Electron Diffraction and Crystal Structure: Which Gives

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Electron Diffraction and Crystal Structure

1. Introduction
In classical mechanics we describe motion by assigning momenta to point particles. In quantum
mechanics, the motion of particles is also described by waves, with the crucial parameters of the
two viewpoints related through the de Broglie relation:

Where lambda is wavelength and

To observe wave-like behavior, we require some kind of grating where the “distance between
slits” is of order the wavelength. At typical laboratory energies, the electron’s de Broglie
wavelength is of order one Angstrom (10–8 cm), about the same size as the interatomic spacings
in common crystals.

2. Basic Principles
a. The de Broglie Wavelength vs. Voltage
In the cathode ray tube the electron is accelerated through high voltage V. Its energy and
momentum are then given

Which gives:

b. Crystal Lattice Spacing

A crystal is a very regular array of atoms. The regularity can be quantified in terms of certain
small patterns of atoms, called unit cells, which are repeated over and over again. Since the
vertices of the unit cell are atoms, the size of the unit cell is related to the inter-atomic spacing,
or lattice constant, which is usually called a.
This experiment is done with a graphite (carbon) crystal that has a hexagonal structure. For
a simple hexagonal crystal such as graphite, the lattice is as shown. The (100) and (110)
planes, which respectively give rise to the inner and outer rings in the electron diffraction tube,
are shown at right; the ratio of the d-spacings d100/d110 = 3:1.
The indices (100), (110), etc. are known as Miller indices.
c. Bragg Reflection
A rigorous description of crystal diffraction starts with a plane wave of electrons, treats each
atom as an individual source of re-scattered spherical waves, and solves the three-dimensional
problem of summing over all the expanding wave-fronts.

The sum of the reflections from a large number of parallel mirrors all separated by the same
distance, d , will produce strong diffraction peaks when the angle between the beam and surface
satisfies the Bragg condition:

Heuristic Derivation

Path difference between the rays is

For constructive interference:

which is Bragg’s Law.

The Bragg picture tells us that a beam of fixed wavelength (i.e. fixed energy) striking a crystal at
the right angle will have its reflection reinforced by constructive interference. The obvious
experimental plan is to measure scattering intensity vs. angle. However, given a single uniform
crystal, the not-so obvious problem is how to sample all of the possible angles. One way to do
this is to hold the detector fixed and rotate the crystal. Alternatively, one could vary the beam
energy, hoping to hit the right wavelength for the unknown orientation of the crystal.
The problem is nicely finessed by the idea, due to Debye and Scherrer, to use a powder or
polycrystalline sample. A poly-crystal is a conglomerate of a large number of small crystal
domains, where each domain is large enough to embody the “true” crystal structure, but all of
the domains are oriented randomly with respect to each other. A beam incident on a

bulk sample will find many domains oriented at the correct Bragg angle for the beam energy.
The diffraction maximum traces a circle in the projection plane. The circle is the base of a cone
whose half-angle is given by

where R is the radius of the circle, and L is the distance from the target to the screen.
Combining this with the Bragg condition, and assuming R<<L gives

and thus, if L and λ are known, measurement of the radius yields d, the distance between Bragg
planes. Electron diffraction becomes a tool for measuring inter-atomic distances in crystals and
the rich detail of crystal structure.
Electron diffraction from poly-crystalline graphite was studied and inter-planar spacing was
calculated for the planes giving Bragg diffraction: (100) and (110).
1. Electron Diffraction Tube
2. Tube Stand
3. Measuring Ruler
4. High Voltage Power Supply 10 Kv


Power Supply Electron diffraction tube

Cathode Ray Tube

1. The electron diffraction tube was placed safely in the stand and connected to the high
voltage power supply.
2. Gratings which modulate the phase rather than the amplitude of the incident light are
also produced. Power was turned on and diffraction rings were observed at the end of
the tube.
3. The voltage was adjusted to 2.5 kV and the radii of the two concentric rings were
4. Knowing the distance L between the sample and the screen (135 mm), diffraction angle
2θ was calculated using

5. Using the de-Broglie wavelength

inter-planar spacing was calculated using

6. The above were repeated for higher voltages.

7. Average inter-planar spacing was determined.
Distance between graphite target and screen L = 135 nm
Voltage Wavelength R1 R2 Ѳ1 Ѳ2 d 100 d 110
(kv) (Å) (mm) (mm) (Å) (Å)

3 0.224 15 26 3.17 5.45 2.21 1.18

4 .1944 12 21 2.53 4.42 2.20 1.26
5 0.1739 11 20 2.32 4.21 2.15 1.18

Average d (100)=2.19Å
Average d (110)= 1.21
The wave nature of electrons was verified by the diffraction pattern. The average
interplanar spacing came out to be 2.19 A0 for d100 and 1.21 Ao for d110 families of planes in the
graphite crystals particularly high.
Diffraction of visible light from a diffraction grating was studied and the distance
between the slits was calculated.

1. Translucent screen
2. Diffraction grating
3. Optical bench
4. Halogen lamp 12 V
5. Transformer 2-12 V
6. Picture slider
7. Red and green filters
8. Measuring ruler



Halogen lamp Filters Diffraction grating Screen

1. The apparatus was set in the scheme shown.
2. The halogen lamp was turned on which gave white light.
3. The picture slider with a red filter was placed in front of the lamp.
4. A grid pattern was observed on the translucent screen. The grid could be transformed
into circles by rotating the grating.
5. The radius of first order diffraction ring was measured.
6. The same steps were performed with green filter.
7. Distance between the grating elements was found using the grating formula.

L = 7.4cm
Wave length of green light: 𝜆𝐺 = 632nm ,
RG =1.6cm
Wavelength of red light :𝜆𝑅 =531nm,
RR = 1.8cm,
d =2246.65nm
Average distance d =2.618um

Diffraction of light from the diffraction grating was studied. Average separation
between the diffracting elements came out to be 2.618 µm.

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