Ecological Impact of Rubber Plantations: Tripura Perspective

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Manidip Roy
Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya, Kailashahar, Tripura, India


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International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 6, Issue, 11, pp.10334-10340,
pp.103 November, 2014

ISSN: 0975-833X
1,*Mihirlal Roy, 2Sibani Saha and 3Manidip Roy
State Council for Science and Technology, A.R. Complex, Agartala, Tripura, India
of Fisheries, Government of Tripura, College Tilla, Agartala, Tripura, India
3Department of Economics, Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya, Kailashahar, Unakoti, Tripura, India


Article History: Due to agro-climatic

agro suitability of Tripura, a north-eastern
eastern state of India, rubber plantation is being
Received 29th August, 2014 promoted. Till 2012, 5.2 per cent of its geographical area has come under rubber monoculture. In spite
Received in revised form of socio-economic
socio economic positive impacts, there are controversies on growing expansion of rubber
18th September, 2014 monoculture among the populace of Tripura, mainly from the perspective of ecology. Based on the
Accepted 03rd October, 2014 available literature of the studies carried out in different places of the globe as well as in Tripura,
Published online 30th November, 2014 these aspects have been reviewed in this paper.

Key words:
Hevea brasiliensis,
Carbon sequestration,
Soil health

Copyright © 2014 Mihirlal Roy et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION (Fox et al.,., 2009). There are reports that, its plantation causes
local water resource shortage too (Tang et al., 2011). Both
Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Mull. Arg., Family: positive and negative effects on soil fertility, microcl
microclimate and
Euphorbiaceae), a native tree species of Amazon forests, has carbon sequestration have also been reported (Zhang, 1986;
been successfully introduced as a cash crop in many Krishnakumar et al.,., 1991; Kox, 2000; Cheng et al., 2006,
developing countries, especially in Southeast Asia to produce 2007; Hu et al.,., 2008). In Tripura, it has also made positive
natural rubber (Nath et al., 2010). In India, the hinterland of contributions in restoring the degraded ecological system
southwest coastal region is recognised as ‘traditional rubber (Krishnakumar et al.,., 1991; Krishnakumar and Meenattoor,
belt’, but as that area reached the saturation level in area 2003). In spite of its positive role in restoring degraded land in
coverage, the non-traditional
traditional areas are now in focus (Sinha, Tripura, the negative consequences
equences of large scale monoculture
2007). Among non-traditional
traditional areas, the north-eastern
north region cannot be overlooked. On the other hand, there are unscientific
of Indiaa is emerging as one of the most important rubber arguments against such plantations too. Combating biased
growing zones (Sinha, 2007), due to its favourable agro- agro arguments is also of immense importance. Hence, promotion
climatic condition for rubber growing. In the north-eastern
north of scientific literacy on the issue as wewell as dissemination of
region of India, the state of Tripura is the fore runner. As per up-to-date
date research findings need much more attention to make
record of the Rubber Boardd of India, by 2012, in Tripura people ‘informed decision makers’.
55,415 hectares of land have come under rubber plantation,
which is 5.2 per cent of its total geographical area. In India, Natural rubber Vs. Synthetic rubber: importance of
both in terms of plantation area as well as total production, rubber plantation
Tripura stands second, next to Kerala. Though, the rubber
plantations in Tripura, as well as in other areas contributed a Jones (1994) and Wan and Jones (1996) postulated that,
lot to economy, there are controversies on the ecological natural rubber is inherently environment
environment-friendly. What for
impact. Loss of biodiversity is one of the major complaints such postulation? Perhaps there is a motivation to draw its
green image in comparison to synthetic rubber. Natural rubber
is an unusual industrial
strial material, not only of natural origin, but
*Corresponding author: Mihirlal Roy
Tripura State Council
uncil for Science and Technology, A.R. Complex, also renewable in nature (Jones, 1997). It also takes less
Agartala, Tripura, India energy (Rahman, 1994). While in the production of 1 ton of
10335 Mihirlal Roy et al. Ecological impact of rubber plantations: Tripura perspective

synthetic rubber (finite product) energy requirement is than teak in taking up CO2 (Sethuraj and Jacob, 1996). Hence,
between 108 and 174 GJ, the same amount of natural rubber it can be inferred that, the Hevea brasiliensis occupies an
only takes 13 GJ (IRRDB, 1998). Moreover, in contrast to advantageous place as a forest species or even serves better in
synthetic rubber, which consumes energy and produce CO2 to purifying atmosphere by assimilation of CO2 in photosynthesis
convert pure energy (crude oil) into elastomers, the natural and releasing O2 as the by-product of photosynthesis.
rubber plant absorbs CO2 to meet the need to produce latex
inside the tree (Jones, 1997), thereby playing role in Carbon sequestration
minimising global warming.
With the recognition of increasing green house gases (GSHs)
Synthetic rubber too has got advantages over natural rubber in in atmosphere due to human intervention resulting in global
certain aspects, one of which is related to ecology. It does not warming, attention has been drawn to the attempt of
cause loss of biodiversity, whereas rubber plantation on minimising carbon from the atmosphere by adopting
commercial scale destroys biodiversity. Perhaps, this is the appropriate actions. The plants can play a decisive role in this
greatest drawback of the rubber plantations from the point of respect. However, there is an argument that, the old-growth
the environment (Bhowmik, 2006). But, in recent times, on the forests store carbon for centuries, whereas plantations and
development of protocols for processing rubber wood, apart young forests are actually net emitters of carbon due to
from ‘latex’, when the productive period is over, the tree is disturbance in the soil and the degradation of the previous
being used as ‘timber’. In early nineties of last century, ecosystem. But, when there comes the question of choice
International Trade Centre (ITC) estimated that, globally 0.6 regarding plantations with an equitable view of economical
million hectares of tropical rain forest can be conserved with and environmental causes, as in Tripura, where even forests
the utilisation of economically available rubber wood (ITC, too consist mainly of plantations, the rubber plantations have
1993), which indirectly can play a role in conserving glittering opportunities. Review of several studies have
biodiversity. The estimates further showed that, if all the indubitably indicated that, natural rubber plants are good sink
available physical potential of rubber wood are in use, an for atmospheric CO2 (Jacob, 2003). The amount of carbon
additional 0.3 million hectares of tropical rain forests can be fixed in the rubber tree has been assessed in different
saved. Even India can be able to save 20,000 hectares of rain genotypes and geographic locations (Sivakumaran et al., 2000;
forests on an annual basis (Dhamodaran, 2008). Hence, Wauters et al., 2008; Annamalainathan et al., 2010). On an
considering its natural origin, renewable nature, capability of average, a rubber tree is capable of fixing approximately one
playing role in minimising global warming and requirement of MT of CO2 during its 30-year economic life cycle and
less energy and potentiality to save huge area of rain forests, it therefore, within a hectare of rubber having over 300 trees, a
can be concluded that, natural rubber is environment-friendly minimum of 300 MT of CO2 is fixed. Cheng et al. (2007)
in comparison to synthetic rubber. compared the carbon sequestration of Hevea brasiliensis with
rain forest and secondary rain forest in Hainan Island of China.
Advantage of ‘Hevea’ as a species as/over other trees The carbon sequestration of rubber trees per hectare amounts
upto 272.08 tonnes within 30-year life period (57.91 per cent
Hevea brasiliensis is deciduous and indigenous to the tropical was fixed in litters), whereas in case of rain forest and in
rain forests of Amazon basin (Thomas and Panikkar, 2000). secondary rain forest, those are 234.305 tonnes and 150.203
Due to its robust nature and economic importance, its tonnes respectively.
cultivation has been extended away from the equator to
latitudes as far as 290 N in India and China, down to 23o S in Loss of Biodiversity
Sao Paulo state, Brazil (Rahman, 1994). As it is deciduous, its
wintering causes decrease in photosynthesis (falling nearly to Loss of biodiversity is one of the potential dangers associated
zero because of annual leaf exchange) for short spell of time, with sprawling rubber plantation (Li et al., 2007). Its
say for little more than one month (Moreira et al., 2009). But, unrestricted expansion has devastating environmental effects
due to its heavy canopy owing to large leaf area index (LAI), (Ziegler et al., 2009). But, the question is, what are the
often 6 or more, particularly beyond a certain age of growth reasons? Is the species ‘per se’ is responsible? Or, is it
(Devakumar, 1998), it shows better photosynthesis in antagonistic to other forms of life in ecosystem? According to
overall. According to Rahman (1994), beyond a certain age of Kox (2000), the leaf coverage and the root system of rubber
growth, the rate of photosynthesis is even comparable to that trees regulate the microclimate allowing a range of secondary
of forest ecosystems. According to Jones (1997), it is probably plants to flourish, provides protection of soil against
at least equal to that of virgin forest and may even exceed it. dehydration and the erosive influence of rain. Kox (2000)
The photosynthesis rate of a mature rubber leaf is 10 to 15 further mentioned that, the trees also offer a habitat for a great
umol CO2 per m2 per second as compared to 5 to 13 umol CO2 variety of fauna. In spite of that, we cannot deny the fact that,
per m2 per second in many other trees (Sethuraj and Jacob, almost in all rubber plantations in Tripura, there are only
1997; Nataraj and Jacob, 1999). Thus, due to large LAI, high upright rubber trees on clear ground with dry leaves. It is due
rate of photosynthesis, it is reported to be relatively efficient to monoculture, not due to the Hevea ‘per se’, which changes
converter of solar energy into dry matter production, even the landscapes. It has also been reported that, biodiversity
comparable with virgin jungle, especially once the tree reaches remains remarkably high in rubber plantation, in marked
maturity (Rahman, 1994) and in that way plays a positive role contrast to most other forms of monoculture (Jones, 1997). By
as carbon sink in assimilating carbon from atmosphere. inherent nature it does not possess the characteristics which
Physiological studies have shown that Hevea is more effective result in almost clear ground devoid of flora and fauna. The
10336 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 6, Issue, 11, pp.10334-10340, November, 2014

rubber plantations are being raised as ‘monoculture (FRA). There are also attempts to convert tea gardens to
plantations’, because human beings are doing it such way, rubber plantations. What is the prime force? Obviously
whereas, naturally, in its indigenous place in tropical rain economic profitability is the dictate of market force. As a
forests, it co-exists with different forms of life. In a corrective measure, we need enforcement of the restriction
comparative study of the plantations of Hevea brasiliensis, provisions of laws. If we fail to make profitable production
Tictona grandis and natural forest in north Bengal in India, and value addition in private lands under cultivation, it will be
where for considerable years there were no anthropogenic difficult to restrain the owner from conversion to rubber
interferences/disturbances, it was found that in terms of total monoculture, which is a challenging task. We cannot ignore
number as well diversity of living organisms, the rubber that, ecologically, in comparison to ‘natural forest’, the ‘man
plantation is rich and almost nearer to natural forest made forest’ is fragile as it possesses less biodiversity as well
(Krishnakumar et al., 1991). Number of plants, herbs and as less number of living organisms. Again, among man made
shrubs were more in rubber plantation in comparison to forests /plantations, monoculture is more fragile. Further,
Tictona plantation. In natural forest, monocot plants were monoculture is better than no plantation or barren field.
recorded 20,000 numbers per hectare and diocot plants 60,000
numbers per hectare, whereas in rubber plantation, these were Effect on microclimate
recorded 18,000 and 80,000 numbers respectively. In Tripura
too, from rubber plantations 50 species of plants Nowadays, the people of Tripura have a general feeling that
(Krishnakumar et al., 1991), 11 species of earthworms have the local climate is changing. It is becoming hotter and drier.
been recorded (Nath and Chowdhury, 2010). There is a lack of adequate rainfall. Even in the middle of
monsoon the riverbeds are dry. There is a tendency to blame
In spite of the presence of different forms of life in rubber the expanding cultivation of rubber for changes. Is it
plantations as mentioned above, it is a fact that, globally, scientifically correct? Whether as a plant species ‘Hevea’ can
destruction of biodiversity is taking place for promotion of be made responsible or not, is a question of paramount
monoculture of rubber to meet the industrial need with a importance.
resultant loss of biodiversity. Therefore, recently this
phenomenon is being termed as ‘green desert’ by the Rainfall : If the perception that rain fall is decreasing is found
environmental activists. It is now recognised that, land-cover to be correct, is not it ironical that, Hevea brasiliensis is the
transitions to rubber monoculture has resulted significant loss native plant of Amazon forest, which is a biggest rain forest of
of both above ground and belowground biodiversity (Li et al., the world? Is not it ironical that, mighty Amazon River, the
2008; Ziegler et al., 2009, 2009a). Assessing the scenario of basin of which is its homeland, carries the most amount of
large scale and rapid land-cover conversion to rubber water of all the rivers in the world? Hence, it is clear, as a
monoculture in Motane Mainland Southeast Asia (land species Hevea brasiliensis ‘per se’ cannot be blamed for, even
between 300-3000 m. above sea level of China, Laos, if at all there are changes in rainfall. Further, in Tripura,
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar), where more whether there is any significant trend of annual decline of rain
than 500,000 hectares of land have already been converted to fall at all? Though changes of seasonal distribution are being
rubber plantations, Ziegler et al. (2009a) predicted that, by experienced, the trend analysis of 20th century indicates no
2050, the area under rubber and other monoculture would be significant changes in annual rainfall (Bhattacharjee, 2002).
double or triple replacing lands currently occupied by Analysing the database corresponding to the period 1984-2008
evergreen broadleaf trees and secondary vegetation. of Agartala, the state capital of Tripura, it has also been found
that, annual rainfall did not show trend of decline (Sailajadevi,
Reviewing the transition from subsistence-production based 2010). Analysis of moisture regime reveals that, monthly
shifting cultivation to small-scale rubber cultivation in three distribution of rainfall during two halves indicates a shift in the
South Asian countries, viz., Srilanka, Bangladesh and India distribution. Observed rainfall peak was May-June during the
including the state of Tripura, Nath et al. (2010) opined that, first half (1984-1995) and June-July during the second half
no doubt the rubber plantations increased forest coverage in (1996-2008). Two rainfall peaks (May-June and Sept-Oct)
planted areas, but at the cost of local biodiversity. In Tripura, were observed during first half which was changed once
the rubber plantation not only destroyed natural homestead during the latter half.
forests, agro-forestry lands (occupied by horticultural plants),
but also in some places even forests (both planted and natural). Seasonal trends in rainfall indicate a decline during post
According to them (Nath et al. 2010), only standing trees and monsoon and winter season, though not significant. Rainy
clean ground with dry leaves cannot create the sense of a forest days during South-West (SW) monsoon declined at a rate of
that does not virtually have any wildlife and other vegetations. 0.4 days per year. Extreme rainfall events during the season
In Tripura, it is yet to be unearthed, to what extent the increased at a rate of 0.15 days per year over a span of 25
biodiversity have disappeared for rubber and to what extent years. Decline of rainy days during summer is notable.
loss is likely to be incurred in future to reach to the target level Extreme rainfall events during summer indicate a decline of
(100,000 hectares). In initial years, in Tripura, rubber 0.03 days per year. 0nset and withdrawal of SW monsoon as
plantation were in degraded land, but, in recent years there has an index of climate change was also studied (Sailajadevi,
been encroachment of land demarcated for horticulture and of 2010). Pented rainfall of fourth spell (May 30 to June 3) was
even in forest land including the land which have been the onset during the first half (1984-1995) and pented rainfall
distributed under Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional of third spell (May 25 to 29) was the onset during the second
Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act., 2006 half. When, the two periods were joined together pented
10337 Mihirlal Roy et al. Ecological impact of rubber plantations: Tripura perspective

rainfall of 3rd spell was found to be the onset. Withdrawal of though not significant. Decrease of cold nights during SW
the monsoon has been extended to 46th week (Nov. 12-18) monsoon at a rate of 0.8 days per year is in agreement with the
during the latter half instead of 45th week (Nov. 5-11) during earlier results obtained for the season. The number of days
the first half. Do the changes in distribution pattern mentioned where Tmax exceeded the thresholds was observed to be
above have any relation with rubber plantation? Till date, there increasing over the years during SW monsoon. Number of
is no such study in or for Tripura. However, a study has been days with Tmax> 330C increased at a rate of 0.16 spells per
conducted by Research Centre for Eco-environment Sciences year. Evaluation of Tmin during winter indicates the difference
of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, for Hainan Island between the first and second halves widens during December.
which may enlighten us to get an idea for Tripura too. Based An increase of more than 20C observed for the second half,
on 40 years’ (1951-1990) climatic data, analysing the compared to the first half indicates that December is becoming
hydrological dynamic characteristics of rubber plantation and warmer over the years. The observed decline in the Tmin of
estimation of the water balance in the rubber plantation , the second half during the beginning of February revealed a shift
researchers concluded that, in the 19 counties of Hainan Island in the winter that extended up to the middle of the month.
, the large-scale substitution of the natural vegetation with the From analytical findings of Sailajadevi (2010), it can be
rubber plantations had no significant effect on local rainfall inferred that, increase of minimum temperature in all seasons
(Jiang, J. and Wang, R., 2003). and of maximum temperature during SW monsoon has taken
place. The trends in the hot days and cold nights, consistency
According to them, main reasons are : (1) 80 per cent of the in the non increase of hot days during summer, identification
rainfall in Hainan Island is brought by typhoons ; (2) the of the 1994 as the major direction of change to warming are
proportion of 11.6 per cent rubber plantations in total forest some interesting observations. The question remains whether
coverage in Hainan Island is not enough to influence the local the changes in thermal climate as mentioned are due to rubber
rainfall ; and (3) although, the rubber plantation is artificial plantations or not? As mostly the plantations are in barren field
vegetation, it has the similar function to the tropical rain forest. or in denuded forests (that too mostly plantations) or on the
The rainfall of Tripura is mainly influenced by Bay of Bengal lands affected by shifting cultivation and increased green
and the climate of wider geographical areas even beyond the covers (Nath et al., 2010), cannot be made responsible. Rather,
boundary of Tripura. Moreover, the proportion of rubber as due to rubber plantation green cover increased, there is the
plantation in the state is only 5.2 per cent (55,415 hectares in possibility that it has played a role in minimising temperature
2012, as per information from Rubber Board of India) of its though an overall increase of minimum temperature in all
geographical area, whereas, forest cover together with tree seasons and maximum temperature during SW monsoon has
cover is 78.3 per cent (anonymous, 2011). In this context, is taken place. It may be due to other reasons including global
there any remote possibility of influence of the rubber warming.
plantations on local rainfall? Analogy of drying up of
riverbeds with inadequate rainfall and linking it up with rubber Sucking of sub-surface water: There is also a saying that, the
plantation also appears to be not scientific. Riverbeds may dry rubber plant is sucking the ground water and making the land
up for variety of reasons, which demand proper study. dry. Is there any study or any scientific explanation available?
According to Krishnakumar and Rajeswari Meenattoor (2003),
Temperature: With regard to temperature, increase in mean rubber trees utilize much less water than many forest species
annual minimum temperature has been observed at a rate of for a comparable biomass production. Further, Bhowmik
0.050C per year over a span of 25 years (Sailajadevi, 2010). No (2006), based on an interview with residents of the locality of
change has been noticed in mean annual maximum 8 rubber growing villages (5 villages under Belonia
temperature. Trend analysis on seasonal basis reveals that, the Subdivision and 3 villages under Udaipur Subdivisions of
minimum temperature increased at a rate of 0.040C during SW earlier South District) of Tripura, came to the conclusion that ,
monsoon, while the trend for 2000-2009 showed an increase the ground water levels in the villages do not show any sign of
for minimum temperature except during post monsoon. Cusum depletion. Respondents believe that the levels have remained
plot for seasonal minimum temperature indicates 1994-95 as the same even after introduction of rubber plantation in the
the year in which the shift to warming occurred. It is of interest area though utilization of water from the wells has increased
to note though not significant, that maximum temperature during the past several years. According to him, this indicates
shows an upward trend only during SW monsoon. A that, the rubber plantation is rather helping conservation of
downward trend is observed in the winter and post monsoon water and recharge of aquifers. Though the promoter of rubber
maximum temperature during the decade 2000-2009. Cusum cultivation are of the view that, rubber plantations exhibit
plot for maximum temperature during SW monsoon indicates similar hydrology to rain forests and will not cause water
that, the change to the warming phase occurred during 1990 shortage (Zhang et al., 2011), in contrast, local
and continued up to 1998. It is also interesting to note that, belief/perception of high water use of Hevea brasilielsis have
there was increase in Tmax during SW monsoon. Cold nights been reported from China (Guardiola-Claramonte et al., 2010).
decreased at a faster rate (-1.7 days per year) than the increase In China, the observations of researchers were different
of hot days (0.9 days per year), which is in concordance with (Guardiola-Clarmonte et al., 2008, 2010; Qui, 2009; Zhang et
the result obtained for minimum temperature. The cusum chart al., 2011). Extensive field observations in Xishuangbanna of
for cold nights indicates a sudden change in direction towards China suggest that, rubber is depleting the subsurface water
warming, which reconfirms the year 1994 as the major point resources, as significant deep root water uptake occurs during
for Tmin. Seasonal trends for hot days did not increase during leave flushing coinciding with the driest and hottest period
summer. All the other seasons depicted an increase of hot days (Guardiola-Clarmonte et al., 2008). Qui (2009) and Zhang et
10338 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 6, Issue, 11, pp.10334-10340, November, 2014

al. (2011) even referred rubber as ‘water pump’, as according Tripura and found that, the influence of the rubber plantations
to them, the rubber plants are associated with water depletion on soil properties is comparable to other tree plantations
in the basins where they are grown. Guardiola-Claramonte et particularly Sal and Teak. Improvement of the bare soil, soil of
al. (2010) also suggested greater annual catchment water denuded forests as well as areas subjected to continuous
losses through ET (Evapo-transpiration) from rubber shifting cultivation is a challenging task in different areas
dominated landscapes compared to the traditional vegetation including those in Tripura. Exposure of the bare soil to the sun
cover. However, Dr. A.D. Ziegler of the National University of and the impact of rainfall can lead to accelerated
Singapore is cautious in using the term ‘water pump’. decomposition of the organic matter, leaching of nutrients,
According to him, sufficient research has not yet been done to breakdown of the aggregate structure of the surface soil,
evaluate the extent of the hydrological threat (Anonymous, diminished infiltration and increased run-off and erosion of
2012). Data are also too sparse to quantify the extent of the soil (Rahaman, 1994). A team of ICAR Research Complex for
impacts (Ziegler et al., 2009). With this background, NE Region, Tripura, also reported decline in soil pH, organic
observation and conclusion of Bhowmik (2006) based on the carbon, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available
perception of local residents and that too of only 26 potassium (Datta et al., 2001). Shifting cultivation usually
respondents, appears to be over simplistic and hence, need proceeds by clearing of vegetation and burning the organic
scientifically valid evaluation. debris, which lead to destruction of organic matter, soil
structure, thereby decrease the soil fertility and soil microbial
Effect on soil health population as well as reduce water intake capacity of soil due
to deposition of hydrophobic aliphatic hydrocarbons (Mandol
From reviewing the literature, it appears that, number of and Pal, 2010). In Tripura, the rubber plantation has shown
researchers have reported the impact of rubber plantations on credibility in such situations to improve the physical (bulk
soil health (Aweto, A.O., 1987; Krishnakumar et al., 1990, density, porosity), chemical (nutrient availability), and
1991,1991a; Joshep,1991; Krishnakumar and Potty, 1992; biological (soil microbe) properties of the soil (Krishnakumar
Rahaman,1994; Cheng et al., 2007; Mandol and Pal, 2010). et al., 1991a; Krishnakumar and Potty, 1992).

Restoring soil erosion: Soil erosion is a problem everywhere, Conclusion

which decreases the nutrient of soil, as we know that nutrients
are naturally available in top soil. From analysing of different In modern time, we cannot think of society without rubber. For
observations (Philip et al., 1996; Sethuraj, 1996; Jacob, 2000), that, in respect of environmental consideration, dependence on
it appears that, ‘as plant’, the rubber can play a role in natural rubber is better, for which we need rubber plantation.
restoring soil erosion. The root concentration in rubber Tripura, a north eastern state is fortunate enough that it has
plantations occurs in the top 18 cm of the soil and horizontally been gifted by nature an agro-climatic condition which is
they spread up to 2 meters from the plant base (Philip et al., suitable for Hevea brasiliensis to grow. Hence, this
1996). Being a surface feeder, rubber tree affords good soil opportunity needs to be utilised for socio-economic
binding and reduces erodibility of soil considerably (Sethuraj, development of the state. It has also shown its credibility to
1996). The thick canopy helps to cut down direct radiation and improve the soil health, especially of the bare land or denuded
intercepts rain. According to Rahman (1994), once the trees forest land or the land degraded by shifting cultivation. But,
have established a complete canopy, the rate of run-off unrestricted expansion of the monoculture may pose a threat
generally differs little from that in similar areas with natural on the ecology of the state, especially with regard to the
forest. Thus, soil moisture status is improved and soil erosion destruction of biodiversity.
is prevented. The reduced soil temperature leads to reduced
oxidation of soil organic matter and favour its built up (Jacob, Though initially, its plantations were confined to bare land or
2000). denuded forest land or the land degraded by shifting
cultivation, recent attempt of transition of lands covered by
Physical and nutrients status: Krishnakumar et al. (1991a) different vegetations including horticultural orchards, and
examined soil properties, nutritional enrichment, under storey attempts to convert tea gardens, are serious problems. Even,
vegetation and biomass recycling under rubber and natural there are cases of encroaching reserve forest and/or the land
forest. Based on the study, they opined that, rubber plantations distributed under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional
present almost a closed ecosystem in a near steady state during Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 in
their life span. In Tripura, it has been found that, its plantations certain pockets. For the purpose, enforcement of restriction
enrich organic matter which consequently improves physical provisions of laws as well as interventions are urgently needed
properties such as bulk density, soil porosity, moisture to make present or other eco-friendly uses of land more
retention and infiltration (Krishnakumar et al., 1990). Joshep profitable. In rubber plantation too, intercropping is desirable.
(1991) also reported that, the nutrient recycling through litter A more realistic approach may be to promote diversified agro-
decomposition is very rich; as a result significant accumulation forestry systems in which cash crops such as rubber can play
of organic matter to the soil takes place, which helps to an important role, but not be planted as monoculture (Ziegler
improve soil organic matter and water content. Eappen et al. et al., 2009). From the available literature on the impact of
(2005) also conducted a comparative study on the influence of rubber monoculture on microclimate (Jing and Wang, 2003)
different forest species, viz., Sal (Shorea robusta), Acacia and analysis of data on rainfall and climate of the state
(Acacia auriculiformis), Cashew (Anacardium occidentale), (Bhattacharjee, 2002; Sailajadevi, 2010), it can be concluded
Teak (Tectona grandis) with rubber (Hevea brasilensis) in that, till date it has not made significant impact on rainfall and
10339 Mihirlal Roy et al. Ecological impact of rubber plantations: Tripura perspective

temperature and even if the plantation is expanded upto target brasiliensis) in a tropical catchment. Ecohydrology, 3 :
level (1 lac hectares), there will not be significant changes. 306-314. DOI : 10.1002/eco.110.
However, its impact on ground water needs valid evaluation. Hu, H., Liu, W. And Cao, M. 2008. Impact of land use and
land cover changes on ecosystem services in Menglun,
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