Teaching Presentation Skills in Online Business Communication Courses

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MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No.

3, September 2011

Teaching Presentation Skills in Online Business Communication Courses

Cindy S. Kenkel
Northwest Missouri State University
Maryville, MO USA
[email protected]

Oral presentations are often eliminated from online courses because of the logistics
involved. Communication skills are central to success in any profession, and business is
no exception. Merely exposing students to presentation concepts will not adequately
address the need to help students develop their professional speaking abilities and
presentation skills. Online business courses, like their face-to-face counterparts, should
require students to prepare and deliver professional presentations. This paper discusses
the specifics of using readily accessible technology (such as video hosting services) and
proven pedagogy (including peer evaluations and instructional rubrics) to integrate oral
presentations easily into online business communication courses.
Keywords: oral presentations, video submission, peer evaluations, instructional rubrics,
video hosting

Online business courses often eliminate oral presentations from their curricula, which creates a serious
void in a student’s educational experience. Academics and practitioners have long agreed that
communication skills are linked to professional effectiveness. Russ (2009) concluded that faculty must
provide students with the communication skills demanded by employers. Campbell (2001) found that oral
presentations skills must be mastered to have a successful professional life; Grez, Valcke, and Roozen
(2009) concurred that higher education should address this skill as a key competency and Kennedy
(2007) noted research from both business leaders and alumni claiming college graduates often lack
adequate oral communication skills. Cronin and Glen (1991) confirmed this deficiency:
“Except for students majoring in communication, most undergraduates take at most one course
emphasizing oral communication skills; therefore most non-speech majors have little or no
opportunity to refine and reinforce their communication skills” (p.356).
Kennedy (2007) suggests minimizing this gap by embedding oral communication exercises across the
curriculum while students are learning their discipline-specific subject matter. Dundes (2001) relayed
alumni feedback that identified practice in oral presentations as the most prominent gap in their
educational experience. Public speaking was rated one of the top two most-covered topics in business
communication courses, as reported by a 2009 survey of 505 business communication instructors at 321
U.S. colleges and universities. Previous audits had reported a lower emphasis on public speaking which
stresses the continued and growing importance of this skill (Russ, 2009).
Growth of Online Programs
Since 2004, online enrollments have outpaced the growth of other higher education enrollments (Allen &
Seaman, 2010). In 2006-2007, 11,200 college-level programs were available to be completed totally
online (Parsad & Lewis, 2008). A 17% increase in students enrolled in at least one online course was
reported from 2007 to 2008, with more than one in four students enrolled in higher education taking an
online class. Since 2002, overall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions has
skyrocketed from 9.6% to 25.3%. The biggest growth occurred in 2005 with an annual growth rate of 36%
(Allen & Seaman, 2010). Academic leaders at all types of institutions noted an increased demand for both
new and existing online courses.
Despite this growth in demand, only 19% of institutions are offering training and mentoring programs for
their faculty teaching online (Allen & Seaman, 2010). This deficit in faculty preparation may partially
explain why chief academic officers report their faculty acceptance of online education has been slow to
keep up with the tremendous growth in this arena. Between 2002 and 2009 the percentage of faculty who
viewed online education as valuable and legitimate has only grown from 27.6% to 30.9%. Despite the

MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2011

slow rate of faculty acceptance, 73.6% of public institutions recognized online education as being critical
to their institutions’ long-term strategies in 2009 (Allen & Seaman, 2010). One way to address faculty
concerns about the quality of online classes is to ensure critical competencies, such as public speaking
skills, are being appropriately included in the curriculum.
Only 3% of institutions responding to a survey of business communication instructors indicated they
offered an introductory business communication course entirely online as of 2008 (Russ, 2009).
Traditional face-to-face business courses generally include at least one oral presentation in their
curriculum, but this is not the case in most online business courses. Despite the documented importance
of oral presentation skills, faculty often eliminate this component when business courses are taught
online. The difficulty of teaching presentation skills online is one of the obstacles to developing an
effective online business communication course. Given the rapid growth in online programs, this
deficiency could have serious consequences for business graduates.
Proven Pedagogy in Teaching Presentation Skills
According to the Australian Office of Learning and Teaching (2005) “Critical to any initiative in teaching
and learning are the accompanying assessment practices: assessment is frequently the engine that
drives pedagogy and curriculum” (p. 11). Developing an effective guideline to both communicate and
clearly articulate measurement variables is often best accomplished through the use of a rubric.
Goodrich defines a rubric as “an assessment tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work or what counts
(for example, purpose, organization, details, voice, and mechanics often are what count in a written
essay) and articulates gradations of quality for each criterion, from excellent to poor” (Andrade, 2005).
Andrade (2005) suggests that in addition to articulating quality criteria, rubrics are also useful in pointing
out common pitfalls or deficiencies in school work. Stiggins (2001) builds on this idea, suggesting
students become active participants in assessing their own learning. Arter and McTighe (2001) propose
faculty list specific criteria that students must incorporate in their performance, thus providing “powerful
instructional tools for improving the very achievement that is also being assessed…The idea is simple –
teach students the criteria for quality and how to apply them to their own work to make it better” (as cited
in Office of Learning and Training, 2005, p. 12).
Ross (2006) defines self-assessment as “the evaluation or judgment of ‘the worth’ of one’s performance
and the identification of one’s strengths and weaknesses with a view to improving one’s learning
outcomes” (p. 1). Self-reflection offers a critical chance for improvement in many areas but is difficult to
accomplish during oral presentations, unless a speech is recorded and therefore visible to the speaker.
Jensen and Harris (1999) emphasize the benefits of using self-reflection as both a developmental and
assessment tool primarily in the fields of writing and teacher education, but they also suggest its use is
quickly spreading to other fields such as science. Jensen and Harris (1999) specifically apply this to
public speaking by finding that after reviewing their own presentations and reading peer evaluations
students recognize specific behaviors they need to incorporate or alleviate to perform better on future
speeches. “The important point in this step is that students recognize what future behavior is needed to
bridge the gap” (Jensen & Harris,1999, p. 215). Students need to be trained to assess their own work and
having well-defined instructional rubrics will make this task easier. Reliability and validity of self-
assessment will be improved if the “rubric uses language intelligible to students, addresses competencies
that are familiar to students, and includes performance features they perceive to be important” (Ross,
2006, p. 8).
“Experience must be followed by reflective thought and an internal processing that links the experience
with previous learning, transforming the learner’s previous understanding in some manner. Learning,
therefore, takes place within a cycle that includes action, reflection, and application” (Wrenn & Wrenn,
2009, p. 260). A model that incorporates the best outcomes for student presentations is one in which
students make a presentation, receive specific feedback from multiple venues, and then make a second
presentation incorporating learning from the feedback. Part of the students’ self-evaluation after the
second presentation might be to explain how they used information from the feedback after the first
presentation to improve the second presentation.
Peers also provide powerful performance feedback beneficial to student improvement. Rust, Price, and
O’Donovan (2003) discussed the benefit of peer assessment as a means of increasing students’
interaction both with each other and with subject matter. Rust et al. found “significant improvement in
student performance both shortly after the peer assessment experience and one year later” (p.162).

MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2011

Mitchell and Bakewell (1995) found “where feedback is incorporated, performance is significantly
improved and where peer review is used together with feedback from a tutor, the presentation
performance is significantly better than with tutor feedback alone” (p. 361). Since Mitchell and Blakewell
(1995) showed that incorporating peer reviews into an assessment cycle significantly leads to improved
presentation performance by students, it was critical to incorporate this element into the process.
Although Campbell, Mothersbaugh, Brammer, and Taylor (2001) found that peer and instructor ratings
were strongly correlated, suggesting peer evaluations could serve as a substitute for faculty feedback, it
seemed more prudent to consider it a supplement instead of a replacement for instructor assessment. In
other words, it should be used to verify and reinforce rather than substitute for faculty judgment.
Although two articles provided a description of faculty using oral presentations in their online courses,
neither used state of the art technology to allow input from peers. The first is a comparison of learning
outcomes in a business communication course taught on-campus and online. In that article Jagel,
Washburn, and Tollison (2005) describe asking students to video tape and mail their presentations for the
instructor to grade. In the second article Czaja and Cummings (2010) describe the use of a competitive
online case presentation in their graduate-level accounting foundation course but their assignment
appears to be more of a shared slide presentation than a true oral presentation. It was the author’s
intention to use a more traditional presentation complete with audio and visual components available for
the instructor and peers to review.
Key to Successfully Implementing Oral Presentations in an Online Environment
The mechanics of requiring online presentations using readily available technology and pedagogically
sound strategies, such as self reflection and peer evaluation, are included in the next sections. In
addition, obstacles that were experienced during the first two semesters along with solutions to overcome
these problems are shared.
The subjects were twenty-five students enrolled in a junior level Managerial Communication course at a
Midwestern university. As is typical in online classes, 18 of the students were living within 20 miles of
campus and the other seven were true distance learners. All of the topics taught in the traditional on-
campus class were incorporated into the online environment. By the end of the course all students had
written a professional cover letter and résumé, prepared a written business report and three business
letters. While students in the campus-based course gave two presentations in the classroom and
received feedback from both their peers and the instructor, online students were required to post videos
of three presentations visible to both the instructor and peers for comments.
After a two-semester trial-and-error period, a fairly easy process has been established to ensure this
communication cornerstone is not overlooked in online business communication courses and the method
can easily be transferred to other online and traditional face-to-face business courses. Students now give
three oral presentations (one minute, three minutes and five minutes), which are uploaded to a university
webhosting service and placed on the class website through a link in a threaded discussion. Previously,
online oral communication courses required students to travel to campus for a presentation day or mail
their video through regular mail channels; thus, the presentations were only visible to the instructor. In
order for the video to be available for self, peer, and instructor review, assistance from the Center for
Information Technology in Education (CITE) was needed. Although a video-hosting site had recently been
added to the system, it was originally designed for faculty to share videos; students were specifically
excluded from being able to post their own material. However the CITE office quickly agreed to open the
venue to students for this assignment under strict controls. The basic benefit to this hosting service is that
students are offered a confidential site for their videos. During the first semester all student videos were
housed on this secure site.
After the first semester several students recommended supplementing our campus video hosting option
with websites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Screencast, since they were readily available and
students were familiar with this technology. If students were not concerned with privacy, they were
allowed to use these established sites instead of the university service, which frequently experienced
technical issues caused by large file sizes. The first semester videos were posted in groupings for the
students to watch in order to provide their peer reviews, but this was a cumbersome process so this task
was shifted to the students. Students now post a link to their own presentations in a threaded discussion
where it is visible for their peers to review. As stated earlier, even though Campbell et al. (2001) suggest
that peer evaluations can be used to replace faculty direction, the author’s pedagogical preference is to
think of this feedback as supplemental in nature rather than as a substitute.

MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2011

A rubric specifically designed for online presentations is used to guide the students as they prepare,
present and critique their own and their classmates’ presentations. Students are required to complete the
rubric and send it to me before their submissions are graded. Most students seem to have a fairly solid
grasp of their performance, so my ratings and feedback rarely come as a surprise. Peer feedback is
shared on a threaded discussion board; students focus on both strengths and weaknesses of a
presentation, as identified in the grading rubric. Neither the content of the self or peer assessment
feedback is factored into the student grade; students simply receive points for completing and submitting
the rubrics. Only my assessment of the presentation is used to provide a grade. The self and peer
feedback are intended to be developmental in nature instead of evaluative. In a traditional class the peer
feedback would be anonymous so I feared students would be hesitant to offer criticism; but this direct,
open feedback still provides valuable suggestions. Students use the same rubric I use to score their own
presentation and those of their peers. In addition, open-ended feedback is provided. Comments range
from “your speech would have benefitted from more eye contact” to “I love how you used two different
locations to keep my attention in your speech.”
The first one-minute self-introduction presentation is not graded for quality, but is simply assigned points
for mastering the technology needed to record and post a video upon submission. The second three-
minute presentation is, however, assigned a score based on a variety of both content and style factors.
Students are assigned a ranking of unacceptable, novice, apprentice or distinguished on each of these
Obstacles Encountered
The biggest obstacle experienced was that several students did not have access to equipment capable
of recording and loading the presentations. I did not specifically warn students of this requirement the
first time the class was taught. An email is now sent prior to the semester, so students are informed they
will need access to equipment that can record a one-minute, three-minute and five-minute presentation.
If they live close to campus, they can check the equipment out at the university library. During the first
semester, 4 out of 27 students failed the course because they simply refused to prepare and post
videos. After a pre-semester warning sent through a series of emails the second time I taught the
course, only two students failed for not posting their videos. One student mentioned on his/her
confidential student evaluation that he/she was ashamed of his/her appearance and felt it was unfair to
require the posting so peers could evaluate his/her work.
Our campus video hosting system also experienced significant technical difficulties, which added to an
already complicated assignment. One student noted
“I think the worst aspect of this class is that we could not depend on the school uploading
system. It was a lesson that was learned fast and you adapted to the situation by allowing us to
use YouTube. I think this was best because the site could handle the capacity and uploaded the
videos faster, if the class had not had experience with YouTube before they were able to learn
about it, and it was easier for us to watch multiple peer videos in order to comment on them.”
Another obstacle was created by my lack of knowledge and direction for students regarding recording a
professional presentation. Detailed suggestions (shown in Figure 1), developed after watching a few high
quality student examples, quickly helped eliminate this problem. Posting previous-semester videos
provided the second semester students a significant advantage over students who took the course the
first semester.
Future Plans to Integrate into Other Online Courses
Because presentation skills are a critical competency for business students, other online teachers should
be encouraged to integrate an oral presentation unit into their online courses. Further research is needed
to determine how best to incorporate this element so it is taught across the board; however, student
comments on the end-of-semester evaluations indicate oral communication skills can be successfully
taught online. One such comment follows:
“Overall I enjoyed the class. I learned the same, if not more than I would have learned in a
traditional classroom setting and I think it made it easier to do speeches not having 20 eyes
staring at you while you prepared and gave your speech.”

MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2011

Table 1. Managerial Communication Oral Presentation Evaluation

Distinguished Apprentice Novice Unacceptable
Introduced established Introduced Started with a self Did not clearly introduce
rapport and explained the presentation in clear introduction or “My purpose of presentation.
purpose of presentation in way. Slightly topic” is before Clearly uncomfortable
Introduction creative, clear way capturing uncomfortable but capturing attention. and nervous; failed to
attention. Appeared poised attempted to establish May have looked establish rapport with
and confident. rapport. down at notes to the group.
Clear strong voice (level 8) Voice is clear but drops Voice is soft or Voice is both soft and
with vocal variation to below level 8 at times; lacks vocal monotone.
demonstrate interest in the still uses vocal variation.
Qualities subject. Precise variation to show
pronunciation of terms. interest.
Maintains eye contact; Student maintains eye Some eye contact, Reads all or most of
seldom returning to notes; contact most of the but not maintained report with no eye
presentation is like a planned time but frequently and at least half the contact. It is likely the
conversation. Speaker returns to notes. time reads from speaker did not practice
Eye Contact obviously prepared and has a Speaker spent notes. Speaker out loud. Unlikely the
solid grasp of the subject. significant time needed more speaker would be able
preparing and appears practice or to answer questions
at ease but doesn’t knowledge of their about the topic.
elaborate. topic.
Confident demeanor, Confident demeanor; Slumping posture, Slumping posture,
gestures add to style, and may need to add or hands stuck at hands stuck at sides or
hands are used to describe or subtract gestures to sides or on podium on podium AND Shifting
Posture emphasize. emphasize points. OR Shifting weight weight or pacing.
or pacing.
Effective smooth transitions Included transitions to Included some Presentation was
that flowed in a smooth connect key points but transitions to choppy and disjointed
manner. relied on power connect key points with a lack of structure.
Transitions robbers such as um, but over reliance
ah, or like. on power robbers
was distracting.
Subject was informative and Within 40 seconds of Within 1 minute of Too long or too short.
easy to follow; time used allotted time. Most allotted time. Information was not
Organization efficiently. Within 20 seconds information relevant, Information was relevant to the audience.
& Length of allotted time. some topics needed valid but not related
expansion or enough to the
shortened. purpose.
Involved audience in Presented facts with Some related facts Avoids or discourages
presentation; held their some interesting but went off topic active audience
attention throughout by “twists”; held attention and lost audience. participation.
Audience getting them actively involved most of the time by Failed to utilize
Attentiveness in the speech and using interacting with them. method to pull the
original, clever, creative Good variety of audience into the
approach. materials/media. speech. Lacked
Ends with an accurate Ends with a summary Ends with a recap Ends with only a recap
conclusion tying the content of main points showing of key points of key points
back to the opening with a some evaluation but without adding a prematurely.
Conclusion dynamic 25 words or less over the 25 word limit. closing twist or
close. Transitioned into close Transitioned to close. ended abruptly.
so audience was ready for it.
Completely appropriate for For the most part, Somewhat Inappropriate (sloppy
Appearance occasion and audience. appropriate for the inappropriate (hair clothes, excessive skin
Slides professional and easy occasion and keeps falling in showing. Typos on
of speaker to read. audience. Slides eyes, jewelry slides.
and visuals. contain too much or too distracting). Slides
little information. with typos.

MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2011

ƒ Get a friend to help you record this, it doesn't work nearly as well to put your camera on
a table.
ƒ Stand up and record from the waist up, don't just zoom in on your face, we can't see
gestures if you do this.
ƒ Be sure the volume is turned up as high as it can be.
ƒ Have the plainest background possible (dark seems to work better than white walls),
remove pictures from the wall if necessary or go to a public place to record. A lot of
clutter in the background is just too distracting.
ƒ If you have the ability to add light please do so.
ƒ You can use visuals if you'd like; just have them prepared and instruct your camera
person when to focus on the visual aid.
ƒ You could add a very short video segment from the television, or flash to a PowerPoint
slide you prepared (print it out as glare from the computer is distracting.)
ƒ Record it until you get it right; this might seem obvious but students last semester told
me they didn't think about doing this.

Figure 1. Tips for Recording Your Presentation

Another student stated, “I also did not like giving a presentation to a camera rather than a classroom, but
I was glad that you had us give a presentation rather than not do any at all.” And a third student summed
it up well:
“I really enjoyed the presentations this summer because we weren't pressured to talk about a
certain subject and I think that helps gain confidence in your public speaking skills. It was also a
very easy task because the cameras were very easy to work with. I would highly recommend
using that same tactic with future online courses.”
Just exposing students to presentation concepts will not adequately address the need to develop
students’ professional speaking abilities. Online business communication courses should require
students to prepare and present professional presentations. In addition, all online courses should
consider adding such an element in an effort to teach professional speaking across the curriculum. The
technology is readily available and proven pedagogy can easily be implemented to effectively
accomplish this task. As online courses continue to be scrutinized for quality, important skills such as
oral presentations can no longer simply be overlooked or eliminated from the curriculum because it
appears too difficult or cumbersome to integrate into the class. I implore other faculty to investigate
integrating an oral presentation component to their online offerings.
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Needham, MA: Sloan-C.
Andrade, H. (2005). Teaching with rubrics: The good, the bad, and the ugly. College Teaching, 53(1),
27-30. Retrieved from http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/87567555.asp
Arter, J., & McTighe, J. (2001) Scoring rubrics in the classroom: Using performance criteria for assessing
and improving student performance. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Campbell, K., Mothersbaugh, D., Brammer, C., & Taylor, T. (2001). Peer versus self assessment of oral
business presentation performance. Business Communication Quarterly 64(3), 23-42. Retrieved
from http://www.bcq.theabc.org
Cronin, M., & Glenn, P. (1991). Oral communication across the curriculum in higher education: The state
of the art. Communication Education, 40(4), 356-367. Retrieved from Communication & Mass Media
Complete database.

MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2011

Czaja, R., & Cummings, R. (2010). Competitive online case presentations. The Accounting Educators’
Journal, 20, 47-61.
Dundes, L. (2001). Small group debates: Fostering critical thinking in oral presentations with maximal
class involvement. Teaching Sociology, 29(2), 237-243.
Grez, L., Valcke, M., & Roozen, I. (2009). The impact of an innovative instructional intervention on the
acquisition of oral presentation skills in higher education. Computers & Education, 53(1), 112-120.
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Manuscript received 22 Mar 2011; revision received 17 August 2011.

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