Vista Print
Vista Print
Vista Print
If you are creating a PDF document in Acrobat Distiller, please use our Distiller settings.
210 x 297 mm
2480 x 3508 pixels
For optimal results, please use our pre-sized product templates which show
trim, safe margin and bleed lines for Adobe Products.
Please note: It is especially important to save your file with the “Guides” layer turned “OFF”; otherwise, the guides
will print.
To turn off the guides, click on the eyeball in the layers-“guides” menu.
If you are designing your own document and are not able to use one of our templates, please follow the instructions
Also, to prevent an unwanted white border from showing at the edge of your
document, be sure to extend any background colors or design elements all the
way to the edge. Please do not use crop marks as they are not compatible with
our upload process.
Since computer monitors use a different colour definition (RGB) than that used by professional printers (CMYK), you
should convert your document to use the CMYK color definition to achieve the most accurate color results. If your
software allows, use “CMYK: Web Coated (SWOP) V2” to see the most accurate representation of the final printed
When possible, use vector graphics created in a desktop publishing program. Vector images are different from photos
because they use mathematical equations to define each component of the image. Vector graphics retain high image
quality at any size.
Vector Image Raster Image
Text can be converted to curves (paths) in some graphics programs. This will fix upload errors that result when fonts
cannot be embedded in your file. In Illustrator, you can simply select the font and then use the Create Outlines
command (Shift+Control+O). Following this easy step will help ensure that your text prints clearly.