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Perinatal Information System By Dr Ricardo Fescina

Well made statistics are and the impossibility to compare the data with
the best instrument to fight those from other health units at national and
international levels. In response to this situation,
newborn mortality1 CLAP/SMR initially developed a 14-page model
Since its inception 40 years ago the Latin of perinatal clinical history with precodified and
American Center for Perinatology/ Women’s open data, which also included three forms for
and Reproductive Health (CLAP/SMR) of the the final synthesis that were called “perinatal
Pan American Health Organization has worked statistic summary”. Every institution submitted
with the countries in the Americas to improve this summary to the control centre where the
perinatal health. information was processed.
Issue 8: March 2010

Photo: WHO/MPS

Seventy professionals celebrated the 25th anniversary of the SIP in 2008


goal One of the first problems identified in By the end of the 70s, this clinical history

of the countries was the lack of uniformity in had been implemented in several maternity

“WHO al
Su data collection when mother and newborn clinics of the region with more difficulties than
Global Survey
on Maternal and
r ve receive health care and, sometimes, the successes. A validation study carried out in the
y absence of relevant information that whole region of the Americas indicated that
Perinatal Health” is to on

create an on-line global M resulted in a deterioration of the the major problem with the implementation
data system with information ate quality of services. Therefore it was linked to the length of the forms and the
on maternal and perinatal health al was necessary to address irrelevance of some data to the quality of care
services, and how they relate to an
maternal and perinatal outcomes. The
d Pe the lack of data for for mothers and newborns. Continues on page 8
application of this system strengthens the rin service planning at
capacities of countries to collect maternal and lH local level
neonatal health information. At the same time the system eal 1 M. Broca quoted by Depaul en Dictionnaire
th encyclopédique des sciences médicales, Vol XIII, p 421, Ed.
allows its users to conduct periodic, targeted, large-scale studies on
Masson, Paris, 1879.
specific topics recognized as priorities in the area of maternal and perinatal
health. The internet-based data system produces real-time information and focuses
on the quality of the services offered to women. In addition it identifies areas for expanding
coverage to under-served populations. The information is immediately available to practitioners and
can be used for planning and implementation purposes.
For more information check the MPS web site at
With financial support from
the EC/ACP/WHO Partnership
Director’s Message
he importance of high quality data, statistics Health data
and disaggregated information for policy
making and planning purposes in countries
is undisputed. Since its creation in 2005, the
‘warehouse’ now open for business
Department of Making Pregnancy Safer has
been active in helping countries improve The 10 years of civil war (1991-2001) destroyed half of all
the collection of quality data and their health facilities and led to the exodus or death of every second
interpretation, and support governments to health professional in Sierra Leone. The health information
use the data and its analysis as basis of their
decision-making processes. In particular the
system collapsed. With the end of the civil war, various health
Dr Q. M. Islam need to monitor countries’ progress towards programmes introduced fragmented specialized monitoring
Millennium Development Goal 5 - aimed at improving maternal and evaluation (M&E) systems. These systems were often
health and achieving universal access to reproductive health (MDG redundant and inconsistent, containing overlaps and gaps. At
5) - reveals the weaknesses of data collection and civil registration district level, data management was entirely paper-based, and
systems in many countries. was the responsibility of poorly trained district M&E officers.
Achieving MDG 5 by 2015 requires a decline in the maternal The fragmented reports received from the health facilities made
mortality ratio of around 5.5% each year. Globally, the maternal it difficult to analyse and use the data in any systematic way.
mortality ratio showed a total fall of 5.4% in the 15 years between At national level, analysis and dissemination of routine health
1990 and 2005, an average reduction of 0.4% each year. However, statistics had long been neglected. The last annual health
in sub-Saharan Africa, where most deaths occur, there was hardly
statistics summary of Sierra Leone was published in the 1990s.
any improvement between 1990 and 2005. Significant progress
was made in eastern and south-eastern Asia, Latin America and the
Caribbean, northern Africa and Oceania. In eastern Asia, where the
To respond to this situation and with the support of Health
largest decline was recorded, the maternal mortality ratio fell by Metrics Network, national authorities and partners came
more than 40% between 1990 and 2005. together to assess the information systems and developed the
With the 2015 target date fast approaching, it is more important
Health Information System (HIS) strategic plan. An integrated
than ever to understand where the goals are on track, and where data system was established in order to address data collection
additional efforts and support are needed, both globally and at the issues including storage, analysis and overall management. In
country level. Reliable statistics and data are key to understanding July 2007 consensus was reached on a set of 25 core health
and addressing the causes of mortality, identifying the most indicators to monitor and evaluate the Reproductive and Child
vulnerable groups and reaching women who lack access to quality Health Programme (RCHP). Most of
health services. these indicators are measured on a
Counting maternal deaths accurately requires a system for
After months monthly basis by each health facility
recording deaths among women of reproductive age and a system of careful work and district using data reported on
for identifying and recording the cause of death. Estimating the
maternal mortality ratio requires in addition a system for counting the initiative has the Maternal Mortality Reduction and
Child Survival (MMRCS) forms. Other
the number of live births. Most countries use surveys of a limited
sample of households to produce maternal mortality statistics and a
began to yield forms from specific diseases programs
quarter of the world’s births take place in countries where complete dividends. were streamlined to avoid duplication
civil registration systems do not exist. and fill information gaps.
At the time when the Perinatal Information System (SIP) was
introduced in the Americas more than 25 years ago, there was
Despite efforts to make computers available and train users,
a blatant lack of data on maternal and newborn health in many many computers were not yet in use due to power shortages,
countries and also a lack of uniformity in data collection. The lack of skilled staff, and training delays. By April 2008, less
development of this information system was a huge step in than 50% of the health facilities in the country were actually
improving the availability of data and programming. Today the using the new system. The stakeholder group that developed
system is used in 34 countries. the HIS strategic plan analysed the shortcomings and listed
To be useful for countries, data need to be gathered, processed and activities to overcome the problems. The Ministry of Health and
used in a timely fashion, and presented in a user-friendly format, Sanitation in collaboration with the Health Information Systems
preferring maps and graphs rather than tables whenever possible. Programme developed the District Health Information Software
To this end, MPS is assisting countries and helping them to analyse which was customized to meet data entry and reporting needs
and use the available information on maternal and newborn health
of the districts. Given the unpredictable supply of electricity,
indicators. MPS translated the data collected in many countries for
example through the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) into low-energy, solar-powered computers were supplied to four
detailed national profiles that show key health service coverage for pilot districts. Data will be transferred from districts to the
mothers and newborns in different regions of 75 focus countries. capital using internet connection and innovative solutions were
Today many countries are working hard to improve their routine
adapted to ensure the connectivity. The responsible district M&E
and non-routine health information systems including the officers went through two rounds of training and supervision.
information related to maternal and newborn health. However, the A data entry incentive equivalent to a third of an M&E Officer
use of data and information for programming and decision-making monthly salary was introduced which in turn increased the
at the local level still remains a challenge. The Short Programme number of districts submitting at least 50% of complete facility
Review for maternal and newborn health developed by Making data from 48% to 88% in less than two months.
Pregnancy Safer aims at addressing this challenge and is a tool that
can be used at subnational and district levels. After months of careful work the initiative has began to yield
Analysing and making available the best of information, developing dividends. The data warehouse is providing information to
guidelines and tools for improved monitoring and evaluation, improve decision-making, and the printed reports are allowing
sharing best practices in the area of information utilization, a broader group to use the data from all health facilities in Sierra
continues to be a primary focus of the work of MPS in coming
Leone for planning, advocacy and policy making.
2 For more information contact the Health Metrics Network at
[email protected].
How can information systems help to information are household surveys, often done by
reduce maternal mortality? statistical offices. Then you have the administrative
Interview with Ties Boerma, Director of information, for example are the drugs there, can health
Health Statistics and Informatics care providers carry out a caesarean section there, so
what’s on the supply side.
The inability to generate necessary reliable information
to make decisions based on evidence is a major obstacle It’s very difficult to know how many maternal deaths are
to public health in many developing countries. When Dr occurring in a country. First of all it’s very difficult to get
Ties Boerma became Director of WHO’s Department of reliable and accurate reporting on how many maternal
Measurement and Health Information Systems in 2004, deaths are happening in these institutions. There is
his brief was to enhance the availability, quality and use under-reporting and therefore many maternal deaths are
of health data. not recorded. Often the maternal deaths occur later, so
Q: What role do health information systems play the woman goes home, gets an infection, comes back
to reduce maternal mortality in and her death is not counted. A bigger problem for
developing countries? developing countries is that most births
occur at home. We carry out household
A: Firstly, one needs to know the level surveys, sibling history surveys, and
of maternal mortality, where it is high censuses; however they are not always
and among what population groups. reliable especially because maternal
Secondly, one needs to know what is deaths, even in high mortality countries,
working so there are interventions to a relatively rare and therefore hard to
reduce maternal mortality, trends over detect and measure. So for most of
time, where it’s going down, where it’s

Photo: WHO/MPS
Africa and many parts of Asia we don’t
stagnating. I think health information is know the trend in maternal mortality
the starting point of any intervention to very well, we only have a rough idea.
reduce maternal mortality.
Q: What are the major challenges to
Q: How has the adoption of the develop effective health information
Millennium Development Goals
changed the demand for stronger
Ties Boerma
health information systems? A: The challenge today is that there are
A: The good thing about the MDGs is many surveys on single health topics
first of all that all the UN organizations and countries and we need to bring them all together
rallied around a set of common goals. They are very into fewer better-coordinated surveys. Then to get the
ambitious targets but everybody is held accountable clinical information up to speed is also a major challenge
so the international donors are asked to invest in these since there are so many clinics and there are problems
areas, to meet these ambitious targets. The countries regarding the quality of the data and the completeness
are also held accountable and from the information of the information. I don’t see why we should not be
perspective there are very clear but few indicators that able in the near future to help countries set up a system
we can focus on. So I think it’s been very good to have where maternity registers are electronic and linked up
those goals. to national systems, where you have quality control.
There are challenges but there are also big opportunities.
Q: What difference does it make having reliable Maternity registers could be upgraded soon and I
and timely health data to the health of women and don’t think it’s going to cost a huge amount of money,
babies? depending also on the infrastructure of the country.
A: If you think about maternal mortality, one needs to
know what are the levels and leading causes of maternal Q: How is WHO helping countries to improve their
health information systems and to measure and
mortality. If it is abortion-related mortality then that
monitor the MDG targets?
requires a whole set of different interventions than if it
is related to obstructed labor and women not getting to A: Through our regional and country offices we are also
clinics in time, or if it’s haemorrhage. So the information working with Ministries of Health to try and improve
has a huge impact on what types of programmes and their management of health information systems so the
interventions you need to design. information generated by the clinics is more accurate.
Q: Why are some countries having difficulties This includes information on where key obstretric
in establishing and maintaining efficient health services are available, through service availability
information systems? mapping. Also WHO is involved in household surveys
that include measurement of the causes of death. For
A: First of all health is complex as it has so many instance, in 2010, WHO works with partners to support
dimensions. Health information systems are partly the Ministry of Health in Afghanistan to conduct a 3
receiving information generated by clinics. In many national mortality survey with a focus on maternal
countries there are thousands of clinics, and therefore mortality. In addition, we are working to make analytical
it is difficult to get all that information around core methods, be it to develop estimates or assess data quality,
indicators in a reliable way. One other source of more accessible to countries.
WHO Regional Office for Africa
New information system reduces workload
for health care staff and improves quality of
data in Ethiopia

The Ministry of Health (MoH) of Ethiopia is making

progress with the strengthening of its Health Information
System (HIS). In its Health Sector Development Program
(2005-2009) the MoH set the objective of developing
and implementing a standardized national Health

Photo: WHO/MPS
Management Information System (HMIS) to ensure
effective collection and use of data for evidence-based
planning and management.
Accordingly, a new HMIS was designed in 2006 and in
mobilize the community health workers (CHW) and
June 2007 pilot testing began in selected districts over a
intensify efforts for an ongoing campaign known as
five month period. It was evaluated at the end of 2008
the Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
and is currently being implemented in other parts of the
campaign at household and community levels. As a
country and is expected to be nationwide soon.
result, the health workers saw again an increase in the
The evaluation showed that the reform was very use of services over the following months.
comprehensive with a high level of participation by
relevant groups. Core indicators for evaluation were
selected in consultation with key stakeholders and
relevant implementing groups in regions, districts and
health facilities, private and public sector. The new
WHO Regional Office for the Americas

Perinatal Information System (SIP) helps to

monitor congenital syphilis in Uruguay
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
estimates that in Latin America and the Caribbean 330
000 pregnant women who tested positive for syphilis are
not treated when they go for antenatal care. Two thirds
of maternal syphilis during pregnancy result in abortion,
neonatal death or live births with congenital syphilis.

Through the use of the Perinatal Information System (SIP),

Uruguay was able to assess the dimension of the problem
of congenital syphilis. Despite the fact that all cases of
Photo: WHO/MPS

congenital syphilis have to be notified to the authorities,

this medical condition had escaped the vigilance of the

The analysis of the data collected revealed that the

design has helped to reduce the workload of health
largest public maternity in Uruguay (Centro Hospitalario
care providers by drastically reducing the number of
Pereira Rossell) had in fact more cases of congenital
indicators and by avoiding parallel reporting.
syphilis than notified to the Ministry of Health.
The pilot test revealed that there was an enhancement in
data quality through the new integrated and harmonized
system and that the available information was used
in the decision-making process. In March 2008 a
Health Metrics Network (HMN) team carried out on-
site observations of selected pilot sites and reported on
satisfactory data quality and use. The assessment also
showed that key players were able to use the data to
identify and reverse negative trends at an early stage
4 by taking appropriate action. In one of the pilot sites,
for example, the management had detected through
HMIS data a drop in the coverage of antenatal care
services (ANC) and institutional delivery. This early
warning allowed the administrative staff to immediately

3.5 Country example: The use of the Perinatal

Information System (SIP) in El Salvador

2.5 In El Salvador the Perinatal Information System (SIP) was

introduced in 1985 under the coordination of the Maternal-
MATERNA Newborn-Division in the National Maternity Hospital. From
this, the Perinatal Clinical History (HCP) was developed, and

15 years later the entire country began using the HCP. The
dissemination process was initiated within the Ministry of
Health (MoH), and was then progressively extended - under
close supervision of the MoH - across the 28 maternity clinics
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
of El Salvador

First, it was important to make sure that the content of the

The data also showed that the number of cases of syphilis
HCP was correct. Then, the data had to be entered correctly
had increased in mothers and newborns in recent years. into the SIP programmes. Last, the data for standardized
Based on the SIP the hospital administration was able indicators in all maternity clinics were analysed and
to identify the number of fetal deaths and of abortions evaluated in order to gain a clearer picture of the use of
linked to maternal syphilis and found out that one out of maternal and neonatal services.
six fetal deaths was caused by the disease.
The SIP has proven to be very useful in verifying the
Certainly one of the most important outcomes was the application of norms and standards regarding family planning
confirmation of a high reinfection rate of mothers who and maternal and newborn services, and has assisted
had been treated appropriately during their pregnancy in monitoring the distribution of maternal and neonatal
but were infected again before they gave birth. Out of mortality across the country. Furthermore, the system has
helped to evaluate new strategies and interventions by
the 16 cases in which maternal syphilis was detected in
tracking indicators, and has strengthened the results-based
the first half of the pregnancy, 12 tested negative after
management of programmes for mothers and newborns at
the treatment, but all were reinfected prior to delivery. all levels. In addition, SIP has supported research on service
These findings exposed the flawed mechanisms of delivery and audits of maternal and newborn services and has
follow-up care and treatment of sexual contacts and the helped to develop norms and guidelines in these services.
shortcomings of the material developed for education
and prevention. As a tool for monitoring and supervision, SIP requires
teamwork. In this regard, the use of this information system
The early diagnosis of the medical condition in the has strengthened the relationship between administrative and
mother requires immediate treatment of both herself and technical staff at different levels as well as the relationship
her partner as the eventual reinfection puts the life of between health staff and IT professionals who have to work
the fetus further at risk and can cause severe harm to the together in the hospitals. This link has been fundamental in
newborn. obtaining high quality data.

The current model of antenatal registration of the SIP

includes the treatment of the partner and appropriate
follow up as part of the antenatal services.
WHO Regional Office for the Eastern

Strengthening monitoring and evaluation

of reproductive health in the Eastern
Mediterranean Region

An intercountry workshop on strengthening reproductive

health monitoring and evaluation was held in Cairo,
Egypt, from 29 March to 1 April 2009. The workshop
was organized by the WHO Regional Office for the
Eastern Mediterranean (WHO/EMRO) and attended by 39
participants from 18 countries of the region.
The workshop provided technical and programmatic
updates on maternal mortality surveillance; evidence-
Photo: WHO/Antonio Suárez Weise

based decision-making for strengthening national 5

reproductive health strategies and programmes; and
monitoring & evaluation methods for reproductive health
programmes. This was followed by country presentations
and group work to develop an operational framework for
strengthening monitoring and evaluation.
Some of the workshop findings regarding availability and The workshop introduced a monitoring and evaluation
use of reproductive health data include the following: framework for reproductive health programmes developed
by the Regional Office. This tool covers major areas
1. Information systems in Member States are at different
that could facilitate standardization of monitoring and
levels of development, ranging from relying on
evaluation processes in Member States.
manual tools to most advanced computerized ones.
2. Insufficient reporting, surveillance and information For more information contact EMRO at [email protected].
systems jeopardize national efforts aiming at
improving maternal and neonatal health. Also, poor
utilization of available data is hampering these efforts
and is resulting in inefficient use of already scarce
resources. WHO Regional Office for South-East
Maximizing the use of available data in the
South-East Asia Region

In 2000, the South-East Asia Region accounted for

approximately 170,000 maternal deaths and 1.3 million
neonatal deaths every year, thus contribution to about
a third to the global burden of maternal and neonatal
mortality. In addition, one million stillbirths occurred
in the Region. Since then, some of the South-East Asian
countries have done well in reducing the number
of mothers and newborn who die during pregnancy
or childbirth, but many others are still struggling in
improving these figures.

3. Data collection is perceived as an additional

task rather than an essential activity to improve
reproductive health services. Health workers in charge
of data collection are overwhelmed with other tasks
and lack training in data collection. All these factors
lead to poor quality recording.
4. Information flow is usually slow and/or incomplete.
This delays the use of the information for programme
planning and leads to arbitrary decision-making.
Data collected is analysed at a higher level of the
information system with insufficient feedback to those
who collected the data. Therefore, opportunities
are missed to use the data to make corrections and
improve the quality and utilization of services.

5. Decision making authority is rarely delegated to the

lower levels. Lack of disaggregated data prevents
decision-makers to allocate appropriate resources
according to the needs.
6. The existence of separate data collection systems In 2007-2008, the WHO Global Survey on Maternal
results in duplication as well as data inconsistency and Perinatal Health was carried out in Asia focusing
and lack of information credibility. on the relationship between mode of service-delivery
and maternal/perinatal outcomes. India, Nepal, Sri
7. The national health information system usually Lanka and Thailand took part in this Survey in addition
6 covers only the services provided by the public to Cambodia, China, Japan, Philippines and Viet Nam
sector, leaving out populations that rely on the in the Western-Pacific Region. As a follow up, the
private and other non-public health services. As a WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia organized the
result, the reproductive health information produced Technical Group Meeting on Country Analysis of Data
by the national health information system lacks from the Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health
representativeness. in Asia held on 22-23 January 2009 at SEARO, New
Delhi, India. In October 2008, a dissemination meeting The participants stressed that the Global Survey was
had been held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. an important and useful exercise that could help to
advance the work on maternal and perinatal health in
Researchers, programme managers and the WHO focal countries. It was however necessary to find a way to
points from the four above-mentioned SEAR countries increase the use of the data and to continue to expand
attended the meeting in New Delhi. The overall objective this network in countries in order to allow for regular
was to facilitate the further use of the Global Survey data data collection and their use for national and sub-
and its secondary analysis for country-specific needs. The national or local action.
following key issues were discussed:
The survey provides only information on the health
Identification of topics and research questions for a
status of women and newborns that had access to
secondary analysis of the available data, new related
larger health facilities with at least 1000 deliveries per
research questions and dissemination plans.
year. This means that in some countries these facilities
Maximization of the use of the collected information are a secondary or even tertiary referral hospital. This
and maintenance/expansion of this network at country, has to be taken into consideration when using the
regional and global levels. information in countries with low institutional delivery

Beyond the numbers now available in Spanish Safer pregnancy in Tamil Nadu
This monograph, Safer Between 1980
Mas allà de las cifras Pregnancy in Tamil and 2006,
Nadu: From Vision to maternal
Every year some Reality, is the result of mortality
of why they happened and
eight million a very interactive and ratio in Tamil
how they can be averted. participatory process Nadu fell
women suffer This book is directed at
from pregnancy- involving a core team of from 450
health professionals, health- public health specialists in to 90 per
related care planners and managers Tamil Nadu. The southern 100 000
complications working in the area of maternal Indian state of Tamil live births. Neonatal
and over half and newborn health who are Nadu is a good example mortality rate fell from 53
a million die striving to improve the quality of how over a relatively in 1971 to 26 per 1000
from them. of care provided. short period of time, an live births in 1990.
Most of these optimal combination of
deaths can be averted even Beyond the numbers is now high level commitment, This monograph
where resources are limited but, also available in Spanish. All good technical leadership documents how these
in order to do so, the right kind language versions (English, and strengthening of the improvements in maternal
of information is needed upon French, Russian, and Spanish) health system have together and newborn health and
which to base actions. This book are available on the MPS web contributed to significant shows that it is possible
presents ways of generating site at: reductions in maternal and to improve maternal and
this kind of information. The newborn mortality and newborn health through a health systems approach in
approaches described in this book safer/documents/9241591838/en/index. improvements in the quality
go beyond just counting deaths of life. resource-poor settings.
to developing an understanding Available at:

Monitoring emergency COUNTRY PROFILES

obstetric care: A handbook To assist countries in planning groups. The MPS
and decision-making MPS country profiles
This handbook is an update
analyses the data collected in are used both
of an earlier publication on
78 countries on a regular basis internationally
monitoring the availability and
and makes this analysis available and in country.
use of obstetric services, issued
through MPS country profiles. For example, the
This data is gathered through profiles are widely used
in 1997. The Emergency

the Demographic and Health as an advocacy tool to raise

Obstetric Care indicators
Surveys (DHS), Multiple Indicator awareness of the unacceptable
known as the “signal functions”
Cluster Surveys (MICS), and other high rates of maternal mortality
defined within the publication
those services. The national surveys. The country in many developing countries
have been used by ministries of
updated Handbook profiles present in a visual format in particular in sub-Saharan
health, international agencies
introduces the important key health service Africa. The profiles have also
and programme managers in
indicator “Perform coverage and equity indicators been used by WHO offices to
over 50 countries around the
basic neonatal for maternal and newborn health. develop national progress reports
world. The indicators can be
resuscitation” Data from several countries on maternal health. The country
used to measure progress in
as a new signal demonstrate great differences profiles were developed with 7
a programmatic continuum:
function to monitor within-country in the coverage financial support from the EC/
from the availability of and
Emergency Obstetric of maternal and newborn health ACP/WHO partnership.
access to emergency obstetric
care to the use and quality of Care services. interventions, between urban and The profiles are available on the
rural populations and between the Internet at:
Available at: poorest and wealthiest population pregnancy_safer/countries/en/index.html
Perinatal Clinical History
Continued from page 1

In the beginning of the 80s, Dr Ricardo Schwarcz, Director distances, thus establishing the Perinatal Information
of CLAP/SMR, suggested the development of a new basic System (SIP).
model containing only the most relevant data. In 1982, a
consensus building meeting organized by CLAP resulted in The SIP was first publicized in 19832. More than 70
the Perinatal Clinical History (HCP/HCPS): a single sheet of professionals from 17 countries of Latin America and the
paper with all relevant and essential data for quality services Caribbean celebrated the 25th anniversary of the SIP in a
for mothers and babies. The form also allowed calculating meeting that took place in November 2008 in Montevideo,
some selected perinatal indicators. At the same time, CLAP/ Uruguay. The participants shared their experiences with the
SMR also developed a data processing system for automated implementation of the SIP in their countries and presented
report production. The digital database allowed to broaden new HCP models for example on abortion, neonatal
the information analysis and to transfer local data across services and community participation.

Perinatal Information System (SIP)

1. What is the Perinatal
Information System (SIP)?
The Perinatal Information
System is a standard for
perinatal clinical records
developed by PAHO/WHO
at the Latin American Centre
for Perinatology. SIP is free
domain software for filing
and analysing the burden of
problems, interventions and
outcomes of health services at
local level. SIP clinical records
and software are periodically
updated by consensus by a
group of Latin American and
Caribbean experts in obstetrics
and neonatology. The material
is available in English, French,
SIP form
Portuguese and Spanish.

2. What data does SIP provide?

SIP collects basic data needed for the care of women and neonates. The data are available in a modular
format including: Maternal Identification, Woman History, Current Pregnancy, Antenatal Visits, Labor/
Childbirth or Abortion, Women Diseases, Neonatal History and Diseases, Puerperium, Neonatal and Maternal

© World Health Organization 2010 3. Which countries are using it?

All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained
from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27,
Switzerland ( +41 22 791 2476;  +41 22 791 4857;  [email protected]). With different degrees of development, SIP is being
Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale
or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press, at the above used in 32 Latin American and Caribbean countries,
address ( +41 22 791 4806;  [email protected]). as well as in Spain and Equatorial Guinea.
All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify
the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being
distributed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The responsibility for
the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World
Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.
For additional information please visit our web site at 
8 pregnancy_safer/en
Department of Making Pregnancy Safer, World Health Organization,
1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland  +41 (0) 22 791.58.53 [email protected]
(If you order by e-mail please include your full postal address.)
Editors: Marie-Agnes Heine, ([email protected])
Designer: Duke Gyamerah, [email protected]. 2 R Schwarcz, G Diaz, R Fescina, J Diaz Rossello, M Martell, S Tenzer: Historia
Clinica Perinatal Simplificada, Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana,
vol 95, No 2

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