Floyd17 TB Ch12
Floyd17 TB Ch12
Floyd17 TB Ch12
3. The spinous processes are located anterior with respect to the vertebral bodies.
Ans: False
18. Increased pressure on the spinal nerves may result from a herniated lumbar disc and result in radiating pain,
tingling, numbness, and weakness in the lower extremity.
Ans: True
19. A substantial number of low back problems are caused by improper use of the back over time.
Ans: True
20. The posterior portion of the trunk contains the abdominal muscles.
Ans: False
21. Each thoracic vertebrae has one pair of ribs that attaches to it laterally.
Ans: True
22. The horizontal indentations that transect the rectus abdominis, giving it a segmented appearance is the linea
Ans: False
23. Sit-ups are an excellent exercise for strengthening the erector spinae muscles.
Ans: False
24. Six pairs of ribs attach directly to the sternum via a separate costal cartilage.
Ans: False
25. The normal curves of the cervical and lumbar spines are lordotic.
Ans: True
26. Which of the following muscles is not strengthened to any substantial degree by sit-ups?
a. internal and external abdominal obliques
b. quadratus lumborum
c. rectus abdominis
d. sternocleidomastoids
Ans: b
27. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the abdominal muscles?
a. some sections of these muscles are linked by fascia and tendinous bands
b. these muscles do not attach completely from bone to bone
c. both of the above choices are correct
d. none of the above choices are correct
Ans: c
28. Which of the following statements is correct regarding trunk movement at the lumbar spine?
a. flexes approximately 60 degrees
b. extends 20 to 30 degrees
c. both of the above choices are correct
d. none of the above choices are correct
Ans: b
30. Which of the following muscles would not be concentrically active when attempting to place the right ear on the
right shoulder while lying on the left side?
a. Left sternocleidomastoid
b. Right erector spinae
c. Right splenius capitis
d. Right sternocleidomastoid
Ans: a
31. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the diaphragm muscle?
a. responsible for breathing during quiet rest
b. as it contracts and flattens air is inspired
c. when larger amounts of air are needed other thoracic muscles have a more significant contribution to inspiration
d. all of the above choices are correct
Ans: d
32. Which if the following muscles contract concentrically to cause extension of the head, right cervical rotation,
and right cervical lateral flexion?
a. Left sternocleidomastoid
b. Right splenius cervicis
c. Right splenius capitis
d. Right sternocleidomastoid
Ans: c
33. Which if the following muscles contract concentrically to cause cervical flexion, left cervical rotation, and right
cervical lateral flexion?
a. Left sternocleidomastoid
b. Right splenius cervicis
c. Right splenius capitis
d. Right sternocleidomastoid
Ans: d
34. When performing the up portion of the sit-up with rotation to the left, which of the following muscles are
utilized the most?
a. Left internal oblique abdominal and left external oblique abdominal
b. Left internal oblique abdominal and right external oblique abdominal
c. Right internal oblique abdominal and left external oblique abdominal
d. Right internal oblique abdominal and right external oblique abdominal
Ans: b
35. In performing lateral flexion against gravity such as in a lateral sit-up, which of the following muscles would be
least effective?
a. erector spinae
b. internal and external abdominal oblique
c. quadratus lumborum
d. rectus abdominis
Ans: d
36. Which of the following muscles would be most effective in performing anterior pelvic rotation?
a. erector spinae
b. external abdominal oblique
c. internal abdominal oblique
d. rectus abdominis
Ans: a
37. The _____ vertebrae serve as a link between the thoracic spine-rib cage and the head.
a. cervical
b. lumbar
c. sacral
d. thoracic
Ans: a
39. The _____ vertebrae serve as a link between the pelvic girdle and the thoracic spine-rib cage.
a. cervical
b. lumbar
c. sacral
d. thoracic
Ans: b
40. Extreme _____ of the spine would be prevented in part by the spinous processes.
a. abduction
b. extension
c. flexion
d. lateral flexion
Ans: b
42. Of the four abdominal muscles, which is a prime mover in lateral pelvic rotation from a hanging overhead by
the hands position?
a. external abdominal oblique
b. internal abdominal oblique
c. rectus abdominus
d. transverse abdominus
Ans: d
43. Nearly all movement of the spinal column takes place within the two supportive structures known as the _____
and ________.
a. cervical & lumbar
b. cervical & thoracic
c. lumbar & thoracic
d. thoracic & sacral
Ans: a
45. The ________ process can be palpated on the posterior surface of the spine when it is flexed:
a. spinous
b. styloid
c. transverse
d. xiphoid
Ans: a
46. The primary movers in cervical spine extension (against resistance) are the:
a. erector spinae
b. sternocleidomastoid
c. scalenus
d. semispinalis cervicis
Ans: a
47. Most of the rotation within the cervical region occurs in the joint between ______.
a. C1 and C2
b. C2 and C3
c. C7 and T1
d. Occipital condyles and C1
Ans: a
49. From medial to lateral the erector spinae muscles are the ________.
a. iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis
b. longissimus, semispinalis, iliocostalis
c. semispinalis, spinalis, longissimus
d. spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
Ans: d
50. The movement that occurs between the superior and inferior articular processes of the vertebral facet
joints is characterized as ____.
a. gliding
b. rotary
c. rocking
d. spinning
Ans: a