(1945) A New Approach To Kinematic Cosmology

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A New Approach to Kinematic Cosmology

Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
(Received September 16, 1.945)

The kinematical aspect of relativistic cosmology is examined on the basis of three postulated
requirements: The constancy of the velocity of light, spatial isotropy, and homogeneity. Three
distinct types of cosmological models are obtained, characterized by different motions of
nebulae. The metric of any universe is conformal to Minkowski space and Maxwell's equations
are the same for all possible universes. In Part II, it is shown that the cosmological models
are metrically, though not topologically, equivalent to those of H. P. Robertson. Next, special
models are examined and their line elements brought into the conformal-Minkowskian form.
The problem of the displacement of the lines of nebular spectra is discussed; formulas are
obtained and applied to some special cosmological models. Finally, idealized experiments are
described which indicate the physical content of the cosmological coordinates.

I. General Theory

INTRODUCTION metric form and the motion of fundamental

particles fully determine the kinematical be-
B Y kinematical cosmology is usually under-
stood that part of relativistic cosmology
which deals with the metric form of our universe,
havior of the universe. It might seem that the
motion of fundamental particles can be deduced
characterized by a four-dimensional space-time immediately from the Riemannian metric as the
manifold, and with the motion of free particles particles move along geodesies. But this is not
and light rays in this universe. In this sense the so. A geodesic line is, at each world-point, deter-
present paper deals with kinematical cosmology mined by its direction there, whereas the world-
and ignores its dynamical aspect, i.e., the connec- line of a fundamental particle is completely
tion between the Riemannian curvature tensor determined by the choice of a world-point. The
on the one hand and the energy-momentum world-line of a fundamental particle is a geo-
tensor on the other. desic ; but the converse statement is not neces-
The possible mathematical models of the sarily true.
universe are usually deduced from a few simple The questions which this paper tries to answer
and convincing principles. In such models the are: What are the possible metric forms de-
nebulae are represented by freely moving par- scribing a universe? What are the possible
ticles of a fluid and we imagine such a particle at motions of fundamental particles? The guiding
every point in space. Each of these particles principle, commonly accepted and leading to a
moves along a geodesic line. Such a particle, solution of these problems, is the principle of
representing a nebula, will be called a funda- , homogeneity, sometimes called the uniformity or
mental particle and an observer moving with it a the cosmological principle. It states that every
fundamental observer.1 The most important con- fundamental observer sees and describes the
cept by which cosmological models will be world in the same way.
described and characterized is that of funda- Traditionally, the problem of relativistic
mental particles and their motion. Next, light cosmology2 is attacked by choosing a coordinate
rays or geodesic null lines must be considered; system in which all fundamental particles are at
they are the messengers of world events between rest. The fact that such a coordinate system
^fundamental particles. Finally, the universe is exists is by no means obvious and is closely
characterized by a Riemannian metric. The 2
An excellent account of "Relativistic Cosmology,"
including a bibliography complete up to 1932, is to be
These terms seem to be originally due to E. A. Milne, found in H. P . Robertson's article, Rev. Mod. Phys. 5,
Relativity, Gravitation, and World-Structure (Clarendon 62-90 (1933); also R. C. Tolman, Relativity Thermo-
Press, Oxford, 1935). dynamics and Cosmology (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1934).

related to the principle of homogeneity. T h u s the the type of motion of fundamental particles,
line elements discussed in cosmology are usually rather t h a n the space structure.
of the form T h e ideas which have been sketched above
ds2 = dr2-R2(r)d(r2. (0.1) will become clearer if we now summarize some
of our results. 4
Here R(T) is an a r b i t r a r y function of time and E v e r y cosmological background is a Rieman-
da2 is the metric of a three-dimensional space of nian manifold with a metric of the form
constant curvature k=l, — 1 , or 0. T h u s the
ds2 = y(t, r)(dt2-dx2-dy2-dz2),
universe is characterized by an arbitrary function (0.2)
R(T) and by the choice of one a m o n g three r2 = x2+y2+z2.
possible spaces. T h e problem of the motion of
fundamental particles disappears from such a W e shall see t h a t y is not an arbitrary function
presentation because these particles are always of t a n d r; b u t for the conclusions which we shall
a t rest. I t is the space structure, i.e. the curvature now draw the particular form of y does n o t enter
kR~2(r) of the 3-space r = constant, which the argument. A coordinate system in which the
characterizes the cosmological model. I t should Riemannian metric has the form (0.2) will be
be noted t h a t , in the coordinate system of (0.1), called a cosmological coordinate system, or, briefly,
t h e speed of light in a n y fixed direction is a a c.c.s.
function of time and depends on both k and T h u s every cosmological background is con-
formal to a Minkowski background. Physically,
Obviously, a discussion in which the four- the light geometry is t h a t of a flat Minkowski
dimensional universe is characterized chiefly by continuum. T h e line element (0.2) appears as a
the curvature of a three-dimensional space is natural generalization of the Minkowski space in
contrary to the spirit of relativity theory in restricted relativity.
which t h e world is represented b y a four-dimen- W e may, however, interpret (0.2) in a different
sional space-time continuum. Historically, this way and say t h a t every cosmological background
approach goes back to Einstein's first cosmo- differs from a Minkowski background only b y a
logical paper, 3 to the Einstein universe of which gauging function determining the behavior of
all others seem to be natural generalizations. clocks and measuring rods. T h i s s t a t e m e n t
This point of view, based on dynamic considera- requires some amplification. Starting from (0.2),
tion^ and on the generalization of the gravita- and without transforming the coordinate system,
tional equations, was long ago abandoned by its we introduce new clocks and measuring rods b y
originator. means of the gauge transformation, 5
W e believe t h a t a deeper insight into cos- ds' — \ds-, X = 7~*.
mological problems is gained b y a new approach.
Relativistic cosmology, a t least in its kinematical We then have 7 , = T _ 1 T = 1, and the vector field,
aspect, should form a link between the restricted characterizing the gauging (i.e., the metrical
and general theories of relativity. In restricted connection), changes from x% — 0 to
relativity the world is represented by a Min-
kowski continuum. This is one of m a n y cos- x / = d(log.A)/d**= - J d ( l o g y)/dx\
mological backgrounds which satisfy the prin- W e can, therefore, characterize a cosmological
ciple of homogeneity. We shall see t h a t an space b y
approach to cosmology is possible in which the ds'* = dt2-dx2-dy2-dz\
structure of a three-dimensional space does not (0.3)
enter the picture. W e believe t h a t this new x/=-id(log7)/d*«,
approach p u t s into the foreground the more
i.e., b y a Minkowski metric a n d a n integrable
essential concepts of kinematical cosmology, i.e.,
L . Infeld, "A New Approach to Relativistic Cos-
A. Einstein, "Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur Allge- mology," Nature 156, 114 (1945).
meinen Relativitatstheorie," Sitz. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. H. Weyl, Space, Time, Matter (Methuen & Company,
142-152 (1917). Ltd., London, 1922), Chapter II, Section 16.

gauging field %/• This is a new geometric picture electron. Indeed, much work was done in solving
and, though (0.3) can always be replaced by Dirac's equations for cosmological spaces. From
(0.2), this new interpretation is very suggestive our point of view, the problem, properly formu-
as it abandons all discussion of curved, expanding lated, is the following: Are Dirac's equations,
universes and shifts the responsibility for cos- like Maxwell's equations, insensitive to the
mological phenomena to the gauging field, the choice of the y function or not? The answer to
gradient of a scalar field, which determines the this question is not as simple as in the case of
behavior of clocks and measuring rods. Maxwell's equations and requires a special
It should be added that this interpretation, investigation which will be given elsewhere.
though based on Weyl's famous work, has The most obvious conclusions resulting from
nothing in common with Weyl's unified field the fact that the cosmological background can
theory. No connection is assumed between the be represented by (0.2) or (0.3) have been formu-
vector Xi a n d the vector potential of an electro- lated above. It has been seen how the problem
magnetic field. of space structure disappears if the c.c.s. is used
The next conclusion which may be drawn from and it will be shown how the problem of the
(0.2) and (0.3) is that Maxwell's equations are motion of fundamental particles appears instead.
the same for flat space as for any cosmological In a c.c.s. the fundamental particles are, in
space.6 This immediately follows from (0.3) and general, not at rest. Three types of motion are
from the fact that Maxwell's equations are gauge possible, namely, the oscillating motion, the
invariant. But for the sake of clarity this simple converging-diverging motion, and the simple case
conclusion will be deduced from (0.2). We write of rest. To each permissible form of the function
Maxwell's equations for empty space in the 7 there belongs at least (and, in general, exactly)
usual form one kind of motion. This motion, and not the
space structure, characterizes the universe. It is
dFii/Bxh+dF;k/dxi+dFki/dxi = Q, the study of the permissible functions y and the
d((-g)*/w)/&s/ = 0. associated motions which forms the chief content
We have of this paper.
= vikVilFkh The derivation of the metrical forms which
where describe the universe as a whole will be based on
ri o o 0^ three distinct postulates. All three assumptions
have immediate physical significance. The last
0 -1 0 0
two are well justified by recent astronomical ob-
0 0 - 1 0 servations. It is not claimed that the first pos-
tulate is completely independent of the other
[o o o - J
two; however, as it has a simple physical content,
Therefore Maxwell's equations, which are dif- we prefer to introduce it as a separate require-
ferential equations for Fijf have the following ment.
form both for a Minkowski and a cosmological Postulate I on light-geometry.—There exists a
background: coordinate system such that the geometry of
light rays is the same as in flat Minkowski
dFij/dtf+dFjk/dxi+dFki/dx'^O, space; i.e., light rays travel along straight lines
r}ikrj3ldFki/dxJ' = 0. with constant velocity c=l, say.
Mathematically, this implies that the four-
Another problem which suggests itself here is space must be conformal to Minkowski space,
that of Dirac's relativistic equations for an i.e., the line element may be written in the form
This conclusion seems to be unknown. Compare E.
Schrodinger, "Maxwell's and Dirac's Equations in the ds2 = y{dt2-dx2-dy2-dz1)1 (1.1)
Expanding Universe," Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 46A, 25-47 i 3
(1940). = yrjijdx dx \ (l.H)

where 7 is a function of /, x, y, z. In (1.11) the lines different from it. The existence of such a
usual summation convention applies to double group of coordinate transformations restricts the
indices,7 xl (i = 0, 1, 2, 3) = (t, x, y, s). possible functions y(t, r). In the following we
Postulate 11 on isotropy.—The universe, char- find line elements which satisfy our homogeneity
acterized by the' line element (1.1), is spatially postulate. However, the treatment adopted here
isotropic. gives no indication as to whether the admissible
Mathematically, the cosmological line element forms have been exhausted or not. In the
must be invariant in form under a 3-parameter appendix, the powerful methods of the theory
continuous group of rotations which leaves every of continuous groups are applied to the problem
point on the t axis fixed. An immediate conse- and it is there shown that the simpler arguments
quence is that 7 is a function of / and x2-\-y2-\-z2 of this section do, indeed, yield essentially all
only: possible line elements.
y = y(t,r), r2 = x2+y2+z2. (1.2) Consider the hyperquadric

The assumption of isotropy is well justified by z02-z12-z22-zz2-(l/K)zi2=-(l/K),

nebular counts, 8 which indicate that the dis- K = constant
tribution of nebulae, as observed from the earth,
exhibits spherical symmetry when averaged on a in five-space and project stereographically from
sufficiently wide scale. the pole (0, 0, 0, 0, —1) onto the tangential
If suitable assumptions are made as to the hyperplane 24 = 1. If the point (s0, Z\, s2, 23, 24)
absolute average magnitude and the luminosity on the hyperquadric is projected into (x°, x1, x2>
of nebulae, and the density distribution of inter- xz, 1), a simple calculation yields the equations
nebular matter, as yet unobservable, recent xi l+Ka/4:
astronomical research8 indicates that, on a scale Zi==: , 24 — ,
large compared to the mean distance between l-Ka/4 l-Ka/*
nebular clusters, matter is uniformly distributed i = 0, 1,2,3, (1.31)
throughout the universe. Thus, neglecting local where i 2 2
irregularities, the homogeneity of the material a = rnjx x'' = i -r . (1.311)
universe leads, by what is usually known as
It is well known that, for a suitable metric, the
Mach's principle, to the following:
stereographic projection is conformal. Thus we
Postulate III on homogeneity.—The view of the
obtain, by differentiating (1.31), the following
universe is the same for every fundamental
In our model of the universe we have funda- /(so, z4)(dz02-dzl2-dz22-dz32- {\/K)dz,2) =
mental particles, each moving along a geodesic
y(t, r)(dt2-dx2-dy2-dz2)=ds2, (1.32)
line. Our original coordinate system is related to where
one fundamental particle; by this is meant that 2
y(t, r) = /(*„, 20/(1 -Ka/4) , (1.33)
the geodesic world-line of this particle is the /
axis x = y = z = 0. If we now change the coordinate s0, 24 being expressed in terms of t,r by (1.31).
system, relating it to any other fundamental The problem of finding transformations leaving
particle, our view of the universe remains un- (1.1) invariant is obviously equivalent to that of
changed ; in particular, ds2 is invariant in form. finding transformations of the five-dimensional
Mathematically, the line element ds2 must be s space which leave (1.3) and the left-hand side
invariant in form under a continuous group of of (1.32) invariant in form.
transformations, moving the / axis into world- One such transformation group, if / is a func-
tion of So only, is that of linear transformations
Latin indices will consistently range over 0, 1, 2, 3, of the four variables zh s2, s3, s4 leaving Si 2 +s 2 2
while Greek indices will range over 1, 2, 3.
A comprehensive account of astronomical observations +z32 + (l/K)zi2 invariant, with z0-^z0. The group
of cosmological interest is to be found in E. P. Hubble, is, for positive K, that of real orthogonal trans-
The Observational Approach to Cosmology (Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1937). formations, i.e., Euclidean rotations, of the

variables Z\, 22, zz, K~h±\ for negative K, that of hand side of (1.32) are invariant under Lorentz
Lorentz transformations of the " time-like" transformations of the variables z0, 21, z2y z% with
variable (—K)~h± and the "space-like" variables Zi—>Zt, i.e., with a—>a. By (1.31), we see that
zu £2, 23. Thus/=/(js 0 ) yields, by (1.33), the line such transformations of the five-space are
elements simply the Lorentz transformations in our
original space of variables x\ The new line
^ 2 = ( 1 -Ka/4)-*f(t/(l -Ka/tyrHjdxidx*, (1.4) elements are, by (1.33), of the form
which satisfy our three postulates. The com- ds2 = y(a)7]ijdxidxJ\ (1.5)
plicated transformations (see appendix) leaving where
this form invariant appear, by the above, simply 2
as ' 'rotations" of a four-dimensional subspace T (a) = ( l - J £ a / 4 ) -
about a line (the ZQ axis) in a five-dimensional
manifold. X/(-(-20-» ). (1.51)
The metric form (1.4) is admissible for all
non-zero values of K. It is natural to consider the From the way in which it was obtained, it is
limiting case when K = 0, and clear that (1.5) is equivalent to (1.4; K<0).
ds2 = f(t)rjijdxidx3'. (1.41) However, (1.5) is much simpler than the previous
forms (1.4), and this is also true of the group of
The limiting process K—>0 is difficult to carry coordinate transformations which leave the line
out on the five-dimensional linear transforma- element invariant and hence of the motion of
tions of the z considered above. However, it is fundamental particles. Thus we shall, whenever
immediately obvious that the line element (1.41) possible, prefer to characterize universes by the
conforms to the homogeneity requirement as it metric (1.5) rather than by (1.4) if K<0.
is invariant under spatial translations The last cosmological line element which we
(*, x, y, z)->(t, x + Z, y + rj, * + ? ) . (1.42) derive is equivalent to (1.41), where K = 0. It is
more cumbersome than (1.41) and need not be
We shall formally include (1.41) in the metric discussed in detail. However, we include it in
forms (1.4) by permitting K to become zero. this section for the sake, of completeness. The
Then, as will be shown in the following and in inversion
the appendix, the metric forms (1.4) describe all
possible universes which satisfy our three pos- {t.x^-^i-t/a.x^/a), < r = l , 2 , 3 , (1.61)
tulates. The line elements (1.4) can be written in is a conformal transformation of Minkowski
the form space and changes (1.41) into the form9
ds* = f(t/(l -Ka/4))ds0\ (1.43)
ds2=(\/a2)f(-t/a)rHjdxidxK (1.6)
where dso2 is the line element of an indefinite
4-space of constant curvature —K. This may be The minus-sign in the inversion (1.61) is neces-
contrasted with the forms (0.1) where a 3-space sary to preserve the sense of time. The group of
of constant curvature is multiplied by an arbi- transformations which leave (1.6) invariant are
trary function (of time). obtained from the spatial translations (1.42) by
We shall now obtain two further metric forms subjecting them to the inversion (1.61).
which are admissible. However, as they are ob- This completes our survey of the cosmological
tained from some of the line elements (1.4), for line elements satisfying our three requirements.
K<0, by coordinate transformations, they do The forms (1.4), (1.5), (1.6), are shown, in the
not yield new universes and are essentially appendix, to exhaust all possibilities, except for a
equivalent to those included above. trivial change of the temporal origin, i.e., except
If K<0, then z02 and ( — \/K)z£ have the same 9
It may be noted that if (1.4) be written in the form
signature in (1.3) and in (1.32). Thus we may ds* = <f>(Kt/±(l-i£a/4))(i£/4)2(l-Ka/^Sadx^x^ then,
interchange those two variables. Then / is a ifplicitly, the function <f> does not involve the parameter K im-
we obtain (1.6) from (1.4) by the limiting process
function of z± only, i.e., of a; (1.3) and the left-

TABLE I. The cosmological line elements.

Case («>0) Transformations preserving ds
I 1/a (l-a/4a*)-y(t/(l-a/4**)) Rotations in (21, 0:24) plane
II - 1/a2 (l-fa/4a 2 )- 2 /(//(l-fo/4a s )) Lorentz transf. in (zi, «z4) plane
II' y(a) Lorentz transformations of x*
III 0 /(0 Spatial translations of x*
III' (l/a»)/(-//a) From III by inversion

for the forms obtained from them by the trans- The / axis x — 0 has, in the z space, the para-
formation /—>£+constant. metric equations
We summarize the results of this section in
Table I. Zo = V ( l - * 7 4 a 2 ) , *i = 0,
by (1.31). The equations are those of a rec-
The postulate of homogeneity ensures the
tangular hyperbola in the (z0, 01Z4) plane, as
existence of coordinate changes which leave the
shown in Fig. la. The path of a fundamental
metric form invariant and transform the / axis
particle in the z space is obtained by rotating
into other world-lines which are the t axes of the
the hyperbola about the z0 axis through some
new coordinate systems. It follows from the
angle p. In Fig. lb, this is the hyperbola in the
isotropy of the line element, which must hold in
plane p. We obtain the world-line of the funda-
all equivalent coordinate systems, that these
mental particle in the tx plane by projection
world-lines are geodesies. Thus it is natural to
from the pole 5 = ( 0 , 0 , - 1 ) onto the plane
identify such geodesies with the world-lines of
p . = = - £ 4 = l . In the figure, the points of the
the fundamental particles. If xl—>xfi(x) is a
hyperbolas in the planes p and P, which are
transformation leaving (1.1) invariant, then the
related by projection from S> are denoted by the
equations of motion of the fundamental particle,
same letter, lower case letters being used for
which is related to the new coordinate system,
points in p and capital letters for points in P .
It should be noticed that the branch abc of the
x'*(tyx, j , s ) = 0 , (7 = 1,2,3. (2.1) hyperbola in p is projected into the finite arc
The spatial isotropy of the universe implies ABC in P .
that the world-line of a fundamental particle Before obtaining the algebraic expressions for
must, in cosmological coordinates, lie in a plane the motion of fundamental particles, the im-
through the t axis; i.e., the fundamental particles 2.
move radially. Thus we may, without loss of
generality, consider fundamental world-lines in
the tx plane only, and, throughout this section,
assume the two equations of motion
y — z — 0. (2.2)
The third equation, describing the motion along
the x axis, will be obtained and discussed in each
of the five cases enumerated in Table I.
Case I—K=l/a2>0.—We need consider only
Euclidean rotations in the (zu azi) plane, since,
by (1.31), 37 = 2 = 0 implies z2 = 23 = 0. Thus, sup-
pressing two dimensions, the rotations about the
z0 axis and the paths of fundamental particles can u-u
easily be visualized by means of a diagram. FIG. la. / axis in z space.

Plane P^

|\Plane p c i rc FIG. l b . The hyperbola in

plane p is the world-line of a
I I fundamental particle in z
space. The world-line in the
! ^ ^
„ I tx plane is obtained by pro-
jection from S onto the tx
plane P. Points related by
this projection are denoted by
the same letter (lower case
letters for points in p, capitals
for points in P).
D \I



portant problem of connectivity has to be dealt tified with the points, C, E, R (and c, e, r),
with. It follows immediately from the fact that respectively. The path of a fundamental particle
an operation of projection has been used that is the branch abc (c^a) of the hyperbola in p
the "ends at infinity" of any straight line must or the arc ABC (C=A) in P . The set of all
be identified. Thus both the z and x spaces have fundamental particles is obtained by letting p
the connectivity of projective spaces. We shall, assume all values from — w/2 to TT/2.
however, postulate a further connectivity. Re-
turning for the moment to the full five-dimen-
sional space, the points (s0, Si, z2, s3, z±) and
(so, — Si, —z2l —S3, — £4) on the hyperquadric
(1.3) will be identified. This is permissible as the
transformation (s0, %i, z2i s3, s4)—>(%, — zh —z%,
—S3, —ZA) leaves the form (1.32) invariant, /
being a function of ZQ only. Thus the three-
dimensional section
So = constant,
Si +S 2 + S32 + «2S42 = S02 + « 2
2 2

is a hypersphere on which antipodal points are

identified, i.e., it is an elliptic three-space. In
FIG. 1c. Section so=constant of hyperboloid
Fig. lb, the points A, B, Q (and a, bi q) are iden- — 2 0 2 - j - zi2 -f- OL2Z42 = a2,

Proceeding now to t h e analytic t r e a t m e n t of

the motion of fundamental particles, we p u t
X=(l/2a)(t+x), Y={\/2a)(t-x) (2.32)

and have, b y (1.31),

z1/a=(X-Y)/(l-XY)1 (2.33)
X = tan£, r=tan?7, (2.34)
%+y = T, £—n = p] (2.35)
2 0 /a: = t a n r , 3 i / a = sin p/cos r,
s 4 = cos p/cos r.
FIG. Id. The world-lines of a fundamental particle
(ABQA) and of a light ray (PQR, RS, SP) in elliptic
r and p are parameters on the hyperboloid ob- universes of type I.
tained b y rotation of the hyperbola in Fig. l a
a b o u t the z0 axis, p being, a s before, the angle of P u t t i n g p = ± ^ 7 r in (2.4) while r varies a n d
rotation; a / c o s r is t h e distance of a point on r = ± j 7 r while p varies, we obtain the two
the hyperboloid from the Zo axis. Fig. l c shows rectangular hyperbolas
a section z0 — constant, a n d the geometric content
of the parameters r a n d p is clearly indicated. -*2=±4c (2.42)
T h e elliptic connectivity identifies the pairs of
which bound our elliptic universe, a s shown in
p o i n t s (r, P)=S(T+X, p) a n d (r, P) = (T, P+TT),
Fig. Id. T h e points outside the concave quad-
as is immediately verified b y (2.36). T h u s we
rangle formed b y the four branches of the hyper-
m a y restrict both parameters to the interval
bolas (2.42) are each identified with a n interior
— 7r/2 to 7r/2. A straightforward calculation
point b y the elliptic connectivity (2.37). In
shows t h a t the pair of points (X, Y) and
Fig. Id t h e same letter is used to denote a pair
( — 1 / X , — 1 / F ) m u s t be identified, i.e.,
of points which are thus identified. T h e topology
(t, x) = (-4a2t/a, 4a2x/a), (2.37) of the tx plane is t h a t of a torus which can be
obtained b y first folding t h e plane along t h e
points connected b y an inversion which leaves
t axis, say, a n d connecting t h e branches of t h e
the line element (1.4, K=l/a2) invariant, a n d
hyperbolas (2.42) which meet the x axis; then
which changes (z0, Si, ZA) into (s 0 , ~zh —ZA).
folding along the x axis a n d connecting the two
T h e equation of motion of a fundamental branches of the other hyperbola with each other
particle is simply p = constant, or without crossing.
(l/2a)(*+*) = tan £ ( T + P ) , Returning to the motion of a fundamental
(2.4) particle, characterized b y the world-line ABQA,
(l/2a)(t-x) = tsini(T-p), say, in Fig. Id, t h e following simple conclusions
where r is a variable parameter. Eliminating r, are i m m e d i a t e : T h e fundamental particle, start-
these equations become ing from A, moves toward t h e spatial origin x = 0
with decreasing velocity until it is a t instan-
t2-x2-(4:a/v)x+4:a2 = 0, y = t a n p. (2.41) taneous rest a t B, i.e., when / = 0 and
T h u s the world-lines of fundamental particles x = xmin=(2oA)[+(l+i;2)*-l]. (2.43)
are rectangular hyperbolas which do n o t meet
the t axis; their common transverse axis is t h e I t then recedes with increasing velocity, first to
x axis a n d their a s y m p t o t e s are t h e null lines Q, then to A, a n d the cycle is repeated. T h u s , the
t=±(x+2a/v). observer a t the spatial origin sees the funda-

interval ( — 2a, 2a) of one period's d u r a t i o n m a y

correspond t o a n infinite proper time. T h e n ,
since all experiences of a n y observer are within
this finite / interval, the motion of fundamental
particles is no longer oscillating, and the light-
signal emitted by a fundamental observer does
not return throughout his entire proper life. By
T a b l e I (case I), the proper time corresponding
to the t interval ( — 2a, 2a) is
2a -2
/ — 2/y •/ o
XfKt/(l-t2/4a2))dt. (2.44)
FIG. 2. Fundamental particles in universes of type II'.
W e have t h e following criterion: A universe of
mental particles move back and forth; and we type I is periodic or non-periodic in its physical
m a y well typify this motion b y the adjective behavior according as the integral 5 converges
oscillating. or diverges. Keeping this in mind, we shall
T h e first bounding hyperbola x — £ = 4a , nevertheless, for reasons of economy, retain the
2 2 2

whose two branches are identified, is the world- term oscillating t o typify the general universe 1
line of the fundamental particle a t the greatest and t h e motion of fundamental particles.
distance from the spatial origin. For this particle T w o simple examples follow, t h e first of a
#min = 2a:. As is clear from Fig. I d , the coor- periodic a n d t h e second of a non-periodic
dinate distance 4 a m a y b e described a s t h e universe:
"perimeter of the universe" a t time £ = 0; i t is ds2= {(1 -a/^.a2)2-\-t2/a2}-l7lijdxidx^ (2.45)
the finite length of the x axis.
T h e second bounding hyperbola x2 — t2 = ~4=a2, is the line element of a cosmological model of
whose two branches are identified, is the locus type I, which will later (in p a r t II) be identified
of the points a t the greatest distance from the with the Einstein universe. W e immediately have
spatial origin on each world-line of a funda- 2a
mental particle. T o p u t i t differently, i t is the S~- dt/(l +t2/4:a2)=Tra. (2.46)
locus of the events where the fundamental par- / _9«
ticles reach the amplitudes of their oscillations,
T h u s S is finite and the universe is periodic.
stop receding, a n d s t a r t moving toward t h e
Next, we consider the De Sitter universe of
spatial origin. T h e coordinate time interval 4 a
type I, sometimes referred t o as the De Sitter-
is the period of the oscillating universe as deter-
Lanczos universe (see P a r t I I ) . I t s line element is
mined by the fundamental observer x = 0.
T h e periodicity of the oscillating universe is ds2= (1 -a/ia^Vijdx'dxK (2.47)
further exemplified b y following the p a t h of a
light ray emitted a t some event P in the direc- In this case /»2a
tion of t h e positive x axis. W i t h o u t loss of dt/(l-t2/4a2) (2.48)
generality, we m a y take P on the t axis of our / -2a
coordinate system. Keeping t h e elliptic con-
TABLE II. The motion of fundamental particles.
nectivity in mind, we see t h a t the world-line is
PQR, RS, SP, a s shown in Fig. Id. T h u s the Case Equation of motion Type of motion
light emitted by a fundamental observer returns
I t2-X2-(4a/v)x+4a2 = 0 Oscillating
to him after a finite coordinate time 4a. II t2 - x2+ (4a/v)x - 4<x2 = 0 Converging-diverging
I t is i m p o r t a n t t o note t h a t t h e physical II' x = vt
III x— constant Rest
behavior of a cosmological model of t y p e I is n o t 2 2
necessarily of a periodic nature. T h e finite . t
nr t -x -x/v=o

converges logarithmically at both limits. Thus

this universe is non-periodic in its physical be-
In conclusion, we may note that the spherical 4 4
universe in which antipodal points of the section
(2.31) are not identified is similar in its behavior
to the elliptic universe described above, and need
not be discussed in detail.
Case II—K = — 1/a2 < 0.—We shall discuss
this case briefly, mainly for the sake of com-
pleteness; in most applications, I I ' rather than
II will be appealed to. The equations of motion
of fundamental particles are immediately ob-
tained from those in Case I by applying the FIG. 3. Fundamental particles in universes of type III.
transformation a—> — ia. However, the variables
X, Y, £, 7), r, p, introduced above, are now Case IF.—From the discussion immediately
imaginary. In order to avoid this, the definitions preceding equation (1.5) we know that it is the
will be slightly changed and these variables, in group of Lorentz transformations which leaves
Eqs. (2.32) to (2.36), replaced by iX> iY, i£, irj, the line element II' invariant. Under such trans-
ir, ip. We then have formations the t axis is carried into the line

X=(l/2a)(t+x), Y=(l/2a)(t-x), (2.5) -Vty \V\ < 1 , (2.6)

z0/a=(X+Y)/(l+XY), which is the world-line of a fundamental particle.

The fundamental particles all move radially,
Zi/a=(X-Y)/(l+XY), (2.51) each with constant velocity v. They converge,
z*=(l-XY)/(l+XY), meet at the origin t = x = 0, and then diverge. This
simple behavior of the particles is shown in
X = tanh f, Y= tanh 77, (2.52)
Fig. 2. It should be noted that the whole ob-
Z+v = r, f-i? = p, (2.53) servable universe, into which particles can
penetrate, is confined to the interior and the
So/o: = tanh r, £i/a = sinh p/cosh r, surface of the double light-cone with vertex a t
24 = cosh p/cosh r, the origin t = x = 0.
The explicit transformation which leads from
where all variables are now real. the coordinate system II to II' is easily obtained
The equation of motion of a fundamental in terms of the variables X, F. As we saw in
particle is p = constant, or, the first section, the transformation, in the
t2-x2 + (4:a/v)x-4a2 = 0, y = tanh p. (2.55) z space, is

It should be noted that the parameter v is now (so, 2i, (xzA)—->( — az±, Zu Zo). (2.61)
limited to the interval —1 to 1. The world-lines The minus sign has to be introduced in order
(2.55) are rectangular hyperbolas meeting the that the sense of time be preserved. Using (2.51),
t axis in the two fixed points t= =k2a. we obtain, by a short calculation,
In contrast to the previous case, the only con-
nectivity of the tx plane in the present case is that (X, Y)-+«X-1)/(X+1),
of a projective plane. All finite points represent (F-1)/(F+1)). (2.62)
distinct events and no two are identified.
Rather than continue the examination of this If this transformation is applied to the equation
cosmological model in the c.c.s. II we shall find of motion (2.55), the equation of motion (2.6)
it more convenient now to introduce the c.c.s. results. Thus the parameter v is actually the
ir. same in both (2.55) and (2.6). It might be

noted that (2.62) transforms the time interval d of the complete group G, such that Gi moves
{ — 2a, 2a) in Case II into the interval (0, <*>) of
a plane through the / axis into itself. The trans-
the / axis in II'. formations of Gi may be combined with suitable
Case III—K — 0.—It follows from the trans- spatial rotations to yield the required three-
formation (1.42) that the equation of motion of parameter group G. The invariant plane of Gi,
fundamental particles is the tx plane, say, determines a preferred spatial
direction. Thus it is convenient .to introduce
x — constant. (2.7) cylindrical spatial coordinates (x, p, <p) in which
The fundamental particles are at rest, as shown the line element (1.1) becomes
in Fig. 3. ds2 = y(t, r)(dt2-dx2-dp2-p2d<p2)',
Case III'.—Subjecting equation (2.7) to the (A2)
inversion (1.61), we obtain the equation of r2 = x2+p2.
As we are not interested in spatial rotations, we
t2-x2-x/v = 0, (2.8) may at the outset assume
where v is a constant. Thus the motion of funda- v = v, ^ = 0. (A21)
mental particles is along rectangular hyperbolas,
all touching the t axis at the origin. The equations of Killing are now, for i = j ,
The results of this section are summarized in y,t^+y,r^x/r+y,r^p/r+2y^t = 0y
Table II. ' t x p x
y,t% +y,r£ x/r+y,rZ p/r+2y£ ,z = 0,
y.t¥+y,rS*x/r+ytrZ'p/r+2yZ'.p = 0t
In this section the theory of continuous groups
will be applied to the problem of finding all y,ttt+y,r£xx/r+yApp/r+2y^/p = 01
functions y(t, r) in the line element (1.1) which and for i^jy
satisfy the postulate of homogeneity. This prin-
ciple states that the space with the metric form
(1.1) admits a continuous group G of motions
which do not move the t axis into itself. The
contravariant components £* of the infinitesimal The last three equations of (A23) show that all
motion, which generates the group, satisfy the £* are independent of <p. From the Eqs. (A22),
equations of Killing10 we have
*S=**.*=*'.P={ p /p. (A24)
?gith+g*?. j+g*?. i = 0, (Al)
We shall now proceed as follows: The first
where the comma denotes partial differentiation;
three equations of (A23) and Eqs. (A24) will be
thus gij,k = dgij/dxk, etc.
solved and the functions £* obtained. Substi-
After solving Killing's equations for the £*,
tuting in any of the Eqs. (A22) we next obtain
the finite transformations of a one-parameter
a differential equation for y. This equation will
group are obtained by integrating the system of
be solved under different assumptions which
differential equations11
exhaust all possibilities. Finally, substituting for
l 3
dx /dp=^{x\ x\ x\ x ), (All) (•* in Eqs. (All), the finite transformations of the
group G\ may be obtained. However, as the
with the initial conditions xi — xi when p = 0\ main purpose of this appendix is to determine all
p is the parameter of the group. admissible functions 7, this last step will not be
It follows from the isotropy of the space that discussed in detail and only the results will be
it is sufficient to find a one-parameter subgroup given.
10 From the last of the relations (A24), we have
L. P. Eisenhart, Riemannian Geometry (Princeton
University Press, Princeton, 1926), Eq. (70.1).
Reference 10, Eq. (66.3).

But, by (A24) and (A23), transformations of the group G\ are obtained by

solving the system of equations

Thus £ ^ = 0 and, similarly, £p,xs = 0. Therefore di/dp = x(2bt+e), (A31)

/,«=/ i **= s 0 and 2 2 2
dx/dp = b(i +z -p )+ei+gy (A32)
£' = p(a**+26#+2rf+d) f dp/dp = 2bxpt (A33)
where a, 5, c, d, are constants. From this and with the initial conditions (i} x, p) = (t, x, p)
(A23), (A24), we have when p — 0.
£ttt=£pp We now have the following mutually exclusive
= axt+2bx+2d+d,
¥,P = £ ,t = axp+2cp. 1. b = e = &, g^O.—Then Y,r = 0; thus
Therefore 7 = 7(0- (A4)
2 2 2 2
^ = J^(/ +p )+c(^ +p )+2to+^+F(x), This is the universe III, Table I. Solving (A31)
and, similarly, to (A33), we immediately find that the trans-
formations of the group G\ are translations along
£x = %at(x2-p2)+b(x2-p2) + 2ctx+dx+<S>(t). the x axis.
But £%=£*,, by (A23), and thus 2. & = 0, e^O.—Making a suitable choice of
the temporal origin, we replace t+g/e by t. Then
Mt2+P2)+2bt+F\x) = Mx2-P2)+2cx+$'(t). (A3) simplifies to
Hence a = 0, F=cx2+ex+f, $ = bt2-\-et+g, e, /, g, r7,*+*7,r = 0.
being constants. Finally, we obtain Thus
yssy(P-r*)u (A5)
£t = c(t2+x2+p2)+2btx+dt+ex+ff (A25)
^ = 6(/2+x2_p2)+2^+^+^+gf This is the universe II', Table I. The finite
transformations of G\ are easily obtained and
&> = p(2bx+2ct+d). (A27) seen to be Lorentz transformations in the
variables t and x.
Substituting in any of the Eqs. (A22), we have, 3. Z>^0, g/b-e2/4b2?*0— Changing the tem-
on multiplication by r, poral origin, we replace t+e/2b by t and also
ry,t(a2+cr2+dt+f)+r2y>r(2a+d) write K/4 for {g/b-e2/±b2)~\ Then (A3) becomes
+2ry(2ct+d)= -x{ry,t(2bt+e) 2trytt+y,r(t2+r2+4t/K)+4ry = 0. (A61)
2 2
+y,r(bt +br +et+g)+4bry}. (A28) Introducing
As 7 is a function of / and r only, we have the = */(l-(/*-r2)j?:/4) f
alternative c = d=f=0 or & = e = g = 0.'The latter
possibility does not lead to suitable transforma- and putting
tions: Using (All), a short calculation yields the y=f(t,v)v2/t2,
explicit form of the finite transformations and it
is seen that r — 0 implies f = 0, i.e., the t axis is a short computation shows that (A61) simplifies
moved into itself. We therefore put c = d=f=0 tof,t = 0. Therefore f=f(v), and we have
and have 7=(l~(/2_r2)jK:/4)-2
2 2
ry,t(2bt+e)+y,r(bt +br +et+g) Xf(t/(l-(t2-r2)K/A)). (A6)
+4bry = 0. (A3)
This is the universe I or II, Table I, according
This is the differential equation for y. The as K>0 or K<0. The transformations which

TABLE III. Line elements and motion.

Type Equation of motion Type of motion

I 4 (l-a)-«/(*/(l-a)) t -r2-(2/v)r+\=0
II -4 (l+a)-*/W(l+a)) t2-r2+(2/v)r-l=0
II' y(a) r — vt Converging-diverging
III 0 7(0 r — constant Rest
III' (\/a*)f{-t/a) t2-r2-(l/v)r =0

leave the form (A6) invariant are we obtain /, t = 0. Thus f=f(v), and
x±(Z 2 --p 2 )* = 2i£-*tan { t a n " 1 ^ y=(t*-r*)-*f(-t/(t*-r*)). (A7)
2 2
X(^±(^ -p )") + 2 X - ^ } , (A62)
This is the universe III', Table I. The finite
p/t = p/t. transformations which leave the line element
(A7) invariant can be shown to be
4. b T^O, g/b-e2/4b2 = 0 —This is the last pos-
sibility and concludes our examination of spaces x±(i2- p2)$=(xMt2~ P2)h-bp)~\
which admit a group G o f motions. From Eq. (A72)
(A61), we now have p/'t=p/t.

2rty)t+y,r(t2+r2)+4ry = 0. (A71) In each of the cases examined here the trans-

Putting formations of the group G can easily be shown
v=-t/(t2-r2), y=f(t,v)v2/t2, to agree with those discussed in Section 1.

II. Special Problems and Applications

3. INTRODUCTION We introduce two changes of notation. The

We give here a short summary of the main equations of motion of fundamental particles,
results of Part I12 of this paper before proceeding which move radially, will be written in terms of
to applications. / and r; it will be understood that they are to be
In Part I, the metric forms and the associated supplemented by the equations 0, <p = constant.
motion of fundamental particles (nebulae), Next, in cases I and II, we change the coordinate
suitable for the kinematical description of our unit, measuring / and r in terms of the natural
universe at large, are examined on the basis of cosmological unit 2a. This is achieved by the
three postulates, namely, the constancy of the coordinate transformation
velocity of light, spatial isotropy, and homo-
geneity. The permissible line elements are of the x{/2a-*x\ (3.2)
The coordinates, being measured in natural units,
ds2 = y(t, r)(dt2-dx2-dy2-dz2) now have no physical dimensions. This intro-
(3.1) duces a considerable simplification in most
= y(t, r)r\ijdxidx\ r2 = x2+y2+z2.
formulas. Table III is a summary of the main
The function y is restricted by the homogeneity results of Sections 1 and 2.
requirement, and three distinct types of cos- In Table III, v is a parameter characterizing
mological models are obtained. The permissible the individual fundamental particle, and
functions y and the radial equations of motion
of fundamental particles are listed in Tables I a — t2 — r2 (3.3)
and II.
In universes of type I, the points
The numbering of sections, equations, and footnotes
is carried over from Part I. References to Eqs. (0.1)-(2.8)
and to footnotes 1-11 are to those of Part I. (t,r) = (-t/a,r/a) (3.4)

are identified by virtue of the elliptic con- The cosmological line element (3.1), in spatial
nectivity. polar coordinates, is
The forms II' are obtained from II by the
ds2 = y(t, r){dt2-dr2-r2dB2-r2 sin2 6d<p2), (4.3)
coordinate transformation
where all permissible functions y are listed in
(X, F ) ^ ( ( X - 1 ) / ( X + 1 ) , ( F - 1 ) / ( F + 1 ) ) , (3.5)
Table III. It will be shown that the line elements
where (4.2) and (4.3) are equivalent and that they can
X = t+r, Y=t-r. (3.6) be obtained from each other by a coordinate
The forms III' are obtained from III by the transformation.
inversion We introduce the variables:
(/, r ) - » ( - * / a , r/a). (3.7) X=(t+r), Y=(t-r)y (4.31)
Using spherical spatial coordinates (r, 0, <p), the * = *(r+p), * = i ( r - p ) . (4.32)
transformation equations (3.5) and (3.7) must
be supplemented by It may be noted that X, F, and, as will be seen
shortly, £, rj, r, p, are essentially the same quan-
(0, <p)->(6, <p). (3.8) tities as were introduced in Section 2 (where
4. THE COSMOLOGICAL AND THE ROBERTSON y and z were both zero and therefore x appeared
Case I—K = 4.—In terms of the variables X
The coordinate system by which cosmological and F, we have, by (4.3) and Table III,
models have usually been described in the past
is, in its general form, due to H. P. Robertson. 13 2_ / l X+Y\ lj /X+F\21
An a priori separation of space-time into space
\2 1-XY) 41 \ \ - X Y ) J
and time is ensured by writing the line element
in the form UXdY-(X- Y)2(d62+sm2 dd<p2)
ds2 = dT'2-Ri2da\ (4.1) (1+X2)(1+F2) '
where da is the positive definite metric of a The transformation to the Robertson coordinate
3-space. The assumptions of isotropy and system is
homogeneity of space impose two restrictions: X = tan J, Y= tan rj. (4.4)
Ri — RI(T') is a function of time only, and da2 is
the differential form of a 3-space of constant We immediately obtain
curvature k = l, —1, or 0. ds2 = f(± tan (£+*)) • \ sec2 (£+*?)
• { 4 ^ 7 7 - s i n 2 (£-r7)(d0 2 +sin 2 dd?2)),
T=fdT'/R1(r'), R(r)^R1(r ). (4.11)
which, by (4.32), assumes the form (4.2-4.21),
Then the line element (4.1) assumes the form
R2(r) = I sec2 r/(J tan r), and k = 1. (4.41)
ds2 = R2(r)(dr2-d(T2)1 (4.2)
From this last relation we note that not all
where, with suitable spatial coordinates, we may
Robertson universes, with k = l, can actually be
brought into the cosmological form I. Only if the
d<r2 = dP2+sin2 P(dd2+sm2 dd<p2), function R(T) is periodic and of period ir is this
if * = 1, (4.21) possible. This can also be seen, and perhaps
2 2 2 2
da = dp +sinh p(d6 +sm 6d<p ),2 2 better, from the transformations (4.4). An in-
crease of T in r changes, by (4.32), both J and rj
ifjfe=-l, (4.22) by an amount §7r. The effect of this is to trans-
da2 = dp2+p2(dd2+sin2 6d<p2), if k = 0. (4.23) form X} Finto -1/X, - 1 / F ; and events (X, Y)
13 and (—1/X, —1/F) are identified in the elliptic
H. P. Robertson "On the Foundations of Relativistic
Cosmology," Proc, Nat. Acad. Sci. 15, 822-829 (1929). connectivity, given by Eq. (3.4).

T h u s the forms (4.2-4.21) seem to include a W e have shown t h a t there is no essential

more extensive class of cosmological models t h a n metrical difference between Robertson's uni-
t h e corresponding forms I, T a b l e I I I . W e shall verses and ours. However, there is an essential
show, however, t h a t this limitation is not very topological difference. Suppressing 6 and <p, we
serious. have in the Robertson case universes represented
First, the physical significance of the r-interval by a (r, p) plane in which t h e events (r, p)
7r will be examined. If (4.21) is interpreted as the and (r, P+T) are identified; i.e., the universes
line element of an elliptic 3-space, the finite length are topologically equivalent t o a cylinder, whose
of a straight line is v, the linear unit being, as r dimension goes to infinity. T h e topology of
usually in elliptic geometry, the radius of cur- t h e universe / is different; t h e events (r, p)
v a t u r e 1/k. E q u a t i o n s (4.2-4.21) show t h a t the and (r+7r, p) m u s t also be identified, because
coordinate velocity of light rays traveling in the c.c.s. t h e y are connected b y t h e inver-
radially is 1. T h u s the interval T on the r scale sion (3.4). T h u s we now have the topology,
is, physically, the time interval in which light not of a cylinder, b u t of a torus. Even in t h e case
circumnavigates the universe and returns to the of a "spherical u n i v e r s e / ' t h e topology remains
fundamental particle which emitted it. T h i s is, t h a t of a torus as the event (r, p) m u s t now be
obviously, a considerable time interval and so, identified with (r, p+27r) and with (r+27r, p).
even in a case where R(T) is not periodic, a large T h o u g h the topological difference between Rob-
portion of the Robertson universe can always be ertson's universes and ours does n o t reveal itself
represented b y our model I. in the problems considered in this paper, it will
Next, it should be noted t h a t the periodicity become decisive in the t r e a t m e n t of Maxwell's
of R(T) does not necessarily imply the periodicity *and Dirac's equations on a cosmological back-
of JRI(T'). In fact, in some i m p o r t a n t special ground.
models the infinite proper interval (•—«>, °°) on Case II—K = — 4.—The transformation to the
the r ' scale transforms into a finite interval T on Robertson coordinate system is obtained from
the r-scale, in which case the universe of t y p e I (4.4) by replacing X, Y, £, v, by iX, iYy i£, irj:
is non-periodic in its physical behavior (see dis-
cussion in Section 2). X = tanh £, F = t a n h r\. (4.5)
T o illustrate this, we examine the De Sitter-
Corresponding to (4.41), we now have
Lanczos universe, 1 4 where k = l, and
Ri2(r') = l cosh 2 2 ( T ' - T 0 ' ) , (4.42) ^ 2 ( r ) = i s e c h 2 r - / ( i tanh r),
ror being a constant. RI(T') is not periodic. W e •*=-l. (4.51)
T h e r e are in this case no limitations on the
/ / function R{j).
r = 2 f sech2(r'-To )dT
Case IF.—The line element is, b y (4.3) and
= 2 t a n " 1 e 2(T, ~ ro,) - \TC. (4.43.) Table I I I ,
T h e interval — oo < / < oo corresponds to --ibr
ds2 = y(XY)-XY
<T<%W and, by (4.4), to -\<t<\. A short
calculation yields dXdY-(±(X- F ) ) 2 ( d 0 2 + s i n 2 6d<p2)
£2(r)=isec2T. (4.44) XY
t h e r e f o r e , b y (4.41), / = 1 , and, by I, T a b l e I I I ,
T h e transformation to the Robertson coordinate
the De Sittef-Lanczos line element has the form
system 1 5 is
ds2 = (l-a)~2r}ijdxidxJ' (4.45)
X = e2*y Y=e2\ (4.6)
in the c.c.s.
This transformation has been obtained by A. G.
H. P. Robertson, u Relativistic Cosmology," Rev. Walker, "On the Formal Comparison of Milne's Kine-
Mod. Phys. 5, 62-90 (1933), Eq. (6.6), where we put c= 1, matical System with the Systems of General Relativity,"
M. N. R. A. S. 95, 263-269 (1935).

We immediately obtain Case I I ' : (t, r)—>(W, kr), (4.82)

<fc2 = 7(e «+*>).e*<H-n> Case I I I : (tfr)->(t+t0tr). (4.83)
2 2 2 2
•{4<^-sinh (£-rj)(dS +sin dd(p )},
These transformations change the cosmological
which, by (4.32), assumes the form (4.2-4.22), line elements into others which are formally
where different but of the same type; the equations of
motion of fundamental particles are preserved,
i?2(T)=e2TY(e2r), a n d k=~l. (4.61) and, in particular, the t axis is moved into itself.
Comparing (4.5) and (4.6), we easily regain the The event (t0, 0) is transformed into (0, 0), (1, 0),
transformation formula (3.5) leading from Case (0, 0), respectively. Thus, by a suitable choice of
II to Case II'. the line element and the function yf any event
Case Illy III'—K — 0.—The cosmological line on the t axis may be made to coincide with the
element III is of the form (4.2-4.23) and no natural origin (0, 0), in Cases I and III, and
transformation is required. For the sake of com- with (1, 0) in Case II'. This different behavior of
pleteness, we may write models of type II' is due to the fact that the
motion of fundamental particles has a singularity
X = 2$, F = 2 „ , (4.7) at / = 0 (when the universe shrinks to a point).
and The magnification (4.82) may also be applied
j R2( r ) ==7 ( T ) f £ = 0. (4.71)
to a model of type III. The event (/0, 0) is
In Case III', the transformation is the inversion transformed into (1, 0), if £o^0.,
(3.7) and need not be discussed further.
It has been shown that our cosmological 5. SOME SPECIAL UNIVERSES
models are the same as those considered by In this section some special cosmological
Robertson and his predecessors. However, the models will be examined and the line element
mathematical picture as well as the physical obtained in a c.cs.
emphasis differ considerably in the two repre- Universes of Type I.—The line elements of
sentations. The universes which, in Robertson's these universes are of the form
coordinates, are of type k = l, —1, 0, are, in a
c.cs., of type I, I I ' (or II), III (or III'), re- ds2=(l -a^fit/it-a^rjijdxidx3', (5.1)
spectively. In the Robertson coordinate system
the fundamental particles are at rest; in a c.cs. and the motion of fundamental particles is, in
their motion is, in the three cases, the oscillating general, the oscillating motion. As was seen in
motion, the converging-diverging motion, and Section 2, some of the universes I are, physically,
rest, respectively. In Robertson's coordinates the not of a periodic nature. In such cases the funda-
velocity of light is a function of position and mental particles only approach and then recede
direction; in a c.cs. it is constant. from a fundamental observer within his infinite
The form of the cosmological line element (4.2) proper life.
in the Robertson coordinate system suggests the The simplest model, in our representation, is
following consideration. The temporal translation the non-periodic De Sitter-Lanczos universe, which
we denote by Si. Its line element is
r+To (4.8)
ds2= (I -a^rjijdx^xK (5.11)
changes the function R(T), and therefore also
the line element (4.2), but preserves the type of The line element of Einstein's cylindrical
the universe, which is determined by da2. The universe E is usually obtained in the Robertson
translation (4.8) induces the following trans- coordinate system:
formations in the cosmological coordinates:
ds2 = dr'2-d(T2f (5.12)
Case I: (X, Y)-*((X+to)/(l-toX),
where da2 is the metric (4.21) of a 3-space of
(Y+to)/(l-t0Y))9 (4.81) constant curvature k — 1. By (4.1) and (4.11),

TABLE IV. Special cosmological models.

Case * Universe T Type Transformation of line elements

(a) 2
(1-tf)- (a), (*)-(&), («), (n), (e),
i£ = 4 Oscillating s, 2
(* = 1) (b) 1/4/
E (c) 4{(l-a)2+4/2}-1
by transformation
(d) 1 II'

(e) . 1/a2 TT r
(X, K ) - K ( l + X ) / ( 1 - X ) ,
JC=-4 Converging- Mi d+F)/(i-y)).
(*«-l) diverging (/) 4(l+a-20
(g) 4(l-f-a+2/)- 2 (<Z), (J)-(«), («),
(*) (1-a)"2 II' (2>*(r),
1/4*2 by inversion
0") 1/a (t,r)-+(-t/a,r/a).
Mi 2 2 1
(*) 4{(l+a) -4/ }-

(I) 1
M, (a), (h)->(P),
(m) 1/a2 TTT/

i£ = 0 Rest by temporal translation

(*-0) (*) 1/4*2
S» 1/4/2 nr
(l/a2)(l+2//a)"2 nr (g)-Kw),
(2) V by temporal translation
(0 fl/a* iir *-^-l.

* Motion of fundamental particles.

we have RI2(T')=R2(T) = 1, and Eq. (4.41) then and, on integration,

yields i? = 2 / ( 3 c o t h 2 ^ - l ) . (5.14)
Thus the Einstein universe has the cosmological Thus R is not a periodic function of r and we
line element can, at best, represent only a portion of the
Lemaitre universe in a c.c.s.
ds2 = 4{(l-a)2+4:t2}~1r)iJdxidxK (5.13)
Universes of Type II, IV.—The line elements
We see that in the c.c.s. the Einstein universe of these universes are preferably taken in the
does not have a simple line element, and that it form II 7 :
seems more artificial than the De Sitter model. ds2 = y(a)y]ijdxidxj'. (5.2)
Finally, we examine very briefly Lemaitre's
The fundamental particles move with constant
universe. The Lemaitre line element in the
coordinate velocities and they all meet in a
Robertson coordinate system16 is of the type
point at time t = 0. We have described this motion
k = l, and the function Ri(r') is defined by
as converging-diverging.
ar / = (32? 1 )W2? 1 /(U 1 +2)*(i?i-l). The transition from the form II' to II is
achieved by the inverse of the transformation
Since dr'^Ridr, by (4.11), and i?i(r') =i?(r),
we immediately have
dr = 3*dR/(R2+2R)KR-l), (X, F ) - ( ( l + * ) / ( l - •x),
Reference 14, Eq. (8.2), where we put Re—\, (i+iO/(i- Y)). (5.21)

The simplest model of Type II' is the Minkow- besides being of type II 7 , is also of type III.
ski universe (y(a) = 1) which we denote by M2. Thus, among the models III, we have a Minkow-
Its metric is given by the pseudo-Euclidean line ski universe Ms with line element
ds2=7)ijdxidxJ'. (5.22) ds2 — r\ijdxidxj. (5.31)

The De Sitter line element (5.11), besides The De Sitter line element (5.24) is immedi-
being of type I, is also quite obviously of type ately seen to be a special case of the forms (5.3).
II'. Thus among the models II' we have a Thus we have a third De Sitter universe o 3 of
De Sitter universe, which we denote by S2y and type III and with line element
whose line element is ds2={\/tt2)rHjdxidxK (5.32)
ds2=(l-a)-2r}ijdxidxK (5.23) S3 is sometimes referred to as the "stationary"
Subjecting this form to the transformation (5.21), De Sitter universe.19
we obtain the line element of S2 in the form I I : The Einstein-De Sitter universe ES has, in the
Robertson coordinate system,20 a line element of
ds2=(l/4t2)rjijdxidxK (5.24) type k = 0, where
This is also a special case of the forms (5.1) of R^QT')*. (5.33)
type I, where f(x) = l/4x 2 . Thus (5.24) is an
Using (4.11), a short calculation yields the line
alternative line element of the universe Si.17
element in the c.c.s. I l l :
Finally, we mention a model which we call
Milne's universe and denote by Mi. Its line ds2 = tSijdxldxj. (5.34)
element is
ds2={\/a)y]ijdxidxj. (5.25) This cosmological model has also been proposed
by Dirac.21
In this universe, the motion of free particles It must be emphasized that the two Minkowski
along any geodesic is identical with the motion universes M2 and Ms are quite distinct cos-
of particles in Milne's "kinematical relativity" mological models and differ in their physical
under the influence of the ' 'substratum" 18 ; in behavior; e.g., M2 exhibits a nebular red shift,
particular, the fundamental particles, which form M3 does not. M2 and Ms are characterized by
Milne's substratum, behave like those in all our the same line element (5.22) but by different
models II'. We may add that in Robertson's motions of fundamental particles, i.e., the con-
coordinates Milne's universe has a form analogous verging-diverging motion and rest, respectively.
to Einstein's universe; its line element is (5.12) A corresponding statement holds for the three
but do-2 is now the metric (4,22) of a 3-space of De Sitter universes Si, S2, Ss, which may be
constant curvature k — — 1. described by the same metric form (5.24) and by
Universes of Type III, III'.—It is convenient the three different types of motion of funda-
to use the c.c.s. I l l : mental particles.
We conclude this section with a short examina-
ds2 = y(t)r)ijdxidxJ\ (5.3) tion of stationary universes22 We may define this
In these models the fundamental particles are at term as follows: A universe is stationary if its
rest. line element and the equation of motion of its
The pseudo-Euclidean line element (5.22), fundamental particles are invariant in form
under a coordinate transformation which moves
The transformation (5.21) is a special case of (4.81), the / axis into itself and which transforms any
$0=1, and therefore changes any line element of type I into
another of the same type, and also preserves the equation non-singular event on it into any other.
of motion of fundamental particles. A similar statement is
easily verified to hold for the inversion (3.7) applied to a Reference 14, Eq. (6.1).
line element of type I I ' . Reference 14, Eq. (8.8), where we put /c£ = 12.
18 21
C. Gilbert, "On the Occurrence of Milne's Systems of P. A. M. Dirac, "A New Basis for Cosmology/' Proc.
Particles in General Relativity," Quart. J. Math. 9, 187, Roy. Soc. A165, 199-208 (1938), Eq. (6).
Eq. (9) (1938). See also reference 15. Reference 13, p. 824, assumption II'.

It is easily verified that the line elements of the is completely justified by the fact that Maxwell's
universes E, Mi, Mz, are invariant in form under equations have in all cosmological spaces the
the transformations (4.81), (4.82), (4.83), re- same form as in Minkowski space and that
spectively, and are therefore stationary. The line therefore light is propagated exactly as in flat
element of the universe £3 is invariant under space. Appeal is also made to a fundamental
(4.82), which, however, preserves the origin principle of relativity which states that the
(0, 0). But this line element is singular at £ = 0, proper period of vibration (i.e., the period
and thus the definition of stationary cosmologies measured in proper time ds) of an atom emitting
applies to S%. a sharp spectral line is constant, whatever the
The different cosmological forms of the special motion or position of the atom. Consider an
models examined in this section are summarized atom, moving with a fundamental particle
in Table IV. P=(t,r) of radial velocity V, emitting a light
signal at time t and again, after one complete
vibration, at time t+dt. The two light signals
The displacement towards the red of the reach the observer 0 at the spatial origin at
spectral lines of nebulae, which is roughly pro- times to^t+r and to+dt0, respectively, where
portional to their distance from us, is now a well dto = dt(l+ V). This is immediately seen from the
established astronomical phenomenon.8 One of fact that the second light signal is emitted from
the chief advantages of many relativistic models the event (/+dt, r+ Vdt) and reaches 0 at
of our universe is that this nebular red shift time t-\-r+dt(l+V). Remembering the form of
emerges as a natural consequence of their struc- the cosmological line element (3.1), we find that
ture. In this section expressions for the red shift the proper period of vibration of the atom (which
will be obtained in terms of the coordinates of equals the proper wave-length X, since the
the fundamental particles under observation. No velocity of light is 1) is given by
comparison with observational data will be
attempted as the coordinates xl are not immedi- ds = \ = yKt,r)(l-V2)*dt.
ately interpretable in terms of physical time and The proper period of vibration as observed by 0
distance as estimated by the astronomer. Such or
is dso = yo^dt0, >
a comparison involves an examination of the
apparent magnitudes and luminosities of nebulae d$o = Xo = 7o*(l+V)d/, 7o = 7(*o,0).
in the model; the problem is not difficult but is
outside the scope of this report. However, in Thus the ratio of observed to proper wave-length
most cosmological models where the red shift is
not altogether absent (as it is in the Einstein XoA=(Yo/7)*((l+n/(l-W (6.1)
universe) the first-order red shift effect is linear, This expression for the red shift may be ana-
and agreement with observation can be achieved lysed into two independent components, the
by a suitable choice of some of the constants of Doppler effect which contributes the factor
the model, such as 2a (the cosmological unit) or ((1+V)/(1-V))K and the gravitational effect
the present time t0 (which may, for practical which contributes the factor (YO/Y)*-
purposes, be treated as a constant). Thus the red An explicit formula for the red shift will now
shift phenomenon, at least to the first order, js be obtained in each of the three types of universes
not a very effective criterion for narrowing down and the result expressed in terms of the time £0
the large number of possible cosmological models. of observation and the distance r of the funda-
Most restrictions on the models, which are mental particle P, determined at the time t
suitable for describing our universe at large, are when the observed radiation left P.
obtained from the red shift effects of higher Case /.—The velocity V of a fundamental
order and from dynamical considerations which particle is obtained by differentiating the equa-
are outside the domain of pure kinematics. tion of motion, given in Table III.
We base the derivation of the red shift formula
on a practical, corpuscular theory of light. This V=2tr/(t2+r2+l). (6.2)

TABLE V. First-order red shift effects.

Universe Type AX/X to first order Remarks

Si (a) d-a)-» (4; 0 /(l+*o 2 ))f -l</o<0:v.s.*

0<to<l :r.s.
E (fi) I 4{(l-a)2+4*2)-1 0 rigorously
M2 (d) II' 1 dAo)f /o<0 : v.s. / o > 0 : r.s.
/ 0 < - l , 0 < * 0 < 1 :r.s.
(h) II' (l-a)"2
- K / o < 0 , *o>l : v . s .
Mi (j) IV \/a 0 rigorously
Mz (I) III 1 0 rigorously
Sz (») III 1/4/2 -2(\to\/t0)f / o < 0 : r . s . ; * 0 >0 : v.s.
ES (q) III (2//o3)f *o<0 :v.s.; / 0 > 0 : r.s.

* r.s. is red shift; v.s. is violet shift.

Replacing / by t0—r, we have It is interesting to note that Milne's universe Mi,

for which 7 = 1/a, exhibits no red shift.
V=2r(to-r)/((t0-ry+r*+l). (6.21)
Case III.—The fundamental particles in these
Thus the Doppler effect is given by the expression models are at rest and hence the red shift is
completely due to the gravitational effect.
((l+TO/tt-JO)* Remembering that y = y(t), we have
= ((l+/o 2 )/(l + (/o-2f) 2 ))*. (6.22)
Xo/X = (7(*o)/7(*o-r))*. (6.5)
Before considering the complete red shift in
the general case, it is convenient to examine the The only universe of this type without red shift
special case of the Einstein universe E, whose is the Minkowski universe M 3 .
line element is given by (5.13). Remembering We proceed to obtain formulas for the first-
that 7 = y (t, r) — y (to — r,r), we have order red shift effect in the special cosmological

models listed in Table IV. The red shift will be
* /(l-(t0-ry-r*y+4(to-ry given by the usual expression
V , (6.23)
(l-<o 2 ) 2 +4/ 0 2 (6.6)
AX/X=(X 0 -X)/X.
which, after simplification, reduces to the
reciprocal of (6.22). Thus X0/X = 1 in the Einstein It will be expressed in terms of the time to of
universe and there is no red shift. observation and a new distance coordinate f,
The Doppler effect is the same for all universes defined by
of Type I. Writing y = F-yE, where yEVijdx^x3 f = |7o*k, 7o = 7(^o, 0). (6.61)
is the line element of the Einstein universe, we
see, from (6.1), and from the fact that (7^0/7^)* From the line element (4.3) we note that f is the
just cancels the Doppler effect, that proper distance at time t0 and in the immediate
Xo /gy_/ wa-w y 2 2
neighborhood of the spatial origin. Neglecting
second-order corrections, f is actually the dis-
X \F/ \F((to-r)/(l-to
F«torr)/(\-to +2t0r)),+2Ur))/ tance estimated by the astronomer, who always
assumes the rectilinear propagation of light with
In terms of the function / , introduced in Section constant velocity.
1, F is defined by With the formulas (6.3)-(6.5), (6.61), and the
F(x) = ti+x*)f(x), (6.31) functions 7 of Table IV, the calculations are
as is easily verified by Eqs. (5.1) and (5.13). quite straightforward. Therefore no computa-
Case IF.—The fundamental particles now tional details need be given and the first-order
move with constant velocity V—r/t and 7 = 7(a). red shift effects are collected in Table V.
Thus V=r/(t0 — r), and Eq. (6.1) becomes Finally, it is of interest to note that the three
models E, Mi, Ms, are the only universes with
Xo/X = (/o7(^o 2 )/(/o-2r)7(/o 2 -2^))». (6.4) no red shift.

7. THE PHYSICAL CONTENT OF THE We know that in the coordinate systems of

COSMOLOGICAL COORDINATES (7.1) and (7.2) the fundamental particles are at
Suppose a physical cosmological model be rest. Moreover, the velocity of radial light signals
given which is of the kind considered in this is 1; this is an important property which these
report. In this concluding section we deal with coordinate systems share with the c.c.s.
the problem of finding the line element of the We shall now proceed in the following order:
model and of determining the coordinates of any 1. A f-clock is constructed which measures
event in it. This is achieved by means of idealized f-time at 0; it is used to obtain the coordinates
experiments. They give a clear indication of the (f, p) of any event. 2. The type of the universe
physical content of our time and distance coor- and the constant a are determined. 3. The line
dinates which so far were only convenient mathe- element is obtained. 4. The transition to a c.c.s.
matical constructs. is examined.
We choose a fundamental particle (arbitrarily) 1. The observer 0 sends a light signal to a
and associate with it a coincident fundamental fundamental particle P in his immediate neigh-
observer 0. Without loss of generality, we may borhood. P reflects the light ray back to 0 who
assume the particle to be at the spatial origin. returns it to P , and this procedure is repeated
The observer 0 is to be equipped with a theo- indefinitely. The fundamental observer 0 counts
dolite and with apparatus for sending and the number of times the light-pulse has reached
receiving light signals. Also he is to carry a him and this number serves as a measure of time,
mechanical or atomic clock whose vibrations, ac- f time. This is immediately seen from the fact
cording to the fundamental principles of rela- that, in the coordinates of (7.2), all fundamental
tivity, measure proper time ds. particles are at rest and that the radial velocity
For the purposes of this section, the most con- of light is constant.
venient coordinate system is that introduced in Since, in the general line element (7.2), there
Section 4, Eq. (4.2). The line element is is no preferred point on the temporal axis, 0 may,
without loss of generality, denote the initial
ds2 = R2(r){dr2-dp2 moment at which he starts his light ray experi-
-S2(p)(dd2+sm2ddcp2)}, (7.1) ment by f = 0. In accordance with (7.21),
0 normalizes the f-time measure jto agree initially
where S(p) is sin p, sinh p, or p, according as the with the proper time of his atomic clock; i.e.,
model is of type I, IT, or III. From (7.1) simple
transformations lead to the form of the line ds = df, when f = 0. (7.22)
element in Robertson's coordinate system [Eq.
(4.11)] or in a c.c.s. [Eqs. (4.4), (4.6), (4.7), in The mechanism just described will be called a
cases I, II', III, respectively]. f-clock.
Introducing new variables In order to obtain the coordinates (f, p, 0, <p)
of an event E, the observer 0 sends, at time fi,
(f, p) = (aT, ap), (7.11) a light signal to E which is reflected by E and
where a is a constant, the line element (7.1) returns to 0 at time T^. The direction of the
becomes light ray, measured by O's theodolite, immedi-
ately yields the polar coordinates 0 and <p.
ds2 = <t>2(f){df2-dp2 Since the light signal travels radially with unit
-a2S2(p/ot)(d62+sm2 dd<p2)}, (7.2) velocity, the coordinates f, p of E are given by

where <t>(f) = (l/a)R(f/a). In (7.1), r, p are r = i(r2+fi), P = i ( f , - f , ) . (7-3)

dimensionless numbers; R has the dimensions of
ds. In (7.2), <j> is dimensionless; f, p have the 2. The observer 0 selects two fundamental
dimensions of ds. By a suitable choice of a, we particles Pi and Pi close together and at equal
can always ensure that distance from him. By the procedure outlined
above, 0 determines the coordinate distance
0(0) = 1. (7.21) OPI = OP2 = P and the small angle PxOP^dB.

agree. 0 can, by prolonged observation, deter-

mine ds/df as a function of f. But, by (7.2),

ds/df = 4>(?). (7.5)

Thus the function <£* and therefore also the line
element, are known.
4. Applying the transformation (7.11) to (7.2),
we regain.the line element (7.1). Regraduating
the coordinate time scale in accordance with
FIG. 4. Arrangement of light signals to determine the type (7.11), 0 obtains a r-clock.
of universe.
From the line element (7.1), the coordinate
transformations (4.4), (4.6), or (4.7), according
0 sends a light signal to P i who reflects it to P2, as the cosmological model is of type I, II', or
who, in turn, sends it back to 0. This arrange- III, lead to the form of the line element in cos-
ment is sketched in Fig. 4. 0 measures the time mological coordinates.
interval Af in which the light ray completes the In a c.c.s. the observer 0 can determine the
circuit OP1P2O. Then the light ray travels the coordinates t, r of an event E by the procedure
distance P1P2 in time outlined above for the coordinates f, p. We have
<if = Af — 2p, t = i(h+h), r = J('2-/i), (7-6)
and 0 can compute the transverse velocity of the notation corresponding to that in Eqs. (7.3).
light pdd/df — Ct. From the line element (7.2) it However, the structure of O's t-clock is different.
follows that From the transformation equations it follows, by
ct=(p/a)/S(p/a). (7.4) putting r = p = 0, that the 2-clock is characterized
by the following equations
S(x) is sin x, sinh *v, X) 111 Cases 1,11', III, re-
spectively, and x / s i n x > l , x / s i n h x < l , x/x—1. Case I : t = tan Jr, (7.61)
Thus we have the following criterion: Case I I ' : t = er, (7.62)
The given cosmological model is of type I,
II', or III, according as ct is greater than, less Case I I I : t = r. (7.63)
than, or equal to 1.
In Cases I and II', the constant a can now be We see that the structure of the /-clock does not
obtained from Eq. (7.4). In Case III, a does not depend on the particular function P , as does the
enter the line element (7.2). r'-clock measuring Robertson's r'-time.
The experiment described above is based on This completes the examination which we
the observation "of transverse effects. These trans- undertook in this section. However, we now have
verse effects also enter such phenomena as the an opportunity to indicate how the trans-
distribution of nebulae in depth and the second- formations leading to a c.c.s., which we merely
order red shift effect, when the estimate of stated in Section 4, can be arrived at by logical
nebular distances is based on the observation of deduction and without guesswork. In Case III,
apparent luminosities. These phenomena may the line element (7.1) is automatically of the
serve as a practical means of determining the cosmological form, and no transformation is
type of the universe and the order of magnitude required. We shall limit ourselves to an examina-
of the constant a. tion of Case II', the treatment of Case I being-
3. As described above, O normalizes his similar.
f-clock so that, initially, its time measure df In the c.c.s. II', the equation of motion of a
coincides with the proper-time measure ds of his fundamental particle P was (in Section 1) shown
atomic clock. After a period of time, however, to be
he finds that his two time measures no longer r = vt. (7.7)

A light signal is, at time th sent by 0 to P who spectively, by (7.8). Thus we obtain the equa-
reflects it, the light signal returning to 0 at time tions of transformation
h. By (7.6) and (7.7), we have
t±r=fie^±^1^. (7.9)
{h-h)/{t2+h)=v. (7.71)
If this transformation is applied to the line
We assume that P is close to 0, i.e., that v is element (7.1), it is seen that the resulting line
small. We denote the short cosmological time element is of the cosmological form only if /J= 1.
element h—h by dt. The constant (t2—h)/(h-\-h)» Thus the constant 13 is determined and (7.9)
or dt/2t, since OP is small, is proportional to a now agrees with (4.6).
constant r-interval dr. Thus Similarly, the transformation leading from the
dr = pdt/t, (7.72) coordinates (f, p) to cosmological coordinates
(i, f), with dimensions, is given by
where /? is a constant. Integrating, we have
i±f = ae^±f)f<x'1 (i±f)/a = t±r; (7.91)
r = piog(t/p), t = Pe*">. (7.8)
if we demand that di — df when f = 0. The con-
The constant of integration has, without loss of stant a which appeared in the line element (7.2)
generality, been chosen such that dr~dt when as the negative radius of curvature of the spatial
r = 0. Regraduating the r-clock in accordance section f = 0, appears now, in the c.c.s., as the
with Eq. (7.8), we obtain a t clock measuring age of the universe on the cosmological time
cosmological time. scale.
By use of the £-cloek the coordinates of an In Case I, parallel considerations show that
event E may be obtained from Eq. (7.6). the transformation equations are
Similarly, the coordinates r, p of E are given by
(«±f)/2a = tan((f±/5)/2a);
Thus 0±f)/2a = /±r.
t2=(t+r)1 r2=(r+p),
(7.81) The radius of curvature a of the spatial section
h=(t-r)t ri = ( r - p ) .
f = 0 appears, in the c.c.s., as one-quarter of the
The times t2, h are connected with r2, rh re- coordinate period of oscillation.

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