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10.1 Two-Way Slab - pp.194-206 - CIVL3320 - 2017-04-03

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3 Two-wayy Solid Slaabs

ly / lx ≤ 2;; solid slabbs spanninng in twoo direction

ns – the lo
oad is carrried on

two spanss, hence thhe bendingg of slab is along bo

oth directions.

6.3.1 Failure beehaviour

 Crack patttern at faiilure

Liffting Bottoom face

(simply-suppported slabb)

Fig. 6.3-1 Crack pattern at failuure of two--way slabss

 Loading on
o supportting beam

yiield line

Beam B

Fig. 6.33-2 Load patterns

p on supportingg beams

6.3.2 Simply suupported slabs

 Maximum
m momentts per unit width (1 m)
m at mid-span:

lx 1m

g. 6.3-3 Ceentre stripss of simply

Fig y-supporteed two-waay slab

msx   sx nl x2 and msy   sy nl x2 (6.1)

where lx and ly aree shorter and longeer spans respective

r ely, n = 1.4Gk +
(l y / l x ) 4 (l y / l x ) 2
1.6Qk,  sxx  a  sy 
and .
8 [1  (l y / l x ) 4 ] 8 [1  (l y / l x ) 4 ]

Taable 6.3-1 (HKConcrrete2013: Table

T 6.5)
Bending moment coefficientts for slabss spanning in two direections at right
angles, sim
mply suppoorted on fouur sides
ly / lx 1.0 1.1 1..2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.75 2.0
sx 0.062 00.074 0.0084 0.093 0.099 0.104 0.113 0.118
sy 0.062 0
0.061 0.0059 0.055 0.051 0.046 0.037 0.029

msx msy
 Asx  a Asy 
and ((per meterr width), or
o use the design
0 fyz 0.87 f y z

charts to determ
mine Asx annd Asy .

 Illustraative reinfforcement detailing

Always arraange
short-span s
steel bars
a the outer layer
(short span)

6.3.3 Restrained slabs

 The slabs are divided in each direction into middle and edge strips as

shown in Fig. 6.3-4. The maximum moments msx and msy will be applied

to the middle strips only.

Fig. 6.3-4 Middle and edge strips of restrained two-way slab

o The maximum design moments in directions of spans lx and ly

msx   sx nl x2 and msy   sy nl x2 (6.2)

The moment coefficients sx and sy are given in Table 6.3-2, which

are derived based on a modified yield-line analysis.

o The steel bars are uniformly spaced across the middle strips.

o At the discontinuous edge, top steel of one-half the bottom steel at

mid-span should be provided for cracking control.

 In the edge strips, only nominal reinforcement (min = 0.13% for high-

yield steel; min = 0.24% for mild steel) is necessary, which is to be

provided together with torsion reinforcement specified below.

Tablee 6.3-2 (HK KConcrete22013: Tablle 6.6)
Bennding momeent coefficcients for reectangular panels suppported on four sides with
provision for torsionn at cornerss

Example 6.3-1
Fig. 6.3-7(b

 Torsion reinforcement should be provided at discontinuous corners where

the slab is simply supported on both edges meeting at that corner and is

prevented from lifting unless the consequences of cracking are negligible.

o In Fig. 6.3-5(a), at Corner X the slab is discontinuous on both sides

and at Corner Y the slab is discontinuous only on one side.

(a) Floor plan

Torsion reinforcement

1/5lx 1/5lx
lx X Y
As , X  Asx
4 3
As ,Y  Asx
3 8
As ,Y  Asx
1/5lx 8

No torsion reinforcement is required

(b) Corners with torsion reinforcement for Case 4 in (a)

Fig. 6.3-5 Two-way floor slabs with torsion reinforcement.

 Torsion bar arrangement

1. The corner steel consists of two meshes, one placed on the top and the

other at the bottom of the slab. Each mash has two layers of steel bars

in both directions of spans and extending from the edges a minimum

distance of 1/5 of the shorter span (1/5 lx), as shown in Fig. 6.3-5(b).

2. At Corner X, the area of reinforcement in each layer of a mesh, As,X,

shall be three quarters of the area, Asx, required for the maximum
midspan moment of short span, i.e. As,X = Asx [Fig. 6.3-6(a)].

1/5 lx

As , x (T&B)

3 1/5 lx
As , x (T&B)

U-type bars

(a) Corner with two discontinuous edges (Corner X)

1/5 lx 1/5 lx

3 3
As , x (T&B) As , x (T&B)
8 8

1/5 lx

(b) Corner with one discontinuous edge (Corner Y)

Fig. 6.3-6 Detailing of torsion reinforcement in two-way slabs

3. At Corner Y, the area of reinforcement in each layer of a mesh should
be a half of that required at Corner X, i.e. As,Y = Asx [Fig. 6.3-6(b)],
which is normally provided together with reinforcement at edge strips

for bottom meshes.

6.3.4 Shear forces and shear resistance

 The load distribution on beams supporting two-way solid slabs is shown

in Fig. 6.3-7.

vs kN/m

(NOTE. vs = vsx when l = lx; vs = vsy when l = ly)

Fig. 6.3-7 Distribution of load on a beam supporting a two-way slab

 The design loads on the supporting beams are calculated by

vsx   vx nl x and vsy  vy nlx (6.3)

Shear force coefficients vx and vy are given in Table 6.3-3.

 When v < vc, shear reinforcement in solid slabs is not required.

Taable 6.3-3 (HKConcrrete2013: Table T 6.7)
Shear forrce coefficiients for unniformly looaded rectaangular pan nels supporrted on
fourr sides withh provisionn for torsioon at cornerrs

Example 6.3-1
steps 2(a)
2 and 2(b)

■ Example 6.3-1: Two-way restrained solid slab

The part of floor plan is shown in Fig. 6.3-8(a), consisting of restrained slabs

with the edge beams. The slab is 180 mm thick; total dead load = 6.2 kN/m2

and imposed load = 2.5 kN/m2. fcu = 30 N/mm2 and fy = 500 N/mm2. Design

the corner slab and show the reinforcement on sketches.

6 m  6 m  X Y
0.75 m  4.5m 
6 m 

5 2 4
(0.036) (‐0.047)
6 m 


(a) Part of floor plan (b) Moment coefficients for corner panel
Fig. 6.3-8 Continuous two-way slabs

1. Slab division, moments and reinforcement

 The corner slab is divided into middle and edge strips, as shown in Fig.

6.3-8(a). The design load = 1.46.2 + 1.62.5 = 12.7 kN/m.

 Assuming 10 mm diameter bars and 20 mm concrete cover:

For outer layer: d = 180 – 30 = 150 mm; [Or take an average value:
For inner layer: d = 150 – 10 = 140 mm. d = h – 35 = 145 mm]

 As the slab is square, only one direction needs to be considered when

calculating moments and steel areas for middle strips. The moment

coefficients are given in Fig. 6.3-8(b) [see Table 6.3-2].

 Moment reinforcement

(a) Supports 1 and 4 (continuous edges), d = 155 mm

msx  0.047  12.7  62  21.5 kNm

21.5  106
K  0.027  0.156
35  1000  1502
 0.027 
z  155  0.5  0.25    150 mm  0.95d  147 mm
 0.9 

21.5  106
As   336 mm 2 / m
0.87  500  147

Provide T10@200 (As = 393 mm2/m) top steel.

(b) Span 2, d = 145 mm (the smaller value of d in used)

msx  0.036  12.7  62  16.5 kNm

Repeat the above calculations in (a), or use the design chart for singly

reinforced beam, giving As = 270 mm2/m.

Provide T8@150 (As = 335 mm2/m) bottom steel.

Check the minimum area of steel in tension:

As,min = 0.13  1000  180 /100  234 mm 2 / m

(c) Supports 3 and 5 (discontinuous edges), d = 155 mm

As  0.5  270  135 mm2 /m < As,min = 234 mm2/m

Provide T8@200 (As = 251 mm2/m) top steel.

(d) In detailing, the moment steel will not be curtailed because both

negative and positive steel would fall below the minimum area if 50%

of the bars were cut off.

2. Shear forces and shear resistance (usually ignored in practice)

(a) Supports 1 and 4 (continuous edges)

30.5  103
vsx  0.4  12.7  6  30.5 kN/m; then v   0.20 N/mm 2
1000  150
100 As 100  393
  0.26; hence vc  0.57 N/mm2 No
bd 1000  150
v  0.20 N/mm2  vc  0.57 N/mm2

shear reinforcement is required.

(b) Supports 3 and 5 (discontinuous edges)

Bottom tension bars are to be stopped at the centre of the support. The

shear resistance is based on the top steel with As = 251 mm2/m.

vsx  0.26  12.7  6  19.8 kN/m; hence v  0.13 N/mm 2

vc  0.49 N/mm 2
v  0.13 N/mm 2  vc  0.49 N/mm 2

No shear reinforcement is required.

3. Torsion steel

Torsion steel of length 1/5  6 = 1.2 m shall be provided in the top and

bottom of the slab at the corners X and Y shown in Fig. 6.3-8(b)

(a) Corner X:

The area of torsion steel is 3/4  270 = 203 mm2/m.

This is provided by the minimum steel of T8@200.

(b) Corner Y:

The area of torsion steel is 3/8  270 = 101 mm2/m.

This is provided by the minimum steel of T8@200.

4. Edge strips

Provide the minimum reinforcement, T8@200, in all edge strips.

5. Deflection (usually ignored in practice)

Check using steel at mid-span with d = 145 mm.

Basic span/depth ratio = 26

msx 16.5  106

  0.78
bd 2 1000  1452

5  460  293
fs   268 N/mm 2
8  314

477  268
The modification factor = 0.55   1.59
120(0.9  0.78)

Allowable span/d ratio = 1.59  26 = 41.34

Actual span/d ratio = 600/145 = 41.37

The slab can be considered to be just satisfactory.

6. Cracking (usually ignored in practice)

The bar spacing does not exceed 3d = 3  140 = 420 mm; in addition, for

grade 500 steel the depth of the slab is less than 200 mm.

No further checks are then required.

7. Sketch of the slab

All corner steel: All edge strips:

T8@200 T8@200


(a) Bottom reinforcement required

All corner steel: T8@200


T8@200 T10@200


(b) Top reinforcement required

Fig. 6.3-9 Bottom and top reinforcement required

Details of the arrangement of torsion reinforcement can be seen in Fig. 6.3-6.


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