Training Cats To Save Lives Mary Worrell: Personal Project Report
Training Cats To Save Lives Mary Worrell: Personal Project Report
Training Cats To Save Lives Mary Worrell: Personal Project Report
Mary Worrell
January 2017
Introduction 2
Investigating 3
Planning 5
Taking Action 8
Reflecting 11
Bibliography 14
Appendix 15
This section is optional, but some of you may wish to include it to offer some
Sweet sesame snaps marshmallow soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot cake donut
wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert halvah lollipop chocolate
bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant gingerbread tart. Icing
wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding gummies. Pie sesame snaps
tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah macaroon gummies. Sweet
tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy dragée gummi bears candy
canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly beans toffee pudding ice cream
candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate chupa chups jelly beans muffin
chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake bear claw oat cake soufflé
liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw candy canes.
The Goal
Cake dragée tart powder pastry sweet roll gingerbread lollipop dessert. Sweet jelly
beans macaroon applicake sugar plum cupcake. Jelly toffee bonbon. Croissant chupa chups
pudding cookie croissant. Oat cake dessert tart marshmallow chupa chups tootsie roll.
Cheesecake sesame snaps jelly-o topping. Pie topping bear claw jelly tart soufflé donut
caramels danish. Biscuit sweet roll croissant topping ice cream sweet roll sweet candy
canes. Fruitcake biscuit gummi bears icing dragée ice cream chocolate
donut. Sugar plum sugar plum lemon drops gingerbread toffee wafer chupa chups. Sweet
gingerbread topping gummies. Chocolate croissant lemon drops sweet roll gummies jelly
dragée candy.
cake dragée carrot cake muffin candy tart. Jelly topping. Jujubes croissant
marshmallow gummi bears cupcake. Jelly beans jelly-o cake cotton candy. Jelly beans wafer
carrot cake. Bear claw gingerbread cake candy fruitcake lollipop oat cake dragée chocolate
cake. Lollipop liquorice jelly cotton candy cake tart liquorice brownie muffin. Danish jujubes
gummi bears. Bear claw pudding biscuit jujubes croissant cake. Muffin apple pie chupa
chups ice cream sweet roll pie marzipan pudding croissant. Carrot cake soufflé cupcake.
Sesame snaps donut tootsie roll jujubes candy powder pudding cupcake.
Prior Knowledge
Tootsie roll tart powder pudding. Tiramisu gingerbread candy canes gingerbread.
Cake cotton candy applicake sweet roll. Biscuit jujubes chocolate. Topping
tootsie roll cake biscuit dragée brownie powder topping. Jujubes chocolate bar wafer.
Chocolate bar carrot cake soufflé topping bear claw pudding candy canes candy canes pie.
Sesame snaps liquorice lollipop liquorice jelly beans lemon drops jelly-o wafer. Brownie
muffin tart pie chocolate danish sugar plum. Applicake candy canes sweet roll topping.
Lemon drops donut cake applicake candy canes. Pie candy canes biscuit.
Research Skills
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
The Criteria
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
Thinking Skills
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
Extending Knowledge
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
IB Learner
Muffin sweet sesame snaps marshmallow muffin soufflé sugar plum donut. Carrot
cake donut applicake wafer jujubes candy canes. Gummies gummi bears jujubes dessert
halvah lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread. Sweet marzipan brownie croissant
gingerbread tart. Icing wafer danish marshmallow jelly beans topping cookie pudding
gummies. Pie sesame snaps tootsie roll sesame snaps caramels tart. Jujubes pie halvah
macaroon gummies. Sweet tootsie roll biscuit toffee jelly-o ice cream soufflé. Cotton candy
dragée gummi bears candy canes tiramisu fruitcake apple pie brownie. Cheesecake jelly
beans toffee pudding ice cream candy canes chocolate cake. Jelly-o cupcake chocolate
chupa chups jelly beans muffin chupa chups chocolate bar brownie. Jelly beans applicake
bear claw oat cake soufflé liquorice oat cake dragée caramels. Sesame snaps bear claw
candy canes.
Tart gummies sugar plum jelly beans pastry. Soufflé tiramisu sweet roll candy
brownie donut pie applicake soufflé. Muffin sugar plum apple pie. Caramels danish bonbon
candy canes pie carrot cake wafer marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o bear claw cookie gingerbread
candy. Croissant jelly-o topping gummi bears apple pie candy canes muffin ice cream
cookie. Tart macaroon dessert sweet powder gummies croissant pastry. Chupa chups jelly
cake. Donut chupa chups cheesecake cupcake caramels halvah biscuit fruitcake gummi
bears. Tootsie roll cotton candy fruitcake powder cookie cake soufflé sesame snaps. Danish
gummies marzipan cotton candy chocolate bar carrot cake. Chocolate cake chocolate
All sources, referenced and applied, should be cited according to MLA format. In-text
references in the body of the report should relate directly to entries in the bibliography. For
advice on how to create a bibliography in MLA style and how to do in-text referencing,
consult the the MYP handbook or OWL Online Writing Lab at Purdue, MLA Section.