Datasheet System 1 Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Software-108m5214

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System 1* Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic

Bently Nevada* Asset Condition Monitoring
Premium Package
The System 1 Premium Package represents GE Bently Nevada’s flagship
online condition monitoring (CM) solution with seamless integration to
our industry leading line of online machinery protection & CM devices.
This package enables online CM at your facility for equipment whose
health is best managed through permanently installed monitoring
devices like Bently Nevada’s 3500 and Adapt platforms.

System 1 Solution Packages

Establishing and maintaining a best-in-class CM program at your facility
requires equipment knowledge with an understanding of failure modes
and operational criticality combined with a cross functional team,
process rigor, and enabling technology. Bently Nevada offers flexible
solutions ranging from product delivery with deployment services to
complete solution coverage through a supporting service agreement
where we partner with your facility to manage the CM program.

Specifications and Ordering Information

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The Evolution of System 1
System 1 software represents the core of Bently Nevada’s CM
solution and the Premium Package represents a refreshed
approach in our mission to provide users with a single
ecosystem for plant-wide machinery management.
Leverage CM alarms, long term trended data, and diagnostics
to understand the health of your equipment. Combine this
with people and process to enable strategic data driven
maintenance planning and decision making.

User Experience
Modern consumer software applications have pushed the
envelope when it comes to user experience; we believe the
same expectations apply for industrial CM applications
 Modern and Intuitive Interface
 Continuous User Involvement
 User Driven CM and Diagnostic Workflows

The Premium Package provides scale when it comes to
database management, diagnostics, and work prioritization
 High resolution trend, alarm, & startup/shutdown data
 Short-term black box flight recorder for trend data
 Anti-Friction & Hydrodynamic Bearing Diagnostics
 Diagnostic Reporting

Successful CM programs require collaboration between
departments and controlled access to the tools
 Distributed Client/Server Deployment Model
 Remote Portable Data Transfer
 2X/Citrix® Enabled
 User Security Profiles

Embedded Expertise
Bently Nevada differentiates itself by providing equipment
focused solutions and best practice configuration &
 Equipment State Based Data Collection & Alarming
 Equipment Models drive best practice configuration
 Embedded TA, ISO 10816-3, 10816-7, & 14694 Wizards
Specifications and Ordering Information
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Software Package Ordering 3500 Series Device Import Ordering

3071/10 System 1 Software Premium Package 3071/11 System 1 3500 Series Device Import
3071/10-AA-BB-CC 3071/11-AA-BB
AA: Software Package AA: Quantity of “Full” 3500 Racks
01 – Premium Package ## – Numeric Entry [1n]
02 – Premium+ Package [Includes Fundamental]
BB: Quantity of “Mini” 3500 Racks
BB: Quantity of Users [Display Clients]
## – Numeric Entry [1n]
01 – Single Client Package
05 – Small Package [6 Clients] (AA) What is a 3500 Full Rack?
10 – Medium Package [11 Clients]
/22, /25, /32, /33, /40, /42, /44, /45, /50, /60, /61, /64,
15 – Unlimited Clients
CC: Quantity of Server Licenses Standard & M series monitors
## – Numeric Entry [1n]  14 monitor slots
 Continuous online CM
 High resolution alarm data capture
 High resolution startup/shutdown data capture
(AA) What is included in a System 1 Premium Package?  High resolution trend data
The System 1 Premium Package includes the core components
(Configuration, Display, & Diagnostic capabilities) required to (BB) What is a 3500 Mini Rack?
enable an online CM program at your facility. Ordering the -01
option provides the capability to connect to any online device Same monitors as Full Rack
supported.  7 monitor slots
 Continuous online CM
If one or more portable vibration analyzers will be utilized for  High resolution alarm data capture
general purpose CM, then the Fundamental Package is also  High resolution startup/shutdown data capture
required, which can be purchased separately (3071/01) or as a  High resolution trend data
bundle through the -02 option.
(BB) What is a Display Client? Distributed Series Device Import Ordering
A System 1 Display Client connects to the System 1 Server
locally (same computer) or remotely via network access. These
clients can have full access to the CM database; however,
remote clients can only display the CM database when direct
or networked access to the server is available. 3071/12 System 1 Distributed Device Import
(CC) What is a Server?
AA: Quantity of ADAPT Monitoring Systems
A System 1 Server contains one or more CM databases, which
can be accessed from one or more display clients. Historical ## – Numeric Entry [1n]
data and configuration structure is contained on the server, so
the CM databases are always available. (AA) What is an ADAPT Monitoring System?

/40, /44, /46

 12 monitoring points
 Continuous online CM
 High resolution trend data

Specifications and Ordering Information

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Equipment Based Configuration General Navigation & Work Identification
 Configure State Based Collection Group  Prioritize work through equipment alarm level status
Configuration (Off, Slow Roll, Startup/Shutdown sorting
(SUSD), Running)
 Navigate from the hierarchy or graphically in the
 Leverage State Based Condition Monitoring Alarming primary workspace to drill down and identify
& data collection equipment health issues
 Facilitate Best Practice Configuration facilitated  Select an alarm from the historical list to
through Instrument to Equipment Model Mapping automatically present appropriate supporting
evidence in the form of meaningful plots
 Enable High Resolution Alarm & SUSD data collection
triggered by any point mapped to the equipment Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics
Manual Configuration  Evaluate condition using diagnostic plots: Trend,
Spectrum, Waterfall, Waveform, Orbit, Bode, Bar
 Leverage spreadsheet style configuration to apply Graph
broad changes to configuration structure
 Understand changing condition by comparing data:
Controlled Access Previous Sample(s), Baselines, Machine A to Machine
 Limit configuration access to defined Administrator B, Bearing A to Bearing B, Point A to Point B, etc.
and Advanced users based on Windows credentials  Pinpoint frequencies of interest with standard,
 Provide read only configuration access basic users harmonic, and sideband cursoring

Equipment Library  Link trend cursor position with associated

waveform & spectrum plots to efficiently facilitate
 Build comprehensive databases starting with: root cause identification
Centrifugal/Screw Compressors, Centrifugal Fans,
Gearboxes, Generators, Motors, Overhung/Between Reporting
Bearing/Vertical Pumps, Cooling Tower Fans, Axial  Generate context sensitive quick diagnostic report
Compressors, Gas Turbines, Steam Turbines from plotting & alarming workspaces
 Leverage Embedded Anti-Friction Bearing Database  Copy/paste view from any workspace using
standard interactions to build external report

You Asked & We Listened You Asked & We Listened

 Equipment State Data Collection & Alarming  Status Visualization & Alarming Improvements

Specifications and Ordering Information

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General Capabilities & Specifications Supported Languages (1)
Distributed Client/Server Deployment System 1 has been designed for internationalization and is
supported in the following languages
 TCP/IP Client to Server Communication
 Clients can connect to 5 different CM databases  Spanish
simultaneously on a server (one “Online” Database per
server + “Offline” Databases)  Russian
 Simplified Chinese
 System performance tested with 5 simultaneous client
connections to one online database
 Brazilian Portuguese
User Security Profiling
System Specifications
 Leverages Windows Domain & Local Accounts
 Administrator Profile (Read, Write, Database
Management) G9 Intel Xeon™ E5-2620v3 6-Core™ (2.40GHz 15MB L3
Cache) Processor
 Advanced Profile (Read, Write) 64 GB RAM or above
Operating System Hard Disk: RAID 0 & 500 GB
 Basic Profile (Read Only) Historian Hard Disk: RAID 5 (see Table 3)
Available USB port (if this method required for portable
Database & Server Capacity
data transfer)
 The System 1 Server can run one “Online” (Premium) CM DVD-ROM drive
database connected to devices like 3500 and ADAPT
 The System 1 Server can contain multiple “offline” 2.40 GHz Intel Xeon processor or above
(Fundamental) databases in addition to the “online” 16 GB RAM or above
database 500 GB hard disk drive
Available USB port (if this method required for portable
 GE Historian for data storage & management data transfer)
DVD-ROM drive

Display Unit Preferences Operating Systems:

 Effortlessly switch between “as configured”, Imperial, Microsoft Windows 2012 Server Standard Edition 64 bit
and SI unit systems from Display Microsoft Windows 2012 Server R2 Standard Edition 64
Portable Device Data Transfer (Fundamental)
Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Standard Edition 32 bit
 Remote Communication Transfer via WIFI, controlled and 64 bit
from Portable Device [Simplified Work Practice] Microsoft Windows 2008 Server R2 Standard Edition 64
 TCP/IP Ethernet Transfer, controlled from Software
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 32 bit and 64 bit
 USB Transfer, controlled from Software

 XML File Mode Transfer, controlled from Portable Device

& Software

Specifications and Ordering Information

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Database Specifications Table 1: Device Configuration Assumptions
Point Type Quantity Waveforms Trended Variables
System 1 specifications ensure maximum application
Per Point Per Point
performance, designed to meet the user experience
expectations of the Bently Nevada user base. 3500 Rack Configuration
Radial Vibration 16 2 8
The following tables provide system guidelines to facilitate
server selection based on the anticipated database size. Thrust Position 6 2 8
Acceleration 2 2 8
Device Configuration [Table 1] Speed 2 - 1
In order to provide database size estimates, configuration Temperature 16 - 1
assumptions are provided in Table 1 for each supported ADAPT Configuration
device. All vibration and thrust points contain two waveforms
and eight trended variables configured for full Radial Vibration 12 2 8
Startup/Shutdown (SUSD) & Alarm data capture analysis and
Table 2: Default Data Storage & Duration Rates
Data Storage Rates [Table 2] Data Type Highest Data Storage Quantity of files
Resolution Duration
System 1 captures several classifications of data, which have
been designed to provide best-in-class machinery Database Storage Rates
management with unfiltered short term data combined with Short Term
long term summarized data. The trend data storage is Trend Data 20 s (2) 30 Days
determinant, so minimal database optimization effort is Long Term
required when compared to similar offerings that utilize Trend Data 10 min 5 Years
change filtering. Waveform
Data 10 min 5 Years
Significant machinery event data are captured in the form of Alarm Data 0.1 s Varies 1 TB = ~63,000 Files
high resolution Alarm & SUSD files when triggered by the
system. When these events are triggered, high-resolution data SUSD Data 0.1 s Varies 1 TB = ~75,000 Files
is stored for every monitoring point configured for the affected
machine, regardless of source (3500 or ADAPT when
Table 3: Database Size Estimates (5 Year)
applicable). The storage duration of these data capture files
are indeterminate, so a guideline has been provided in Table 2 Data Import Standard Large Extra Large
based on the number of files that can be stored per one Database Database Database
Terabyte (TB) of space. Database Device & Point Import Guidelines
3500 Monitoring
12 20 30
Estimated Database Size [Table 3] Systems
Approximate database size estimates are provided in Table 3 OR
based on the reference device configurations established in Adapt Monitoring
24 40 60
Table 1. A mix of 3500 and ADAPT monitoring systems can be Systems
established using a 1:2 ratio between 3500 racks and ADAPT OR
monitors. Given this rule, a system configured with 6 3500 Vibration Monitoring
360 600 900
racks and 12 ADAPT monitors would consume roughly 3.6 TB Points
of hard disk space. Database Storage Requirement Guidelines
Trend Data (60%) 2.2 TB 3.5 TB 5.0 TB
Alarm Data (30%) 1.0 TB 1.5 TB 2.0 TB
SUSD Data (10%) 0.4 TB 0.7 TB 1.0 TB
Database Total 3.6 TB 5.7 TB 8.0 TB

Specifications and Ordering Information

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Deployment Diagram Options (Coming)

1. Language translations will be available in Q4 2015
2. Short Term (High Resolution) Storage Rate will be 1 Second for Subsequent Release

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GE (NYSE: GE) is the world’s Digital Industrial Company,
transforming industry with software-defined machines and
solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive.
GE is organized around a global exchange of knowledge,
the "GE Store," through which each business shares and
accesses the same technology, markets, structure and
intellect. Each invention further fuels innovation and
application across our industrial sectors. With people,
services, technology and scale, GE delivers better
outcomes for customers by speaking the language of

Contact information
Americas: 1-855-YOUR1GE (1-855-968-7143)
[email protected]

©2015 General Electric. All rights reserved. *Trademark of General

Electric. All other brands or names are property of their respective
holders. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Specifications and Ordering Information

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