Subcontract Management Plan Template

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Form FM-SE-16 Subcontract Management Plan Template. Effective 11/30/2015 i

Subcontract Management Plan for insert project name


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Form FM-SE-16 Subcontract Management Plan Template. Effective 11/30/2015 ii

Subcontract Management Plan for insert project name

Table of Contents

1 Overview ......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope .................................................................................................... 1
2 Organization and Responsibilities ............................................... 1
3 Subcontracting Plan / Subcontractor Work Distribution ............ 2
4 Task Work Order Management Process....................................... 2
5 Quality Assurance ......................................................................... 2
6 Staffing ........................................................................................... 2
7 Financial ......................................................................................... 2
8 Technical ........................................................................................ 2
9 Management ................................................................................... 2
9.1 Risk Management ................................................................................ 2
9.2 Change Management .......................................................................... 3
9.3 Subcontract Closeout Management .................................................. 3
10 Invoice and Financial Status Reporting ....................................... 3
10.1 Receipt ................................................................................................. 3
11 Communications and Problem Resolution .................................. 3
12 User Definitions ............................................................................. 3

Form FM-SE-16 Subcontract Management Plan Template. Effective 11/30/2015 iii

Subcontract Management Plan for insert project name

List of Tables
Table 1: Title .................................................................................................................. 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Title ................................................................................................................. 3

Form FM-SE-16 Subcontract Management Plan Template. Effective 11/30/2015 iv

Subcontract Management Plan for insert project name

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

FDOT .................................................................................... Florida Department of Transportation

ITS.............................................................................................. Intelligent Transportation Systems
SMP.................................................................................................. Subcontract Management Plan

Form FM-SE-16 Subcontract Management Plan Template. Effective 11/30/2015 v

Subcontract Management Plan for insert project name

1 Overview
The Subcontract Management Plan (SMP) describes the process used by the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT) to select qualified intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
subcontractors and manage them efficiently. The SMP combines the concerns of requirements
management, project planning, project tracking, and project oversight for basic management
control, along with necessary coordination of quality assurance and configuration management,
and applies this control to the subcontractor as appropriate.

1.1 Scope
The SMP sets forth the processes for managing and integrating project activities, and provides
methods and guidance for the selection and management of subcontractors using proven
processes and methods that assure successful program execution. The SMP shall be updated
annually or as required to reflect changes in subcontractor management functions and/or

The scope of the SMP begins at the preproposal stage and continues through subcontract
execution, performance management, and closeout. It provides guidance for subcontract
management activities, including:

 Organization, roles, and responsibilities

 Methods and processes for subcontractor management
 Management oversight for all subcontractors to minimize program impacts due to cost,
schedule, or technical performance
 Distribution of work
 Subcontract task work order allocation
 Quality assurance of deliverables/products
 Status reporting and invoice procedures
 Ongoing communications

2 Organization and Responsibilities

This section describes the organization and responsibilities associated with the subcontract
management process, including:

 Project management
 Business management
 Contracts and subcontract administration
 Engineering
 Environmental; health and safety; and security
 Quality assurance

Form FM-SE-16 Subcontractor Management Plan Template. Effective 11/30/2015 1

Subcontract Management Plan for insert project name

3 Subcontracting Plan / Subcontractor Work Distribution

This section describes the allocation/distribution of work among the project’s subcontractor

4 Task Work Order Management Process

This section provides the management process for task work order responsibilities, including:

 Subcontractor task work order management:

 Task work order staffing process

5 Quality Assurance
This section describes the key areas that may be utilized for measuring teammate performance,
including the staffing, financial, technical, and management areas.

6 Staffing
This section describes staffing performance and how it is measured. The performance may be
measured by performing an analysis of the open/filled ratio, and the timeframe required to fill
open or vacant positions.

7 Financial
This section describes the key financial elements that are monitored for ongoing analysis.

8 Technical
This section describes the key factors monitored for subcontractor technical performance,

 Delivery of excellent performance

 Customer support

9 Management
9.1 Risk Management
This section describes the process where performance problems are reported to the project
management. It further establishes the process in which the project manager responds to
problems and develops an action plan to ensure problem resolution.

Form FM-SE-16 Subcontract Management Plan Template. Effective 11/30/2015 2

Subcontract Management Plan for insert project name

9.2 Change Management

This section describes the control and exercise of all subcontract change or modification actions.

9.3 Subcontract Closeout Management

This section describes the procedure for how closeout of the subcontract will be managed.

10 Invoice and Financial Status Reporting

10.1 Receipt
This section describes the process for receipt of services and how invoices are processed for

11 Communications and Problem Resolution

This section establishes the key methods for subcontractor communications and how all
issues/concerns are resolved when they arise.

Table 1: Title

Figure 1: Title

12 User Definitions

Form FM-SE-16 Subcontract Management Plan Template. Effective 11/30/2015 3

Subcontract Management Plan for insert project name


Version Approved Created/
Description of Change(s)
Number Date Modified By

Form FM-SE-16 Subcontract Management Plan Template. Effective 11/30/2015 4

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