Basketball Terms
Basketball Terms
Basketball Terms
The possession arrow changes direction The boundary line behind each basket;
after each held ball situation, alternating also called the endline.
which team gets possession of the ball.
Assist: Attached to the backboard, it consists of
A pass that immediately precedes and a metal rim 18″ in diameter suspended
sets up a scored basket. 10′ from the floor, from which a 15-18″
corded net hangs, and through which
Backboard: points are scored; also used to refer to a
The rectangular or fan-shaped board successful field goal.
behind the basket.
Beat the defender:
Backcourt: When an offensive player, with or
The half of the court that is opposite a without the ball, is able to get past an
team’s offensive basket; the court a opponent who is guarding him.
team is attempting to defend.
Bench Points:
Ball handler: The number of points scored during a
The player with the ball; usually the game from players that began the game
point guard at the start of a play. on the bench. All points scored by non-
Ball Side:
The half of the court from the middle to Blocked shot:
the sideline where the ball is currently The successful deflection of a shot by
located. May also be referred to as the touching part of the ball on its way to the
‘strong side’. basket, thereby preventing a field goal.
Pick: Post:
See “Screen or Screener” An offensive position played close to the
basket along the key.
Pick and Roll:
A play in which an offensive player sets Press:
a pick for the dribbler, then cuts off that An aggressive defense that attempts to
pick, or ‘rolls’, toward the basket looking force the opponents to make errors by
for a pass from the dribbler for a shot. guarding them closely from either half
court, three-quarter court or full court.
Quadruple double: Shooter:
A triple double with double-digits scored A player who takes a shot at the basket.
in 4 categories.
Shooter’s roll or shooter’s touch:
Rebound: The ability to get even an inaccurate
The act of gaining possession of the ball shot to bounce lightly off the rim and into
after a missed shot. the basket.
A loss of possession of the ball by
means of an error or violation.
When a higher-seeded (better) team
loses to a lower-seeded (inferior) one.
An infringement of the rules that’s not a
foul. The penalty for a violation is the
awarding of the ball to the opponent.
The side of the court away from the ball.
Zone defense:
A team defense in which each player is
responsible for defending an area of the