50-51, 61-62. P: L; C: tll
3130. POULTON E. B. (1888): Notes in 1887 upon lepidopterous larvae, etc., inc1uding
a complete account of the life-history of the larvae oť Sphinx convolvuli and Aglia
tau. T.E.S.L. 1888: 515-606. P: LHe (Sphingidae. SphŮ1XconvoLvuli, Saturniidae. A glia
tml. laruae): C:jbo
3131. POULTON E. B. (1888): On mimicry. J. V ictoria Inst. 22:? I; MBM: I: de. th
3132. POULTON E. B. (1889): No title. P.E.S.L. 1889: 37-40. P; LHe (pupae): C; th
3133. POULTON E. B. (1889): Mr. A. G. Butler's remarks upon distasteful insects. Ann.
Mag. Nat. Hist. (6)4: 358-360. P: I: A:
3134. POULTON E. B. (1890): The colours of animals. their meaning and use.
considered in the case of insects. 360 pp., London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trilbner
and Co. W: I: C. A. MBM. MP. MO, MEs , MFIl: I. P l; bm, de.jbo, th. nv. ge
3135. POULTON E. B. (1890): Mimicry. Nature 42: 557-558. An; C. A. MBM, MO; A n; th
3136. POULTON E. B. (1891): On an interesting example of protective mimicry discovered
by Mr. W. L. Sc1ater in British Guiana. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1891: 462-464. Nt;?:
C: de,Jbo
3137. POULTON E. B. (1891): No title. P.R.E.S.L. 1891: 15. P; Hy (Tenthredinidae. Croesus
septentrionalis . larvae): A: ft
3138. POULTON E. B. (1892): The Volucellae as examples of aggresive mimicry. Nature 47:
28-31. P: DSy (Volucella): MBM. MP: HyAp (Bambus): de. th
3139. POULTON E. B. (1892): Further experiments upon the colour -relation between certain
lepidopterous larvae. pupae. cocoons and imagines and their surroundings. T.E.S.L.
1892: 293-487. P: L (1aruae. pupae): C:jbo
3140. POULTON E. B. (1892): The volucellae as alleged examples of variation .. almost llniqlle
among animals". Nature 47: 126-127. P: DSy (VoluceLLa): MBM. MP: HyAp (Bombus);
de. tll
3141. POULTON E. B. (1893): The experimental proof that the colours of certain
lepidopterous larvae are largely due to modified plant pigments derived [rom food.
P.E.S.L. 1893: 417-430. P: L (larvne): C: Ibo
3142. POULTON E. B. (1893): On the sexes of larvae emerging from the successively laid
eggs af Smerinthus ocellata. T.E.S.L. 1893: 451-456. P; llie (Sphingidae. Smerinthus
ocel1ata. larvae): C: ge
3143. POULTON E. B. (1895): Uses of colours to insects in the struggle for existence. Proc.
E. Soc. Washington 3: 139-141. I: C, A, MBM: I; tll
POULTON E. B. [1896): Charles Darwin and his theory of natural selection. London
(2nd ed. 1901). A1l: C. A. MBM: An; ge. tll
3145. POULTON E. B. [1897): Mimicry in butterflies of the genus Hypolimnas andits bearing
on older and more recent theories of mimicry. Science 6: 516-518. (note: Proc. Am.
Asoc. Adv. Sci. 46: 242-244.) Aj: (Hypolimnas); MBM; LRDa: tll
3146. POULTON E. B. (1897): Protective mimicry as evidence for the validity of the theory
of natural selection. Science 6: 692-694. I: C; th, ge
3147. POULTON E. B. (1897): Theories of mimicry as i1lustrated by african buUerf1ies.
Rep. Brit. Assoc. at Toronto 1897: 689-691, also E. Rec. 10: 113-116 (1898). Aj: LR;
MBM: LR: tll
3148. POULTON E. B. (1897): No tit1e. P.E.S.L. 1897: 29. LR: MBM; LR; th
3149. POULTON E. B. (1898): Cause of mimetic resemblance and common warning colours.
J. Linn. Soc. Lond. 26: 558-612. (reprint: Essays on evolution, 1908, pp. 220-270.)
W: I: C, A. MBM: I: nu, bm, de. Jbo, tll, ge
3150. POULTON E. B. (1898): Protective mimiCl)' and common warning colours. Nature
57: 389. An: C, A: tll
3151. POULTON E. B. [1898): Mimicry as evidence for the ancestral home of wide ranging
species. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. ScL 46: 244. L: MBM: L: tll. ge
3152. POULTON E. B. (1898): Protective mimicry as evidence for the validity
of the theory
ofnatural selection. Rep. 67. Meet. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1897: 692 (E. Rec.
lO: 98).
An: C: ge, tll
3153. POULTON E. B. (1898): Mimicry in butterf1ies and moths. (review of E. Haase 1893)
Nature 57: 1-4.25-26. LR. LHe: MBM; LR: th
3154. POULTON E. B. (1899): Illustrations of mimicry ancl common warning colours in
butterflies. Nature 60: 222-225. LR: A. MBM; LR; de, th
3155. POULTON E. B. [1900): Physiology versus natural selection; an unnatural antithesis.
Nature 61: 217-218. An; A: th
3156. POULTON E. B. (1900): Remarks on the preceding paper ("conscious mimicry").
20010gist 1900: 550-554. An: MBM: An; th
3157. POULTON E. B. (1902): Colour of animals. 1. Bionomics. Encyc10paedia Britannica
27: 146-151. w: A; C, A. MBM: A: de, th, ge, n.v
3158. POULTON E. B. (1902): Mimicry and natural se1ection. Verhandl. 5. Internat. 2001.
Congr. Berlin 190 I, Jena 1902: 171-179. (reprint in: Essays on evolution, 1908, pp.
271-292.) I: MBM: I: th. ge
3159. POULTON E. B. (1902): No title. P.E.S.L. 1902: 39. P; LRLi (Limenitis popuU, pupae);
MO: beak damage: de
3160. POULTON E. B. (1902): No tille. P.E.S.L. 1902: 1-4. LR; MBM; LR: tll
3161. POULTON E. B. (1903): La signification bionomique des tachés ocellaires des phases
de la saison humicle chez les Satyriclae et Nymphalidae. Ann. Soc. E. France 72:
407-412. AI LRNm. LRSs: MEs:Jbo
3162. POULTON E. B. [1903): Suggestions as to the meaning ofthe shapes and colours of
Membraciclae in the struggle for existence. Pp. 273-285 in: Buckton G. B.:
A monograph of the Membracidae., London, Lowell Reeve. W: Ho (Membracidae); C,
A. MO: tll
3163. POULTON E. B. (1903): Experiments in 1893. 1894, and 1896 upon the colour
relation between lepidopterous larvae and their surroundings, and especially the
effect of lichen-covered bark upon Odontopera bidentata, Gastropacha quercifolia,
etc. T.E.S.L. 1903: 311-374. P: LHeGe (Odontopera bidenlata, Lasiocampidae,
Gastropacha. larvae): C: Lichenes:.fbo
3164. POULTON E. B. (1903): A brief discussion of A. H. Thayer's suggestions as to the
meaning of colour and pattern in insect bionomics: T.E.S.L. 1903: 570-575. I: C: th
3165. POULTON E. B. (1903): What is a species? Presidenťs addres. P.E.S.L. 1903: 77-96.
AJ: LRDa (DanaLL<; chrysippus). LRPaPd; A, MBM; LRDa; th, ge
3166. POULTON E. B. (1903): No title. P.E.S.L. 1903: 63-66. AJ; LRPa (Drurya antimachus);
MBM: LRAc (fossil species): tll
3167. POULTON E. B. (1904): The bearing of the study of insects upon the question. Are
acq1!irecl characters hereditary? P.E.S.L. 1904: 104-132. I; C. A: th
POULTON E. B. (1904): No title. P.E.S.L. 1904: 2-3. AJ; LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa; ge
POULTON E. 1:3. (1904): No title. P.E.S.L. 1904: 34. AJ: CoCe (Nictocris nigricoWs);
MBM: Hy (IchncrwlOnidae): de
3170. POULTON E. B. (1904): "Resemblance between Hyperechia and Xylocopa." P.E.S.L.
1902: 76. AJ: D (AsWdae. Hyperecllia): MBM, MP; HlJAp (Xylocopa); de
3171. POULTON E. B. (1904): "Birds and buttertlies." P.E.S.L. 1904: 37. LR;ftAv
3172. POULTON E. B. (1904): The mimicry of Aculeata by the Asilidae and Volucella, and
its probable significance. TE.S.L. 1904: 661-665. P; DSy (Volucella). D (Asilidae);
MBM, MP: HyAp. HyVe: de. tll
3173. POULTON E. B. (1904): No title. (Exhibition of a specimen of Glenea pulchella
(Thoms.JJ P.E.S.L. 1904: 6-8. CoCIl (Glenea pu/cheUa); C, A: de
3174. POULTON E. B. (1905): "Kallima resembling leaves attacked by fungus." P.E.S.L.
1905: 32. As: LRNm (Kallima): C: Pl (leaves): de
3175. POULTONE. B. (1905): "Terrifying markings, Sphingidae larvae." P.E.S.L. 1905: 22.
LR (Spltingidae. larvae): MEs: de
3176. POULTON E. B. (1906): A note of the cryptic resemblance of two South American
insects, the lTloth Dracenta rusina Druce and the Locustid P lagioptera bicordata
Serv. TESL. 1906: 533-539. Nt: LHeNo (Dracenta rus ina), O (Plagioptera bicordata);
C; Pl: cle
3177. POULTON E. 1:3. (1906): Mimetic forms of papilio dardanus (merope) and Acraea
johnsloni. TE.S.L. 1906: 281-321. AJ: LRPaPd. LRAc (Acraeajohnstoni): A. MBM:
LRDa: de.}bo. ge
3178. POULTON E. B. (1906): Predaceous insects and their prey. T.E.S.L. 1906: 323-409.
I: C. A: ftl
3179. POULTON E. B. (J 906): "Resemblance, beetle and snout of mammal." P.E.S.L. 1906:
21. Co: MO: Mm: de
3180. POULTON E. B. (1906): No titJe. P.E.S.L. 1906: 52. LR; MFIl; tll
3181. P OULTON E. B. (1907): Protective substances in male scent-glands. P.E.S.L. 1907:
10- ll. AJ: LRDa: A: to
3182. POULTON E. B. (1907): Reciprocal convergence in Limenitis. P.E.S.L. 1907: 79-80.
Ne: LRLi (Limenitis): MBM: LRLi (Limenitis): de, tll
3183. POULTON E. B. (1907): The significance of some secondary sexual characters in
butterflies. P.E.S.L. 1907: 40-43. LR: MBM: LR: th. de
3184. POULTON E. B. (1908): Essays on evolution 1889-1907. +Appendix: A classification
and index of the examples of mimicry quoted in the text pp. 383-394. xlviii+480pp.,
tlies (Spathicera) mimetic of a large species of Salius (Pompilidae). P.E.S.L. 1908:
19-21. AI D (Oestridae. Spathicera coryugens); MBM; Hy (Pompilidae, Salius); de
3192. POULTON E. B. (1908): On the species of Neptis in the islands to the E. and the N.W.
of Madag:ascar. P.E.S.L. 1908: 33-42. Aj; LRLi (Neptis dwnetorum); MO; LRLi (Neptis
saclara): de. tll
POULTON E. B. (1908): Muellerian mimicry in Euploeinae. P.E.S.L. 1909: 37-38. As;
LRDa (Euploeillae); MBM: LRDa (Euploemae); de
POULTON E. B. (1909): CharlesDarwin and the Origin of species. xv+302 pp., London,
New York, Bombay & Calcutta. Longmans, Green & Co. An; C, A. MBM: An; tll. ge
POULTON E. B. (1909): Letters from CharlesDarwin to Roland T rimen (1863-1871).
Pp. 214-246 in: CharlesDarwin and the Origin of species. Aj; LR; MBM, MEs; LR; tll, ge
POULTON E. B. (1909): The value of colour in the struggle for life. Pp. 271-297 in:
Seward A. C. (ed.):Darwin and modern science: Essays. Canlbridge, University Press.
(reprint: Charles Darwin and the Origin of species, 1909, pp. 92-143.) An; C, A,
MBM: A; tll, ge
3197. POULTON E. B. (1909): Mimicry in the butterDies of North America. Ann. E. Soc.
Amer. 2: 203-242. (reprint in: CharlesDarwin and the Origin of species. 1909, pp.
144-212.) Ne: LR: MBM:LR: de.jbo. tll, ge, nv
3198. POULTON E. B. (1910): Art the comrade of science.[review of A. Thayer, 1909) Nature
84: 532-536. An: C; lil
3199. POULTON E. B.[1911): No UUe. Proc. Zaol. Soc. Lond. 1911: 864-868. P; I; C. A; ft,
3200. POULTON E. B. (1911): Hemipterous mimics of Hymenoptera. P.E.S.L. 1911: 30-32.
W: H: MBM.' HyMy.Hy (Pompilidae); de
320 I. POULTON E. B. (1911): Contrasls in colouring between certain species of butterflies
from the Lagos districi and their geographical races from Entebbe. P.E.S.L. 1911:
89-91. A.ť LR; MBNM: LR; de. th
3202. POULTON E. B. (1911): Pseudoacraeas of the hobleyi group on Damba Island as
compared with those from the Entebbe district. P.E.S.L. 1911: 91-95. AJ; LRNm
(Pseudacraea hobleyi): MBM; LRAc;]bo. de, tll. ge
3203. POULTON E. B. (1911): The attacs of T achinid flies upon the African Danaine genus
Amauris. P.E.S.L. 1911: 99. AJ; LRDa (Amauris); A:.fID (Tachinidae. Sturmia)
3204. POULTON E. B. (1911): OnDr. C. A. Wiggins' researches on mimicry in the forest
butterflies of Uganda (1909). Congr. Intern. E. Mém. Bruxelles 1: 483·508. Aj; LR;
MBM: LR: tll. ge
3205. POULTON E. B. (1911): Mimicry in the butterDies of Africa. (review ofH. Eltringham,
1911) Nature 86: 70-72. A.ť LR; MBM; IR; de.jbo. tll, ge
3206. POULTON E. B. (1911): Mimicry in african butterDies and moths. Nature 88: 26-27.
Ať LR, LHe; MBM: LR; de
3207. POULTON E. B. (1912): Darwin and Bergson on the interpretation of evolution.
Bedrock 1 (Apr.): 48-65. LR; MBM; LR: tll, ge
3208. POULTON E. B. (1912): T wo african species of theDanaine genus T irumala (Melinda)
as models. and one as a mimic. P.E.S.L. 1912: 31-32. AJ; LRPa (Papiliorex, P.commixta.
P.mimetiClLs): MBM; LRDa (Tinunala.formosa. T.mercedonia):
3209. POULTON E. B. (1912): Mimicry in the tropics chiefly characteristics of forest areas.
The birds and lizards of the foresls and the open. P.E.S.L. 1912: 50-51. Aj; I: C. A.
MBM:I:ftAu,f tSr
3210. POULTON E. B. (1912): .Planema combination." P.E.S.L. 1912: 20.
. Aj; LRAc (Planema);
3211. POULTON E. B. (1912): "Neptis and Neptidopsis." P.E.S.L. 1912: 26. A.f; LRLi
(Neptidopsis): MBM: LRLi (Neptis): de
3212, POULTON E. B. (1912): The power of sight in birds. P.E.S.L. 1912: 53-55. LR;.ftAv
3213. POULTON E. B. (1912): The distastefulness ofDanaida (Anosia) plexippus. Nature
89: 375-376. Ne: LRDaDp: A: tll
3214. POULTON E. B. (1912): The atiacks of birds upon butterflies. Nature 90: 71. LR:ftAu
3215. POULTON E. B. (1912): Polymorphism in a group of mimetic butterDies of the
Ethiopian Nymphaline genus Pseudacraea. Nature 90: 36-37. AJ; LRNm (Pseudacraea):
MBM; LRAc: Jbo. ge. tl!
3216. POULTON E. B. (1913): Papilio dardanus. Brown, female form leighi. P.E.S.L. 1913:
7-8. AI: LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa: de
3217. POULTON E. B. (1913): The [emale forms of Papilio polytes, L., in the Hong-Kong
district.. P.E.S.L. 1913: 31-33. As: LRPa (Papilio polytes): MBM: LRPa; de
3218. POULTON E. B. (1913): ProLeclive resernblance and mimicry in LheMembracidae.
P.E.S.L. 1913: 33-38. W: Ho (Mel7lbracidae); C, A, MO; tll
3219. POLJLTON E. B. (1913): The resemblance between the under surface of many species
01'Melitaea and thaL o[ certain Palearctic Hesperidae. P.E.S.L. 1913: 46-49. P: LRHs
(PyrglLs): MBM: LRiV[c (Melitaca): de
3220. POULTON E. B. (1913): Disabling and other injuries found in the Lepidoptera and
their interpretation. P.E.S.L. 1913: 19-22. LR;.ft
3221. POULTON E. B. (1913): Description of a new form of Acraea encedon. T.E.S.L. 1913:
407. AJ; LRAc (Acraea encedon): A; de
3222. POLJLTON E. B. (1913): Discussion on mimicry. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1913: 518-519.
An: MBM: An: tIJ
3223. POULTON E. B. (1913):Mimicry and the inheritence of small variations. Bedrock 2
(Oct.): 295-312. LR; MBM: LR; tll. ge
3224. POULTON E. B. (1913): Mimicry. Nature 92: 387. Af. ; LR: de,jbo
3225. POULTON E. B. (1913): A german introduction to the study of mimicry. (review of A.
Jacobi. 1913) Nature 92: 653-655. W: An: MBM, MO, C, A: An: lil
3226. POULTON E. B. (1913): Mimicry in the North American butterflies of the genus
Limenitis. Proc. South London E. Soc. 1913: 35-37. Ne; LRLi (Lil7lenitis);MBM: LR:
3227. POULTON E. B. (1913): Mimicry, mutation and mendelism. Bedrock 2 (April): 42-
56. LR: MBM: LR; ge. tll
3228. POULTON E. B. (1914): Presidenťs introductory address. Proc. lnt. Congr. E. Oxford
(1912)2: 19-36. AJ: LRPaPd: MBM; LRDa: ge
3229. POULTON E. B. (1914): W. A. Lamborn's breeding experiments upon Acraea encedon
(Linn.), in the Lagos district ol' West Africa, 1910-1912. J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 32: 391-
416. Ar LRAc (Acraea encedon); A: ge
3230. POULTON E. B. (1914): A surprising family Dr Hypolimnas (Euralia) dubia, Beauv.,
and anthedon Obl., from Natal. P.E.S.L. 1914: 17. A.f;
MBM; LRDa: ge
3231. POULTON E. B. (1914):Mimicry in N. American buUerflies: a reply. Proc. Acad. Nat..
Sci. Philad. 1914: 161-195. Ne: LR: MBM: LR; de, tll, ge
3232. POULTON E. B. (1914): The misleading resemblance between mimetic butterf1ies
and their models (coll. C. W. Dale). P.E.S.L. 1914: 24-25. Af; LRPa; MBM: LRDa
(A11lawis): de
3233. POULTON E. B. (1914): Mimicry. Nature 94: 408. AIL;Hy; A. MBM; Hy; de. tl!
3234. POULTON E. B. (1914): Some details in the relationship between the mimetic and
the non-mimetic patterns of Papilio polytes L. P.E.S.L. 1914: 25-26. As; LRPa (Papilio
polyles); MBM; LRPa: de, th, ge
3235. POULTON E. B. (1914): TheMendelian relationship of the female forms o[ Papilio
dardanus. P.E.S.L. 1914: 67-70. Af: LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa; ge
3236. POULTON E. B. (1914): The Pierine Noephasia terlooti, Behr., female, a new North
American mimic ofDanaida plexippus. L., (archippus, L.). P.E.S.L. 1914: 8. Ne: LRPi
(Neophasia terlooti): MBM; LRDaDp: de
3237. POULTON E. B. (1914): The evolution of mimetic resemblance. Bedrock 3: 34-45. I;
MBM: I: ge. tll
3238. POULTON E. B. (1915):Mimicry in australian insects. Rep. Brit. Assoc. 84: 402. AIL:
Hy: A. MBM: Hy: de. lIJ
3239. POULTON E. B. (1915): Dr. R. C. L. Perkins' researches on the colour-groups of
Hawaiian wasps. (review of R. C. L. Perkins. 1912) Rep. Brit.. Assoc. 84: 403. Au:
H!JVe; MBM; H!JVe: tIJ. de
3240. POULTON E. B. (1915): The first statement (1878) ofMuellerian mimicry. (english
translation of F. Mi.iller. 1878). P.E.S.L. 1915: 22-23. Nt: LR; MBM; LR; tll
3241. POULTON E. B. (1915): Interesting buUerflies from the east coast ofMadagascar.
P.E.S.L. 1915: 61-63. AJ: LR; MBM: LR; de
3242. POULTON E. B. (1916): Mimics ready-made. (reviewofR. C. Punnett. 1915) Nature
97: 237-238. W: LR: MBM: LR; ge. th, de
3243. POULTON E. B. (1916): Meldola as a naturalisto In: Marchant J. (ed.): R. Meldola:
Reminiscences of his worth and work by those who knew him, together with
a chronological list of his publications, 1869-1915. (J. Marchant ed.J, pp. xv+225.
London; Williams & Norgate. (note: Nature 98: 125.) P; I; C, A; th,jbo
3244. POULTON E. B. (1916): The hereditary of small variations and the origin of butterf1y
mimicry. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 128: 21-52. LR: MBM; LR; ge
3245. POULTON E. B. (1916): A seIies of Danaida chrysippus, 1., from Fernando Poo.
P.E.S.L. 1916: 8-9. AJ; LRDa (Danaus chrysippus); A;Jbo
3246. POULTON E. B. (1916): Further records of Hypolimnas bolina, L., in Madagascar.
P.E.S.L. 1916: 21-25. AJ; LRNm (Hypolimnas bolina); MBM; LRDa;fbo
3247. POULTON E. B. (1916): Haase's hypothesis that distasteful qualities of Lepidoptera
are deIived direct from the food-plant. P.E.S.L. 1916: 64-66. Aj, As; LRDa, LRPa
(Pharm a cophagus), LRPi (Delias); A; to
3248. POULTON E. B. (1916): W. 1. Fielďs researches upon N. American butterf1ies of the
genus Limenitis (BasHarchia). P.E.S.L. 1916: 94-99. Ne; LRLi (Limenitis); MBM; LR;
3249. POULTON E. B. (1917): Mimicry and butterf1ies. Proc. Roy. Inst. Land. 21: 372-379.
LR: MBM: LR: tll
3250. POULTON E. B. (1917): DescIiption of a new [arm oťPapilio dardanus, female. T.E.S.L.
1917: 335-337 in: EltIingham H., Dixey F. A, Poulton E. B.: On a collection of
butterf1ies taken in East Africa by Mr. W. A Lamborn. -T.E.S.1. 1917: 322-337. Af;
LRPaPd; MBM: LRDa: de
3251. POULTON E. 1:3. (1917): Birds capturing butterf1ies on the wing at Oxford. P.E.S.L.
1917: 29-30. P: LR;ftAv
3252. POULTON E. B. (1917): Another indenpendent observation of the "false head" in
butterf1ies. (review of J. Sibree, 1915) P.E.S.L. 1917: 65. AJ; LRLn; MFh; de
3253. POULTON E. B. (1918): The Sesias mimics and not models of the Hymenoptera.
(review ofCh. Oberthilr, 1917) P.E.S.L. 1918: 29. W; LHe (Sessiidae); MBM; HyVe; th
3254. POULTON E. B. (1918): Dr. Th. Mortensen's observations on the ..false head" of
Lycaenidae. and other butterf1ies etc. (review of T. Mortensen, 1918) P.E.S.1. 1918:
44-50. LR. Av (Glaucidium): MFh: th
3255. POULTON E. B. (1918): The modern use of the word .. camouf1age". P.E.S.1. 1918:
77 -78. An: C: tll
3256. POULTON E. B. (1918): Bud-and-flower-Iike Flatidae (Homoptera) from ex-German
East Africa. P.E.S.L. 1918: 78. Ar Ho (Flatidae, Ityraea speciosa, I.nigrocincta.
I.gregoryi): C: PLFl: de
3257. POULTON E. B. (1918): New mimetic female [orms ofCharaxes ethalion, Boisd., and
etheocles, Cr., and bred male-like females of the Jater. P.E.S.L. 1918: 79-84. A1:
LRCx (CllarClxes ethalion, Charaxes etlteocles); MBM; LR; de
3258. POULTON E. B. (1918): The mimetic and Mendelian relationship of the "White
Admirals" of North America. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (note: Nature 1.01:
(Limenitis); MBM; LR; ge
3259. POULTON E. B. (1919): The mimicry of an ant by an Australian fossoIial wasp.
(review of R. E. Turner, 1919, p.64) P.E.S.L. 1919: 36-37. Au; Hy (Pompilidae,
AmphelotomCl tasmClllica); MBM; HyMy; de
3260. POULTON E. B. (1919): The mimetic association between two species of EupJoea
and one Danaide in Fij i. P.E.S.L. 1919: 69-71. Au; LRDa (Euploea eleutho, Euploea
proserpůla); MBM; LRDa (Timmala neptunia); de
3261. POULTON E. B. (1920): The Stratiomyid fly BeIis vallata captured with its Tenthredinid
models. P.E.S.L. 1920: 32-33. P; D (Stratiomyidae, Beris vallata); MBM; H y
(Tenthredinirlae, Dolerus Clceris, SelClndria serva, Athalia lineola); de
3262. POULTON E. B. (1920): Further instances oť the mimetic association between two
Euploeines and one Danaine in Fiji. P.E.S.L. 1920: 80-84. Au; LRDa (Euploea eletho.
E.proserpina): MBM; LRDa (Timmala neptunia); de
3263. POULTON E. B. (1920): Roland Trimen, 1840-1916. Proc. R. Soc. Land. B 91: 18-27.
AJ: LR: MBM: LR: de
3264, POULTON E, B, (1921): Recent advances in the knowledge of insect mimicry, T rans.
OxL Univ, Junior ScL Club 3 (5J; 133-145. I; MBM: I; th. rw
3265, POULTON E. B. (1921): T he mimetic relationship between Heliconius notabilis
microc1ea Kaye, and H. xenoc1ea xenoc1ea Hew. P.E.S.L. 1921: 36-38. Ne; LRHl
(Heliconius notabHis): MBM: LRHl (Heliconius xenoclea); de
3266, POULTON E. B. (1921): Apparently discriminative attacks by beetle larvae upon
praepared butternies of protected groups. P.E.S.L. 1921: 38-39. LR; A; ftCo
(Dermestidae. Antllrenus)
3267. POULTON E. B, (1921): Danaida chrysippus L., captured and then rejected by a young
shrike in S. Africa. P.E.S.L. 1921: 74. AJ; LRDa (Danaus chrysippus); A: ftAv (Lanius
3268. POULTON E, B. (1921): T he warble-Dy of the reinder captured with its model Bombus
lapponicus l11urmanicus Skorikof. P.E.S.L. 1921: 89-90. P: D (Oestridae, Oedemagena
tarandi); MBM:HyAp (Bombus lapponicus); de
3269. POULTON E. B. (1921): T he mimicry of male Lepidoptera by female and of female by
male. P.E.S.L. 1921: 90. IR: MO: IR: de. ge. th
3270. POULTON E, B. (1921): The inspiration of the Unknown. S, E. Nat. Lond. 1921: 1-
34. An: MBM: An: tll, ge
3271, POULTON E, B. (1922); Experimental evidence that commensalism may be beneficial
to Crustacea. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1922: 897-898. S; Cr; C; Cl;fbo
3272. POULTON E. B. (1922): T ransformational deceptive resemblance in insects.P.E.S.L.
1922: 47-49, 1: C, MBM. MP: I; tll .
3273. POULTON E. B. (1922); Recent observations on the .false head" of L ycaenidae in
relation to the attacs of enemies. P.E,S.L. 1922: 49-51. LRLn: MFh; tll
3274. POULTON E. B. (1922): Pseudopontia paradoxa Feld., its bionomics, geographical
races, and affinity. P.E.S.L. 1922: 56-57, AJ; LRPi (Pseudopontia paradoxa); MBM;
3275. POULTON E. B. (1922): Note on the mimetic resemblance between the Erycinid
Praetaxilla poultoni J, & T. and the Agaristid lmmetalia saturata longipalpis Kirsch.
Bull. HilL Mus. Witley 1: 363-365. Nt: LHe (Agaristidae, Imrneta1ia saturata): MBM;
LR (Erycinidae. Praetaxília poultoniJ: de
3276. POULTON E. B. (1922):? Rep, Br. Assoc. Adv. Scl., Sect. D.: 372. P; LHeGe (Abraxas
grossulariatu): A: ge
3277. POULTON E, B. (1923); Mimicry in the butterflies of Fiji considered in relation to the
Euploeine and Danaine invasions of Polynesia and to the female forms of Hypolimnas
bolina L. in thePacific. T.E.S.L. 1923: 564-691. (note: P.E.S.L. 1923: 49-51: Reciprocal
mimicry between three indigenous Fijian Euploeine butterflies and an invading
Euploea.) Au: LRDa (Euploea), LRNm (Hypolimnas bolina); MBM; LRDa (Tirumala); de,
ge, tll.fbo
3278. POULTON E. B, (1923): Colour-adjustment in the wild pupae ofPieris rapae L. P.E.S.L.
1923; 6-7. P:LRPi (Pieris rapae, pupae); C;.tbo
3279. POULTON E. B, (1923): Further observations in 1922 on the protective resemblance
of Polygonia c-albul1l L.. and the attacks of enemies on British butterflies. P.E.S.L.
1923: 7-9. P: LRNm (Polygonia c-album); C; ftAv
3280. POULTON E, B. (1923); A remarkable male ofPapilio dardanus Brown.P.E.S.L. 1923:
47-48. AJ: LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa:de
3281. POULTON E. B. (1924): The detailed resemblance of an indian lepidopterous larva to
the excrement of a bird. A similar result obtained in an entirely different way by
a Malayan spider. P,E,S.L. 1924: 90-94. As; L (larvae). ArTll (Ornithoscatoides
decipiells):C: birďs dropping: de,fbo
3282. POULTON E. B. (1924): T he terrifYing appearance of Laternaria (Fulgoridae) founded
on the most prominent features of the Alligator. P.E.S.L. 1924: 43-49. Nt: Ho
(Fulgoridae. Laternaria): MBM; Re {Crocodylia}; de, jbo. th
3283. POULTON E. B. (1924): Dr. J. Bequaerťs memoir on the predaceous enemies of
ants. (review of J. Bequaert, 1924) P.E.S.L. 1924: 68-71. Ne; HIJMy;ft, tiJ
3284. POULTON E. B. (1924): Modes of protection in the pupal stage of butterflies and
moths. T rans. South-East Union Scl. Soc. 1924: 72-77. P; L (pupae); C, A; de.fbo
3285. POULTON E. B. (1924): The relation between the larvae of the Asilid genus Hyperechia
(Laphriinae) and those oť Xylocopid bees. T.E.S.L. 1924: 121-123. A-f D (Asilidae,
Hyperechia): MP: HyAp (Xylocopa); de.jbo
3286. POULTON E. B. (1924): The larvae ofAsilid flies of the genus Hyperechia (Laphriinae)
preying upon the larvae of Xylocopid bees. P.E.S.L. 1924: 21-22. AJ: D (Asilidae,
Hyperechia): MP: HyAp (Xyl ocopa); de,fbo
3287. POULTON E. B. (1924): John H. Geroulďs researches on the inheritance of white
wing colour in yellow Pierine butterflies: his criticism of mimicry. P.E.S.L. 1924: 61-
63 (Genetics 8 [1923): 495-551). P: LRPi (Colias); MBM: LR; ge, th
3288. POULTON E. B. (1924): Some iransformations of the pale yellow strongly fluorescent
pigment of Papilios: further evidence of its identity in the males and primitive forms
of mimetic females of P. dardanus Brown. P.E.S.L. 1924: 99-103. Aj;
3289. POULTON E. B. (1924): A group of beetles collected on the shrubAngophora cordifo1ia
Cav .. near Sydney. by T. G. Sloane; with the flower-bearing branches preserved by
H. J. Carter. P.E.S.L. 1924: 137-140, Au; Co; MBM; Co; de
3290. POULTON E. B. (J 924): The hkeness to the male Acraea a1thoffi Dew. doser in the
female than the male of the Uganda f. mimetica dolabella Hall of Pseudacraea
dolomena albostriata Lathy. Complexity of the associatíon to which these species
belong. P.E.S.L. 1924: 140-145. AJ; IJmm (Pseudacraea dolomena); MBM; I.RAc (Acraea
a lthoffi.]; de, jbo. .ft (Aves)
3291. POULTON E. B. (1924): Protective resemblance to the characteristic conspicuous
detai!s of one out of many different appearances which the same object may assume
is only to be expected in rare species. P.E.S.L. 1924: 145-147. An; C, MBM; An; th
3292. POULTON E. B. (1924): Papilio dardanus. The most interesting butterfly in the world.
J. East Afr.U,t;. Nat. Hist. Soc. Nairobi 20: 4-22. Af: LRPaPcl : MBM; LRDa: cle. ge, tlt
3293. POULTON E. B. (1924): Mimicry in the butterflies ofFiji. Trans. Oxford Univ. Jr. Sci.
Cl . (4)4: 101-106. Au: IR: MBM; IR; cle, tlt
3294. POULTON E. B. (1925): The planemoides Trim., female form from Papilio dardanus
ancl its model from the Mogalla Province oť the Sudan. P.E.S.L. 1925: 14. AJ; LRPa Pd;
MBM: LRAc (P lanemu poggei); cle
3295. POULTON E. B. (1925): Interesting new races of Papilios from S. W. Abyssinia and
Somaliland. P.E.S.L. 1925: 42-52. Af: LRPaPcl (Papilio cyT1orta, Papilio rex); MBM;
3296. POULTON E. 13. (1925): A Swiss butterflywith distinct evidence of attack by a broad
billed bird. P.E.S.L. 1925: 70. P: IRSs (Erebia aetltiops);ftAv
3297. POULTON E. B. (1925): Ant-like heteromerous beetles of two species (Anthicidae)
taken with their model on a cacao tree in S. Nigeria. P.E.S.L. 1925: 3-4. Aj;
(Anthicidae. Fonnic ornus indigaceus. Formicornus p agnioni); MBM; HyMy
(Crernatoyaster buchneri); cle
3298. POULTON E. B. [J 925): The ťorms oť Papilio dardanus Brov-TI and its models from
Marsabit. S. E. of Lake Rudolph. P.E.S.L. 1925: 8-9. A{; LRPaPcl; MBM; LRDa; cle
3299. POULTON E. B. (1925): SOl11e ať the chieť Asilid rnil11ics with their Xylocopid models.
from East Africa. P.E.S.L. 1925: 13. A; j
3300. POULTON E. B. (1925): The evolution oť the colours and patterns oť cuckoos' eggs
and its relation to that of insects resemblances. such as l11il11icry . P.E.S.L. 1925: 96-
104. P: AvOu (Cuculus canorus): MP: AvOv: cle. th. ge
330 J. POULTON E. B. (J 925): A Siamese Ichneul110nid (Pimplinae) probably mimetic of
a fossorial wasp (PompilidaeJ. P.E.S.L. 1925: 70-71. As; Hy (Icltneurnoniclae.
Pimplillae); MBM: H!) (Pompilidae); de
3302. POULTON E. B. (1926): Birds' beak-marks on thewings ofNew Hebridean Euploeas
and Pieris napi, L .. from lsle ofWight. (St. Helena). P.E.S.L. 1: 62. Au; LRDa (Euploea);
3303. POULTON E. B. (1926): Mimicry in African butterflies of the genus Charaxes. Verh.
III. lnt. E. Kongr. Zi.irich 1925. Weimar 2: 518-575. Af: LRCx (Cltaraxes): MBM: LR;
cle. jho. tll
3304. POULTON E. B. (1926): Breeding experiments on Charaxes etheodes atJinja.Uganda.
by Dr. Robert van Someren. and on other di- or polymorphic butterflies at Nairobi.
Kenya Colony, by Dr. V, G, L, van Someren, Verh, III, lnt, E, Kongr, Ziirich, Weimar
2: 507-517, AI: LRCx (Charaxes etheocles): MBM; LR; de,jbo, tll
3305, POULTON E, 1:3, (1926): P rotective resemblance borne by certain african insects to
the blackened areas caused by grass fires, Verh, III, lnt. E. Kongr. Ziirich 1925,
Weimar 2: 433-451. AJ' I: C: de. tl!
3306. POULTON E. B. (1926): The tailed mimetic fema!e ofPapilio dardanus hodsoniPoulton,
taken in S. W. Abyssinia by Mr. Arnold Hodson. P.E.S.L. 1: 6-7. AJ' LRPaPd: MBM:
LRDa: de
3307. POULTON E. 1:3. (1926): The predominance of mimetic associations among the
butterflies ofU.l(anda. P.E.S. L. 1: 21-23. Aj: LR; MBM; LR;.fbo
3308. POULTON E. B. (1926): Sex-ratio ofHypolimnas bolina, L. in Vitti Levu. Fiji. P.E.S.L.
1: 29-31. Au LRNm (Hypolinmas bolina); MBM: LRDa; ge
3309. POULTON E. B. (1927): Some Papilios taken at Djem-Djem in Central Abyssinla by
Dr.Hugh Scott. P.E. S. L. 2: 35-36. AJ' LRPaPd, LRPa (Papillo rex); MBM; LRDa: de
3310. POULTON E. B. (1927): A new Planema (Acraeinae) entering the Uganda association
with Planema macarista. E. M. S.. as its centra! model. P.E.S.L. 2: 36-37. Aj: LRAc
(Planema): A: LRAc (Planema macarísta): de
3311. POULTON E. B. (1927): Sex-ratio ofHypolinmas bolina L.. in Viti Levu, Fiji. P.E.S.L.
2: 5. Au: LRNm (Hypolimnas bolina): MBM: LRDa; ge
3312. POULTON E. B. (1927): A new tailed fema!e form ofPapilio dardanus hod soni , PouIt.,
taken by Mr. Arnold Hodson in W. Abyssinia. P.E.S.L. 2: 10-11. Aj: LRPaPd; MBM:
3313. POULTON E. B. (J 927): Evidence of attack, probably by a bird, on the Nympha!ine
butterfly Euxanthe tiberius, Gr.-Sm., in E. Afiica. P. E.S.L. 2: ll. AJ' LRCx{EI.L\:anthe
tiberius): ItAv
3314. POULTON E. 1:3. (1927): Single examples oť tbe soutbern geographica! race of the
Acraeine butterfly PlaneIl1a poggei poggei, Dew., taken intermixed with the northern
race, P. p. nelsoni, Gr.-Sm.. in Uganda and W. Kenya. P.E.S.L. 2: 37-38. Aj; LRAc
(Planema poggei): A: ge
3315. POULTON E. B. (1927): Some enemies of butterflies in tbe Tanga district, E. Mrica.
P.E.S.L. 2: 89-90. AI LR:ItArTl!
3316. POULTON E. B. (1928): lntraspecific selection, an attempt to explain tbe origin and
meaning of certain examples of mimicry. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1928: 1037-1043.
LR: MBM: LR: tl!
3317. POULTONE. B. (1928): A reversa! oftbe usua! Geometrid twig-like attitude in a leafsta\k
like larva of tbe genus Cabera. P.E.S.L. 3: 32. P; LRGe (Cabera, Laroae); C; de
3318. POULTON E. B. (1928): An agaristid motb which at rest resembles the larva of
a grasshopper (Acridiidael. P. E.S. L. 3: 49-50. AJ' LHe (Agaristidae, Ischnoptera
pitmanO: MBM: O (Zonocerus variegatus); de
3319. POULTON E. B. (1928): Capt. Pitman's observations on wagtails attacking butterflies
in Kenya Colony. P. E. S. L. 3: 17. AI LR:ItAv (Motacilla)
3320. POULTON E. 1:3. (1928): Observations and experiments on distasteful insect in Tenerife.
P.E.S.L. 3: 17-18. P: LRDa (Danal1s ChrySippllS), LHe (Sphingidae, Celerio el1p/wrbiae);
A: ftReSr (Gekkollidae)
3321. POULTON E. B. (1928): Repeatecl attacs on a Euploeine butterfly by a captive bird
(Inglis C. M J. Darjeeling NaL. Hist. Soc. 2 (3): 54, 1927). P.E.S.L. 3: 69. As: LRDa
(El1ploea): A: IIAI'
3322. POULTON E. 1:3. (1929): British insectivorous bats and their prey. Proc. Zool. Soc.
Lond. 1929: 277-303. P: LHe: C, A:ftMm (Clliroptera)
3323. POULTON E. B. (1929): Ants as mode1s for mimicry. Zool. Anz. (Wasmann Festband)
1929: 79-86. W; I: MBM, MP: HyMy; de, th
3324. POULTON E. B. (1929): Mimicry. Nature 123: 874. An; MBM; An; tll
3325. POULTON E. B. (1930): An Ithomiinae butterfly and its heliconine mirnic taken flying
together in N. W. Peru. P.E.S.L. 5: 91. Nt: LRHl; MBM; LRIt; de
3326. POULTON E. 1:3. (1930): The hedge-sparrow feeding a young cuckoo onPieris brassicae
L. P. E.S.L. 5: 85-86. P: LRPi (Pierís bmssicae); A:ftAv (Pmnella)
3327. POULTON E. B. (1930J: Distinct beak-marks on Heodes phlaeas L. P.E.S.L. 5: 98-
99. P: LRLn (Heodes phlaeas):.ftAv
3328. POULTON E. B. (1930): Symetrical injuries at the anal angle of the hing-wings of
Thec1a w-album L. P.E.S.L. 5: 7. P: LRn (Thecla w-albwn):JtAu
3329. POULTON E. B. (I 930): Paraseme and parasematic as convenient words to describe
appearance and behaviour adapted to deflect or mislead an enemies attack. P.E.S.L.
5: 16-17. I: MEs: tll
3330. POULTON E. B. (1930): Convincing proof of the unpalatability of the larval Danaida
plexippus L. (E. Month. Mag. 50: 191, 192 (1914)). P.E.S.L. 5: 17. Au: LRDaDp (larvae):
A: JtMm (Primates)
3331. POULTON E. B. (1930): Butterflies from the Herzog Mts., Eastern New Guinea. P.E.S.L.
5: 56-60. Au: LRSs (Pieridopsis uirgi, P.ducis): MBM; LRPi: de
3332. POULTON E. B. (1930): Symetrial injuries in captured Colias edusa, L., and Pyrameis
atalanta, L. P.E.S.L. 5: 67. P: LRPi (Colias edusa), LRNm (Pyrameis atalanta): JtAu
3333. POULTON E. B. (1931): The meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis, L.l. feeding a young
Cuckoo on Pieris rapae L. P.E.S.L. 6: 16-17. P: LRPi (Pieris rapae); A: JtAu (Anthus
3334. POULTON E. B. (1931): Attack of birds upon British moths. P.E.S.L. 6: 18-19. P:
3335. POULTON E. B. (1931): Doubts about the frequency of bird attacks upon butterflies,
and about the qualities believed to be advertised by warning colours. P.E.S.L. 6: 90-
91. LR: A:.ftAu. tll
3336. POULTON E. B. (1931): Four especially striking examples of birďs beak marks on
the wings of butterflies. P.E.S.L. 6: 91. p. Aj; LR:JtAu
3337. POULTON E. B. (1931): The larva of the Notodontid moth, Furcula marshali, Hampson.
P.E.S.L. 6: 22, 51. Af: UIe (Notodontidae. Furcula marshali, larvae): A; de
3338. POULTON E. B. (1931): Wallace and Bates on the Amazon. P.E.S.L. 6: 82-83. Nt; LR;
A. MBM: LR: JlJo. de. th
3339. POULTON E. B. (1931): Further observations on the parasematic "false head" of
Lycaenid butterflies in relation to the attacs of enemies. P.E.S.L. 6: 91. W; LRLn;
MFh:jbo. tll
3340. POULTON E. B. (1931): A hundred years of evolution. Presidential address, section
D. Rept. Brit. Assn. Adv. Sci. 1931: 71-95. An; C, A, MBM; An; th, ge
3341. POULTON E. B. (1931): The gregarious sleeping habits of Heliconius charitonia L.
P.E.S.L. 6: 4-10, 68. 71. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius charitonia); A;foo
3342. POULTON E. B. (1931): Two specially significant examples of insect mimicry. T.E.S.L.
79: 395-398. ?: LHe (cocoon): MBM: Hy (Ichneumonidae, cocoons); de
3343. POULTON E. B. (1932): Attempts to disprove the theories of warning colours, mimicry
and protective resemblance in insects. 5e Congres lnt. E., Paris, 1932: 33-44. I; C, A,
MBM: I: tll
3344. POULTON E. B. (1932): T he alligator-like head and thorax of the tropical American
Laternaria laternaria. L. (Fulgoridae, Homoptera). P.E.S.L. 7: 68-70. Nt; Ho (Fulgoridae,
Laternaria laternaria); MBM; Re (Crocodylia): de, th
3345. POULTON E.. B. (1932): Evidence of the effectiveness in nature of the protective
adaptations in some insects as illustrated by the food-habits of certain Nearctic
birds. (review ofW. L. Mc Atee, 1932) P.E.S.L. 7: 100-105. Ne: I; C, A;jtAv
3346. POULTON E. B. (1932): T he geographica! races of Charaxes ansorgei, Rothsch., and
their mimetic associations. P.E.S.L. 7: 6-9. Aj; LRCx (Charaxes ansorgei): MBM; LRCx;
3347. POULTON E. B. (1932): Changes in the method of insect protection at successive
periods of growth. (review of R. W. G. Hingston, 1929) P.E.S.L. 7: 12-14. As; H
(Coreidae. Anoplocnemis phasiana); C; de
3348. POULTON E. B. (1932): Attacking by birds upon butterflies, especially the Daninae.
P.E.S.L. 7: 54-55. Af: LRDa; A:JtAv
3349. POULTON E. B. (1932): T he gregarious resting habits of Danaine butterflies in
Australia: also of Heliconine and Ithomiine butterflies in tropica! America. P.E.S.L.
7: 64-67. Au. Nt: LRDa. LRH1, LRIt; A;Jbo
3350. POULTON E. B. (1932): Protective adaptations of animals-especially insect.
Discussion. P.E.S.L. 7: 39-105. W: I: C, A. MBM; I; th, ge, foo
3351. POULTON E. B. (1932): Wings of British, European and N. American butterflies
bearing the mm-ks of attack by enemies. chiefly birds. P.E.S.L. 7: 71-73. P. Ne;LR;
3352. POULTON E. B. (1932): Indirect evidence that parasematic eye-spots are advantageous
in the struggle for existence. J. E. Soc. South Eng!. 1: 2-3. Aj, P; LR: MEs;b
j o
3353. POULTON E. B. (1932J: Protective adaptations of animals (discussion with Uvarov).
Nature 130: 848. I: C. A: th
3354. POULTON E. B. (1933): The aposematic display and distasteful qualities of an Acridian
(Phymateus) in Madagascar. (review of ,I. Sibree. 1915) P.E.S.L. 8: 17-18. Aj:
O (Phymateus puniceus): A;jt
3355. POULTON E. B. (1933): Butterflies with injuries probably caused by birds. P.E.S.L.
8: 16-17. P: LR:.flAu
3356. POULTON E. B. (1934): The power of changing colour as a form of protective
resemblance. South- East. Nat. Lond. 1934: 98-109. An; C;jb o,
3357. POULTON E. B. (1934): The presidenťs address. P.RE.S.L. 1934: 157-172. I; C. A.
MBM: I: de. Ch
3358. POULTON E. B. (1934): Termination of tlle controversywith Dr. W. L. McAtee. P.E.S.L.
9: 119-120. Ne: I: MBM: HyMy: tll
3359. POULTON E. B. (1934): Incipient mimicry by a Californian form of the Nymphalide
buttert1y Basilarchia weidemeyeri Edw., of the B. lorquini Boisd., and Adelpha
californica Butl., association. P.RE.S.L. 9: 53-56. Ne;LRLi (Limenitis); MBM; LRNm
(Adelpha caltfornica): de
3360. POULTON E. B. (1934): Striking concerted aposematic defence by a gregarious
Burmese caterpillar. P.RE.S.L. 9: 43-44. As; L (larvae); A;jbo
3361. POULTON E. B. (1934): The conspicuous Papmo (Pharmacophagus) hector L. refused
by a Ceylon Lemur. P.RE.S.L. 9: 40. As; LRPa (Papilio hector): A; jtMm (Laris
3362. POULTON E. B. (1934): The kingbird feeding young on dragonflies and butterflies;
also selecting stingles drones: the american goldfinch devouring white moths.
P.RE.S.L. 9: 74. Ne; I: A. C:jtAu
3363. POULTON E. B. (1934): Butterflies attacked by bee-eaters in S. W. India: P rotectlve
devices of caterpillar and associated phytophagous beetle. P.RE.S.L. 9: 74-75. As;
LR: C. A:jtAu (Merops)
3364. POULTON E. B. (1934): Procryptic and mimetic resemblances in N. W.Himalayan
insects observed by CoL H. D. PeHe. P.RE.S.L. 9: 92-93. As; I;C, MBM: I; de
3365. POULTON E. B. (1934): Assemblages of coccinellid beetles; also of the danaid butterfly
Danaus plexippus Linn .. during hibernation Ol' migration. P.RE.S.L. 9: 108-109. P.
Ne: CoCc. LRDaDp: A;jbo
3366. POULTON E. B. (1934): A reduviid bug mimicking a braconid, and a asilid fly
mimicking a bee. collected in British Guiana by Dr. J. G. Myers. P.RE.S.L. 9: 95. Ne;
H (Reduuiidae. Hiranetis cingulatus). D (Asilidae, Mallophorajascipennis); MBM; Hy
(Braconidae). H!JAp (ElLglossa jasciata): cle
3367. POULTON E. B. (1934): The food-preferences of the starHng. P.RE.S.L. 9: 45. P; I;C,
A: jtAu (S turnus vulgaris)
3368. POULTON E. B. (1934): Mirnetic resemblance of a t1y (Baccha sp.) to a fossorial wasp
(Trypoxylon) on Barra Colorado Island. P.RE.S.L. 9: 56-57. Nt; DSy (BacchCl); MBM;
Hy (PompilidCle. Trypm:'ylon); cle
3369. POULTON E. B. (1934): Attacks by birds on British Lepidoptera. P.RE.S.L. 9: 70-71.
P: LR:jtAv
3370. POULTON E. B. (1935): Discovery by L. Glauert, of the mimetic resemblance borne
(Cephalotes) atratus L., taken 24 May, 1935, at Kobarima, N. W. District , British
Guiana, by Dr. J. G. Myers. P.R.E.S.L. (A)lO: 70-7l. Nt: Ar {Aphantochilidae,
Aphantochí1lLsJ: MBM: HyMy(Cryptocercus atratus): de
3374. POULTON E. B. (1936): Assemblies of coccinellid beetles observed in N. Uganda
(1927) by Prof. Hale Carpenter and in Bechuanaland (1935) by Dr. W. A. Lamborn.
P.R.E.S.L. (A)lI: 99-100. AJ: CoCc (Epilachna dregeiJ; A;jho
3375. POULTON E. B. (1937): A cat capturing and eating a large Californian P apilio.
P.R.E.S.L. (A)12: 10. Ne: LRPa (Papilio turnus); A;ftMm(Fe11s sylvestrls)
3376. POULTON E. 13. (1939): Safe arrival and emergence in England of five pupae of
Papilio dardanus Brown, sent [rom Nairobi by canon K. st. Aubyn Rogers. P.R.E.S.L.
(A)l4: 35-36. AJ: LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa:.fbo
3377. POULTON E. B. (1939): Freshly emerged Aglais urticae (Linn.], captured by birds
while older specirnens were neglected: a whinchat photographed holding a captured
hesperid butterfly. P.R.E.S.L. (A)l4: 36-37. P: LR;jtAv
3378. POULTON E. B. (1939): Abundance of bird -hfe and evidence of attacks on butterflies
in Java. P.R.E.S.L. (A)l4: 37. As: LR: jtAv
3379. POULTON E. B. ET ALL. (1929): Birds as the enemies o[ butterflies. P.E.S.L. 4: 35-
41. AJ, As. P: LR:JlAv
3380. POULTON E. B. ET ALL. (1929): The spotted flycatcher devouring buttertlies and
wasps. P.E.S.L. 4: 71. P; LR. HyVe: A: jtAv (Muscicapa striata)
338l. POULTON E. B. ET ALL. (1934): Replies to Dr. W. L. McAtee's rejoinder in P. R. E. S.
L. 8: 113-126 to papers on protective adaptations published by the Society (loc. cit.
7: 79-105). P.R.E.S.L. 9: 21-40. I; C, A, MBM; I; th
3382. POULTON E. B. -BELLJ. W. B. (1923): Some striking examples of mimicryin butterflies
[rom the Federated Malay States. P.E.S.L. 1923: 31-37. As; LR; MBM; IR; de
3383. POULTON E. B. -BLAlRK. G. (1916): A colour-association of Mylabris (Coleoptera)
frol11 S. Nigeria. P.E.S.L. 1916: 99-110. Aj; Co (Meloidae, Mylabrls); A, MBM; Co
(Meloidae. Mylabris): de. tll
3384. POULTON E. B. -HUXLEY J. S. (1932): Protective adaptations of animals (discussion
\vith Uvarov). Nature 130: 202-203. I; C, A;jtAv, th
3385. POULTON E. B. -SANDERS B. (1898): An experimental enquiry into the struggle for
existence in cerLain coml11on insects. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1898: 906-909. P;
3386. POULTON E. B. -SANDERSON A. R. -DIXEY F. A. (1920): Buttertlies (Delias: P ieridae)
l11igrating in evening from one valley to another in Selangor, F. M. S., and back in
111 0rning, accompanied by 1110th mimics (Psaphis: Chalcosinae: Zygaenidae). P.E.S.L.
1920: 63-68. As: LHeZy(Psaphls); MBM; LRPi(Delias); de, jho
3387. POULTON E. B. -SANDERSON A. R. -HARVEY T. R. (1921): Pierine butterflies and
mimetic 1110ths migrating from one valley to another in Selangor, F. M. S. P.E.S.L.
1921: 5-6. As: LHeZy (Psaphis). LHeGe {DysphaniaJ: MBM; LRPi(Delias);Jbo
3388. POULTON E. B. -SEITZ A. (1913): A locustid and a reduviid mirnic of a fossorial
aculeate in the S. Paulo district of SraziL P.E.S.L. 1913: 100-103. Nt; O(Scaphura
nigra). H(Reduviidae. Spiniger ater): MBM; Hy(Pompilidae, Pepsls saphyrus); de
3389. POULTON E. B. -SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (1926): On certain effects of Shock upon
insect developrnent. - (incl. The effect of mechanical shock upon the development o[
the secondary sexual characters of P apilio dardanus, and App. l. A description of
the nine gynanclromorphs of Papilio dardanus.) P.E.S.L. 1: 79-90. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM;
LRDa: ge
3390. POULTON E. S. -TRlMEN R. (1912): Euchelia jacobaeae. L., captured and then
abandoned by a robin. P.E.S.L. 1912: 90-91. P; LHeAt (Thyriajacobaeae); A; jtAv
(Erithacus rubecula)
3391. POULTON E. B. -TURNER R. E. (1919): The close mirnetic resernblance between two
large Chinese sawt1ies. P.E.S. L. 1919: 37. As; Hy (Argidae,.Athermantus imperialls);
MBM: Hy (Cimbicidae, Abia vita/Isi); de
3392. POVOLNÝ D. (1977): On the existence of so-called rnirnicry in butterflies. (in czech)
Živa 25 (2): 63-64. LR: MBM: IR: de. .fbo. ge. th
3393. POVOLNÝ D. (1979): The defensive colouration of bush crickets. (in czech) Živa 27
(6): 224-225. AJ, P: O; C. A. MBM: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus); de,jho
3394. POVOLNÝ D. -GREGOR F.. JR. (1946): Burnet moths (Zygaena Fab.) in Moravia and
Silesia. (in czech. engl. summ.) E. Listy (Brnol, E. Ser. 12: 1-100. P; llieZy (Zygaena);
A; ge. fbo. rn
3395. POVOLNÝ D. -PIJÁČEK J. (1949): Contribution to the knowledge of polymorphism
of Zygaena ephialtes L. (in czech. engl. summ.) Acta Rer. Nat. Distr. Ostraviensis 10
(4): I-ll. P: llieZy (Zygaena ephialtes); MBM. A; LHeSn (Amata phegea); ge. tll
3396. POVOLNÝ D. -WEYDA F. (1981): On the glandular character of larval integument in
the genus Zygaena (Lepidoptera. Zygaenidae). Acta. E. Bohemoslov. 78 (5): 273-279.
P: LHeZy (Zljgaena); A: to. de
3397. PHACHT A. (1986): Tarnung. Flucht oder Warnung? Farben der Unken und ihre
biologische Becleutung. Aquarien-Terrarien-Z. 39 (12): 566-569. P: AmSl (Bombina);
3398. PRADHAN S. (1957): The ecology of arid zone insects (exclucling locusts ancl
grasshoppersL Arid. Zone Res.. UNESCO. Paris 8: 199-240. P. Aj; I; C. A; de.fbo
3399. PRAEGER W. V. (1891): Protective colouration in the genus Aegialitis. The Auk 8:
236. Nt: Av (Aegialitis): C: de
3400. PRELL H. (1914): Ober einen Fall von Mimikry durch Schutzstellung. Soc. E. 29: 21-
22. P: I: C: de
3401. PRELL H. (1915): Ober clie Beziehungen zwischen primaren und sekundaren
Geschlechtscharakteren bei Schmetterlingen. Zool. Jahrb. Allg. Zool. Physiol. 35:
ll. P: LR: C. A: tll
3402. PRELL H. (1923): Ober Schutztrachten unci Mimikry. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 18: 336-
345. P: [: A. MBM: I: tll
3403. PRESTON ,J. (1940): A remarkable spicler. Viet. Nat . 57 (2): 39-40. Au; Ar; MBM;
HyMy: de
3404. PRESTON-Mr'\FHAM K. (1977): When is a wasp not a wasp? Wildlife (London) 19 (6):
266-271. P: HyVe (Vespula): MBM: HyVe; de.jbo
3405. PRESTON-MAFHAM K. (1990): Grasshoppers and mantids of the world. 192 pp ..
London. Blandford. W: O. Ma: C. A. MBM: HyMy: de. nv. fbo
3406. PRESTON-MAFHAM R. -PRESTON-MAFHAM K. (1984): Spiclers of the world. 191
pp.. Poole. Blandforcl. W; Ar; C: de. nv.jbo
3407. PRIORE R. (1967): Ricerche sulla Zamacra flabellaria Heey. (Lepidoptera.
Geometridae). Boll. Lab. E. Agr. Filippo Silvestri 25: 35-45. P: LHeGe (Zamacra
.Ilabellaria): C: Pl: de../bo
3408. PRlTSCHETT A. E. (1903): Some experiments in feeding lizards with protectively
coloured insects. Biol. Bull. 5: 271-287. Ne: I; A:jtSr
3409. PROCHNOW O. (1906): Ober die Farbung cler Lepicloptera. Einige Momente mr unci
gegen Mimikry, Selektion. Deszenden. Intern. E. Z. Guben p. 20sq. L; C. A. MBM; L;
ge. tli
3410. PROCHNOW O. (1907): Die Mimikry-Theorie. Intern. E. Z. Guben 1: 2. lO. 17. 26.
30. 33.41. 47. 54. 62. 71. 79. 88. 96. 103. 112. 117. I; C. A. MBM. MO; I: de. th. ge.
1918: 164-165. Nt; LHe (Castniidae. Castnia eryctna); MBM; LR (Erycinidae. Xenandria
pelopia): cle
3418. PROUT L. B. -JOICEY J. J. (1922):Sexual dimorphism and mimicry in Geometrids
of the genus Bordeta Walk. P.E.S.L. 1922: 91-94. As; LHeGe (Bordeta); MBM; LR; de
3419. PRYER H. J. S. (1885): On two remarkable cases of mimicry from Elopura. Brit.
North Borneo. T. E .S.L. 1885: 369-374 . Pl. 10. As; CoCe ( Coloborhombus
.fasciatipennis); MBM; Hy (Pompilidae. Mygnimima ariculus); de.jbo
342(). PRZIBRAM H. (1921): Physiologie der Anpassung. I. 1. Mimikry. Ergeb. Physiol. 19:
? J: C. A. MBM. MO: J:.ft
3421. PRZIBRAM H. -BRECHERL. (1919): Ursachen tierischer Farbkleidung. 1., II. Roux'
Arch. Entwicklllngsmechanik 45:? An: C. A. MBM; An; de.jbo. th. ge
3422. PRZIBRAM H. -BRECHERL. (1920): Ursachen tierischer Farbkleidung. III, IV. Roux'
Arch. Entwicklungsmechanik 46:? An: C. A. MBM; An; de.jbo. th. ge
3423. PRZIBRAM H. -BRECHERL. (1921): Ursachen tierischer Farbkleidung. V., Vl. Roux'
Arch. Entwicklungsmechanik 47:? An: C. A. MBM; An; de.jbo. tll. ge
3424. PRZIBRAM H. -BRECHER L. (1922): Ursachen tierischer Farbkleidung. VII.. VlIl.
Roux' Arch. Entwicklungsmechanik 48: ? An: C. A. MBM; An: de.Jbo. th. ge
Arch.. Entwicklungsmechanik 49: ? An: C. A. MBM; An; de:jbo. th. ge
3426. PRZIBRAM H. -BRECHER L. (1924): Ursachen tierischer Farbkleidung. X. Roux'
Arch. Entwicklllngsmechanik 50:? An: C. A. MBM;.An; de.jbo. th. ge
3427. PUNNETT R. C. (1905): Mendelism. Cambridge. Macmillan & Bowes. (2nd ed. 1908,
3rd eci. 1911, New York. Macmillan). As; LR; MBM; LR; ge. th
3428. PUNNETT R. C. (1910): Mimicry in Ceylon butterf1ies with a suggestion as to the
natme ofpolymorphism. Spolia Zeylan. 7: 1-24, Pt. 25. (note: Am. Nat. 45: 190-192
[1911]. ) A s: LR: MBM: LR: cle, ge, th,jbo
As: LR:Jr
3430. PUNNETT R. C. (1913): Mendelism. mutation and mimicry. Bedrock 2 (July): 146-
164. LR; MBM: LR: ge. tll
3431. PUNNETT R. C. (1914): More mendelism and mimicry. Bedrock 2 (Jan.):
LR: MBM: LR: ge. tll
3432. PUNNETT R. C. (1915): Mimicry in butterf1ies. 188 pp .• Cambridge, Univ. Press.
(review: Nature 97: 237-238; E. B. POlllton) W: LR; MBM; LR; ge. th. de. rw. bm
3433. PUNNETT R. C. (1927): Mendelian inheritance of a remarkable pale variety of larva
in Abraxas grossulariataL. P. E.S.L. 2: 68. P; LHeGe (Abraxas grossulariata, laroae):
3434. PUNNETT R. C. (1933): Inheritance of egg-colollr inthe "parasitic" cuckoos. Nature
132: 892-893. W: Av Ov (Cuculidae): MP; AvOv; ge
3435. PURCELLJ. E. (1980): Inflllence of siphonophore behavior upon their natural diets:
evidence for aggressive mimiCl)'. Science 209 (4460): 1045-1046. S; Cl (Siphonophora);
MP: Cr (Copepoda), Ps; jbo, cle
3436. PURI 1. M. (1931): Fauna ofLahore. I. Butterflies ofLahore. Bull. Dep. Zool. Panjab
Univ. 1: 1-61. As: LR: C. MBM: LR: cle
3437. PUTS C. (1987): A'Argiope fascile conquiert la Montague Saint-Pierre. Reserves Nat.
(Bruxelles) 1987 (2): 41-47. P: Ar (Araneidae. Argiope jasciata); A; de.jbo
3438. PYECRAFTW. P. (1925): Camouflage in natme. xi+280pp.. London. 2nd rev. ed. An;
C: cle, jbo. bm, nv
3439. PYLE R. L. (1992): Rare and unllsllal marines. A hybrid angelfish Centropyge
flavissimlls x eibli. Freshwater Mar. Aquar. 15 (3): 99-212. S; Ps (Chaetooontidae.
Centropyge); MBM; Ps (Acallthuriclae. AcantllUnLS pyrojerus); de.jbo
3440. QUEDENFELDT G. (1889): ? Berl. E. Z. 33: 2. J; MBM; J; th
3441. QurCKE D. L. J. (1984): Are some rogadine (Hym.: Braconidae) puparia hoverfly
mimics? Proc. T rans. Br. E. NaL Hist. Soc. 17 (1-2): 60. P; Hy (Braconidae. Rogas.
Aleiocles. pupae): MBM: D: de
3442. y QUlCKE D. L. J. (1986): Warning coloratioll and mimicry. Amateur E. Soc. 7: 74-80.
J, Ar: C, A. MBM: J: de. Jho
3443. QUICKE D. L. J. (1986): Preliminary notes on homeochromatic associations within
and between the Afrotropical Braconinae (Hym., Braconidae) and Lamiinae (Col.,
Cerambycidae). E. Month. Mag. 122: 97-109. Aj; CoCe (Lamiinae): MBM; Hy
(Braconidae); de. Jbo
3444. QUILTER H: G. (POULTON COMM.) (1933J: The Danaine butterfly Tirumala
petiverana, Dbl.-Hew., assembling for the night on leafless trees at Kilossa, T. T., E.
Africa. P.R.E.S.L. 8: 145. AJ: LRDa (Tirumala petiverana): A;jbo
3445. RABAUD E. (1915): Sur un cas ressemblance mimétique sans valeur protective.
Bu!' Soc. Zool. Fr. 40: 56-63. P: Arthropoda; MO: ?: de
3446. RABAUD E. (1923): Recherches sur la variation chromatique et l'homochromie des
Arthropodes terrestres. Biol. Bull. Paris 57: 1-69. P; Arthropoda: C: de,jbo. th
3447. RACHELl T. -PARISET L. (1992): II genere Battus: tassonomia e storia naturale.
(Mimetismo, pp. 22-26) Fragmenta E. (Roma) 23, Supp!. 163 pp. Ne; LRPa(Battus);
A. MBM: LR: de. Jbo
3448. RADFORD A P. (1985): Spotted flycatcher feeding bumble bee to nestlings. Brit.
Birds 78 (5): 243. P: HyAp(Bombus pastommJ: A;jtAv(Muscicapa striata)
3449. RAINBOW W.J. (1895): "Hymenopterous galls simulating the appearance of larvae."
Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 1895: 382. Au; Hy(Cynipiclae, galZs): MO: insect
larvae: de
3450. RAINBOW W. J. (1898): "Resemblance of two ends of Lepidopterous larva". Rec.
Austral. Mus. 3: 81. Au; L(larvae): MO; de
3451. RAINBOW W. J. (1908): Notes on mimicry and variation. Rec. Austral. Mus. 7: 69.
Au; I: MBM, MO; I: de, th
3452. RALPH C. P. (1976): Natural food requirements of the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus
fasciatus (Hcmiptera: Lygaeidael, and their relation to gregariousness and host plant
morphology. Oecologia (Ber!.) 26: 157-175.P; H(Lygaeidae,
A;jbo. tll
3453. RAMMERT U. (1987): The defensive biology of the larvae of Amata (SyntomisJ phega
L. andAmata (Syntomis) kuhlweini Lef. (Lepidoptera. Ctenuchidae). Nota Lepidoptero!.
10 (3): 183-192. P: UIeSn(Amataphega, Amata kuhlweini, larvae): A;jbo, to
3454. RAND AS. (1954): A defense display in tbe salamander Ambystoma jeffersonianum.
Copeia 1954: 223-224. Ne; AmCcl(Ambystomajeffersonianum); A;jbo
3455. RAND A S. (1967): Predator-prey interactions and the evolution of aspect diversity.
Atas. Simp. Biota Amazonica 5: 73-83. Nt: An; C, A; Jt, jbo
3456. RAND AS. -ORTLEB E. P. (1969): Defensive display in the colubrid snake Pseustes
poecilonotus shropshirei. Herpetologica 25: 46-48. Ne; ReOp (Pseustes poecilonotus);
MBM; ReOp(Viperidae); de,fbo
3457. RANDALLJ. E. (1960): A new species of Acanthurus from the Caroline Islands, with
notes on the systematics of other Indo-Pacific surgeon fishes. Pacific ScL 14: 267-
279. S: Ps(Acant/mridae. Acanthurus); MBM; Ps; de
3458. RANDALLJ. E. -EMERY AR. (1971): On the resemblance orthe young of the fishes
Platax pinnatus and Plectorhynchus chaetodontoides to flatworms and nudibranch.
Zoologica (New York) 56 (3J: 115-119. S; Ps (Platax pillnatus. Plectorhynclws
chaetodontoides); MBM: Turbellaria, Mo(Gastropoda. Nudibranchia); de
3459. RANDALLJ. E. -GUÉZÉ P. (1980J: The goatfish Mulloidichthys mimicus sp. n. (Pisces,
Mullidae) from Oceania. a mirníc of tbe snapper Lutjanus kasrníra (Pisces. Lu1janidae).
Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Paris (Zoo!. Biol. Eco!. Anim.)2 (2): 603-609. S: Ps
(Mullidae. Mu[loiclichthys mimicus): MBM; Ps(Luganidae. Luganus kasmira); cle
3460. RANDALLJ. E. -KUITER R. H. (1989): Thejuvenile Indo-Pacific grouper Anyperodon
leucogrammicus. a lllill1ic of tbe wrasse Halichoeres purpurascens and allied apecies,
with a review of the recent literature on mill1icry in fishes. Rev. France Aquariol.
Herpetol. 16 (2): 51-56. S; Ps(Serranidae. Anyperodon leucogrammicus); MBM; Ps
(Labridae. Halic/weres purpurascens); de. rw
3461. RANDALL J. E, -RANDALL H. E. (1960): Examples of mimicry and protective
resemblance in tropical marine fishes. Bull. Mar. ScL Gulf & Caribbean 10: 444-
480. S: Ps(Bleniiclae. Aspidontus): MP: Ps(Labridae. Labroicles); de.jbo
3462. RASKE A G. (1967): Morphologica! and behavioral mimicry among beetles of the
g:enus Moneilema. Pan-Pacific E. 43: 239-244. Ne; CoTe (Monei1ema); MBM; CoTe
(Eleodes): cle.. /bo
3463. RATCLIFE B. C. (1990): Unusual method of pattern dismption in an Amazonian
scarab beetle. Bol. Mus. Para Emilio Goeldi Zool. 6 (2): 109-113. Nt; Co (Scarabaeidae.
Cnemida retusa): C: de
3464. RATRAY (1913): ..Birds and butterflies." Entomologist 6: 334. P; LR;jtAv
3465. RAUBENHEIMER D. (1989): Cyanoglycoside gynocardin from Acraea horta (L.)
(Lepidoptera: Acraeinae): possible implications for evolution of acraeine host choice.
J. Chem. Ecol. 15 (8): 2177-2187. Aj; LRAc (Acraea horta); A; to
3466. RAWLINS J. E. -LEDERHOUSE R. C. (1978): The influence of enviromental factors
on roosting in the Black Swallowtail, Papilio polyxenus asterias Stoll (Papilionidae).
J. Lepid. Soc. 32: 145-159. Ne; LRPa (Papilio polyxenus); C. A;.fbo
3467. RAWSON G. W. -BELLINGER P. F. (1953): Sparrows feeding on congregating Papilio.
Lepid. News 7: 27. Ne: LRPa (Pailio): A:jtAv (Passer domesticus)
3468. RAYLEIGH LORD (POULTON COMM.) (1923): The optica1 interpretation of the visibility
of the upper-when looked at through the under-surface pattern of certain butterflies.
P.E.S.L. 1923: 40-43. P: LR: C. A;.fbo
3469. RAYLEIGH LORD (1930): Iridescent colours in nature from the standpoint of physical
optics. J. Sci. Instmments 7: 34-40. An; Mt; de. th
3470. RAYLEIGH LORD (1930): The iridescent colours of birds and insects. Proc. Roy. Soc.
128: 624-641. Au. I; Mt; de. th
3471. RAYMENT T. (1950): New bees and wasps. XIII.. XIV. Viet. Nat. 67: 20-25. 10 I-ll1.
Au; HyAp: MBM: HyVe: de
3472. RAYMOND D. L. (1984): Wild birds prefer the familiar of striped and unstriped arrificia1
prey. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 23 (2-3): 229-235. P; Ao; C. A;jtAv
3473. RAYMOND D. L. -ALLEN J. A. (1990): Wild birds prefer the familiar colour pattern
when feeding on similar artificial morphs. Oikos 57 (2): 175-179. P; Ao; C, A; jtAu
3474. REBEL H. (1898): Ober die biologische Bedeutung der Farbung im Tierreiche. 25
pp.. Wien. An: C. A. MBM: An: de, .fbo, th. bm
3475. REBOUSSIN R. (1931): Le mimétisme du point de vue peintre. Oiseau (Paris) 1: 40-
42. P: Au: C:.fbo
3476. REDONDO T. -REYNA L. A. DE (1988): Voca1 mimicry of hosts by great spotted
cuckoo Clamator glandarius: further evidence. Ibis 130 (4): 540- 544. P; Av (Clamator
glandarius); MP; Av (Corvus corone, Pica pica); de
3477. REED C. S. (1928): Concordancias en el colorido de diversas insectos de la fauna
chilena. Rev. Univ. Santiago 3: 311-317. Nt; I; C. A, MBM; I; de
3478. REGOS J. -SCHLUTER A. (1984): Erste Ergebnisse zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie von
Lithodytes lineatus (Schneider, 1799) (Amphibia: Leptodacty1idaeJ. Salamandra 20
(4): 252-261. As; AmSl (Litllodytes lineatus); A;.fbo
3479. REH L. (1903): ..Mimicry." Berlin. E. Z. 1903: 5-6. I; C. A. MBM; I; de, tll
3480. REH L. (1920): Die Wespenmimikry der Sesien. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 70: 99-
112. P; LHe (Sesiidae); MBM; HyVe; de
3481. REHN J. A. G. (1 944): On the significance of 10ca1ised coloration in the creosote
bush locust (Bootetrix) (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Acridinae). E. News (Lancaster) 55:
158-164. Aj; O (Bootetrix): A: to
3482. REICHENAU W. V. (1878) : We1che Bedeutung haben die geweihartigen Kiefer und
Homer der Blatthornkafer? Kosmos 2 (4): 56-57. W: Co (Lamellicornia); MP;jtAv
3483. REICHENSPERGER A. (1924): Neue sudamerikanische Histeriden als Gaste von
Wanderameisen und Termiten. ll. Rev. Suisse Zool. 31: 117-153. Nt: Co (Histeridae);
MBM: H JMy, [soptera: de
3484. REICHENSPERGER A. (1925): "Ameisenmimikry" und ..Metiike Myrmecoidie". Biol.
Zentra1bl. 45: 290·303. Co. H. Ar: MBM: HyMy; tll
3485. REICHENSPERGER A. (1926): Cryptomimus, eine neue myrmecoide Staphy1iniden
gattung. Zool. Anz. 69: 113-125. Nt; CoSt (Cryptomimus); MBM. MP; HyMy; de
3486. REICHER T (1897): "Larva of Deilephila euphorbiae eaten by cuckoo." mustr.
Wochenschr. 2: 160 . P: LHe (Spllingidae, Dei/ephila euphorbiae, laroae); A;jtAv (Cucu1us
3487. REICHHOLF J. (1977): Mimikry beim Barenspinner Spilarctia lubricipeda L.
(Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Spixiana 1 (1): 41-44. P: LHeAt (Spilarctia lubricipeda); MBM:
LHeAt (Spilosoma mentllastri); de
3488. REICHL E. R. (1958): Zygaena ephialtes L. -I. Formenverteilung und Rassengrenzen
im niederosterreichischen Raum. Z. Wien. E. Ges. 43: 250-265. P: UieZy (Zygaena
ephia1tes): A. MBM: llieSn (Amata phegeaJ; ge
3489. REICHL E. R. (1959J: Zygaena ephialtes L. -II. Versuch einer Deutung der Rassen
und Formenverteilung auf populationsgeneLischer Basis. Z. Wien E. Ges. 44: 50-64.
P: LJIeZy (Zygaena ephia1tes): A. MBM: UieSn (Arnata phegeaJ; ge
3490. REICHSTEIN T. (1967): Cardenolide (herzvvirksame Glykoside) als Abwehrstoffe
InsekLen. NaLurw. Rundsch. 20: 499-511. I; A: to, tll
3511. REMUS K. (1908): Mimikry. Z. Deutsch. Ges. Wiss. Posen, Naturw. Abt. 15: 39. P:
Ar: C, MBM: HUMy: de
3512. RENNIE cl. (1914): Egg coloration in the cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, and Hs bearing
upon the theory of cuckoo subspecies. Proc. Roy. Physic. Soc. Edinburgh 19: 97-
107. P: AvOv (Cucu[us canorHs): MP: AvOv; tll
3513. RENSCH B. (1924): Zm Entstehung der Mimikry der Kuckuckseier. J. Ornithol. 72 :
461-472. P; Avbv (Cuculus carwrus); MP; AvOv: tll
RETTENMEYER C. W. (1962): Notes on host specifity and behavior of myrmecophilous
macrochelid mites. J. Kansas E. Soc. 35: 358-360. Ne: Acanna (Macrocllelidae); MP:
HyMy: de,Jbo
3515. RETTENMEYER C. W. (1962): Behavior, abundance and host specificity of mites
found on Neotropical army ants. Verhandl. Intern. Kongr. E., 11th, Wien 1960, 1:
610-612. Nt; Acarina; MP: HyMy (Eciton, larvae); de,foo
3516, RETTENMEYER C. W. (1970): Insect mimicry. Ann . Rev. E. 15: 43-74. W; I; C, A,
MBM. MP: I: th. ge. de. rw
3536. RICHARDSON C. H. (1914): Some comments on the value of warning colours and
mimicry in insects. Psyche 21: 136-137. Ne: I: A, MBM; I; th
3537. RICKER M. (1903): Animal counterfeits. Bull. Univ. Montana 17: 242-248. Ne; An;
MBM: An: tll. cle
3538. RIDLEY H. N. (POULTON COMM.) (1932); The tree-viper-like larva of the Oriental
hawkmoth. Theretra s. silhetensis. Wa1ker. P.E.S.L. 7: 105-106. As; llie (Sphingiclae.
Theretru silhetensis. laruae): MBM: ReOp (Lacllesis wagler Lachesis gmmineus):
3539. RIDLEY H. N. (1894): Caterpillars mimicking tree-snake. and cluster of caterpillars
mimicking a fruit. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 1894-95: 2. As; L (larvae); MBM, C: ReOp
(Lachesis wagleri), Pl ({ruit): cle
3540. RIDLEY H. N. (J 934); Comments on the discussion o 7 December 1933, with additiona!
evidence on the efficiency of specia! protection and warning characters etc. P.R.E.S.L.
9: 9-10. Afl: C. A: tll
3541. RIDLEY H. N. (1934): Further observations made in Singapore, upon geckos and
distasteful moths and upon a luminous coleopterous, probably Rhagophtha1mid,
larva. P.R.E.S.L. 9: 58-60. As: LHeZy; A:JtReSr (Gekkonic1ae)
3542. RIDOUT B. V. (1987): The enigma of the lantern. Wildlife (London) 19 (5): 209-211.
Nt; Ho (Fulgoric1ae, Fulgam laternaria): MBM; Re (Crocaclylia); cle, tll
3543. RIED J. B. (1984): Bird coloration: predation, conspicuousnes and the unprofitable
prey model. Anim. Behav. 32: 294-295. P; Au; C. A;jt
3544. RIEK E. F. (1970): Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants). Pp. 867-959 in: lnsects of
Austra1ia. Carlton (Victoria), Melbourne Univ. 1029 pp., Press. Au; Hy; MBM. MP;
HyMy: cle.. flJa. bm
3545. RIJST H. V. D. (1990): Colorful misunderstanding. LitL Serpentium. (engl. ed.) 10
(5): 206-211. Nt: ReOp (Lampropeltis. Micrurus): MBM: ReOp (Erytllrolamprus): cle. tll
3546. RILEY A. M. -LOXDALE H. D. (1988): Possible adaptive significance of "tail"structure
in .,fa1se head"lycaenid butterflies. E. Rec. J. Var. JOO (2-3): 59-61. W; LRLn; MFIl: tll
3547. RILEY C. V. (1871): Third annua1 report on the noxious. benefica1, and other insects
of the State of Missouri. 175 pp.. Jefferson City. Miss. (Mimicry pp. 163-168) Ne: I;
C, A. MBM: I: IíAu
3548. RILEY C. V. (1890): "Resemblance between Platypsyllus and MaJlophaga." Insect
Life 2: 201. P: Co (Platypsyllidae. Platypsyllus); MO; Malophaga; de
3549. RITI.AND D. B. (1990): Loca1ized interspecific hybridization between mimetic Limenitis
butterflies (Nymphalidae) in Florida. J. Lepid. Soc. 44 (3); 163-173. Ne; LRLi (Limenitis
arcllippl1s. Limenitis arthemis); MBM: LRDa (Danaus gilippus); ge
3550. RITLAND D. B. (1991): Pa1atability of aposematic queen butterflies (Danaus gilippus)
feeding on Sarcostemma clausum (Asclepiadaceae) in Florida. J. Chem. Eco!. 17 (8);
1593-1610. Ne: LRDa (Danaus gilippl1s): A; to
3551. RITLAND D. B. (1991): Unpa1atability of viceroy butterflies (Limenitis archippus)
and their surported mimicry models , Florida queens (Danaus gilippus). Oecologia
88 (I): 102-108. Ne: LRLi (Lúnenitis archippus); MBM: LRDa (Danaus gilippus);jiAv
3552. RITLAND D. B. (1991): Revising a classic butterfly mimicry scenario; Demonstration
of M uellerian mimicry between Florida viceroys (Limenitis archippus floridensis) and
queens (Danaus gilippus berenice). Evolution 45 (4): 918-934. Ne; LRLi (Limenitis
arcllipPlLS): MBM: LRDa (Danaus giliPPlLS);.fiAU. tll
3553. RITLAND D. B. -BROWER L. P. (1991): The viceroy butterfly is not a Batesian mimic.
Nature 350 (6318): 497-498. Ne: LRLi (Limenitis arcllippus); MBM; LRDa (Danaus
gilippl1s): JiAu, tll
3554. RITSEMA C. C. (1911): Protective resemblance between the species of Nothopeus
Pase. and fossoria! wasps. Notes Mus. Leiden 34: 22-24. As; CoCe (Notllapeus); MBM;
Hy (Pompilic1ae): de
3555. ROBBINS J. (1991): Prectator-avoidance strategies in the Lepidoptera. Exmoor Nat.
17: 57-63. L; C, A. MBM: L; tll
3556. ROBBINS R. K. (1978): Bebavioral ecology and evolutlon of hairstreak buUerflies
(Lepidoptera: L ycaenidae). 146 pp., Tufts University, Medford, Mass. Dissertation.
Ne: LRLn: MFh: de,Jbo
3557. ROBBlNS R. K. (I 980): The Iycaenid "false head" hypothesis: Historica1 review and
quantitative analysis. J. Lepid. Soc. 34: 194-208. W; LRLn: MFh; cle. .fbo. tll, nvJt (Aves)
3558. ROBBlNS R. K. (1981); Tbe .. fa1se head" hypothesis: Predation and wing patern variation
of L ycaenid butterflies. Am. Nat. 118 (5): 770-775. W; LRLn; MFh;JiAu,.fbo. tll
3559. ROBBINS R K. (1985): Indenpendent evolution of .,false heaď' behavior in Riodinidae.
J. Lepid. Soc. 39 (3): 224-225. Nt: LR (Erycinidae); MFh; de,jbo
3560. ROBER ,J. (1900): "Destruction of butterflies by birds." IlIustr. Z. E. 5: 383. P; LR;JtAv
3561. ROBER J. (1905): Die sogenannten "Schwanze" der Lepidoptera. Stettin E. Z. 66:
247-259. W: L: MO: th
3562. ROBER.J. (1921): Ober Mimikry und verwandte Erscheinungen bei Schmetterlingen.
E. M itt. 10: 23-30, 34-40. 68-74. W; IR; C, A, MBM; IR; de, th
3563. ROBER J. (1924): Mimikry. Pp. 434-435 in: Seitz T.: Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde
V. Amerikanische Tagfalter. Stúttgart. Ne. Nt; LR; MBM; LR; de
3564. ROBERTS R. B. (1971): Biology of the crepuscular bee Ptiloglossa guinnae n. sp.
with notes on associated bees, mites, and yeasts. J. Kans. E. Soc. 44: 295-301. Ne;
HyAp (Odyneropsis gertschiJ; MBM; HyVe (Polybia mexicana); de
3565. ROBERTS T. R (1990): Mimicry of prey by fin-eating fishes of the African characoid
genus Eugnathichthys (Pisces: Distichodidae). Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters 1 (1):
23-31. i\f: Ps (Distichodidae, Eugnathichthys); MP: Ps (Mesoborus crocodilus.
Synodontis): de. jbo
3566. ROBERTSON H. M. (1985): Female dimorphism and mating behaviour in a damselfly,
Ischnura ramburi: Females rnimicking males. Anim. Behav. 33 (3): 805-809. Ne:
OdonaLa (Isc/mura ramburi); MO; ge, de, jbo
3567. ROBINSON G. (1982): A surprising shrimp. Noticias GaIapagos 35: 22. S; Cr
(Decapoda): MBM; Cl (Antipathes galapagoensis); de,jbo
3568. ROBINSON G. S. (1969); New species of Macrolepidoptera and a mirnicry complex
from Fiji. E. Rec. J. Var. 81: 191-199. Au; LHe (Lymantriidae); MBM ; L; de
3569. ROBINSON G. S. -CARTER D. ,J. (1989): The first vespiform tineid moth (Lepidoptera:
Tineidae). Syst. E. 14 (3): 259-273. As; LHe (Tineidae, Vespitinea gurkharum); MBM;
HyVe: de,jbo
3570. ROBINSON H. C. (1903): Report on tigre beetles (Cicindelidae). Fascie. Malay. Zool.
1: 179-183. As: CoCi; M; Co: de
3571. ROBINSON H. C. (1907): Mimikry among CoIeoptera. T.E.S.L. 1907: 31. As; Co;
MBM; Co: de
3572. ROBINSON M. H. (1966): Anti-predator adaptation in stick-and leaf-mimicking
insects. D. Phil. thesis, Oxford University. W: I; C: Pl; de,jbo, th, rUJ, bm, ge
3573. ROBINSON M. H. (1968): The defensive behaviour of Pterinoxylus spinulosus
Redtenbacher, a winged stick insect from Panama (Phasmatodea). Psyche 75: 195-
207. Nt; Ph (Pterinoxylus spinulosus); C; Pl:jbo
3574. ROBINSON M. H. (1968): The defensive behaviour of the Javanese stick insect, Orxines
'macklotti de Haan, with a note on the startle display of Matriotes diocIes Westw.
(Phasmatodea, Phasmidae). E. Month. Mag. 104: 46-54. As; Ph (Orxines macklotti,
Metriotes dioe/es): C, A: Pl; de
3575. ROBINSON M. H. (1968): The startle display of Balboa tibialis (Brunner] (Orthoptera,
Tettigoniidae). E. Month. Mag. 104: 88-90. Nt; O (Balboa tibialis); A; de
3576. ROBINSON M. H. (1968): The defensive behaviour of the stick insect Oncotophasma
martini (Griffini) (Orthoptera: Phasmatidae). P.R.E.S.L. (A)43: 183-187. Nt; Ph
(Oncotophasma martini); C: Pl: de
3577. ROBINSON M. H. (1969); Defences against visually hunting predators. Evo!. Biology
3: 225-259. W: 1: C, A. MBM, 1v1O; Pl, H!JMy, ReOp; de,jbo, rUJ, th
3578. ROBINSON M. H. (1969): The defensive behaviour of some orthopteroid insects from
Panama. T.RE.S.L. 121: 281-303. Nt; O; C; Pl; de,jbo
3579. ROBINSON M. H. (1970): Animals that mimié parts of plants, Morris Arboretum
Bull. (Philadelphia) 21: 51-58. Nt: An; C; Pl; de
3580. ROBINSON M. H. (1970): Insect anti-predator adaptations and the behaviour of
predatory prirnates. Actas IV. Congreso Latinoamericano Zoologia-Caracas, 2: 811-
836. Nt: I: C, A, MBM: Pt I:JtMm (Primates)
3581. ROBINSON M. H. (1973); The evolution of cryptic postures in insects, with special
reference to some New Guinea tettigoniids (Orthopíera). Psyche 80 (3): 159-165. Au;
O (Acauloplacella immunis, Phyllophora); C: Pl; de,jbo, ge
3582. ROBINSON M. H. (1981): A stick is a stick and not worth eating: On the definition of
mimicry. Bio!' J. Linn. Soc Land. 16 (1): 15-20. I; C; Pl: th
3583. ROBINSON M. H. (1990): Predator-prey interactions. informational complexity. and
the origins ofintelligence. Pp. 129-149 in: Evans D. L.. SchmidtJ. O. (eds.): Insect
defences (Adaptive mechanisms and strategies of prey and predators). State Univ. of
New York Press. Ni: I: C. A:Jt. tll
3584. ROBINSON M. H. -LUBIN Y. D. (1979): Specialists and generalists: the ecology and
behaviour of some web-building spiders from Papua New Guinea. l. Pacific Insects
21: 97-132. Au: Ar: C: Pl: de.. fbo
3585. ROBINSON R (1971): Lepidoptera genetics. (Chap. V. Evolution of mimicry. pp.
160-183).687 pp .. Oxford. Pergamon. W: LR; MBM; LR; ge
3586. ROBSON G. C. -RlCHARDS O. W. (1936): The variation of animals in nature. London,
Longmans. W; An: C. A. MBM: An; de, Jbo. ge, bm
3587. ROCCI U. (1906): Sul mimetismo nei Lepidotteri. Atti Soc. Ligustica ScL Nat. Geogr.
Genova 17: 165-179. P; L; A. MBM; L; de, th
3588. ROCCI U. (1909): Ancora sul mimetismo nei Lepidotteri (mimetismo e variazione).
Atti Soc . Ligustica Sci. Nat. Geogr. Genova 20: 158-193. P: L; A. MBM; L; de, ge
3589. ROCCI U. (1915): Di una sostanza velenosa contenuta nelle zigene. Atti Soc. Ligustica
ScL Nat. Geogr. Genova 26: 71-107. P: UieZy (Zygaena); A; to
3590. ROCCI U. (1917): Sur une substance contenue dans les Zygenes. Arch. Ital. Biol.
1917: 73. P: LHeZy (Zygaena); A; to
3591. ROCQUlGUY-ADANSON (1901): "Pieris rapae, protective attitude." Feuille Natural
31: P: LRPi (Pieris rapae): A;jho, de
3592. ROELOFS W. (1878): "Causes of colour in insects. " Compt. Rend. Soc. E. Belgue,
Ser. 2, 20: 59. 21: 266. As: CoCu: MBM; Co: de
3593. ROESKE C. N. -SEIBER J. N. -BROWER L. P. -MOFFIT C. M. (1976): Milkweed
cardenolides and their comparative processing by monarch butterf1y (Danaus
plexippus L.). Rec. Adv. Phytochem. 10: 93-167. Ne; LRDaDp; A; to
3594. ROESLER R U. -KUPPERS P. V. (1977): Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna
Sumatras. Teil 6: Betrachtungen zum Problemkreis "Mimikry" am Beispiel
sudostasiatischer Insekten. (a) Die verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen der Mimikry.
Beitrage Naturk. Forsch. Siidwestdeutschl. 36: 113-151. As; L; MBM, C: L: de,.fbo
3595. ROESLER R-U. (1987): Mimikry und Phylogenie. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 111 (3-4):
257-259. (reprint: Atalanta 18 (1-2): 195-203.) As; LRPa (Papilio machaon,
Atrophaneura coon, Atrophaneura nox): MBM, A: LRPa (Pharmacophagus); tll
3596. ROESSLER C. (1983): A crioniďs arm. Glimpsing the ghost pipefish. Oceans 16 (1):
36-37. S; Ps (Solenostomatidae, Solenostomus paradoxus); MBM: Echinodermata
(Crinoidea): de'.fbo
3597. ROGERS l. J. (1881): Colours of British butterf1ies. Nature 23: 435-436 (with note of
W. C. Ley, p. 458). P: L: C, A: de,jho
3598. ROGERS K. S. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1909): Heredity in the female forms of
Hypolimnas misippus. P. E. S.L. 1909: 36-37. Aj; LRNm (Hypolimnas misippus); MBM;
LRDa: ge
3599. ROGERS K. S. A. (POULTON COMM. ) (1911): Heredity in the female forms of Hypolinmas
misippus. P.E.S.L. 1911: 44. AJ; LRNm (Hypolimnas misippus): MBM; LRDa; ge
3600. ROGERS K. S. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1912): Heredity in the female forms of
Hypolimnas misippus. P. E. S. L. 1912: 73-74. Aj; LRNm (Hypolimnas misippus): MBM;
LRDa: ge
3601. ROGERS K. S. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1916): Experiments on spiders with buterf1y
food and observations on the attacks of birds on butterf1ies in British East Africa.
P.E.S.L. 1916: 74-76. AJ; LR; C. A:JtAv,JtAr
3602. ROGERS K. S. A. (1910): Some East African butterf1ies. J. East Afr. Ugan. Soc. 1:
41-44. AI: LR; MBM; LR; de
3603. ROGERS K. S. A. (1911): Mimicry in East African butterf1ies with special reference
to Danaine models. J. East Afr. Ugan. Soc. 1: 81-92. Aj; LR; MBM; LRDa; de,.fbo
3604. ROGERS K. S. A. (1913): Mimicry in the two sexes of the East-African Lycaenid
Alaena picata E. M. Sharpe. Trans. Congr. E. Oxford 2: 220. Aj; LRLn (Alaena picata);
3605. ROGERS K. S. A. (1921): Forms of Papilio dardanus Brown, from Nairobi and the
higher land to the West. P.E.S.L. 1921: 92-93. Aj; LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa; de,.fbo
3606. ROGERS K. S. A. (1921): Mimacraea marshalli Trim. , and its form dohertyi Roths.
P. E. S. L. 1921: 93-95. AJ; LRLn (Mimacraea marshalli); MBM; LRAc; de
3607. ROGERS K. S. A. -POULTON E. B. -TRlMEN R. (1908): Some bionomic notes on
British East Mrican butterflies. T. E. S. L. 1908: 489-557. AJ; LR; C, A, MBM; LR; de,
Jbo, bm
3608. ROHER A. (1924): Uber Farbung und Sinne der Schmetterlinge. Intern. E. Z. Guben
18: 98-100. LR; C, A, MBM; LR;jbo
3609. ROHRMANN G. F. (1977): Misleading mantids. Natural Hist. (New York) 86 (3): 66-
71. Nt: Ma: C. M. P; Pl; de
3610. ROHWER S. (1978): Passerine subadult plurnages and the deceptive acquisition of
recources: test of a critical assumption. Condor 80 (2): 173-179. Ne; Av (Icteridae);
MO; cle. .fIJo
3611. ROHWER S. (1983): Testing the female mimicry hypothesis of delayed plumage
maturation: a comment on Procter-Gray and Holmes. Evolution 37: 421-423. Ne;
Av; MO; th
3612. ROHWER S. -FRETWELL S. D. -NILES D. M. (1980): Delayed maturation in passerine
plumages and the deceptive aquisition of resources. Am. Nat. 115: 400-437. Ne; Av
(Passeriformes): MO; cle,IIJo
3613. ROHWER S. -NILES D. M. (1979): The subadult plumage of male Purple Martins:
Variability, female mimicry, and recent evolution. Z. T ierpsychol. 5l: 282-300. Ne;
Av (Proglle subis); MO; cle,fbo
3614. ROMANES G. J. (1892): Aggressive mimicry. Nature 47: 200. P;DSy(Volucella): MBM,
MP: HyAp (Bambus); de, th
3615. ROMAl'llES G. J. (1892): Darwin und nach Darwin. .. I. Band, die Darwinische Theorie.
(Schutzfarbung: 365-373, Warnungs- oder Trutzfarbungen: 373-377, Mimikry: 377-
383). 542 pp .. Leipzig, Engelman. An; C. A, MBM; cle, bm, rw,jbo
3616. ROOIJ N. DE (1917): The reptiles of the Indo-Australian archipelago, 2, Ophidia.
334 pp. , Leiden. Brill. As; ReOp (Colubridae); MBM; ReOp (Naja); de
3617. ROONWAL M. L. (1938): The frightening attitude of a desert Mantid, Eremiaphlila
braueri Kr. (Orthoptera, Mantodea). P. R. E. S. L. (A)13: 71-72. P; Ma (EremiaphlUa
IJraueri); A: de
3618. ROONWAL M. L. (1947): On the simulation of background colours by the desert
locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Proc. Nat. Inst. Scl.
India 13: 25-28. P: O (Schistocerca gregariaJ; C; de
3619. ROOSEVELT TH. (1910): Mrican game trails: an account of the african waI).derings
of an arnerican hunter-naturalist. xvii+534pp., London. (Appendix E: Protective
coloraiion. pp. 491-512. ) AJ; Mm; C: de.jbo
3620. ROOSEVELTTH. (1911): Revealing and concealing coloration in birds and mammals.
Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 30: 119-231. W; Mm. Av; C, A; de,jbo
3621. ROOSEVELT TH. (1914): Through the Brazilian wilderness. xiv+374pp. , Landon. Nt;
Mill. Av: C. A: de. .fbo
3622. ROPER T. J. (1990): Responses of domestic chicks to artificially coloured insect
prey: Eťfects of previous experience and background colour. Anim. Behav. 39 (3):
466-473. Ao: C. A:jtAv (Gallus gallus)
3623. ROPER T. J. -COOK S. E. (1989): Responses of chicks to brightly coloured insect
prey. Behaviour 110 (1-4): 276-293. Ao; C, A;.ftAv (Gallus gallus)
3624. ROPER T. J. -REDSTON S. (1987): Conspicuousness of distasteful prey affects the
strength and durability of one-trial avoidance learning. Anim. Behav. 35: 739-747.
Ao; C, A: JtAv (Gallus gallus)
3625. ROPER T. J. -WISTOW R. (1986): Aposematic colouration and avoidance learning in
chicks. Q. J. Exp. Psychol. Sect. B. 38 (2): 141-149. Ao; C, A;JtAv (Gallus gallus)
3626. ROS J. (1976): Sistemas de defensa en los Opistobranquios. Oecologie Aquat. 2: 41-
77. S: Mo (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia): A, MBM; de,jbo
3627. ROSA A. F. (1937): The intluence of bird migration upon the distribution of mimetic
species of Lepidoptera I. Entomologist 70: 32-37. W; LR; MBM; LR;JtAv, th
3628. ROSA A. F. (1940): The intluence of bird migration upon the distribution of mimetic
species ofLepidoptera. II. Entomologist 73: 66-67. W; LR; MBM; LR;JtAv, th
3629. ROSENBERG G. (1989): Aposematism evolves by individual selection: evidence from
marine gastropods with pelagic larvae. Evolution 43 (8): 1811-1813. S; Mo
(Gastropoda): A: tll
3630. ROSENBERG G. (1991): Aposematism and synergistic selection in marine gastropods.
Evolution 45 (2): 451-454. S: Mo (Gastropoda); A; th
3631. ROSENBERG W. F. H. (1909): The liabnity of butterflies to attacks of birds and
lizards. P.E.S.L. 1909: 59-62. Nt: LRNm (Actinoe); MBM; LRIt {Pllycoides);jtAv,ftReSr
3632. ROSENBERG W. F. H. (1910): Mimetic Lepidoptera from the Cameroons. P.E.S.L.
1910: 29-30. Ar LR: MBM: LR; de
3633. ROSSI (1893): "Protective resemblance in larva of Acherontia atropos." Boll. Soc.
Rom. Zool. 1: 180. P; llie (Sphingidae, Acherontia atropos, larvae); A, C; de
3634. RGSSLER A. (1861): Gedanken uber die Bedeutung der Malerei auf den
Schmetterlingsmigeln. Wiener E. Monatschr. 5: 163-166. P; llie; C; de, tll
3635. RGSSLER A. (l880): Uber Nachahmung bei lebenden Wesen (OrganismenJ.
insbesondere den Lepidopteren, mit einer Betrachtung uber die Abstammungslehre.
Jahresber. Nass. Ver. 21-22: 232-244. P; L; C, MBM; L, Pl; th
3636. ROTH L. M. (1989): Paranauphoeta rufipes Brunner in Queensland, and a descriptlon
of the fema!e Ca!olampra elegans Roth and Prineis (Dictyoptera: Blattaria: Blaberidae).
Mem. Queensland Mus. 27 (2): 589-597. AU; Blattodea (Calolampra elegans); A; de
3637. ROTHE K. G. (1907): ? Z. Wiss. lnsekt.-Biol. 3: 221. I; C; th
3638. ROTHE K. G. (1908): Die tutamentalenAnpassungen und die Deszendenztheorien.
Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 4: 262-266. I; C; tll
3639. ROTHERAY G. E. (1986): Colour, shape and defence in aphidophagous syrphid larvae
(Diptera). Zaol. J. Linn. Soc. 88 (3): 201-216. P; DSy (larvae); C; Pl, birďs dropping;
3640. ROTHKOPF D. M. (1976): The taste rejection and emetic potency of severa! digita!is
series cardenolicles in the blue jay, Cyanocitta cristata bromia Oberholser. Pp. 1-95
in: Amherst College Senior Honors Thesis. Amherst, MA. Ne; I; A; to,jtAv (Cyanociita
3641. ROTHNEY G. A. J. [POULTON COMM.) (1904): No tlt1e. P.E.S.L. 1904: 72-73. As; D;
MBM: HyAp, HyVe: de
3642. ROTHNEY G. A. J. (1894): "Mimicry of bug by moth." P.E.S.L. 1894: 15. As; llie;
3643. ROTHNEY G. A. J. -WROUGHTON C. R. (1891): Further notes on Indian ants. P.E.S.L.
1891: 10-11. As: Hy (PompiLidae. Rhinopsis nif'rcornis); MBM; HyMy (SúTla mjonigra); de
3644. ROTHSCHILD M. (1960): Defense oclours and Muellerian mimicry among insects.
Verh. ll. Int. Kongr. E. Wien, 257 pp. (reprint: T.E.S.L. 113: 101-121 (1961).) I; A,
MBM: I: lo. de
3645. ROTHSCHILD M. (1961): Comments in Shepparcl P. M. Recent genetica! work on
polymorphic mimetic Papilios. Symp. Roy. E. Soc. Land. 1961: 20-29. Aj; LRPaPd;
MBM: LRDcl: ge. tll
3646. ROTHSCHILD M. (1963): ls the buff ermine (Spilosoma lutea (Huf.]) a mimic or the
whíte ermine [Spilosema lubricepeda (L.))? P.R.E.S.L. (A)38: 159-164. P; llieAt
(Spilosoma lulea): MBM: llieAt (Spilosoma lubricipeda); de, th
3647. ROTHSCHILD M. (1964): A note on the evolutíon of clefensive and repellent odors or
insects. Entomologist 97: 276-280. I; A; to, ge
3648. ROTHSCHILD M. (1964): An extension of Dr. Lincoln Brower's theory on bircl predation
and food specifity. together with some observations on bird memory in relation to
aposematic colour patterns. Entomologist 1964: 73-78. I; A;jtAv, th
3649. ROTHSCHILD M. (1966): Experiments with captlve predators and the poisonous
grasshopper P oekilocerus bufonius (Klug.). P.R.E.S.L. (C )3l: 32. P; O (Poekilocerus
bl.ffonius): A;jtAv, ftMm
3650. ROTHSCHILD M. (1967): Mimicry. the deceptive way of life. Nat. Hist. 76: 44-51. An;
MBM, MP. MO: An:tll
3651. ROTHSCHILD M. (1971): Speculations about mimicry with Henry Ford. Pp. 202-223
in: Creecl R. (ed.): Ecological genetics ancl evolution: 202-223, Oxford, Blackwells.
An:MBM. MP. MO: An: tl1
3652. ROTHSCHILD M. (1972): Colour and poison in insect protection. New Scientist 54:
318-320. I: C. A: to
3653. ROTHSCHILD M. (1972): Secondary plant substances and warning coloration in
insects. lnsect/Plant Relationship (ed. by H. F. van Emden). Symp. Roy. E. Soc.
Lond. 6: 59-83. Oxford. Blackwell. I; A; to. til
3654. ROTHSCHILD M. (1972): Some observations on the reIationship between plants.
toxic insects and birds. Pp. 1-12 in: Harbone J. B. (ed.): Phytochemical ecology.
London & New York. Academic Press. I; A; to ,jtAv
3655. ROTHSCHILD M. (1975): Remarks on carotenoids in the evolution of signals. Pp. 20-
52 in: Gilbert L. E.. Raven P. H. (eds.): Coevolution of animals and plants. Austln.
Univ. of Texas Press. I; A: to. jb o. th
3656. ROTHSCHILD M. (1980): Mimicry. butterflies and plants. Symbolae Bot. Upsal. 22
(4): 82-99. LR: MBM; LR: to. th
3657. ROTHSCHILD M. (1981): The mimicrants must move with the times. Biol. J. Linn.
Soc. Lond. 16 (l): 21-23. An; MBM. MP; An: til
3658. ROTHSCHILD M. (1984): Aide mémoire mimicry. Eco!. E. 9 (3): 311-319. An: MO:
An: th. de
3659. ROTHSCHILD M. (l985): British aposematic Lepidoptera. Pp. 9.:'62 in: Head J. &
Emmeis A. M. (eds.): The moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 2.
460 pp., Essex. HarJey. P: L: A: de.jbo
3660. ROTHSCHILD M. (1985): Charles-Francis Swynnerton et les danaides (Lepidoptera.
Danaidae). Une retrospective. Bull. Soc. E. France 90 (3-4): 1161-1167. AJ; LRDa; A;
366l. ROTHSCHILD M. (1989): Moths and memory. Endeavour (Oxford) 13 (1): 15-19. LHe
(Sphingidae): A: to
3662. ROTHSCHILD M. -APLlN R. T. (1971): Toxins in tiger moths (Arctiidae: Lepidoptera).
ln: Tahori A. S. (ed.): Pesticide chemistry 3: 177-182. London. Gordon & Breach. P:
LHeAt: A: to
LEES R. (1979): Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in arctiid moths (Lep.) with a discussion of
host plant relationships and the role of these secondary plant substances in the
Artiidae. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 12: 305-326. P: LHeAt; A: to
3664. ROTHSCHILD M. -CLAY T. (1952): Fleas. flukes and cuckoos. London. Collins. W;
AvOv (Cuculidae): MP; AvOv; ge.jbo. th. rw. bm
3665. ROTHSCHILD M. -EUW J. V. REICHSTEIN T. (1970): Cardiac glycosides in the
oleander aphid. Aphis nerii. J. Insect Physiol. 16: 1141-1145. P: Ho ( Aphididae.
Aphi5 nerii): A: to
3666. ROTHSCHILD M. -EUW J. V. -REICHSTEIN T. (1972): Some problems connected
with warningly colored insects and toxic defense mechanism. In: Impulse eines Landes
extremer Bedingungen fOr die Wissenschaft. Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von
Fritz Gaerdes. Okahandja. Siidwestafrika. Mitt. Basler Afrika Bibl. 4-6: 135-158. AJ;
I: A: to
3667. ROTHSCHILD M. -EUW J. V. -REICHSTEIN T. (1972): Aristolochic acids stored in
the body tissues of Zerynthia polyxena (Lepidoptera). Insect Biochemistry 2 (7): 334-
343. P: LRPa (Zerynthiapolyxena); A: to
3668. ROTHSCHILD M. -EUW J. V. -REICHSTEIN T. (1973): Cardiac glycosides (heart
poisons) in the polkadot moih Syntomeida epilais Walk. (Ctenuchidae: Lep.) with
some observations on the toxic qualities of Amata (Syntomis) phegea (L.). Proc. Roy.
Soc. Lond. (B) 183: 227-247. As. P; LHeS n (Syntomeida epilai s , Amataphe ge a); A; to
Cardenolide storage in Danaus chrysippus (L.) with additional notes on D. plexippus
(L.). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. (B) 190: 1-31. Ne, AJ; LRDflDp. LRDa (Danau s chrysippus);
A: to
3670. ROTHSCHILD M. -FORD E. B. (1968): Warning signals from a starling (Sturnus
vilgaris) observing a bird rejecting unpalatable prey. Ibis 110; lO4-105. P; I; C, A;
ftAv (S tllrTlUS vulgaris)
�'l671. ROTHSCHILD M. -GARDINER B. -MUMMERY R. (1978): The role of carotenoids in
the .golden glance' of danaid pupae (Insecta: Lepidoptera). J. Zool. Soc. Lond. 186:
351-358. LRDa (pupae): A: to. de
3672. ROTHSCHILD M. -HASKELL P. T. (1966): Stridulation of the garden tiger moth (Arctia
caja (L.)) audible to the hu man ear. P.R.E.S.L. (A)41: 167-170. P;LHeAt (Arctia caja);
3673. ROTHSCHILD M. -KELLET D. N. (1972): Reactions of various predators to insects
storing heart poisons (cardiac glycosides) in their tissues. J. E. (A) 46: 103-110. I; A;
L. S. (1979): A study on the mode of action and composition of a toxin from the
female abdomen and eggs of Arctia caja (L.) (Lep.. Aretiidae): an electrophysiologieal,
ultrastructural and biochemical analysis. Toxicon 17 (3): 285-306. P;LHeAt (Arctia
caja); A: to
3675. ROTHSCHILD M. -LANE C. (1960): Warning and alarm signals by birds seizing
aposematic insects. Ibis 102: 328-330. P; I; A;JtAv
3676. ROTHSCHILD M. -MARSH N. (1978): Some peculiar aspects of danaid/plant
relationship. E. Exp. Appl. 24 (3): 637-650. LRDa; A; to
3677. ROTHSCHILD M. -MARSH N. -GARDINER B. (1978): Cardiactive substances in the
monarch butterfly and Euploea core reared on leaf-free artificial diet. Nature 275:
649-650. Ne. As: LRDaDp, LRDa (Euploea care);A; to
3678. ROTHSCHILD M. -MOORE B. P. -BROWN W. V. (1984): Pyrazines as warning odour
components in the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus and in moths of the genera
Zygaena and Amata (Lepidoptera). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 23 (4): 375-380. AJ P. Au;
LRDaDp. LHeZy (Zygaena lonicerae). LHeSn (Amata);A; to
3679. ROTHSCHILD M. -MUMMERY R. (1985): Carotenoids and bíle pigments in Danaid
and swallowtail butterflies. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 24: 1-14. LRPa, LRDa;A; to
3680. ROTHSCHILD M. -MUMMERYR. -FARRELL C.lI986): Carotenoids of butterfly models
ancl their mil11ies (Lep.: Papilionidae and Nymphalidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 28 (4):
359-372. LRNm: j\1BM: LRPa: to
3681. ROTHSCHILD M. -NASH R. J. -BELL E. A. (1986): Cycasin in the endangered butterfly
EUl11aeus atala tlOlida. Phytochemistry 25: 1853-1854. Ne; LRLn (Eumaeus mala); A; to
3682. ROTHSCHILD M. -PARSONS J. (1962): Pharmacology of the poison gland of the
locust Poekilocerus bufonius Klug. P.R.E.S.L. (C) 27: 21-22. P; O (Poekilocerus
bufonius);A; to
Toxic Lepidoptera. Toxicon 8: 293-299. L: A: to
3684. ROTHSCHILD W. (1922): Mimetic insects. P.E.S.L. 1922: 22. LHeSn, LHe (Sesiidae);
MBM: HyVe (Eumenidae), Hy (Braconidae): de
3685. ROTHSCHILD W. (1925): A new Aegerid mimicking a wasp. P.E.S.L. 1925: 32. As;
LHe (Sesiidae, Tricholana triscoliopsis); MBM; Hy (Scoliidae. Triscolia whiteheadU;
3686. ROTHSCHILD W. -JORDAN K. (1906): A revision ofthe American Papnios. Nov. Zool.
13: 411-752. Ne. Nt; LRPa; MBM: LR; de
3687. ROWE M. P. -COSS R. G. -OWlNGS D. H. (1986): Rattlesnake and burrowing owl
hisses: a cause of acoustic batesian mimicry. Ethology 72 (1): 53-71. Ne;Av (Speotljo
cuniculwia): MBM (acoustic); ReOp (Crotalus, Sistrurus); de,jbo
3688. ROWELL C. H. H. (1967): Experiments on aggregations of Phymateus purpuraseens
(Orthopt era. Aerididae, Pyrgomorphinae). J. Zaol. Lond. 152: 179-193. P;
O (Phymateus purpurascens): A;jbo
3689. ROWELL-RAHIER M. -PASTEELS J. M. (1986): Economies of chemical defense in
3690. ROYAMA T. (1970): Factors govering the hunting behaviour and selection of food by
the great tit (Parus major L.). J. Anim. Ecol. 39: 619-668. P; I; C, A;ftAv (Parus major)
3691. ROZE J. A. (1982): New World cora1 snakes (Elapidae): a taxonomica1 and biological
summary. Mem. Inst. Butantan 46: 305-338. Ne; ReOp (Colubridae); MBM; ReOp
(Elapidae); de,fbo
3692. RUBINOFF I. -KROPACH C. (1970): Differential reaction of Atlantic and Pacific
preclators to sea snakes. Nature 228: 1288-1290. S;ReOp (Hydrophiidae);A:ftps
3693. RUDMAN W. B. (1981): Polyp mimicry in a new species of aeolid nudibranch moll use.
J. Zool., London 193 (3): 421-427. S; Mo (Nudibranchia, Cuthona): MBM: Cl; de
3694. RUlTER L. DE (1952): SOl11e experiments on the camoutlage of stick caterpillars.
Behaviour 4: 222-232. P: LHe (larvae): C; de,jbo
3695. RUITER L. DE [1953): Camouflage in het dennenbos. I. De dennepijlstaart. Levende
Nat. (Amsterdam) 56: 41-48. P: LHe (larvae): C; de,fbo
3696. RUITER L. DE (1955): De veldentomoloog en de evolutie: mimicry en schutkleur. E.
Berichte (Amsterdam) 15: 366-368. I; C, M; I; th
3697. RUITER L. DE (1956): Countershading in caterpillars. An analysis of its adaptive
signifikance. Arch. Neerl. Zool. ll: 285-342. P: LHe (larvae); C; de, fbo, th. bm
3698. RUITER L. DE [1958): Some remarks on problems of the ecology and evolution of
mimicry. Arch. Neerl. Zool. 13, 1. Suppl.: 351-368. I: C, MBM; I; th
3699. RUPPRECHT R. (1971): Bewegungsmimikry bei Carausius morosus Br. (Phasmida).
Experientia 27: 1437-1438. As: Ph (Carausius morosus); C;fbo
3700. RUSSELL B. C. (1976): Disguise, defense and aggression. Austr. Nat. Hist. 18 (9):
324-329. S: Ps: C. A. MBM: Ps: tll, fbo
3701. RUSSELL C. B. (POULTON COMM.) (1932): Further evidence of attacs by birds upon
British butterflies. P.E.S.L. 7: 10-11. P; LR;jtAv
3702. RUSSELL C. B. (1927): The education of birds and its bearing on the warning and
mimetic colours of insects. P.E.S.L. 2: 16-17. P; I; C, A, MBM; I;jtAv, tll
3703. RUSSELL W. (1938): Camouflage and other instincts in the Lepidoptera. Glasgow
Nat. 13: 43-62. P: L: C; de.Jbo
3704. RUTHEFORD W. D. (1878): No title. P.E.S.L. 1878: 42-43, 45. A;
meleagris); C: th. de
3705. RYAN P. G. -WILSON R. P. -COOPER �T. (1987): Intraspecific mimicry and status
signals in juvenile African penguins. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 20 (1): 69-76. Aj; Av
(SphenisctLs demersus): MO; de, th
3706. SACCHI C. F. (1981): Convergence du polymorphisme chez Cepea nemoralis (L.) et
Monachoides inchoatus (Mor.) (Gastropoda Pulmonata): parallelisme ecologique on
mimétisme irnitatiť? Atti Soc. Ital. ScL Nat. 122 (3-4): 139-150. P; Mo (Gastropoda.
Cepea nemoralis); MBM; Mo (Gastropoda, Monachoides Ínchoatus); de,Jbo
3707. SAJF E. I. -MACBETH N. (1989): Be cautious, Mr. Bates. What did the viceroy look
like before it began to imitate the monarcho Riv. Biol.-Biol. Forum 82 (2): 247-256.
Ne: LRLi (Limenitis archippus): MBM; LRDaDp; th
3708. SAJO (1901): ? Prometheus 12: 710sq. An; C, A, MBM; An; th
3709. SAJO (1902): ? Prometheus 13: 367sq. An; C, A, MBM; An; th
3710. SALAZAR ESCOBAR J. A. (1991): Algunos papilionidos miméticos de Colombia
(Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Shilap Rev. Lepidopterol. 19 (74): 93-110. Nt; LRPa; MBM;
3711. SALEH M. A. (1984): Does the ostrich bury its head in the sand? Courser 1: 62-63.
Ar: Av (Struihio camelus); C: PI; de.Jbo
3712. SALES G. -PYE D. (1974): Ultrasonic communication by animals. 281 pp., Landon.
Chapman & Hall. W: LHeAt, LHeSn: MP (audio): Mm (Chiroptera); de. rw, bm
3713. SALT G. (POULTON COMM.) (1931): The "faJse head" of many Colombian L ycaenid
butter11ies observed by G. Salt, D. Sc., also mimicry of Aculeate models by Colombian
moths. P.E.S.L. 6: 19-22. Nt: LRLn. LHeSn: MBM, MFh; HyVe; de
3714. SALT G. (POULTON COMM.) (1931): The wasp mode! of a Colombian Syntomid moth.
P.E.S.L. 6: 80-81. Nt LHeSn {Pseudosphex klagesiO: MBM: HyVe (Polybia chrysothorax): de
3715. SANCHEZ-HERRERA O. -SMITH H. M. -CHISZARD. (1981): Another suggested case
of ophidian deceptive mimicry. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. 84 (3): 121-127. Ne; ReOp
(Pituophis lineaticollis); MBM: ReOp (Crotalus durissus); de
3716. SANDERS D. T. (1970): Mimics. tricksters and dazzlers. AnimaJs have evolved
coloration and patterns t.hat promote survival. Anim. Kingdom 73 (3): 2-5. An; C. A.
MBM. MP; An; de. th
3717. SANDS D. (1980): Corydoras, Dr are they? Notes on colour pattern sharing. Aquarist
Pondkeeper 1980: 50-51. Nt: Ps (Pimelodidae, Brachyrhamdia, Loricariidae. Otocinclus);
MBM; Ps (Callichthyidae, Corydoras); de
3718. SANDS D. (1983): Catfishes of the world. Vol. 1. Callichthyidae. 118 pp., Dunure
(Ayr), Dun. Enterprises. Nt; Ps (Pimelodidae. Brachyrhamdia, Loricariidae. Oloeindus);
MBM: Ps (Callichthyidae. Corydoras);
3719. SANDS D. (1989): Mimicry unmasked. Pract. Fishkeeping 1989: 44-46. Nt; Ps
(Pimelodidae. Brachyhamdia): MBM: Ps (Callichthyidae. Corydoras delphax):
3720. SANDS D. (1989): Corydoras-the great imitators. Aquarist Pondkeeper 54 (3): 26-27.
Nt: Ps (Calliehtilyidae, Corydoras imitator): MBM; Ps (Ca11iehthyidae, Corydoras
adolphi): de
3721. SANDS D. -BLACK B. (1988): Look-lively lookalities. Pract. Fishkeeping 1988: 12-
14. Nt; Ps (Pimelodidae. Brachyrhamdta); MBM; Ps (Ccllichthyidae, Corydoras); de
3722. SANDS W. A. -LAMB R. W. (1975): The systematic position ofKaudernitermes gen.
n. (lsoptera: Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) and its relevance to host relationship of
termitophilous staphylinid beetles (Col.l. J. E. (B) 44 (2): 189-200. AJ; CoSt
(Spiraehthodes nwdeeassus): MBM, MP; [soptera (Nasutitermes); de,jbo
3723, SANDVED K. B. (1975): Magnificent deceivers. Internat. Wild!. 5 (6): 24-35. W: L; C,
A: de
3724. SANKEY R. (1974): Marine mimics. Marine Aquarist. 5 (2): 19-22. A; An; MBM, C, A;
3725. SANTIAGO-BLAY J. A. -MALDONADO-CAPRILESJ. (1988): Observations on tbe true
bugs Emesa tenerrima, a possible spider mimic, and Ghilianella borincana (Hemiptera:
Reduviidae: Emesinae) from Puerto Rico. Proc. E. Soc. Wash. 90 (3): 369-372. Nt; H
(Redtwiidae. Emesa tenerrima); MP: Ar (Pholcidae, Modisimus signatus); de,jbo
3726. SANTINI1. (1979): Contributo alla conoscenza dei micetofilidi italiani. 2. Osservazioni
condotte in T oscana sull"etologia di Keroplatus tipuloides Bose. (Diptera,
Mycetophilidae, Keroplatinae). Frustula E. (n. S.) 2: 151-174. P: D (Mycetophilidae,
Keroplatus tipuloides): MBM; HyVe (Polistes): de,jbo
3727. SAPWELL J. (1968): An unusual defensive display by a West African snake,
Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia hotamboeia (Laurenti). Herpetologica 25: 314-315. AJ;
ReOp (Crotaphopeltis hotamboeiai: MBM; ReOp (Caus us rhombeatus); de.jbo
3728. SARGENT T. D. (1966): Background selections of geometrid and noctuid moths.
Science 154: 1674 1675. Ne: LHeGe, LHeNo: C:jbo
3729. SARGENT T. D. (1968): Cryptic moths: Effects on background selections of painting
the circumocular scales. Science 159: 100-101. Ne; Ufe; C;jbo
3730. SARGENT T. D. (1969): Background selection of the pale and melanic forms of the
cryptic moth, Phigalia titea (Cramer). Nature 222: 585-586. Ne: LHeGe (Phigalta
titea); C:jbo
3731. SARGENT T. D, (1969): A suggestion regarding hindw:ing diversity among moths of
the genu s Catocala (Noctuidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 23: 261-264. Ne; LHeNo (Catoeala); A,
MO: ge,.fbo
3732. SARGENT T. D. (1969): Behavioural adaptations of cryptic moths II. Experimental
studies on bark-like species. J. NewYork E. Soc. 77: 75-79. Ne; LHe; C;jbo
3733. SARGENT T. D. (1969): Behavioural adaptations of cryptic moths (Lep.) III. Resting
attitudes of two bark-Iike species, Melanolophia canadaria (Geometridae) and Catocala
ultronia (Nociuidae). Anim. Behav. 17: 670-672. Ne; LHeGe (Melanolophta eanadaria).
LHeNo (Catoeala lLltronia): C; ./bo
3734. SARGENT T. D. (1969): Behavioural adaptations of cryptic moths V. Preliminary
studies on an anthophilous species, Schinia florida (Noctuidae). J. NewYork E. Soc.
77 (2): 123-128. Ne; LHeNo (Sehiniaflorida); C;jbo
3735. SARGENT T. D. (1972): Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of southern New England.
III. Mating results w:ith Catocala relicta Walker. J. Lep. Soc. 26: 94-lO4. Ne; LHeNo
(Catocala relicta): A. MO; ge.jbo
3736. SARGENT T. D. (1973): Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of southern New England.
IV. Preliminary analysis of beak-damaged specimens. w:ith discussion of anomaly as
a potential anti-predator function of hindwing diversity. J. Lep. Soc. 27 (3): 175-
192. Ne: LHeNo (CatocalaJ: A, MO;ftAv (Cyanocitta eristata)
3737. SARGENT T. D. (1976): Legion of night: The underw:ing moths, 222 pp., Amherst.
Univ. Mass, Press. Ne: LHeNo (Catocala); A. MO;jbo, ge, rw, bmftAv
3738. SARGENT T. D. (I977): Studies on the Catocala (Nociuidae) of southern NewEngland.
V. The records of Sidney A. Hessel from Washington, Connecticut, 1961-1973. J.
Lep. Soc. 31 (l): 1-16. Ne; LHeNo (Catocala): A, MO:jbo
3739. SARGENT T. D. (1978): On the maintenance of stability in hindwing diversity among
moths of the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Evolution 32 (2): 424-434.
Ne: LHeNo (Caiocala); A. MO; ge, th, jbo
3740. SARGENT T. D. (1980): Antipredator adaptations ofunderwing moths. pp. 259-284
in: Kamil A.. Sargent T. D. (eds.): Foraging behaviour: ethological, ecological and
psychological perspectives. xvii+534 pp., New York, Garland Press. Ne; UieNo
(Catocala): A. MO:jtA.u, ge. th. ./bo
3741. SARGENT T. D. (1981): On the achromatic Catocala. J. Lep. Soc. 35 (2): 81-93. Ne;
LHeNo (Catocala); A. MO: de. ge; th
3742. SARGENT T. D. (1982): Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) ofSouthern New England.
Vl. The "pairing" of C. neogama and C. retecta.J. Lep. Soc. 36 (l): 42-53. Ne; UieNo
(Catocala neogama. Catocala retecta): A, MO; ge. th, jbo
3743. SARGENT T. D. (1990): Startle as an anti-predator mechanism, with special reference
to the underwing moths, (Catocala). Pp. 229-249 in: Evans D. L., SchmidtJ. O. (eds.):
Insect defenses: adaptive mechanisms and strategies ofpredators and prey. xiii+482pp.
Albany, State Univ. ofNew York Press. Ne; LHeNo (Catocala); A, MO; rw, ge. th,jbo
3744. SARGENT T. D. -HESSEL S. A. (1970): Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of Southern
New England. I. Abundance and seasonal occurence ofthe species, 1961-1969. J.
Lep. Soc. 24: 105-117. Ne: UieNo (Catocala); A, MO;jbo
3745. SARGENT T. D. -KEIPER R. R. 11969): Behavioural adaptations of cryptíc moths. I.
Preliminary studies on bark-like species. J. Lep. Soc. 23: 1-9. Ne: Uie: C;jbo
3746. SARGENT T. D. -OWEN D. F. (1975): Apparent stability in hindwing diversity in
samples of moths of varying species composition. Oikos 26 (2): 205-210. Ne; UieNo
(Catocala): A. MO:jbo, th, ge
3747. SARGENT T. D. -TURNERJ. R. G. (1981): Gestalt perception by birds as individuals
and in flocks. Am. Na!. 117 (I): 99-103. LHe;ftAu, th
3748. SAUER K. P. (1988): Aggression und Raumkonkurenz bei Seeanemonen. Sitzungsber.
Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, N. F. 28: 45-71. S; Cl (Anemonia su1cata); MO
(chemical): Cl (Anemonia I1Jstica): de, jbo
3749. SAU ER K. P. -MOLLER M. (1987): Chemische Mimese und Aggresssion bei
Seeanemonen. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 80: 222-223. S; Cl (Anemonia sulcata); MO
(chemical): Cl (Ane1110nia 111Stica): de, jbo
3750. SAUNDERS E. (1900): Mimetic resemblance between Paragus bicolor Fab., a Dipteron,
and Prosopís variegata Fab .. a Hymenopteron. E. Month. Mag. 36: 83-84. P; DSy
(Paragus bicolor); MBM; HyAp (Prosopis uariegata); de
3751. SAUSSURE H. DE (1888): Additamenta ad prodromum Oedipodiorum. Mem. Soc.
Phys. Genev. 30 (1): 1-180. P; O (Eremobiites): MO; de
3752. SAUSSURE H. DE (1892): Histoire naturelle des Hymenopteres. Histoire physique,
naturelle et politique de Madagascar, publiée par Alfred Grandidier 20 (1): 177-590.
p. 338. AI: CoCi: MBM: Hy (Pompilidae); de
3753. SAUSSURE H. DE -PICTET A. -ZEHNTHER L. (1893): Biologia Centrali-arnericana
Sl. Orthoptera, Vol. I. Locustidae. x+458 pp.. p. 449. London. Nt; O, Ma, Blattodea;
C.A. MBM: de
3754. SAVAGE J. M. -CROTHER B. I. (1989): The status of Pliocercus and Urotheca
Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 95 (4): 335-362. Nt; ReOp (Urotheca elapoides, Urotheca euryzona);
3760. SAZlMA I. (1989): Feeding behaviour of the snail-eating snake, Dipsas indica. J.
Herpetol. 23 (4): 464-468. Nt: ReOp (Dipsas indica); MBM; ReOp (Bothropsjararaca);
3761. SAZIMA I. (1991): Cauda! !uring in two neotropica! pitvipers, Bothropsjararaca and
B. jararacussu. Copeia 1991: 245-248. Nt: ReOp (Bothrops jararaca. Bothrops
jararacllssu): MP: cle. jbo
3762. SAZIMA I. (1993): Feeding technique of juvenile Tropidodryas striaticeps: probab!e
caudal luring in a co!ubrid snake. Copeia 1993: 222-226. Nt: ReOp (Tropidodryas
straticeps): MP: de. jbo
3763. SAZIMA I. -ABE A. S. (1991): Habits of five Brazilian snakes with cara! snake pattern,
including a summary of defensive tactics. Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. 26 (3):
159-164. Nt: ReOp (Erythrolamprus aesculapii, OXlJrhopus guibei, Simophis
rhinostoma); MBM: ReOp (MicrunLsJrontalis. Micrurus lemniscatus);)bo
3764. SAZIMA T. -CAHAMASCHI V. (1986): Descricao de PhysaJaemus deimaticus sp. n.. e
observacoes sobre comportamento deimatico em P. nattereri (Steindn.) (Anura,
LeptodactylidaeJ. Rev. Bio!. (Lisboa) 13 (1-4): 91-101. Nt; AmSl (Physalaemus
deimaticlLs. Physalaemlls nattereri); MEs;Jbo. de
3765. SBORDONIV. (1976): Segnali visivi e comportamento nell'evo!uzione de! mimetismo.
ln: II significato biologico de! mimetismo. Acc. Naz. Lincei, Atti Convegni Lincei 15:
53-66. L: A. MBM: L: th
3766. SBORDONJ V. -BULLINI L. (1971): Mimetismo e polimorfismo ne! genere Zygaena F.
(Lepidoptera. Zygaenidae). Atti VIII Congr. Naz. It. E.. Florence (1969) 97-99. P: UfeZy
(Zugaena): A: ge
3767. SBORDONI V. -BULLINI L. (1971): Further observations on mimicry in Zygaena
ephialtes (Lep .. Zygaenidae). Fral.(m. E. 8: 49-56. P; UfeZy (Zygaena ephialtes); MBM;
LHeSn (Amata phegea): ge.Jbo
.3768. SBORDONI V. -BULLlNI L. (1972): The evolution of mimicry in Zygaena ephiaJtes:
a problem in genetics, ecology and ethology. Proc. 17th Inter. Congr. Zool. 6: 1-9. P;
LHeZy (Zygaena ephialtes): MBM: LHeSn (Amata phegea); ge.)bo
3769. SBORDONIV. -BULLINI L. -FOHESTIERO S. (1979): Muellerian mimicry in the burnet
moth Zygaena ephialtes: the mimetic value of the red ephiaJtoid formo ? P: LHeZy
(Zygaena ephialtes): MBM: LHeSn (Amata phegea); ge.Jbo
3770. SBORDONI V. -BULLlNI L. -RAGAZZINI P. -FORES11ERO S. (1974): Osservazioni
ecologiche ed etologiche sul mimetismo muelleriano di Zygaena ephia!tes (Lep.,
Zygaenidae). 13011. Zool. 41: 525. P; LHeZy (Zygaena ephialtes); MBM; UfeSn (Amata
pllegea): ge.. fbo
Mirnicry in the burnet moth. Zygaena ephialtes: population studies and evidence of
a Batesian-Muellerian situation. Ecol. E. 4: 83-93. P: UfeZy (Zygaena ephiaUes);
MBM: LHeSn (Amata phegea): ge. jbo
3772. SCHABER 13. D. -BALSBAUGH E. U. JR. -KANTACK B. H. (1975): Biology of the Dea
beetle, Altica carduorum (Co!.: Chrysomelidae) on Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense)
in South Dakota. Entomophaga 3: 477-479. Ne: CoCh (Altica carduorum): MO: CoCa;
de fbo
3773. SCHAEFER C. W. (1972): Clades and grades in the Alydidae. J. Kansas E. Soc. 45:
135-141. Ne: H (Coreirlae. Alydinae): MBM; HyMy: de, ge
3774. SCHAFERS. (1981): Don't handle the merchandise. Zoonooz 54 (2): I J 13 Nt: AmSl
- .
(Dendrobatidae): A: cle.jbo
3775. SCHAFFNER (1962): .,Oncopeltus gutta (Hem., L ygaeidae) and a wasp (Hym.,
Pompilidaej, mimicry produced by disturbance." Bull. Brooklyn E. Soc. 57: 71. Ne;
H (Lygaeidae, Oncopeltus gutta); MBM; Hy (Pornpiliclae); cle fbo
3779. SCHENK ,J. (1904): Kukuckmimicry. Aquilla ll: 369-374. P: AuOu (Cuculus canorus):
MP: AuO!!: de.lbo. tll
3780. SCHENKE G. (1983J: Soziale VerhaHensweisen bei Papiliochromis ramirezi. Aquarien
terrar. Monatschr. Ornith. Vivar. 31 [9): 306-307. Nt: Ps (Cichlidae. Papiliochromts
rarnirezi): A: Jbo
3781. SCHEPDAELJ. VON (1932): Un curieux cas de mimétisme: adaptation an milieu de
Eurois (Agrotis) prasina Schiff. Lambillionea 32: 102-103. P: LHeNo (Eurois prasina);
C: de. Ibo
3782. SCHE RzINGER w. (1986): KontrasU;eichnungen im Kopfgefieder der Eulen (Strigidael
als visuelle KOlllmunikationsmittel. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 88/89 B: 37-56. W;
Au (S trigidae) : MF/I: de. Jbo, tll. rw. bm
3783. SCHEVEN J. (1982): Daten zur Evolutionslehre im Biologieunterricht. Wort und
Wissen. Bd. 2.. Neuhausen-Stuttgart, Hanssler Verl. Aj. Nt: LHeGe: C: de
3784. SCHlEMENZ H. (1953): Beitrage zur Verbreitung seltener Odonaten in Deutschland.
Beitr. E. [Berlin) 3: 671-676. P: Odonata (Sympetrum pedemontanwn); MO; de
3785. SCHILDE J. (] 878): Gegen die Manchester -theorie in der Sch5pfung ein
Lepidopterologe. Z. Ges. Naturw. 1: 1-64. IR: MBM; LR: tll, ge
3786. SCHILDE ,J. (1879): G egen pseudodoxische Transmutationslehre. Berlin,
Friedlaender. LH: MBM, C. A; LR: tll. ge
3787. SCHILDE J. (1884): Fruhlingsbeobachtungen uber die naturimmanente Erzeugung
der FlUge1pracht unci Anpassung von Schmetterlingen. E. Nachr. 10: 141-148. P:
LR: C. A: th. ge
3788. SCHILDE J. (1884): Antidarwinistische Skizzen. Berlin, Friedlaender. LR: MBM, C,
i\.: LR: th. ge
3789. SCHlLDE ,J. (1890): Schach dem Darwinismus. Stuclien eines Lepidopterologen.
Berlín, Friecllaender. LR: MBM. C. A: LR: th, ge. bm
3790. SCHILDELER R. T. (1973): The importance of mimetic pattern and position in an
artificial mil11icry situation. Behaviour 47: 268-280. Ao; MBM;Jt, th
3791. SCHLEE M. A. [1983): An experimental study of prey-attack behviour in the European
blackbird Turdus m. merula L. Z. Tierpsychol. 61: 203-224. P: An: C, A;ftAv (furdus
3792. SCHLEE M. A. (1986): Avian precla1.ion on Heteroptera: experiments on the European
blackbird Turclus m. l11erula L. Ethology 73: 1-18. P: H: C. A:JtAv (Turdus TIleru[a)
3793. SCHLEGEL R. (1930): Zur Mimikry der Kuckuckeier. Beitr. Fortpfl.-Biol. Vogel 6:
199-200. P: AvOv (Cucu[us canorus): MP: AvOv; th, ge
3794. SCHLUTER A. (1984): Okologische Untersuchungen an einel11 Stillgewiisser in
tropischen Regenwalcl von Peru unter besonclerer Berťlcksichtigung der Amphibien.
300 pp .. Diss. Univ. Hamburg. Nt: Am: C, A. MBM; Am; de,jbo
3795. SCHMIDT J. O. (1978): Dasymutilla occiclentalis: a long-líved aposematic wasp
(Hymenoplera: MuUlliclae). E. News 89: 135-136. P: Hy (Mutillidae, Dasymutilla
occidentalis): A:Jbo
3796. SCHMIDT R. S. (1958): Behavioural evidence on the evolution of Batesian mimicry.
Anim. Behav. 6: 129-138. An: MBM: An; tll
3797. SCHMIDT R. S. (1960): Predator behaviour ancl the perfection of incipient mimetic
resemblances. Behaviour 16: 149-158. An; MBM: An; tll
3798. SCHMIED A. (1984): Balz-. Paarungs- und Brutpflegeverha1ten von Tetraodon leiurus
brevirostris. Aquarien Mag. 18 (9): 428-433. S: Ps (fetraodontidae, Tetraodon [eiWl.LS):
3799. SCHMITH K. (1934): Pro Mimikry. E. Jahrb. 43: 198-200. I: MBM: I; tll
3800. SCHMITZ H. (1905): Der wissenschaftliche Wert der Mimikrytheorie. I.-N. Natur u.
Offenbarung (Munster) 51: 386-412,449-475. An; MBM. MP; An: tll
3801. SCHNEE P. (1900): Mimikry bei sudamerikanischen Schildkr5ten? Zool. Garten 41:
315-317. Nt: Re (Cllelonia): MO: Re (Chelonia): de
3802. SCHNEE P. (1900): Mimikry bei Schlangen? Zool. Gart. 41: 219-222. W; ReOp: MBM;
ReOp: th. de
3803. SCHNEIDER G. (1906): Mitteilungen uber interessante Mimikryfalle b e i
sumatranischen Spinnen. Colmar. Mitt. Nathist. Ges. 8 : 213-218. A s: Ar: C, MBM; ?:
3804. SCHNEIDER P. -SCHUBERT M. (1986): Verhalten von Insekten auf Blilten. Mitt.
Deutsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. E. 5 (1-4): 27-30. P: HyVe; A:jbo
3805. SCHONICHEN W. (1898): Ober Mimicry und Nachahmung von Wirbe1tieren durch
Insecten. Natur 47: 79. W: I: MBM; Vertebrata; de
3806. SCHONTEDEN H. (1916): Cas de mimétisme chez les Hemipteres africains. Rev.
Zool. Aú-. (Bruxelles) 4: 251-258. AJ: H: MBM: HyMy: cle
3807. SCHREIBER E. (1912): Herpetologica europaea. Jena, Fischer. P; ReOp (Te1escopus
fal1ax): MBAI: ReOp (Vipera ammodytes): de
3808. SCHRODER CH. (1894): Die Entwicklung der Raupenzeichnung und Abhangigkeit
der letzteren von der Farbe der Umgebung. Berlin. P; L (larvae): C. A:jbo
3809. SCHRODER CH. (1896): Experimentelle Untersuchungen an Smetterlingen und deren
EntwicklungssUinden. Il1ust. Wochenschr. E. 1: ? P: L (larvae); C. A:jbo
3810. SCHRODER CH. (1901): Die Variabilitat der Adalia bipunctata L., gleichzeitig ein
Beitrag zur Deszendenztheorie. A1lgem. Z. E. 6 - 7: ? P; CoCc (Adalia bipunctata); A; ge
3811. SCHRODER CH. (1903): Krilik der von Herrn Dr. E. Fischer (Zurich) aus seinen
.Lepidopterologischen Experimentalforschungen" gezogenen Sch1iisse auf Grund
einer neuen Erklarung des Wesens derse1ben. A11gem. Z. E. 8: ? P: L (larvae); C, A;jbo
3812. SCHRODER CH. (1903): Die Variabilitat von Abraxas grossulariata L., gleichzeitig
ein Beitrag zur Deszendenz-Theorie, AlIgem. Z. E. 8: ? P: LHeGe (Abraxas
grossulariata): A: ge
3813. SCHROOER CH. (1904): Kritische Beítrage zur Mutations-, Se1ektions-, und zur
Theorie der Zeichnungsphylogenie bei den Lepidopteren. A1lg. Z. E. 9: 215-223, 249-
257,281-297. AI LRPaPd: MBM; LRDa; ge. tll
3814. SCHRODER CH. (1905): Eine Kritik der Erklarungsversuche der lebhaften
Hinterfhigelfilrhung im Genus Catocala Schr. (Lep.). AUgem. Z. E. 1O:? P; LHeNo
[Catocala): A: tll
3815. SCHROOER CH. (1927): Die Warme-Schutztrachttheorie. Handbuch der Entomologie
U. Jena. Fischer. (review: Z. Wiss. InsekL-Biol. 1927.). W; I; C, MO; th
3816. SCHROTTKY C. (1909): "Mimetische" Lepidopeteren. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der
Syntomidae Paraguays. Deutsche E. Z. Iris 22: 122-132. Nt; LHeSn; MBM, A: HyAp,
HyVe: de
3817. SCHROTTKY G. (1915): Wespenahnliche Schmetterlinge. Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. ll:
125-129. W: LHe: MBM: Hy Ve; cle
3818. SCHUCHMANN K. -L. (1989): Brutbiologische Beobachtungen an der Purpurkopfelfe
(Heliothryx barroti)-Schutz vor Nestraubern. Trochilus 10 (3): 90-92. Nt; Av (Heliothryx
barroti); C: Pl (leaves):jbo
3819. SCHUH R. T. (1973): The O rthotylinae and Phylinae (Hemiptera: Miridae) of South
Africa wiLh a phylogenetic analysis of Lhe ant-mimetic tribes of the two subfamilies
for the worlcl. E. Am. 47: 1-332. A:
j MBM: HyMy; de. ge
3820. SCHUH R. T. (1984): Revision of the Phylinae (Hemiptera: Miridae) ofthe Indo-Pacific.
Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 177: 1-476. As. Au: H (Miridae. Phy1inae); MBM: HyMy: cle
3821. SCHUH R. T. (1986): The inHuence of cladistics on Heteroptera classification. Ann.
Rev. E. 31: 67-94. W: H: MBM; HyM!J: ge. Ut
3822. SCHUlI R. 1'. (J 988): Revision ofNewWorld Pilophorini (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinael.
Bul!. An1. Mus. Nat. HisL 187: 101-201. Ne, Nt: H (Miridae, Phylinae); MBM; HyMy; de
3823. SCHUH R. T. (1991): Phylogenetic host and biogeographic analyses of Pilophorini
(Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae). Cladistics 7: 157-189. W: H (Miridae, Pilophorini);
MBM: HyMy : de
3824. SCHUH R. T. -LATTIN J. O. (1980): Myrmecophyes oregonensis, a new species of
Halticini (Hemiptera, Miridae) from the westren United States. Am. Mus. Novit. 2697:
I-ll. Ne: H (Miridae. Myrmecophyes oregonensis); MBM; HyMy; de
3825. SCHULER W. (1968): Neuere experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Problem der
Mimikry. Staa!sexamensarbeit. Tubingen. Ao; A, MBM; JtAv
3826. SCHULER W. (1973): Situationsabhangiges UnLerscheiden und Batessche Mimikry.
Na!urwissenschaften 60 (4): 205. Ao: A. MBM;ftAu (S turnus uulgaris)
3827. SCHULER W. (1974): Die Schutzwirkung kiinsL1icher Batesscher Mimikry abhangig
von Modelliilmlichkeit und Beuteangebot. Z. Tierpsychol. 36: 71-217. Ao; A, MBM;
JtAu (S/nnws lmLgaris)
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Einfluss der Faktoren Umlernen. neue Alternativbeute und Ahnlichkeit der
Alternativbeute. Z. Tierpsychol. 54: 105-143. Ao;A. MBM;ftAv (Sturnus vulgaris)
3829. SCHULER W. (1982): Zur Funktion von Warnfarben: Die Reaktionjunger Stare auf
wespenahnliche schwarz-gelbe Attrappen. Z. Tierpsychol. 58: 66-78. Ao: MBM: HyVe;
.JtAv (Sturrllls vulgaris)
3830. SCHULER W. (1987): Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der unmittelbaren Erfahrung
und des Lernens im Funktionskreis Nahrung beim Star. Habilitationsschrift. 283
pp.. Gotingen. Ao: A. MBM;fbo.ftAv (Sturnus vulgaris)
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Verh. Deutsch. Zaol. Ges. 81: 189-190. Ao;A:ftAv
3832. SCHULER W. (1990): Avian predatory behaviour and prey distribution. ln: Evans D.
L., SchmidtJ. M. (eds.): Arthropod defenses: Adaptive mechanisms and strategies of
prey and predators. xiii+482pp. Albany. State Univ. of New York. Ao: C. A, MBM ;ftAv
3833. SCHULER W. -HESSE E. [1983): Ztir Reaktionenjunger Vogel auf Warnfarben. Verh.
Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 1983: 248. Ao; A:ftAv
3834. SCHULER W. -HESSE E. (1985): On the function of warning coloration: a black and
yellow pattern inhibits prey-attack by naive domestic chicks. Behav. Eco!. Sociobiol.
16: 249-255. Ao: A: ftAu (Gallus gallus)
3835. SCHULER W. -ROPER T. J. (1992): Responses to warning coloration in avian
predators. Adv. Stud. Behav. 21: 111-146. Ao;A;ftAv
3836. SCHULTZA. (1905): Mimikry. Compt. Rend. Congr. Intern. Zaol. 6: 584-586. I: MBM: I; th
3837. SCHULTZ H. (l975): Putzfische. Aquarien Terrar. 28 (ll): 386. S; Ps (Blenniidae.
Aspidontus taeniatus): MP: Ps (Labridae. Labroides dimidiatus);de.fbo
3838. SCHULTZ O. (1900): "Distastefulness ofPapilio machaon larva." lllustr. Z. E. 5: 56.
P: LRPa (Papilio macllaon. laru ae): A: to. ft
3839. SCHULTZ T. D. (1986): Role of structural colors in predator avoidance by tiger beetles
of the genus Cicindela (Coleoptera: Cicinde1idae). Bull. E. Soc. Am. 32 (3): 142-146.
Ne: CoCi (C ici n de 1a) : Mt:fbo.f t (Aves)
3840. SCHULTZ T. D. (1986): Structural colors oftiger beetles and their role in heat transfer
through the integument. Physiol. Zaol. 60: 737-745. Ne; CoCi (Cicindela); Mt; jbo. th
3841. SCHULTZ T. D. -BERNARD G. D. (1989): Pointillistic mixing of interference colours
in cryptic tiger beetles. Nature 337: 72-73. Ne;CoCi; C. Mt; de. tll
3842. SCHULTZE W. (19 25): A monograph of the pachyrrhinchid group of the
Brachyderinae. Curculionidae: Part. III. The genera Apocyrtidius Heller and
Metapocyrtus Heller. Phillip. J. Sci. 286: 131-309. A s; CoCu (Apocyrtidius,
MetapocyrtllS): MBM: ?: de
3843. SCHULZ W. A. (1903): Kritische Bemerkungen zur Hymenopteren-Fauna des
nordwestlichen Sudamerika. Ber1in. E. Z. 48: 253-262. Nt; HyAp (Nectarina): MBM;
HyVe (Ewnenidae. Odynerus): de
3844. SCHULZ W. A. (1903): Hymenopteren Amazoniens. Sitzungsber. Akad. Munchen
1903: 757-832. Nt: Hy (Aculeata): MBM: Hy (AculeataJ; de
3845. SCHUSTER V. FqRSTNER W. (1925): Blaublindheit der Vogel und blaue
Schmetterlinge LInd Kafer. Intern. E. Z. Guben 19: 241-242. W: L, Co: Mt;.ftAv. tll
3846. SCHUTZ E. (1957): Das Occipitalgesicht bei Sperlingskauzen (Glaucidium). Vogelwarte
19: 138-140. W: Av (Glaucidium); MFh; de.fbo
3847. SCHWALB H. H. (1961): Beitrage zur Biologie der einheimischen Lampyriden. Zaol.
Jahrb. Syst. 88: 399-550. P: CoLa;MP; ?;fbo
3848. SCHWAMMER H. (1983): Herpetologische Beobachtungen aus Colorado (USA).
Aasfressen bei Sist.run.ls catenatus edwardsi/tergeminatus und Verhaltensmimikry
bei Pituophis melanoleucus sayi. Aquaria 30 (6): 90-93. Ne; ReOp (Pituophis
melanoleuclls): MBM: ReOp (C rotalus ); de. fbo
3849. SCHWANWITSCH B. N. (1943): Stereomorphism in the cryptic colour patterns of
Rhopalocera. (in russ.. engl. summ.) Zaol. Zhurnal 22: 323-339. W; LR;C; de. th
3850. SCHWANWITSCH B. N. (1943): Stereomorphism in cryptic coloration of Lepidoptera.
Nature 152: 508. W: LR: C; de, tll
3851. SCHWARZ E. A. (1888): .. Accidental resemblance." Proc. E. Soc. Washington 1: 112.
Ne: I: MO: I: tll. de
3852. SCHWEITZER D. F. (1979): Predatory behavior in Lithophane querquera and other
spring caterpillars. ,J. Lepid. Soc. 33 (2): 129-134. Ne; UieNo (Lithophane querquera.
larvae): A:Jbo
3853. SCRlBERJ. M. -BROWER L. P. ET ALL . (1986): The cardenolide connection belween
ovenvintering monarch butterf1ies from Mexico and their larval foodplant, Asclepias
syriaca. J. Chem. Ecol. 12: 1157-1176. Ne: LRDaDp: A; to
3854. SCRlBER J. M. -EVANS M. (1987): A new heritab1e color aberration in the tiger
swalIowtai1 buttertly. Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae: Lepidoptera). J. Res. Lepíd. 26
(1-4J: 32-38. Ne: LRPa (Papilio gluucus): MBM: LRPa (Battus philenor); ge
3855. SCRlVENER J. W. (1931): Notes on Gypona octolineata. J. Washington Acad. ScL
21: 222-223. Ne: Ho (Cicadellidue. GYfJona octolineata): C: de
3856. SCUDDER G. G. E. -DUFFEY S. S. (1972): Cardiac glycosides in the Lygaeinae (Hem. .
Lygaeidael. Can. J. Zaol. 50: 35-42. Ne:H (Lygaeidae): A: to
3857. SCUDDER S. H. (1871J: ls mimicry advantageous? Nature 3: 147. AJ
Il-IYfJolimnas mlsippus): MBM: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus); th
3858. SCUDDER S. H. (1878): .. Question the correctness of the theory of mimicry in
buUerflies. " Psyche 3: 160. Ne: LR:MBM: LR: th
3859. SCUDDER S. H. (1881): Suttermes. their stmcture. habits. and life histories, wilh
specia1 reference to Ameriean forms: beeing an application of the doctrine of descent
to the study ofbutterflies. viii+322pp. , New York. Ne,Nt; LR: C. A,MBM: LR: de,jbo,
tll. ge. rw. bm
3860. SCUDDER S. H. (1889): The butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada. L
IlI. 1958 pp. . Cambridge 1888-1889. Ne: LR: C. A, MBM; LR: de,foo. ge
386J. SCUDDER S. H. (18D5): The fossil cockroaches of North America. Trans. Roy. Soc.
Canada (4)12: 147-153. Ne: BlatiodeCl ([ossil): C, A, MBM; de. tll
3862. SCUDDER S. H. (1896): Revision of the American fossi! cockroaches. with descriptions
ofnew forms. SulI. U. S. Geol. Surv. 124: 1-176. Ne; Blattodea(fossil): C,A. MBM: de,tll
3863. SEARLE A. G. (1968): Comparative genetics of coat colour in rriammals. London,
Logos Press, Academie Press. Hi: Mm: C. A; de. ge
3864. SEEVERS C. H. (1957): A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae. Fieldiana
(Zool. ) 40: 1-334. Hi: CoSt: MBM. MP: Isoptera; de,jbo. nlJ , bm
3865. SEEVERS C. H. (1965): The systematics. evo1ution and zoogeography of StaphyIinid
beetles associaled with army ants (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Fieldiana (Zool. ) 47:
137-351. Nt: CoSt: MBM. MP: HyMy IDo�Jlidae); de,jbo, ge
3866. SEIDLlTZ G. (1873): .. On mimicry in butterflies." Sitzungsber. Nat. Ges. Dorpat 3:
215-217. P: LR: MBM: LR: de
3867. SElGAL J. A. -ADAMSON T. A. (1983): Batesian rnimicry between a cardinal fish
(Apogonidae) and a venemous scorpionfish (Scorpaenidae) from the Phi1ippine Islands.
Pacific ScL 37 (l): 75-79. S: Ps (Apogonidae, FowleriCl); MBM: Ps (ScorpClenidae.
ScorpClenodes glLwnensls): de
3868. SEITZ A. (1887): l:3etrachtungen Dber die Schutzvorrichtungen der Tiere. Zool. Jahrb.
Syst. 3: 59-96. P: LHe (SjJllingidCle. Smerinthus ocellata); MEs: Mm (Martes,Fells); de
3869. SEITZ A. (1889): Lepidopterologische Studien im Auslande. Zaol. Jahrb. Syst. 4:
771-779. AJ; LRAc: A: Jl.4.v
3870. SEITZ A. (1889J: Die Schmetter1ingswelt des Monte Corcovado. 1. Stett. E. Z. 50:
325-329.351-355. Nt: L: A. MBM: L, Hy: de .fbo.
3871. SEITZ A. (1890): Die Schmetterlingswelt des Monte Corcorado. II. Stett. E. Z. 51: 2-
5, 28-35, 89-99. 258-266. Nt: L: A. MBM; L. Hy: de,b
j o
3872. SEITZ A. (1892): Mittheilungen liber Mimicry. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 1: 49-53. L;
3873. SEITZ A. (1892): Mittheilungen von einer Reise nach China und Japan. Verh. Deutsch.
Zool. Ges. 1: 14-18. P: L:MBM: L; de
3874. SEITZ A. (1893): Ober den Werth der rnimetischen Verkleidung im Kampf um' s Dasein.
Zool. Anz. 16: 331-333. LR: MBM: LR:ftMm (Primates)
3875. SEITZ A. (1893): Dr. Erich Haase, Untersuchungen uber die Mimicry. (review of E.
Haase.1893) Stettin. E. Z. 53: 332-349. Hi: I: MBM; I; de. rw. th
3876. SEITZA. (1895): Schmetterlinge aus SDd-Shan-Tung. Slettin E. Z. 55: 333-345. As;
3877. SEITZA. (1906): Die Grossschmetterlinge der Erde 1.. V., IX. (1906-1928). Stuttgart,
Enke. W; LR; MBM; LR; de
3878. SEITZ A. (191O):? Deutsche E. Nationalbibliothek 1: 47. P; llie (Sesiidae, Sesia
seitzi); MBM: LHeZ!} (Zygaena): de, th
3879. SEITZA. (1927): "Mimicry in Stalachtis spp." E. Rundschau 44: 13-14, 19-20. Nt; LR
(Erycinidae, Stalachtis): MBM: LR: de
3880. SEITZ A. (1931): Goyaz-Reise. E. Rundschau 48: 1-263. Nt; L; C; de.jbo
3881. SEITZA. ( J934): Semele. Natur u. Volk 64: 43-52. P; LRSs (Hipparchia semele): C: de
3882. SEITZA. (1936): Ober Zygaenenvorkommen. E. Rundschau 53: 291-294, 302-304,
384-387,397-400. P: LHeZy (Zygaena); A; de
3883. SELANDER R. B. (1988): Blister beetles of the genu s L yttomeloe (Coleoptera:
Meloidae) . J. Kansas E. Soc. 61 (1): 80-101. Nt; CoCe (Pseudopyrota): MBM: Co
3901. SEVASTOPULO D. G. (1970): Field notes from EastAfrica-14. Entomologist 103: 33-
41. Af Ar: MBM: CoCe: de
3902. SEVASTOPULO D. G. (1977): L ycaenid pupae that mimic anthropoid heads. E. Rec.
J. Var. 89 (9): 253-254. Af LRLn (pupae); MBM: Mm (Primates); de. tll
3903. SEVASTOPULO D. G. (1978): Danaid butterflies attracted by Heliotropium indicum
(Boraginaceae), an alcaJoid containing plant. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 75 (2): 512.
As: LRDa: A: }bo. to
3904. SEVERIN H. H. P. (l91 O): A study of the structure of the walking-stick, Diapheromera
femorata Say: anc1 the biological signi11cance of the resemblance of Phasmid eggs to
seeds. Ann. E. Soc. Am. Columbus 3: 83-92. Ne: Pll (Diapheromerajemorata, eggs):
C: Pl (seeds): de. tl!
3905. SEXTON O. J. (1960): Experimenta! studies of artificial Batesian mimics. Behaviour
15: 244-252. Ao: MBM: jtReSr (Anolis earolinensis)
3906. SEXTON O. J. (1964): Differential predation by the lizard, Anolis carolinensls, upon
unicoloured and polycolourecl insects after an interval of no contact. Anim. Behav.
12: 10 1-110. Ne: I: C. A:ftReSr (Anolis caroUnensis)
3907. SEXTON O. J. -HOGER C. -ORTLEB E. (1966): Anolis carolinensis: Effects of feeding
on reaction to aposematic prey. Science 153: 1140. Ne; I; A:ftReSr (Anolis earolinensis)
3908. SHAPIRO A. M. (1965): Antepione thiosaria and Xanthotype: A case of mimicry. J. Res.
Lepicloptera 4: 6-11. Ne: llieGe (Antepione thiosaria); MBM; llieGe (Xanthotype); de
3909. SHAPIRO A. M. (1974): Beak mark frequency as an index of seasonal predatlon
intensity on common butterflies. Anl. Nat. 108: 229-232. Ne: LR:ftAv
3910. SHAPIRO A. M. (1977): Avian predation on butterflies-agaln. E. Rec. J. Var. 89 (ll):
293-295. Ne: LR: C. A:ftAv
3911. SHAPIRO A. M. (1985): Mating confusion between a mimic and its model: Erynnis
IHesperidae) and Euc1iclea (Noctuiclae). J. Res. Lepid. 24 (l): 79-80. Ne; LHeNo
(Euclidea ar-ditel): MBM: LRHs (Erynnis propertius);Jbo
3912. SHARP D. (1891): "Resemblance of weevil to broken twig." P.E.S.L. 1891: 14. P:
CoCu: C: Pl: de
3913. SHARP D. (1892): "Resemblance of portions of Phyllium to vegetable structures."
P.E.S.L. 1902: 14. As: Ph (PhyUiwn): C: Pl: de
3914. SHARP D. (1899): The modification and attitude of ldolum diabolicum, a Mantis of
the kind callecl ,.floral simulators". Proc. Cambr. Philos. Soc. 10: 175-180. Ar: Ma
(Idolum diabo!icll1Jl): MP: PIF!: -'bo. de
3915. SHAW C. E. -CAMPBELL S. (1974): Snakes of the American West. 332 pp., New
York, Knopf. Ne: ReOp (Pituophis): MBM: ReOp (Crotalus); de
3916. SHAW M. R. (1979): Rogas pulchripes (Wesmael) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and
other parasites of arborea! Acronicta species (Lepidoptera: Noctuiclae) at Chat Moss,
Manchester. E. Gaz. 30 (4): 291-294. P; Hy (Braeonidae. Rogas pulehripes, eoeoons):
C: Pl: de
3917. SHELFORD R. (1900): Observatlons on mimicry in Bornean insects. Rep. 70. Meet.
Brit. Assoc. 1900: 795-797. As: I: MBM. C. A; I; de,Jbo
3918. SHELFORD R. (1901): Notes on some Bornean insects. Rep. 71 Meet. Brit. Assoc.
1901: 689-691. As: I: MBM. C. A: I: de. Jbo
3919. SHELFORD R. (I 90 1): On the occurence of the mimetic Locustid Condylodera
tricondyloides (West) in Borneo. J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 35: 69-71. As;
O rCondulodem condyloi,des); MBM: CoCi (Trieondyla); de.Jbo
3920. SHELFORD R. (1902): Observations on some mimetic insects and spiclers from Borneo
and Singapore. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lonci. ll: 230-284, pls.: 19-23. As: I, Ar: C. A. MBM; I.
Ar: .fbo. de. bm
3921. SHELFORD R. (1903): A curious protectlve c1evice in a lepidopteran larva. Zool. (4)7:
161. As: L (lw'vae): C: de
3922. SHELFORD R. (1903): Bionomica! notes on some Bornean Manticlae. The Zoologist
(4)7: 293-304. As: Ma: C, MP: Pl: de.jbo
3923. SHELFORD R. (1903): New case of protective mimicry in a caterpil1ar. Nature 68:
187-188. As: LHe (lClrvae): C: PIF!: de
3924. SHELFORD R. (1908): Phasmidae. pp. 343-376 in: Biologia Centrali-Americana,
lnsecta, Ortl1optera ll., London, 1900-1909. Nt: Ph: C: Pl; de
3925. SHELFORD R. (1911): nUnpalatability." E. Rec. 23: 245. I: A;.ft, th
3926. SHELFORD R. (1912): Mimicry amongst the Blattidae: with a revision of the genus
Prosoplecta Sauss, and the description of a new genus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London
1912: 358-376. As: Blattodea: MBM: CoCc, CoCh; de,jbo
3927. SHELFORD R. (1917): A Naturalist in Borneo. Poulton E. B. (ed.), xxviii+331 pp.,
London. As: I. Mm (Sciuridae): MBM; J, Mm (Tupaia): de,jbo
3928. SHELFORD V. E. (1917): Color and color-pattern mechanism oftiger beetles. IlIustr.
Biol. Monogr. 3-4: 399-528. Ne; CoCi; C, A: de
3929. SHELLEY L. O. (1938): Milk snakes versus birds. Auk 55: 548. Ne; ReOp (I..a.mpropeltis):
MBM: ReOp (MicrtLrus):ftAv
3930. SHELLEY S. V. (1980): Some difficulties in identifying east Mrican butterflies. Bull.
Amat. E. Soc. 39 (327): 95-97. AJ
3931. SHELLY T. E. -PEARSON D. L. (1978): Size and colour discrimination ofthe robber
l1y Efferia tricella (Diptera: Asilídae) as a predator on tiger beetles (Coleoptera:
Cicindeliclael. Environ. E. 7: 790-793. Ne: CoCi: A: ftD (Asilidae. Elferia tricella)
3932. SHEPPARD P. M. (1955): Genetic variability and polymorphism synthesis. Cold Spring
Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 20: 271-275. W: LR; MBM; LR; ge, tll
3933. SHEPPARD P. M. (1959): Natural selection and heredity. 209 pp.. London, Hutchinson.
(2nd ed. 1960: NewYork, Harper & Row, 4th ed. 1975: London, Hutchinson.) W: LR;
MBM: LR: [Je. tll, bm. rw
3934. SHEPPARD P. M. (1959): The evolution ofrnimicry: a problem in ecology and genetics.
Cold Springs Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 24: 131-140. W; LR; MBM;
LR: [Je, tll
3935. SHEPPARD P. M. (1961): Recent geneticaJ work on polyrnorphic mimetic Papilios.
Pp. 20-29 in: Kennedy J. S. (ed.): Insect polymorphism, Symp. No. I, Roy. E. Soc.
Lond., 115 pp. W: LRPa (PapiliD): MBM: LR: ge, th
3936. SHEPPARD P. M. (1961): Some contributions to population genetics resulting from
the study of Lepieloptera. Advanc. Genetics 10: 165-216. LR; MBM: LR: ge, tll
3937. SHEPPARD P. M. (1962): Some aspects ofthe geography, genetics and taxonomy of
butterny. In: Taxonomy and geography. Systematics Ass., London, 4: 135- 152. AJ;
LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa; ge
3938. SHEPPARD P. M. (1963): Some genetic studies ofMuellerian mimics in butterflies of
the genus Heliconius. 20010gica 48: 145-154. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius erato): MBM; LRHl
(HeliconiLLs melpomene): ge
3939. SHEPPARD P. M. (1963): The genetics of mimicry. Proc. XVIth Intern. Congr. 2001.
Washington 4: 150-156. LR: MBM: LR: ge
3940. SHEPPARD P. M. (1965): The monarch butterfly anel mimicry. J. Lepid. Soc. 19:
227-230. Ne: LRLi (Limenitis archippus); MBM: LRDaDp; de, tll, ge
3941. SHEPPARD P. M. (1965): Mimicry and its ecological aspects. Genetics Today (Proc.
XI. Int. Congr. Genet. Hague) 3: 553-560. W; LR; MBM; LR; ge, tll
3942. SHEPPARD P. M. (1969): Evolutionary genetics of animal populations: The study of
natural populations. Proc. XlI. Intern. Congr. Genet. (Tokyo)3: 261-279. W; LR: MBM:
3943. SHEPPARD P. M. -TURNER J. R. G. (1977): The existence of Muellerian mimicry.
Evolution 31: 452-453. LR: MBM: LR: tll
(1985): Genetics and the evolution of muellerian mimicry in Heliconius butterflies.
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 308: 433-607. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius erato); MBM; LRHl
(HeliconitLS melpomene); ge, tll
3945. SHERBROOKE W. C. -MONTANUCCI R. R. (1988): Stone mimicry in the round
taileel hornecl Iiz8rd, Phrynosoma modestum (Sauria: Iguanidae). J. Ariel Environ.
14 (3): 275-284. Ne: ReSr (Phnj1lOS0ma modestum); C; stone: rle,jbo
3946. SHETILEWORTH S. J. (1972): The role ofnovelty in learned avoidance of unpaJatable
.. prey" hy elomestic chicks (Galius gallus). Anim. Behav. 20 (1): 29-35. Ao; MBM;ftAlJ
(GallLLs gallus)
3947. SHIDELER R. T. (1973): The importance ofmimic pattern and position in an artificial
mimicry situation. Behaviour 47: 268-280. Ao; MBM;ftAv (Stl/mus vulgaris)
3948. SHIELDS O. (1975): Studies on North American Philotes (L ycaenidae). N. Taxonomie
and biological notes, and new subspecies, BulL A1lyn, Mus. 28: 1-36. Ne; LRLn
(Phi/otes): MBM: LR:de.jbo
3949. SHIELDS O. (1985): Zoogeography of the Libytheidae (snouts or beaks). Tokurana 9:
1-58. W: LR {Libyilwidae}; MBM: LR; de
3950. SHIROTA Y. -YAMAGUCHI R. (1980): Protective function of eyespot patterns in
caterpillars. Inter. Congr. E. 16th 1980: 460. Ao (Bombyx mori. larvae): MEs;ftAv
3951. SHULL A. F. (1937): Tbe neecls of the mimicry theory. Science 85: 496-498. An;
MBM:An: tll
3952. SHURE D. cL -W1LSON L. A. -HOCHWENDER C. (1989): Predation on aposematic
efects oť Notophthalmus viridescens. J. HerpetoL 23 (4): 437-439. Ne: AmCd
(NotophtllalllllLs viridescens): A: ft
3953. SIBATANI A. (1987): Ouclemans' principle ancl its extension in pattern formation on
lhe wings ofLepidoptera (lnsecta). J. Lib. Arts Dep. Kansai Med. Univ., Osaka ll: l-
10. P: L: C: de. tl!
3954. SIBLEY C. S. (1955): Behavioura! mimicry in titmice (Paridae) and certain other
birds. Wilson BulL 67: 128-132. P: Av: MBM (acoustic): ReOp; de.jbo
3955. SIBLEY W. K. -POULTON E. B. (1890): Protective colours. Nature 42: 544. P: LRNm
(pupae): Mt. C:tll
3956. SIBREEJ. (1915): Natura!ist in Madagascar. p. 112, p. 254, Lonclon. (review: P.E.S.L.
1917: 65,1933: 17-18: E. B. Poulton.) AJ; LRLn: MFh; de,jbo
3957. SICARD H. (1888): Le Mimétisme. Paris. W: An; C, MBM; An; de, bm,jbo
3958. SIKORA H. (1902): ? lnsekten-Borse, p. 109. AJ: llie (Sphingidae, larvae); MBM;
3959. SILBERGLlED R E. (1984): Visual communication ancl sexlla! selection among
lmtterflies. Pp. 207-223 in: Vane-Wrigbt R 1., Ackery P. R (ecls.): The biology of
butterflies. Orlanclo, Academie Press. LR: ge, tll
3960. SILBERGLlED R. E. -AlELLO A. -WINDSOR D. M. (1980): Disruptive coloration in
buUerflies: lack of support in Anartia fatima. Science 209 (4456): 617 -619. Nt; LRNm
(AnartiaJatima): C;ftAv
3961. SILBERGLlED R. E. -EISNER T. (1969): Mimicry of Hymenoptera by beetles with
unconventiona\ flight. Science J 63 (3866): 486-488. Nt; CoCe: MBM; Hy: de. jbo
3962. SILBERGLlED R. -AlELLO A. (1976): Defensive adaptations of some Neotropica! long
horned beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambyciclae): antennaJ spines. tergiversation, ancl
c10uble mimicry. Psyche 83 (3-4): 256-262. Nt; CoCe (Acyphoderes sexualis): MBM;
HyMy (Paraponera davata). HyVe (Polybia rejecta); cIe,jbo
3963. SILLÉN-TULLBERG B. (1985): Higher survival of an aposematic than of a cryptic
form ol' a c1istasteful bllg. Oecologia 67 (3): 411-415. P: H (Lygaeidae, Lygaeus
equestris): C. A:ftAv (PartLs major)
3964. SILL ÉN-TULLBERG B. (1985): The significance of coloration per se, inclenpenclent of
background. for preclator avoidallce of aposematic prey. Anim. Behav. 33: 1382-
1384. I: A: tll
3965. SILLÉN-TULLBERG B. (1988): Evolution of gregariousnes in aposematic butterfly
larvae: A pbylogenetic analysis. Evolution 42: 293-305. LRPa (larvaeJ: A; ge
3966. SILLÉN-TULLBERG B. (1990): Do predators avoicl groups of aposematic prey? An
experimental test. Anim. Bebav 40 (5): 856-860. P; LRPa (Papi/lo machaon), Hy
(DipríonicIae, Neodiprlon sert!fer. larvae): A;ftAv (PanlS mqjor)
3967. SILLÉN-TULLBERG B. (1992): Does gregariousness reduce attacks on aposematic
prey? A reply Lo Coope\'. Anim. Behav. 43 (l): 165-167. P: LRPa (papilio machaon).
HL) (DiprionÚ:lae. Neocliprlon sert!fá larvae): A;ftAv (Parus major)
3968. SILLÉN-TULLBERG B. -BRYANT E. H. (1983): The evolution of aposematic colouration
in distasteful prey: An individua! selection model. Evolution 37 (5): 993-1000, I; A: ge, th
3969. SILLÉ N-TULLBERG B. -LEIMAR O. (1988): The evolution of gregariousness in
distasteful insects as a defense against preclators. Anl, Nat. 132 (5): 723-734. I; A;
ge. tIJ
3970. SILLÉN-TULLBERG B. -WIKLUND C. -JÁRVJ T. (1982): Aposematic coloration in
adults ancl larvae of Lygaeus equestris and its bearing on Muellerian mimicry: an
experimental study of predation on living bugs by the great tit (parus major). Oikos
39: 131-136. P: H (LygaeicIae. Lygaeu.5 equestris); A. MBM; ftAv (PanLS major)
3971. SILLÉN-TULLBERG B. -WIKLUND C. -JARVI T. (1983): On the ll1utual protection
between Muellerian mimics: a reply to Paxton and Harvey. Oikos 41 (1): 147-148. I;
MBM:I: tll
3972. STLVERSTONE P. A. (1975): Frogs worthy of a maiden's kiss. Terra (Los Angeles)
- 13
(4): 19-21. Nt: AI1lSl(Dendrobatidae): A; de,.fbo
3973. SILVERSTONE P. A. (1975): A revisi on of poisson-arrow frogs of the genu,;
Dendrobaies Wagler. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co. Sci. Bull. 21: 1-55. Nt: AmS!
(Dendrobates): A: de
3974. SIMES J. A. (POULTON COMM.) (J 927): Briiisb birds attacking butterflies P.E.S.L.
2: 12. P: LR:ftAv
3975. SIMES J. A. (1933): Adaptable protective rcsemblance of an Acridian (Orthoptera) of thc
genus Oecllpoda to the rocks of its localities. P.RE.S.L. 8: 138-139. P; O(Oedipod.a); C; de
3976. SIMES J. A. (1934): Observations made in 1934 on buttcrflies and their enemies in
South-eastern France. P.RE.S.L. 9: 64-68. P; LR;jt
3977: SIMMONDS H. W. (POULTON COMM.) (1923): All-female families of Hypolimnas
bolina L., bred in Fiji by H. W. Simmonds. P.E.S.L. 1923: 9-12. Au: LRNm(Hypolimnas
bolům): MBM: LRDa(Euploea): ge
3978. SrMMONDS H. W. (POULTON COMM.) (1928): Mr. H. W. Simmonds' conclusion that
all-female-producing [emales form a persistent strain in Suva, Fiji. P.E.S.L. 3: 43-
44. Au: LRNm (Hypolimnas bolina): MBM: LRDa (Euploea); ge
3979. SIMMONDS H. W. (POULTON COMM.) (1933): Evidence of insect-food-preference in
Fijian and Oriental birds, by Mr. H. W. Simll1onds, F. R E. S. P.RE.S.L. 8: 145-146.
As. Au: I: C. A: ftAv
3980. SIMMONDS H. W. (POULTON COMM.) (1937): Notes on Hypolimnas bolina L.. and
the fooe!-preferences of the giant toae! (Bufo marinus L.l. in Suva, Fiji. P.R.E.S.L.
[A)12: 69-70. Au: LRNm(Hypolil1lnas bolina), I: C. A;ftAmSl (BuJo marinus)
3981. SIMMONDS H. W. (1927): Notes in 1927 on the abundance, proportion of the sexes,
and cOUľiship of Hypolimnas bolina, L., in Fiji, by Hubert W. Simmonds. P.E.S.L. 2:
71-74. Au: LRNm(Hypolimnas bolům); MBM: LRDa (Euploea); ge
3982. SIMMONDS H. W. (1930): Further notes on Hypolimnas bolina, L., in Fiji. P.E.S.L. 5:
75-77. Au; LRNm(Hypolirnnas bolina); MBM: LRDa(Euploea): ge
3983. SIMMONS K. E. L. (1972): Some adaptive features of seabird plumage types. Brit.
Bire!s 65: 465-479, 510-521. P: Av: C: de
3984. SIMMONS W. C. (POULTON COMM.) (1927): Mimetic associations of Lepidoptera
taken in August 1926, on Kome Island, N. W. Victoria Nyanza, by Mr. anli Mrs. W. C.
Simmons. P.E.S.L. 2: 60-63. Ai: LR: MBM; LR: de.fbo
3985. SIMMONS W. C. (POULTON COMM.) (1929): Notes on the larvae of Papilio dardanus,
Brown, in Uganda. P.E.S.L. 4: 21-22. A): LRPaPd(larvae); MBM; LRDa:jbo
3986. SIMMONS W. C. (POULTON COMM.) (1929): Further notes on the larvae of Papilio d.
dardanus, Brown, at Entebbe by W. C. Simmons. P.E.S.L. 4: 102-103. AI LRPaPd
(larvae): MBM: LRDa:.fbo
3987. SIMMONS W. C. (POULTON COMM.) (1931): Acraea encedon, L., mistaken for Danaicla
chrysipplls in S. Uganda. P.E.S.L. 6: 56-57. Ar; LRAc(Acraea encedon); MBM; LRDa
(DanatLs c!lrysippus): .Ibo
3988. SIMON E. (1897): Histoire naturelle des Araignées. 2. Paris, Encyclopédie Roret, L.
Mulo. W: Ar: MBM: HyMy; de. rw. bm
3989. SIMPSON R. G. -PETTUS D. (1976): Records of Limenitis hybrids from Colorado
(USA). J. Res. Lep. 15 (3): 163-168. Ne; LRLi(Limenitis); MBM; LR; ge
3990. SINGH BISHT R. (1986): A note on the protective devices of aquatic Hemiptera and
Coloeptera of Kumaon lakes. Geobios (Jodhpur) 13 (6): 267-268. As; H. Co: C; de
3991. SIRINSKI J. (1981): The nature anli possible functions of luminiscence in Coleoptera
larvae. Coleopt. Bull. 35: 167-179. Ne; Co(larvae); A; de, fbo
3992. SISSON R. F. (1980): Deception: formula for survival. Nation. Geogr. Mag. 157 (3):
394-415. I: C. A. MBM: I; de. Jbo
3993. SITOWSKJ L. (1911): Uderzajace przyklady mimetyzmu wsrod fauny owadow
krajowych. (in pol.) Kosmos (Lwow) 36: 251-262. P: 1: C, MBM: I; de
3994. SKERTSCHLY S. B. J. (1889): On buttertlies enemies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 6. Ser.
3: 477-485. As: LR: C, A. MBM: LR:.ft
3995. SKlNNER H. (1905): "Lycus beetle resembling TIiprocris moth: E. News (Philadelphial
16: 23. Ne: UJeZy (Triprocris): MBM; CoLy (Lycus); de
3996. SKINNER H. (1912): Mimicry in boreal ameIican Rhopalocera. J. Acad. Nat. ScL
Phi1ad., 2. Ser., 15: 119-127. Ne; LR; C, A, MBM; IR; de, th
3997. SKINNER H. [1912): Antigeny in nearctic butterflies. E. News (Philadelphia) 24: 23-
27. Ne: LR: C, A, MBM: LR: de. tll
3998. SKTNNER H. (1914): The Pierine Neoplasia female, a North American mimic of
Danaida. T.E.S.L. 1914: 8. Ne: LRPi (Neopllasia); MBM: LRDa; de
3999. SKREEN E. (1967): Mimicry. North Queensland Nat. 34 (143): 2-5, Au; IR; MBM; IR;
4000. SKUSE F, A. A. (1895): On a case of presumed protective imitation. Rec. Austral.
MllS. 2: 91. Au: LHe: MBM: ReSr: de
4001. SLAGSVOLD T. -SAETRE G.-P. (1991): Evolution of plumage color in male pied
t1ycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca): Evidence for female mimicry. Evolution 45 (4): 910-
917. P: Av (Ficedula l1ypoleuca): MO: ge,jbo
4002. SLATER J. A. (1971): The biology and immature stages of South African
Heterogastrinae, with the description of two new species. Ann. Natal Mus. 20: 443-
465. AJ: H (Lygaeídae, Heterogastrinae): MBM; HyMy; de,jbo
4003. SLATER J. A. (1982): A remarkable new genus of L ygaeide from Nepal (řlemiptera:
Heteroptera). Ann. E. Soc. Am. 75 (5): 534-536. As; H (Lygaeidae, Cervicorís
brevírostris): MBM: HyMy: de
4004. SLATER J. A. -BARANOWSKI R. M. (1978): How to know the true bugs. Picture key
Salal11ander Books. (fr. ed. 1976: Paris - Bruxelles. EIsevir - Sequoia.) W: LR; MBM;
LR: de. ./bo
4020. SMEDLEY N. (1928): A case of protective resemblance. Ma!ayan Nat. (Singapore) 2:
48. As: I: C: de
4021. SMETACEK P. (1989): A new type of mil11icry in butterf1ies (flight pattem). J. Bombay
Nat. Hist. Soc. 86 (3): 471. As: LRPi (Artogeia candida. pazala euronc): MO. MBM;
LRPi (Piem brassicae, Pieris glycerion): de
4022. SMILES R. L. (1985); Cladistics and distribution ofEuxanthe butterf1ies (Nymphalidae:
CharaxinaJ. J. Nat. Hist. 19 (6): 1165-1189. Aj; LRCx (Euxanthe); MBM; LR: de
4023. SMITH D. A. S. (1973): Batesian mimicry between Danaus chrysippus (Danaidae)
and Hypolil1lJ1as misippus (Nymphalidae. Lepidoptera) in Tanzania. Nature 242 (5393):
129-131. AJ; LRNm (Hypolimnas misippus); MBM; LRDa (Danaus chrysippu sJ: ./bo, ge
4024. SMITH D. A. S. (1975): All-female broods in the polymorphic butterf1y Danaus
chrysippus L. and their ecological signif1cance. Heredity 34: 363-371. Aj;
(Danaus chrysippus): A; ge
4025. SMITH D. A. S. (1975): Genetics of some polymorphic forl11s of the African buttertly
Danaus chrysippus L. (Lepidoptera: Danaidae). E. Scand. 6 (2); 134-144. AJ; LRDa
(Danaus chrusippus): A: ge
4026. SMITH D. A. S. (1976): Phenotypic diversity, rnirnicry and natura! selection in the African
butterHy Hypolinmas misippus L. (Lepidoptera; Nymphalidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 8:
183-204. AJ; LRNm (Hypolimnas misippus): MBM: LRDa (Danaus chnjsippusJ: ge
4027. SMITH D. A. S. (1976): Evidence for autosol11a ! l11eiotic drive in the buttertly Danaus
chrysippus L. Heredity 36: 139-142. Ar: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus): A; ge
402H. SMITH D. A. S. (1978): The ef[ect of cardiac glycoside storage on growth rateand
adult size in the huttertly Danaus chrysippus (L.).Experientia 34: 845-846. Ar: LRDa
(Danaus chrysippus): A: to
4029. SMITH D. A. S. (1979): The significance of beak l11arks on thewings of an aposel11atic.
distas1.eful, and polYl11orphic butterf1y. Nature 281: 215-216. Aj; LRDa (Danaus
chrysippus): A:ftAv
4030. SMITH D. A. S. (1980): Heterosis, epistasis and linkage disequilibrium in a wild
population oftbe polymorphic butterDy, Danaus chrysippus. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 69:
87 -110. Ar: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus): A; ge
4031. SMITH D. A. S. (1984): Mate selection in buUertlies: Competition, coyness, choice
and chauvinisl11. Pp. 225-244 in: Vane-Wright R. 1.. Ackery P. R. (eds.): The biology of
butterflies. Orlando, Academic Press. Ar: LRNm (Hypolimnas
misippus): MBM: LRDa
(Danaus chrysippus): ge..fbo
4041. SMITH S. M. (1980): Responses of naive temperate birds to warning coloration. Amer.
Mic11. Nat. 103: 346-352. Nt: ReOp (Coluhridae. Elapidae): MBM: ReOp (Micrurus);
4042. SMITH-VANIZ W. F. li 976): The saher-toothed blennies, tribe Nemophini (Pisces:
Blennidae). Monographs Aca d. Nat. ScL Philad. 19: 1-196. .5: Ps (Blenniidae,
Nemopllini): MBM. MP: Ps: cle
4043. SMTTH-VANIZ W. F. (1976): A revision ofthe saber-toothed blennies, tribe Nemophini
(Pisces: Blennidac). Dissertation Abstr. !nternat. (B)36 (12) (i): 5923 S: Ps (Blermiidae,
Nemophíni): MBM. MP: Ps: cle
4044. SMITH-VANIZ W. F. (1987): The saber-toothed blennides, tribe Nemophini (Pisces:
Blennldae): an upc1a te . Proc. Acac1. Nat. ScL Philad. 139: 1-52. S; Ps (Blermiidae,
Nemophi1ti): MBM. MP: Ps: cle
4045. SNYDER H. A. (1908): Col or and enviroment. E. News (Philadelphia) 19: 147-149.
Ne: Hy; C. A;jbo
404G. Sl\iYDER N. F. R - SNYDER H. A. 971): Defences of the Florida apple snail Pomacea
paludosa. Behaviour 40: 175-215. Ne; Mo (Gastropoda, Pomacea pall1.dosa, eggs): A:
4047. SOCIN C. (1887): II mimetismo nel regno animale . 167 pp., Rovereto, 167 pp. An; C,
A. MBM: An; bm. de
4048. SOLEDADR OTERO L. -BROWN K. S., ,JR. (1982): Biology and ecology of Parides
ascanius [Cramer 1775) (Lep., Papilionidael. a primitjve butterny threatened '\vith
extinctian. Atala 10-12: 2-1G. Nt; LRPa (Graphil1.m lysitlwus); MBM: LRPa (Parides
ascanius); de, ./bo
4049. SOLER M. -MOLLER A. P. (1990): Duration of sympatry and the coevolution between
the grca l spotlcd cuckoo and its magpie host. Nature 343: 746-750. P: AvOv (Clamator
glanc1arius); I\lIP: AvOv (Pica pica); de. ge
4050. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. [POULTON COMM.) (923): A hawk attacking Papilio rex
OberU\', at Nairobi. P.E.S.L. J923: 61. Af: LRPa (Papilio rex); MBM; LRDa (Tirwnala
Iormosa): .ftAL' (Accipiter minullus)
4051. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (POULTON COMM.) (1923): The remarkable snake-like
appearance of an Ethiopian Sphinx larva in the terrifYing attitude. P.E.S .L 1923: .
79-80. Af: LHe ISphingidae. Centroctena ruthet:fordL larvae); MBM; ReOp; de,fbo
4052. SOMEREN \T. G. L. V. (POULTON COMM.J (1924): The Aťrican Nymphaline butterfly
AllLanartia hippornene Hubn. wit11 a c1imorp hi c larva, one form ofwhich mimics the
orange-blacl,-banc1ed larva af a Hypsid moth. P.E.S.L. 1924: 11-12. AJ: LRNm
(Atanartin hippolllene, lClI'!Jue); MBM; LHe IHypsidae, Amphicalia tigris. lamae}: de
405��. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (POULTON COMM.) (1924): A new race of i\mauris lobengula
li:. M. Sh., from S. E. of Lak e Rudolph, tl yi ng '\vith a corresponding female f. ofpapilio
dardanus BľOwn. P.E.S.L. 1924: 25-29. Ar LRPuPd: MBM; LRDa (Amauris lobengula);
4054. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (POULTON COMM.) (1925): Danaida chrysippus L. and D.
dorippus Klug. hred [rom the same p::lf(�nt. FE.S.L. 1925: 9. Af: LRDa (Danaus
chrysippus); A: [je
4055. SOMEHEN V. G. L. V. (POULTON COMM.) (1925): Mimetic association between
Rec1uviid b u gs alle! Carabid beeLlps in Kenya CoJony and Uganda. P.E.S.L. 1925: 9-
12. Af: Co Ca: MHM: H (Reduviidae); de.jbo
4056. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (POULTON COMM.) (1925): Dr. V. G. L. van Someren on
buttertlies and a motll captured for their young by flycatchers at Nairobi, and the
insccts found in the crop of a marabout stork 5110t in Ule Nairobi district. P.E.S .L.
1925: 34-36. Ar [; c. A. MBM: l;ftAv (Muscicapa, Leptopiilus)
4057. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (POULTON COMM.) (1927): Sex-ratios and form-ratios in
eight familics of Acraea eselJria, Hew., breed by Dr.V. G. L. van Someren at Nairobi,
Kenya Colony. P.E.S.L. 2: 5-10. Af: LRAc (Acraea esebria); A; ge
4058. SOMERENV. G. LV. (POULTON COMM.) (1927): The clearing up of an uncertainly
cOllcerni:ng one ol' the gynandromorph Papilio dardanus, Brown. experimentally
produced by Dr. V. G. L. van Someren. P.E.S.L. 2: 34-35. AJ; LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa; ge
4059. SOMERENV. G. L. V. (POULTON COMM.) (1928): An observaiion confirming Dr. V.
G. L. van Someren's suggcsUon that the female f. cec1reati, Hew., ofCharaxes etheocles,
Cram., is a mimic of two COl1lmon species of Euphaedra. P.E.S.L. 3: 65. AJ; LRCx
(Charaxes etheodes): MBM: LRNm (Euphaedra):
4060. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (POULTON COMM.) (1929): Reversion to the ancestral tailed
form offemale Papilio dardanus caused by schock. P.E.S.L. 4: 15-16. Aj; LRPaPd;
MBM: LRDa: ge
40() 1. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. [POULTON COMM.) (1929): An Aegerid moth from Jinja.
Uganda, mirnicking an Iclmeumonid. P,E.S,L. 4: 12. AJ; Uie (Sesiidae. CrLjptomima
hampsoni): MBM: Hy (Ichneumoniciae. Oneinel1Cl el1la1is); de
4062. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. [POULTON COMM.) (1930): Butterflies captured by éi Paradíse
llyca leher, Tehirea viridis suahelica (Reichw.J. aL Nairobi. P.E.S.L. 5: 6-7. AJ: LRPaPd.
LRNm (HljfJolimnCls misippus): MBM: LRDa:ftJw (Terpsiphone viridis)
4063. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (1922): Notcs on certain colour patterns in L ycaenidae. ,J.
East Africa & Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 18-21. Aj; LRLn: MFh; cle . ./bo
4064. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (1926): Further confirmation by Dr. V. G. L. van Someren of
the aUacks or Hypercchia (Asilidae) larvae upon the larvae of Xylocopid bees at
Nairobi. P.E.S.L. 1: 9. Ar D (Asi/idae. Hyperechia); MP: HyAp (XylocopCl):.fbo
4065. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. (1963): Some comments on the Symposium of insects
polymorphism held by the Royal Entmologica! Society, London, September 196 1 . AJ;
I: MBM: I; tll
4066. SOMEREN V. G. L. V. -JACKSON T. H. E. (1959): Some comments on protective
resemblance amongstAfrican Lepidoptera (Hhopa!occra). J. Lep. Soc. 1 3 : 121-150.
Aí: LR: C. MBM: LR: de. tll
4Q[::i7. SORDAHL T. A. (1988): Does the downy American avocet mimic the adult Wilson's
pha!arope? Prairie Nat. 20 (1): 39-45. Ne: AI) (Recurl)irostra Clmericana); MBIVf; Au
(Plwlo.roplLs tricolor); de
40G8. SOUTHERN H. N. (1954): Mirnicry in cllckoo's eggs. Pp. 219-232 in: Huxley, Bardy
& Ford (cds.): Evolution as a process. London, Al1te!1 and Unwin. P: AI)Ou (Cuculus
cnllorlis): MP: AI)Ov: tll. ge
4069. ŠPATENKA K. -SCBWALLER W . (1990): Eine neue Glasfhigler-Art aus clem West
Himalaya Laclakhs: Ein wieterer Fall von Mimicry? Senckenbergiana Biol. 70:
71-75. As; LHe (SesiiclCle. Sesia ladakhensis); MBM; HyAp (Bambus tunicatus); de.
4070. SPEISER P. (1908): Die Dipterengattung Volucella in Deutschland. E. Jahrb.
(Krancher) 1908: 1 63-167. P: DSy (Volucella): MBM. MP: HyAp (Bombus); de . ./bo
4071. SPEISER P. (1939): Bcobachtungen und Bemerkungen zum KapileI "Mimikry". Ber.
Westpreuss. BoL-Zool. Vet. 61: 1 18 . I: MBM: I: th, de
4072. SPEYER A. [1(83); Die Raupe von Acronicta alni, ein biologisches mUsel. Stettin. E.
Z. 44: 419-425. P; UieNo (Acron!jcw allli. lClruCle), LIJe (CymCltophoridae. ThyCltim
bCttis. lnmew): C: birďs dropping: cle, juo
4073. SPEYER E. R (1919): Wild birds ancl clistasLcful insect larvae. Nature 103: 445-446.
P: 1 (lmuCLe): A: .ftAv
4074. SPRlNGERV. G. (1971): Revision ofthe llsh genus Escenius (Blenniidae, Blenniinae.
Salariinil. Smithsonian Contrib. Zool. 72: 1-74. S: Ps (Blennidae. Escenius bicolor);
MBM: Ps:dc
4075. SPRINGER V. G. -SMITH-VANIZ W. F. (1972): Mimetic relationship invo!ving fishes
of the family Blenniidae. Smithsonian Contrib. Zool. l12: 1-36. S; Ps (Blenniidae,
Escenius gravierO: MBM: Ps (Blenniidae. MeiClcClnthus nigrolineCltus, PlClgiotremus
townsendi): de . .tuo
4076. SPRINGETT B. P. (1968): Aspects of the relationship between burying beetles,
Necrophorus spp. and the mite, Poecilochirus necrophori Vitz. J. Anim. Eco!' 37:
417-424. P: Co (SylphidClc. Necrophorus): MBM; HyAp (Bombus);.fbo
4077. SPULER A. (1892): Zur Stammesgeschichte der Papilioniden. Zool. Jahrb. System.
6: W: LRPa: MBM: LR: cle
4078. SPULER A. (1898): Weismann uber Germinal-Selektion, eine Quelle bestimmt
gerichteter Variation. Bio!. Centralbl. 18: 753-767. LR; MBM: LR; ge. tll
4079. SRYGLEY R. B. -PENG CHA! (1990): PredaUon and the elevation of thoracic
temperaLure in brightly colored neotropical butteri1ies. Am. Nat. 135 (6): 766-787.
Nt: LR: A. .fiAl!
4080. STABINGER S. (1991): Ein Beispiel von VerhaltenSmimikry bei der Wasseramse!.
Monticola 6: 186-187. P: Av (Cinc1us cinc1l1s); MO; de
4081. STADELMANN H. (1893): "Myrmecia and Cryptocerus-mimicry." Sitzungsber. Ges.
Naturf. Fr. Berlín 1893: 169sq. Au: HyMy (Myrmecia); MBM; HyMy (Cryptocerus); de,
f bo
4082. STALLWOOD B. R. (1979): Observations on Vespa crabro L. (Hym., Vespidae)- the
hornet and Volucella zonaria Poda (Dipt., Syrphidae). Bull. Amat. E. Soc. 38 : 3-6. P;
DSy (Volucella zonaria): MBM; HyVe (Vespa crabro):fbo
4083. STAMP N. E. (1980): Egg deposition patterns in butterflies: why do some species
cluster their eggs rather than deposit them singly? Am. Nat. 115 (3): 367-380. Ne:
LR (eggs): A: Jho
4084. STAMP N. E. (l986): Physical constraints of defense and response to invertebrate
predators by pipevine caterpillars (Battus philenor: Papilionidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 40
(3): 191-205. Ne: LRPa (Battus philerwr. larvae); A; ftCoCc (Hippodarnia convergens,
4085. STAMPS J. A. -GON S. M. (1983): Sex-biased pattern variation in the prey of birds.
An.n. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 14: 231-253. An: C. A. MBM; An;JlAv. ge. th
4086. STANDEN J. -COWARD T. A. (1917): Burnet and other reputed unpalatable moths
eaten by birds. Lcmkash. Nat. Darwen 10: 133- 136. P; UieZy (Zygaena); A; JtAv
4D87. STANDFUSS M. (1894): Die Beziehungen zwischen Fi-irbung und Lebensgewohnheiten
bei den palearktischen Grossschmetterlingen. Vierteljahrschr. Naturf. Ges. Ziirich
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STANDFUSS M. (1904): Der Einfluss der Umgebung auf die aussere Erscheinung
der lnsekten. lnsekten-Borse 1904. No. 39. 40, 41. P; L: C; de.fbo
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Ges. 1: 155-157. P: L: C. A. MEs: de.fbo
4090. STANDFUSS M. (1906): (Versuchsberichte). Mittei!. Schweizer E. Ges. Schaffhausen
ll: 153-158. P: Uie (Spllingidae. Smerintllus ocellata); MEs;ftAv
4091. STANNARD L. J. JR. (1976): A synopsis of some ant-mimicking thrips. with special
reference to the American fauna (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: Idolothripinae). J.
Kansas E. Soc. 49 (4): 492-508. Ne. Nt: Thysanoptera (Idolothripinae); MBM: HyMy:
4092. STANĚK V. J. (1977): 111e ilustrated encyclopedia of butterflies and moths. 352 pp.,
London. Octopus. W: L: C. A: bm. de
4093. STAUDINGER O. (1873): "The different kinds of variation in Lepidoptera." Sitzungsber.
Ges. Isis 1873: 77-79. (reprint: Berlin. E. Z. 18: 148-150.) W; LR; MBM; LR; tll
4094. STAUDlNGER O. (1884): Exotische SchmeUerlinge. Fiirth 1. B. W: LR; MBM; LR; de.
4095. STAWARCZYK T. (1986): Social strategies of waders (Charadrii) in non breeding
season. Przeglad Zool. 30 (1): 75-94. P; Av (Charadrii); MO; de fbo. tll
4100. STEFFAl'J J. R. (1974): Trois cas ďadaptations morphologiques chez les Chalcididae
(Hym.). Anll. Soc. E. Fr. 10 (3); 565-575. Nt; Hy (Chalcididae. Brachymeria
poly bia era ptor ): MP; H!JVe ( Polybia); de
4101. STEFFNY H. (1985); Zur Biologie und Mimikry der Sesien unter besonderer
Berucksichtigung der bkologie und Verbreitung des Goldwespenglasfliiglers in
Rheinlancl-pfalz (Bembecia chrysidiformis Esper, 1782, Seslidae, Lepidoptera).
Dendrocopos 12: 118-129. P: LHe (Sesiidae. Bembecia chnJsidiformis); MBM; Hy; .fho
4102. STEINER H. (1965): Der Brutparasitismus der Viduinae, ein eigentlicher Fall echter
Mimikry. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 92: 167- 182. AJ; Av (V iduinae); MP: Av (Estrild.idae); de,
jbo. tl!
4103. STEINIGER F. (1933): Katalepsie und visuelle Anpassung bei Phyllium. Z. Morph.
Oekol. Tiere 28: 1-51. As: Ph (PhyllíumJ; C: Pl (leaves); jbo
4104. STEINIGER F. (1934): Ober visuelle Anpassung bei Spinnen. Verh. Deutsch. Zool.
Ges. (Leipzig) 36: 210-218. W: Ar; C, MBM; HyMy; de
4105. STEINIGER F. (1934): Schutzstellung und akinetische Erscheinungen bei einigen
Spinnen. Z. Wiss. Zool. (A)l45: 541-575. P; Ar; C;jbo
STEINIGER F. (1934): Das wande1nde Blatt und seine Anpassungserscheinungen.
Forsch. tL Fortschritt (Berlin) 10: 157-158. As; Ph {PllylliumJ: C: Pl (leaves):jbo. de
STEINIGER F. (1936): Schutzanpassungen ohne Annahme einer Lamarckistischen
oder selektionistischen Entstehung?
Natur u. Volk 66 (1): 17-23. W: Ar; C. MBM:
HyM1J: th
4108. STEINIGER F. (1937): "Eke1geschmack" und visuelle Anpassung einiger Insekten
(Fiitterungsversuche an Vbgeln). Z. Wiss. Zool. (A) 149: 221-257. P: I: C. A;ftAv
4109. STEINIGER F. (1937): Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen zur Mimikryfrage. Biol.
Zentralbl. 57: 47-58. I: C. MBM: I: de,jbo. tll
4110. STE1N1GER F. (1938): Warnen und Tarnen im T ierreich. Ein Bildbuch zur
Schutzanpassungsfrage. 91 pp.. Berlin, Bermiihler. W; An; C. A. MBM: An. Pl; bm.
rw. de,Jbo
4111. STE1N1GER F. (1938): Die genetische, tierpsychologische und bko10gische Seite der
Mimikry. Z. Angew. E. 25: 461-471. I; M, C; I; th, ge
4112. STEIN1GER F. (1938): Die bkologische Bedeutung der Augenf1ecke bei lnsekten.
Verhand1. Vll. Intern. Kongr. E. Berlin 2: 1340-1346. P: LRNm (Vanessa iO); MEs;ftAv
{Parus lTIajOl}
4113. STEINIGER F. (1942): Eine Kritik an der exakten Mimikryforschung Heikertingers.
Z. An.gew. E. 29: 329-346. P: I: A. MBM: I: tll
4114. STELWES M. E. -SEIBER J. N. (1990): Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in an overwintering
population of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) in California. J. Chem. Ecol.
16 (5): 1459-1470. Ne: LRDaDp: A: to
4115. STEMPFFER H. (1957): Les'lépidopteres de I'Afrique noire francaise. Fasc. 3.
Lycaenides. 1nst. Afr., Dakar 14: 1-228. AI; LRLn; MBM; LR; de
4116. STEPANJAN L. S. (1987): On some morphological effects in the family Cuculidae. (in
russ., engl. summary) Ornitologija 22: 167-173. P. As, Au: Av (Cuculidae); MBM; Av
(Accipiter. DicrurlLS): de, ge
4117. STEPHENSON E. M. -STEWART C, (1955): Animal camouflage. 2nd ed. x+195 pp"
London, Black. W; An: C. MBM: An; de, bm.jbo
4118. STERM1TZ F. R (1988): 1ridoid glycosides and aglycones as chiral synthon, bioactive
compounc1s, and lepidopteran defences. A111 . Chem. Soc. Symp, Ser, 380: 397-402.
Ne: L (larvae): A: to
4119. STERMlTZ F. R -GARDNER D. R -Me FARLAI\fD N. (1988): 1ridoid glycoside
sequestration by two aposematic Penstemon-feeding geometrid larvae, J, Chem. Eco!.
14 (2): 435-442. Ne: LHeGe (Meris alticola, Neoterpes graefrana, larvae); A; to
4120, STERNBURG J. G, -WALDBAUER G. P. -JEFFORDS M. R (1977): Batesian mimicry:
selective aclvantage of color pattern. Science 195: 681-683. Ne; LHe (Saturniidae,
Callosamia promethea): MBM: LRPa (BattLlS pllilenor);ftAv
4121. STERNFELD R (1908): Mimikry bei afrikanischen Schlangen. Zool. Zentralbl. 16:
514-515. AJ; ReOp: .!I1BM: ReOp: de, th
4122. STERNFELD R (1908): Mimikry bei afrikanischen Schlangen. Sitzungsber. Ges.
Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin 1908 (4): 89-91. Af; ReOp (Dasypeltis, Rhamphiophis
multiiuberculatus): MBM: ReOp (Bitis): de
4123. STERNFELD R. (1911): Die Erscheinungen der Mimikry bei den Schlangen. Sitzungsber.
Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin 1913: 98-117. W; ReOp; MBM; ReOp; de, rw
der Eier und der Brutparasitismus des gemeinen Kuckucks (Cuculus canorus 1.') in
einigen Gegenden Vojvodinas (in croat., german summary). Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus.
Belgr., Ser. 8., Biol. ScL Nos. 43-44: 35-46. P: AvOv {Cuculus canorlLS}: MP; AvOv: de
4125. STEVENS H. (POULTON COMM.) (1930): Attacks by a sparrow upon the Pierine
butterfly Aporia bieti, Oberth.. at Tachineulu, Tibet. P,E.S,L, 5: 66. P: LRPi (Aporia
bieti): A:.1lAv (Passer)
4Ub. STEVENSON C. W. (1966): Co]oms oftropical Lepidoptera. Entomologist 99: 223-
224. LR: C. A, MBM: LR: cle
4127. STEWART D. (1883): Mimicry in rnoths. Nature 27 : 314. P: LHe: C; th
4128. STEYN P. (1979J: Observations on pearl-spotted and barred owls. Bokmakierie 31
(3): 50-60. AJ: Av (GlaucidiuTIl perlatum) ; MFh:fbo
4129. STIFF (1912): .. Protective resemblance." E. Rec. 24: 262-265. I; C. MBM; I; de, th
41 30 . STILES E. W. (1979): The evolution of color pattern and pubescence characteristics
in m ale bumblebees: automil11ic ry versus therl110regulation. Evolution 33 (3): 941-
D57. Ne : HyA[J (BomlJus): A. MO; ge. th
4131. STIMSON J. -BERJVlAN M. (1990): Predator induced colour polymorphism in Danaus
plexippus L. (Lepidoptera: NYl11phalidael in Hawaii. Heredity 65 (3): 401-406. Au;
LRDaJJp: A: ge, .ttAv
4132. STIMSON J. -MEYERS L. (1984): Inheritance an.d frequency of a colour polymorphism
in Danaus p lex ip pus (Lepidoptera: 'oanaidae) on Oahu, Hawaii. J. Res. Lep. 23:
153-160. Au: LRDaDp: A: ge. JtAv
4133. STOKES F. G. (GAHAi'l COMM.) (1916): Mirnetic grouping in insects. P.E.S.L. 1916:
46 - 47. AJ; H (Flatidae); C (collecti ue) : PIFl; de
4134. STOKOE P. H. !l88:3): Mimicry. Nature 27: 508-509 (note of H. J. Morgan, p. 531).
An: MBM: Aj]: tll
4135. STOLK A . (1981): Remarkable defence behaviour. Aquarium (Den Haag) 51 (7): 190-
191. P: LHeAt (Arctia caJa): A: JtRe
4136. STONE E. G. (1896): Resel11blance of an insect-lanra to a lichen-fruit. BuI1. Torrey
Botan. Club. 23: 454-455. ?: Ho (Eriococeidae, Gossyparia); C; Lichenes: de
41:37. STOWE M. K. -TUML l SO N J. H. -HEATH R. R. (1987): Chemical mimicry: bolas
spiders em it cOl11ponents of 1110th prey species sex pherol110nes. Science 236: 964-
�)67. Nt: Ar (Araneidae, Mastophoro comigera); MP (pheroTllones); UIe; de,fbo
4138. STRAATMAN R. ( 1 9 75) : Notes Oll the biologies of PapiJio laglaizei and P. toboroi
(Papilionidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 29 (3): 180-187. As; LRPa{PapUio laglaizei, Papilio toboroi):
MBM: LRPa: de
4139. STRADLlNG D. J. (1976): The nature of the mimetic patterns of the brassolid genera,
Caligo and Eryphanis. Ecol. E. I (2): 135-138. Nt; LRBs (Caligo, Eriphanis): MBM:
ReSr (Gek/conidae). AmSl (Hulidae): de
",140. STRESEMANN l3. (1914): Beitrage zm Kenntnis der A,rifauna von Buru. Nov. Zool.
21: 358-400. p. :395. As: Av: MBM: Av: de, fbo
4141. STRESEMANN E. (1924) : Die Anpassung von Kuckuckeiern an Emberiza-Eier in
Japan. Ornith. Monatsber. Berlín 32: 16-17. As; AvOv (Cuculus canorus); MP; AvOv
(Emberiza cio ide s) : de
4142. STRESEMANN E. (1927): Aves. In: Kiikenthal u. Krumback: Handbuch der Zoologie,
Berlin, Leipzi.�. P. As, Au: AvOv (CucuUdae): MP: AvOv; de, Jbo, rw, bm
4143. STRIDE G. O. (1956): On the courtship behaviour of Hypolinmas misippus L., with
notes on the m im etic association ",ith Danaus chrysippus L. Brit. J. Anim. Behav.
4: 52-68. AI LRNm (II!Jpolimnas misippus): MBM; LRDa (Danaus chrysippus):.fbo
4144. STRIDE G. O. (1957): Investigations into the courtship behaviour of the male of
Hypolinmas misippus L. (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidael, with special reference to tbe
role of visual stimuli. Brit. J. Anim. Behav. 5: 153-167. A;
1llisippu.s): MBM: LRDa (DanatLs chrysippus):fbo
4145. STRIDE G. O. (1958): Further studies on the courtship behaviour of African l11imetic
butterflies. Brit. ,J. AninI. Behav. 6: 224-230. Aj; LRNm(Hypolimnas misippus); MBM:
LRDa (Danaus c!Jn/sippus):jbo
4146. STRUCK R. (1896): Ober einige Obereinstimmungen zwischen Larvengehausen von
T ri c hopLeren und SchmeUerlingen. Schutza1mlichkeiten bei Trichopterengernusen.
IlIustr. Wochenschr. E. 1: 615sq. P: Trichoptera (larvae); C, MO; Ufe (Psychidae); de,.Jbo
4147. STRUMPEL H. (1986): Bernerkungen ZUl' protektiven Mimese von Larven der
neotropischen M ernbracide Leioscyta spiralis Haviland, 1925 (H omoptera,
Membr acid ae). E. M itt . Zool. St. 1nst. Zool. Mus. Hal11burg 8 : 281-284. Nt; Ho
(Membracidae. J ,eiosq/ ta spiralis, larvae); MBM; ?; de
4148, STUDY E. (19'19): Die Mimikry als P r iifstein phylogenetischer Theor ien.
Natunvissenschal1 7: 21-23. An: MBM: An: th, ge
4149. STUDY E. (1926): Die Gattung Tithorea und ihre Nachahmer. Zool. Jahrb. AlIg.
Zool. 42: 428-440. As. Aj:
4150. STUDY E. (1926): Uber einige mimetische Fliegen. Zool. Jahrb. A1lg. Zool. 42: 421-
427. W: D (Asilidae): MBM. MP: HyAp. HyVe; de
4151. STUDY E. (1930): Neuere Angriffe auf die Selektionstheorie. Arch. Rassen- u.
Gesellsch. Biol. 22: 353-393. An; MBM: An; ge. th
4152. STUDY E. (1930): Kann Mimikry auf Zufall beruhen? E. Rundschau 47: 1-4. An;
MBM: An: ge. tll
4153. STUEBING R. B. (1987): Squirrel or treeshrew: will the real tupaia please stand up?
Malay Nat. 40 (3-4): 30-33. As; Mm (Sciuridae): MBM; Mm (Tupaidae): de. th
4154. STUGREN B. (1983): Evolution non-Darwinienne chez les amphibiens et les reptiles.
pp. 259-263 in: Coman N. et all. (eds.): Symposium .Evolution and adaptations'
Cluj-Napoca. 17-18 December 1982, 314 pp. Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca.
P: AmSl (Bombina): A: ge. tll
4155. STUMPEL A. H. P. (1981): Water snake (Xenochrophis piscator) imitates cobra
(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae). Salamandra 17 (3-4): 203-204. As; ReOp
(Xenochrophis piscator): MBM: ReOp (Naja najal: de
4156. STUTCHBURG B. J. (1991): The adaptive significance of male subadult plumage in
purple martins: plumage dyeing experiments. Behav. Eco!' Sociobiol. 29 (4): 297-
306. Ne: Av {Progne subis}: MO: de . .fbo
4157. SUBRAHMANYAM T. V. (1938): Protective adaptations among some Indian spiders.
J. Bombay Nal. Hist. Soc. 40 (3): 477-485. As: Ar: C. MBM: HyMy: de
4158. SUCHANTKE A. (1974): Biotoptracht und Mimikry bei afrikanischen Tagfaltern.
Elemente d. Naturwiss. 21: 1-21. (reprint in: W. Schad (Hrsg.): Goetheanische
Naturwissenschaft, Band III (Zoologie). Stuttgart, 1982) Aj: LR: MBM; LR; tll
4159. SUCHANTKE A. (1976): Die Buckelzirpen (Membracidae) und die Formensprache
der lnsekten. Elemente d. Naturwiss. 24: 1-14. (reprint in: W. Schad (Hrsg.):
Goetheanische Naturwissens.chaft, Band III (Zoologie). Stuttgart, 1982) Nt: Ho
(Membracidae): A. C: tll
4160. SUCHANTKE A. (1976): Biotoptracht bei sildamerikanischen Schmetterlingen.
Elemente cl. Naturwiss. 25: 1-8. (reprint in: W. Schad (Hrsg.): Goetheanische
Naturwissenschaft, Band III (Zoologie). Stuttgart, 1982) Nt: LR; MBM: LR: th
4161. SUDD J. H. -FRANKS N. R. (1987): The behavioral ecology of ants. 206 pp., New
York, Chapman & Hall. W: Co. D, Hy: MP, MBM: HyMy:jbo
4162. SUFFERT F. (1900): "Resemblance between Danais chrysippus and Hypolimnas."
Berlin. E. Z. 45: 7. AJ: LRNm (Hypolimnas): MBM: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus); de
4163. SUFFERT F. (1932): Phanomene visueller Anpassung. I.-III. Z. Morph. Oekol. Tiere
26: 147-316. P: L (laruae. pupae): C: de.jbo. rw. bm
4164. SUFFERT F. (1935): Neue Arbeit an den Fragen der visuellen Anpassung. Verh.
Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 37: 248-295. (review P. R. E. S. L. (A)l4: 111-112, V. B.
W iggleswarth (1939]) W: I: C. A: .ftAu. rw . brn, tll
4165. SULLlVAN G. A. (1976): Song of the finch Lagonosticta senegala: interspecific mimicry
by its brood-parasite Vidua chalybeata and the role of song in the hosťs social
contexL Anim. Behav. 24 (4): 880-888. AI: Au (Vidua chalybeata); MP : Au (Lagonosticta
senegala): de. .fbo. tll
4166. SUMNER F. B. (1921): Desert and lava-dwelling mice, and the problem of protective
coloration in mammals. J. Mamm. (Baltimore) 2: 75-86. Ne: Mm; C: de,.fbo. th, ge
4167. SUMNER F. B. (1934): Does "protective coloration" protect? Results of some
experiments with fishes and birds. P roc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (Washington) 20: 559-564.
Ne: Ps: C:ftAu
4168. SUMNER F. B. -SWARTH H. S. (1924): The supposed effects of the color tone of the
background upon the coat color of mammals. J. Mamm. (Baltimore) 2: 81-113. Ne;
Mm: C: de. .fbo. tll. [je
4169. SURLYKE A. -MILLER L. A. (1985): The influence of arctiid moth cliks on bat
echolocation: Jamming ar warning? J. Comp. Physiol. A 156 (6): 831-843. P: LHeAt
(Arctia caja. Phragmatobiafuliginosa): A:.fbo.ftMm {Chiroptera}
4170. SWAlNSON E M. (1901): Notes on lepidopterous larvae from Jamaica, B. W. 1. J.
New York E. Soc. 9: 77-81. Nt: LRNm (Heterocllroa, pupae): C: de
4171. SWANTON E. W. (1900): A case of mimicry. Spider and Orchis. Natural J. 10: 133-
134. P: ArTh (Miswnena vatía): MP: Pl (Orchis maculataj; de
4172. SWARZ E. A. (1899): .• Resemblance between beetles and moths, perception by the
beetles." Proc. E. Soc. Washington 4: 339. Ne; Ufe; MBM; Co; de,fbo
4173. SWEET S. S. (1985): Geographic variation, convergent crypsis and mimicry in gopher
snakes (Piluophis melanoleucus) and western rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis). J.
Herpelol. 19 (1): 55-67, Ne: ReOp (PitlLophis melanoleucus); C, MBM; ReOp (Crotalus
ui,idis): cle, .Ibo .
4174. SWEET S. S. (1986): Crypsis, variation and selection in a snake intergrade zone.
Copeia. Ne: ReOp (Pituophis melanoleucus); C. MBM; ReOp (Crotalus viridis); de. jbo
4175. SWTHART S. L. (1963): The electroretinogram of Heliconius erato and its possible
relation to established behaviour patterns. Zoologica 48: 155-165. Nt: LRHI (Heliconius
emto): A:fbo
4176. SWIHART S. L. (1965): Evoked potentials in the visual pathway ofHeliconius erato.
Zoologica 50: 55-62. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius emto); A;jbo
4177. SWIHART S. L. (1967): Natural adaptations in the visual pathway of certain
heliconiidae butterflies, and related forms, to variations in wing coloration. Zoologica
52: 1-14. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius): A:.!bo
4178. SWINHOE C. (1887): On mimicry in butterflies for protection. J. Bombay Nat. Hist.
Soc. 2: 169-175. As: LR: MBM: LR: de
4179. SWINHOE C. (1892): Mimicry in nature. Proc. Croydon Club 3: 332-341. As: An: C.
MBM:An: de
4180. SWINHOF: C. (1893): On the mimetic forms of certain butterflies of the genus
Hypolimnas. (ahstr.) Proc. Roy. Soc. Land. 53: 47. As: LRNm (Hypolimnas): MBM;
LRDa: de. .Ibo
4181. SWINHOE C. (1895): On mimicry in butterflies of the genus Hypolimnas. J. Unn.
Soc. 25: 3:39-348. As: LRNm (Hypolimnas): MBM; LRDa: de,jbo
4182. SWINHOE C. (1898): Protection in nature. Rep. Brighton Soc. 1 898 : 17-19. An; C,A.
MBM: An: de, th
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Ufe: MBM; LR: de
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P.E.S.L. 1911: 72-73. Aj: I: C, A: ftAv. ItA,
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j de,jbo. th
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j I: C. A,
MBM: I:ftAv
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4197. SWYNNERTON C. F. M. (1915): Further notes on the eggs of butterflies. T.E.S.L.
1915: 428-430. Ar LRDa (Amauris, DanalLs. eggs), LRPaPd(eggs); A;ftHyMy(Dory/us)
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nestlings. Bull. Brit. Omit. Cl. London 35: 108-112. A; J
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caflorus): MP: AuOu: de. ge. lil.fbo
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the genus Charaxes. 3rd lnt. E. Congr. Ziirich (1925) 2: 478-506. AJ; LRCx(Charaxes):
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4202. SWYNNERTON C. M. F. (1919): E xperiments and observations bearing on the
explanation or [orm and colouring, 1908-1913. Africa. J. Linn. Soc. Zool. 33: 203-
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Papilio idacoides): MBM: LRPa: de
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in butterflies. P.E.S.L. 1916: 73-76. As, Nt; LR; MBM; LR; de
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4218. TAYLOR J. S. (1966): The larva of Cactoblastis cactorum Berg. (Pyralidae) an example
of aposematic coloration. E. Rec. J. Var. 78: 293. Nt; LHe (Pyralidae, Cactob/astis
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4219. TAYLOR O. R. JR. (1973): A non-genetic ,polymorphism' in Anartia fatima
(Lepidoptera: NymphaHdae). Evolution 27 [1): 161-174. Nt: LRNm(Anartiafatima); C,
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4222. TEMPLADO J. (1970): Algunos aspectos del mimetismo en los insectos. Graellsia 25:
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4223. TEMPLADO J. (1976): Mimetismo en insectos de la fauna Iberica. Bol. Estac. Cent.
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4228. THALLWlTZ J. (1890): Ober Mimicry. Sitzungsber. u. Abh. Naturw. Ges. IBis (Dresden)
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(Eristalis. larvae): de. fbo, tll
4229. THANGAVELU K. ( 1 978): On the ethology of the L ygaeidae of the scrub jungle of
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4243. THIELE H. (l977): Carabid beetles in their enviroments. xvii+369pp., Berlín, Springer
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4247. THOMAS F. (1897): Ober Mimikry bei Eichenblatt-Gallen. Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturf.
Fr. Berlin 1897: 45-47. P: Hy (Cynipidae. galls): MO;?; de
4248. THOMAS R. H. (1897): Protective mimicry. Nature 46: 612. An: C: th
4249. THOMPSON T. E. (1960): Defense adaptations in opisthobranchs. J. Mal'. Biol. Ass.
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(London) 28 (2): 75-78. P: Mo (Gastropoda, Lamellaria): C; de
4251. THOMPSON V. (1973): Spittlebug polymorphic for warning coloration. Nature 242:
126-128. P: Ho (Aphrophoridae. Philaenus spumarius); A; de. th
4252. THOMSON F. W. íl903): Note on the Culicidae of Dehra Dun. with a description of
a new Mansonia which mimics Anopheles. J. Trop. Medicine 6: 314-315. As; D
(Culicidae. MansOllia): MO; D (CuHcidae. Anopheles); de
4253. THORNHILL R. (1979): Adaptive female-mimicking behaviour in scorpiontly. Science
205: 412-414. Ne: Panorpata (Hylobittacus apicalis); MO; de.jbo
4254. THORP R. W. -HORNING D. S. JR. -DUNNING L. L. (1983): Bumble bees and cuckoo
bumble bees ofCalifornia (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Bull. Calif. Insect Surv. 23: 1-79.
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4255. THORPE W. H. (1963): Learning and instinct in animals. London. Methuen & Co.
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4258. THRESHER R. E. (1978): Polymorphism, mimicry, and the evolution of the hanlets
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Hypopleclrus);MBM: Ps; de, ge
4259. THRUNALL (1903): .. Mimicry and concealment, Dianthoecia." E. Month. Mag. 39:
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4260. THULBORN T. (1994): Mimicry in ankylosaurid dinosaurs. Rec. South Austr. Mus.
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4273. TOBIAS V. I. (1963): Iclmeumonidae [Hymenoptera) with a venation type in the
lorewill.l(s which resembles lhat in Braconidae. (russ.. engl. summary) Zool. Zhurn
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ensUni): MO: H!IMy (LasiusIll/[ginoslls): de
4274. TODD ,J. E. [1888): Directive coloration ofanimals. Am. Natur. 1888 (3): An: C, A: ch
4275. TOLlV ER M. E. [1980): The efficacy of Batesian mimicry in an urban enviroment.
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LRPa (BatlIls p hi/enor), LRDaDp:. f7J O, Jt
4276. TOMEY W. A. [1974): Bllnocephalus - a natllral mimic. Pet Fish Man. 9 [ll: 15-16.
Nt: Ps (A sp renrlinirl ae . Bll1lOCep halus) : MBM: Ps: de, jbo
4277. TOMEY W. A. [1984): Colour in fish [conclusion). [in dlltch) Aquarillm [Den Haag) 54
(1): 23-27. W; Ps: C, A, MBM: Ps: de, rw
4278. TONNER M. -NOVOTNÝ V. -LEPŠ ,J. -KOMÁREK S. (1993): False head wing pattern
ofthe Bllnl1eSe ,Jungleqlleen blltterfly and the deception of avian predators. Biotropica
25 (4): 474-484. As; LRMr (SUchophthalma louisa): MFh; de,jbo,ftAlJ
4279. TOOKE W. H. [1886): Mimicry in snakes. Nature 34: 547. Aj; ReOp (Dasypeltis scaber);
MBM: ReOp (C/othos alropos); de
4280. TORBAR ,J. (1896): Zašiitne boje i oponos u životinjstvu. (in serb.) Raci. Jugoslav.
Akad. 123: 57-102. L: C. A, MBM: L: th
4281. TORNIER G. (1885): ZUl11 "Kampfmit der Nahrung". Kosmos 16: 130-136. I; C, A,
MBM: I: tll
4282. TORTONESE E. (1957): Mimetisl1lo l1lulleriano e rapporti filogenetici. Boll. Zool. 23:
721 -725. S: Ps (Balisticlae, Sl�[fIaTJ1ell): MBM; Ps (Acanthuridae, AcallthLLrtls): de, ge
4283. TOSgUINET J. [1888): .. Mimicry- aclclress to Soc. E. Belg." Compt. Rend. E. Soc.
Bel.l(. 32: 103-110. I: MBM: J: (ll
4284. TOWNES H. (1972): The function ofthe eye stulks in Diopsiclae [Diptera). Proc. E.
Soc. Washington 74 (1): 85 86. Nt: D (Diopsidae): MO; de,fbo
4285. TOWNES H. (1973): Saturniids (Lep.) as bat (Chiroptera) mimics. E. News 84 (3): 72.
Ne: LHe (Satllrniiclae); MO, M P: M m (Chiropte m): de
4286. TOWNES H. R. JR. (1939): Pro(ec(Ne odors among the Jchneumonidae (Hymenoptera).
HulI. Brooklyn E. Soc. 34: 29-30. Ne: Hl) (Ichnell1nonidae); A: to
4287. TOWNSEND C. H. T. (1886): Proteciive coloration in the genus Cicinclela. Can. E. 18:
46-49. Ne: CoCi (Cicinc1ela): C: cle. ge
4288. TOWNSEND C. H. T. (1897); Contributions from the New Mexico Biological Station.
No. 2. On a collection of Diptera from the lowlands of the Rio Nautla, in the state
Vera Cruz. I. Ann. Mag. Nat. HisL 19: 16-34 (p. 21). Nt; D; MBM; Hl) (Ichnewnonidae):
4289. TOWNSEND C. H. T. (1901): New ancl litle known Diptera from the Organ mountains
and vicinity in New Mexico. Trans, Am. E. Soc. 27: 159-164. Nt: D (BombyHclae,
SljstroplllLS): MBM: Hll (Spheciclae, Am17l0phila): cle
4290. TRAGARDH I. (1907): DescripUol1 ofTermitomimus. a new genus oftermitophi1ous
pllysogastric Aleocharini, with notes on its anatomy. Zool. Stucl. Til1ag. Prof. T. Tullberg
(Upsala): 172-190. Ar CoSt (Termitomimus): MBM, MP; Isoptem: cle
4291. TRAlL P. W. (1990): Why should lek-breeder be monomorphic. Evolution 44 (7):
1837-1852. Nt: Ps (PerissocephallLs tricolor): MO; de
4292. TRANTER.J. A. (1982): The use of a little-known group ofinsects - the raising bugs
- in laboratory sill1ulations ofmimicry. ,J. Biol. EdllC. 16 (1): 39-41. P: H. Ao: MBM;Jt
4293. TH.EMEWAN W. G. (1986): The snake-like hiss oľhibernating peacocs - auclio Batesian
mimicry. Antenné1 10 (2): 63. P: LRNm (Ny m plwHs iO); MBM (acoustic); ReOp: cle
4294. TREWAVAS E. (1947): An example of ..mimicry" in fishes. Nature 160: 120. AJ; Ps
(CichliclCl e. CoreTllatodus): MP: ?: cle
4295. TRIMEN R. (BATES COMM.) (1864): No title. P.E.S.L. 1864: 29. AJ; Ar; MP; PIFl (Senecio
)Jubigerus): cle
4296. TRIMEN R. (1861): Rhopalocera aľricae australis. 353 pp., I. Vol., Cape Town. Aj:
4297. TRIMEN R. (1868): On some unclescribed species of South-African butterflies,
incJuding a new genus of L ycaenidae. T.E.S.L. 1868: 69-96. (note: E. Month. Mag. 3:
220. P. E. S. L. 1868: 68-69; H. W. Bates) AJ; LRPaPd; MBM: LRDa: ge
4298. TRIMEN R. (1868): Aspects of insect-life in South-eastern Africa. E. Month. Mag. 4:
212-223. AJ; LRPaPd: MBM: LRDa; ge
4299. TRlMEN R. (1869): On some remarkable mimetic 'analogies among African butterflies.
Trans. Linn. Soc. Zool. 26: 497-522. AJ; LR: MBM: LR: de, th,jbo
4300. TRIMEN R. (1874): Observations on the case of Papilio merope, Auct., with an account
of the various known forms of that butterfly. T.E.S.L. 1874: 137-153. AJ; LRPaPd;
MBM: LRDa: ge, jbo
4301. TRl MEN R. (1885): NachiiJferei (mimicry) bei Insekten. Stettin. E. Z. 46: 296-304. AJ;
LR: MBM: LR: cle. tll
4302. TRIMEN R. (1885J: Schiitzenc!e Ahnlichkeiten bei lnsekten. Stettin. E. Z. 46: 290-
295 . I: C: cle. tl!
4303. TRIMEN R. (1885): Protective resemblance and mimicry in animals (Presidenťs
ac!dress). Proc. South Afr. Soc. 3: 70-82. AJ; [; C, A, MBM: [: de. th
4304. TRIMEN R. (J 891): On butterflies collected in tropical South-western Africa by Mr.
A. Erikson. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1891: 59-107 (p. 79). AJ; LR: MBM: LR: de
4305. TRIMEN R. (1893): On a collection of butterflies made in Manica, tropical S. E. Africa.
by Mr. F. C. Selous, in the year 1892. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lonc!. 1894: 14-82. (p. 68). AI:
LRPi (Mylothris): MBM: LRPi (Pieris); de
4306. TRIMEN R. (1897): Mimicry in insects (Presidential address to the E. Society). P.E.S.L.
1897: 74-97. (note: Nature 67: 304-307, Science 7: 433-447.) W: [: C. A, MBM: [: de.
jbo. tll
4307. TRIMEN R. (1903J: No Utle. P.E.S.L. 1903: 38-42. AI; LR: MBM: LR: cle
4308. TRl MEN R. (1909): On the larvae of Hamanumida daedalus. Fab., Hoplitis
phyllocampa. n. sp., and Eulophonotus myrmeleon FeJd., with descriptions of the
imagines of the two Heterocera. T.E.S.L. 1909: 1-12. AI; Ule (Notodonti.d.ae. Hoplitis
pllyllocampa. larvae): C; Pl (Cobretum gueinzii); cle
4309. TRIMEN R. (1909): Birds as a factor in the production of mimetic resemblances
among butterflies. T.E.S.L. 1909: 329-384. A;
4310. TRIMEN R. (1910): Preliminary note on Mr. A. D. Millar's experimental breeding of
forms of the Nymphaline genus Euralia in Natal. P.E.S.L. 1910: 14-17. AJ
(Euralia); MBM: LRDa: ge
431 J. TRIMEN R. (1910): Mr. A. D. Millar's experimental breeding from the ova of the
Natalian forms of lhe Nymphaline genus Euralia. T.E.S.L. 1910: 498-513. AJ; LRNm
(Euralia): MBM: LRDa: ge
4312. TRIMEN R. -BOWKERS J. (1888): South african butterflies II. London. AJ; LR: MBM;
LR: de
4313. TRIMEN R. -BOWKERS J. H. (1887): South african butterflies I. London. AJ; LRLn:
4314. TRIMEN R. -BOWKERS J. H. (1889): SmIth african butterflies III. London. AJ; LR;
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Ann. Soc. E. France 63: 136-139. P: Acarina (Syringobium): MO:?: de
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(Cynipi.d.ae. gal1s): de
4317. TSACAS L. -DESMIER DE C. R. -COUTIN R. (1970): Observations sur le parasitisme
larvaire ďHypertrichia bomboídes(Dípt., Asilidae). Ann. Soc. E. France (n.s.)6: 493-
512. Af D (Asilidae. Hypertrichia bomboides); MP: HyAp (Xylocopa pubescens. Xylocopa
olivacea): Jbo
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des Lépidopteres. Rev. Russe E. 19: 79-82. P: L; C, A: de. th
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Ne: LHe (Notoclontidae. OeclenwJlsin concinna): C: de
4320. TULLOCH B. (913): Notes on the butterflies of Hong Kong and Japan. Entomologist
46: 203-207. As: LR: C. MBM: LR: de.jbo
4321. TULLROT A. -SUNDBERG P. (1991): The conspicuous nudibranch Polycera
quadrílineata: Aposematic coloration and individual selection. Anim. Behav. 41 (1):
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Gadus 11lorltua)
4322. TUMLER B. (1905): Schutzmasken und Schutzfarben in der Tierwelt. Protektive
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oť Metiselmogas1er clrewseni (Saussure) (Hymenoptera: Stenogastridae), Boll. Zaol.
57 (4): 331-339. As: H!jVe (Metisc/mogaster drewseni, nest): C; Ft: de
TURLIN B. (198 1): Notes entomologiques sur le Rwanda (3). Bull. Soc. ScL Nat. 31:
15-17. Ar LR: MBM: LRDa (Danaus chrysippus);jho
4325. TURNERA. J. (1896): "Resemblance of L ycaenid and Syrphid larvae." E. Rec. 8: 168.
4345. TURNER J. R. G. (1973): Passion llower butterflies. Animals 15 (l): 15-2l. Nt; LRHl;
MBM; LRHl; de. bo. ge
4346. TURNER J. R. G. (1975): Communal roosting in relation to warning colour in two
heliconiine buttert1ies (Nymphalidae) (Lep.). J. Lep. Soc. 29 (4): 221-226. Nt: LRHl
(Heliconius ell1illa. Dryadula phaetusa): A: .Ibo
4347. TURNER J. R. G. (1975): A tale of two butterflies. Nat. Hist. 84: 28-37, NI.: Lm-n
{Heliconius melpomene}; MBM: LRHl (Heliconius erato);jbo. de, th
4348. TURNER cl. R. G. (1976): Adaptive radiation and convergence in subdivisions ofthe
butterfly genus Heliconius (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Zaol. J. Linn. Soc. 58 (4):
297-308. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius); MBM: LRHl (HeliconlLls); ge. th, de
4349. TURNER cl. R. G. (1976): Muellerian mimicry: c1assical ,beanbag' evolution and tbe
role oI ecologtcal islands in adaptive race formation. Pp. 185-218 in: Karlin S., Nevo
E. (eds.): Population and genetics and ecology. xiv+832pp., New York, Academic
Press. Nt: LRHl (Heliconius); MBM; LRHl (HeliconiLlS); ge
4350. TURNER J. R. G. (1977): Forest refuges as ecological islands: disorelerly extinction
and the aelaptive radiation of Muellerian mimics. pp. 98-117 in: Descimon H. (ed.):
Biogeographie et évolution en An1erique tropicale., Paris. Nt; LRHl (HeliconiLls); MBM;
LRHl (Heliconius): ge
4351. TURNER J. R. G. (1977): Professor Philip M. Sheppard, D. Phil., FRS [1921-1976). J.
Lep. Soc. 31 (3): 205-212. AI: LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa; ge
4352. TURNER cl. R. G. (1977): Butterfly mimicry: the genetical evolution of an aelaptation.
Evo1. Biol. 10: 163-206. Nt: LRHl (HeliconiLls): MBJVI: LRHl (HeliconiLlS); ge
4353. TURNER cl. R. G. (1978): Why male butterDies are non-mimetic: natural selection,
sexual seledion. group selection, modifkation and sieving. Biol. J. Linn. Soc, 10 (4):
385-432. L: MBM; L: ge
4354. TURNER cl. R. G. (1981): Aclaptation and evolution in Heliconius: A defense of
neodarwinislll. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 12: 99-121. Nt; LRHl (HeliconiLls); MBM; LRHl
(Heliconius); ge
4355. TURNERJ. R. G. (1982): How elo refuges produce biological diversity? Allopatry and
parapatry, extinction and gene How in mimetic butterllies. Pp. 309-335 in: Prance
G. T. (ed.): Biological eliversification in the tropics. New York, Columbia University
Press. Nt; LRHl (Heliconills); MBM; LRHl (HeliconiLlS); ge
4356. TURNER J. R. G. [1983): Mimetic butterllies and punctuateel equilibria: some olel
Iight on a new paraeligm. Bio!. J. Linn. Soc. 20: 277-300. Nt; LRHl (HeliconiLlS); MBM;
LRHl (Heliconius): ge
4357. TURNER J. R. G. (1983): "The hypothesis that explains mimetic resemblance explains
evolution": the gradualist-saltationist schism. Pp. 129-189 in: Grene M. (ed.):
Dimensions o[Darwinism. NewYork. Cambridge University Press; Paris, Editions de
la Maison des Sciences de L·homme. LF<; MBM; LR; ge, th
4358. TURNER J. R. G. (1984): The evolutionary elymanics of batesian anel muellerian
mimicry: similarities anel elifferences. Colloques internationaux du centre de la
recherche scientifique (Paris). LR; MBM; LR: ge, tll
4359. TURNER cl. R. G. (1984): Darwin's coflln and dodor Pangloss - elo adaptationist
Illodels explain mimicry? Pp. 313-361 in: Shorrocks B. (eel.): Evolutionary ecology.
New York, Acaelemic Press. LR; MBM: LR; ge, tll
4360. TURNERJ. R. G. (1984): Mimicry: The palatability spectruIll and its consequences.
Pp. 141-161 in: Vane-Wright R. 1., Ackery P. R. (eds.): The biology of butterf1ies.
Academic Press. Orlando. Nt: LRHl (HeliconiLls); MBM; LRHl (HeliconiLls); ge, th,ft
4361. TURNER J. R. G. (1985): Fisher's evolutionary faith and the challenge of mimicry.
Oxford Surv. Evo!, Bio!. 2: 159-196. LR; MBM; LR; ge, tll
4362. TURNER J. R. G. (1986): The genetics of adaptive radiation: A neo-elarwinian theory
ofpunctuational evolution. Pp. 183-207 in: Raup D. M., ,Jablonski D. (eels.): Patterns
ancl processes in the history oflife. Dahlem Konferenzen. Nt; LRHl (Heliconius); MB1VJ:
LRHl (Heliconil1s);
4363. TURNER J. R. G. (1987): The evolutionary clynamics of Batesian anel Muellerian
mimicry: similarity anel differences. Eco!' E. 12 (1): 81-95. Nt; LRHl (Heliconius);
MBM; LRHl (Heliconius); ge, tll
4364. TURNER J. R. G. (1988): The evolution of mimicry: A solution to the problem ol'
punctuated equilibrium. Pp. 42-66 in: Brower L. P. [ed.): Mimicry and the evolutionary
process. Am. Nat. 131: ? Nt: LRHI (Heliconius); MBM; LRHI (Heliconius); ge. th
4365. TURNER J. R. G. -CRANE J. (1962): The genetics ofsome polymorphic forms of the
butterflies Heliconius melpomene Linnaeus and H. erato Linnaeus. 1. Major genes.
Zoologica 47: 141-152. Nt: LRHI (Heliconius melpomene); MBM; LRHI (Heliconius erato);
4366. TURNER J. R. G. -JOHNSON M. S. ·EANES W. F. (1979): Contrasted models of
evolution in the same genome: a1lozymes and adaptive change in Hellconius. Proc.
Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 76 (4): 1924-1928. Nt; LRI-lI (Heliconius sam); MBM; LRHI
(Heliconius emto): ge
4367. TURNER ,J. R. G. -KEARNEY E. P. -EXTON L. S. (1984): Mimicry and the Monte
Carlo predator: 1. the pa1atability spectrum and the origins of mimicry. Biol. J. Linn.
Soc. 23: 247-268. L: MBM: L: tll. ge
4368. TURNER J. R. G. -SHEPPARD P. M. (1975): Absence of crossing-over in fema1e
butterflies [Heliconius) Heredity 34: 265-269. Nt; LRHI (Heliconius); A; ge
4369. TURNER R. E. (1919): Notes of fossoria1 Hymenoptera XV. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 8.
Ser. 15: 62-96. (review P.E.S.L. 1919: 36-37; E. B. Poulton) Au: Hy (Pompilidae,
Amphelotoma tasmanica): MBM: HyMy; de
4370. TUSKES P. M. -BROWER L. P. (1978): Overwintering ecology of the monarch butterfly,
Danaus plexippus L., in Ca1ifornia. EcoJ. E. 3 (2): 141-153. Ne; LRDaDp; A; to,jbo
437 l. TUTT J. W. (1896): .. Thec1a pruni, resemblance of pupa to birďs dropping." P.E.S.L.
1896: 38. P: LRLn (Tllecla pruni, pupae): C: bircl's dropping; cle
4372. TUTT J. W. (1896): Miminy. E. Rec. 8: lsq. I: MBM; I; cle, tll
4373. TUXEN S. L. (1971): Mimicry in a new light. E. Medd. 39: 81-89. I: M; I; tll
4374. TWEEDIE M. (1966): Butterfly mimics. Animals 8: 318-32 l. As; IR; MBM; LR; de
4375. TYLER J. C. (1966): Mimicry between the plectognath fishes Canthigaster valentlni
(Cantlligasteridae) and Para1uterus prionurus (A1uteridae). Notul. Nat. 386: 1-13. S; Ps
(Balistirlae, Pamluteres prionurus); MBM; Ps (Tetraoclontic1ae, Canthigaster va1entinQ; cle
4376. TYLOR A. (1886): Colouration in anima1s and plants. xiv+1 05pp., London. W: Pl. An;
C. A. M: bm. de . .Ibo
4377. 1YSHCHENKO V. P. (1963): The relation of some spiders of the Thomisidae family to
mimicking insects and their models. (in russ.. engl. summary) Vestnik Lenigrad.
Gosudarst. Univ. 3: 133-139. -Biol. Abstr. 41: 4332. P; I; MBM: I;jtArTh
4378. UCHIDA K. (1951): Notes of a few cases of mimicry in fishes? Bull. Fac. Agric. Kyushu
Univ. 13 (1-4): 294-296. S: Ps (Platax. Canthidermis, Diodon. Lobotes); C. MBM; Ps, Pl
(leaves): cle
4379. LJEMATSU H. (1987): Feeding and molting sites of hibiscus caterpi11ar, Xanthodes
transversa Guenée in host plant. (in jap., engl. summary) Proc. Assoc. Plant. ProL
Kyushu 33: 147-149. P: llieNo (Xanthocles transversa, larvae): A;jbo
4380. UESLJGI K. (J 991): Temporal changes in records of the mimetic buUerfly Papilio
polytes will! establishment of its model Pachlioptera aristolochiae in the Ryukyu
Islands. Jap. J. E. 59 (1): 183-198. As: LRPa (Papilio polytes); MBM; LRPa (Pachlioptara
aristolochiae): jho. ge
438 l. UFFELN (1915): "Butterflies and birds." Z. Wiss. Insekt.-Biol. 10: 183-187, P: LR;
4382. UHLER P. R. (1894): Observations upon the Heteropterous Hemiptera of lower
California, with description of new species, Proc, Ca1if. Acad. 4: 223-295. Ne; H;
HyMy; cle
4383. ULLRICH W. (1953): Beobachtung zur Frage der Schutztracht der Feuerwanze.
Pyrrhocoris apterus L. Beitr. E. (Berlin) 3: 406-411. P; H (Pyrrhocoridae, Pyrrhocoris
apterus): A:.fbo
4384. UNGER L. M. (1983): Nest defense by deceit in the fathead minnow, Pimephales
promelas. Beha\'. Ecol. Sociobiol. 13 (2): 125-130. Ne: Ps (Cyprinidae, Pimephales
promelCls): MO:jbo
4385. UNTERBERGER -GANCKLER (1898): .,Protective colouring of Aglia tau." mustr. Z.
E. 3: 40. 106. P: LHe (Saturniiclae, Aglla tau); C, MEs: cle
4386. URECH F. (190Ój: "Destruction of Lepidoptera by birds." mustr. Z. E. 5: 314. P; L:
4387. URQUHART A T. (1882): Protective resemblances among New Zealand spiders. New
Zealancl J. Sci. 1: 230-231. Au: Ar: C: de . .fbo
4388. URQUHART F. A [1957): A discussion ofBatesian mimicry as applied to the monarch
and viceroy buttertlies. A contribution af the Division of Zoology & Paleontology.
Royal Ontario Museum. Univ. Toronto Press. Ne; IRLi (Limenitts archippus): MBM;
LRDaDp: tll, ge
4389. URQUHltRT F. A (1960): The monarch butterfly. xxiv+ 361pp ., Toronto, Toronto
University Press. Ne: LRDaDp; A: bm, de, }ba. to, rw, ge
4390. URQUHART F. A (1987): The monarch butterfly: international traveler. Chicago,
Nelson-Hall. Ne: LRDaDp; A: bm rw, de. .tbo, to, ge
4391. USUKI H. (1979): Biological significance ofvertical bands and horizintal stripes ofreef
fishes lound in the shallow water near the ground ofSeto Manne Biological Laboratory.
[in jaj).. engl. summary) Nauki Seibutsu 21 [2): 102-106. S: Ps; C, A; de. jho
4392. UTZERl C. [1988): Female "refusal displey" versus male "threat display" in Zygoptera:
Is it a case of intraspecific imitation? Odonatologica 17 (1): 45-54. P; Odonata; MO;
de.jbo, tll
4393. UVAROV B. P. (1922): A new case of transformative deceptive resemblance in long
hor necl grasshoppers. T.E.S.L. 1922: 269-274. P; LRMr (Leptoderes); C; Pl; de
4394. UVAROV B. P. (1932): The value of .protective' adaptations in animals. Nature 130:
66-67. I: C. A:.ft. tll
4395. VAN DOESBURG P. H. JR. (1968): A revision ofthe New World species ofDysdercus
Guerin Meneville (Heteroptera. PyrrhocoridaeJ. Zool. Verh. Leiden 97: 1-215. Nt; H
(Pyrrllocoridae. Dysderclls); A; de..[bo, tll
4396. VAN1YNE J. -BERGERA J. (1959): Fundamentals ofornithology. John Wiley, New
York. W: Au: A: de.fbo. tll. bm, nu
4409. VANE-WRlGHT Rl. (1986J: The snake hiss of hibernating peacocs - audio Batesian
mimicry? An t e nna JO (I J.: 5-6. P: LRNm (Nymphalis io); MBM (acoustic); ReOp; de
4410. VANE-WRI GH T Rl. (1986) : Peacocs. hisses. chicks and greatings. Antenna 10 [2):
63-64. P: LRNm (NljTl1phalis lO): MBM (acoustic); ReOp; de
4411. YANE-WRlGHT Rl. (1991): A case of self-d ec ep ti on. Nature 350: 460-461. Ne; LRLi
(Umenitis archippus): MBM: LRDaDp: tIJ
4412. VANE-WRIGHT R I. -ACKERY P. R -SMILES R. L. (1975): The distribution.
polymorphism and mimicry of Heliconius telesiphe (Doubleday) and the species of
Podotricha Michener (Lepidoptera: Nympalidae: HeliconiinaeJ. T.R E.S.L. 126 (4):
611-636. Nt: LRHt (Podotric/w): MBM: LRHl (Heliconius telesiphe); de. th
4413. VANE-WRI GHT R l. ACKE RY P. RSMILES R L. (1977): The polymorphism. mimicry.
4433. VERNEY L. (1905): Les characleres nouveaux et le darwinisme. Naturaliste 1095:
182-184. AI!: JHBM: An: tll
4434. V ERNEY -LADY ( l 877): ? Gooc! Words 1877: 838sq. P: LHe (Sphingidae. Dei/eplli1a
elpenor, larune); MEs:.ftAu
4435. VERRILL A. E. (1884): Evidences of lhe existence of light at great depths in the sea.
Nature 30: 280-281. S: Cl: A: de. Jbo
4436. VERRlLL A. E. (1899): ..Report on tbe Ophiuroids collected dm-ing the Bahama
Expedition 1893." Bul!. lowa Lab. 5 (l): (note Nature 61' 16). S: Ecllinodermata
(Ophiuroic/ea): MBM: ?: de
4437. VESEY-FITZGERALD D. (1939): Colour-pattern resemblances between wasps and
other inseels in Trinidad. P.R.E.S.L. (A)l4: 103-106. Nt: Co Ce. D (Conopidae). LHeSn.
HyVe: MBM: Hy\le: de
4438. VlETTE P. (1948): A propos du mimétisme de Trichura cerberus Pall. (Lep. Amatidae).
Bull. Soc. E. France 53: 139-140. Nt: UleSn (Trichura cerberus): MBM: Hy: de
4439. VIGNON P. (POULTON COMM.) (1924): The determination by Dr. P. Vignon of the
leaj�!ike Tettii oniids represented in Proc. Ent. Soc .. 1923. p. lxxxv. P.E.S.L. 1924:
65-68. Nt: () (Miuwtica picteti): C: Pl (Ien 1)e s) ; de. th
4440. VlGNON P. (1923): Que faut-i! pénser du mimétisme? Revue SeL 61 (16): 515·520.
Nt: O (pterochroiclae): C: cle
4441. VIGNON P. (1923): Sur lc mimétisme de sauterelles P teroehrozées. Compt. Rend.
Acad. ScL Paris 176: 1348-1350. Nt: O (Pterochroidae); C: de
4442. VIGNON P. (1924): Les sauterelles-feuilles de l'Amerique tropieale. La Nature 2628:
102-106. Nt: O: C: Pl (leaues): de
4443. VIGNON P. (J 924): Sur le mimétisme homotypique chez quelques Sa!:1 fTelles
phaneropteric1es de l"Amerique tropieale. Compt. Rend. Acad. ScL Paris 171'\: 18.52-
18.54. Nt: O (Plwlleropteridne): C: pl (lecwes); de
4444. VIGNON P. (1930): Mimétisme ct faits connexes. I n: Introduction a 1a biologie dct'i
colorations. Paris. Massoll. í: C: de. th
444.5. VIGNON P. (1931): Le camouflage animal. La Nature 2860: 1-.5. An: C: de . .Jbo
4446. VILLlERS A. (1945): Homochromie et mimétislTl.e ehez les Reduvic1es (lnseetes
Hemipteres). La Nature 3082: .59-61. W: H (Red uuiidae ) ; C. A; de
4447. VlLLlERS A (1968): lnsectes. Hernipteres. Reduviidae. I-re partie. Faune Mac1agascar
28: 1-198. Ar H (ReclH uiidae ): A: cle
4448. VlTALE F. (1903): Le somiglianze proteUive nei Curculionicli l. Riv. Ital. Se. Na!. 23:
8.5-90. P: CoCu: C; de.. !bo
4449. VlTALE F. (1904): Le sorniglianze protettive nei Curculionidi II. Riv. Ital. Se. Nat. 24:
12-16, 141. P: CoCu: C: de.Jbo
4450. VlTALE F. (1905): Le somiglianze protettive nei Curculionidi III. Riv. Ital. Se. Nat. 25.
119-123. P: COClI: C: de. ,!bo
44.51. VOGEL P. -BROCKHUSEN-HOLZER F. v. (1984): AnCe; as prey of juvenile lillOlis
lineatopus (RepL. Iguaniclae) in prcy choice experiments. Z. Tierpsyehol. 6.5: 66-76,
Nt: HyMy: A:.flReSr (Anolis linen topus)
44.52. VOI SI N J.-F. (1990): Notes de ehasse et observations diverses. Un eas cle mimétisme
entre Ull earabique et un dermaptere. Entomologiste 46 (l): 34. P; Dermaptem
(Achenura b ipullct ata ): MBM: CoCa (Cymindis Immeralis) ; de
4453. VOSSELER J. (1902): Beitrage zur Faunistik und Biologie der Orlhopteren Algeriens
etc. 1. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 337-404
' . P; O: C. MBM: I-!LJ My; cle .Jbo
44.54. VOSSELER .J. (1902): Ober Anpassung und ehemische Verteidigungsmittcl bei
nordafrikanisehe Orthopteren. Verh, Deutseh. ZooL Ges. [Giessen) 1902: lOS, p; O;
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44.55. VOSSELERJ. (1903): Beitrage zur Faunistik und Biologie der Orthopteren Algeriens
etc. II . Zool. Jahrb. Syst. j 7: 1-98. P: O: C. MB M ; HyMy; de,jlJo
4456. VOSSELER J. (1903): Ober einige Beobachtungen aus dem Kleiasiatisehen
Insektenleben. Jahresh. Ver. Wurtemberg .59: 99. P: O; C: tll. de. jho
4457. VOSSELER J. (1908): Die Gattung Myrmecophana Br.. eine hyperteHsche ,md
Ameisennachahmullg. Zool. Jahrh. Syst. 27: 157-210. AI; O (Myrmecophana): MBM;
HyMy: cle
4458. VUlLLATJME M. (1968): Pigmentations et variations pigmentaires de trois lnseetes:
Mantis religiosa, Sphodromantis viridis et Locusta migratoria. Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg.
102: 132-147. P. A: O (1..ocusta migratoria). Ma (Mantis religiosa. Sphodromantis viridis):
4459. VUlLLAUME M. (1969): Les pigments des Invertebres, biochemie et biologie des
colorations. Paris, Masson. Evertebrata: C, A: de,jbo. th. bm
4460. VUILLET J. (1911) : ? lnsecta, Revue Illustr. ďE. (red. Oberthur)l: 183. AJ; CoCe;
MBM; Hy (P ompilidae): de
4461. VUlLLET J. (1911): ? lnsecta, Revue Illustr. ďE. (red. Oberthur)l: 551. AI; CoCe;
MBM: CaCH: de
4462. WACHS H. (1922): Zur Ahnlichkeit der Kuckuckeier. Biol. Centralbl. 42: 270-278. P;
AvOv (Cuculus canorus): MP; AvOv: de. ge, tll
4463. WACHTL F. A. -KORNAUTH K. (1894): Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Morphologie, Biologie,
und Pathologie der Nonne (Psilura monacha). Mitt. Forst. Versuchsanst. Osterreichs
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4464. WACKEZAPP O. (1889): Geometra vernaria, Hb., und ihre Mimicry. Stettin. E. Z. 50:
282-286. P: LHeGe (Geometra vernaria); C; Pl; de
4465. WAGNER M. (1880 ): Ober die Enstehung der Arten durch Absonderung. II. Die
Mimikry. Kosmos 7: 89sq. An; C; tll, ge
4466. WAGNER V. (1906): ? Arch. Rassen- u. Gesellschaftsbiol. 6: 138-140. An; MBM; An: th
4467. WAGNER W. A. (1902): Ober Fiirbung und Mimikry bei Thieren. (in russ., germ.
abstr.) Trudy St. Petersb. ObŠč. 31: 1-76. (summary: Zool. Centralbl. 1902: 334). P;
An: C. A. MBM: An: de. tll
4468. WAHLGREN E. (1914): Faglar och fjarilar. E. Tijdskr. (Uppsala) 35: 179-185. P: LR;
4469. WAINWRlGHT C. J. (1894): On Illimicry in Diptera. E. Month. Mag. 1894: 117. P; D;
MBM: Hy: de
4470. WAIT W. E. (1936): Capture of the large Papilio (Iliades) polymnestor parinda Moore.
by a paradise tlycatcher- Tchirea paradisi paradisi L., in Ceylon. P.R.E.S.L. (A)ll:
46. As: LRPa (Papilio polymnesta
4471. WALDBAUER G. P. (1970): Mimicry of hymenopteran antennae by Syrphidae. Psyche
77: 45-49. Ne: DSy: MBM: Hy; de
4472. WALDBAUER G. P. (1977): Mimicry. In: Wolman B. B. (ed.): International encyclopedia
of psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis and neurology. Boston; Van Nostrand
Reinhold 7: 231-235. I: MBM, MP. C. A; I: de. rw, bm
4473. WALDBAUER G. P. (1981): Phenological relationship of Batesian mimics, their models,
and inseciivorous birds in an Illinois sand area. Pp. 651-654 in: Oehser P. H., LeaJ.
S., Powars N. L. (eds.): National Geographic Society Research Reports. Vol. 13.
Washington. D. C.: Nat. Geogr. Soc. 749 pp. Ne; DSy; MBM; HyVe;ftAv
4474. WALDBAUER G. P. (1983): Flower association of mimetic Syrphidae (Diptera) in
northern Michigan. Great Lakes E.: 16 (3): 79-85. Ne; DSy; MBM; HyVe;jbo
4475. WALDBAUER G. P. (1984): Mating behavior at blossoms and the flower associations
of mimetic Temnostoma spp. (Diptera: Syrphidae) in northern Michigan. Proc E.
Soc. Washington 86: 295-304. Ne: DSy (Tenmostoma); MBM; HyVe;jbo
4476. WALDBAUER G. P. (1984): A warning colored tly, Stratiomys badius Walker (Diptera:
Stratiomyidae). uses its scutellar spines in defense. Proc. E. Soc. Wash. 86: 722-
723. Ne: D (Stratiomyidae. Stratiomys badius); A;jbo
4477. WALDBAUER G. P. (1988): Aposematism and Batesian mimicry: measuring mimetic
advantage in natural habitats. Evol. Biol. 22: 227-259. Ne; DSy; MBM; HyVe;jbo, tll
4478. WALDBAUER G. P. (1988): Asynchrony between Batesian mimics and their models.
Pp. 5103-5121 in: Brower L. P. (ed.): Mimicry and the evolutionary process.
A symposium organized by Lincoln P. Brower. - Am Nat. 131: Ne; DSy; MBM; HyVe;
jho. .ftAv
4479. WALDBAUER G. P. -COWAN D. P. (1985): Defensive stinging and Muellerian mimicry
among eumenid wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea: Eumenidae). Am MidI. Nat. 113
4481. WALDBAUER G. P. -SHELDON J. K. (1971): Phenologica1 relationship ofsome aculeate
Hymenoptera, their dipteran mimics, and inseetivorous birds, Evolution 25: 371-
382. Ne: DSy: MBM: HyVe, HyAp;fbo,JtAv, tll
4482. WALDBAUER G. P. -STERNBURG J. G. (1976): Saturniid moths as mimics: an
alternative interpretation of attempts to demonstrate mimetic advantage in nature.
Evolutioll 29: 650-658. Ne, Nt: Uie (Saturniidae. Callosamia securifera. C.promethea,
Eupnckardia cnlleta): MBM: !.RPa (Battus): de.fbo.ft (Aves)
4483. WALDBAUER G. P. -STERNBURG J. G. (1983); A pitfa]] in using painted insects in
studies ofproteetive coloration. Ev01ution 37 (5): 1085-1086. Nt: Ao (LRNm. Anartia
Jatima); C; tl!
4484. WALDBAUER G. P. -STERNBURG J. G. (1985); Melanistic males of Callosamia
promethea (Lepidoptera: Saturnidae). The Great Lakes E. 18; 143-144. Ne: LHe
(SaturniiLlae. CallosaT7lia prometllea); MBM: !.RPa (Battus phi/elwr); de
4485. WALDBAUER G. P. -STERNBURG J. G. (1987); Experimenta1 field demonstartion
that two aposematic butterfly color patterns do not confer protection against birds
in northern Michigan. Am. MidI. Nat. 118 (l): l45-Í52. Ne; LHe (Saturniidae,
Callosmnia promethea). Ao: MBM, A: LRPCl (Battus philenor);jbo.JtAv
4486. WALDBAUER G. P. -STERNBURG J. G. -MAIER C. T. (1977); Phenological
relationships of wasps, bumblebees. their mimics, and insectivorous birds in an
Illinois sancI area. Ecology 58: 583-591. Ne: DSy; MBM; HyVe, HyAp;jbo,JtAv
4487. WALKER F. A. (1889): Oriental entomology (followed by a discussion on mimicry). .J.
Trans. Viet. lnst. 22: 191-225. As; L: MBM; LR: de, tll
4488. WALKER F. A. (1890): On colours in nature. J. Trans. Viet. Inst. 23: 81-108. As; L: C,
A: th
4489. WALKER .J. J. (P OULTON COMM.) (1930): The snake-Iike appearance of the South
Amelican Sphingid larva of Pholus labruscae, L., enhanced by the modified caudal
horn. P.E.S.L. 5: 22-24. Nt; Uie (Sphingidae. Pholus labruscae. larvae): MBM; ReOp; de
4490. WALKERJ. J. (1904): No title. P.E.S.L. 1904: 22-23. Au; UieGe (Carthaea saturnoides);
MBM; Uie (Saturniidae); de. tll
4491. WALKER J. J. (1931): A P eruvian L ycaenid butterfly eaten by a bird. P.E.S.L. 6; 19.
Nt; LRLn (Callicista davara); MFh;JtAv
4492. WALKER S. D. (1981); When a cleaner wrasse isn't... The false cleaner wrasse
Aspidontus taeniatus. Freshwater Mar. Aquar. 4 (ll); 50-52, 66-67. S; Ps (Blenniidae.
Aspidontus taeniatus); MP: Ps (Labridae, Labroides dimidiatus); de, fbo
4493. WALL F. (1904); Double-headed snakes. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 16: 386, 752. As;
RE'Op (CyliTldrophis): MFh: de
4494. WALL F. (1913); The poisonous terrestrial snakes of our British Indian Dominions
Uncluding Ceylon) and how to recognize them. With symptoms of snake poisoning
and treatment. J. Bombay NaL Hist. Soc. 149 pp. As: ReOp (Colubridae); MBM; ReOp
(Naja nqja): rle
4495. -
4496. WALLACEA. R (1853): On the habits ofthe butterflies ofthe Amazon Va1ley. T.E.S.L.
4503. WALLACE A. R. II 869): The Malay Archipelago. London. MacMillan. (2nd ed. 1883).
As: LN: C, A1BM: LF? Pl: c1e.jbo
4:504. WA LLACE A. H. (1[;70): Contributions to the theory of natural selection. Macmillan
and Co" Lond. 384 pp. (2nd ed. 1871: german ed. 1870. Erlangen. E. Besold: french
ecl. 1872, P,nis. Reinwald) W: An: C, A MBM: An: de.jbo, th. ge. bm. 711!
4505. WALLACE A. R. (1874): Belťs "Natura1ist in Nicaragua". Nature 9: 218-22l. Nt: LR;
4506. WALLACE A. R. [! 877): Colours of animaJs. Macmillan's Mag. (Sept.): 394-398. W;
An: C. A MBM: /In: de. lh,fbo
4507. WALLACE A. ;". (1878): The colours of animals and plants. Am Nat. ll: 641-662.
( erman ed. 1878: Kosmos 2: 115-130. 192-202.) W: An. Pl; C. A MBM. MP: An. Pl;
{ll. de. .Ibo. rL!'
4fí08. WALLACť� A. R (1878): Tropical nature. and otber essays. London, MacMillan.
(gerrmlll ee!. 1891. Braunschweigl. W: An: C. A. MBM; An; de.Ibo
4509. WALLAC E A. R. (1879): Colour in nature. Nature 19: 580-581. An. Pl: C. A. MBM: An,
PI: tll
4510. WALLACE A. R. [1879): The protective colours of animals. Science for all 1879: 138-
157. L: C: de. .IlJO
45J 1. WALLACE t\. R. (1879): Protectiye mimicry in animals. Science for aH 1879: 284-
2D6. L: MllM: LI<: rJe. jim
4512. WALLACE A. R [1882) : Dr. Fritz Muller Oll some difficult cases ofmimicry. Nature
26: 86-87. Nt: tRHl: MBJ\'I: LRHL: th
4:il:l. WALLACE A. R (18 89 ) : Darwinism, an exposition of the theory of natural selection.
(Ch:l[1. War ning coloralion and mimicry) London. (german ed. 1891. Braunschweig)
\II: /In. Pl: C. A MEM, MP: de. IlJo. Lh. ge. rw
4514. WALLACF� A. R (1891): N a lura l selection and tropical natllre. 492 pp. London.
MacMiIlan. W: An. Pl: C. A. MBM. MP: An: de.fbo. th
4515. \VALLACE A. R. (19 1 1): The world of life: a manifestation of creative power. directive
mind unci ultimale purpose. NewYork Moffat. Yard & Co. W; An: C. A. MBM. Mt; An;
th. gc . bm
451 (j. WALLACE A. R -MELDOLA R. (1883J: Difficult case of mimicry. Nature 27: 481-482.
LR: MBNl: LR: tll
4517 WALLEI< D. A. -GILBERT L. E. (\982): Hoost recruitment and resource utilization:
ohserviltions on a Heliconius charitonia L. roost in Mexico (Nymphalidae). J. Lepid.
Soc. ;i6 (;i): 178-184. Nt: LRHI (He1iconius charitonia); A;jbo. ftAv
451 S. WALLIS H. M. (1936): A pebble-like Acridid which when threatened. assumes
a sCOlpion-like appearance: lhe ..Stone-Deserl", north of the Biskra Oasis. P.R.E.S.L.
IA) 1: 47. P: O (Ercmochar is il1Sigl1isl: MBM. C: Scorpiones; de,jbo
4fí19. W A L LN ER V. (198 6): Un tersuchungen z u m Einfl u ss v o n Vor e r f a h r u n g .
ř!ungerzllstand und Geschlecht auf die Reaktion von HausbllhnkDken (Gallus
dOrlwsticus) ge.geni.iber warnfarbener Beute. Diplomarbeit. Gbttingen. Ao; A: ItAv
(GaLlus gal/lis)
Am 5: 68-
4520. WALLS G. L. (1932): Pupil shapes in repiilian eyes. Bull. Antivenin rnst. .
4527. WARNECKE G. (1935): Neue Feststellungen uber Mimikry und Schutzfarbung in
der Tierwelt. E. Rundschau 52: 137-140. An: A: de
4528. WARNER (1871): .,Defensive resources of insects," ScL Gossip. 1871: 248-252. I: C,
A: de
4529. WASMANN E. (1884): Die Schutzfarbun en der lnsektenwelt. Stimmen a. Maria Laach
26. I: C: cle
WASMANN E. (1890): Vergleichende Studien uber Ameisen- und Termiteng:aste.
Tijdschr. E. 33: 27-97. W: Co: MBM, MP: HyMy, IsopLem: de
453l. WASMANN E. (1893): Neue Myrmekophilinen. Deutsche E. Z. Iris 1893: 97-112. Co;
MBM, MP: HlJMy: de
4532. WASMANN E. (1895): Die Ameisen- une! Termitegaste von Brasilien. I. Mit. einem
Anhange von Dr. August Fore1, Verh. ZaoL-Bot. Ges. Wien 1895: 137-179 . Nt: Co:
MBM, MP: HyMl): cle
4533. WASMANN E. (1896): Die Myrmekophilen und Termitophilen. Compt. Rend, III. Congr.
Zool. Leiden: 411-440. Co: MBM, MP: HyMy; de, th,}bo
4534. WASMANN E. (1897): Bemerkung:en uber einige Ameisen von Madagascar. Zool. Anz,
531: 170-173. Af: Ar: MBM: HyMy: de
4535. WASMANN E. [1898): Die Gaste e!er Ameisen und Termiten. Illustr. Z. E. 3: 145 sq.
W: CoSt: MBM. MP: HyMy: de
4536. WASMANN E. (1899): Die psychischen Fahigkeiten der Ameisen. Appendix. Zool.
Hefte 26: 1-13l. CoSt: MBM. MP: HyMy: de
4537. WASMANN E. (1900): Neue Dorylinengaste aus e!em neotropischen und dem
athiopischen Faunengebiet. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 14: 215-290. Nt, AJ; CoSt; MBM. MP;
HyMU (D01 Jlidae, ECitonidae): cle
4538. WASMANN E. (1901): Giebt et thatsachlich noch Arten. die heute nocll. in der
Stammesenlwicklung begliffen sind? Biol. Centralbl. 22: 687-711, 737-752. Co: MBM.
MP: HyMy: th. ge
4539. WASMANN E. (1902): Biologische und phylogenetische Bemerkungen uber e!ie
Dorylinengaste der alten une! der neuen Welt, mit specieller Berilcksichtigung ihrer
Convergenzerscheinungen. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 1902: 86-98. Nt. AJ; CoSt; MBM,
MP: HyMy (Dorylidae. Ecitonidae): de
4540. WASMANN E. (1903): Zum Mimikrytypus der Dorylinengaste. Zool. Anz. 26: 581-
590. Nt. AJ; CoSt: MBM, MP: HyMy (Dorylidae, Ecitonidae); de
4541. WASMANN E. (1912): Mimanomma spectrum, ein neuer Dorylinengast e!es extremsten
Mimikrytypus. Zool. Anz. 39: 473-481. Nt: CoSt (Mimanomma spectrum): MBM, MP;
HUMy (Ecitoniclae): cle
4542. WASMANN E. (1913): The ants and their guests. Ann. Rept. Smithsonian Inst. 1912:
455-474. Co: MBM. MP; HyMy:.fbo. t/1
4543. WASMANN E. (1923): Alte Berichte ilber die Atta-Nester Sildamerikas. mit einem
statistischen Vergleich der Anpassungen an Atta und an Eciton. Biol. Zentralbl. 43:
106-115. Nt: Co: MBM. MP: HyMy (Alta. Eciton): cle. th
4544. WASMi\NN E. (1925): Die An1eisenmimikry. Verh. III. lnt. E. Congr. Zilrich. 1925:
331-333. I: MBM. MP: HUMy: tll
4545. WASMANN E. (1925): Die Ameisenmimikry. Naturwissenschaften 13: 925-932. 944-
951. I: MBM. MP: HUMy: tll
4546. WASMANN E. (1925): Die Ameisenmimikry, ein exakter Beitrag zum Mimikryproblem
und zur Theorie e!er Anpassung. Abhandl. Theoret. Biol. 19: xii+164pp. Berlin.
Borntrager W: Co. H. Ar: MBM. MP: HyMy: de, }bo, th, rw, bm
4547. WASMANN E. (1926): Zur Streitfrage der Ameisenmimikry. Zool. Anz. 68: 273-282.
I: MBM. MP: HyMU: L/1
4548. WASMANN E. (1928): Zur Kenntnis von Mimeciton und e!er Anpassungen der
Myrmecophilen. Zool. Anz. 76: 165-184. Nt; CoSt (Mtmeciton): MBM. MP: HyMy; de,
4549. WASSERSUG R. J. -PYBURN W. F. (1987): The biology of the pe-ret toad Otophryne
robusta (Microhylie!ae). with special consie!erations of its fossorial larva ane! systematic
relationship. Zaol. J. Linn. Soc. 91 (2): 137-169. Nt: AmSl (OtophnJne robusLa); C: Pl:
4550. WASSERTHAL L. T. (1974): Funktion une! Entwicklung der Flůgel e!er Fee!ermoten
(Lepidoptera. Pterophoridae). Z. Morpho!. Okol. Tiere 77 (2): 127-155. P; LHe
(Pterophoridae): C: Pl: de
4551. WASSILIEFF E. (1891): Un cas de mimicry chez laPhalera bucephala. Trav. E. Soc.
Varsovie 2 (4): 6-8. P: LHe (Notodolltidae, Phalera bucephala); C: Pl (broken twig); de
4552. WASSILIEFF E. (1891): "Resemblances of Phalera bucephala & C., to broken sticks."
Bio!. Centralbl. 10: 191. P: LHe(Notodontidae, Phalera bucephala); C; Pl(broken twig); de
4553. WATERHOUSE C. O. (1907): Mimicry among Coleoptera.P.E.S.L. 1907: 31-32. As:
Co: MBM: Co: de
4554. WATERHOUSE F. G. -WALLACE A. R. (1864): No title. P.E.S.L. 1864: 14-15. Au:
CoCe: MBM: CoLy: de, th
4555. WATERHOUSE G. R. (1839): Descriptions of some new species of exotic insects.
T.E.S.L. 1839: 188-196. Nt: CoCu, Hy(Chalcidae); MBM; CoCu (Lixus), Co(MordeLLidae,
MordeLla): de, tll
4556. WATFORD J. (1980): In defense of hoverflies. Bull. Basildon Nat. Hist. Soc. 62: 13-
16. Ne: Hy (Tenthredinidae); MBM: HyVe; de
4557. WATSON A.
(J 975): A reclassificatjon of the Arctiidae and Ctenuchidae formely placed
in the thyreUcl genus Automolis
Hiibner (Lepidoptera) with notes on warning coloration
and sound. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) E., Supp!. 25: 1-104. Nt; LHeAt, LHeSn; A,
MBM: LR Hy: cle. tll
4558. WATSON A. -WHALLEY P. E. S. (1975): The dictionary of butterflies and moths. 296
pp., London, McGray Hill Book Company. W; IR; MBM; LR; rw, bm, de,Jbo
4559. WATSON ,J. A. L. (1973): Austrospiratcha mimetes, a new termitophilous corotocine
[rom Nor1.hern Australia.J. Aust. E. Soc. 12 (4): 307-310. Au; CoSt(Austrospirachtha
mim.eies): MBM, MP: Isoptera (Tennitidae): de
(1989): Testing the "mimicry" explanation for
the Colias
.. alba" polymorphism: Patterns of co-occurence of Colias and pierine
butterflies. Funct. Eco!. 3 (2):
193-199. Ne; LRPi (CoLi.a.s): MBM; LRPi (Pontia); th
4561. WEALE J. P. M. (1871): Protective resemblances. Nature 3: 507-508. AJ;
(DasljpeLtis): MBM: ReOp (Xerus setosus); de
WEALE J.P. M. (1874): Notes on the habits ofPapilio merope, with a description of
its larva and pupa. T.E.S.L. 1874:
131-136. AJ; LRPaPd; MBM; LRDa:foo, ge
4563. WEALE J. P. M. (1877): On the variation of Rhopa!ocerous forms in South Africa.
T.E.S.L. 1877: 265-275. AJ; LRPaPd: MBM; LRDa:foo. ge
4564. WEALE J. P. M. (1878): Notes on South African insects. T.E.S.L. 1878: 183-188. AJ;
J. ArSa: C. MBM: Pl. HljMy: de..!bo
4565. WEALE J. P. M. -WOOD-MASON J. -MELDOLA R. (1878): No titIe (papers read),
P.E.S.L. 1878: 13-14. AI ArSa, Ma; MBM, MP; I-IyMy, birďs dropping: th
4566. WEBSTER F. M. (1895): Protective mimicry in spiders, Canad, E. 26: 36-37, Ne; Ar;
4567. WEBSTER F. M. (1897): The protective value of action volitiona! or otherwise, in
"protective mimicry". J. New York E. Soc. 5: 67-77. Ne: J; C: tl1
4568. WEBSTER F. M. (1897): Warning colours, protective mimicry and protective coloration.
27th Atm. Rep. E. Soc. Ontario: 80-86. Ne: J; C. A: PL: th
4569. WEEKS A. C. (1903): Theory as to evolution of secondaries of moths of the genus
Catocala. J. New York E. Soc. ll: 221-226. Ne; LHeNo (CatocaLa): A: de,foo, th
4570. WEEREN R. V. (1991): Under a false flag, (in dutch) Dieren 8 (2): 37-41. An; MBM:
An: de,.!bo
4571. WEGENER M. (1"9 2 3 ) : D i e biologische B e d e u t u n g d e r N a c k e n ga b e l b e i
Papilionidenraupen. Biol. Centralbl. 43: 292. W: LEPa (1arvae): A: to
4572. WEIR J. J. (1867): No title.P.E.S.L, 1867: 101. P: LRNm (pupae): Mi. A;ftAv
4573. WEIRJ.J. (1869): On insects and insectivorous birds; and especia!ly on the relation
between the colour and the edibility of Lepidoptera and their larvae. T.E.S.L. 1869:
21-26. P: LHe (Larvae): C. A:.ftAu
4574. WEIRJ. J. (1870): Further observations on the relation between the colours and the
edibility of Lepidoptera and their larvae. T.E. S, L. 1870: 337-339. P; LHe(LallJae): C.
4575. WEIRJ, J. (18'71): The difficulties of natural selection. Nature 3: 166, LHe (1aruae),
LRDa: C, A:JtCo (Dermestidae, Anthrenus)
4576. WEIR,J. J. (1882):? Entomologist 15: 160-161. LRDa.:A;ftCo (Dermestidae.Anthrenus)
4577. WEIRJ. J. (1882): No title. P.E.S.L. 1882: 19. P; LR (larvae); C. A;jtps (Salmo trutta)
4578. WEIR J. J. (1890): "Resemblances between Diptera and Hymenoptera." Trans.
Croydon Club 1890-1891: 269. P; D; MBM; Hy; th
4579. WEIR J. J. -BUTLER A. G. -HORNE C. -WALLACE A. R. (1869): No title. P.E.S.L.
1869: 6-7. I; A:ftAv.ftsl; tll
4580. WE1SMANN A. (1875): Studien zur Deszendenz-Theorie. 1. Uber den Saison
Dimorphismus der Schmetterlinge. Leipzig. Engelmann. (engl. ed. 1882. London.
Sampson Low & Co.) LR: C. A; de. ge. th
4581. WEISMANN A. (1876): Studien zur Deszendenztheorie II. I.)Ontogenese und
Morphologie der Sphingiden-Zeichnung. 2.)Uber den phyletischen Parallelismus bei
metamorphischen Arten. 225 pp.. Leipzig. Engelmann. (eng!. ed. 1882. London.
Sampson Low & Co.) P: LHe (Sphingidae. Smerinthus. larvae); MEs. C. A; de. th
4582. WE1SMANN A. (1894): Áussere Einf1usse als Entwicklungsreize. Jena. LR: C. A; de.
ge. tll
4583. WE1SMANN A. (1895):Neue Versuche zum Saison-Dimorphismus der Schmetterlinge.
Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 8. LR: C, A: de. ge. tll
4584. WEISMANN A. (1902): Vortrage uber Deszendenztheorie. I. Band. -Kap. IV. Die
Farbungen der Thiere und ihre Beziehung auf Selektionsvorgange. -Kap. V. Eigentliche
Mimicry. Pp. 65-102. pp. 103-133. Jena. G. Fischer. (2nd ed. 1904. 3rd ed. 1913).
W; An; C. A. MBM. MP. MO: An; de. fbo. tll, ge, bm, nv
4585. WEISMANN A. (1909): Die Selektionstheorie. Eine Untersuchung. Jena. LR; C. A; de,
ge, tll
4586. WEISMANN A. (1909): Uber die Truztstellung des Abendpfauenauges. Naturwiss.
Wochenschr. (Jena) 24: 721-726. P; LHe (Spllingid.ae. Smerinthus ocel/ata): MEs;jbo
4587. WEISS H. B. (1913): Apperceptional expectancy as a factor in protective coloration.
Canad. E. 45: 193-194. Ne; I; C; th
4588. WELLMAN C. F. (1908):Les oiseauxmangent-ils les papillons? Ann. Soc. E. Belgique
52:148-149. P; LR:JtAv
4589. WELLS H. G. -HUXLEY J. -WELLS G. P. (1931): The colour and pattern in life. Pp.
568-577 in: The science oflife. 6 (4). London. W; An. Pl; C, A. MBM. MP; th
4590. WERNER F. (1890): Untersuchungen uber die Zeichnungen der Schlangen. 120 pp.,
Wien. W; ReOp; MBM: ReOp: de
4591. WERNER F. (1907): Das Ende der Mimikryhypothese? Biol. Centralb!. 27: 174-185.
ReOp: MBM: ReOp: tll
4592. WERNERF. (1908): Nochmals Mimikry und Schutzfarbung. Bio!. Centralb!. 28: 567
576.588-601. ReOp: C. A. MBM: ReOp: tll
4593. WERNER F. (1917): Mimikry bei Schlangen. Blatter Aquar. Terrarien Kunde 28:
186-188. ReOp: MBM: ReOp: de. tll
4594. WERNER F. (1936): Reptiles [rom Mount Trodos. Cyprus. Proc. Zoo!. Soc. London
1936: 655-658. P; ReOp (Telescopus Jallax); MBM: ReOp (Vipera lebetina); de
4595. WERNERY. L. (1983): Behavioural triangulation of the head in three boigine snakes:
Possible cases of mimicry. lsr. J. Zool. 32 (4): 205-228. P: ReOp (Telescopus): MBM;
ReOp (Ecllis. Vipera): de..fbo. tll
4596. WERNER Y. L. (1985): Similarities of the colubrid snakes Spalerosophis and
Pythonodipsas to vipers: an additional hypothesis. Copeia 1985 (1): 266-268. P:
ReOp (Spalerosopllis. Pytllonodipsas); MBM: ReOp (Vipera); de. tll
4597. WERNER Y. L. -FRANKENBERG E. (1982): Head triangulation in two colubrine
snakes: probable behavioural reinforcement of Batesian I1Úmicry. Isr. J. Zoo!. 31:
137-150. P: ReOp (Telescopus): MBM; ReOp (Vipera);jbo. de. tll
4598. WESLEV D. J. -EMMEL T. C. (1974): The chromosomes of neotropical butterf1ies
from Trinidad and Tobago. Biotropica 7 (1): 24-31. Nt; LRHI (Heliconius); A. MBM;
LRHI (Heliconius): ge
4599. WEST D. A. -CLARKE C. A. (1987): Suppression of the black phenotype in females of
the P. glauclls group (Papilionidae). J. Res. Lepid. 26 (1-4): 187-200. Ne; LRPa (Papilin
glaucus); MBM: LRPa (Battus pllilenor); ge
4600. WESTWOOD'J. O. (1840): lllllstrations of the relationship existing among natural
objects usual termed affinity and analogy. selected from the class of insects. Trans.
Linn. Soc. Lond. 18: 409-421. As: O (Condylodera tricondyloides); MBM; CoCi
(Tricondyla): de
4601. WES1WOOD J. O. (1840): Observations upon the relationships existing amongst
natural objecis, resulting from more or less perfect resemblance, usually termed
affiniiy and analogy. Mag. Nat. Hisi., n.s. 4: 141-144. As: O (Condyloder a
tricondyloides): MBM: CoCi (Tricondyla); de
4602. WES1WOOD J. O. -WALLACE A. R. -BATES H. W. (1866): No tit1e (Discussion about
mimicry). P.E.S.L. 1866: 36-41,44-48. I: MBM, A: I: th . .ftAu
4603. WES1WOOD J. O. -WOOD-MASON J. (1877): No title. P.E.S.L. 1877: 19-20. As: Ma
(Gong!Jlus gongyloi.cles): MP: PWl: de.jbo
4604. WETHERBEE D. K. (1987): Life-stages of Hamadryas amphichloe diasia in Hispaniola
(Rhopalocera, Nymphalidae). 13 pp., Shelhurne (Mass.J, publ. by the author. Nt:
LRNm (Hamadryas anVJhichloe, laruae); C: de
4605. WETHERBEE D. K. (1987): Life-stages of Archimestra teleboas and Dynamine egaea
(Papilionoidea, Nymphalidae). Early lepidopterology of Haiti. 48 pp., Shelburne
(Mass.), publ. by the allthor Nt: LRNm (Archimestra teleboas. Dynamine egaea. laruae):
4606. WEYERS (1888): "Resemblance between pupa of Adolias coresia. Hb.. and
Hemipteron." Compt. Rend. Soc. E. Belg. 32: 26. AJ: LR (pupae); MO: H: de
4607. WEYMER G. (1893): Revision der ersten Gruppe der Gattung Heliconius. Deutsche
E. Z. Iris 6: 281-345. N t: LRHl (Heliconius): A. MBM: LRHl (He1iconius); de
4608. WHEELER A. G. JR. (1991): Plant bugs of Quercus ilicifolia: myriads of mirids
(Heteroptera) in pitch pine-shrub oak barrens. J. New York E. Soc. 99 (3): 405-440.
Ne: H (Miridae. PílopllOrus .ľurvus. Sclwlfneria): MBM; HyMy (Dolichoderus
taschenbergi): de
4609. WHEELER A. G. JR. -HENRY T. J. (1980): Seasonal history and host plants of the
ant mimic Rarberiella formicoides with description of ihe 5th instar (Hemiptera:
Heteroptera: MiIidae). Proc. E. Soc. Wash. 82: 269-275. Ne; H (Miridae, Barbenella
.for11licoides): MBM: HyMy: de
4610. WHEELER G. C. (1983): A mutil1id mimic of an ant (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae and
Formicidae). E. News 94 (4): 143-144. Nt: Hy (Mutillidae, Pappognathamyrrniciformis):
MP: HyMy (CamponotLls sericiuenLris): de. tl!
461l. WHEELER G. C. -WHEELER J. (1959): Veromessor lobognathus: second note
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ann. E. Soc. Am. 52: 176-179. Ne: HyMy (Vero11lessor
lobognathus): MP: HyMy (pogonornyrrnex occi.clentalis); de
4612. WHEELER G. C. -WHEELER Ll. (1989): On the trail of the ant. Veromessor
lobognathus. Prairie NaL 21 (3): 119-124. Ne: HyMy (Verornessor lobognathus); M:
HyMy (PogonOT1lfJnnex occidentalis); de
4613. WHEELER L. R. (1935): Do bircls attack blltterf1ies? ScL Progress 30: 272-277. LR:
4614. WHEELER L. R. (1939): Deats among butterf1ies. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 1939: 79-
88. LR: MBM: LR: I/Au
4615. WHEELER L. R. {l944): Reputecl mimicry in Pareronia valeria. Cr.: Considered with
reference io other Indo-Austra1ian Pieridae. E. Rec. 56: 90-93. As. Au: LRPi (Pareronia
lJaleria): MBM: LR: de
4616. WHEELER L. R. (1945): "Mimicry in Pareronia valeria" (Lep.. Pieridae). E. Rec. 57:
45. As. Au: LRPi (Pareronia ualeria): MBM: LR: de
4617. WHEELER W. M. (1889): Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin. Apr. 1889: 217. Ne: N
(Mantispa brunnea): MBM: H!JVe (Polistes uarius): de
4618. WHEELER W. M. (1900): The female of Eciton sumichrasti Norton. wiih some notes
ol' the habiis or Texan Eciton. Arn. Nat. 34: 563-574. Ne: CoSt; MBM. MP; HyMy
(Eciton); de. jbo
4619. WHEELER W. M. (1901): lmpostors among animals. Cantury Magazine 7: 378 (note:
Nature 64: 264). Ne: LHeNo (Pseu(/obazis): A:ItMm (Honw sapi.ens)
4620. WHEELER W. M. (1913): .. Proteclive coloration." E. Rec. 25: 188-190. Ne; I: C: de
4621. WHEELER W. M. (1923): Socia1 life among the insects. 375pp.. New York. Harcourt,
Brace & Co. Né: DS!} (Eristalis tenax); MBM: HyAp (Apis 11lelliferaJ:fbo
4622. WHEELER W. M. (1931): The ant Camponotus (Myrmepomis) seIiceiventrís Guerin.
and its mimic. Psyche 38: 86-98. Ne: CoCe (Eplopllorus velutinus). CoSt: MBM. MP;
HyMy (Cwnponotus sericeiventris): de
4623. WHEELEf{ W. M. (1936): Ecological relationship of ponerine and other ants to terrnites.
Proc. Amcr. Acad. Arts Sci. 71: 159-243. Ne. Nt; HyMy; MP: Isoptera: de
4624. WHELLAN J. A. (1973): Diversity in form and colour in some Centra! African acridoids.
and associated phenomena. Acrida 2 (1): 1-7. Aj; O (Acri.didae): C: de.fbo
WHITAKER (1893): "Protection not used.·· Field Club 4: 155. An; C; tll
WHlTE C. M. N. (CARPENTER COMM.l (1935): Meadow-pipit eating the ,.magpie
moth", Abraxas grossulariata L. P.R.E.S.L. (A)10: 80-81. P; LHeGe (Abraxas
grossu[ariaia): A: jlAv (Antllus pratensis)
4627. WHITE R. .J. (1986): Some population study methods i1lustrated with the scarlet
tiger moth. Pp. 27-60 in: Cook L. M. (ed.): Case studies in population biology. Dover.
Manchester Univ. Press. P: LHeAt (Panaxia dominula); A; ge
4628. WHITEHEAD J. (1893): Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. x+307pp.,
London. As; I; MBM: I; de
4629. WHITEHOUSE M. E. A. (1986): The foranging behaviours of Argyrodes antipodiana
(Theridiidae). a kleptoparasitic spider from New Zea!and. New Zealand ,J. Zoo!. 13
(2): 151-168. Au: Ar (Theridiidae, Argyrodes
antipodiana); MP (tactile); Ar (Araneidae.
Araneus puslulosus): de.jbo
4630. WHITEHOUSE M. E. A. (1987): ,Spi der eat spider': the predatory behaviour of
Rhomphaea sp. from New Zealand. J. Arachno!. 15 (3): 355-362. Au; Ar (Theridiidae,
Argyrodes antipodiana): MP (iactile); Ar (Theri.diidae, Rhomphaea); de,fbo
4631. WHITLEY G, P. (1964): Camoutlaged fish from New Caledonia. Austr. Nat. 12 (4): 9.
S: Ps (Scorpaenidae. Rhinopias): C: de
4632. WHITMAN D. W. -BLUM M. S. -JONES C. G. (1985): Chemical defense in Taeniapoda
eques (Orthoptera: Acrididae}: role oj' the metathoracic secretion. Ann. E. Soc. Am.
78: 451-455. Ne: O (Taeniopoda eques): A: to,jtMm (Mus musculus)
4633. WHITMAN D. W. -ORSAK L. -GREENE E, [1988): Spider mimicry in fruit tlies [Diptera:
Tephritídae): Further experiments on the deterrence of jumping spiders ( Araneae:
Salticidae) by Zonosemata vittigera (Coquillett). Ann. E. Soc. Am. 81 [3): 532-536.
Ne: D (Trypetidae. Zonosemata vittigera): MO; ArSa;fbo
4634. WHITMORE R. W. -PRUESS K. P. (1982): Response of pheasant chicks to adult lady
beetles [Coleopteľil: Coccinellidae). J. Kans. E. Soc. 55 (3): 474-476. Ne: CoCc. CoCh
(Cerotoma tr(!iLrcata); A; fiAv (Phasianus colcllicus)
4635. WrCHGRAF (1907): Uber Farben bei Raupen und Schmetterlingen in physiologischer
und biologischr Hinsicht. Berlin, E. Z. 51 (1-2): P; L; C, A; tll
4636. W ICKHAM H. F. (1892): Notes on some myrmecophilous Coleoptera. Psyche 6: 321-
323. Ne: CoSt (Gyrophaena): MBM. MP; HyMy; de
4637. W ICKLER W. (1960): Aquarienbeobachtungen an Aspidontus, einem ektoparasiti
schen Fisch. Z. Tierpsychol. 17: 2 77-292. S: Ps (Blennidae. Aspidontus laeniatus);
MP: Ps (Labridae. Labroides dimidiaius): fbo
4638. WICKLER W. (1961): Uber das Verbalten der Blenniiden Runula und Aspidontus,
(Pisces, Blenniidae). Z. Tierpsychol. 18: 421 440 . S; Ps (Blenniidae, Aspidontus,
4644. WICKLER W. (1966): MimiCl)' and the evolution of animal communication. Nature
208: 519-52l. Ps:MP. MO: Ps: ge.jbo. th
4645. wrCKLER W. (1966): Mimicry in tropical fishes. Phi!. Trans. Roy. Soc. (B)251: 473-474.
S: Ps (Blenniidae. Aspidontus taeniatus): MP: Ps (Labridae, Labroides dimidiatus);jbo
4646. WICKLER W. (1967): Socio-sexual signals and their intraspecific imitation among
primates. Pp. 69-147 in: Morris D. (ed.): Primate ethology. London. W; Mm (Primates);
MO: de. .IlJo. tli
4647. WICKLER W. (1968): Mimikry. Nachahmung und Tiiuschung in der Natur. 252 pp.,
MÚllchen. Kindler. (2nd ed. 1971, french ed. 1968, Paris, Hachette; spanish ed.
1968. Madrid, Guadarrama; engl. ed. 1968. London, World Univ. Libr. ) W; An, Pl: C,
A, MBM. Mp, MO, MEs. MFh:An, Pl: bm. rw, de,./lJo. ge, th, to
4648. WICKLER W. (1975): Mimicry. Pp. 213-221 in: The new encyclopaedia britannica,
ed. 15, Macropaedia Vol. 12. Chicago. An: C, A, MBM, MO, MP, MEs. MFh: An; de,jbo,
th, ge. nu
S irthenea):MBM; ?: cle
4663. WILLEY A. (1905): Leaf-mimicry. Spolia Zeylan. 2: 51-55. As; I: C; pt (teaves); de
4664. WILLEY A. (1909): Forl1ls, markings and attitudes in animal and plant Iife. Nature
80: 247. As: An:C: Pl; de
4665. WILLEY A. (1910): On the mimicry of tlle larva of the Ceylonese leaf-insect (Phyllidiul1l
sp?). Prae. ZaoL Soe. Lond. 1910: 839-840. As: Ph (Phy11ium); A. MBM; CoLy, H
(P Jrrhocoric1ae): de
4666. WILLEY A (1911): Convergence in evolution. xvi+177pp., London. An; C, MBM; th,
4667. WILLlANlS C. B. (POULTON COMM.) (1919): Observations on neotropical insects.
P.E.S.L. 1919: 23-28. Nt: Uie (Sesiidae, Tinthia toboganu), D {Asilidae, MallophoraJ,
H (Reduviidae): MBM; HyAp. HyVe: de
4668. WILLIAMS C. B. (POULTON COMM.) (1928): Panaine and Acraeine buUerflies eaten
by birds at Amani. near Tanga. E. Africa. P.E.S.L. 3: 91-92. Aj; LRDa, LRA-c; A;fMv
4669. WILLIAMS C. B. (POULTON COMM.) (1930): Attacks by birds upon migratory Pierine
butterr.y Belenois mesentina, Cram., in E. Africa. P.E.S.L. 5: 65. Afl LRPi (Be1enois
mesentina): A: JMv
4670. WILLIAMS C. B. (1931): Ithomiine butterfly model and Ca1limorphine moth mimic
with similar flight. Butternies bearing evidence of attack. P.E.S.L. 6: 57. Nt; UieAt;
MBM: LRIt: de
4671. WILLIAMS C. B. (1943): Birds and butterflies. Nature 151: 173. LR: A: JtAv
4672. WILLIAMS C. E. (1903): Exhibition of living Gongylus gongyloides, a floral mantis.
Proc. Cambridge Soc. 12: 279. As: Ma (Gongylus gongyloides): MP: P/Fl.; de
4673. WILLIAMS C. E. (1904): Notes on the life history of Gongylus gongyloides, a mantis
of the tribe Empusides and a flora1 simulator. T.E.S.L. 1904: 125-137. (note P.E.S.L.
1904: 3.) As: Ma (Gongylus gongljloides): MP; PLF1; de
4674. WILLIAMS F. X. (1917): Notes on the life-history of some North American Lampyridae.
J. NewYork E. Soc. 25: 11-33. Ne: CoLa; MP: CoLa; de.fbo
4675. WILLIAMS K. L. (1978): Systematics and natural history of the american milk snake,
Lampropeltis triangulum. Milwankee Mus. Publ., P ubl. Biol. Geol. 2. Ne; ReOp
(LampropeWs triangulum): MBM: ReOp (Micrurus); de.fbo
4676. WILLIAMSON G. B. -NELSON C. E. (1972): Fitness set analysis of mimetic adaptive
strategies. Am. Nat. 106: 525-537. Ne: LRPa: MBM; LR; ge, th
4677. WILLIS E. O. (1963): Is the zone-tailed hawk a mimic of the turkey vulture? Condor
65: 313-317. Nt: Au (Buteo a1bonotatus); MP; Av (Cathartes aura); de,Jbo
4678. WILLlS F:. O. (1976): A possible reason for mimicry of a bird-eating hawk by a insect
eating kite. Auk 93 (4): 841-842. Nt; Av (Accipiter bicolor); MP; Av (Harpaglls diodon);
4679. WILLIS E. O. (1976): Similarity of a tyrant-flycatcher and a silky-flycatcher: not all
charactcr convergence is a competitive mimicry. Condor 78 (4): 553. Nt; Au
(Tyrannidae): MO: Au (Tyrannidae); de
4680. WILLIS E. O. (1976): Similarity of a tanager (Orchesticus abeillei) and an ovenbird
(Philydor rufus): a possible case of mimicry. Cienc. Cult. 28 (12): 1492-1493. Nt: Av
(Orchesticus abeiHei); MO: Av (Philydor n4us); de,fbo
4681. WILLIS E. O. (1987): Redescoberta de Dryocopus galeatus (Temminck, 1822) (Aves,
Picidae) no Estado de Sao Paulo. Resumos, Reuniao Sociedade Bras. Promocao de
Ciencia (Hrasilia) 39: 835. Nt: Av (DnJocopus galeatus); MO; A u (Campephilus robustus);
4682. WILLlS E. O. (1989): Mimicry in bird flocks of c10ud forests in southeastern Brazil.
Rev. Brasil. Biol. 49 (2): 615-619. Nt: Av (Dryocopus galeatus): MO; Av (Campephi1us
robustus): de.Jbo
4683. WILLlS H. G. (1896): The defensive devices of Lepidopterous larvae. Tr. Manchester
Micr. Soc. 1896: 61-72. P: L (larvae); C. A: de,jbo
4684. WILLIS H. L. (1967): Bionomics and zoogeography of tiger beetles of saline habitats
in the centra] United States (Coleoptera: Ciccindelidae). Univ. Kans. ScL Bull. 47:
145-313. Ne; CoCi: C:jbo
4685. WILLSON R. P. - RYAN P. G. (1987): Conspicuous coloration may enhance prey capture
in some piscivores. Anim. Behav. 35 (5): 1558-1560. S; Ps: A;ftAv (Phalacrocora.x,
4686. WILSON D. R. (1913): Mimicry among swallowtails aud other notes on butterflies at
Sao Paulo, Brazil. P.E.S.L. 1913: 119-122. Nt; LRPa; MBM: LR; de.fbo
4687. WILSON R. S. (POULTON COMM.) (1920): [<;vidence that the viola, Butl., female f.
mim. oI Charaxes etheocJes, Cr., tlies with its model C. epijasius, Reiche. P.E.S.L.
1920: 23-24: Af: LRCx (Chara.xes etheoclesJ: MBM; LRCx (Charaxes epyasius); fbo
4688. WILSON S. E. -ALLEN J. A. -ANDERSON K. P. (1990): Fast movement of densely
aggregated prey increases the strength of anti-apostatic selection by wild birds. Bio!.
J. Linn. Soc. 41 (4): 375-380. Ao: A:ftAv. ge
4689. WINDECKER W. (1939): Euchelia (Hypocrita) jacobaea L.. und das Schutztrachten
problem. Z. MorphoL OekoL Tiere 35: 84-138. P; LHeAt(Tllyriajacobaea. larvae); A;
4690. WINDlNG O. (1971): Dyr i focus. krabbeedderkoppen. Naturens Verd. 1971 (1): 31
40. P: ArTh: MP. C: PIF/: de
4691. WING K. (1983): Tutelina similis (Araneae: Salticidae): An ant mimic that feeds on
ants. J. Kansas E. Soc. 56 (1): 55-58. Ne: ArSa(Tute1ina similis): MBM. MP; HyMy: de.
4692. WINHARD W. (1996): Konvergente Farbemusterentwicklung bei Tagfaltern.
(Miinchen), Suppl. 21: 1-192. As. Aj, Nt; LR; MBM. A; LR; de. }bo. tll. bm
4693. WINKLER T. (1977): Ein Zipfelfalter (Atlides halesus Cramer 1779) mit Pseudokopf
(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Zool. Anz. 198 (1-2): 31-35. Ne; LRLn(Atlides
halesus): MFh: de. jbo
4694. WlTHYCOMBE C. L. (POULTON COMM.) (1924): A Trinidad moth resembling the
base of a leaf. P.E.S.L. 1924: 113-114. Nt: LHe(Pyralidae. Acrodegmia pselapllialis);
C: Pl (leaves): de
4695. WITTENBERGER J. F. (1981): Animal social behaviour. Boston. Duxbury Press. W;
An: C. A. MBM: AI1: de. Jbo. tll. bm
4696. WITTHOHN K. -NAUMANN C. H. (1984): Die Verbreitung des b-Cyan-L-alanin bei
cyano,genen Lepidopteren. Z. Naturforsch. 39c: 837-840. W; L; A; to
4697. WOHLFAHRT T. A. (1989): Ober die geographische VariabiliUit der Schwanzfortsatze
an clen I-linterí1i.igeln des Sege1falters Graphium agamemnon (L.l. sowie uber
Folgerungen hinsichtlich der Ausbreitung dieses Falters (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae).
SpixianCl 12 (2): 213-226. As: LRPa(Gmphium agarnemnon); MO:}bo, ge. de
4698. WOJTUSAK A. (1975): Mimicry for purposes od predation in the species Iracundus
signifer. (in polish) Wszechswiat 1975 [6): 162. S; Ps(Scorpaenidae, Iracundus sign!telJ;
MP: de.fbo
4699. WOOD J. T. (1950): Mimicry in amphibians. with particular reference to the pattern
of Southern Mountain dusky salamander. Desmognathus ochrophaeus carolinensis.
Virginian J. ScL (n.s.)1 (4): 348. Ne: AmCd(Desmognathus ochrophaeus); MBM; AmCd;
4700. WOOD R. C. (POULTON COMM.) (1933): Rodney C. Wood on the mimetic resemblance
of the female Nymphaline blltterJ1y Euxanthe wakefieldi to the Danaine Amauris
niavius dominicanlls. observed in Natal. P.R.E.S.L. 8: 136-137. Aj: LRCx(Euxanthe
wnl({:{ieldi): MBM: LRDa(Amauris niauius): de
4701. WOOD R. -LAiVJ:BORN W. A. (POULTON COMM.) (1929): The mimetic Lycaenid
buttertly MimClcraea marshalli. Trim.. mistaken in flight for Acraea encedon. L., in
the Lilongwe district Nyasaland.P.E.S.L. 4: 107-] 08. Aj; LRLn(Mirnacraea marsha11i);
MBM: LRAc(Acraea encedon): de. jbo
4702. WOOD T. K. (1975): Defense in two presocial membracids (Homoptera: Membracidae).
Can. E. 107 (ll): 1227-1231. Nt; Ho(Membracidae. Umbonia crassicornis. Platycoiis
uittaiCl): A: jtReS,.(Allolis carolů1ensis)
4703. WOOD T. K. (1977): Defense in Umbonia crassicornis: Role o[ the pronotum and
adult aggregations (Homoptera: Membracidae). Ann. E. Soc. Am . 70: 524-528. Nt;
Ho (Mel71bracidae. Urnbonia crassicornis): A:ftReSr(Anolis cClrolinensis)
4704. WOOD T. K. (1979): Sociality in the Membracidae (Homoptera). MiscellaneollsPubls.
E. Soc. AnI. II (3): 15-22. Nt: Ho(Mel71bracidae); A;}bo
4705. WOOD T. W. (1864): No title. P.E.S.L. 1864: 147. P; LRPi(Anthocharis cardarnines);
C; Pl (Daucaceae): de
4706. WOOD T. W. (1867): Remarks on the coloration ofchrysalids.P.E.S.L. 1867: 99-101.
P: LR: C: cle
4707. WOOD-MASON J. (1878): No title. P.E.S.L. 1878: 12-13. As; Ma (Gongylus
tmcllelopht}llus. GongyltLS gongylodes); MP. C: PlFl;.!bo
4708. WOOD-MASON J. (1880): On a new species ofPapilio from South India with remarks
on the species allied thereto. J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal. (Calcutta) 49: 144-149. As; LRPa;
MBM: LRPct: de. jbo
4709. WOOD-MASON J. (1882): Description of two new species of Papilio [rom Northeastern
India. wilh a preliminary indication of an apparently new and remarkable case of
mimicry beiween lhe two dislincl groups which they represenl. Ann. Mag. Nat. HisL
5th Ser" Vol. 0: 104. As: LRPa: MBM: LRPa: dE'.jbo
4710. WOOD-MASON J. -NICÉVILLE L. DE 1.1886): List of Lepidoplerous insecls collected
in Cachar, II. Rhopalocera. J. Asj,atic. Soc. Bengal. (Calcutta) 55: 374. As: LRPa
(Pllamacop/wgus desadara): A:jbo
4711. WOODHOUSE L. G. O. (1950): The buttertly fauna of Ceylon. 2nd ed., xvi+131 pp.,
Colombo. GovL Press. As: LR: MBM: LR: de
4712. WOOLEY H. P. (1976): The evolution of a mimicry complex in salamanc1ers. Trans.
Kansas Acad. ScL 79 (1-2): 57. Ne: AmCd; MBM: AmCd: de. ge
4713. WOOLEY H. P. (1982): Evolution of defense strategies among three species of sympatric
salamanders. Dissertation Abstr. Inlernat. (B)42 (11): 4295. Ne: AmCd (EunJcea
10ngicalIda. Eurycea luc!{uga); MBM: AmCd (NOlophlhalmu..', lJi,-'.descens}:jbo. ge
4714. WOURMS M. K. -WASSERMAJI/ F. E. (1986): Bird prec1ation on Lepidoplera and lhe
reliability of beak-marks in determining predation pressure. J. Lepid. Soc. 39 (4):
239-261. Ne: LFPi (Pieris rapae): A:fiAlJ (CyanociUa crislala)
4715. WOURMS M. I<. -WASSERMANN F. E. (1985): BlIUertly wing markings are more
ac1v::tntageolls durin,g handling than durín�; the initial strike an avian predator.
Evolution 39 (4): 845-851. Ao (Pieris rapae): MFh;JiAlJ (Cyanocitta crislaia)
4716. WRAY V. -DARlS R. H. -NAl-IRSTEDT A. (1983): ? Z. Nalurforsch. 38c: 583. I: A;JtAlJ
4717. WRAZIDLO l. (1986): Untersllchungen zur Reaklion von Fasanen- und Wachlelkiiken
auf warnfarbige Beute. Diplomarbeit, Gbttingen. J, Ao; A; ftAlJ (Phasianus colchicus.
Coturnix coturnix)
4718. WROUGHTON C. R. -ROTHNEY G. A. J. (1891): No title. FE.S.L. 1891: 17-113. As: Ar. Fl
(CorE'idae. DlLUcllí!LS intlat!LS): MBM: Hy (Mutil1idae), HyMU (Polyrho.chis spiníger); de,fbo
4719. WYLLlE L (1981): The cuckoo. 176 pp., New York. Universe Book. P: AvOv (ClLClLÍUS
canorus); MP: AlJOv: ge, tll. de, bm
4720. WYLLlE L (191)3): The confusing cuckoo. Birds RSPB Mag. 9 (6): 37-39. P: AvOv
(Cuculus caollonls): MP: AlJOlJ: qe. tll, de
4721. WYNNE-EDWARDS V. C. (1933): Inheriiance of egg-colour in the ,parasilic' cllckoos.
Nature 132: 822. W: AvOv (Cuculidae): MP: AlJOlJ: ge. lh
4722. WYNTER-BLYTH M. A [1957): Butterflies of the Indian region. xx+523 pp., Bombay.
Nat. Hist. Soc. As: LR: MBM, C: LR: de
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It exists et ull); type ofwork
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(Ichnew110nidclE, Lissopirnpla semipunctataJ;jbo
76. COLEMAN E. (1927): Pollination of an Australian orchid Cryptostyllis leptochila F. V.
Muel1. Viet. Nat. 44: 333-340. Au: PIOr (Cryptostyllis leptochila); MFI, MSx; Hy
(Ichneunlonidae. Lissopimpla semipunctataJ: de. fbo
77. COLEMAN E. (1928): Pollination of an Australian orchid by the male ichneumonld
Lissopimpla semipunctata Kirby. T.R.E.S.L. 75: 533-537. Au; FlOr (Cryptostyllis
leptochila); MR, MSx: Hy (Iclmeumoidae. Lissopimpla semipunctata); de. fbo
78. COLEMAN E. (1929): Pollination of Cryptostyllís subulata nabili.) Reichh. Viet. NaL 46:
62-66. Au: PIOr (Cryptostyllis subulata): MF/' MSx; Hy (Ichneumonidae, Lissopimpla
semipunctaia); de,fbo
79. COLEMAN E. (1930): Pollination of Cryptostyliis erecta R. Br. Viet. Nat. 46: 62-66. Au:
PIOr (Cr!lptoslt)llis erecta): MF/, MSx: Hy (Iclmewnonidae, Lissopimpla semipunctata); de.
80. COLEMAN E. (1932): Pollination of Diurís predunculata. Viet. Nat. 49: 179·186. Au;
PIOr (Diwis pedullcu!ata): MR. MSx: HyAp:.fbo
81. COLEMA.1\I E. (1933): PolIination of orchicls: genus Prasophyllum. Viet. Nat. 49: 214-
221. Au: PIOr (Prasopřlyllum): MFI: ?:jbo
82. COLEMAN E. (1933): Pollination of Diuris sulphurea R. Br. Viet. Nat. 50: 3-8. Au; FlOr
(Diuris sulphurea): MR. M f;fbo
83. COLEMAN E. (1934): Pollination of Pterostylis acuminata and P. falcata. Viet. Nat. 50:
248-252. Au: FlOr (Pterostylis): MF/: F; de,fbo
84. COLEMAN E. (1938): Further observations on the pseudo-copulation of the male
Lissopimpla semipunctata Kirby (Hymenoptera Parasitica) with the Australian Orchid,
Cryptostylis leptochila F. v. M. P.R.E.S.L. (A) 13: 82-83. Au; PIOr (Cryptostylis leptochilaJ:
MFl. MSx: Hy (Ichnewnonidae, Lissopimpla semipunctata):fbo
85. COOK C. D. K. (1982): Pollination mechanisms in the Hydrocharitaceae. Pp. 1-15 in:
Syrnones J. J.. Hooper S. S.. Compére P. (eds.): Studies on aquatic vascular plants.
Brussels: R. Bo1. Soc. Belg. W: Pl (Hydrocllaritaceae); MFl MI: de, fbo. tll
86. CORREVON H. -POUYANNE M. (1916): Un curieux cas de mirnétisme chez les ophrydées.
J. SoC'. NaU. Hort. France 17: 29-31. P; P10rOs: MFI. MSx; HyAp; de,fbo
87. COVlCH A. (1974): Ecological econornics of foraging among coevolving animals and
plants. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gardens 61: 794-805, Ne; Pl; MFl;fbo
88. CROAT T. D. (1975): A new species of Draconitum (Araceae) from Panama, with notes
on the sapromyophilous pollination syndrome. Selbyana 1: 168-171. Nt: Fl (Araceae.
Dracollitum): MF!: Dg:Jbo
89. CRUM H. (1976): Mosses of the Great Lakes Forest. rev. ed. Univ. Herbarium, Univ. of
Michigan. Ann. Arbor, Ne; Br: Md; Cll; de,fbo, bm
90. DAFNI A. (1983): Pollination of Orchis caspia - A nectarless plant which deceives the
pollinators of neetariferous species from other plant familíes. J. Eco!. 71 (2): 467-474.
P: FlOr (Orchis caspia): MFI: PIFI: de.fbo
91. DAFNI A. (1984): Mimicry and deception in pollination. Annu. Rev. Eco1. Syst. 15: 259-
278. P: PIOr (Orchis): MFI: PLFI; tll
92. DAFNI A. (1985): On the evolution ITom reward to deception in Orchis s. 1. (Orchidaceael
and its relatecl genera. in: ArdittiJ. (ecl.): Orchicl biology: reviews and perspectives. Vol.
3. IIhaca, NY: Curnell Univ. Press. P: FlOr (Orchis): MFI: PLFI; th
93. Dl\FNI A. (1989): Floral mimicry-Mutualisrn and unidirectional exploitation of insects
by plants. Pp. 86-94 in: Southwood T. R. F" Juniper B. E. (eds.); Plant surface ancl
insects. Londoll, Arnold, Pl: MF!. M f: Pl: tll, de
94, DAFNI A. (1987): Pollination in Orchis and related genera: Evolution from reward to
deccption, Pp, 79-104 in: Arditti J. (ed.): Orcl1id biology: reviews and perspectives 4.
lthaca (NY). Cornell University Press. P: PIOr (Orchis); MFI: PLFI: th
95. DAFNI A. -BERNHARDT P. (1990): Pollination of terrestrial orchids of Southern Australia
and thc Mediterranean region. Systematic. ecological and evolutionary implications.
Evo!. Bio!. 24: 193-252. P. All: PlOr : MFl. MSx, Mlf: HyAp, Hy (lchneumonidae); de. jbo,
g e. tll
96. DAFNI A. -CALDER D. M. (1987): Pollination by deceit and floral mimesis in Thelymitra
antennifera (Orchidaceae). Plant, Syst. Evo!. 158 (1): 11-22. A ll: PlOr (Thelymitra
antenn!fera): MF/, M{f:fbo
97. DAFNI A. -IVHl Y. (1979): Pollination ecology of and hybridization between Orchis
coriophora L. and Orchis collina So!. ex Russ. (Orchidaceae) in Israel. New Phyto!. 83:
181-188. P: PIOr (Orchis coriophora): MF I: PIOr (Orchis collina): de.jbo
98. DAF.NI A. -IVRI Y. (1980): Deceptive pollination syndromes in some Orchids in Israe!.
Acta Bot. Neer!. 29: 55. P: PlOr: MFl: Pl: de. fbo
99. DAFNI A. -IVRI Y. (1981) : Thc 110wer biology of Cephalantera longifolia (Orchidaceae)
Pollen imitation and facultative floral mimicry. Plant. Syst. Evo!' 137: 229-240. P: PlOr
(Cephaluntera longffolia): MFl, Mlf: Pl (Cistaceae. Cistus sallJiifolius): de.fbo
100. DAFNI A. -lVHl Y. (1981): Floral mimicry bctween Orchis israelitica Baumann and
Dafni (OrchidaceaeJ and Bellevalia flexuosa Boiss (Liliaceae). Oecologia 49: 229-232.
P: PIOr (Orchis Lsraelitica): MFl: Pl (Liliaceae, Bellevaliajl.eXllOsa): de.jbo
JOL DAF.Nl A. -lVRI Y. -BRANT,JES N. B. M. (1981): Pollination of Scrapias vomeracca
13riq. (Orchidaceae) by imitation of holes for sleeping solitary male bees (Hymenoptera).
Acta Bot. Neer!. 30: 69-73. P: PIOr (Serapias vomeracea): MFI: HyAp (sleeping holes):
de. IlJo
J02. DAliLGREN R. (1971): Multiple similarity of leaves between two general Cape plants.
Cliffortin L. (Rosaceae) and Aspalanthus L. (Fabaceae). Bot. Not. 124: 292-304. Cp: Pl
(Rosaceae. Cl tffortia ): MLv: Pl (Fabaceae, Aspalanthlls): de.jbo. th
103. DARWIN CH. (1877): The various contrivances by which orchids are fertí1ized. 2nd
eel.. Londol1, Jollll Murray. (german ed. 1877. Stuttgart) P: PIOrOs; MFl. MSx; HyAp;
104. DAUMANN E. (1931): Zur Morphologie und Okologie der Bltite von Stratiotes aloides
L. Pbnta 14: 766-776. P: Pl (Hydrocharitaceae. Stratiotes a1oides); Cn: de
105. DAUMANN E. (1933): Uber "Scheinnektarien" von Parnassia palustris und anderen
Blůtenarten. Jahrb. Wissenschaft. Bot. 77: 104-149. P; Pl (Saxifragaceae, Parnassia
palustris): MFI. Mlf: de. Jbo
106. DA UMAN N E. (193 .'5) : Ober die Bestaubungsokologie der Parnassia-Blůte II. Jahrb.
Wissenschaft. BoL. 81: 707-717. P: Pl (Saxifragaceae. Parnassiapalustris); MFl, Mlf:
107. DAUMANN E. (1942): Die al1bohrbaren Gewebe und die rudimentaren Nektarien in
der Bliitenregion. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 61: 11-82. Pl: MF!. Mif; de.
108. DAUJ.V1ANN E. (1959): Zm Kenntnis der Bliitennektarien von Aristolochia. Preslia 3l:
359-372. Pl (Aristoloclliaceae. Aristolochia); MFt M{f: de
109. D AUMANN E. (1960): On the pollination ecology of Parnassia flowers: A new
contrihution 10 the experimental f10wer ecology. Biol. Plant. 2: 113-125. P: Pl
(Sa..x:ifragaceae. Parnassia): MF!. Ma:jbo
IlO. DAUMANN E. (1963): Zur Bliiten5kologie von Veratrum nigrum L. Preslia 35: 289
296. P: Pl (Li1iaceae. Veratnul1 nigrwn); MFl: Cn:Jbo
II1. DAUMA1'\JN E. (1967): Zur Bltitenmorphologie und Bestaubungsokologie von Veratrum
117. DAUMANN E. (1973): Ober die vermeintliche Bedeutung der ZentralblUte (n) in der
Dolde von Daucus carota L. fUr die Bestaubungsi:ikologie und als Schutz vor
Weidetieren. Preslia 47: 320-326. P; Pl (Daucaceae. Daucus carota); MF!; de.jbo
118. DELPINO F. (1870): Altri apparecchi dicogami recentemente osservati. Novo Glorn.
Bot. Ital. 2: 51-64. P; Pl (Araceae. Arisarum proboscideum); MFI; F; jbo
119. DELPINO F. (1874): Ulterioťi osservazioni e considerazioni sulla dicogamia nel regno
vegetale. 2 (IV). Delle piante ziodifile. Arm. Soc. Ital. Scl. Nat. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat.
Milano 16: 151-349. P; Pl (Araceae); MFI: F, Dg. Cn: de,jbo
120. DETTO C. (1905): BlUtenbioogische Untersuchungen: Ober die Bedeutung der
lnsektenalmlichkeit der Ophrysblute. Flora 94: P; PlOrOs; MF!. MSx; HyAp; de, th
138. ENGEL R. (1985): La pollinisatioll ďOphrys fuciflora (Schmitt) Moensch par un diptere.
Bull. Assoc. Philom. Alsace Lorraine 21: 269-283. P; PIOrOs; MFI, MSx; DSy (Microdon
laqfrons. Microdon mutabilis), Co (Melolonthidae);jbo
139. ENGLER A. (1920): Das pflanzenreich. Band Araceae-Aroideae, IV. Lepizig. W; Pl
(Araceae): MFI: Cn, F, Dg: de..tbo, nu. bm
140. ERICKSON R. (1951): Orchids of the West. Perth. Australia. Paterson Brokensha. Au;
PlOr; MFl, MSx: Hy: de'.tbo, rw, bm
141, ERICKSON R. (1965): Insects and Australian orchids.Aust. Orchid Rev. 30: 172-174.
Au: PIOr: MF/. MSx: Hy: de.,tbo
142. ERLANSON C. (1930): The attraction of canion flies to Tetraplodon by an odoriferous
secretion of the hypothesis. Bryologist 33: 13-14. Ne: Br (Tetraplodon); Md: Cn; de,jho
143. EVANS G. H. (POULTON COMM.) (1930): Bees and an Empid fly taken visiting Orchids
in France. P.E.S.L. 5: 101-103. P; PIOrOs (Ophrys arachnittformis); MF!. MSx: HyAp
(Anclrena nigroClena), D (Empididae);.lha
144. FAEGRI K. -PIJL L. VAN DER (1971): Prineiples of pollination eeology. 2nd ed.. London.
Pergamon Press. W: Pl: MF/: Cn.Dg.F: de. Jbo. bm, rw
Polvstachva navescens (Lindlevl J. J. Smith. A111 . Orchici. Soc. Bull. 46: 990-994. Ne:
PIOr (PoltJ [ClclH}a.flmwscens): lvfFI, MIj; de, .{bo
169. GOSS G. -ADAMS R. (1976): The reproduciive biology of the epiphytic orchids ofFlorida.
IV. Sexually seleciive attraciiol1 of moths to the fragrance of Epidendrum anceps
J8cCluin. Am. Orchicl Soc. Bull. 45: 997-100l. Ne: PIOr (EpíclendnuTI ctrlceps); MF1.
MSx: LHeSn (Lumírc eclwardsi):j7Jo
170. GOTTSBERGER G. (1970): Beitrage zur Biologie von Annonaceen-Bluten.
Osterr. Bot.
Z. 118: 237-279. Nt: Pl (Annonaceae): MFI; Dg, Cn;.{bo
171. GO'n'SBERGER G. (1977): Some aspeets of beetle pollination in the evolution of
llowering planls. PhmL Syst. Evol. 1: 211-226 (Suppl.). Pl; MFI: D g, Cn:fbo, ge
172, GRAF V. (1977): Ein neuer Ophrys-Bastard aus Korfu: O. bomblyliilora Linx x O.
aUica (Boiss. et Orph.) Soó. Orchidee 28: 149. P: PIOrOs: MFl, MSx: HyAp:fbo
173. GRAHAM (183D): ? Curtis' Bolanical Magazine (London) T. 3640. P: Pl (Aristolochiaceae,
Arístolochia saccn!n): MF/: C11: de
174. GRANT K. (1966): A hypolhesis concerning the preva1ence of red colora1ion in California
humingbird f1owers. Am. Nat. 100: 85-97, Ne; Pl; MF1: cle,jlJo, Ut
175. GRANT K. -GRANT V. (1968): Hummingbirds and their 110wers. New York. Columbia
Univ. Pres. Ne, Ni: Pl: MFI: th. cle, rw. bm
176. GRA,'H V. (1950): The pollinalion of Calycanthus occidentalis. Anl. J, Bot. 37: 294-
297. Nt: Pl (CalyconUwceae. CalycantlULs occidentaUsJ: MFI;.{bo
177. GUMPRECHT R. (1977): Seltsame Bestaubungvorgange bei Orchideen. Orchidee 1977:
1-32. P: PIOr (Sempias): MFl: HyAp (sleeping holes): cle, .{bo
178. GUMPRECI-IT R. ·UliLHERR P. (1973): Erdorchideen in Australien unter besonderer
Berúcksichtigung der Bllitenbiologie. Orchidee 24: 195-200. Au.:. PLOl' (Pterostylis
fJ11Lrica): MFI: F: cle. fbo
179. GUNN C. (1969): Ábrus pn:catorius: A deadly gift. Gard. J. (Jan.-Feb.): 2-5. Nt; Pl
(Fabaccae. Abnts precaLorius): MScl: ,{ntits; cle
180. liALDANE Ll. B. S. (1932): The causes of evolution. London, Longmans, Green. (russ.
ed. 1935. Moskva) P: Pl (Brassicaceue, Camelina linicola); MW; Pl (Linaceae, LinU/n
usi/alissimwn): elP. [}'"
18l. HARPER J. (1977): Popnlation biology ol' plants, New York, Academie Press. PI: MFI,
MLD, MW: Pl: bm, nv
182. HEINRlCI-I B. (1975): Bee Oowers: A hypothesis on f10wer variety and blooming time.
Evolution 29: 325-334. Pl: MFI. M{f; Pl: tll
183. HEINRlCH B. (1977): Pollination energetics: An ecosystem approach. Pp. 41··46 in:
MaUson W. J. (ed.): The role of Arthropods in forest ecosystem. New York, Sprin.ger
Verlag. W: Pl: MF!. M{f MI: b/Jl, de, th
184. HEINRICli B. (1979): Bumblebep economics. 245pp., Cambridge (MassJ. Harvard Univ.
Press. P. Ne: Pl: MFl: Pl: cle, .IlJo
185. liEINRICH B. -RAVEN P. I-I. (1972): Energetics and pollination ecology. Science 176:
597-602. Pl: MFI. MJr Pl: Ul
186. liEMSLEY W. B. (1896): Some remarkable phanerogamous parasites. J. Linn. Soc.
London Bol. 31: 306-311. Au: Pl (LomnLhacpap): MLD; Pl; cle
187. HILDEBRANDT F. (1902): Ober Almlichkeiten im pnanzenreich. eine morphologisch
biologische Beirachbm.g. Leipzig. W: Pl: MFl, MLD. MlV: Pl; cle,.{bo, th
188. HOFFMANN V. (1981): Ragwurz-ohne Tricks lauft nix. Illustl'. Wochenz, IWZ (Stuttgart)
1981 (32): ? P: PlOrOs (Oph/1Js ap(f'em): MFI. MSx; D Sy (Microclon mutabilis); clc,Ibo
189. liOUZEAU J. DE L. (1925): ? Bull. Naturaliies Musée d. Borinage 6 (4): 69-82. P:
PIOrOs: MFI. MSx: HyAp:jho, tll
190. HUBBARD H. G. (1895): Inseci ferUlizatioll of an aroid plant. Insect Life 7: 340-345.
Ne: Pl (Araceae): MFI: Dg, Cn;.{bo
193. I-1YETT J. (l960J: Pollination oť the Nociding Greenhood. Viet. Nat. 76: 240-241. Au:
PlOr (Pterost1flis): MFl: F: cle, jho
194. INGOLD C. T. (1971): Fungal spores, thelr liberation and dispersal. Oxford, Claredon
Press. F: Mcl: Cn. Dg, PLFI: cle, jbo, bm. nv
195. !VRl Y. -DAFNIA. (1977): The pollination ecology oťEpipactis consimilis (Orchidaceae)
in Israel. New Phytol. 79: 173-178. P: PIOr (E:pipactis consimilis): MFI; Ho (Aphicloid.ea);
196. JACOBSEN N. V. -RASMUSSEN F. N. (1976): Úber die Bestiiubung von Ophrys
speculul11 Link auf Mallorca. Orchidee 27: 64-66. P; PlorOs (Ophrys specu!um); MFl.
MSx: HyAp: Jbo
197. JAEGER P. (1961): Tl1e wonderful life offlowers. London, Hanap. W; Pl (Araceae): MFl;
Dg. Cn: de, bm.Jbo
198. JAKIMOVA JA. (1966):? Plant. Proteetion (Sofia) I:? P: Pl (Rubiaceae, Galiumnwllugo);
MW MSd; Pl (Fabaceae. Lotus corniculatus); de
199 . •JAMES W. O. -CLAPHAM A. R. (1935): The biology
- offlowers. Oxford,Clarenclon. W; Pl
(Araceae): MF!: Dg. Cn: cle. bm.. fbo
200. JOEL D. M. (1988): Mimicry and mutua1ism in carnivorous pitcher plants
(Saraceniaceae. Nepenthaceae, Cephalotaceae, Bromeliaceae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 35:
185-197. W; Pl (Saraceniaceae, Nepenthaceae. Cephalotaceae, Bromeliaceae); Mlv; de,
fbo, tll
201. JOHNS.J. -MOLLOYB. (1985): Native Orchids of NewZealand. Wellington, NewZealand,
Reecl. Ha, Al!: PIOr (CrypLostylis); MFI, MSx; Hy (Ichneurrwnic1ae, Lissopimpla); de,jbo
202. JONES D. L. (1970): The pollination of Corybas diemenicus H, M. R. Rupp, W. H.
Nichols. Viet. Nat. 87: 372-374. Au; PIOr (Corybas diemenicus); MFI: F; de,jbo
203. JONES D. L. (1971): A study of the self pollination of Thelymitra venosa R. Br. and
some notes on its implications. Viet. Nat. 88: 217-228. Au: PIOr (fhelymiLra venosa);
MFI, MIf; de.fbo
204. JONES D. L. (1974): The pollination of Acianthus caudatus R. Br. Viet. Nat. 91: 272
274. Au: PlOr (Acianthus cauclaLus): MFI: F; cle,jbo
205. JONES D. L. (198l): The pollination of selected Australian orchids. Proc. Orchid Symp.
13th Int. Bol. Cong. 1981: 40-43. Au: PlOr; MFI:jbo
206. JONES D. -GRAY B. (1974): The pollination of Calochilus holtzei F. Muell. Am. Orchid
Soc. Bull. 43: 604-606. Au: PIOr (Ca!ochilus holtzei); MF!, MSx; Hy; de,jbo
207. KALACHEVSKA K. (1929): The rnimicry of weeds. (in russ.) Acad. Sci. Ukraine Kieff.
Bull. Cl. ScL Phys. Math. 4: 67-71 (English abstraet in Biol. Abstr. 4: 2526,1930). P;
Pl; MW: Pl: de. th
208. Ki\LLUNKI ,J. A. (1981): Reproduetive biology of mixed-species populations oť Goodyera
(Orchidaceae) in northern Michigan. Blittonia 33: 137-155. Ne; PIOr (Goodyera); MF!;
209. KARSTEN (1911): Lehrbuch der Biologie. Leipzig. W; Pl; MF!, MLv. C; Pl; de, th. bm
J. (1975): Parallel evolution offloral struetures in Darwinia (Myrtaceae)
. •
220. KNUTH P. [1899): Handbuch der Bliitenbiologie II. Leipzig. [engl. ed. 1909, Oxford,
Oxford Univ. Press) W: Pl: MFI. MIf Cn, Dg, F; de.fbo, bm
221. KNUTH P. (1905): Handbuch der Bliitenbiologie III. Leipzig. (engl. ed. 1909, Oxford,
Oxford Univ. Press) W: Pl: MF1. MI{ Cn, Dg, F: de,fbo, bm
222. KNUTSON R. M. (1972): Temperature measurements of the spadix of Symplocarpus
foetidus (L.) Nutt. Am. MidI. Nat. 88: 251-254. Ne: Pl (Araceae. Symplocarpusjoetidus);
MFI; Dg:jbo
223. KNUTSON R. M. (1974): Heat production and temperature regulation in eastern skunk
cabbage. Science 186: 746-747. Ne; Pl (Araceae. Symplocarpusjoetidus); MFI; Dg;fbo
224. KOLEV T. D. (1950): ? Ann. Univ. G. Dimitrov. Solla, Agronom. Pac. 28: ? P; Pl
(Silenaceae. Vaccaria parvifIora. Fabaceae. Pisum elatius): MVV, MSd; Pl {Fabaceae. Vicia
sativa): de
225. KOLEV I. D. (1951): ? Rep. Res. lnst. Min. Agric. Sofia 19 (1): ? P: Pl; MW, MSd; Pl
(Linaceae. Linum usitatissimurn): de
226. KOLEV I. D. (1953): ? Rep. Res. lnst. Min. Agric. Sofia 21 (3): ? P; Pl (Brassicaceae,
Eruca sativa): MW, MSd: Pl (Linaceae. Linum usitatissimum); de
227. KOLEV I. D. (1963): Weeds of Bulgaria. [in bulg.) Sofia, Bulg. Acad. ScL Press. P: Pl
(Rosaceae. Sanguisorba minor); MW, MScl: Pl (Fabaceae. Onobrychis sativa): cle
228. KOLEV I. D. (1968): ? ScL Publ. Agric. lnst. "G. Dimitrov" 20 (18), ser. PlanL Prod.,
Sofia, ZemizelaL P: Pl (Asteraceae. Cllonclri!lajuncea); MVV, MLl!: Pl (Poaceae. Triticwn);
229. KOLEV I. D. (1977): Plant mimetism. (in bulg., engl. abstr.) Plant Science (Sofia) 14
(2): 49-58. P: Pl (Fabaceae. Lathyrus nissolia): MLv; Pl (Poaceae): de, tll
230. KOLEV l. D. -LUCHANSKA E. O. (1976):? Plant Science (Sofia) 13 (l0):? P; Pl (Fabaceae,
Latllyrus nissolia): MLv: Pl (Poaceae): de
231. KOWHLER D. L. -DAVENPORT D. (1983): Ultraviolet mimicry by Bulbophyllum
lepidum? Bull. Am. Orchid Soc. 52: 359-363. Nt; PIOr (Bulbophyllum 1epidum): MF1: cle
232. KOZO-POLJANSKIJ V. M. (1939): ? Nat. Research lnst. Biol., state Univ. Voronezh,
Monograph Ser. II. P: Pl (Brassicaceae. Camelina linicola, Si1enaceae, Spergula linicola);
MW: Pl (Linaceae. Linwn usitatissimum): de. tll
233. KOZO-POLJANSKIJ V. M. -PAVLOVSKIJ E. N. (1954): Mimikrija. (2nd ed., vol. 27 ser.)
Moskva, VSE. P: Pl; MW: Pl; de. jbo, tll
234. KUGLER H. (1951): Bliltenokologische Untersuchungen mit Goldf1iegen (Lucilien).
Ber. Deutsch. BoL Ges. 64: 327-341. P: Pl: MFl; Dg, Cn;jbo
235. KUGLER H. (1955): Zum Problem e1er Dipterenblumen. Oster. Bot. Z. 102: 529-541.
P: Pl: MFI: Dg. Crt:jbo
236. KUGLER H. (1955): Einfilhrung in die Bliltenokologie. 278pp., Stuttgart, Fischer. (2nd
ed. 1966) Pl: MFl, MI{ Cn. Dg: de. bm.jbo
237. KUGLER H. (1956): Uber e1ie optische Wirkung von Pliegenblumen auf Fliegen. Ber.
Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 69: 387-398. W: Pl: MFI: Cn, Dg;jbo
238. KUGLER H. (1970): Bliltenokologie. Stuttgart, Fischer. Pl: MFl. MIf; Cn. Dg; de. bm,jbo
239. KUIJT J. (1909): The biology of parasitic llowering plants. Berkeley, Univ. Calif. Press.
W: Pl: MLv: Pl: de,Jho
240. KULLENBERG B. [1950): InvestigaUons on the pollination of Ophrys species. Oikos 2:
]-19. P: Pl0rOs: MF!. MSx: HyAp:jho. to
241. KULLENBERG B. (1952): Recherches sur la biologie llora!e des Ophrys. Bull. Soc.
Hist. NaL Afr. Nord 43: 53-62. P: PlOrOs: MFl. MSx: HyAp;jbo, to
242. KULLENBERG B. (1956): On the scents and colours of Ophrys flowers and their specific
pollinators among the aculeate Hymenoptera. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 50: 25-48. P: PIOrOs;
MF/' MSx: HyAp:.fbo. to
243. KULLENBERG B. (1961): Studies in Ophrys pollination. Zool. Bidrag (Uppsala) 34: 1-
340. P; PIOrOs: MF!. MSx; HyAp:jbo. to
244. KULLENBERG B. (1973): New observations on the pollination of Ophrys L.
(Orchidaceae). 200n (Suppl. 1): 9-14. P; PIOrOs; MF!. MSx: HyAp;jbo, to
245. KULLENBERG B. (1973): Fielcl experiments with chemica! sexua! attractans on aculeate
Hymenoptera males II. Zoon [Suppl. 1): 31-42. P: PlOrOs; MF MSx: HyAp:fbo. to
246. KULLENBERG B. (1977): Bestorning og artselannelse hos flueblomstslaegten (Ophrys).
Kaskelot, Biologforbundetsblad Nov. 1977: 6-9. P: PlOrOs; MFI, MSx; HyAp;Jbo. to
247. KULLENBERG B. (1979): Remarks on the origin of e;'{tracts of Ophrys (Orchielaceae)
labella useel by Mr. Jan Tengo in his stuclies on scent-ineluccel behaviour in Aclrena
males. 2001l 7: 15-48. P: PlOrOs: MF/' MSx: HyAp {Andrena):Jbo, to
248. KULLENBERG B. -BERGSTROEM G. (1973): The pollination of Ophrys orchids. Pp.
253-258in: Bendz G.. Santesson G. (eds.): ChenústIy in botanical research. Stockholm,
Nobel Foundation. P: PlOrOs: MF/, MSx; HyAp;}bo, to
249. KULLENBERG B. -BERGSTROEM G. (1975): Chemical communication between living
organisms. Endeavour 34: 59-66. P; PlOrOs; MFl, MSx; HyAp;}bo, to
250. KULLENBERG B. -BERGSTROEM G. (1976): The pollination of Ophrys orchids. Bot.
Nat. 129: 11-19. P; PlOrOs: MFL MSx; HyAp;jbo. to
251. I\:ULLENBERG B. -BERGSTROEM G. [1976): Hymenoptera Aculeata males as
pollinators or Ophrys orchids. Zool. Scripta 5: 13-23. P; PLOrOs; MF!, MSx: HyAp:jbo,
252. KULLENBERG B. -BORG-KARLSON A. K. -KULLENBERG A. Z. (1984): Field studies
on Lhe behaviour of the Eucera nigrilabris male in the odour flow from flower labellum
extract of Ophrys t.enthredinifera. Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Ups. Ser. V 3: 79-110. P; PlOrOs
(Ophrys tenihrediTllfera): MFl. MSx; HyAp (Eucera nigrilabris):}bo, to
253. KULLENBERG B. -BUEL H. -TKALCU B. (1984): Ůbersicht von Beobachtungen uber
Besuche von Eucera und Tetralonia - Miinchen auf Ophrys Bluten (Orchidaceae).
Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Ups. Ser. V 3: 27-40. P; PlOrOs; MF!, MSx; HyAp (Eucera. Tetralonia);
254. LACK A. (1976): Competition for pollinators and evolution in Centaurea. New Phytol.
77: 787-792. P: Pl (Asteraceae, Centaurea); MFl; Pl: de, ge
255. LEONARD D. R. (1970): A recent observations of the pollination of Cryptostylis erecta
by a wasp. Orcha dian 3: 111. Au: PLOl' (Crypto stylis erecta); MF!, MSx; Hy
(Iclmeumoniclae. Lissopimpla): jbo
256. LESUlSSE E. [1913): Untersuchungen liber einige Fiille echter Mimicry im
Pl1éillzenreich. Diss. Univ. Wien. W: Pl: MF/, ML/). C: de. rw, tll
257. LlEBMANN W. (1910): Die Schutzeinrichtungen der Samen und Fruchte gegen .
plant-insect interactions. Taxon 20: 17-28. Ne; Pl (Brassicaceae. Enjsimum amoenum.
Erysimum nivale): MFl: PL (plimulaceae. Primula angustiJolia, PoleT11Dniaceae. PoleT11Dnium
272. MACIOR L. W. (1974): Behavioral aspects of coadaptations between flowers and insect
pollinators. Atm. Mo. Bot. Gard. 61: 760-769. Ne; Pl; MFl. MJf: Pl:jbo. th
273. MADISON M. (1977): A revision of Monstera (Araceae). Contrib. Gray Herb. Harv. Univ.
207: 3-100. Nt: Pl (Araceae. Monstera): MFl: Dg. Cn; de, jbo
274. MADISON M. (1979): Protection of developing seeds in neotropical Araceae. Aroideana
2: 52-61. Nt: Pl (Araceae, Monstera); MFl: Dg. Cn: de,jbo
275. MADISON M. (198l): Notes on Caladium (Araceae) and its allies. Selbyana 5: 342-
377. Nt; Pl (Araceae, Caladium): MFl; Dg. Cn; de,fbo
276. MALTZER A. N. (1924): ? Trudy Prik!. Bot. 13 (2): ? P; Pl (Brassicaceae. Brassica
dissecta): MW: Pl (Linaceae. Linum usitatissimum); cle,f b o
277. MARLOTH R. (1904): "Mimiery in plants." Trans. Soutll Afr. Pllil. Soc. 15: 97sq. Cp: Pl
(Mesembryanthemaceae. Mesembnjanthemum, Portulacaceae. Anacampseros); C;
pebbles: cle
278. MARLOTH R. (1905): ? Deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition 2, Teil 3, p. 336. Cp; Pl
(Mesembryanthemaceae. Litllops): C; pebbles; de
279. MARLOTH R. (1905): Furtller observations on mimicry among plants. Trans. South
Afr. Phil. Soc. 16: ? Cp: Pl (Mesembryantllemaceae); C; pebbles; de
280. MARLOTH R. (1907): Some new South African succulents. Trans. South Afr. Phil.
Soc. 18: ? Cp: Pl (Mesembryantllemaceae); C; pebbles; de
281. MARLOTH R. (1908): Das Kapland. Jena. Cp; Pl (Mesembryanthemaceae); C; pebbles;
282. MARLOTH R. (1909): Die SchutzmiUe1 der Pflanzen gegen iibermassige Insolation.
Ber. Deutsch. Boi. Ges. 27: Cp: Pl (Mesembryanthemaceae); C; pebbles; de
283. MARLOTH R. (1913): A new mimicry plant (Mesembryanthemum lapidiforme). Roya!
Soc. South Afr.. Odober 15. (review: Nature 92: 391). Cp; Pl (Mesembryamthemaceae,
Mesembryantilemum lapidiforme); C; pebbles; cle
284. MARLOTH R. (1915): No title. Nature 94: 516 (review). Cp; Pl (MesembnjWlthemaceae,
MesembryarnthelllllT11. Crassulaceae. Crassula); C; stones; cle
285. MARLOTH R. (1929): Stone-shaped p lants. S. Afr. Biol. Soc. 6: 1-8. Cp; Pl
(Mesembnjallthemaceae. Asclepiaclaceae. Portulacaceae, Crassulaceae); C: stones; cle.
ge. tll
286. MC KEY D. (1975): The ecology 01' coevolved seed dispersal systems. In: Gilbert L.,
Raven P. (eds.): Coevolution of animals and plants. Austin, Univ. Texas Press. W; Pl;
MSd; Jruits: cle. ge. th. jbo. nv
287. MCCANN C. (1943): .Light windows' in certain flowers. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 44:
182-184. pt; Pl (Araceae): MF!: Dg, Cll: de
288. MCDADE L. A. -KINSMAN S. (1980]: The impact offloral parasitism in two neotropica!
hummingbird-pollinated plant species. Evolution 34: 944-958. Nt; Pl; MFI; Pl; cle.jbo.
289. MEEUSE A. D. J. (1973): Co-evolution of plant hosts and their parasites as a taxonomie
tool. Pp. 289-316 in: V. H. Heywood (ed.): Taxonomy and ecology. London, Academie
Press. Pl: MFl: tll. ge
290. MEEUSE B. J. D. (1959): Beetles as pollinators. Biologist 42: 22-32. Pl: MFI; Cll, Dg;
291. M EEUSE B. J. D. (1961): The story of pollination. New York. W; Pl; MFl; Cn. Dg;jbo.
bm. nv. de
292. MEEUSE B. J. D. (1966): The voodoo lily. ScL Am. 215: 80-88. Ne; Pl; MFl; Cn. Dg;jbo
293. MEEUSE B. J. D. (1973): Fi1ms ofJiquid crystals as an aid in pollination studies. Pp.
19-20 in: Brantjes N. B. M., Linskens H. F. (eds.): Pollination and dispersa!. Nijmegen,
Dep. Bot. Univ. Nijmegen. Pl: MF!: Cll. Dg:jbo, tll
294. MEEUSE B. ,J. D. (1975): Thermogenie respiration in Aroids. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol.
26: 117-126. W' Pl (Araceae): MF!: Cll, Dg:.f b o
295. MEEUSE B. J. D. (1978): The physiology of some sapromyophilous flowers. ? Pl: MF!;
Cn. Dg: jbo
296. MELAMPY M. N. -HAYWORTH A. H. (1980): Seed production and pollen vectors in
severa! nectarless plants. Evolution 34: 1144-1154. Ne: Pl; MFl: Pl;jbo. tll, ge
297. MEYER F. J. (1964): Untersuchungen i'tber die Ophrys-Bestaubung. Referat nach B.
Kullenberg. Jahresber. Naturwiss. Ver. Wupperta! 19: 42-55. P; PlOrOs; MF!, MSx;
298. MILLER D. (1918): A new fungus-gnat which fertilizes Corysanthes oblonga Hook.
New Zealand J. ScL Techn. 1: 4. Ha; PIOr (Corysanthes oblonga); MFI; F;jbo
299. MITICH L. -BRUHN J. (1977): The genus Ariocarpus - a bibliography. Cactus &
Succuleni J. (U.S.)49: 122-127. Nt; Fl (Cactaceae, Ariocarpus); C; stones: de
300. MOBIlJS P. (1896): Uber nutzlose eigenschaften der Pflanzen und das Prinzip der
Schbnheit. Her. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Berlin 1896: 5-12. Pl: MFl. MLv; Pl; de. tll
301. MOODlE G. E. E. (1976): Heat production and pollination in Araceae. Can. J. Bot. 54:
545-546. Ne: Pl (Araceae): MF[: Cn. Dg:Jbo
302. MOORE S. M. (H199): The botanical results of ajourney into the interior of Western
Australia. J. Linn. Soc. 34: Au: Pl (Loranthaceae, Loranthus); MLv; Pl (Myrtaceae); de
303. MOSQUlN T. (1970): The reproductive biology of Calypso bulbosa (Orchidaceae). Can.
Field Na!. 84: 291-296. Ne: FlOr (Ca[ypso bulbosa); MFl; Pl; de,jbo
304. MOSQUlN T. (1971): Competition for pollinators as a stimulus for the evolution of
flowering time. Oikos 22: 338-402. Pl: MF!; Pl: ge, th
305. MULLER D. (1979): Mimicry bei Pf1anzen-Aspekte der Bestaubung, Verbreitung und
des FraJ3schutzes.
MIt. MI, MSd. Mll!; Pl. HU; de,jbo. tll. rw. bm
306. MULLER H. (1880): Ahnlichkeit von Blumen und Friichten. Kosmos 4 (7): 306-307.
Nt: Pl (Hyperiaceae, Clusia guttifera): MSd; PLFI: de
307. MULLER L. (1926): Zur biologischen Anatomie der Bh.i.te von Ceropegia woodii
Schlechter. Biol. Gen. 2: 799-814. Cp; Pl (Asclepiadaceae, Ceropegia woodii); MFI; Dg,
Cll: cle
308. MI.JL L ER- S C H NEIDER P. ( 1 9 7 7 ): Verbreitungsbiologie (Diasporologie) der
BlUtenpflanzen. Verbffentlichungen des Geobotanischen Institutes der ETH, Stiftung
Rube!. Zlirich, 61. Heft. W; Pl: MSd:fruits: de,jbo, rw
309. NIEMELAE P. -TUOMI J. (1987): Does the leaf morphology of some plants mimic
caterpillar d8mage? Oikos 50 (2): 256-267. W; Fl (Moraceae); MLv;Jeeding damage; de,
310. NIERENBERG L. (1972): The mechanism for the maintenance of species integrity in
sympatrically occuring equitant Oncidiums in the Carribean. BulI. Am. Orchid Soc.
41: 873-882. Nt: FlOr (Oncidiwn): MFI: FlOr: de
311. NILSSON L. A. (1983): Mimesis of bellflower (Campanula) by the red helleborine orchid
Cephalanthera rubra. Nature 305 (5937): 799-800. P; PIOr (C phalantera rubra); MF!;
Pl (Campanulaceae. Campanula): cle,jbo
312. OSCHE G. (1979): Zur Evolution optischer Signale bei Blutenpflanzen. Biologie i. u.
Zeit 9 (6): 161-170. P: Pl: MFl. MIf: de,jbo, tll
313. OSCHE G. (1983): Optische Signale in der Coevolution von Pflanze und Tier. Ber.
Deutsch. Bot. GeseL 96: 1-27. P: Pl: MFt MIf: de,.fbo, th
314. PANNELL C. M. (1980): Taxonomic and ecological studies in Aglaia (Melicaceae). PhD
thesis, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Nt: Pl (Melicaceae, Aglam); MFI, MI; de,.fbo
315. PASCHEF<. A. (1959): Zur Bllitenbiologie ciner aasblumigen Liliaceae und zur
Vprbreitungsbiologie abfallender geflligelter Kapseln. Flora 148: 153-178. Pl (Liliaceae);
316. PAULUS H. F. (1978): Co-Evolution zwischen Blliten und ihren tierieschen Bestaubern.
Sonderband Naturwiss. Ver. Hamburg 2: 51-81. P: PIOrOs; MFl, MSx: HyAp; ge, tll, 1W
317. PAULUS H. F. (1988): Co-Evolution und einseitige Anpassungen in Blliten
Bestaubersystemen: Bestauber als Schrittmacher in cler Bllitenevolution. Verh.
Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 81: 25-46. P: PIOrOs: MF!, MSx; HyAp; ge, tll, nu
318. PAULUS H. F. (1988): Beobachtungen und Experimente zur Pseudokopulation auf
Ophrys-Arten (Orchidaceae) Kretas (IIl-mit einer Beschreibung von Ophrys sitiaca H.
F. Paulus & C.+A. Alibertis nov. spec. aus dem Ophrys fusca-omegaifera-Formenkreis.
AHO MitL Bl. Arbeitskr. Heim. Orchid. Baden-Wlirtt. 20 (4): 817-882. P: PIOrOs; MF!,
MSx: HUAp:Jbo
319. PAULUS H. F. -ALIBERTIS C. -ALIBERTIS A. (1990): Ophrys mesaritica Paulus &
Alibertis spec. nov. aus Kreta, eine neue Art aus dem Ophrys fusca-iricolor-Artenkreis.
AHO Mítt. Bl. ArheiLskr. Heim. Orchid. Baden-Wlirtt. 22 (4): 772-787. P: PIOrOs (Ophrys
mesaritica): MFl. MSx: HyAp: de
320. PAULUS H . F. -GACK C. (1980): Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen zur
Bestaubungsbiologie slidspanischer Ophrys-Arten. P p. 55-68 in: Senghas K.,
Sunclerrnann H. (eds.): Probleme der Evolution bei europiiischen and mediterranen
Orchiclen. Orchidee (Sonderheft 1980): 55-68. P: PIOrOs: MFI, MSx; HyAp;jbo
321. PAULUS H. F. -GACK C. (1981): Neue Beobachtungen zur Bestaubung von Ophrys
(Orchidaceae) in Sud-Spanien mit besonderer Berucksichtig:ung: des Formenkreises
Ophrys fusca agg. Plemt. Syst. Evol. 137: 73-79. P; PIOrOs (OphnJs.fusca); MF!, MSx;
322. PAULUS H. F. -GACK C. (1983): Untersuchungen des Ophrys fusca-Formenkreises in
Súdspanien. Ein Beitrag zum Biospezieskonzept der Gattung Ophrys. Die OrchideE'
(Sonderheft 1983): 65-72. P: PlOrOs (Ophrys.fusca): MF!, MSx; HyAp:Jbo
323. PAULUS H. F. -GACK C. (1986): Neue Befunde zur Pseudokopula.tion unel
BesUiuberspeziritát in cler Orchicleengattung Ophrys - Untersuchungen in Kreta.
Siiclitalien unci Israe!. In: Senghas K.. Sunderma.'1n H. (eds.): Probleme der Taxonomie.
Verbreitullg LInd Vermehrung europáischer und mediterraner Orchideen II. Orcbidee
(Sonderhefl 1986): 48-86. P: PlOrOs; MF!. MSx; HyAp;Jbo
324. PAULUS H. F. -GACK C. (1990): Pollination of Ophrys (Orchiclaceael in
Cyprus. Plant.
Syst. SvoL 169: 177-207. P; PIOrOs; MF!, MSx;
325. PAULUS H. F. -GACK C. (1990): Pollinators as praepollinating isolation factors:
Evolution and speciation in Oplll)'S (Orchidaceae). Israel J. Bot. 39: 43-79. P; PlOrOs;
MF/. MSx; HyAp; ge. th
326. PAULUS H. F. -GACK C. (1990): Zur Pseudokopulation und Bestáuberspezifltát cler
Gattung Ophrys in Sizi!ien une! Siiclitalien. Jahresber. Naturwiss. Ver. Wuppertal 43:
119-141. P: PIOrOs:
MF!. MSx: HyAp:.fbo
327. PAULUS H. F. -GACK Co (1990): Untersuchungen zur Pseuclokopulation tmd
BestiiuberspeziJlliit ill cler Gattung Ophrys im ostlichen Mittelmeergebiet (Orchiclaceae.
Hymenoplera. Apoiclea). Jahresber. Naturwiss. Ver. Wuppertal43: 80-176. P; PIOrOs:
MF/. MSx: HyAp:.fbo
328. PAULUS H. F. -GACK C. -MADDOCKS R. (1983): Beobachtungen unci Experimente
zum Pseuclokopulationsverhalten an Ophrys. Das Lernverhal1 en von Eucera
barbiventris Mánchen an Ophrys scolopax in Súdspanien. Orchidee (Sonderheft 1983):
73-79. P: PIOrOs (Ophrljs scolopax); MF/. MSx; HyAp (Eucera barbiuentrLs); jbo
329. PAULUS H. F. -GACK S. [1983): Signalimitation als Bestáubungsstrategie der Gattung
Ophrys (Orchiclaceae)-Beobachtungen im Mittelmeergebiet. Verh. SIEEC X. (BuclapesO:
18-21. P: PlOrOs: MF!. MSx: HyAp:.fbo
330. PEAKALL R. (1990): ? Fund. Eco!' 4: 159-167. Au; PlOr (D rakeaglyptodon); MFI. MSx:
Hy (TI1!Jllllidae. Thynl1lls trilobatlls); de, .Ibo
331. PEAKALL R. -BEATTIE A. J. -JAMES S. H. (1987): Pseudocopulation of au orchid by
male ants: a tesl of lwo hypolheses accounling for the rarity of ant pollination. Oecologia
73: 52204. Al!: PIOr: MF[, MSx; HUMl): de..fbo
332. PENNELL F. (1948): Taxonomic signif1cance of an understanding of floral evolution.
Brittonia 6: 301-308. Ne: Pl: MFI: Pl (Fa/)aceae. Lllpinus bicolor): tli. ge
333. PIJL L. V. D. (1937): Biological and physiological observations 011 the inDorescenct' ať
AmorphophallllS. Reci. Trav. BoL Neer!. 34: 157-167. Pt: Pl(Arnceae,
MFI: Cll: .fba
334. PIJL L. V. D. (19!,)3): On the t10we1' biology of some plants from Java. Arm. Bog:oL 1:
77-99. Pt: Pl (Arareae): MFI: Cn:.fbo
335. PIJL L. V. D. (1960): Ecological aspects ofllower evolution 1. Evollltion 14: 403-416.
Pl: MFI: Cll. Dg: ge, 111
336. PIJL L. V. D. [1966): Pollination mechanisllls in orchicls. Pp. 61-75 in: Hawkes ,J. C.
(ed.): Reprodllctive hiology ancl taxol1omy of vascular plants. London. PergaJT10Il.
. Pl0r;
MFI, Mff, MSx: HL): lh, ge
337. PIJL L. V. D. (1966): Principles of clispersal in higher plants. New York, SpIinger
Verlag. W: Pl: MScl:,{ruiis: de.. fbo. th. rw. bm
338. PIJL L. V. D. (1969): Evolutionary action of tropical animals on the reproductive of
plants. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 1: 85-92. Pl: MFI: Cn. Dg; ge. th
339. PIJL L. V. D. (1978): Reproductive integration and sexua! disharmony in floral functions.
pp. 79-88 in: Richards A. J. (ecl.): The pollination of tlowers by insects. London.
Academic Press. Pl; MFI. MI: cle..fbo. tll
340. PIJL L. V. D. -DODSON C. (1966): Orchid flowers: Their pollination and evolution. 214
pp., Cora! Gables. Florida. Univ. of Miami Press. W: PIOr(Ada, Brassia, Encyclia): MF!.
MSx. MIr HyAp. illsect laruae: de ..fbo. rw, bm. tll
341. PORSCH O. (1909): Nellere Untersuchllngen der Insektenan!ockungsmittel der
OrchideenblUte. Milt. Naturwiss. Ver. Steiermark 45: 346-370. PIOr; MFI, Mf( de
342. PORSCH O. (1915): Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Pflanze und Tier. Die Kultur der
Gegenwart. AlÍg. Biologie. III. Teil. IV. Abteil. Bd. 1. (pp. 538-539). Nt: Pl(Lorant/w.ceae):
MLu: Pl (LaumceCle): de. .Jbo
343. PORSCH O. (1950J: Geschichtliche Lebenswertung der KastanienblUte. Osterr. Bot.
Z. 97: 269-321. P: Pl (Aesculaceae. Aesculus hippocastanum); MF/. MIj; de.)bo
344. POULTON E. B. (1927J: The fertlization of Orchids of the genus Ophrys by the males
of Hymenoptera Aculeata. P.E.S.L. 2: 31·33. P; P10rOs; MF/, MSx; HyAp; rw
345. POULTON E. B. (1928): Further observations on the fertilisation of Ophrys fusca,
Link. P.E.S.L. 3: 10-11. P: PlOrOs (Ophrys Jusca); MF/. MSx; HyAp; nv
346. POULTON E. B. (19301: An Ichneumonid bearing the pollination of an Orchid. P.E.S.L.
5: 67. P: Plal' (Orchis rnaculata); MSx. MFI: Hy {Iclmewnonidae. Cryptus iarsoleucus};
347. POULTON E. B. (1930): Monsieur Pouyanne's further observations in Algeria on the
fertilisation of Orchids by male bees. P.E.S.L. 5: 49-52. P: PIOrOs; MF!. MSx; HyAp:
)bo. nv
348. POULTON E. 8. (1930): The pollination of a second Austra!ian orchid by the ichneumon
Lissopil11pla semipunetata. Kirby (Hymenoptera Parasitica) observed by Mrs. Edith
Colel11an. P.E.S.L. 5: 15. Au; PIOr {Cryp tosty lis}; MF!. MSx: Hy {Ichneumonidae.
Lissopimpla semipunctata}; nv
349. POULTON E. B. (1934): Bees, visiting orchids at Va1escure and in Jersey, captured by
Co!. G. H. Evans, C. 1. E., C. B. E. P.R.E.S.L. 9: 82-83. P: PIOrOs (OphnJs atrata,
Opl1rys aracllnittformis); MFI. MSx; HyAp (Andrena nigroaena):)bo
350. POUYANNF: A. (1917): La fécondation des Ophrys par les insectes. Bul!. Soc. Hist.
NaL Afr. Nord 8: 6-7. P; PIOrOs: MFt MSx: HyAp; de,fbo
351. POWELL E. A -JONES C. E. (1983): Flora! mutua1ism in Lupinus bethamii (Fabaceae)
and Delphiniul1l panyi (Ranunculaceae. Pp. 310-323 in: Jones C. E., Little R. J.
feds.): Hanclbook of experimenta! pollination biology. NewYork. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Ne: Pl (RamlTlculaceae. Ddpl1inium paT11/i); MFI: Pl {Fabaceae, Lupinus bethamii}; de,
352. PRANCE G. T. -ANDERSON A B. (1976): Studies of the floral biology of neotropical
Nymphaeaceae 3. Acta Amazonica 6: 163-170. Nt; Pl (Nympheaceae); MF/; Cn; de,fbo
353. PRlESNER E. (1973): Reaktionen von Riechrezeptoren mannlicher Solitarbienen
(HYl11enoplera, ApoideaJ auf Inha!tsstoffe von Ophrys-BlUten. Zaon. Supp!. 1: 43-54.
P: PIOrOs: MF1. MSx: HyAp: to
354. PROCTOR M. C. F. (1978): lnsect pollination syndromes in an evolutionary and
ecosystem context. pp 105-116. Pl; MFI; Pl: ge. th
355. PROCTOR M. -YEO P. (1972): The pollination of flowers. NewYork, Taplinger Publishing
Co. Pl; MF!. MJr. MSx: Pl. Cn. Dg. Hy: de.fbo, bm. nv
356. PURPUS J. (1914): Mimikry bei Kakteen.Mueller's Deutsche Garten-Zeitung 29: 73-
78. Nt; Pl (Cactaceae. Aricarpus. Pediocactus): C: stones; de
357. RAUSHERM. D. (1978): Search image for leafshape in a butterfly. Science 200: 1071-
1073. Nt: Pl {Pass!fIoraceae. Passtflora}: MLv:fbo,jtlRHl (Heliconius)
358. RICHARDS A. J. (ED.) (1978): The pollination of flowers by insects. Symp. Linn. Soc.
London 6. Laudon. Academic Press. Pl: MF1: Pl; de. il1
359. RIDLEY H. (1930): The dispersal of plants throughout the world. Ashford, Kent, L.
Reeve & Co. Pl: MSd: .fnLiis: de. fba
360. ROBERTSON C. (1887): Fertilization of Calopogon parvif1orus. Bot. Gaz. Chicago 12:
288-291. Ne: Plal' (Calopogon parvtflorus): MFl. MIj; de
361. ROBERTSON CH. (1928): Flowers ancl insects. 221pp., Carlinville (II!.). Ne: Pl (Araceae,
Arisaemn triphylluTll. Arislolochiaceae); MFI; F, Cn; de. fbo
362. ROGERS R. S. (1931): Pollination of Caladenia deformis R. Br. Trans. Roy. Soc. South
Aust. 44: 143-146. Au: PlOr (Caladenia deJormis); MF/, MSx; Hy; de.fbo
363. ROTHERHA.!'\1 E. R. (1968): Pollination of Spiculea huntiana (elbow orchid). Viet. Nat.
85: 7-8. Au: PIOr (Spiculea huntiana): MFI. MSx; Hy; de.)bo
364. ROTHSCHILD M. (1974J: Modified stipules of Passiflora whích resemble horned
caterpillaľs. P.R.E.S.L. C 39: 16. Nt: Pl (Passif1.oraceae. Passttlora); MLv; LRHI (larvae);
365. ROWLANDS D. (1959): A case of mimicry in plants - Vicia sativa L. in lentil crops.
Genetica 30: 435-446. P: Pl (Fabaceae, Vicia sativa): MW; Pl (Fabaceae, Lens esculenta);
de. ge. th
366. ROY B. A. (1993): Floral mimicry by a plant pathogen. Nature 362: 56-58. F (Pl1ccinia
Tllonoica). H (Brassicaceae. Arabis); MFl: cle.)bo
367. SANDERS W. (lE!70): ? Nature 4 (30):? (two papers) P: Pl; MLv; H: de. th
368. SARGENT O. H. (1909): Notes on the life history of Pterostylis. Ann. Bot. 23: 265-274.
Au; PIOr (Pterostylis): MFI: F: cle.fbo
369. SARGENT O. H. (1934): Pollination in Pterostylis. Vict. Nat. 51: 82-84. Au; PIOr
(Pterostylis): MFI: F: de, jbo
370. SASAKI M. -ONO M. -ASADA S. -YOSHIDA T. (1991): Oriental orchid (Cymbidium
pumilum) attracts drones of the Japanese .honeybee (Apis cerana japonica) as
pollinators. Experientia 47: 1229-1231. P; PIOr(Cymbidium pumilum); MSx. MFI; HyAp
(Apis cerana): .IlJO
371. SAVI G. (1825): Botanicon etruscurn, vol. 4. Pisa. P: Pl(Araceae, Arisarum proboscideum):
372. SAVlLE D. (1976): Evolution of the rust fungi (Uredinales) as reflected by their ecological
problerns. Pp. 137-207 in: Dobzhansky T., Hecht M., Steere W. (eds.): Evolutionary
biology. New York, Plenum Press. W: F (Uredinales); Md; Cn, PIF!, pollen; de, ge, th
373. SCHELPE E. (1966): An intoduction to the south African Orchids. McDonald, Landon.
Cp:PIOr (OrtllOpenthea.fasciata): MF!: Pl (Rutaceae, Adenandra):de,jbo
374. SCHEMSKE D. W. (1981): Floral convergence and pollinator sharing in two bee
pollinated tropical herbs. Ecology 62: 946-954. Pl; MFI; Pl;./bo, th
375. SCHMID G. (1912): Zur Qkologie der BlUte von Himantoglossum. Ber. Deutsch. Bot.
Gesel. 30: 464-469. P: PIOr (Himantoglossum); MF!, MIf; de,./bo
376. SCHMID R. (1978): Reproductive anatomy of Actinidia chinensis (Actinidiaceae). Bot.
Jahrb. Syst. 100: 149-195. Pt; Pl (Actinidiaceae, Actinidia chinensis); MFl, MI; de
377. SCHMIDT V. Z. (1931): ? Soviet. Subtropiki 10 (3): ? P: Pl (Fagaceae, Quercus
castane!folia): MLv: Pl (Rosaceae, Crataegus monogyna); de
378. SCHMUCKER T. (1925): Beitrii.ge zur Biologie und Physiologie von Arum maculatum.
Flora 118/9: 460-475. P: Pl (Araceae, Arum maculatum); MFI: Dg;./bo
379. SCHMUCKER T. (1930): Bliltenbiologische und -morphologische Beobachtungen.
Planta 9: 718-747. Pl: MFI:Dg, Cn:.fbo
380. SCHMUCKER T. (1932): Physiologische und okologische Untersuchungen an Blilten
tropischer Nymphaea-Arten. Planta 16: 376-412. Pt, Nt; Pl(Nymphaeaceae, Nymphaea);
MFI: Cn, Dg:f. bo
381. SCHREMMER F. (1955): Uber anormalen Bliltenbesuch und das Lernvermogen
bliltenbesuchender Insekten. aster. Bot. Z. 102: 551-571. P; PIOrOs:MFI, MSx: HyAp;
382. SCHREMMER F. (1959): Bliltenbiologische Beobachtungen in Istrien (Jugoslawien) I.
Beobachtungen zur Autogamie von Ophrys apifera Huds. Qsterr. Bot. Z. 106: 177-
187. P: PIOrOs (Ophrys apifera): MFI, MSx; HyAp;jbo
383. SCHREMMER F. (1960): Beobachtungen ilber die Bestii.ubung der Blilten von Ophrys
fuciflora durch Mii.nchen der Bienenart Eucera nigrilabris (Perez). Osterr. Bot. Z. 107:
6-17. P: PIOrOs (Ophrys.fuc!!Iora); MFI, MSx: HyAp (Eucera nigrilabris);./bo
384. S C H R E MM ER F. (1961): Bemerkenswerte Wec h s e lbezie h u n g e n z w i s c h e n
OrchideenblUten und Insekten. Natur u . Volk 91: 52-61. P; PIOrOs; MFI, MSx; HyAp;
385. SCHREMMER F. (1963): Wechselbeziehungen zwischen P ilzen und Insekten.
Beobachtungen an der Stinkmorchel, Phallus impudicus L. ex. Pers. Qster. Bot. Z.
110: 380-400. P: F(Phallus impudicus); Md; Cn: de,jbo
386. SCHWANTES G. [1957): Flowering stones and mid-day flowers. Landon, Ernest Benn
Ltd. Cp: Pl (Mesembryanthemaceae):C; stones; de, tll, ge
387. SHAPIRO A. M. (1981): The pierid red-egg syndrome. Am. Nat. 117: 276-294. Ne; Pl
(Brassicaceae): MLv: LRPi (eggs); de. ./bo
388. SHAW F. -BASE R. (1928): Studies in Indian pulses. I. Lenti! (Ervum lens, Linn.).
Mém. Dep. Agric. India Bot. Ser. 16: 159-189. P; Pl (Fabaceae, Vicia sativa); MW; PI
(Fabaceae, Lens esculenta): de, ./bo,
389. SHERZER W. (1896): Pebble mimicry in Philippine Island beans. Bot. Gaz. Chicago
21: 235-237. pt; Pl (Fabaceae); C, MSd; pebbles; de
390. SILBERBAUER-GOTTSBERGER J. (1973): Blilten- und Fruchtbi!dung von Butia
leiospatha (Arecaceae). Qsterr. Bot. Z. 121: 171-185. Nt; Pl(Arecaceae, Butia leiospatllia);
MFl, MIf: de
391. SIMPSON B. B. NE FF J. L. (1977): Prosopis as a niche component of plant and animal.
Pp. 124-132 in: Simpson B. B. (ed.): Mesquite: !ts biology in two desert ecosystems.
Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg (Pa). Ne; Pl (Prosopis); MIf;.fbo
392. SIMPSON B. B. -NEFF J. L. (1981): Floral rewards: Alternatives to pollen and nectar.
Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 68: 301-322. Ne:Pl; MIf;./bo
393. SMITH B. -MÉEUSE B. (1966): Production of volati!e amines and skatole at anthesis
in some arum lilies. Plant. Physiol. 41: 343-347. W; Pl (Araceae); MFl; Dg; to
394. SMlTli G. E. (1829): Catalogue of plants of south Kent. ? P; PIOrOs (Ophrys apifera);
MF!. MSx: Hy Ap : Jho
395. SMITH J. ,J. (1905): Die Orchideen von Java. In: Flora von Buitenzorg, Band 6, Leiden
1905. Pt: PIOr (Coelogyne.fi/liginosa); MFI; F: de
396. STAGER (18991:? Natur u. Offenbarung 45: 274-287, 341-348. Pl: MFl. MLv, C; Pl; tl!
397. STAHL (1896): ? Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 13: Pt; Pl (Araceae, Amorpl!ophallus
vari.abi/is): MLv: R eOp: de, jbo
398. STAMPFEH. T. ( l 977) : Dipteren als Blútenbesucher-Anpassungen und Bestaubungs
strateglen. Staatsexamensarbeit, Freíburg i. I:3rsg. Pl; MFI: Cn, Dg, F; rw
399. STEBI3lNS G. L. JR. (1950): Adaptive radiation of reproductive characteristics in
angiosperms. II. Seeds and seedlings. Annu. Rev. Eco!' Syst. 2: 237-260. Pl; C, MLv; ?;
th. ge
400. STEBBINS G. L. ,JR. (1970): Adaptive radiation of reproductive characteristics in
angiosperms. 1. Pollination mechanjsms. Anrl. Rev. B=col, Syst. 1: 307-326. Pl; MFI,
AfSx. MI. M {: Pl. Hy: de, tTl. ge
401. STEBBlNS G. L. JR. (] 971): Variation and evolution in plants. New York, Columbia
Uni\!. Press. Pt: ,'\!IW: Pl: de, ge, tl!
402. STEBBlNS G. L. JR. (1974): Flowering plants-evolution above species leve!. Cambridge
(Mass.). Ne: Pl (Aris to lo ch iaceae. Aristolochia califomica); MFI: F; de.jbo
403. STEBBlNS G. L. JR.-FERLAN L. (1956): Population variability, hybridization and
itrogression in some species of Ophrys. EvoluLion 10: 32-46. P: PIOrOs: MFI MSx: ,
HyAp: 'fC,jbo
404. STEERE W. (I 958): Evolution and speciation in mosses. Am . Nat. 92: 5-20. Br: Md;
Cn. Dg: cle. ge
405. STOUTAMIRE W. P. (1967): Flower biology oflady's slippers (Orchidaceae: Cypripedium).
Mich. Boi. 6: 159-175. Ne: PIOr (rypripedium): MFI: Dg. Cn: .[bo
406. STOUTAMIRE W. P. ( l 9 7 1): Pollination in temperate American orchids. pp. 233-243
in: Corrigan M. J. G. (ed.): Proc. 6th World Orchid Conf., Sydney, Australia. Sydney,
Halstcad. Ne: 1'10,.: MFI. MI{: jbo
407. STOUTAMlRE W. P. (1974): Australian terrestrial orchids, thynnid wasps and
pseudocopulation. Anl. Orchid Soc. Bul!. 73: 13-18. AU; PIOr (Caladenia. Calochilus,
Cftiloglo tus , Drakea): MH MSx: Hy (Thynnidae);jbo
408. STOUTAMIRE W. P. (1975): Pseudocopulation in Austra1ian terrestrial orchids. Am.
Orchjcl. Soc. Bul!. 74: 226-229. Au: PIOr (Cnladenia. CalocTli/us,
Cl!iloglottis. Drakea):
MFl. MSx: HU (ThYIl11idae):.[bo
420. TENGOE J. (1979): Odou!" released behaviour in Andrena male bees (Apoidea,
Hymenoptera). Zoon 7: 15-48. P: PlorOs: MF!. MSx;fbo, to
421. TESCHNER W. (1987): Ophrys tetra10niae spec. nov.-eine spátbli'lhende Verwandte
der Hummelragwurz inlstrien.Orchidee 38 (5): 220-224. P; PIOrOs (OphnJs tetraloniae);
MF/. MSx: HyAp (Tetraloniella); de
422. THIEN L. B. -MARCKS B. G. (1972): The Oorai biology of Arethusa bulbosa, Calopogon
tuberosus <lnd Pogonia ophioglossoides (Oľchjdaceae). Can. J. Bot. 23: 19-25. Ne; PIOr
(Catopogon tuberos us); MF!: PlOr (Arethusa bulbosa, Pogonia ophiDglossoides): de, .IlJo
423. THOMSON G. M. (1927): The pollination of New Zealand tlowers by birds and insects.
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 57: 106-125. Ha: PIOr (Corybas): MFI: F:jbo
424. TOKUTARO l. (1899): ? Bot. Centralb!. 79 (2): ? Pt: Pl (Euphorbiaceae, BisllDffw.jauanica):
MLi-: PI (Eup/lOrbiaceae, Torpinia pOIllUern); de
425. TROLL W. (1928): Organisation und GestaJt im Bereích der Blilte. Berlín, Spľinger
Verlag. Pl (Araceae): MFI: Dg. Ca: de
426. TROLL W. [1951): Botanische Notizen II. Abh. Akad. Wíssensch. Meinz, Math.
NatuTÍ.viss. Kl. 2: 21-80. P: Pl (Araceae, Arisaema); MF!; F: de, fbo
427. TROLL W. (1951): Botanísche Notizen II: Diaphane Strukturen an Perianth und
HochbHi.ttern. Abh.Akad. Wissensch. Mainz, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 2: 81·117. Pl; MFL
M{f; de
428. TROLL W. (1959): Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Bli'ltenstande und Bli'lten von
Ceropegia-Arten. Abh. Akad. Wissensch. Mainz, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 5: 227ff. Cp; Pl
(Asc1epiCldacelle, Ceropegia): MFI: Dg, Cn: de
429. U1TENDORFER O. (1928): InsektenbesucÍl bei Ophrys-Arten. Z. Wiss. Insekl.-Biol.
23: 203-204. P: PIOrOs: MF1. MSx: HyAp:jbo
430. VALDEYRON L. G. -LLOYD D. G. [1979): Sex di1Terences and flowering phenolopy in
the common llg. Fiscus carica L. Evolution 33: 673-685. P: Pl (Moraceae, Ficus caricu);
MF1. MI: cle .tho
431. VAVILOV N. 1. (1922): The law of hOlIlologous series in variation. J. Genetics 12: 47
89. P: Pl (Fabaceae, Vicia sutiva): 1I11V; Pl (Fabnceae, Lens esculentaJ; de
432. VAVILOV N I. (1953): Theoretica1 basis of plant selection. (in russ.J, l. (2nd. ed].
Moskva. Leningrad. P: Pl (Fabaceae, Vicia platysperma); Mw, MSd; Pl (FClbaceae. Lens
escu1entaJ: de, ge, tll
433. VOGEL S. (1954): Bli.itenbiologische Typen als Elemente der Sippengliederung. LJena,
·Fischer. Pl: MFl: Cn, Dg: de. tll
434. VOGEL S. (1961): Die Bestaubung der Kesselfa1len-Bli.iten von Ceropegia. Beitr. Biol.
Ptlanz. 36: 159-237. Cp: Pl (Asclepiadaceae, Ceropegia); MFl: Cn, Dg:jbo
435. VOGEL S. (1963): Dufldri'lsen irn Dienste der Bestaubung: i.iber Bau unci Funktion
der Osmophoren. Abh. Akad. Wissensch. Meinz, Mat.h.-Nalurwiss. Kl. 1962 (10): 599-
763. Pl: MF!: Cn. Dg: de,Jbo
436. VOGEL S. (Hl63): Das sexuelleAnlockungsprínzip der Catasetinen- und Stanhopeen·
Bli.iten une! clie wahre Funktion inhres sogenannten Futtergewebes. Ostet'. Bot. Z.
110: 308·337. Nt: PIOr (Catasetina. StantllOpea): MFL Mlf: de.jbo
437. VOGEL S. (1965): Kesselfallen-Blumel1. Umschau 65: 12-17. Pl; MFl: Cn, Dg: dc,jbo
438. VOGEL S. (1973): Fungus gnat f10wers and ťungus mimesis. ln: Piji L . v. cl. (ecl.):
PollinaUon and dispersal, Festschr. Dep. Bot. Níjmegen. W; Pl; MF!: F:jbo, de. Ul
439. VOGEL S. (1975): Bli'lteni.ikologie. Forlschr. f.jot. 37: 379-392. Pl: MFl, MSx, M{{ HU.
Cn. Dg: nu. de. {bo
440. VOGEL S. (1975): Mutualismus und Parasitismus in der Nutzung von Pollentragern.
Verh. Deutsch. Zoo!. Ges. 1975: 105-110. P; PIOr (Serapias); MF!: HyAp (sleeping holes):
441. VOGEL S. (1976): Bestaubung auf Kreta. Jahresber. Naturv.riss. Vereins Wupperta1
29: 131-139. P: PIOrOs: MF1. M5x: HyAp:jbo
442. VOGEL S. (1978): Bli'lteni.ikologie. Fortschr. Bot. 40: 453-481. \.11: Pl: MF1. MSx, MI{:
Hy, Cn. Dg: /w. de. jbo
443. VOGELS. (1978): Pilzmlickenblumen als Pilzmimeten. 1. und II. Flora (Jena]l67: 329-
398. W: Pl: MFt: F; de.. !bo. th, ge, rw. bm
444. VOGEL S. (1978): Evolutionary shifts from reward to deception in pollcn flowers. Pp.
89-96 in: Richards A. J. ·(ed.): The pollination of flowers by insects. Landon, Acad.
Press. Pl: AfP/, Mff; ge. th. de
445. VOTE W. (198C): Kbnnen Serapias-Bli.iten Nesttauschblumen sein? Orchidee :30: 159-
162. P: PIOr (Sempias): MFI: HyAp (sleeping 1101es): de, th
446. VOTE W. (J 982): Die "ausgenborgten" Bestauber von Orchis pa1lens L. Orchidee 33:
196-203. P; PIOr (Orcllis pallens): MPI; Pl (Fahaceae, Lathyrus uernus); de, jho
447. VOTH W. ( 1984 ) : l3esUiubungsbiologische Beobachtungen an griechischen Ophrys
Arten. AHO Mitt. Bl. Arbeitskr. Heim. Orchid. Baden-Wťirtt. 16: 1-20. P; PlOrOs; MF!.
MSx: HyAp: Jbo
448. VOTH W. (1985): Ermitllung der Bestauber von Ophrys fusca ssp. funerea (Viv.) G.
Camus. Bergon & A. Camus und von Ophrys lutea Cav. ssp. me1ena Renz. AHO Mitt.
Bl. Arbeitskr. Heim. Orchid. Baden-Wťirtt. 17 (3): 417-445. P; PIOrOs (OphrysJusca,
Opllrys l ut ea): MFI. MSx: HyAp;.fbo
449. VOTH W. (J 986): Zum Nachweis des Bestaubers Me1ecta albifrons albovaria Erichs
von Ophrys cretica (Vierh.J auf der grichischen Insel Aegina. AHO Mitt. Bl. Arbeitskr.
Heim. Orchid. Baden-Wťirtt. 18 (2): 243-253. P; PIOrOs (Ophrys cretica); MFl, MSx:
HyAp (Melecta albifrons):fbo
450. VOTH W. (1987): Neue bestabungsbiologiche Beobachtungen an griechischen Ophrys
Artell. AHO Mitt. 131. ArbeiLskr. Heim. Orchid. Baden-Wťirtt. 19 (1): 112-118. P; PIOrOs;
MF/, MSx: HljAp: .Ibo
451. WALLACE 1:3. J. (1978): On Cryptostylis pomantion and pseudocopulation.
Orchadian 5: 168-169. Au: PlOl' (Cryptostylis); MFI. MSx; Hy (Ichneumonidae,
Lissopimpla); .{bo
452. WA.�'V!ING E. (1900): Sur quelques Burmanniacées recueillies au Brési! par le Dr. A.
C laziou. Oversigt Kongel. Dansk. Vidensk. Telsk. Forhandl. (Kopenhagen) 1900: 173-
J 88. Nt; Pl (Bunnannioceae. Triscyplms.fung!formis); MFI; F; de
453. WARNEKE K. -KULLENBERG B. (1984): Obersicht von Beobachtungen ťiber Besuche
von Andrena und Colletes cornicularius Mannchen auf Ophrys Blťiten (Orchidaceae).
Nova Act a Reg. Soc. ScL Ups. Ser. V, 3: 41-55. P; PIOrOs; MFl, MSx; HyAp (Andrena,
Colletes): (ba
454. WASER N. M. -REAL I. A. (1979): Efiective mutualism between sequentially flowering
plant species. Nature 281: 670-672. Pl: MF1; Pl; th
455. WICKLER W. (J 968): Mimikry. Nachahmung und Tauschung in der Natur. 252pp.
Miinchen, KindleL (2nd ed. 1971; french ed. 1968. Paris. Hachette; spanish ed. 1968,
Madrid. Guadarrama; engl. ed. 1968, London, World Univ. Libr.) W: Pl, Br. F; MFI, MSx,
MLv, MW: Mlv: Pl. H!JAp. Cn. Dg: de. jbo. rw, bm
456. WTENS D. (1978): Viscaceae. In: Flora of Southern Africa. Cp ; Pl (Loranthaceae, Viscurn);
MLv; PI: de
457. W IENS D. (1978): Mimicry in plants. Pp. 365-405 in: Hecht M. K., Steer W. C Wallace
B. (eds.): Evolutionary biology, Vol. II. W; Pl. Br; C, MFt MLv, MW, MSd, MSx; Hy, Pl
(stonec etc. ) : ni!
458. WI.LLIAMS K. S. -GILBERT L. E. (1981): Insect as selective agents on plant vegetative
morpholob'Y: egg mimicry reduces egg laying by butterflies. Science 212: 467-469. Nt:
Pl (Passiflomceae. Passifl.om): MLv; LRHI (eggs); de,jbo
459. WILLIAMS N. H. ( 1972): A reconsideration of Ada and the glumaceous Brassias
(Orchidaceae) BriUonia 24: 93-110. Nt: PLOl' (Ada); MFI; PLOl' (Brassia); de
460. WILLIAMSON G. B. (19821: Plant mimicry: Evolutionary constraints. Biol. J. Linn.
Soc. 18: 49-58. Pl: MF1. MLo, MW: PI: tll. ge
461. WILLIAMSON G. B. -BLACK E. M. (1981): Mimicry in hummingbird-pollinated plants?
Ecology 62: 494-496. Ne, Nt: Pl: MF1; Pl:jbo, tll
462. W INKLER H. (1927): Ober eine Rafflesia aus Zentralborneo. Planta 4: 1-97. Pt; Pl
(RaftIesiaccae. RqftIesia): MFI; Cn: de.jbo
463. WOL F T. (1950): Pollination and fertilization of f1y-orchid Ophrys insectifera L. in
AlIindellille fredskov, Denmark. Oikos 2: 20-59. P; PIOrOs (Ophrys insectifem); MFI,
MSx: Hy Ap ; .Ibo
464. WOODRUFF D. -BENSON L. (1976): Changes of status in Sc1erocactus. Cactus and
Succulent J. ( U S. )48 : 131-134. Nt ; Pl (Cactaceae, Sclerocactus); C: stones: de
465. WOOLCOCK C. (J 980): Pollination of Leporella fimbriata. Orchaclian 6: 157. Au; PLOl'
(l..ep orel/n.!únbriata): MFI, MSx: Hy; jbo
466, WORTHINGTON-SMITH (1872): "Curious cases of mimicry in fungi." Garclner's
Chronicle? P; F; MO: F; de, tll
467. YEO P. F. (1968): The evolutionary significance of the speciation ofEuphrasia inEurope.
Evolution 22: 736-747. P: PI (Scroplmlariaceae. Euphrasia rnicmntha); MFI; Pl (Ericaceae,
Cal/una vulgaris):.fbo. ge. tlI
468. YEO P. F. (1 972): Floral allurements for pollinating insetc. Pp. 51-57 in: Van Emden
H. F. (ed.): Insect-plant relationships. Oxford, Blackwell. Pl; MFI; Pl: th
469. ZHAROVA S. N. (1965): ? Rep. Leningrad Agric. Inst. 98 (l): ? P; PI (Fabaceae, Vicia
sativa): MW: MSd: Pl (Fabaceae. Pisurn sativum); de
470. ZHUKOVSKIJ P. M. (1924): Analysis of farmers crop seeds of Eastern Georgia. (in
russ.) Titlis. P: Pl (Fabaceae. Pisum elatius); Mw, MSd; Pl (Fabaceae, Vicia sativa); de
471. ZINGER N. V. (1909): On Spergula and Camelina obstructing tlax crops. (in russ.)
Travaux Mus. Botan. Acacl. ScL St.-Pétersbourg 6: 1-303. P: Pl (Silenaceae. Spergula
linicola. Brassicaceae. Camelina linicola); MW; Pl (Unaceae. Unum usitatissimum); de .
2038. 2251. 2382. 2477. 2495. 2744. 2876.
2338,2347. 2351. 2430,2431, 2523. 2524,
4250. 4321
2863, 2863,2864,2864,2865, 2866,2905,
2444. 2445. 2526. 2771. 2984. 3458. 3706. 3281. 3373,3403,3406,3437. 3445. 3446,
:388,) 3499,3500,3501,3502,3503,3504, 3504,
1329,1395, 1466,1983,1984, 1985, 1986,
Aeolidia 1150
1987,1988,2050, 2545,2999, 3725,4629,
AHa - M 694
Aplysia - M 1704
Bosellia 2495
Aphantochilus 2866,3046,3373
Cepea 3706
Araneidae 78,188,730.1132,1271. 1473.1474,
Chromodoris 917
Conus M 859
- Araneidae - M 4629
Cuthona 3693
Araneus - M 4629
Helicarlon 3889
Argiope 188,1271,3437
Parviturbo - M 2251
Peltodoris 2986
Pardosa - M 930
Phyllidia M 2038
- Mlmetidae 951,1466,1987
Physa - M 213
Ero 951,1466
polycera 4321
Pornacea 4046
Peucetia 2796
Prirnovula 1544
Pholcidae 533,1984
Scurria 1870
Pholcidae - M 3725
Stenopus - M 3889
Modlslrnus M 3725
Stromhus 859
Pholcus 533. 1984
Cephalopoda 2744
Salticidae (ArSa) 12,121,139, 237, 324, 354.
4523,4526, 4564,4565,4691
Arnyciaea 2549,2550
Belippo 4526
324,353.354.354.355 : 363.364.501.533.
Cheliferoldes 3056
Consignis 945
Cosrnophasis 939,2305
Depreissla 2335
14:39. 1440. 1441. 1442. 1443, 1466. Myrmarachne 12,139,237,324,828,829,830,
1472. 147::\. 1474. 1514. 1546, 1550. 1556. 1146, 1443, 1514, 1980,1982, 2335, 2524,
Phyaces 19b1
Paracyphocaris 316
Sailis 2711
Stenoplcustes 1292
Sa1/ieLls - M 2545
SaIinda 1441
Chthama 1us - M 1870
Tntclina991, 4691
Armadillium M 2337
Zuniga 1440
Harpaphe - M 2580
Senocu1us 847
Insecta (I) (genera11y) 20, 21. 22. 24, 29. 33,
Theridiidae M 4630
- 250,253,256,288.293,309,310,399,400.
Anatea 3505
Argyrocles 501.4629, 46�>0
S22,S23,524,526,540, 541. 558,565,567,
lldibaba 2�>�'lb
Latrodectus 97. 2337
Rhomphaea - M 4630
Thomisidae (ArTh) 232. 267. 354, 960. 1106,
1121. 1269. 1425. 1426. 1472. 1705, 1861.
2140. 2865. 2905, 928. 32b1, 3445, 3446.
87S,886,887. 888,899,910. 918.922,924.
3549.4171. 4490, 4690 941,942,943,958.965,968.968.973,1009,
Misumena 1425.1426.1861. 2140.2905,4171 1016, 1018, 1020. 1023, 1025, 1088, 1093,
Ornithoscatoides 1269. �)281 1173, 1174. 1180, 1215, 1216, 1227, 1228,
Pseudoscorpionida - M 3056
1480, 1482, 1483, 1486. 1524, 1558. 1586,
Mesobuthus - M ll S
1683, 1684, 1685, 1692, 1707, 1708, 1711,
Acarina 65.914.1187.2136, 3514.3515, 4315
1729, 1730,1740. 1744, 1745. 1746, 1747.
"Hydracarilla" 1187, 2136
1748, 1751,1752, 1756, 1759, 1760, 1770,
Macrocllclidne 3514
1772, 1774,1779, 1780, 1781, 1786, 1787,
Pycmotirlac 914
1794, 1801, 1815, 1816, 1820, 1822, 1828,
SyIingobillm 4315
1868, 1889,
1890. 1891, 1903, 1904, 1905,
2206.2217,2229. 2239, 2285. 2290, 2291,
Crustacea (Cr) 2439. 2447, 2493, 2514, 2515. 2516, 2520.
4416, 4651
2621, 2626, 2628, 2629, 2658, 2663, 2667.
Decapoda 2.110.474.512.881.883.884,1206.
2717,2731,2756.2761, 2776.2781,2804,
1622. 1906.2543,2661.
;,567.4416, 4651
2807. 2813, 2815, 2854, 2855, 2858,2867.
Alpheus 4416
2994, 2998, 3003, 3005, 3035, 3040, 3042,
8a1ssia 2
3079,3088,3107,3115,3120, 3127.3128,
Brachyum2395. 2661.4651
3131, 3133. 3134, 3143. 3146, 3149, 3158,
Exhipo1ysmata S12
3164, 3167, 3178. 3199, 3209, 3237,3243,
Hippo1ete 1622
3264. 3272, 3305. 3323, 3329. 3343. 3345,
Ocypotla 881, 8b4 3381, 3384, 3385. 3398, 3400, 3402, 3408,
Op1ophorus - M 316
3410,3411,3413,3420, 3440,3442.3451,
Pa1aemon - M 512
3477.3479. 3490, 3516, 3523, 3524, 3525,
Trapezia - M 4416
3653. 3654, 3655, 3666, 3670, 3673, 3675,
Copepoda M 3435
Hyperiidae 2303
3920, 3925, 3927, 3964, 3968. 3969, 3971,
Mimonectes 298
3979. 3992,3993,4009,4011.4020, 4056,
4065,4071. 407:3, 4108. 4109. 4111,4113, RcticulitermesM 1925,1926,2324,2325
Evantissa 2547
Gongylus 58,4603,4672,4673,4707
Hymenopus 2609
2206,2217,2229,2239.2290, 2291,2365.
Bostra 13
"Orthoptera" (O) 72, 77, 146, 227, 294, 481,
fossi1 insects 1094, 1171,1234. 1245,1290. 1304,1364.
Kalligramma 4525
1396,1469,1616, 1679, 1796. 1797,1798.
Protodiamphipnoa 558
1849,1853,1970,1971. 2021, 2057. 2084,
2664,3566, 3784,4392
Odonata - M 977,1123,2601
3405. 3481,3575,3578, 3581, 3618, 3649,
Callopteryx - M H77
3682, 3688,3751. 3753,3919. 3975,4439,
Calopteron - M 1123
4440, 4441,4442, 4443,4453, 4454, 4455,
Euthore 250"
4456. 4457,4458,4518, 4600,4601, 4624,
Ischnura 3566
Lihc1lula - M 2601
"Orthoptera" (O) M 1836, 3318
Plathemis 2601
Acauloplacella 3581
Sympetrum 3784
Acrididae 1970, 1971,4624
Tholymis 2664
Acrotylus 2057
Balboa 3575
Blattodea 2006,3636,375�1,3861,3862,3889,
Bootetrix 3481
Caloptenus 2220
Dysygonia 964
Isoptera 1608
Ephippigera 1679
Nasutitermes 1608
Eremobiites 3751
Nasutitermes - M 3722
Eremocharis 4518
lsopera 1853. 2573
A1'adidae 14
Locusta 4458
Coreoid ea 2235, 4759
Myrmegryllus 1290
Alyclus 877
Phallcmptcridoc 444�)
Dulichius 214,4718.
Pholirloptera 930
Eustheirwe 215
Phyllophora �)581
Hyalymenus 2862
Phylloscirtus 1469
Phyllomorpha 4242
Plagioprem 3176
PoeJ<ilocerus 1:304. :3649. :3682
Megymenum 216
Pscudophyllidac 193
Pterocltroidac 4440. 4441
Gelastocoris 290
Pterochroza 2622
Lygaei dae 54, 210, 1110, 1247, 1258, 3452,
Pycnogaster 2999
3521, 3775, 3856, 3963, 3970. 4002, 4003,
S atrophylli 3 2021
Scaphura 3388
Lygaeidae - M 1515,2602
Scepastus J 469
Aegyptocoris 4006
Schistocerca 3618
Barberocoris 4006
Taeniopoda 4632
Caenocoris 1247, 1258
Tettir]orliidnc M 1836
. Heterogastrirwe 4002
Typophyllum 2293
Neacoryphus - M 1515
Zonoccrlls - M 3318
Rltyparocllrorninae 4230
Spilostethus 1247
Achenllra 4452 Miridae 358, 359, 698, 699, 700. 806, 1327.
Labia 2146
1415, 1433, 1514, 1977,2158, 2189,2350,
C310caecilius 2668
Copeognatlm 1217
Barberiella 4609
Psocus 4227
C amponotidea 1514
Tapinella 2669
Coquillettia 2589,2590
Leaina 806
Mallophaga - M 3548
Lopidea 2591,2592,2602
Myrmecoris 1514
Franklinothrips 202�j
Oredoderus 2189,2593
Idolothripill(lc 4081
Pllt/Urwc 700, 3820,3822
Heteroptera (H) 14. 38. 40. 41. 54. 210. 214. Schatfneria 4608
1010. 1074. 1096. 1087. 1110. 1185. 1247.
Nabis 295,530,2494
4447,4662. 4667,4753
Reduviidae - M 5:3:i.109(;
2911,3162, 3218.4147. 4159. 4702, 4703,
Acanthaspis 2853
Coilopus 1185
Membracidae - M 2090
Emcsa 3725
Bili11lekia 1863
Gardena - M 53 'I
Cyphonia 2432
Notocyrtus 1976
Heteronotus 1361
Rhiginia 1096
Platycotis 4702
Sirthcnea 4662
U11lbonia 4702,4703
Spiniger 3388
Xerophyllu11l 2090
Triatol7linae 475:'1
Psyl1idae 1500, 3548
Zirta - M 1096
J ad era 35:30
Saldidae 1962
Coleoptera (Co) 5. 10, 19, 26. 28, 55, 57. 61,
Saldidae - M 2836
71,86,88. 100.lOl, 102,103,134.135,143,
Pentacora 1962
Saldu1a - M 2836
Heteroptera incertae sedis 741.743,749,751,798,799.827.835,868,
Tri11lerotropis 2875
920, 956, 962, 983, 984, 987, 997, 1001,
1045. 1079,1083,1084, 1085, 1086, 1089,
"Homoptera" (Ho) 184.284,285,286.287.290. 1099, II77,1178,1182,1203,1236,1241.
380. :381. 742.1017.1019.1183,1214.1254.
1253. 1274,1275,1284. 1285, 1310, 1311,
1280, 1315, 1361. 1416. 1417. 1418. 1438,
1315, 1318, 1354. 1362, 1381, 1409. 1434,
1500. 1559,1573. 1847. 1862. 1863,1880,
1435, 1436.1437, 1444, 1490. 1493, 1537,
1966,2090. 2180. 2265. 2432. 2459. 2491.
1543, 1575, 1576, 1640, 1655, 1657, 1663,
2513, 2552. 2585, 2631. 2683. 2774. 2778,
1665. 1667. 1686, 1710, 1718, 1726. 1728,
2790. 2911.2923. 3089.3162.3218.3256,
1741, 1749,1753, 1755, 1761, 1766,1792.
3282. 3344.3542. 3665. 3855, 4136, 4147,
1793.1819,1821. 1823. 1824. 1825, 1826,
1827, 1832, 1833, 1857, 1858, 1881, 1885,
"Homoptera" (Ho) - M 215.285,287,380.1013,
1886, 1887, 1888, 1893, 1911, 1912, 1913.
1017, 1019. 1416, 1417. 1551. 1559,1919,
1919, 1923, 1929, 1955, 1993, 1996, 1997,
1929. 2090,2133. 2513. 2530, 2552. 2778.
1998, 1999, 2000. 2001, 2007, 2016, 2025.
2027,2040, 2074,2079, 2087,2137,2151,
Aphídomorpha 2180
2157, 2159.2160, 2161, 2162, 2163, 2164,
2165,2166,2167,2168, 2169.2170.2172,
Aphis 2459.3665
Aphrophorídae 2243, 2288, 2289, 2309, 2309, 2326, 2327,
Phllaenus 4251
2352, 2353, 2355, 2356, 2357, 2358, 2366,
Cicadellidae 286, 3855
2367, 2368, 2369. 2370. 2371, 2372, 2373,
Cicadellidae - M 213:3
2374, 2375, 2376, 2377, 2378, 2379, 2380,
Gypona 3855
2381, 2405, 2433, 2434, 2466, 2492. 2507.
Lissocarta 286
2535, 2542. 2557. 2558, 2583, 2587. 2595,
Typhlncyba - M 2133
2611. 2616. 2636, 2678. 2686, 2687, 2707.
Cícadoidea 285. 287
2735, 2746. 2773, 2782, 2785, 2790. 2836.
Cícadidae 380. 1416. 1417, 1559,2552,4740
2841. 2842. 2859, 2929, 2953, 2954, 2955.
Cicadldae - M 380. 1017. 1019. 1416, 1417,
2956.2967.2969, 2988,2996,2999, 3090,
1559. 2513. 2552. 2778,4740
3169. 3173,3179, 3289, 3297, 3365, 3374,
Carineta 4740
3383. 3419, 3443, 3462, 3463, 3482, 3483,
Huechys 380, 1416. 1417. 2552
3484. 3485, 3528, 3531, 3548, 3554, 3570,
Pangora 1559
3571, 3592.3689, 3722, 3752, 3772. 3810.
Procollina 4740
3839, 3840. 3841. 3842, 3847, 3864. 3865.
Coccidae - M 1919. 1929.2530
3883, 3884, 3885, 3886, 3912, 3928, 3931.
3961. 3962. 3991. 4008, 4010, 4015, 4016,
Goss yparia 4136
4017, 4018,4055. 4076,4119, 4136. 4161.
Flatídae 381. 742. 12/'lO. 1438. 1573, 1847.
4243, 4244, 4287, 4290, 4420, 4423, 4431,
1556. 1657. 1823. 1827. 1832. 1833.1858,
Altica 3772
Anobillm -M 4227
Glenea 3173
Brenthidae M 1236
- Oedionychia 182
Chrysobothris 1823
Paropsinae 3885
Diadoxus 2996
Physonota 2157
Cantharidae 2309.2535
Phytodecta 725
Chauliognathus 25:35
Cieindelidae (CoCi) 10, 159,702, 1315, 1792.
2352. 3772.4452
4600, 4601
Agra 1236
Cicindela 3839.3840.4287
Anthia - M 1932
Cicindela - M 1962
Brachinus 983.984
Deocrania 1315
Carabus 2027
Dromica 702
Cyaneoclinocles 2040
Tricondyla - M 3919, 4600, 4601
Cymimlis - M 4452
Cleridae 1182. 1274. 1275, 1819.2557,2636
Eccoptoptera 643
Cleridae M 1604
Eudema - M 2305
Denops 1819
Eurynebria 956
Perilypus 1182
Physodcra 472
Coeeinellidae (Co Ce) 327. 328, 330,386, 827,
Polyhirma - M 702
1436, 1655, 1718, 1728. 1761, 1911,1912,
2309.2326.2327.2353.2355, 2356,2357.
Coeeinellidae (CoCe) - M 328,1085, 1490,1550,
Adalia 327, 328, 330, 2507, 2746, 2841, 2842,
Acyphoderes 3962
Adalia - M 328
Arnphidesmlls 2327
Coccinella - M 1085, 1996,2507
Clytanthus 2219
Epilachna 2785,3374
Coloborhomblls 3419
Hippodamia 4746
Goes - M 2353
Thalassa 1929
Hyperaspis 1919
Cureulionidae (CoCu) 19,183.962,1079, 1576,
LamiÍllG(, 3443
1657, 1793, 1821,1824, 1825,1826,2434,
Mecas 741
2836. 3592, 3842, 3912. 4423, 4448,4449,
Neocalliprason 1665
Nictocris 3169
Cureulionidae (CoCu) - M 155,959,1469.4423,
Nothopells 20'/'4.3554
Oncideres 2353
Apocyrtidius 3842
Pemptolasills 1435
Cholus 4423
Pertyia 2326
Cryptorhynchus 1657
Pseudopyrota 3883
Helleriella 1824
Sphecomorpha 22iJ9
Lithinus 1079
Tachygonidius 19
Zlj[Jopinae 1821. 1824. 1825.1826.2434 Aleochara 2988
EUl"mllOrphus M 472
- Austrospirachtha 4559
Hispidae - M 160.143"
Begeria 1999
Estigmena - M 1435
Crotocini 2000, 2161
Lamellicornia 3482
Dorylomirnini 2160
LamelIicornia - M 23511
Ecitoc/wrini 2172
Lithocharis - M 2146
Matheteus 1284
Probegeria 1999
Photinus 751
P"gostenini 2165
Photuris 143. ,,14. 2366. 2367. 2368. 2369.
Rhopalogaster 2163
Schizelythron 2166
Spir8chthodes 3722
Photurls - M 236G. 2367. 2�-\G8. 2369. 2370.
Termitomimus 4290
2 371. 2372. 237:-\. 2374. 2375. 2376. 2377.
Sylphidae 61, 1310.2288,4076
2:-\59.38fl4. :1995.4554.4665
Lycus - M 1178. 2405. �-\884. 399"
Tenebrionídae (CoTe) - M 1099. 1832, 1833,
Metriorrhynchus 2686.2687
Lymexilonidae 2243
Chaerodes 1667
Malachidae 5
Coe1ocnemis 1099
1710 Eleodes - M 1099,1832,1833,3462,4015,4017
Lyttomeloe - M 3883
Gonasidia 468
Meloe 920
Moneilema 3462, 4017
Melo" - M 3883
Stenomorpha 1832.1833
Mylahris 33fl3
Zymsini 1997
Mylabris - M
Morde1lidae 1001
Hymenoptera (Hy) 45.122,207.208,209,243,
Mordellidae - M 455S
Monlella - M 4555
1095,1l00.1101, IIll, ll15. 1126, 1199,
Myodites 835
1941, 1951.
2008,2152,2167,2168, 2171,
Scarabaeidae 1893.2405.2611.2707.3463
2213, 2230. 2298. 2324, 2325. 2339, 2349.
Scarabaeidae - M 1657. lfl93. 240" 2359, 2364, 2418. 2489, 2504, 2531, 2532,
Cirrhospila 2215
2603, 2610, 2652. 2653. 2699, 2700, 2790,
Cnemirla 3463
2903, 2978, 2979. 2980, 2982, 2993. 3043,
Drepanocertls 2224
3044, 3045, 3072, 3073. 3097, 3137, 3233.
Gametis 2405
3238, 3239, 3259, 3283, 3301, 3380. 3391,
1-18 plolyc u s - M 2405
3404. 3441,3448, 3449, 3471, 3496, 3497,
Melinospila 2215 3529, 3535.3544, 3564, 3643, 3795, 3804.
Myrmecaphodius 2611
3843, 3844, 3916. 3966, 3967.4035. 4045.
Trichius 1381
4081, 4100, 4130. 4224. 4247, 4254, 4273,
1354. 1749, 1881. 1887. 1997. 1998. 1999. Hymenoptera (Hy) - M 10, 12, 19, 26, 27, 45.
4477, 4478, 4479, 4480, 4481. 4486, 4523,
S05. 806.809.813.815.816.817.818.828.
4536. 4537,4538. 4539. 4540. 4541, 4542.
4564,4565,4578.4608. 4609. 4610.4611,
124R. 12,,2. 1259. 1264. 1290, 1291. 1310, Aculeata (generally) M 3844
n11. 1315. 1:>18. 1:127. 1329. 1357. 1358. Apoidea (HyAp) 45, 548, 637, 815. 817,
135f). 1361,1374. 1:,81. 1384. 1396. 1401, 1100,1101,1384, 1720,1721,1723,1800,
1415. 142:'\. 1424. 1436. 1439.1440.1441. 1812, 1894,1914, 1915, 1941. 2230, 2349.
1997. 19 JR. 1999. 2001. 2003. 2007. 2016. 2644. 2696.2699, 2700. 2779, 2861. 2879.
2029. 2050. 2062. 2062. 2075. 2080,2081. 2880,2881.2882,2917. 2980,3043.3044,
2107.2109.2112.2120.2139. 2152,2154. 3045.3072,3073, 3100, 3106, 3138. 3140,
2158. 2159. 2160. 2163. 2164. 2165. 2167. :1170. 3172,3268, 3285, 3286, 3299. 3:366,
2[(38. 2169. 2171. 2172. 2173. 2180. 2189. 3496. 3497. 3614, 3641, 3750, 3816. 4033,
2210, 2216.2219,2225. 2230.2235.2236. 4064, 4069,4070, 4076, 4150, 4224, 4254,
2243. 2255. 2257, 2260. 2273. 2276,2279.
2282. 2288. 2289. 2294. 2300. 2306,2326,
i\n1.hídium M 2699
2335. 2338. 2347. 2350. 2351, 2355. 2356,
Andrena - M 1807. 4224
2364. 2418. 2430. 2431. 24:32. 2442. 2448.
Xylocopa- M 120.609.1554.2080.2081.2279. 1997,1998.1999,2003,2007,2016.2050,
3170. :3285. 3286. :129'1. 4064.4:{17 2075,2139.2152.2154.2158. 2160. 2163,
Argidae 2164.2165.2167.21610.2169.2171.2172.
Athcrmantus :{::Ell.4764 2173.2180,2189.2210.22:35.2294,2326.
Braconidae 221:1. :\441.:,916. 4002 2335.2338.2347.2350.2351,2364,24110.
Braconidae - M 998. 1899.2159.2260. 227:3. 2430,2431.2432,2492. 2494.2524. 2525,
2276. 2600. 2660. :1:166. :144:1. :,6R4 2531,2532,2546.2547. 2548,2549.2550,
Aleio(]es :3441 2557. 2558,2568.257:3,2589.2590. 2593.
Belol1ogaster- M 2660 2594.2595,2610.2611.2634.2635,2636.
Glyplapanteks 221:3 2653. 2656,2659.2782,2R02. 2860, 2862.
Rogas 3441. 3916.4002 2863.2864.2866,2915.2921,2922.2957.
Chalcididae 1:395.4100 2958. 2959.2960.2964. 3006,3025. 3046.
Brachymeria 4100 3077,30106.:3087,3089,3094,3200. 3259.
Chalcídoidea 150:3 3297,3323,3358.3373, 3403,3405.3483,
Chalcídoidea - M 150:1 3484.3485,3499.3500.3501,3502.3503.
Cimbicidae 2504 3504.3505,3511.3514.3515.3519.3520.
Cimbicidae - M :,:39 I 3522,35:34,3544. 3577,364:3.3773,3806,
AiJia - M 3391 3R19. 3820.3821, 3822.3823.3824. 3865.
Cimlwx 2!'i04 3886,3962,3988. 4002. 4003. 4004.4005,
Cynipidae (galls) 97R. 1414.3449.4247 4006. 401R.40Rl. 4091. 410 4107.4157.
Diprionidae 4161. 4207.4229,4230. 4263.4273.4369.
Ncodiprion 3966. :1967 438 2.4453.4455,4457. 4523. 4526. 4530.
Diapriidae 2171.25:31. 25:32 4531. 4532,4533.4534, 4535.4536,4537.
Notoxopria 2171 4538.4539,4540,4541,4542,4543,4544,
Milllopria 2171. 25:,1 4545. 4546.4547,4548. 4564. 4565,4608.
Eucharitidae 4609.4610, 4611. 4612, 461R,4622.4636.
Orasema 2610 4691. 4718
Ichneumonidae 1470.1790.2:)50.3097.3301. Acromyrmex-M 1357. 1358. 1359
4273. 4286 Aenictus - M 2164
Ichneumonidae - M I 12.578.61:3.1665.1790. Afta - M 4543
Ausj rochares 126:1
Brachynemurus 321
Chirodamus 1262
Climaciella 318
I-lcmipcpsis - M 2799
Clzrysopídac 268,3887. 3888
Mygnimima - M 3419
Cllrysopidae - M 268, 3887,3888
Pepsis - M 11: .1653. 2799. :{388
Libelloicles 2328
Rhinopsis 3643
Mantispa 2032.2600,4617
Salius - M 3191
Synoeca 2872
Trypoxylon - M :1368
Sco1iidae :12:l
Trichoptera 213,2444.2445. 2526, 4146
Scoliidae M 609.62:\. :16H5
- Helicopsyche 213,2444,2445
Diellis - M 609
Triscolia - M 3685 Lepidoptera (L) (generally) 271,282.312.314,
Sphecidae 903. 2298.29H2.4652 351.352,356.396.519,546,557,634.688.
Sphecidae M 4289
- 689,833,879.1112,1181.1190.1191.1276,
Ammophila - M 4289
1309, 1333, 1337. 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343,
Cerceris 2982
1345, 1346,1377, 1397. 1488, 1531, 1532,
Chalybioll 903
1541. 1543,1545,1577. 1587. 1627, 1675,
Ectemnius 229R
1676, 1694,1785, 1788, 1789, 1791. 1811.
Lana 4652
1990,2004,2017. 2064.2124,2201.2214,
Vespoidea (HyVe) 209. 24:1. 735. 816.
1115. 2311. 2315,2359. 2417, 2419, 2441. 2510.
1610. 1721. 1812. lR29. 2349. 2603. 297R.
2511,2559,2560. 2618, 2630, 2660. 2733.
2979. :3239. :3380. :l404. 3529. 3535. 3R04.
2805, 2806,2838. 2846. 2977, 3002. 3009,
4323.4424. 4437
Vespoidea (HyVeJ M 112.180. 209. 235, 286,
2657. 2666. 2682. 2704. 2710. 2714. 271& Bombyx 3950,4723
:10:16. :3041. :,050. a052. :305a. a090. a091. Castniidae 1103,2060,2657, 3417
4689. 4694
i\braxas 249,518,836,1644,3050.3276.3433,
Asthena 2617
Immet.alia a275
Bupalus 273,2179
Ischnoptera aa1 8
Cabera 3317
Messaga 1459
Carthaea 4490
Mcianolophia 3733
Agylla - M 170
MrTis 3090, 4119
Apanthcsis 119
Nemoria 1562
Neoterpes - M 3090
Cycnia 825
Ourapteryx 1693
Dysschema 16
Phyllodonta 2292
Gaeana - M 1559
Problepsis 611
Hyphantria 2710
Selenia 3118
Maepha 135
Semiothlsa 614,621
Panaxia 4627
Siona 1005
Phragmatohla 919.4169
Synchlora 938
Spilaretia 3487
Venllia 3053
U1ethcisa 92H
Hypsidae 67, 2061, 2260, 2272,2276
HypaHma 1810
Amphicalia - M 4052
DeiJcmcra Psychidae 730. 1452.1835, 2526 2260. 22
HYF.,a 2272 Psychidae M 414G
Acronycta 1312.
4072 Hyalophora 858, 1249
Brithis (;4'1,
Rothschilclia 257, 1876
Pericopidae 3091
Amata - M 402, '1,):1, 4H!'i,49(ó,4m-l,2GH2,:339;',
2811,2816, 2k33, 211:1:1, 2845,2850, 2868,
Horama 2578
3022, 3034,3055, 3124, 3147,3148, 3153,
Tineidae 242,3569
:136:1,:1369, 3:171,3:177, 3378, 3379,:i380,
Vespi1inca 3569
3382,3392,3401, :1412,3427,3428, 3429,
Tortricidae 3430,3431,3432,3436,3464,3468,3509,
Eupoecilia 1410 3517,3518,3527,3559, 3560,3562,3563,
Penthia 1410 3585,360 1, 3602,3603,3607, 3608, 3627,
Xylocyrtidae M 661
- 3628. 3632,3656,3701, 3777,3778,3785,
Zygacna 290,:300,:'\01.
:102,303,492,493,494, 4580,4582, 4583, 4585, 4,,88, 4606, 461:{,
::\H82,4086, 4658
Zyga,,"a M 494, 387H
- 398,41S,421,425,449,451,453, 457,462,
109,111,166,169,175,189,194 200,220,
457,458,520,529,564,569,571, 58H,592,
10:30,1031. 1032, 1035, 1037, 103(),1041.
5,1:1,,,94,620,625, G29,6:1O,632,638,641.
1047, 10S0,1051. 1052, 1053,1054, 1059,
1060,lOf);3,10(i4, 1077, 1080,1104, 1107,
680,681,701,709,710,711,712,731,814, 1137,1169,1170,1189,1192,1195,120S,
2262,2270,2271,2275, 2281,2283,2341,
3231,3240,3241, 3242,3244,3248,3249,
3785. 3786. 3788. 3789. 3858. 3859. 3860. 3177. 3210,3221. 3229, 3310, 3314, 3465,
:3897. 3898. 3930. 3932. 3933. :3934. 3935. Acraeinae (LRAc) - M 534. 559. 560. 561. 562,
PraetRXllia 3275
Bematistes M 636, 2898
Stalachtis 3879
Limnas - M 534
Xenamlria - M 3417
Planema 3210,3310.3314
Brassolinae (LRBs) 17, 361. 362, 1484, 4139,
- 4741,4755
3911. 4245
Caligo 1484,4139,4755
Carterocephalus 168
Catophlebia 361
Eryl1nís 50;1
Dvnastor 17
Eryl1l11S - M :3SJ 11
Úiphanis 4139
Pyrgus :,219
Opsiphanes 362
Pyrrhochaleia - M
14;,!J Charaxiinae (LRCx) 721,874,996,2562.3257.
Sarangesa . M 621
3303, 3304. 3313, 3346, 4022. 4059, 4201,
Tagetcs - M 614
Libythca 2244
Agrias 2562
Charaxes 721, 3257, 3303. 3304. 3346, 4059,
Danainae (LRDa) 6, 8, 9, 25. 68, 69, 140, 141,
:,956.4063.4115.4245. 4313.4325.
Eumaeus 31:,. 3681 3660. 3669. 3671, 3676, 3677. 3678, 3679.
Fenisca 79. 1860 3853. 3891. 3903, 4024, 4025, 4027. 4028.
Heodes 3327
4029. 4030, 4054. 4114, 4131, 4132, 4196.
Leptomyrina 2211
4197. 4370. 4389, 4390, 4575, 4576, 4659,
Liptena - M 621
Spindasis 1867
1535,1536, 1646, 1688, 1763, 1764, 1765,
Tmolus 20�l6
2817,2318,2320,2321.2465, 2478,2479,
3187. 3188. 3190. 3193. 3208. 3216. 3228.
3230. �j232. 32�)5. :,2:16. 3246, 3250. 3260,
2363. 2474.2563.2752,2753,2832,3091,
:1262, 3277. �)280. 1288. 3292. 3295. 3298.
3265,3938.3944, 4331, 4334, 4342. 4343,
3306. 3308. :,:,\09. :1311. 3312. 3376. 3389.
4344,4345. 4347. 4348, 4349,4:'\50.4352,
3393. 3549. 3551. :3552, 3553. 3598, 3599,
4354,4355,4356, 4360, 4362, 4363.4364,
3600. 360:1. 3605. 3645. 3707, 3813. 3857.
4365, 4366, 4412, 4512,4598,4607. 4734.
2750, 2758, 2950, 3091, 3325, 3631, 4670,
Mechanitis 449.467
Neptidopsis 3211
Tithorea - M 4149
Neptis 1314,1334,3192,
Melitaeninae [l,RMe) 305, 306. 307, 311, 444,
453.459.460. 461. 463.465. 857. 908. !-J09, 723,1163,1352.1841,2307.3098.4736
1044. 1194. 1209. 1210. 1211. 1213. 1497. Melitaeninae (LRMel - M 308,3219
1606. 1895. 2043. 2044. 2102. 2106. 2113.
Euphydryas :'\05,:306.307.311,444.1163.3098
2116. 2:'\44. 2416. 2467. 2468. 2469. 247Q
Euphydryas - M 308
3938.3944. 4175.4176.4177.4329.4331,
Morphinae (LRMr) 2927. 4278, 4393, 4730,
Taenaris - M 4397
Lucinia 2972
Bicyclus 335
Actinoe :16:11
Erebia 728,3296
18.1201.3960. 1052.4219.4483 Karanasa 117
Araschnia 1334
Maniola 195,325,326,331,334,2900
Archimcstra 4605
Mycalesis 4397,4399
As1erope 2023
Parihestina 1106
Athyma 2848
Zethera 4414. 4415
Caduga 1403
Callicore - M 2562
Eupha"dra - M 618. 1706.4059 2240, 2256, 2263, 2266, 2267. 2269, 2278,
Hetcrochroa 4170
2765, 2812. 2839. 2840, 2852. 2857, 2889.
2509. 3027. 3028. 3032. 3065. 3066. 3068. 3280, 3288, 3292, 3294, 3295, 3298, 3306,
3069. 3145. 3230. 3246. 3277, 330B, 3311. 3309, 3312, 3361,3375, 3376, 3389, 3447,
3598. 3599. 3600. 3857. 3977. 3978. 39BO. 3466, 3467, 3595, 3605, 3645. 3667, 3679,
3981.3982. 4023.4026. 4031.4032.4062. 3686. 3710, 3813, 3838. 3854, 3935, 3937,
4502. 4745
4053, 4058. 4060, 4062, 4077, 4084. 4138,
Hypothyris 451
4188, 4189. 4192, 4193, 4196, 4197, 4210,
Idrusi3 2B09
4275. 4296. 4297, 4298, 4300, 4330, 4351,
Inachis 254
4380, 4470, 4497, 4562, 4563, 4599, 4658,
Kallima SO. 707. 912.
,lBI. 1237. 1238. 1239.
4659, 4676. 4686, 4697, 4708, 4709, 4710,
Papilionidae (LRPa) - M 4. 16. 162. 190. 390. Pieridae (LRPi) - M 527.931.1005.1034.1038.
397.414. 426. 50: . 504.568.68: .755.756. 1040. 1042. 1046. 1055. 1057. 1058. 1106.
2104.2328.2795. 3331. 3386. 3387. 4021.
788.789.819.858.1249.1403.1411. 1422.
4305.4498.4560. 4731.4735.4739
1974.1994.1995. 2018.2019.2059.2223.
Aporia 4125
3188.3217.3234. 3507.3595.3680.3854.
Belenois 1046.4669
4729. 4733
Colias 2343.3287. 3332.4560
Atrophaneura 3595
Delias 2703.3247
Baronia 2563
Delias - M 1057.1058.3386.3387.4498
Eronia 1054
Cosmoclesmus 2059
Gonepteryx 992
D,Ulya 3166
Huphina - M 1034. 1057. 1058
Euryticles - M 2565
ltaballia - M 4735.4739
Ornithoptera 1690
Leptalis 152. 153.154.157. 199.2752
Pachlioptera - M 4380
Leuceronia 1039. 1055
Mylothris - M 1038
Neophasia 3236. 3998
4658. 4659
3333. 3591. 4658.4714. 4715
2454, 2545, 2566,2567. 2568,2632, 2644,
Parnassius 2580
2878,2879. 2880,2881. 2882,2912,2913.
Pharmacophagus 1404.2059.3247
2915,2916,2917,2918. 2920.2966,3100,
Trogonoptera 1691
3106,3138,3140, 3170,3172,3191,3261.
Zerynthia 3667
3268,3285,3286. 3299, 3366, 3368,3370,
2702.2703.2752.2950. 3019.3091.3113.
4714. 4743
Acroceridae 2645
4070,4082. 4222,4430,4471,4473,
Acroceridae - M 835
4474,4475,4477,4478. 4479.4480.
Ogcodes 264[',
4481. 4486,4621
Dasylis 40:33
1240, 1539,1697. 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701.
- Orniclla 2861
Systropus 478.22:H
Scaera - M 2298
Calliphoridae - M 2448
Spilomyia 1458
Conopidae - M 22:37
Volucella 120. 813. 1384, 1423. 1489, 1677,
Conops - M 2237
3614,4070. 4082
Culicidae 2827.4252
Culicidae - M 1156, 2827.4252
Scaptia 2448,
Anopheles - M 2827.4252
Tachinidae 1122,2088,2912,2913
Culex 2827
Tachinidae - M 2088
4252 ThrLxion 2912,2913
M I 156 Termitoxeniidae 1375,1925,1926
Diopsidae 4284
Odontoxenia 1375
Oolichopodidae - M 2711
Termitoxenia 1375
Epithalassius 2655
Trichopsenius 1925. 1926
Empididae - M 2655
Xenistusa 1926
Laphria 1530.26,,4 Thauma1ca 1865
Syringogaster 29 I [i
Ctenophora 1198,4014
Ca10hata 112
Trentepholia 533
Keron13lus 3726
2685. 4633
Miltinus 3370
Hhagoletis 1561. 2545,2685
Nothybus 2566
Zonosemata 1175. 1563,4633
Spathieera 3191
Sepsidae - M 2711
Stratiomys 4476
1454,1491. 1531,1532.
1540, 1551. 1577,
1693,1694,1757. 1775, 1788, 1789, 1791.
852.853.1201. 1240.124H.1252.
1802. 1803,1814. 1834, 1867,1882,1887,
1259.1384.1423.1424.1454. 1458.
1896,1901,1919,1924, 1927, 2003,2013.
14H9.1492.1512.1539. 15H2.1677.
2030. 2031,2075,2214, 2227,2245,2250.
1892. 1902.1924,1927,1946.1947.
2456, 2500,2539,2551, 2561. 2613, 2630,
2120.2236.2255.22102,2300. 2454.
2660. 2720,2751. 2762, 2791. 2792, 2801,
2644.2696.2725.2779. 2821. 2861.
2806. 2869, 2912,2913,2926,2951,2977,
2879.2880.2H81, 2882.3138. 3140.
2992, 3007,3013, 3015, 3016,3018, 3041,
3090, :3098.3116,3117,3118,3122,3123,
:3125. 3126. 3130. 31:17. :1139. 3141. 3142. Antennartus
3163. 3175. 3281. 3č117. 3330. 3337. :n60. Anyperodon 3460
Bolhragonus 2323
- Brachyrhamdia 3717.3718,3721
Cal1oplesiops 2581,2582
Canthidermis 4378
Chilomycterus 1704
cocoons 3916
Chromis - M 2738
cocoons M :3342
- Cichla 4752
eggs 271.902. 1531.2666. 3089. :3904. 4046.
Cich/.ídae 685, 1522, 1523, 2383. 2597. :1780.
4294, 4639. 4640, 4752
Colossoma 2446
Coreoperca 2195,2196,2197, 2199.2200
COl doras M 3717.3718,3719.3720, 3721
365. 500. 685. 911. 957. 961. 985. 1082. Cryptopsaras 4747
Eugnathichthys 3565
3720. :1721.:\758. 3759. 3780.3798.3837. Labroic1es - M 1166, 1387, 1508, 2248, 2249.
3867. 4042.4043. 4044. 4074, 4075. 4167. 2412. 2933, 3461. 3837, 4492.4637.
4258. 4270. 4277. 4282. 4291.4294. 4375. 4641. 4645
4685. 4698.4747.4751.4752
Lobotes 348, 4378
- Lucayablennius 1571
2073.2177.2178. 2248.2249.2383.2411.
Meiacanthus 957
Nemophini 4042. 4043, 4044
Abramites 2178
Otocinclus 3717,3718
Amphiprion 2501.2502.2503
Perissoccphalus 4291
Pimephales 4:,R4 Caudata [AmCd) M 341. 367, 369.375.376,
Probolorlus 375R
Probolodus M 342
- Desmognathlls M 369. 375,1073
Ptcrois 1365
Eurycea 369,4713
Rhinopias 4631
Leurognathus 3092
Salmo 1128
Notophthalmus - M 367,376,1921,1922.1945,
Scorpaenodes M :3867
- Plethodon 369, 375, 1069, 1070, 1073. 1805,
Siphamia 1386
Solenostomus :3596
Plethodon M 1933,1944,2252,2253.3526
Stylonurus 2280
Plet/wdontidae 1119,1945
Sufnamen 4282
Pseudotriton 340. 341. 367, 376, 1921. 1922.
Symphorus 2650
Synodontis M 356"
- Salamandra 201.2749
Tctraodon 3798
Taricha 2035
Thymallus - M 1128
Triturus 1578
Atelopus 2584
4494, 4520, 4561, 4590, 4591, 4592, 4593,
1028. 1118.1120. 11:n. 1134. 1207.1208. Hydroplliidae 3692
- Oxyrhopus 3763
Arlenophis - M 2646
Urotheca 3754
}\nilúdae 3755
Vipera - M 1654. 3807.4037.4594,4595,4596.
Bothrops 3761
Bothrops - M 3760,4725
Walterinnesia 4758
Ca1amaria 3093
Xenochrophis 4155
Calliophis 2646
Xerus - M 4561
- Gekkonidae - M 4139
CťoŤa1us - M 158:1. 2Ofn. 2175. 2176. 3008.
Moloch 319,1253
3687.3715.384H.::\915. 4097,4173.4174
Phrynosoma 3945
Crotaphopeltis 3727
Podarcis 753
Cylinrlrophis 1973. 27S6. 4493
Pygopodidae 516,4767
Dasype1tis 59. 1207. 1208, 1446, 1447, 1451.
Pygopus 516
Dipsas 2194.2529,3760.4596
Teratoscincus 115
Erythro1amprus - M 2361.3545
Aves (Av) 39, 56, 64, 89. 128, 129, 130, 131,
Geomyda 2009
Malurinae - M 2605
M ega1urus 89
1113.1288.1289. 1326.1:331.1385.1:393,
M egalurus - M 89
Ncctariniídae 2734
Neocossyphus - M 4754
2745,276:0. 2700.2783.2817.2818.2819.
Orchesticus 4680
Phalaropus - M 4067
4678.4679. 4680.4681.4682.4754.4757
Philelllon M 1003,1331
Progne - M 442,2825,3613. 4156
2940.2941.2942.2943.2944, 2945.2946.
Py ti lia 2820. 2940, 2941. 2942, 2943. 2944,
Spheniscus :3705
A e gialiti s 33l!9
St.eganura 2820
Ati'otis 2615
Sterna 2174
Asio 2666.2714.2783.316:3
Stizorhina 4754
Bubo 278:1
Strigidae 3782
Huteo 2745.4677.4757
Struthio 3711
Ca c atua - M 39
Sturne lla - M 2119
Chalcites 2605
Turclus - M 1510
Cltamdrii 4095
Tyrwmidae 4679
Chrysococcyx 1955
Tyrwmidae . M 4679
Cucll/idac 900.2604.2938.4116
D ic rurus · M 4116
Vir1uinGe2817,2818, 4102
Dr y oc o]1uS 4681.4682
Egretta 5:36.611
Aves Ova (AvOv) 46, 126, 238, 320, 382, 383,
Eudynamys 2637
1614, 1615, 1669, 1670, 1842, 1843, 1910,
Eupoclotis 2615
1954, 2014, 2025, 2067, 2068, 2130, 2186,
Eurypyga 1393
2254,2296,2301. 2334, 2421, 2422.2457,
Falco 1510
2458, 2536, 2537, 2586, 2672, 2673.2674.
Ficcclula 4001
2675, 2676, 2677.2764, 2808. 2822.2831.
Glacicliulll 2082.2819.3254.3846.412B
3300.3434.3512. 3513.3664, 3779, 3793,
H arpagu s 56
4049, 406& 4124, 4141, 4142, 4198, 4199,
Heliothryx 752.3818
Hieraetus 1969
Aves Ova (AvOvJ - M 46, 126. 238, 320, 382,
Malaconotus 16:19
3512, 3513, 3664, 3779, 3793, 4049, 4068,
4124. 4141. 4142. 419B. 4199. 4200. 4269. 3074,3075, :3078, 3081, 3082, 3083, 3085,
4270,4462.4719. 4720,4721 3619, 3620, :�621. 3863, 3927, 4153, 4166,
Acanthiza M 38!) - 4168,4265,4646
i\crocephalus - M 469. <)70, 1456 Mamma1ia (Mm) - M 23. 79, 82, 87,796. 1129,
Cettia - M 1842 1130, 1131, 1501. 1526. 1566, 1860, 1866';
Chrysococcyx 386, 827. 2025 1884.2099,2714,2718,2783,2951.3179,
Clamator 1670, 2764.4049 3712,3868,3902,3927,4153,4285
CucuLidae 46,384,385,744, 2068. 2422, 2586. Acinonyx 1130. 1131
34: 4. :\664. 4142,4721 Bovidae 1244
Cuculus 126.2 I' 8,:\20. :\82.383,469,970.971. Camivom 307B
<)72. 1456, 1460, 1461. 1511. 1614. 161!). Chiroptem 1067
1669, 1842, 1843, 1<)54. 2014, 2025, 2067. Chiroptem-M2718. 3712, 4285
2130, 2254.2:301. 23:34.2421. 2672, 2673, Cricetus 2997
2674, 2675. 2676. 2677, 2808, 2831. 3300, Crocuta 1372
3512. 3513, 3779, 3793, 4068, 412 4141, Equus 804,3081,3085
4200, 4462, 4719. 4720 FeJis - M 3868
Denclroica M 388 - Horno - M 79
Emberiza M 4141
- Hyacna - M 87, 1129. 1131, 1501, 1526,1566
Fringilla M 2672
- [nsectivom 3078
Lanius 1574 Lasiurus 4265
Malllrus - M 385 Lernrnus 62
Molothrus 388, 1:071. 25:16. 2537 Martes - M 3868
Molothrus M 1:371- Mellivora 3075
Passer(/rmnes M 2675, 2676, 2677 Mellivora - M 1130, 1131
Petroica - M 385 Muridae - M2099
Phoenicurtls M 713, 2014 - Mustelidae 3074
Scaphiclura 2296 Panthera 3083
Spizella - M 388 Primates - M 23,1860, 1866. 1884,3902
Turdus - M 2672 Proteles 87,1129, 1131,1501. 1526,1566
Zonotrichia - M 388 Rhlnoplthecus 974
Sciuridae 52,3927. 4153
Mamma1ia (Mm) !)1. 52, 62, 82. 87, 796. 804, Sorex M 2714,2951
CobretullI M 4:�08
- Bryophyta (Br)- M 1491
Conospermul1l M 1915 -
Mo + C 706.2495.2876.2909.4250
Ph + C 13, 174, 552, 553, 1376, 2212, 2975,
Mo + A 706.915.917.1150.1151.1153. 1471.
3024, 3573,3574. 3576, 3699, 3904, 3913,
4046. 4249.4321
Ph + MBM 550,551.553,554, 555.2595,4665
AI + Nt 847.947.1132.1357.1:358.1359.1474.
1245, 1304,1679. 2084, 2085, 2220, 2329,
1977.2091.2635.2800. 2866.2863.3006.
2331, 2333,2340. 2595, 2679, 2999,3393.
3618,3649,3682,3688: 3751, 3975,4453.
AI + P 730.951.1370.
4454,4455,4456, 4458, 4518,4649
O + C 72, 294, 481. 482. 487. 507, 704. 745,
2293, 2329,2333. 2340, 2622, 2679. 2767,
278.:353.355. 363.364.533.797.803,947,
O+ MBM 72, 77, 146, 930, 1290, 1364, 1396,
H + M291,806,1277,1421,2268,2853,2968,
AI + MP 277.278.353.355.363.364.501.947.
1074. 1096. 1185. 1976. 1977. 2607. 2777.
Ho + MO 1418. 1862.2090. 2432, 2911, 3162,
4662. 4667.4760.4763
1716. 17:17.1739.1908.1909.1972.2016.
2969. 3169, 3297, 3374,3383. 3443, 3722,
Co + As 57, 71, 472, 835. 1315, 1318. 1435.
H + A, 210.357.854.1074.1110.
Co + Au 100, 1575, 1665, 1667, 1911, 1912,
1655, 1663, 1823,1827, 1832, 1833, 1919,
2357. 2358. 2366, 2367. 2368,2369. 2370,
1576,1749,1821, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1929,
2289,2326,2327, 2356, 2492. 2782, 2859,
H + MO 1918
3463, 3483, 3485, 3865, 3883, 3884, 3961,
Co + P 5, 28,86,182, 183,327,328,330,725,
H + ft 38.210.:357.854.1408.1421.143:1.1502.
1741. 1753,1761, 1766, 1819, 1857, 1881,
2040, 2079, 2219, 2288, 2352, 2433,2466,
2507, 2616.2746. 2841, 2842, 2988, 2999,
Ho +M285.742.1019.1280.1438,1573.1847.
3365, 3528, 3548, 3810, 3847, 3912, 4008,
2265, 2513.2923, 3256
4010,4076,4243,4448,4449, 4450
Ho + As 184,:380.381.1017.1315.1416.1417.
1559, 1966,2911
Co + C 71.150, 183,360,725, 798, 799, 956,
Ho +Ne 2491.3855
962, 1079, 1083, 1241, 1253, 1284, 1362,
Ho + Nt 290. 1183, 1214, 1361, 1862. 1863.
1576, 1657, 1663, 1667, 1710, 1766, 179:3,
2587,2611,2616, 2678.2686.2687,2746,
1254. 1416. 1417. 1418. 1862.1863.2459. 3173, 3365, 3374,3383, 3531, 3689, 3810,
2491. 2552. 25H5. 2911. 3089. 3162. 321H. 3928,3931,3991,4119,4420.4634.4746
3665.3966.4159, 4251. 4702.4703,4704 Co + MBM 5,10, 19,28.55. 57,61, 100,101,
Ho + MBM 285,286,287.290.1017. 1019. 1315. 102,103.13 13 155, 159, 160,182, 18:3,
1361. 1500. 1559. 1880. 2513. 2631. 2683. 236,328,345,468.472,476, 570,64:3,702,
2778.2790.3282.':1344.3542.4147.4740 714,715,716,740,741.749,835,987, 1001,
Ho + MP 21HO, ::\089 1083, 1084. 1085. 1086. 1099, 1178, 1182,
120:3. 1236. 1274. 127:1. 1:�10. 1:)11. 1:H:1. 3404. 3441. 3448. 3496, 3497. 3795. 3804.
1:318. 1362. 1381. 14:\4. 1435. 1436. 11:17. 3916. 3966.3967. 4081.4224, 4247. 4273
J44 1490. 1493. 1:137. 1575.1640. 1657.
1665. 1726. 1741. 1749. 1753.1755. 1792. Hy + C 122, 545. 546. 812. 1095, 1111. 1126.
1819. 1821. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1832. 1915, 2152. 2324. 2325. 2364. 2610. 2978.
1833. 1881. lH85. 1886. 1888. 1893. 1996. 3529.3916.4045.4323
1997. EJ'l8.1999. 2000. 2001. 2007. 2016. Hy + A 122, 243.274, 275,323.387, 513, 545.
2074. 2137. 2151. 2160. 2161. 2162. 2163. 546,811,891,1000.1111.1115,1610.1720.
216 2165.2166. 2169. 2170. 2172. 221:1. 1721. 1829.1864. 1882.2008,2152.2324,
2219. 2243. 2288. 2289. 2309. 2326. 2327. 2325, 2349.2364. 2489. 2603. 2610. 2903.
23:12. 2353. 2355. 2:\:16.2357. 2358. 240S.
2978, 2979, 2980. 2993. 3137, 3233. 3238.
2557. 2558. 2:195. 2636. 2735.2782. 3380, 3448. 3529. 3535. 3795. 3804. 3966.
2790. 2836. 28!'>9. 2954. 2967. 2969. 2999.
3967.4035.4045, 4130.4286, 4451
3289. 3297. : 383. 3419. 3443.3462. Hy + MBM 45. 209, 477. 547, 548, 735. 815.
3483. :1485.:1528. 3554. 3571. 3592. 3689.
3722. 3752. 3842. 3864. 3865. 3883. 3884.
1470, 1503. 1514. 1604, 1649, 1664. 1666.
3886. 3�cJ()1. :i9G2. 4008. 4015. 4017. 4018.
4055. 4076. 4243. 4244. 4290. 4423. 4437.
2652, 2653. 2699. 2700, 2790, 2979. 2980.
4460.4461.4530. 4:131.4532.4533,453:1. 2982, 3043. 3044, 3045, 3072. 3073. 3097,
45:06. 45::37. 4538. 4539. 4:140. 4541. 4542. 3233, 3238, 3239. 3259, 3301. 3391. 3404.
4543. 4548. 455:1. 4554. 4555. 4559. 4618. 3441. 3471. 3496. 3497. 3535, 3544. 3564.
4622.4636 3643. 3843.3844. 4081, 4369. 4424. 4437.
Co + MP 26. 88. 14:'\. :'\SG. 472. 514. 556.740. 4555.4556.4652
741.749.7:11. S68.1178. 1827.1886.1887. Hy + MP 45.122, 473.903. 1089.1111.1199.
1997. 1998. 1999.2000. 2040.2151. 2160. 1:174. 1384. 1395. 1514, 1572. 1800. 1951,
2161. 2162. 2163. 216 216:1. 2166. 2169. 2152, 2167, 2168. 2298. 2324. 2325. 2364.
2170. 2172. 2173. 2366. 2367.2368. 2369. 2418, 2531. 2532, 2610, 2653. 3043. 3044.
2:170. 2371. 2372. 2:i7:i. 2:\74. 2375.237G. 3045.3496.3497. 3544, 4100, 4224. 4254,
2377. 2378. 2379. 2380. 2381. 2492. 2:19:1. 4610. 4611.462:'\
2611.3482.348:1.3722. 3847.3864.3865. Hy + MO 471. 978. 1262. 1263. 1395. 1414.
4290. 4530. 4531. 4532. 4533. 4535, 4536. 1790. 1941.2213.2230, 3449, 4130,4224,
45:i7. 4538. 4539. 4540. 4541. 4542. 4543. 4247.4273
4548. 4559. 4G18. 4622.4622.463G.4674 Hy + Mt 811
Co + MO 1354. 1409. 1686. 1823. 1858.2159.
2242. 25:\5. 2583. 2988. 3090. 3179. 3548. Hy + ft 207,,637.891.1610.
3772. 4420 1721, 1723. 1829. 1941. 2339, 2349. 2489.
3137. 3283, 3380. 3448, 3529. 3966, 967.
Co + ge 327. 328. 3:)0. :\86. 1832.1911. Jl1l2. 4035, 4451
1913. 2535. 2746. 2785. 2841. 2842. 2956.
3810. 3865.4287. 4420.4538 LHe + M67, 125.578.611.613.614. 618.621.
Co + to 134.920. ml? 1285. 1655.1710.171R. 623,644.653,1459,1611,1899,1901.2260.
1728. 1761.1766. 1923. 1993. 243::3, 2466. 2273, 2276. 2277, 2792. 2795. 3041. 3206.
2616. 2686.2687.2773. 2929. :3689.4119 3318, 3337. 3678. 3783. 3958, 4051, 4061.
Co + ft 549.983.984.1085. 1667. 1710.1718. 4211,4308
1761. 1766. 1R:12. 199 . 2172. 2507. 2587. LHe + As 242, 750. 1279, 1322, 1323, 1645.
27n. 3482. 383'1. 39::11. 4016. 4017.4634. 1646. 1804. 1835. 1836, 1897. 2003, 2030.
46:14.4746 2031. 2075.2250. 2272. 2633. 2666, 2714,
2735.2951.3001, 3023. 3386, 3387. 3418,
Hy + M637. 1095. 1790.2:3:lH 3538, 3541. 3569. 3642. 3668. 3685. 3923.
Hy + As 2982. 3:101. :l:j') 1. 3529. 3643. 432:3. 4069.4183,4184
4424. 4652 LHe + Au 2423.2449.2500.2908,3004, 3568.
Hy + Au :187. 1395. 1414. 1664. 1666. 1914. 3678.4000.4490.4661
1915. 2978.2979.2980.32:'\3.3238.3239. LHe + Ne 119, 151, 226, 228, 235, 255. 257.
3259. 449. :>471.3544.40:35. 4:369.4424 258.260,
Hy + Ne 45. 850.855.9 8.967.1008, 1098,1123.1127,
7:1;'. 812. 11l5. 816. 8i7. 818. 903. 1000. 1176. 1221.1249, 1253, 1320, 1332. 1:133.
lll!. 1115. 1126. 12G2. 1:384. 1812. 1R12. 1467. 1562. 1580. 1588. 1612.2018.2019.
J 941. 2359.2489. 25:32. 2(:)03. 2610. 265:1. 202 2122, 2123. 2128. 2205, 2426, 2440,
2903. 3072.
3073. 3283. 3535. 3564. 4045. 2490. 2651. 2710. 2837, 2856. 2906, 3036,
4130. 4254.4286. 4556.4611.4612. 462:3
3090, 3728. 3729. 3730, 3731, 3732.3733.
Hy + Nt 547.548.1100.1101. 126:1.1374. 1864. 3734, 3735. 3736. 3737, 3738. 3739.3740,
1894.2008.2171. 2213. 2531. 2652. 2653. 3741. 3742. 3743. 3744. 3745. 3746. 3852.
3097. 35:15. :3843. :1844. 4100. 4437.4451. 3908.3911.3995.4119. 4120. 4172.4215.
4610.462:) 1285.4319.4482.4484.4485.4569,4619
Hy + P 45. 243. 274. 275. :123. 545. 546. HSll . LHe+ Nt 16,70. 112. 135.170. 175, 178.180.
)78. 10R9. 1199. 1384. H70. 1503. 151<1.,838.858.
1G04. 1610. 1720. 1721. 1723. 1800. 182�J. 933,934,936.998,1103.1278.1445.1607.
1882. 1951. 2152. 22:30. 2298, 2324. 2325. 1876, 2060. 2061. 2062, 2063. 2098. 2107,
2349. 2 64. 2418. 2504. 2G99. 2700. 2993. 2109,2111.2112.2115.2118.2159.2218,
3043. 3044. 3045. 3072. 3073. 3137. 3380. 2257, 2292.2293. 2578. 2657. 2720. 2722.
2723. 2780. 2801. 3091. 3176. 3275,3417. 3852. 3882, 4086. 4119.4135, 4169, 4218.
LHe + MBM + LR 16.426.614.621. 653. 838,
249.255.27:1.299. :300.301.302,303.:33:3.
1459. 1612.1645. 1646.2018. 2019,2060.
2098. 2111. 2115, 2118. 2633. 2657. 2795.
2908. 3023, 3091, 3153. 3206. 3275. 3386.
98fl. 990. 100". 1013. 1014. 1155. 1250.
3387.3417,3418.3911,4120. 4184. 4211.
125". 1282. 1312. 1380. 1383. 1410.1452.
1475. 1491. 1540. 1642. 1644. 1672. 1686.
LHe + MBM + LHe 170, 492. 493. 494. 495,
3116.3117.3118.3122.3123. 3125.3126.
1835. 1836, 1876, 1878. 1879. 1899, 1901,
4217. 4221. 42:19. 4266. 4:H3, 4379. 4385. LHe + MEs 151, 264. 265, 671. 1804,
44::\4. 446:\. 4464. 4550. 4551. 4552. 4573. 2204. 2205, 2245, 249
2792. 3102. 3103.
4574. 4581. 4586. 4626. 4627. 4658. 4660. 3104. 3105, 3868. 4090. 4266, 4385. 44:34.
46H9 4581,4586,26::\.264.265.412.611.
LHe + MO 108,212,611,998,1013,1686,1807,
2020, 2133,2159. 2218, 2260, 2273, 2276,
81:30. ::\1:32. :1142. 8163. 3176. 3322. 3407. 3276. 3320, 3394, 3395. 3433, :3488.:3489.
8688. 8684. 3694. 3695. 3697. 8728. 3729. :3541, 3731, 3735, 3737, 3739. :3740, :3741.
::\7:10. 3732. 878:1. 3784. 3745. 3781. 3783. 3742, 3743, 3746. 3766. 3767. 3768. 3769,
4575. 45Hl. 4694 138:3. 1757, 1775, 1901, 2042. 2232, 2286.
LHe +A67. fll. 93. 119. 125. 166. 175. 17H. 2287. 2748, 2784, 2787. 2788. 3041, 3126.
671.750.825.836.837.838.850.855.919. 497,518,644,663,665,750.836,837,838,
2784. 2787.2788.2837.2856. 3001.3015. 4573. 4574, 4575. 4619, 4626. 4658. 4660.
594.595.597, 599, 600. 602.60:3. 604.60,5.
4210, 4212, 4278, 4320. 4374. 4380, 4413,
625.629.6:30.631.632.636, 642.646.654.
4616. 4692, 4697. 4708. 4709, 4710,4711,
4722, 4727,4745
LR + Au 532, 624, 627. 635. 658, 762, 780.
764. 7li5.70C. 7(j7. 768, 769.770, 771. 773.
7S1. 785.786.953,105 1058, 1104,1647.
774. 775. 786. í:i07. 844. 856. 874. 1015. 1928, 2336. 2551, 2734, 2927. 3260. 3262.
lO l:L JO:\5. 1038. j 039. 1040. lO42. lO54. 3277. 3293, 3302, 3308. 3311, 3330. 3331.
lO55. 1056. 10G4. 1080. 1081. 1104. 1105. 3349. 3678, 3977. 3978, 3980. 3981. 3982.
1135. 11:�C. 1138. 11:19. 1140. 1145. 1189. 3999. 4034, 4131. 4132, 4397, 4398, 4399.
1 E12. 1 Hl:). 1190. 1233. 1281. 1336. 1355. 4615.4616
1356. 149(). 1498. 14H9. 1533. 1534. 1535. LR + Ne 4.:\2,79.140, 141,305,306.307,308.
153[0. 1601. 1602. 1603. 1635. 1706. 1733. 311.313,315.322.389,390,391,392.393.
176:1. 1764. 1765. 1767. 1802. 1803. 1866.
1884. 1900. 1989. 2134.2135.2211. 2259.
2261. 2262. 2263. 2264. 2266. 2267. 2269.
2270. 2271.2275. 2278. 2316. 2317.2318.
2319. 2320. 2321. 2386. 2478, 2481, 2487.
3205. :3206. :\208. :\210. 3211. 3215. 3216. 30S0, 3096. 3113, 3182, 3188, 3197, 3213.
3221. 3224,3228. 3229. 3230. 3232.3235. 3226. 3231. :3236, 3248, 3258, 3265, 3351,
3241. 3245 :.\24U. :\247. 3250. 3252, 3257, 3359. 3365. 3375, 3447, 3466, 3467, 3491.
3263, :1267,3274. :)280. 3288. 3290. 3292. 3507. 3549, 3550, 3551, 3552. 3553, 3556,
3294, :329". :129R. 3303, 3304, :3306, 3307, :3563. 3593. 3669, 3677, 3681, 3686. 3707.
3309.3310.3312. 3313,3314,3315.3319, :3853, 3854, 3858, 3859, 3860, 3909, 3910.
33:\6, 3346. 3348. :,\:352. 3376,3379,3389, :3940. 3948, 3989. 3996, 3997, 3998, 4083.
4304. 1:\05. 4:\07, 4:\09. 4310. 4311. 4:112. 1052, 1107. 1161, 1194, 1204, 1205. 1209,
431:\. 4314. 4:\24. 43:30. 4:351. 4413. 4562. 1210. 1211.1213. 1366. 1367. 1400. 1402.
456:1. 4606. 465", 4G68. 46G9. 4687. 4692. 1468. 1484. 1497, 1548, 1606, 1621. 1628,
4700. 4701 1696. 1734. 1769, 1841, 1895, 2022. 2023,
LR + As 6, 2:1. 25. 6(J. HO, 117. 162. 189. 190, 2036. 2037, 2039, 2043, 2044. 2055. 2056.
2::\1.241. 521.620. (352.707.724.729. 750, 2059, 2095.2096, 2097, 2098. 2099. 2100.
760,77G.77H. 779. 7HO.781.782.783.785. 2101. 2102, 2lO3. 2104, 2105, 2lO6, 2108.
787.788.7Wi,8:31. 1:>:\4.871.872.873.912. 21lO. 21U.2113. 2114, 2115, 2116, 2117,
980. 981. 10:-\4. 10:i5. 1077. 1078. 1104. 2341, 2344, 2363, 2385. 2406, 2416. 2467,
1135. 1237. 1238. 1239. 1246.1268. 1270.
2468, 2469,2470, 2472, 2474,2475, 2497,
1313. 1314. 1321. 1;,24. 1:360. 1382. 1403.
2517,2518,2541. 2562, 2563, 2564, 2565,
1404. 141 I, 1412. 1413. 1422. 1518. 1552.
2623. 624, 2721, 2722. 2736, 2750, 2751,
LR + P 92. 127. 166. 168. 169. Hl5. 252. 254. 2463. 2464. 2467. 2468. 2469, 2470. 2472.
931.96 1.992.99:1.1091.1092. 1106.1186. 2762. 2765, 2770, 2772. 2775. 2794, 2805.
1197. 1251. 1291, 1302. 133 1352. 1368. 2810, 2823. 2832, 2845. 2852, 2887, 2890,
1:188. 1390. 1391, 1392. 1869. 1872. 1896. 2894, 2895. 2896. 2897. 2899. 2901, 2925,
1965. 1968. 2013. 2024, 2041, 224 2283.
2995. 3001, 3013, 3018, 3019, 3026, 3055,
2409. 2453. 2553. 2620. 2647. 2762. 2883.
2885. 2900.2926.2971, 2973. 297 2981.
3181, 3203.3213, 3221. 3229, 3245. 3247.
3055. 3098. 3121. 312 3159, 3219. 3251.
3266,3267. 3302,3310,3314,3320.3321,
3278, :3279. 3287. 3296. 3317. 3320. 3326.
��326,3330, 3333. 3335. 3338. 3341. :1348,
3890.3955.3966.3967.3974. 3976.4112.
3671, 3676, 3677, 3678, 3679, 3681. 3786.
1205. 120(). 1211. 1213. 1246. 1251. 1268. 1422. 1465. 1468, 1498. 1499. 1506.
1293. 1294. 1295. 1314. 1324. 1325. 1342. 1517. 1519. 1520, 1521, 1535, 1536. 1548,
1352. 1366. 1367. ,402. 1404. 1412. 1413.
1589. 1601,1618.1619. 1620. 1621. 1628,
1497. 1509. 1:;18. 1533. 1534, 1538, 15:;:;.
1629. 1630, 1647, 1651. 1652. 1688. 1690,
1606. 1617. 163;Y. 1691. 1696. 1767, 1768.
1695. 1706, 1733, 1734. 1762, 1763.
1771, 1778. 1795. 1802. 1803. 1869, 189é>.
1765. 1769, 1778. 1782. 1783, 1838.
1896. lEm8. 1900. 1965. 1968.2013.2022,
1883. 1916. 1928. 1974, 1989, 1994.
2002.2023. 2028. 20:m. 2053.2054. 2055. LR + MEs 17, 195, 252. 254, 325, 326. 329,
2056. 2058.2059. 2004. 2095.2096.2097. 331,332,334, 335, 993. 1484,2403,2404.
2098.2100.2101. 2102.2104. 2105.2106. 2407, 2408, 2606. 2721,2900, 3161, 3175,
210M.2ll0. 2111. 21!:\. 2115.2ll6. 2117. 3195,3352,3890,4112,4741.4742,4755
2156. 2183. 2209. 2223.2227. 2238.2240. LR + MFh 189, 322. 502. 724. 831. 935, 953,
434.439.440.441.454. 455.466.5:32.543.
571.577.590.594.604.606.610.624.625. Ps .. M685,1522,1523,2383.2597,3565,4294,
652.655.659.660,662.664.666.680.684, Ps + As 1319,
Ps + Nt 106,342,348,1167.
:{:{69. 3:371. 3375. 3377. 3378. 3379. 3380. 3492,3494, 3700. 3596. 3798, 3837, 3867,
342B. 3464. 3467. 3551. 3552. 3553. 3557, 4042, 4043, 4044, 4074, 4075, 4258, 4282,
47:30.4741. 4742
D + Au
1660.1661. 2448.2567.2568.3370 Ps + MBM 50, 85,342,347. 365,500,957,986.
4437. 4667
4042, 4043, 4044, 4074, 4075, 4258, 4276,
D + P99.344.7:30.809.1122.1198.1286.1470.
4277,4282,4375, 4378
Am + Af2642 2646,2662.3008.3108.3111.3456.3545.
Am + As 377.378.3478.4241 3616.3691.3715. 3727.3754.3755.3760.
Am + Ne 3: 6.33R.3:,9.:140.:141.366.367.:168. 3763. 3802. 3807.3848. 3915. 3929. 4038.
369. :no. 371.372. ,ll:,. 374. 375. n6.443. 4039.4040.4041. 4097. 4121.4122.4123.
1069. 1070. 1073. 1119. 1805. 1920. 1921. 4155.4173.4174.4279.4494.4561,4590,
1922. 19:13. 1944. 1945. 1952. 1930. 1934. 4591. 4592, 4593. 4594. 4595. 4596.4597.
1936. 2035. 2252. 2253. 2830. 3092. 3109. 4653.4675,4725
3454.3526.3952.4264.4699.4712.4713 ReOp + MFh 2786, 3093,4493
Am + Nt 1.1071.1072.1301.1817.181t>.2429. ReOp + MP 1528,2797.3761,3762
243;5. 2584. 2798. 2871. :1757.3764. 3774. ReOp + MO 1449.1462. 2538
:1794. 3972. 397:3. 4,,49 ReOp 1564,1567.
Am+P 124.201.1398.1,,78.1964.2749.3397.
4154 ReSr + C 319,1429. 3945.
ReSr + A 863.915,1567
Am + C 339.368.372. 1428.2826.2830.2983. ReSr + MBM 60,115,516,1932,4037,4767
3794. 4241. 4549 ReSr + MFh 1564
Am + A 1. 124. 201. )36. 338. 3:39. 340. 366. ReSr + MO 753
:368.370.371.:172. : 73.374.376.377.378.
443. 1068. 1069. 1070. 1071. 1072. 1119. Av+Af895,898.1529,1639,1955,2119,2451.
1:i01. 1398. 1421l. 1578. 1805. 1817.1818. 2615,2763,2817,2818.2820,2939.2940.
l!)20. 1930. 1952. 1964.2035.2429.2435. 2941. 2942.2943. 2944. 2945.2946. 2947.
25i-H. 2642. 274D. 2826. 2S71. 2983. 3:197. 2948. 2949.3705. 3711. 4102, 4128. 4165.
3454. 3478. 3774. :1794. 3952. 3972.3973. 4754
4154 Av + As 975,1331,2637,2719.2734.4116,4140
Am + MBM 341.367.369.375.376.1921.1922. Av + Au 39, 89, 186. 900, 1002. 1003. 1113,
1933. 19:14. 1936. 1944. 1945. 2252. 2253. 2605,2734.2962,4116.
2435. 2749. 2798. 3092. 3109. 3526. 3794. Av + Ne 147,148,388.442,510,5:16,795,821,
4241.4264.4699.4712.4713 822, 1288. 1289, 1326. 1547, 1844, 2082.
Am + MEs 1817.37,,7. :1764 2119,2384,2739.2740.2825,2952,3414,
Am + ge 443.1934.4154. 4712.4713 4156
Am + to 371. 374.1073.2429. Av + Nt 56,752.1004.1393.2745.3399.3818,
Am + ft :1:39. 341. 371. 372. 375. 1805. 1920. 4677,4678,4679,4680,4681,4682,4757
1921. 1922. 1952.2253.3952.4264 Av + P 64, 128, 129. 130, 131, 136, 531, 713,
R95, 1l08, 1385, 1510, 1513, 1613, 1668,
ReOp + Af 59. 1207. 1208. 1446. 1447. 1451. 1969,2049,2174, 2241, 2420,2436,2608,
1528 1874. 2228. 2314. 2414. 2415. 2529. 2766, 2783,3475, 3476, 3543, 3954. 3983,
:\727. 4121.4122. 427>1.4561.4758 4001,4080,4095.4116
ReOp + A s 995. 1448. 1449.1481. 1568. HJ73. Av + S 535,904
2646. 2662. 27R6. 3093. 3b16. 4155. 4493.
4494 Av + C 129,131,136,510,517,535,713,752.
ReOp + Ne 864.865.866.867.1026.1118.1455. 795, 895, 897, 898, 900, 904, 1385, 1457,
1583. 1799. 1975.2083.2175. 2176.2538. 1513, 1845,2384, 2420. 2604. 2605, 2608.
3008. 3110.3111.3456.3691.3715.3848. 2615, 2729,2734, 2763, 2952, 3000, 3399,
3915.3929.4097.4173.4174.4185.4675 3475.3543,3687,3711,3818,3954,3983,
ReOp + Nt 12:1. 176. :H3. 479. 865. R66. R67. 4231,4232,4236,4237,4238,4239,4501
1120. 1133. 1134. 1212. 1261. 1431. 1455. Av + A 64, 128, 129. 130, 131,510,517,531,
1462. 1565.1569. 1570. 15R5. 1703. 200B. 536, 713, 795. 895, 897, 898, 900, 1113,
2194. 2361. 2508. 2640. 2641. 3108. 3545. 1326,1385,1393, 1960,2384, 2436. 2604,
3754. 3755. 3760. 3761. 3762. 3763. 4036. 2605, 2608,2615, 2729,2734, 2763,2766,
4038.4039.4040.4041.4653.4725 3543,3687,3954,4396,4501
ReOp + P 94. 1450. 1654. 2452. 3807. 4594, Av+ MBM 56,89,186,1002,1003,1004,1108,
4595. 4596.4597 1289, 1331, 1529, 1547, 1613, 1638, 1668,
ReOp + S 537. :3692 1969, 2049,2174, 2241, 2384, 2451, 2637,
ReOp + C 167. 1453. 1662. 1671. 1873. 1978. Av + MFh 2819,3254,3782,3846,4128
3110. 4173.4174.4592 Av+ MP 39,56,388.713,795,900,1288,1510,
ReOp + A 167.479.5:37. l02G.1431. 1448.1453. 1969, 2384,2604, 2605,2637, 2719, 2727,
1527. 1570. 1662. 1671. 1873. 1975.1975. 2745,2763,2817,2818,2820.2938.2939.
2414. 2415. 2452. 3G')2. 40:16. 4185.4592. 2940. 2941,2942. 2943,2944, 2945, 2946,
4758 2947, 2948,2949, 3476, 4102, 4165,4677,
ReOp + MBM 59. 94. 123. 176.343.864.865. 4678,4757
866.867.995.1026.1027. 1028.1118.1120. Av + MO 147,148,442,821, 822,1639.1844,
1133. 1134. 1207. 1208. 1212. 1260. 1261, 2119, 2739,2740, 2743, 2825, 2962,3414,
1431. 1446. 1447. 1449. 1450. 1451. 1453. 3415,3610,3611, 3612, 3613, 3705,4001,
1455. 1481. 1565. 1568. 1569. 1570. 1583. 4080, 4095,4156. 4679, 4680, 4681, 4682,
1585. 1654. 1671. 1703. 1799. 1874.1973. 4754
1978. 2009. 2083. 2175. 2176. 2194. 2228. Av + MEs 975,2082,2819
2314.2361.2452.2508. 2529.2640.2641. Av + Mt 3470
AvOv + C :\84. 1574. 1910. 2186. 2536. 2537. 4198. 4199. 4200. 4269. 4270. 4462. 4719.
4269. 4270 4720.4721
AvOv + A 2822
AvOv + MP 46. 126. 2:18. 320. :182. 383. 384. Mm + C 51. 52. 804. 893. 1067. 1609. 2147.
385.386.469.744.827.970.971.972.1371. 3081.:3082.:308:3.:3085. 3619. 3620.3621.
1456. 1460. 14(51. 1511. 1614. 1615. 1669. 3863.4166.4168
1670. 1842. 184:.1. 1954.2014. 2025. 2067. Mm + A 62.804.1609.2997.3074.3075.3078.
2068. 21:30. 2186. 2254. 2296. 2:301. 2334. 3081.3083.3085.3620.3621,3863
2421. 2422. 2457. 2458. 25:36. 2537. 2586. Mm + MBM 87. 796.1129. 1130. 1131. 1501.
2672. 2673. 2674. 2675. 2676. 2677. 2764. 1526. 1566.2997.:3927.415:3
2808.2831. 3:)00. 3434. :1512. 351:1. :\664. Mm + MO 82.974. 1244. 1372. 4265.4646
3779. 3793. 4049. 4068. 4124. 4141. 4142.
(C, A MBM are to abundant to be listed generally):
:)761. :3762. 3779. 379:3. :3800, 3837. 3847. 4080,4095.4130. 4137. 4146, 4156,4213.
3864.3865. 3914. 3922. 4042,4043. 4044. 4224,4247,4252.4253,4261. 4265,4273.
4049. 4064. 4068. 4070. 4099. 4100. 4102, 4284.4285,4291,4315, 4328. 4339, 4384,
4124. 4137. 4141. 4142. 4150. 4161,4165. 4392,4408,4420. 4427, 4429,4584. 4606,
4171. 4198. 4199. 4200. 4224. 4228. 4254. 4633. 4639.4640,4642. 4643. 4644.4646.
Tenodera 210
1252, 1257, 1259, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1296,
Efferia :i9:11
1719, 1724, 1768. 1771, 1777, 1778, 1789.
Taclúnidne 3203
1791,1820, 1829. 1830, 1862, 1873, 1905,
Sturmia 3203
1920. 1921, 1922, 1963. 1968. 1975.2004,
Rh nchocephalia 4485,4486, 4491,4517,4519,4572, 4573,
Sphenodon 2773
4574, 4579, 4588, 4602, 4613, 4614, 4626,
46:H. 4658. 4660. 4668. 4669.4671. 4685, Phasianus 4634,4717
4688.4689. 4714.4715.4716. 4717.4723. Phoenicurus 2349
4727. 47: 0. 4742 Pidclae2570
Accipiter 4050 Pipraeidea 466
Acroeephalus 97: Pitangus 4039. 4040
Agelai us 38 Ploceus 2271
AnI! lllS 33:,:1. Progne 2854,2855,2856 462
Anl<'a 537 Prunella 3326
Acridothcres 4272 Psophocles 2500
Bnko 479. 1975 Regul us 2910
Chloris 1644 Sphens
í cir1ae
Collocallia 532 Sturnus 392, 2184, 3367, 3670, 3826, 3827,
Cowirll1c 4226 3828,3829,3830,3947
Corvtls 69. 2681 Terpsiphone 4062,4470
Colurnix 1257.4717 Turclus 3791,3792
CrateropllS 1296 Tyrannidae 34,1820
Cuculiclac 976 Zonotrichta 37
Cllculus :J4i:\6 Mamma1ia (ftMm) 265,394. 431,598.644,895,
CyanociU8 819. 86'). 2077. :1035. :1640. 3736, 897. 1298, 1421, 1509. 1905. 2070, 2262,
4422. 4714. 4715 2489.2510,2608.2615, 2710, 2729, 2776.
EmlJerizicll1e 2868 2792.2822,2829, 3001, 3002. 3003.3041,
EUl1lol11ota 40:'18 3042,3050.3082,3322.3330, :3361,3375,
Erit.hacus 14 J5. 2815. 3390 3580, 3649,3874, 4016. 4169. 4272,4619,
Faleo 129. 1975 4632
Ficerlnla 2: 4 9 Cltiroptera3322,4169
G81bula 70�J Felis 895,2608,3375
Gallus 341.1404.1504.1505.1830.1920.3622. Galago 644
3623. :3624. 3625.38:34. 3946.45Hl Hamo 895,897,2615,2792.3050,4619
Glaucicliul1l 2010 Laris 1644,3001. 3002.3003,3361
l-Icrpet.othercs 3108 Mandrillus 2070
Him,u:lillidae 165 Melursus 1905
Kittacincla 2285 Mephitis 4016
Lanius 1610.1724. :1267 Microtus 431
LeptopHlus 4056 Mus 34.350,968.1719,2030,2031,2510,3380,
Mcliphaga 2500 3448,4056,4272,4632
Merops 25. 1405. 1406.2193.33K1 MlIridae394
Microhierax 2256 Nasua 2776
Motaeilla 969. :1:119 Panthera 3082
Mllscicapa 350. fl68. 17 Hl. 3380. 3448. 4056 Perodicticus 3041,3042
Mllscivora 84 Peromyscus 431,1509
Parus 35. 1480.201:1.2310.2459.2910.3690. Priml1tes 263.265.2262.3330. 3580.3874
396:3.:3966. :3967. 3970. 4112 Roclentia2489
PasAer 8467. 4125 Tamias 2829
Perisoreus 312. 234.'1 Tupaia 129
Phalacrocorax 4685
some types oí papers (de. th anrl fuo ar e to 1213, 1223, 1225. 1231, 1232. 1256, 1302,
ahunclant 10 be l isl ed general1y): 1305, 1:106, 1307, 1309, 1335. 1336, 1337.
ge 6.8. 18. :38.6:3. 90.119. 1338. 1339. 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344,
158.162. 167. 179. 181. 190.194. 202. 203, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1349,1350. 1352.,225. 1355. 1356, l411, 1422. 1423. 1429, 1431.
2:;.284.299.300.301.:302. 1433. 1499, 1516, 1517. 1518. 1519, 1520,
:303.323. :i2Ci. 326. :327. 328.329. 330. 331. 1521. 1524, 1534, 1535. 1536. 1591, 1592,
332.333.334. :135.3;'5.384.386.397.398. 159:3, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1597, 1598. 1599,
421.44:1.447.449.450. 453.458. 459.461. 1629, 1651.1652.1679. 1681, 1682.1683,
46:7.467.49:3.496.503. 504.560. 561. 562. 1684. 1689,1695.1697,1698,1699,1700,
563.;'66.586.587. 59:3. 597.62ó.633.635. 1701. 1711.1832. 1911,1912,1913. 1934,
639.647.649.651.670.678.682.691,692. 1954, 1959,1961, 1974. 199 199 1995,
718.719.733.734.756.757.758.759.760, 2002.2012,2018,2019.2053.2058.206
761.762.764.765.766.767.768.769.770. 2072.2120,2121,2129,2130.2167,2168,
771.772.778.774.77;'.776.777.778.779. 2203.2204,2205,2223, 2225,2240,2241,
78 781. 782. 783. 784.785.786. 787.788. 2258, 2259, 2261. 2263. 2264,2266. 2267,
789.807.823. 851.852. 853.857. 902.970, 2268,2272,2278,2287,2307.2313,2317,
986. 993. 1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1063. 2318.2320,2321,2322, 2346,2449, 2454,
1082. 1133. 1139.1140, 1142. 1162. 1163. 2455.2456. 2457.2458.2460, 2461.2468,
J 169. 119:1. 1204. 1209. 1210.1211. 1212. 2469,2470,2471.2472.2473,2476,2478,
4340. 4342. 4343, 4344, 4345. 4348. 4349,
2603. 2606.2614. 2623.2637. 2638. 2640. 4357, 4358, 4359, 4360, 4361. 4362, 4363,
2641.2651.2657. 2665. 2682. 2698.2705. 4364, 4365, 4366. 4367, 4368. 4380, 4388,
2727. 2728. 2746. 2785. 2796. 2809. 2823. 4389. 4390, 4400, 4404, 4408, 4413, 4420,
28:B. 2839. 2i>40. 284l. 2842, 2843. 2884. 4424, 4462, 4465, 4504, 4513. 4515, 4538,
2886. 2887. 2888. 2889. 2890. 2891.2892. 4562, 4563, 4580, 4582, 4583, 4584, 4585,
2894. 289". 28!J6. 2897.2898. 2899. 2901. 4598, 4599, 4627, 4644, 4647, 4648. 4659,
290:1. 2904. 29 {0. 2935. 2937. 2956.2958. 4676, 4688, 4697, 4712, 4713. 4719, 4720,
2%9. 2987. 3009. 3010. 3011. 3012. 3019. 4721. 4741, 4759, 4760, 4761. 4762, 4763,
3269. 3270.3276. 3277.:3287. �1288. :1292. 1049, 1065.1073.1081, 1109, 1110. 1112.
3300.3308. :nll.3314.�1320. 3340.335U. 1113. 1125, 1135. 1162. 1172, 1173, 1179,
3389. 3392. 3394. 8395.:3409. 3410.341l. 1180, 1181, 1245, 1246, 1247. 1258, 1285,
3427. :1428. :14:30. :\431. 34:32. 1433. 3434. 1617, 1635, 1655, 1710, 1718, 1728. 1737.
8488. :1489. 34fJ6. :3497. 3506. 3507. 3516. 1739, 1757, 1761, 1766, 1775, 1849, 1896,
35[7. :3518. :354l. :3549. 3566. 3572. 358l. 1898, 1901, 1923, 1938, 1942. 1993,2042,
:3893. :li>94.3895.3898.3932.3933.3934.
3396, 3453, 3465, 3481, 3490, 3491, 3550.
4118,4119,4286,4340, 4370.4389,4390,
cation Camellna180,232,471
Eruca 226
Plants (Pl) (generally) 4, ll. 12. 13. 15. 32. 34. Erysi m u m 271
40. 43. 52. 53. 54. 56. 58, 67, 87. 93. 107,
Bromeliaceae 200
313.332.335.337.338.339.354.355.358. Calycanthaceae
401.414,415.427.433.435.437.438,439. Campanulaceae,263.272.288.
Cephalotaceae 200
Crassula 284.285
Actinidia 376
Ecballium 132
Aesculus 343
Gahnia 31
Annonaceae 170
Rhododendron - M 214
Arisarum 6. 118.371
Torpinia - M 424
Caladium 275
Colocasia 73
Fabaceae -M 18,,148.198.224.
Draconit.um 88
Schizoeasia 137
Abrus 179
Symplocarpus 222.223
Aspalanthus - M 102
Typhonium 74
Daviesia - M 27
Lathyrus 229, 230
Butia 390
Lathyrus - M 133. 446
Lens - M 18,19, 148.365,388.431,432
Asclepiadaceae - M 41
Onobrychis - M 227
Asclepias - M 41
Pisum 224, 470
Ceropegia 307.428.434
Pisum - M 469
Cent.aurea 254
Trifollum 65
Chonclrilla 228
Viela18,19,148.365.388,431. 432.469,
Gorteria 191
Vicia - M 224.470
Mutisia 133
Balanophoraceae 136
Quercus 377
Hydrocharitaceae 85,104
Begonia I
Stratiotes 104
Catalpa 217
Clusia 306
Lauraceae - M 342 Encyclia 340 Polemoniilceae
298.303.310.311.316.317.318.319.320. Polemonium - M 271
321.322.323.324.325.326.327,328.329. Polygonaceae
330.331.336.340.341.344.345.346.347. Polygonum 418. 419
348.349.350.353.360.362.363.368.369, Portulacaceae
370.373.375.381.382,383.384,394,395. Anacampseros 277
453. 459.46:0.465
Dodccatheon - M 269
Acianthlls 204
Arla 285.307. :140. 428. '1:34.459
Ratllesia 462
Aret.husa - M 422
Brassia 340
Delphinium 351
Brassia - M 459
Rosaceae 102,227
Bulbophyll um 231
Rosaceae - M 377
Calochi1us 146.206.407.408
Cra taegus - M 377
Calypso 303
Catasetina 436 Galium 198
Mohavea 262 Lantalla - M 41
Pedicularis 269
Silenaceae 224. 2:32. 471 Bryophyta (Br) 33. 55.142
Spergula 232.471 Splanchnaceae 33
Vaccaria 224 Tetraplodon 142
Taccaceae 128
Thymeleaceae Fungi 70,385,366, 372,452
Pimelca - M 21O Phallus 385
Urticaceae Puccinia 366
Urtica - M 267 Uredinales 372
Verbenaceae Ustilaginaceae 70
Au,, 210,255,265.302,330,331,348,362,363,,80,81.82,83. 368.369,407.408,,409,410,4ll, 412, 413,
84.95,96.122.123,128,130.140,141,146. 451,465
178,186.193,201,202,203.204,205.206, Cp 4,59,102,191,277,278,279,280,281.282,
281 162, 163,164.
Ha 201. 298.42:1 165.166,167,172,
Ne 189.191.,216,224.
174. 175.lH4., 225.226,
406. 422.461 265,,281.282.
Nt 1. 10. ll. 1:1. 14. 25. 26. :lO. 41. 51. 58. 88, 283.284.285,287.297,307.311.312,313. 316,317.318.319,320.321.322.323.324. 325.326.327.328.329,333.334.343.344. 345.346.347.349.350.353.365,367.370.
299.306.310.314.342.352.356.357.364. 371.373.375.376.377.378.380,381.382.
380.390.436,452.458.459,461,464 383.384.385.386.388.389.394.395.397.
P2.3. 5.& 8.9. ll.17.18.19,2Q2 29.32. 403.413.416.417,418,419,420.421,424,,57. 426,428,429,430,431,432.434.440.441,,94. 445.446.447.448,449.450.453.456,462,,101.102, 103,104. 105. 463.466,467,469,470,471
106.109.,115, 116, pt 9. ll. 17. 29, 58. 70, 73. 74, 287. 333. 334. 376,380,389,395,397,424.462
C29., 441.442.443.444,445,446.447.448,449.,386.389. 450.451,452,453.454,455.457.459.460.
396.399.457.464 461.462.463,465.467.468
MFl,,9.10.ll., Md,404,30. Mlf 30, 82. 93, 95, 96, 99, 105, 106, 107. 108.
35.36.37.:18.39, 40.41. 42.43,44.45, 46. 109.113,114, 115.147,149. 168.182,183, 185.203,212,213.217,218.219.220,221. 7:l. 74.75. 236.238,,86.87. 336.340,341,343.355,360,375.390,391. 392,400.406.414,427,436.439.442.444 106.107.108. 109.110. MI 1. 10.26, 305. 400. 430, Mlv 145.200.215,305.455
120. 126. 127,128. MLv 16, 32, 65, 102. 121, 130. 147. 152, 153.
129.131. 132.134. 135.136.137. 138.139. 154.,181. 186. 187.209.
140. 141.143.144. 146.147. 149.150. 151. 228,229.230,
160.161. 168.169. 342.357,364.367.377.387,396.397.399,, 414.424.455,456,457.458,460
181.182. 1H:, MSd 19,31. 52, 121, 148. 179. 198.224. 225.
191.192. 193.195. 196.197, 199.201. 202. 226.227,,308,,212. 337.359.389.432,457.469.470,221.222. MSx 2. 3. 5, 7. 8. 20. 24. 35. 42. 44.45, 46. 47. 48.49,,64,75,76,77, 78, 79. 80, 84, 86, 95. 103. 120. 122. 125,
251.252.25:l.254.255.2S6.260.261.2G2. 126.138. 140, 141.143,146.160. 161.162,,271.272. 163.166.167,169.172,188.189, 196.201.
273.274.275,, 206.240.241,242,243,244.245.246,247.,253,255.260,265.
30 305.307.310.311.312.313.31 31 297,305,316,317.318,319.320.321,322.
316. :l17. :l18. ;>19.320.321.:l22.323. 324, 323.324.325.326,327.328,329,330.331,
325.326.327.328.329.330.:l31.332.333. 336.340.344,345,346.347.348.349.350,
334.335. 3:16.:l:l8.:1:19.:l40.:041.343. 344. 353.355,362,363.370.381,382.383.384,
345.:l46.347.348.349.350.351.352.353. 394.400,403,407.408,409.410,411,412,
354.355.358.360.361.362.363.366.368. 413,416,417,420,421,429,439.441,442.
369.370.371.373.374.375.376.378.379, 447.448.449.450,451.453,455,457,463.
380.381.382.383.384.390.393.394.395. 465
396.398.400.402.403.405.406.407.408. MW 18, 19. 34, 148. 180, 181. 187, 198, 207,
409.410.411.412.413.414.415.416,417. 224.225,226,227.228.232,233,276,365,
420.421.422.423,425.426.427.428,429. 388,401,414,418,419,431.432.455,457.
430,433.434.435.436.437.438.439,440. 460.469,470.471
Aluterus 259
A Alydinae 244
Alydus 244
Abia 249
Amata 253
Abramites 259
Amauris 255
Abraxas 251
Ambystom 260
Abrus 279
Ameiva 276
Acanthaspis 245
Ammophila 250
Acanthiza 263
Amnemopsyche 251
Acanthurus 259
AmorphophaJlus 279
Acarina 242
Amphelotoma 249
Acauloplacella 243
Amphicalia 251
Acianthus 280
Amphidesmus 246
Acidalia 251
Amphipoda 242
Acinonyx 26:'\
Amphiprion 259
Acraea 254
Amphisbaenidae 261
Acraeinae 254
Amyciaea 241
Acrididae 243
Anacampseros 280
Acridotheres 276
AD.aea 256
Anartia 256
Acroceridae 258
Ana!.ea 242
Acrodegmia 252
Acromvrmex 249
Aeron cía 252
Anemonia 240
Anguis 261
Aerotylus 24:'\
Aniliidae 261
Actinidia 279
Animalia 240
Actinidiaeeae 279
Ankylosauridae 261
Actinoe 256
Annelida 240
Aeuleata 248
Annonaceae 279
Acyphoderes 246
Anobiidae 246
Anobium 246
Adalia 246
Adelpha 256
Anolis 276
Aclenanclra 280
Anopheles 258
Anoplocnemis 244
Adenophis 261
Aegeria 252
Anoplodactylus 242
Aegialitis 262
Antennarius 259
Aegyptocoris 244
Antepione 251
Aenictus 249
Anthia 246
Aeolidla 241
Anthicidae 246
Aesculaceae 27fJ
Anthidium 248
Aeseulus 279
Anthocharis 257
Aethria 252
Anthrenus 276
Atrotis 262
Anthribidae 246
Agaristidae 251
Anthus 276
Agelaius 276
Antipathes 240
Aglaia 280
Anyperodon 259
Aglia 252
Apanthesis 251
Agr 246
Apatele 252
Agrias 254
Aphantochilidae 241
Agrogorytes 281
Aphantochilus 241
Agylla 251
Aphididae 245
Achenura 244
Aphidoidea 281
Acherontia 252
Aphidomorpha 245
Alaena 254
Aphis 245
Aleiodes 249
Aphrophoridae 245
Aleochara 247
Apiocera 258
Alethis 251
Apioceridae 258
Algae 263
Apis 248. 281
Alia 241
Aplysia 241
Alpheus 242
Apocyrtidius 246
Altica 246
Apogonidae 259
Aporia 257
Baronia 257
Nrhimestra 256
Bicyc1us 256
l\riocarpus 279 Bignoniaceae 279
Arisarum 279
birďs dropping 264
Nistolochia 279
Bitis 261
Aristolochiaceae 279
Blastobasidae 251
Armadillium 242
Blattodea 243
Artogeia 257
Blepharis 243
Arum 279
Boiga 261
Asciclia 240
Bombacaceae 279
Asclepiadaceac 279
Bombina 260
Asclepias 279
Bombinae 248
Aspictontus 259
Bootetrix 243
Astcraceae 279
Bordeta 251
Asterope 256
Bosellia 241
Asthena 251
Boslra 243
Astropyga 240
Bothragonus 259
Astyanax 259
Bothriomyrmex 249
Atelopus 260
Bothrops 261
Atemelcs 247
Bovidae 263
Aterica 256
Braconidae 249
Athalia 250
Brachinus 246
Athermantus 249
Brachiopoda 240
Athyma 256
Brachocles 251
Atlic1es 254
Brachodiclae 251
Atrophaneura 257
Brachymeria 249
AHa 249
Brachynemurus 250
Attacus 252
Brachyrhamdia 259
Austrochares 250
Brachyura 242
Austrospirachtha 247
Brassia 280
Automeris 252
Brassica 279
Aves 261, 262, 275
Brassicaceae 279
Ova 262
Brassolinae 254
Brenthidae 246
B Brithis 252
Baccha 258
Bromeliaeeae 279
Baculum 243
Bryophyta 263. 281
Balanophoraceac 279
Bubo 262
Balboa 243
Bulo 276
Ballus 241
Bulbophyllum 280
Balssia 242
Bunocephalus 259
Barberiella 244
Bupalus 251
Buprestidae 246
Causus 261
Burmaniaceae 279
Ceiha 279
Butia 279
Centaurea 279
c Centroctena 252
Centropyge 259
Cabera 251
Cepea 241
Cacatlla 262
Cephalopoda 241
Cactaceac 279
Cephalotaceae 279
Cactoblastis 252
Cephalotes 249
Caduga 256
Cerambycidae 246
Caenocoris 244
Cerceris 250
Caenurgia 252
Cercyonis 256
Calaclenia 280
Ceria 258
Calaclium 279
Cerioides 258
Calamaria 261
Cerodirphia 252
Callicista 254
Cerotoma 246
Callicore 256
Cerura 252
Callimorpha 251
Cervicoris 244
Calliophis 261
Cettia 263
Cal1iphoridae 258
Cicadellldae 245
Calloplesiops 259
Cicadoidea 245
Callopteryx 24��
Cicindela 246
Callosamia 252
Cicinclelidae 246
Calluna 279
Cichla 259
Calobata 258
Cichliclae 259
Calocaecilius 244
Cilix 251
Calocal11p a 252
Cimbex 249
Calolal11pra 243
Cinc1us 262
Calol11yrmex 249
Cirrhospila 247
Calopogon 280
Cirripedia 242
Caloptenus 243
Cistaceae 279
Calopteron 24:,
Cistus 279
Calotcs 276
Clamator 262, 263
C::Jlycanthaceae 279
Cleridae 246
Calycanthus 279
Cliffortia 280
Call1panulaccae 279
Clusia 279
Call1pephilus 262
Clytanthus 246
Camponoticlea 244
Clytra 246
Camponotus 249
Clytrinae 246
Canthariclae 246
Clytus 246
Canthiclerl11is 259
Cnemida 247
Canthigaster 259
Cnemiclophorus 276
Carineta 245
Coelocnemis 247
Carnivora 263
Cochlidiidae 251
Carterocephalus 254
Cochlidion 251
Carthaea 251
Coilopus 245
Cassiclinae 246
Colaenis 257
Castnia 251
Coleophora 251
Castnilclae 251
Coleophoridae 251
Catalpa 279
Coleoptera 245, 276, 281
Catasetina 280
Colias 257
Cathartes 262
Colletidae 248
Catocala 252
Collocallia 276
Catophlebia 254
Colobopsis 249
Caudata 260
Coloborhombus 246
Colossoma 259
Cyanocitta 276
Colubrlclae 261
Cydosa 241
Concochares 252
Cycnia 251
Condy!oclcra 243
Cyllndrophis 261
Conopidac 258
Cymatophoridae 251
Conospermum 26:
Cymindis 246
Conslgnis 241
Cynipidae 249
Conus 241 Cyperaceae 279
Convolvu!us 26��
Cyphonia 245
Cope ognath a 244
Cypripedi um 280
Copepod a 242
Coquillettia 244
Coralium 240
Coreidae 244
Dacetini 249
Corematodus 259
Danainae 254
Coreoidea 244
Danaus 255
Coreoperca 259
Daphnis 252
Coronella 261
Corrina 241
Dasy lls 258
Corvidae 276
Dasymutilla 249
Cossyphus 247
Deilephila 252
CoUiclae 259
Delias 257
Cotllrnix 276
Delph inium 280
Crassllla 279
Dendrobates 260
Crassulaeeae 279
Dendrobatidae 260
Crataegus 280
Dendrobium 280
Cratcropus 276
Dendroica 263
Crcmatogaster 249
Dendrophlyniscus 260
Crcssida 256
Denops 246
Cricctlls 26: Deocrania 246
Crinoidea 240
Depreissia 241
Cri"ccris 246
Dermaptera 244
Crococ1vlia 261
Dermestidae 276
Croesus 250
Diabrotica 246
Crotalidae 261
Diacrisia 251
Crotaphopeltis 261
Dlanthoecia 252
Crotocini 247
Diapheromera 243
Crl1stacea 242
D iapr iidae 249
Cryptomima 252
Diellis 250
Cryptomim us 247
Diestogyna 257
Cryptopsaras 259
Di gital is 280
Cryptorhynchus 246
Di lophonta 252
Crypturus 249
Dinosauria 261
Crypllls 249. 281
Diodon 259
C/c'J1('phora 258
Diopsid ae 258
ClIculidae 262. 263. 276
Dioptidae 251
Cucullia 252
Dioptis 251
Cucurbltaecae 279
Diplopoda 242
Culex 25il
Dip odium 280
Culicic1ae 258
Diprionid ae 249
Cupania 280
Dipsas 261
Curcll!ionidac 246
Diptera 257. 276. 281
Cuthona 241
Dissoglottini 248
Cyaneoc1illodes 246
Distoclllm 240
Diuris 280
Eremiaphila 243
Doliehodenls 249
Eremobiites 243
Dolichopodida(> 258
Eremocharis 243
Dolichovespula 250
Eremurus 280
Dorylidae 249
Eria 280
Dmylomímini 247
Ericaceae 279
Dorylus 276
Ericococcidae 245
Dracenta 252
Erikssonía 256
Draconitum 279
Eristalis 258
Drakea 280
Erithacus 276
Drepanidae 251
Ero 241
Drepanocerus 247
Eronía 257
Dromica 246
Eruca 279
Drurya 257
Elycinidae 254
Drya�lula 255
Erynnis 254
Dryocopus 262
Erysimum 279
Dulichius 244
Erythrolamprus 261
Dynastor 254
Estigmena 247
Dysdercus 244
Estrildídae 262
Dysschema 251
Euccra 281
Dysygonia 243
Ellclidea 252
Eudema 246
E Eudynamys 262
Eueides 255
Ecballium 279
Euglossa 248
Eccoptoptera 246
Euglossíní 248
Ecítocharini 247
Eugnathíchthys 259
Ecitomorpha 247
Eucharltidae 249
Eciton 249
Eulaema 248
Ecitoniclac 249
Eulophía 280
Ectemnius 250
Eumaeus 254
Eľferia 276
Eumeces 261
Egretta 262
Eumenes 250
Egyboli s 252
Eumenidae 250
Echeanclia 280
Eumenis 256
Echinoclermata 240
Eumomota 276
Echinoidea 240
Eunomia 256
Echis 261
Eupackardía 252
Elapiclae 261
Euphaedra 251. 256
Eleocles 247
Euphorbía 279
Eleutherodactylus 260
Euphorbíaceae 279
Elidothynn us 250
Euphrasía 280
Emberízídac 276
Euploeínae 255
Enlesa 245
Eupoclotis 262
Empllsa 243
Euptychia 256
EncycIia 280
Euralia 256
Endomvchidae 247
Euroís 252
Epicopeídae 251
Eurycea 260
Epidendrum 280
Eurynebría 246
Epil ac hn a 246
Eurypyga 262
Epipactis 280
Eurytela 256
Epirhyssa 249
Eurytides 257
EpísCéida 255
Euschistus 244
Epithalassius 258
Eustheinae 244
Eplophorus 246
Euthore 243
Equus 26:3
Euxanthe 254
Erellia 256
Evantissa 243
Exhipolysl11�lta 242
Gymnothorax 259
ExogloSSlll1l 259
Gypona 245
Extatosoma 24:,
Gyrophaena 247
Fa1Jaceaf:' 279
Halichoeres 259
faece;; 264
Halticinae 246
F agace ae 279
Hal11adryas 256
Fenisca 254
Heliconiinae 255, 281
Fictls 280
Hehcopsyche 250
Fiata 245
Hdicoptera 245
F1atidae 245
Heliothryx 262
Flatoides 245
Helleriella 246
Forcipiger 259
Hel11idaga 251
Formic;] 249
Hemileuca 252
Formicomus 246
Hemlodontidac 259
Fowleria 259
Hemlpepsis 250
Franklinothrips 244
Heoeles 254
Fringilla 263
Hepialidae 251
Fl1l Olidae 245
Herpetotheres 276
Heterogastrinae 244
G Heterochroa 256
j-jeteroneminae 243
Gdastocoridae 244
Homo 263, 276
Gelastocoris 244
j-jomodes 252
Geolnetn1 251
Homoptera 281
Gcometriclac 251
Hoplitis 252
Geol1lyda 261
Horama 253
Glyptapantcles 249
1-lya1ophora 252
Gnaphosidac 241
Hyalymenus 244
Gohius 259
Hyantis 255
Godyris 255
Hydrocharitaceae 279
Go<,,, 246
Hyclromedusa 261
Gonasidia 247
Hydrophiidae 261
Goneptcryx 257
Hyrlrozoa 240
Gongylus 243
Hvla 276
Gonodontis 251
H leoides 248
Gooycl era 280
Hylidae 260. 276
Gorteria 279
Hylobittacus 250
Gossyparia 245
Hymenitis 255
Graphiul1l 257
Hymenoptera 247, 276. 281
GraphOSOl1lH 244
Hymenoplls 243
Hypatima 251
Inseet immature stages 258
Hypera 251
eocoons 259
Hyperaspis 246
eggs 259
Hypercchia 258
r ae
Hypericaceae 279
pupae 259
Hyperiidae 242
Insecta 242, 243, 276
Hypertriehia 258
lnsectivora 263
Hyphantria 251
lracundus 259
Hypolimnas 256
lsatis 263
Hypopleetms 259
lschnoptera 251
Hypoponera 249
Ischnura 243
I-Iypothyris 256
lsopera 244
I-Iypsa 252
Isoptera 243
Hypsidae 251
Itaballia 257
I-Iypsiglena 261
lthomia 255
lthomiinae 255
Ch Ityraea 245
lxias 257
Chaerocampa 252
Chaerodes 247
Chaetodon 25q
Chaetodontoplus 259
Jacaratia 279
Chalcididae 249
Jaclcra 245
Chakic1oic1ea 24�j
Chai<:ites 262
Chalcosia 25:0
Chalybion 250
Kallima 256
Chamc1rii 262
Kittacincla 276
Charaxes 254
Charaxiinae 254
Chauliognathus 246
Chelicerata 241
Labia 244
Cheliferoicles 241
Labroides 259
Chelonia 261
Lacerta 276
Chelymorpha 246
Lacuna 241
Chilasa 256. 257
Lagonosticta 262
Chiloglottis 280
Lachesis 261
Chilomycterus 259
Lamellarla 241
Chirorlamus 250
Lamellicornia 247
Chlevastes 25q
Lampropeltis 261
Chlorippe 256
Lampyridae 247
Chloris 276
Lanius 263, 276
Chlosyne 256
Lantana 281
Cholus 246
Laothoe 252
Chonc1rilla 279
Laphria 258
Chromis 259
Laphriclae 258
Chrol11odoris 241
Larentia 251
Chrysohothris 246
Lariclae 262
Chrysomelidae 246
Lasiocampidae 252
Chrysopic1ae 250
Lasioglossum 281
Chthamallls 242
Lasiurus 263
Lasius 249
I Laternaria 245
Lathyrus 279
Ickri<lae 262
Latreut.es 242
Jctcrus 262
Latrodectus 242
Idolothlipinae 244
Lauraceae 280
ldoluffi 243
Leaina 244
Idrusia 256
Leioproctus 248
lldihaha 242
Leistotrophus 247
Incun'ariiclae 252
Lepicloptera 250, 276, 281
Lepis 259
Leporella ·2HO
Leporinus 25H
Leptalis 257
Macronyx 262
Maculinea 254
Maepha 251
Malaconotlls 262
Leptanillophilini 247
Malachidae 247
Leptoderes 255
Mallophaga 244
Leptomyrina 254
Mallophora 258
Leptoptilus 276
Mallota 258
Leptynia 243
Malurinae 262
Leto 251
Malllrus 263
Lf"ucf'ronia 257
Mammalia 263. 276
L eucothyris 257
Mandrilllls 276
Leurognathus 260
Manrluca 252
Lnwlloirks 250
Maniola 256
Lilwllula 243
Mansonia 258
LnWlhra 243
Mantis 243
Lihythca 254
Mantispa 250
Lichenes 263
Mantoida 243
Liliaceae 280
Martclla 241
Limenitis 255
Mastophora 241
LiInnas 254
Mathetcus 247
Lineacea" 280
Mecas 246
Linum 280
Mccocorynlls 246
254 Megachilc 248
Lissocarta 245
Megalurus 262
Lithinus 246
Megymenllm 244
Lilhodytes 260
Mechanitis 255
Lithocharis 247
Meiacanthlls 259
Lithops 280
Melanolophia 251
Littorin8 241
Melanophrynisclls 260
Lixus 246
Melecla 281
Loasaccae 280
Melicaceae 280
Lohotes 259
Mclinaea 255
L()cllsta 244
Melinospila 247
Lopidea 244
Meliphaga 276
Loranthac('ae 280
Melitaea 255
Lorantlms 280
Melitaeninae 255
Loriidae 262
Mellivora 263
Loris 276
Meloe 247
Lotus 279
Meloirlae 247
Lllcayablennius 259
Melolonthirlae 281
Lueinia 256
Melursus 276
Luffia 252
Membracirlae 245
Lupinlls 279
Membracis 245
Luljanus 259
Mentzelia 2RO
L ycacnida e 254
Mephitis 276
Lycidae 247
Meris 251
Lycorllorpha 25�3
Merodon 258
Lymsa 276
Merops 276
LyclIs 247
Mcsembryanthemum 280
Lyga<:ir!cle 244
Mesoborus 259
LygaPlls 244
Mesobuthlls 242
Lymantria 252
Mesoplatyx 246
Lymantriid8e 252
Messaga 251
Lymexilonida,·' 247
Metapocyrtus 246
Lymire 2RI
Metischnogaster 250
Lyont'tia 252
Metriorrhynchus 247
Lyone1iir!:J C 252
Metriotes 243
Lysí rophis 26 J
Microdon 258, 281
Ly!l" 247
Microhiera.x 276
Lyttomeloc 247
Micropezidae 258
Microtlls 276
M Micruroides 261
Micrurlls 261
Macmglossa 252
Milesiinae 258
Macrochelidae 242
Miltinus 258
Min];Jcraea 254
Nasua 276
Mimanomma 247
Nasutitermes 243
Mimeciton 247
Natrix 261
Mimeta 262
Neacoryphus 244
Mimetlca 244
Neapogenes 255
Mimetidac 241
Necrophllus 247
Mlme!u s 241
Necrophorus 247
Mimoncctes 242
Nectarina 248
Mimopri" 249
Nectariniidae 262
Mimus 262
Nematinae 250
MiIidae 244
Nemophini 259
Misumena 242
Nemorla 251
Misumcninae 242
Nemotelus 258
Modisimus 241
Neocalliprason 246
Mohavea 281
Neocossyphus 262
Moloch 261
Neolamprologus 259
Molophilus 258
Neophasia 257
Molothrus 263
Neoponera 249
Moma 252
Neorhacodes 249
Monachoides 241
Neoterpes 251
Moncilema 247
Neottieae 280
Monocirrhus 259
Nepenthaceae 280
Monomorium 249
Nephila 276
Monstera 279
Nepidae 244
Moraceae 280
Neptidopsis 255
Mordella 247
Neptis 255
Mordelliclae 247
Nesiomiris 244
Morphinae 255
Nessaea 256
Morpho 256
Neuroptera 250
Motacilla 276
Nictocris 246
Mulloiclichthys 259
Noctlla 252
Mus 276
Nomada 248
Muscicapa 276
Norasuma 251
Muscivora 276
Nothopeus 246
Mutilla 249
Nothybus 258
Mutillidae 249
Notocyrtus 245
Mutisia 279
Notodonta 252
Myca1esis 256
Notoclontidae 252
Mycetophilidae 258
Notophthalmlls 260
Mydas 258
Notoxopria 249
Mydidac 258
Nudibranchia 241
Mygnimima 250
Nychitona 257
Mylabris 247
Nymphaea 280
Myleus 259
Nymphalidae 254
Mvlothris 257
Nympha1inae 256
Mynes 256
Nymphalis 256
Myodites 247
Nympheaceae 280
Myrmarachne 241
MyrmecaphOflius 247
Myrmecia 249
Mynnecillm 241
Obelia 240
Myrmecophana 244
Ocypoda 242
Myrmecophila 244
Odonata 243
MyrmecOlis 244
Odontopera 251
Myrmecotyplls 241
Odontoxenia 258
Myrmedonia 247
Odyneropsis 248
Myrmegrylllls 244
Odynerus 250
Myrmica 249
Oecophoridae 252
Myrtaceae 280
Oecophylla 249
Ocdemagena 258
N Oeclemansla 252
Oedemeridae 247
Nabidae 244
Oedionychia 246
Nahis 244
Ocdipoda 244
Naenoecia 245
Oeneis 256
Ogcoc\es 258 Pareronia 257
OÍeria 255 Paricles 257
Oncic\eres 240 Parmelia 263
Onciclium 280 Parnassia 280
Oncopeltus 244 Parnassius 257
Oncotophasma 24 i Paramia 256
Oneinella 248 Parapsicles 246
Onohrychis 279 Parapsinae 246
Onychorhynehus 202 Parthestina 256
Ophidia 260, 20I, 275, 2RI Panllidae 262
Ophiopsila 240 Paru;; 262, 276
Ophillroic\ea 240 Parviturho 241
Ophrys 280 Passer 276
Opisthohranchia 241 Passeriformes 262, 263
Oplophorus 242 Passiflora 280
Opsiphanes 254 Passifloraceae 280
Orasema 249 Pazala 257
Orclgarius 241 Pedicularis 281
Orectoclerus 244 Pediocactus 279
Oreophrynella 260 Pelamis 261
Orchesticus 262 Peltodoris 241
Orchic\aceae 280 Pemptolasius 246
Orchis 263, 280 Pentacora 245
Oriolu;; 262 Pentatomidae 244
Orisma 241 Penthema 257
Orniclia 258 Penthia 253
Ornithoptera 257 Pepsis 250
Ornithoscatoides 242 Pereute 257
Orthoclerella 243 Pergesa 252
Orthopenthea 280 Pericopidae 252
Orthoptera 243 Perilypus 246
Orxincs 24:3 Perisoreus 276
Osmia 248, 281 Perissocephalus 259
Otionotus 245 Perodicticus 276
Otocinclus 259 Peromyscus 276
Otophryne 260 Perrhybris 257
Ourapteryx 251 Pertyia 246
Ovula 241 Petroica 263
Oxylic\es 254 Peucetia 241
Oxylophus 262 Pezomachus 249
Oxyopidae 241 Phalacrocorax 276
Oxyrhoplls 261 Phalarapus 262
Oxytenic\ae 252 Phalera 252
Oxytenis 252 Phallus 281
Phaneropteridae 244
p Pharmacophagus 257
Phasianus 276
Pachlioptcra 257 Phasmatodea 243
Palaemon 242 Pheidolegeton 247
Panaxia 251 Pheucticus 262
Pangora 245 Phidippus 241
Panolis 252 Phigalia 251
Panorpata 250 Philaenus 245
Panthea 252 Philaethria 255
Panthera 263, 276 Philemon 262
Pantopoda 242 Philotermes 258
Panurgus 248 Philotes 254
Papili, ; 257 Philyclor 262
Papilio darclanus 257 Phloea 244
Papiliochromis 259 Phloeidae 244
Papilionidae 256, 257 Phlogophora 252
Pappognatha 249 Phoenicurus 263, 276
Paracraea 256 Pholcidae 241
Paracyphocaris 242 Pholcus 241
Paragus 258 Pholidoptera 244
Paragymnomma 281 Pholus 252
Paralllteres 259 Photinus 247
Paranthrene 252 Photuris 247
Paraponera 249 Phragmatobia 251
Parclosa 241 Phrissura 257
Phromnia 245
Polel11onium 280
Phrurolithus 241
Polia 252
Phrynobatrachus 260
Polistes 250
Phrynocaria 246
Polybla 250
Phrynomerus 260
Polybiinae 250
Phrynosoma 261
Polycera 241
Phyaccs 242
Polyclada 240
Phycidodes 256
Polygonaceae 280
Phyciocles 255
Polygonia 256
Phycoicles 255
Polygonul11 280
Phylinae 244
Polyhirma 246
Phyllic1ia 241
Polyplectron 262
PhylliUl11 24;,
polyrhachls 249
Phvllohates 2GO
Polystachya 280
Ph lloeranla 243
Pomacea 241
Phyllodonta 251
Pomacentric1ae 260
Phyllomorpha 244
POl11pilidae 249
Phyllophora 244
Porifera 240
Phylloscirtus 244
Portia 242
Phymateus 244
Pothea 245
Ph sodera 246 Precis 256
Phytohius 246
Pril110vula 241
Phytoc1eda 246
Primula 280
Pica 262
Primulaceae 280
Pici,lae 276
Probegeria 247
Pieridopsis 256
Probolodus 260
Pieris 257
Probolops 241
Pilophorus 244
Procollina 245
Pimelea 281
Progn 262
Pimephales 260
Progne 276
Pimplinae 249
Prosopis 248
Pipraeic!ea 276
Proteles 263
Pirales 245
protylocera 258
PiSt1111 279
Pryeria 253
Pilangus 276
Psal11modynastes 261
Pitohui 262
Psaml110charidae 250
Pítuophis 261
Psaphis 253
Plagioptera 244
Psephenldae 247
Plagiotremus 2(-)0
Pseudacraea 256
Platypsylliclae 247
Pseucloscorpionida 242
Plect.orhynchus 260
Pseustes 261
Pldhodontidac 260
Psithyrus 248
Pleuroclema 260
Psocoptera 244
Pleuronectidac 260
Psocus 244
Pleus!es 242
Psophodes 276
Pliocerctls 261
Psychidae 252
Ploceus 276
Psyllic1ae 245
Plusia 252
Pterinoxylus 243
Poaceae 280
pternohyla 260
Podarcis 261
Pterochroldae 244
Poc1ot.richa 255
Ptcrochroza 244
Poekilocerus 244
Pterois 260
Pogonia 280
Pterophoridae 252
Pogonomyrmex 249
PLerostylis 280
Polemoniaceae 280
Ptilonorhynchidae 262
Scaera 258
Q Scaphidura 263
Scaphiodontophis 261
Q uer cus 2ml. 279 Scaphura 244
Scaptia 258
R Scarabaeidae 247
Sce1oporus 276
RaHlesia 280 Scepastus 244
RaHlesiaceae 280 . Sciuridae 263
Rana 276 Sclerocactus 279
Ranatra 244 Scolecophis 261
Ranunculaceae 280 Scoliidae 250
Recurvirostra 262 Scorpaeniclae 260
Recluviidae 244. 245 Scorpaenodes 260
Regulus 276 Scorpiones 242, 276
Re ptilia 260. 276, 281 Scrophulariaceae 280
Rehculitermes 243 Scurria 241
Rhacocl opteron 24 9 seeds 264
Rhagoletis 258 Selandria 250
Rhamphiophis 261 Selenia 251
Rhiginia 245 Semiothisa 251
Rhinastus 246 Senecio 263
Rhinoestrus 258 Senoculidae 242
Rhinocheilus 261 Senoculus 242
Rhinopias 260 Sepioteuthis 241
Rhi nopithecus 263 Sepsidae 258
Rhinopsis 250 Serapias 280
Rhipiphoriclae 247 Sesarma 242
Rhocloclendron 279 Sesia 252
Rhodoclipsa 252 Sesiidae 252
Rhomphaea 242 Setophaga 262
Rh o palidae 245 Schaffneria 244
Rhopalocera 253 Schinia 252
Rhopalogaster 247 Schistocerca 244
Rhynchocephalia 276 Schizelythron 247
Rhynchops 262 Schizocasia 279
Rhyparochrominac 244 Schizostylus 241
Riptortus 244 Silenaceae 281
Rodatus 246 Sima 249
Roclentia 276 Simophis 261
Rogas 249 Sinomantis 243
Rosaceae 280 Siona 251
Rothschilclia 252 Siphamia 260
Rubiaceae 280 Siphonophora 240
Rubus 26:1 Sipyloidea 243
Runula 260 Sirthenea 245
Rutaceae 280 Sistrurus 261
Smerinthus 252
s Smyrna 256
Solenopsis 249
Sabethes 258 Solenostomus 260
Saccoglossa 263 Sonora 261
Saitis 242 Sorex 263
Spalerosophis 261
Systropinae 258
Spalgis 254
Systropus 258
Spathieera 258
Specotheres 262
Spergula 281
Sphecomorpha 246
Taccaceae 281
Spheniscidae 276
Taenaris 255, 256
Spheniscomyia 258
Taeniopocla 244
Spheniscus 262
Tagetes 254
Sphenoclon 276
Tachiniclae 258, 276, 281
Sphingiclae 252
Tachygoniclius 246
Sphinx 252
Takydrol11us 276
Sphodromantis 243
Taleporinae 252
Spiculea 280
Tamias 276
Spilaretia 251
Tamnophis 275
Spilomyia 258
Tapera 262
Spilosoma 251
Tapinella 244
Spilostethus 244
Tapinoma 249
Spindasis 254
Taricha 260
Spiniger 245
TeJescopus 261
Spintherops 252
TelleIVo 255
Spirachthocles 247
Temnostoma 258
Spirorbis 240
Tenebrioniclae 247
Spizella 263
Tenodera 276
Splanchnaceae 281
Tenthrediniclae 250
Spocloptera 252
Tenuicoris 244
Stalachtis 254
Teratolepis 261
Staphylinidae 247
Teratoscincus 261
Stauropus 252
Termiticlae 243
Steganura 262
Terl11itomimus 247
Stenomorpha 247
Termitoxenia 258
Stenopleustes 242
Termitoxeniidae 258
Stenopus 241
Terpsiphone 276
Sterna 262
Tetralonia 281
Stichophthalma 255
Tetralonlella 281
Stizorhina 262
Tetraoclon 260
stone 264
Tetraplodon 281
Stratiomyidae 258
Tettigoniidae 244
Stratiomys 258
Tettigonioidea 244
Stratiotes 279
Thalassa 246
Strigidae 262
Thamnophis 261
Strombus 241
Thaumalea 258
Strophius 242
Thaumaleiclae 258
Strophosol11us 246
Thecla 254
Struthio 262
Thelaxiclae 245
Stryl110n 254
Thelotornis 261
Sturmia 276
Thelymitra 280
Sturnella 262
Thelymitreae 280
Sturnus 276
Theretra 252
Styliclium 280
Theridiiclae 242
Stylonurus 260
Therion 249
Styx 255
Tholymis 243
Suana 252
Thomisiclae 242, 276
Sufflal11en 260
Thomisus 242
Sylphiclae 247
Thrixion 258
Syl11petrul11 243
Thyatira 251
Syl11phorus 260
Thymallus 260
Syl11plocarpus 279
ThYl11eleaceae 281
Synel:110syna 242
Thynnus 281
Synchlora 251
Thyria 251
Synoclontis 260
Thyrididae 253
Synoeca 250
Thysanoptera 244
Syntol11eicla 253
Timocratica 252
Syringobium 242
Tineidae 253
Syringogaster 258
Tinthia 252
Systellonotus 244
Tiruma1a 255
Ti1horea 2G5 Vanessa 256
Tmolus 254 Vanessula 256
Torpinia 279 Venilfa 251
Tortricic1ae 253 Veratrum 280
ToxotJypana 2GB Vcrhenaccae 281
Trahala 2G2 Verl11ivora 262
Tra p l"zia 242 Veromessor 249
Trematoda 240 Vertebrata 259, 276
Trentepholia 25B Vespa 250
Triatonlinae 245 Vespitinea 253
Triconclyia 246 Vespoidea 250
Trifolium 279 Vespula 250
Trio:(ona 248. 281 Veteria 263
Tri Oni(liurn 280 Vlcia 279
Tri hi lls 247 Victorina 256
Trichoceros 2100 Vidua 262
Tricholana 2:12 Vidllidae 262
Trichopscnills 25B Viduinae 262
TrichoptLTa 250 Vipera 261
Tľichuré1 2 �) Viperlrlae 261
Trilnbitol11orpha 241 Viscum 280
Triscolia 2GO
Triscyphus 27q w
Triticum 280
Trogonoptera 257
Tr o (' hilicla c 262 x
Tropicloclryas 261
Trypdicla e 258 Xanthocryptus 249
Zacryptocerus 249
Um!JoJlia 245
Zamacra 251
Ureclillales 210 1
Zegris 257
Urcsiphita 252
Zervnthia 257
Uroclynal11is 262
Zeth era 256
Urop elt icla c 261 Zicrona 244
Urotheca 261 Zirta 245
Urtica 210 I Zonocenls 244
Zygiella 276
Valgus 247
Zyrasini 247