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Brine Chiller

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Brine Chiller

Multiple Compressor units with low operating

cost, standby refrigeration circuit,
factory packaged

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30 HR, HS
FORM SSI Brine 30 HR, HS(86)
50 Hz
VARIOUS SIZES FOR A WIDE RANGE OF Centralized Systems Controls - indicate
APPLICATIONS operating compressors, systems pressures and
include a manual switch to change the starting
SSI offers different sizes of industrial brine chillers for sequence of compressors to balance the wear
applications ranging from 44 down to 15 F leaving brine and extend compressor life.
Carrier Semi-Hermetic Multiple Compressors-
Units with water-cooled condensers are designated each with a protective crankcase heater, start and
Model 30HR. The Model 30HS is a condenserless stop in sequence. This operating method enables
30HR, used with an air-cooled, remote water-cooled, or higher reliability and longer expected service life
evaporative condenser. as well as lower current inrush and reduced
SSI multiple compressor brine chillers contain demand charges. Fast acting temperature
many advantages for the user sensors embedded in each compressor motor
winding provide excellent protection against
Save on power bills - One or more refrigeration damaging overheating.
compressors operating at full load are more
efficient than one large compressor working at
part load with cylinders unloaded. Four to eight-
step operation matches refrigeration to the job
with maximum economy. Most industrial
processes work at part load most of the time.
Power savings can be significant.
Close control of leaving brine temperature-
Multiple Step Temperature Controller is factory
set to maintain close control.
Ease of selection and engineering - You can
easily select the brine chiller size and heat
rejection equipment which precisely fit your job by
following the simple steps outlined in inside
pages. Economy in engineering is important, too.
Ease of installation - All SSI chillers are
designed to fit through a 36-inch doorway. The
rugged steel frame enables easy rigging and
rolling and they occupy little floor space. All are
completely factory engineered, assembled and
tested. Only external water and electrical
connections are needed on the job site.
Condenserless models require, in addition,
refrigerant line connections.
Balanced wear on compressors - A manual
transfer switch enables your operating personnel
to periodically change the lead compressor in the
starting sequence.
Superb service back-up - The standardized
electrical circuiting, compressor design and time-
tested sequencing control mean service
personnel in your area are knowledgeable in SSI
equipment, with fast access to SSI parts. Your
industrial process requires dependability above
all. SSI equipment and installing and servicing
dealers can give you just that.
SSI Brine Cooler - has unique baffle
arrangement for superb heat transfer and
reduced pressure drop plus combination closed
cell insulation/vapor barrier.
Circuit Breakers - manual reset, assure
protection against abnormal electrical conditions
and damaging single phasing of compressor

the pressure drop for the cooler of selected chiller.
Selection procedure Insert this value in table 1. Multiply the resulting
value by the correction factor from step 9. Enter the
(with example) result in the selection form.
11. Calculate THR (Total Heat Rejection) using this
How to select a brine chiller
Before selecting a unit, certain information about the
application must be available. You need to know if a Where KW is power Input calculated from step 8 and Q is
water-cooled or air-cooled chiller is required. (The the required refrigeration capacity in tons.
water-cooled condensing temperature is approximately
105 F; the air-cooled condensing temperature is For water-cooled chillers follow steps 12 to 14 in
approximately 120 F.) addition.
These four parameters are needed: 12. Determine leaving cooling water temperature by
- Entering Brine Temperature subtracting 8 from SDT. Insert this value in table 1.
- Leaving Brine Temperature
- Refrigeration Capacity in tons 13. Find cooling water flow rate using this equation:
- Cooling water Temperature (for water-cooled
chillers only)
A machine selection form, table 1, helps to simplify the
procedure. By filling in the spaces and calculating as 14. Enter figure 5 with the cooling water flow rate and
described below, the unit with the correct capacity will be find the condenser pressure drop.
chosen. See sample in table 2, showing selection form
completed for a water-cooled unit. NOTE: Extrapolation is not allowed. If the GPM
calculated from step 13 is smaller or greater than values
1. Enter the given facts (as enumerated above) in the in Fig 5, whether increase or decrease the entering
selection form. cooling water temperature or increaser or decrease the
2. Using the leaving brine temperature at the bottom of
figure 1, determine the percent of weight of ethylene 15. Your selection is now complete and all the
glycol brine. Insert the result in the selection form. parameters for the selected chiller are available.
3. Enter the percentage of weight of brine in figure 2 and
read cooler flow correction factor (K). Insert the result
in the selection form.
4. To find the flow rate of brine, use this equation.

Where GPM is brine flow rate, is change in brine

temperature or brine temperature rise in Fahrenheit, K is
cooler flow correction factor and Q is desired
refrigeration capacity in tons.
5. Enter Figure 3 with the leaving brine temperature, find
the percent of nominal correction factors for capacity
and power input. Enter the resulting values in the
selection form.
6. Divide the actual calculated capacity by the percent of
nominal (step 5) to get nominal capacity.
7. Enter table 3, by required nominal tons from step 6
and SDT (Saturated Discharge Temperature), select
the chiller which satisfies your requirements and write
it's kW in table 1.
8. Multiply kW by “percent of nominal” (step 6) to get
actual kW at your operating conditions.
9. Enter Figure 2, with percent by weight; find the
correction factors for pressure drop. Insert the
resulting value in the selection form.
10. By the GPM calculated from step 4 and Figure 4, find

Performance data
30HR brine chiller rating












Condenser Section


30HR, HS040, 050, 060 30HR, HS070 thru 240

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