Bulletin 1-7-18

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JANUARY 7, 2018

Mass Schedule
Saturday 5PM
Sunday 8AM & 10AM
Served by:

Fr. Drew Miller


Sr. Donna Lombardi, FCM

Pastoral Associate
Parish Administrator

Karen Suter

Joe Lombardi
Music Director

Mike & Fran Krol

Parish Council Leaders

An All Inclusive Independent Catholic Community,

Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place
January 7, 2018

5 pm

8 am EverydayStewardship

10 am My mother-in-law was the best gift-giver I ever

knew. One could say my parents spoiled me
growing up, but there was something about her
gifts to me that made me feel overwhelmed. I
guess it was that after several years I still was sur-
prised that she would think enough of me to get
me something no one else would. She was able
to make me feel special every time. Of course, I
believe she honored me in this way because I
accepted her greatest gift to me, her daughter.

Sadly, my mother-in-law did not live long in this

world. She passed away over a decade ago
due to an aggressive cancer. Some of her ma-
terial gifts to me remain, while others are long
gone. But the memories and the effect of those
gifts remain because it was never all about the
gifts themselves. It was about relationship. It was
about her and me. It was about love.

What we offer Jesus is never about the gift itself.

It is about the motivation behind the action and
the effect that action has on the body of Christ.
Many of the gifts we give today to God and his
people will fade away like the mist of the early
morning, but the effects of those actions will last
forever. It is about relationship. It is about God
and us. It is about love.

-Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

Our Mission: To create a sense of home in an atmosphere of

belonging, as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ, …
using words when necessary.

Sharing the Gospel

Jigsaw puzzles are fun. Solve a puzzle with your

whole family, and it comes together even faster.
God helped the wise men solve a puzzle. They
wanted to find the newborn king. Together the
wise men read God's promises, did their home-
work, and followed the star. When all of their
answers fit, they found baby Jesus.

God, thank you for all the people who helped me
find Jesus.

Something to Draw
Draw a picture of the people who help you learn
more about Jesus.
Mission for the Week
Solve a puzzle together with your family. Work
together like the wise men did.

“Seven to nine with

pizza and wine”

Come and join us for discussion,

Happy January Birthdays to …. conversation, and fellowship.

Friday evening 7pm downstairs!

Fran Krol
This week we will be discussing the
Bob Ward
Gospel of John
Jim Keeney
Ralph Aversa
Joan Johnson Book Discussion
Rocco Iannelli
If you were able to attend Mass
Ann Lee Dacunto
for Christmas, you should have
Christine Sleckman received a book titled:

“Perfectly Yourself” by Matthew Kelly

On or about Friday, March 2nd, we will hold

a book discussion, in lieu of Bible Study, to
share our thoughts and takeaways about
the book’s content. We will announce the
exact date when the time nears.

If you are interested in participating and

need a copy of the book, please see Donna
or Karen before or after mass.
As a non-profit, tax exempt organization, we are
required by the IRS to maintain a record of
donations of money and goods. The donor
cannot claim a tax deduction for any contribution
without a record of the contribution. The church
is required to maintain a record of individual
donations documenting the date and amount of
the contribution.

The utilization of an Offering Envelope is an

option offered to our parishioners. If you are
interested in receiving envelopes please let
Donna or Karen know so that you can be added to
the mailing list.

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