"Come With Me, and See My Zeal For The LORD." II Kings 10:16
"Come With Me, and See My Zeal For The LORD." II Kings 10:16
"Come With Me, and See My Zeal For The LORD." II Kings 10:16
“Come with me, and see my zeal for the LORD.” II Kings 10:16 3. He offered a sacrifice to totally put the crowd at ease and make them feel secure (10:25).
C. Jehu profaned Baal by making his temple a draught house – public toilet (10:27; Mat 15:17).
The BACKGROUND OF JEHU presents the historical setting for his life. The END OF JEHU is God’s praise of his deeds and his last end (10:29-36).
A. After Solomon’s apostasy, the nation was divided into two with separate kings and capitals.
A. God said Jehu did well in doing what was right in His eyes and in His heart, and He gave him
1. Rehoboam became king of Judah with his capital at Jerusalem (I Kings 12:18-19).
a large reward for doing so, putting his sons to the fourth generation on the throne (10:30).
2. Jeroboam became king of Israel with the capital later at Samaria (I Kings 16:24,28).
B. He showed weakness by not continuing in the law of the Lord with all his heart, and
B. While Jeroboam was wicked (I Kings 12:25-33), the dynasty of Omri was worse (16:25-28).
hypocrisy by exterminating one form of idolatry but retaining another form (10:29,31).
1. Ahab, the son of Omri, married Jezebel and established Baal worship (I Kings 16:29-33).
C. Jehu is often charged from Hosea 1:4 with having done God’s will with ambitious greed.
2. Ahab and Jezebel’s murder of Naboth led to their ordained judgment by God (I Kgs 21).
1. God’s instruments of judgment may not deal right in giving punishment, but God will
3. Jehu was a captain of Israel’s army while Joram and Ahaziah were over the two nations.
specify the sin for the warning of others in similar situations (II Chr 28:9-11).
a. Jehoram, king of Israel, was Ahab’s son and followed his evil conduct (II Kgs 3:1-3).
2. God had a response against Saul and the sons of Zebedee (II Sam 21:1-2; Luke 9:51-56).
b. Ahaziah, king of Judah, was Ahab’s grandson and lived like him (II Kings 8:25-26).
3. God clearly commended him for his actions, so the judgment is for his hypocrisy (10:29).
c. Ahaziah, being the son of Jehoram’s sister Athaliah, was the nephew of Jehoram.
d. Both kings were together in Jezreel after a joint war against Syria (II Kgs 8:28-29).
4. Due to the evil of Omri and Ahab, God dropped three ancestors of Christ’s line (Mat 1:8). 2Ki 10:30 And the LORD said unto Jehu, Because thou hast done well in
The CALLING OF JEHU covers his appointment as King by Elisha (9:1-13). executing that which is right in mine eyes, and hast done unto the house
A. The son of the prophet was brave, as this deed was an act of sedition and treason (9:2-3). of Ahab according to all that was in mine heart, thy children of the
B. Jehu showed humility by ignoring the address and not boasting of his anointment (9:5,11).
C. Yet, the Lord providentially blessed the commission with the loyalty of other captains (9:13).
fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel.
The SLAYING OF TWO KINGS is Jehu’s first operation of zeal (9:14-29).
A. Unlike Gideon, Jehu did not need any fleece to confirm God’s orders (Judges 6:18,27,36-40)! 2Ki 10:31 But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the LORD God of
B. He immediately issued an order to keep any news of his revolt from reaching Jezreel, for Israel with all his heart: for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam,
God had providentially brought both kings into one city for Jehu (9:15-16; II Chron 22:7).
C. It is here that we learn of his reputation for enthusiasm and zeal in driving a chariot (9:20).
which made Israel to sin.
D. His blunt and direct answer to Jehoram fully explained his motive and intentions (9:22).
E. Observe that Jehu (1) did the execution himself and (2) did it with his full strength (9:24). Zeal - great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
F. He is careful to execute the judgment exactly as God had required of Ahab’s sons (9:25-26). Kasigasigan – To do the will of God in his life
The SLAYING OF JEZEBEL is Jehu’s second operation of zeal (9:30-37).
A. He passed Samson and Solomon and others in resisting a woman’s manipulation (9:30-31). What cause him to do that:
B. She used facial makeup and an ornamental headdress to awe Jehu by her royal appearance.
The appointment
C. He ignored her use of history to dissuade him by the fate of Zimri’s revolt (I Kgs 16:12,18).
D. Without hesitation, he sought aid in quickly ridding the kingdom of this woman (9:32). Vr. 3 – When he was appointed to be the next king over Judah and over
E. He shows personal hatred for her wickedness (9:33) and total obedience to God’s will (9:34). all Israel.
F. He relates his work again to the direct and specific directions of God’s prophet (9:10,35-37). When the Bible speaks appointed I always remember - 1Th_5:9 For
The SLAYING OF TWO FAMILIES is his third operation of zeal (10:1-17). God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord
A. He showed great political wisdom in creating a state of fear among his enemies (10:1-4). Jesus Christ,
B. He does not allow for much delay in seeking the final destruction of Ahab’s house (10:6).
C. It is hard for us to imagine the general terror of seeing two piles of 35 heads in public (10:8). • The salvation of the Lord
D. He again showed political wisdom by shifting blame away from those in Jezreel and • The hand of the Lord
implicating the rulers of Samaria, which gave further impetus to his national purge (10:9). • The provision of the Lord
E. Jehu also destroyed Ahaziah’s brothers, who were traveling to a family reunion (10:12-14).
F. Note that Jehu was committed to zeal and a lover of good men (10:15-16 cp Jeremiah 35). After we got saved we experience – Joy, Zeal – Manifestation of our
1. Jehonadab came to meet him, and they confirmed their mutual respect and agreement. Love, gratitude
2. Rather than talk about zeal, Jehu proceeded to show Jehonadab is service to Jehovah.
3. Two godly men can provoke one another to zeal i.e. Jonathan and David and others.
The RUIN OF BAAL WORSHIP is his fourth operation of zeal (10:18-28). The Commission
A. Jehu was not beyond lying and offering sacrifice to accomplish God’s purpose (10:18-19,25). Devoted, Dedicated – his zealousness to the commandment of the Lord
B. He did his job thoroughly: all Baal worshippers came without true worshippers (10:20-24).
1. He wisely brought forth vestments for the crowd to hinder their self-defense (10:22).
- Enthusiasm, passion, drive, eagerness – that resulted of his
The Reward
The Lord rewarded him in vr. 30
- Beyond sa hindi nya inaakala
- God blessed those who are faithful/serve God – Heb. 6:10
We experience the faithfulness of God/the provision of God/the
Protection of God in his life/the wisdom of God in His life
See Vr. 30
Con. Never forget the faithfulness of God in Our life. Never take for
granted the blessing of God – Kung wala ang Panginoon wala tayong
magagawa. Be faithful!