Seismic Analysis and Design Using The Endurance Time Method, Volume 1
Seismic Analysis and Design Using The Endurance Time Method, Volume 1
Seismic Analysis and Design Using The Endurance Time Method, Volume 1
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
List of Figures xi
List of Tablesxvii
Foreword xix
Preface xxi
I am delighted to write the Foreword for this book, which captures the
recent advances on fundamentals of the “Endurance Time” methodology
and its application to earthquake resisting design of structures. Protec-
tion of buildings against earthquake is of critical importance for seismic
regions. In the conventional aseismic design, the structure is strengthened
to sustain the expected earthquake ground shaking without failure and/or
major damages. Observations of structural failures during earthquakes,
however, revealed that most destruction occurs due to gradual increase
of damages and weakening of the building due to the earthquake induced
loads. In this book a new innovative method for performance analysis
of buildings to earthquake strong motion is presented. In this approach,
the structure is subjected to a seismic excitation whose intensity increases
with time. The building damages are monitored until the collapse of struc-
ture, and the corresponding Endurance Time is evaluated. The Endurance
Time method provides a new realistic approach for aseismic design of
complex structural systems.
In my view, the authors of this book are the pioneering experts in
this area, and have been the developer of the Endurance Time method-
ology from its inception to formalizing its applications to the earthquake
resisting design of structures. I believe this book provides the readers
with an in-depth understanding of the Endurance Time methodology for
aseismic design of buildings. The challenge that has been presented to the
authors has been to introduce the fundamental aspect of the Endurance
Time concept and bring it all the way to the actual design of buildings
in a single text book. The authors can be proud that they have managed
to achieve such a task seamlessly. The description of the fundamentals
of Endurance Time methodology is broken down to easy-to-understand
exposition beginning from the first principals and building up toward a
thorough description of the method targeted for application to seismic
response analysis of structures and evaluation of the associated damages.
xx • Foreword
More importantly, the authors have provided useful best practice solution
methods that are accompanied by a practical approach in aseismic build-
ing designs. Whether readers view this text from either the fundamentals
of Endurance Time methodology or the earthquake engineering side, the
book has been written in a manner where readers will be guided through
a clear understanding in the comprehensive treatment of the structural
responses along the innovative approach of Endurance Time methodol-
ogy for designing buildings against earthquake. This book is certainly an
enthusiastic celebration of three basic elements–theory, modeling, and
practice–in handling a multitude of structural design issues under earth-
quake excitations.
—Goodarz Ahmadi
Clarkson University
March 3, 2017
repetitive response history analyses and ETM can be useful in this regard.
Another area of application of ET method which is less explored till now
is in experimental investigations in shaking table labs. While the number
of analyses may be a less critical factor in computation, it is indeed among
the most critical factors in experimental studies and ETM can be very
useful in these studies.
This book is essentially a recompilation of selected research work
published through the years 2004 to 2016 in the Journal of Scientia Iranica
by the editors and their graduate students. This is the first book on ETM
and is aimed to serve as a coherent source of information for students,
engineers, and researchers who want to familiarize themselves with the
concepts and put the concepts into practice. The chapters of the book are
organized in a relatively independent manner. After reading Chapter 1,
the reader can essentially continue with any chapter that covers his or her
topic of interest. However, readers who want to develop a deep under-
standing of the method and its development are encouraged to cover all
chapters consequently.
We are indebted to Professor G. Ahmadi of the University of Clarkson
for reading the manuscript of the book and offering his scientific feedback.
We would like to thank Professor Mohammad Noori of the California Poly-
technic State University for ongoing encouragement. Lastly, we would
like to express our gratitude to Mr. Joel Stein, Ms. Charlene Kronstedt,
and Ms. Sheri Dean from Momentum Press for their professionalism and
support in the process of publication.
This work could not be materialized without the contribution of our
graduate students at Sharif University of Technology. The authors would
like to specially thank Dr. H T Riahi, Dr. M C Basim, Dr. Valamanesh,
Dr. A Nozari, Dr. A Mirzai, Dr. A Bazmuneh, Mr. Mashayekhi, and Mr.
Foyuzat who’s excellent contributions in the development of ET method
appears in this book. The authors would also like to thank the staff of the
Scientia Iranica Journal for their critical efforts and cooperation during
preparation of this work.
—H.E. Estekanchi and H.A. Vafai
Introduction to the
Endurance Time Method
Chapter Source: Estekanchi, H.E., A. Vafai, and M. Sadeghazar. 2004. “Endur-
ance Time Method for Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures.” Scientia
Iranica 11, no. 4, pp. 361–70.
that these models are put on the shaking table and fixed to it. The experi-
ment starts by subjecting the buildings to random vibration with gradually
increasing intensity. In the beginning (e.g., at t = 5 sec) the amplitude
of shaking is quite low so all three buildings vibrate but remain stable,
as shown in Figure 1.1a. As the amplitude of vibration is increased (say,
at t = 10 sec), a point is reached when one of the buildings collapses.
Assume that this happens to be Model Number 1, as in Figure 1.1b. As
time passes and the vibration amplitude is further increased (say, at t =
20 sec), the second structure fails. Assume this to be Building Number 3,
as in Figure 1.1c. Further, consider that Building Number 2 happens to be
the last building to fail in this hypothetical experiment.
Now, based on this experiment, it is concluded that Building
Number 2, which endured longer, has the best performance, while Build-
ing Number 1, which failed soonest, performed the worst. Note that the
judgment is based on the ET, that is, the time during which each building
remained stable, without any reference to the building strength or stiffness
or other dynamic characteristics. If the goal was to evaluate the building’s
resistance to collapse, then, such experiments seem to show a direct and
relevant measure. This is the concept of the ET criterion in evaluating the
performance of buildings subjected to earthquakes.
In ET method, buildings are rated according to the time that they can
endure a standard calibrated intensifying accelerogram. Higher ET is to be
interpreted as a better performance. A minimum performance index can be
set to be used as the design criterion. The idea of the ET method is some-
what similar to the method used by cardiologists to evaluate the condition
of the heart, known as a stress test. In stress tests, the patient is asked to
walk on a treadmill with a variable slope and speed. The test starts with a
low-slope and low-speed condition. During the test, the slope and speed
are increased gradually, while the physical and biological condition of the
patient, such as blood pressure, heart beat rate, and so on, are monitored.
The test is commenced until signs of distress or abnormal conditions are
observed. The heart condition is then judged on the basis of the speed and
slope level that could be tolerated.
In the ET method, nearly the same concept is applied. The idea behind
ET method is roughly to put the structure on a ramp-like accelerogram and
see how far it can go. The structure is subjected to a standard accelerogram
with intensifying dynamic demand. The specified performance indexes are
monitored until they reach a predefined maximum value. The performance of
the structure is judged on the basis of the time when the damage limit index
is exceeded. This concept has been explained in Figure 1.2. Consider the
damage index curve (e.g., maximum drift, plastic energy, etc.) for a typical
structure subjected to an intensifying accelerogram, as shown in Figure 1.2.
If the limit value for the specified damage index is specified to be
1.00, then it can be concluded from Figure 1.2 that this structure has
endured the accelerogram up to about the 12th second. Moreover, consider
that the accelerogram has been calibrated and the design criterion is that
ET should be at least 10 seconds. As can be seen from this figure, the dam-
age value is about 0.82 at t = 10.0 seconds that is, below the value limit,
thus, one can conclude that the structure has met the design criteria. The
analysis should not necessarily be limited to a single damage criterion.
Various different damage indexes and structural criteria can be monitored
simultaneously in order to reach more conclusive results.
Damage index
Figure 1.3. Input profile functions (a) Linear (b) Increasing rate (c) Decreasing
Acceleration (g)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Time (sec)
1 + 2iξ1
H 1(iϖ ) = (1)
ϖ2 ϖ
1 − 2 + 2iξ1
ϖ1 ϖ 1
H 2(iϖ ) = ϖ 2 (2)
ϖ2 ϖ
1 − 2 + 2iξ 2
ϖ2 ϖ2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Frequency (Hz)
Amplitude 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Frequency (Hz)
Response acceleration (g)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Period (sec)
Acceleration (g)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Time (sec)
There are a few programs that are capable of conducting such analysis with
reasonable assumptions. However, the experimental evidence to verify
the results of such analyses is still quite limited. The minimum modeling
requirement for collapse analysis is nonlinear material behavior, including
material degradation due to cyclic behavior, large strain, and fracture. Anal-
ysis should include the effect of large deformations, buckling, and collusion.
Furthermore, for the purpose of illustrating the ET method, the simplest
method of dynamic analysis is considered in this paper, that is, linear sys-
tems. The Newmark linear method has been applied for the analysis (Chopra
1995). It should be evident that, as far as the concept of the ET method
is considered, the procedure remains almost the same, even for complex
MDOF (multi degree of freedom) models, including nonlinear features.
For linear SDOF systems, the most significant parameter that describes
the dynamic characteristics of the structure is its natural frequency of
vibration. Consider that three different linear structures with natural
periods of vibration equal to 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 seconds are to be studied.
These structures will be hereafter referred to as ST01, ST05, and ST10.
ST01 roughly pertains to a stiff single-story masonry building, while
ST05 and ST10 have a period typical of three- and nine-story steel frame
buildings, respectively. Damping ratio will be assumed to be 0.05 of the
critical value, as commonly assumed in dynamic analysis. The accelera-
tion response for ST05, subjected to the three generated accelerograms, is
shown in Figure 1.9. As expected, peak acceleration increases with time
as the input acceleration is intensified.
In Figure 1.10, maximum acceleration as a function of time has been
plotted along with average value and a linear fitting curve. As can be
seen in this figure, in spite of the fact that the generated accelerograms
1.5 ST05_acc1 ST05_acc2
Acceleration (g)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Time (sec)
ST05_acc1 ST05_acc2
2.0 ST05_acc3 Avr
Linear (Avr)
Acceleration (g)
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Time (sec)
are compatible with the same design response spectra and have a similar
frequency content, the dynamic response can be significantly different at
specific time intervals. For example, consider that one wants to specify the
time at which the structure has experienced a maximum acceleration of
1g. From Figure 1.10, it can be seen that for acc1, this occurs at t equals to
about 11.5 seconds, while for acc2, this occurs at t = 16 seconds.
This could be expected considering the well-known characteristics of
time-history analyses. An averaging method can be used to achieve better
approximation. In this example, using the linear fitting curve, the time at
a = 1g can be seen to be about 14 seconds.
The displacement response of ST05 subjected to different accelero-
grams has been depicted in Figure 1.11. As can be seen in this figure, the
displacement response is also an increasing function of time, as expected.
The pulsating characteristic of the displacement response should be paid
due attention. These pulsations can result in the maximum response to
remain constant during a relatively long period of time, making it difficult
to interpret the result of analysis regarding the time corresponding to a cer-
tain response level. This problem can be avoided by using several acceler-
ograms, along with an appropriate averaging method. Even though, in this
paper, the number of accelerograms to be averaged has been set to three as
a practical minimum, it should be clear that the desired accuracy and con-
vergence can be achieved by considering a larger number of accelerograms.
Maximum and average accelerations are shown in Figure 1.12. Max-
imum displacement is considered to be a simple and effective damage
criterion. In multistory buildings, maximum displacement is usually
proportional to maximum drift, which is another significant response
characteristic that can be related to building damage. Consider that the
maximum tolerable displacement for this building has been set to 4 cm.
Displacement (m)
acc1 acc1
acc3 Avr
Displacement (m)
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Time (sec)
Based on Figure 1.12, one can conclude that the building can endure the
prescribed accelerogram up to t = 11 seconds.
A summary of the results for the maximum acceleration of ST01,
ST05, and ST10 are depicted in Figure 1.13. In general, the magnitude of
acceleration experienced by all three structures is nearly the same, with
that of ST05 being higher for almost the entire time range and that of ST10
being lower in the time interval from 7.5 to 12.5 seconds. These could
be expected considering the shape of the codified response spectrum and
the frequency content being amplified near to T0 = 0.5, according to the
assumed soil conditions.
Displacement responses have been depicted in Figure 1.14. As can be
seen in this figure, there is a marked distinction between the displacement
responses of sample structures. Significant insight on the structural per-
formance of these structures can be gained through studying the curves of
Figure 1.14. For example, consider that the maximum tolerable displace-
ment for all these structures was to be limited to 4cm. It can be concluded
from Figure 1.14 that the ET for ST10 is about 6 seconds, for ST05 about
11 seconds and for ST01 more that 20 seconds. Now, by specifying the
required endurance time of 10 seconds, it can be concluded that ST01 and
Introduction to the Endurance Time Method • 13
1.6 ST01 T=0.1sec
Acceleration (g) 1.4 ST05 T=0.5sec
ST10 T=1.0sec
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Time (sec)
0.18 ST01 T=0.1 sec
ST05 T=0.5 sec
ST10 T=1.0 sec
Displacement (m)
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Time (sec)
ST05 are acceptable, that is, can endure the specified dynamic demand,
while ST10 is rejected.
As another example, consider that ST05 and ST10 are three- and nine-
story buildings with heights of 10 and 30 m, respectively, and the failure
criteria is set to be a maximum drift of 0.005. If one roughly, assumes
the vibration mode to be linear, maximum displacements will be 0.005 ×
10 = 0.05 m and 0.005 × 30 = 0.15 m, respectively. Now, by referring to
Figure 1.14, it can be seen that ST05 reaches the value limit at about t = 15
seconds, while ST10 reaches its value limit at t = 15.5 seconds. Thus, the
ET for both structures is nearly the same and, if one sets the required ET to
10 seconds, then both structures will be considered acceptable.
6.00m 6.00m
IPE 500 IPE 400
IPE 500 IPE 400
3 @ 3.00m
3 @ 3.00m
IPE 500 IPE 400
Frame f3 Frame f3w
Interstory drift (m)
Figure 1.16. Story drifts time history for frame f3 subjected to acc1.
f3 MaxD1
f3 MaxD2
f3 MaxD3
f3 Max average drift
Interstory drift (m)
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Time (sec)
with a story height of 3.0 m will be 0.005 × 3.0 = 0.015 m. Thus, we can
conclude from Figure 1.17 that frame f3 has endured our acc1-3 set of
accelerograms up to time t = 13.5 seconds. If we have standardized these
accelerograms for the specified site and had specified a minimum ET of
say 10 seconds, we would then conclude that frame f3 passes our seismic
design criteria. Generating a standard set of intensifying accelerograms to
be used as design criteria in ET method is under investigation and is the
subject of another study.
The result of the same analysis as applied to frame f3w, that is, the
weak version of f3 is summarized in Figure 1.18. The general trend for f3w
is the same as f3. It should be noted that the resulting drift values are gener-
ally higher for f3w. This could be expected considering the lower stiffness
of frame f3w. Considering the limiting value of 0.005 for interstory drifts
as earlier, it can be concluded that the ET for f3w is about 10.5 seconds.
Analysis results for frames f3 and f3w are compared in Figure 1.19.
The significant point in this figure is the ET for f3w being clearly lower
than that of f3. On the other hand, the weakness of f3w as compared to f3
shows up in its response to the intensifying accelerograms. Again, if we
consider that the accelerograms have been somehow standardized and a
minimum ET of 10.0 seconds has been specified to the building site, it can
be concluded that f3w passes our seismic design criteria. If, however, the
minimum ET was specified to be 12.0 seconds, f3 would pass the design
criteria while f3w would fail.
Introduction to the Endurance Time Method • 17
f3w MaxD1
f3w MaxD2
Interstory drift (m) f3w MaxD3
f3w Max average drift
0.0200 Linear (f3w Max average drift)
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Time (sec)
Figure 1.18. Maximum story drifts for frame f3w subjected to acc1-3
f3 Max average drift
0.0250 f3w Max average drift
Linear (f3w Max average drift)
Interstory drift (m)
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Time (sec)
Figure 1.19. Maximum average story drifts for frames f3 and f3w.
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A95 parameter, 32 base errors, 61, 62, 64, 67, 68
acceleration, 10, 12, 60 bilinear material model, 99
absolute, 30, 58 bracketed duration, 44, 45, 47, 49
amplitude, increase in, 78, 79
errors of responses, 61 C
filtered, 22 calculated errors, 60
functions, 11, 23, 26, 27, 56, 70, central period (CP), 22
117 characteristic Intensity, 32
ground, 45 collapse analysis of structures, 8
maximum average, 13 collapse prevention (CP), 77, 80,
random, 57 81, 92, 100
response, 8, 10, 58, 71–73 compressed matrix, 64, 66
reverse, 46 CP performance level, 77, 80, 92
spectrum, 43 cumulative absolute velocity
target, 57 (CAV), 35, 36
time history, 10 curve fitting method, 15
values, 8
Acceleration Spectrum Intensity D
(ASI), 32 damage, 12, 21
AISC-ASD building code, 89, 102 accumulated, 41
analysis method, 8, 9 criteria, 14
annual probability of exceedance, hysteretic energy dissipation, 49
78, 82, 83, 94 observation of buildings after
Applied Technology Council earthquakes, 22
(ATC-40) guidelines, 98 to nonstructural components, 110
Arias Intensity, 32 value, 4
ASCE Standard for Seismic damage index(es), 10
Rehabilitation of Existing curve, 4
Buildings, 82 forms of, 10
ASCE41, 82, 89, 93 of interest, 18
design spectrum, 78, 79, 89 Kunnath, 48
response spectrum, 83, 84, 92 levels, 18
126 • Index