11.0 - Administrators - Guide

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Symantec Enterprise Vault™

Administrator's Guide

Symantec Enterprise Vault: Administrator's Guide
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only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

Last updated: 2014-03-10.

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Technical Support ............................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1 About this guide .................................................................. 19
Prerequisite knowledge ................................................................. 19
Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault .......................... 19
“How To” articles on the Symantec Enterprise Support site .............. 21
Enterprise Vault training modules ............................................... 22
Comment on the documentation ...................................................... 22

Chapter 2 Managing administrator security .................................... 23

About administrator security ........................................................... 23
Roles-based administration ............................................................ 24
About the predefined roles ....................................................... 25
Roles and the Enterprise Vault Administration Console .................. 29
Roles and Enterprise Vault Operations Manager ........................... 33
Roles and Enterprise Vault Reporting ......................................... 33
Assigning roles for administration .............................................. 33
Modifying a role for administration .............................................. 34
Creating a new role for administration ......................................... 35
Determining your current role entitlements ................................... 36
Resetting all roles and assignments ........................................... 36
Using permissions to control access ................................................. 37
Changing the Vault Service account ................................................. 38

Chapter 3 Day-to-day administration ................................................ 41

Monitoring the system status .......................................................... 42
Monitoring application logs ............................................................. 42
About Exchange mailbox archiving reports ........................................ 43
Configuring Exchange mailbox archiving reports ........................... 43
Using Exchange mailbox archiving reports ................................... 44
Getting more information .......................................................... 46
Monitoring MSMQ queues .............................................................. 46
About starting or stopping tasks or services ....................................... 46
Starting or stopping tasks ......................................................... 47
Contents 7

Starting or stopping services ..................................................... 48

Checking logs with the Windows Event Viewer ................................... 49
Monitoring journal mailboxes .......................................................... 49
Use the default ANSI codepage (ACP codepage) .......................... 51
About monitoring disks .................................................................. 52
Checking disk space for vault stores ........................................... 52
Disk space and indexes ........................................................... 55
About maintaining the SQL databases .............................................. 55
Vault store database maintenance ............................................. 56
Directory database maintenance ............................................... 56
Fingerprint database maintenance ............................................. 57
Monitoring database maintenance ............................................. 58
FSA Reporting database maintenance ........................................ 58
About managing vault store groups and sharing ................................. 59
Viewing the status of the vault stores in a vault store group ............. 59
Changing the sharing level of a vault store ................................... 60
Moving a vault store to a different vault store group ....................... 61
Deleting a vault store group ...................................................... 62
Monitoring the fingerprint databases ........................................... 63
Monitoring the archive space reduction due to single instance
storage ........................................................................... 64
About managing safety copies ........................................................ 64
Configuring the removal of Enterprise Vault safety copies ............... 65
Checking that partitions have been backed up .............................. 65
About managing partition rollover ..................................................... 66
Configuring partition rollover ..................................................... 67
Changing rollover order ........................................................... 68
Forcing partition rollover .......................................................... 69
Recovering deleted items ............................................................... 70
About expiry and deletion ............................................................... 71
Setting up storage expiry ......................................................... 71
Setting up shortcut deletion ...................................................... 72
Creating a new retention category .................................................... 73
About maintaining provisioning groups .............................................. 74
Enabling archiving for new mailboxes ............................................... 74
Checking for hidden mailboxes ................................................. 77
About applying or removing legal holds on selected archives ................. 77
About the Get-EVArchive cmdlet ................................................ 78
About the Set-EVArchive cmdlet ................................................ 80
About moving archives .................................................................. 81
How Move Archive works ......................................................... 82
About moving mailbox archives within a site ................................. 84
About moving mailbox archives between sites .............................. 86
Contents 8

About moving journal archives within a site .................................. 88

About configuring Move Archive ................................................ 88
Running Move Archive ............................................................ 91
Monitoring Move Archive .......................................................... 97
Deleting archives after Move Archive ........................................ 100
Managing Move Archive operations with Failed and Error
statuses ........................................................................ 101
Move Archive reporting and monitoring ..................................... 102
Deleting an archive ..................................................................... 102
Deleting a vault store ................................................................... 103
Setting a system message ............................................................ 104
About index volumes ................................................................... 105
Moving the directory database ....................................................... 105
Moving a vault store database ....................................................... 106
Moving a fingerprint database ....................................................... 106
Moving the Monitoring database .................................................... 106
Moving the audit database ............................................................ 107
Changing the Vault Service account password .................................. 107

Chapter 4 Automatically filtering events ......................................... 109

About filtering events ................................................................... 109
Events generated by event filtering ........................................... 109
Configuring event filtering ...................................................... 110
Event filtering examples ......................................................... 111

Chapter 5 Managing indexes ............................................................. 112

About the indexing wizards ........................................................... 112

About indexing tasks and subtasks ........................................... 113
Configuring the deletion of indexing subtasks ............................. 114
About the Upgrade wizard ...................................................... 114
About the Verify wizard .......................................................... 115
About the Synchronize wizard ................................................. 116
About the Rebuild wizard ........................................................ 116
About the Change Location wizard ........................................... 117
Using the indexing wizards ..................................................... 118
Managing indexing tasks ........................................................ 119
Managing indexing exclusions ....................................................... 127
How indexing exclusions work ................................................. 127
Managing indexing exclusions ................................................. 127
Viewing details of index volumes .................................................... 128
About the indexing PowerShell cmdlets ........................................... 128
Running the indexing PowerShell cmdlets .................................. 129
Contents 9

Using Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation ................................... 129

Using Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel ......................................... 129

Chapter 6 Advanced Domino mailbox and desktop policy

settings .......................................................................... 131
About the advanced policy settings for Domino mailbox and desktop
policy ................................................................................. 131
Editing the advanced settings for Domino mailbox and desktop
policy ................................................................................. 131
How to apply the new settings for Domino mailbox and desktop
policy ........................................................................... 132
Domino mailbox policy advanced settings ........................................ 132
Archiving General: Domino mailbox policy ................................. 132
Domino desktop policy advanced settings ........................................ 134
Vault Cache: Domino desktop policy ........................................ 134

Chapter 7 Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy

settings .......................................................................... 136
About the advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop settings .............. 136
Editing the advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop settings ............. 137
How to apply the new Exchange mailbox and desktop
settings ......................................................................... 137
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings ..................................... 137
Archiving General (Exchange mailbox policy advanced
settings) ........................................................................ 137
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings ..................................... 148
Office Mail App (Exchange desktop policy advanced
settings) ........................................................................ 148
Outlook (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings) .................. 150
OWA versions before 2013 (Exchange desktop policy advanced
settings) ........................................................................ 169
Vault Cache (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings) ............ 179
Virtual Vault (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings) ............ 185

Chapter 8 Advanced Exchange journal policy settings ................ 195

Editing the advanced Exchange journal policy settings ....................... 195
Archiving General (Exchange journal policy advanced settings) ............ 196
ClearText copies of RMS Protected items (Exchange Archiving
General setting) .............................................................. 196
Expand distribution lists (Exchange Archiving General
setting) ......................................................................... 197
Contents 10

Failed DL expansion behaviour (Exchange Archiving General

setting) ......................................................................... 198
Inherited permissions (Exchange Archiving General setting) .......... 198
Journal delay (Exchange Archiving General setting) ..................... 198
Maximum message size to archive in MB (Exchange Archiving
General setting) .............................................................. 199
Pending shortcut timeout (Exchange Archiving General
setting) ......................................................................... 199
Queue Journal items (Exchange Archiving General setting) ........... 199
Reset archive names (Exchange Archiving General setting) .......... 199
Return failed items to inbox (Exchange Archiving General
setting) ......................................................................... 200

Chapter 9 Advanced Exchange public folder policy

settings .......................................................................... 201
Editing advanced Exchange public folder settings .............................. 201
Archiving General (Exchange public folder policy advanced
settings) .............................................................................. 202
Archive unexpired Calendar Events (Exchange Archiving General
setting) ......................................................................... 202
Code pages for right-to-left custom shortcuts (Exchange Archiving
General setting) .............................................................. 202
Do not archive pending reminders (Exchange Archiving General
setting) ......................................................................... 203
Inherited permissions (Exchange Archiving General setting) .......... 203
Maximum message size to archive in MB (Exchange Archiving
General setting) .............................................................. 203
Pending shortcut timeout (Exchange Archiving General
setting) ......................................................................... 203
Set failed messages 'Do Not Archive' (Exchange Archiving General
setting) ......................................................................... 204
Strip attachments to non-shortcut items (Exchange Archiving
General setting) .............................................................. 204

Chapter 10 Advanced site properties settings ................................. 205

About the advanced site properties settings ..................................... 205
Editing the advanced site properties settings .................................... 205
How to apply the new settings for the site properties .................... 206
Site properties advanced settings ................................................... 206
IMAP (site properties advanced settings) ................................... 206
Indexing (site properties advanced settings) ............................... 206
Storage (site properties advanced settings) ................................ 211
Contents 11

Chapter 11 Advanced computer properties settings ...................... 212

About the advanced computer properties settings .............................. 212
Editing the advanced computer properties settings ............................ 212
How to apply the new settings for the computer properties ............ 213
Computer properties advanced settings .......................................... 213
Agents (computer properties advanced settings) ......................... 213
IMAP (computer properties advanced settings) ........................... 214
Indexing (computer properties advanced settings) ....................... 215
Storage (computer properties advanced settings) ........................ 227

Chapter 12 Managing the Storage queue .......................................... 229

About the Storage queue .............................................................. 229
How the Storage queue keeps safety copies .................................... 230
Checking how many safety copies are on the Storage queue ............... 230
Viewing or changing Advanced settings ........................................... 231
Changing the Storage queue location ............................................. 232
Closing or opening a Storage queue location .................................... 233

Chapter 13 Customizing the legacy search applications ............... 234

About customizing the legacy search applications ............................. 234
General configuration settings for the legacy search applications .......... 235
AllowNonAsciiFilenames ........................................................ 235
DefaultFormatCodepage ........................................................ 235
DefaultFormatType ............................................................... 236
HTMLNotNotes .................................................................... 236
MaxPreviewSize ................................................................... 236
Noclient .............................................................................. 237
URLEncodeFilenames ........................................................... 237
UseRestrictedSecurity ........................................................... 237
ViewMessage_Format ........................................................... 238
Configuring the search results ....................................................... 238
DefaultRankResults .............................................................. 239
FederatedSearchMaxItems ..................................................... 239
FederatedSearchMaxVolSets .................................................. 240
FederatedSearchTimeout ....................................................... 240
SearchRSS ......................................................................... 240
ShowAllMaxResults .............................................................. 240
UseFederatedSearch ............................................................ 240
Automatic domain authentication ................................................... 241
User interface tweaks for Integrated Search and Browser Search ......... 241
BSDeleteButton .................................................................... 241
Contents 12

BSRestoreButton .................................................................. 241

ISDeleteButton ..................................................................... 242
ISRestoreButton ................................................................... 242
ISShowRetention .................................................................. 242
RestoreToPSTOption ............................................................. 242
User interface tweaks for Archive Explorer ....................................... 243
ArchiveExplorerDelete ........................................................... 243
ArchiveExplorerForward ......................................................... 243
ArchiveExplorerHelp .............................................................. 244
ArchiveExplorerReply ............................................................ 244
ArchiveExplorerReplyAll ......................................................... 244
ArchiveExplorerRestore ......................................................... 244
ArchiveExplorerSaveAs ......................................................... 245
ArchiveExplorerSearch .......................................................... 245
ArchiveExplorerSettings ......................................................... 245

Chapter 14 Automatic monitoring ...................................................... 246

About automatic monitoring .......................................................... 246

Monitoring in Site Properties ......................................................... 247
About monitoring using Enterprise Vault Operations Manager .............. 248
Accessing Operations Manager ............................................... 248
About monitoring using MOM ........................................................ 249
Installing MOM ..................................................................... 250
Configuring MOM ................................................................. 250
About monitoring using SCOM ...................................................... 252
Setting up SCOM monitoring for Enterprise Vault servers .............. 253
Using or removing an earlier SCOM pack .................................. 256
Optional SCOM configuration .................................................. 257
Points to note about SCOM monitoring ...................................... 257

Chapter 15 Managing extension content providers ........................ 259

About extension content providers .................................................. 259
Extension content provider properties ............................................. 260
Assigning the Extension Content Provider Administrator role ............... 260
Assigning the Extension Content Provider Application role .................. 261
Enabling an extension content provider ........................................... 261
Viewing the content provider reports ............................................... 262

Chapter 16 Exporting archives ............................................................. 264

About the Export Archive wizard .................................................... 264
Importing (migrating) exported files ................................................. 265
Contents 13

PST configuration files and exported archives ............................. 266

Starting the export with the Export Archive wizard ............................. 267

Chapter 17 Introduction to PST migration ........................................ 268

Tools for migrating PST files .......................................................... 268
Feature comparison of PST migration tools ...................................... 269
PST file marking to determine ownership ......................................... 270
About the Personal Store Management node .................................... 271
Creating filters ...................................................................... 272
Improving performance when archiving PST file contents .................... 273
Migrating PST files in hosted environments ...................................... 274

Chapter 18 PST migration: scripted .................................................... 276

Overview of the scripting mechanism for PST migration ...................... 276
Undertaking the PST migration process using Policy Manager ............. 277
Preparation for PST scripted migration ............................................ 278
Output from PST migration ........................................................... 280
[PSTcheckpoint] section PST scripted migration .......................... 280
Enterprise Vault event log for PST scripted migration ................... 282
Example initialization file for PST scripted migration ........................... 283

Chapter 19 PST migration: wizard-assisted ...................................... 285

About the PST Migrator wizard ...................................................... 285
Outline of the wizard-assisted PST migration process ........................ 286
Preparation for the wizard-assisted PST migration process ................. 288
Migration tips for the wizard-assisted PST migration process ............... 289
How the wizard-assisted PST migration process affects users ............. 291
Starting the wizard-assisted PST migration process ........................... 291

Chapter 20 PST migration: Locate and Migrate ............................... 293

About Locate and Migrate ............................................................. 293
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate ................................................ 294
Administrator roles required to manage PST Locate and
Migrate ......................................................................... 294
How to edit the Exchange PST Migration policy .......................... 295
Configuring the holding folder for PST Locate and Migrate ............ 296
Creating and configuring the PST Locator, PST Collector, and
PST Migrator tasks ......................................................... 298
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate ............................. 304
Running the PST Locator task to find domains and
computers ..................................................................... 306
Contents 14

Selecting computers for PST searching ..................................... 309

Configuring paths to include or exclude for PST searching ............ 310
Running the PST Locator task to find PST files ........................... 311
Running the PST Collector task ............................................... 314
Running the PST Migrator task ................................................ 315
PowerShell cmdlets for PST migration ...................................... 316
Excluding network shares from PST migration using the
PstLocatorTask.exe.config file ................................................. 318
Troubleshooting PST migration ...................................................... 319

Chapter 21 PST migration: client-driven migration ........................ 320

About client-driven PST migration .................................................. 320
Options to configure client-driven PST migration ......................... 321
Preparation for client-driven PST migration ...................................... 322
Permissions required for migrating PST files stored on network
drives ........................................................................... 323
Configuring the PST holding folder for PST client-driven
migration ....................................................................... 323
Editing the PST migration messages for client-driven PST
migration ....................................................................... 324
Creating a PST Migrator task for PST client-driven migration ......... 325
Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration ............................ 326
Enabling mailboxes for PST file submission ............................... 327

Chapter 22 NSF migration: scripted ................................................... 329

About scripted NSF migration ........................................................ 329

Chapter 23 NSF migration: wizard assisted ...................................... 331

About NSF migrator .................................................................... 331
Outline of the NSF migration process .............................................. 332
About planning for NSF migration ................................................... 333
How to edit the welcome message for NSF migration ................... 334
NSF file locations for NSF migration ......................................... 335
How to match NSF files to archives for NSF migration .................. 335
Standard mail templates for NSF migration ................................ 336
NSF migration failed and ineligible items ................................... 337
Item age limit for NSF migration ............................................... 338
Mail file limits and NSF file access control .................................. 339
Users’ execution control lists for NSF migration ........................... 339
Multiple instances of NSF migrator ........................................... 339
How NSF migration affects users ................................................... 339
Contents 15

Running NSF migrator ................................................................. 340

NSF migration audits ................................................................... 340

Chapter 24 Enterprise Vault message queues ................................. 341

Accessing Enterprise Vault message queues .................................... 341
MSMQ queue summary ............................................................... 342
Exchange Mailbox task queues ..................................................... 344
Notes on the Exchange Mailbox task queues .............................. 346
Exchange Journaling task queues .................................................. 347
Notes on the Exchange Journaling task queues .......................... 348
Exchange Public Folder task queues .............................................. 349
Notes on the Exchange Public Folder task queues ...................... 350
Retrieval queues ........................................................................ 351
Notes on the retrieval queues .................................................. 352
Storage service queues ............................................................... 353
Notes on the Storage service queues ........................................ 354

Chapter 25 Customizations and best practice ................................. 355

Mailbox archiving strategies .......................................................... 355
About mailbox archiving strategies ........................................... 355
Notes on archiving based on age ............................................. 356
Notes on archiving based on quota or age and quota ................... 356
Notes on archiving items from Exchange managed folders ............ 361
Archiving items only if they have attachments ............................. 366
How to customize the Enterprise Vault settings for a journal
mailbox ........................................................................ 367
Disabling archiving for mailboxes ............................................. 368
Public folder archiving best practice ................................................ 369
About performance tuning ............................................................ 370
Moving the Windows Temp folder ............................................. 371
Improving performance on Storage service computers ................. 371

Chapter 26 Auditing ............................................................................... 375

About auditing ............................................................................ 375

Creating the auditing database ...................................................... 375
Configuring auditing .................................................................... 376
Viewing the audit log ................................................................... 378
Tuning auditing .......................................................................... 379
Modifying the number of connections when auditing ..................... 379
Contents 16

Chapter 27 Backing up Enterprise Vault ........................................... 381

About Enterprise Vault backups ..................................................... 381
About Enterprise Vault backup mode .............................................. 382
Backup of Enterprise Vault data ..................................................... 383
Enterprise Vault system databases backup ................................ 383
Fingerprint databases backup ................................................. 384
Vault store partitions and vault store databases backup ................ 384
Backing up index locations ..................................................... 385
About backup mode cmdlets ......................................................... 386
Index location backup mode cmdlet syntax ................................ 387
Vault store backup mode cmdlet syntax ..................................... 388
Generating PowerShell backup commands for your environment .......... 390
Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts ..................................... 391

Chapter 28 Failover in a building blocks configuration .................. 393

About Enterprise Vault services in building blocks configurations .......... 393
Extra requirements for building blocks ............................................. 394
Updating service locations after failover ........................................... 395

Chapter 29 Recovery .............................................................................. 396

About using EVSVR as part of the recovery procedure ....................... 396
Recovering Enterprise Vault using full system backups ....................... 397
Carrying out an environment recovery procedure ........................ 397
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups ......................... 398
Recovery procedure 1: Installing software on the servers .............. 399
Recovery procedure 2: Restoring Enterprise Vault
databases ..................................................................... 399
Recovery procedure 3: Renaming servers ................................. 400
Recovery procedure 4: Copy or move the Enterprise Vault data
files .............................................................................. 401
Recovery procedure 5: Clearing the directory database
entries .......................................................................... 402
Recovery procedure 6: Recreating services and tasks on the first
Directory service computer ............................................... 403
Recovery procedure 7: Recreating services and tasks on
Enterprise Vault servers ................................................... 405
Recovery procedure 8: Checking the Web Access application
settings ......................................................................... 407
Recovery procedure 9: Checking registry entries ......................... 407
Recovery of an Enterprise Vault component ..................................... 407
Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a VCS cluster ................................... 409
Contents 17

Recovery scenario 1: One of the cluster nodes needs

rebuilding ...................................................................... 410
Recovery scenario 2: All the cluster nodes need rebuilding ............ 410
Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a Windows Server failover
cluster ................................................................................ 411
Recovery scenario 1: One of the cluster nodes needs
rebuilding ...................................................................... 411
Recovery scenario 2: All the cluster nodes need rebuilding ............ 412

Appendix A Ports used by Enterprise Vault ....................................... 414

About the ports used by Enterprise Vault ......................................... 414
Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs .................................. 414

Appendix B Useful SQL queries ............................................................ 419

About the SQL queries ................................................................. 419

Appendix C Troubleshooting ................................................................. 420

Installation problems ................................................................... 420
Enterprise Vault servers: installation problems ............................ 420
Desktop clients: installation problems ........................................ 421
Microsoft SQL Server problems ..................................................... 421
Error: ODBC SQL Server Driver Connection is Busy .................... 422
Number of SQL Server licenses exceeded ................................. 422
How to reset passwords after moving an Enterprise Vault
database ...................................................................... 423
Server problems ......................................................................... 423
Fixing errors when opening MSMQ dead letter queue .................. 424
Client problems .......................................................................... 424
Problems logging on to the Enterprise Vault Web Access
application .................................................................... 424
MAPISVC.INF problems (client) ............................................... 425
Problems seen by Enterprise Vault users ................................... 426
Problems enabling or processing mailboxes ..................................... 428
Checking the Enterprise Vault system mailbox ............................ 429
Problem processing a new mailbox .......................................... 430
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization ..................................... 430
Viewing the Vault Cache Diagnostics page ................................. 430
About Vault Cache Diagnostics ................................................ 431
Advanced use of Vault Cache Diagnostics ................................. 432
Exporting results ................................................................... 433
Client synchronization status text ............................................. 433
Contents 18

Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on the Enterprise

Vault server ................................................................... 437
Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on an end-user
computer ...................................................................... 439
Examining IIS log files ........................................................... 442
Problems with Enterprise Vault components ..................................... 444
Troubleshooting: All tasks and services ..................................... 445
Troubleshooting: File System Archiving ..................................... 447
Troubleshooting: Directory service ........................................... 448
Troubleshooting: Exchange archiving or Journaling tasks .............. 450
Troubleshooting: Restoring items ............................................. 453
Troubleshooting: Indexing ...................................................... 453
Troubleshooting: Storage service ............................................. 454
Troubleshooting: Shopping service ........................................... 457
Troubleshooting: Web Access application .................................. 460
Troubleshooting: Enterprise Vault Operations Manager and the
Monitoring database ........................................................ 461
Troubleshooting: Enterprise Vault Reporting and FSA
Reporting ...................................................................... 462
Specific problems ................................................................. 462
Restoring items for users ........................................................ 465
Techniques to aid troubleshooting .................................................. 465
Running on Demand: Run Now ............................................... 466
Use the Exchange mailbox archiving reports .............................. 466
Moved Items report from the Exchange Mailbox task ................... 466
Running DTrace from the Administration Console ........................ 468
Using the Deployment Scanner ............................................... 469
Creating a mail message that contains the Outlook Add-In
log ............................................................................... 469
How to modify registry settings ................................................ 470
About moving an Indexing service .................................................. 473
Notes on the Indexing data structure of the Vault Directory
database ...................................................................... 474
Moving the Indexing service .................................................... 474

Appendix D Enterprise Vault accounts and permissions ................ 478

About accounts and permissions ................................................... 478

Index ................................................................................................................... 479

Chapter 1
About this guide
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Prerequisite knowledge

■ Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault

■ Comment on the documentation

Prerequisite knowledge
To administer Enterprise Vault, you need a working knowledge of the following:
■ Windows Server administrative tasks
■ Microsoft SQL Server
■ Microsoft Message Queue Server
■ Internet Information Services (IIS)
■ Your archive storage hardware and software
If you intend to use Enterprise Vault with Domino server, Microsoft Exchange, or
Microsoft SharePoint, you also require a working knowledge of these products.

Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault

Table 1-1 lists the documentation that accompanies Enterprise Vault.
About this guide 20
Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault

Table 1-1 Enterprise Vault documentation set

Document Comments

Symantec Enterprise Vault Includes all the following documents in Windows Help (.chm)
Documentation Library format so that you can search across them all. It also includes
links to the guides in Acrobat (.pdf) format.
You can access the library in several ways, including the

■ On the Windows Start menu, click Start > Programs >

Enterprise Vault > Documentation.
■ In Windows Explorer, browse to the
Documentation\language subfolder of the Enterprise
Vault installation folder, and then open the EV_Help.chm
■ On the Help menu in the Administration Console, click
Help on Enterprise Vault.

Introduction and Planning Provides an overview of Enterprise Vault functionality.

Deployment Scanner Describes how to check the prerequisite software and settings
before you install Enterprise Vault.

Installing and Configuring Provides detailed information on setting up Enterprise Vault.

Upgrade Instructions Describes how to upgrade an existing Enterprise Vault

installation to the latest version.

Setting up Exchange Server Describes how to archive items from Microsoft Exchange
Archiving user mailboxes, journal mailboxes, and public folders.

Setting up Domino Server Describes how to archive items from Domino mail files and
Archiving journal databases.

Setting up File System Describes how to archive the files that are held on network
Archiving file servers.

Setting up IMAP Describes how to configure IMAP client access to Exchange

archives, and to Internet mail archives.

Setting up SharePoint Server Describes how to archive content from Microsoft SharePoint
Archiving servers.

Setting up SMTP Archiving Describes how to archive SMTP messages from other
messaging servers.

Administrator’s Guide Describes how to perform day-to-day administration, backup,

and recovery procedures.
About this guide 21
Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault

Table 1-1 Enterprise Vault documentation set (continued)

Document Comments

Reporting Describes how to implement Enterprise Vault Reporting,

which provides reports on the status of Enterprise Vault
servers, archives, and archived items. If you configure FSA
Reporting, additional reports are available for file servers and
their volumes.

Utilities Describes the Enterprise Vault tools and utilities.

Registry Values A reference document that lists the registry values with which
you can modify many aspects of Enterprise Vault behavior.

Help for Administration The online Help for the Enterprise Vault Administration
Console Console.

Help for Enterprise Vault The online Help for Enterprise Vault Operations Manager.
Operations Manager

For the latest information on supported devices and versions of software, see the
Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts book, which is available from this address:

“How To” articles on the Symantec Enterprise Support site

Most of the information in the Enterprise Vault administration manuals is also
available online as articles on the Symantec Enterprise Support site. You can access
these articles by searching the Internet with any popular search engine, such as
Google, or by following the procedure below.
To access the “How To” articles on the Symantec Enterprise Support site
1 Type the following in the address bar of your web browser, and then press
2 In the Supported Products A-Z page, choose the required product, such as
Enterprise Vault for Microsoft Exchange.
3 In the Product Support box at the right, click How To.
4 Search for a word or phrase by using the Knowledge Base Search feature, or
browse the list of most popular subjects.
About this guide 22
Comment on the documentation

Enterprise Vault training modules

The Enterprise Vault Tech Center (http://go.symantec.com/education_evtc) provides
free, publicly available training modules for Enterprise Vault. Modules are added
regularly and currently include the following:
■ Installation
■ Configuration
■ Getting Started Wizard
■ Preparing for Exchange 2010 Archiving
■ Assigning Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 Permissions for Enterprise Vault
■ Enterprise Vault File System Archiving
More advanced instructor-led training, virtual training, and on-demand classes are
also available. For information about them, see

Comment on the documentation

Let us know what you like and dislike about the documentation. Were you able to
find the information you needed quickly? Was the information clearly presented?
Report errors and omissions, or tell us what you would find useful in future versions
of our guides and online help.
Please include the following information with your comment:
■ The title and product version of the guide on which you want to comment.
■ The topic (if relevant) on which you want to comment.
■ Your name.
Email your comment to [email protected]. Please only use this address to
comment on product documentation.
We appreciate your feedback.
Chapter 2
Managing administrator
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About administrator security

■ Roles-based administration

■ Using permissions to control access

■ Changing the Vault Service account

About administrator security

Enterprise Vault provides the following mechanisms to control the abilities of
Enterprise Vault administrators:
Managing administrator security 24
Roles-based administration

Roles-based Many administrative tasks do not require all the permissions that are
administration associated with the Vault Service account. Roles-based administration
enables you provide individual Enterprise Vault administrators with
exactly the permissions that are required to perform their individual
administrative tasks.

You can assign individuals or groups to roles that match their

responsibilities, and they are then able to perform the tasks that are
included in those roles. Because the permissions are associated with
roles rather than individual administrators, you can control the role
permissions without having to edit the permissions for each
The following role types exist:

■ An administrator role typically limits your abilities by functional area,

such as Messaging, Exchange, or Storage. Enterprise Vault provides
several predefined administrator roles, which restrict your access
within the Administration Console to the containers and commands
that relate to a functional area. These roles also limit what you can
see when you use Enterprise Vault Operations Manager and
Enterprise Vault Reporting.
■ An application role typically lets you perform the operations that are
required to run a particular Enterprise Vault application. Application
roles are not intended to control access to the Administration
■ The task role enables an account other than the Vault Service
account to run Exchange Server tasks.

Admin permissions You can grant or deny access to the following containers in the
Administration Console tree:

■ File Servers
■ Exchange
■ Domino
■ SharePoint
■ Enterprise Vault Servers

You can control access to the Administration Console by assigning administrator

roles, or by using admin permissions, or both.

Roles-based administration
Use Windows Authorization Manager to configure roles for Enterprise Vault
roles-based administration. All such configuration is performed using the Vault
Service account.
Managing administrator security 25
Roles-based administration

See the Installing and Configuring guide for details of the prerequisite software that
is needed to run Authorization Manager.
For an introduction to using Authorization Manager, see the following article:
Within Authorization Manager, roles are built up using operations and tasks, as
■ An operation is a low-level permission that represents a privileged action or
capability. When the Administration Console determines whether a role has
access to perform a task, it is the operations associated with the role that are
Operations with names prefixed by "{STO}" or "{DIR}" are internal operations
that do not affect the Administration Console display. Other, external operations
control the view of the Administration Console that an administrator sees.
■ A task is a group of operations that collectively provide sufficient permissions
to do a particular job.
A role is a collection of tasks and, possibly, operations and other roles.

About the predefined roles

You can use the predefined roles as supplied, customize them, or create new roles,
as required.
By assigning roles you can adjust the permissions of individual administrators to
match their job responsibilities. The mechanism is flexible enough for you to be
able to modify an individual’s role to cope with any change in responsibility.

Table 2-1 Predefined administrator roles

Role Description

Domino Administrator Responsible for the day-to-day administration of Domino

archiving, including NSF migration. In Enterprise Vault
Operations Manager, can view Domino information and
By default, users who are assigned to this role also acquire
the permissions that are associated with the following roles:

■ IMAP Administrator
■ NSF Administrator
■ Search Administrator
Managing administrator security 26
Roles-based administration

Table 2-1 Predefined administrator roles (continued)

Role Description

Exchange Administrator Responsible for the day-to-day administration of Exchange

Server archiving. In Enterprise Vault Operations Manager,
can view Exchange Server information and parameters.
By default, users who are assigned to this role also acquire
the permissions that are associated with the following roles:

■ IMAP Administrator
■ Search Administrator

Extension Content Provider Has a view of the Administration Console interface that
Administrator concentrates on those components that are required for the
day-to-day administration of extension content providers.

File Server Administrator Responsible for the day-to-day administration of File System
By default, users who are assigned to this role also acquire
the permissions that are associated with the following role:

■ Search Administrator

IMAP Administrator Responsible for the day-to-day administration of IMAP.

By default, users who are assigned to this role also acquire
the permissions that are associated with the following role:

■ Search Administrator

Indexing Administrator Has a view of the Administration Console interface that

concentrates mainly on those components that are required
to keep indexing running properly. This administrator does
not have access to archiving policy settings for the various

Messaging Administrator Responsible for the day-to-day administration of Exchange

Server and Domino archiving. This administrator does not
have access to other parts of the product, such as File
System Archiving or SharePoint archiving.
By default, users who are assigned to this role also acquire
the permissions that are associated with the following roles:

■ Domino Administrator
■ Exchange Administrator
Managing administrator security 27
Roles-based administration

Table 2-1 Predefined administrator roles (continued)

Role Description

NSF Administrator Has a view of the Administration Console interface that

concentrates on those components that are required to
manage NSF files. In Enterprise Vault Operations Manager,
can view Domino information and parameters.

Power Administrator Can perform all the tasks in the other predefined administrator
roles. Cannot perform reconfiguration tasks such as changing
the Vault Service account or Directory SQL server.
By default, users who are assigned to this role also acquire
the permissions that are associated with the following roles:

■ Exchange Administrator
■ Extension Content Provider Administrator
■ Indexing Administrator

PST Administrator Has a view of the Administration Console interface that

concentrates on those components that are required to
manage personal stores. In Enterprise Vault Operations
Manager, can view Exchange Server information and

Search Administrator Responsible for the day-to-day administration of the

Enterprise Vault Search application: defining search policies,
setting up search provisioning groups, and creating and
configuring Client Access Provisioning tasks.

SharePoint Administrator Has a view of the Administration Console interface that

concentrates on those components that are required to
manage SharePoint archiving.
By default, users who are assigned to this role also acquire
the permissions that are associated with the following role:

■ Search Administrator

Storage Administrator Has a view of the Administration Console interface that

concentrates mainly on those components that are required
to keep storage running properly. This administrator does
not have access to archiving policy settings for the various
By default, users who are assigned to this role also acquire
the permissions that are associated with the following role:

■ Indexing Administrator
Managing administrator security 28
Roles-based administration

Table 2-2 Predefined task role

Role Description

Task Applications This role provides access to archives to allow an account

other than the Vault Service account to run Exchange Server
tasks. Enterprise Vault grants this role automatically when
you configure an Exchange Server task to run under an
account other than the Vault Service account.

Table 2-3 Predefined application roles

Role Description

Extension Content Provider This role allows a third-party application to act as an extension
Application content provider. The role allows the application to create,
delete, read, and update extension content provider entries
and to store items into any archive.

In Enterprise Vault Operations Manager, can view all

information and parameters.

This role does not enable full update access to all extension
content provider properties. For example, an extension
content provider application cannot enable or disable itself
and cannot modify or override its own schedule.

This role does not allow access to the Administration Console.

The role is intended to be for an extension content provider
application, not for an administrator.

Monitoring Application Able to query the state of Enterprise Vault tasks.

Placeholder Application Able to run the FSAUndelete utility. This role enables the
undeletion of items from archives.

You can assign roles to the following:

■ Windows Users and Groups.
■ The results of an LDAP query.
■ Application-specific groups. These are specific to Authorization Manager and
can contain a mixture of users and groups. They can also be based on an LDAP
query. The main benefit of using application groups is that there is no need to
create new groups within Active Directory to support Enterprise Vault.
Enterprise Vault auditing does not log changes to role membership within
Authorization Manager. If you require auditing of changes within Authorization
Manager, assign Enterprise Vault roles to Windows security groups and enable
Windows auditing of changes to those groups.
Managing administrator security 29
Roles-based administration

Roles and the Enterprise Vault Administration Console

Table 2-4 shows the Administration Console features and actions that are available
to the supplied administrator roles.

Note: The predefined Placeholder Application role does not allow access to the
Administration Console.

Table 2-4 Administration Console features and actions

Role Administration Console containers Administration Console actions

available available

Domino ■ Targets: Domino ■ Enable Mailbox

Admin ■ Policies: Domino; Retention ■ Disable Mailbox
Categories ■ Site Property tabs: General;
■ Services: Task Controller Archiving Settings; Site Schedule
■ Tasks: Domino Mailbox Archiving; ■ Advanced Features
Domino Journaling; Domino ■ Domino forms
■ Archives: Domino Mailbox; Domino

By default, this role also provides access to the Administration Console

containers and actions that are available to the following roles:

■ IMAP Administrator
■ NSF Administrator
■ Search Administrator

Exchange ■ Targets: Exchange ■ Enable Mailbox

Admin ■ Policies: Exchange; Retention ■ Disable Mailbox
Categories ■ Site Property tabs: General;
■ Services: Task Controller Archiving Settings; Site Schedule
■ Tasks: Mailbox Archiving; Public ■ Advanced Features
Folder; Exchange Journaling; ■ Exchange Message Classes
Exchange Provisioning
■ Archives: Exchange Journal;
Exchange Mailbox; Public Folder;

By default, this role also provides access to the Administration Console

containers and actions that are available to the following roles:

■ IMAP Administrator
■ Search Administrator
Managing administrator security 30
Roles-based administration

Table 2-4 Administration Console features and actions (continued)

Role Administration Console containers Administration Console actions

available available

Extension ■ Extensions: All extensions ■ Site Property tab: Site Schedule

Content operations except for creation ■ Manage Extension Content
Provider ■ Archives: Shared archives and Providers
Admin custom archives ■ Manage Shared Archives
■ Policies: Retention Categories

File Server ■ Targets: File Server ■ Site Property tabs: General;

Admin ■ Policies: File Archiving; Retention Archiving Settings; Site Schedule
Categories ■ Advanced Features
■ Services: Task Controller
■ Tasks: File Server Archiving
■ Archives: File System; Shared

By default, this role also provides access to the Administration Console

containers and actions that are available to the following role:

■ Search Administrator

IMAP ■ Client Access: IMAP; Search ■

Admin ■ Policies: IMAP; Search
■ Services: Task Controller
■ Tasks: Client Access Provisioning

By default, this role also provides access to the Administration Console

containers and actions that are available to the following role:

■ Search Administrator

Indexing ■ Services: Indexing; Task Controller; ■ Site Property tabs: Indexing;

Admin Storage Advanced
■ Tasks: Indexing ■ Advanced Features
■ Archives: All types of archive ■ Manage indexes
■ Indexing: All Index Servers
Managing administrator security 31
Roles-based administration

Table 2-4 Administration Console features and actions (continued)

Role Administration Console containers Administration Console actions

available available

Messaging ■ Targets: Exchange; Domino ■ Enable Mailbox

Admin ■ Policies: Exchange; Domino ■ Disable Mailbox
Journaling; Retention Categories ■ Site Property tabs: General;
■ Services: Task Controller Archiving Settings; Site Schedule
■ Tasks: Mailbox Archiving; Public ■ Import NSF
Folder; Exchange Journaling; ■ Advanced Features
Exchange Provisioning; Domino ■ Exchange Message Classes
Mailbox Archiving; Domino
■ Domino forms
Journaling; Domino Provisioning
■ Archives: Journal; Mailbox; Public
Folder; Shared

By default, this role also provides access to the Administration Console

containers and actions that are available to the following roles:

■ Domino Administrator
■ Exchange Administrator

NSF Admin ■ Policies: Domino Mailbox; Domino ■ Import NSF

Desktop; Retention Categories ■ Domino forms
■ Archives: Import NSF

Power ■ Targets: All targets ■ Enable Mailbox

Admin ■ Policies: All policies ■ Disable Mailbox
■ Services: All services ■ Enable Workspace
■ Tasks: All tasks ■ Disable Workspace
■ Archives: All types of archive ■ Site Property tabs: All tabs
■ Vault stores: All vault stores ■ Manage Indexes
■ Indexing: All Index Servers and ■ Import Archive
Index Server groups ■ Export Archive
■ Personal Store Management: All ■ Import NSF
functions ■ Advanced Features
■ Exchange Message Classes
■ Domino forms

By default, this role also provides access to the Administration Console

containers and actions that are available to the following roles:

■ Exchange Administrator
■ Extension Content Provider Administrator
■ Indexing Administrator
Managing administrator security 32
Roles-based administration

Table 2-4 Administration Console features and actions (continued)

Role Administration Console containers Administration Console actions

available available

PST Admin ■ Policies: PST Migration; Retention ■ Site Property tabs: General; Site
Categories Schedule
■ Services: Task Controller ■ Import Archive
■ Tasks: Mailbox Archiving; PST ■ Export Archive
Locator; PST Collector; PST ■ Advanced Features
■ Personal Store Management: All

Search ■ Client Access: Search ■ Site Property tab: Search

Admin ■ Policies: Search ■ Define Search Provisioning Group
■ Services: Task Controller ■ Define Search Policy
■ Tasks: Client Access Provisioning ■ Configure Client Access
Provisioning Task

SharePoint ■ Targets: SharePoint ■ Enable Workspace

Admin ■ Policies: SharePoint; Retention ■ Disable Workspace
Categories ■ Site Property tabs: General;
■ Services: Task Controller Archiving Settings; Site Schedule
■ Tasks: SharePoint ■ Advanced Features
■ Archives: SharePoint; Shared

By default, this role also provides access to the Administration Console

containers and actions that are available to the following role:

■ Search Administrator

Storage ■ Tasks: Indexing ■ Site Property tabs: General;

Admin ■ Services: Storage; Indexing; Task Archiving Settings; Site Schedule;
Controller Storage Expiry
■ Archives: All types of archive ■ Import Archive
■ Vault stores: All vault stores ■ Export Archive
■ Indexing: All Index servers and ■ Advanced Features
Index Server groups

By default, this role also provides access to the Administration Console

containers and actions that are available to the following role:

■ Indexing Administrator
Managing administrator security 33
Roles-based administration

Roles and Enterprise Vault Operations Manager

Any user other than the Vault Service account must be assigned to a suitable
administrator role to access the Enterprise Vault Operations Manager web
application. Users can view only the tabs and tables in Operations Manager that
are applicable to the role to which they are assigned. The tabs and tables that are
available for a role are consistent with the containers that are available to that role
in the Administration Console. The Power Administrator role is able to see all the
tabs and tables in Operations Manager.

Roles and Enterprise Vault Reporting

Any user other than the Vault Service account must be assigned to a suitable
administrator role to access Enterprise Vault Reporting's reports.
The default administrator roles have access to the Enterprise Vault Reporting reports
that are appropriate to their role.
For more information on the reports that are available to each role, see the Reporting

Note: If you have configured Enterprise Vault Reporting, you must enable the
synchronization of Enterprise Vault Reporting roles-based security.
See "Enabling the synchronization of Enterprise Vault Reporting roles-based
security" in the Reporting guide.

Assigning roles for administration

The Vault Service account can perform all Enterprise Vault management operations
and is not restricted in any way. Initially, the Vault Service account is the only
account that can create roles and assign them to lower-level administrators.
To assign a role for administration
1 In the Administration Console, right-click the Directory container and click
Authorization Manager.
2 In the Authorization Manager window, under Enterprise Vault, click Role
If the role that you want to use is not listed, right-click Role Assignments and,
on the shortcut menu, click Assign Roles. The Add Role listing shows the
roles you can select. Select the required role and click OK.
Managing administrator security 34
Roles-based administration

3 Right-click the role to which you want to assign users and then, on the shortcut
menu, click Assign Application Groups or Assign Windows Users and
4 If you chose Assign Application Groups, check the users or groups you want
to add to the role, and then click OK.
5 If you chose Assign Windows Users and Groups, the standard Windows
Select Users, Computers or Groups dialog appears. Select the required
users or groups and then click OK to close the dialog box.
6 In the Authorization Manager File menu, click Exit. Click Yes to confirm that
you want to save your changes to the Directory database.
The changes take approximately one minute to be replicated to all Enterprise
Vault servers, and to any SQL Server Reporting Services servers on which
Enterprise Vault Reporting is configured. Wait a minute if you want to start
Authorization Manager again to make further changes.
Administration Consoles do not reflect the assignment changes until they are
restarted. After you perform role assignments, administrators may receive
role-related error messages until they restart the Administration Console.

Modifying a role for administration

You can modify the tasks, roles, and operations that are associated with a role
To modify a role for administration
1 Using the Vault Service account, start the Administration Console.
2 Right-click the Directory container and, on the shortcut menu, click
Authorization Manager.
3 In the Authorization Manager window, under Enterprise Vault, expand
4 Click Role Definitions.
5 In the list of role definitions, double-click the name of the role that you want to
6 In the role properties, click the Definition tab. The list shows the tasks and
roles that comprise this role definition.
7 To remove a task or role from the definition, click the task or role and then click
The task is removed immediately, without any confirmation prompt.
8 To add a task or role to the definition, do the following in the order listed:
Managing administrator security 35
Roles-based administration

■ Click Add.
■ The Add Definition window appears.
■ To add roles to the definition, check each role to add.
■ To add tasks to the definition, click the Task tab and then check each task
to add.
■ To add operations, click the Operations tab and then check each operation
to add.
Instead of adding individual operations to a role, we recommend that you
use tasks to create custom roles. The tasks contain the correct combination
of internal and external operations.
■ Click OK to close the Add Definition window.

9 Click OK to close the definition properties window.

10 On the File menu, click Exit, and click Yes to confirm that you want to save
your changes to the Directory database.
The changes take approximately one minute to be replicated to all Enterprise
Vault servers, and to any SQL Server Reporting Services servers on which
Enterprise Vault Reporting is configured. Wait a minute if you want to start
Authorization Manager again to make further changes.
Administration Consoles do not reflect the assignment changes until they are
restarted. After you modify a role, administrators may receive role-related error
messages until they restart the Administration Console.

Creating a new role for administration

You can create new roles, adding other roles, tasks, and operations, as required.
You can create roles from a combination of existing roles and tasks.

Note: It is not advisable to add individual operations to a role. We recommend that

you use tasks to create custom roles. The tasks contain the correct combination of
internal and external operations. Adding unnecessary internal operations to a role
reduces the security of that role.

To create a new role for administration

1 Using the Vault Service account, start the Administration Console.
2 Right-click the Directory container and, on the shortcut menu, click
Authorization Manager.
Managing administrator security 36
Roles-based administration

3 In the Authorization Manager window, under Enterprise Vault, expand

4 Right-click Role Definitions and, on the shortcut menu, click New Role
5 In the Role Definition window, enter a Name and Description for the new
6 Click Add to add roles, tasks, or operations to the role.
7 When you have finished, in the Authorization Manager File menu click Exit.
Click Yes to confirm that you want to save your changes to the Directory
The changes take approximately one minute to be replicated to all Enterprise
Vault servers, and to any SQL Server Reporting Services servers on which
Enterprise Vault Reporting is configured. Wait a minute if you want to start
Authorization Manager again to make further changes.
Administration Consoles do not reflect role assignment changes until they are
restarted. Administrators may receive role-related error messages until they
restart the Administration Console.

Determining your current role entitlements

If you need to find out what your current role is, and which tasks you can perform,
you can list the role entitlements.
To determine your current role entitlements
1 In the Administration Console, right-click the Directory container and, on the
shortcut menu, click Show Roles.
2 If you want to keep a copy of the list, click Copy to clipboard. You can then
paste the text into a document or mail message as required.
3 Click OK.

Resetting all roles and assignments

You can use a registry value to reset all the roles and role assignments so that they
are the same as they were when installed.
See the description of the ResetAuthorizationStore value in the Registry Values
Managing administrator security 37
Using permissions to control access

Using permissions to control access

When you install or upgrade to Enterprise Vault 11.0, only the Vault Service account
has access to the Administration Console. You can then use the Vault Service
account to assign administrative roles as required.
An administrator in any given role has access to all Administration Console
containers that are relevant to that role. For example, a Messaging Administrator
has access to every Exchange Server and Domino server in the Enterprise Vault
You can assign administrator permissions to grant or deny access to individual
containers in the Administration Console. For example, you can grant an
administrator access to a single Exchange Server computer.
You can assign permissions to grant or deny access to any of the following
Administration Console containers:
■ A file server
■ An Exchange Server
■ A Domino Server
■ A SharePoint web application
■ An Enterprise Vault server
As soon as you modify a container’s permissions, access to that container and its
contents is controlled by the list you defined. The only exception to this is that the
Vault Service account always has access.
For example, a Messaging Administrator who does not have access to a particular
Exchange Server cannot enable mailboxes on that Exchange Server. This is because
the Enable Mailbox wizard does not allow the administrator to list the mailboxes on
that Exchange Server.
If you need to return to the state in which all administrators have access to a
container, you must delete all entries in the administrator permissions list for that
To grant or deny permission to access a container
1 Using the Vault Service account, start the Administration Console.
2 In the Administration Console, right-click the file server, Exchange Server,
SharePoint web application, or Enterprise Vault server to which you want to
apply permissions and, on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
3 Click the Admin Permissions tab. The list shows the specific users or groups
who have been granted or denied permission to administer this computer.
Managing administrator security 38
Changing the Vault Service account

4 If you want to add an entry to the list, click Add and then proceed as follows:
■ If you are adding the first entry on the list, there is a warning that adding
an entry to the list restricts access to those users with Grant access. Click
■ In the Add Users and Groups window, add the users or groups to whom
you want to grant or deny access to the container. Click OK.
The Admin Permissions list now shows the users and groups you have
added, with a Grant and Deny option next to each.

5 If you want to remove an entry from the list, click the entry to select it and then
click Remove.
6 For each user and group, select Grant to grant access to this container, or
Deny to deny access to this container, as required.
7 If you need to delete an entry from the list
8 Click OK to close Admin Properties.
If you have removed all entries from the list there is a warning that all
administrators in a role that allows access to this container now have access.
Click OK.

Changing the Vault Service account

If you need to change the Vault Service account, this section describes how to

Note: You are recommended not to change the account name if possible, because
of the amount of work involved, and the potential for introducing mistakes that take
time to rectify.

Before you change the account, ensure that the following apply:
■ The new Vault Service account is part of the Administrators group, with
permission Full Control (All), on each Enterprise Vault computer in the Enterprise
Vault Site.
■ If Exchange Server archiving is implemented, the new account has full
permissions on the Microsoft Exchange Server.
■ The Microsoft Message Queue security has been set up to grant the
Administrators group access to the Enterprise Vault queues.
■ The new account has database creator access on the SQL server.
Managing administrator security 39
Changing the Vault Service account

■ If you use File System Archiving, you must ensure that the new account has
the required permissions and privileges on the following:
■ All target Windows file servers.
■ Other Windows servers on which the FSA Agent is installed: any proxy
servers for FSA Reporting and File Blocking agent servers for NetApp filers.
If you do not make the Vault Service account a member of the local
Administrators group on the file server, you must grant the account a set of
minimum permissions and privileges. See the appendix “Permissions and
privileges required for the Vault Service account on Windows file servers” in
Setting up File System Archiving.
For servers on which the FSA Agent is installed, you can use the
EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions utility to help you set the required permissions
and privileges. See “EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions” in the Utilities guide.
■ If SharePoint Server archiving is implemented, add the new Vault Service account
to the SharePoint sites, or to the group that contains the old Vault Service
account. The new account must be a local administrator on the SharePoint
For instructions on how to set permissions for the Vault Service account, see
Enterprise Vault prerequisite software and settings in Installing and Configuring.
Note the following:
■ Always use the Administration Console to specify a new password for the Vault
Service account or to change the Vault Service account itself. Do not use the
Windows Services MMC snap-in to edit the logon credentials for an Enterprise
Vault service unless you are instructed to do so.
■ If you change only the password of the Vault Service account, and you have
installed the FSA Agent on any computers, you must update the logon credentials
that the FSA Agent services use.
See “Updating the logon credentials of the FSA Agent services” in Setting up
File System Archiving.
To change the Vault Service account
1 Start the Administration Console as the existing Vault Service account.
2 In the Administration Console, open Directory Properties and click the Service
Account tab.
3 Change the Vault Service account details to reference the new account.
4 On SharePoint servers, run the Enterprise Vault SharePoint Configuration
wizard and specify the new Vault Service account credentials.
Managing administrator security 40
Changing the Vault Service account

5 If you have installed any Enterprise Vault add-ons, you may need to change
the Vault Service account credentials in the add-on. See the documentation
that accompanies the add-on for information on how to do this.
6 Restart all Enterprise Vault services on all Enterprise Vault servers in the
Enterprise Vault Site.
7 Restart the Enterprise Vault services on any other computers that have
Enterprise Vault services installed. This includes the FSA Agent services on
any computers that have the FSA Agent installed.
See the following technical note for a summary of the various accounts and
permissions that are required by Enterprise Vault:
Chapter 3
Day-to-day administration
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Monitoring the system status

■ Monitoring application logs

■ About Exchange mailbox archiving reports

■ Monitoring MSMQ queues

■ About starting or stopping tasks or services

■ Checking logs with the Windows Event Viewer

■ Monitoring journal mailboxes

■ About monitoring disks

■ About maintaining the SQL databases

■ About managing vault store groups and sharing

■ About managing safety copies

■ About managing partition rollover

■ Recovering deleted items

■ About expiry and deletion

■ Creating a new retention category

■ About maintaining provisioning groups

■ Enabling archiving for new mailboxes

■ About applying or removing legal holds on selected archives

Day-to-day administration 42
Monitoring the system status

■ About moving archives

■ Deleting an archive

■ Deleting a vault store

■ Setting a system message

■ About index volumes

■ Moving the directory database

■ Moving a vault store database

■ Moving a fingerprint database

■ Moving the Monitoring database

■ Moving the audit database

■ Changing the Vault Service account password

Monitoring the system status

Enterprise Vault automatically runs checks to monitor the health of the Enterprise
Vault system.
Enterprise Vault displays the results of the checks in the Status section of the
Administration Console. Check the status results every day and fix any problems
that are shown.
To customize the checks for your environment you can do the following:
1 Choose which checks to run.
2 Modify the levels at which the checks report errors.
3 Specify when to run each check.
See “Monitoring in Site Properties” on page 247.

Monitoring application logs

Messages from the various Enterprise Vault services and tasks go into the event
logs on their respective computers. You need to check each of these logs for error
messages and take appropriate action as necessary.
When using the Event Viewer, you can filter the messages using the options on
the View menu.
Day-to-day administration 43
About Exchange mailbox archiving reports

Table 3-1 shows the event logs that Enterprise Vault uses.

Table 3-1 Enterprise Vault event logging

Event log Contents

Application Log The Application log includes Enterprise Vault events that show that
components have started or stopped, or that require you to take
some corrective action.

Symantec Enterprise All Enterprise Vault events, except for those from document
Vault conversion or from the Symantec Enterprise Vault CryptoModule.
Events that are placed in the Application Log also appear in here.

Symantec Enterprise Events resulting from document conversions.

Vault Converters

Symantec Enterprise Events that the Symantec Enterprise Vault CryptoModule generates.
Vault CryptoModule
For more information about Enterprise Vault and FIPS 140-2, see
the following article on the Symantec Support website:


About Exchange mailbox archiving reports

Every time the Exchange mailbox archiving task runs, it automatically produces an
Exchange mailbox archiving report. The Exchange mailbox archiving task produces
the report when it completes its archiving run, or at the daily time you specify if it
is configured to archive continuously.

Configuring Exchange mailbox archiving reports

You can configure the following Exchange mailbox archiving report settings:
■ The number of reports that Enterprise Vault retains
■ The time each day at which Enterprise Vault creates the reports, if the mailbox
archiving task archives continuously
To configure Exchange mailbox archiving reports
1 Log in to the Enterprise Vault server that hosts the Exchange mailbox archiving
task, using the Vault Service account.
2 In the Administration Console, open the Exchange Mailbox Task Properties:
Reporting tab.
Day-to-day administration 44
About Exchange mailbox archiving reports

3 In Number of reports to keep, set the number of Exchange mailbox archiving

reports that you want Enterprise Vault to retain.

Note: This determines both the number of reports kept for scheduled archiving
runs, and the number kept for run-now archiving runs.

4 If you have configured the Exchange mailbox archiving task to archive

continuously, in Create report at the following time, set the time at which
you want the Exchange mailbox archiving task to create the report.
This setting has no effect if the Exchange mailbox archiving task does not
archive continuously.

Using Exchange mailbox archiving reports

You can open Exchange mailbox archiving reports from the following locations:
■ The Exchange mailbox archiving reports web page, which is accessible from
the Administration Console, and directly in a web browser
■ The Exchange Mailbox Archiving folder on the Enterprise Vault server

Using the Exchange mailbox archiving reports web page

To open the Exchange mailbox archiving reports web page, your user account must
be assigned the Exchange Administrator role.
See “Roles-based administration” on page 24.
If you open the Exchange mailbox archiving reports web page locally on the
Enterprise Vault server, User Access Control (UAC) might prevent you from seeing
the page unless you run your browser with elevated privileges. For more information
about UAC, see the following article on the Microsoft website:
To open the Exchange mailbox archiving reports web page
1 Log in to the Enterprise Vault server that hosts the Exchange mailbox archiving
task, using an account that is assigned the Exchange Administrator role.
2 In the Administration Console, open the Exchange Mailbox Task Properties:
Reporting tab.
3 Click View reports to open the Exchange mailbox archiving reports web page.
You can also open the Exchange mailbox archiving reports web page directly at
the following URL:
Day-to-day administration 45
About Exchange mailbox archiving reports

■ evsrv is the Enterprise Vault server that hosts the Exchange mailbox archiving
■ exsrv is the Exchange server that the Exchange mailbox archiving task targets.
The Exchange mailbox archiving reports web page contains links to the following
■ An HTML progress report for the Exchange mailbox archiving task, if the task
is still archiving.
■ A brief HTML report for each completed run of the Exchange mailbox archiving
task. Note that each brief HTML report contains a link to a detailed HTML version
of the report.
■ A detailed CSV report for each completed run of the Exchange mailbox archiving
If the Enterprise Vault servers in your site target more than one Exchange server,
you can use the Exchange mailbox archiving reports site summary page at the
following URL:
In this case, evsrv can be any of the Enterprise Vault servers in your site.
This page lists all the Exchange servers targeted in your site, and provides a link
to the individual Exchange mailbox archiving reports web page on the Enterprise
Vault server that targets each Exchange server.

Using the Exchange mailbox archiving reports on the Enterprise

Vault server
The Exchange mailbox archiving task saves reports on the Enterprise Vault server
that hosts the task.
The task saves the reports in the Reports\Exchange Mailbox Archiving subfolder
of the Enterprise Vault installation folder (for example C:\Program Files
(x86)\Enterprise Vault).

Reports\Exchange Mailbox Archiving contains a subfolder for each targeted

Exchange server, and each of these folders contains the following subfolders:
■ RunNow, which contains reports from run-now runs of the mailbox archiving task.

■ Scheduled, which contains reports from scheduled runs of the mailbox archiving
Day-to-day administration 46
Monitoring MSMQ queues

Each of these folders contains a subfolder for each report. The individual report
folders are named using the following convention:

■ RunType is “RunNow” or “Scheduled”.
■ yyyymmdd_hhmmss is the date and time the report was created.
Each report folder contains brief reports and detailed reports in HTML format, and
detailed reports in CSV format.

Note: The progress report for an Exchange mailbox archiving task that is still
archiving, is generated when it is requested from the Exchange mailbox archiving
reports web page. It is not stored on disk on the Enterprise Vault server.

Getting more information

For more information about Exchange mailbox archiving reports, see the following
technical note on the Symantec Support website:

Monitoring MSMQ queues

It is important that you monitor MSMQ queues so that you can quickly spot any
problems that may occur.
To monitor the performance of the queues:
◆ Use the Windows Performance Monitor
You may find it useful to have the Windows Performance Monitor running
continuously, showing the number of messages on all the queues.
See “Accessing Enterprise Vault message queues” on page 341.
You will quickly become used to the normal behavior of the queues and will notice
excessive backlogs. Investigate the cause of any such backlogs promptly.

About starting or stopping tasks or services

You may want to stop an Enterprise Vault task or service for many possible reasons,
such as when you do any of the following:
Day-to-day administration 47
About starting or stopping tasks or services

■ Changing tasks, policies, or service settings. For many of the service settings
you must stop and restart one or more services before the new settings come
into effect. For details of which settings require a restart to take effect, see the
help for the property pages of each service and task.
■ Changing hardware configurations.
■ Reconfiguring a service.
■ Troubleshooting.

Starting or stopping tasks

You can start and stop tasks from the Administration Console.
To start a task
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Enterprise Vault
2 Expand the name of the computer that runs the task you want to start.
3 Click Tasks.
The right pane shows the tasks on that computer.
4 In the right pane, click the task you want to start.
5 Do one of the following:
■ Click Start the Task on the toolbar.
■ Right-click the name of the task and then, on the shortcut menu, click Start.

To stop a task
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Enterprise Vault
2 Expand the name of the computer that runs the task you want to stop.
3 Click Tasks.
The results pane shows the tasks on that computer.
4 In the right pane, click the task you want to stop.
5 Do one of the following:
■ Click Stop the Task on the toolbar.
■ Right-click the name of the task and, on the shortcut menu, click Stop.
Day-to-day administration 48
About starting or stopping tasks or services

Starting or stopping services

You can start and stop services from both the Administration Console and the
Windows Service Control manager.
Note that there is a command-line utility, EVservice, with which you can start and
stop local and remote Windows services. EVservice is useful if you have a backup
procedure that you want to automate. The utility is in the Enterprise Vault program
folder (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault). See the Utilities
manual for guidelines on how to use it.
To start a service
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Enterprise Vault
2 Expand the name of the computer that is running the service that you want to
3 Click Services.
The right pane shows the services on that computer.
4 In the right pane, click the service you want to start.
5 Do one of the following:
■ Click Start the Service on the toolbar.
■ Right-click the name of the service and then, on the shortcut menu, click

To stop a service
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Enterprise Vault
2 Expand the name of the computer that runs the service you want to stop.
3 Click Services.
The results pane shows the services on that computer.
4 In the right pane, click the service you want to stop.
5 Do one of the following:
■ Click the Stop the Service button on the toolbar.
■ Right-click the name of the service and then, on the shortcut menu, click
Day-to-day administration 49
Checking logs with the Windows Event Viewer

Checking logs with the Windows Event Viewer

Enterprise Vault services and tasks all write their diagnostic logging information to
the standard Enterprise Vault Event Log. You can view the event log by using the
standard Windows Event Viewer.
The amount of diagnostic logging information output depends on the diagnostic
logging level you set for that service or task. Enterprise Vault generates many log
entries. You must take some action to make sure that the log files do not grow too
The Event Viewer provides the following ways to ensure that the log files are the
proper size:
■ The default setting for the Event Viewer is for new events to replace old events.
This ensures that all events are logged.
■ You can specify a length of time to keep all log entries before they can be
■ You can set a maximum size for the log file, to make sure that the log file contains
as much history as you are likely to need.
■ You can keep all log entries and clear the log file manually, using the Event
If you have purchased a suitable reporting tool, you can use information from the
Application Log in your own, customized reports.
For more information on controlling log files, see the Event Viewer Help.
To check logs with the Windows Event Viewer
1 Start the Event Viewer (eventvwr.exe).
2 In the left pane of the Event Viewer, click the Application log or one of the
Enterprise Vault logs:
■ Symantec Enterprise Vault
■ Symantec Enterprise Vault Converters
■ Symantec Enterprise Vault CryptoModule
The Event Viewer loads the log you selected.

Monitoring journal mailboxes

You can set up Enterprise Vault so that it archives all messages that the Microsoft
Exchange Server system sends and receives, provided that the messages are
passed to one or more specific Microsoft Exchange journal mailboxes.
Day-to-day administration 50
Monitoring journal mailboxes

The Exchange Journaling task runs continuously, checking for items in journal
mailboxes and immediately archiving them. These items are deleted from the
mailbox as they are archived and no shortcuts are created.
It is important that you monitor journal mailboxes to make sure that items are
archived promptly. It is especially important that you do this if you have suffered
some sort of system failure which required a system restart.
If you are running an Exchange Journaling task, messages in the journal mailbox
should be archived soon after they arrive in the mailbox.
To check a journal mailbox
1 Run Microsoft Exchange Client or Microsoft Outlook.
2 Log on to a profile that has access to the journal mailbox.
3 Check that there are no messages in the Inbox folder that are older than one
day. If there are any messages older than one day, then there is likely to be a
4 Look in the following folders, which are under the Enterprise Vault Exchange
Journaling Task folder:

Above maximum size Contains messages that exceed the maximum size that is set
in the Exchange journaling policy.

Failed Codepage nnn To fix the problem, do one of the following:

■ Install the missing codepage.

■ Use the default ANSI codepage (ACP codepage).

These tasks are described below.

When you have set up codepages correctly, move the failed

messages back to the Journal Inbox so that they are
processed again.

Failed DL Expansion Contains the items that cannot be archived because Enterprise
Vault is unable to expand their distribution lists.

Failed External Filter Contains the messages that cannot be processed by a custom

Check the Enterprise Vault Event Log to determine the cause

of the problem.

Also check that the rule set file references the correct XML
Day-to-day administration 51
Monitoring journal mailboxes

Failed to copy Contains the messages that are probably corrupt. Try dragging
them to your desktop and then, when they are on the desktop,
double-clicking them.

You may find that the messages are now not corrupt. If you
drag them from your Desktop to the Inbox folder, the Exchange
Journaling task tries to archive them again. Remember to
delete the corrupt versions from the Failed to copy folder.

Failed to store Contains the messages that cannot be archived. They probably
failed because of a problem with the Storage service. You can
move all these items back to the Inbox folder and the
Exchange Journaling task tries again to archive them.

Invalid Journal Report Contains messages whose journal report (P1 envelope
message) does not conform to Microsoft’s specification.

To add the codepage

1 Install the required codepage on the Exchange Journaling task computer.
2 To prevent a similar problem from happening on Exchange Mailbox task
computers, install the codepage on each Exchange Mailbox task computer.
3 If you use a building blocks configuration, repeat the changes on every
Enterprise Vault server in your site.

Use the default ANSI codepage (ACP codepage)

Enterprise Vault has a list of codepages in the file CodePages.txt, which is installed
in the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program Files
(x86)\Enterprise Vault).

You can force Enterprise Vault to use the default ANSI codepage (ACP codepage)
by deleting the appropriate codepage entry from the file. If you find that the ACP
codepage does not give you good conversions, replace the entry in Codepages.txt
and install the missing codepage.
To delete a codepage entry
1 Edit CodePages.txt on the Exchange Journaling task computer to remove the
entry for the codepage that caused the problem.
2 To prevent a similar problem happening on Exchange Mailbox task computers,
make the same change to CodePages.txt on each Exchange Mailbox task
3 If you use a building blocks configuration, repeat the change on every Enterprise
Vault server in your site.
Day-to-day administration 52
About monitoring disks

About monitoring disks

You need to check that there is enough free space on the disks that contain the
vault stores and indexes. Just how much space you need depends on your use of
Enterprise Vault. However, during the course of monitoring, you will quickly get
used to the rate at which the various Enterprise Vault databases consume disk

Checking disk space for vault stores

You must ensure that there is enough disk space for the vault store databases.
When your Enterprise Vault installation has reached its normal running state, you
can estimate the rate at which disk space is consumed and so be able to plan
If a disk is running out of space, you can use SQL Enterprise Manager to create a
new SQL device on another disk and then expand the database on to the new

How the Admin service monitors disk space

The Admin service runs automatically when any other Enterprise Vault service
The main task of the Admin service is to monitor the following:
■ Free space on local hard disks. By default, the Admin service monitors all local
hard disks, but you can restrict it to specific disks if required.
■ The amount of available virtual memory.
The Admin service has a warning threshold and a critical threshold for each type
of check. When the warning threshold is reached, the Admin service writes a warning
message to the Windows Application Log. When the critical threshold is reached,
the Admin service stops all Enterprise Vault services.
Stopping Enterprise Vault before problems arise helps to maintain its stability.
However, it is important to watch the Application Log for Enterprise Vault messages
so that you can take corrective action as necessary.
Table 3-2 describes the thresholds that the Admin service uses.
Day-to-day administration 53
About monitoring disks

Table 3-2 Admin service thresholds

Check Warning Critical Example of message

threshold threshold

Free space on 95% full 99% full ■ Warning message:

local hard disks The system is running out of disk
space on drives C: and D: - delete
any unwanted files.
Enterprise Vault will be shut down
when 99% of the disk space is used.
■ Critical message:
Insufficient disk space is available
on drive C: for Enterprise Vault to
Enterprise Vault will now be shut
down; to correct this problem, delete
any unwanted files and restart
Enterprise Vault.

Virtual memory 90% of limit 95% of limit ■ Warning message:

The system is running out of Virtual
Memory - free memory by closing
any unwanted applications.
Enterprise Vault will be shut down
when 95% of Virtual Memory is used.

Modifying the Admin service

You do not normally need to make any changes to the Admin service. However,
there may be occasions when you want to turn off or modify the monitoring. For
example, you may have a disk on the system that is nearly full but that Enterprise
Vault does not use. The Admin service monitors all local disks, so it may stop
Enterprise Vault even though Enterprise Vault has enough space. In such
circumstances you probably want to stop monitoring the disk.

Note: Do not stop the Admin service unnecessarily. Enterprise Vault requires the
Admin service to be present at all times. If you do stop the Admin service, all the
other Enterprise Vault services on the same computer stop as well. Also, if you
start one of the other services and the Admin service is not running, the Admin
service automatically starts.
Day-to-day administration 54
About monitoring disks

To pause monitoring by the Admin service

1 In the Windows Control Panel, double-click Services.
2 In the list of services, click Enterprise Vault Admin Service.
3 On the Action menu, click Pause.
To resume monitoring, click Resume on the Action menu.
To modify the behavior of future instances of the Admin service
1 In the Windows Control Panel, double-click Services.
2 In the list of services, double-click Enterprise Vault Admin Service.
3 If the Admin service is running, click Stop, and then click Yes when prompted
to stop other Enterprise Vault services.
4 In the Start Parameters box, type the parameters to use.

To specify the disks that the Admin Type the following start parameter:
service should monitor. By default, the
service monitors all local hard disks.
where list specifies one or more disks to
monitor. Do not include any spaces or tabs
in the list. The colon (:) in the disk name is

For example, to monitor disks C, E, and F

only, type either of the following:


To make this apply every time the Admin

service starts, add the /SAVE parameter as



To monitor all disks (this restores the default

behavior), type the following:


To turn off monitoring for the instance Type the following start parameter:
of the Admin service that will start when
you click Start in the Services control
Day-to-day administration 55
About maintaining the SQL databases

To turn off monitoring every time the Type the following start parameter:
Admin service starts.

To turn on monitoring for the instance Type the following start parameter:
of the Admin service that will start when
you click Start in the Services control

To turn on monitoring every time the Type the following start parameter:
Admin service starts.

To apply the changes every time the Type the following start parameter:
Admin service starts.

For example, to monitor disks E and F every

time the Admin service starts, type the


5 Click Start to start the Admin service.

6 Start other Enterprise Vault services as necessary.

Disk space and indexes

If you are running out of disk space for indexes, you can create new index locations
for the Indexing service to use to store its indexes. You can add more locations if
needed. When you add a new location, the Indexing service may choose to use it
when creating indexes for a new archive. If you want to force the Indexing service
to use a particular location, use Close Location to close all the other locations, thus
leaving just one location open.
Enterprise Vault does not create new indexes in a closed location or update existing
indexes that are in a closed location. Enterprise Vault automatically creates new
indexes in an open location, as required.

About maintaining the SQL databases

You can use Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager to maintain all the Enterprise Vault
databases, but if you have other tools that you prefer to use, you can use those
instead. For more information on using Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager, see the
Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
Day-to-day administration 56
About maintaining the SQL databases

Back up all the databases as part of a planned backup procedure. Depending on

your procedures, you may decide to truncate the transaction logs after each
database has been backed up.
See “About Enterprise Vault backups” on page 381.
You may find that the transaction logs do not need all the disk space that has been
allocated to them. If so, you can shrink them to some suitable size. Do not do this
until you are sure that you have understood the disk space requirements for the
transaction logs.

Vault store database maintenance

Monitor the amount of allocated space that the vault store databases and transaction
logs have used, and take appropriate action as necessary.
The initial size of each vault store database is as follows:

Data device 100 MB

Transaction log 80 MB

Total 180 MB

The vault store database components are named as follows:

Database name EVVSvaultstore_n

Data device name EVVSvaultstore_n

Log device name EVVSvaultstore_nLOG

The variables in the names are as follows:

■ vaultstore is the name of the vault store, with any spaces removed.
■ n is an internally generated integer, which ensures that the database name is
unique across an Enterprise Vault site.

Directory database maintenance

The directory database contains the configuration information for Enterprise Vault.
The initial size for the data device of 10 megabytes was chosen to support 10,000
archives. This database is not likely to increase much in size.
The initial size of the directory database is as follows:

Data device 10 MB
Day-to-day administration 57
About maintaining the SQL databases

Transaction log 25 MB

Total 35 MB

The directory database components are named as follows:

Database name EnterpriseVaultDirectory

Data device name VaultDev

Log device name VaultLog

Fingerprint database maintenance

Each vault store group has a fingerprint database. One possible exception is the
Default Upgrade Group, which Enterprise Vault creates if you previously upgraded
to Enterprise Vault 8.0. The Default Upgrade Group does not have a fingerprint
database until you configure sharing for it.
The total initial disk space requirement is 212 MB.
The fingerprint database holds information about each Enterprise Vault single
instance storage part (SIS part) that is stored in the group's vault stores. In addition
to the primary filegroup, a fingerprint database has 32 non-primary filegroups, which
hold the information about the SIS parts.
If you share items using Enterprise Vault single instance storage, Enterprise Vault
generates a large amount of SIS part data. The non-primary filegroups may therefore
grow very rapidly in size. To ensure acceptable archiving and retrieval performance,
you must locate the non-primary filegroups appropriately for the amount of sharing
in the vault store group. You can configure the filegroup locations when you create
the vault store group, or when you configure sharing for the Default Upgrade Group.
See "Creating vault store groups" and "Configuring sharing for a vault store group"
in Installing and Configuring.
To add or change the filegroup locations after the fingerprint database is configured
is a SQL Server administration task. See your Microsoft SQL Server documentation
for details.
The initial size of the fingerprint database is as follows:

Primary filegroup 100 MB

Non-primary filegroups 32 MB (1 MB for each of the 32 non-primary filegroups)

Transaction log 80 MB
Day-to-day administration 58
About maintaining the SQL databases

Total 212 MB

The fingerprint database components are named as follows:

Database name EVVSGvaultstoregroup_n_m

Data device name EVVSGvaultstoregroup_n_m

Log device name EVVSGvaultstoregroup_n_mLOG

The variables in the names are as follows:

■ vaultstoregroup is the name of the vault store group, with any spaces removed.
■ n and m are internally generated integers.

Monitoring database maintenance

The Monitoring database contains the data that is gathered by the Enterprise Vault
Monitoring agents. The data is used by Enterprise Vault Operations Manager, and
in some of the reports generated by Enterprise Vault Reporting.
Ensure that there is adequate space for the database to grow as data is added.
The initial size of the Monitoring database is as follows:

Data device 100 MB

Transaction log 80 MB

Total 180 MB

The Monitoring database components are named as follows:

Database name EnterpriseVaultMonitoring

Data device name EnterpriseVaultMonitoring_Data

Log device name EnterpriseVaultMonitoring_Log

FSA Reporting database maintenance

Enterprise Vault creates at least one FSA Reporting database if you configure FSA
Reporting. The data is used in the Data Analysis reports that FSA Reporting
Day-to-day administration 59
About managing vault store groups and sharing

See "Maintaining the FSA Reporting databases" in the Enterprise Vault Reporting

About managing vault store groups and sharing

This section describes how to do the following:
■ View the status of the vault stores in a vault store group.
■ Change the sharing level of a vault store.
■ Move a vault store to a different vault store group.
■ Delete a vault store group.
■ Monitor the fingerprint databases.
■ Monitor the archive space reduction due to single instance storage.
You must back up each vault store group's fingerprint database as part of your
backup regime.
See “About Enterprise Vault backups” on page 381.

Note: For information on how to create vault store groups and vault stores, and how
to set up a sharing regime that is suitable for your organization, see "Setting up
Storage" in Installing and Configuring.

Viewing the status of the vault stores in a vault store group

The Administration Console shows a summary of the status of each vault store in
a vault store group.
To view a status summary for the vault stores in a vault store group
1 In the Administration Console, expand the Site and then expand Vault Store
2 In the left pane, click the Vault Store Group for which you want to see details.
The right pane of the Administration Console lists the details of each vault store
in the group. To refresh this view at any time, click F5.
Enterprise Vault displays the following information for each vault store in the
■ Name: The name of the vault store.
■ Status: The status of the vault store. The status is either Available or Marked
for deletion.
Day-to-day administration 60
About managing vault store groups and sharing

■ Backup Mode: If the vault store is in backup mode, "Yes" appears in this
column. To place a vault store in backup mode, or to clear it from backup
mode, right-click the vault store and select Set backup mode or Clear
backup mode.
■ Sharing Type: Indicates the vault store's sharing level. You can change a
vault store's sharing level from the Sharing tab of its parent Vault Store
GroupSymantecs properties.
See “Changing the sharing level of a vault store” on page 60.
■ Computer: The computer whose Enterprise Vault Storage service the vault
store uses.
■ Safety Copy: The safety copy setting. This setting determines when
Enterprise Vault deletes safety copies. You can change the safety copy
setting from the Safety Copies tab of the vault store's properties.
■ Journal Safety Copy: The journal safety copy setting. This setting
determines when Enterprise Vault deletes journal safety copies. You can
change the safety copy setting from the Safety Copies tab of the vault
store's properties.
To see more details for a particular vault store, right-click the vault store and
select Properties.

Changing the sharing level of a vault store

You can change the sharing level of any vault store within a vault store group. You
can also configure all vault stores to use a specific sharing level, including any new
vault stores that you add to the group.
The sharing level of a vault store must be one of the following:
■ No sharing. The vault store does not participate in Enterprise Vault single
instance storage.
■ Share within Vault Store. The vault store shares SIS parts only within itself.
■ Share within group. The vault store shares SIS parts with other vault stores
in the group that also have the Share within group sharing level.
To change the sharing levels you must run the Configure Sharing wizard on the
vault store group. The vault store group must contain at least one vault store.

Note: You can rerun the Configure Sharing wizard at any time, but changes you
make to the vault store sharing levels do not act retrospectively.
Day-to-day administration 61
About managing vault store groups and sharing

To configure sharing for a vault store group

1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the Enterprise Vault site
hierarchy until Vault Store Groups is visible.
2 Expand the Vault Store Groups container to show the existing vault store
3 Right-click the vault store group for which you want to configure sharing, and
on the shortcut menu click Properties.
4 Click the Sharing tab.
The Sharing tab lists the vault stores in the vault store group, and their current
sharing levels.
5 Click Configure Sharing.
The Configure Sharing wizard starts.
6 In the special case of the Default Upgrade Group, Enterprise Vault helps you
to configure a fingerprint database for the group, if one does not exist already.
7 The Configure Sharing wizard takes you through the steps to configure sharing
levels for the vault stores in the vault store group. You can set the vault store
sharing levels individually, or apply a sharing level to all the current vault stores.
If you change one or more vault store sharing levels to Share within vault
store or Share within group, the wizard prompts you to run a connectivity
test before the wizard makes any changes. The connectivity test helps to
determine whether the network connectivity is sufficient to support the sharing
configuration you have selected.
The wizard makes no changes until you click Finish on the final page of the
If the connectivity test shows poor results you may want to do one of the
■ Click Back, modify the vault store sharing levels and rerun the connectivity
■ Click Cancel to discard your changes.
For more information on the connectivity test, see the Administration Console
help for the Configure Sharing wizard.

Moving a vault store to a different vault store group

In most cases you cannot move a vault store to a different vault store group.
Day-to-day administration 62
About managing vault store groups and sharing

You can move a vault store to a different vault store group only if all of the following
circumstances apply:
■ You previously upgraded to Enterprise Vault 8.0.
■ The vault store is one that Enterprise Vault upgraded to Enterprise Vault 8.0,
or one that you created in the Default Upgrade Group.
■ The vault store's sharing level is "No sharing" and has never been changed.
Note that when you move a vault store, it retains the sharing level "No sharing".
To move a vault store to another vault store group
1 Right-click the vault store and select Change Vault Store Group from the
shortcut menu.
The Change Vault Store Group wizard starts.
2 Work through the Change Vault Store Group wizard.
For more information, see the help that is provided with the wizard.

Deleting a vault store group

You can delete a vault store group if you no longer want to use its vault stores and
their associated archives. Deletion permanently removes all the partitions and
archives that the vault stores contain, and all the items that are stored in these
partitions and archives.
You can delete a vault store group only if all of the following conditions apply to
every vault store in the group:
■ It is not a default vault store for automatically-enabled archives.
■ It does not contain any archives that are associated with archiving targets.
■ Its status is Available.
■ It is not in backup mode.
When you delete a vault store group, the status of each vault store changes to
Marked for deletion. Shortcuts to items within the vault stores' archives no longer
Enterprise Vault may take a long time to complete the deletion operation. If a vault
store contains any items that are on legal hold, or any SIS parts that are referenced
by other vault stores, Enterprise Vault marks the vault store for deletion but it does
not delete the vault store or the group until these conditions no longer apply.
Day-to-day administration 63
About managing vault store groups and sharing

Note: If you delete a vault store group, you cannot stop or undo the process. The
action overrides any form of deletion protection that is applied to items or Retention
Categories, other than legal hold.

To delete a vault store group

1 In the Administration Console, select the vault store group that you want to
2 The right pane of the Administration Console displays the status of the group's
vault stores. Click F5 to refresh the view. The right pane displays each vault
store's current status, and indicates whether backup mode is set. You can only
delete a vault store if the status is Available and backup mode is not set.
3 Right-click the vault store group and select Delete from the shortcut menu.
4 On the warning dialog, click Delete.
The status of each vault store in the group changes to Marked for Deletion.
The icon for the Vault Store Group also changes to indicate that it is marked
for deletion.
When Enterprise Vault eventually completes the deletion, it removes the vault
stores and the vault store group from the Administration Console.

Monitoring the fingerprint databases

If you enable monitoring on the Monitoring tab of the Site Properties, a number of
alerts are available for the vault store group fingerprint databases. These alerts are
as follows:
■ Vault Store fingerprint database backup. The number of days before
Enterprise Vault issues a warning about a fingerprint database that is not backed
up. The default value is 3.
■ Vault Store fingerprint database log backup. The number of days before
Enterprise Vault issues a warning about a fingerprint database transaction log
that is not backed up. The default value is 1.
■ Vault Store fingerprint database log size. The percentage of available space
that a fingerprint database transaction log can occupy before Enterprise Vault
issues a warning about space usage. The default value is 85 percent.
See “Monitoring in Site Properties” on page 247.
The fingerprint databases must be backed up as part of your backup regime.
See “About Enterprise Vault backups” on page 381.
Day-to-day administration 64
About managing safety copies

Monitoring the archive space reduction due to single instance storage

If you have installed and configured Enterprise Vault Reporting, you can access
the reports that provide information on the archive storage savings that are due to
Enterprise Vault single instance storage.
The reports that relate to single instance storage are as follows:
■ Single Instance Storage Reduction Summary. This report shows the storage
reduction that has resulted from Enterprise Vault single instance storage for
each vault store group in an Enterprise Vault Site.
■ Single Instance Storage Reduction per Vault Store Group. This report shows
the storage reduction that has resulted from Enterprise Vault single instance
storage for each vault store in a vault store group.
■ Single Instance Storage Reduction by File Type. This report shows the
storage reduction that has resulted from Enterprise Vault single instance storage
for each file type within a vault store group.
You can access the single instance storage reports from the Microsoft SQL Server
Reporting Services Report Manager web application, or from within the
Administration Console. See the Reporting manual for more information.

About managing safety copies

Enterprise Vault can be configured to retain archived items until the vault store
partition in which they are archived has been backed up. During the time between
archiving and removal, Enterprise Vault treats the original items as safety copies.
For each vault store you can choose to keep the safety copies on the Enterprise
Vault storage queue rather than in the original locations. This option has the
advantage that the original items are removed immediately after archiving so users
benefit from an immediate space gain.
When the vault store partition has been backed up, Enterprise Vault can remove
the safety copies. Enterprise Vault also creates shortcuts and placeholders at this
time if it is configured to do so.

Note: Enterprise Vault removes safety copies when the Storage service is started
or when backup mode is cleared from the vault store.

For more information about the configuration of safety copies, see “About Enterprise
Vault safety copies” in Installing and Configuring.
Day-to-day administration 65
About managing safety copies

Configuring the removal of Enterprise Vault safety copies

To configure the removal of safety copies for an existing vault store
1 In the left pane of the administration console, expand the Vault Store Groups
container and find the vault store.
2 Right-click the vault store and click Properties.
3 On the Safety Copies tab of the Vault Store Properties choose an option
from the Default behavior list.
4 If you want the behavior to be different for journal archives, select an option
from For journal archives list.

Note: This option is available only if Default behavior is set to Yes, in the
original location. If you require different settings for journaling you can use a
separate vault store.

Checking that partitions have been backed up

If you choose to keep safety copies Enterprise Vault must check that the partition
has been backed up before it removes those safety copies.
During the creation of each vault store, you chose from the following options:
■ Use the archive attribute. Files on the partition whose archive attributes are
cleared are considered backed up and Enterprise Vault removes the
corresponding safety copies. This option is appropriate only if your backup
software clears archive attributes after backup.
■ Check for a trigger file. A partition is considered backed up when Enterprise
Vault finds a trigger file on the partition. Typically, this trigger file is placed on
the partition by your backup software. When you choose this option, you can
also configure how often the partition is checked for the presence of a trigger
You can change this setting subsequently in the Administration console.
To configure which method Enterprise Vault uses to ensure a partition’s data is
backed up
1 In the left pane of the administration console, expand the Vault Store Groups
container and select the vault store contains the partition.
2 In the right pane, right-click the partition and click Properties.
3 Click the Backup tab.
Day-to-day administration 66
About managing partition rollover

4 Select one of the following options:

■ Use the archive attribute
■ Check for a trigger file

5 If you selected the Check for a trigger file option, you can also set a partition
scan interval, which determines how often Enterprise Vault checks the partition
for a trigger file. Select the Scan partition every option and set a scan interval
in minutes.
6 Click OK.

About managing partition rollover

Each vault store must contain at least one partition, which is the physical location
where Enterprise Vault stores archived data. As the data in a vault store grows,
you can create more partitions to provide additional capacity.
You can manually change the open partition in a vault store. For example, when
the disk that hosts the open partition reaches capacity, close the partition and open
a partition on a different disk.
Enterprise Vault also provides an automatic partition rollover feature. This feature
lets you configure partitions so that archiving rolls over from one partition to another
when certain criteria are met. For example, you can configure a partition to roll over
to the next available partition when the host disk has only 5% free space. You can
also configure a partition to roll over on a specific date.
In support of both these features, each partition can exist in one of three states:
■ Closed. A partition that is closed, is not available for archiving until you manually
open it, or make it ready for partition rollover.
■ Open. Each vault store can have only one open partition. Enterprise Vault
archives data into the open partition. Without partition rollover, Enterprise Vault
automatically closes a partition when the disk that hosts it becomes full, but
does not open another.
However, if the open partition is rollover enabled, and a ready partition exists,
Enterprise Vault automatically opens the ready partition when the open partition
meets its rollover criteria.
■ Ready. Each vault store can have any number of ready partitions that are
available to Enterprise Vault when partition rollover occurs.
Day-to-day administration 67
About managing partition rollover

Configuring partition rollover

In each vault store where you use partition rollover, the open partition must be
rollover enabled, and there must be at least one ready partition. For partition rollover
to work for an extended period without intervention, each ready partition in a vault
store must also be partition rollover enabled. If not, partition rollover stops at the
first partition that is not rollover enabled. In summary, for Enterprise Vault to roll
over through a series of partitions, each must be both ready for partition rollover,
and partition rollover enabled.

Note: Centera partitions cannot be rollover enabled, which means Enterprise Vault
cannot roll over from a Centera partition. However, Centera partitions can be rollover

You can enable and configure partition rollover for each partition when you create
it using the New Partition wizard. For more information on creating a new vault
store partition, see the Setting up storage chapter of the Installing and Configuring
manual. You can also configure partition rollover for existing vault store partitions,
using the Vault Store Partition Properties page.
Each partition can be configured to roll over using any of the following options:
■ Enabled based on volume. Partition rollover is enabled for this partition, and
occurs according to the amount of free space on the volume that hosts the
■ Enabled based on time. Partition rollover is enabled for this partition, and
occurs according to the time criteria you specify.
■ Enabled based on time or volume. Partition rollover is enabled and occurs
according to whichever of the volume criteria or time criteria are met first. For
example, you can configure the partition to roll over when its host volume falls
below 5% free space, or on a specific date, whichever comes first.
Depending on the choice you make, you can then set appropriate rollover criteria.
If you choose either Enabled based on volume or Enabled based on time or
volume, you can make appropriate settings to trigger partition rollover according
to the remaining free space on partition’s host volume. Set one of the following
criteria to trigger rollover:
■ A percentage of free space.
■ A specific amount of free space in MB, GB, or TB.
If you chose either Enabled based on time or Enabled based on time or volume,
you can make appropriate settings to trigger partition rollover. Set one of the
following criteria to trigger rollover:
Day-to-day administration 68
About managing partition rollover

■ An elapsed period of time, in days, weeks, months, or years.

■ A specific date and time for rollover to occur.
This flexibility enables a number of approaches to the management of partition
rollover. You can take a purely volume-based approach , in which you configure a
series of partitions that roll over when their host disks approach capacity. Normally,
this approach would require you to create the partitions on separate physical disks.
However, it is still possible to host partitions on a single disk when you mount
multiple physical volumes in one file system. In this case, Enterprise Vault rolls over
based on the free space on the physical volume, rather than on the host file system.
The time-based approach to partition rollover lets you roll over according to any
time criteria that suit your environment. For example, you can configure partitions
to roll over at the end of each week, or on a specific date each month.

Note: When you use date-based partition rollover, you must ensure that each
partition has sufficient storage capacity for period it is open.

Enterprise Vault also lets you use a mixture of volume and time criteria.
To enable and configure partition rollover on an existing partition
1 In the left pane of the administration console, expand the Vault Store Groups
container and select the vault store in which you want to configure partition
2 In the right pane, right-click a partition and click Properties.
3 Click the Rollover tab.
4 From the Partition Rollover list, select one of the following options:
■ Enabled based on volume
■ Enabled based on time
■ Enabled based on time or volume

5 Use the options that are available to you to set appropriate rollover criteria for
this partition.

Changing rollover order

As you create and configure rollover ready partitions, the order in which they are
used depends on the rollover criteria you set. By default, partitions configured with
volume-based criteria are used in the same order they are made ready for rollover.
Partitions configured with time-based criteria are used in the order the rollover dates
Day-to-day administration 69
About managing partition rollover

You can change partition rollover order using the Partition Rollover tab on the
Vault Store Properties page.

Note: You can place the partitions that are configured for volume-based rollover in
any order. However, you cannot break the rollover order for any partitions that are
configured for time-based rollover. For example, you cannot move a partition that
is configured to roll over on 10 October before one that is configured to roll over on
3 October.

To change rollover order

1 In the administration console, right-click a vault store and click Properties.
2 Click the Partition Rollover tab.
3 From the list of ready partitions, select the one whose position you want to
4 Click Move Up or Move down until the partition is in the correct position.
5 Repeat the previous two steps until the ready partitions are in the correct order.

Forcing partition rollover

You can force partition rollover using the PowerShell cmdlet
Start-PartitionRollover. This cmdlet forcibly closes the open partition in the
vault store you specify and, if one is available, opens the first ready partition.

Note: Start-PartitionRollover forces partition rollover irrespective of the rollover

criteria on the current open partition.
Day-to-day administration 70
Recovering deleted items

To force partition rollover

1 Open the Enterprise Vault management shell.
2 Run Start-PartitionRollover.
The syntax for this cmdlet is:
Start-PartitionRollover -EVServerName server -VaultStore

server is the Enterprise Vault server that runs the storage service for the vault
store in which you want to force partition rollover.
vault_store is the name or ID of the vault store in which you want to force
partition rollover.
For example:
Start-PartitionRollover EV1 VS1

This connects to the Enterprise Vault server EV1 and verifies that vault store VS1
uses the storage service on this server. If it does, Start-PartitionRollover forces
partition rollover in vault store VS1.

Recovering deleted items

Enterprise Vault can retain items that users have deleted so that you have some
time in which to recover items that users have deleted accidentally. You can
configure this recovery feature on the Archive Settings tab of Site Properties.
If recovery is enabled, Enterprise Vault retains deleted items for the period of time
that is specified on the Archive Settings tab of Site Properties. At the end of that
time the item is permanently deleted.
When a user deletes an archived item, it is removed from the index so that the item
can no longer be found by browsing or searching the archive. However, direct links
to the item, such as mailbox shortcuts, still work. The deleted item no longer
contributes to the archive quota usage.
Note that a user can retrieve a copy of a deleted item by using a shortcut. If the
user then rearchives this item without modifying it, the item is still in a deleted state
and therefore is not searchable.
Recovery is available only for those items that users have deleted. You cannot
recover items that Storage Expiry has deleted. Also, if Storage Expiry deletes an
item that has already been deleted by a user, you cannot then recover that item.
Day-to-day administration 71
About expiry and deletion

To recover items that have been deleted from an archive

1 In the Administration Console, expand the tree view until the Archives container
is visible.
2 Expand the Archives container and then click the container that has the archive
with the deleted items.
3 Right-click the archive with the deleted items and, on the shortcut menu, click
4 Click the Deleted Items tab. The tab shows the number of items that can be
5 Click Recover Items. This recovers all available items in the archive. You
cannot select specific items.

About expiry and deletion

Enterprise Vault can automatically perform the following:

Storage expiry Delete items from archives when the items' retention periods have

Shortcut deletion Delete shortcuts from users’ Exchange mailbox folders and Exchange
public folders. You can configure Enterprise Vault to delete shortcuts
over a certain age, or shortcuts to items that have been deleted from
an archive.

Setting up storage expiry

If you configure storage expiry, the Enterprise Vault Storage service automatically
deletes items from archives when their retention periods expire. When the Exchange
Mailbox task next runs, it automatically deletes the associated shortcuts from the
mailboxes. Similarly, the Exchange Public Folder task deletes the shortcuts that
are associated with expired items in public folders.
When certain items such as calendar, task, and meeting items are archived, the
original item in the mailbox is not replaced with a shortcut. By default, the archiving
task does not delete the original items when it performs shortcut deletion. To include
such items in shortcut deletion, configure the registry setting,
DeleteNonShortcutItems. The setting is described in the Registry Values manual.

If storage expiry for Exchange Server Archiving is based on archived date, and you
have configured Enterprise Vault to archive unexpired calendar, meeting, and task
items (that is, items with an end date in the future), then we recommend that you
use the advanced Exchange Mailbox policy setting, Future item retention category.
Day-to-day administration 72
About expiry and deletion

This ensures that storage expiry does not delete any archived calendar, meeting,
or task items before their end date.
See “Future item retention category (Exchange Archiving General setting)”
on page 143.
To set up storage expiry
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console expand the hierarchy until the
appropriate vault site is visible.
2 Right-click the vault site and then, on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
3 In the Site Properties dialog box, click the Storage Expiry tab.
4 Select the settings to use, and then click OK.
5 You do not need to configure shortcut deletion in the Exchange Mailbox policy
or Exchange Public Folder policy. The Exchange Mailbox task and Exchange
Public Folder task automatically delete expired item shortcuts when they next

Setting up shortcut deletion

The Exchange Mailbox task and Exchange Public Folder task perform shortcut
deletion. The tasks delete the shortcuts for expired items automatically. The following
additional shortcut deletion options are available on the Shortcut Deletion tab of
the Exchange Mailbox policy and the Exchange Public Folder policy:
■ Delete shortcuts that exceed the specified age. Enterprise Vault uses the
modified date or archived date to determine the age of a shortcut. You can
specify which date to use on the Storage Expiry tab of Site Properties.
■ Delete orphaned shortcuts. Orphaned shortcuts are shortcuts for items that
have previously been deleted from the archive.
When certain items such as calendar, task, and meeting items are archived, the
original item is not replaced with a shortcut. By default, the archiving task does not
delete the original items when it performs shortcut deletion. To include such items
in shortcut deletion, configure the registry setting, DeleteNonShortcutItems. The
setting is described in the Registry Values manual.
If you have configured Enterprise Vault to archive unexpired calendar, meeting,
and task items, any items with an end date in the future will not be deleted from
users' mailboxes.
Day-to-day administration 73
Creating a new retention category

To set up shortcut deletion options

1 In the Administration Console, expand the hierarchy until the appropriate
Exchange Mailbox or Public Folder policy is visible.
2 Right-click the policy. On the shortcut menu, click Properties.
3 In the policy dialog box, click the Shortcut Deletion tab.
4 Select the required options, and then click OK.

Creating a new retention category

By assigning a retention category to items at the time they are archived, it is possible
to categorize stored items. This categorization makes it easier to retrieve items
because it is possible to search by retention category.
Users can select retention categories from the list and assign them to items in their
mailboxes. When Enterprise Vault archives an item, it is stored with the appropriate
retention category.
A retention category specifies a retention period, which is the minimum amount of
time for which an item must be retained after its last modification date. For mail
messages, the retention period is the time since the message was received. For
documents, it is the time since the document was last modified. When the retention
period has elapsed, Enterprise Vault can automatically delete the items. See the
Storage Expiry tab in Site Properties to set up expiry.
If you later modify a retention category, the changes are retrospective. For example,
if you have a retention category called "Customer Accounts" with a retention period
of 5 years and you change it to 10 years, then items that have been already archived
with the "Customer Accounts" retention category are retained for a minimum of 10
You can create as many retention categories as you require. You can also modify
the standard retention categories to suit your own needs.
A retention category also includes settings that let you do the following:
■ Prevent automatic deletion of expired items.
■ Prevent user deletion of items.
■ Hide the retention category from users.
■ Lock the retention category.
To change these settings, open the properties of the retention category in the Vault
Administration console. The settings are not options in the New Retention Category
Day-to-day administration 74
About maintaining provisioning groups

Note: If you plan to store items indefinitely on a WORM storage device, then ensure
that the retention settings on the device are correctly configured. For details, refer
to Enterprise Vault hardware requirements in the manual, Installing and Configuring.

To create a new retention category

1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the vault site hierarchy
until Policies is visible.
2 Expand Policies.
3 Right-click Retention Categories and, on the shortcut menu, click New
Retention Category.
The New Retention Category wizard starts.
4 Work through the wizard.

About maintaining provisioning groups

The Exchange and Domino Provisioning tasks automatically provision new mailboxes
provided that they are included in their list of targets. Mailboxes that are not included
in the list of targets do not result in any warnings when the Provisioning tasks run.
If you have chosen to have mailboxes enabled automatically, remember that a
mailbox is provisioned according to the first provisioning group in which it appears.
Therefore, it is important that the mailbox is in the correct group before the
Provisioning task runs.

Note: If you choose to use the inherited vault store or inherited Indexing service,
and the provisioning group includes mailboxes from more than one server, different
vault stores or Indexing services may be used for mailboxes that are enabled
according to this provisioning group. Depending on the configuration options that
you have chosen, it is also possible that mailboxes on a particular server cannot
be enabled because no vault store or Indexing service is defined for them.

Enabling archiving for new mailboxes

You can enable archiving for a new Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox in the
following ways:
■ You can make Enterprise Vault automatically enable archiving for new Microsoft
Exchange Server mailboxes.
If you do this, Enterprise Vault automatically creates the mailbox's archive in
the default vault store.
Day-to-day administration 75
Enabling archiving for new mailboxes

■ You can manually enable archiving for specific Microsoft Exchange Server
mailboxes. If you have not set up Enterprise Vault to enable archiving for
mailboxes automatically, you must use this method to enable archiving for
Making Enterprise Vault enable archiving for new mailboxes automatically means
that you do not need to enable each mailbox manually whenever there is a new
Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox.
The advantage of enabling archiving manually is that you can select a specific vault
store as the location for each archive that is created.
Note that, if you make Enterprise Vault automatically enable archiving for new
mailboxes, the new archives are created the next time an Exchange Mailbox task
runs. If there is a new mailbox that you want to be archived somewhere other than
the default vault store, you must manually enable archiving for that mailbox before
the Exchange Mailbox task runs. If you do not enable the mailbox yourself, Enterprise
Vault automatically enables archiving for it and creates an archive in the default
If you want all the new archives to be in the same vault store, making Enterprise
Vault automatically create archives is the option that means the least work on your
part. It is easy to turn this option on or off. For example, you can make Enterprise
Vault automatically create archives on the first run of the Exchange Mailbox task,
and then turn off the option and enable new mailboxes manually.
When Enterprise Vault automatically enables archiving for a mailbox, the new
archive is stored in the default location.
To make Enterprise Vault enable archiving for new mailboxes automatically
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the vault site hierarchy
until the name of the vault site is visible.
2 Expand the vault site and then expand Archiving Targets.
3 Expand Exchange.
4 Expand the required domain.
5 Click Provisioning Group.
If no provisioning groups are listed, create a new one as follows:
■ Right-click Provisioning Group and, on the shortcut menu, click New and
then Provisioning Group.
■ Work through the New Provisioning Group wizard.

6 In the right pane, double-click the provisioning group that will contain the
mailboxes that will be enabled automatically.
Day-to-day administration 76
Enabling archiving for new mailboxes

7 In the Provisioning Group Properties, click the Archiving Defaults tab.

8 Select Automatically enable mailboxes.
9 If you want to use a specific vault store for the new mailbox archives, click
Override the inherited Vault Store and click Change to pick the vault store
to use.
If you do not specify a vault store, the vault store that will be used is the one
defined in the Enterprise Vault server properties. If no vault store is defined
there, the vault store that is defined in the Exchange Server properties is used.
10 If you want to use a specific Indexing Service when archiving from the new
mailboxes, click Override the inherited Indexing Service and click Change
to pick the Indexing Service to use.
If you do not specify an Indexing Service, the Indexing Service that is used is
the one defined in the Enterprise Vault server properties. If no Indexing Service
is defined there, the Indexing Service that is defined in the Exchange Server
properties is used.
11 Select the default retention category to use for items that are stored in the new
Users can select other retention categories to use from the list of those
12 Select OK.
To enable archiving for mailboxes manually
1 On the Tools menu, click Enable Mailboxes.
The Enable Mailbox wizard starts.
2 Work through the wizard.
Note the following:
■ You can manually disable a new mailbox. This stops Enterprise Vault from
automatically enabling archiving for the mailbox. You would then have to
enable the mailbox at some point, as otherwise Enterprise Vault would
never archive items from it.
■ When you enable a mailbox, Enterprise Vault automatically selects one of
the open Indexing Locations to use to store the indexing data that is
associated with that mailbox's archive. Before you enable mailboxes, make
sure that the open Indexing Locations are the ones you want to use.
Enterprise Vault does not provide a way to change a mailbox's Indexing
Location after you have enabled archiving for the mailbox.
Day-to-day administration 77
About applying or removing legal holds on selected archives

■ You can select an existing archive to use for a mailbox that is being enabled.
This is useful when a mailbox has been migrated to a different Exchange
Server in the same Enterprise Vault site and needs to be enabled for
archiving to the same archive as before.

Checking for hidden mailboxes

By default, Enterprise Vault archives only the mailboxes that are listed in the
Exchange Global Address List. In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console,
hidden mailboxes are not listed in the Enable Mailbox wizard and do not appear in
Exchange Mailbox archiving task reports. If you want Enterprise Vault to archive
hidden mailboxes, you can use the registry value ProcessHiddenMailboxes.
Enterprise Vault does not process the mailboxes of disabled Active Directory
accounts. Even if you have configured the registry value ProcessHiddenMailboxes,
the mailboxes of hidden disabled accounts are not processed. To force Enterprise
Vault to include the mailboxes of users whose accounts have been disabled,
configure both of the registry values ProcessHiddenMailboxes and
ExcludeDisabledADAccounts. These settings are documented in the Registry Values
To check for a hidden mailbox
1 Start Active Directory Users and Computers.
2 Click View, and then select Advanced features.
3 Navigate to the user of the mailbox that you want to check, and display the
properties for that user.
4 On the Exchange Advanced tab, check whether the option Hide from
Exchange Address Lists is selected.

About applying or removing legal holds on selected

The items in an Enterprise Vault archive can be deleted when either of the following
■ Enterprise Vault automatically deletes the archived items whose retention periods
have expired.
■ A user manually deletes one or more archived items.
In some circumstances, you may need to place the items in an archive on legal
hold to stop them from being deleted. When this is the case, you can run the
Day-to-day administration 78
About applying or removing legal holds on selected archives

following PowerShell cmdlets to view and change the legal hold status of the

Get-EVArchive Returns a list of the Enterprise Vault archives to which a

specified user has access.

Set-EVArchive Sets the properties of the nominated archive.

You run the cmdlets directly in the Enterprise Vault Management Shell on the
Enterprise Vault server.
To run one of the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
1 Start the Enterprise Vault Management Shell.
PowerShell opens and loads the Enterprise Vault snap-in. The cmdlets are
now available in the shell.
2 At the PowerShell command prompt, type the required command.
Help is available for all the cmdlets. For example, the following command shows
the detailed Help for the Get-EVArchive cmdlet:
Get-Help Get-EVArchive -detailed

About the Get-EVArchive cmdlet


Returns a list of the Enterprise Vault archives to which a specified user has access.

Get-EVArchive -Server <string> -User <string> [-DeleteProtected
<Boolean>] [-DeleteExpiredItems <Boolean>] [-OnHold <Boolean>]
[-Permissions <string>]

Get-EVArchive returns a list of the Enterprise Vault archives in which a specified
user has various permissions, either directly or through membership of an Active
Directory group. You can filter the list by a number of archive properties. For
example, you can choose to list only those archives in which the user has permission
to delete the archived items, or only those archives that are on legal hold.
Day-to-day administration 79
About applying or removing legal holds on selected archives

-Server Mandatory. Identifies the Enterprise Vault server for which to
retrieve the archive list.

-User Mandatory. Identifies the user for which to retrieve the archive
list. Type the user's Windows logon name, user principal name,
or Domino user ID.

-DeleteProtected Optional. Filters the archive list according to whether the user
can manually delete the items in the archives. Set to $false to
list the archives in which the user can manually delete items,
or $true to list the archives in which the user cannot delete

-DeleteExpiredItems Optional. Filters the archive list according to whether Enterprise

Vault can automatically delete the archived items whose
retention periods have expired. Set to $false to list the archives
in which Enterprise Vault does not delete expired items, or $true
to list the archives in which it does.

-OnHold Optional. Filters the archive list according to the legal hold status
of the archives. Set to $false to list the archives in which either
the user or Enterprise Vault (or both) can delete items, or $true
to list the archives that are on legal hold. (Legal hold is
equivalent to DeleteProtected set to $true and
DeleteExpiredItems set to $false.)

-Permissions Optional. Filters the archive list according to the permissions

that the user has on the archives. Specify the permissions as
a combination of "r" (for "read"), "w" (for "write"), and "d" (for
"delete"). For example: "rw" and "rwd". A blank value ("")
denotes any permission. The default permission if not specified
is "d" ("delete").

Get-EVArchive MyEVServer Domain\User

Lists the archives on the Enterprise Vault server "MyEVServer" in which the user
"Domain\User" has delete permissions.
Get-EVArchive localhost [email protected] -DeleteProtected $false
-DeleteExpiredItems $false -Permissions rw

Lists the archives on the local server in which the user "[email protected]" has
both read and write permissions. Get-EVArchive filters the list to show only those
archives in which the user can manually delete items but in which Enterprise Vault
cannot automatically delete expired items.
Day-to-day administration 80
About applying or removing legal holds on selected archives

Get-EVArchive localhost Domain\User -OnHold $false

Lists the archives on the local server in which the user "Domain\User" has delete
permissions. Get-EVArchive excludes from the list all the archives that are on legal

About the Set-EVArchive cmdlet


Sets the properties of the nominated archive.

Set-EVArchive -ArchiveID <string> [-DeleteProtected <Boolean>]
[-DeleteExpiredItems <Boolean>] [-Description <string>] [-AdminNote

Set-EVArchive sets a number of properties of the nominated archive, including
whether users can manually delete the items in the archive and whether Enterprise
Vault can automatically delete the archived items when their retention period has
expired. You can also specify a description and administrative note for the archive
for display in the Administration Console.

-ArchiveID Mandatory. Specifies the ID of the archive for which to set the
properties. You can obtain the required ID with the
Get-EVArchive cmdlet.

-DeleteProtected Optional. Specifies whether to permit users manually to delete

the items in the archive. If you choose to prevent this then, in
addition, the archive cannot be moved or deleted. Set to $false
to permit users to delete items, or $true to prevent deletion.

-DeleteExpiredItems Optional. Specifies whether to permit Enterprise Vault

automatically to delete the archived items when their retention
period has expired. Set to $false to prevent deletion, or $true
to permit Enterprise Vault to delete the expired items.

-Description Optional. Provides a short description for display in the archive

properties in the Administration Console.
Day-to-day administration 81
About moving archives

-AdminNote Optional. Provides an administrative note for display in the

archive properties in the Administration Console.

Set-EVArchive 14BC45D9EE238494DAB7B94DBA90BB3401110000EVSERVER.LOCAL
-DeleteProtected $true -DeleteExpiredItems $false

Stops both users and Enterprise Vault from deleting the items in the nominated
archive, and so places it on legal hold.
Set-EVArchive 14BC45D9EE238494DAB7B94DBA90BB3401110000EVSERVER.LOCAL
-DeleteProtected $false -AdminNote "Item deletion allowed $(get-date)
by $(gc env:username)"

Allows users manually to delete the items in the nominated archive, and modifies
its administrative note.
Get-EVArchive localhost Domain\User -OnHold $false | Set-EVArchive
-DeleteProtected $true -DeleteExpiredItems $false -Description
"Archive placed on hold $(get-date) by $(gc env:username) from $(gc

With Get-EVArchive, generates a list of the archives on the local Enterprise Vault
server which are not on legal hold and in which the user "Domain\User" has delete
permissions. Get-EVArchive passes the list to Set-EVArchive, which places the
archives on hold and sets the archive description accordingly.

About moving archives

Enterprise Vault’s Move Archive wizard lets you move content from existing Domino
and Exchange mailbox archives, and from Domino and Exchange journal archives,
to new archives or existing archives in other vault stores.
You can use the wizard to move mailbox archives between vault stores in one site,
and between two sites. This includes moves between two sites that are controlled
by different Enterprise Vault directories.
Move Archive supports the move of journal archives only within an Enterprise Vault

Note: Move Archive supports the move of archives to destination servers that run
Enterprise Vault 10.0 or later.
Day-to-day administration 82
About moving archives

Move Archive handles each move operation differently, depending whether the
source and destination archives are associated with a mailbox at the time of the
move. Move Archive considers an archive to be:
■ Active if it is associated with a mailbox, regardless of whether the mailbox is
enabled for archiving
■ Inactive if it is not associated with a mailbox
Move Archive does not support move operations for the following archive types:
■ File System Archiving (FSA) archives
■ SharePoint archives
■ Shared archives
■ Exchange public folder archives
Move Archive also prevents moves in the following circumstances:
■ The source archive exceeds its archive usage limit and the destination is a new
■ The destination archive exceeds its archive usage limit.
In these cases you should increase the appropriate archive’s usage limit on the
Archive Properties: Archive Usage Limit tab in the Administration Console.

How Move Archive works

When you have submitted a number of Move Archive operations using the wizard,
each move is then controlled by the Move Archive task. The Move Archive task is
responsible for the actions that must take place as part of an archive move. For
example, the Move Archive task copies the content from the source archive to the
destination. The Move Archive task also manages the wait time that is necessary
while other archiving operations take place. For example, the Move Archive task
waits for the mailbox archiving task to point mailbox shortcuts to the items in the
destination archive.
For each Move Archive operation, the Move Archive task:
■ Closes the source archive to prevent Enterprise Vault from archiving any further
content to it.
■ Renames the source archive
■ Copies the content from the source archive to the destination archive.
■ Synchronizes the permissions from the user’s mailbox to the destination archive.
■ Waits for the mailbox archiving task to point shortcuts to the items in the
destination archive (in the case of mailbox archives).
Day-to-day administration 83
About moving archives

■ Waits for the destination vault store to be backed up.

■ Verifies that all the data is present in the destination archive. If any items are
missing from the destination archive, the Move Archive task repeats the copy
of content from the source, and all the subsequent steps. This can happen up
to five times before the Move Archive task fails the move operation.
When verification has completed successfully, the move operation is complete. If
necessary, you can then delete the source archive.

How Compliance Accelerator and Discovery Accelerator affect

Move Archive
The use of Compliance Accelerator and Discovery Accelerator in your environment
can place certain restrictions on Move Archive operations.
Both Compliance Accelerator and Discovery Accelerator can register an interest in
an archive. This happens in the following circumstances:
■ Items in the archive appear in the results of a Compliance Accelerator or
Discovery Accelerator search.
■ Items in the archive are in a Compliance Accelerator or Discovery Accelerator
review set.
When Compliance Accelerator or Discovery Accelerator has registered an interest
in an archive, you can move the archive, but cannot delete it at the end of the move
Discovery Accelerator also lets users place cases on legal hold to prevent the
deletion of archived items that are included in the case. Move Archive prevents you
from moving and deleting any archives which contain items included in Discovery
Accelerator cases that have been placed on legal hold.

Move Archive and indexing levels

When you move an archive to an existing destination archive, the destination archive
retains the indexing level it had before the move.
However, when you move an archive to a new destination archive, the indexing
level that Move Archive sets depends on whether the archive is associated with a
mailbox after the move.
If the new destination archive is associated with a mailbox after the move, the
archive inherits the mailbox’s indexing level. If there is no mailbox association after
the move, Move Archive sets the destination site’s default indexing level on the
Day-to-day administration 84
About moving archives

Move Archive and user deleted items

Enterprise Vault lets you retain items that users delete from their archives so that
they are available for recovery for a period of time. You can enable this feature
using the Enable recovery of user deleted items option on the Site Properties:
Archive Settings tab. Enterprise Vault then retains user deleted items for the
number of days you set.

Note: During a move operation, Move Archive does not copy these deleted items
from the source archive to the destination. As a result, the deleted items are not
available for recovery from the destination archive.

About moving mailbox archives within a site

Move Archive lets you move archives within an Enterprise Vault site. For example,
this is useful when you want to move existing archives to a new storage device.
You might also want to move archives to a newer server to take advantage of the
features introduced in Enterprise Vault version 8.0, such as the optimized single
instance storage model.
Within an Enterprise Vault site, Move Archive supports the following moves:
■ Moving an active archive to a new archive
■ Moving an inactive archive to an active archive
■ Moving an active archive to an inactive archive

Moving an active archive to a new archive

This section describes the move of an archiving enabled user’s default archive in
the source vault store, to a new archive in the destination vault store. In this case,
the new archive in the destination automatically becomes the default archive for
subsequent archiving.
In summary, this Move Archive operation includes the following steps:
■ Move Archive closes the source archive to prevent Enterprise Vault from
archiving any further content to it. However, the source archive is still accessible
in read-only mode.
■ Move Archive renames the source archive. It appends the archive’s creation
date, and the date of the move operation to the archive’s name.
■ Move Archive copies the data from the source archive to the destination.
■ Enterprise Vault synchronizes the permissions from the user’s Domino or
Exchange mailbox to the new archive.
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About moving archives

From this point, Enterprise Vault archives new content to the destination archive.
■ The mailbox archiving task on the destination server points all the shortcuts in
the user’s mailbox to the content in the new archive in the destination site.
Move Archive completes this step even if you do not use mailbox shortcuts in
your environment.
■ Move Archive waits for the destination vault store to be backed up.
■ Move Archive verifies that all the data is present in the destination archive.
The move operation is now complete and you may delete the source archive.

Moving an inactive archive to an active archive

This section describes the move of an archiving enabled user’s non-default archive
in the source vault store, to an existing default archive in the destination vault store.
In summary, this move operation includes the following steps:
■ Move Archive closes the source archive. However, the source archive is still
accessible in read-only mode.
■ Move Archive renames the source archive. It appends the archive’s creation
date, and the date of the move operation to the archive’s name.
■ Move Archive copies the data from the source archive to the destination.
■ The mailbox archiving task on the destination server runs and processes
shortcuts if required.
Move Archive completes this step even if you do not use mailbox shortcuts in
your environment.
■ Move Archive waits for the destination vault store to be backed up.
■ Move Archive verifies that all the data is present in the destination archive.
The move operation is now complete and you may delete the source archive.

Moving an active archive to an inactive archive

This section describes the move of an archiving enabled user’s default archive in
the source vault store, to an inactive archive in the destination vault store.
In summary, this Move Archive operation includes the following steps:
■ Move Archive closes the source archive to prevent Enterprise Vault from
archiving any further content to it. However, the source archive is still accessible
in read-only mode.
■ Move Archive renames the source archive. It appends the archive’s creation
date, and the date of the move operation to the archive’s name.
Day-to-day administration 86
About moving archives

■ Move Archive copies the data from the source archive to the destination.
■ Move Archive waits for the destination vault store to be backed up.
■ Move Archive verifies that all the data is present in the destination archive.
The move operation is now complete and you may delete the source archive.

Moving other mailbox archives

You can also move other mailbox archives between vault stores, such as source
archives that are not associated with archiving enabled mailboxes. You can move
these archives to new destination archives, or to other existing archives that are
not associated with a mailbox.
In cases like these, Move Archive moves the content from one archive to another.
However, Enterprise Vault does not complete any shortcut processing because
neither the source archive nor the destination archive is associated with an archiving
enabled user.

About moving mailbox archives between sites

Move Archive lets you move archives between Enterprise Vault sites. This includes
sites that belong to different Enterprise Vault directories. For example, a move
between sites is useful when users move to a new location and you move their
mailboxes to a mail server in the new site.

Note: When move operations cross two Active Directory domains, a one-way trust
is required for the moves to proceed. The destination domain must trust the source

Between Enterprise Vault sites, Move Archive supports the following move:
■ Moving an inactive archive to an active archive

Moving active archives between sites

Move Archive lets you move archives between Enterprise Vault sites. This is useful
when you want to move an individual user’s mailbox to a different Domino or
Exchange mail server in another Enterprise Vault site.
In this case, you must disable archiving for the user in the source site, then move
the mailbox and enable it for archiving in the destination. When you have done this,
you can use Move Archive to move the associated archive to the destination site.
This section describes the actions you must complete to move a user’s mailbox,
and the subsequent steps that are required to move the archive.
Day-to-day administration 87
About moving archives

To move the user’s mailbox:

■ Disable archiving on the user’s mailbox in the source site.
■ Move the user’s mailbox from the source mail server to the mail server in the
destination site.
■ Provision the user’s mailbox on the destination Enterprise Vault server.
■ Enable the user for archiving in the destination site.

Note: Ensure that you run the provisioning task before running the Enable Mailbox
wizard to remove association of the mailbox with the original Site.

The user’s mailbox is now enabled for archiving in the destination site, but the
existing shortcuts in the user’s mailbox still point to the source archive. New content
is archived to the newly created destination archive.
When you have moved the user’s mailbox and enabled it for archiving in the
destination site, you can move the inactive source archive. In this case, the move
operation includes the following steps:
■ Move Archive closes the source archive. However, the source archive is still
accessible in read-only mode.
■ Move Archive renames the source archive. It appends the archive’s creation
date, and the date of the move operation to the archive’s name.
■ Move Archive copies the data from the source archive to the destination.
■ The mailbox archiving task on the destination server points all the shortcuts in
the user’s mailbox to the content in the newly created archive in the destination
Move Archive completes this step even if you do not use mailbox shortcuts in
your environment.
■ Move Archive waits for the destination vault store to be backed up.
■ Move Archive verifies that all the data is present in the destination archive.
The move operation is now complete and you may delete the source archive.

Moving other mailbox archives between sites

You can also move an inactive archive in the source site to an existing inactive
archive or to a new archive in the destination site.
However Enterprise Vault completes shortcut processing only when the destination
is an existing archive that is associated with a user mailbox.
In summary, these Move Archive operations include the following steps:
Day-to-day administration 88
About moving archives

■ Move Archive closes the source archive to prevent Enterprise Vault from
archiving any further content to it. However, the source archive is still accessible
in read-only mode.
■ Move Archive renames the source archive. It appends the archive’s creation
date, and the date of the move operation to the archive’s name.
■ Move Archive copies the data from the source archive to the destination.
■ If the destination archive is associated with a user mailbox, Enterprise Vault
synchronizes the permissions from the user’s Domino or Exchange mailbox to
the new archive.
■ If the destination archive is associated with a user mailbox, the mailbox archiving
task on the destination server points all the shortcuts in the user’s mailbox to
the content in the destination archive.
Move Archive completes this step even if you do not use mailbox shortcuts in
your environment.
■ Move Archive waits for the destination vault store to be backed up.
■ Move Archive verifies that all the data is present in the destination archive.
The move operation is now complete and you may delete the source archive.

About moving journal archives within a site

Move Archive lets you move Domino and Exchange journal archives only within an
Enterprise Vault site, and you cannot move a journal archive that is currently in use
by the journaling task. When you want to move a source journal archive that is in
use, first you must configure the journaling task to use a new archive in the
destination vault store. To change the archive that is used by the journaling task,
use the Administration Console to edit the journal mailbox properties.
You can move an inactive journal archive to a new archive, to an existing active
archive, or to another inactive archive.

About configuring Move Archive

You can control Move Archive’s behavior using two XML configuration files:
■ EvMoveArchiveTask.exe.config, which controls the Move Archive task

■ EvTaskGuardian.exe.config, which controls the task guardian service

Configuring the Move Archive task

EvMoveArchiveTask.exe.config controls the moves of any archives in the vault
stores that are associated with the storage service on the server where it is present.
Day-to-day administration 89
About moving archives

A basic version of this file exists in the Enterprise Vault installation folder, for example
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault. The installation folder also contains
another file which is called Example EvMoveArchiveTask.exe.config. This file
contains examples of the additional settings you can change to control the Move
Archive task.
To change the default behavior of the Move Archive task
1 Rename EvMoveArchiveTask.exe.config in case you need to revert to it
2 Edit the settings in Example EvMoveArchiveTask.exe.config, as described
in the following sections.
3 Rename the file to EvMoveArchiveTask.exe.config.
4 Restart the Move Archive task.

ReportVersions (Move Archive)

For each source archive it processes, Move Archive creates a report file in the
Reports\Move Archive subfolder of the Enterprise Vault installation folder (for
example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault). If you move the same
archive a second time, following a failure for example, Move Archive creates another
report when it processes the archive for the second time. ReportVersions sets the
number of these report files it retains for each source archive, before it removes
the oldest file.

Default value: 5

Minimum value: 1

Maximum value: 100

RescheduleIntervalInMins (Move Archive)

For each move operation, Move Archive enters a sleep state between each stage
of the move. For example, Move Archive enters the sleep state while it waits for
shortcut processing, and for destination archive backup. RescheduleIntervalInMins
sets the length of this sleep state in minutes. At the end of the interval, Move Archive
resumes processing if a processing slot is available.
You should consider setting a longer interval in environments where you move large
numbers of archives at the same time.

Default value: 30

Minimum value: 5
Day-to-day administration 90
About moving archives

Maximum value: 1000

SkipDuplicateItems (Move Archive)

If Move Archive finds that items from the source archive are duplicated in the
destination vault store, it writes errors to the event log for the first 10 duplicates,
then marks the move operation as failed. It does this because the presence of
duplicates can indicate that the source archive has already been moved to the

Note: All the items in one vault store must have a unique transaction ID. Move
Archive considers two items in one vault store to be duplicates when they both have
the same transaction ID.

You can change this behavior by setting SkipDuplicateItems to 1. Then, Move

Archive still logs the duplicate items but skips them and proceeds with the move

Default value: 0

Configuring task guardian service

When Move Archive enters a temporary error state while it processes an archive,
it waits for a period of time before it retries the archive. You can change the default
retry interval using the RetryTimeInMinutes key in the task guardian service
configuration file. EvTaskGuardian.exe.config controls the retry interval on each
Enterprise Vault server where it is present.
A basic version of this file exists in the Enterprise Vault installation folder, for example
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault. The installation folder also contains
another file called Example EvTaskGuardian.exe.config. This file contains an
example of the RetryTimeInMinutes key.

Default value: 30

Minimum value: 5

Maximum value: 1000

To change the default behavior of the task guardian service

1 Rename EvTaskGuardian.exe.config in case you need to revert to it later.
2 Edit the RetryTimeInMinutes setting in Example EvTaskGuardian.exe.config.
Day-to-day administration 91
About moving archives

3 Rename the file to EvTaskGuardian.exe.config.

4 Restart the task guardian service.

Changing Move Archive’s performance

By default, Move Archive operations are given a lower priority than other Enterprise
Vault tasks on the server. You can change Move Archive’s priority setting and other
aspects of its performance using the Settings tab in Move Archive Task properties.
For guidance on Move Archive performance adjustment using the options on the
Settings tab, see the Enterprise Vault Performance Guide which is available on
the Enterprise Vault Support website:
To change Move Archive’s performance
1 In the Administration Console, right-click the Move Archive Task and click
2 Click the Settings tab.
3 Change the settings as required and click OK.
If you change Priority of Move Archive operations in relation to other processes
or Number of threads per move operation, you must restart the Move Archive
Task for the changes to take effect.
If you change Number of concurrent move operations, you must restart the Task
Controller service for the changes to take effect.

Running Move Archive

To run the Move Archive wizard, you must log in using the vault service account,
or use an account that is assigned to the power administrator role.
In the case of moves between two sites that are controlled by different Enterprise
Vault directories, your source user account must be assigned to the power
administrator role in the destination Enterprise Vault directory.
If the archive contains items that were archived using an Enterprise Vault extension
content provider, the source user requires an additional role. In addition to the power
administrator role, you need to assign the source user to the Extension Content
Provider Application role in the destination directory.
See “Roles-based administration” in the Administrator’s Guide.
Day-to-day administration 92
About moving archives

To run Move Archive

1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, right-click Archives and click
Move Archive.
2 Work through the pages of the wizard and select appropriate options.

Move Archive introduction page

This page introduces the Move Archive wizard and provides important information
which you should read before you proceed.

Note: Move Archive supports the move of archives to destination servers that run
Enterprise Vault 10.0 or later.

Move Archive does not support move operations for the following archive types:
■ Closed archives
■ File System Archiving (FSA) archives
■ SharePoint archives
■ Shared archives
■ Exchange public folder archives
Move Archive also prevents moves in the following circumstances:
■ The source archive exceeds its archive usage limit and the destination is a new
■ The destination archive exceeds its archive usage limit.
In these cases you should increase the appropriate archive’s usage limit on the
Archive Properties: Archive Usage Limit tab in the Administration Console.

Selecting a destination site

Move Archive lets you move mailbox and journal archives within the current
Enterprise Vault site, or between two sites. Use this page to select the site into
which you want to move the archives.

Note: You can move journal archives only within a site.

To move archives within a site

◆ Select the Move archives within the current Enterprise Vault Site option.
Day-to-day administration 93
About moving archives

To move archives to another site

1 Select the Move archives to a different Enterprise Vault Site option.
2 Enter the name of the Directory Service Computer that controls the destination
vault stores.

Selecting a site
If you have chosen to move archives to a destination that contains more than one
site, this page lets you select a destination site.
To select a destination site
◆ Select a site from the Destination Site list.

Selecting archives
Use this page to select the archives you want to move, and to select destination

Note: Move Archive does not let you move ineligible archives. You cannot move
closed archives, FSA archives, SharePoint archives, shared archives, Exchange
public folder archives, or archives that contain items placed on legal hold by
Discovery Accelerator.

To add archives
1 Click Add.
2 Use the Select Source dialog box to add the archives you want to move.
When you move an archive that is currently in use by an archiving-enabled user,
you can only move it to a new archive. In this case, <New archive> is selected
automatically in the Destination Archive column next to the archive, and you
cannot change it. You can only move active archives within a site.
When you move an inactive archive, you can select an existing archive as the
destination, either in the current site or in another site.
To select a destination archive
1 Select the source archive for which you want to select a destination archive.
2 Click Move To and click Select Destination.
3 Use the Select Destination dialog box to select a destination archive.
Day-to-day administration 94
About moving archives

To move archives to new destination archives

1 Select one or more archives.
2 Click Move To and click New Archive.
To remove an archive from the list
◆ Select an archive and click Remove.
You can also display more information about any pair of source and destination
archives on this page.
To display the properties of a pair of source and destination archives
1 Select the row whose properties you want to display.
2 Click Properties.

Select destination
Use this dialog box to search for the archive you want to set as the destination.
To search for a specific archive
1 Enter all or part of the name of an archive in the search box.
2 Click the search icon.
The archives whose names contain the string you entered appear in the list.
You can display the properties of any of the archives in the list.
To show an archive’s properties
1 Select the archive whose properties you want to see.
2 Click Properties.
To set an archive as the destination
◆ Select the archive and click OK.

Selecting destination vault stores

If you have chosen to move any archives to new destination archives, this page
lets you choose a destination vault store for each. Each destination archive must
be in a different vault store from the associated source archive.
Day-to-day administration 95
About moving archives

To select destination vault stores

1 Select one or more source archives.
2 Click Select Destination.
3 Use the Select Vault Store dialog box to select a destination vault store for
the selected archives.

Selecting billing accounts

Use this page to change the billing accounts assigned to the destination archives.
By default, new destination archives are assigned the same billing account as the
source archive. For existing destination archives, the New Billing Account column
shows the billing account already assigned to the archive.
To change a billing account
1 Find the archive whose billing account you want to change.
2 Under the New Billing Account column, enter a new billing account in this
You can also click the browse icon next to the billing account and use the
Select a User or Group dialog box to select a new billing account.

Matching retention categories

When you move archives from one Enterprise Vault site to another, you can use
this page to match source retention categories to destination retention categories.
For each source retention category, Move Archive tries to find a retention category
in the destination site that matches the source, based on name and retention period.
If it can find a matching category, it appears in the Destination Retention Category
column. You can change the destination retention categories that Move Archive
has matched automatically.
A check icon in the right column indicates that Move Archive has matched retention
categories automatically. The first time you run the Move Archive wizard, this icon
is green. Move Archive remembers the selections you make each time you run the
wizard, and they become the defaults for next time. When you run the Move Archive
wizard again, the matched retention categories are identified by a gray check icon.
In the case of Exchange managed folders, Move Archive maps all their associated
retention categories in the source to just one destination retention category. You
can change the destination retention category, but the change maps all the source
retention categories to the single destination category you select.
Day-to-day administration 96
About moving archives

For each source retention category where there is no match, you must select a
destination retention category.
To select or change a destination retention category
1 Find the source retention category whose destination retention category you
want to change.
2 Under the Destination Retention Category column, use the drop-down list
by each source retention category to select a destination retention category.
You can also display more information about any pair of source and destination
retention categories on this page.
To display the properties of a pair of source and destination retention categories
1 Select the row whose properties you want to display.
2 Click Properties.
If you do not find a suitable retention category in the destination site, you can use
the Administration Console at the destination site to create one. When you have
done this, click Refresh on this page to make the new retention category available
for selection.

Reviewing the archives you have chosen to move

This page lets you review the archives you have chosen to move before you close
the Move Archive wizard.
This page lists the following for each archive:
■ Type. The icon shows the archive’s type: Domino mailbox archive, Domino
journal archive, Exchange mailbox archive, or Exchange journal archive.
■ Source Archive. The name of the source archive.
■ Destination Archive. The name of the destination archive. This column shows
<New archive> if you are moving the source archive to a new archive.
■ Destination Vault Store. The name of the vault store that hosts the destination
Once you have reviewed the archives you have chosen to move, click Finish.

Displaying the status page

On this page, select the Show the ‘Move Archive Status’ dialog option if you
want to monitor the progress of the archive moves.
The first time you move an archive associated with a particular storage server,
Enterprise Vault creates a Move Archive task on that server. The task is configured
Day-to-day administration 97
About moving archives

to start automatically each time the task controller service starts. If you want to start
the task straight away, select the Start the new tasks now option. Enterprise Vault
shows this option only once for each storage server.

Monitoring Move Archive

All the Move Archive operations you have submitted are displayed in the Move
Archive Status page. If you selected the Show the ‘Move Archive Status’ dialog
option when you ran the Move Archive wizard, Enterprise Vault displays the Move
Archive Status page when you close the wizard. You can also display the page
at any other time.
To display the Move Archive Status page
◆ In the Administration Console, right-click Archives and click Move Archive
For each move operation, the Move Archive Status page shows the following:
■ Source Archive. The original name of the source archive. This is the archive’s
name before Move Archive renames it.
■ Move Status. The current move status for this archive.
See “Move Archive statuses” on page 98.
■ Destination Archive. The name of the destination archive. This column shows
<New archive> if you are moving the source archive to a new archive.
■ Source Server. The fully qualified domain name of the source storage service
■ Destination Server. The fully qualified domain name of the destination storage
service computer.
■ Start Time. The date and time at which the archive was submitted.
To see additional information about any of the move operations in the list
1 Select a move operation.
2 Click Properties.
The Move Archive Properties dialog box shows additional information,
including the names and locations of the log files associated with the move
To see the latest statuses for the archives you have submitted
◆ Click the refresh button on the toolbar.
If you are moving large numbers of archives, you can find specific source archives
using the search feature on the Move Archive Status page.
Day-to-day administration 98
About moving archives

To search for a source archive

1 Enter all or part of the name of the source archive in the Find source archive
where the name contains: box.
2 Click the search button.
You can also sort any of the columns on the Move Archive Status page by clicking
the column heading.

Modifying move operations in the Move Archive Status page

The Move Archive Status page lets you selectively modify the move operations
of archives in the queue. For example, you can sort the operations by destination
site, select all the move operations, then stop them during maintenance on the site.

Note: You cannot stop a move operation during the shortcut processing stage.
You can use Restart when the move status is either Completed or Completed
with errors.
You can use Continue or Retry failed items when the move status shows Failed
or Error.

To modify the move operations

1 Select the archives you want to start, stop, or any other action.
2 Click the Start, Stop, or any other available action.
3 Click the Refresh button to see the changes in statuses for the selected

Move Archive statuses

Move operations whose status is Failed or Error appear in red and require your
intervention to proceed.
Archives in the Move Archive Status page can have the following statuses:
■ Queued. The archive is queued for processing. Move Archive starts processing
the archive when the Move Archive task runs. You can wait for the task to run
to its schedule, or right-click the task and click Run Now.
■ Step 1 of 5 - Copying (x%). Move Archive is processing the archive.
■ Step 2 of 5 - Waiting to update shortcuts. Move Archive has finished moving
items from the source archive to the destination, and is waiting for the Domino
or Exchange mailbox archiving task to update the shortcuts in the user’s mailbox.
Day-to-day administration 99
About moving archives

You can wait for the task to run to its schedule, or right-click the task and click
Run Now.

Note: Shortcut processing for disabled archives occurs only when you run the
mailbox archiving task for all mailboxes.

During this stage, Move Archive checks whether shortcut processing has
completed and enters a sleep state if it has not completed. By default, the length
of the sleep state is 30 minutes. When the sleep state ends, Move Archive again
checks to see if the shortcut processing has completed.
Move Archive completes this step even if you do not use mailbox shortcuts in
your environment.
■ Step 3 of 5 - Updating shortcuts. The Domino or Exchange mailbox archiving
task is updating the shortcuts in the user’s mailbox.
■ Step 4 of 5 - Waiting for destination backup. Move Archive is waiting for the
vault store that contains the destination archive to be backed up. During this
stage, Move Archive checks whether the destination archive has been backed
up and enters a sleep state if it has not been backed up. By default, the length
of the sleep state is 30 minutes. When the sleep state ends, Move Archive again
checks to see if the destination archive has been backed up.
■ Step 5 of 5 - Verifying moved items (x%). Move Archive is checking that the
destination contains all the items that it moved from the source archive. This
does not include items that users have deleted, and items that Enterprise Vault
has expired.
■ Error. When Move Archive encounters an error on an archive, it tries to move
the archive five times before it changes the status to Failed. In between retries,
Move Archive sets the archive’s status to Error.
Move operations whose status is Error appear in red and require your
intervention to proceed.
■ Completed. Move Archive has completed all processing for this archive.
■ Completed with errors. Move Archive has completed all processing but there
were some errors.
For more information on move operations that have completed with errors, see
the following technical note on the Enterprise Vault Support website:
■ Failed. Move Archive has failed to process the archive.
Move operations whose status is Failed appear in red and require your
intervention to proceed.
Day-to-day administration 100
About moving archives

To find why a Move Archive operation has failed, check the Move Archive report
files in the Reports\Move Archive subfolder of the Enterprise Vault installation
folder (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
See “Move Archive reporting and monitoring” on page 102.
Move Archive lets you use Continue or Retry failed items on move operations
that have a status of Failed or Error, unless the failure occurred during the
verification stage. You can use Restart when the move status is either Completed
or Completed with errors.
See “Managing Move Archive operations with Failed and Error statuses” on page 101.

Deleting archives after Move Archive

When Enterprise Vault has finished moving an archive, its status in the Move
Archive Status page is Completed. You can remove the completed archives from
this page, and a prompt asks if you also want to delete the source archive.

Note: You cannot delete an archive when Compliance Accelerator or Discovery

Accelerator has registered an interest in it, or when Discovery Accelerator has
placed items in the archive on legal hold.

See “How Compliance Accelerator and Discovery Accelerator affect Move Archive”
on page 83.
At the end of a move operation, an archive’s status can be Completed with errors.
This happens when Move Archive records errors during the move, but does not
consider the errors to be serious enough to terminate the move operation. Before
you remove archives that have completed with errors, you should check the Move
Archive log files for the archive to ensure the errors are not serious or unexpected.
For example, you might expect some items to be absent following the failure of a
storage device.
For more information on move operations that have completed with errors, see the
following technical note on the Enterprise Vault Support website:
To remove completed archives
1 Select the completed archives you want to remove from the Move Archive
Status page.
2 Click the Delete button on the toolbar.
3 At the prompt Do you want to delete the source archives as well?, click
Yes if you want to delete the associated source archives, or No if you do not.
Day-to-day administration 101
About moving archives

If you choose not to delete source archives when you remove them from the Move
Archive Status page, you can remove them subsequently from the Administration

Managing Move Archive operations with Failed and Error statuses

Move operations whose status is Failed or Error appear in red and require your
intervention to proceed.
Move operations can fail or complete with errors due to transient problems. For
example, move operations can fail because the source vault store is unavailable
during the initial data copy stage. When this happens, you can retry move operations
after you have resolved the problem.
Move Archive lets you retry move operations that have a status of Failed, or Error
unless the errors occurred during the verification stage.
Use of Restart, Continue, and Retry failed items:
■ Use Restart when the move status is either Completed or Completed with
■ Use Continue or Retry failed items when the move status shows Failed or
For more information on move operations that have completed with errors, see the
following technical note on the Enterprise Vault Support website:
To retry move operations
1 In the Move Archive Status page, select one or more move operations that
have the status Failed or Error.
2 Right-click the selected move operations and click Retry failed items.
3 Click OK to confirm your request.
Move Archive resubmits the move operations, and their status initially reverts
to Queued before processing begins again.
When Move Archive starts processing a retried move operation, it begins processing
from the first point of failure.
Similarly, you can use Continue to proceed without retrying the failed items.
Day-to-day administration 102
Deleting an archive

Move Archive reporting and monitoring

Move Archive creates up to three report files for each move operation, in the
Reports\Move Archive subfolder of the Enterprise Vault installation folder (for
example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
Move Archive names the three report files using the following convention:


■ archive is the name of the archive.
■ yyyymmddhhmmss is the date and time when the report was generated.
■ nnnn represents a sequential number. To produce verification files of a
manageable size, Move Archive rolls over the verification report to a new file
each time the maximum file size is reached. This sequential number shows the
order of the files.
MoveArchive_archive_yyyymmddhhmmss.txt contains a summary report for the
move operation. The report shows the start and end time for the move operation,
including the times for the start and end of each phase. It also shows counts of the
items processed.
MoveArchive_archive_yyyymmddhhmmss_Errors.txt reports errors that occurred
during the move operation.
MoveArchive_archive_yyyymmddhhmmss_Verification_nnnn.txt contains a
report of any differences between source items and their corresponding items in
the destination archive.
For information on how to troubleshoot Move Archive verification errors, see the
following technical note on the Enterprise Vault Support website:

Deleting an archive
You can delete an archive, provided that the Administration Console shows a status
of Available or Closed.
Note the following:
■ There is no undo when you delete an archive, and you cannot stop the deletion
Day-to-day administration 103
Deleting a vault store

■ Be careful about deleting an archive that still has an associated mailbox. There
will be many errors from the Exchange Mailbox task when it tries to archive to
a deleted archive. Make a note of those users who have access to the archive
and then get them to change their archiving settings, so that they do not try to
archive to the archive you are about to delete. Use the Permissions tab on the
archive's property page to find out who has access to the archive.
To delete an archive
1 In the Administration Console, with the archive displayed in the listing, press
F5 to refresh the view. This shows you the archive's current status.
2 Right-click the archive that you want to delete and, on the shortcut menu, click
3 When prompted, confirm that you do want to delete the archive.
The archive's status changes to Marked for deletion. You can no longer view
the properties of the archive and shortcuts to items within the archive no longer

Deleting a vault store

You can delete a vault store that is no longer required. Deletion permanently
removes all the partitions and archives that the vault store contains, and all the
items that are stored in them.
You can delete a vault store only if all of the following conditions apply to the vault
■ It is not a default vault store for automatically-enabled archives.
■ It does not contain any archives that are associated with archiving targets.
■ Its status is Available.
■ It is not in backup mode.
When you delete a vault store, its status changes to Marked for Deletion. Shortcuts
to items within the vault store's archives no longer work.
Enterprise Vault may take a long time to complete the deletion operation. If the
vault store contains any items that are on legal hold, or any SIS parts that are
referenced by other vault stores, Enterprise Vault marks the vault store for deletion
but it does not delete the vault store until these conditions no longer apply.
Day-to-day administration 104
Setting a system message

Note: If you delete a vault store, you cannot stop or undo the process. The action
overrides any form of deletion protection that is applied to items or Retention
Categories, other than legal hold.

To delete a vault store

1 In the Administration Console, select the vault store group that contains the
vault store that you want to delete.
2 The right pane of the Administration Console displays the status of the group's
vault stores. Click F5 to refresh the view. The right pane displays each vault
store's current status, and indicates whether backup mode is set. You can only
delete a vault store if the status is Available and backup mode is not set.
3 Right-click the vault store that you want to delete and, on the shortcut menu,
click Delete.
4 On the warning dialog, click Delete.
The status of the vault store changes to Marked for Deletion.
When Enterprise Vault eventually completes the deletion, it removes the vault
store from the list.

Setting a system message

Users see the system message when they use the Enterprise Vault Web Access
application. For example, you can use the message to indicate periods when there
is going to be an interruption to the service because of hardware changes.
The message is not visible to a user who is using a shortcut to retrieve an item, but
only to a user who is searching by using the Enterprise Vault Web Access
application. The message is available to all users in the Enterprise Vault site.
To change the system message from the Vault Administration Console
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console expand the hierarchy until the
appropriate vault site is visible.
2 Right-click the vault site and then, on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
3 In the Site Properties dialog box, click the General tab.
4 Edit System message as required.
5 Click OK to accept your changes.
6 Stop and restart the IIS Admin service to make the change take effect.
Day-to-day administration 105
About index volumes

About index volumes

When an index volume becomes full, Enterprise Vault automatically creates a new
one. In the Administration Console, the Advanced tab of an archive’s properties
shows the number of index volumes.
Each new index volume does not have the same index root path as the previous
one. The new location for the new index is a random selection from the Indexing
Service’s open index root paths.
If an archive has more than one index volume, the initial search is performed against
the current index volume, which contains the most recently-archived items. To view
search results from earlier index volumes, you must choose a date range from a
list. The date ranges correspond to the archived date range of items in the index
Rollover is more likely to occur for File System Archiving archives, Journal archives,
and Public Folder archives than for normal mailbox archives.
Rollover archives created before Enterprise Vault 6.0 SP1 are not merged back
into the master archive. Archiving continues to the current rollover archive, and that
archive’s index expands to multiple index volumes as necessary.

Moving the directory database

You can move the directory database between SQL Server instances. This is useful
for reconfiguration and disaster recovery.
To move the directory database
1 Move the directory database to the new SQL Server.
2 Make sure that the Vault Service account has the correct permissions to access
the new database.
See the section called "Creating a SQL login account" in the Installing and
Configuring guide.
3 In the left pane of the Administration Console, right-click the Enterprise Vault
4 On the shortcut menu, click Properties.
5 Click Change Directory SQL Server.
6 Enter the new SQL Server.
Day-to-day administration 106
Moving a vault store database

Moving a vault store database

You can move a vault store database to a different SQL Server. This is useful for
reconfiguration and disaster recovery.
To move the vault store database
1 Stop the Enterprise Vault Storage service.
2 Move the vault store database to the new SQL Server.
3 Make sure that the Vault Service account has the correct permissions to access
the new database.
See the section called "Creating a SQL login account" in the Installing and
Configuring guide.
4 In the Administration Console, right-click the vault store whose database you
have moved, and click Properties.
5 Click the Database tab.
6 In the SQL Server box, enter the name of the new SQL Server.
7 Click OK.
8 Restart the Enterprise Vault Storage service.

Moving a fingerprint database

You can move a vault store group's fingerprint database to a different SQL Server
if required, for example during disaster recovery.
For information on how to move a fingerprint database, see the following TechNote
on the Enterprise Vault Support website:

Moving the Monitoring database

You can move the Monitoring database between SQL Server instances. This is
useful for reconfiguration and disaster recovery.
Day-to-day administration 107
Moving the audit database

To move the Monitoring database

1 Move the EnterpriseVaultMonitoring database to the new SQL Server.
2 Make sure that the Vault Service account has the correct permissions to access
the new database.
See the section called "Creating a SQL login account" in the Installing and
Configuring guide.
3 Connect to the SQL server that is hosting the EnterpriseVaultMonitoring
database, using SQL Enterprise Manager, SQL Query Analyzer, or a similar
4 Enter and run the following SQL commands:
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory

UPDATE MonitoringSettings SET SQLServer = "New_SQL_Server"

where New_SQL_Server is the name of the new SQL server.

Moving the audit database

You can move the audit database to a different SQL Server if required, for example
during disaster recovery. When you have moved the database, complete the
following procedure on each Enterprise Vault server on which auditing is enabled.
To move the audit database
1 Move the audit database to the new SQL Server.
2 On the Enterprise Vault server, use the ODBC Data Source Administrator to
select the new SQL Server on the EVAudit ODBC data source.
3 Test the data source when the ODBC Data Source Administrator gives you
the opportunity.

Changing the Vault Service account password

When you change the Vault Service account password it is important that the change
is updated on all Enterprise Vault servers. The best method is to change the
password while you are logged in as the Vault Service account.
To change the Vault Service account password
1 As the Vault Service account, start the Administration Console.
2 In the left pane, expand Enterprise Vault
3 Right-click Directory and click Properties.
Day-to-day administration 108
Changing the Vault Service account password

4 In Directory Properties, click the Service Account tab.

5 Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and choose the option to change the password.
6 Change the account password and then return to the Directory Properties
7 Change the password on the Directory Properties tab and click OK.
Chapter 4
Automatically filtering
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About filtering events

About filtering events

Enterprise Vault event filtering is a mechanism that reduces the number of event
log entries that Enterprise Vault creates.
When event filtering is enabled, Enterprise Vault suppresses those events that are
repeats of other events that have been logged recently. Event filtering is enabled
by default.
By default, event filtering does not suppress Informational events. You can choose
to enable filtering for specific Informational events or for all Informational events. If
you enable filtering for all events, Enterprise Vault never suppresses any events
that help you to track the progress of a task. For example, event filtering does not
suppress Informational events that enable you to track the progress of PST
Event filtering does not affect DTrace. All events are written to DTrace, even those
that have been suppressed and so do not appear in the event log. If you need to
use tracing there is no need to disable event filtering.

Events generated by event filtering

When event filtering is enabled, Enterprise Vault automatically generates the
following extra events:
Automatically filtering events 110
About filtering events

■ Event 4257 whenever the event filtering configuration is changed or when the
Admin service starts. This event summarizes the event filtering configuration.
■ Event 4254 (Critical Error), 4255 (Critical Warning), or 4256 (Informational). This
event is generated every 15 minutes to summarize the events that have been
filtered in the previous 15 minutes. The severity of the event is the same as that
of the highest-severity event that has been suppressed. The event is not logged
if no events have been suppressed.
■ Event 4258 (Critical Informational) or 4259 (Critical Informational). This event
is generated when the event filter is disabled and when the Admin service shuts
down. The event summarizes the events that have been suppressed.

Configuring event filtering

By default event filtering is enabled. If you want to disable or configure event filtering
you must create registry values in the following location on the appropriate Enterprise
Vault server:

\Enterprise Vault
\Event Filter

Table 4-1 lists the registry values that you can create to control event filtering.

Table 4-1 Registry values that control event filtering

Name Description Settings

AllInfosSuppressible Controls whether Informational events are suppressed, as ■ Type: DWORD

follows: ■ Default: 0
■ If set to 0, do not suppress any Informational events ■ Values: 0 or 1
except those that are named in
■ If set to 1, suppress Informational events.

Enabled Controls whether event filtering is enabled or disabled. ■ Type: DWORD

When event filtering is enabled, Enterprise Vault ■ Default: 1
suppresses those events that are repeats of other events ■ Values: 0 or 1
that have been logged recently.

■ If set to 0, event filtering is disabled.

■ If set to 1, event filtering is enabled. Event filtering is
enabled by default.
Automatically filtering events 111
About filtering events

Table 4-1 Registry values that control event filtering (continued)

Name Description Settings

MaxEventsInSequence The maximum number of events that a process can ■ Type: DWORD
generate in succession before events are suppressed. ■ Default: 12
■ Values: 2 to 100

MaxSecsBetweenEventsInSequence The maximum time difference between events for them to ■ Type: DWORD
be treated as part of the same sequence. Events that occur ■ Default: 180
more frequently can be suppressed. (seconds)
■ Values: 1 to 86400
(1 day)

NeverSuppressEventIDs A semicolon-delimited list of the IDs of those events that ■ Type: String
Enterprise Vault must not suppress no matter how many ■ Default: None
times they are generated.

ReportConfigPeriodMinutes A time interval in minutes that determines the following: ■ Type: DWORD

■ How frequently to check for configuration changes. ■ Default: 15

■ How frequently to generate an event that summarizes
■ Values: 1 to 1440
the event filtering activity.
(1 day)

SuppressibleInfoEventIDs A semicolon-delimited list of the IDs of the Informational ■ Type: String

events that Enterprise Vault can suppress when ■ Default: None
AllInfosSuppressible is set to 0.

Event filtering examples

Some event filtering examples:
■ To generate an event filtering summary event every 10 minutes instead of the
default of 15 minutes, set ReportConfigPeriodMinutes to 10.
■ To specify that events 1234, 5678, and 4133 must never be suppressed, set
NeverSuppressEventIDs to the following:

Chapter 5
Managing indexes
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the indexing wizards

■ Managing indexing exclusions

■ Viewing details of index volumes

■ About the indexing PowerShell cmdlets

About the indexing wizards

Enterprise Vault provides the following wizards which you can use to manage your
index volumes. All these wizards are available in the Manage Indexes Wizard.

Upgrade wizard Use the Upgrade wizard to upgrade 32-bit index

volumes to 64-bit.

Verify wizard Use the Verify wizard to check that index volumes
are accessible, healthy, and up to date.

Synchronize wizard Use the Synchronize wizard to synchronize index

volumes and fix known issues.

Rebuild wizard Use the Rebuild wizard to completely rebuild index

volumes. The Rebuild wizard also upgrades any
32-bit index volumes that it encounters.

Change Location wizard Use the Change Location wizard to help you to
move index volumes to a new location.

See “Using the indexing wizards” on page 118.

Managing indexes 113
About the indexing wizards

About indexing tasks and subtasks

When you run the indexing wizards, they create indexing tasks that complete the
same action on one or more index volumes. Each task has one or more subtasks
associated with it. There is one indexing subtask for each index volume to be
Tasks and their subtasks are controlled by Enterprise Vault’s Index Administration
Task. You can display and manage indexing tasks and subtasks in the Monitor
Indexing Tasks page.
See “Managing indexing tasks” on page 119.
Note that you cannot use the indexing wizards to create new tasks for archives,
index volumes, and index locations that have other incomplete indexing subtasks
associated with them. Archives, index volumes, and index locations must have
either no indexing tasks associated with them, or only indexing tasks that have
completed before you can submit further tasks.
The following list describes some situations in which you might not be able to add
a new task:
■ Any archive that has an existing task associated with it cannot be added to a
new task. Note that some archives have more than one associated index volume.
If just one of these index volumes has a task associated with it, you cannot add
the archive to a new task.
■ Index volumes that all belong to one archive can be hosted in different index
locations. In this case, a task that is associated with just one archive can create
tasks that make more than one index location unavailable in the indexing wizards.
■ In some of the indexing wizards, you cannot select an empty index location. For
example, you cannot select an empty source index location in the Change
Location wizard because it contains no index volumes that can be moved.
■ When you use the Change Location wizard, both the source location and the
destination location are unavailable until the change location task has completed.
When you search for archives and index volumes in the indexing wizards, by default
search results include archives and index volumes that already have tasks
associated with them. In your searches, you can choose to exclude any archives
and index volumes with associated tasks if you want to see only those that are
available for you to select.
If you need to add new tasks for archives, index volumes and index locations that
have associated tasks, you must first wait for the tasks to complete. Use the Monitor
Indexing Tasks page, including its subtask view to see the progress of tasks.
Managing indexes 114
About the indexing wizards

In situations where you cannot wait for a task or subtasks to complete, you must
first stop then delete the relevant existing tasks. Use the Monitor Indexing Tasks
page, including its subtask view to stop and delete tasks.
Note that you must also delete failed tasks before you can submit new tasks for
affected archives, index volumes and index locations.

Configuring the deletion of indexing subtasks

Enterprise Vault automatically deletes indexing subtasks that have completed with
no errors, or have completed with warnings. By default, Enterprise Vault deletes
these subtasks seven days after their completion. Enterprise Vault does not
automatically delete subtasks that have failed.
You can change the number of days that elapse before deletion of completed
subtasks in Enterprise Vault’s site properties.
To change the number of days after which Enterprise Vault deletes indexing subtasks
1 In the Administration Console, open Site Properties.
2 Click the Indexing tab.
3 Change the Delete indexing subtasks after value.

About the Upgrade wizard

The Upgrade wizard lets you upgrade 32-bit index volumes to 64-bit. Use the wizard
to select the archives whose index volumes you want to upgrade to 64-bit. You can
select only archives that have one or more 32-bit index volumes.
The 32-bit index volumes remain searchable during the upgrade to avoid impact
on users.

Note: The Upgrade wizard is absent from the Manage Indexes Wizard if there are
no 32-bit index volumes, such as in a new installation of Enterprise Vault.

Archives that were created by Enterprise Vault 9 or earlier have one or more 32-bit
index volumes. Journal archives typically have multiple index volumes. Other types
of archive such as mailbox archives usually have only one index volume.
For all archive types, the Enterprise Vault upgrade closes the old 32-bit index
volumes and creates a new, live 64-bit index volume for each archive. Subsequently
when users search their archives, Enterprise Vault uses the content from both the
32-bit and 64-bit index volumes.
When you use the Upgrade wizard to upgrade 32-bit index volumes to 64-bit, it
consolidates 32-bit index volumes if it can to create fewer 64-bit index volumes. In
Managing indexes 115
About the indexing wizards

the case of journal archives, this consolidation excludes the new 64-bit index volume
that was created during the upgrade to Enterprise Vault 10.0. For all other archive
types however, the upgrade includes the new 64-bit volume in the consolidation.

Deletion of upgraded index volumes

During the upgrade of index volumes, Enterprise Vault deletes the old 32-bit index
volumes as soon as it makes replacement 64-bit index volumes live and searchable.
In the case of the upgrade of multiple index volumes that are associated with one
archive, the upgrade might create fewer 64-bit index volumes than there were 32-bit
index volumes. When a new 64-bit volume is made live and searchable, Enterprise
Vault deletes the 32-bit index volumes that the 64-bit index volume replaces. If the
upgrade does not encounter any items that cannot be indexed, it continues until all
the 32-bit index volumes have been replaced by 64-bit index volumes.
Each time you run the Upgrade wizard, you can choose to ignore items that cannot
be indexed during the upgrade. If you choose to ignore these items, even if the
upgrade encounters items that cannot be indexed it proceeds to completion in the
same way.
If you do not choose to ignore items that cannot be indexed, the upgrade pauses
at the end of processing for each 32-bit index volume in which it encounters these
items and waits for your input in the Monitor Indexing Tasks page.

About the Verify wizard

The Verify wizard lets you check the health of 32-bit and 64-bit index volumes. The
wizard lets you select individual archives to verify all their associated index volumes,
and you can select individual index volumes. Alternatively, you can select an entire
index location to verify all the index volumes it contains.
During verification, if a subtask finds no errors in an index volume that was previously
marked as failed, it clears the failed status automatically.
Each time you run the wizard, you can choose one of the following verification
■ Basic: Checks that the index volume is accessible and healthy.
■ Complete: Checks that the index volume is accessible and healthy, and
completes an item level verification.
For 32-bit and 64-bit index volumes, complete verification checks for missing items
in the index. These are items that are present in the archive but have not been
indexed. For 64-bit archives only, this option also checks for orphaned items, which
are index entries for items that do not exist in the archive.
Managing indexes 116
About the indexing wizards

By default, complete verification does not log individual items that are missing
content, such as attachments that have not been indexed because they are
encrypted. Only the total number of items that are missing content is listed in the
log file. If you want each item that is missing content to be logged individually, select
the Include content missing details option when you initiate a complete verification
During complete verification, users can search their archives but no new entries
are added to the index volumes.
Each time you run the Verify wizard, you can choose to create a synchronization
task automatically for each index volume in which it encounters missing items and
orphaned index entries.

About the Synchronize wizard

The Synchronize wizard lets you synchronize index volumes and fixes known issues.

Note: This wizard replaces the Repair Index Volume feature in versions of Enterprise
Vault before version 10.0.

Synchronization tasks fix known issues including those identified by verification

tasks you have run previously. For 32-bit and 64-bit index volumes, synchronization
tasks index items that are present in the archive but have not been indexed. For
64-bit archives only, synchronization tasks also remove orphaned index entries for
items that do not exist in the archive.
When the synchronization task has fixed known issues, it then initiates an internal
synchronization to ensure the index volumes are up to date.
In addition to synchronization tasks that you create when you run the Synchronize
wizard, the verification tasks can also create synchronization tasks automatically,
depending on the choices you make in the Verify wizard.

About the Rebuild wizard

The Rebuild wizard lets you rebuild index volumes, and upgrades any 32-bit index
volumes it encounters. Use the wizard to select the archives whose index volumes
you want to rebuild. You can also rebuild individual index volumes.
The old index volumes remain searchable during the rebuild to avoid impact on
You can use the Rebuild wizard to initiate rebuilds of index volumes which contain
issues that synchronization tasks have failed to fix. You might also use the Rebuild
Managing indexes 117
About the indexing wizards

wizard to rebuild index volumes after you have changed indexing level. In this case,
the index volumes are rebuilt with the new indexing level you have set.
When you use the Rebuild wizard to rebuild all the index volumes associated with
an archive, the rebuild consolidates the index volumes if possible to create a smaller
number of rebuilt index volumes. For all archive types, this consolidation includes
the archive’s live index volume.

Deletion of rebuilt index volumes

During a rebuild of index volumes, Enterprise Vault deletes the old index volumes
as soon as it makes their replacements live and searchable.
In the case of a rebuild of multiple index volumes that are associated with one
archive, the rebuild might create fewer new index volumes. When a new index
volume is made live and searchable, Enterprise Vault deletes the old index volumes
it replaces. If the rebuild does not encounter any items that cannot be indexed, it
continues until all the old index volumes have been replaced by rebuilt index
Each time you run the Rebuild wizard, you can choose to ignore items that cannot
be indexed during the rebuild. If you choose to ignore these items, even if the rebuild
encounters items that cannot be indexed it proceeds to completion in the same
If you do not choose to ignore items that cannot be indexed, the rebuild pauses at
the end of processing for each old index volume in which it encounters these items
and waits for your input in the Monitor Indexing Tasks page.

About the Change Location wizard

The Change Location wizard lets you move an archive’s index volumes from one
physical location to another.
Change location tasks do not copy the index volumes from the source location to
the target. You must copy the files manually, and use the Change Location wizard
to make the necessary changes in Enterprise Vault.
When you run the Change Location wizard, you must indicate whether or not you
have already copied the archive’s index volumes from the source location to the
target location.
If you choose to copy the index volumes before you run the wizard, you must first
set the index volumes offline, then copy the files. When you run the wizard and
indicate that you have already copied the files, it creates a change location task
which checks the index volumes are offline then completes the configuration of the
new location.
Managing indexes 118
About the indexing wizards

If you choose to copy the index volumes after you run the Change Location wizard,
it creates a change location task which sets the index volumes offline then pauses
while you copy the files. When you have copied the files, you can use the Monitor
Indexing Tasks page to indicate that you have copied the files for the relevant
change location task. The task then completes the configuration of the new location.

Using the indexing wizards

To run the indexing wizards, your user account must be assigned the Indexing
Administrator role.
See “Roles-based administration” on page 24.
The indexing wizards are all accessible from the Indexing Summary page in the
Administration Console.
To run the Manage Indexes Wizard from Indexing Summary page
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, click the Indexing container.
2 In the right pane, click Manage Indexes.
The Manage Indexes Wizard is also accessible from the following places in the
Administration Console:
■ Common Tasks
■ The Indexing container, and the containers beneath it
■ The Archive Properties: Index Volumes tab
To run the Manage Indexes Wizard from Common Tasks
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, click the name of the Enterprise
Vault site.
2 In Common Tasks in the right pane, expand Index Management.
3 Click Manage Indexes Wizard.
To run the Manage Indexes Wizard from the Indexing container
◆ In the left pane of the Administration Console, right-click Indexing or any of
the containers beneath it and click Manage Indexes.
To run the Manage Indexes Wizard from The Archive Properties: Index Volumes tab
1 In the Administration Console, right-click an archive and click Properties.
2 Click the Index Volumes tab.
3 Click Manage Indexes.
Managing indexes 119
About the indexing wizards

Managing indexing tasks

All the indexing tasks that you create using the indexing wizard are shown in the
Administration Console in the Monitor Indexing Tasks page. The Monitor Indexing
Tasks page is accessible from the Indexing Summary page in the Administration
To run Monitor Indexing Tasks from Indexing Summary page
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, click the Indexing container.
2 In the right pane, click Monitor Indexing Tasks.
The Monitor Indexing Tasks page is also accessible from the following places in
the Administration Console:
■ Common Tasks
■ The Indexing container, and the containers beneath it
To run the Monitor Indexing Tasks from Common Tasks
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, click the name of the Enterprise
Vault site.
2 In Common Tasks in the right pane, expand Index Management.
3 Click Monitor Indexing Tasks.
To run the Manage Indexes Wizard from the Indexing container
◆ In the left pane of the Administration Console, right-click Indexing or any of
the containers beneath it and click Monitor Indexing Tasks.

Using the Monitor Indexing Tasks page

The Monitor Indexing Tasks page lists all the current indexing tasks. Use this
page to monitor and manage the tasks. Use the Search controls to filter the tasks
in the list.
For example, to list only synchronization tasks whose names contain 2011-05-05
1 Choose Task from the Search list.
2 Enter 2011-05-05 in the search text contains box.
3 Click Deselect All to clear the current selections.
4 Select Synchronize under Task Type.
5 Click Search.
If you want to include in the search results only those tasks that need attention,
click Yes under Show only tasks that need attention. This includes only the tasks
whose status is Failed, Stopped, and Waiting.
Managing indexes 120
About the indexing wizards

You can also click Clear All to clear existing search criteria before you start a new
For each task, the search results show the following information:
■ Task. The name of the task.
■ Type. The type of the task.
■ Created Date. The date and time the task was created.
■ Not Active. The number of inactive subtasks associated with the task. This
number includes the numbers of subtasks whose status is Inactive, Queued,
Waiting, or Stopped.
■ Active. The number of active subtasks associated with the task. This is the
number of subtasks whose status is Processing.
■ Successful. The number of successful subtasks associated with the task. This
is the number of subtasks whose status is No errors.
■ Unsuccessful. The number of unsuccessful subtasks associated with the task.
This number includes the numbers of subtasks whose status is Warnings, Will
retry, or Failed.
■ Successful Subtasks. The bar shows progress through the subtasks associated
with the task.
If all the statuses of the subtasks are all in Active or Successful categories,
the bar is green. If any of the subtasks have statuses in the Not Active category,
the bar is yellow. If any of the subtasks have statuses in the Unsuccessful
category, the bar is red.
Select tasks from the list and use the buttons on the button bar or the items on the
Actions menu to initiate the following actions:
■ Start. Click to start stopped tasks.
■ Stop. Click to stop running tasks.
■ Restart. Click to restart tasks.
■ Retry. Click to retry failed tasks.
■ Delete. Click to delete tasks.
■ I have copied the files or Process waiting subtasks.
For change location tasks, click I have copied the files when you have copied
the files associated with the task to their new location.
For all other tasks, click Process waiting subtasks to process the waiting
Managing indexes 121
About the indexing wizards

■ Show all subtasks for the current task (button bar only). Click to show the
subtasks associated with the selected parent task.
You can also click the name of a task to show its associated subtasks.
See “Using the Monitor Indexing Tasks page (subtask view)” on page 121.
■ Copy selection to clipboard (Actions menu only). Click to copy details of the
selected tasks to the clipboard.
■ Refresh view. Click to refresh the current view.

Using the Monitor Indexing Tasks page (subtask view)

In subtask view, the Monitor Indexing Tasks page lists all the indexing subtasks
associated with a task. Use this page to monitor and manage the subtasks. Use
the Search controls to filter the subtasks in the list.
For example, to list only unsuccessful subtasks whose archive names contain “John
1 Enter John Doe in the search text contains box.
2 Click Deselect All to clear the current selections.
3 Select Warnings, Will retry, and Failed under Subtask status.
4 Click Search.
You can also click Clear All to clear existing search criteria before you start a new
For each subtask, this page lists information in the columns described in the following
table. The page includes only the columns that are relevant to the types of subtasks
that are displayed.

Archive Name The name of the archive that the subtasks are
associated with.

Index Volume Range The range of sequence numbers of the items indexed
in the index volume.

Items Added For upgrade and rebuild subtasks, this shows the total
number of items successfully processed.

For synchronization subtasks, this shows the number

of items that have been indexed by the subtask.

Items Deleted For synchronization subtasks, this shows the number

of pending deletions and other previously orphaned
index entries items that have been removed from the
index volume by the subtasks.
Managing indexes 122
About the indexing wizards

Items With Errors For upgrade, rebuild and synchronization subtasks,

this shows the number of items that could not be
retrieved, usually due to storage issues.

In the case of upgrade and rebuild subtasks, items with

errors cause the subtask to wait for user input if you
did not select the Ignore items that cannot be
indexed option when you submitted the task.

Missing Items For verification subtasks, this shows the number of

items in the archive that Enterprise Vault has failed to

Extra Items For verification subtasks, this shows the number of

orphaned index entries it found in the index volume.
These are index entries for items that do not exist in
the archive.

Original Location For change location subtasks, this shows the original
location of the index volume.

Destination Location For change location subtasks, this shows the

destination location of the index volume.

Status The subtask’s status.

See “Subtask statuses” on page 123.

Progress Progress. The bar shows subtask’s progress. The

color of the bar matches the category that subtask
status belongs to. Active and Successful tasks have
a green bar, Not Active subtasks have a yellow bar,
and Unsuccessful subtasks have a red bar.

Select subtasks from the list and use the buttons on the button bar or the items on
the Actions menu to initiate the following actions:
■ Switch back to parent task summary view (button bar only). Click to show
the task view.
■ Start. Click to start stopped subtasks.
■ Stop. Click to stop running subtasks.
■ Restart. Click to restart subtasks.
■ Retry. Click to retry failed subtasks.
■ Delete. Click to delete subtasks.
■ I have copied the files or Process waiting subtasks.
Managing indexes 123
About the indexing wizards

For change location tasks, click I have copied the files when you have copied
the files associated with the subtask to their new location.
For all other subtasks, click Process waiting subtasks to process the waiting
■ Open report. Click to open the report file associated with the subtask.
■ Save report. Click to save the report file associated with the subtask.
■ Details. Click to display details about the selected subtask.
■ Copy selection to clipboard (Actions menu only). Click to copy details of the
selected subtasks to the clipboard.
■ Refresh view. Click to refresh the current view.

Subtask statuses
Table 5-1 Subtask statuses

Category Status Description

Not active Inactive The subtask is inactive. This can happen in the following

■ The Index Administration Task on the server the subtask

is associated with is not in schedule.
■ The Index Administration Task on the server the subtask
is associated with has not yet picked up the subtask for
processing. This can happen when you submit a task that
creates a large number of subtasks.
■ Vault stores or index locations are in backup mode.

Queued The Index Administration Task on the server the subtask is

associated with has not yet picked up the subtask for
processing. The statuses of these subtasks are Queued until
the Index Administration tasks starts processing them.
Managing indexes 124
About the indexing wizards

Table 5-1 Subtask statuses (continued)

Category Status Description

Waiting The subtask is waiting for user input:

■ For change location tasks on which you did not select The
index folders have been copied to the new location,
the associated subtasks complete their initial processing,
then wait for you to indicate that you have copied the index
folders. When you have copied the index folders, use the
I have copied the files action in the Monitor Indexing
Tasks page.
■ For upgrade and rebuild tasks on which you did not select
Ignore items that cannot be indexed, the associated
subtasks wait for your input when they encounter minor
errors. Use the Process waiting subtasks action in the
Monitor Indexing Tasks page to force the subtask to
continue processing.
■ For Metadata Store tasks, a subtask was unable to
process all items. Do one of the following:
■ Fix the problem and then use the Process waiting
subtasks action in the Monitor Indexing Tasks page
to force the subtask to continue processing. Select the
option Retry the failed items and wait again if there
are still errors.
■ Decide to ignore the problem and then use the
Process waiting subtasks action in the Monitor
Indexing Tasks page to force the subtask to continue
processing Select the option Retry the failed items
and continue.

Stopped You have stopped the subtask. The Index Administration

Task does not process the subtask again until you use the
Start action in the Monitor Indexing Tasks page to resume
the subtask.

Active Processing The subtask is being processed.

Successful No errors The subtask completed without errors.

Unsuccessful Warnings The subtask completed with warnings.

Examine the Subtask Details page and the subtask report

file for more information.
Managing indexes 125
About the indexing wizards

Table 5-1 Subtask statuses (continued)

Category Status Description

Will retry Change location and verify subtasks can have this status
when errors occur. The Index Administration Task tries a
subtask up to five times when it encounters errors, in case
the errors are transient. After five tries, if the errors persist
the subtask is marked as Failed.

Failed The subtask failed.

Examine the Subtask Details page and the subtask report

file for more information.

If you can ascertain and rectify the cause of the failure, use
the Retry action in the Monitor Indexing Tasks page to retry
the subtask.

Managing index upgrade and index rebuild tasks

Upgrade and rebuild tasks which do not complete successfully with the status No
errors, can have the following statuses:
■ Waiting. If you did not select the Ignore items that cannot be indexed option
when you submitted the upgrade or rebuild task, its subtasks wait for your input
when they encounter minor errors. Use the Process waiting subtasks action
in the Monitor Indexing Tasks page to force the subtask to continue processing.
■ Failed. The upgrade or rebuild subtask has failed. This happens when the
subtask encounters serious errors, or a significant number of minor errors.
In the Monitor Indexing Tasks page, open the subtask’s report file to see details
of the failure. If you can ascertain and rectify the cause of the failure, use the
Retry action in the Monitor Indexing Tasks page to retry the subtask.

Managing index verification tasks

Verification tasks which do not complete successfully with the status No errors,
can have the following statuses:
■ Will retry. The subtask has encountered errors but will retry the subtask. You
do not need to take action for subtasks with this status.
■ Warnings. When you submit a Complete verification task, its subtasks can
complete with Warnings. In the Monitor Indexing Tasks page, open the
subtask’s report file to see the warnings.
■ Failed. The verification subtask has failed. In the Monitor Indexing Tasks
page, open the subtask’s report file to see details of the failure. If you can
Managing indexes 126
About the indexing wizards

ascertain and rectify the cause of the failure, use the Retry action in the Monitor
Indexing Tasks page to retry the subtask.
If any of your verification subtasks fail, or complete with warnings about missing
items and orphaned index entries, consider submitting a synchronization task for
the same archive, index volume or index location. You do not need to do this if you
selected the Auto Synchronize option when you originally added the verification
task because Enterprise Vault automatically creates synchronization tasks in this

Managing index synchronization tasks

Synchronization tasks which do not complete successfully with the status No errors,
can have the following statuses:
■ Warnings. Synchronization subtasks can complete with Warnings. In the
Monitor Indexing Tasks page, open the subtask’s report file to see the warnings.
■ Failed. The synchronization subtask has failed. In the Monitor Indexing Tasks
page, open the subtask’s report file to see details of the failure. If you can
ascertain and rectify the cause of the failure, use the Retry action in the Monitor
Indexing Tasks page to retry the subtask.

Managing change location tasks

Change location tasks which do not complete successfully with the status No errors,
can have the following statuses:
■ Will retry. The subtask has encountered errors but will retry the subtask. You
do not need to take action for subtasks with this status.
■ Waiting. If you did not select the The index folders have been copied to the
new location option when you submitted the task, after completing their initial
processing, the associated subtasks wait for your input. Copy the index folder
to the new location, then use the I have copied the file action in the Monitor
Indexing Tasks page to complete processing.
■ Warnings. When you submit a change location task, its subtasks can complete
with Warnings. In the Monitor Indexing Tasks page, open the subtask’s report
file to see the warnings.
■ Failed. The change location subtask has failed. In the Monitor Indexing Tasks
page, open the subtask’s report file to see details of the failure. If you can
ascertain and rectify the cause of the failure, use the Retry action in the Monitor
Indexing Tasks page to retry the subtask.
Managing indexes 127
Managing indexing exclusions

Managing indexing exclusions

Enterprise Vault’s indexing exclusions feature lets you specify email content that
you do not want to index, such as email disclaimers and corporate email signatures.
This improves the quality of searches by avoiding unwanted search hits that would
otherwise arise from the excluded text.

How indexing exclusions work

When you have created an indexing exclusion, Enterprise Vault omits from the
indexes it subsequently builds any matching content that occurs in email items.

Note: Indexes that were created before you add a new indexing exclusion are not
affected. Content that matches the new exclusion remains in the existing indexes
unless you rebuild them.

For each Enterprise Vault site, you can add as many indexing exclusions as you
need. Enterprise Vault accepts plain text exclusion content, which it then normalizes
by removing leading and trailing white space, and by replacing consecutive white
space characters with a single space.
During subsequent indexing, Enterprise Vault makes case-sensitive comparisons
between the exclusion text and email content, and excludes from indexes any
matches that occur.
When you delete an existing indexing exclusion, archived content that matches the
deleted exclusion is not reinstated in indexes unless you rebuild them.
Note that it can take two hours from the time you add, edit or remove an indexing
exclusion before the changes fully take effect.

Managing indexing exclusions

For each Enterprise Vault site, you can manage indexing exclusions in the
Administration Console.
To manage indexing exclusions
1 In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, open Site Properties and click
the Indexing tab.
2 Click Exclusions.
In the Indexing Exclusions dialog box, you can add new indexing exclusions,
and edit, rename and remove existing indexing exclusions.
Managing indexes 128
Viewing details of index volumes

Viewing details of index volumes

The Index Volumes Browser enables you to do the following:
■ Search for those index volumes that meet the criteria that you specify. You can
search for indexes by various attributes.
■ Set individual index volumes online or offline.
■ View details of individual index volumes. For example, the details of an index
volume include the following:
■ The location of the index volume
■ The server or the index group that hosts the index volume
■ Details of the archive with which the index volume is associated
To display the Index Volumes Browser, do one of the following in the Administration
■ Click Index Volumes Browser in the Indexing Summary page.
■ Right-click the Archives container and then click Index Volumes Browser.
■ Right-click the Indexing container and then click Index Volumes Browser.
■ Display the properties of an archive, click the Index Volumes tab and then click

About the indexing PowerShell cmdlets

The Enterprise Vault Management Shell provides the following indexing cmdlets:

Table 5-2 Indexing PowerShell cmdlets

Cmdlet Description

Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation Reports the server name and server entry ID

for the index server that is responsible for a
specified index location.

Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel Forces the synchronization of index metadata

at the next startup of the specified indexing

This is useful after you have restored index

locations during disaster recovery.
Managing indexes 129
About the indexing PowerShell cmdlets

Running the indexing PowerShell cmdlets

To run one of the indexing PowerShell cmdlets
1 Start the Enterprise Vault Management Shell.
PowerShell opens and loads the Enterprise Vault snap-in. The cmdlets are
now available in the shell.
2 At the PowerShell command prompt, type the required command.
Help is available for all the cmdlets. For example, the following command shows
the detailed Help for the Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation cmdlet:
Get-Help Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation -detailed

Using Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation
Use the following syntax when you run Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation:
Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation -Location <String>

The following examples show how Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation is used

to report the index server that is responsible for an index location:
■ Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation -Location "F:\EVIndexes\index7"
This command returns the index server responsible for the index location whose
path is F:\EVIndexes\index7.
■ Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation -Location
This command returns the index server responsible for the index location whose
root path entry ID is

Using Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel
Use the following syntax when you run Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel:
Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel -EntryId <String> -SyncLevel <String>

Table 5-3 Available synchronization levels for Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel

Synchronization level Description

0 No synchronization occurs at indexing service startup.

Managing indexes 130
About the indexing PowerShell cmdlets

Table 5-3 Available synchronization levels for Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel


Synchronization level Description

1 At startup, the indexing service indexes items that are present

in archives but have not been indexed, and removes orphaned
index entries for items that do not exist in the archives.

2 At startup, the indexing service:

■ Indexes items that are present in archives but have not been
indexed, and removes orphaned index entries for items that
do not exist in the archives
■ Checks that all the index locations stored in the Directory
database are correctly referenced in the index metadata

The following example shows how Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel is used to force

the synchronization of index metadata:
■ Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel -EntryId
15B63FA16EF2BD4418934B87F2F6651A51710000.Domain1.local -SyncLevel
This command sets the synchronization level to 1 for the indexing service that
has entry ID 15B63FA16EF2BD4418934B87F2F6651A51710000.Domain1.local.
Chapter 6
Advanced Domino mailbox
and desktop policy settings
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the advanced policy settings for Domino mailbox and desktop policy

■ Editing the advanced settings for Domino mailbox and desktop policy

■ Domino mailbox policy advanced settings

■ Domino desktop policy advanced settings

About the advanced policy settings for Domino

mailbox and desktop policy
The Domino mailbox policy advanced settings control advanced archiving behavior
such as the action to take for failed items, and the method for resolving email
The Domino desktop policy advanced settings let you fine-tune the user experience
provided by the Domino client desktops. The settings control advanced features
and functionality of Vault Cache.

Editing the advanced settings for Domino mailbox

and desktop policy
The advanced settings for a policy are provided on the Advanced tab of the policy
Advanced Domino mailbox and desktop policy settings 132
Domino mailbox policy advanced settings

To edit the advanced settings for a policy

1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the hierarchy until
Policies is visible.
2 Expand Policies.
3 Expand Domino.
4 Click Mailbox or Desktop as appropriate.
5 In the right-hand pane, double-click the name of the policy you want to edit.
The policy’s properties are displayed.
6 Click the Advanced tab.
7 Next to List settings from, select the category of settings that you want to
8 Edit the settings as required.
You can double-click a setting to edit it, or click it once to select it and then
click Modify.

How to apply the new settings for Domino mailbox and desktop policy
Modified mailbox and desktop policy settings are applied to users' mailboxes during
the next synchronization run of the Domino Provisioning task. If you want to apply
the changes before the next synchronization, run Synchronize Individual Mailboxes,
which is on the Synchronization tab of the Domino Provisioning task’s properties.

Domino mailbox policy advanced settings

These settings control advanced aspects of Domino mailbox archiving.
There is one category of Domino mailbox policy advanced settings:
■ Archiving General: Domino mailbox policy

Archiving General: Domino mailbox policy

These settings control advanced aspects of archiving behavior.
The Archiving General settings are:
■ Action for failed items (Domino Archiving General setting)
■ Archive draft items (Domino Archiving General setting)
■ Lookup e-mail addresses (Domino Archiving General setting)
Advanced Domino mailbox and desktop policy settings 133
Domino mailbox policy advanced settings

■ Reset archive names (Domino Archiving General setting)

■ Strip attachments to non-shortcut items (Domino Archiving General setting)

Action for failed items (Domino Archiving General setting)

Description Lets you control whether items that fail three times to be archived are
processed on later archiving runs.

Supported values ■ Reprocess. Items that have failed repeatedly are reprocessed on
each archiving run.
■ Do not reprocess (default). Items that have failed repeatedly are not
reprocessed on later archiving runs.

Legacy name SetFailedMsgsDoNotArchive

Archive draft items (Domino Archiving General setting)

Description Lets you control whether draft items are archived. Changes to the setting
are applied to users' mail files when the Domino Provisioning task next
runs. To apply the changes immediately, click Synchronize Individual
Mailboxes on the Synchronization tab of the Domino Provisioning
task properties.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Draft items are not archived.

■ On. Draft items are archived. When draft items are archived, they
never change into shortcuts, and attachments are not removed.

Legacy name ArchiveDraftItems

Lookup e-mail addresses (Domino Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether email addresses are resolved using the Domino
Directory, including SMTP addresses where available.

Supported values ■ On (default). Email addresses are resolved.

■ Off. Email addresses are not resolved.

Legacy name LookupNames

Advanced Domino mailbox and desktop policy settings 134
Domino desktop policy advanced settings

Reset archive names (Domino Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether archive names are kept synchronized with Domino
user names. If the setting is On, any changes to the Domino user name
are applied to the archive name when the Domino Provisioning task
runs, either on a scheduled run or when the administrator clicks
Synchronize Individual Mailboxes on the task properties.

Supported values ■ On (default). Archive names are updated during synchronization.

■ Off. Archive names are not updated during synchronization.

Strip attachments to non-shortcut items (Domino Archiving

General setting)
Description Controls whether attachments are removed from appointments and
tasks after archiving. These items are not changed into Enterprise Vault
shortcuts when they are archived. If Enterprise Vault removes an
attachment, it replaces it with a link to the attachment.

Supported values ■ On (default). Attachments are removed from non-shortcut items

after archiving.
■ Off. Attachments are not removed from non-shortcut items after

Legacy name StripAttachmentsToNonShortcutItems

Domino desktop policy advanced settings

These settings allow you to fine-tune the behavior of the Enterprise Vault Notes
There is one category of Domino desktop policy advanced settings:
■ Vault Cache: Domino desktop policy

Vault Cache: Domino desktop policy

These settings control advanced behavior of Notes with respect to Vault Cache.
The Vault Cache settings are:
■ Pause interval (Domino Vault Cache setting)
■ Preemptive archiving threshold (Domino Vault Cache setting)
Advanced Domino mailbox and desktop policy settings 135
Domino desktop policy advanced settings

Pause interval (Domino Vault Cache setting)

Description Specifies the number of minutes to wait before Enterprise Vault starts
searching for items that need to be added to the Vault Cache.

Supported values ■ Integer value, specifying a number of minutes. The default is 3.

Preemptive archiving threshold (Domino Vault Cache setting)

Description Specifies the number of days before archiving at which Enterprise Vault
copies items preemptively to the Vault Cache, in anticipation that the
items will soon be archived. The copy takes place on the user's
computer, with no further download required.

Supported values ■ Integer value, specifying a number of days. The default is 7.

Chapter 7
Advanced Exchange
mailbox and desktop policy
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop settings

■ Editing the advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop settings

■ Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

■ Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

About the advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop

The Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings control advanced aspects of
archiving behavior such as whether deleted items and unexpired calendar events
are archived.
The Exchange desktop policy advanced settings let you fine-tune the user
experience provided by the Exchange client desktops. The settings control the
advanced features and functionality provided by Vault Cache and Virtual Vault for
Outlook and the Outlook and OWA clients.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 137
Editing the advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop settings

Editing the advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop

The advanced settings for a policy are provided on the Advanced tab of the policy
To edit the advanced settings for a policy
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the hierarchy until
Policies is visible.
2 Expand Policies.
3 Expand Exchange.
4 Click Mailbox or Desktop as required.
5 In the right-hand pane, double-click the name of the policy you want to edit.
The policy’s properties are displayed.
6 Click the Advanced tab.
7 Next to List settings from, select the category of settings that you want to
8 Edit the settings as required.
You can double-click a setting to edit it, or click it once to select it and then
click Modify.

How to apply the new Exchange mailbox and desktop settings

Modified mailbox and desktop policy settings are applied to users' mailboxes during
the next synchronization run of the Exchange Mailbox task. If you want to apply the
changes before the next synchronization, run Synchronize, which is on the
Synchronization tab of the Exchange Mailbox task’s properties.

Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

These settings control advanced aspects of Exchange mailbox archiving.
There is one category of Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings:
■ Archiving General (Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings)

Archiving General (Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings)

The Archiving General settings enable you to control advanced archiving behavior.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 138
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

The Archiving General settings are:

■ Archive deleted items (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Archive draft items (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Archive Exchange Managed Folders (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Archive naming convention (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Archive unexpired Calendar Events (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Code pages for right-to-left custom shortcuts (Exchange Archiving General
■ Do not archive pending reminders (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Encode custom body using appropriate code pages (Exchange Archiving General
■ Future item retention category (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Include default and anonymous permissions (Exchange Archiving General
■ Inherited permissions (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Maximum message size to archive in MB (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Pending shortcut timeout (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Reset archive names (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Set failed messages 'Do Not Archive' (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Shortcut sync for mail clients (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Strip attachments to non-shortcut items (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Synchronize folder permissions (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Warn if default or anonymous permissions exist (Exchange Archiving General
■ Warn when mailbox not under quota after archiving run (Exchange Archiving
General setting)

Archive deleted items (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether items are archived from the Deleted Items folder.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Items in the Deleted Items folder are not archived.
■ On. Items in the Deleted Items folder are archived.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 139
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

Legacy name ArchiveDeletedItems

Archive draft items (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether draft items are archived. This applies to all draft items,
not just those in the Drafts folder.

Enterprise Vault does not convert archived draft items to shortcuts,

even if the policy is configured to create shortcuts. Archived draft items
are treated as shortcuts for purposes of shortcut deletion. Enterprise
Vault does not remove attachments from archived draft items.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Draft items not archived.

■ On. Draft items are archived.

Archive Exchange Managed Folders (Exchange Archiving

General setting)
Description Controls whether items are archived from Microsoft Exchange managed
folders, and whether to apply managed content settings. Managed
folders were introduced in Exchange Server 2007.

Supported values ■ Off. Enterprise Vault does not archive items from managed folders.
Additionally, users are not allowed to archive items manually from
managed folders.
■ Normal. Enterprise Vault treats managed folders as normal mailbox
The value Normal lets users modify the contents of managed folders
in Virtual Vault, provided the Virtual Vault policy settings allow such
operations. For example, users can move items as follows:
■ From the mailbox to a managed folder in Virtual Vault
■ From a managed folder in Virtual Vault to another Virtual Vault
■ Managed (default). Enterprise Vault archives items from managed
folders and uses retention settings that are synchronized from
Exchange Server.

Legacy name ArchiveManagedFolders2

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 140
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

Archive naming convention (Exchange Archiving General

Description By default, archives are given the same name as the associated mailbox
on an Exchange Server. In some environments this may mean that the
archive name is not unique. This can cause confusion when searching
multiple archives, especially when items are returned from different
archives that have the same name.

The Archive naming convention setting lets you select the naming
convention to use for archives. You can use this setting to ensure that
the name given to an archive is unique within the organization. This
setting is particularly useful if you use Symantec Discovery Accelerator
to search multiple Exchange mailbox archives.

If you modify the value of this setting, check that the value of the
advanced policy setting, Reset archive names, is On. This setting is
in the Archiving general list of settings.

To update the names of existing archives so that they conform to the

new naming convention, synchronize the mailboxes that use the
modified policy.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 141
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

Supported values The following list describes the valid values for the setting. In the
examples given, the resultant archive names assume that the user,
John Doe, has the following account and mailbox details:

Account logon name in Active Directory: "JDoe"

Domain: "EXAMPLE"

Exchange Server mailbox name: "John Doe"

■ Mailbox name (Default)

The name of the associated Exchange mailbox.
For example, John Doe
■ Mailbox name (account name)
The name of the associated mailbox, followed by the mailbox user's
account logon name in Active Directory.
For example, John Doe (JDoe)
■ Mailbox name (domain-qualified account name)
The name of the associated mailbox, followed by the domain and
account logon name of the mailbox user (in the form
For example, John Doe (EXAMPLE\JDoe)
■ Account name (mailbox name)
The account logon name of the mailbox user, followed by the name
of the associated mailbox.
For example, JDoe (John Doe)
■ Domain-qualified account name (mailbox name)
The domain and account logon name of the mailbox user (in the
form DOMAIN\name), followed by the name of the associated
For example, EXAMPLE\JDoe (John Doe)

Legacy name ArchiveNameFormat

Archive unexpired Calendar Events (Exchange Archiving General

Description Controls whether unexpired calendar items are archived.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Unexpired calendar items are not archived.
■ On. Unexpired calendar items are archived.

Legacy name ArchiveNonExpiredCalEvents

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 142
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

Code pages for right-to-left custom shortcuts (Exchange

Archiving General setting)
Description A semicolon-separated list of code pages. Custom shortcuts that use
these code pages are always formatted right-to-left.

Supported values ■ A list of code pages, separated by semicolons. For example,

1255;1256. Default is 1255.

Legacy name CustomShortcutRTLCodePages

Do not archive pending reminders (Exchange Archiving General

Description Controls whether Enterprise Vault archives items that have pending

Supported values ■ Off. Items that have pending reminders are archived.
■ On (default). Items that have pending reminders within the next five
years are not archived.

Legacy name DontArchiveItemsPendingReminder

Encode custom body using appropriate code pages (Exchange

Archiving General setting)
Description Use the appropriate ANSI code pages (rather than always using
Unicode) when encoding the bodies of customized Enterprise Vault

Supported values ■ Off. Use Unicode when encoding the bodies of customized
Enterprise Vault shortcuts.
■ On. Always use ANSI code pages when encoding the bodies of
customized Enterprise Vault shortcuts.

Legacy name EncodeCustomBodyUsingAppropriateCodePages

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 143
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

Future item retention category (Exchange Archiving General

Description The name of the retention category to use for calendar, meeting, and
task items that have end dates in the future; that is, unexpired calendar,
meeting, and task items. The retention category must exist.

If Enterprise Vault storage expiry for your site is based on the archived
date of an item, then archived calendar, meeting, or task items with an
end date in the future could be deleted by Enterprise Vault storage
expiry before the end date of the item. To prevent this, you can create
a retention category that Enterprise Vault will apply automatically to
such items when they are archived, and specify this retention category
in this policy setting. In the retention category properties, we recommend
that you set the value of Base expiry on to Modified date, and
configure the retention period as Retain items forever.
Note: The retention category will not be applied retrospectively to items
that have already been archived.

Supported values ■ The name of an existing retention category that you have set up to
be used for these items. For example, Future Calendar Items.
■ Leave blank to use the default retention category for the provisioning
group. This is the default value.

Legacy name FutureItemsRetCat

Include default and anonymous permissions (Exchange

Archiving General setting)
Description Controls whether Enterprise Vault includes Default and Anonymous
permissions when synchronizing each mailbox with its default archive.

Enterprise Vault automatically removes existing Default and Anonymous

user settings from archives unless you choose to synchronize them.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Do not synchronize Default or Anonymous permissions.

■ On. Synchronize Default and Anonymous permissions. This has the
side-effect that users can view each others’ archives.

Legacy name IncludeDefOrAnonPerms

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 144
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

Inherited permissions (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether Enterprise Vault includes inherited permissions when
synchronizing permissions between mailboxes or public folders and

Supported values ■ Off (default). Do not synchronize inherited permissions.

■ On. Synchronize inherited permissions.

Legacy name IncludeInheritedRights

Maximum message size to archive in MB (Exchange Archiving

General setting)
Description Controls the maximum size of messages that are archived.

Supported values ■ 0. No restriction on maximum message size.

■ Integer larger than 0. The maximum size of messages that are
archived, in megabytes. Default is 250.

Legacy name MaxMessageSizeToArchiveMB

Pending shortcut timeout (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Specifies the number of days to allow items to remain in the state of
archive-pending, restore-pending, or delete-pending before they are

Supported values ■ Off (default). Archive-pending, restore-pending, and delete-pending

shortcuts are never reset.
■ 0. When run in report mode, Exchange Mailbox tasks reset all
archive-pending, restore-pending, and delete-pending shortcuts.
When run in normal mode, the shortcuts are not reset.
■ Any integer larger than zero. Archive-pending, restore-pending, and
delete-pending shortcuts that are older than this number of days
are reset. This happens in both normal archiving and in Report

Legacy name PendingShortcutTimeout

Reset archive names (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether, during synchronization, archive names are
automatically changed to match mailbox names.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 145
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ Off. During synchronization archive names are never changed.
■ On (default). During synchronization, archive names are
automatically changed if necessary to match mailbox names.

Legacy name ResetArchiveNames

Set failed messages 'Do Not Archive' (Exchange Archiving

General setting)
Description If an item cannot be archived, the default Exchange Mailbox task
behavior is to reprocess the item on the next archiving run because
such items can often be successfully archived on a second try.

This setting enables you to change the behavior so items that fail
archiving are marked as Do Not Archive and thus are not reprocessed
on the next archiving run.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Failed items are not marked as Do Not Archive.
■ On. Failed items are marked as Do Not Archive.

Legacy name SetFailedMsgsDoNotArchive

Shortcut sync for mail clients (Exchange Archiving General

Description Controls whether Enterprise Vault creates shortcuts for items in the
cache of a simple email client. This setting has no effect when it is used
with Outlook for Mac 2011 because of the way in which shortcuts are

Supported values ■ Off (default). Do not create shortcuts.

■ On. Create shortcuts for items in the cache.

Strip attachments to non-shortcut items (Exchange Archiving

General setting)
Description Controls whether attachments are removed from calendar items,
meeting items (including requests, responses and cancellations), task
and task request items, and contacts after archiving. These items are
not changed into Enterprise Vault shortcuts when they are archived. If
Enterprise Vault removes an attachment, it replaces it with a link to the
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 146
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ On (default). Attachments are removed from non-shortcut items

after archiving.
■ Off. Attachments are not removed from non-shortcut items after

Legacy name StripAttachmentsToNonShortcutItems

Synchronize folder permissions (Exchange Archiving General

Description Controls whether synchronization of delegate and shared folder
permissions within mailboxes are synchronized. If these are not
synchronized, only mailbox owners have access to the corresponding
archives. For example, this prevents delegates, from having access to
mailbox archives.

Supported values ■ Off. Folder permissions are not synchronized.

■ On (default). Folder permissions are synchronized.

Legacy name SynchronizeFolderPermissions

Valid Enterprise Vault server aliases (Exchange Archiving

General setting)
Description A semicolon-separated list of the Enterprise Vault servers that are
currently in operation in your environment.

During shortcut processing, Enterprise Vault does not attempt to make

connections to any server that is not in this list. This prevents connection
attempts to Enterprise Vault servers that no longer exist in your

Supported values ■ A semicolon-separated list of server aliases or fully qualified domain

names of Enterprise Vault servers.
■ If this string is empty, Enterprise Vault attempts to process all

Legacy name WhitelistOfGoodEVConnectionPoints

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 147
Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings

Warn if default or anonymous permissions exist (Exchange

Archiving General setting)
Description Controls whether Enterprise Vault places an entry in the Enterprise
Vault Event Log when a folder has Default or Anonymous permissions

The warning looks similar to the following:

Date: 29/06/2004 Source: Enterprise Vault

Time: 18:00:42 Category: Archive Service
Type: Warning Event ID: 3284
User: N/A
Computer: DEMO


The folder has Anonymous permissions set that grant

all users access to this folder. By default, this
has not been synchronized to the users archive.

MailboxDn: /o=Admin/ou=First Administrative

FolderPath: Inbox

Supported values ■ Off. Do not warn when a folder has Default or Anonymous
permissions set.
■ On (default). Warn when a folder has Default or Anonymous
permissions set.

Legacy name WarnWhenDefOrAnonPerms

Warn when mailbox not under quota after archiving run

(Exchange Archiving General setting)
Description Controls whether a warning is entered in to the event log when too few
archivable items were available to take a mailbox below the quota-free
level setting.

Supported values ■ Off. Never log a warning if too few items were available to reduce
the mailbox to the required usage level.
■ On (default). Log a warning if too few items were available to reduce
the mailbox to the required usage level.

Legacy name WarnNotEnoughArchivedForQuota

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 148
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

These settings control advanced aspects of Exchange desktop policy configuration.
The categories of Exchange desktop policy advanced settings are:
■ Office Mail App (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)
■ Outlook (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)
■ OWA versions before 2013 (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)
■ Vault Cache (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)
■ Virtual Vault (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)

Office Mail App (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)

The Office Mail App settings let you control the availability and behavior of the
Enterprise Vault Office Mail App in Outlook 2013 and OWA 2013.
The Office Mail App settings are:
■ Availability (Exchange Office Mail App setting)
■ Behavior of Mail App Bar (Exchange Office Mail App setting)
■ Mode (Exchange Office Mail App setting)
■ Search Application (Exchange Office Mail App setting)

Availability (Exchange Office Mail App setting)

Description Specifies the applications in which the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
is available.

Supported values ■ OWA 2013 only. In Outlook 2013, Enterprise Vault displays a
message to indicate that the Office Mail App is not available. You
may find this setting useful if you do not want to confuse Outlook
users by providing two methods for accessing their archives (both
the Enterprise Vault toolbar and the Office Mail App).
■ Outlook 2013 only. In OWA 2013, Enterprise Vault displays a
message to indicate that the Office Mail App is not available.
■ OWA and Outlook 2013 (default).

Legacy name OAAvailability

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 149
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Behavior of Mail App Bar (Exchange Office Mail App setting)

Description Determines what happens when a user clicks the Office Mail App bar
in a shortcut: show the available Enterprise Vault options and
immediately open the item in a new window, or show the Enterprise
Vault options without opening the item.

Supported values ■ Open immediately and show options.

■ Show options (default).

Legacy name OAMailBarBehavior

Mode (Exchange Office Mail App setting)

Description Determines whether Outlook 2013 and OWA 2013 users have access
to the full Enterprise Vault functionality.

Supported values ■ Full. Users can choose a retention category for each item that they
manually archive.
■ Light (default). Users cannot choose a retention category for each
item that they manually archive. Instead, Enterprise Vault archives
the item with the default retention category for the mailbox folder
that contains the item.

Legacy name OAMode

Search Application (Exchange Office Mail App setting)

Description Determines which Enterprise Vault search application opens when
users click Search in the Office Mail App.

This setting does not apply to users for whom you enable Enterprise
Vault Search rather than the legacy search applications (Archive
Explorer, Integrated Search, and Browser Search).

Supported values ■ Browser search (default). Users can perform complex searches,
using a wide range of search criteria, on one or more vaults at a
■ Integrated search (IE only). Users can perform similar searches to
those available in Browser search, but they can search one vault at
a time only. If you choose this value, the Search button is hidden
from users who do not use Internet Explorer.

Legacy name OASearchApp

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 150
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Outlook (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)

The Outlook settings enable you to control the behavior of the Enterprise Vault
Outlook Add-In. Except where noted, none of the settings has any effect in the
Enterprise Vault Client for Mac OS X.
The Outlook settings are:
■ Add server to intranet zone (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Allow script in public folders (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Allow script in shared folders (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Allow shortcut copy (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Automatically delete IE file cache (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Automatically re-enable Outlook add-in (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Behavior when Archive Explorer closes (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Deploy forms locally (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Display notifications (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Display Office Apps on original items (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Folder properties visible (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Force form reload on error (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Forward original item (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Launch Archive Explorer (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Limit automatic re-enabling of add-in (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Mailbox properties visible (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Mark PST files (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Message properties visible (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Outlook Add-In behavior (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Policy lookup locations (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Prevent disabling of Outlook Add-In (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Printing behavior (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ PST Import pause interval (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ PST Import work check interval (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ PST search interval (Exchange Outlook setting)
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 151
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

■ Public Folder operations (Exchange Outlook setting)

■ Remove PST entries (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Remove server from intranet zone (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Reply behavior (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ RPC over HTTP connection (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ RPC over HTTP Proxy URL (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ RPC over HTTP restrictions (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Search behavior (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Shortcut download progress (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Soft deletes (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Use proxy settings (Exchange Outlook setting)
■ Web Application URL (Exchange Outlook setting)

Add server to intranet zone (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Adds the listed servers to the Internet Explorer local intranet zone.

If you use this setting, users are not prompted for their logon details
when they search their archives or view or restore archived items.

The change applies to the current user only, so other users of the same
computer are unaffected.
If the user does not have permission to modify Internet Explorer, the
security settings are not changed and no error is generated.

You cannot use this setting if you have applied United States
Government Configuration Baseline (USGCB) group policy objects
(GPO) to Windows computers in your organization. On
USGCB-compliant desktops, users cannot change settings in the local
intranet zone on their computers. For instructions on how you can
configure Internet Explorer for these users, see the section "Publishing
Enterprise Vault server details to USGCB-compliant computers" in the
Installing and Configuring guide.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 152
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ A text string. Defines the computers to be added to the Internet
Explorer local intranet zone. The string can contain wildcard
characters, domain names, DNS aliases, or IP addresses.
To specify multiple computers, separate the names using a
semicolon (;).
The syntax is as follows:
Some examples of text strings are as follows:


Legacy name AddServerToIntranetZone

Allow script in public folders (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether the Outlook Add-In automatically sets the Allow Script
In Public Folders setting. This setting is required in order for the Outlook
Add-In to open shortcuts that are in public folders.

Supported values ■ Force off. The Outlook Add-In cannot open shortcuts that are in
public folders.
■ Force on (default). The Outlook Add-In can open shortcuts that are
in public folders.
■ Keep user’s setting. The user’s Outlook setting of Allow Script In
Public Folders is not changed.

Legacy name AllowScriptPublicFolders

Allow script in shared folders (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether the Outlook setting Allow Script In Shared Folders is
automatically set by the Outlook Add-In. This setting is required in order
for the Outlook Add-In to be able to open shortcuts that are in shared

Supported values ■ Force off. The Outlook Add-In cannot open shortcuts that are in
shared folders.
■ Force on (default). The Outlook Add-In can open shortcuts that are
in shared folders.
■ Keep user’s setting. The user’s Outlook setting of Allow Script In
shared Folders is not changed.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 153
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Legacy name AllowScriptSharedFolders

Allow shortcut copy (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls the behavior when a user tries to copy a shortcut. It is possible
to make Enterprise Vault restore the original item, rather than copy the
shortcut. This can prevent any confusion that could arise if an archived
item is later deleted, leaving orphaned shortcuts that no longer work.

Supported values ■ Off (default). When a user tries to copy a shortcut, a message is
displayed explaining that the item cannot be copied, but it can be
copied after the item is restored.
■ On. The user is allowed to copy the shortcut. (This is the same
behavior as in Enterprise Vault versions before 6.0.)
If the user later deletes the shortcut and the corresponding archived
item, any copies of the shortcut will no longer work.

Legacy name AllowCopyShortcut

Automatically delete IE file cache (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether the Enterprise Vault add-in to Outlook automatically
deletes a user's Temporary Internet files if the Internet Explorer cache
is preventing archived items from being displayed.

Supported values ■ Do not delete files (default). Temporary Internet files are never
■ Delete files and tell user. The Temporary Internet files are deleted
and a message informs the user that they have been deleted.
■ Delete files silently. The Temporary Internet files are deleted and
the user is not informed.
■ Ask user. The user is asked whether the Temporary Internet files
should be deleted.

Legacy name AutoDeleteIECache

Automatically re-enable Outlook add-in (Exchange Outlook

Description Controls whether the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In is automatically
re-enabled if it has been disabled.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 154
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ Do not re-enable. The Outlook Add-In is never automatically

re-enabled if it has been disabled.
■ Re-enable and tell user (default). The Outlook Add-In is automatically
re-enabled if it has been disabled and a message informs the user
that this has happened.
■ Re-enable silently. The Outlook Add-In is automatically re-enabled
if it has been disabled and the user is not informed.
■ Ask user. The user is asked whether the Outlook Add-In should be

Legacy name AutoReEnable

Behavior when Archive Explorer closes (Exchange Outlook

Description Controls whether there is a forced refresh of the view when exiting from
Archive Explorer on Outlook 2003. This overcomes a problem with
some screens not refreshing properly.

Enterprise Vault hides this setting when you upgrade your site to use
Enterprise Vault Search rather than the legacy search applications
(Archive Explorer, Browser Search, and Integrated Search).

Supported values ■ No refresh. No forced refresh.

■ Refresh (default). Force a refresh.

Legacy name UseFolderSwitchOnAEClose

Deploy forms locally (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls how the Enterprise Vault Exchange forms are deployed to
users' Personal Form Libraries.

This setting enables you to control the deployment of Enterprise Vault

Exchange forms in an environment in which there is no Organizational
Forms library.

If you choose to deploy forms locally, the forms are automatically

updated when you upgrade to a later version of Enterprise Vault.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 155
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ Never. Never deploy the Enterprise Vault Exchange forms to users’
Personal Form Libraries.
■ When no Org Forms. Deploy to users’ Personal Form Libraries when
there is no Organization Forms Library.
■ Always (default). Always deploy forms locally.
■ Delete. Delete locally-deployed forms. This may be useful if, for
example, your Exchange Server environment changes so that an
Organizational Forms Library becomes available. This setting
enables you to remove all locally-deployed forms from users’
When upgrading to a later Enterprise Vault version, you do not need
to use this option to delete existing local forms. The forms are
automatically upgraded.

Legacy name DeployFormsLocally

Display notifications (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Enables and disables Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In user notifications.
For example, when Display notifications is enabled, the Enterprise
Vault Outlook Add-In notifies users of Vault Cache synchronization
Note: You can also use the NotificationsEnabled registry value on
individual computers to enable and disable user notifications. On
computers where it is set, NotificationsEnabled overrides the policy
setting. For more information, see “NotificationsEnabled” in the Registry
Values guide.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Disables Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In user
■ On. Enables Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In user notifications.

Legacy name NotificationsEnabled

Display Office Apps on original items (Exchange Outlook

Description When users open the original content of archived items from shortcuts,
specifies whether to display the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App in that
content. This setting applies to Outlook 2013 and later only.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 156
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ Off. The Office Mail App does not appear in the original content of
opened archived items.
■ On (default). The Office Mail App does appear in the original content
of opened archived items.

Legacy name DisplayOfficeAppsOnOriginalItems

Folder properties visible (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether folder properties show the Enterprise Vault property

If you have locked all the Enterprise Vault settings, you may want to
hide the property tab too.

By hiding the property tab, you are in effect locking all the settings,
because users cannot get to the tab page to change them.

Supported values ■ Hide tab. Enterprise Vault folder properties are hidden.
■ Show tab (default). Enterprise Vault folder properties are shown.

Legacy name FolderPropertiesVisible

Force form reload on error (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether the Outlook registry entry ForceFormReload is written
to force Outlook to reload forms on error.

Note that this registry entry applies to all Outlook forms, so changing
this setting may affect other applications.
See the following Microsoft articles for more information:

■ http://support.microsoft.com/kb/839804 (Outlook 2003)

■ http://support.microsoft.com/kb/919596 (Outlook 2007)

Supported values ■ Remove entry. Remove the registry entry. This means that Outlook
does not reload forms on error.
■ Write entry (default). Write the registry entry. This forces Outlook to
reload forms on error.

Legacy name SetForceFormReload

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 157
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Forward original item (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls the behavior when a user forwards a shortcut. The default is
to forward the archived item, but it is possible to forward the contents
of the shortcut itself.

Supported values ■ Shortcut. Forward the shortcut.

■ Original (default). Forward the archived item.
Items of type IPM.Document or IPM.Appointment cannot be
forwarded. If a user tries to forward one of these an explanatory
message is displayed.

Legacy name ForwardOriginalItem

Launch Archive Explorer (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether Archive Explorer appears integrated with the Outlook
window or in a separate browser window.

Enterprise Vault hides this setting when you upgrade your site to use
Enterprise Vault Search rather than the legacy search applications
(Archive Explorer, Browser Search, and Integrated Search).

Note that there is also an equivalent registry value that you can set on
individual computers.

To set the registry value, create a DWORD value that is called

LaunchAEInBrowser under the following registry key on the user's


Give LaunchAEInBrowser a value of 1 to force Archive Explorer to

appear in a separate browser window, or 0 to make Archive Explorer
appear integrated with the Outlook window.

Supported values ■ In Outlook (default). Archive Explorer appears integrated with the
Outlook window.
■ Separate browser. Archive Explorer appears in a separate web
browser window.

Legacy name LaunchAEInBrowser

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 158
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Limit automatic re-enabling of add-in (Exchange Outlook

Description Controls the maximum number of times in any seven-day period that
the Outlook Add-In can re-enable itself as an Outlook add-in.

Supported values ■ An integer specify the maximum number of times that the Outlook
Add-In can re-enable itself in any seven-day period. The default is

Legacy name MaxAutoReEnables

Mailbox properties visible (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether the mailbox properties show the Enterprise Vault
property tab.

If you have locked all the Enterprise Vault settings, you may want to
hide the property tab too.

By hiding the property tab, you are in effect locking all the settings,
because users cannot get to the tab page to change them.

The Enterprise Vault mailbox properties tab is not available in Outlook

2010 and later.

Supported values ■ Hide tab. Mailboxes hide the Enterprise Vault property tab.
■ Show tab (default). Mailboxes show the Enterprise Vault property

Legacy name MailboxPropertiesVisible

Mark PST files (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether the Enterprise Vault client marks PST files with details
of the owning account. This setting is useful when you migrate the
contents of PST files to Enterprise Vault.

When PST file marking is switched on, the Enterprise Vault Outlook
Add-In tries to open every PST that is listed in the user's Outlook profile.
Users are prompted for passwords to password-protected PSTs and
receive error messages for any PSTs that are inaccessible.
Note: To avoid migration failures due to incorrect passwords or missing
passwords, you may edit the General tab of the site properties to allow
Enterprise Vault to override passwords and migrate the files.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 159
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ Off. The Enterprise Vault client does not mark PST files
■ On (default). The Enterprise Vault client marks PST files with details
of the owning account.

Legacy name MarkPSTs

Message properties visible (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether individual message properties show the Enterprise
Vault property tab. If you have locked all the Enterprise Vault settings,
you may want to hide the property tab too.

Supported values ■ Hide tab. Messages hide the Enterprise Vault property tab.
■ Show tab (default). Messages show the Enterprise Vault property

Legacy name MessagePropertiesVisible

Outlook Add-In behavior (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In is in full mode or
light mode.

In full mode, there are no functional restrictions on the behavior of the

Outlook Add-In.

In light mode, the following restrictions apply:

■ Users have no access to the Enterprise Vault properties of folders.

■ When users archive items manually, they cannot specify the
destination archive and retention category.
■ When users restore archived items, they cannot choose the
destination folder. The Outlook Add-In only restores items to the
folders where the shortcuts are.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 160
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ Full. The Outlook Add-In is in full mode.

■ Light (default). The Outlook Add-In is in light mode.
If you decide to set Outlook Add-In behavior to Light, and your
existing policies allow users to change Enterprise Vault folder
settings, you may want to run Policy Manager to return all folders
to your site settings. See the Utilities guide for more information on
Policy Manager.

If the Outlook Add-In version is earlier than Enterprise Vault 10.0.1, the
Outlook Add-In behavior setting controls whether the Outlook Add-In
behaves in exactly the same way as the HTTP-Only Outlook Add-In.
In this case, the values have the following meanings:

■ Full. Outlook Add-In behavior is unchanged.

■ Light (default). The Outlook Add-In behaves in exactly the same
way as the HTTP-Only Outlook Add-In.

Legacy name UseSelfInstallFunct

Policy lookup locations (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description You can set Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In registry values on a user's
computer. If there is an equivalent policy value in the Exchange desktop
policy in the Administration Console, the registry value overrides the
Exchange desktop policy.

Policy lookup locations lets you control the use of registry values on
users' computers to override the Exchange desktop policy. You can
specify the following types of policy lookup:

■ Look only in the Exchange desktop policy.

■ Look in the registry first. If there is no registry value, use the policy
value in the Exchange desktop policy.

For information about the Outlook Add-In registry values, see the
Registry Values guide.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 161
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ Policy only. The Outlook Add-In looks only in the Exchange desktop
■ Policy, registry HKLM. The Outlook Add-In looks in the following
registry key:

\Enterprise Vault

If the policy value is not in this registry key, the Outlook Add-In uses
the policy value in the Exchange desktop policy. If there is no
equivalent policy value in the Exchange desktop policy, the Outlook
Add-In uses the registry value default.
■ Policy, registry HKLM, registry HKCU (default). The Outlook Add-In
looks in the following registry keys, in this order. Only the Vault
Cache and Virtual Vault registry values can be located in the second
of these registry keys.

\Enterprise Vault

\Enterprise Vault

\Enterprise Vault

If the policy value is not in these registry keys, the Outlook Add-In
uses the policy value in the Exchange desktop policy. If there is no
equivalent policy value in the Exchange desktop policy, the Outlook
Add-In uses the registry value default.

Legacy name RestrictPolicyLookup

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 162
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Prevent disabling of Outlook Add-In (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Specifies whether to add the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In to each
user's list of add-ins that Outlook may not disable. This option applies
to Outlook 2013 and later only.

Supported values ■ Add to list (default). Stops Outlook from disabling the Enterprise
Vault Outlook Add-In by adding it to each user's "Do not disable
Add-in" list.
■ Keep user's setting. Neither add the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In
to each user's "Do not disable Add-in" list nor remove it from the
■ Remove from list. Remove the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In from
each user's "Do not disable Add-in" list, if it appears in the list.

Legacy name AddToDoNotDisableAddinList

Printing behavior (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description In Outlook 2007 and earlier, controls the behavior when a user prints
a shortcut. The default is to print the contents of the archived item rather
than the shortcut.

This setting has no effect in Outlook 2010 and later, where the behavior
is always to print the contents of the shortcut. Therefore, users must
first restore an archived item when they want to print its entire contents.

Supported values ■ Shortcut. Print the contents of the shortcut.

■ Archived item (default). Print the contents of the archived item.

Legacy name PrintOriginalItem

PST Import pause interval (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description When using client-driven PST migration, this controls the amount of
time the Outlook Add-In waits between completing the import of one
PST file and starting the import of the next.

This is also the time that the Outlook Add-In waits after Outlook is started
before continuing with PST file import.

Supported values ■ Integer. When importing PST files, the number of minutes to wait
between PST files and the number of minutes to wait after Outlook
starts before continuing PST file import.
The default is 1 (minute).
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 163
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Legacy name PSTImportPauseInterval

PST Import work check interval (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description The number of minutes client-driven PST migration waits, having
completed its work, before checking for more work.

Supported values ■ Integer. An integer value specifying the number of minutes to wait
before checking for more work.
The default is 60.

Legacy name PSTImportNoWorkPauseInterval

PST search interval (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description When using client-driven PST migration, this controls the amount of
time that the Outlook Add-In waits after searching a user’s computer
for PST files before searching again.

Supported values ■ Integer. Indicates the number of days to wait between searches.
The default is 7 (days).

Legacy name PSTSearchInterval

Public Folder operations (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether users can do the following:

■ Manually archive from public folders.

■ Manually restore from public folders.
■ In public folders, delete shortcuts and their corresponding archived

Supported values ■ Off (default). Users can archive, restore, or delete in public folders.
Users must be enabled for mailbox archiving and must have Editor,
Publishing Editor, or Owner permissions on the folders that they
want to modify.
■ On. Users cannot archive, restore, and delete in public folders.

Legacy name DisablePublicFolderOps

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 164
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Remove PST entries (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether PST file entries are removed from users’ profiles when
the migration of the corresponding PST files is complete.

You can combine the values as required. For example, to remove PST
entries for PST files that are hidden (4) or read-only (2), you would set
Remove PST Entries to 6.

Supported values ■ 0 (default). Do not remove the profile entry after migrating a PST
■ 1. Remove the profile entry if the PST file has been deleted from
the user’s computer.
■ 2. Remove the PST entry if the PST file is read-only.
■ 4. Remove the PST entry if the PST file has the Hidden file attribute

Legacy name RemovePSTEntries

Remove server from intranet zone (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Removes the listed servers from the Internet Explorer local intranet

The effect of this is that, unless you set up appropriate access, users
are prompted for their user names and passwords when they search
their archives or view or restore archived items.

The change applies to the current user only, so other users of the same
computer are unaffected.

If the user does not have permission to modify Internet Explorer the
security settings are not changed and no error is generated.

Supported values ■ A text string. Defines the computers to be removed from the Internet
Explorer local intranet zone. The string can contain wildcard
characters, domain names, DNS aliases, or IP addresses.
To specify multiple computers, separate the names using semicolons
The syntax is as follows:
Some examples of text strings are as follows:

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 165
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Legacy name RemoveServerFromIntranetZone

Reply behavior (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls the behavior when a user replies to a shortcut. The default is
to include the contents of the archived item, but it is possible to include
the contents of the shortcut itself.

Supported values ■ Shortcut. Include the contents of the shortcut in the reply. (This is
the same behavior as in Enterprise Vault versions before 6.0.)
■ Original (default). Include the contents of the archived item.

Legacy name ReplyToOriginalItem

RPC over HTTP connection (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls the connection to use when the Outlook Add-In contacts the
Enterprise Vault Web Access application using RPC over HTTP.

Supported values ■ Use proxy (default). With Exchange Server 2003, clients connect
to the web server on the Exchange RPC proxy server. In an
Exchange Server 2007 or later environment, Outlook Anywhere
clients connect to the Enterprise Vault Web Access application on
the Enterprise Vault proxy server.
■ Direct. Connect directly to the Enterprise Vault Web Access
application on the Enterprise Vault server that hosts the archive.

Legacy name RPCOverHTTPUseDirectConnection

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 166
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

RPC over HTTP Proxy URL (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Enables you to specify an alternative URL for Enterprise Vault clients
to contact when Outlook is configured to use RPC over HTTP.

If RPC over HTTP connection is set to Use proxy, then Exchange

Server 2003 RPC over HTTP clients connect to the virtual directory,
EnterpriseVaultProxy, on the Exchange RPC proxy server. In an
Exchange Server 2007 or later environment, Outlook Anywhere clients
connect to the virtual directory, EnterpriseVault, on the Enterprise Vault
proxy server.

If you change the name of the virtual directory, then you can use this
setting to specify the alternative URL. For example, if you change the
virtual directory name to EVProxy, then you use the RPC over HTTP
Proxy URL setting to specify the URL


where web_server is the name of the proxy server.

Supported values ■ A URL. Alternative URL for Enterprise Vault clients to contact when
Outlook is configured to use RPC over HTTP.

Legacy name RPCOverHTTPProxyURL

RPC over HTTP restrictions (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls which features are available when Outlook is configured to
use RPC over HTTP (Outlook Anywhere). The default value Disable
Outlook Add-In applies only to mailboxes that are hosted on Exchange
Server 2010 or earlier versions. Exchange Server 2013 only allows
connections that use RPC over HTTP.

If the default value is selected, all Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In

functionality is available for mailboxes that are hosted on Exchange
Server 2013.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 167
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ None. All Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In functionality is available
when Outlook is configured to use RPC over HTTP.
■ Disable Outlook Add-In (default). Connecting to Enterprise Vault
using RPC over HTTP is not enabled in the Enterprise Vault Outlook
■ Disable Vault Cache. Vault Cache is disabled when Outlook is
configured to use RPC over HTTP.
■ Disable PST Import. Client-side PST migration is disabled when
Outlook is configured to use RPC over HTTP.
■ Disable Vault Cache and PST Import. Both Vault Cache and
client-side PST migration are disabled when Outlook is configured
to use RPC over HTTP.

Legacy name RPCOverHTTPRestrictions

Search behavior (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls the behavior of the Search Vaults menu option and the Search
Vaults button.

This setting affects users of the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In only.
For users of the Enterprise Vault Client for Mac OS X, the search
functionality always opens in a separate browser window.

Supported values ■ Separate browser. The search functionality always opens in a

separate browser window.
■ In Outlook (default). The search functionality is embedded in the
Outlook window, if the user has the prerequisite software, and
otherwise opens in a separate browser window.

Legacy name UseNewStyleSearch

Shortcut download progress (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls the display of the progress window that appears when a user
opens a shortcut and the item is being downloaded to the user's

Supported values ■ 0. Do not display download dialog at all.

■ An integer greater than zero. Show the progress dialog after this
number of seconds.
Default is 1 (second).

Legacy name DownloadShortcutHideProgress

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 168
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Soft deletes (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls the behavior when a user deletes a shortcut and an archived
item. The default is to perform a permanent deletion of the shortcut;
that is, a deletion that is not recoverable in Exchange. If the permanent
deletion fails, a recoverable deletion is performed.

In Outlook 2003/2007, the permanent deletion always fails when Outlook

is in Cached Exchange Mode.

If recoverable deletion is unacceptable, set the value to Off.

Supported values ■ On (default). Allow recoverable deletion.

■ Off. Do not allow recoverable deletion and display an error message

Legacy name NoSoftDeletes

Use proxy settings (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Controls whether the Outlook Add-In uses the proxy settings on the
client computer.

Supported values ■ Use proxy settings (default).

■ Ignore proxy settings.

Legacy name InternetOpenTypeDirect

Web Application URL (Exchange Outlook setting)

Description Specifies the address of the Web Access application in one or more
different vault sites. This setting enables shortcuts from the specified
vault sites to work.

For example, you need to use this setting in the following cases:

■ When you want users to be able to access archived items from

mailbox shortcuts in other vault sites
■ When Exchange Public Folder tasks from more than one vault site
process a public folder hierarchy
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 169
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ The URLs of Web Access applications in other vault sites. Enter
one or more addresses in the following format:
■ site1_dns_alias and site2_dns_alias are the DNS
aliases of other vault sites.
■ URL is the address of the Web Access application in the vault
If you specify multiple addresses, separate them with semicolons
(;). The overall length of the string cannot exceed 255 characters.
For example:


Legacy name WebAppURL

OWA versions before 2013 (Exchange desktop policy advanced

The OWA versions before 2013 settings let you control the behavior of OWA 2003,
2007, and 2010 clients. For OWA 2013, use the Office Mail App settings instead.
The OWA versions before 2013 settings are:
■ Archive confirmation (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ 'Archive Explorer' in Basic OWA client (Exchange OWA versions before 2013
■ 'Archive Explorer' in Premium OWA client (Exchange OWA versions before
2013 setting)
■ Archive subfolders (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Basic archive function (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Basic restore function (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Client connection (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Delete shortcut after restore (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ External Web Application URL (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Forward mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Location for restored items (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Open mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 170
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

■ OWA 'Archive Policy' context menu option (Exchange OWA versions before
2013 setting)
■ Premium archive function (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Premium restore function (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Reply mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ 'Reply To All' mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Restore confirmation (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ 'Search Vaults' in Basic OWA client (Exchange OWA versions before 2013
■ 'Search Vaults' in Premium OWA client (Exchange OWA versions before 2013
■ View mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)
■ Web Application alias (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)

Archive confirmation (Exchange OWA versions before 2013

Description Specifies whether there is a confirmation prompt when a user tries to
archive an item manually.

Supported values ■ Off. No confirmation.

■ On (default). Prompt for confirmation.

Legacy name OWA2003ArchiveConfirmation

'Archive Explorer' in Basic OWA client (Exchange OWA versions

before 2013 setting)
Description Controls whether the Archive Explorer option is available on the
navigation bar of the OWA Basic client.

Enterprise Vault hides this setting when you upgrade your site to use
Enterprise Vault Search rather than the legacy search applications
(Archive Explorer, Browser Search, and Integrated Search).

Supported values ■ Off. The Archive Explorer option is hidden.

■ On (default). The Archive Explorer option is available.

Legacy name OWA2003ArchiveExplorerFromBasicNavbar

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 171
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

'Archive Explorer' in Premium OWA client (Exchange OWA

versions before 2013 setting)
Description Controls whether the Archive Explorer option is available on the
navigation bar of the OWA Premium client.

Enterprise Vault hides this setting when you upgrade your site to use
Enterprise Vault Search rather than the legacy search applications
(Archive Explorer, Browser Search, and Integrated Search).

Supported values ■ Off. The Archive Explorer option is hidden.

■ On (default). The Archive Explorer option is available.

Legacy name OWA2003ArchiveExplorerFromPremiumNavbar

Archive subfolders (Exchange OWA versions before 2013

Description For manual archiving, controls whether subfolders are archived if they
are included in a user’s selection.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Subfolders are not archived.

■ On. Subfolders are archived.

Legacy name OWA2003ArchiveSubFolders

Basic archive function (Exchange OWA versions before 2013

Description Controls whether users of the OWA Basic client are allowed to choose
archiving settings, such as retention category and destination archive,
when archiving items manually.

Supported values ■ Basic (default). Users cannot change settings when archiving. The
archive settings on Outlook folders are used, which may be set by
the user in Outlook or by the administrator.
■ Enhanced. Users can select archiving settings when they perform
manual archives.

Legacy name OWA2003BasicArchiveFunction

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 172
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Basic restore function (Exchange OWA versions before 2013

Description Controls whether the OWA context menu for the OWA Basic client has
a Restore option.

Supported values ■ Basic (default). There is no Restore option on the context menu.
■ Enhanced. There is a Restore option on the context menu.

Legacy name OWA2003BasicRestoreFunction

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 173
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Client connection (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)

Description Controls the connection to use when OWA clients or Outlook clients
using RPC over HTTP contact the Enterprise Vault web server.
In an Exchange Server 2003 environment, the default setting value is
Use proxy. This means that OWA 2003 clients and Outlook in RPC
over HTTP mode route all Enterprise Vault requests through the
front-end/back-end Exchange Servers. Changing this setting to Direct
in an Exchange Server 2003 environment has the following effect:

■ OWA 2003 clients connect directly to the Enterprise Vault web server
URL for archive search requests.
■ Outlook clients in RPC over HTTP mode connect to the Enterprise
Vault server directly for all Enterprise Vault requests.

When OWA 2003 clients access mailboxes through an Exchange Server

2007 CAS, the clients always attempt to contact the Enterprise Vault
server directly for archive search requests, irrespective of the value of
this setting.

In an Exchange Server 2007 or later environment, OWA clients always

attempt to contact the Enterprise Vault server directly for archive search
requests, irrespective of the value of this setting. By default, Outlook
Anywhere clients always attempt to contact the Enterprise Vault server
directly for all Enterprise Vault requests.
In an Exchange Server 2007 or later environment, Use proxy has the
following effect:

■ OWA clients continue to contact the Enterprise Vault server directly

for archive search requests, irrespective of the value of the setting.
■ Outlook Anywhere clients first attempt to connect to the default
Enterprise Vault web server. If the URL cannot be contacted, then
the clients attempt to contact an Enterprise Vault proxy server using
the RPC over HTTP proxy URL configured in the advanced Outlook
settings in the desktop policy. The Enterprise Vault proxy server
routes the requests to the Enterprise Vault server that hosts the

Supported values ■ Use proxy (default)

■ Direct

Legacy name OWAClientUseDirectConnection

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 174
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Delete shortcut after restore (Exchange OWA versions before

2013 setting)
Description Controls whether a shortcut is deleted when it is used to restore the
corresponding archived item.

Supported values ■ Retain. The shortcut is not deleted when the archived item is
■ Delete (default). The shortcut is deleted when the archived item is

Legacy name OWA2003RestoreDeleteShortcut

External Web Application URL (Exchange OWA versions before

2013 setting)
Description Specifies an external URL for Enterprise Vault; that is, a URL that is
used outside the corporate network to access the Enterprise Vault
server through a firewall.

For more information on the use of this setting, see the following
technical note on the Symantec Support website:


The technical note also provides other information about configuring

internal and external web application URLs for OWA. The information
includes configuration file settings that let you refine which users access
Enterprise Vault using the External Web Application URL.

Supported values ■ A text string. The external URL for Enterprise Vault.
The URL can be either a fully qualified URL to the Web Access
application virtual directory, or a relative URL.
An example of a fully qualified URL is:
An example of a relative URL is:
The default value of this setting is:
The optional component <https> at the start of the relative URL
indicates that the HTTPS protocol should be used. If the optional
component is not present, then the HTTP protocol is used.

Legacy name ExternalWebAppURL

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 175
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Forward mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)

Description Controls the behavior when a user chooses to forward an Enterprise
Vault shortcut. It is possible to forward either the shortcut itself, or the
archived item. The recipients cannot access the archived item unless
they have access to the archive.

Supported values ■ Shortcut. The shortcut contents are forwarded.

■ Archived item (default). The archived item is forwarded.

Legacy name OWA2003ForwardMode

Location for restored items (Exchange OWA versions before

2013 setting)
Description Controls the destination for an item that is restored using a shortcut.
The destination can be either of the following:

■ The current location (the same folder as the shortcut).

■ The Enterprise Vault Restored Items folder.

Supported values ■ Current location (default). Restore to the same folder as the shortcut.
■ Restored items. Restore to the Restored Items folder.

Legacy name OWA2003RestoreToRestoredItems

Open mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)

Description Controls the behavior when a user opens an Enterprise Vault shortcut.

Supported values ■ Shortcut. The shortcut itself is opened.

■ Archived item (default). The archived item is opened.

Legacy name OWA2003OpenMode

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 176
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

OWA 'Archive Policy' context menu option (Exchange OWA

versions before 2013 setting)
Description In Exchange Server 2010 the OWA archive policy enables users to
archive items to the secondary Exchange Server mailbox. This setting
lets you hide the OWA archive policy options in OWA 2010 Premium
clients. Setting the value to On removes the OWA archive policy option
from the following menus:

■ Folder context menu

■ Item context menu (non-conversation view)
■ Item context menu (conversation view)
■ Conversation Actions menu

Supported values ■ On. The option is not displayed in the menus.

■ Off (default). The option is displayed on the menus.

Legacy name OWA2010HideOWAArchivePolicy

Premium archive function (Exchange OWA versions before

2013 setting)
Description Controls whether users of the OWA Premium client are allowed to
choose archiving settings, such as retention category and destination
archive, when archiving items manually.

Supported values ■ Basic. Users cannot change settings when archiving. The archive
settings on Outlook folders are used, which may be set by the user
in Outlook or by the administrator.
■ Enhanced (default). Users can select archiving settings when they
perform manual archives.

Legacy name OWA2003PremiumArchiveFunction

Premium restore function (Exchange OWA versions before

2013 setting)
Description Controls whether users of the OWA Premium client are allowed to
choose archiving settings, such as retention category and destination
archive, when archiving items manually.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 177
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ Basic. Users cannot change settings when archiving. The archive
settings on Outlook folders are used, which may be set by the user
in Outlook or by the administrator.
■ Enhanced (default). Users can select archiving settings when they
perform manual archives.

Legacy name OWA2003PremiumRestoreFunction

Reply mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)

Description Controls the behavior when a user chooses to reply to an Enterprise
Vault shortcut.

Supported values ■ Shortcut. The shortcut is replied to.

■ Archived item (default). The archived item is replied to.

Legacy name OWA2003ReplyMode

'Reply To All' mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013

Description Controls the behavior when a user selects a shortcut and chooses
Reply to All.

Supported values ■ Shortcut. The shortcut is replied to.

■ Archived item (default). The archived item is replied to.

Legacy name OWA2003ReplyToAllMode

Restore confirmation (Exchange OWA versions before 2013

Description Controls whether the user is asked for confirmation after choosing to
restore an archived item.

Supported values ■ Off. The item is restored without asking the user for confirmation.
■ On (default). There is a confirmation prompt before an item is

Legacy name OWA2003RestoreConfirmation

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 178
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

'Search Vaults' in Basic OWA client (Exchange OWA versions

before 2013 setting)
Description Controls whether the archive search option is available in the OWA
Basic client.

Supported values ■ Off. The archive search option is not available.

■ On (default). The archive search option is available.

Legacy name OWA2003SearchFromBasicNavbar.

'Search Vaults' in Premium OWA client (Exchange OWA versions

before 2013 setting)
Description Controls whether the archive search option is available in the OWA
Premium client.

Supported values ■ Off. The archive search option is not available.

■ On (default). The archive search option is available.

Legacy name OWA2003SearchFromPremiumNavbar

View mode (Exchange OWA versions before 2013 setting)

Description Controls whether when a user clicks Open the Original Item in the
banner of a custom shortcut, the original item is rendered by OWA (and
looks like an Outlook message), or by Enterprise Vault (and looks like
a web browser page).

Supported values ■ Enterprise Vault. Enterprise Vault renders the original item.
■ OWA (default). OWA renders the original item.

Legacy name OWA2003ViewMode

Web Application alias (Exchange OWA versions before 2013

Description Specifies the name of the virtual directory for anonymous connections,
EVAnon. This is synchronized to the hidden settings in each mailbox.

Supported values ■ A text string. The name of the virtual directory to use for anonymous

Legacy name OWAWebAppAlias

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 179
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Vault Cache (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)

The Vault Cache advanced settings let you control the behavior of Vault Cache.
The Vault Cache settings are:
■ Archive Explorer connection mode (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Download item age limit (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Lock for download item age limit (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Manual archive inserts (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Message Class exclude (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Message Class include (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Offline store required (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Pause interval (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Per item sleep (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Preemptive archiving in advance (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Root folder (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Root folder search path (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Search across all indexes (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Show Setup Wizard (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ Synchronize archive types (Exchange Vault Cache setting)
■ WDS search auto-enable (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Archive Explorer connection mode (Exchange Vault Cache

Description Controls whether Archive Explorer respects the connection state when
Outlook is in Cached Exchange Mode. This setting has no effect unless
Cached Exchange Mode is being used.

Enterprise Vault hides this setting when you upgrade your site to use
Enterprise Vault Search rather than the legacy search applications
(Archive Explorer, Browser Search, and Integrated Search).

Supported values ■ Respect connection (default). Archive Explorer checks the Outlook
connection state each time Archive Explorer starts. If a connection
is available, online Archive Explorer is used; if there is no connection,
offline Archive Explorer is used.
■ Always offline. Offline Archive Explorer is always used.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 180
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Legacy name ForceOfflineAEWithOutlookCacheMode

Download item age limit (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description Specifies the maximum age of items, in days, at which items are
considered too old to be initially downloaded to the Vault Cache.

For example, if Download item age limit is set to 30 then items up to

30 days old are downloaded. If Download item age limit is set to 0
then all items are downloaded.

Supported values ■ 0. No age limit. All items are downloaded.

■ Integer. The maximum age, in days, of items that will be downloaded.
All items up to this age will be downloaded.

Legacy name OVDownloadItemAgeLimit

Lock for download item age limit (Exchange Vault Cache

Description Controls whether users can change the download age limit.

Supported values ■ On. Locked.

■ Off. Not locked.

Legacy name OVLockDownloadItemAgeLimit

Manual archive inserts (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description Controls whether an item that is manually archived is also automatically
added to the Vault Cache.

Supported values ■ On (default). Automatically add manually archived items to the Vault
■ Off. Do not add to the Vault Cache.

Legacy name OVNoManualArchiveInserts.

Message Class exclude (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description A list of message classes that the Vault Cache never processes. Use
semi-colons to separate the classes.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 181
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ Text string. A list of message classes to exclude, separated by


Legacy name OVMessageClassExclude

Message Class include (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description A list of message classes that the Vault Cache always processes. Use
semi-colons to separate the classes.

Supported values ■ Text string. A list of message classes to include, separated by


Legacy name OVMessageClassInclude

Offline store required (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description Controls whether Vault Cache can be enabled when no offline store is

Users have offline store (OST) files if Outlook Cached Exchange Mode
is enabled. If a user does not have an OST file, Enterprise Vault cannot
perform preemptive caching.

If there is no preemptive caching, there is an increased load on Vault

Cache content synchronization for newly archived items. The increased
load is only a consideration if the Vault Cache content strategy is Store
all items.

Supported values ■ Yes (default). An offline store is required for Vault Cache to be
■ No. An offline store is not required for Vault Cache to be enabled.

Legacy name OVRequireOfflineStore

Pause interval (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description The number of minutes to wait before Enterprise Vault starts searching
for items that need to be added to the Vault Cache.

Supported values ■ An integer value. The default is 3 (minutes).

Legacy name OVPauseInterval

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 182
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Per item sleep (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description The delay, in milliseconds, that will be used between items when
updating the Vault Cache.

Supported values ■ Integer. The number of milliseconds to use between items when
updating the Vault Cache Default is 100 (milliseconds).

Legacy name OVPerItemSleep

Preemptive archiving in advance (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description The Outlook Add-In copies items from the user's Outlook .OST file to
the Vault Cache before the items are due to be archived. The process
is known as preemptive caching. Preemptive caching takes place on
the user's computer. It reduces the number of items that need to be
downloaded from the mailbox archive to the Vault Cache when the two
are synchronized.

Preemptive caching obeys the settings in the Exchange mailbox policy's

archiving rules.

The Outlook Add-In uses the Preemptive archiving in advance value

when it determines the age of items on which to perform preemptive
caching. To determine the age, it deducts the Preemptive archiving
in advance value from the Archive items when they are older than
value in the Exchange mailbox policy's archiving rules.

For example, you do not change Preemptive archiving in advance

from its default value. You set the Archive items when they are older
than mailbox policy setting to six weeks. The Outlook Add-In deducts
the Preemptive archiving in advance default value of seven days
from six weeks, and preemptively caches the items that are five weeks
old or older.

Note that if you use an archiving strategy that includes quotas, it is

difficult to predict the age at which items are archived. It is then usually
advantageous to preemptively cache items as soon as possible.
Enterprise Vault therefore uses 0 days as the age at which to perform
preemptive caching if both of the following are true:

■ The mailbox policy uses an archiving strategy that is based on quota

or age and quota.
■ You do not change the Preemptive archiving in advance setting
from its default value.

Supported values ■ An integer, specifying a number of days. The default is 7.

Legacy name OVPreemptAdvance

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 183
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Root folder (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description The location in which to place Vault Caches. This value is used when
a user enables Vault Cache. Changing this value has no effect on
existing Vault Caches.

Supported values ■ Path. A path to a folder that Enterprise Vault can create on the user's
local computer. If you do not specify Root Folder, Enterprise Vault
uses an Enterprise Vault subfolder in the user's Application Data

Legacy name OVRootDirectory

Root folder search path (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description Enables you to supply a list of possible locations for the Vault Cache.
The first such location that is valid on a user's computer is the one that
will be used at the time the Vault Cache is created. This enables you
to specify a list that is likely to be suitable for computers with different

For example, if you specify E:\vault;C:\vault then the Vault Cache

would be created in E:\vault if that was valid on the user's computer
and, if it was not valid, then in C:\vault.

If none of the locations is valid, the one specified by Root folder is used,
if possible.

See “Root folder (Exchange Vault Cache setting)” on page 183.

Supported values ■ A text string. A semicolon-separated list of possible locations for the
Vault Cache.

Legacy name OVRootDirectorySearchPath

Search across all indexes (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description Specifies whether offline Archive Explorer (if available) can perform a
fallback search across all indexes when it fails to find an item in its
index. Performing a search across all indexes may be slow.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Do not allow a search across all indexes.
■ On. Allow a search across all indexes.

Legacy name EnableStoreTrawling

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 184
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Show Setup Wizard (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description Controls whether the client shows the Vault Cache setup wizard.
The setup wizard does the following:

■ Summarizes what Vault Cache does and what is about to happen.

■ Asks whether the user wants to start a download automatically after
the initial scan has finished. The default is to start the download.

If the wizard is turned off, Vault Cache waits for the amount of time that
is specified in Pause interval and then automatically begins looking
for items to download.

See “Pause interval (Exchange Vault Cache setting)” on page 181.

Supported values ■ 0. Do not show the setup wizard.

■ 1 (default). Show the setup wizard.

Legacy name OVSetupWizard

Synchronize archive types (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description Controls what is synchronized by Vault Cache.

Supported values ■ Default mailbox. Synchronize the primary mailbox only.

■ All mailbox archives. Synchronize the primary mailbox archive, and
any delegate mailbox archives to which the user has access.
■ All mailbox and shared archives. Synchronize the primary mailbox
archive, and any delegate or shared mailbox archives to which the
user has access.

Legacy name OVSyncArchiveTypes

WDS search auto-enable (Exchange Vault Cache setting)

Description Controls whether the Vault Cache search plug-in for Windows Desktop
Search is automatically enabled for users.

This plug-in, which is installed with the Outlook Add-In, enables users
to search their Vault Cache using Windows Desktop Search.

Supported values ■ Force off. Disable this feature.

■ Force on. Enable this feature.
■ Keep user’s setting. Retain the user’s setting for this feature.

Legacy name OVWDSAutoEnable

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 185
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Virtual Vault (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)

The Virtual Vault settings let you control the behavior of Virtual Vault.
The Virtual Vault settings are:
■ Max archive requests per synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Max attempts to archive an item (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Max data archived per synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Max delete requests per synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Max item size to archive (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Max item updates per synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Max total size of contentless operations (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Max total size of items to archive (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Show content in Reading Pane (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault
■ Threshold total size of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault
■ Users can archive items (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Users can copy items to another store (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Users can copy items within their archive (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Users can hard delete items (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
■ Users can reorganize items (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 186
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Max archive requests per synchronization (Exchange Virtual

Vault setting)
Description Controls the maximum number of archive requests during a Vault Cache
synchronization. Any remaining requests are made at the next

When a user stores unarchived items in Virtual Vault, the archive

operation does not take place until after the next Vault Cache header

No limit or a high value can increase the time that is required to complete
a Vault Cache synchronization. This effect is a consideration if the
additional load affects the Enterprise Vault server.

Also, until the items that a user has stored in Virtual Vault are archived
in the online archive, moved and copied items exist only on the user's
computer. You can set two thresholds that trigger automatic Vault Cache
synchronization based on the number or total size of pending archive
items in Virtual Vault.

See “Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

See “Threshold total size of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

Supported values ■ An integer value. The default is 0 (no limit).

Legacy name OVMaxItemArchivesPerSync

Max attempts to archive an item (Exchange Virtual Vault

Description Specifies how many times Enterprise Vault tries to archive an item.

The archive operation is tried this number of times before the item is
listed in the Virtual Vault Search folder named Could Not Archive.

Supported values ■ An integer value. The default is 3.

Legacy name OVItemArchiveAttempts

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 187
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Max data archived per synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault

Description Controls the maximum amount of data in megabytes that can be
uploaded during a Vault Cache synchronization. Any remaining data
is uploaded at the next synchronization.

No limit or a high value can increase the time that is required to complete
a Vault Cache synchronization. This effect is a consideration if the
additional load affects the Enterprise Vault server.

Also, until the items that the user stores in Virtual Vault have been
archived in the online archive, moved and copied items exist only on
the user's computer. You can set two thresholds that trigger automatic
Vault Cache synchronization based on the number or total size of
pending archive items in Virtual Vault.

See “Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

See “Threshold total size of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

The value of this setting must be greater than or equal to the value of
Max item size to archive. If not, the value of Max item size to archive
is used.

Supported values ■ An integer value. The default is 512 (MB). The value 0 specifies no

Legacy name OVMaxToArchivePerSyncMB

Max delete requests per synchronization (Exchange Virtual

Vault setting)
Description Controls the maximum number of delete requests during a Vault Cache
synchronization. Any remaining requests are made at the next

Deletion requests use relatively few resources on the Enterprise Vault


Supported values ■ An integer value. The default is 0 (no limit).

Legacy name OVMaxItemDeletesPerSync

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 188
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Max item size to archive (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)

Description Controls the maximum size in megabytes of an item that can be moved
or copied into Virtual Vault.

If this value is similar to the value of Max total size of items to archive,
a full synchronization can consist of one item.

The Max item size to archive value may be used automatically for
Max data archived per synchronization or Max total size of items
to archive. It is used if the value of those settings is less than the Max
item size to archive value.

You can set two thresholds that trigger automatic Vault Cache
synchronization based on the number or total size of pending archive
items in Virtual Vault.

See “Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

See “Threshold total size of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

Supported values ■ An integer value. The default is 256 (MB). The value 0 specifies no

Legacy name OVMaxMessageSizeToArchiveMB

Max item updates per synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault

Description Controls the maximum number of property change requests during a
Vault Cache synchronization. Any remaining requests are made at the
next synchronization.

Update requests use relatively few resources on the Enterprise Vault


Supported values ■ An integer value. The default is 0 (no limit).

Legacy name OVMaxItemUpdatesPerSync

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 189
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Max total size of contentless operations (Exchange Virtual

Vault setting)
Description Controls the maximum total size in megabytes of copy and move
operations when items have no content in Vault Cache. This setting
does not apply to documents that are placed directly in the mailbox. It
only applies to standard Outlook mail types, for example, mail items,
calendar items, tasks, and contacts.

This setting only applies when two or more items with no content are
involved in the operation. Retrieval of one item is allowed regardless
of its size.

Supported values ■ An integer value. The default is 64 (MB). The value 0 specifies no

Legacy name VVDenyMultiContentlessOpsAboveMB

Max total size of items to archive (Exchange Virtual Vault

Description Controls the maximum total size in megabytes of pending archive data
in Vault Cache.

Pending archive data consists of items that the user has moved or
copied into Virtual Vault. These items are pending archive until Vault
Cache synchronization has successfully uploaded and archived them.
The value of this setting must be greater than or equal to the value of
Max item size to archive. If not, the value of Max item size to archive
is used.

You can set two thresholds that trigger automatic Vault Cache
synchronization based on the number or total size of pending archive
items in Virtual Vault.

See “Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

See “Threshold total size of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

Supported values ■ An integer value. The default is 512 (MB). The value 0 specifies no

Legacy name OVMaxTotalToArchiveMB

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 190
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Show content in Reading Pane (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)

Description Controls whether the content of an item that is selected in Virtual Vault
is shown in the Outlook Reading Pane.

If the item itself is a document, it is not displayed in the Reading Pane.

A message in the Reading Pane advises the user to open the item to
read the item's contents.

Supported values ■ Never show content. The Reading Pane always shows only the
selected item's header. A banner provides a link to open the original
■ When in Vault Cache (default). The Reading Pane shows the
selected item's header. If the item is in Vault Cache, it also shows
the content. If the content is not shown, a banner provides a link to
open the original item. When the Vault Cache content strategy is
Store only items that user opens, the effect of this value is that
the Reading Pane only shows the content of previously opened
■ Always show content. The Reading Pane always shows the header
and content of the item that is selected in Virtual Vault.

Show content in Reading Pane can only have the value Always show
content if the following conditions apply:

■ You have upgraded from an earlier release.

■ In the earlier release, Show content in Reading Pane had the
value Always show content.

Always show content is not available in the Modify Setting dialog.

So if Always show content is the current value and you change it, you
cannot go back to it.

Legacy name VVReadingPaneContent

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 191
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization

(Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
Description Specifies the total number of pending archive items in Virtual Vault that
triggers automatic Vault Cache synchronization.

Pending archive data consists of items that the user has moved or
copied into Virtual Vault. These items are pending archive until Vault
Cache synchronization has successfully uploaded and archived them.

If you enable this setting, consider how it interacts with other settings,
as follows:

■ Max item size to archive and Max total size of items to archive
can prevent the user from adding items to Virtual Vault, so that the
threshold is never reached.
■ Max archive requests per synchronization may have a value that
is lower than the value of Threshold number of items to trigger
synchronization. In this case, automatic synchronization may occur
but not all the pending archive items are archived.

Supported values ■ 0 (default). The threshold is inactive.

■ Non-zero integer. The total number of pending archive items in
Virtual Vault that triggers automatic Vault Cache synchronization.

Legacy name VVAutoSyncItemThreshold

Threshold total size of items to trigger synchronization

(Exchange Virtual Vault setting)
Description Specifies the total size in megabytes of pending archive items in Virtual
Vault that triggers automatic Vault Cache synchronization.

Pending archive data consists of items that the user has moved or
copied into Virtual Vault. These items are pending archive until Vault
Cache synchronization has successfully uploaded and archived them.

If you enable this setting, consider how it interacts with other settings,
as follows:

■ Max item size to archive and Max total size of items to archive
can prevent the user from adding items to Virtual Vault, so that the
threshold is never reached.
■ Max data archived per synchronization may have a value that is
lower than the value of Threshold total size of items to trigger
synchronization. In this case, automatic synchronization may occur
but not all the pending archive items are archived.
Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 192
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Supported values ■ 0 (default). The threshold is inactive.

■ Non-zero integer. The total size in megabytes of pending archive
items in Virtual Vault that triggers automatic Vault Cache

Legacy name VVAutoSyncItemsSizeThresholdMB

Users can archive items (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)

Description Controls whether users can archive items manually by adding new
items to Virtual Vault using standard Outlook actions. Examples of these
standard Outlook actions are drag and drop, move and copy, and Rules.

If you disable this setting, users can still create folders if Users can
reorganize items is enabled.

If you enable this setting, consider setting the thresholds that trigger
automatic Vault Cache synchronization.

See “Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

See “Threshold total size of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.
Note: By default there are no safety copies for those items that users
archive from Virtual Vault. If you require safety copies you can configure
the vault stores that host the users' archives so that Enterprise Vault
keeps safety copies in the Storage queue. This configuration change
affects all archiving to those vault stores.

Supported values ■ Yes (default). Users can archive items manually in Virtual Vault.
■ No. Users cannot archive items manually in Virtual Vault.

Legacy name VVAllowArchive

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 193
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Users can copy items to another store (Exchange Virtual Vault

Description Controls whether users can copy and move items from a Virtual Vault
to another message store.

If users can copy or move items out of Virtual Vault and the content is
available in Vault Cache, the items are retrieved from Vault Cache.

If the Vault Cache content strategy is Do not store any items in cache,
the items are retrieved from the online archive. In this case, use the
Virtual Vault advanced setting Max total size of contentless
operations to control the maximum total size of view, copy, and move

Supported values ■ Yes (default). Users can copy and move items to another message
■ No. Users cannot copy and move items to another message store.

Legacy name VVAllowInterStoreCopyAndMove

Users can copy items within their archive (Exchange Virtual

Vault setting)
Description Controls whether users can copy items within their archive.

If users can copy items within their archive and the content is available
in Vault Cache, the items are retrieved from Vault Cache.

If the Vault Cache content strategy is Do not store any items in cache,
the items are retrieved from the online archive. In this case, use the
Virtual Vault advanced setting Max total size of contentless
operations to control the maximum total size of view, copy, and move

If you enable this setting, consider setting the thresholds that trigger
automatic Vault Cache synchronization.

See “Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

See “Threshold total size of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange

Virtual Vault setting)” on page 191.

Supported values ■ Yes. Users can copy items within their archive.
■ No (default). Users cannot copy items within their archive.

Legacy name VVAllowIntraStoreCopy

Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings 194
Exchange desktop policy advanced settings

Users can hard delete items (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)

Description Controls whether users can hard delete items from Virtual Vault.

For this setting to take effect, the option Users can delete items from
their archives must be enabled on the Archive Settings tab in the
Site Properties dialog box.

If you disable this setting, users can still move items to the Deleted
Items folder if Users can reorganize items is enabled.

Supported values ■ Yes (default). Users can hard delete items from Virtual Vault.
■ No. Users cannot hard delete items from Virtual Vault.

Legacy name VVAllowHardDelete

Users can reorganize items (Exchange Virtual Vault setting)

Description Controls whether users can reorganize items in Virtual Vault.

This setting can enable users to move items between folders and to
create, move, rename, or delete folders.

If folders still exist in the mailbox, users cannot move, rename, or delete

Users can hard delete only empty folders, unless Users can hard
delete items is enabled.

Supported values ■ Yes (default). Users can reorganize items in Virtual Vault.
■ No. Users cannot reorganize items in Virtual Vault.

Legacy name VVAllowReOrg

Chapter 8
Advanced Exchange journal
policy settings
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Editing the advanced Exchange journal policy settings

■ Archiving General (Exchange journal policy advanced settings)

Editing the advanced Exchange journal policy settings

The settings are available in the properties of Exchange journal policies. For details
of the various settings, see the individual sections.
To edit the settings for a policy
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the hierarchy until
Policies is visible.
2 Expand Policies.
3 Expand Exchange.
4 Click Journaling.
5 In the right-hand pane, double-click the name of the policy you want to edit.
The policy’s properties are displayed.
6 Click the Advanced tab.
7 Next to List settings from, select the category of settings that you want to
8 Edit the settings as required.
You can double-click a setting to edit it, or click it once to select it and then
click Modify.
Advanced Exchange journal policy settings 196
Archiving General (Exchange journal policy advanced settings)

Archiving General (Exchange journal policy advanced

The Archiving General settings enable you to control archiving behavior.
The Archiving General settings are:
■ ClearText copies of RMS Protected items (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Expand distribution lists (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Failed DL expansion behaviour (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Inherited permissions (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Journal delay (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Maximum message size to archive in MB (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Pending shortcut timeout (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Queue Journal items (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Reset archive names (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Return failed items to inbox (Exchange Archiving General setting)

ClearText copies of RMS Protected items (Exchange Archiving

General setting)
Description If journal report decryption is configured on Exchange Server 2013 or
Exchange Server 2010, then two messages are attached to the journal
report: the original RMS-protected message and a clear text version.
This policy setting controls whether Enterprise Vault uses the clear text
message or the RMS-protected message as the primary message
during archiving.

Enterprise Vault stores both versions of the message and the journal
report in the message saveset. However, Enterprise Vault does not
currently support the retrieval of the secondary message or the journal
report from the archive.
Advanced Exchange journal policy settings 197
Archiving General (Exchange journal policy advanced settings)

Supported values ■ Treat as Primary (default)

■ The clear text message is returned in response to retrieval
requests from Enterprise Vault clients and Symantec Discovery
As Exchange Server does not decrypt any attachments that have
been individually protected, Enterprise Vault cannot preview
these attachments.
■ Enterprise Vault indexes the content and properties of the clear
text message, and any attachments that are not encrypted.
With this option, single instance sharing between Exchange
mailbox and journal archiving is not possible.
■ Custom filters that process RMS-protected messages must
explicitly retrieve the RMS-protected message from the
attachments to the journal report message (P1 message).

■ Treat as Secondary
■ The RMS-protected message is returned in response to retrieval
requests from Enterprise Vault clients and Symantec Discovery
Enterprise Vault cannot preview these messages unless an
application is used to decrypt them.
■ Information available for indexing is restricted to Subject,
Recipients, and other message metadata.
The item can be shared between Exchange mailbox and journal
The message content and attachments are not indexed unless
an application is used to decrypt them.
■ Custom filters that do not decrypt RMS-protected messages
cannot read the message content.

Legacy name ClearTextPrimary

Expand distribution lists (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether the Exchange Journaling Task expands distribution

Supported values ■ Off. Do not expand distribution lists.

■ On (default). Expand distribution lists.

Legacy name ExpandDistributionLists

Advanced Exchange journal policy settings 198
Archiving General (Exchange journal policy advanced settings)

Failed DL expansion behaviour (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls the behavior when an Exchange Journaling Task fails to
expand a distribution list.

Supported values ■ Move to ‘Failed DL Expansion’ folder. Move the item without
archiving it.
■ Archive item (default). Archive the item.

Legacy name FailedDLExpansion

Inherited permissions (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether Enterprise Vault includes inherited permissions when
synchronizing permissions between mailboxes and archives.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Do not synchronize inherited permissions.

■ On. Synchronize inherited permissions.

Legacy name IncludeInheritedRights

Journal delay (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description During journal archiving, Enterprise Vault groups journal reports that
have the same message ID.

To allow time for all the messages in a group to be received, journal

archiving waits for a period of time after the receipt of the last message
with a given ID before it archives the group. Journal delay sets the
length of the delay in minutes.

In normal circumstances, the default delay of five minutes allows

sufficient time for the last message of a related group to arrive in the
journal mailbox.

Supported values ■ Integer. An integer value that specifies the journal delay in minutes.
Set Journal delay to 0 to disable journal grouping for this policy.
Default is 5.

Legacy name JournalDelay

Advanced Exchange journal policy settings 199
Archiving General (Exchange journal policy advanced settings)

Maximum message size to archive in MB (Exchange Archiving

General setting)
Description Controls the maximum message size to archive.

Supported values ■ Integer. An integer value specifying the maximum size of messages
that can be archived, in megabytes.
Default is 250.

Legacy name MaxMessageSizeToArchiveMB

Pending shortcut timeout (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Specifies the number of days to allow items to remain in an
archive-pending state before being reset.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Archive-pending shortcuts are never reset.

■ 0. When run in report mode, Exchange Mailbox tasks reset all
archive-pending shortcuts.
When run in normal mode, archive-pending shortcuts are not reset.
■ Any integer larger than zero. Archive-pending shortcuts that are
older than this number of days are reset. This happens in both
normal archiving and in Report Mode.

Legacy name PendingShortcutTimeout

Queue Journal items (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls the Exchange Journaling Tasks' use of MSMQ, thus improving

Supported values ■ All single threaded. Use if all your tasks are single threaded.
■ Multiple threads (default). Improves performance if any Journaling
Task uses multiple threads.

Legacy name QueueJournalItems

Reset archive names (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether, during synchronization, archive names are
automatically changed to match mailbox names.
Advanced Exchange journal policy settings 200
Archiving General (Exchange journal policy advanced settings)

Supported values ■ Off. During synchronization archive names are never changed.
■ On (default). During synchronization, archive names are
automatically changed if necessary to match mailbox names.

Legacy name ResetArchiveNames

Return failed items to inbox (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether, when the Journaling task starts, messages that are
stored in the failed folders are automatically moved back into the Inbox
to be reprocessed.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Do not move items in the failed folders to the Inbox
when the task starts.
■ On. Move items the failed folders to the Inbox when the task starts.

Legacy name MoveFailedItemsToInbox

Chapter 9
Advanced Exchange public
folder policy settings
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Editing advanced Exchange public folder settings

■ Archiving General (Exchange public folder policy advanced settings)

Editing advanced Exchange public folder settings

The settings are available in the properties of Exchange public folder policies. For
details of the various settings, see the individual sections.
To edit the settings for a policy
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the hierarchy until
Policies is visible.
2 Expand Policies.
3 Expand Exchange.
4 Click Public Folder.
5 In the right-hand pane, double-click the name of the policy you want to edit.
The policy’s properties are displayed.
6 Click the Advanced tab.
7 Next to List settings from, select the category of settings that you want to
8 Edit the settings as required.
You can double-click a setting to edit it, or click it once to select it and then
click Modify.
Advanced Exchange public folder policy settings 202
Archiving General (Exchange public folder policy advanced settings)

Archiving General (Exchange public folder policy

advanced settings)
The Archiving General settings enable you to control archiving behavior.
The Archiving General settings are:
■ Archive unexpired Calendar Events (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Code pages for right-to-left custom shortcuts (Exchange Archiving General
■ Do not archive pending reminders (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Inherited permissions (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Maximum message size to archive in MB (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Pending shortcut timeout (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Set failed messages 'Do Not Archive' (Exchange Archiving General setting)
■ Strip attachments to non-shortcut items (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Archive unexpired Calendar Events (Exchange Archiving General

Description Controls whether unexpired calendar items are archived.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Unexpired calendar items are not archived.
■ On. Unexpired calendar items are archived.

Legacy name ArchiveNonExpiredCalEvents

Code pages for right-to-left custom shortcuts (Exchange Archiving

General setting)
Description A semicolon-separated list of code pages. Custom shortcuts that use
these code pages are always formatted right-to-left.

Supported values ■ A list of code pages, separated by semicolons. For example,

1255;1256. Default is 1255.

Legacy name CustomShortcutRTLCodePages

Advanced Exchange public folder policy settings 203
Archiving General (Exchange public folder policy advanced settings)

Do not archive pending reminders (Exchange Archiving General

Description Controls whether Enterprise Vault archives items that have pending

Supported values ■ Off. Items that have pending reminders are archived.
■ On (default). Items that have pending reminders within the next five
years are not archived.

Legacy name DontArchiveItemsPendingReminder

Inherited permissions (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Controls whether Enterprise Vault includes inherited permissions when
synchronizing permissions between public folders and archives.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Do not synchronize inherited permissions.

■ On. Synchronize inherited permissions.

Legacy name IncludeInheritedRights

Maximum message size to archive in MB (Exchange Archiving

General setting)
Description Controls the maximum size of messages that are archived.

Supported values ■ 0. No restriction on maximum message size.

■ Integer larger than 0. The maximum size of messages that are
archived, in megabytes. Default is 250.

Legacy name MaxMessageSizeToArchiveMB

Pending shortcut timeout (Exchange Archiving General setting)

Description Specifies the number of days to allow items to remain in the state of
archive-pending, restore-pending, or delete-pending before they are
Advanced Exchange public folder policy settings 204
Archiving General (Exchange public folder policy advanced settings)

Supported values ■ Off (default). Archive-pending, restore-pending, and delete-pending

shortcuts are never reset.
■ 0. When run in report mode, the archiving tasks reset all
archive-pending, restore-pending, and delete-pending shortcuts.
When run in normal mode, the shortcuts are not reset.
■ Any integer larger than zero. Archive-pending, restore-pending, and
delete-pending shortcuts that are older than this number of days
are reset. This happens in both normal archiving and in report mode.

Legacy name PendingShortcutTimeout

Set failed messages 'Do Not Archive' (Exchange Archiving General

Description If an item cannot be archived, the default archiving task behavior is to
reprocess the item on the next archiving run because such items can
often be successfully archived on a second try.

This setting enables you to change the behavior so items that fail
archiving are marked as Do Not Archive and thus are not reprocessed
on the next archiving run.

Supported values ■ Off (default). Failed items are not marked as Do Not Archive.
■ On. Failed items are marked as Do Not Archive.

Legacy name SetFailedMsgsDoNotArchive

Strip attachments to non-shortcut items (Exchange Archiving General

Description Controls whether attachments are removed from calendar items,
meeting items (including requests, responses and cancellations), task
and task request items, and contacts after archiving. These items are
not changed into Enterprise Vault shortcuts when they are archived. If
Enterprise Vault removes an attachment, it replaces it with a link to the

Supported values ■ On (default). Attachments are removed from non-shortcut items

after archiving.
■ Off. Attachments are not removed from non-shortcut items after

Legacy name StripAttachmentsToNonShortcutItems

Chapter 10
Advanced site properties
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the advanced site properties settings

■ Editing the advanced site properties settings

■ Site properties advanced settings

About the advanced site properties settings

The site properties advanced settings control advanced aspects of indexing behavior
for an Enterprise Vault site.
The advanced indexing settings that apply to an Enterprise Vault server are available
in the computer properties.
See “About the advanced computer properties settings” on page 212.

Editing the advanced site properties settings

The advanced settings for the Enterprise Vault site are provided on the Advanced
tab of the site properties.
To edit the advanced site properties settings
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the hierarchy until the
name of the site is visible.
2 Right-click the name of the site. Then click Properties. The site properties are
Advanced site properties settings 206
Site properties advanced settings

3 Click the Advanced tab.

4 Edit the settings as required.

How to apply the new settings for the site properties

To apply the changes that you have made to the Indexing settings in the advanced
site properties, you must restart the Indexing service.

Site properties advanced settings

These settings control advanced aspects of indexing for an Enterprise Vault site.
The Site properties settings advanced settings are:
■ IMAP (site properties advanced settings)
■ Indexing (site properties advanced settings)
■ Storage (site properties advanced settings)

IMAP (site properties advanced settings)

The IMAP setting lets you control advanced IMAP behavior.
The IMAP setting is:
■ Folder limit (site properties IMAP setting)

Folder limit (site properties IMAP setting)

Description Limits the number of archived items that Enterprise Vault returns to
IMAP clients from each archive folder. Enterprise Vault returns the most
recently archived items, up to the limit you set.

Supported values ■ An integer that sets the folder limit. The default is 10000.

Indexing (site properties advanced settings)

The Indexing settings enable you to control advanced indexing behavior.

Note: Do not change the Indexing settings unless your technical support provider
advises you to do so.

The Indexing settings are as follows:

Advanced site properties settings 207
Site properties advanced settings

■ Allowed index location characters (Site Properties Indexing setting)

■ Index Group server preference for mailboxes (Site Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum consecutive failed items (Site Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum update errors (Site Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search Cache Permissions (Site Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search Max Attempts When Engine Busy (Site Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search Max Folders For Specific Folder Optimization (Site Properties Indexing
■ Search Specific Folder Optimization (Site Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search VSA Can Search All Archives (Site Properties Indexing setting)
■ Text limit for custom properties (Site Properties Indexing setting)

Allowed index location characters (Site Properties Indexing

Description Characters that can be used in index location folder paths.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

This setting specifies a regular expression that describes which

characters are valid in index location folder paths. The default value
allows only ASCII characters.

The Indexing service validates index locations when it starts. If any

index location folder paths contain invalid characters, the locations are
listed in an Enterprise Vault event log message. The message lists the
locations that were closed earlier, and the locations that have been
closed during the current validation.

If any locations were closed during the current validation, the Indexing
service is stopped. An error is written to the Enterprise Vault event log.
The error says that open index locations contained invalid characters,
and that the Indexing service will stop.

Supported values ■ A regular expression. The default is:

Advanced site properties settings 208
Site properties advanced settings

Index Group server preference for mailboxes (Site Properties

Indexing setting)
Description Specifies the preferred index group server to use for mailboxes.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Enterprise Vault allocates the location of an index volume by a process

that first selects an Index Server within an Index Server group. The
process then selects an index location on that Index Server.

This allocation method distributes the index volumes amongst all the
available Index Servers, which is suitable for large archives such as
journal archives. By default, Enterprise Vault does not use this allocation
method for the index volumes for mailbox archives. Instead, it keeps
these index volumes together on the same Index Server.

This setting lets you override the default so that index volumes for
mailbox archives are distributed amongst all the available Index Servers.

Supported values ■ Local server (default). The index volumes for mailbox archives are
kept together on the Index Server that is local to the associated
storage server.
■ None. Index volumes for mailbox archives are distributed amongst
all the available Index Servers.

Maximum consecutive failed items (Site Properties Indexing

Description The maximum number of consecutive items that cannot be fetched
from the Storage service before the index volume is marked as failed.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of consecutive items. The default

is 25.

Maximum update errors (Site Properties Indexing setting)

Description The maximum number of errors that are allowed when making index
changes before the index volume is marked as failed.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.
Advanced site properties settings 209
Site properties advanced settings

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of errors. The default is 3.

Search Cache Permissions (Site Properties Indexing setting)

Description Specifies whether or not user permissions are cached in the Index
Query Server.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ On (default). User permissions are cached in the Index Query
■ Off. User permissions are not cached in the Index Query Server.

Search Max Attempts When Engine Busy (Site Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of attempts for searches that fail due to the
search engine being temporarily too busy to handle the search.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of search attempts. The default is


Search Max Folders For Specific Folder Optimization (Site

Properties Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of folders a search can target, in order for the
search query to benefit from applying the specific folder performance

See “Search Specific Folder Optimization (Site Properties Indexing

setting)” on page 210.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so. Changing this value may
adversely affect search performance, system performance, or both.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of folders. The default is 10.

Advanced site properties settings 210
Site properties advanced settings

Search Specific Folder Optimization (Site Properties Indexing

Description Specifies whether or not to apply a performance optimization to searches
that target a small number of folders. The Search Max Folders For
Specific Folder Optimization setting determines the limit for what is
considered small.

See “Search Max Folders For Specific Folder Optimization (Site

Properties Indexing setting)” on page 209.
Note: Do not change this setting unless your Technical Support provider
advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ On (default). Applies the performance optimization.

■ Off. Performance optimization is not applied.

Search VSA Can Search All Archives (Site Properties Indexing

Description Specifies whether or not the Index Query Server allows the Vault Service
account to search all archives.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so. Compliance Accelerator,
Discovery Accelerator, and some of the indexing tools in particular
require this option to be on, otherwise they fail.

Supported values ■ On (default). The Index Query Server allows the Vault Service
account to search all archives.
■ Off. The Index Query Server does not allow the Vault Service
account to search all archives.

Text limit for custom properties (Site Properties Indexing

Description The maximum number of characters available for retrieval from the
index for each retrievable custom property.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of characters. The default is 1000.

Advanced site properties settings 211
Site properties advanced settings

Storage (site properties advanced settings)

The Storage settings enable you to control advanced storage behavior.
The Storage settings are as follows:
■ Transaction history (Site Properties Storage setting)

Transaction history (Site Properties Storage setting)

Description Transaction history enables you to control how long to maintain the
details of updates to archives. Updates include adding new items,
deleting items, and moving items. This transaction history significantly
improves the performance of Vault Cache synchronization by providing
records of the changes to an archive since the last Vault Cache
synchronization. If a user has not synchronized their Vault Cache within
the transaction history period, then Enterprise Vault processes the
archive to determine the updates.

Transaction history records are held in the SQL Server, so you need
to ensure that the database can accommodate this data.

Supported values ■ An integer that specifies the number of days to retain the transaction
history of each archive. The default is 32
Chapter 11
Advanced computer
properties settings
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the advanced computer properties settings

■ Editing the advanced computer properties settings

■ Computer properties advanced settings

About the advanced computer properties settings

The computer properties advanced settings control advanced aspects of indexing
behavior on an Enterprise Vault server.
The advanced indexing settings that apply to the Enterprise Vault site are available
in the site properties.
See “About the advanced site properties settings” on page 205.

Editing the advanced computer properties settings

The advanced settings for an Enterprise Vault server are provided on the Advanced
tab of the computer properties.
To edit the advanced computer properties settings
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the hierarchy until
Enterprise Vault Servers is visible.
2 Click Enterprise Vault Servers.
3 In the right pane, right-click the name of the server whose properties you want
to edit. Then click Properties. The computer properties are displayed.
Advanced computer properties settings 213
Computer properties advanced settings

4 Click the Advanced tab.

5 Edit the settings as required.

How to apply the new settings for the computer properties

To apply the changes that you have made to the Indexing settings in the advanced
computer properties, you must restart the Indexing service.

Computer properties advanced settings

Computer properties advanced settings let you configure advanced aspects of
functionality on an Enterprise Vault server.
You can change advanced settings in the following categories:
■ Agents (computer properties advanced settings)
■ IMAP (computer properties advanced settings)
■ Indexing (computer properties advanced settings)
■ Storage (computer properties advanced settings)

Agents (computer properties advanced settings)

The Agents settings enable you to control advanced agents behavior on an
Enterprise Vault server.
The Agents settings are:
■ Send compressed bytes (Computer Properties Agents setting)

Send compressed bytes (Computer Properties Agents setting)

Description Controls whether Enterprise Vault agents that archive from Exchange
Server compress data before sending it to the storage queue. The
compression can reduce network traffic on a WAN. On fast networks
the performance overhead of the compression is more significant than
the network traffic gain.

This option is not recommended for fast networks.

Supported values ■ Yes.

■ No (default).
Advanced computer properties settings 214
Computer properties advanced settings

IMAP (computer properties advanced settings)

The Indexing settings are:
■ Generate transcripts (Computer Properties IMAP setting)
■ Maximum concurrent connections (Computer Properties IMAP setting)
■ Thread pool algorithm (Computer Properties IMAP setting)
■ Thread pool maximum size (Computer Properties IMAP setting)

Generate transcripts (Computer Properties IMAP setting)

Description Use this property to generate transcripts for IMAP sessions on this
Enterprise Vault server, when DTrace is running against IMAP. This
can be useful to troubleshoot users’ connection problems. Enterprise
Vault writes transcripts to the Vault Service account’s TEMP directory,
in files whose extension is .X

Enterprise Vault deletes transcript files when you stop the IMAP server.
Note: IMAP transcripts contain sensitive information from users’ email.

Supported values ■ No (default).

■ Yes.

Maximum concurrent connections (Computer Properties IMAP

Description Use this property to configure the maximum number of concurrent IMAP
connections to this Enterprise Vault server.

Supported values ■ An integer in the range 5000 to 100000. The default is 15000.

Thread pool algorithm (Computer Properties IMAP setting)

Description Use this property to set the method this Enterprise Vault server uses
to determine the maximum number of CPU threads that are available
to service requests.

See “Thread pool maximum size (Computer Properties IMAP setting)”

on page 215.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.
Advanced computer properties settings 215
Computer properties advanced settings

Supported values ■ Hardware (default). Use the physical properties of the computer to
determine the maximum number of threads. Note however, that the
maximum is still constrained by the value in Thread pool maximum
size if that is lower than the computer would otherwise allow.
■ Setting. Use the value in Thread pool maximum size, irrespective
of the computer’s physical properties.

Thread pool maximum size (Computer Properties IMAP setting)

Description Use this property to configure the maximum number of CPU threads
that are available to service IMAP requests.

Note that the actual number of threads can be further constrained if the
Thread pool algorithm is set to Hardware, and the computer’s physical
thread pool size is lower than the limit you set.

See “Thread pool algorithm (Computer Properties IMAP setting)”

on page 214.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer in the range 20 to 400. The default is 100.

Indexing (computer properties advanced settings)

The Indexing settings enable you to control advanced indexing behavior on an
Enterprise Vault server.

Note: Do not change the Indexing settings unless your technical support provider
advises you to do so.

The Indexing settings are:

■ Create multiple Index Locations (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Empty index volume deletion limit (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Force Indexing Engine Shutdown (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Frequency of checks for failed volumes (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Frequency of checks for index volumes to process (Computer Properties Indexing
■ Frequency of full checks for index volumes to process (Computer Properties
Indexing setting)
Advanced computer properties settings 216
Computer properties advanced settings

■ Indexing Engine Query Service Port (Computer Properties Indexing setting)

■ Indexing Execution Timeout (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Indexing Max Request Length (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Indexing memory throttling threshold (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum child process shutdown time (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum child process startup time (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum concurrent indexing capacity (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum indexing application pool start time (Computer Properties Indexing
■ Maximum indexing engine shutdown time (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum indexing engine startup time (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum item wait time (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum items in a file system index volume (Computer Properties Indexing
■ Maximum items in a journal index volume (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum items in a mailbox index volume (Computer Properties Indexing
■ Maximum items in a public folder index volume (Computer Properties Indexing
■ Maximum items in a shared index volume (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum items in a SharePoint index volume (Computer Properties Indexing
■ Maximum items in an index volume (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Maximum items in an internet mail index volume (Computer Properties Indexing
■ Search HTTP Service Path (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search HTTP Service Port (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search HTTP Service Requires SSL (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search Log Queries (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search Log Results (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search Logs Folder (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
■ Search Maximum Threads (Computer Properties Indexing setting)
Advanced computer properties settings 217
Computer properties advanced settings

■ Search Minimum Threads (Computer Properties Indexing setting)

■ Search Performance Counters Enabled (Computer Properties Indexing setting)

Create multiple Index Locations (Computer Properties Indexing

Description Specifies whether Enterprise Vault creates multiple index locations or
one index location.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

On the Index Locations tab in the Indexing service properties, you can
add a folder that is used for index storage. By default, Enterprise Vault
automatically creates eight index location subfolders beneath the folder
that you add.

This setting lets you specify that Enterprise Vault creates only one index
location subfolder.

Supported values ■ Yes (default). Enterprise Vault creates eight index location
■ No. Enterprise Vault creates one index location subfolder.

Empty index volume deletion limit (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description At regular intervals, the Indexing service checks for empty index
volumes, and deletes them. This setting configures the maximum
number of empty index volumes that the Indexing service can delete
in one pass.

By default, the Indexing service checks for empty index volumes every
10 hours. The frequency of these checks is defined by the setting
Frequency of full checks for index volumes to process.

See “Frequency of full checks for index volumes to process (Computer

Properties Indexing setting)” on page 218.

Supported values ■ An integer configuring the maximum number of empty index

volumes. The default is 20.
This value can be increased, but we recommend that you do not
change this advanced setting unless your technical support provider
advises you to do so.
Advanced computer properties settings 218
Computer properties advanced settings

Force Indexing Engine Shutdown (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description Forces indexing engine shutdown.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ On (default).

■ Off.

Frequency of checks for failed volumes (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The time between the Indexing service's attempts to process failed
index volumes, in hours.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of hours. The default is 6.

Frequency of checks for index volumes to process (Computer

Properties Indexing setting)
Description The time between the Indexing service's checks for index volumes to
process, in hours.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of hours. The default is 1.

Frequency of full checks for index volumes to process

(Computer Properties Indexing setting)
Description The time between the Indexing service's full checks for index volumes
to process, in hours.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of hours. The default is 10.

Advanced computer properties settings 219
Computer properties advanced settings

Indexing Engine Query Service Port (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The internal communication port for the Indexing Engine Query Service.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a port number. The default is 7215.

Indexing Execution Timeout (Computer Properties Indexing

Description The indexing HTTP runtime execution timeout, in hours.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of hours. The default is 6.

Indexing Max Request Length (Computer Properties Indexing

Description The indexing HTTP runtime maximum request length, in kilobytes.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of kilobytes. The default is 76800.

Indexing memory throttling threshold (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum memory usage ratio for the indexing engine. If the total
virtual memory in use exceeds this ratio multiplied by the RAM, indexing
reduces its memory consumption. The normal range is 1.5 to 2.0. Higher
ratios may increase disk paging.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ A text value specifying the maximum memory usage ratio. The
default is 1.5.
Advanced computer properties settings 220
Computer properties advanced settings

Maximum child process shutdown time (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum time the Indexing service waits for each child process
to shut down, in minutes.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of minutes. The default is 15.

Maximum child process startup time (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum time the Indexing service waits for each child process
to start (minutes).
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of minutes. The default is 1.

Maximum concurrent indexing capacity (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum total of index volumes and subtasks that can be
processed concurrently.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of index volumes and subtasks. The
default is 30.

Maximum indexing application pool start time (Computer

Properties Indexing setting)
Description Maximum time to wait for the Indexing application pool to start, in
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of milliseconds. The default is 800.

Advanced computer properties settings 221
Computer properties advanced settings

Maximum indexing engine shutdown time (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum time the Indexing service waits for the collection broker
and search service to shut down, in minutes.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of minutes. The default is 5.

Maximum indexing engine startup time (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum time the Indexing service waits for the collection broker
and search service to start (minutes).
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of minutes. The default is 2.

Maximum item wait time (Computer Properties Indexing

Description The maximum time the Indexing service waits for an item to be fetched
from the Storage service (minutes).
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of minutes. The default is 15.

Maximum items in a file system index volume (Computer

Properties Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of items in a file system index volume. The index
volume rolls over to a new volume when it contains approximately this
number of items.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of items. The default is 5000000.

Advanced computer properties settings 222
Computer properties advanced settings

Maximum items in a journal index volume (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of items in a journal index volume. The index
volume rolls over to a new volume when it contains approximately this
number of items.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of items. The default is 5000000.

Maximum items in a mailbox index volume (Computer

Properties Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of items in a mailbox index volume. The index
volume rolls over to a new volume when it contains approximately this
number of items.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of items. The default is 5000000.

Maximum items in a public folder index volume (Computer

Properties Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of items in a public folder index volume. The
index volume rolls over to a new volume when it contains approximately
this number of items.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of items. The default is 5000000.

Advanced computer properties settings 223
Computer properties advanced settings

Maximum items in a shared index volume (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of items in a shared index volume. The index
volume rolls over to a new volume when it contains approximately this
number of items.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of items. The default is 5000000.

Maximum items in a SharePoint index volume (Computer

Properties Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of items in a SharePoint index volume. The
index volume rolls over to a new volume when it contains approximately
this number of items.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of items. The default is 5000000.

Maximum items in an index volume (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of items in an index volume. The index volume
rolls over to a new volume when it contains approximately this number
of items.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of items. The default is 5000000.

Advanced computer properties settings 224
Computer properties advanced settings

Maximum items in an internet mail index volume (Computer

Properties Indexing setting)
Description The maximum number of items in an internet mail index volume. The
index volume rolls over to a new volume when it contains approximately
this number of items.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a number of items. The default is 5000000.

Search HTTP Service Path (Computer Properties Indexing

Description The path part of the URL for the Index Query Server HTTP service, as
used by IndexClient.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ A text value specifying a path. The default is:


Search HTTP Service Port (Computer Properties Indexing

Description The port part of the URL for the Index Query Server HTTP service, as
used by IndexClient.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying a port number. The default is 80.

Advanced computer properties settings 225
Computer properties advanced settings

Search HTTP Service Requires SSL (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description Specifies whether or not the Index Query Server HTTP service requires
SSL (HTTPS) connections. If this setting is on, a certificate must be
bound to the appropriate port on the Index Query Server HTTP service
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ Off (default).

■ On.

Search Log Queries (Computer Properties Indexing setting)

Description Specifies whether or not the Index Query Server logs queries to disk.
The Search Logs Folder setting specifies the location for the files.

See “Search Logs Folder (Computer Properties Indexing setting)”

on page 226.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ Off (default).

■ On.

Search Log Results (Computer Properties Indexing setting)

Description Specifies whether or not the Index Query Server logs results to disk.
The Search Logs Folder setting specifies the location for the files.

See “Search Logs Folder (Computer Properties Indexing setting)”

on page 226.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ Off (default).

■ On.
Advanced computer properties settings 226
Computer properties advanced settings

Search Logs Folder (Computer Properties Indexing setting)

Description A local folder to store log files that are generated by the Index Query
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

These logs are only written if the Search Log Queries setting or the
Search Log Results setting is turned on.

See “Search Log Queries (Computer Properties Indexing setting)”

on page 225.

See “Search Log Results (Computer Properties Indexing setting)”

on page 225.

Supported values ■ A text value specifying a local folder. The default is that no folder is
specified and the Vault Service account TEMP folder is used.

Search Maximum Threads (Computer Properties Indexing

Description Controls the maximum number of concurrent searches that the server
is able to perform.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so. Changing this value may
adversely affect search performance, system performance, or both.

Supported values ■ An integer value specifying a number of threads. The default is 200.
The value must be greater than the Search Minimum Threads
See “Search Minimum Threads (Computer Properties Indexing
setting)” on page 226.

Search Minimum Threads (Computer Properties Indexing

Description The minimum number of threads that are used to perform searches
within the Index Query Server.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.
Advanced computer properties settings 227
Computer properties advanced settings

Supported values ■ An integer value specifying a number of threads. The default is 4.

The value must be less than the Search Maximum Threads value.
See “Search Maximum Threads (Computer Properties Indexing
setting)” on page 226.

Search Performance Counters Enabled (Computer Properties

Indexing setting)
Description Specifies whether or not the Index Query Server performance counters
are enabled.
Note: Do not change this advanced setting unless your technical
support provider advises you to do so.

Supported values ■ On (default).

■ Off.

Storage (computer properties advanced settings)

The Storage settings enable you to control advanced storage behavior on an
Enterprise Vault server
The Storage settings are:
■ Compress savesets (Computer Properties Storage setting)
■ Maximum concurrent active connections (Computer Properties Storage setting)
■ Threshold for number of queued items (Computer Properties Storage setting)
■ Threshold for remaining disk space (Computer Properties Storage setting)

Compress savesets (Computer Properties Storage setting)

Description Controls whether the Enterprise Vault Storage Service compresses
savesets before placing them on the storage queue.

If you are using the storage queue to store safety copies this option
can save a significant amount of disk space. The compression overhead
can cause a performance reduction.

Supported values ■ Off (default).

■ On.
Advanced computer properties settings 228
Computer properties advanced settings

Maximum concurrent active connections (Computer Properties

Storage setting)
Description Controls the maximum number of concurrent connections to the storage

Supported values ■ An integer specifying the maximum number of connections to use.

The default is 50.

Threshold for number of queued items (Computer Properties

Storage setting)
Description Controls the maximum number of unprocessed savesets that can be
on the storage queue. When this limit is reached Enterprise Vault
automatically waits until more items can be placed on the queue.

Supported values ■ An integer specifying the maximum number of pending items that
are allowed on the queue. The default is 50000.

Threshold for remaining disk space (Computer Properties

Storage setting)
Description The minimum percentage of disk space that must be available at the
storage queue location. If is limit is reached, Enterprise Vault does not
place any new items on the queue until more space is available.
If you keep safety copies on the storage queue and this limit is reached,
the cause may be that there has been no recent backup of the vault

Supported values ■ An integer specifying the minimum percentage of free disk space.
The default is 10.
Chapter 12
Managing the Storage
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the Storage queue

■ How the Storage queue keeps safety copies

■ Checking how many safety copies are on the Storage queue

■ Viewing or changing Advanced settings

■ Changing the Storage queue location

■ Closing or opening a Storage queue location

About the Storage queue

The storage queue holds the items that Enterprise Vault is in the process of
When Enterprise Vault archives an item, it keeps a safety copy as part of the
archiving process. You can choose to make Enterprise Vault keep the safety copies
on the storage queue. The advantage is that the space soon becomes available at
the original location. For example, a user who archives an item sees the quota
usage reduce almost immediately instead of waiting until the next backup.
The storage queue location should be on a fault-tolerant device (RAID 1 or higher).
The device must have sufficient space for all items on the queue. If you intend to
use the storage queue for safety copies then there must be enough space to keep
them until after the next backup.
Managing the Storage queue 230
How the Storage queue keeps safety copies

For performance information about the Storage queue see the Enterprise Vault
Performance Guide at the following location:
Applications may use the storage queue for safety copies regardless of the vault
store properties settings in the Administration Console. Therefore it is not safe to
assume that the storage queue is never used for safety copies.
If you use a building blocks environment the Storage queue location must be shared
with the associated servers.
There is one Storage queue on each server that runs an Enterprise Vault Storage

How the Storage queue keeps safety copies

When the safety copies are kept on the Storage queue, the mailbox archiving
process is as follows:
1 An item is marked as archive pending.
2 The item is added to .EVSQ file in the Storage queue location.
3 Storage takes the item from the .EVSQ file and adds it to the appropriate
4 Enterprise Vault changes the archive pending item in the mailbox to a shortcut.
5 Enterprise Vault scans to make sure that each SIS part and DVS file have been
6 When all the archived versions of all the items in the .EVSQ file are secured,
Enterprise Vault deletes the .EVSQ file.
Enterprise Vault creates empty .EVSQ files and then populates them as required.
The Storage queue location may contain files with zero size. Such files are part of
the normal operation. The files are deleted when they are not longer needed.

Checking how many safety copies are on the Storage

When Enterprise Vault keeps safety copies on the Storage queue they are removed
automatically after the corresponding archive has been secured.
You can check the Storage queue at any time to see how many safety copies are
on queue.
Managing the Storage queue 231
Viewing or changing Advanced settings

To check how many items are on the Storage queue

1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the vault site.
2 Expand Enterprise Vault Servers.
3 Expand the server whose Storage queue you want to view.
4 Click Services.
5 Double-click the Storage service.
6 Click the Storage Queue tab.
7 Under details, look at the value of Number of safety copies on the queue.

Viewing or changing Advanced settings

The Advanced Storage settings are in the computer properties.
The Advanced Storage settings are as follows:
■ Compress savesets. Controls whether the Enterprise Vault Storage service
compresses savesets before placing them on the Storage queue.
See “Compress savesets (Computer Properties Storage setting)” on page 227.
There is a separate option that controls whether Enterprise Vault sends
compressed data to the Storage queue. By default this option is disabled because
on fast networks the performance overhead of the compression is more
significant than the network traffic gain.
See “Send compressed bytes (Computer Properties Agents setting)” on page 213.
■ Maximum concurrent active connections. Controls the maximum number of
concurrent connections to the Storage server.
See “Maximum concurrent active connections (Computer Properties Storage
setting)” on page 228.
■ Threshold for number of queued items. Controls the maximum number of
unprocessed savesets that can be on the storage queue. When this limit is
reached Enterprise Vault automatically waits until more items can be placed on
the queue.
See “Threshold for number of queued items (Computer Properties Storage
setting)” on page 228.
■ Threshold for remaining disk space. The minimum percentage of disk space
that must be available at the storage queue location. If is limit is reached,
Enterprise Vault does not place any new items on the queue until more space
is available.
See “Threshold for remaining disk space (Computer Properties Storage setting)”
on page 228.
Managing the Storage queue 232
Changing the Storage queue location

To view or modify the Advanced settings

1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the vault site.
2 Expand Enterprise Vault Servers.
3 Right-click the server whose settings you want to view or modify and on the
shortcut menu click Properties.
4 In Computer Properties click the Advanced tab.
5 Next to List settings from select Storage.
6 Double-click any setting that you want to modify.

Changing the Storage queue location

You can change the Storage queue location in the properties of the Storage service.
The existing location may contain safety copies of those archived items that have
not yet been secured.

Note: The storage queue location should be on a fault tolerant device (RAID 1 or
higher). The device must have sufficient space for all items on the queue. If you
intend to use the storage queue for safety copies then there must be enough space
to keep them until after the next backup.

You may want to close the Storage queue before you change its location. When
the Storage queue is closed Enterprise Vault cannot add new items but can still
process those items that are already on the queue.
See “Closing or opening a Storage queue location” on page 233.
To change the Storage queue location
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the vault site.
2 Expand Enterprise Vault Servers.
3 Expand the server whose Storage queue you want to modify.
4 Click Services.
5 In the right pane check that the Enterprise Vault Storage service is stopped. If
the service is not stopped, right-click the service and on the shortcut menu
click Stop.
6 When you have ensured that the Storage service is stopped, double-click the
Storage service.
7 Click the Storage Queue tab.
Managing the Storage queue 233
Closing or opening a Storage queue location

8 In the Queue Location section click the browse button.

If there are safety copies in the current Storage queue location there is prompt
for you to copy the existing files to the new location.
9 Click I want to copy the files now to open the current Storage queue location.
10 Copy the existing files to the new location.
11 Click I'm ready to select the new storage location, select the folder that you
want to use and then click OK. Click OK to close the Storage service properties
12 Right-click the service and on the shortcut menu click Start.

Closing or opening a Storage queue location

You can close or open a Storage queue location to control whether Enterprise Vault
is allowed to add new items to the queue, as follows:
When the Storage queue is open Enterprise Vault can add new items to the Storage
When the Storage queue is closed Enterprise Vault cannot add new items but can
still process those items that are already on the queue.
You may find it useful to close a Storage queue if you intend to move the queue to
another location. You can then wait for the number of items on the queue to reduce
before you move the queue.
To close or open the Storage queue location
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the vault site.
2 Expand Enterprise Vault Servers.
3 Expand the server whose Storage queue you want to modify.
4 Click Services.
5 Double-click the Storage service.
6 Click the Storage Queue tab.
7 In the Queue Status section select the option you require, as follows:
■ To close the location, select Closed
■ To open the location, select Open

8 Click OK.
Chapter 13
Customizing the legacy
search applications
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About customizing the legacy search applications

■ General configuration settings for the legacy search applications

■ Configuring the search results

■ Automatic domain authentication

■ User interface tweaks for Integrated Search and Browser Search

■ User interface tweaks for Archive Explorer

About customizing the legacy search applications

You can modify the behavior of the legacy search applications—Archive Explorer,
Browser Search, and Integrated Search—by creating an initialization file that is
called WebApp.ini and placing it in the Enterprise Vault program folder on the
computer that runs these applications.
Within WebApp.ini, each line has the following format:

setting = value

where setting is the name of the setting and value is the value that you want to
assign to it.
Note the following:
■ Entries in this file are case-sensitive.
■ The file must be saved with ANSI encoding.
Customizing the legacy search applications 235
General configuration settings for the legacy search applications

General configuration settings for the legacy search

The following general configuration settings are available:
■ AllowNonAsciiFilenames
■ DefaultFormatCodepage
■ DefaultFormatType
■ HTMLNotNotes
■ MaxPreviewSize
■ Noclient
■ URLEncodeFilenames
■ UseRestrictedSecurity
■ ViewMessage_Format

Description Determines whether, when you open an archived message attachment
whose file name contains non-ASCII characters, those characters are
removed or preserved.

Supported values ■ 0 (default). Removes any non-ASCII characters from the file names
of message attachments. When all the characters are non-ASCII,
the file name is replaced with "EnterpriseVault".
■ 1. Preserves any non-ASCII characters in the file names of message

Description Specifies the code page to use if you have set DefaultFormatType to
If you do not specify a code page, Enterprise Vault sends items to the
client in the code page in which they were stored.

Supported values ■ Code page number. The number that identifies the code page. For
a list of the available code pages, see the following article on the
Microsoft MSDN site:
Customizing the legacy search applications 236
General configuration settings for the legacy search applications

Description Specifies the format in which to return items that are stored as Unicode
to the client.

If all clients are running Outlook 2003 or later, set DefaultFormatType

to Unicode. This prevents unnecessary conversions and possible
problems when viewing characters.

Supported values ■ Unicode (default). Returns archived Unicode items to the client as
■ ANSI. Returns archived Unicode items to the client as ANSI.

Description Specifies how to display the contents of archived Notes items when
users find them with the Browser Search facilities and then, in the
Search Results page, click View whole item to open the items. You
can choose to display the items using Notes, or you can display an
HTML preview of them.

Unlike the HTML preview of a Microsoft Exchange item, the HTML

preview of a Notes item does not include the Archive Explorer,
Download, Restore, and Settings buttons at the top of the window.
Only the Search, Delete, and Help buttons are visible.

Supported values ■ 0 (default). Display the contents of archived items in Notes. Users
who do not have the client installed receive the message "Page
cannot be displayed" when trying to open these items.
■ 1. Display an HTML preview of the contents of archived Notes items.

Description Specifies the maximum size of archived files that can be displayed in
the Archive Explorer preview pane.

MaxPreviewSize applies only to files. It does not apply to messages,

which are previewed whatever their size.

Supported values ■ An integer. The maximum size in kilobytes of archived files that can
be displayed in the Archive Explorer preview pane. The default is
Customizing the legacy search applications 237
General configuration settings for the legacy search applications

Description Controls whether items are downloaded in their native format, rather
than as .MSG format files.

Supported values ■ Any integer. Items are downloaded in their native format.
If you want to turn off Noclient, remove the entry from the file.

Description Determines whether, when you open an archived message attachment
whose file name contains non-ASCII characters, those characters are
rendered in URL-encoded form.

It is advisable to render file names in URL-encoded form when the

Enterprise Vault client and server use different language code
pages—for example, when the client uses a Japanese version of
Windows and Outlook, and the server uses English Windows.

When the client and server use the same code page, assigning a value
of 1 to AllowNonAsciiFilenames should suffice.

Supported values ■ 0 (default). Leaves the non-ASCII characters in the file names of
message attachments in their original form.
■ 1. Renders the non-ASCII characters in the file names of message
attachments in URL-encoded form. Note that, because of Internet
Explorer limits on the number of characters in a file name string,
multi-byte file names may be truncated to 15 characters when

Description Determines the level of protection against security vulnerabilities to
implement in the legacy search applications. Note that, when enabled,
the security restrictions offer protection in Internet Explorer 9.0 and
earlier only; later versions of Internet Explorer employ a different
protection mechanism.

When UseRestrictedSecurity is set to 1, users of any version of Internet

Explorer can experience issues when they try to access the legacy
applications through OWA 2003 or a TMG server. Where this is the
case, you may need to lower the level of security protection to permit
Customizing the legacy search applications 238
Configuring the search results

Supported values ■ 0. Relaxes the security restrictions so that affected users can access
the legacy search applications.
■ 1 (default). Enforces the security restrictions.

Description Controls the display format that is used when the user's browser does
not allow cookies or the user has never chosen a format to use.
This affects the following:

■ Links in custom shortcuts.

■ Items that are opened from within Archive Explorer.

The user can use the Settings dialog box to override the behavior you
specify with ViewMessage_Format.

Supported values ■ WEB (default). Display the item in a browser window.

■ MSG. Use Outlook to display the item. (Not available on Mac clients.)
■ ASK. Prompt the user for the format to use. (Not available on Mac

Configuring the search results

Most of the following settings let you configure federated searching, a facility that
allows users to conduct searches across multiple index volumes simultaneously.
The following settings are available to configure search results:
■ DefaultRankResults
■ FederatedSearchMaxItems
■ FederatedSearchMaxVolSets
■ FederatedSearchTimeout
■ SearchRSS
■ ShowAllMaxResults
■ UseFederatedSearch
Customizing the legacy search applications 239
Configuring the search results

Description Controls the default sort order of results that are returned from Integrated

For example, to make Integrated Search list the newest items first, enter
the following:

DefaultRankResults = –date

Supported values Use the following values to sort the items by the required criteria.

■ adat. Archived date, oldest first.

■ -adat. Archived date, newest first.
■ anum. Attachment number, cover notes last.
■ -anum. Attachment number, cover notes first.
■ auth. Author, alphabetical order.
■ -auth. Author, reverse alphabetical order.
■ date. Sent/received date, oldest first.
■ -date. Sent/received date, newest first.
■ mdat. Modified date, oldest first.
■ -mdat. Modified date, newest first.
■ natc. Number of attachments, least first.
■ -natc. Number of attachments, most first.
■ rank. Relevance to search query, most relevant first.
■ size. Size, smallest first.
■ -size. Size, largest first.
■ snum. Sequence number, increasing.
■ -snum. Sequence number, decreasing.
■ subj. Subject, alphabetical order.
■ -subj. Subject, reverse alphabetical order.

Description Specifies the maximum number of items to obtain from each index
volume. This number also determines the maximum number of results
to display in response to a user query. This is because the most relevant
results for the query may come from one index volume only.

Supported values ■ An integer. The maximum number of items to obtain from each index
volume. The default is 1000.
Customizing the legacy search applications 240
Configuring the search results

Description Specifies the maximum number of index volumes to search

Supported values ■ An integer. The maximum number of index volumes. The default is

Description Sets a time limit on how long a federated search can take before it
should be ended.

Supported values ■ An integer. The time limit in seconds. The default is 60.

Description Specifies the maximum number of search results to display initially.
Users can click a Show All or Click Here link to view more results.

Use this setting with the ShowAllMaxResults setting.

Supported values ■ An integer. The number of search results to display initially. The
default is 100.

Description Specifies the maximum number of results that can be displayed when
the user clicks the Show All or Click Here link.

Supported values ■ An integer. The maximum number of search results to display. The
default is 500.

Description Controls whether to allow federated searching for everyone who uses
the Enterprise Vault web applications. For configuration or performance
reasons, you may want to turn off this functionality.

Supported values ■ 0. Disable federated searching.

■ 1 (default). Allow federated searching.
Customizing the legacy search applications 241
Automatic domain authentication

Automatic domain authentication

You can configure Enterprise Vault so that the legacy search applications
automatically use the same domain name as you have specified for IIS basic
authentication. This means that users in the default domain do not need to specify
a domain name when logging on to the applications. For more information, see the
"Postinstallation tasks" chapter of the Installing and Configuring guide.

User interface tweaks for Integrated Search and

Browser Search
The following sections list settings that you can use to control which options are
available in the Integrated Search and Browser Search results user interface.
The following settings are available for the user interface:
■ BSDeleteButton
■ BSRestoreButton
■ ISDeleteButton
■ ISRestoreButton
■ ISShowRetention
■ RestoreToPSTOption

Description Controls whether Browser Search displays options that are related to
deleting archived items. This setting applies to Browser Search for both
Exchange Server users and Domino Server users.

Supported values ■ 0. The options are not displayed.

■ 1 (default). The options are displayed.

Description Controls whether Browser Search displays options that are related to
restoring archived items. This setting applies to Browser Search for
both Exchange Server users and Domino Server users.

Supported values ■ 0. The options are not displayed.

■ 1 (default). The options are displayed.
Customizing the legacy search applications 242
User interface tweaks for Integrated Search and Browser Search

Description Controls whether the properties of an item that is found by Integrated
Search show the Delete this item from the Vault option. This setting
applies to Integrated Search in both Outlook and Notes.

Supported values ■ 0 (default). The option is not displayed.

■ 1. The option is displayed.

Description Controls whether the Restore Whole Item icon is displayed in Integrated
Search results so that users can restore items that are found by
searches. This setting applies to Integrated Search in both Outlook and

Supported values ■ 0. The restore icon is not displayed.

■ 1 (default). The restore icon is displayed.

Description Controls whether the properties of an item that is found by Integrated
Search show the item’s retention category. This setting applies to
Integrated Search in both Outlook and Notes.

Supported values ■ 0 (default). The retention category is not displayed.

■ 1. The retention category is displayed.

Description Gives users the option to export items found by a search to PST files.
This setting applies to Exchange Server users only.

It is possible to grant the option to all users, or to a selected list.

This option is intended to be used by just a few users. Local paths refer
to the Exchange Mailbox task computer and must already exist. If the
user specifies a local path when setting the output destination the PST
is saved with that path name on the Exchange Mailbox task computer.

Supported values ■ All. The option is provided for all users.

■ A list of user accounts in the format Domain\User1,Domain\User2,...
Customizing the legacy search applications 243
User interface tweaks for Archive Explorer

User interface tweaks for Archive Explorer

The following sections list settings that you can use to control which options are
available in the Archive Explorer user interface.
The following settings are available:
■ ArchiveExplorerDelete
■ ArchiveExplorerForward
■ ArchiveExplorerHelp
■ ArchiveExplorerReply
■ ArchiveExplorerReplyAll
■ ArchiveExplorerRestore
■ ArchiveExplorerSaveAs
■ ArchiveExplorerSearch
■ ArchiveExplorerSettings

Description Controls whether the following are available to a user in Archive

■ The right-click menu option Delete

■ The right-click menu option Move to Mailbox

Supported values ■ 0. The options are not available.

■ 1 (Default). The options are shown, provided that you have also
selected Users can delete items from their archives on the
Archive Settings tab of the Site Properties dialog box.

Description Controls whether the Forward option is available when a user
right-clicks a message in Archive Explorer.

Supported values ■ 0. The option is not available.

■ 1 (Default). The option is available only when the user has selected
Microsoft Outlook under View archived items using in the Archive
Explorer settings.
Customizing the legacy search applications 244
User interface tweaks for Archive Explorer

Description Controls whether the Help button and right-click Help menu option are
available in Archive Explorer.

Supported values ■ 0. The button and right-click menu option are not available.
■ 1 (Default). The button and right-click menu option are shown.

Description Controls whether the Reply option is available when a user right-clicks
an item in Archive Explorer.

Supported values ■ 0. The option is not available.

■ 1 (Default). The option is shown. The option is available only when
the user has selected Microsoft Outlook under View archived
items using in the Archive Explorer settings.

Description Controls whether the Reply to All option is available when a user
right-clicks an item in Archive Explorer.

Supported values ■ 0. The option is not available.

■ 1 (Default). The option is shown. The option is available only when
the user has selected Microsoft Outlook under View archived
items using in the Archive Explorer settings.

Description Controls whether Archive Explorer shows the following:

■ The Restore from Vault button, which enables users to restore

archived items to their mailboxes.
■ The right-click menu option Copy to Mailbox.
■ The right-click menu option Move to Mailbox.

Supported values ■ 0. The button and the menu options are not displayed.
■ 1 (Default). The button and the menu options are shown
Customizing the legacy search applications 245
User interface tweaks for Archive Explorer

Description Controls whether the Save As option is available when a user
right-clicks an item in Archive Explorer.

Supported values ■ 0. The option is not available.

■ 1 (Default). The option is shown. The option is available only when
the user has selected Microsoft Outlook under View archived
items using in the Archive Explorer settings.

Description Controls whether Archive Explorer shows the Search button and
right-click Search menu option are available. These options enable
users to search from within Archive Explorer.

Supported values ■ 0. The button and the menu option are not available.
■ 1 (Default). The button and the menu option are shown.

Description Controls whether Archive Explorer shows the Settings button, which
enables users to specify the following:

■ The Exchange Server to which items will be restored

■ The mailbox to which items will be restored
■ Whether to use Microsoft Outlook or a web browser to view archived

Supported values ■ 0. The button is not displayed.

■ 1 (Default). The button is displayed.
Chapter 14
Automatic monitoring
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About automatic monitoring

■ Monitoring in Site Properties

■ About monitoring using Enterprise Vault Operations Manager

■ About monitoring using MOM

■ About monitoring using SCOM

About automatic monitoring

Enterprise Vault provides the following mechanisms that you can use for automatic
■ The Monitoring tab in Site Properties lets you turn on performance monitoring
of important aspects of Enterprise Vault. If a monitored item reaches its threshold,
a message is logged in the Application Event log and in the Status section of
the Administration Console.
If you have other tools to monitor the event log, you can use them to alert you
when monitoring messages are logged.
■ If you have installed the Enterprise Vault Operations Manager Web Application,
you can use it to monitor Enterprise Vault remotely from any computer on which
Internet Explorer is installed.
■ If you have Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), you can use the supplied
Enterprise Vault Management Pack to monitor Enterprise Vault operations and
Automatic monitoring 247
Monitoring in Site Properties

■ If you have Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), you can
use the supplied Enterprise Vault Management Pack, to monitor Enterprise
Vault operations and performance.

Monitoring in Site Properties

When you enable monitoring in Site Properties you can then select any number of
available alerts. When an alert you have selected reaches its threshold level,
Enterprise Vault writes an appropriate entry in the Application Event Log. Enterprise
Vault also shows the alert in the Status section of the Administration Console.
Additionally, when you enable any of the alerts, Enterprise Vault turns on a
performance counter for that alert. Thus you can monitor the counter using the
Windows Performance Monitor or any other programs that you use to monitor
performance counters.
To enable monitoring
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, right-click the vault site and, on
the shortcut menu, click Properties.
2 Click the Monitoring tab of Site Properties.
3 Select the items for which you want to receive notifications.
For each item, you can click the following to modify them:

Threshold This is the level at which Enterprise Vault issues a notification.

For example, if Directory Backup has a threshold of 2 Days, then
a warning is issued if the Enterprise Vault has not been backed
up after 2 Days.

Frequency This is how often Enterprise Vault checks this item. In the case of
performance-related items, this is the frequency with which
Enterprise Vault writes the associated performance counter.

Start At The time at which measuring starts. If you do not select a time,
the statistics are collected when the monitoring process starts and
then at the interval that is defined in the Frequency column.

4 Click OK.
Automatic monitoring 248
About monitoring using Enterprise Vault Operations Manager

About monitoring using Enterprise Vault Operations

Enterprise Vault Operations Manager is a web application that makes remote
monitoring of Enterprise Vault possible from any computer on which Internet Explorer
is installed.
Enterprise Vault Operations Manager lets you monitor the following:
■ The status of Enterprise Vault services and tasks.
■ Performance counters for vault stores, disk space, memory, and processors.
■ The status of Exchange Server journal mailbox target archiving targets, including
item counts for Inbox, Archive Pending, and failed operations such as Failed
DL Expansion.
■ The status of Domino Server journaling location archiving targets, including item
counts for Inbox, Archive Pending, and failed operations.
Enterprise Vault includes a Monitoring agent on each Enterprise Vault server. The
Monitoring agents collect monitoring data at scheduled intervals, typically every
few minutes, and store it in the Enterprise Vault Monitoring database.
Operations Manager displays the most recent data collected by the Monitoring
agents. It provides summary tables for at-a-glance status assessment, and detailed
data to help identify problems or bottlenecks. Status indicators warn when values
breach chosen thresholds.
From the Configuration page you can enable or disable monitoring, adjust the
monitoring frequency of the Monitoring agents, and set the status indicator

Accessing Operations Manager

Enterprise Vault Operations Manager is a separately installable feature. To monitor
the Enterprise Vault servers in an Enterprise Vault site, you must have installed the
Operations Manager web application component on at least one Enterprise Vault
server in that site.
If you have not already installed Enterprise Vault Operations Manager, you can
install it as described in the Installing and Configuring manual.
Automatic monitoring 249
About monitoring using MOM

To access Enterprise Vault Operations Manager

1 Enter the following URL in Internet Explorer:


where host_ipaddress is the IP address of the computer that is hosting the

Enterprise Vault server on which the Enterprise Vault Operations Manager
web application feature is installed.
Alternatively, if you are accessing Operations Manager from the computer on
which it is installed, you can use the following URL, which does not require
step 2:


2 In the Connect to IP Address dialog box, enter the user name and password
of an account in the host computer’s domain. Then click OK.

Note: Any user other than the Vault Service account must be assigned to a
suitable role to access Operations Manager. Users can view only the tabs and
tables in Operations Manager that are applicable to the role to which they are
See “Roles-based administration” on page 24.

If the user credentials are valid, Operations Manager displays its site Summary

About monitoring using MOM

The Enterprise Vault Management Pack contains rules that enable Microsoft
Operations Manager (MOM) to monitor critical Enterprise Vault events in the
Application Event Log.
You can also use MOM to monitor all the alerts that are on the Monitoring tab in
Site Properties. To do so, you start by enabling the monitoring in Site Properties.
The alerts are written as critical events to the Application Event Log. There are
MOM rules defined, and enabled by default, to monitor those same events in the
Event Log.
This section assumes that you have some familiarity with MOM administration. See
the MOM documentation if you need help with using MOM.
Automatic monitoring 250
About monitoring using MOM

Caution: You must already have a working Microsoft MOM installation before you
can install the Enterprise Vault Management Pack. If you experience monitoring
issues, contact Microsoft Support for assistance.

Installing MOM
The Enterprise Vault installation copies the MOM Management Pack to the MOM
subfolder of the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program Files
(x86)\Enterprise Vault\MOM).

The Management Pack is EnterpriseVault.akm.

Configuring MOM
You must do the following:
■ Import the Enterprise Vault Management Pack.
■ Add operators to the Enterprise Vault Notifications Group, Enterprise Vault
■ Enabled monitoring in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console.
To import the Enterprise Vault Management Pack
1 Start the MOM Administrator Console.
2 In the left pane, right-click Processing Rule Groups and, on the shortcut
menu, click Import Management Pack.
3 Select the Enterprise Vault Management Pack, EnterpriseVault.akm, and
work through the rest of the Import Options wizard.
To add operators to the Enterprise Vault notifications group
1 In the left pane of the MOM Administrator Console, expand Rule Groups.
2 Click Notification Groups.
3 In the right pane, double-click Enterprise Vault Administrators.
4 Add the operators who should receive alerts.
5 Click OK.

Optional MOM configuration

The Enterprise Vault MOM Management Pack defines many rules for Enterprise
Vault monitoring, some of which are enabled by default and some of which are
disabled. Review the rules and enable or disable as required.
Automatic monitoring 251
About monitoring using MOM

When you have configured your Enterprise Vault MOM management pack, you
may need to configure some of the rules before you can use them.
For example, if you want to use the following rule you must configure it to specify
which SQL server to monitor:
Sample value of the performance counter SQL Server - Checkpoint pages
/ sec is greater than the defined threshold

Note that some MOM rules concern events that are themselves enabled by the
Enterprise Vault Administration Console. In the case of these events, they must be
enabled in the Administration Console.
Table 14-1 lists the events that can by enabled from the Administration Console
that have corresponding MOM rules.
By default, all the events in this table are enabled.

Table 14-1 MOM rules and corresponding events

Event ID Administration Console name MOM rule name

41008 New items awaiting backup Backup warning: Saveset files

not backed up or replicated

41011 Vault Store database backup Backup overdue for vault store
SQL database.

41012 Vault Store transaction log backup Backup overdue for vault store
SQL database transaction log.

41013 Vault Store transaction log size Space allocation warning for
vault store SQL database.

41014 Directory database backup Backup overdue for Enterprise

Vault directory database.

41015 Directory transaction log backup Backup overdue for Enterprise

Vault directory database.

41016 Directory transaction log size Space allocation warning for

Enterprise Vault Directory SQL

41021 Archived items waiting to be indexed Backup, indexing, or replication

operations not completed.

41022 Deleted items waiting to be deleted from Delete operations not

indexes completed.
Automatic monitoring 252
About monitoring using SCOM

Table 14-1 MOM rules and corresponding events (continued)

Event ID Administration Console name MOM rule name

41023 Items waiting to be restored Restoration queue length


41203 Vault Store fingerprint database backup Backup overdue for Vault Store
Group SQL database.

41204 Vault Store fingerprint database log Backup overdue for Vault Store
backup Group SQL database
transaction log.

41205 Vault Store fingerprint database log size Space allocation warning for
Vault Store Group Log size.

41256 Vault Store in backup mode Vault Store(s) in backup mode


41258 Vault Store partition backup scan Partition(s) not scanned (All)

41260 Partition items secured Partition(s) contain items that

have not been secured for a
while (All)

41262 Index location in backup mode Index locations in backup mode


41264 Tasks in report mode Task(s) in report mode (All)

41265 Unscheduled task Task schedule is set to 'Never'

About monitoring using SCOM

Enterprise Vault includes a management pack for System Center Operations
Manager (SCOM) 2007 R2 and later. This pack defines rules that enable SCOM
to monitor Enterprise Vault components and critical Enterprise Vault events in the
Application Event Log on Enterprise Vault servers.
You can also use SCOM to monitor all the alerts that are on the Monitoring tab in
Site Properties. To do so, you start by enabling the monitoring in Site Properties.
The alerts are written as critical events to the Application Event Log. SCOM monitors
the event log for those events. The SCOM monitoring rules are enabled by default.
In a cluster, you can monitor the Enterprise Vault cluster resource group but not
individual servers.
Automatic monitoring 253
About monitoring using SCOM

Caution: You must already have a working Microsoft SCOM installation before you
can install the Enterprise Vault Management Pack. If you experience monitoring
issues, contact Microsoft Support for assistance.

Setting up SCOM monitoring for Enterprise Vault servers

The following procedure summarizes the process of setting up SCOM monitoring
for Enterprise Vault. Follow the links to see the details.
To set up SCOM monitoring for Enterprise Vault
1 Assign the Enterprise Vault Monitoring Application role to the account that you
want to use as the Run As account for SCOM monitoring.
See “Assigning the Monitoring Application role to an account” on page 253.
2 Create or choose a domain account that you want to use as the Run As account
for SCOM monitoring.
See “Creating a Run As account” on page 254.
3 Distribute the Run As account details to the Enterprise Vault servers that will
be managed by SCOM.
See “Distributing the Run As account credentials” on page 254.
4 Import the Enterprise Vault SCOM pack.
See “Importing the Enterprise Vault SCOM pack” on page 255.
5 Associate the Run As account with the Run As profile that is included in the
Enterprise Vault SCOM pack.
See “Associating the Run As account with the Run As profile” on page 256.
6 Enable Agent Proxy for the the installed agents.
See “Enabling Agent Proxy for the installed agents” on page 256.

Assigning the Monitoring Application role to an account

You must create or choose a domain account that you want to use as the Run As
account for SCOM monitoring.
This section describes how to assign the Enterprise Vault Monitoring Application
role to the account that you want to use as the Run As account for SCOM monitoring.
To assign the Enterprise Vault Monitoring Application role to an account
1 Start the Enterprise Vault Administration Console as the Vault Service account.
2 In the left pane, right-click Directory and then click Authorization Manager.
Automatic monitoring 254
About monitoring using SCOM

3 In Authorization Manager, expand Enterprise Vault and then expand Role

4 In the Role Assignments list, right-click Monitoring Application and then
click Assign Users and Groups.
5 Select the account that you have chosen to use for Enterprise Vault monitoring
and then click OK.
6 Close Authorization Manager and in response to the prompt, click Yes to save
the Authorization Store to the Directory database.

Creating a Run As account

To create a Run As account
1 Start System Center Operations Manager
2 Click the Administration tab.
3 In the left pane, right-click Accounts under Run As Configuration and click
Create Run As Account.
4 Work through the Create Run As Account Wizard as follows:
On the General Properties page:
■ Select Windows as the Run As Account Type.
■ Enter your own choice of Display Name and Description.
On the Credentials page:
■ Enter the details of the account to which you assigned the Monitoring
Application role in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console.
On the Distribution Security page:
■ Select Less Secure or More Secure as required.
Select Less Secure to distribute the account details to all SCOM Agent
Select More Secure to distribute the account details to specific servers.

Distributing the Run As account credentials

To distribute the Run As account credentials
1 Start System Center Operations Manager
2 Click the Administration tab.
3 In the left pane, click Accounts under Run As Configuration.
Automatic monitoring 255
About monitoring using SCOM

4 In the Accounts list, right-click the Run As account that you intend to use for
Enterprise Vault monitoring and then click Properties.
5 Click the Distribution tab.
6 Click More secure.
7 Click Add then select each Enterprise Vault server that you intend to monitor.
8 Click Apply.

Importing the Enterprise Vault SCOM pack

The SCOM Management pack is provided in a self-extracting executable file,
Symantec Enterprise Vault Management Pack.exe. The file is on the Enterprise
Vault media.
To import the Enterprise Vault Management Pack
1 Load the Enterprise Vault media.
2 If Windows AutoPlay is enabled on the server, Windows shows an AutoPlay
dialog box. Click Run Setup.exe.
If AutoPlay is not enabled, use Windows Explorer to open the root folder of the
installation media and then double-click the file Setup.exe.
3 In the list in the left pane of the Symantec Enterprise Vault Install Launcher
window, click Enterprise Vault.
4 Click Client Installation.
5 In the right pane, click SCOM Management Pack.
6 Click Open Folder. Windows Explorer starts in the folder that contains the
Management Pack.
7 Double-click the following file:
Symantec Enterprise Vault Management Pack.exe

8 Read the displayed license and click Yes to agree to the terms.
9 Specify the folder where you want the place the management pack and click
10 In System Center Operations Manager select Administration.
11 In the left pane, right-click Administration and click Import Management
12 In the Import Management Packs Wizard, click Add and then click Add from
Automatic monitoring 256
About monitoring using SCOM

13 If there is a prompt that asks whether you want to search the online catalog
for dependencies, click No.
14 Navigate to the folder that contains the management pack that you extracted.
15 Click Symantec.EnterpriseVault.mp and then click Open. The wizard adds
the management pack to the Import list.
16 Click Install. The wizard imports the management pack.
17 Click Close.

Associating the Run As account with the Run As profile

To associate the Run As account with the Run As profile
1 In System Center Operations Manager click Administration.
2 In the left pane, click Profiles.
3 In the right pane, double-click Symantec Enterprise Vault Monitoring Profile.
4 Work through the Run As Profile Wizard as follows:
On the Run As Accounts screen:
■ Click Add and then select the Run As account that you created.
■ Under This Run As Account will be used to manage the following
objects, select All targeted objects.

Enabling Agent Proxy for the installed agents

To enable Agent Proxy
1 In the SCOM management console, click the Administration tab.
2 Under Device Management, click Agent Managed.
3 Do the following for each Enterprise Vault server in the Agent Managed list:
■ Right-click the server and then click Properties.
■ Click the Security tab.
■ Select Allow this agent to act as a proxy and discover managed objects
on other computers
■ Click OK.

Using or removing an earlier SCOM pack

When you import the Enterprise Vault SCOM pack, any SCOM pack from Enterprise
Vault versions earlier than 10.0.3 is not removed.
Automatic monitoring 257
About monitoring using SCOM

The new SCOM pack includes the functionality of the older SCOM packs. You can
continue to use a SCOM pack from an Enterprise Vault version earlier than 10.0.3,
if required.
The SCOM pack provides more monitoring functionality than the older SCOM pack

Optional SCOM configuration

The Enterprise Vault SCOM Management Pack defines many rules for Enterprise
Vault monitoring, some of which are enabled by default and some of which are
disabled. Review the rules and enable or disable as required.
When you have configured your Enterprise Vault SCOM management pack, you
may need to configure some of the rules before you can use them.
Note that some SCOM rules concern events that are themselves enabled by the
Enterprise Vault Administration Console. In the case of these events, they must be
enabled in the Administration Console.

Points to note about SCOM monitoring

By default SCOM discovers the Enterprise Vault Index Service every 24 hours. If
you want to override this default you must change the setting in both of the following
two objects:
■ Discover server dependencies (Discovered type: Indexing).
■ Discover server indexing dependencies (Discovered Type: Indexing
The SCOM monitoring has the following known limitations:
■ When a monitored Enterprise Vault server is not reachable, the SCOM
Operations Console may show the server status incorrectly. In the Site State
view an unreachable server should be shown as disabled (gray) but is instead
shown as enabled (green). The Server State view correctly shows an
unreachable server as disabled (gray).
■ When Enterprise Vault is installed on a Microsoft Cluster, the health status of
individual servers may take a long time to be updated in the Enterprise Vault
Site health status. The update may take more than 30 minutes. The health status
of individual servers is always up to date
■ If the connection to the Directory database is lost then the health statuses of
vault store databases and fingerprint databases are not refreshed and so may
be incorrect. The health status is reported correctly when the connection to the
Directory database is fixed.
Automatic monitoring 258
About monitoring using SCOM

■ If the Storage service is unavailable or the Storage service loses a database

connection then the performance counter values for vault store partitions are
not updated. This means that the health shown for vault store partitions may be
incorrect. The counters are updated automatically when the Storage service
connections are restored.
Chapter 15
Managing extension
content providers
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About extension content providers

■ Extension content provider properties

■ Assigning the Extension Content Provider Administrator role

■ Assigning the Extension Content Provider Application role

■ Enabling an extension content provider

■ Viewing the content provider reports

About extension content providers

The Enterprise Vault Extensions feature enables Symantec Enterprise Vault partners
to develop solutions that extend the standard functionality of Enterprise Vault.
In the Administration Console navigation pane, installed extensions are listed below
the Extensions container.
Access to extensions in the Administration Console is controlled using Enterprise
Vault roles-based administration. This control enables you to designate specific
individuals or groups as extension administrators.
Each extension content provider has its own schedule. You can modify the schedule
by editing the properties of the extension content provider.
Managing extension content providers 260
Extension content provider properties

Extension content provider properties

The properties of an extension content provider enable you to do the following:
■ Enable or disable the extension. When the extension is enabled it archives
according to the settings on the Schedule tab.
■ Set the default vault store. You must select a default vault store. This vault store
may be used by the extension but there is no requirement for it to do so.
■ Manage extra options that may have been provided by the partner who created
the extension.
■ Define the archiving schedule.
■ Modify settings that fine tune the behavior of the extension.
For additional information on managing an extension, see the documentation that
was provided partner who created that extension.

Assigning the Extension Content Provider

Administrator role
If you intend to use an account other than the Vault Service account to manage the
Content Provider extensions then you must add that account to the Extension
Content Provider Administrator role.
The Extension Content Provider Administrator role enables an account to view and
manage extensions.
To assign the Extension Content Provider Administrator role to an account
1 Run the Administration Console as the Vault Service account.
2 In the left pane, expand Enterprise Vault.
3 Right-click the Directory container and on the shortcut menu click Authorization
4 In the left pane of the Authorization Manager window, expand Role
5 Right-click Extension Content Provider Administrator and on the shortcut menu
click Assign Users and Groups.
6 Click From Windows and Active Directory and then add the account that
you want to use to manage the extensions.
7 Close Authorization Manager and click Yes when you are asked whether you
want to save the Authorization Store to the Directory database.
Managing extension content providers 261
Assigning the Extension Content Provider Application role

Assigning the Extension Content Provider Application

The account under which an extension runs requires the Extension Content Provider
Application role. This role enables the application to run as an Enterprise Vault
extension. The role allows the application to create, read, and update extension
entries in the directory, and to archive items.
The Extension Content Provider Application role does not allow full update
permission on all extension properties; for example an extension cannot enable or
disable itself, nor can it modify or override its own schedule.
To assign the Extension Content Provider Application role to an account
1 Run the Administration Console as the Vault Service account.
2 In the left pane, expand Enterprise Vault.
3 Right-click the Directory container and on the shortcut menu click Authorization
4 In the left pane of the Authorization Manager window, expand Role
5 Right-click Extension Content Provider Application and on the shortcut
menu click Assign Users and Groups.
6 Click From Windows and Active Directory and then add the account under
which the extension will run.
7 Close Authorization Manager and click Yes when you are asked whether you
want to save the Authorization Store to the Directory database.

Enabling an extension content provider

To enable an extension content provider
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the Enterprise Vault site
until the Extensions container is visible.
2 Expand the Extensions container and then click Content Providers. The
right-hand pane shows the extensions that have been installed.
3 Right-click the extension and on the shortcut menu click Properties.
4 On the properties General tab, select Enable.
5 Under Default Vault Store click Browse and select that vault store that you
want the extension to use.
Managing extension content providers 262
Viewing the content provider reports

6 Click the Schedule tab.

7 Select Always or set a schedule as required.
8 Click OK to close the properties.

Viewing the content provider reports

From the Administration Console you can view the following extension content
provider reports:
■ Content Providers Licensing and Usage Summary. This report provides the
following information:
■ The Symantec Enterprise Vault capacity license usage.
■ The total amount of data that has been ingested into Enterprise Vault by all
content providers, both capacity licensed and per-user licensed.

■ Content Provider Ingest History. This report shows the number and total size
of the items that a single content provider or content provider instance has
presented to Enterprise Vault for archiving over a chosen time period.
To view the Content Providers Licensing and Usage Summary report
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Directory.
2 Expand Extensions.
3 Right-click Content Providers and on the shortcut menu click Content
Providers Licensing and Usage Summary report.
To view the Content Provider Ingest History report
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Directory.
2 Expand Extensions.
3 Click Content Providers.
4 In the right pane, right-click the extension for which you want a report and on
the shortcut menu click Content Provider Ingest History Report.
You can also run the reports from the Common Tasks section in the Administration
Managing extension content providers 263
Viewing the content provider reports

To view reports from Common Taskks

1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, click the name of the Enterprise
Vault site.
2 In Common Tasks in the right pane, expand Enterprise Vault Server
3 Click Run operation reports.
For more information about the reports and how to use them, see the Reporting
Chapter 16
Exporting archives
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the Export Archive wizard

■ Importing (migrating) exported files

■ Starting the export with the Export Archive wizard

About the Export Archive wizard

Export Archive can be used to export archived items from the following archive
■ Exchange Mailbox archive
■ Exchange Journal archive
■ File System archive
■ Shared archive
Export Archive can be used with Exchange Server mailbox archiving only. If you
want to export items from Domino archives, see the description of Domino Archive
Exporter in the Utilities guide.
The Export Archive wizard lets you export archived items as follows:
■ Archives to PST files. This is useful when the following apply:
■ You want to give a user a personal copy of archived items, perhaps to use
when out of the office.
■ You want to send individual mailbox archives somewhere for safekeeping.

■ Archives to their original mailboxes. This is useful when the following apply:
■ You are transferring mailboxes and want to send the users' archived items
Exporting archives 265
Importing (migrating) exported files

■ You have been running a pilot installation of Enterprise Vault and now want
to copy everything that has been archived back to the original mailboxes.

■ A single archive to a chosen mailbox. This could be useful when the following
■ A person takes over an existing role within the company. For example, You
could export to the new mailbox everything that was archived from the old
mailbox with a particular retention category.
■ There is a legal investigation. You may want to copy everything that has
been archived from a particular mailbox to a new mailbox, ready for
subsequent investigation.

When you export, you can filter the output by date and by retention category. For
example, you can export items less than a year old that were archived with a
particular retention category.
When you export to PST files, the wizard lets you control the maximum size of the
output files. The default maximum of 600 MB is ideal for writing to CD. If a file
reaches the maximum size, the wizard automatically creates a numbered sequence
of files, none of which exceeds the maximum size.
Folders in PST files can contain a maximum of 16,383 items. This is a PST file
limitation. If a folder reaches this limit the Export Archive wizard automatically
creates a new folder of the same name but with a number suffix. For example, if
folder 'Inbox' is full, the Export Archive wizard automatically creates 'Inbox 1' to hold
further items.
For each PST file, the wizard creates a configuration file that you may need if you
intend to import the PST file contents back into Enterprise Vault. You can import
files that have been exported, so it is possible to move someone's archived items
to another Enterprise Vault system.
The following video demonstrates how to export an archive to a number of PST
Enterprise Vault - Export Archive.

Importing (migrating) exported files

When you migrate exported PST files to an archive, it is best to locate the destination
archive on a different vault store from the original archive. If these archives are on
the same vault store, then you must delete the original archive before migrating the
PST files. Failure to do this results in duplicate entries in the vault store database.
The following steps summarize the procedure for migrating PST files when the
destination archive is on the same vault store as the original archive.
Exporting archives 266
Importing (migrating) exported files

To migrate PST files to an archive on the same vault store as the original archive
1 After you have exported the archive to PST files using the Export Archive
wizard, ensure that the export was successful.
2 If the destination archive is to be associated with the same mailbox, then disable
the mailbox using the Enterprise Vault Administration Console.
3 In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, delete the original archive.
4 To create the destination archive, enable the associated mailbox.
5 Use PST Migration to import the PST files into the new archive. To fix any
broken shortcuts in the mailbox, configure PST migration as follows:
■ Do not create shortcuts to newly-archived items.
■ Import items to the root folder .
■ Merge the folder structures.

PST configuration files and exported archives

When you export archives to PST files, a configuration file is automatically created
for each PST file. This configuration file contains information that is needed if you
intend to import the PST file contents back into Enterprise Vault, including the
■ The retention category that was applied to all the items in the PST file.
■ The Vault ID, which is needed to correct the shortcuts that the move has broken.
At the bottom of the configuration file there is a section called
[RETENTION_CATEGORY] that shows details of the retention category that applies
to all the items in the corresponding PST file. The [RETENTION_CATEGORY]
section is present only if they were exported with Split PST files by retention
category selected in the Export Archive wizard. When you import, the wizard tries
to match the existing retention categories to the ones in the PST configuration file.
If the section is not present, there is no way to determine the original retention
category of the items.

Example PST configuration file with an exported archive

This example configuration file shows that the retention category Personal was
used when all the items in JohnSmith_Export_0001.pst were archived.

FILENAME = JohnSmith_Export_0001.pst
CREATED = 22Aug2002 10:01 AM
Exporting archives 267
Starting the export with the Export Archive wizard

NAME = John Smith
DEPT = Legal
TITLE = Audit Manager
NAME = John Smith
DESCRIPTION = Created by Enable Mailbox Wizard
NAME = Personal
DESCRIPTION = Personal items

It is possible that the retention category does not match any retention category in
your Enterprise Vault site. In this case you must decide on a suitable action, as
■ You can use an existing retention category that most closely matches the
retention category in the configuration file.
■ You can create a new retention category to match the one in the configuration
file. However, this new retention category is then available to all users and you
may find that its name is likely to confuse existing users.

Starting the export with the Export Archive wizard

When you are ready to export archived items to PST files or mailboxes, follow the
instructions below to start the Export Archive wizard.
To start the export
1 In the left-hand pane of the Administration Console, right-click the Archives
2 On the shortcut menu, click Export.
3 Work through the Export Archive wizard to complete the export.
Chapter 17
Introduction to PST
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Tools for migrating PST files

■ Feature comparison of PST migration tools

■ PST file marking to determine ownership

■ About the Personal Store Management node

■ Improving performance when archiving PST file contents

■ Migrating PST files in hosted environments

Tools for migrating PST files

Enterprise Vault provides the following tools for migrating (importing) the contents
of PST files to archives:
■ Scripted migration using Policy Manager. This tool is useful for performing bulk
migrations of PST files, but you need to collect the PST files in a central location.
See “Overview of the scripting mechanism for PST migration” on page 276.
■ PST Migrator wizard-assisted migration. If you have a small number of PST
files, this tool provides a quick way to migrate them to Enterprise Vault.
See “About the PST Migrator wizard” on page 285.
■ Locate and Migrate. This tool locates PST files on users’ computers, copies
them to a central location, and then migrates them. You can configure specific
paths to include or exclude during PST searching. Unless you have only a few
Introduction to PST migration 269
Feature comparison of PST migration tools

PST files to migrate, Locate and Migrate is likely to require least effort on your
See “About Locate and Migrate” on page 293.
■ Client-driven PST migration. This tool lets you configure users’ computers to
locate PST files automatically and copy them to a central PST holding folder.
Enterprise Vault then migrates the PST file contents from the holding folder to
Enterprise Vault archives.
You can also decide whether you want to give users control over migrating their
PST files.
Client-driven PST migration is useful in the following situations:
■ Users' computers are available on the network only occasionally.
■ You do not have permission to access PST files on the users' computers.
■ Users need continual access to their PST files.
See “About client-driven PST migration” on page 320.

Feature comparison of PST migration tools

Table 17-1 shows a feature comparison of the PST migration tools.

Table 17-1 Feature comparison of PST migration tools

Feature Scripted PST Locate and Client-driven

using Policy Migrator Migrate migration
Manager wizard

Simple to use for a few PST No Yes No No


Locate PST files on users’ No No Yes Yes


Allow users to decide whether No No No Yes

or not to migrate the PST files
that are found on their

Allow users to manually No No No Yes

submit PST files for migration

Collect users’ PST files in No No Yes Yes

central location

Suitable for migrating large Yes No Yes Yes

numbers of PST files
Introduction to PST migration 270
PST file marking to determine ownership

Table 17-1 Feature comparison of PST migration tools (continued)

Feature Scripted PST Locate and Client-driven

using Policy Migrator Migrate migration
Manager wizard

Can use supplied password No No Yes Yes

to open PST file

Can adjust Exchange Server No No Yes Yes


Use marking in PST to Yes Yes Yes No

determine archive

Use mail profile entry to No No Yes Yes

determine archive

Use name of host computer No No Yes No

to determine archive

PST file marking to determine ownership

By default, when a user starts Outlook, the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In writes
a marker into each PST file that is listed in the mail profile. The marker indicates
the Enterprise Vault site, the default archive, and the default retention category. All
the PST migration tools can use the marker to determine the owning mailbox and
then migrate the file contents to that mailbox's default archive. Marking PST files
can be enabled or disabled in Exchange Desktop policies using the setting, Mark
PST files, in the list of advanced Outlook settings.
If marking is switched on, the Outlook Add-In does the following when Outlook
■ Tries to open every PST that is listed in the user's mail profile. The next time
that the user starts Outlook, the Outlook Add-In prompts for passwords to
password-protected PSTs, and displays error messages for any inaccessible

Note: To avoid migration failures due to incorrect passwords or missing

passwords, you may edit the General tab of the site properties to allow Enterprise
Vault to override passwords and migrate the files.
Introduction to PST migration 271
About the Personal Store Management node

■ Does not update the PST file marker again except when a different mail profile
is used that lists the PST file. This means that Policy Manager assumes that
the owner of the PST file is the last profile that was used to access it.
■ Marks any further PST files that are subsequently added to the mail profile. The
marking happens when Outlook is started, so merely opening a PST file and
then closing it again is not sufficient to mark that PST.

About the Personal Store Management node

All the computers, mailboxes, and PST files that are found on the network are listed
in various nodes under the Personal Store Management node.
When you click Personal Store Management, the page that opens displays a
summary view of all the computers, mailboxes, and PST files that Enterprise Vault
The Personal Store Management node has the following nodes:
■ Files. This node contains information of the PST files that are being migrated
or have been migrated to Enterprise Vault. You can use various options to
change the migration status, priority, mailbox, archive, and retention category
of the listed files.
■ Computers. This node contains information of all the computers that have been
found on the network. You can enable or disable PST file searching on the listed
■ Mailboxes. This node contains information of the list of mailboxes that are
enabled for archiving. You can enable or disable the listed mailboxes for
client-driven migration.
You can sort and filter the displayed information, and also saved a collection of
items for future reference. You can also add, remove, or move columns to further
customize the display. You can save the customization you make to the display.
You can export the displayed items to a CSV file or an HTML file. Note that when
you export the details, Enterprise Vault exports the information in all the columns
irrespective of the customization made.

Note: This node includes only those PST files that are searched and migrated to
Enterprise Vault by the Locate and Migrate method or obtained by client-driven
migration. This node does not include the files that have been migrated to Enterprise
Vault using the wizard-assisted migration or the scripted migration.

For more information about each node, see the Administration Console help.
Introduction to PST migration 272
About the Personal Store Management node

If the Personal Store Management is taking a long time to load, it could be because
your Enterprise Vault server does not have a connection to the Internet. Refer to
the following Enterprise Vault TechNote for a possible workaround:

Creating filters
The parent nodes - Files, Computers, and Mailboxes - each have a Filters node.
The Filters node includes the predefined filters and the filter criteria that you have
created and saved for future reference. When you click a filter node, the filter is run
and the display is updated dynamically.
Note the following:
■ You can create up to 100 filters within each Filters node. You can configure
this number by creating a new DWORD registry value that is called
MaxFilterCount under the following registry key:

\Enterprise Vault

Note: We recommend that you limit the filter count to 100. Exceeding this value
may affect the performance of Enterprise Vault.

■ The Filters node of each parent node includes predefined filters that you can
■ You can rename or delete any of the filters created, including the predefined
■ To filter the list on the basis of multiple keywords, use commas to separate the
To create and save filters
1 Select the filter criteria you want to use to refine the list. You may select multiple
criteria by clicking the + button. Use the - button to remove filter criteria.
For example, to filter the list to see only those files that have failed to migrate,
do the following:
■ In the first drop-down menu, select Migration Status.
Introduction to PST migration 273
Improving performance when archiving PST file contents

■ In the second drop-down menu, select contains any of.

■ In the third drop-down menu, select Failed to migrate.

2 Click Apply. The display changes according to the filter criteria applied, and
the Apply button changes to Save.
3 Click Save.
4 In the Save dialog, do one of the following:
■ Click Save filter and enter a name and description for the filter.
■ Click Save results and enter a name and description for the saved results
folder. Alternatively, you may choose to add the displayed items to an
existing saved results folder.

5 Click Save. Saved filters are listed as separate nodes within the Filters node.
When you click the saved filter, the filter is run and the display is dynamically
updated. Saved results are listed as separate nodes within the Saved Results
node, and displays static data.

Improving performance when archiving PST file

When Enterprise Vault archives items, it converts the contents to HTML and indexes
them. The default conversion timeout for this process is 30 minutes. Enterprise
Vault makes three attempts to convert an item, and so can take up to 90 minutes
before it fails an item and moves to the next one.
If there are very large or complex items in a PST file, it can take a long time to
migrate them all. If you do not need the content of the items to be indexed, you can
improve performance by lowering the conversion timeout to a few minutes.
To change the conversion timeout
1 On the Storage service computer, set the string registry value
ConversionTimeout to the required timeout in minutes. The entry must be under
the following registry key:

\Enterprise Vault

2 Restart the Storage service.

Introduction to PST migration 274
Migrating PST files in hosted environments

Note: This change to the conversion timeout also affects normal archiving, so
remember to return it to the original value when you have migrated the PSTs.

You can also improve performance by making Enterprise Vault create text versions
rather than HTML versions of certain document types.
See “How to control content conversion” on page 371.

Migrating PST files in hosted environments

For each mail item that Enterprise Vault archives, it creates an XML document that
contains the item’s sender information and recipient information. This document is
archived with the item, and Enterprise Vault subsequently uses the XML data during
Enterprise Vault builds the XML data it requires from the sender information and
recipient information in each item as it is archived. However, if any of the information
is not present in the item, Enterprise Vault attempts to establish a connection to
the relevant Exchange server’s domain controller to gather the information. This
process requires that at least one Exchange server is targeted in your site.
If you migrate PST files in environments where no suitable Exchange server is
available to provide the information that Enterprise Vault requires, migration
performance can be degraded. For example, this situation can arise in the following
■ You migrate legacy data from the PST files that were created in an old Exchange
environment, whose Exchange servers no longer exist.
■ You migrate data from PST files in a hosted environment that has no Exchange
In cases like these, you should set a registry value to bypass the lookup of addresses
during archiving.
Introduction to PST migration 275
Migrating PST files in hosted environments

To bypass Active Directory address lookups

1 On every Enterprise Vault Storage service computer, create a new DWORD
registry value that is called BypassAddressLookups under the following registry

\Enterprise Vault

2 Set BypassAddressLookups to 1.
3 Restart the Storage service.
This setting allows PST migrations to use only the sender information and recipient
information that it finds in each mail item that it archives. Enterprise Vault does not
attempt to establish an Active Directory connection to resolve addresses.
Chapter 18
PST migration: scripted
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Overview of the scripting mechanism for PST migration

■ Undertaking the PST migration process using Policy Manager

■ Preparation for PST scripted migration

■ Output from PST migration

■ Example initialization file for PST scripted migration

Overview of the scripting mechanism for PST

You can perform scripted migrations of the contents of PST files to Enterprise Vault
using Policy Manager. For detailed information on Policy Manager, see the Utilities
The scripting mechanism enables you to configure how each PST file is processed.
For example, for each PST file you can do the following:
■ Specify the destination archive.
■ Specify whether to create shortcuts to migrated items and, if so, whether to
leave them in the PST file or to put them in a specific folder in the user's mailbox.
■ Specify which retention category to use for migrated items.
■ Control what happens to the PST file itself after the items in it have been
You write the Policy Manager initialization file, in which you list each of the files
whose contents you want to migrate to Enterprise Vault. You can set up default
PST migration: scripted 277
Undertaking the PST migration process using Policy Manager

settings that apply to all PST files and you can override the default settings for
individual PST files.
It is possible for you to make Enterprise Vault clients save details of the owner's
default archive in each PST file (PST marking). Policy Manager can then use this
information to determine the correct archive and mailbox to use for each PST file.
If you prefer to not to use this mechanism, or to override it for some PST files, then
for individual PST files you can override these values.
When you migrate PSTs using Policy Manager you can use report mode to check
all the PST files listed in your initialization file. This mode generates a new copy of
the initialization file, with lines that identify any problems. Entries for PST files that
cannot be processed are marked so that PST migrator ignores these files.
You can then do either of the following:
■ Fix any problems and run the Policy Manager in report mode again to see
whether there are any more problems. When the file is error free, you can run
it in process mode to process all the files. You can run in report mode as many
times as needed. Each time, Policy Manager creates a new initialization file that
you can then run normally or use to fix problems.
■ Run in process mode immediately. Files that could cause problems have been
marked so that Policy Manager ignores them. You can then decide later what
to do with these problem files.
Note the following:
■ Policy Manager uses only message class and shortcut content settings from
the Exchange PST Migration policy. The rest of the settings in the policy are
■ Policy Manager can use the information written into the PST file by PST marking
to identify the mailbox and archive associated with the PST file.
■ Symantec recommend that you do not use Policy Manager to perform other
tasks at the same time as performing PST migrations.
■ If you have only a few PST files to migrate, you may find it easier to use the
wizard-assisted PST migration tool instead.
See “About the PST Migrator wizard” on page 285.

Undertaking the PST migration process using Policy

In outline, you perform scripted migrations with Policy Manager as follows.
PST migration: scripted 278
Preparation for PST scripted migration

To undertake the migration process using Policy Manager

1 Decide whether to use markers within PST files to determine their ownership.
By default, PST files are marked. You can turn off PST file marking in Exchange
Desktop policies using the setting, Mark PST files, in the list of advanced
Outlook settings.
See “ PST file marking to determine ownership” on page 270.
2 Write the Policy Manager initialization file to specify which PST files you want
to migrate to Enterprise Vault. In the file, specify that Policy Manager is to run
in report mode. Remember to save the initialization file in Unicode format.
3 Run Policy Manager in report mode with the initialization file.
Policy Manager does the following:
■ Checks all the PST files listed are accessible.
■ Creates a new initialization file that shows any problems with the listed PST
files, such as files that could not be accessed or are password protected.
The new initialization file has the same name as the original, with a number
added to make it unique. For example, if the original script was called
PSTMigration.ini then the new script would be called

■ Creates a log file with the same name as the original initialization file and
a file type of .log. For example, if the original script was called
PSTMigration.ini then the log would be called PSTMigration.log.

4 You can fix problems that are listed in the new initialization file, or you can
leave them for later.
5 Run Policy Manager with the new initialization file. Policy Manager migrates
the file contents and writes a log file with the same name as the initialization
file and a file type of .log
If any PST files fail the migration process, Policy Manager automatically writes
a new script that you can run to process just those failed files.
If necessary, fix any problems and then run the new script to migrate the
contents of just those PST files that were not processed before.

Preparation for PST scripted migration

■ Policy Manager only uses a limited number of settings in Exchange PST
Migration policies. Enterprise Vault archives items from the PST files according
to the following settings in your Enterprise Vault installation:
PST migration: scripted 279
Preparation for PST scripted migration

■ Enterprise Vault archives only the classes of items that are defined as eligible
for archiving on the Message Classes tab in Exchange PST Migration
■ The migration obeys the registry settings that are set for the Storage service.
■ If you have configured customized shortcuts on the Shortcut Content tab
of the Exchange PST Migration policy, then the PST Migrator uses these
settings. Otherwise the shortcut content settings that are configured in the
Exchange Mailbox policy are used.

■ Items can be assigned a specific retention category during PST migration. You
may want such items to retain this retention category if they are moved later to
a folder with a different retention category. To prevent Enterprise Vault from
changing the retention category, ensure that the policy option, Include items
with Retention Category selected by the user, set by a custom filter, or set
by PST migration is not selected. This option is on the Moved items tab of the
Exchange mailbox policy properties.
■ The PST files must not be in use at the time of migration, so make sure that
users do not have them open. You may find that it is better to move the PST
■ The best procedure may be to gather all the PST files into the same place and
then to migrate them from there. This makes it easier to generate the initialization
file, assign permissions, and to manage files. Note though, that you may have
some file name conflicts if there are PST files with the same name. Also, if any
PST files are likely to be unmarked ensure that you know the owners because
there may be no identifying information in the PST.
■ The Vault Service account must have Full Control access to the PST file.
■ The Storage service for the destination vault store must be running.
■ PST files that are password protected cannot be processed. You must remove
such protection before migrating their contents.
Alternatively, you may allow Enterprise Vault to override PST passwords during
PST migration. To override passwords, enable Override passwords for
password-protected PST files in the General tab of the site properties.
■ If you intend to use the automatic PST compaction feature at the end of
migrations, you may need some spare disk capacity for the compaction to take
place. You can need as much as the size of the largest PST file, plus
approximately 5% of its size. You may choose to ignore compaction if you plan
to delete the PST files after migration.
■ Policy Manager migration checks the mailbox storage limit when a mailbox has
either Prohibit Send or Prohibit Send & Receive mailbox limits set. If both these
limits are set, Policy Manager does not move any item to the mailbox that
PST migration: scripted 280
Output from PST migration

exceeds the lower limit. If only one of the limits is set, then Policy Manager obeys
that limit.
Note that, even if the storage limit prevents items from being moved to the
mailbox, the items are still archived in the appropriate archive. In this case you
can increase the mailbox quota and then migrate the PST file again to move
the items to the mailbox.

Output from PST migration

When you run Policy Manager with an initialization file containing a [PSTdefaults]
section, Policy Manager automatically writes a new initialization file that contains
details of any problems that it found.
The new initialization file has the following features:
■ There is a [PSTcheckpoint] section at the top of the file, summarizing the results
of the run.
■ If you had been using process mode then the following apply:
■ All [PST] sections for files that were processed successfully are commented
■ There is a JobStatus entry in each [PST] section, indicating for that file, either
success or the type of error that occurred.

[PSTcheckpoint] section PST scripted migration

The contents of the [PSTcheckpoint] section vary according to whether you run the
initialization file in report mode or process mode.

Report mode [PSTcheckpoint] section

The following [PSTcheckpoint] section results from running an initialization file in
report mode. The Generation count of 1 shows that these results are from the first
run of the file:

CREATED = 02Oct2008 10:58:02 AM
SOURCE = E:\EV\pstmigration\pstlist.ini

The following entries are of interest:

PST migration: scripted 281
Output from PST migration

■ PSTPROCESSEDCOUNT = 118 shows that the file contains references to 118 PST
■ PSTNOTREADYCOUNT = 3 shows that there are three files with problems. The
Report_Error entries in the individual [PST] sections give you more information.
Policy Manager automatically adds DONOTPROCESS = TRUE to each of these
[PST] sections.
■ PSTWARNINGCOUNT = 2 shows that there are two files with warnings. In this case,
these are both marked PST files whose markings are intentionally being
overridden. The Report_Error entries in the individual [PST] sections gives more
Because Policy Manager has added the DONOTPROCESS = TRUE entries to each of
the problem PST files, you could run this new initialization file in process mode
immediately, leaving the problem PSTs to be addressed later. Alternatively, you
could fix the problems, remove the DONOTPROCESS = TRUE entries, and then run
the file again in either report mode or process mode.

Process mode [PSTcheckpoint] section

The following [PSTcheckpoint] section results from running an initialization file in
process mode. The Generation count of 2 shows that these results are from the
second run of the file:

CREATED = 02Oct2008 10:59:36 AM
SOURCE = E:\EV\pstmigration\pstlist.ini

The following entries are of interest:

■ PSTPROCESSEDCOUNT = 115 shows that 115 PST files were processed.
This is the same initialization file as shown above in the Report mode description.
The three problem files have been left with DONOTPROCESS = TRUE entries,
so Policy Manager has ignored them.
■ PSTFAILEDCOUNT = 0 shows that there were no files for which processing
could not be tried.
■ PSTUNPROCESSEDCOUNT = 3 shows that three files were ignored. These
are the three files with DONOTPROCESS = TRUE entries.
PST migration: scripted 282
Output from PST migration

■ PSTINCOMPLETECOUNT = 0 shows that no PST files were processed only

partially. Policy Manager's processing was not interrupted.
■ PSTPARTIALCOUNT = 0 shows that there were no PST files with individual
items that could not be processed. If there had been such items, Policy Manager
would have placed them in the Migration Failed Items folder in the PST files.

Enterprise Vault event log for PST scripted migration

When you run in process mode, the Enterprise Vault event log also contains one
entry for each PST file processed. The entries appear in the Enterprise Vault event
log with a source of Migrator Server. For example, the following log entry is for a
PST file that contained 560 items and resulted in 560 shortcuts being placed in the

PST Migration Report

Migration status: Completed
PST file: E:\Vault Test files\TestPSTs\um1.pst
Vault Name: Chris Waterlander
Vault Id:
RetentionCategory: Business
Exchange Server\Mailbox:
Number of folders processed: 43
Number of items archived to vault: 560
Total size of items archived: 137876 KB
Number of items unable to be archived: 0
Number of items moved to mailbox: 560
Elapsed Migration Time: 0:0:6 (hours:minutes:seconds)

There is a summary log entry for each PST file that is migrated. The entry lists the
number of items that have been archived and also the number of items that have
been moved to the mailbox.
Some items may not be eligible for archiving or moving to the mailbox. This is the
case if they have a message class that you have specifically excluded from being
archived (using the Message Classes tab of the Exchange PST Migration policy
in the Administration Console), or if they were created on a computer that uses a
language incompatible with that of the Storage service computer. For example, if
a PST file contains a mixture of Japanese and English items, and the Storage
Service computer uses Japanese, the English items are not eligible for archiving.
PST migration: scripted 283
Example initialization file for PST scripted migration

Example initialization file for PST scripted migration

The initialization file must be saved as a Unicode file.
Table 18-1 shows a sample initialization file that sets up migrations for five PST

Table 18-1 Sample initialization file

Initialization file section Notes

[Directory] ■ The directory section is mandatory and must

appear at the top of the file.
directorycomputername = server2
■ This section contains the name of the
sitename = server2 Enterprise Vault directory computer and the
site name.

[PSTDefaults] ■ These default options apply to all PST

migrations listed in the following [PST] sections
ServerComputerName = server2
unless overridden in those sections.
PSTLanguage = Western European ■ PST Language is mandatory.
MailboxFolder = EVPM PST Migrations ■ There must only one [PSTDefaults] section and
it must appear before the individual [PST]
MigrationMode = Report
ShortcutMode = NoShortcuts ■ MigrationMode=Report specifies that this
initialization file is to run in report mode.
IncludeDeletedItems = false
■ ShortcutMode=NoShortcuts means that,
SetPstHidden = false by default, there will be no shortcuts to the
SetPstReadOnly = false migrated items. Items that cannot be migrated
will be left in the PST files, not moved to the
CompactPst = true
mailboxes. You can override this behavior for
DeletePst = false individual PST files.

CancelMbxAutoArchive = false

[PST] ■ The [PST] sections must appear after the

[PSTDefaults] section
Filename = E:\Migration\Missing.pst
■ As a minimum each section must specify the
PST filename.
■ If an option is unspecified then Policy Manager
uses the value in the [PstDefaults] section.
■ This marked file is missing and will produce an
error when Policy Manager runs.
PST migration: scripted 284
Example initialization file for PST scripted migration

Table 18-1 Sample initialization file (continued)

Initialization file section Notes

[PST] ■ This file is on a remote computer.

Filename = \\server3\temp\marked1.pst ■ This PST file has been marked by the
Enterprise Vault client so that Policy Manager
can automatically determine the target archive,
the Exchange Server mailbox, and the retention

[PST] ■ This PST file has been marked by the

Enterprise Vault client so that Policy Manager
Filename = E:\Migration\marked2.pst
can automatically determine the target archive,
MailboxDN = /o=ACME/ the Exchange Server mailbox, and the retention
ou=DEVELOPER/cn=Recipients/ category.
cn=JackH ■ The MailboxDN setting is overriding the PST
ShortcutMode = MailboxShortcuts marking. This will result in a warning when the
initialization file is processed. The file will be
processed correctly, using the specified
enabled mailbox and that mailbox's default
retention category and archive.
■ Policy Manager will create shortcuts to archived
items and place them, together with any items
that remain in the PST at the end of the
migration, into the mailbox.

[PST] ■ This PST file has been marked by the

Enterprise Vault client.
Filename = E:\Migration\marked3.pst
■ The ArchiveName setting is overriding the
ArchiveName = Jack Henry2 owner entry that the client made. This will result
in a warning when the initialization file is
processed. The PST file will be processed
correctly, using the specified archive and the
default retention category from the owning

[PST] This file has not been marked by an Enterprise

Vault client.
Filename = E:\Migration\unmarked.pst

RetentionCategory = Business
Chapter 19
PST migration:
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the PST Migrator wizard

■ Outline of the wizard-assisted PST migration process

■ Preparation for the wizard-assisted PST migration process

■ Migration tips for the wizard-assisted PST migration process

■ How the wizard-assisted PST migration process affects users

■ Starting the wizard-assisted PST migration process

About the PST Migrator wizard

PST Migrator is a wizard that lets you store the contents of PST files in Enterprise
The main features of the wizard are as follows:
■ You can migrate several PST files at the same time.
■ You can either match PSTs to archives manually, or allow PST Migrator to do
an automatic correlation based on the permissions set on the PST files. The
automatic correlation can save you a lot of time, but it is important that you
understand the process and make suitable preparations.
■ PST Migrator processes PST files that are on a mapped network drive or in a
shared network folder. You cannot use it to search across users' disks, migrating
all the PST files that it finds.
PST migration: wizard-assisted 286
Outline of the wizard-assisted PST migration process

■ PST Migrator archives only those types of items for which you have enabled
archiving. To view or modify the types of items that are archived, start the
Administration Console and go to the Message Classes tab of the Exchange
PST Migration policy properties.
■ If you have configured customized shortcuts in the Exchange PST Migration
policy, then the PST Migrator uses these settings. Otherwise the shortcut content
settings configured in the Exchange Mailbox policy are used.
■ You specify the required archiving settings as you work through the wizard.
PST migrator does not use any other settings from the Exchange PST Migration
It is impossible to specify a migration process that suits everybody. For example,
you may want to delete PST files after migrating them or you may want to continue
using them. PST Migrator provides great flexibility, but you must think carefully
about how you want to carry out the migration.

Outline of the wizard-assisted PST migration process

In outline, you perform wizard-assisted PST migrations as follows.
To undertake the migration process
1 Decide whether to use markers within PST files to determine their ownership.
By default, PST files are marked. You can turn off PST file marking in Exchange
Desktop policies using the setting, Mark PST files, in the list of advanced
Outlook settings.
See “ PST file marking to determine ownership” on page 270.
2 In the Administration Console, right-click the Archives container and, on the
shortcut menu, click Import PST. The PST Migration wizard starts.
3 Select a vault store to use. You cannot select a vault store that is in backup
4 Add to the list the PST files that you want to migrate to Enterprise Vault. You
can select PST files from multiple mapped drives or network drives, but note
that the Enterprise Vault Storage service must be able to access them.
5 Select how to match PST files with destination archives. You can choose either
automatic correlation, or manual.
6 Specify the default retention category to use for items from PST files that do
not have marking information, or if you have chosen not to use marking
PST migration: wizard-assisted 287
Outline of the wizard-assisted PST migration process

7 Each PST file is listed together with the associated mailbox and destination
archive, if known. It is important that you check the list of matches before
beginning the migration. You can select or change the destination archive for
a PST file, or remove PST files from the list, if necessary.
8 Each PST file is listed together with the retention category that will be applied
to the items when they are archived. If required, you can change the retention
category for individual PST files. You can choose an existing retention category
or create a new one.
9 Specify whether PST Migrator is to create shortcuts for the items it archives.
You can configure PST Migrator to do either of the following:
■ Archive the items and delete the original items from the PST without creating
■ Create shortcuts in the PST files and delete the original items after they
have been archived. You might select this if users will still have access to
the PST files at the end of the migration. The users must move the shortcuts
to their mailboxes before they will work.
■ Create shortcuts in the associated mailboxes and delete the original items
from the PST files after they have been archived.

10 Specify the required folder structure that the PST Migrator is to create in the
mailbox for shortcuts to migrated items. You can specify a mailbox folder that
is to correspond with the root folder in the PST file. Where there are several
PST files to migrate, you can choose to merge the folder structures or keep
them separate.
11 Select the language of the PST files to be migrated.
12 Specify whether PST Migrator is to migrate the Deleted Items folder in the
PST files, or leave it in the PST file.
If calendar items are to be archived, specify whether PST Migrator is to migrate
unexpired calendar items.
13 Specify what to do with each PST file after it has been processed. You can
select the following:
■ Leave the file as it is.
■ Delete the file.
■ Compact the file to free up disk space.
■ Set permission on the file to read-only to prevent users adding items to the
PST migration: wizard-assisted 288
Preparation for the wizard-assisted PST migration process

■ Hide the file. If you are not migrating all the PST files at the same time, this
can help you to see how many PST files are left to migrate. The next time
you run PST Migrator the hidden PST files will not be visible, provided that
you have set your desktop so that it does not show hidden files.

14 Specify whether PST Migrator is to create a report file for the migration. Report
files are created in the Reports subfolder of the Enterprise Vault installation
15 Start the migration.
During the migration, the PST Migrator writes two events to the Enterprise
Vault event log for each PST file, one when it starts processing the file, and
another when it has finished.
If an item cannot be migrated, it is moved to a folder called PST Migration
Failed Items in the PST file.

Preparation for the wizard-assisted PST migration

■ The PST files must not be in use at the time of migration, so make sure that
users do not have them open. You may choose to copy PST files so that users
can continue using the original files while you migrate the contents of the copies.
■ The Vault Service account must have Full Control access to the PST file. If you
plan to perform PST migration using a different account, then both the account
and the Vault Service account must have Full Control access to the PST file.
■ The Storage service for the destination vault store must be running.
■ PST Migrator's automatic correlation rejects any PST file that has more than
one user account with write permission, leaving you to do the correlation
manually. You may find it easier to set the permissions appropriately before
running PST Migrator.
■ PST Migrator does not migrate the PST files that are password protected. You
must remove such protection before running PST Migrator.
Alternatively, you may allow Enterprise Vault to override PST passwords during
PST migration. To override passwords, enable Override passwords for
password-protected PST files in the General tab of the site properties.
■ Items can be assigned a specific retention category during PST migration. You
may want such items to retain this retention category if they are moved later to
a folder with a different retention category. To prevent Enterprise Vault from
changing the retention category, ensure that the policy option, Include items
with Retention Category selected by the user, set by a custom filter, or set
PST migration: wizard-assisted 289
Migration tips for the wizard-assisted PST migration process

by PST migration is not selected. This option is on the Moved items tab of the
Exchange mailbox policy properties.
■ If PST files are scattered in different locations on users' disks, you may find it
easier to move them all to a central location before you run PST Migrator.
■ If you have PST files that must be migrated to different vault stores, the quickest
way to sort them is to use the automatic correlation within PST Migrator and
remove those that do not correlate.
See “Migration tips for the wizard-assisted PST migration process” on page 289.
■ If you intend to use the automatic PST compaction feature at the end of
migrations, you may need some spare disk capacity to provide room for the
compaction to take place. You can need as much as the size of the largest PST
file, plus approximately 5% of its size.
■ PST Migrator checks the mailbox storage limit when a mailbox has either Prohibit
Send or Prohibit Send & Receive mailbox limits set. If both these limits are set,
PST Migrator does not migrate the items that exceed the lower limit. If only one
of the limits is set, then PST Migrator obeys that limit.
If a PST file fails migration because the mailbox is full, you can modify the
appropriate mailbox storage limit and then migrate the PST file again.

Migration tips for the wizard-assisted PST migration

■ Migrate a few PST files and then, when you are familiar with the process,
increase the numbers.
■ Migration is much easier if you have PST files in just a few locations, rather than
in many.
■ Sort out the permissions on the PST files before running PST Migrator, otherwise
they will just fail.
■ There is a Windows server command-line utility, CACLS, which you can use to
grant the Vault Service account Full Control access to the PST files.
■ You can run more than one instance of PST Migrator. There is no point in running
more instances than you have processors. For example, if you have two
processors, then do not run more than two instances of PST Migrator. If the
computer is also archiving at the same time, then reduce the number of PST
Migrator instances.
■ When Enterprise Vault archives items, it also converts the contents to HTML
and indexes them. There is a default conversion timeout of 10 minutes for this
PST migration: wizard-assisted 290
Migration tips for the wizard-assisted PST migration process

process. Enterprise Vault makes three attempts to convert an item, so can take
up to 30 minutes before failing an item and moving on to the next one.
If there are very large, or very complex, items in a PST file, it can take a long
time to migrate them all. If you do not need the content of the items to be indexed,
then you can improve performance by lowering the conversion timeout to just
a few minutes.
This change to the conversion timeout also affects normal archiving, so
remember to return it to the original value when you have migrated the PST
To change the conversion timeout, perform the following steps in the order listed:
■ On the Storage service computer, set the following string registry value to
the timeout, in minutes, that you want to use:

\Enterprise Vault

■ Restart the Storage service.

■ If you have PST files in the same location that you want to go to different vault
stores, the quickest way to do this is as follows:
■ Run PST Migrator and select the first archive store that you want to use.
■ Select all the PST files, including those that should go to other vault stores.
■ Select automatic correlation. PST Migrator will open the vault store and
match PST files to archives within that vault store. All other PST files will not
be matched.
■ Click the Archive heading on the screen to sort by destination archive. This
puts at the top of the list all the PSTs that could not be matched to archives.
■ Drag-select all the PSTs that could not be matched to archives and then
click Remove.
■ On the PST Migrator screen that asks What do you want to do with PSTs
after all items are successfully migrated from each?, select Hide them.
■ At the end of the migration, PST Migrator hides the PST files that were
migrated. The next time you run PST Migrator, these PST files will not appear
in the list of PST files available for migration. The files appear hidden only
if you have set your desktop so that it does not show hidden files.
PST migration: wizard-assisted 291
How the wizard-assisted PST migration process affects users

■ Repeat the process, running PST Migrator again, this time choosing a
different vault store.
■ When you have worked through all the vault stores, you may have some
PST files left that failed to migrate. Run PST Migrator again and manually
select the correct archive for each PST

■ If you run PST Migrator on a computer that is not running the Storage service
for the vault store, then you cannot choose PSTs on a local disk. However, you
can choose PSTs from a mapped network drive or a shared network folder.

How the wizard-assisted PST migration process

affects users
■ You can migrate the contents of PST files, choosing to create shortcuts to
migrated items, as follows:
■ If you create shortcuts in mailboxes, then PST Migrator duplicates the folder
structure of the PST files under a new, top-level folder in the mailboxes.
■ If you create shortcuts in PST files to which users still have access, then the
users must move the shortcuts to their mailboxes before the shortcuts will

■ If users store new items in a PST file that has been migrated, you can run the
migration again at any time, again creating shortcuts to migrated items. PST
Migrator will migrate the new items.
■ You can delete PST files at the end of the migration. If you do this then,
obviously, the files are no longer available to users.
■ If a user has configured Outlook to deliver new mail to a PST file rather than to
the mailbox, there will be errors when Outlook next starts, as follows:
■ If the PST file no longer exists, there is an error as soon as Outlook starts
and the user is then given the option to create a new PST file.
■ If the PST file still exists but is read-only, then there will be an error as soon
as the user tries to access the PST or tries to create a mail message.
The best solution is for users to make sure, before you perform the migration,
that mail is not being delivered to PST files.

Starting the wizard-assisted PST migration process

When you have completed the preparatory steps, you are ready to start the PST
PST migration: wizard-assisted 292
Starting the wizard-assisted PST migration process

To start the migration

1 In the left-hand pane of the Administration Console, expand the view until
Archives is visible.
2 Right-click Archives and, on the shortcut menu, click Import PST. The PST
Migration wizard starts.
3 Work through the wizard.
Chapter 20
PST migration: Locate and
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About Locate and Migrate

■ Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

■ Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

■ Excluding network shares from PST migration using the

PstLocatorTask.exe.config file

■ Troubleshooting PST migration

About Locate and Migrate

Locate and Migrate partially automates the process of migrating the contents of
PST files into Enterprise Vault. It can automatically search for PST files on users’
computers and move them to a central holding area, from which they can be
automatically migrated.
Depending on the configuration options that you select, there may be some manual
intervention that is required to approve migration of PST files. Additionally, you may
need to supply the passwords for password-protected PST files.
For password-protected PST files you may allow Enterprise Vault to override the
passwords during PST migration. This setting is useful in cases the password is
missing or is incorrectly provided. To override passwords, enable Override
passwords for password-protected PST files in the General tab of the site
Locate and Migrate comprises several Enterprise Vault task types:
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 294
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

■ A PST Locator task. This task searches your network for computers and PST
files. You can configure specific paths to include or exclude during PST
searching. There can be only one PST Locator task in your Enterprise Vault
■ A PST Collector task. This task moves the PST files that the PST Locator task
has found to a central PST holding folder, ready for them to be migrated. This
task uses the migration priority of the file when it collects files. There can be
many PST Collector tasks in your Enterprise Vault site.
■ A PST Migrator task. This task migrates the contents of PST files that are in the
PST holding folder to Enterprise Vault archives. This task uses the migration
priority of the file when it migrates files. There can be many PST Migrator tasks
in your Enterprise Vault site.

Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

Table 20-1 outlines the preparations that you need to make to set up PST Locate
and Migrate.

Table 20-1 Steps to configure PST Locate and Migrate

Step Action Description

Step 1 Decide whether to use PST marking. See “ PST file marking to determine
ownership” on page 270.

Step 2 Decide whether you want to use See “Administrator roles required to
accounts other than the Vault Service manage PST Locate and Migrate”
account to manage PST migration on page 294.
objects in the Administration Console.

Step 3 Create or edit Exchange PST See “How to edit the Exchange PST
Migration policies. Migration policy” on page 295.

Step 4 Configure the network share that is See “Configuring the holding folder for PST
to be used as the central PST holding Locate and Migrate” on page 296.

Step 5 Create and configure PST Locator, See “Creating and configuring the PST
PST Collector, and PST Migrator Locator, PST Collector, and PST Migrator
tasks. tasks” on page 298.

Administrator roles required to manage PST Locate and Migrate

If you want an account other than the Vault Service account to manage PST
migration objects in the Administration Console, the account must have either the
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 295
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

PST Administrator role or the Power Administrator role. The Vault Service account
has access to all objects and functions in the Administration Console.
The accounts under which the PST Locator, PST Collector, and PST Migrator tasks
run must have appropriate access to the computers to be searched, and the PST
files to be processed. The PST Migrator task requires access to the computers and
original PST files for post-migration operations.
All the tasks also need appropriate access to the PST holding folder.
See “Configuring the holding folder for PST Locate and Migrate” on page 296.
The PST Migrator task account must have full access to its temporary files folder.
See “How to configure the PST Migrator task” on page 303.
Depending on the type of search that has been configured for the PST Locator task,
the account must either be able to scan remotely the registry on each computer or
have access to the drives on each computer.
To ensure that the tasks have adequate access to all the computers in the domain,
you can run the tasks under the accounts that are members of the domain
administrators' group. Use the settings on the Log On page of the task properties
to specify the account.
For details of the permissions that the account needs, see the online Help for the
Log On page. In addition, the account must have either the PST Administrator role
or the Power Administrator role.

Note: It is not advisable to add the Vault Service account to the domain
administrators' group.

How to edit the Exchange PST Migration policy

To customize the way that PST files are migrated for a group of users, you can edit
the settings in the Exchange PST Migration policy that is associated with the
provisioning group to which the users' mailboxes belong. Exchange PST Migration
policies are listed under Policies > Exchange in the Administration Console.
The Exchange PST Migration policy properties include settings to define the
■ Whether to create shortcuts for migrated items, and where to create them.
■ Custom shortcuts.
■ Whether to adjust Exchange Server quotas to accommodate the additional
shortcuts in mailboxes.
■ The default retention category.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 296
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

■ The migration priority that the PST Collector and PST Migrator should use to
collect and migrate PST files.
■ The classes of items to migrate.
■ Whether to allow users to submit PST files for migration and change the retention
category of files that they choose to migrate.
■ The paths that the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In should specifically look in
or ignore when it searches for PST files on users' computers.
■ Whether to migrate the Deleted Items folder and unexpired calendar items.
■ The folder structure to create for shortcuts in users' mailboxes.
■ The Windows code page to use if the PST Migrator creates folders in users'
■ How to process PST files after successful migration.
■ The notification emails that you want Enterprise Vault to send for various PST
migration events.
When items have been migrated, the original items in the PST files are not deleted.
If you want to delete the PST files after successful migration, choose to do so on
the Post Migration tab of the PST Migration policy.

Configuring the holding folder for PST Locate and Migrate

You configure the PST holding folder in Enterprise Vault site properties. The folder
that you select must be a network share. The accounts that are used to configure
the folder, or run the PST Locator, PST Collector, and PST Migrator tasks on all
Enterprise Vault servers in the site must have access to the PST holding folder.
The access permission that is required is shown in Table 20-2.

Table 20-2 Access required to the PST holding folder

Account Access required

Account used to configure the PST holding Read. Access can be removed after
folder configuration, if required.

Logon account that the PST Locator task Delete.


Logon account that the PST Collector task Delete.


Logon account that the PST Migrator task Delete.

PST migration: Locate and Migrate 297
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

To configure the holding folder for PST Locate and Migrate

1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, display the Enterprise Vault Site
2 On the General tab, click Browse next to PST holding folder.
A prompt asks whether you want to browse Regular or Hidden shares.
3 Select the type of share that you intend to specify for the PST holding folder,
and then click OK.
4 In the Browse for Folder dialog box, expand Entire Network > Microsoft
Windows Network. Expand the required domain and then the server on which
the share is located. The list of shares that are displayed contains shared
folders to which the account has access.
5 Select the folder that you want to use for the PST holding folder and then click
6 Click OK to close Site Properties.

Determining the size of the holding folder for PST Locate and
In Enterprise Vault site properties you can specify a maximum size in gigabytes for
the PST holding folder. The size that is specified applies to each PST Collector
task. For example, if you specify the maximum folder size as 5 GB, and there are
two PST Collector tasks configured, then the total maximum size of the PST holding
folder is 10 GB.
The PST Migrator task should empty the PST holding folder during its scheduled
daily run. If PST files remain in the PST holding folder, they are not migrated until
the next scheduled run starts. As PST files are set to read-only during migration,
users cannot access these PST files for an extended period.
You can use one of the following techniques to ensure that the PST Migrator task
empties the PST holding folder:
■ Set a suitable maximum size for the PST holding folder that ensures the PST
Migrator task can empty the folder during its scheduled daily run.
■ Set a small maximum size for the PST holding folder, and then schedule the
PST Collector task so that it keeps the folder full. Set the schedule for the PST
Collector task so that it ends before the end of the PST Migrator task schedule.
This approach ensures that the PST Migrator task has time to empty the folder
during its scheduled run.
■ When the PST Migrator task runs, it generates a report file. You can use the
information in this report to determine the average number of PST files that the
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 298
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

task can migrate during its scheduled run. In the properties of the PST Collector
task, you can then specify the maximum number of PST files to store in the PST
holding folder.

Creating and configuring the PST Locator, PST Collector, and PST
Migrator tasks
To use the PST Locate and Migrate tool, you create and configure the following
■ PST Locator task. This task searches your network for domains, computers,
and PST files. You can configure specific paths to include or exclude during
PST searching. There can be only one PST Locator task in each Enterprise
Vault site. The PST Locator task is not required for client-driven PST migration.
■ PST Collector task. This task moves the PST files that the PST Locator task
has found to a central PST holding folder, ready for them to be migrated. This
task uses the migration priority of the file when it collects files. There can be
many PST Collector tasks in each Enterprise Vault site, but only one PST
Collector task per Enterprise Vault server. You need to configure a PST Collector
task on each Enterprise Vault server that hosts archives to which you intend to
migrate PST files. The PST Collector task is not required for client-driven PST
■ PST Migrator task. This task migrates the contents of PST files that are in the
PST holding folder to Enterprise Vault archives. This task uses the migration
priority of the file when it migrates files. There can be many PST Migrator tasks
in your Enterprise Vault site. You need to configure a PST Migrator task on each
Enterprise Vault server that hosts archives to which you intend to migrate PST
The Locate and Migrate tasks run according to schedules that you define. However,
there is also the Run Now option for each task so that you can run it immediately,
if required.
To create a PST Locator task
1 In the Administration Console, expand your site until the Enterprise Vault
Servers container is visible.
2 Expand Enterprise Vault Servers and then expand the server on which you
want to add the PST Locator task.
3 Right-click Tasks and then, on the shortcut menu, click New > PST Locator
The New PST Locator task wizard starts.
4 Work through the wizard to create the task.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 299
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

To create a PST Collector task

1 In the Administration Console, expand your site until the Enterprise Vault
Servers container is visible.
2 Expand Enterprise Vault Servers and then expand the server on which you
want to add the PST Collector task.
3 Right-click Tasks and then, on the shortcut menu, click New > PST Collector
The New PST Collector task wizard starts.
4 Work through the wizard.
To create a PST Migrator task
1 In the Administration Console, expand your site until the Enterprise Vault
Servers container is visible.
2 Expand Enterprise Vault Servers and then expand the server on which you
want to add the PST Migrator task.
3 Right-click Tasks and then, on the shortcut menu, click New > PST Migrator
The New PST Migrator task wizard starts.
4 Work through the wizard.
You need to supply the location of a folder that the task can use to hold
temporary copies of the PST files during migration. This folder must be on a
local drive. The account under which the PST Migrator task runs must have
full access to the folder.

Note: Do not change the location of this folder while the PST Migrator task
runs, or while Locate and Migrate processes PST files.

After you have created a PST Locator, PST Collector, or PST Migrator task, you
can configure each task using the task properties. Double-click the task to display
the task properties.

How to configure the PST Locator task

The PST Locator task properties include the following pages:
■ General. Properties on this page let you configure how often the task should
retry a failed operation, and the number of report files to keep.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 300
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

■ Settings. On this page you configure how the task is to search for domains,
computers, and PST files.
■ Select whether the task is to use NetBIOS or Active Directory to find the
domains and computers on which PST files reside.
■ You can configure the task to search computers for PST files using a registry
or hard disk search. A registry search uses remote registry calls to search
the Outlook profile for PST files. If a PST file is found in a profile, the
Exchange mailbox in the profile is noted. If an Exchange mailbox is found,
the task tries to determine the archive and the site that is associated with
the primary mailbox referenced in the profile.
A hard disk search scans all the local hard disks on the designated computer
for files with an extension of .pst. It does not search the PST holding folder
or the temporary migration folder on any computer running a PST Migrator
task. On all computers, the Recycle Bin is not searched.
As there can be very large numbers of PST files on computer hard disks, it
is advisable to perform registry searches initially.
■ With the default settings, the task does not automatically search any
computers for PST files; you need to select the computers to search. If you
select the setting By default search for PSTs on each computer, the task
automatically starts searching every computer it finds. As this process can
take a very long time on a large network, use this setting with caution.

■ Search Paths. Here you can specify the paths that you want the PST Locator
to look in or ignore when looking for PST files.
■ Domains. Domains that the task finds are listed on this page. Only the domains
that are selected on this page are searched for computers and PST files.
■ Schedule. It is advisable to schedule the PST Locator task to run during normal
office hours, so that it finds the maximum possible number of computers and
PST files when users’ computers are switched on and connected to the internal
network. If the site schedule is set to run tasks during non-office hours, you may
want to override the site settings by specifying the schedule for this task.
■ Log On. The account under which the PST Locator task runs must have
appropriate access to the computers that it is to search for PST files. Depending
on the type of search that is configured for the task, the account must either be
able to scan remotely the registry on each computer or have access to the drives
on each computer.
To ensure that the task has adequate access to all the computers in the domain,
you can run the task under an account that is a member of the domain
administrators' group. Use the settings on the Log On page of the task properties
to specify the account.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 301
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

See “Administrator roles required to manage PST Locate and Migrate”

on page 294.

Switching off NetApp device identification checks by the PST Locator task
When the PST Locator task finds a computer, it attempts to determine if the computer
is a NetApp device. Performing this check can slow down the search for computers.
This section describes how to switch off the automatic identification of NetApp
devices by the PST Locator task during the search for computers. Later you can
identify NetApp devices manually by editing the computer properties in the
Administration Console.
See “Selecting computers for PST searching” on page 309.
To switch off the automatic identification of NetApp devices you configure a setting
in the file PSTlocatorTask.exe.config. This file and an example version of it are
located in the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program Files
(x86)\Enterprise Vault). The example file contains examples of the settings
that can be configured in PstLocatorTask.exe.config.
To switch off the automatic identification of NetApp devices
1 On the Enterprise Vault server that runs the PST Locator task, start Windows
Explorer and navigate to the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).

2 Copy the file, PstLocatorTask.exe.config, to a safe location.

3 If PSTlocatorTask.exe.config is the stub version of the file, then replace this
file by copying and renaming the example file, Example

4 Open the PstLocatorTask.exe.config file in a text editor such as Windows

5 Search for the following text:

6 Do one of the following:

■ If you have created the file by copying and renaming the example version,
then the following lines exist in the entries under <PSTSettings>:

<!--Determine whether computer is a NetApp Filer: Default: true-->

<add key="LocateNetAppFilers" value = "true"/>

Change the setting value to "false".

■ If you created the file on a previous release, then add the following lines
under <PSTSettings>:
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 302
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

<!--Determine whether computer is a NetApp Filer: Default: true-->

<add key="LocateNetAppFilers" value = "false"/>

7 Save and close the file.

8 In the Administration Console, restart the PST Locator task.

How to configure the PST Collector task

The PST Collector task properties include the following pages:
■ General. Properties on this page let you configure how often the task should
retry a failed operation, and the number of report files to keep.
■ Settings. On this page you can configure what happens to the PST files after
the task has copied them to the PST holding folder.
■ You can set the maximum number of PST files that this task is allowed to
copy to the PST holding folder. This approach is one way of ensuring that
the PST Migrator task empties the PST holding folder during its daily
scheduled run.
See “Determining the size of the holding folder for PST Locate and Migrate”
on page 297.
■ If you intend to back up the PST files before migrating them, select Wait for
PSTs to be backed up before migrating them and then select the
appropriate option, as follows:
■ The migration status has changed to 'Ready to migrate'. Select this
option to make the PST Migrator task wait until PST files have a migration
status of Ready to migrate. If you choose this option, you must set this
status manually on each PST file.
■ The file attribute 'Ready for archiving' has been reset. Select this
option to make the PST Migrator task wait until PST files have the Ready
For Archiving attribute reset. Backup applications typically perform this

■ Schedule. It is advisable to schedule the PST Collector task to run during normal
office hours, so that it can access as many computers and PST files as possible
when users’ computers are switched on and connected to the internal network.
If the site schedule is set to run tasks during non-office hours, you may want to
override the site settings by specifying the schedule for this task.
■ Log On. The account under which the PST Collector task runs must have
appropriate access to the computers and PST files to be migrated. To ensure
that the task has adequate access to all the computers in the domain, you can
run the task under an account that is a member of the domain administrators'
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 303
Setting up PST Locate and Migrate

group. Use the settings on the Log On page of the task properties to specify
the account.
See “Administrator roles required to manage PST Locate and Migrate”
on page 294.

How to configure the PST Migrator task

The PST Migrator task properties include the following pages:
■ General. Properties on this page let you configure how often the task should
retry a failed operation, and the number of report files to keep.
■ Settings. This page contains the following configuration settings:
■ The location on a local drive of the temporary files folder that the PST Migrator
task uses during the migration process. You specify the location of this folder
when you create the PST Migrator task.
If you have configured building blocks, you must create a temporary files
folder with the same folder path on all the Enterprise Vault servers in your
building blocks environment. If the PST Migrator task fails over to a different
server, it continues to use the same local path for the temporary files folder.
■ The maximum number of PST files to migrate concurrently. Depending on
your system configuration and workload, you may find that changing this
number improves performance.

■ Schedule. It is advisable to schedule the PST Migrator task to run during normal
office hours, so that it can access as many computers and PST files as possible
when users’ computers are switched on and connected to the internal network.
Access to the computers and original PST files is required for post-migration
operations, such as unlocking the PST files, creating shortcuts or deleting the
PST files. If the site schedule is set to run tasks during non-office hours, you
may want to override the site settings by specifying the schedule for this task.
■ Log On. The account under which the PST Migrator task runs must have
appropriate access to the PST holding folder, temporary files folder, and
computers and PST files to be migrated. Access to the computers and original
PST files is required for post-migration operations. To ensure that the task has
adequate access to all the computers in the domain, you can run the task under
an account that is a member of the domain administrators' group. Use the
settings on the Log On page of the task properties to specify the account.
See “Administrator roles required to manage PST Locate and Migrate”
on page 294.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 304
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

This section outlines how to use PST Locate and Migrate to search for PST files
on users’ computers and migrate the files to Enterprise Vault archives. The following
sections describe the steps in more detail.
You can schedule and run the tasks in different ways depending on your workload,
the time available, the number of PST files, and so on. This section assumes that
you are interested in testing PST Locate and Migrate with relatively small numbers
of PST files, possibly before starting a large-scale migration
Each time a task runs, it creates a report and places it in the Reports subfolder of
the Enterprise Vault installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files
(x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports).

To migrate PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

1 Use Run now or schedule a run of the PST Locator task to find available
domains. On the Domains page in the task properties, you then select the
domains in which the computers that you want to search for PST files are
See “Running the PST Locator task to find domains and computers” on page 306.
2 Use Run now or schedule another run of the PST Locator task to find the
computers in the selected domains. All the computers that the task finds are
listed in the Administration Console under Personal Store Management >
3 You can configure the PST Locator task so that it automatically searches for
PST files on each computer that it finds. Alternatively, in the Administration
Console, under Personal Store Management > Computers, you can select
the computers that you want the task to search for PST files.
See “Selecting computers for PST searching” on page 309.
You can also use the Add option in the Personal Store Management >
Computers context menu to add the computers that you want the task to look
for PST files.
See “Adding computers for PST searching” on page 307.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 305
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

4 Use Run now or schedule another run of the PST Locator task, this time to
search for PST files on the selected computers. All the PST files that the task
finds are listed in the Administration Console, under Personal Store
Management > Files.
See “Running the PST Locator task to find PST files” on page 311.
You can also use the Add option in the Personal Store Management > Files
context menu to add PST files that you want to migrate to Enterprise Vault.
See “Adding PST files for migration” on page 312.
5 In the Administration Console you can edit the properties of a PST file, provide
passwords for password-protected PST files, change the migration priority,
and change the migration status of a PST file, if required.
The PST Collector task copies PST files with a status of Ready to copy to the
PST holding folder. Depending on the configuration options selected, some
manual intervention may be required to approve PST files for migration. For
example, migration may only be started once the PST files have been backed
up, or the ownership of particular PST files may need to be verified. Additionally,
you may need to provide passwords for password-protected PST files, or you
may want to prevent the migration of particular PST files.
Note that for password-protected PST files you may allow Enterprise Vault to
override the passwords during PST migration. This setting is useful in cases
the password is missing or is incorrectly provided. To override passwords,
enable Override passwords for password-protected PST files in the General
tab of the site properties.
See “Editing PST file properties” on page 313.
6 Use Run now or schedule a run of the PST Collector task to copy the selected
PST files to the central PST holding folder.
The PST Collector task considers the migration priority of the file when it copies
files. The task copies the files that have a higher priority first.
See “Running the PST Collector task” on page 314.
7 Use Run now or schedule a run of the PST Migrator task to archive items from
the PST files to the associated destination archive.
The PST Migrator task considers the migration priority of the file when it archives
files. The task processes the files that have a higher priority first.
See “Running the PST Migrator task” on page 315.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 306
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

Running the PST Locator task to find domains and computers

You can schedule the PST Locator task to run during normal office hours. This
ensures that the task finds the maximum possible number of computers and PST
files. When the PST Locator task has completed its search for PST files it does no
more work, even if its schedule window is still open. It does not scan each computer
again for a minimum of one day, although you can increase this period between
When you first run the PST Locator task, it searches for available domains. You
then select the domains to search and rerun the task to find the computers that you
want to search for PST files.
When the PST Locator task finds a computer, it attempts to determine if the computer
is a NetApp device. Performing this check can slow down the search for computers.
You can switch off this check, and later identify the NetApp devices manually in the
list of computers.
See “Switching off NetApp device identification checks by the PST Locator task”
on page 301.
Before searching for PST files, you can edit the properties of the computers that
have been found to include or exclude specific computers when searching for PST
files. You can then run the task again to search for PST files on the selected
You can also use the Add option in the Personal Store Management > Computers
context menu to add the computers that you want the task to look for PST files in.
See “Adding computers for PST searching” on page 307.
To run the PST Locator task to find domains
1 In the Tasks listing of the Administration Console, right-click the PST Locator
task and then click Start.
2 Do either of the following:
■ Right-click the task and then click Run Now.
■ Wait for the scheduled run time for the PST Locator task.
The domains that have been found are then listed on the Domains page in
the PST Locator task properties.
3 Open the PST Locator task properties and select the domains in which the
computers that you want to search for PST files are located.
4 Click OK to close the task properties, and then restart the task to apply the
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 307
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

To run the PST Locator task to find computers

1 Do either of the following:
■ Right-click the PST Locator task and then click Run Now. In the dialog box
that is displayed, ensure that Search for new computers is selected.
■ Wait for the scheduled run time for the PST Locator task.

2 The task searches for computers in the domains that you selected in the task
properties. Computers that have been found on the network are listed under
Personal Store Management > Computers in the Administration Console.
You can run the task several times to build up a list of computers before
beginning the search for PST files.
3 In the list of computers, select the computers that you want the task to search
for PST files.
See “Selecting computers for PST searching” on page 309.
On a small network, if you want the task to automatically search every computer
that it finds, select By default search for PSTs on each computer on the
Settings page of the PST Locator task properties.
You can also specify paths to include or exclude for PST file searches.
See “Configuring paths to include or exclude for PST searching” on page 310.

Adding computers for PST searching

Computers that have been found on the network are listed under Personal Store
Management > Computers in the Administration Console. You can also add the
computers that you want to the PST Locator task to search for PST files in one of
the following ways:
■ Add a single computer.
■ Add multiple computers using a CSV file.
To add a single computer to search for PST files
1 In the Administration Console, expand Personal Store Management >
2 Right-click and select Add > Single on the menu.
3 In the Add computer to search for PST files dialog box, browse to add the
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 308
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

4 Next to Associated mailbox, click Browse to select the mailbox from a list of
those available. You can leave Associated mailbox blank if required.
5 Select the Search this computer when PST Locator task runs check box
to enable searches of the computer when the PST Locator task runs.
To add multiple computers to search for PST files
1 Specify details of the computers that you want to add in a CSV file, each on a
separate line, in the following format:

■ Name (mandatory) is the name of the computer that you want to add. You
can specify the NetBIOS or the fully qualified domain name of the computer.
■ Mailbox (optional) is the display name of the mailbox that you want the
located PST files to be associated with in the archive.
■ EnableSearch (optional) specifies whether the PST Locator task should
look for PST files on this computer.
0 - Do not search for PST files on this computer.
1 - Search for PST files on this computer.
Note the following:
■ If the first line of the CSV file fails to process, Enterprise Vault considers
the line as the header row and ignores it during processing.
■ If the value contains spaces or commas, enclose the value in quotation
■ Comma separators are required even when you do not specify optional

abc.xyz.com,"User 1",,,



2 In the Administration Console, expand Personal Store Management >

3 Right-click and select Add > Multiple on the menu.
4 In the Add computer to search for PST files dialog box, browse to select the
CSV file that contains the details of the computers that you want to add.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 309
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

The Enterprise Vault Management Shell also provides the Add-EVPstComputer

cmdlet which lets you add single or multiple computers.
See “PowerShell cmdlets for PST migration” on page 316.

Selecting computers for PST searching

Computers that have been found on the network are listed under Personal Store
Management > Computers in the Administration Console. You can select the
computers that you want to search for PST files in one of the following ways:
■ Select multiple computers at once.
■ Edit the properties of individual computers.
You can edit the properties of the computer to specify paths you want the PST
Locator task to look in or ignore when looking for PST files.
You can also use the Add option in the Personal Store Management > Computers
context menu to add the computers that you want the task to look for PST files in.
See “Adding computers for PST searching” on page 307.

Note: The PST Locator task is unable to perform a hard disk search on a NetApp
MultiStore (also known as "vFiler"). A NetApp Filer must be configured with a
minimum ONTAPI Management API version of 1.4. The ONTAPI interface is the
foundational API for NetApp products. Version 1.4 is provided with the Data ONTAP
7G software release, or later. For the latest information on supported devices and
versions of software, see the Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts at

To exclude a computer from PST searching, edit the properties of the computer.
To select multiple computers to search
1 In the Administration Console, expand Personal Store Management >
Computers to display a list of the computers that have been found on the
2 Hold down Ctrl or Shift and highlight the computers that you want to search.
3 Right-click and select Properties on the menu.
4 A dialog box asks if you want the PST Locator task to search the selected
computers. If the highlighted computers are the ones that you want to search,
click Yes.
In the Search column, Yes is displayed for each computer that you selected.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 310
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

To edit the properties of individual computers

1 In the Administration Console expand Personal Store Management >
Computers to display a list of the computers that have been found on the
2 Double-click the name of the computer that you want to include when searching
for PST files. The computer properties page is displayed.
3 To include the computer in PST searching, select Search this computer when
PST Locator task runs.
To exclude the computer from PST searching, clear the option check box.
4 If the computer is a NetApp Filer, click the Settings tab and check that This
computer is a NetApp Filer is selected.
This setting is selected automatically when the PST Locator task adds a NetApp
Filer. However, if the computer was unavailable when found by the PST Locator
task, it is not selected automatically.
5 Click the Search Paths tab to specify the paths that you want the PST Locator
task to include or exclude when looking for PST files on this computer.
6 Click OK to close the properties.

Configuring paths to include or exclude for PST searching

You can edit the PST Locator task properties to configure the paths you want the
PST Locator task to look for or ignore during the search for PST files. You can also
edit the computer properties page to specify paths you want to include or exclude
for PST searching.
You can also exclude specific network shares from PST searching using the
PstLocatorTask.exe.config file.

See “Excluding network shares from PST migration using the

PstLocatorTask.exe.config file” on page 318.
To configure paths for PST searching
1 Do either of the following:
■ In the Tasks listing of the Administration Console, right-click the PST Locator
task and then, on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
■ In the Administration Console, expand Personal Store Management >
Computers to display a list of the computers that have been found on the
network. Select the name of the computer and, on the shortcut menu, click

2 Click the Search Paths tab.

PST migration: Locate and Migrate 311
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

3 In Include in search, do either of the following:

■ Select Search entire computer to allow the PST Locator task to do a full
computer search for PST files.
■ Select Search specific paths and click Add Paths to add the paths that
you want to include during PST searching.

4 To exclude paths from PST searching, in Exclude from search, click Add
Paths to add the paths that you want to exclude.

Note: Paths you specify for exclusion should be subpaths of the paths that you
have included for search.

Running the PST Locator task to find PST files

When you run the PST Locator task this time, it searches for PST files on the
computers you selected to search. You can configure the task to search for PST
files in the Outlook profiles on a computer (registry search) or on the computer's
hard disks (hard disk search).
During a hard disk search, the task does not search either the PST holding folder
or the temporary PST migration file folders on any computer running a PST Migrator
task. On all computers, the Recycle Bin folder is not searched.
You can also use the Add option in the Personal Store Management > Files
context menu to add PST files for migration.
See “Adding PST files for migration” on page 312.
To run the PST Locator task to find PST files
1 Do either of the following:
■ Right-click the PST Locator task and, on the shortcut menu, click Run Now.
In the dialog box that is displayed, select Registry search or Hard disk
search as required.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 312
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

■ Wait for the scheduled run time for the PST Locator task.

2 The task searches for PST files on the computers that you selected. The PST
files that have been found are listed under Personal Store Management >
Files in the Administration Console. You can filter the PST files with a particular
migration status, or for a certain user.
3 Before the PST Collector task runs to copy the PST files to the PST holding
folder, you must edit the properties of the PST files to provide any missing
information and change the status to "Ready to copy".
See “Editing PST file properties” on page 313.

Adding PST files for migration

PST files that have been found on the network are listed under Personal Store
Management > Files in the Administration Console. You can also add the PST
files that you want to migrate in one of the following ways:
■ Add a single PST file.
■ Add multiple PST files using a CSV file.
To add a single file for migration
1 In the Administration Console, expand Personal Store Management > Files.
2 Right-click and select Add > Single on the menu.
3 In the Add PST files dialog box, browse to add the PST file.
To add multiple PST files for migration
1 Specify the details of PST files that you want to add in a CSV file, each on a
separate line, in the following format:

■ UNCPath (mandatory) is the UNC path along with the file name of the PST
file that you want to add.
■ Mailbox (optional) is the display name of the mailbox that you want this
PST file to be associated with in the archive.
■ Archive (optional) is the name of the archive.

■ RetentionCategory (optional) is the retention category that should be

applied to the contents of this PST file when it is archived.
■ Priority (optional) is the priority in which the PST Migrator should start
migrating the contents of this file.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 313
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

1 - Critical
2 - Important
3 - High
4 - Medium
5 - Low
6 - lowest
■ Language (optional) specifies the language that the PST Migrator is to use
if it needs to create folder names in the mailbox. PST Migrator must use
the same Windows code page that was used when the PST file was created.
Note the following:
■ If the first line of the CSV file fails to process, Enterprise Vault considers
the line to be the header row and ignores it during processing.
■ If a value contains space characters or commas, enclose it in quotation
■ Comma separators are required even when you do not specify optional
The following is a sample CSV file:


\\Server\E$\PSTBackup\Backup.pst,User1,Archive,Default,2,"Western European"
\\abc.xyz.com\c$\user1.pst,User1,"Mailbox,Z","Archive 1",RC1,1,Arabic,EVServer1,SiteA

2 In the Administration Console, expand Personal Store Management > Files.

3 Right-click and select Add > Multiple on the menu.
4 In the Add multiple PST files dialog box, browse to select the CSV file that
contains the details of the files that you want to add.
The Enterprise Vault Management Shell also provides the Add-EVPstFile cmdlet,
which lets you add single or multiple PST files for migration.
See “PowerShell cmdlets for PST migration” on page 316.

Editing PST file properties

The normal status of a PST file that has been found is "Do not migrate". When you
are ready for the PST Collector task to copy the file to the PST holding folder, edit
the PST file properties in the Administration Console and change the status to
"Ready to copy".
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 314
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

If the PST Locator task cannot determine the ownership of the PST file, the
associated mailbox, and its corresponding archive, then the PST file status is
displayed as “Not ready”. You need to edit the properties of the PST file to provide
the required information, and change the status to “Ready to copy”.
If required, you can use the Settings tab in the PST file properties to specify the
password for a password-protected file.
To edit the properties of a PST file
1 In the Administration Console listing, double-click the PST file name to display
the PST file properties.
2 On the General page, do one of the following:
■ Next to Mailbox, click Browse, and then select the mailbox of the user
who owns the PST file. The corresponding archive is automatically chosen.
■ Next to Destination archive, click Browse, and then select the mailbox
archive of the user who owns the PST file. The corresponding mailbox is
automatically chosen.

3 On the Settings page you can configure the following, if required:

■ Specify a retention category to be used for this PST file.
■ Select the Windows code page to be used when creating folders for this
PST file.
■ Specify the migration priority as Critical, Important, High, Medium, Low, or
Lowest. The default priority is Medium.
■ Specify a password for PST file if it is password-protected.

4 When you have completed the required details, change the migration status
on the General page to Ready to copy.

Running the PST Collector task

The PST Collector task copies PST files from users’ computers to the PST holding
folder. It copies only the PST files that have a status of "Ready to copy". It uses the
migration priority of the file when it collects files. Files that have a higher priority
are copied first.
You can restrict the number of files in the holding area so that the PST Migrator
task can process all the files during its scheduled run. This ensures that the period
for which items within PST files are unavailable is as short as possible.
The account under which the task runs must have Delete access to the original
location of the PST file. The easiest way to ensure that the task has the correct
access is to run it using an account in the domain administrators' group.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 315
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

See “Administrator roles required to manage PST Locate and Migrate” on page 294.
To run the PST Collector task
1 In the Tasks listing of the Administration Console, right-click the PST Collector
task and then, on the shortcut menu, click Start.
2 Do one of the following:
■ Right-click the task and then, on the shortcut menu, click Run Now.
■ Wait for the scheduled run time for the PST Collector task.

Running the PST Migrator task

The PST Migrator task archives the contents of PST files that are in the PST holding
folder to Enterprise Vault archives. There can be many PST Migrator tasks in your
Enterprise Vault site, but only one per Enterprise Vault server. You need to configure
a PST Migrator task on each Enterprise Vault server that hosts archives to which
you intend to migrate PST files. The task archives the contents of PST files that
have a status of "Ready to migrate". It uses the migration priority of the file when it
migrates files. Files that have a higher priority are processed first.
If you configured the PST migration to wait for the PST files to be backed up before
the PST Migrator task archives the contents (in PST Collector task properties), then
the PST file status may be displayed as "Ready to back up". The status changes
automatically after the files have been backed up.
To run the PST Migrator task
1 In the Tasks listing of the Administration Console, right-click the PST Migrator
task and, on the shortcut menu, click Start.
2 Do one of the following:
■ Right-click the task and then, on the shortcut menu, click Run Now.
■ Wait for the scheduled run time for the PST Migrator task.

3 When the file contents have been archived, the PST file status is displayed as
"Ready for post-processing".
When the PST Migrator task has successfully finished processing the PST file,
the file status is displayed as "Complete". Depending on how you have set up
email notifications, an email is sent to the end user’s mailbox.
If a problem prevents the task from completing an operation, details are
displayed in the Failure text box of the PST file properties in the Administration
Console. You can also check the report file that is generated during the run.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 316
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

PowerShell cmdlets for PST migration

Enterprise Vault provides two PowerShell cmdlets which you can use to add
computers as locate and migrate PST migration targets, and to add PST files whose
contents you want to migrate to Enterprise Vault.

About the PST migration cmdlets

Table 20-3 describes the PST migration cmdlets that the Enterprise Vault
Management Shell provides.

Table 20-3 PST migration cmdlets

Cmdlet Description

Add-EVPstComputer Adds a computer to the list of Locate and Migrate PST migration
target computers.

Depending on how you use Add-EVPstComputer, Enterprise

Vault can search this computer for PST files.

You can add computers that belong to individual users, and you
can add file servers that host PST files that belong to many users.

Add-EVPstFile Adds a PST file whose content you want to migrate to Enterprise

You can use these cmdlets on their own to add individual computers and files, or
with PowerShell’s Import-Csv cmdlet and CSV data, to add multiple computers or
files in a single operation.

Running the PST migration cmdlets

To run the PST migration cmdlets, first run the Enterprise Vault Management Shell.
This loads the Enterprise Vault snap-in which makes the PST migration cmdlets
available in the shell.
Help is available for the cmdlets. For example, the following command shows the
detailed help for Add-EVPstComputer:
Get-Help Add-EVPstComputer -detailed

Using Add-EVPstComputer
Use the following syntax when you run Add-EVPstComputer:
Add-EVPstComputer -Name <string> [-Mailbox <string>] [-EnableSearch]
[-SiteName <string>] [-DirectoryServer <string>]
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 317
Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate

For example:
C:\PS>Add-EVPstComputer -Name JohnDoeLaptop -Mailbox "John Doe"

This adds John Doe’s laptop as a PST migration target, and also specifies John’s
mailbox, in which Enterprise Vault will place shortcuts for migrated items.

Using Add-EVPstFile
Use the following syntax when you run Add-EVPstFile:
Add-EVPstFile -UNCPath <string> [-Archive <string>] [-Mailbox
<string>] [-RetentionCategory <string>] [-PasswordProtected]
[-Language <string>] [-Priority <string>] [-SiteName <string>]
[-DirectoryServer <string>]

For example:
C:\PS>Add-EVPstFile -UNCPath

This adds the specified PST file for migration to Enterprise Vault.

Adding multiple computers or PST files

Enterprise Vault’s PST migration cmdlets add individual computers as locate and
migrate PST migration targets, or individual PST files for migration. To add multiple
computers or PST files in a single operation, you can use the Import-Csv
PowerShell cmdlet and CSV files that contain all the computers or files and their
associated parameters.
To add multiple computers, construct CSV data in the same format as that used
when you add multiple computers in the Administration Console.
See “Adding computers for PST searching” on page 307.
To add multiple PST files, construct CSV data in the same format as that used
when you add multiple files in the Administration Console.
See “Adding PST files for migration” on page 312.
You can pipe the data that Import-Csv reads from a CSV file to the appropriate
PST migration cmdlet. For example:
Import-Csv C:\files.csv | Add-EVPstFile

This reads data from C:\files.csv and pipes it to the Add-EVPstFile cmdlet.
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 318
Excluding network shares from PST migration using the PstLocatorTask.exe.config file

By default, Import-Csv passes each value from the CSV data as a string. However,
when you use the Add-EVPstComputer cmdlet, you must pass the -EnableSearch
as a Boolean.
If you use Add-EVPstComputer with Import-Csv, you must convert the
-EnableSearch value from the CSV data to a Boolean. For example:

Import-Csv c:\computers.csv | % { $_.EnableSearch =

[bool]([int]$_.EnableSearch ); $_ } | Add-EVPstComputer

For more information about the use of Import-Csv, type the following command in
Get-Help Import-Csv -detailed

Excluding network shares from PST migration using

the PstLocatorTask.exe.config file
You can exclude specific network shares when searching for PST files by listing
them in the configuration file PstLocatorTask.exe.config.
To exclude network shares from PST migration using the PstLocatorTask.exe.config
1 On the Enterprise Vault server that runs the PST Locator task, start Windows
Explorer and navigate to the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).

2 Do one of the following:

■ If the PstLocatorTask.exe.config file exists in the folder, copy it to a safe
■ If there is no PstLocatorTask.exe.config file, create it by copying and
renaming the file Example PstLocatorTask.exe.config.

3 Open the PstLocatorTask.exe.config file in a text editor such as Windows

4 Search for the following text:
PST migration: Locate and Migrate 319
Troubleshooting PST migration

5 Immediately below this heading, add a line to list the network shares that you
do not want to search. The syntax is as follows:
<add key="SharesToAvoid" value="share_1;share_2;share_3..."/>

where share_1, share_2, and so on, comprise a semicolon-separated list of

the UNC paths of the network shares. For example, to exclude the shares
\\myComputer\C$ and \\yourComputer\G$, you would type the following:

<add key="SharesToAvoid"

6 Save and close the file.

7 In the Administration Console, restart the PST Locator task.

Troubleshooting PST migration

You can use the task report files to assist in troubleshooting PST migration failures.
Each time a task runs, it creates a report and places it in the Reports folder, which
is a subfolder of the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports). The report file name takes the following
■ PSTLocTask_server_datetime.txt
■ PSTColTask_server_datetime.txt
■ PSTMigTask_server_datetime.txt
If file sharing is not enabled on a user’s computer, the PST Locator task is unable
to search the registry or files on that computer. Note that Windows does not
automatically enable file sharing. If the PST Locator task cannot search the registry
or files, this results in errors such as the following in the report file:

** 18/07/2005 14:34:21 Hard disk search failure on DEMO : Failed to

read registry to get list of drives : The network path was not
found. **

** 18/07/2005 14:34:21 Registry search failure on DEMO : The network

path was not found. **

These errors are also reported if the Windows firewall is on. If the firewall is on,
then you need to create an exception in Windows firewall for "File and Printer
sharing", TCP port 139 and 445.
Chapter 21
PST migration: client-driven
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About client-driven PST migration

■ Preparation for client-driven PST migration

■ Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration

About client-driven PST migration

You can configure the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In so that it migrates PST files
automatically to a central PST holding folder on the Enterprise Vault server. The
PST Migrator task then processes the PST files and archives the contents.
You need to configure a PST Migrator task on every Enterprise Vault server that
hosts a Storage service and manages the archives to which you intend to migrate
PST files. When a PST file migrates, the migration process runs on the Enterprise
Vault server that manages the destination archive.
Client-driven PST migration can be useful in the following cases:
■ You do not have permission to access PST files on the user’s computer.
■ Users need continual access to their PST files.
■ The user’s computer is available on the network only occasionally—for example,
a user with a laptop computer who visits the office on one day each week.
■ You want to give users control over migrating their PST files.
In summary, the client-driven migration process is as follows:
■ You enable mailboxes for client-driven PST migration.
PST migration: client-driven migration 321
About client-driven PST migration

Depending on whether you want to give users more control over PST file
migration, you may allow users to choose files for migration.
■ An explanatory mail message is immediately sent to the newly enabled
■ The next time a user starts Outlook, the computer is scanned for PST files.
■ Starting with PST files in the user's profile, each PST file is sent as a series of
approximately 10-MB chunks to the PST holding folder.
■ The PST Migrator task migrates the chunks to the user’s archive.
■ When a PST file has been successfully migrated, checks are made to make
sure that no more items have been added to it. Depending on how you have
set the PST Migration policy, the PST file is removed from the user’s profile after
all the items are migrated.

Options to configure client-driven PST migration

Enterprise Vault provides various options to configure client-driven migration
depending on the type of control you want users to have over the migration of their
PST files.
Table 21-1 details various options to configure client-driven migration.

Table 21-1 Options to configure client-driven PST migration

To do this Client-driven Search Paths Allow PST

migration submission

Allow the Enterprise Vault Yes Yes No

Outlook Add-In to migrate
located PST files without
user intervention.

Allow users to choose Yes Yes Yes

whether to migrate located
PST files. Users can also
submit PST files for
PST migration: client-driven migration 322
Preparation for client-driven PST migration

Table 21-1 Options to configure client-driven PST migration (continued)

To do this Client-driven Search Paths Allow PST

migration submission

Allow only the manual Yes By default, the Outlook Yes

submission of PST files. You Add-In looks for PST files
do not want the Outlook on the user's computer.
Add-In to look for PST files However, you can stop it
on the user's computer. from searching for PST
files by excluding all
relevant local drives (C:,
D:, E:, and so on).

Preparation for client-driven PST migration

Table 21-2 outlines the steps that are required to configure client-driven PST
migration. Enterprise Vault provides other tools for migrating PST files to archives.
See “Tools for migrating PST files” on page 268.

Note: Client-driven PST migration does not work if the registry value
PSTDisableGrow is enabled on users' computers. For information about how to
override PSTDisableGrow, see the Setting up Exchange Server Archiving guide.

Table 21-2 Steps to configure client-driven PST migration

Step Action Description

Step 1 For migrating the PST files that are See “Permissions required for migrating
on network shares, the account that PST files stored on network drives”
runs the Directory service requires a on page 323.
set of minimum permissions.

Step 2 Configure the PST holding folder. See “Configuring the PST holding folder
for PST client-driven migration”
on page 323.

Step 3 Set up the PST migration messages. See “Editing the PST migration messages
for client-driven PST migration”
on page 324.

Step 4 Create a PST Migrator task, and See “Creating a PST Migrator task for PST
configure temporary files folder. client-driven migration” on page 325.
PST migration: client-driven migration 323
Preparation for client-driven PST migration

Permissions required for migrating PST files stored on network drives

You can configure this facility to migrate the PST files that are stored on
Windows-based shares, and on NetApp Filers.
To migrate PST files from a Windows share, the account that runs the Directory
service must be a member of one of the following security groups on the file server:
■ Administrators
■ Server Operators
■ Power Users
To migrate PST files from a NetApp Filer, the account that runs the Directory service
must be a member of the Administrators group on the NetApp Filer.
If you use the NetApp Filer autohome feature, see the following technical note:
You cannot migrate files that are hosted on the following:
■ Non-Windows file servers, other than NetApp Filers
■ NetApp vFiler devices running a version of Data ONTAP earlier than Data
■ Distributed File System (DFS) shares

Configuring the PST holding folder for PST client-driven migration

The PST holding folder is used as a collecting area for the PST files that the PST
Migrator task has archived. The folder must be a network share to which the logon
account that the PST Migrator task uses has Delete access.
The account that you use to configure the PST holding area must have sufficient
access to the folder to list it in a selection dialog box. Typically, the Vault Service
account is used as the logon account by the tasks and when configuring the PST
holding folder, but it is possible to specify different accounts.
To configure the PST holding folder
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, display the Enterprise Vault Site
2 On the General tab, click Browse next to PST holding folder.
A prompt asks whether you want to browse Regular or Hidden shares.
3 Select the type of share that you intend to specify for the PST holding folder,
and then click OK.
PST migration: client-driven migration 324
Preparation for client-driven PST migration

4 In the Browse for Folder dialog box, expand Entire Network > Microsoft
Windows Network. Expand the required domain and then the server on which
the share is located. The list of shares that are displayed contains shared
folders to which the account has access.
5 Select the folder you want to use for the PST holding folder and then click OK.
6 Click OK to close Site Properties.

Editing the PST migration messages for client-driven PST migration

When you enable a mailbox for client-driven PST migration, Enterprise Vault
automatically delivers messages to that mailbox for various PST migration events.
The type of emails that Enterprise Vault sends to user mailboxes depends on how
you have set up notifications in the Exchange PST Migration policy.
During the installation, the messages are placed in the following folder beneath the
Enterprise Vault program folder (typically, C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise

Enterprise Vault\Languages\Mailbox Messages\lang

where lang indicates the language used.

Ensure that you have copied the messages into the Enterprise Vault program folder.
Otherwise, the messages are not sent even if you have configured the Exchange
PST Migration policy to send notifications.
Table 21-3 lists the messages and describes the circumstances under which each
is sent.

Table 21-3 PST migration messages

Message Subject and description

EnablePSTMigrationMessage Enterprise Vault is ready to migrate your Outlook

Personal Folders files (.pst)

The PST migrator sends this message when you

enable a user’s mailbox for client-driven migration using
the Personal Store Management > Mailboxes >
Enable Client-Driven Migrations option.
PST migration: client-driven migration 325
Preparation for client-driven PST migration

Table 21-3 PST migration messages (continued)

Message Subject and description

EnabledForPSTImportMessage Your mailbox is enabled for the submission of PST files

to Enterprise Vault™

The PST migrator sends this message to users when

you allow users to submit PST files for migration to
Enterprise Vault. This happens when you enable the
Allow PST submission check box in the Migration
tab of the Exchange PST Migration policy properties.

PSTAwaitingAuthorizationMessage ACTION REQUIRED: Enterprise Vault has located

PST files on your computer that require your attention

The PST migrator sends this message when Enterprise

Vault finds PST files on the user's computer that need
to be allowed for migration by the user.

PSTMigratedMessage Your PST file {0} has been archived by Enterprise Vault

The PST migrator sends this message to users when

the PST file is successfully migrated to Enterprise

To edit a PST migration message for client-driven PST migration

1 Decide which language version of the message you want to use and locate
the message file.
2 Using a computer that has Microsoft Outlook installed, double-click the message
file in Windows Explorer to open it.
3 Review the text and make any changes that you require.
4 Save the message file.
5 Copy the edited message file to the Enterprise Vault program folder on every
Enterprise Vault server in the site.

Creating a PST Migrator task for PST client-driven migration

If you have configured Locate and Migrate, then you already have a PST Migrator
task and can ignore this section. If you have not configured Locate and Migrate
then you need to work through this section.
PST migration: client-driven migration 326
Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration

Note: You need to configure a PST Migrator task on every Enterprise Vault server
that hosts a Storage service and manages the archives to which you intend to
migrate PST files. When the migration process migrates a PST file, it runs on the
Enterprise Vault server that manages the destination archive.

To create a PST Migrator task

1 In the Administration Console, expand your site until the Enterprise Vault
Servers container is visible.
2 Expand Enterprise Vault Servers and then expand the server on which you
want to add the PST Migrator task.
3 Right-click Tasks and then, on the shortcut menu, click New > PST Migrator
The New PST Migrator task wizard starts.
4 Work through the wizard.
You need to supply the location of a folder that the task can use to hold
temporary copies of the PST files during migration. This folder must be on a
local drive. The account under which the PST Migrator task runs must have
full access to the folder.

Note: Do not change the location of this folder while the PST Migrator task
runs, or while client-driven migration processes PST files.

Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration

Enterprise Vault provides a wizard that lets you enable mailboxes for client-driven
migration. You can enable a small number of mailboxes at a time so that at any
one time there is a manageable number of PST files to process.
After you have enabled a mailbox for client-driven PST migration, the Enterprise
Vault Outlook Add-In starts scanning for PST files when the corresponding user
next starts Outlook.
The list of PST files that all client computers have found appears in the
Administration Console, in the Files container under Personal Store Management.
The located PST files are also listed in the Enterprise Vault PST Migration page in
the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In. Depending on how you have configured the
Exchange PST Migration policy, users can see the migration status of the files and
choose files for migration.
PST migration: client-driven migration 327
Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration

To enable mailboxes for client-driven PST migration

1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Personal Store
2 Right-click Mailboxes and click Enable Client-Driven Migrations.
The Enable Mailbox for Client-Driven Migration wizard starts.
3 Work through the wizard.
The wizard prompts you to do the following:
■ Select the Microsoft Exchange Server computer that has the mailboxes
you want to enable for client-driven PST migration.
■ Select the mailboxes that you want to enable for client-driven PST migration.

4 Click Finish to enable the selected mailboxes for client-driven migration and
exit from this wizard.

Enabling mailboxes for PST file submission

You can configure the Exchange PST Migration policy to give users more control
over the migration of PST files that are located on their computers. Selecting the
Allow PST submission option in the PST Migration policy properties page enables
the following features in the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In.
■ The Manually add a PST file button is displayed on the PST Migration page.
This button allows users to browse for PST files on their computer and their
network locations and submit them for migration to Enterprise Vault.
■ All the PST files that Enterprise Vault finds are listed in the Migrate PST Files
dialog box, which allows users to choose whether to migrate PST files to
Enterprise Vault.
To enable mailboxes for PST file submission
1 In the Administration Console, expand your Enterprise Vault site.
2 Click Policies > Exchange > PST Migration.
3 Right-click the PST Migration Policy that you want to edit and then select
4 In the Client-driven migration section of the Migration tab, check Allow PST
5 Check Allow retention category override if you want to allow users to change
the retention category of the PST files that they choose to migrate.
PST migration: client-driven migration 328
Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration

6 Click Search Paths to specify the paths that you want the Enterprise Vault
Outlook-Add-In to include or exclude when searching for PST files.
7 Click OK.
Chapter 22
NSF migration: scripted
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About scripted NSF migration

About scripted NSF migration

Enterprise Vault Policy Manager provides the functionality that is required to run
scripted migrations of content from NSF files to Enterprise Vault. For detailed
information on Policy Manager, see the Utilities manual.
Policy Manager lets you control how each NSF file is processed. For each NSF file
you can:
■ Specify the destination archive.
■ Choose to create shortcuts to migrated items.
■ Control whether shortcuts are left in the NSF file or placed in a specific folder
in the user’s mail file.
■ Specify the retention category to apply to the migrated items.
■ Control what happens to the NSF file after the items have been migrated.
Policy Manager uses an initialization file, in which you make default migration
settings and list the NSF files. You can also override the default migration settings
for individual NSF files.
You can run Policy Manager in report mode or in process mode.
In report mode, Policy Manager checks each NSF file listed in the initialization file,
to determine whether it can migrate the file’s contents. Policy Manager creates a
new initialization file, which contains a count of all the files that are not ready for
migration. In the new initialization file, any NSF file which cannot be migrated is
marked to exclude it when Policy Manager runs in process mode.
NSF migration: scripted 330
About scripted NSF migration

In process mode, Policy Manager migrates items from the NSF files listed in the
initialization file. Policy Manager also writes a new initialization file when you run it
in process mode, and marks the files it has processed successfully. You can use
the new file to migrate any failed files when you have corrected the problems that
prevented their migration.
If you want to migrate only a small number of NSF files, consider using NSF migrator
See “About NSF migrator” on page 331.
Chapter 23
NSF migration: wizard
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About NSF migrator

■ Outline of the NSF migration process

■ About planning for NSF migration

■ How NSF migration affects users

■ Running NSF migrator

■ NSF migration audits

About NSF migrator

NSF migrator is a wizard, which you can use to migrate the contents of Domino
and Notes NSF files to Enterprise Vault.
The main features of NSF migrator are as follows:
■ Selection of vault store. Each time you run NSF migrator, you can choose one
vault store into which NSF file content is migrated.
■ Matching NSF files to archives. You can configure NSF migrator to match NSF
files to archives automatically. This automatic matching is useful when you
migrate many NSF files. However, you can still manually match NSF files to
■ Selection of retention categories. NSF migrator asks you to choose a default
retention category to use during the migration of NSF file content. However, you
can still manually select a retention category for each NSF file.
NSF migration: wizard assisted 332
Outline of the NSF migration process

■ Creation of shortcuts. NSF migrator can create shortcuts to migrated content.

You can choose whether to create these shortcuts in the original NSF files or
in user mail files. You can also configure the folder structure that is used to
contain the shortcuts.
■ Post-migration actions. You can configure what NSF migrator does with the
NSF files it has migrated. For example, NSF migrator can automatically delete
the NSF files.

Outline of the NSF migration process

This section describes the choices you must make on each page of the NSF migrator

Specify the directory computer When you start NSF migrator from Windows, you
must enter the name of the Enterprise Vault
directory computer that manages the archives to
which you want to migrate NSF file content. You
do not have to specify the directory computer when
you run NSF migrator from within the Administration

Select a vault store You can specify only one vault store each time you
run NSF migrator. If you want to migrate NSF files
to archives in more than one vault store, you must
run NSF migrator again. If appropriate, you can run
more than one instance of NSF migrator.

Select NSF files Select the NSF files that you want to migrate. You
must use only UNC paths to access the locations
that hold the NSF files you plan to migrate.

Match NSF files to archives Choose which method NSF migrator should use to
match NSF files to archives. You can match NSF
files to archives individually. Alternatively, NSF
migrator can match NSF files to archives
automatically, which it does by matching the mail
file names in its archives with the owner property
stored in each NSF file. This is the quicker option
if you are migrating many NSF files. Even if you
select this option, you can still manually match any
NSF files that fail automatic matching, or change
those that are matched.
NSF migration: wizard assisted 333
About planning for NSF migration

Select a default retention category Choose the default retention category that will be
used when archiving items from the NSF files. Later
in the wizard you can review and change the
retention category for each NSF file if necessary.
If there is no suitable retention category, you can
create one at this point in NSF migrator.

Select archives Even if you have chosen to match NSF files to

archives automatically, NSF migrator may be
unable to match all the files. At this point in NSF
migrator, you can manually match NSF files to
archives. If necessary, you can also change any
that have been matched, or remove them
completely if appropriate.

Select retention categories By default, all content from the NSF files is migrated
using the default retention category you selected
earlier in the wizard. However, at this point you can
choose different retention categories for individual
NSF files.

Configure shortcuts NSF migrator can create shortcuts to migrated

content, and you can choose whether to create
these shortcuts in the original NSF files or in user
mail files.

Select a folder structure You can configure the folder structure that is used
to contain the shortcuts in user mail files. For
example, for users who have more that one NSF
file, NSF migrator can either merge their contents
in one folder structure, or create a separate
structure for each.

Configure deleted items and calendar Choose whether or not NSF migrator should
items migrate items from the Trash folder in each NSF
file. If appropriate, you can also select the Archive
calendar items that have not yet expired option.

Post-migration NSF file settings Finally, you can configure what NSF migrator
should do with the NSF files it has migrated. For
example, NSF migrator can automatically delete
the NSF files.

About planning for NSF migration

The following sections provide information to help you plan the migration of NSF
files, including some tips to help you make the migration more efficient:
NSF migration: wizard assisted 334
About planning for NSF migration

■ How to edit the welcome message for NSF migration

■ NSF file locations for NSF migration
■ How to match NSF files to archives for NSF migration
■ Standard mail templates for NSF migration
■ NSF migration failed and ineligible items
■ Item age limit for NSF migration
■ Mail file limits and NSF file access control
■ Users’ execution control lists for NSF migration
■ Multiple instances of NSF migrator

How to edit the welcome message for NSF migration

When NSF migrator completes the migration of each user’s items, it automatically
sends one of three messages to tell the user that the migration has finished.
Table 23-1 lists the three messages, and describes the circumstances under which
each is sent.

Table 23-1 NSF migration messages

Message Subject and description

NSFMigratedMessage Your NSF file ({0}) has been archived.

NSF migrator sends this message to users whose items

have been archived, when you have chosen not to
create shortcuts to the migrated items.

NSFMigratedMessageMailFile Your NSF file ({0}) has been archived. Shortcuts to the
items are in {1}.

{1} represents the name of the folder that contains the


NSF migrator sends this message to users whose items

have been archived, when you have chosen to place
shortcuts in their mail files.

NSFMigratedMessageNSF Your NSF file ({0}) has been archived. Shortcuts to the
items are in the NSF file.

This message is sent to users whose items have been

archived, when you have chosen to place shortcuts in
the NSF file.
NSF migration: wizard assisted 335
About planning for NSF migration

In all three messages, {0} represents the name of the NSF file.
These three messages are in a file called EVMessages.nsf. This file is in the
\Languages\Mailbox Messages\lang\ folder in the Enterprise Vault program
folder, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise
Vault\Languages\Mailbox Messages\lang\, where lang represents your language.

The three messages contain placeholder text and you can edit this text if necessary.
You should edit the messages in EVMessages.nsf using an account that has the
Access to current database permission, to avoid execution security alerts.
Once you have edited the messages, save EVMessages.nsf and copy it to the
Enterprise Vault program folder, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise
Vault, on all the Enterprise Vault servers.

NSF file locations for NSF migration

It can be time-consuming to migrate NSF files that are in many locations, due to
the overhead of locating them before you can add them to the list for migration.
Consider moving all the NSF files to a central location before you run NSF migrator,
so they can all be added to the list in one operation.

Note: You must use UNC paths to access the locations that hold the NSF files you
plan to migrate. This is because the background server process that migrates the
content of NSF files is not necessarily on the same computer as the one on which
you run the NSF migration wizard.

How to match NSF files to archives for NSF migration

The following procedure describes how to use NSF migrator efficiently when you
need to match large numbers of NSF files to archives that are spread across multiple
vault stores:
■ Run NSF migrator and select the first vault store.
■ Add all the NSF files that you plan to migrate, including those that may not have
matching archives in the vault store you chose.
■ Select the Automatically assign archives to NSF files option.
■ Later in the wizard, NSF migrator displays all the NSF files that have not been
matched in red. In this list, click the Destination archive column heading to
group all the NSF files with no matching archive.
■ Select all these NSF files and click Remove.
NSF migration: wizard assisted 336
About planning for NSF migration

■ When NSF migrator asks what you want to do with the NSF files that it migrates
successfully, select either the Delete it option, or the Hide it option.
NSF migrator then hides or deletes the NSF files it has migrated successfully. If
your operating system is configured to hide hidden files, they are not visible when
you next run NSF migrator. Once you have repeated this process for all your other
vault stores, any NSF files that are left are only those for which automatic matching
did not work. You can investigate these files individually and select appropriate
archives when you run NSF migrator again.

Standard mail templates for NSF migration

All NSF files are based on Domino templates. You can use NSF migrator to migrate
any NSF files that are based on a list of Domino templates defined in a registry
value. NSF migrator treats the templates in this registry value as standard mail
templates. For any NSF file that is based on any other Domino template, NSF
migrator warns that unexpected results can occur if you continue to migrate the file.
However, you can continue and migrate the file if you are sure that it is a mail based
The list of standard templates is determined by a registry string value called
DominoMailTemplates under the following registry key on all the storage servers:

\Enterprise Vault

Table 23-2 contains the default list of the Domino mail templates that NSF migrator
treats as standard. If you regularly migrate NSF files that are based on templates
that are not in this list, and you do not want to be warned that the files are not based
on standard templates, you can add the template names to the comma separated
list in DominoMailTemplates. You must do this on all the storage servers.

Table 23-2 Standard mail templates

Template name File name Description

dwa7 dwa7.ntf Domino Web Access (7)

EVdwa7 ev_dwa7.ntf Domino Web Access (7) w/ Enterprise Vault

EViNotes6 ev_iNotes6.ntf Domino Web Access (6) w/ Enterprise Vault

EVR6Mail ev_mail6.ntf Mail (R6) w/ Enterprise Vault

NSF migration: wizard assisted 337
About planning for NSF migration

Table 23-2 Standard mail templates (continued)

Template name File name Description

EVR7Mail ev_Mail7.ntf Mail (R7) w/ Enterprise Vault

EVR8Mail ev_mail8.ntf Mail (R8) w/ Enterprise Vault

EVR85Mail ev_mail85.ntf Mail (R85) w/ Enterprise Vault

EVR9Mail ev_mail9.ntf Mail (R9) w/ Enterprise Vault

ExtR50Mail mail50ex.ntf Extended Mail (R5.0)

ExtR6Mail mail6ex.ntf Extended Mail (6)

ExtR7Mail mail7ex.ntf Extended Mail (R7)

iNotes5 inotes5.ntf iNotes Web Access (R5)

iNotes6 inotes6.ntf Domino Web Access (6)

iNotes60 inotes60.ntf iNotes Web Access (R6.0)

StdR50Mail mail50.ntf Mail (R5.0)

StdR6Mail mail6.ntf Mail (R6)

StdR7Mail mail7.ntf Mail (R7)

StdR8Mail mail8.ntf Mail (R8)

StdR85Mail mail85.ntf Mail (R8.5)

StdR9Mail mail9.ntf Mail (R9)

NSF migration failed and ineligible items

By default, NSF migrator leaves failed and ineligible items, and shortcuts in the
NSF files, rather than move them to users’ mail files.
You can control this behavior with the following registry DWORD values:
■ MoveFailedArchivalNotes
■ MoveNotEligibleForArchiveNotes
■ MoveShortcutsToMailFile
All these values are under this key:
NSF migration: wizard assisted 338
About planning for NSF migration

\Enterprise Vault

All these values are set to 0 by default.

When MoveFailedArchivalNotes is set to 1, NSF migrator moves failed items to
users’ mail files.
When MoveNotEligibleForArchiveNotes is set to 1, NSF migrator moves ineligible
items to users’ mail files.
When MoveShortcutsToMailFile is set to 1, NSF migrator moves shortcuts to users’
mail files.

Item age limit for NSF migration

By default, NSF migrator processes all items in NSF files irrespective of their age.
This applies both to items converted to shortcuts, and to other items that are moved
to mail files, such as items that are not eligible for migration.
You can control this behavior by specifying an age threshold, as a number of days,
in two registry DWORD values, ShortcutMoveRestrictDays and
NotesMoveRestrictDays. Both values are under this key:

\Enterprise Vault

Both values are set to 0 by default, which means no threshold is set. To set
thresholds, change the DWORD values to a number of days.
When ShortcutMoveRestrictDays is set to a non-zero value, NSF migrator migrates
all eligible items and creates shortcuts. Initially, all the shortcuts are in the NSF file.
NSF migrator does not move the shortcuts to items older than the specified number
of days, from the NSF file to the mail file.
When NotesMoveRestrictDays is set to a non-zero value, other items, such as
those ineligible for migration, are moved to mail files only if they are within the
number of days specified. Otherwise, they remain in the NSF files.
NSF migration: wizard assisted 339
How NSF migration affects users

Mail file limits and NSF file access control

Each user’s maximum mail file size must be sufficient for the mail file to contain the
shortcuts and other items that NSF migrator places in it. If it is not, the migration
fails for this file. You should ensure that mail file limits are set appropriately before
migration. However, if any NSF files fail migration for this reason, you can note the
affected mail files, adjust their limits and process the files again.
The Domino archiving user must have sufficient access rights on the NSF files you
migrate, otherwise the affected NSF files fail migration. For more information on
configuring the Domino archiving user, see the Symantec Enterprise Vault Installing
and Configuring guide.

Users’ execution control lists for NSF migration

During migration, NSF migrator potentially creates new folders in users’ mail files
and, as a result, certain actions on these folders are signed by the Domino archiving
user. To prevent users seeing execution security alerts when they open the new
folders, you must configure affected users’ execution control lists to allow Access
to current database rights to the Domino archiving user.

Multiple instances of NSF migrator

You can run more than one instance of NSF migrator.

How NSF migration affects users

This section contains a summary of the changes users see once their NSF files
have been migrated
Immediately following successful migration of each NSF file, its owner receives an
automatic message saying that the file’s content has been migrated to Enterprise
If you chose to create shortcuts to migrated items, it is these shortcuts the users
now see rather than the original items. According to the choices you made, the
shortcuts are either in their original NSF files, or beneath the Folders view in their
mail files.
In the case of shortcuts that are created in user mail files, each user sees one of
two folder structures beneath the Folders view:
■ One combined folder structure that contains the content from all the user’s NSF
NSF migration: wizard assisted 340
Running NSF migrator

■ A set of folders, named after each of the NSF files. Each folder contains the
content from just one NSF file.
If you chose to delete NSF files after successful migration, these files are no longer
available to users.

Running NSF migrator

Before you run NSF migrator for the first time, consider migrating just a small number
of files until you are familiar with the process. Once you are comfortable with the
process, migrate more files.
Before you run NSF migrator, ensure that:
■ The NSF files you are migrating are not in use.
■ The vault service account has full access to the NSF files.
To run NSF migrator:
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, right click Archives and click
Import NSF.
You can also start NSF migrator by clicking the NSF Mail Migrator (Import)
shortcut in Windows.
2 Work through the wizard pages and select appropriate options.

NSF migration audits

If you have configured Enterprise Vault auditing and selected one or both of the
NSF Migration auditing options, successful NSF migration actions are audited.
See “About auditing” on page 375.
Chapter 24
Enterprise Vault message
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Accessing Enterprise Vault message queues

■ MSMQ queue summary

■ Exchange Mailbox task queues

■ Exchange Journaling task queues

■ Exchange Public Folder task queues

■ Retrieval queues

■ Storage service queues

Accessing Enterprise Vault message queues

Enterprise Vault uses Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server to transfer
information between Enterprise Vault components.
You must clear all Enterprise Vault queues before you carry out any Microsoft
Exchange maintenance. If you check or repair the Microsoft Exchange database
when an Exchange Mailbox task still has work outstanding, that work cannot be
Normally you should allow the Enterprise Vault tasks and services to clear message
queues. If there is a significant build-up of messages on particular queues, it is
important to investigate the cause of the problem. In certain circumstances support
may advise you to clear specific message queues manually.
Enterprise Vault message queues 342
MSMQ queue summary

To access the message queues

1 If you have yet to install Message Queuing, see the Windows documentation
for instructions on how do so with the Add or Remove Programs applet in
Control Panel.
2 In Control Panel, first click Administrative Tools and then click Computer
3 In the left pane of the Computer Management console, first expand Services
and Applications, then expand Message Queuing, and finally expand Private

MSMQ queue summary

Table 24-1 gives a brief description of what goes on to each of the Enterprise Vault
queues. Here, server is the name of the server that the Exchange Mailbox task is
processing, and queue is a number that uniquely identifies the queue.

Table 24-1 Summary of MSMQ queues

Queue name Contains information about

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Pending items to update. Also failed operations.
task for server queue A1

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Individual items to process. Used for manual archive
task for server queue A2 requests and whenever Enterprise Vault cannot directly
communicate with the Storage Archive queue of the
Storage service.

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Mailboxes to process. Used if you start archiving using
task for server queue A3 the Run Now option in the Administration Console.

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Individual items to process. Only used for retries when
task for server queue A4 Enterprise Vault cannot directly communicate with the
Storage Archive queue of the Storage service.

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Mailboxes to process. Used during scheduled archive
task for server queue A5 runs.

This queue is not processed outside the scheduled

archiving times, so you cannot use Run Now to clear
a backlog on this queue.
Enterprise Vault message queues 343
MSMQ queue summary

Table 24-1 Summary of MSMQ queues (continued)

Queue name Contains information about

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Requests to update folders with items that have been
task for server queue A6 moved inside a mailbox.

Enterprise Vault compresses the moved and copied

item data that is placed in requests on queue A6. It
also limits message storage on this queue to 100 MB.
A compressed request to update 1,000 items occupies
approximately 50 KB. So, about 2,000 requests can
be placed on the queue.

When the queue is full, further requests are rejected.

These moved and copied items have to wait for another
shortcut processing run.

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Synchronization requests.

task for server queue A7

Enterprise Vault Journaling task for Pending items to update. Also failed operations.
server queue J1

Enterprise Vault Journaling task for Items to process.

server queue J2

Enterprise Vault Journaling task for Instructs the Exchange Journaling task to examine the
server queue J3 journal mailbox for new messages. Up to 500 new
messages are marked as archive pending, and a
message is placed on queue J2 for each such

Enterprise Vault Journaling task for Synchronization requests.

server queue J4

Enterprise Vault Public Folder task Pending items to update. Also failed operations.
for server queue P1

Enterprise Vault Public Folder task Folders to process. Used if you start archiving using
for server queue P3 the Run Now option in the Administration Console.

Enterprise Vault Public Folder task Folders to process. Used during scheduled archive
for server queue P5 runs.

This queue is not processed outside the scheduled

archiving times, so you cannot use Run Now to clear
a backlog on this queue.

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Notifications of item retrieval requests.

task for server queue R1
Enterprise Vault message queues 344
Exchange Mailbox task queues

Table 24-1 Summary of MSMQ queues (continued)

Queue name Contains information about

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Retrieval requests.

task for server queue R2

Enterprise Vault restore spool admin Items that the Storage service has retrieved and that
queue are now ready for the Exchange Mailbox task to
process (for retrieval).

Enterprise Vault storage archive for Items to be stored in vault stores.


Enterprise Vault storage restore for Items to be retrieved from vault stores.

Exchange Mailbox task queues

Table 24-2 describes the queues that the Exchange Mailbox task uses. Here, server
is the name of the server that the Exchange Mailbox task is managing, and queue
is a number that uniquely identifies the queue.

Table 24-2 Exchange Mailbox task queues

Queue name Messages placed on the queue

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Update Shortcut, Operation Failed.

task for server queue A1

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Process Item (Explicit Archives).

task for server queue A2

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Process Mailbox, Process System (Run Now), Check
task for server queue A3 System, Check Mailbox.

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Only used for retries where Enterprise Vault cannot
task for server queue A4 communicate directly with the Storage Archive queue.

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Process Mailbox, Process System (Schedule only).
task for server queue A5

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Process Moved Items in Folder.

task for server queue A6

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Synchronization requests.

task for server queue A7
Enterprise Vault message queues 345
Exchange Mailbox task queues

Table 24-3 provides more information on the messages that the Exchange Mailbox
task may place in queues A1 through A7.

Table 24-3 Messages in the Exchange Mailbox task queues

Message Notes

Operation Failed Informs the Exchange Mailbox task that an error has
occurred and that it should change the message from
archive pending back into a message. The message
is reprocessed later. This message is sent if an error
occurs during archiving and storage.

Process Item Asks the Exchange Mailbox task to archive a specific

message from the Exchange server to the Storage
service. The item in Exchange is turned into a shortcut
when the storage returns an Update Shortcut message.

Process Item messages are produced by a user

explicitly archiving an item (placed on A2) or by retry
requests for items that failed during normal processing.
Retry requests from Run Now are placed on the A2
queue, whereas those from scheduled archiving are
placed on the A4 queue.

Process Mailbox Asks the Exchange Mailbox task to examine a mailbox

and find any messages that match the archiving criteria.
The items are placed on the Storage Archive queue
for storage processing.

Process Moved Items in Folder Asks the Exchange Mailbox task to update the items
that have been moved or copied to the specified folder.

Process Moved Items in Folder messages are only

placed on queue A6.

Process System Asks the Exchange Mailbox task to determine which

mailboxes on the Exchange server are eligible for
archiving. The Exchange Mailbox task reads the list of
all provisioned mailboxes and sends a Process Mailbox
message (on the same queue) for each mailbox.

A Process System message is placed immediately on

queue A3 if the administrator selects Run Now from
the task properties, or it is placed on queue A5 at the
start of a scheduled archive period (provided that there
are no other Process System messages that are
already waiting to be done).
Enterprise Vault message queues 346
Exchange Mailbox task queues

Table 24-3 Messages in the Exchange Mailbox task queues (continued)

Message Notes

Synchronize System Synchronization requests for an Exchange Mailbox

task are placed on the A7 queue. When
synchronization is run, a Synchronize System request
is placed on this queue. This generates a Synchronize
Mailbox request for each mailbox that needs to be
synchronized. Having multiple Synchronize Mailbox
requests means that multiple threads can service the

The A7 queue is processed at all times but is always

the lowest priority task. This means that scheduled
background archives always take precedence over
synchronization requests.

Update Shortcut Informs the Exchange Mailbox task that it can turn an
archive pending item into a shortcut. It occurs after a
message has been stored by the Storage service, and
backed up.

Notes on the Exchange Mailbox task queues

■ Each queue has a suffix of Apriority number, where A1 is the highest priority.
The message queues are treated as FIFO (First In, First Out), and new messages
are always added to the end of the queue.
■ The Exchange Mailbox task processes the queues in order of priority. The task
scans through each queue, starting with the highest priority. If it finds a message
on a queue, it processes the message and then starts the scan again from the
highest priority queue. Therefore, queues A2 through A7 are not processed until
queue A1 is empty. When A1 is empty, A2 requests are processed before A3
However, queues A4 and A5 are special queues that are used by the archiving
schedule only. The Exchange Mailbox task processes messages on the A5
queue only during a scheduled archive period. Outside the scheduled periods,
messages on these queues are ignored until the next schedule period.
■ Using performance monitor, you can monitor the changes in the queues to
assess the progress of the task.
For example, at the start of a scheduled period, the number of messages on
queue A5 rises (to the number of enabled mailboxes on the Exchange server).
These are Process Mailbox messages. The Exchange Mailbox task takes the
first message off queue A5, finds all the eligible messages in the mailbox, and
changes them to archive pending. A Process Item message is then placed on
Enterprise Vault message queues 347
Exchange Journaling task queues

the Storage Archive queue of the Storage service for each message to be
■ After the vault store has been backed up, Update Shortcut messages are placed
on queue A1. The messages are processed immediately because the queue
has a higher priority.
■ Queue A3 performs the same function as queue A5, but for an immediate process
system. This queue also performs shortcut expiry and deletion. Explicit user
archives from the Outlook client extension are placed on queue A2.
■ Queue A5 is only processed during a scheduled period, but queues A1 through
A3, A6, and A7 are always processed. If a queue has not been processed for
more than 10 minutes, and there are no messages in a higher priority queue,
there may be a problem with the task. Check the Enterprise Vault event log on
the Exchange Mailbox task computer for any additional information.
■ Monitoring queue A1 indicates that a backup has correctly updated shortcuts.
However, if A1 is being used during normal use (before a backup), this may
indicate a problem with tasks. Check the Enterprise Vault event log for errors.

Exchange Journaling task queues

Table 24-4 describes the queues that the Exchange Journaling task uses. Here,
server is the name of the server that the Exchange Journaling task is managing,
whereas queue is a number that uniquely identifies the queue.

Table 24-4 Exchange Journaling task queues

Queue name Messages placed on the queue

Enterprise Vault Journaling task for Post Process Archived Item, Operation Failed.
server queue J1

Enterprise Vault Journaling task for Process Item.

server queue J2

Enterprise Vault Journaling task for Process Mailbox.

server queue J3

Enterprise Vault Journaling task for Synchronize System.

server queue J4

Table 24-5 provides more information on the messages that the Exchange Journaling
task may place in queues J1 through J4.
Enterprise Vault message queues 348
Exchange Journaling task queues

Table 24-5 Messages in the Exchange Journaling task queues

Message Notes

Operation Failed Informs the Exchange Journaling task that an error has
occurred and that it should do the following:

■ Change the message from archive pending back

into a message. The message is reprocessed later.
■ Move the message to the Failed to Store folder.

This message is sent if an error occurs during archiving

and storage.

Post Process Archived Item Informs the Exchange Journaling task to delete an
archive pending item from the journal mailbox. It occurs
after a message has been stored by the Storage
service, and backed-up.

Process Mailbox Asks the Exchange Journaling task to examine the

journal mailbox, finding any messages that have
arrived. Up to 500 new messages are turned into
archive pending, and a message is placed on the
Storage Archive queue of the Storage service for each
message to be archived.

The process mailbox message is issued every minute

onto queue J3. This allows for continuous scanning of
the journal mailbox while the Journaling task is running.

Synchronize System Synchronization requests for an Exchange Journaling

task are placed on the J4 queue. When synchronization
is run, a Synchronize System request is placed on this
queue. This generates a Synchronize Mailbox request
for each mailbox that needs to be synchronized. Having
multiple Synchronize Mailbox requests means that
multiple threads can service the requests.

The J4 queue is processed at all times but is always

the lowest priority task. This means that scheduled
background archives always take precedence over
synchronization requests.

Notes on the Exchange Journaling task queues

■ Each queue has a suffix of Jpriority number, where J1 is the highest priority.
The message queues are treated as FIFO (First In, First Out), and new messages
are always added to the end of the queue.
Enterprise Vault message queues 349
Exchange Public Folder task queues

■ An Exchange Journaling task processes the queues in order of priority. The

task scans through each queue, starting with the highest priority. If it finds a
message on a queue, it processes the message and then starts the scan again
from the highest priority queue. Therefore, if there are messages on queue J1,
queue J2 and J3 are not processed until queue J1 is empty.
■ Monitoring queue J1 will indicate that a vault store backup is correctly deleting
the messages. However, if J1 is being used during normal use (before a backup),
this may indicate a problem with tasks. Check the Enterprise Vault event log for
■ Monitoring queue J3 will indicate that at least every minute a process mailbox
message is on the queue (a new message will only be added if the queue is
empty). There should never be more than one message on this queue. The
message should appear on the queue and then disappear as soon as queue
J1 is clear. Any new messages in the journal mailbox will be processed.
■ If a queue has not been processed for more than 10 minutes, and there are no
messages in a higher priority queue, there may be a problem with the tasks.
Check the Enterprise Vault event log on the Exchange Journaling task computer
for any additional information.

Exchange Public Folder task queues

Table 24-6 describes the queues that each Exchange Public Folder task uses.
Here, server is the name of the server that the Public Folder task is managing,
whereas queue is a number that uniquely identifies the queue.

Table 24-6 Exchange Public Folder task queues

Queue name Messages placed on the queue

Enterprise Vault Public Folder task Update Shortcut, Operation Failed.

for server queue P1

Enterprise Vault Public Folder task Process Folder, Process Folders (Run Now), Check
for server queue P3 Folders, Check Folder.

Enterprise Vault Public Folder task Process Folder, Process Folders (Schedule only).
for server queue P5

Note that Enterprise Vault has not used queues P2 and P4 since version 3.6.
Table 24-7 provides more information on the messages that the Exchange Public
Folder task may place in queues P1, P3, and P5.
Enterprise Vault message queues 350
Exchange Public Folder task queues

Table 24-7 Messages in the Exchange Public Folder task queues

Message Notes

Operation Failed Informs the Exchange Public Folder task that an error
has occurred and that it should change the message
from archive pending back into a message. The
message is reprocessed later. This message is sent if
an error occurs during archiving and storage.

Process Folder Asks the Exchange Public Folder task to examine a

specific folder and find any messages that match the
archiving criteria. These messages are then turned
into archive pending, and a message is placed on the
process item queue for each message to be archived.

Process Folders Asks the Exchange Public Folder task to determine

which folders on the Exchange Server are eligible for
archiving. The Exchange Public Folder task reads the
list of all the public folders that are hosted on the
Exchange server and sends a Process Folder message
(on the same queue) for each top-level folder that is

Process Folders messages are placed immediately on

queue P3 if the administrator selects Run Now from
the task properties, or it is placed on queue P5 at the
start of a scheduled archive period (provided that there
are no other process folders messages already waiting
to be done).

Update Shortcut Instructs the Exchange Public Folder task to turn an

archive pending item into a shortcut. It occurs after a
message has been stored by the Storage service, and
backed up.

Notes on the Exchange Public Folder task queues

■ Each queue has a suffix of Ppriority number, where P1 is the highest priority.
The message queues are treated as FIFO (First In, First Out), and new messages
are always added to the end of the queue.
■ The Exchange Public Folder task processes the queues in order of priority. The
task scans through each queue, starting with the highest priority. If it finds a
message on a queue, it processes the message and then starts the scan again
from the highest priority queue. Therefore, if there are messages on queue P1,
the other queues are not processed until queue P1 is empty.
Enterprise Vault message queues 351
Retrieval queues

However, the P5 queue is a special queue only used during the public folder
archiving schedule. The Exchange Public Folder task processes only messages
on queue P5 during a scheduled archive period. Outside of the schedule, any
messages on these queues are ignored.
■ Queue P3 performs the same function as queue P5, but for an administrator
Run Now. This queue also performs shortcut expiry and deletion.
■ Queue P5 is only processed during a scheduled period, but queues P1 and P3
are always processed. If a queue has not been processed for more than 10
minutes, and there are no messages in a higher priority queue, there may be a
problem with the task. Check the Enterprise Vault event log on the Exchange
Public Folder task computer for any additional information.
■ Monitoring queue P1 will indicate that a backup has correctly updated shortcuts.
However, if P1 is being used during normal use (before a backup), it may indicate
a problem with tasks. Check the Enterprise Vault event log for errors.

Retrieval queues
Table 24-8 describes the queues with which the Exchange Mailbox task carries out
retrieval. Here, server is the name of the server that the Exchange Mailbox task is
processing, whereas queue is a number that uniquely identifies the queue.

Table 24-8 Retrieval queues

Queue name Messages placed on the queue

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Item Ready, Operation Failed.

task for server queue R1

Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Restore Item, Update Basket.

task for server queue R2

Enterprise Vault Storage Spool Message content. The messages on this queue are
items restored from the Storage service. The Exchange
Mailbox task reads the messages as it processes the
queue R1.

Table 24-9 provides more information on the messages that the Exchange Mailbox
task may place in queues R1 and R2 when it carries out retrieval.
Enterprise Vault message queues 352
Retrieval queues

Table 24-9 Messages in the Retrieval queues

Message Notes

Item Ready This message informs the Exchange Mailbox task that
a previously requested message is now available on
the storage spool queue. The Exchange Mailbox task
collects the message from the storage spool queue
and places it into the mailbox. The Storage service
generates these messages as required.

Operation Failed This message informs the Exchange Mailbox task there
was a problem restoring the message. If the retrieval
was started from the web application, the Exchange
Mailbox task updates the basket to indicate the item
was not restored.

Restore Item This message is a request to restore an item from the

Storage service back into Exchange Server. The
Exchange Mailbox task prompts for the message from
the Storage service and places it into the mailbox.
Messages are placed on this queue from both the user
extension and the web page restore functions.

Update Basket When a restore succeeds or fails, the retrieval task

tries to update the shopping basket directly. If this fails,
the retrieval task posts an Update Basket request so
that it is tried again.

This message instructs the Exchange Mailbox task to

update a web basket with the successful restoration
of an item.

Notes on the retrieval queues

■ Each queue has a suffix of Rpriority_number, where R1 is the higher priority.
The message queues are treated as FIFO (First In, First Out), and new messages
are always added to the end of the queue.
■ The Exchange Mailbox task processes the queues in order of priority. The task
scans through each queue, starting with the highest priority. If it finds a message
on a queue, it processes the message and then starts the scan again from the
highest priority queue. Therefore, if there are messages on queue R1, queue
R2 is not processed until queue R1 is empty.
■ If a queue has not been processed for more than 10 minutes, and there are no
messages in a higher priority queue, there may be a problem with the task.
Enterprise Vault message queues 353
Storage service queues

Check the Enterprise Vault event log on the Exchange Mailbox task computer
for any additional information.

Storage service queues

Table 24-10 describes the queues that the Storage service uses.

Table 24-10 Storage service queues

Queue name Messages placed on the queue

Enterprise Vault storage archive Store Item.

Enterprise Vault storage restore Restore an Item.

Table 24-11 provides more information on the messages that the Storage service
may place in the queues.

Table 24-11 Messages in the Storage service queues

Message Notes

Restore an Item The Exchange Mailbox task places a message in the

Storage Restore queue, requesting an item to be
restored from an archive. When the Storage service
has located the item, it places it in the Storage Spool
queue and notifies the Exchange Mailbox task on
queue R1.

Store Item The Exchange Mailbox task places a compressed email

message on the Storage Archive queue, to be stored
in an archive. If the compressed message is larger
than 4 MB, it is divided into 4-MB chunks (each labeled
with a part number, such as "Part 1 of 5"). The
message is reconstructed by the Storage service before

The Exchange Mailbox task places all emails to be

stored onto the appropriate Storage service archive
queue. Multiple Storage services may be configured,
so the Exchange Mailbox task must select the correct
Storage service for the vault store in which the archive
Enterprise Vault message queues 354
Storage service queues

Notes on the Storage service queues

■ Monitoring the storage archive queue will indicate the Storage service is
processing items. If the number of items in this queue does not change for at
least 30 minutes, there is likely to be a problem. Check the Enterprise Vault
event log on the storage computer for any errors and, if necessary, restart the
Storage service.
■ When all the vault stores on an Enterprise Vault server are in backup mode, the
Storage Archive queue is not processed.
■ Monitoring the restore queue will indicate the number of restores required by
the users. Again, if the number of items on the queue does not change, there
is likely to be a problem.
Chapter 25
Customizations and best
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Mailbox archiving strategies

■ Public folder archiving best practice

■ About performance tuning

Mailbox archiving strategies

This section covers the following:
■ About mailbox archiving strategies
■ Notes on archiving based on age
■ Notes on archiving based on quota or age and quota
■ Notes on archiving items from Exchange managed folders
■ Archiving items only if they have attachments
■ How to customize the Enterprise Vault settings for a journal mailbox
■ Disabling archiving for mailboxes

About mailbox archiving strategies

You define an archiving strategy for a mailbox policy on the Archiving Rules tab.
You can base the archiving strategy for an Exchange Mailbox Policy on one of the
Customizations and best practice 356
Mailbox archiving strategies

■ Age: items are archived when they have not been modified for the time that you
The age of a mail message is taken from the date when it was received or sent.
The age of a document is taken from the date when it was last modified.
■ Quota: archiving keeps a percentage of each user's Exchange mailbox storage
limit free.
■ Age and quota: Enterprise Vault performs age-based archiving first. If age-based
archiving does not make the required percentage of mailbox storage limit free,
quota-based archiving continues until the required percentage is reached.
Archiving based on age and archiving based on quota or age and quota are the
main strategies for selection of items to archive. You can also configure the policy
so that Enterprise Vault archives large items first. Archiving large items first operates
in addition to the main archiving strategy. Archiving large items first has the following
■ Initial archiving performance is improved.
■ Mailbox space is recovered by archiving relatively few items.
You can also select the following options:
■ Items younger than an age that you specify are never archived.
■ Only messages with attachments are archived.

Notes on archiving based on age

Archiving based on age is the default archiving strategy.
When you configure archiving based on age, the following recommendations apply:
■ Consider a policy that uses the setting "Start with items larger than" so that
archiving has the greatest benefits early on.
■ Larger, less frequent runs make backups easier. For example, it is easier to do
one large run on Friday and then a full backup of the Enterprise Vault system
than daily archives and backups.

Notes on archiving based on quota or age and quota

You can choose archiving based on quota on its own, or as part of the archiving
by age and quota option. The same configuration and best practice considerations
You need to decide first whether you need to base archiving on quota. The default
strategy of archiving based on age is more efficient, and avoids the possibility of
archiving too many items.
Customizations and best practice 357
Mailbox archiving strategies

Consider archiving based on age and quota when archiving by age only or quota
only do not give the results you want. When archiving is based only on age, it may
not archive enough items to keep some mailboxes within their quota. When archiving
is based only on quota, some mailboxes may not come close to the Exchange
mailbox storage limit. In this case, Enterprise Vault does not even archive older
Enterprise Vault calculates the amount of data it needs to archive to achieve the
quota percentage target. It bases the calculation on estimates of the size of
shortcuts. The estimates take account of any items that already have a status of
pending archive. For information about how the estimates are calculated, see the
following TechNote on the Enterprise Vault Support website:
You can use the following registry values to override the values that Enterprise
Vault uses in the shortcut size estimates:
■ ShortcutCalcAverageBodySize
■ ShortcutCalcBannerSize
■ ShortcutCalcBaseItemSize
■ ShortcutCalcBodySizeMultiplier
■ ShortcutCalcOverride
■ ShortcutCalcRecipientSize
See Enterprise Vault Registry Values.
See “Recommendations for quota-based archiving” on page 357.

Recommendations for quota-based archiving

When you configure archiving based on quota, or on age and quota, consider the
recommendations given here. These recommendations help you to avoid setting
the quota percentage too high for your Enterprise Vault configuration. If the quota
percentage is too high, Enterprise Vault may archive too many items as it tries to
achieve the quota target.
The recommendations are as follows:
■ Review your shortcut settings and consider using smaller shortcuts. With smaller
shortcuts, Enterprise Vault saves more space in a mailbox for each item that it
archives. The result is that Enterprise Vault needs to archive fewer items to
achieve the percentage of free space that you require.
If you use large shortcuts when the average item is small, Enterprise Vault saves
less space for each item that it archives.
Customizations and best practice 358
Mailbox archiving strategies

To find out the average shortcut size, run the Exchange Mailbox Archiving task
in Report run mode.
You specify the settings that determine what information is left in a shortcut on
the mailbox policy Shortcut Content tab.
■ Consider making shortcuts expire earlier. When shortcuts expire earlier, you
save mailbox space and avoid archiving too many items. You set the age at
which Enterprise Vault deletes shortcuts on the mailbox policy Shortcut Deletion
■ Specify that Enterprise Vault starts by archiving large items. Enterprise Vault
then archives items that use the most mailbox space first.
■ Start with a low quota percentage, and increase it gradually until you get the
results you require.
■ Make sure that there is enough archiving each night so that users have sufficient
space for the following day.
■ Check the mailbox policy Advanced settings Archive deleted items and Archive
Exchange Managed Folders.
Items in the Deleted Items folder are included in the Exchange Server mailbox
storage limit calculation. By default Enterprise Vault does not archive items from
the Deleted Items folder. So items in the Deleted Items folder can prevent
Enterprise Vault from reaching the quota percentage target.
Managed folders are also included in the Exchange Server mailbox storage limit
calculation. By default Enterprise Vault archives from managed folders, but you
can configure it so that it does not archive from managed folders. In this case,
Enterprise Vault may not be able to achieve the quota percentage target.
■ Check the mailbox policy Advanced setting Strip attachments to non-shortcut
items. By default, Enterprise Vault removes attachments from calendar, meeting,
task, and contact items after it archives these items. If attachments are not
removed from these items, then archiving them does not save space in the
Further points to note are as follows:
■ If no Microsoft Exchange storage limit applies to a mailbox, Enterprise Vault
cannot process the mailbox with quota-based archiving.
■ In Exchange, you can specify the maximum space that a mailbox can occupy
before the user is prohibited from sending or receiving messages. If you archive
by quota and this storage limit has been exceeded, then Enterprise Vault cannot
process the mailbox with quota-based archiving.
The solution is to remove or raise the limit, archive until a suitable storage level
is reached, and then reimpose the limit if necessary. Enterprise Vault normally
keeps users within quota, so you may decide to remove the limit.
Customizations and best practice 359
Mailbox archiving strategies

Notes on configuring archiving based on age and quota with a

You can use an Enterprise Vault Policy Manager script to configure your archiving
strategy for a mailbox.
For information about Policy Manager, see the Utilities Guide.
An example script is shown here. This script applies settings for archiving based
on age and quota to a mailbox. It also configures a special folder to override the
mailbox-level settings.
The first part of the script configures the mailbox as follows:
■ Archive items that are older than three months.
■ Archive items that are larger than 4 MB immediately.
■ If necessary, continue quota-based archiving until 30% of the mailbox storage
limit is free. Quota-based archiving starts with any items that are larger than 1
MB and more than one day old.
■ Create shortcuts, and delete the original items.
The second part of the script configures a mailbox folder that is named
\Inbox\Special Project as follows:

■ Archive items that are older than 0 days.

■ Do not create shortcuts, and delete the original items.
You might want to configure a special folder as shown here as an alternative to
manual archiving. Users can move items into the folder, and Enterprise Vault
automatically archives the items soon afterwards.
The example script is as follows:


distinguishedname=/o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative Group/

; Using Age & Quota based archiving

Customizations and best practice 360
Mailbox archiving strategies

; Quota settings
; Archive to 30% of quota is available
; Start with large items >1MB that are more than 1 day old

; Age settings
; Archive all items older than 3 months
; Archive all items >4MB immediately.

; Create shortcuts and delete the original item


; Do not archive unread items


; Special case zero day folder to override Age & Quota settings

; Archive Items after 0 days, delete the original and

; do not leave a shortcut
Customizations and best practice 361
Mailbox archiving strategies


; Set the mailbox to use Age & Quota based archiving as

; defined in the policy above

; Apply the ZeroDaysNoShortcut policy to a special project folder

name=\Inbox\Special Project

Notes on archiving items from Exchange managed folders

Exchange Server 2013, 2010 and 2007 let you set up Exchange managed folders
and apply managed content settings to them. The managed content settings let
you control the retention of items of the specified message class.
Enterprise Vault can apply special retention categories to items that it archives from
managed folders. These managed folder retention categories are based on settings
that are synchronized from Exchange managed content settings. Managed folder
retention categories are created and updated automatically. They have a different
icon and different properties from normal retention categories. You can change the
name and description of a managed folder retention category, but not its retention
period. Synchronization with Exchange managed content settings prevents
Enterprise Vault managed folder retention category settings from conflicting with
the managed content settings.
For example, the managed content settings may specify that items in the managed
folder are deleted after 180 days. If synchronization with managed content settings
is active, Enterprise Vault automatically creates a managed folder retention category.
Enterprise Vault gives the managed folder retention category the same name as
the managed content settings. Enterprise Vault sets the retention period so that
archived items expire at the same time that they are due to expire from Exchange.
In the Enterprise Vault Exchange mailbox policy, the advanced setting Archive
Exchange Managed Folders controls whether Enterprise Vault archives items
from managed folders.
Customizations and best practice 362
Mailbox archiving strategies

The possible values of Archive Exchange Managed Folders are as follows:

Off Enterprise Vault does not archive items from managed

folders. Users cannot archive items manually from managed

Normal Enterprise Vault treats managed folders in the same way as

any other folder.

The value Normal lets users modify the contents of managed

folders in Virtual Vault, provided the Virtual Vault policy
settings allow such operations. For example, users can move
items as follows:

■ From the mailbox to a managed folder in Virtual Vault

■ From a managed folder in Virtual Vault to another Virtual
Vault folder

Managed Default value. Enterprise Vault archives items from managed

folders and uses managed folder retention category settings
that are synchronized from Exchange.

The Enterprise Vault Exchange Provisioning task performs the synchronization with
Exchange managed content settings. Synchronization is automatic when there is
an Exchange 2013, 2010 or 2007 server in the domain. So the Exchange
Provisioning task performs synchronization and creates managed folder retention
categories even if you have not set Archive Exchange Managed Folders to
If synchronization fails, it causes the entire Provisioning task to fail. To prevent
synchronization, you can place a configuration file in the Enterprise Vault server
installation folder.
See “Preventing synchronization with Exchange managed folders” on page 365.
When archiving from managed folders is active, users of the Enterprise Vault Outlook
Add-In in full mode see the following:
■ They cannot specify a retention category or an archive when they archive items
manually from managed folders.
■ The Enterprise Vault tab in the folder properties does not include the Change
■ Enterprise Vault always creates shortcuts and deletes the original items.
Enterprise Vault auditing records details of creation, modification, and deletion of
Exchange managed content settings.
Customizations and best practice 363
Mailbox archiving strategies

Requirements for synchronized archiving from Exchange

managed folders
To archive items from an Exchange managed folder and synchronize managed
content settings with a managed folder retention category, all the following conditions
must apply:
■ In the Enterprise Vault Exchange mailbox policy, the advanced setting Archive
Exchange Managed Folders must be set to Managed.
■ The item's message class must match the Message type setting in one set of
managed content settings that are defined for the managed folder. (In Exchange,
you can define multiple sets of managed content settings for a single managed
folder. Each set of managed content settings can specify a different message
■ The managed content settings must define the action to take at the end of the
retention period as Delete and Allow Recovery or Permanently Delete.
■ The Enterprise Vault filter that applies to the managed folder must be the system
See “Setting the system default filter on Exchange managed folders” on page 363.
■ The Vault Service account must have the Exchange View-Only Administrator
role assigned to it. For details of how to assign this role, see Installing and
Configuring Enterprise Vault.

Setting the system default filter on Exchange managed folders

One requirement for synchronizing managed content settings is that the Enterprise
Vault filter applied to the managed folder must be set to Use the system default.
If the filter on a managed folder is set to Use custom settings, Enterprise Vault
does not apply managed content settings.
Custom settings on a managed folder may be inherited, or set with Enterprise Vault
Policy Manager.
If necessary, you can use the PowerShell cmdlet Remove-EVExchangeFolderPolicy
to remove all existing custom settings from managed folders. You can then use
Policy Manager to set managed folders to use the system default filter.
For information about Policy Manager, see the Utilities Guide.
Customizations and best practice 364
Mailbox archiving strategies

To remove Policy Manager policies from managed folders

1 Start the Enterprise Vault Management Shell.
2 In the Enterprise Vault Management Shell window, enter the following command
if you want to see detailed Help for Remove-EVExchangeFolderPolicy:
Get-Help Remove-EVExchangeFolderPolicy -detailed

3 Enter the Remove-EVExchangeFolderPolicy command with the required

For example:
■ To remove any Enterprise Vault filter settings from managed folders in a
mailbox, enter the following command:
Remove-EVExchangeFolderPolicy -PrimarySMTPAddress
user_name@domain -ManagedFolders
where user_name@domain is the name of the mailbox.
■ If the managed folders are on Exchange Server 2013 or 2010, you can run
the following script to remove any Enterprise Vault filter settings from
managed folders in all mailboxes on a specified Exchange 2013 or 2010
Run the script in the Enterprise Vault Management Shell window.

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange

-ConnectionUri http://Exchange_server/PowerShell/
-Authentication Kerberos -Credential Exchange_administrator

Import-PSSession $Session -CommandName Get-Mailbox

$UserList = Get-Mailbox |
where-object{$_.ServerName -like "Exchange_server"}
foreach($Entry in $UserList)
{$Address = $Entry.PrimarySMTPAddress;
Remove-EVExchangeFolderPolicy -PrimarySMTPAddress $Address}

where Exchange_server is the name of the Exchange server, and

Exchange_administrator the name of the Exchange administrator account.
Customizations and best practice 365
Mailbox archiving strategies

To set a managed folder to use the system default filter

1 Create a Policy Manager initialization file that contains the following [Folder]

NAME=\Managed Folders\managed_folder
filtername = systemdefault

where managed_folder is the name of the managed folder that you want to
use the system default filter.
2 Run Policy Manager with the initialization file.

Preventing synchronization with Exchange managed folders

The Enterprise Vault Exchange Provisioning task performs synchronization with
managed folders. The task checks for Exchange 2013, 2010 and 2007 servers in
the domain. The task also checks for new managed folders, and for new or changed
managed content settings in existing managed folders.
You can prevent the Exchange Provisioning task from synchronizing with managed
folders by using a configuration file in the Enterprise Vault server installation folder.
The configuration file setting that is described in this section only prevents
synchronization with managed folders and their managed content settings. Enterprise
Vault does not create new managed folder retention categories, or update existing
managed folder retention categories. Archiving from managed folders continues if
the necessary conditions apply.
You may want to prevent or temporarily suspend synchronization in the following
■ You have problems with synchronization, possibly because permissions on the
Exchange server are not set correctly.
■ You do not require Enterprise Vault to synchronize managed content settings
with managed folder retention categories.
To prevent synchronization with managed folders
1 In the Enterprise Vault installation folder, take a backup copy of the file,
EvExchangePolicySyncTask.exe.config. The installation folder is typically
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault.

2 Open the file with a text editor.

Customizations and best practice 366
Mailbox archiving strategies

3 Add the following lines to the <configuration> section in the file:

<add key="SkipManagedFolderSynch" value="true" />

4 Save and close the file.

5 The change will take effect the next time the Exchange Provisioning task runs.

Archiving items only if they have attachments

Enterprise Vault can be configured so that a mailbox or public folder item is archived
only if the item has an attachment, assuming all other archiving criteria are met.
This is not the same as archive attachments only.
The advantages of archiving only items with attachments are as follows:
■ A significant performance improvement, since many fewer items are being
■ Fewer problems generally, because fewer items are being archived. For example,
users open fewer archived items, there are fewer problems archiving items, and
so on.
■ Normally, using the "leave cover note text" option means Exchange store growth
for messages without attachments. However, if you set this and also configure
Enterprise Vault to archive items only if they have attachments, then Enterprise
Vault leaves cover note text only for items that do have attachments. This means
that there is always a space gain.
The disadvantages of archiving only items with attachments are as follows:
■ You cannot use this method if you are archiving for legal reasons because you
cannot be sure of what will be archived.
■ Users will not be sure of where to find older items. Should they search in the
mailbox or in Enterprise Vault?
■ Such a policy may be harder for users to understand than a simple age-based

Note: If you decide to archive only items with attachments, consider having
occasional archiving runs with it turned off and with an age-based policy of, say,
two years. This ensures that any really old items are eventually archived, even
though they have no attachments. This frees space in the Exchange database. You
could do this using, for example, a simple, scheduled SQL script running once each
Customizations and best practice 367
Mailbox archiving strategies

To enable archiving only items with attachments

1 Start the Administration Console.
2 In the left pane, expand the vault site.
3 Expand Policies and then Exchange.
4 Click the Mailbox container.
5 In the right pane, double-click the Exchange Mailbox Policy you want to modify.
6 Click the Archiving Rules tab.
7 Select Archive messages with attachments only.
8 Click OK.

How to customize the Enterprise Vault settings for a journal mailbox

You can customize the journal mailbox so that items are archived to different
archives and with different retention categories.
By default, Enterprise Vault uses the same archive and retention category for every
item that is archived from a journal mailbox. If this is not what you want, you can
customize the journal mailbox and send items to different archives with different
retention categories.
You can override the parent folder settings by changing the Enterprise Vault
properties for a folder. If a folder contains other folders then, by default, those folders
inherit the properties of the parent folder. However, you can change the settings
for individual folders.
By default, all folders in the journal mailbox have the Enterprise Vault property Use
Parent Folder Settings selected. This means that all folders inherit the same settings,
retention category, and archive that are set up for the journal mailbox. Until you
change the values for a particular folder, Enterprise Vault archives all items with
the same retention category and stores them in the same archive.
To modify the settings, use Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Exchange Client to do
the following:
■ Define rules to redirect mail to the appropriate folders within the journal mailbox.
The Exchange Journaling task will then archive items from those folders.
■ Set the mailbox and folder properties in the journal mailbox.
The journal mailbox is enabled with the following settings:
■ Vault: from the Journal Mailbox Target properties
■ Retention Category: from the Journal Mailbox Target properties
Customizations and best practice 368
Mailbox archiving strategies

The following tables list the Enterprise Vault settings that you can change to modify
the behavior of the Exchange Journaling task, together with those that the Exchange
Journaling task ignores.

Table 25-1 Journal mailbox settings

Setting Comment

Vault Can be changed from the default.

Retention Category Can be changed from the default.

Do not archive this folder Ignored.

Archive items older than Ignored (always 0 days).

Table 25-2 Journal mailbox folder settings

Setting Comment

Vault Overrides parent folder

Retention Category Overrides parent folder

All other settings Ignored (uses mailbox settings)

Table 25-3 Journal mailbox message settings

Setting Comment

Do not archive this item Ignored

Retention Category Ignored (uses folder setting)

Disabling archiving for mailboxes

There may be occasions when you want to disable archiving for a mailbox. If you
disable archiving for a mailbox, you can later enable it again at any time.
To disable archiving for one or more mailboxes
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Enterprise Vault
2 Expand the name of the computer that runs the Exchange Mailbox task.
3 Click Tasks.
4 In the right pane, click the Mailbox Archiving task.
Customizations and best practice 369
Public folder archiving best practice

5 On the Tools menu, click Disable Mailboxes.

6 When the Disable Mailbox wizard starts, follow the on-screen instructions to
select the mailboxes that you want to disable.

Public folder archiving best practice

When setting up Public Folder archiving, consider the following:
■ When you specify a public folder root path then, by default, all folders underneath
that path are archived.
■ If you want a setting to be applied to a whole section of a public folder tree, use
Enterprise Vault Policy Manager.
■ An Exchange Public Folder task takes its settings from the site that the Exchange
Public Folder task is in and applies those settings to every folder under its root
If you change any archiving policy using Outlook, the change applies only to
that folder, even if the folder is the root path.
So, for example, you could have three root paths archived under one site and
you want to change the policy for one of those paths. You could use the
Enterprise Vault folder properties in Outlook. However only that folder and not
its subfolders will have the new archive policy. If you want to have folder policy
inheritance you must use Policy Manager to set up the policy. Policy Manager
will set the new policy on all subfolders.
■ Any new public folder is archived using the site settings until you change the
settings for that folder. The new folder does not inherit any settings from its
For example, if you set a particular part of the public folder tree as Do Not
Archive, any new folder created in there will archived until you change its settings.
The same is true for a folder move.
To correct this you would run Policy Manager every day to ensure that the correct
folder policies are being applied.
■ If you use Policy Manager to apply settings to a folder and its subfolders, Policy
Manager applies those settings to all folders underneath the folder you specify.
So, for example, if there is a lower-level folder that has a different policy, you
need to run Policy Manager to reapply the correct policy to the lower-level folder.
For a complicated folder hierarchy you can may have a Policy Manager entry
for each folder. To be safe you’d have a policy setting that archives only very
old items, perhaps as old as 10 years. By doing this you turn off archiving for
new folders that have not yet had a Policy Manager policy applied to them.
Customizations and best practice 370
About performance tuning

■ "Default" access permissions are not applied to vaults. Thus, anyone accessing
a shortcut in a Public Folder using the default permission cannot access archived
■ It is best to make Enterprise Vault archive the home server for the public folder
because this reduces complications of replication and bandwidth. However, this
might mean that you need extra Enterprise Vault servers.
■ If there is public folder replication then, when a user opens a shortcut, View
Online goes to the vault server where the item is located.
■ To view items, a user’s mailbox must be enabled for Enterprise Vault archiving.
Consider where users may be when viewing these archived items in Public
Folders. Will those users have Enterprise Vault? Will their mailboxes be enabled?

About performance tuning

Knowing how well Enterprise Vault is performing helps you decide whether it is
necessary to change the configuration by adding or moving components, or by
modifying existing components.
Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) software, if available, may provide the
following information to help you improve the performance of Enterprise Vault:
■ The time newly-archived items wait to be backed-up. If this is too long, the
Archiving Agent and the Storage service will have many uncompleted archive
■ The time newly-archived items wait to be moved to offline storage. If this is too
short, and items are being moved offline quickly, then more recalls from offline
storage may be generated.
■ The number of times an archived item is restored from online storage. If too
many items are being restored too many times, they may be being archived too
soon. If the same items are being continually transferred between the Microsoft
Exchange Server store and Enterprise Vault, you may need to increase the size
of the Microsoft Exchange Server message store relative to the size of the
Enterprise Vault online store.
■ The number of times an archived item is recalled from offline storage. If too
many items are being recalled too many times, the online storage area may be
too small.
■ The time taken to recall items from offline storage. This time is dependent on
the HSM but can be used to give Enterprise Vault users expected recall times.
Customizations and best practice 371
About performance tuning

Moving the Windows Temp folder

Enterprise Vault services write temporary files to the Windows Temp folder. If the
Temp folder is on the system disk, this can cause the following problems:

■ There may not be much space on the system disk. This means that Enterprise
Vault services may stop because they have run out of temporary storage space.
■ Performance may be affected because of the access needed to both system
files and temporary files.
We recommend that, on every computer that is running an Enterprise Vault service,
you move the Windows Temp folder to a disk other than the system disk.
To move the Windows Temp folder
1 Log on as the Vault Service account.
2 Create the new Temp folder that you are going to use.
3 On the Windows desktop, right-click My Computer and then click Properties.
4 Click the Advanced tab and then click Environmental Variables.
5 In the User variables section, click the TEMP variable.
6 Modify the value so that it points to the new folder that you created.
7 In the User variables section, click the TMP variable.
8 Modify the value so that it points to the new folder that you created.
9 Click OK.
10 Restart the computer.

Improving performance on Storage service computers

This section includes the following topics:
■ How to control content conversion
■ How to deal with items that stay a long time on the Archive Queue
■ How to exclude items from content conversion

How to control content conversion

Enterprise Vault converts Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word documents to HTML.
If Enterprise Vault performs many such conversions, or if the documents are
complex, you may suffer performance problems. In such cases, you can significantly
improve performance by making Enterprise Vault convert the documents to text
instead of HTML.
Customizations and best practice 372
About performance tuning

Enterprise Vault provides the following registry values with which you can use
control whether Enterprise Vault converts documents to text instead of HTML:
■ To convert Excel documents to text instead of HTML, set the following registry
key to 1:

\Enterprise Vault

■ To convert Word documents to text instead of HTML, set the following registry
key to 1:

\Enterprise Vault

■ To list a number of file types that must be converted to text, edit the following
registry key:

\Enterprise Vault

This registry key contains a list of file types, separated by periods, of the file
types that are converted to text. The list must end in a period.
For example, if the list is currently .PPT.POT.PPS.ZIP. and you want to add file
type XYZ, you would change the list to the following:

Customizations and best practice 373
About performance tuning

How to deal with items that stay a long time on the Archive
One reason for items to stay on the Microsoft Message Queue Enterprise Vault
Storage Archive queue for a long time is that they really are taking a long time to
be converted. When the maximum time for the conversion is reached, the item is
archived but no HTML version is created. The item is archived and a message is
written to the Windows Application Event Log.
If many items are taking longer than the default 10 minutes allowed, you can change
the timeout value. To change the timeout, edit the following registry key:

\Enterprise Vault

The units for this key are minutes.

How to exclude items from content conversion

If you decide that some types of items are causing problems when they are being
converted, you can exclude them from being converted. The item attributes are
indexed in the usual way and the item is archived in its native format but not
converted to HTML. The user will not be able to preview an item that has not had
its content converted to HTML.
To exclude items from conversion, add the item's file extension to the following
registry key:

\Enterprise Vault

The format for the key is as follows:


For example, to exclude *.JPG and *.CAD files from conversion, set the key to the

Customizations and best practice 374
About performance tuning

The registry key lists all the file types that are not currently converted.
Chapter 26
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About auditing

■ Creating the auditing database

■ Configuring auditing

■ Viewing the audit log

■ Tuning auditing

About auditing
Enterprise Vault auditing records activity in a number of different categories. All
auditing is disabled by default, but you can enable it and specify the categories that
you want to audit.
The auditing database can optionally be on a computer that is running Enterprise
Vault services. However, it must be hosted by the same SQL Server as the
Enterprise Vault Directory database.
The process of setting up auditing is as follows:
■ Create the auditing database.
■ Configure auditing on each Enterprise Vault server.
The following sections describe these activities in detail.

Creating the auditing database

This section describes how to use the Administration Console to create the auditing
database. If, having created the database, you ever want to roll over to a new
Auditing 376
Configuring auditing

database, you cannot use the Administration Console to do so; see the support
article How to rollover an auditing database for instructions.
To create the auditing database
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, right-click the Enterprise Vault
Directory and then, on the context menu, click Enable Auditing.
2 Under Audit Database location, click Browse to display the available locations
for the auditing database.
3 If you want to create a new folder for the auditing database, click New Folder.
4 Click the location to use for the auditing database, and then click OK.
5 Under Transaction log location, click Browse to display the available locations
for the auditing database transaction log.
6 If you want to create a new folder for the transaction log, click New Folder.
7 Click the location to use for the log, and then click OK.
8 Click OK to close the Configure Auditing dialog box.
9 Wait a few moments for Enterprise Vault to create the database.
10 When Enterprise Vault displays a message confirming that it has created the
auditing database, click OK to dismiss the message.

Configuring auditing
Enterprise Vault auditing records data in a number of different categories. You can
specify whether auditing is enabled or disabled for each category. All categories
can record summary audit data, but some can also record detailed data.
To configure auditing
1 In the Administration Console, expand the tree in the left pane until the
Enterprise Vault Servers container is visible.
2 Click the Enterprise Vault Servers container.
3 Right-click the computer whose auditing you want to enable or disable and
then, on the context menu, click Properties.
4 Click the Auditing tab.
Auditing 377
Configuring auditing

5 If you want to enable or disable all auditing, check or uncheck Audit entries
based on the following categories. Otherwise, check or uncheck the required
audit categories.

View Records details of viewing archived items, either as HTML or

in their original formats.

Delete Records details of archived items being manually deleted.

Enterprise Vault does not audit deletions that result from

Restore Records details of archived items being restored.

Archive Records details of items being archived, either manually or

on a scheduled run.

PST Migration Records details of items being migrated from PST files.

NSF Migration Records details of items being migrated from NSF files.

Admin Activity Records details of configuration changes made in the

Administration Console, such as adding a new service,
creating archives, or enabling mailboxes.

Advanced Search Records details of searches performed, including the terms

used and the number of items found.

Get Online XML Records details of document retrieval into SharePoint Portal

Saveset Status (For support use only.) Records whether a saveset file is

SPS Archive SharePoint archiving activity.

User Records details of your own auditing entries.

View Attachments Records details of viewing archived items from within

SharePoint Portal Server.

FS Archive Records details of storage events from File System Archiving.

Domino Archive Any Domino archiving activity.

Domino Restore Any Domino restore activity.

Exchange Records details of creation, modification, and deletion of

Synchronization Exchange managed content settings. Enterprise Vault records
relevant details when it is configured to archive from Exchange
managed folders and to synchronize with their managed
content settings.
Auditing 378
Viewing the audit log

Archive Folder Updates Records the saveset ID and source and destination folders of
archived items being moved to a different mailbox folder.

Retention Category Records details of changes to the retention category of

Updates archived items.

Subtask Control Records the creation and modification of subtasks, such as

the subtasks that control Move Archive operations.

Move Archive Records details of individual Move Archive operations.

Undelete Records when deleted items are recovered using the option
Recover items on the Deleted Items tab of archive properties.
Shortcuts recovered using FSAUndelete utility are also

Indexing operations Records when the indexing subtasks for managing index
volumes start and stop. Also records any critical errors that
the subtasks encounter when processing indexes. The
Manage Indexes wizard enables you to manage index

6 Click OK to save the changes you have made.

7 Restart the services on the computer.

Viewing the audit log

Enterprise Vault comes with the Audit Viewer utility, which lets you view and filter
the data that is logged in the auditing database. For more information on Audit
Viewer, see the Utilities guide.
You can also view the audit log from SQL Server Management Studio, as follows.
To view the audit log
1 Start the SQL Server Management Studio.
2 On the Standard toolbar, click New Query.
3 On the SQL Editor toolbar, select EnterpriseVaultAudit from the list of available
4 Type the following command in the query window:


5 Click Execute on the SQL Editor toolbar, or press F5 to run the command.
Auditing 379
Tuning auditing

Tuning auditing
Each computer on which you enable auditing has a limited number of connections
that it can make to the auditing database. These connections are reused as needed.
Auditing uses a pool of connections to the auditing database. You can make
Enterprise Vault log the level of usage of these connections and then, if necessary,
you can modify the number of connections as required.
To turn connection information logging on or off
1 In the Administration Console, expand the tree in the left pane until the
Enterprise Vault Servers container is visible.
2 Click the Enterprise Vault Servers container.
3 Right-click the computer whose logging you want to enable or disable and then,
on the context menu, click Properties.
4 Click the Auditing tab.
5 Click Advanced.
6 Check or uncheck Log database information to turn logging on or off.
7 Click OK.
8 Restart the Enterprise Vault services on the computer.

Modifying the number of connections when auditing

When an Enterprise Vault service that has auditing turned on stops, it logs an event
that shows the number of connections it used and the maximum number of
connections available to it. You can use this information to decide whether to change
the connection pool sizes.
To change the connection pool sizes
1 In the Administration Console, expand the tree in the left pane until the
Enterprise Vault Servers container is visible.
2 Click the Enterprise Vault Servers container.
3 Right-click the computer whose logging you want to enable or disable and then,
on the context menu, click Properties.
4 Click the Auditing tab.
5 Click Advanced.
6 Set the number of connections for each Enterprise Vault service.
Auditing 380
Tuning auditing

7 Click OK.
8 Restart the Enterprise Vault services on the computer.
Chapter 27
Backing up Enterprise Vault
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About Enterprise Vault backups

■ About Enterprise Vault backup mode

■ Backup of Enterprise Vault data

■ About backup mode cmdlets

■ Generating PowerShell backup commands for your environment

■ Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts

About Enterprise Vault backups

Enterprise Vault requires an effective backup strategy to prevent data loss, and to
provide a means for recovery in the event of a system failure. When you plan this
strategy, remember that Enterprise Vault components can be distributed across
multiple systems. The resources on which Enterprise Vault depends may be remote
from Enterprise Vault services and tasks.
This section describes:
■ Enterprise Vault’s backup mode which lets you place vault stores and index
locations in backup mode while you take backups.
■ The databases you must back up.
■ The data locations and index locations you must back up.
■ The use of Enterprise Vault’s backup mode PowerShell cmdlets in your backup
For additional information about Enterprise Vault backups, see the following article
on the Enterprise Vault Enterprise Support site:
Backing up Enterprise Vault 382
About Enterprise Vault backup mode


About Enterprise Vault backup mode

Enterprise Vault lets you place vault stores and index locations in backup mode for
the duration of a data backup. Enterprise Vault does not write any data into vault
store partitions or index locations while they are in backup mode. However, services
to users are maintained while vault stores and index locations are in backup mode.
For example, users can continue to search their archives and restore items from
You can set backup mode on vault stores and index locations in the Enterprise
Vault administration console. When your backup is complete, you can use the
administration console to clear backup mode.
You can also use PowerShell cmdlets in the Enterprise Vault Management Shell
to set, clear, and report on vault store and index location backup mode. When you
use the PowerShell cmdlets to set and clear backup mode, Enterprise Vault
maintains a count of the number of requests for each vault store and index location
to support the use of concurrent backup scripts.
See “About backup mode cmdlets” on page 386.
To manage backup mode on vault stores, your user account must be assigned the
storage administrator role. To manage backup mode on index locations, your user
account must be assigned the power administrator role.
See “Roles-based administration” on page 24.
In the administration console, you can set and clear vault store backup mode in the
following places:
■ The context menu on the Enterprise Vault site
■ The context menu on any vault store group
■ The context menu on any vault store
You can set and clear index location backup mode in the following places:
■ The context menu on the Enterprise Vault site
■ The context menu on any Enterprise Vault server
■ The index service properties page
When you set and clear backup mode on index locations and vault stores, events
are written to the Enterprise Vault event log. The indexing service also writes an
event when it starts, if any index locations are in backup mode. This event lists all
the index locations that are in backup mode.
Backing up Enterprise Vault 383
Backup of Enterprise Vault data

The following examples show how to use backup mode in the administration console.
The first example is a procedure to set backup mode on all the vault stores in a
vault store group. The second example is a procedure to find the current backup
mode settings for index locations on a server called EVServer.domain1.local.
To set backup mode on all the vault stores in a vault store group
1 In the left pane of the administration console, expand the Vault Store Group
2 Right-click the vault store group whose vault stores you want to place in backup
mode, and click Set State > Set Backup Mode on all Vault Stores.
The Backup Mode column in the right pane now shows that backup mode is set
on all the vault stores in the vault store group.
To see the current backup mode settings for index locations, and to change these
1 In the left pane of the administration console, browse to Enterprise Vault
Servers > EVServer.domain1.local > Services.
2 In the right pane, right-click Enterprise Vault Indexing Service and click
3 Click the Index Locations tab.
4 The Backup Mode column shows the current backup mode settings for all the
index locations on the server. You can change the setting for any of these

Backup of Enterprise Vault data

You must back up the following Enterprise Vault data and databases:
■ Enterprise Vault system databases backup
■ Fingerprint databases backup
■ Vault store partitions and vault store databases backup
■ Backing up index locations

Enterprise Vault system databases backup

To make a complete Enterprise Vault system backup, you must back up the following
system databases:
■ EnterpriseVaultDirectory. You must back up this database immediately after
you back up one or more vault store databases.
Backing up Enterprise Vault 384
Backup of Enterprise Vault data

See “Vault store partitions and vault store databases backup” on page 384.
■ EnterpriseVaultMonitoring

■ EnterpriseVaultAudit, if you have enabled Enterprise Vault auditing.

■ Each FSA Reporting database you have set up, if you use FSA Reporting.
The following document on the Symantec Support website describes procedures
which you can use to back up your Enterprise Vault SQL databases if you do not
use a third party SQL backup tool:

Note: Every Enterprise Vault server must also have a complete system and file
backup. This backup must include the registry because all Enterprise Vault services
store information in the registry. You should consider taking this system and file
backup at the same time you back up the Enterprise Vault system databases.

Fingerprint databases backup

Each vault store group usually has a fingerprint database which holds the data that
enables Enterprise Vault single instance storage.
Each fingerprint database is called EVVSG_vaultstoregroup_n_m, where
vaultstoregroup is the name of the vault store group with its spaces removed. n and
m are internally generated integers.
You should also set backup mode on the corresponding vault store group, and back
up all its vault stores at the same time you back up the fingerprint database.
See “About Enterprise Vault backup mode” on page 382.
The following document on the Symantec Support website describes procedures
which you can use to back up your Enterprise Vault SQL databases if you do not
use a third party SQL backup tool:

Vault store partitions and vault store databases backup

Each vault store has a database which is called EVvaultstore_n, where vaultstore
is the name of the vault store with its spaces removed, and n is an internally
generated integer.
Back up the vault store databases at the same you back up the vault store partitions.
Backing up Enterprise Vault 385
Backup of Enterprise Vault data

Note: After you back up a vault store database or back up a group of vault store
databases, immediately back up the directory database

Before you back up the vault store databases and vault store partitions, place the
vault stores in backup mode.
See “About Enterprise Vault backup mode” on page 382.

Removal of Enterprise Vault safety copies after backup

When Enterprise Vault detects that a vault store partition has been backed up, it is
free to remove the safety copies of the items it archived previously. Enterprise Vault
can detect that partitions have been backed up by inspecting the archive attribute
on individual files if your backup software clears the archive attribute after backup.
Alternatively, can use a trigger file mechanism.
For more information about the relationship between backup software and the
detection of partition backups, see “About Enterprise Vault safety copies” in Installing
and Configuring.

Backing up index locations

Each Enterprise Vault indexing service can store its indexes in multiple locations,
and you must back up all these locations. On each Enterprise Vault server, the
index locations are listed on the Index Locations tab of the Enterprise Vault
Indexing Service properties page.
The following procedure shows how to find the index locations you need to back
up on a server called EVServer.domain1.local.

Note: To find a complete list of all the index locations to back up, you must complete
this procedure on all the Enterprise Vault servers that run an indexing service.

To find a complete list of the index locations you must back up

1 In the left pane of the administration console, browse to Enterprise Vault
Servers > EVServer.domain1.local > Services.
2 In the right pane, right-click Enterprise Vault Indexing Service and click
3 Click the Index Locations tab and note the index locations that you must back
Before you back up index locations, you must place them in backup mode.
Backing up Enterprise Vault 386
About backup mode cmdlets

See “About Enterprise Vault backup mode” on page 382.

Note: For Enterprise Vault 10.0 and later, you must ensure that all the indexing
services in your environment are running before you set backup mode on index

While index locations are in backup mode, users can continue to search their
archives. In environments where it is not necessary to maintain this functionality
during the backup window, you can stop all the indexing services while you take
backups. If you do this, you do not have to set backup mode on index locations.

About backup mode cmdlets

Enterprise Vault provides a set of PowerShell cmdlets which you can use to set
and clear backup mode on the following:
■ Vault stores
■ Vault store groups
■ Index locations
You can run these cmdlets directly in the Enterprise Vault Management Shell, and
use them in your backup scripts. For example, use the cmdlets in a pre-backup
script to set backup mode on index locations and vault stores before the backup is
taken. After the backup has completed, use the cmdlets in a post-backup script to
clear backup mode.
For each index location and vault store, Enterprise Vault maintains a count of the
number of set requests and clear requests, to support the use of concurrent backup
scripts. Enterprise Vault increments the count by 1 on each request to set backup
mode, and decrements the count by 1 on each request to clear backup mode.
When you use concurrent backup scripts, Enterprise Vault does not clear backup
mode from a vault store or an index location until all the scripts that have set backup
mode, have also cleared backup mode.

Note: When you use the Administration Console to clear backup mode from an
index location or vault store, Enterprise Vault ignores the backup mode count and
forcibly clears backup mode.
Backing up Enterprise Vault 387
About backup mode cmdlets

To run PowerShell cmdlets directly, first run the Enterprise Vault Management
◆ Start the Enterprise Vault Management Shell.
PowerShell opens and loads the Enterprise Vault snap-in which makes the
backup mode cmdlets available in the shell.
The Enterprise Vault Management Shell provides the following backup mode

Get-IndexLocationBackupMode Reports the current backup mode settings on

index locations.

Set-IndexLocationBackupMode Increments the backup mode count on index


Clear-IndexLocationBackUpMode Decrements the backup mode count on index


Get-VaultStoreBackupMode Reports the current backup mode settings on

vault stores.

Set-VaultStoreBackupMode Increments the backup mode count on vault


Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode Decrements the backup mode count on vault


The following video shows how to set and clear backup mode with the PowerShell
How to Set Backup Mode using the PowerShell cmdlets.
Help is available for all the cmdlets. For example, the following command shows
the detailed Help for Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode:
Get-Help Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -detailed

You can also generate PowerShell backup mode commands that are based on the
configuration of your environment and ready for use in your backup scripts.
See “Generating PowerShell backup commands for your environment” on page 390.

Index location backup mode cmdlet syntax

The syntax is the same for all three index location backup mode cmdlets. For
Set-IndexLocationBackupMode [-EVServerName] <String> [[-IndexRootPath]
<String>] [-EVSiteName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Backing up Enterprise Vault 388
About backup mode cmdlets

The following examples show how Set-IndexLocationBackupMode is used to

increment the backup mode count on index locations:
■ Set-IndexLocationBackupMode EVServer
This command increments the backup mode count on all the index locations
that are associated with server EVServer.
■ Set-IndexLocationBackupMode EVServer -IndexRootPath
This command increments the backup mode count on index location

■ Set-IndexLocationBackupMode EVServer -EVSiteName Site1

This command increments the backup mode count on all the index locations in
In all cases, you must specify the name of the server that owns the index location
or site so the cmdlet can find its ID.
If you know the ID of the index location, site or server, you can use the following
syntax to increment the backup mode count:
Set-IndexLocationBackupMode [-EntryId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

For example:
Set-IndexLocationBackupMode -EntryId

This command increments the backup mode count on the object that has the
specified ID. Specify the ID of an index location to increment the backup mode
count on that index location. Specify the ID of a server or a site to increment the
backup mode count on all its associated index locations.
Clear-IndexLocationBackupMode uses the same syntax to decrement the backup
mode count on index locations. It also has an additional parameter which you can
use to forcibly clear backup mode from index locations. For example:
Clear-IndexLocationBackupMode EV1 -ForceClearBackupMode 1

This command forcibly clears backup mode from all the index locations associated
with server EV1. Clear-IndexLocationBackupMode ignores the existing backup
mode count and sets it to 0.
Get-IndexLocationBackupMode also uses the same syntax to report current backup
mode settings.

Vault store backup mode cmdlet syntax

The syntax is the same for all three vault store backup mode cmdlets. For example:
Backing up Enterprise Vault 389
About backup mode cmdlets

Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode [-Name] <String> [-EVServerName] <String>

[-EvObjectType] <EVObjectType> [<CommonParameters>]

The following examples show how Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode is used to

decrement the backup mode count on vault stores and vault store groups:
■ Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode VS1 EVServer VaultStore
This command decrements the backup mode count on vault store VS1.
■ Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode VSG1 EVServer VaultStoreGroup
This command decrements the backup mode count on all the vault stores in
vault store group VSG1.
■ Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode Site1 EVServer Site
This command decrements the backup mode count on all the vault stores in
In all cases you must provide the name of the server that owns the vault stores or
site, and specify the object type. These parameters allow the cmdlet to find the
correct ID.
You must provide the parameters in the order that is shown if you omit the parameter
names. However, if you provide parameter names, you can use them in any order.
For example:
Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -EVServerName EVServer -EVObjectType
VaultStore -Name VS1

If you know the ID of the vault store, vault store group or site, you can use the
following syntax to decrement the backup mode count:
Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -EntryId <String> [<CommonParameters>]

For example:
Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -EntryId

This command decrements the backup mode count on the object that has the
specified ID. Specify the ID of a vault store to decrement the backup mode count
on that vault store. Specify the ID of a vault store group or a site to decrement the
backup mode count on all its associated vault stores.
Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode uses the same syntax to decrement the backup
mode count on vault stores. It also has an additional parameter which you can use
to forcibly clear backup mode from vault stores. For example:
Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode EV1 -ForceClearBackupMode 1
Backing up Enterprise Vault 390
Generating PowerShell backup commands for your environment

This command forcibly clears backup mode from all the vault stores associated
with server EV1. Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode ignores the existing backup mode
count and sets it to 0.
Get-VaultStoreBackupMode also uses the same syntax to report current backup
mode settings.

Generating PowerShell backup commands for your

Enterprise Vault includes a PowerShell script called Transform-Backup.ps1, which
you can use to generate PowerShell backup mode commands for your environment.
Transform-Backup.ps1 generates an HTML file that contains a set backup mode
command, and a clear backup mode command for each of the following entities in
your environment:
■ Enterprise Vault site (all vault stores)
■ Vault store group
■ Vault store
■ Enterprise Vault site (all index locations)
You can use any of the commands from the HTML file that are appropriate to your
backup regime.
For example, if you back up all the data associated with an entire Enterprise Vault
site in one operation, your pre-backup script should include the command to set
backup mode on the site’s vault stores, and the command to set backup mode on
the site’s index locations.
When the backup operation is complete, your post-backup script should include
the command to clear backup mode from the site’s vault stores, and the command
to clear backup mode from the site’s index locations.
Transform-Backup.ps1 is in the Templates folder beneath the Enterprise Vault
installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise

Before you run the script, you must set the PowerShell script execution policy, to
allow only signed scripts to run. You only have to do this once.
Backing up Enterprise Vault 391
Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts

To set the PowerShell script execution policy

1 Start the Enterprise Vault Management Shell.
2 Run the following command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -executionPolicy AllSigned

When you have set the PowerShell script execution policy, you can run
Transform-Backup.ps1 to generate the backup mode commands for your
To run the script
1 Start the Enterprise Vault Management Shell.
2 Change directory to the Reports\Templates folder beneath the Enterprise
Vault installation folder.
3 Enter the following command to run the script:

4 At the following prompt:

Do you want to run software from this untrusted publisher?

Choose R to run the script once.

At the end of the script, the HTML file generated by Transform-Backup.ps1 opens
automatically in your default web browser.

Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts

Enterprise Vault’s backup mode PowerShell cmdlets are designed to be used in
your backup scripts to control backup mode. For example, you can set backup
mode on vault stores and index locations before you take a backup, and clear
backup mode again after the backup is complete.
This section describes how to use Enterprise Vault’s backup mode PowerShell
cmdlets in your backup scripts.

Note: Enterprise Vault and Microsoft Windows PowerShell 2.0 must be installed on
your server to run these cmdlets.

In your backup scripts, you can use a single command to:

■ Run a new instance of Windows PowerShell
■ Load the Enterprise Vault PowerShell snap-in
Backing up Enterprise Vault 392
Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts

■ Run the appropriate cmdlet to control backup mode

On 64-bit Windows operating systems, you must run the Enterprise Vault PowerShell
snap-in under the 32-bit version of PowerShell. The 32-bit version of PowerShell
is installed in %SystemRoot%\SysWow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0.
For example, you can use the following command at the start of your backup script,
or in a pre-backup script, to set backup mode before you take a backup. This
command runs PowerShell and loads the Enterprise Vault PowerShell snap-in,
then runs the set-vaultstorebackupmode cmdlet, to set backup mode on the vault
store group called Express Vault Store Group:
%SystemRoot%\SysWow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell -psconsolefile
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" -command "&
{set-vaultstorebackupmode -name 'Express Vault Store Group'
-evservername EVserver -evobjecttype vaultstoregroup}"

After your backup is complete, you should run a similar command in your script to
clear backup mode. For example:
%SystemRoot%\SysWow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell -psconsolefile
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" -command "&
{clear-vaultstorebackupmode -name 'Express Vault Store Group'
-evservername EVserver -evobjecttype vaultstoregroup}"
Chapter 28
Failover in a building blocks
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About Enterprise Vault services in building blocks configurations

■ Extra requirements for building blocks

■ Updating service locations after failover

About Enterprise Vault services in building blocks

In a building blocks configuration, each Enterprise Vault server operates as a
discrete unit providing the following Enterprise Vault functionality for a particular
set of users:
■ Archiving and retrieval of data. Each building blocks server includes a Directory
service and the required archiving tasks and services.
■ Web access. Each building blocks server includes the Web Access application,
which provides users with an interface to search and retrieve archived items.
This can only be accessed correctly if there is a non-specific URL in the site
properties, for example, /EnterpriseVault
The failover functionality of building blocks (Update Service Locations) passes
the duties of the failed server to another building blocks server. If a required service
or task does not yet exist on the new active server, then Update Service Locations
creates it.
The building blocks system also contains a number of shared system components.
These include the following:
Failover in a building blocks configuration 394
Extra requirements for building blocks

■ SQL databases for directory and archive data. These are typically deployed on
a dedicated SQL server, allowing the inherent scalability and high availability
features of SQL to be fully exploited.
■ Centralized storage. Vault store partition data and index locations are shared
by each of the building blocks servers.
A building block server may or may not include an Indexing service, depending on
the indexing configuration used. The following indexing configurations are supported
in building blocks:
■ Both the active and failover servers are Index Servers that belong to the same
Index Server Group.
■ Both the active and failover servers are ungrouped Index Servers.
■ Neither the active nor failover servers host an Indexing service.
■ The active server is an ungrouped Index Server, and the failover server does
not host an Indexing service. On failover, an ungrouped Indexing service is
created on the failover computer.
For an introduction to Index Servers, Index Server Groups and Enterprise Vault
building blocks, see Introduction and Planning.
The planning of building block configurations is beyond the scope of this manual.
Contact your Symantec solution provider if you need a highly-available installation
of Enterprise Vault.

Extra requirements for building blocks

The following extra requirements apply to building blocks configurations:
■ If the active server hosts an Indexing service, then the failover server must have
an Enterprise Vault server cache configured.
■ The Enterprise Vault Storage queue location must be on a file system that is
shared with the associated building blocks servers.
■ The Enterprise Vault cache location must have the same path on each Enterprise
Vault server. The cache location is local to each server but the name must be
the same to prevent errors after a failover. For example, all servers could have
a cache location of D:\MyCache.
■ Each building blocks server can include a local Storage service. The storage
and index files must be stored on a file system that is shared with the associated
building blocks servers.
See “About the Storage queue” on page 229.
Failover in a building blocks configuration 395
Updating service locations after failover

Updating service locations after failover

This section describes the procedure to follow when an Enterprise Vault server that
is part of a building blocks solution has failed or been replaced.
Before you use this procedure it is essential that you have configured a working
building blocks solution. The failover will not work unless you have already run
Update Service Locations on the correctly-configured Enterprise Vault site.
To update service locations after failover
1 Change the DNS alias of the failed Enterprise Vault server so that it maps to
a working server. You must make this change on all the remaining servers in
the Enterprise Vault site.
The method you use to do this depends on the procedures within your
organization, as follows:
■ Using a host file. Update the host files on all the remaining server computers
in the Enterprise Vault site.
■ Using DNS zones. Update the DNS zones to reflect the new alias, and clear
the DNS cache using the command line ipconfig /flushdns.

2 Start the Administration Console on any of the servers in the Enterprise Vault
3 In the left pane, expand the tree until the Enterprise Vault Servers container
is visible.
4 Right-click the Enterprise Vault Servers container and, on the shortcut menu,
click Update Service Locations.
You are prompted for the password for the Vault Service account.
5 Enter the password for the Vault Service account and click OK.
Enterprise Vault updates the service locations and creates new services as
At the end of the update a summary screen appears, listing the services on
each computer in the site.
6 If the Update Service Locations has created any services, start them.
Chapter 29
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About using EVSVR as part of the recovery procedure

■ Recovering Enterprise Vault using full system backups

■ Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

■ Recovery of an Enterprise Vault component

■ Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a VCS cluster

■ Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a Windows Server failover cluster

About using EVSVR as part of the recovery procedure

Enterprise Vault comes with a command-line utility, EVSVR, with which you can
verify the consistency of the information in your vault store partitions and databases,
and repair any errors. As part of any recovery procedure, we strongly recommend
that you run EVSVR on multiple occasions to identify and resolve any issues:
■ Before you undertake the recovery procedure, run EVSVR to identify the issues.
■ When either of the following situations arises, run EVSVR again to verify that
you have resolved the issues:
■ You have completed the recovery procedure.
■ The recovery procedure requires you to put your environment into normal
operation (for example, in order to archive or rearchive items).
You may need to use EVSVR to make your environment consistent before you
can resume normal operations.
For guidelines on how to run EVSVR, see the Utilities manual.
Recovery 397
Recovering Enterprise Vault using full system backups

Recovering Enterprise Vault using full system backups

If you have chosen to make an application backup of your complete Enterprise
Vault environment (systems, services, and tasks), you can restore it by following
the steps below.
To recover Enterprise Vault using full system backups
1 Restore your full system backups.
2 If services are missing from the service control panel, use one of the following
procedures to run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard to reconstruct the
service information.
■ If you are recovering all the Enterprise Vault servers that run a Directory
service and you are restoring the first one of these servers, use Recovery
procedure 6.
See “Recovery procedure 6: Recreating services and tasks on the first
Directory service computer” on page 403.
■ When you recover subsequent servers including other servers that run a
Directory service, use Recovery procedure 7.
See “Recovery procedure 7: Recreating services and tasks on Enterprise
Vault servers” on page 405.

Carrying out an environment recovery procedure

If a disaster occurs, follow these steps to recover an Enterprise Vault environment.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, do not start any Enterprise Vault service until all the
steps of this recovery procedure have been completed.

To recover an Enterprise Vault environment

1 Restore file system backups.
2 Restore the following Enterprise Vault SQL databases:
■ EnterpriseVaultDirectory

■ EnterpriseVaultMonitoring

■ EnterpriseVaultAudit

■ Each FSA Reporting database you have set up, if you use FSA Reporting.
■ Each fingerprint database
■ Each vault store database
Recovery 398
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

3 Restore vault store partitions to their original locations.

4 Restore index volumes to their original locations.
5 Repeat archiving operations that took place after your last backup completed.
6 Cancel all pending items from mailboxes.
7 Add any SharePoint targets that are missing. For each missing target, select
the same vault store that was previously used.
For more information on adding web applications or site collections as targets,
see the Setting up SharePoint Server Archiving guide.

Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

Use the following recovery procedures when you have backed up only Enterprise
Vault data, including the registry, and have not backed up the system disks on your
Enterprise Vault servers.
The procedures described in this section require backups of the following Enterprise
Vault SQL databases:
■ EnterpriseVaultDirectory

■ EnterpriseVaultMonitoring

■ EnterpriseVaultAudit

■ Each FSA Reporting database you have set up, if you use FSA Reporting.
■ Fingerprint databases
■ Vault store databases
You must also have backups of the following Enterprise Vault data:
■ Vault store partitions
■ Index locations
You can use these procedures when you need to recover only one Enterprise Vault
server, or to recover multiple servers.
To recover each server, you need to know which Enterprise Vault services it was
running before the disaster occurred. If you are unsure which Enterprise Vault
services were running on each server, run the SQL script ServiceLocations.sql,
which is installed in the Enterprise Vault installation folder, for example C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault.
Recovery 399
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

Note: Before you can run the script you must first restore your Enterprise Vault
Directory database.

Recovery procedure 1: Installing software on the servers

All the data relating to your previous Enterprise Vault installation needs to be
recovered onto new servers. For each server that has failed you need to set up a
new computer. Ideally, set up each computer with the same name as the original
computer that it is replacing.

Note: If this is not possible the recovery steps tell you what to do to accommodate
a change in computer name.

Build each new system, starting with the installation of Windows and then all the
prerequisites for Enterprise Vault. Refer to the Enterprise Vault documentation if
you are not sure which prerequisite software you must install on each computer.
When you have set up the correct prerequisite software on each server, install
Enterprise Vault on the server.
Note the following:
■ Install Enterprise Vault on each new server, into the same folder as on the
original server.
■ Install the same version of Enterprise Vault as is being used in your current
Do not run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard at the end of completing the
installation of the Enterprise Vault software.

Recovery procedure 2: Restoring Enterprise Vault databases

Restore the following Enterprise Vault SQL databases:
■ EnterpriseVaultDirectory

■ EnterpriseVaultMonitoring

■ EnterpriseVaultAudit

■ Each FSA Reporting database you have set up, if you use FSA Reporting.
■ Fingerprint databases
■ Vault store databases
Recovery 400
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

If you have restored EnterpriseVaultMonitoring or the FSA Reporting databases

to a SQL server other than the one that previously hosted them, you must update
the Directory database.
To update the monitoring settings in the Directory database
◆ On the SQL server that hosts the Directory database, run the following SQL

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
UPDATE MonitoringSettings
SET SQLServer = 'SQL_server_name'

where SQL_server_name is the name of the new SQL server.

To update the FSA reporting settings in the Directory database
1 On the SQL server that hosts the Directory database, run the following SQL
script to determine which SQL server hosted each FSA Reporting database:

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
Select SQLServer,DatabaseName From FSAReportingDatabase

2 Run the following SQL script:

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
UPDATE FSAReportingDatabase
SET SQLServer = 'SQL_server_name'
WHERE DatabaseName = 'FSA_reporting_database_name'

■ SQL_server_name is the name of the new SQL server.
■ FSA_reporting_database_name is the name of the FSA Reporting database
that you restored.

Recovery procedure 3: Renaming servers

Ideally, you should set up each server with the same name as the original server
that it is replacing. However, if this is not the case, you must perform the following
extra procedure.

Warning: If you are running Enterprise Vault in a clustered environment, do not

perform this operation unless Symantec Support advises you to do so.
Recovery 401
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

To set up a server with a different name than the old server

1 Repeat the following steps for each server that you are recovering:
■ Run SQL Query Analyzer and connect to the server that is running the
Enterprise Vault Directory service.
■ Enter and run the following SQL command:

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
UPDATE ComputerEntry
SET ComputerNameAlternate = 'Name of new server'
WHERE ComputerNameAlternate = 'Name of old server'

2 Check that the DNS alias you set up for the old server points to the name of
the new server. If you are unsure what the DNS alias is, run the following SQL
query against the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database.

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
SELECT ComputerName FROM ComputerEntry

3 If you are recovering the system that provided the vault site alias (usually the
first server that was added to the site), then you need to update the vault site
alias to point to the new server. To do this, perform the following steps in the
order listed:
■ Run SQL Query Analyzer and connect to the server running the Enterprise
Vault Directory service.
■ Enter and run the following SQL command:

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
SELECT SiteEntryId
FROM SiteEntry

The value returned contain the vault site alias at the end of a long string of
numbers. For example, if the command returns the following then the vault
site alias is sitealias:


■ In DNS, change the DNS alias entry so that it points at the new server.

Recovery procedure 4: Copy or move the Enterprise Vault data files

You now need to restore the backups of the Enterprise Vault data files to their
locations on the Enterprise Vault servers.
Recovery 402
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

Depending on the original Enterprise Vault components that existed on the servers
you are recovering you must restore only the following data files:
■ If you are restoring a server that used to run a Storage service, or a server that
is configured in a cluster, you need to restore onto this server the saveset files
for any vault stores managed by the original Storage service.
■ If you are restoring a server that used to run an Indexing service, or a server
that is configured in a cluster, you need to restore onto this server the indexing
data files managed by the original Indexing service.
■ If you are restoring a server that used to run a Shopping service, or a server
that is configured in a cluster, you need to restore onto this server the shopping
files managed by the original Shopping service.
The Enterprise Vault data should be restored to the locations where they existed
on the original servers. For example, if you are recovering the server running the
Indexing service and the indexing data was originally stored in the following location:


then this indexing data should be restored to the same location on the new server.
To reorganize and move any SQL database devices on the disks, you can perform
the procedures as listed in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
This must be correct before you start any of the Enterprise Vault services, otherwise
some cleanup operations may occur, resulting in information loss.

Recovery procedure 5: Clearing the directory database entries

You can clear the directory database entries for all of the Enterprise Vault servers
in your environment, or for selected servers.
The SQL query that is provided in this section clears the entries in the database
for all the Enterprise Vault servers. If you have multiple Enterprise Vault servers in
your environment, you may want to recover only some of the servers. The following
technical note provides alternative SQL scripts that let you specify the servers for
which you want to clear directory entries:
Recovery 403
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

To clear the directory database entries for all of the Enterprise Vault servers
1 Run SQL Query Analyzer and connect to the server running the Enterprise
Vault Directory service.
2 Enter and run the following SQL command:

USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
UPDATE StorageServiceEntry
SET StorageArchive = '', StorageRestore = '',
StorageReplayIndex = '', StorageSpool = ''
UPDATE RetrievalTask
SET RetrievalSpoolQueue = ''
UPDATE ArchivingRetrievalTask
SET MessageQueue = ''
UPDATE RetrievalTask
SET MessageQueue = ''
UPDATE JournalTask
SET MessageQueue = ''
UPDATE PublicFolderTask
SET MessageQueue = ''

Recovery procedure 6: Recreating services and tasks on the first

Directory service computer
If you are recovering all the Enterprise Vault servers that run a Directory service,
you must use this procedure when you recover the first of these servers. When you
recover the subsequent servers including other servers that run a Directory service,
use the procedure described in Recovery procedure 7.
See “Recovery procedure 7: Recreating services and tasks on Enterprise Vault
servers” on page 405.
The Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard is able to detect missing services and
tasks provided that the server name is identical to that in the original installation,
or you have correctly followed Recovery procedure 3.
See “Recovery procedure 3: Renaming servers” on page 400.
To recreate services and tasks on the first Directory service computer
1 Start the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard.
2 Select Yes to create a new Directory service, and then click Next.
3 Enter the details of the Vault Service account, and then click Next.
The Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard does the following:
Recovery 404
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

■ Converts the login for the Enterprise Vault Admin service so that it runs
under the Vault Service account.
■ Adds the Vault Service account to the Local Administrators group on the
■ Grants the user rights Log on as a service and Debug programs to the
Vault Service account.
■ Creates and starts the Enterprise Vault Directory service.

4 When prompted for the name of the SQL Server that will host the directory
database, enter the name of SQL Server used to host the directory database
for the original configuration of Enterprise Vault, and then click Next.
5 The Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard checks that the SQL Server exists
and can connect to it. As long as you have recovered the Directory service
database, the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard now recreates the services
and tasks installed on the Directory service computer.
6 To recreate the Enterprise Vault services on the Directory service computer,
enter the password of the Vault Service account.
7 When the repair has finished, a success message is displayed.
8 If the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard does not display a message, do
not continue to run the wizard. Close the wizard and do the following:
■ Check that all previous steps have been successful, repeat any missed
steps, and then run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard again.
■ Create a String registry value called UseLanManNameForSCM under the
following registry key:

On a 32-bit installation of Windows: On a 64-bit installation of Windows:

\KVS \Wow6432Node
\Enterprise Vault \KVS
\Admin \Enterprise Vault

■ Give UseLanManNameForSCM a value of 1.

■ Run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard again.
■ If the problem persists, contact Enterprise Vault Support for further
Recovery 405
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

Recovery procedure 7: Recreating services and tasks on Enterprise

Vault servers
If you are recovering all the Enterprise Vault servers that run a Directory service,
for the first one you must use Recovery procedure 6.
See “Recovery procedure 6: Recreating services and tasks on the first Directory
service computer” on page 403.
When you recover the subsequent servers including other servers that run a
Directory service, use the procedure described in this section.
The Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard is able to detect missing services and
tasks provided that the server name is identical to that in the original installation,
or you have correctly followed Recovery procedure 3.
See “Recovery procedure 3: Renaming servers” on page 400.
To recreate services on other Enterprise Vault servers
1 Make sure the server running the Directory service is available on the network
and the Directory service is started.
2 Make sure the Admin service is started on the local computer.
3 Start the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard on the server.
4 When asked whether you want to create a directory or use an existing one,
select No, use existing remote Vault Directory and enter the name of the
server running the Directory service.
5 Enter the password of the Vault Service account. This is necessary to recreate
the Enterprise Vault services on the computer.
6 The Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard recreates the Enterprise Vault
services and tasks that used to run on the server and displays a message to
indicate success.
7 If the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard does not display a success
message, do not continue to run the wizard. Close the wizard and then do the
■ Check that all previous steps have been successful, repeat any missed
steps, and then run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard again.
■ Create a String registry value called UseLanManNameForSCM under the
following registry key:
Recovery 406
Recovering Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

On a 32-bit installation of Windows: On a 64-bit installation of Windows:

\KVS \Wow6432Node
\Enterprise Vault \KVS
\Admin \Enterprise Vault

■ Give UseLanManNameForSCM a value of 1.

■ Run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard again
■ If you are sure you have followed all steps correctly and setting the registry
key does also not help, contact your Enterprise Vault Support Representative
for further assistance.

8 Start all the Enterprise Vault services.

The message queues should automatically be recreated on the new server. If
the Storage service is configured to start multiple processes, it may stop during
message queue creation. This is because of a conflict between the processes
creating the queues. To fix the problem, restart the Storage service.
If the Indexing service finds any inconsistency in the index metadata, it
automatically synchronizes the metadata. You may see the following events:

Event 41395 Index Volume metadata upgrade required

Event 41372 Index Volume metadata synchronization started

During the synchronization the Indexing service logs progress events every
10 minutes. At the end of the synchronization, one of the following events is

Event 41373 Index Volume metadata synchronization completed

Event 41377 Index Volume metadata synchronization completed

The index synchronization may take some time. For example, an Enterprise
Vault recommended specification server takes approximately 10 minutes to
process 5,000 index volumes.
If any other index housekeeping is required there will be other progress
messages every few minutes.
Recovery 407
Recovery of an Enterprise Vault component

Recovery procedure 8: Checking the Web Access application settings

You must now ensure that the port and protocol settings for the Web Access
application are correct.
To check the Web Access application settings
1 Open the Administration Console.
2 Expand the Enterprise Vault and Directory containers.
3 Right-click the Site entry, and then select Properties.
4 View the General page. Check that the port and protocol set for accessing the
Web Access application virtual directory, /EnterpriseVault, match the settings
on the Default Web Site in IIS.

Recovery procedure 9: Checking registry entries

Check that the Enterprise Vault registry entries are all set correctly on the
newly-recovered servers.
The main registry entries are under the following key:

\Enterprise Vault

Additionally, you may have set registry entries under HKEY_CURRENT_USER

when logged in as the Vault Site account. If so, restore these entries on each server
too, under the following key:

\Enterprise Vault

Recovery of an Enterprise Vault component

Table 29-1 describes how to restore individual Enterprise Vault components.

Caution: Only perform this operation if you are advised to do so by Symantec

Recovery 408
Recovery of an Enterprise Vault component

Table 29-1 How to recover Enterprise Vault components

To recover this component Do this

Directory service SQL 1 Ensure that the Enterprise Vault Admin services on all computers are stopped.
database To do this, use Windows Manager to stop the Enterprise Vault Admin service on
each computer.

2 Restore the SQL databases.

3 Start the Directory service.

Directory service computer 1 Restore the system backup, and the Directory service SQL database.

2 Restore the backups of any other Enterprise Vault services that run on this

Index file locations 1 Restore the system backup of the computer running the Indexing service.

2 Ensure that the service is stopped.

3 Restore all the Indexing files to their original locations; ensure that all the
backed-up files are restored, and that no other files remain in the indexing folders.
Do not try to restore individual files because this leads to inconsistent indexes
that may be unusable.

4 Restore the backups of any other Enterprise Vault services that run on this

When correctly restored, the Indexing service can use the restored indexes.
However, there may be indexing entries lost from archive operations carried out
since the last backup. The Storage service will automatically reconstruct the
affected indexes.

If the Indexing service finds any inconsistency in the index metadata, it

automatically synchronizes the metadata. You may see the following events:

Event 41395 Index Volume metadata upgrade required

Event 41372 Index Volume metadata synchronization started

During the synchronization the Indexing service logs progress events every 10
minutes. At the end of the synchronization, one of the following events is logged:

Event 41373 Index Volume metadata synchronization completed

Event 41377 Index Volume metadata synchronization completed

The index synchronization may take some time. For example, an Enterprise Vault
recommended specification server takes approximately 10 minutes to process
5,000 index volumes.

If any other index housekeeping is required there will be other progress messages
every few minutes.
Recovery 409
Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a VCS cluster

Table 29-1 How to recover Enterprise Vault components (continued)

To recover this component Do this

Shopping service files 1 Restore the system backup of the computer running the Shopping service.

2 Ensure that the Shopping service is stopped.

3 Restore the backup of the shopping data to its original location.

4 Restore the backups of any other Enterprise Vault services that run on this

5 Start the Shopping service. Users should be able to use their existing shopping
baskets and create new shopping baskets.

Vault store files 1 Restore each system running a Storage service.

2 Restore the vault store files into their original locations.

3 Restore the vault store's SQL database.

4 Restore the backups of any other Enterprise Vault services that run on the restored
Storage service computer.

5 Run the EVSVR utility to verify the consistency of the information in your vault
store partitions and databases, and repair any errors.

See the Utilities manual for more information.

Vault store or fingerprint 1 Restore the computer running the Storage service and replace the vault store
databases files.

2 Restore the following databases:

■ Vault store or fingerprint databases
■ Directory database
■ Master and msdb databases

3 Restore the backups of any other Enterprise Vault services that run on the restored
Storage service computer.

4 Run the EVSVR utility to verify the consistency of the information in your vault
store partitions and databases, and repair any errors.

See the Utilities manual for more information.

Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a VCS cluster

This section outlines how to repair an Enterprise Vault VCS cluster in which one or
all of the nodes needs rebuilding. See the Installing and Configuring manual and
Solutions Guide for Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions for
more information on how to perform the following steps.
Recovery 410
Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a VCS cluster

The Installing and Configuring manual also describes how to implement a disaster
recovery solution using Veritas Storage Foundation HA with the Veritas Volume
Replicator (VVR) and Global Cluster Option (GCO).
See “About using EVSVR as part of the recovery procedure” on page 396.

Recovery scenario 1: One of the cluster nodes needs rebuilding

If one of the Enterprise Vault nodes in the cluster needs rebuilding, the failover
node should automatically take its place. Follow the steps below to rebuild the
inoperable node and make it available again as the new failover node.
To repair a single node in the cluster
1 Install Windows and all other prerequisite software.
2 If necessary, install VCS and configure the node as part of the cluster.
3 If necessary, install Enterprise Vault.
4 Run the Enterprise Vault Cluster Setup wizard. You must modify the existing
service group so that the node is a member of it.
5 Run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard on the failover node. You must
choose to add the node as a failover node for an existing clustered server.

Recovery scenario 2: All the cluster nodes need rebuilding

If all the cluster nodes need rebuilding, but you have backup copies of the SQL
Server databases and the Indexing and saveset data for Enterprise Vault, you can
follow the steps below to rectify the situation.
To repair all the nodes in the cluster
1 Rebuild all the computers and restore the SQL databases.
See “Recovery procedure 2: Restoring Enterprise Vault databases” on page 399.
2 Recreate the cluster in VCS with the same number of disks, and mount the
shared disk with the same drive letters as before.
3 Restore the Indexing and Enterprise Vault store data to disks using the same
drive letters as before.
See “Recovery procedure 4: Copy or move the Enterprise Vault data files”
on page 401.
4 Install Enterprise Vault on all the nodes in the cluster.
5 For each Enterprise Vault server in the cluster, perform the following steps in
the order listed:
Recovery 411
Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a Windows Server failover cluster

■ Run the Enterprise Vault Cluster Setup wizard to recreate the service
groups. Use the same virtual server names as before.
■ Run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard on the primary node. Choose
to configure a new Enterprise Vault server with cluster group.
The wizard detects the existing virtual server name and performs a repair.
When the repair is complete, a wizard page is displayed with which you
can create the service resources. Do not bring the resources online when
given the option to do so.
■ Run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard on the failover node. Choose
to add the node as a failover node for an existing clustered server.

6 Clear the Directory database entries.

See “Recovery procedure 5: Clearing the directory database entries”
on page 402.
7 Check the Web Access application URL.
See “Recovery procedure 8: Checking the Web Access application settings”
on page 407.
8 Bring the cluster resources online and test that failovers work as planned.

Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a Windows Server

failover cluster
This section outlines how to repair Enterprise Vault in a Windows Server failover
cluster when one or all of the nodes needs rebuilding. For detailed instructions on
how to perform individual steps, see the Installing and Configuring manual.

Recovery scenario 1: One of the cluster nodes needs rebuilding

If one of the Enterprise Vault nodes in the cluster fails, the failover node should
automatically take its place. The steps below outline how to rebuild the inoperable
node and, assuming an any-to-any configuration, make it available as the new
failover node.
To repair a single node in the cluster
1 Install Windows and all other prerequisite software.
2 Install Enterprise Vault.
3 Use Failover Cluster Manager to add the node to the cluster. Replace the old
node with the new node as the following:
Recovery 412
Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a Windows Server failover cluster

■ A possible owner of each resource in the failed-over resource group.

■ A preferred owner of the failed-over resource group.

4 Run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard on the new node, selecting the
option to add the node as a failover node for an existing clustered server.

Recovery scenario 2: All the cluster nodes need rebuilding

If all the cluster nodes need rebuilding, but you have backup copies of the SQL
Server databases and the Indexing and saveset data for Enterprise Vault, you can
follow the steps below to rectify the situation.
To repair all the nodes in the cluster
1 Rebuild all the computers and restore the SQL databases.
See “Recovery procedure 2: Restoring Enterprise Vault databases” on page 399.
2 Recreate the cluster using Failover Cluster Manager. Use the same number
of disks, and mount the shared disks with the same drive letters as before.
3 Restore the Indexing and Enterprise Vault store data to disks using the same
drive letters as before.
See “Recovery procedure 4: Copy or move the Enterprise Vault data files”
on page 401.
4 Recreate the resource groups, including the prerequisite resources, using the
original virtual server names.
5 Install Enterprise Vault on all the nodes in the cluster.
6 Run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard on each primary node. Choose
to configure a new Enterprise Vault server with cluster support. The wizard
detects the existing virtual server name in the Enterprise Vault Directory
database’s ComputerEntry table, and performs a repair.
When the repair is complete, a wizard page is displayed, with which you can
recreate the Enterprise Vault service resources and Server Instance resource.
Do not bring the resources online when given the option to do so.
7 Run the Enterprise Vault Configuration wizard on each failover node. Choose
to add the node as a failover node for an existing clustered server.
8 Clear the Directory database entries.
See “Recovery procedure 5: Clearing the directory database entries”
on page 402.
Recovery 413
Recovery of Enterprise Vault in a Windows Server failover cluster

9 Check the Web Access application URL.

See “Recovery procedure 8: Checking the Web Access application settings”
on page 407.
10 Bring the cluster resources online and test that failovers work as planned.
Appendix A
Ports used by Enterprise
This appendix includes the following topics:

■ About the ports used by Enterprise Vault

■ Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs

About the ports used by Enterprise Vault

On all Enterprise Vault servers you need to open the normal ports that are required
for authentication within a Windows domain. For example, Kerberos (port 88), DNS
(port 53 UDP), Active Directory (port 445).
Enterprise Vault servers and the servers with which they communicate may require
other ports to be open, depending on the functionality that you require.
See http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH76080 for information about the ports
that File System Archiving requires to be open on target file servers.
Enterprise Vault servers use DCOM for communication between software
components. DCOM is based on the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol, which
uses the RPC end-point mapper port (port 135) for connection set up and then ports
are dynamically allocated from the range of dynamic RPC ports.
See http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH69642 for information on configuring
Enterprise Vault for restricted DCOM access.
See “Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs” on page 414.

Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs

Table A-1 lists the ports that are required by specific Enterprise Vault programs.
Ports used by Enterprise Vault 415
Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs

Table A-1 Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs

Server Inbound ports Target program Comments

Enterprise Vault server TCP 135 svchost.exe component RPC Endpoint Mapper. Obtain
RPCSS service RPC (DCOM) connection.

Enterprise Vault server RPC dynamic ports. svchost.exe component RPC (DCOM) connection
Winmgmt service ports for WMI.

Enterprise Vault server RPC dynamic ports. Directoryservice.exe Remote Administration

Console access.

Enterprise Vault server RPC dynamic ports. AdminService.exe Access server properties from
Administration Console.

Enterprise Vault server RPC dynamic ports. TaskController.exe Task management.

Enterprise Vault server RPC dynamic ports. AuthServer.exe User authentication.

Enterprise Vault server TCP 445 System Browse shares from remote
server. For example, from
remote Administration Console

Enterprise Vault server TCP 5114 System Communication between

Enterprise Vault services.

Enterprise Vault server TCP ports defined by the IMAPServer.exe The default IMAP ports are
administrator. 143 (IMAP) and 993 (IMAPS),
but administrators may choose
to use other ports.

Enterprise Vault storage RPC dynamic ports. StorageManagement.exe Create Vault Stores (on
server storage server).

Enterprise Vault storage RPC dynamic ports. StorageOnlineOpns.exe Create archives (on storage
server server).

Enterprise Vault storage RPC dynamic ports. StorageCrawler.exe Allow remote index servers to
server retrieve data (from storage

Enterprise Vault storage RPC dynamic ports. StorageDelete.exe Delete Vault Stores/archives
server (on storage server).
Ports used by Enterprise Vault 416
Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs

Table A-1 Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs (continued)

Server Inbound ports Target program Comments

Enterprise Vault storage TCP 2103, 2105 mqsvc.exe Task monitoring of storage
server message queues.

Ports 2103, and 2105 are

incremented by 11 if the initial
choice is in use when
Message Queuing initializes.

Enterprise Vault storage RPC dynamic ports. EVIndexAdminService.exe Contact index server.

Enterprise Vault server with TCP 1801 mqsvc.exe Message Queue message
Exchange Server task transfer.
(in Windows\System32\)

Enterprise Vault server with UDP 1801 mqsvc.exe Message Queue server
Exchange Server task discovery.
(in Windows\System32\)

Enterprise Vault Domino RPC dynamic ports. nserver.exe Retrieve archived Domino
Gateway messages.
(in Lotus\Domino\ or

Enterprise Vault Domino TCP 1352 nsesrver.exe From Notes client. Retrieve
Gateway archived Domino messages.
(in Lotus\Domino\ or

Enterprise Vault Shopping RPC dynamic ports. ShoppingService.exe Web restore to Exchange
server Server.

Enterprise Vault with RPC dynamic ports. AgentClientBroker.exe Client restore to Exchange
Exchange archiving task. Server.

Web server TCP 80 System Web search.

Web server TCP 443 System Secure Web search (HTTPS).

Centera 3218 UDP and TCP Not applicable Connection to Centera storage

Exchange Server TCP 135 svchost.exe component RPC Endpoint Mapper. Obtain
RPCSS service RPC (DCOM) connection.

Exchange Server TCP 445 System Required for the period when
the Administration Console is
used to add Exchange Server
as a target.
Ports used by Enterprise Vault 417
Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs

Table A-1 Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs (continued)

Server Inbound ports Target program Comments

Exchange Server (before RPC dynamic ports Store.exe Access to Exchange store.
(in Exchange Server\bin\)

Exchange Server (OWA) TCP 80 System HTTP.

Exchange Server (OWA) TCP 443 System HTTPS.

Exchange Server 2010 RPC dynamic ports Microsoft. For Exchange archiving task.
(CAS) Exchange.AddressBook.

Exchange Server 2010 RPC dynamic ports Microsoft.Exchange. Access to Exchange store.
(CAS) RpcClientAccess.Service.exe

Exchange Server 2013 TCP 80 System HTTP.


Exchange Server 2013 TCP 443 System HTTPS.


FSA target server TCP 135 svchost.exe component RPC Endpoint Mapper. Obtain
RPCSS service RPC (DCOM) connection.

FSA target server RPC dynamic ports svchost.exe component RPC (DCOM) connection
Winmgmt service ports for WMI.

FSA target server TCP 445 System SMB file sharing

Enterprise Vault Domino TCP 1352 nserver.exe From Notes client.

(in Lotus\Domino\ or

Enterprise Vault Domino As configured on Domino nhhtp.exe For HTTP to Domino server.
Gateway server. For example,
TCP 8080.

Enterprise Vault Domino As configured on Domino nhttp.exe For HTTPS to Domino server.
Gateway server.

Enterprise Vault Domino TCP 80 System For HTTP to IIS.


Enterprise Vault Domino TCP 443 System For HTTPS to IIS.

Ports used by Enterprise Vault 418
Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs

Table A-1 Firewall settings for Enterprise Vault programs (continued)

Server Inbound ports Target program Comments

Domino server TCP 1352 nserver.exe From Notes client.

(in Lotus\Domino\ or

Domino server TCP 80 nhttp.exe HTTP for iNotes.

Domino server TCP 443 nhttp.exe HTTPS for iNotes.

SharePoint server TCP 80 System. For HTTP access by

SharePoint archiving task.
Appendix B
Useful SQL queries
This appendix includes the following topics:

■ About the SQL queries

About the SQL queries

In SQL Query Analyzer, choose a vault store database and then do the following:
■ Use the following SQL query to show how much has been archived in a certain
period as well as time the first and last items were stored during that period.
Replace the dates and times in this example with those you want to use.

Select count(*),min(archiveddate),max(archiveddate) from saveset

where archiveddate >'2002-04-26 18:00' and archiveddate <
'2002-04-27 5:00'

■ Use the following SQL Query to obtain the number of different vaults processed
in a specified period.

Select distinct(vaultidentity) from saveset where

archiveddate >'2002-04-26 18:00' and
archiveddate < '2002-04-27 5:00'

■ Use the following SQL Query to obtain the number of vaults with items stored
in them.

Select count(*) from vault

Appendix C
This appendix includes the following topics:

■ Installation problems

■ Microsoft SQL Server problems

■ Server problems

■ Client problems

■ Problems enabling or processing mailboxes

■ Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

■ Problems with Enterprise Vault components

■ Techniques to aid troubleshooting

■ About moving an Indexing service

Installation problems
The problems in this category can include the following:
■ Enterprise Vault servers: installation problems
■ Desktop clients: installation problems

Enterprise Vault servers: installation problems

This section includes the following topics:
■ Problems when running the installation procedure
Troubleshooting 421
Microsoft SQL Server problems

Problems when running the installation procedure

If the Enterprise Vault installation fails when trying to register files, restart your
system and run the installation again.

Desktop clients: installation problems

If you install the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In and then later remove it and reinstall
to a different location, the following problems occur:
■ When starting Outlook, the following error message appears:

The add-in \original_location\valkyrie.dll

could not be installed or loaded.

■ Double-clicking a shortcut produces error messages about being unable to load

custom forms.
The problem occurs because Outlook maintains a cache file of settings, called
extend.dat, which contains a pointer to the original location of the Outlook Add-In.

You can stop the problem from occurring by taking the following steps:
■ Do not change the location of the Outlook Add-In.
■ If you do need to change the location of the Outlook Add-In, run Outlook after
you remove it. This forces Outlook to rebuild the extend.dat file without the
original location of the Outlook Add-In. You can then exit from Outlook and
reinstall the Outlook Add-In.
If the problem already exists, the solution is to delete the extend.dat file so that it
is automatically rebuilt when Outlook is next started. As the location of this file
varies, you need to search for it. One copy of the file exists for each user who uses
Outlook on the computer, so there can be several copies of the file to delete.
You can also use the ResetEVClient command-line tool to fix problems with the
Enterprise Vault add-in to Microsoft Outlook. For information on how to use
ResetEVClient, see the Utilities manual.

Note: ResetEVClient deletes extend.dat only for the user who runs it.

Microsoft SQL Server problems

The problems in this category can include the following:
■ Error: ODBC SQL Server Driver Connection is Busy
Troubleshooting 422
Microsoft SQL Server problems

■ Number of SQL Server licenses exceeded

■ How to reset passwords after moving an Enterprise Vault database

Error: ODBC SQL Server Driver Connection is Busy

Read this section if you see the following MSSQLServer error and Enterprise Vault
database error messages in the Windows log:

Event ID: 17060 Source: MSSQLServer Type: Error Category:

ODS Error: 17832, Severity: 18, State: 0 Unable to read login
packet(s) . . .

Event ID: 13344 Source: Enterprise Vault Type: Error

Category: Database An error was detected whilst accessing
the Vault database _EnterpriseVaultDirectory_:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNMPTW]Connection is

These errors are caused by a known SQL Server problem. How you fix the problem
depends on how you have set up access to SQL. The two most common methods
of access are TCP/IP and named pipes. For more information, see the most
up-to-date articles on the Microsoft Support website. In particular, you may find the
following article useful:

Number of SQL Server licenses exceeded

The following message is displayed when you have exceeded the number of SQL
Server licenses that you have registered:

An error was detected whilst accessing the Vault Database

'name': [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login
failed- The maximum simultaneous user count of n licenses
for this server has been exceeded. Additional licenses
should be obtained and registered using the Licensing
application in the NT Control Panel.

If you are running SQL Enterprise Manager remotely, you require an extra SQL
Server license.
Enterprise Vault creates and accesses the Vault Directory Database and the vault
store databases. The number of licenses depends on your licensing type. For
example, if you are using per-server licensing, and both databases are located on
Troubleshooting 423
Server problems

the same computer, you require one Client Access License. If the two databases
are on different computers, you require two Client Access Licenses.

How to reset passwords after moving an Enterprise Vault database

If you are using SQL Server for Enterprise Vault only, we do not recommend that
you move either the Vault Directory database or the vault store databases.
Instructions in this section are for experienced SQL Server administrators who may
need to know what impact moving the databases has on Enterprise Vault.
When you move the databases using the SQL Transfer Database method, the
encrypted passwords are not moved. You must therefore set up your Enterprise
Vault passwords to these databases again, and point the DSN at the new server.
Using the Administration Console, set the SQL login password for the following:
■ The Vault Directory database. You must use the Administration Console that is
running on the same computer as the database.
■ Each vault store database. Right-click each vault store and then, on the context
menu, click Properties. On the General tab, type a new password.

Server problems
The following sections list errors that you may encounter while running Enterprise
The problems in this category can include the following:
■ Fixing errors when opening MSMQ dead letter queue
Here are a few tips for making sure that you avoid some common problems:
■ It is very important to set up the Vault Service account correctly and to ensure
that the Enterprise Vault services run under this account.
■ The Vault Service account must have the Microsoft Exchange Server permission
Service Account Admin at the Site and Configuration level. See the Installing
and Configuring manual for detailed information on setting up the Vault Service
■ When you change the Vault Service account password using Windows, you
must update the password in the Vault Directory Database using the
Administration Console. The password is encrypted in the Vault Directory
Database. See the online help for the Administration Console for more
Troubleshooting 424
Client problems

Fixing errors when opening MSMQ dead letter queue

If you receive the following error message:

Error opening MSMQ Dead Letter Queue - Access is Denied for

queue MACHINE=98b76660-4198-11d2-bb6f-0000f8789ea8;DEADXACT

then you should grant the Local Administrator group full control of the message
queues on all computers running the following:
■ Exchange Mailbox Task
■ Exchange Public Folder Task
■ Exchange Journaling Task
■ Storage Service
To grant full control to the Local Administrator group
1 Run Microsoft Message Queue Explorer.
2 Expand the required site.
3 Select the appropriate computer.
4 Right-click the computer and then, on the context menu, select Properties.
5 On the Security tab, click Permissions.
6 In the Computer Permissions dialog box, select Add.
7 In the Add Users and Groups dialog box, select the Administrators group in
the List Names From box.
8 Click Add, and then click OK until you have returned to the main Message
Queue Explorer dialog box.

Client problems
The problems in this category can include the following:
■ Problems logging on to the Enterprise Vault Web Access application
■ MAPISVC.INF problems (client)
■ Problems seen by Enterprise Vault users

Problems logging on to the Enterprise Vault Web Access application

When users start the Enterprise Vault Web Access application from Microsoft
Outlook or Microsoft Exchange Client, they may be prompted for both their Windows
Troubleshooting 425
Client problems

username and password. If there is no separate box for the domain name, the
username must be supplied in the following format:


When users start the Enterprise Vault Web Access application from Microsoft
Outlook or Microsoft Exchange Client, they are prompted for both their Windows
user name and password. Normally, Windows passwords have a limit of 14
characters. If a user has set a password containing more than 14 characters, IIS
fails to recognize it, and the user cannot log on to use the Enterprise Vault Web
Access application. The user must change the password to 14 characters or fewer.
This is a known IIS restriction.

MAPISVC.INF problems (client)

If there is an invalid version of MAPISVC.INF in the %windir%\System32 folder,
either of the following problems can occur:
■ The Enterprise Vault Outlook client cannot display the contents of shortcuts.
■ Outlook displays an error message informing you that it is unable to resolve the
conflict between a recently installed program and Microsoft Office or other
email-enabled programs.
To fix MAPISVC problems
1 Run the program fixmapi.exe, which is normally in the folder
%windir%\System32. Note that the program does not appear to do anything
when you run it.
2 Restart the computer.
3 Test whether the problem has been fixed.
If you continue to have problems
1 Rename the existing MAPISVC.INF in the folder %windir%\System32.
2 Copy the version of MAPISVC.INF supplied with Outlook to the System32 folder.
This file is normally as follows:

c:\program files\common

3 Restart the computer.

4 Try the failing operation again.
Troubleshooting 426
Client problems

Problems seen by Enterprise Vault users

The problems that Enterprise Vault users may encounter include the following:
■ Items can no longer be accessed from shortcuts: user problem
■ Archive Explorer does not show old items: user problem
■ Archived items do not show Enterprise Vault icons: user problem
■ RPC server is unavailable, or call to the retrieval task failed: user problem
■ Out of date vault index data: user problem
■ Timeouts when restoring large baskets: user problem
■ PowerPoint conversions
■ Restored items do not appear in the Restored Items folder: user problem

Items can no longer be accessed from shortcuts: user problem

If you have changed the protocol or port used for the Web Access application,
shortcuts to existing archived items will no longer work.
Shortcuts in email clients like Outlook and Notes can be updated with the new
protocol or port information using Synchronize mailboxes in the Enterprise Vault
Administration Console, but customized shortcuts, FSA shortcuts, and SharePoint
shortcuts cannot be updated.
For more information, see "Customizing the port or protocol for the Enterprise Vault
Web Access components" in Installing and Configuring.

Archive Explorer does not show old items: user problem

Archive Explorer uses new indexing properties to find archived items. This means
that items archived with Enterprise Vault 3.7 or earlier do not appear in Archive
Explorer until you rebuild the archive indexes.

Archived items do not show Enterprise Vault icons: user

If an Outlook 2003 user has enabled Use Cached Exchange Mode, Outlook forms
are not synchronized by default. This results in archived items not showing Enterprise
Vault icons.
Troubleshooting 427
Client problems

To fix the problem by making Outlook synchronize forms

1 Start Outlook.
2 Click Tools > Send/Receive > Send/Receive Settings > Define Send/Receive
3 Click All Accounts Online and Offline, and then click Edit.
4 Check Synchronize Forms, and then click OK.
5 Exit from Outlook, and then restart it.
6 Open an archived item. This automatically installs the forms.

RPC server is unavailable, or call to the retrieval task failed:

user problem
If users receive either message when trying to archive or restore an item, make
sure that their DNS Server TCP/IP address in the TCP/IP Properties dialog box is

Out of date vault index data: user problem

The index of items stored in a user's archive may become out of date if, for example,
there is a power failure or an out-of-date system backup is restored.
If there is a problem with the index, Enterprise Vault rebuilds it automatically the
next time that an item is archived in that archive. This means that there may be a
short period when the index contains out-of-date information about the items that
are in the archive. Users searching an archive may not be able to find items until
the index is updated.
If you believe that this is the problem, the user can archive an item to force Enterprise
Vault to rebuild the index.

Timeouts when restoring large baskets: user problem

There is no limit to the number of items that a user can try to restore from a basket.
However, if the number of items in the restoring basket is very large, IIS may time
out before all of the items have been restored. If most items have been restored,
the user can run the restore again, as Enterprise Vault only tries to restore the items
that have not been restored yet. If many of the items were not restored, we
recommend that the user creates additional baskets and ensures that there are
fewer items in each basket before retrying the restore.
Troubleshooting 428
Problems enabling or processing mailboxes

PowerPoint conversions
The Microsoft PowerPoint text conversion applies only to text contained within a
slide. Speaker notes text is not converted.

Restored items do not appear in the Restored Items folder:

user problem
If the Restored Items folder does not exist, and a user with Outlook 2003 in cached
Exchange mode restores items from search results, the Restored Items folder is
created and the items are restored.
However, Outlook 2003 shows the newly-created Restored Items folder but does
not show the items in it.
The restored items are shown correctly the next time Outlook 2003 is started.
This is caused by a problem with Outlook 2003.

Problems enabling or processing mailboxes

This section describes how to diagnose and fix problems with enabling archiving
for mailboxes.
Work through the following checks to correct the problem:
■ Is the Exchange Mailbox Task for the Exchange Server running?
The Exchange Mailbox Task does the work of enabling mailboxes, so it must
be running.
■ Does the Enterprise Vault mailbox still exist, or has it been created incorrectly?
A problem here normally means that, when you try to enable a mailbox, the
message "Failed to enable the mailbox" appears.
See “Checking the Enterprise Vault system mailbox” on page 429.
■ Is the Enterprise Vault mailbox hidden from the address book?
Use Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator to look at the properties of the
Enterprise Vault mailbox. Make sure that, on the Advanced tab, you have not
selected the option to hide the mailbox from the address book.
■ Is the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service running on the Exchange
To check and modify the Vault Service account permissions
1 Start Active Directory Users and Computers.
2 Right-click the domain, and then click Properties.
3 Click the Security tab.
Troubleshooting 429
Problems enabling or processing mailboxes

4 Click Advanced, and then click Add.

5 Double-click the account to which you want to add the permission.
6 In the Permission Entry dialog box, click the Properties tab.
7 Next to Apply onto, select User objects.
8 In the Permissions list, next to both Read extensionData and Write
extensionData, check Allow.
9 Click OK repeatedly to close the dialog boxes.

Checking the Enterprise Vault system mailbox

If you suspect that there may be a problem with the Enterprise Vault system mailbox,
work through this section.
To check the Enterprise Vault mailbox
1 Start Active Directory Users and Computers.
2 Double-click the user to display the properties.
3 Click the Email Addresses tab, and check that an email address is present.
4 If there is no email address, run the Recipient Update Service as follows:
■ Select the Recipient Update Services container, which is under the
■ Right-click the domain, and then click Update Now.

To create the mailbox when it does not exist

1 Right-click the Users container, and then click New > User.
2 In the Full name box, type a name such as EV System mailbox for server,
where server is the name of the Exchange server.
3 Type a user logon name, and then click Next.
4 Type a password, and then confirm it.
5 Uncheck Account is disabled. It does not matter what the other settings are.
6 Click Next.
7 Make sure that the correct server is selected.
8 Check Create an Exchange mailbox, and then click Next.
9 Click Finish to create the user and mailbox.
Note that it may take some time for the mailbox to be available.
Troubleshooting 430
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Problem processing a new mailbox

When processing a newly-created mailbox on Microsoft Exchange Server 2003,
you may receive an error message in the Windows Application Log like the following:

Event Type: Error

Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Archive Task
Event ID: 3277
Date: 02/02/2008
Time: 4:02:29 PM
User: N/A
Computer: MYSERVER
The MAPI error MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER (0x8004011D) has occurred
whilst synchronizing the properties of mailbox /o=First
Organization/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=PST5.
The mailbox will not be synchronized until the next scheduled run.

The cause of the problem is that the mailbox security descriptor is not read from
Active Directory until the user logs on or receives mail.
To fix the problem, log on to the mailbox or send a mail message to it.
For more information, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

In Enterprise Vault 9.0.4, 10.0.2 and later, the Outlook Add-In communicates the
results of Vault Cache synchronization attempts to the Enterprise Vault server.
Earlier versions of the Outlook Add-In do not report this information.
An administrator can browse to the Vault Cache Diagnostics web page to view
these results. The Vault Cache Diagnostics page is hosted on an Enterprise Vault
server. The server version must be Enterprise Vault 10.0.2 or later.

Viewing the Vault Cache Diagnostics page

The requirements for viewing the Vault Cache Diagnostics page are as follows:
■ The DWORD registry value ClientDiagnosticsEnabled must be enabled on the
Enterprise Vault server. It is enabled by default for Enterprise Vault 11.0 or later.
For information about ClientDiagnosticsEnabled, see the Enterprise Vault
Registry Values guide.
Troubleshooting 431
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

You must restart the Admin service after you have changed the registry value
for the change to take effect.
■ To view the Vault Cache Diagnostics page, the administrator must belong to an
Enterprise Vault role that allows administration on Enterprise Vault servers.
Typical roles for this purpose are Power Administrator, Messaging Administrator,
and Exchange Administrator.
■ You must select the Windows option to run your browser as an administrator to
open the Vault Cache Diagnostics page on an Enterprise Vault server.
To view the Vault Cache Diagnostics page
◆ Enter the following address in your browser:
where your_ev_server is the name of the Enterprise Vault server.

About Vault Cache Diagnostics

The Vault Cache Diagnostics page shows the last Vault Cache synchronization
attempt from each user, and for each archive that they synchronize. The reporting
information that is displayed on the page is posted by client computers immediately
after they attempt a synchronization, and regardless of the outcome. The default
view is to show only the attempts that failed.
To view all synchronization attempts, uncheck Only show failed synchronizations
at the top of the page.
Table C-1 shows the information that is available for each recorded synchronization

Table C-1 Information for synchronization attempts

Information Description

Time since last sync The elapsed time since the last synchronization attempt
(this record).

Client Host The name of the host computer that the synchronization
attempt originated from.

User Domain The logon domain of the user.

User Name The logon name of the user.

Status The last synchronization status. The possible values

are Pending, Healthy, Failed, and Unknown.

Header Sync State The status of Vault Cache Header synchronization.

Troubleshooting 432
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Table C-1 Information for synchronization attempts (continued)

Information Description

Content Cache Sync State The status of the user’s Content Cache.

Items to Download The number of items pending download to the user’s

Content Cache.

Items Failed to Archive The number of items that have failed to be archived as
part of Vault Cache synchronization.

In addition, you can click an individual record on the page to display more detailed
information about it at the bottom of the page. Table C-2 shows the information that
is available.

Table C-2 Detailed information for each record

Information Description

Header Synchronization status A more detailed explanation of the status of Vault Cache
Header (item stubs) synchronization.

Content Cache Synchronization A more detailed explanation of the user’s Content Cache
Status synchronization status.

Last Synchronization Occurred The date and time of the last synchronization attempt

Items in Content Cache The total number of items in the user’s content cache.
Depending on policy configurations, this number may
be 0.

Archive Name The name of the archive that was synchronized.

Archive Id The archive ID of the archive that was synchronized.

Enterprise Vault Server The name of the Enterprise Vault server that handled
the synchronization attempt.

Add-in Version The version and build number of the Enterprise Vault
Outlook Add-In.

Outlook Version The version and build number of Outlook .

Advanced use of Vault Cache Diagnostics

The Vault Cache Diagnostics page lets you perform additional actions to help identify
and locate individual client issues. At the top of the page, you can apply a filter to
Troubleshooting 433
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

show results for a particular user or Windows domain. You can also sort table
columns into descending or ascending order.
The following example shows how to check for users from a particular domain who
have not synchronized for over a week.
To show users from a domain who have not synchronized for over a week
1 Navigate to:
where your_ev_server is the name of the Enterprise Vault server.
2 Uncheck Only Show failed synchronizations.
3 In the Apply filter box, enter the domain name.
4 On the User name/User domain menu to the right of Apply filter, select User
5 Click Search.
6 In the search results, examine the Time since last sync column to identify
the users whose last synchronization was over a week ago.

Exporting results
You can export the results on the Vault Cache Diagnostics page to a CSV file for
further analysis and reporting. Any filter, search, or ordering is honored in the
exported results.
To export the current results
1 Click Export at the top right of the page.
2 Save the results file.

Client synchronization status text

A client can report numerous possible statuses for both Content Cache
synchronization and Header synchronization to the Enterprise Vault server.
Table C-3 explains the Content Cache synchronization statuses and the steps you
can take to remedy any issues on the client computer.

Table C-3 Content Cache synchronization status

Status Meaning and steps to remedy

Initializing Content Cache is initializing. This is a normal phase for newly enabled clients before
a first synchronization occurs, and is not a cause for concern.
Troubleshooting 434
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Table C-3 Content Cache synchronization status (continued)

Status Meaning and steps to remedy

Not yet downloading Content Cache has finished initializing but has not yet started downloading files.
Again, this is a normal part of the Content Cache download process, and is not a
cause for concern.

Complete Content Cache synchronization has completed successfully. Depending on your

Desktop policy settings, this may or may not have involved downloading item content
to the user’s Content Cache.

Waiting for file on server Content Cache is waiting for a file to be built on the Enterprise Vault server. Content
Cache waits for a PST file to be built on the Enterprise Vault server and downloads
the same file to the user’s local Content Cache.

Downloading Content Cache is currently downloading a file from the Enterprise Vault server.

Retrying Content Cache is retrying a download following an error communicating with the
Enterprise Vault server. The client may have lost connectivity momentarily.

BITS not available The Microsoft Windows BITS service is not installed or not available. On the affected
client computer, check to see if the Background Intelligent Transfer Service is listed
as a service and is started.

Build failed A failure occurred on the Enterprise Vault server while building a file or as part of
integrating a built file with a local Content Cache. The Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In
should retry the Content Cache download as part of the next scheduled
synchronization. If this status occurs regularly for a number of users then you should
investigate any possible issues on the Enterprise Vault server or client.

See “Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on the Enterprise Vault server”
on page 437.

See “Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on an end-user computer”

on page 439.

BITS download error The Microsoft Windows BITS component reported an error while downloading a file
from the Enterprise Vault server. The download will be retried during the next
scheduled synchronization. If this status occurs regularly for an individual user then
you should investigate the BITS component on that client computer.

Failed to add archive The Content Cache component encountered an error when attempting to process
an additionally available archive. A retry will occur during the next synchronization
attempt. If this status occurs regularly for an individual user, then you should examine
a client log file from the affected computer to help diagnose the underlying issue.

See “Viewing the Enterprise Vault client log file” on page 441.
Troubleshooting 435
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Table C-3 Content Cache synchronization status (continued)

Status Meaning and steps to remedy

Could not connect Content Cache could not connect to the target Enterprise Vault server for the selected
archive. It is unlikely that this status will ever be seen, since a connection to the
Enterprise Vault server is a prerequisite for the Outlook Add-In to report the
synchronization state.

File locked A client-side file that Content Cache depends on (DatabaseList.ini) is locked
or in use. Restarting Outlook may fix this issue. If not, restarting the affected client
computer should ensure that the file becomes unlocked and usable again.

Unspecified error Content Cache has encountered an unspecified error.

See “Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on an end-user computer”

on page 439.

Unknown error Content Cache has encountered an unknown error.

See “Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on an end-user computer”

on page 439.

Table C-4 explains the Header synchronization statuses and the steps you can
take to remedy any issues on the client computer.

Table C-4 Header synchronization status

Status Meaning and steps to remedy

Archive changed The archive information for the user changed while Header synchronization was in
progress. This should be resolved by the next scheduled synchronization.

Failed (server synchronizing) Header synchronization failed because the server was synchronizing the archive
hierarchy on the Enterprise Vault server. This is a temporary state for an archive on
an Enterprise Vault server and the next scheduled synchronization should complete
as normal.

Synchronization prevented Header synchronization was prevented by user activity in Virtual Vault. While a user
is performing certain actions within Virtual Vault (for example, moving folders)
synchronization cannot occur. Synchronization will be retried during the next scheduled

Insufficient disk space There is insufficient disk space on the client computer for header synchronization to
occur. You need to increase the amount of available disk space before synchronization
can complete. The Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In needs 100MB by default to be able
to synchronize.
Troubleshooting 436
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Table C-4 Header synchronization status (continued)

Status Meaning and steps to remedy

Failed to acquire slot Header synchronization failed to acquire a synchronization slot from the Enterprise
Vault server. This synchronization slot is in place to limit the number of concurrent
header synchronizations occurring on the Enterprise Vault server. If this status occurs
regularly for a large number of users, consider altering your server configuration to
allow for a larger number of concurrent synchronizations.

See “Performance tuning Vault Cache and Virtual Vault” on page 441.

Could not connect Header synchronization could not occur because the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In
could not connect to the Enterprise Vault server. It is unlikely that this status will ever
be seen, since a connection to the Enterprise Vault server is a prerequisite for the
Outlook Add-In to report the synchronization state.

Offline The Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In does not currently have a connection to the
Enterprise Vault server. It is unlikely that this status will ever be seen, since a connection
to the Enterprise Vault server is a prerequisite for the Outlook Add-In to report the
synchronization state.

Corrupt MDC Header synchronization could not proceed due to a corrupt MDC file. You will need to
delete the MDC file from the affected user’s computer.

See “Fixing issues caused by a corrupt MDC file” on page 439.

Unknown failure Header synchronization encountered an unknown error.

See “Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on an end-user computer”

on page 439.

Complete Header synchronization completed successfully.

Not yet synchronizing Header synchronization has not yet started. This might be an additionally available
archive that the user has not yet selected to synchronize with Enterprise Vault.

Pending Header synchronization is pending, but not yet started. You should not see this status
on the Vault Cache Diagnostics page, but it may be seen on client computers before
synchronization has started.

In progress Header synchronization is in progress. You should not see this status on the Vault
Cache Diagnostics page, but it may be seen on client computers during synchronization.

Acquiring slot The Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In is trying to acquire a synchronization slot from
the Enterprise Vault server to proceed with synchronization. You should not see this
status on the Vault Cache Diagnostics page, nor on client computers. It is an internal,
transient state that is replaced with another status when the synchronization slot has
been either acquired or not acquired.
Troubleshooting 437
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Table C-4 Header synchronization status (continued)

Status Meaning and steps to remedy

Waiting for slot The Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In is trying to acquire a synchronization slot from
the Enterprise Vault server to proceed with synchronization. You should not see this
status on the Vault Cache Diagnostics page, nor on client computers. It is an internal,
transient state that is replaced with another status when the synchronization slot has
been either acquired or not acquired.

Reset Header synchronization was reset manually by the user. You should not see this status
on the Vault Cache Diagnostics page, nor on client computers. It is an internal, transient
state that is replaced with another status when synchronization is resumed.

Suspended Header synchronization was suspended by the user. You should not see this status
on the Vault Cache Diagnostics page, nor on client computers. It is an internal, transient
state that is replaced with another status when synchronization is resumed.

Client Shutdown Header synchronization was stopped due to a shutdown by the user. You should not
see this status on the Vault Cache Diagnostics page, nor on client computers. It is an
internal, transient state that is replaced with another status when Outlook is restarted.

Unknown Header synchronization encountered an unknown error.

See “Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on an end-user computer”

on page 439.

Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on the Enterprise Vault

A number of components on an Enterprise Vault server are used as part of Vault
Cache synchronization.
Table C-5 lists these components, and describes their use and how to identify any

Table C-5 Components on an Enterprise Vault server

Component Use Identifying issues

IIS Hosts a number of Enterprise Vault webpages DTrace the process w3wp.exe on the
that are used during synchronization. Serves affected server. Examine IIS log files for any
built Content Cache files to the client BITS issues.
service and receives files archived through
See “Examining IIS log files” on page 442.
Virtual Vault.
Troubleshooting 438
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Table C-5 Components on an Enterprise Vault server (continued)

Component Use Identifying issues

EVMonitoring.exe Location on disk for the Content Cache The Symantec Enterprise Vault event log
(Cache Manager) builder component to assemble and build PST describes any serious issues concerning lack
files to be downloaded by client computers. of disk space. Any other issues require a
The Cache Manager component manages DTrace of the EVMonitoring.exe process.
configured disk space as specified under the
See “Tracing Vault Cache server
Cache tab of individual server properties.
components” on page 438.

EVMonitoring.exe Handles client requests to build files for The Symantec Enterprise Vault event log
(Content Cache Request Content Cache. Performs throttling of number describes any serious issues. Any other
Manager) of concurrent builds. issues require a DTrace of the
EVMonitoring.exe process.

See “Tracing Vault Cache server

components” on page 438.

MigratorServer.exe Builds files as the result of requests from Any severe issues should appear in the
(Content Cache Builder) client computers through the Content Cache Symantec Enterprise Vault event log. Any
Request Manager component. These files other issues or investigation require a DTrace
are later downloaded via BITS from the cache of MigratorServer.exe.
See “Tracing Vault Cache server
components” on page 438.

EVMonitoring.exe Serves up completed files to client computers Any severe issues should appear in the
(Content Cache File that are performing downloads via BITS. Symantec Enterprise Vault event log. Any
Server) other issues or investigation require a DTrace
of EVMonitoring.exe.

See “Tracing Vault Cache server

components” on page 438.

Tracing Vault Cache server components

You can trace the following components on an Enterprise Vault server with the
DTrace tool, which is supplied with Enterprise Vault. For more information about
DTrace, see the Enterprise Vault Utilities guide.
■ IIS (w3wp.exe)
■ Content Cache Request Manager (EVMonitoring.exe)
■ Cache Manager (EVMonitoring.exe)
■ Content Cache Builder (MigratorServer.exe)
■ Content Cache File Server (EVMonitoring.exe)
Troubleshooting 439
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

For example, by targeting EVMonitoring.exe with DTrace and setting a filter to list
only lines that contain the word cache, you might see a line such as the one below,
which could help in diagnosing issues with cache sizing:
232 11:20:49.508 [3,044] (EVMonitoring) <5944> EV-H {CacheManager}
Updating cache Size: New:271360

Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on an end-user

After identifying an issue with synchronization on a client computer, determine what
manual intervention is required, if any. Some statuses require no intervention and
will be resolved as part of the next scheduled synchronization.
See “Client synchronization status text” on page 433.
Next, if Virtual Vault is enabled but does not appear in the user's Outlook Navigation
Pane, check that the MAPISVC.INF file that describes message stores in the user's
profile is correctly configured. The easiest way to confirm that the file is correctly
configured is to use the Outlook Add-In Enterprise Vault Information feature as
described in the procedure below. If the MAPISVC.INF file is not configured correctly,
run the ResetEVClient utility as described in the Enterprise Vault Utilities guide.
For more serious issues, examine the client log file. For persistent synchronization
issues, ensure that the log file captures tracing during a synchronization attempt.
Issues that occur in a scheduled synchronization should also be visible in the log
file after a manual synchronization.
See “Viewing the Enterprise Vault client log file” on page 441.
To check that MAPISVC.INF is correctly configured
1 In Outlook, press Ctrl and Shift and click one of the Enterprise Vault Outlook
Add-In buttons.
2 In the Enterprise Vault Diagnostics dialog box, click Vault Information.
3 In the Enterprise Vault Information window, scroll to the section VIRTUAL
VAULT CONFIGURATION and confirm that EVMSP configuration in
MAPISVC.INF has the result OK.

Fixing issues caused by a corrupt MDC file

A metadata cache (MDC) file contains the item header information and folder
structure that Enterprise Vault uses in Vault Cache synchronization. If an MDC file
is corrupt, the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In is unable to synchronize the archive
that it represents, although in some cases the Vault Cache remains usable, and
the client reports the Header synchronization status as Corrupt MDC.
Troubleshooting 440
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

If an MDC file is corrupt, do one of the following:

■ (This is the preferred action.) Perform a partial reset of Vault Cache.
See “Resetting Vault Cache on a client computer” on page 441.
■ If a partial reset is not possible or does not fix the issue with the corrupt MDC
file, delete the MDC file.
The MDC file is recreated the next time the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In
tries to synchronize.
To delete an MDC file
1 Open the Enterprise Vault Information window.
See “Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on an end-user computer”
on page 439.
2 Scroll to the section VIRTUAL VAULT STORES IN PROFILE and find the File
name line for the affected archive. This line gives a path to the MDC file.
3 Click Send To Clipboard and paste the information into a text editor, so that
you can refer to the path and the file name after you close Outlook.
4 Click OK.
5 Close Outlook.
6 Delete the MDC file.

Fixing issues caused by a corrupt or empty DatabaseList.ini

Vault Cache uses the DatabaseList.ini file to track files that contain cached
message data. This file can sometimes become corrupt or empty if you use an older
version of the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In. When this happens, Vault Cache
is not able to download items and the Content Cache synchronization status on the
Vault Cache Diagnostics page is "Unspecified error" or "Unknown errror".
You must close Outlook before you check if the DatabaseList.ini file is corrupt
or empty. DatabaseList.ini is located in the folder
%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\KVS\Enterprise Vault (Windows Vista or later) or
%HOMEPATH%\Local Settings\KVS\Enterprise Vault (Windows XP).

If the DatabaseList.ini file is corrupt or empty, do one of the following:

■ (This is the preferred action.) Upgrade to the latest version of the Outlook Add-In.
■ If it is not possible to upgrade, or if you have upgraded but the issue occurred
before you upgraded, reset the Vault Cache.
See “Resetting Vault Cache on a client computer” on page 441.
Troubleshooting 441
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Resetting Vault Cache on a client computer

For severe client Vault Cache issues where all other means of resolution have
failed, you can reset Vault Cache.
The following types of Vault Cache reset are possible:
■ A partial reset, which ensures that the next Header synchronization is a full
■ A full reset, which forces an initial synchronization of both the Header information
and the Content Cache. The effect is the same as if the user has just been
enabled for Vault Cache.

Note: We recommend that wherever possible you avoid a full reset, because
the initial build of a user’s Content Cache incurs a significant overhead on the
Enterprise Vault server.

To reset Vault Cache

1 In Outlook, press Ctrl and Shift and click one of the Outlook Add-In buttons.
2 See the note above about full resets.
In the Enterprise Vault Diagnostics dialog box, click Partial Reset, or Reset
for a full reset.
3 On the prompt that appears, click Yes to continue with the reset.

Viewing the Enterprise Vault client log file

The Enterprise Vault client log file provides information about Vault Cache
To view the Enterprise Vault client log file
1 In Outlook, press Ctrl and Shift and click one of the Enterprise Vault Outlook
Add-In buttons.
2 In the Enterprise Vault Diagnostics dialog box, click Open Log.

Performance tuning Vault Cache and Virtual Vault

Several policy settings on the Enterprise Vault server affect the performance of
Vault Cache synchronization. For more information, see the Virtual Vault Best
Practice Guide, which is available from the following address on the Symantec
Support website:
Troubleshooting 442
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Examining IIS log files

As a final step in diagnosing client synchronization issues, you can examine the
IIS log files on an Enterprise Vault server. The files show the interaction between
individual client computers and the various web pages that are used during
The IIS log files are typically located at C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1.
The following example shows a typical line in the log file:

2012-08-19 09:29:59 GET /EnterpriseVault/Slot.aspx

80 MAIL2\mike_smith EnterpriseVaultOutlookExt-V10.0.2.658 200 0 0 6474

In the example:
■ A request was made to Slot.aspx at 09:29 A.M. on August 19, 2012.
■ The request included the archive ID, which in this case was the Archive ID of a
client attempting to synchronize.
■ The requesting user was MAIL2\mike_smith.
■ The response code was 200 (success).
Table C-6 shows the web pages that are used during synchronization, with their
uses and their possible effect on synchronization. A response code of 200 indicates

Table C-6 Web pages used during synchronization

Web page Use Notes

DeleteArchivedItems.aspx The client may call this web page, A response code of 500 indicates an
passing it a list of items to be deleted as issue. DTrace w3wp.exe for more
the result of items being deleted from detailed information on the cause of the
Virtual Vault. response.

DeleteJob.aspx Called by the client to indicate that one A response code of 500 or 501 indicates
or more files have been downloaded an issue. DTrace w3wp.exe for more
successfully, so that the Enterprise Vault detailed information on the cause of the
server can remove the files from the response.
cache location.
Troubleshooting 443
Problems with Vault Cache synchronization

Table C-6 Web pages used during synchronization (continued)

Web page Use Notes

DownloadContent.aspx Used by the BITS component on the HTTP response codes can indicate
client to download completed files from issues with the download, as follows:
the cache location to the client.
■ 403: Access Denied
■ 404: File not found (it may have been
removed from the cache)
■ 408: Transient/Timeout
■ 505/501: Fatal error

DTrace w3wp.exe for more detailed

information on the cause of the

FullSync.aspx Performs an index query and returns A response code of 500 indicates an
data to the client to facilitate an initial, issue, possibly with the underlying index
full header synchronization. query being performed. DTrace
w3wp.exe for more detailed information
on the cause of the response.

GetArchiveFolderHierarchy.aspx Gets the archive hierarchy (a list of A response code of 500 indicates an
archive folders). Used for header issue. DTrace w3wp.exe for more
synchronization. detailed information on the cause of the

GetIncrSlotWithServer.aspx Used to obtain a slot with the server to A response code of 500 indicates an
perform an incremental build for Content issue. DTrace w3wp.exe or
Cache. EVMonitoring.exe for more detailed
information on the cause of the

GetSlotWithServer.aspx Used to obtain a slot with the server to A response code of 500 indicates an
perform an initial (full) build for Content issue. DTrace w3wp.exe or
Cache. EVMonitoring.exe for more detailed
information on the cause of the

GetVaultInformation.aspx Used during Content Cache A response code of 500 indicates an

synchronization to get information such issue. DTrace w3wp.exe for more
as the date range of the archive. detailed information on the cause of the
Troubleshooting 444
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

Table C-6 Web pages used during synchronization (continued)

Web page Use Notes

HasJobBuiltYet.aspx The client polls the server through A response code of 500 indicates an
calling this web page to determine when issue. DTrace w3wp.exe or
a file being built on the server is ready EVMonitoring.exe for more detailed
to be downloaded. information on the cause of the

IncrSync.aspx Gets the data for incremental header A response code of 500 indicates an
synchronization. issue. DTrace w3wp.exe for more
detailed information on the cause of the

ListArchives.aspx Returns a list of accessible archives to A response code of 500 indicates an

the client before a synchronization. issue. DTrace w3wp.exe for more
detailed information on the cause of the

Slot.aspx Called by the client to obtain a slot to Repeated response codes of 500
proceed with header synchronization. indicate a potential bottleneck in the
number of users attempting to

See “Performance tuning Vault Cache

and Virtual Vault” on page 441.

SyncPoint.aspx Used by the client to determine the type A response code of 500 indicates an
of synchronization needed (full or issue. DTrace w3wp.exe for more
incremental). detailed information on the cause of the

UpdateArchivedItemMetadata.aspx Used to inform the Enterprise Vault A response code of 500 indicates an
server of any user updates that have issue. DTrace w3wp.exe for more
been performed in Virtual Vault. detailed information on the cause of the

UploadItem.aspx Used to upload (that is, to archive) items A response code of 500 or 520 indicates
that have been dragged into Virtual an issue. DTrace w3wp.exe or
Vault. EVMonitoring.exe for more detailed
information on the cause of the

Problems with Enterprise Vault components

This section includes information on the following topics:
Troubleshooting 445
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

■ Troubleshooting: All tasks and services

■ Troubleshooting: File System Archiving
■ Troubleshooting: Directory service
■ Troubleshooting: Exchange archiving or Journaling tasks
■ Troubleshooting: Restoring items
■ Troubleshooting: Indexing
■ Troubleshooting: Storage service
■ Troubleshooting: Shopping service
■ Troubleshooting: Web Access application
■ Troubleshooting: Enterprise Vault Operations Manager and the Monitoring
■ Troubleshooting: Enterprise Vault Reporting and FSA Reporting
■ Specific problems
■ Restoring items for users

Troubleshooting: All tasks and services

This section describes problems with Enterprise Vault tasks and services and covers
the following topics:
■ Task or service fails to start: all tasks and services
■ Failed to create MAPI session: all tasks and services
■ Error creating or opening an MSMQ message: all tasks and services
■ User does not have access to an archive: all tasks and services
■ Tasks or services stop because of low system resources: all tasks and services

Task or service fails to start: all tasks and services

If an Enterprise Vault task or service fails to start, check that the following are
■ Enterprise Vault Directory Service
■ Either the MSMQ Primary Enterprise Controller or the Message Queuing service
■ If connection to the SQL Server is lost, and you need to shutdown Enterprise
Vault services, stop the individual services manually, finishing with the Directory
Troubleshooting 446
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

service and the Admin service. You should stop the services in this way, rather
than stopping the Admin service, and relying on it to stop the other services.

Failed to create MAPI session: all tasks and services

Except for the Directory service and the Admin service, the Enterprise Vault services
and tasks run under the Vault Service account. If you have set up a service or task
to run under a different account, or if you have not given the Vault Service account
the required Microsoft Exchange Server permissions, an Exchange Journaling task
continues to log errors until you stop it.
The Exchange Journaling task continues to try to process the Microsoft Exchange
Server Journal mailbox at one-minute intervals. This problem shows up in the
Windows Event Viewer as follows:

* retry count:
Could not get a MAPI session from the session pool
whilst processing mailbox /o=ACME/ou=Site2000/


Could not scan user mailbox

unable to get the state of the users mailbox

Check the following:

■ Is the Exchange Server computer running (private message store)?
■ Has the Enterprise Vault mailbox been deleted?
■ Have the Vault Service account permissions been set on the Exchange tree?

Error creating or opening an MSMQ message: all tasks and

■ Check that the task or service has permissions to access its MSMQ queues.
■ Is the MSMQ Primary Enterprise Controller or Backup Enterprise Controller

User does not have access to an archive: all tasks and services
Users require write access to an archive in order to archive, and read access in
order to retrieve. This applies even for background archiving. A user must also be
the owner of the mailbox or be a member of the local Administrators group on the
system that is running the Exchange Mailbox task.
Troubleshooting 447
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

Tasks or services stop because of low system resources: all

tasks and services
When the Admin service detects that your system is low on resources, it stops
Enterprise Vault tasks and services residing on that system. Occasionally, this may
result in additional events being logged. The comment in the log states that the
task or service could not be stopped in a timely manner. Before restarting the task
or service, ensure that all processes associated with the stopped task or service
have been terminated.
To check the status of the processes, right-click the Windows taskbar and then, on
the context menu, select Task Manager.

Troubleshooting: File System Archiving

File System Archiving automatically configures the Internet Explorer settings so
that the Web Access application computer is in the Internet Explorer trusted sites
list. File System Archiving checks this setting each time the file server is processed
on an archiving run.
If the computer that runs the Placeholder service has incorrect Internet Explorer
security settings, users cannot open any placeholder shortcuts. Each attempt to do
so produces an entry on the Windows Application log on the placeholder computer,
saying that there was an error downloading a file.
To configure the Internet Explorer security settings
1 Log on as the Vault Service account to the computer that is running the
Placeholder service.
2 In Control Panel, double-click Internet Options.
3 Click the Security tab.
4 In the list of zones, click Local intranet.
5 Click Sites.
6 Click Advanced.
7 Enter the name of the Web Access application computer, without the DNS
domain, and then click Add.
8 Click OK.
9 Click OK to close the local intranet settings.
10 On the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box, click Custom Level.
11 Under User Authentication in the Security Settings dialog box, select either
Automatic logon only in Intranet zone or Automatic logon with current
username and password.
Troubleshooting 448
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

12 Click OK to close the Security Settings dialog box.

13 Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Troubleshooting: Directory service

The Directory service has a client that runs on every system that runs Enterprise
Vault software. The Directory service and client both log events to the Enterprise
Vault event log. When you have a problem with the Directory Service, the first step
is to look for events to determine where the problem lies.
This section includes information on the following topics:
■ Client problems: Directory service
■ Service problems: Directory service
■ SQL problems: Directory service
■ Security problems: Directory service
■ Setting tracing levels: Directory service

Client problems: Directory service

■ Events in the log may refer to service-related problems that have been reported
to the client. If so, check the computer that is running the service.
■ The network between the client and service may be down. Run ping from a
Command Prompt window to check that the Directory service computer is
available. Run the test in both directions.
■ Check that the Directory service is running. If it is not, the client cannot make a

Service problems: Directory service

■ Check that prerequisite software is available. The Directory service must have
all its prerequisite software. ADO (which is installed as part of MDAC) and SQL
must be installed and be operational.
■ Check that the EnterpriseVaultDirectory ODBC DSN is set up correctly. The
Directory Service depends upon an ODBC System DSN called
EnterpriseVaultDirectory. This is added automatically by the Configuration
Wizard, but it can be modified by anyone using ODBC from Control Panel. Check
that this is configured correctly.
■ Check that the SQL passwords match. You may see an event informing you
that the SQL login has failed. This is because the Directory service depends
upon a SQL login ID called EnterpriseVault and an associated password. Ensure
Troubleshooting 449
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

that the passwords match. You can use the Administration Console to set the
SQL password in Enterprise Manager and the Directory Service.

SQL problems: Directory service

■ SQL event data is included in Enterprise Vault events. SQL can report an event
for several reasons, such as a database that has run out of disk space.
■ You should become familiar with SQL Enterprise Manager. This tool lets you
manage the SQL Server and the Enterprise Vault Directory database.
■ Use SQL Profiler to see what commands have been sent to the SQL database
■ SQL may not recognize the SQL command it has been given. You can use SQL
Profiler to check the commands. The event logged by the Directory Service tells
you the command, but only if SQL returned control back to the Directory service.
Start SQL Profiler from within SQL Enterprise Manager.

Security problems: Directory service

■ Create, Update, and Delete must be used by an account that belongs to the
local group Administrators on the Directory service computer.
■ Any component has permission to read from the Directory service but, to write
data, you must have write permissions. The user who tries to modify the data
that is maintained by the Directory service must be a member of the local group
called Administrators on the Directory Computer.
■ SQL database permissions must be correct.
■ When the SQL database is created, all the correct permissions are applied to
the tables. That is, the SQL login ID EnterpriseVault has access to all of the
tables. If someone inadvertently modifies these permissions, access may be
denied. The Application Event Log should indicate such a problem.
■ The password stored by the Directory must match the password set in SQL.
Always use the Administration Console to change the password.

Setting tracing levels: Directory service

■ For problems with tasks and services, use the Vault Administration Console to
change the level of tracing. When you are trying to diagnose a problem, set the
tracing level higher.
■ For problems with clients, create a new DWORD value called Trace Level under
the following registry key:
Troubleshooting 450
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

\Enterprise Vault

where the possible values for Trace Level are as follows:

0 None

1 Low

2 Medium

3 High

Troubleshooting: Exchange archiving or Journaling tasks

This section covers problems with Exchange Mailbox, Public Folder and Journaling
The archiving task scans through Microsoft Exchange Server mailboxes or public
folders and select items for archiving using the selection criteria that you have
specified. If you have allowed users to override the selection criteria that you have
set, individual users may have set different criteria.
This section includes information on the following topics:
■ Archiving fails completely: Exchange archiving or Journaling tasks
■ Archiving fails partially: Exchange archiving or Journaling tasks
■ Setting up cross-domain archiving: Exchange archiving or Journaling tasks

Archiving fails completely: Exchange archiving or Journaling

Archiving can fail for any of the following reasons:
■ Configuration problems. Check through the Application Event Log to find out
whether there are any messages there that help with solving the problem.
■ Communication or access problems. Check through the Application Event Log
to find out whether there are any messages there that help with solving the
Troubleshooting 451
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

■ There may be no archiving schedule set. If you have not set such a schedule,
the Exchange Mailbox and Public Folder tasks do not run unless you use Run
Now. Check the Application Event Log for entries made by the Exchange Mailbox
task. Does archiving work when you use Run Now?
■ No mailboxes have had archiving enabled. This does not apply to an Exchange
Journaling task.
■ Use tracing so that you can follow the decisions made by the Exchange Mailbox
or Journaling task.
If you have just started using Enterprise Vault, it may take several archiving runs
before the system reaches a normal state. This is because a new installation may
have more items to archive than can be processed in a single run of the Exchange
Mailbox task. Enterprise Vault takes a few items from each mailbox and then, if
there is still time in its schedule, goes around again to take more. So some items
may have to wait for the next run of the Exchange Mailbox task.
This balancing process ensures that archiving is carried out evenly across all
mailboxes. However, it can appear that Enterprise Vault is ignoring some items
when, in fact, it is not.
Microsoft Exchange Server can monitor processes for you; see the Microsoft
Exchange Server documentation.

Archiving fails partially: Exchange archiving or Journaling tasks

There are several reasons why archiving fails completely for some Microsoft
Exchange Server mailboxes but still works for others, or why not all the items that
you expect to be archived are archived.
If Enterprise Vault fails to archive anything from some Microsoft Exchange Server
mailboxes then the following may apply:
■ The most likely cause is that those mailboxes have not been enabled for
■ It is possible that the clock on the computer that is running the Exchange Mailbox
task is wrong by a large amount, such as weeks or days. The Exchange Mailbox
task uses the local clock to determine the date and time. If this clock has a very
different time from that on the Microsoft Exchange Server computer, archiving
is affected. On a test system you might be more aware of this problem and so
notice it even if the clocks are only a few minutes different.
If Enterprise Vault is archiving some items from a mailbox and is missing others,
the problem could be any of the following:
■ The user has overridden the archiving settings so that the items are never going
to be archived, or are not yet ready to be archived.
Troubleshooting 452
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

■ You have a new Enterprise Vault installation and the system has not yet reached
its normal state. It may take several runs of the Exchange Mailbox task before
all items that are ready to be archived are actually processed.
■ The user has no access to the archive. Check through the Application Event
Log to find out if there are any messages that help with solving the problem.
■ The user has changed the amount of time before an item is ready for archiving,
and items are consequently not yet eligible for archiving.
■ The item's message class has not been added to the list of those that Enterprise
Vault archives. To add more messages classes, use the Directory Properties:
Exchange Message Classes tab.
■ The Enterprise Vault mailbox has been deleted.
If items never turn into shortcuts, check the following:
■ The Exchange Mailbox task is running.
■ The Storage service is running.
■ The settings on the Safety Copies tab of the vault store properties. If the vault
store retains safety copies in the original location, items do not become shortcuts
until the vault store has backed up or replicated.

Setting up cross-domain archiving: Exchange archiving or

Journaling tasks
If you plan to add an Exchange Mailbox or Journaling task for an Exchange Server
computer that is in a different domain from that of the Enterprise Vault server, you
must set the E2KAutoCreateMailboxContainerADsPath registry value before you
add the task.
To set the E2KAutoCreateMailboxContainerADsPath registry value
1 Log on to the computer on which you are going to use the Enterprise Vault
Configuration Program or Administration Console to add the task for the
Exchange Server computer that is in the remote domain.
2 Start the Registry Editor.
Troubleshooting 453
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

3 Find the following key:

On a 32-bit installation of Windows: On a 64-bit installation of Windows:

\Software \Software
\KVS \Wow6432Node
\Enterprise Vault \KVS
\Admin \Enterprise Vault

4 If the string value E2KAutoCreateMailboxContainerADsPath does not exist,

create it.
5 Give E2KAutoCreateMailboxContainerADsPath a value of Users.
You can now add the task for the remote Exchange Server computer. After
you have added the task, you can change the value of
E2KAutoCreateMailboxContainerADsPath back to the default value of Default
or leave it as Users.

Troubleshooting: Restoring items

If you encounter problems when restoring items, do the following:
■ Check the Application Event Log for more information.
■ Check that the Exchange Mailbox task is running.
■ Check that the Storage service is running.
■ If the items are offline, check that the HSM software is running properly.
■ Check that you have the correct archive and Exchange mailbox permissions.
To restore items, you must have at least Read access to the archive.

Troubleshooting: Indexing
Indexing tools are available to enable you to manage indexes and index volumes:
See “About the indexing wizards” on page 112.
Several documents and articles, including the following, are available on the
Enterprise Vault Support website to assist in troubleshooting indexing:
■ Troubleshooting and monitoring index tasks at
Troubleshooting 454
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

■ Troubleshooting index volume error codes at


Troubleshooting: Storage service

Storage service errors are logged in the Windows Application Event Log under the
Storage and Database categories.
This section includes information on the following topics:
■ Storage Service does not start: Storage service
■ Failing to create queues: Storage service
■ Failure to access queues: Storage service
■ Cannot create vault stores: Storage service
■ Cannot perform archive, restore, replay, online operations: Storage service
■ Cannot archive: Storage service
■ Exchange messages stay as Archive pending: Storage service
■ Messages are not restored: Storage service
■ Error creating a vault store: Storage service

Storage Service does not start: Storage service

Do the following:
■ Check the Application Event Log for more information.
■ Check that the Directory service is running.
■ Check that the Indexing service is running.

Failing to create queues: Storage service

Do the following:
■ Check the Application Event Log for more information.
■ Check that the MSMQ Primary Enterprise Controller or Backup Enterprise
Controller is running.
■ Using Message Queue Explorer, check that the entries for the computers running
the Exchange Mailbox and Journaling tasks or Storage services have the correct
Troubleshooting 455
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

To check the permissions

1 In Windows, start Computer Management.
2 In the left-hand pane, expand the Computer Management node and then
expand the Services and Applications node.
3 Right-click Message Queuing and then, on the context menu, click Properties.
The appears.
4 In the Message Queuing Properties window, click Add.
5 In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups window, next to Look In, select
Entire Directory.
6 In the list, click Administrators and then click Add.
7 Click OK to return to the Message Queuing Properties window.
8 Click Administrators.
9 Under Permissions, check Allow next to Full Control.
10 Click OK.
11 Close Computer Management.

Failure to access queues: Storage service

Check queue access permissions.

Cannot create vault stores: Storage service

Do the following:
■ Check the Application Event log for more information.
■ Check that SQL Server is running.
■ Check disk space on the NTFS volumes for the vault store database files.
■ Examine SQL logs and trace output for more information about the problem.

Cannot perform archive, restore, replay, online operations:

Storage service
Do the following:
■ Check the Application Event Log for more information.
■ Check that the vault store databases are accessible.
■ Check that SQL Server is running.
■ Examine SQL logs and trace output for more information about the problem.
Troubleshooting 456
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

Cannot archive: Storage service

Check that the Indexing service is running.

Exchange messages stay as Archive pending: Storage service

Do the following:
■ Check the settings on the Safety Copies tab of the vault store properties. If the
vault store retains safety copies in the original location, items do not become
shortcuts until the vault store has backed up or replicated. Check that the vault
store is being backed up or replicated.
■ Check that the Exchange Mailbox task is running.

Messages are not restored: Storage service

Do the following:
■ Check that the Exchange Mailbox task is running.
■ If you are using HSM software, check that it is running.
■ Check the Application Event Log to find out whether Enterprise Vault is
reconstructing vault indexes.
If Enterprise Vault is reconstructing indexes for some archives, it rejects all
archive and retrieval operations for those archives until the reconstruction is
complete. Other archives are unaffected, so archive and retrieval operations
can continue normally for those other archives.

Error creating a vault store: Storage service

If you receive an error when creating a vault store, try restarting the Storage service.
The Application Event Log entries associated with the problem are as follows:

Event ID 13360

An error was detected while accessing the Vault Database



[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Unable to

connect. The maximum number of '30' configured user
connections are already connected. System Administrator can
configure to a higher value with sp_configure.
Troubleshooting 457
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

Event ID 13336

Unable to create Device EVFasterVS on path D:\mssql\data

Event ID 13360

An error was detected while accessing the Vault Database


Troubleshooting: Shopping service

This section includes the following topics:
■ Common problems: Shopping service
■ Poor performance: Shopping service
■ Recovering lost disk space: Shopping service
■ Moving shopping data: Shopping service

Common problems: Shopping service

If anything goes wrong with Shopping, check first that all the appropriate services
have started. All the following must be running for Shopping to work:
■ IIS Admin service
■ World Wide Web Publishing service
■ Enterprise Vault Shopping service
■ Enterprise Vault Directory service
■ Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox task
If all the tasks and services are running, check the Application Event log on the
computer that hosts the Shopping service and the computer that hosts the Exchange
Mailbox task. Most high-level errors are self-explanatory, and the solution is
Table C-7 lists the error messages that you may receive.

Table C-7 Log messages

Message What to do

The Shopping Service root Create the folder and try again.
directory (<...>) does not
Troubleshooting 458
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

Table C-7 Log messages (continued)

Message What to do

Failed to connect to the Make sure that the Shopping service is started.
Shopping Service

Failed to create new Check the access permissions on the Shopping folders,
basket BasketName as follows:

Failed to create file: ■ Enterprise Vault\Shopping\. All Enterprise

filespec. Vault users who use Shopping require Write access
to the Shopping folder.
Failed to open file
One way to ensure that users have this access is to
grant the Authenticated Users group Write access
to the Shopping folder. You may prefer to grant
access to a smaller group that contains only
Enterprise Vault users.
■ Enterprise Vault\Shopping Access.
Everyone must have Full Control.
■ Enterprise Vault\Shopping\Domain.
Everyone must have Full Control
■ Enterprise Vault\Shopping\Domain\user.
Both the user (Domain\user) and the Administrators
group on the web server computer
(WebServerComputer\Administrators) must have
Full Control.

Failed to open file: Check the access permissions on the file. Both the user
<filespec> (Domain\user) and the Administrators group on the web
server computer (WebServerComputer\Administrators)
must have Full Control.

Failed to retrieve the Make sure that the Directory service is started.
Shopping Service directory

If there are no errors in the Application Event Log, or the errors listed do not point
to an obvious solution, try stopping and then restarting all the Enterprise Vault tasks
and services. If restarting the tasks and services does not fix the problem, try
increasing the tracing level to see whether that produces any additional information
in the Application Event Log.

Poor performance: Shopping service

Bigger shopping baskets mean poorer performance and a greater chance of locking
problems during retrieval confirmations. There is no enforced limit on the size of a
Troubleshooting 459
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

basket but, in general, users should try to keep baskets to a moderate size (typically
fewer than a hundred or so items).

Recovering lost disk space: Shopping service

When a user selects items to restore, a record of these items is kept in a .des file
on the Shopping Service computer. As the user retrieves more items, the .des file
gradually increases in size, even if the user deletes all shopping baskets.
If this size increase becomes a problem, do the following:
1 Ask the affected users to delete all their baskets.
2 As an administrator, delete each .des file manually.
New, empty .des files are created automatically as needed.

Moving shopping data: Shopping service

We recommend that you do not move the shopping data when users have started
shopping. If you do move the data to another volume, all the individual file
permissions are lost and must be reapplied manually.
If you move rather than copy the data to somewhere else on the same volume, the
file permissions are retained.
To move the data to another location on the same volume
1 Stop IIS.
2 Stop the Shopping service.
3 Move the data. (Do not copy it.)
4 Change the data location in the Vault Administration Console by performing
the following steps in the order listed:
■ In the Administration Console, expand the left pane until the appropriate
Vault Site is visible.
■ Expand the Vault Site until Computers is visible.
■ Expand Computers.
■ Expand the computer that runs the Shopping service.
■ In the right pane, double-click the Shopping service that you want to modify.
■ On the General tab of the Shopping Service property page, click Change.
■ If you are prompted for the password to the Vault Service account, type it
and then click OK.
Troubleshooting 460
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

■ In the Choose Folder dialog box, select the new folder and then click OK.

5 Start the Shopping service and IIS.

Troubleshooting: Web Access application

This section includes the following topics:
■ Users do not see the web page: Web Access application
■ Web Access application does not work: Web Access application
■ Other problems: Web Access application

Users do not see the web page: Web Access application

If the IIS virtual directory settings are wrong, users do not see the web page. The
default URL for the Web Access application is /EnterpriseVault; the name of the
Web Access application virtual directory in IIS.
Check the Web Access application settings on the General tab of the Site Properties
dialog box in the Administration Console. The protocol and port shown must match
the protocol and port set for the Default Web Site in IIS which contains the
/EnterpriseVault virtual directory.

Web Access application does not work: Web Access application

The following must all be running for the Web Access application to work:
■ World Wide Web Publishing service
■ Enterprise Vault Directory service
■ Enterprise Vault Shopping service
■ Enterprise Vault Indexing service
Errors that can occur because the services are not started are as follows:
■ The message The Enterprise Vault Service is not available appears
when the Web Access application is first accessed.
■ The message Failed to perform search request appears when performing
a search.
■ Shopping baskets are not created.
Troubleshooting 461
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

Other problems: Web Access application

■ English text is displayed instead of text in the language of the web browser. The
language file needs to be in the same folder as the English language file (en.lan)
and the Active Server Page (.asp) files. The language is that of the user's web
browser and not that of the IIS computer. If the correct language file does not
exist, English is used. The name of the language file is language.lan.
■ Incorrect user name/password entry format. The user name must be in the form
domain\username for the log on to work correctly.
■ A message is unexpectedly restored with all attachments. When a user selects
an attachment to restore, Enterprise Vault restores the whole message, with all
its attachments. This is the correct behavior.
■ An item cannot be added to a basket twice. When adding an item that has
already been added to a basket, the item is not added again and there is no
warning message.
■ Error: ASP 0115. If one of the services that the Web Access application is using
causes an access violation, this error is logged. Look at the Application Event
log on the web server computer and find out on which service the error occurred
and what the error was.
■ Error: ASP 0177. This could be the result of either of the following:
■ A Shopping, Indexing, or Storage service has not been registered on the
web server computer.
■ The wrong permissions have been set on the virtual directory.

Troubleshooting: Enterprise Vault Operations Manager and the

Monitoring database
If you see an error page when attempting to access Enterprise Vault Operations
Manager, or when using it to monitor your system, see the following TechNote on
the Symantec Support website:
The TechNote provides detailed troubleshooting information related to installing
and using Operations Manager
For information on troubleshooting the Monitoring database and Monitoring agents,
see the following TechNote on the Symantec Support website:
Troubleshooting 462
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

Troubleshooting: Enterprise Vault Reporting and FSA Reporting

If you have problems with installing Enterprise Vault Reporting, or when accessing
or viewing its reports, see the following TechNote on the Enterprise Vault Support
This TechNote gives detailed troubleshooting information for Enterprise Vault
If you have problems when configuring or using FSA Reporting, refer to the
troubleshooting advice in the following Enterprise Vault TechNote:

Specific problems
■ Enterprise Vault tasks and services do not start (login failure).
If Enterprise Vault tasks and services do not start and report a login failure, the
most likely cause of the problem is that the password that has been supplied
for the Vault Service account is wrong. If you supply an incorrect password,
there will be login failures from all Enterprise Vault tasks and services.
■ Error while enabling mailbox for user /o=aaaa/ou=bbbbb/cn=Recipients/cn=ccccc,
error sending enabled message.
Enterprise Vault cannot send the enable mailbox message. This message is
stored in a file called EnableMailboxMessage.msg on the Exchange Mailbox
task computer.
■ Changes to an Enterprise Vault task or service do not take effect.
For many of the settings that you can change, you must stop and restart the
appropriate Enterprise Vault task or service so that it can obtain the new settings.
There are some settings that affect more than one task or service, so you may
need to stop and restart multiple tasks and services.
■ Mailboxes with no associated Windows account are not archived.
This is the correct behavior. The Exchange Mailbox task automatically disables
archiving for such mailboxes.
■ BCC recipients are missing from a message.
If you archive an unsent message with BCC recipients and then restore it, the
BCC recipients are missing from the restored message.
■ Re-installing the Outlook Add-In to a different folder does not work.
If you remove the Outlook Add-In and then install it to a different folder, Outlook
may not refresh its cache and so may not recognize the new location.
To force Outlook to see the new installation, do the following in the order listed:
Troubleshooting 463
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

■ Exit Outlook.
■ Remove the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In from the computer.
■ Start and then exit from Outlook.
■ Reinstall the Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In.
■ Start Outlook.

■ Items cannot be deleted from archives.

This may not be a problem at all. There is a five-minute delay before the Index
service catches up with a user deleting something from an archive, so users
should wait some time before checking that items have been deleted.
■ Extra copy of an item when archive fails.
If an item cannot be archived for some reason, and you have chosen not to
delete the original item after archiving on the Archiving Actions tab of the
Enterprise Vault Exchange policy properties, it is possible that the user may
have an extra copy of the item.
■ User cannot store items in an archive.
Following a power or disk failure, Enterprise Vault may need to reconstruct
indexes for one or more archives. If Enterprise Vault is reconstructing indexes
for some archives, it rejects all archive and retrieval operations for those archives
until the reconstruction is complete, so users of those archives cannot archive
or retrieve items. A user whose archive index is being reconstructed cannot
archive items, but does not receive any error message. Other archives are
unaffected by the replay operations, so archive and retrieval operations can
continue normally. The solution is to wait until Enterprise Vault has finished
reconstructing the indexes.
■ Archiving appears to work, but the log shows an error.
If the error message is An error was detected whilst accessing the Vault
Database "vaultstore", the password to the vault store may have been
changed but the Storage service has not been stopped and restarted. Stop the
Storage service and restart it so that the service uses the new password.
■ Error: RPC Server is Unavailable.
You can receive a message that an RPC Server is unavailable in the following
■ When you are using the Administration Console to add Enterprise Vault tasks
or services.
■ When you are running the Enterprise Vault Configuration Program to
configure your system.
Troubleshooting 464
Problems with Enterprise Vault components

■ When you are remotely managing a computer that is running Enterprise

Vault tasks and services.
Each Enterprise Vault computer requires a registered IP address, and the DNS
properties for the TCP/IP protocol must be defined.
You may see this problem if the computer on which you are configuring the
Enterprise Vault tasks and services does not have any WINS servers defined,
and you have chosen not to enable DNS for Windows Resolution on the TCP/IP
Protocol property page for WINS. You can either use DNS for service control
management or enable DNS for Windows resolution.
If this does not solve the problem, set up the Administration Console computer
to use LanMan names instead of DNS names to connect to Service Control
Manager. To do this, set the following registry string value to 1:

On a 32-bit installation of Windows: On a 64-bit installation of Windows:

\KVS \Wow6432Node
\Enterprise Vault \KVS
\Admin \Enterprise Vault
\UseLanmanNameForSCM \Admin

■ Items never become eligible for archiving, or manual archives do not work, or
an item cannot be restored.
All of these problems can happen if an Enterprise Vault server does not have
the necessary Windows codepages installed. If you need to install extra
languages, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
■ Microsoft Message Queue Server: MQIS Initialization Error.
There is a known MSMQ Server problem that results in the following error

Error: 0xc00e0013 No connection with the Site's


Alternatively, the following error may be logged in the Windows Application

Event Log:

MQIS Database Initialization Error.

These errors may be caused by the lack of, or the misplacement of, the ODBC
System Data Source Name (DSN) used to connect SQL Server to the MQIS
Troubleshooting 465
Techniques to aid troubleshooting

database. For more information on how to solve this problem, see the following
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Restoring items for users

There may be occasions when you need to restore items on behalf of users. With
suitable permissions, it is possible for you to restore items from any archive to any
The account you use to retrieve the items must have the following features:
■ Have Domain Admin permissions
■ Have permissions to write to the user's mailbox
■ Have read permissions on the archive
■ Be a member of the local administrators’ group on the Enterprise Vault computer
that is running the appropriate Exchange Mailbox task.
To restore an item on behalf of a user
1 In the Vault Administration Console, display the properties of the archive that
contains the item to restore.
2 Click the Permissions tab, and then click Add.
3 Add yourself to the list of users.
4 Start the Enterprise Vault web application, and log on to it as yourself.
5 Click the Search Vault icon.
6 On the Search Archive page, select the archive that contains the item you want
to restore.
7 Restore the item to the appropriate mailbox.

Techniques to aid troubleshooting

This section provides information on the following topics:
■ Running on Demand: Run Now
■ Use the Exchange mailbox archiving reports
■ Moved Items report from the Exchange Mailbox task
■ Running DTrace from the Administration Console
■ Using the Deployment Scanner
Troubleshooting 466
Techniques to aid troubleshooting

■ Creating a mail message that contains the Outlook Add-In log

■ How to modify registry settings

Running on Demand: Run Now

The archiving tasks normally run according to a schedule that you set up. However,
you may sometimes want to run a task outside this schedule. On such occasions,
you can use Run Now to run the task immediately. Run Now is often useful when
you are piloting or demonstrating Enterprise Vault.
To run an Exchange Mailbox or Public Folder task immediately
1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the Site hierarchy until
the Enterprise Vault Servers container is visible.
2 Expand the Enterprise Vault Servers container.
3 Expand the computer that runs the task you want to start.
4 Click Tasks.
5 In the right pane, right-click the task that you want to run and then, on the
shortcut menu, click Run Now.
6 Complete the Run Now dialog box, and then click OK.

Use the Exchange mailbox archiving reports

Every time the Exchange mailbox archiving task runs, it automatically produces an
archiving report which you can examine to troubleshoot problems with Exchange
mailbox archiving.
See “About Exchange mailbox archiving reports” on page 43.
For more information about using Exchange mailbox archiving reports for
troubleshooting, see the following technical note on the Symantec Support website:

Moved Items report from the Exchange Mailbox task

The Exchange Mailbox task Moved Items report shows information about the
numbers of moved and copied shortcuts. The report shows this information for each
folder of the mailboxes that Enterprise Vault processes in a run of an Exchange
Mailbox task. The report also includes information about any moved or copied
shortcuts whose retention category has been updated.
Enterprise Vault produces the report after the following types of Exchange Mailbox
task run:
Troubleshooting 467
Techniques to aid troubleshooting

■ A scheduled run
■ A run that you start with the Run Now option, in Archiving and shortcut
processing mode or Shortcut processing mode
Hidden mailboxes do not appear in the report.
The report file is in the Reports\Exchange Mailbox Archiving subfolder of the
Enterprise Vault installation folder (for example C:\Program Files
(x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports\Exchange Mailbox Archiving).

The file name is as follows:


where exchangeserver is the Exchange Server that is associated with the task
and yyyymmdd is the date when the report was generated.
The fields within the file are tab-separated so that you can easily transfer them to
a spreadsheet program for analysis.
For each mailbox folder, the report provides the details that are shown in Table C-8.

Table C-8 Fields in an Exchange Mailbox task Moved Items report

Field Description

Mailbox Name The legacy distinguished name.

Associated Account The primary Windows account for the mailbox.

Mailbox Folder The mailbox folder to which the information applies.

Date The date on which the task processed the mailbox.

Start time The time at which processing started.

End time The time at which processing finished.

No. of moved shortcuts The number of shortcuts that have been moved into this mailbox

No. of copied shortcuts The number of shortcuts that have been copied into this mailbox

No. of shortcuts with The number of shortcuts that have had their retention category
updated Retention updated.

No. of failed updates The number of shortcuts for which an update failed.

Archiving policy applied The Exchange Mailbox policy that applies to the mailbox.
Troubleshooting 468
Techniques to aid troubleshooting

Running DTrace from the Administration Console

In the Administration Console, you can choose from a number of supplied DTrace
scripts that collect tracing information.
To run DTrace from the Administration Console
1 In the Administration Console, expand the Enterprise Vault site until the
Enterprise Vault Servers container is visible.
2 Expand the Enterprise Vault Servers container.
3 Expand the Enterprise Vault server on which you want to run a trace.
4 On the Tools menu, check Advanced Features.
Note that this setting is not remembered; it applies to the current session of
the Administration Console only.
5 Press F5 to refresh the view. A Traces container appears underneath the
6 Right-click the Traces container, and then click New > Trace.
7 In the New Trace wizard, enter the following information:
■ The trace category that is closest to the Enterprise Vault subsystem that
you want to trace. For example, you might choose "Search and Indexing
issues" or "Restoring and Retrieval issues (Exchange)".
■ A title and optional description for the trace. If you log a call with Symantec
Support, you may want to include the call number in the trace title. The title
appears in the trace list in the Administration Console and at the start of
the trace log file.
■ The length of time that you want to run the trace. Trace files can quickly
grow large, so a few minutes is usually appropriate.
■ A maximum size for the log file. The trace stops if the log file reaches this
maximum size.
■ The folder in which to store the log file.
After you have started the trace, you can view its properties by double-clicking
the trace title in the Administration Console. The Trace Properties dialog box
provides options with which you can open and copy the log, but they are
unavailable until the trace is complete.
Troubleshooting 469
Techniques to aid troubleshooting

Using the Deployment Scanner

If there is a problem you are trying to solve you may find it useful to run the
Deployment Scanner to analyze a server’s environment. Additionally, if you call
Symantec support you may be asked to run the Deployment Scanner.
You can run Enterprise Vault Deployment Scanner from within the Administration
Console, as described in this section. Alternatively, you can run the Deployment
Scanner from the Enterprise Vault installation folder or from the folder Symantec
Enterprise Vault\Deployment Scanner on the Enterprise Vault media.
Double-click the file, Deployment_Scanner.exe, to start the Deployment Scanner
To enable the Deployment Scanner in the Administration Console
1 Start the Administration Console on the server on which you want to run the
Deployment Scanner.
2 On the Tools menu, click Advanced Features to select it.
Note that this setting is not remembered: it applies only to the current session
of the Administration Console.
You are now ready to run the Deployment Scanner.
To run the Deployment Scanner from the Administration Console
1 In the Administration Console, expand the Enterprise Vault site until the
Enterprise Vault Servers container is visible.
2 Expand the Enterprise Vault Servers container.
3 Right-click the Enterprise Vault server on which you are running the
Administration Console and, on the shortcut menu, click Deployment Scanner.
4 Work through the Deployment Scanner wizard.
The Deployment Scanner always saves a report in the Enterprise Vault Reports
folder. Additionally, if you choose the option to gather support information, the
report is also stored in the .CAB file with the gathered information, in the folder
you select.

Creating a mail message that contains the Outlook Add-In log

The Send Log button in the Outlook Add-In log viewer enables the user to create
a mail message that contains the Outlook Add-In log.
To mail the Outlook Add-In log
1 In Outlook, open the Enterprise Vault diagnostics dialog box. How you open
this dialog box depends on the version of Outlook:
Troubleshooting 470
Techniques to aid troubleshooting

■ In Outlook 2003/2007, click Help, then About Enterprise Vault, and then
Tech Info.
■ In Outlook 2010/2013, click the File tab, then Enterprise Vault, and then
Additional support information.

2 Click Send Log.

Outlook creates a mail message that contains the text of the log. The Subject
is set to Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In log file and the To field is left blank.
3 Add more information if required, then send the message.
You can use the SendLogFileMaxSizeMB and SendLogFileRecipients registry
values on users' computers to control the behavior of Send Log.
SendLogFileMaxSizeMB controls the maximum size of the message (default 5 MB),
and SendLogFileRecipients specifies default recipients. For more information, see
the Registry Values manual.

How to modify registry settings

For the most part you can configure Enterprise Vault with the Vault Administration
Console, but there are occasions when you may need to use other tools. This
section lists changes to the Windows registry that you can make to change the
behavior of Enterprise Vault.
This section includes information on the following topics:
■ Changing the MSMQ timeout
■ Optimizing offline storage by sharing items
■ Controlling content conversions
■ Setting the maximum number of message recipients

Changing the MSMQ timeout

Enterprise Vault has a timeout value that limits the amount of time services wait for
responses from MSMQ. Usually, if a timeout occurs then there is some problem.
However, in a few cases a timeout can be expected to occur and so a reasonably
short wait time is required in order for the component not to be idle for too long.
If you make the timeout too short, then systems that are heavily loaded can signal
timeout errors simply due to the fact the system has not had time complete the
request. If you make the timeout value too long, then this can slow the overall
throughput of Enterprise Vault, because timeouts are expected in some
Troubleshooting 471
Techniques to aid troubleshooting

The default timeout is 240 seconds. There is no maximum value. We recommend

that you adjust the timeout value in small steps, such as five seconds, until you
have a suitable value. If you need to increase the timeout by a significant amount,
then you need to investigate your MSMQ and Enterprise Vault performance.
To change the timeout value
1 Edit the registry on the computer that is running the Enterprise Vault Storage
2 Edit, or if necessary add, the following DWORD value:

\Enterprise Vault

3 Set the value to the number of seconds to wait.

4 Stop and restart the Storage service and Exchange Mailbox task.

Optimizing offline storage by sharing items

Some HSM software products do not support the OFFLINE file attribute to indicate
that a file has been moved to HSM secondary storage. In such cases, the Storage
service assumes that a file is offline when a specific number of days have elapsed
since the file was last modified.
To specify the number of days before the Storage service assumes that a file is
offline, you use the OfflineDays registry value. The default value is 0, which means
that the Storage service assumes that items are always online.
If several users share an item, the Storage service archives another copy of the
item. All copies of a shared item are usually archived at the same time so that only
one is archived.
Troubleshooting 472
Techniques to aid troubleshooting

To change the offline setting

1 Edit the registry on the computer that is running the Enterprise Vault Storage
2 Edit, or if necessary add, the following DWORD value:

\Enterprise Vault

3 Set the value to the number of days that items stay online. The default value
is 0, which stops the Storage service using the secondary offline status
checking. If you set OfflineDays to 0, then the offline status is determined by
the OFFLINE file attribute setting.
The new setting is used immediately.

Controlling content conversions

By default, Enterprise Vault stores the compressed text or HTML versions of archived
items. This lets users search for items and preview their contents before retrieving
them. If you have no requirement for users to search on or preview the contents of
items, you can improve performance by turning off content conversion.
To control content conversions
1 Edit the registry on the computer that is running the Enterprise Vault Storage
2 Edit, or if necessary add, the following DWORD value:

\Enterprise Vault

3 Give BypassConversions a value of 0 to perform content conversions or 1 to

turn off content conversion.
4 Stop and restart the Storage service to make the change take effect.
Troubleshooting 473
About moving an Indexing service

Setting the maximum number of message recipients

By default, Enterprise Vault does not archive messages that have more than 5000
recipients but you can control this setting.
To set the maximum number of message recipients:
◆ Edit the MaxNumOfRecipients registry value on the Exchange Mailbox task
computer. This value is under the following registry key:

\Enterprise Vault

You can also use the SkipRecipCheckSize registry value to set the minimum size
of message that is checked for its number of recipients. The size includes the size
of the recipient list itself. The default for SkipRecipCheckSize is 750 KB. Messages
that are larger than this are checked for the number of recipients, whereas smaller
messages are assumed to have fewer than the maximum number of recipients.

About moving an Indexing service

The instructions in this section let you do the following:
■ Move an Indexing service and all its data to a different computer.
■ Combine two or more Indexing services into one.
■ Move some of an Indexing service's data to a different Indexing service.

Warning: We strongly recommend that you do not move an Indexing service because
of the amount of work involved and because of the potential for introducing mistakes
that take time to rectify.

You require a database tool for viewing and changing data stored in the Enterprise
Vault Directory service. Some examples of such tools are VisData (a sample
application provided with Microsoft Visual Basic) and Query Analyzer (part of
Microsoft SQL Server). The following instructions do not include details of how to
set up your database tool to access the Vault Directory database.
Troubleshooting 474
About moving an Indexing service

Notes on the Indexing data structure of the Vault Directory database

Each Indexing service has an entry in the Directory database, referred to as the
IndexingServiceEntry. Each IndexingServiceEntry contains the ID of a
ComputerEntry in the Directory database. The ComputerEntry contains the name
of the computer on which the Indexing service is installed.
An Indexing service has one or more root path locations. These are the folders on
the local computer in which the Indexing service stores index data, such as

There is a Vault Directory database entry for each root path location. This is the
IndexRootPathEntry. Each IndexRootPathEntry contains the folder name for the
root path location in the IndexRootPath field, and the IndexingServiceID for the
corresponding Indexing service in the IndexServiceEntryID field.
An IndexingServiceEntry does not contain a list of its IndexRootPathEntry records.
The link is the other way round; an IndexRootPathEntry contains a pointer to its
Each archive has a Vault Directory database entry. This is the VaultEntry. Each
VaultEntry contains the ID of the IndexRootPathEntry where the archive's index
data is stored.

Moving the Indexing service

We recommend that, when moving an Indexing service's data, you move whole
root paths intact and do not change the IndexRootPathEntry used by individual
archives. These instructions describe moving whole root paths.
In the instructions below, the computer from which you are moving the Indexing
service is the source computer, whereas the computer to which you are moving
the service is the target computer.
To move the Indexing service
1 Install the Enterprise Vault software on the target computer, as described in
the Installing and Configuring Enterprise Vault manual.
2 Configure an Indexing service on the target computer.
You do not need to create root path locations using the Administration Console.
Any locations that you create with the Administration Console are not used for
the indexes moved to the target computer.
You can also move data to an existing Indexing service, using exactly the same
steps below. The moved indexes are placed in new root path locations and do
not share existing root path locations.
Troubleshooting 475
About moving an Indexing service

3 Perform the following steps to obtain the Vault Database Directory entry for
the Indexing service on the target computer:
■ Search the ComputerEntry records in the directory until you find the entry
for the target computer.
■ Note the ComputerEntryId for this entry.
■ Search the IndexingServiceEntry records in the directory for the one that
contains this ComputerEntryId.
■ Note the IndexingServiceEntryId of this IndexingServiceEntry record.
■ You use this in 9.

4 Perform the following steps to find the Directory database entry for the Indexing
service on the source computer:
■ Search the ComputerEntry records in the directory until you find the entry
for the source computer.
■ Note the ComputerEntryId for this entry.
■ Search the IndexingServiceEntry records in the directory for the one that
contains this ComputerEntryId.
■ Note the IndexingServiceEntryId of this IndexingServiceEntry record.
■ You use this in 5.

5 Perform the following steps to identify all the Indexing service root path locations
on the source computer:
■ Search the IndexRootPathEntry records in the directory for those that contain
the IndexingServiceEntryId for the source computer.
■ This is the value you obtained in 4.
■ Decide which root path locations to move to the target computer. You can
choose to move all of them, if you want to move the entire Indexing service
to a new computer, or only some of them, if you want to spread the load
between two Indexing services.
■ Make a list of all the root path locations that you want to move. This list
should record the IndexRootPathEntryID for each root path and the
IndexRootPath folder where the index data is stored.

6 Perform the following steps to create folders on the target computer

corresponding to the root path locations:
■ On the target computer, manually create one folder for each root path on
the list that you made in 5.
Troubleshooting 476
About moving an Indexing service

There is normally one root path for each disk used for storing index data.
If the target computer has fewer disks than the source computer, this may
not be possible. In this case, create multiple folders on the same disk. There
is no harm in this: the important thing is to create as many folders as there
are root paths to be moved.
Do not try to combine multiple root paths into one, or to split the data within
a root path and store it in multiple root paths.
■ Assign one of these folders to each root path on the list that you made in
■ You must create each new folder on the target computer on a disk with
enough free space to hold all the data stored within its corresponding root
path on the source computer.
■ If using NTFS, modify the security permissions on each folder (and on each
file created in the folder) so that it is fully accessible to the Administrators
group but not accessible to anyone else.

7 Use the Service Control Manager to stop the Indexing services on both the
source and target computers.
8 Wait until both services have stopped.
9 For each root path location on the list that you created in step 5, do the
■ Recursively copy all the files and subfolders from the root path location on
the source computer to the corresponding folder on the target computer
(that is, the folder you created in 6).
There must be a one-to-one correspondence between the root path locations
on the source computer and the new folders on the target computer. Do
not use existing folders on the target computer, and do not copy more than
one root path to the same folder.
■ When the data has been safely copied, use your database tool to select
the root path's IndexRootPathEntry in the directory, using its ID recorded
on the list made in 5.
■ Change the value in the IndexingServiceEntryID field to the ID that you
obtained in 3.
■ This associates this IndexRootPathEntry with the Indexing service on the
target computer.
■ Change the value in the IndexRootPath field to the name of the folder on
the target computer into which the data for this root path has just been
copied. Use the full, correct path name for the folder, including the drive
Troubleshooting 477
About moving an Indexing service

■ Ensure that the modified IndexRootPathEntry is written back to the directory.

Do not delete any data from the source computer at this stage.
10 Perform the following steps to start the Indexing services:
■ Start the Indexing service on the target computer.
■ Identify all the archives whose data has been moved by searching the
directory for all VaultEntry records that contain one of the
IndexRootPathEntry IDs on the list created in 5.
■ Search each archive to verify that the data has been copied and that the
Vault Directory database has been updated correctly.
■ When you are sure that the target computer is working correctly, restart the
Indexing service on the source computer if it still contains other root paths
that were not moved.
■ Do not delete the index data from the source computer until you have safely
backed it up on the target computer.
Appendix D
Enterprise Vault accounts
and permissions
This appendix includes the following topics:

■ About accounts and permissions

About accounts and permissions

See the following technical note for a summary of the various accounts and
permissions that are required by Enterprise Vault:

Symbols Application roles 23

'Archive Explorer' in Basic OWA client [Archive Applying settings 137
Explorer] 170 Archive confirmation 170
'Archive Explorer' in Premium OWA [Archive Archive deleted items 138
Explorer] 171 Archive draft items 133, 139
'Reply To All' mode [Reply To All] 177 Archive Exchange Managed Folders 139
'Search Vaults' on Basic toolbar [Search Vaults] 178 Archive Explorer connection mode 179
'Search Vaults' on Premium toolbar [Search Archive Explorer tweaks 243
Vaults] 178 Archive naming convention 140
Archive queue 373
Archive subfolders 171
A Archive unexpired Calendar Events 141, 202
Action for failed items 133 ArchiveDeletedItems 139
Add server to Intranet Zone 151 ArchiveDraftItems 133
AddServerToIntranetZone 152 ArchiveExplorerDelete 243
AddToDoNotDisableAddinList 162 ArchiveExplorerForward 243
Admin permissions 23, 37 ArchiveExplorerHelp 244
Admin service ArchiveExplorerReply 244
modifying 53 ArchiveExplorerReplyAll 244
Administration 41 ArchiveExplorerRestore 244
Administration Console 37, 47–48 ArchiveExplorerSaveAs 245
Administration Console commands ArchiveExplorerSearch 245
role access (table) 29 ArchiveExplorerSettings 245
Administration Console containers ArchiveManagedFolders2 139
role access (table) 32 ArchiveNameFormat 141
Administrator roles 24 ArchiveNonExpiredCalEvents 141, 202
Administrator security 23 Archives
Age and quota-based archiving 355–357, 359 deleting 102
Age-based archiving 355–356 exporting 264
Agent Proxy moving 81, 84, 86, 88
SCOM 256 Archiving
AllInfosSuppressible disabling 368
registry value 110 Archiving General 132, 196
Allow script in public folders 152 Archiving General advanced settings 137
Allow script in shared folders 152 Archiving only items with attachments 366
Allow shortcut copy 153 Archiving strategies 355
AllowCopyShortcut 153 Archiving task 344
Allowed index location characters 207 Assigning permissions 37
AllowNonAsciiFilenames 235 Assigning roles 24
AllowScriptSharedFolders 153 Audit database
Application logs moving 107
monitoring 42
Index 480

Auditing 375 C
configuring 376 Change Location wizard 112, 117
connection pool size 379 Change vault store group 61
creating database 376 Checking disk space for vault stores 52
NSF migration 340 Checking logs 49
tuning 379 ClearText copies of RMS Protected items 196
viewing audit log 378 ClearTextPrimary 197
Authorization Manager 24 Client connection 173
Automatic domain authentication 241 Client-driven migration 320
Automatic Monitoring 246 Clients
Automatic monitoring configuring 131, 136, 195
introduction 246 Code pages for right-to-left custom shortcuts 142, 202
Automatically delete IE file cache 153 Codepage
Automatically re-enable Outlook add-in 153 adding 51
AutoReEnable 154 adding default 51
Availability (Exchange Office Mail App setting) 148 deleting 51
Computer properties
B Advanced settings 212–213, 215
Backup Configuring Clients 131, 136, 195
checking 65 Create multiple Index Locations 217
Enterprise Vault data 383 Creating a new retention category 73
Enterprise Vault databases 383 CryptoModule event log 42
fingerprint database 384 Customizations and best practice 355
index locations 385 Customizing Outlook Integrated Search 238
system databases 383 Customizing the legacy search applications 234
vault store databases 384
vault stores 384 D
Backup mode 382 Day-to-day administration 41
index locations 382 DefaultFormatCodepage 235
PowerShell cmdlets 382, 386 DefaultFormatType 236
vault stores 382 DefaultRankResults 239
Backup Procedures 381 Delete shortcut after restore 174
Basic archive function 171 Deleting a vault store 103
Basic restore function 172 Deleting a vault store group 62
Behavior of Mail App Bar (Exchange Office Mail App Deleting an archive 102
setting) 149 Deleting moved archives 100
Behavior when Archive Explorer closes 154 Deletion 71
Browser Search shortcut 72
Customizing user interface Deploy forms locally 154
BSDeleteButton 241 Deployment Scanner 469
BSRestoreButton 241 Desktop policies
BSDeleteButton 241 Domino mailbox archiving 134
BSRestoreButton 241 Exchange mailbox archiving 148
Building Blocks Directory Database
failover 393, 395 maintaining 56
Services 393 moving 105
Update Service Locations 395 Directory database
clearing entries 402
Index 481

Directory Service Enterprise Vault Event Log 49

recreating services 403 Enterprise Vault Operations Manager
Directory service computer roles 33
recovery 408 troubleshooting 461
Directory service SQL database Enterprise Vault services
recovery 408 monitoring 42
Disk space for indexes 55 Environment recovery procedure 397
Disk space for vault stores Event filtering 109
checking 52 configuring 110
Disks EvMoveArchiveTask.exe.config 88
monitoring 52 EVservice 48
Display notifications 155 EVSVR 396
Display Office Apps on original items 155 EvTaskGuardian.exe.config 90
DisplayOfficeAppsOnOriginalItems 156 Exchange Administrator role 26
Do not archive pending reminders 142, 203 Exchange desktop policy
Domino Administrator role 25 advanced settings 148
Domino archiving user Office Mail App 148
access required for NSF migration 339 Outlook 150
Domino desktop policy OWA 169
Advanced settings 134 Vault Cache 179
Pause interval 135 Virtual Vault 185
Preemptive archiving threshold 135 Exchange journal policy
Vault Cache 134 Archiving General 196
Domino mailbox and desktop Advanced settings Exchange Journaling task queues 347
editing 131 notes 348
Domino mailbox policy Exchange mailbox archiving reports 43
Action for failed items 133 configuring 43
Advanced settings 132 using 44
Archive draft items 133 Exchange mailbox policy
Archiving General 132 Advanced settings 137
Lookup e-mail addresses 133 Archiving General 137
Reset archive names 134 Synchronize folder permissions 146
Strip attachments to non-shortcut items 134 Valid Enterprise Vault server aliases 146
DontArchiveItemsPendingReminder 142, 203 Exchange Mailbox Task
Download item age limit 180 Moved Items report 466
DownloadShortcutHideProgress 167 Exchange Mailbox task queues 344
notes 346
E Exchange managed content settings 139, 361
Exchange managed folder
Editing settings 131, 137, 205, 212
preventing synchronization 365
Empty index volume deletion limit 217
synchronization 363
system default filter 363
event filter registry value 110
Exchange managed folders 139, 361
Enabling archiving for new mailboxes 74
Exchange Public Folder policy
Encode custom body using appropriate code
Archiving General settings 202
pages 142
Exchange public folder policy
Enterprise Vault data files
Advanced settings 201
copy or move 401
Exchange Public Folder task queues 349
Enterprise Vault database
notes 350
restoring 399
Index 482

Expand distribution lists 197 FSA databases

ExpandDistributionLists 197 maintaining 58
Expiry 71 FSA Reporting
storage 71 troubleshooting 462
Exported files Future item retention category 143
importing 265 FutureItemsRetCat 143
Exporting archives 264
starting the export 267 G
wizard 264
Get-EVArchive cmdlet 78
Extension content provider 259
Get-IndexServerForIndexLocation 128–129
enabling 261
properties 260
reports 262 H
Extension Content Provider Administrator 26 Hidden mailboxes 77
Extension Content Provider Administrator role 260 HTMLNotNotes 236
Extension Content Provider Application role 28, 261
External Web Application URL 174 I
ExternalWebAppURL 174 IMAP Administrator 26
IMAP advanced settings 213
F Importing exported files 265
Failed DL expansion behaviour 198 Include default and anonymous permissions 143
FailedDLExpansion 198 IncludeDefOrAnonPerms 143
Failover in a Building Blocks configuration 393 IncludeInheritedRights 144, 198, 203
FederatedSearchMaxItems 239 Index file locations
FederatedSearchMaxVolSets 240 recovery 408
FederatedSearchTimeout 240 Index Group server preference for mailboxes 208
File Server Administrator role 26 Index location cmdlet syntax 387
Filtering events 109 Index locations 55
Fingerprint database Index volumes 105
monitoring 63 Index Volumes Browser 128
moving 106 Indexing Administrator role 26
Fingerprint databases 409 Indexing advanced settings 205–206, 212–213, 215
maintaining 57 Indexing Engine Query Service Port 219
Firewall settings 418 Indexing Execution Timeout 219
Folder limit 206 Indexing Max Request Length 219
Folder properties visible 156 Indexing memory throttling threshold 219
FolderPropertiesVisible 156 Indexing tasks
Force form reload on error 156 managing 119
Force Indexing Engine Shutdown 218 Indexing tasks and subtasks 113
ForceOfflineAEWithOutlookCacheMode 180 deleting 114
Forward mode 175 managing 125–126
Forward original item 157 IndexingServiceEntry 474
ForwardOriginalItem 157 Inherited permissions 144, 198, 203
Frequency Integrated Search
on Monitoring tab of Site Properties 247 Customizing user interface
Frequency of checks for failed volumes 218 ISDeleteButton 242
Frequency of checks for index volumes to process 218 ISRestoreButton 242
Frequency of full checks for index volumes to ISShowRetention 242
process 218
Index 483

Internet Explorer Mailboxes (continued)

security settings 447 hidden 77
InternetOpenTypeDirect 168 MailboxPropertiesVisible 158
ISDeleteButton 242 Maintaining SQL databases 55
ISRestoreButton 242 Manage Indexes Wizard 112
ISShowRetention 242 Change Location wizard 112
Item Ready Rebuild wizard 112
Retrieval 352 Synchronize wizard 112
Upgrade wizard 112
J using 118
Verify wizard 112
Journal archives
Manual archive inserts 180
moving 88
Mark PST files 158
Journal delay 198
MarkPSTs 159
Journal mailbox
Max archive requests per synchronization 186
customizing settings 367
Max attempts to archive an item 186
Journal mailboxes
Max data archived per synchronization 187
checking 50
Max delete requests per synchronization 187
JournalDelay 198
Max item size to archive 188
Journaling task 347
Max item updates per synchronization 188
Max total size of contentless operations 189
L Max total size of items to archive 189
Launch Archive Explorer 157 MaxEventsInSequence
LaunchAEInBrowser 157 registry value 111
Legacy search applications Maximum child process shutdown time 220
customizing 234 Maximum child process startup time 220
Limit automatic re-enabling of add-in 158 Maximum concurrent indexing capacity 220
Locate and Migrate 293 Maximum consecutive failed items 208
LocateNetAppFilers 301 Maximum indexing application pool start time 220
Location for restored items 175 Maximum indexing engine shutdown time 221
Lock for download item age limit 180 Maximum indexing engine startup time 221
Logs Maximum item wait time 221
checking 49 Maximum items in a file system index volume 221
Lookup e-mail addresses 133 Maximum items in a journal index volume 222
LookupNames 133 Maximum items in a mailbox index volume 222
Maximum items in a public folder index volume 222
M Maximum items in a shared index volume 223
Mailbox archives Maximum items in a SharePoint index volume 223
moving 86 Maximum items in an index volume 223
mailbox archives Maximum items in an internet mail index volume 224
moving 84 Maximum message size to archive in MB 144, 199,
Mailbox archiving 203
best practice 355 Maximum update errors 208
Mailbox policy MaxMessageSizeToArchiveMB 199
Domino 132 MaxPreviewSize 236
Exchange 137 MaxSecsBetweenEventsInSequence
Mailbox properties visible 158 registry value 111
Mailboxes Message Class exclude 180
enabling archiving 74 Message Class include 181
Index 484

Message properties visible 159 Move Archive task 88

Message queues 341 configuring 88
access 341 Move Archive wizard 92
MessagePropertiesVisible 159 MoveFailedArchivalNotes
Messaging Administrator role 26 NSF migration 337
Microsoft Authorization Manager 24 MoveFailedItemsToInbox 200
Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 246 MoveNotEligibleForArchiveNotes
Migrating exported files 265 NSF migration 337
Mode (Exchange Office Mail App setting) 149 Moving a fingerprint database 106
Modifying Admin service 53 Moving a vault store 61
MOM 246 Moving a vault store database 106
configuring 250 Moving active archive
installing 250 to inactive archive 85
monitoring 249 to new archive 84
optional configuration 250 Moving active archives 86
Monitor Indexing Tasks page Moving inactive archive
subtask view 121 to active archive 85
task view 119 Moving journal archives 88
Monitoring 246 Moving mailbox archives 86
fingerprint database 63 between sites 86
MOM 249 Moving Monitoring database 106
SCOM 252 Moving other mailbox archives 87
site properties 247 Moving the audit database 107
Monitoring Application logs 42 Moving the Directory Database 105
Monitoring Application role 28 MSMQ queue summary 342
Monitoring database MSMQ queues
maintaining 58 monitoring 46
moving 106 MSMQ timeout 470
troubleshooting 461
Monitoring disks 52 N
Monitoring Enterprise Vault services 42
Monitoring journal mailboxes 49
registry value 111
Monitoring MSMQ queues 46
Noclient 237
Monitoring system status 42
NoSoftDeletes 168
Move Archive 81
NotificationsEnabled 155
Accelerator restrictions 83
NSF Administrator role 27
change performance 91
NSF migration
configuring 88
auditing 340
deleting moved archives 100
behavior with failed items 337
how it works 82
editing the welcome message 334
indexing levels 83
effect on users 339
monitoring 97, 102
how to run wizard 340
move statuses 98
item age limit 338
reporting 102
mail file limits 339
retrying 101
matching NSF files to archives 335
starting, stopping and restarting 98
multiple instances 339
user deleted items 84
NSF file access control 339
using 91
NSF file locations 335
outline of the process 332
Index 485

NSF migration (continued) OWA2003BasicArchiveFunction 171

planning 333 OWA2003BasicRestoreFunction 172
scripted 329 OWA2003ForwardMode 175
standard mail templates 336 OWA2003OpenMode 175
User ECL 339 OWA2003PremiumArchiveFunction 176
Vault Service account 340 OWA2003PremiumRestoreFunction 177
wizard assisted 331 OWA2003ReplyMode 177
OWA2003ReplyToAllMode 177
O OWA2003RestoreConfirmation 177
OWA2003RestoreDeleteShortcut 174
OAAvailability 148
OWA2003RestoreToRestoredItems 175
OAMailBarBehavior 149
OWA2003SearchFromBasicNavbar 178
OAMode 149
OWA2003ViewMode 178
OASearchApp 149
OWA2010HideOWAArchivePolicy 176
Office Mail App 148
OWAWebAppAlias 178
Offline store required 181
Open mode 175
Operation Failed P
Archiving Task 345 Partition rollover
Journaling task 348 configuring 67
Public Folder Task 350 forcing 69
Retrieval 352 order 68
Operations Manager partition states 66
accessing 248 PowerShell cmdlet 69
introduction 248 password
roles 33 changing Vault Service account 107
troubleshooting 461 Pause interval 181
Outlook Add-In behavior 159 Pending shortcut timeout 144, 199, 203
Outlook advanced settings 150 PendingShortcutTimeout 144, 199, 204
OVItemArchiveAttempts 186 Per item sleep 182
OVMaxItemArchivesPerSync 186 Performance tuning 370
OVMaxItemDeletesPerSync 187 Archive Queue 373
OVMaxItemUpdatesPerSync 188 content conversion 371
OVMaxMessageSizeToArchiveMB 188 excluding items 373
OVMaxToArchivePerSyncMB 187 Storage service computers 371
OVMaxTotalToArchiveMB 189 Windows Temp folder 371
OVMessageClassExclude 181 Permissions
OVMessageClassInclude 181 assigning 37
OVPauseInterval 181 controlling access 37
OVPerItemSleep 182 link to technical note 478
OVRequireOfflineStore 181 Vault Service account 428
OVRootDirectory 183 Placeholder Application role 23, 28
OVRootDirectorySearchPath 183 Policy lookup locations 160
OVSetupWizard 184 Ports 414
OVSyncArchiveTypes 184 inbound ports 418
OWA 'Archive Policy' context menu option 176 Post Process Archived Item
OWA Advanced settings 169 Journaling task 348
OWA2003ArchiveConfirmation 170 Power Administrator role 27
OWA2003ArchiveExplorerFromBasicNavbar 170 PowerShell backup commands 390
OWA2003ArchiveSubFolders 171
Index 486

PowerShell cmdlets PST migration (continued)

backup mode 382, 386 creating the PST Collector Task 298
indexing 128 creating the PST Locator Task 298
Partition rollover 69 creating the PST Migrator Task 298
remove custom settings 363 editing policy 295
using in backup scripts 391 editing PST file properties 313
Preemptive archiving in advance 182 editing the PST migration messages 324
Preemptive archiving threshold 135 enabling mailboxes 326
Premium archive function 176 example initialization file for scripted
Premium restore function 176 migration 283
Prevent disabling of Outlook Add-In 162 excluding network shares 318
Printing behavior 162 feature comparison 269
PrintOriginalItem 162 in hosted environments 274
Process Folders Locate and Migrate 293
Public Folder Task 350 marking PST files 270
Process Item NetApp device identification checks 301
Archiving Task 345 outline of wizard 286
Process Mailbox Policy Manager output 280
Archiving Task 345 process with Policy Manager 277
Journaling task 348 PST files on network drives and file servers 323
Process Moved Items in Folder PST Locate and Migrate outline 304
Archiving Task 345 running PST Collector task 314
Process System running PST Migrator task 315
Archiving Task 345 Running the PST Locator task to find
Provisioning groups computers 306
maintaining 74 Running the PST Locator task to find
PST Administrator role 27 domains 306
PST configuration files 266 Running the PST Locator task to find PST
PST files files 311
Client-driven migration 320 Scripted 276
marking 270 scripted migration event log 282
PST holding folder size 297 scripted preparation 278
PST Import pause interval 162 scripting overview 276
PST Import work check interval 163 selecting computers to search 309
PST Locator task setting up accounts to manage 295
Switching off NetApp identification checks 301 setting up Locate and Migrate 294
PST Migration size of PST holding folder 297
Locate and Migrate 293 temporary files folder 325
PST migration 268 tips 289
[PSTcheckpoint] section 280 tools 268
[PSTcheckpoint] section process mode 281 troubleshooting 319
[PSTcheckpoint] section report mode 280 users 291
client-driven 320 wizard 285
Client-driven migration 320 wizard preparation 288
configuring the Locator Task 299 wizard starting 291
configuring the PST Collector task 302 PST search interval 163
configuring the PST holding folder 296, 323 PSTImportNoWorkPauseInterval 163
configuring the PST Migrator task 303 PSTImportPauseInterval 163
creating a PST Migrator task 325 PSTSearchInterval 163
Index 487

Public folder archiving Restore confirmation 177

best practice 369 Restore Item
Public Folder operations 163 Retrieval 352
Public Folder task 349 RestoreToPSTOption 242
Restoring items for users 465
Q RestrictPolicyLookup 161
Retention Category
Queue Journal items 199
creating 73
QueueJournalItems 199
Retrieval queues 351
Quota-based archiving 355–357, 359
notes 352
RetryTimeInMinutes 90
R Return failed items to inbox 200
Rebuild wizard 112, 116 Role
Recovery 396–397 administrator
Directory service computer 408 access to containers (table) 32
Directory service SQL database 408 role
Enterprise Vault component 407 Monitoring Application 253
Index file locations 408 Roles
Shopping service files 409 assigning 24
using data-only backups 398 assigning administrator 33
using full-system backups 397 creating 35
vault store files 409 determining current role 36
vault store SQL database 409 Enterprise Vault Operations Manager 33
Recovery procedure 397 modifying 34
Registry entries resetting 36
checking after recovery 407 Roles-based administration 23
Registry values Root folder 183
in NSF file migration 337 Root folder search path 183
Remove PST entries 164 RPC over HTTP restrictions 165–166
Remove server from Intranet Zone 164 RPC over HTTP URL 166
RemovePSTEntries 164 RPCOverHTTPRestrictions 167
RemoveServerFromIntranetZone 165 RPCOverHTTPUseDirectConnection 165
Reply behavior 165
Reply mode 177
ReplyToOriginalItem 165
Safety copies
configuring removal 65
viewing extension content provider 262
managing 64
SCOM 247
registry value 111
Agent Proxy 256
configuration 257
Exchange mailbox archiving 43
creating Run As account 254
roles 33
monitoring 252
troubleshooting 462
Monitoring Application role 253
ReportVersions 89
Run As account credentials 254
RescheduleIntervalInMins 89
Run As profile 256
Reset archive names 134, 144, 199
SCOM pack
ResetArchiveNames 145, 200
importing 255
Restore an Item
Search across all indexes 183
Storage service 353
Search Administrator 27
Index 488

Search Application (Exchange Office Mail App ShowAllMaxResults 240

setting) 149 Single instance storage
Search applications monitoring 64
customizing 234 Site properties
Search behavior 167 Advanced settings 205–206, 213
Search Cache Permissions 209 SkipDuplicateItems 90
Search HTTP Service Path 224 Soft deletes 168
Search HTTP Service Port 224 SQL databases
Search HTTP Service Requires SSL 225 maintaining 55
Search Log Queries 225 SQL queries 419
Search Log Results 225 Start At
Search Logs Folder 226 on Monitoring tab of Site Properties 247
Search Max Attempts When Engine Busy 209 Starting a service 48
Search Max Folders For Specific Folder Starting services 48
Optimization 209 Starting tasks 47
Search Maximum Threads 226 Starting tasks or services 46
Search Minimum Threads 226 Stopping a service 48
Search Performance Counters Enabled 227 Stopping services 48
Search Specific Folder Optimisation 210 Stopping tasks 47
Search VSA Can Search All Archives 210 Stopping tasks or services 46
SearchRSS 240 Storage Administrator role 27
Security alert Storage expiry 71
during NSF migration 339 Storage service computers
Servers performance 371
installing software 399 Storage service queues 353
renamed 400 notes 354
Services Store Item
recreating 405 Storage service 353
starting 46 Strip attachments to non-shortcut items 134, 145, 204
stopping 46 StripAttachmentsToNonShortcutItems 134, 146, 204
Set failed messages 'Do Not Archive' 145, 204 SuppressibleInfoEventIDs
Set-EVArchive cmdlet 78, 80 registry value 111
Set-IndexMetadataSyncLevel 128–129 Synchronize archive types 184
SetFailedMsgsDoNotArchive 133, 145, 204 Synchronize folder permissions 146
SetForceFormReload 156 Synchronize System
Setting a system message 104 Archiving task 346
Settings Journaling task 348
applying Advanced tab 137 Synchronize wizard 112, 116
editing Advanced journal policy 195 SynchronizeFolderPermissions 146
editing advanced public folder settings 201 System Center Operations Manager 2007 247
editing Advanced tab 131, 137, 205, 212 System mailbox
SharePoint Administrator role 27 troubleshooting 429
Shopping service files System message
recovery 409 setting 104
Shortcut deletion 72 System status
Shortcut download progress 167 monitoring 42
Shortcut sync for mail clients 145
Show content in Reading Pane 190 T
Show Setup Wizard 184
Task Applications role 28
Index 489

Task guardian service 90 Troubleshooting (continued)

configuring 90 new mailbox problems 430
Tasks offline storage settings 471
starting 46 online operation problems 455
stopping 46 Operations Manager 461
Text limit for custom properties 210 Outlook Add-In log 469
Threshold PowerPoint 428
on Monitoring tab of Site Properties 247 queue access problems 455
Threshold number of items to trigger queue creation problems 454
synchronization 191 recovering lost disk space 459
Threshold total size of items to trigger registry settings 470
synchronization 191 Reporting 462
Transaction history 211 resetting passwords 423
Troubleshooting 420 restored items 428
Archive Explorer items 426 restoring items 465
Archive pending problems 456 Retrieval service 453
archive problems 456 RPC server 427
archiving fails 450–451 Run Now 466
client problems 424, 448 server problems 423
components 444 servers 420
content conversion 472 service not starting 445
cross-domain archiving 452 Shopping service 457
Deployment scanner 469 Shopping service log messages 457
desktop clients 421 Shopping service performance 459
Directory service 448 shortcut problems 426
Directory service problems 448 specific problems 462
Directory service security problems 449 SQL problems 449
Enterprise Vault mailbox 429 SQL Server licenses 422
Exchange Journaling Tasks 450 SQL Server problems 421
Exchange Mailbox Tasks 450 Storage service 454
File System Archiving 447 Storage service not starting 454
icon problems 426 techniques 465
index data problems 427 timeouts with large baskets 427
Indexing data structure 474 tracing 468
Indexing service moving 473–474 tracing levels 449
installation 420 user archive access problem 446
installation procedure 421 user problems 426
low resources 447 various problems 462
mailbox problems 428 Vault Cache Diagnostics web page 430
MAPI session not created 446 Vault Cache synchronization 430
MAPISVC.INF 425 vault store creation 455
maximum message recipients 473 vault store creation errors 456
message restore problems 456 Web Access application 425, 460
Moved Items report 466 Web Access general problems 461
moving shopping data 459 Web Access not working 460
MSMQ dead letter queue 424 Web Access page not seen 460
MSMQ message 446 troubleshooting 64-bit indexing 453
MSMQ timeout 470
MSSQLServer 422
Index 490

U Vault stores
Update Basket deleting 103
Retrieval 352 Verify wizard 112, 115
Update Shortcut View mode 178
Archiving Task 346 ViewMessage_Format 238
Public Folder Task 350 Virtual Vault 185
Upgrade wizard 112, 114 VVAllowArchive 192
URLEncodeFilenames 237 VVAllowHardDelete 194
Use proxy settings 168 VVAllowInterStoreCopyAndMove 193
UseFederatedSearch 240 VVAllowIntraStoreCopy 193
UseFolderSwitchOnAEClose 154 VVAllowReOrg 194
UseNewStyleSearch 167 VVAutoSyncItemsSizeThresholdMB 192
User interface tweaks 241 VVAutoSyncItemThreshold 191
UseRestrictedSecurity 237 VVDenyMultiContentlessOpsAboveMB 189
Users can archive items 192 VVReadingPaneContent 190
Users can copy items to another store 193
Users can copy items within their archive 193 W
Users can hard delete items 194 Warn if default or anonymous permissions exist 147
Users can reorganize items 194 Warn when mailbox not under quota after archiving
UseSelfInstallFunct 160 run 147
WarnWhenDefOrAnonPerms 147
V WDS search auto-enable 184
Valid Enterprise Vault server aliases 146 Web Access application
Vault Cache 134, 179 configuration 235
troubleshooting synchronization 430 Web Access application settings
Vault Cache Diagnostics web page 430 checking 407
Vault Service Account Web Application alias 178
link to technical note 478 Web Application URL 168
Vault Service account WebAppURL 169
changing 38 WhitelistOfGoodEVConnectionPoints 146
changing password 107 Windows Event Viewer 49
NSF migration 340 running 49
permissions 428 Windows Service Control manager 48
Vault store Windows Temp folder
change sharing level 60 performance 371
moving to a different group 61
Vault store cmdlet syntax 388
Vault store databases
maintaining 56
moving 106
Vault store files
recovery 409
Vault store group
configure sharing 60
deleting 62
managing 59
status 59
Vault store SQL database
recovery 409

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