Quickstart Guide
Quickstart Guide
Quickstart Guide
with QuickBase
QuickBase is a low-code platform that
enables citizen developers to build,
customize, and connect business apps.
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Learn the Log into your Know your Integrate with Become a
QuickBase QuickBase options for other apps power user
language account building apps
1 Learn the QuickBase language
Roles and permissions are ways for you to control who can
see or edit data within your apps.
his app has been modified or new entries have been added to
it since you last opened it.
You haven’t used this app yet (for example, it has just been
shared with you by another QuickBase user).
Your “My Apps” Page From this page you can also:
Download a pre-built app from the Exchange Work with expert partners to build a custom app
Work with an
expert partner
No Yes
The Exchange
No Yes
This option is meant to allow users to either paste Step 1: Format your spreadsheet for import by deleting blank
columns and rows of data from their clipboard, or fields and titles (Note: columns become fields and rows
to actually import a spreadsheet file into QuickBase. become individual records)
QuickBase will create a one table application and load all
Step 2: On the My Apps page, click “Create a new app”
of the data from the spreadsheet into that table.
Step 3: Select “Import a spreadsheet to create a new app” from
Once your data is imported, your app functions like a
the dialogue box
relational database, which enables you to divide data into
separate tables that are linked to each other. Step 4: Copy and paste, or import your spreadsheet by
uploading a file
The Exchange is a repository of apps that have been Step 1: On the My Apps page, click on QuickBase Exchange
submitted by QuickBase customers, users, developers,
Step 2: O
nce in the Exchange, use the search tool or the
or partners, and can be further edited to fit your needs.
categories tool to find an app similar to your needs
Any user can create their own copy of an app template by
downloading it from the Exchange. Step 3: Click on any app to view the details, including a
description, preview images, reviews and more
Apps from QuickBase Exchange can be used as they are,
as a starting point for more customized solutions or as an Step 4: Select the green “Get this app” button to download your
inspiration for apps build from scratch. copy of the app
Step 5: Explore the app, add, rename, delete tables and fields to
fit your unique workflows, customize the homepage with
different reports, and delete sample data
Building an app from scratch allows you to define the Step 1: On the My Apps page, click “Create a new app”
tables, fields and relationships that comprise it. Create
Step 2: Select “Build a new app from scratch” from the
an app that maps exactly to your unique needs and
dialogue box
processes, no coding required.
Step 3: Choose the “Database” method
Our no-code and low-code capabilities make it easy for
citizen developers to quickly build apps without writing a Step 4: Name your application, add any tables, records, and
single line of code. fields you’d like to begin with and press “create”
Beginner Intermediate
1 .) Start a new app through your chosen method 5.) Set up a custom notification
• Step-by-step documentation • How-to video
2.) C
hange the name of an app or table 6 .) Add and customize a report for your data
• How-to video • How-to video
• Step-by-step documentation
3.) Add a custom field
• How-to video 7 .) Set custom roles and permissions for app users
• Step-by-step documentation • Step-by-step documentation on roles
• Step-by-step documentation on permissions
4.) S
hare your app with a new team member
• Step-by-step documentation 8 .) Publish a form
• How-to video
• Step-by-step documentation
Are you stuck and want some one-on-one guidance? Explore the QuickBase Community, where experienced
Talk with a member of our support team to get help. developers and QuickBase staffers share tips and tricks.
You can search for a solution or post your own problem
Contact them here
for discussion.
QuickBase Help
If you ever have a question while using QuickBase, click
Another great resource for getting started is our webinar
the “Help” button on the top right hand side to instantly
series. Webinars are held daily and titles include:
access your resources. Search the online help to find
• New Customer Orientation • Learn QuickBase in
step-by-step instructions that range from creating a new
Minutes • Learn QuickBase for Sales and Support
report to setting up a custom dashboard.
• Learn QuickBase for Projects • Customizing Your
QuickBase • QuickBase Tips and Tricks
How-to videos
Resources | 18