DTP and Error Handling
DTP and Error Handling
DTP and Error Handling
Added by Ashok Babu. - ON Demand Business Team, last edited by Arun Varadarajan on Mar 17, 2009 (view change)
Note: Once the request in the source object is deleted, the related data records in error stack area automatically deleted.
a. Key of Error Stack = Semantic Groups.
b. Subset of the key of the target object.
i. Max. 16 fields
ii. Defines which data should be detained from the update of erroneous data record (for data store object)
iii. The bigger the key, the fewer records will be written to the error
Process # 5 - Temporary Data Storage
2. In order to analyze the data at various stages you can activate the temporary storage in the DTP
3. This allows you to determine the reasons of