Pact Magic Unbound VOL. 1: Sample File

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VOL. 1






Product Identity
All legends herein written and copyrighted 2007 by Dario Nardi except “Legend of Muse Istago” by Melonie Ho in
2008. All other material written by Alexander Augunas and Dario Nardi, copyright 2012 where not covered by the
Open Game License summarized on page 84. All game mechanics, statistics, and names of spirits are considered

Open Game Content.The Radiance House logo, all trademarks and registered trademarks, dialogue, plots, storylines,
characters, artwork, logos, and trade dress herein are coprighted by Dario Nardi and are not Open Game Content.

Cover illustration and design by Judah Ben Jehoshua. Interior design by Judah Ben Jehoshua and Dario Nardi. Pact
magic seals by Dario Nardi. Interior illustrations by J von K, Mike Muffins, and Joe Slucher. On the cover, an occult
eye affords a view into the Beyond, where vestiges of spirits float for eternity, waiting to be summoned.
Version 1.0—07/15/2012

For Use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing,
LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Pub-
lishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more
information on the compatibility license.

Radiance House
PO BOX 691971, West Hollywood, CA 90069 |
Printed in USA
ISBN: 978-0-9798684-9-8

Thank You
Libby Schultz for enthusiasm and proofreading, Yehuda Ben Jehoshua for patience and graphics, and members of the
online pact magic forums, notably Phillip Reed and Spencer Scheetz. Finally, John Garber for inspiring Daeminthos.


Chapter 1: Classes Mute Sylvus, Sole Survivor ..........................51
Options ........................................................5 Tyrant Cromwell, the Black Knight .................52
The Occultist .................................................6 Ubro, the Blind Hospitaler ...........................53
Hiding the Art ..............................................11 3rd-level Spirits:
Archetypes: Muse Istago, Painter of Paradox ......................54
Barbarian (Totemic Sage) .............................12 Legend of Muse Istago .................................55
Bard (Soul Muse) ......................................13 N’aylia, the First Vampire ..............................56
Cleric (Occult Priest) ................................14 Vandrae, Drowess Poisontouch ......................57
New Spells .........................................15 Xalen d’Marek, Archivist of Fell Secrets .........58
Druid (Pactsworn Pagan) .............................16 4th-level Spirits:
Fighter (Warshade) .....................................17 Fey Baraddu, the Beast in the Woods ................59
Monk (Empyrean Friar) ...............................18 Gulguthriana, the Glutton ............................60
Occultist (Seal-Etched Occultist) ....................19 Hexus, the Living Curse ..............................61
Occultist (Unbound Occultist) ......................19 Loh’moi, the Mad Geometer .........................62
Legend of Loh’moi .....................................63
Paladin (Templar of Spirits) ...........................22
Ranger (Foe Reaper) ....................................23 5th-level Spirits:
Rogue (Untouchable) ..................................24 Arturius, the Sleeping King ...........................64
Sorcerer (Ergon Bloodline) ...........................25 Dagon, Tentacles from the Deeps ....................65

Sorcerer (Ravaged Bloodline) ........................25 Legend of Dagon .......................................66

Wizard (Soul Weaver) .................................26 Dark Blood, the Rakshasa Princes ...................67
Legend of Xalen d’Marek ............................27 Vodavox, the Hive Mind ...............................68

6th-level Spirits:
Chapter 2: Feats Demos Kalagos, Sworn Enemy of Time ............69

Occult Feats ................................................29 Jayna Warlock, Traveler of Worlds ...................70

Feats ..........................................................29 Legend of Jayna Warlock ..............................71
The Legend of Vandrae ...................................34 Serapith, the Scouring Light .........................72
7th-level Spirits:
Chapter 3: Spirits Mare Loviatha, Ice Queen .............................73
Binding Spirits .............................................35 Legend of Mare Loviatha .............................74
The Constellations .........................................38 Musha’Vadu, the Shadow-Bones Emperor ..........75
Pact Magic in Action .......................................41 Portenta, Seer of the Orphic Eye ....................76
Spirits ........................................................42 8th-level Spirits:
Index of Spirits .............................................43 Essek Avix, the Twins Rejoined .......................77
1st-level Spirits: Evening Star, Bloody Mist of the Hills ..............78
Aza’zati, the Green Wyrmling ........................44 Legend of Evening Star ................................79
Cave Mother, Sorcerous of Secrets ...................45 Young Kiros, Author of Sedation .....................80
Legend of Cave Mother ...............................46 9th-level Spirits:
General Hessant, Patron of Lost Soldiers ..........47 Daeminthos, Crystal Eye of the Mind ................81
Sevnoir, the Meandering Mastiff .....................48 King Mutaros, Vengeance Unfulfilled ................82
2nd-level Spirits: Malebolge Moors, 13 Traitors of Hell ................83
Lady Jarah, Mistress of Many Faces ................49
Legend of Lady Jarah ..................................50 Open Game License ..................76

Chap 1: Classes


Chap 1: Classes

This book introduces new character options by tapping
into the ancient art of pact magic. Pact magic is ritualis-
tic. A pactmaker, or binder, calls forth ghostly creatures
from an extra-cosmic reality referred to by scholars as
the spirit realm. The summoner then attaches the spirit
file to a willing host creature, usually using himself or her-
self as a willing vessel. This chapter introduces a new
base class, the occultist, who seals these kinds of pacts.
You will also find new character options for each of the
11 core classes presented in the Pathfinder Roleplaying

Game. Almost anyone can do pact magic!

Base Classes

In the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, a base class is a

fully fleshed-out stand-alone class that runs from 1st

level to 20th level. The occultist—the base class pre-

sented here—is the undisputed master of pact magic.
While characters of other classes may learn to better
incorporate pact magic into their own combat style and
role-play of social interactions, occultists are without
peer in their mastery over the spirits.

First introduced in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Advanced Player’s Guide, archetypes are specialized
versions of base classes that fill in the gaps for a myriad
of character concepts. An archetype is a quick plug-and-
play set of alternate class abilities arranged around a
specific character concept. For example, a skirmisher
ranger differs from a trapper ranger. Simply, archetypes
help players customize a base class to suit their individual
needs. In this chapter, there are archetypes and alternate
class features for each of the 11 core base classes. For
example, you can now play a foe reaper ranger. There
are also two archetypes for the new occultist base class.
Many archetypes mention the ability to bind spirits
“as an occultist of equal binder level.” This ability only
supplies the archetype with the bind spirit class feature.
Such characters do not gain access to any other occultist
class features, such as constellation aspects, pact aug-
mentations, and so forth.

Chap 1: Classes

Occultists are undisputed

among pact magic
the spirit’s binding DC by 5 in order to add a constella-
tion aspect to the list of minor granted abilities the spirit
grants. The spirit bestows this power to the occultist
users. While others flounder, struggling to house a sin- even if the binding check fails. After the ritual is com-
gle spirit within their souls, occultists excel at contain- plete, the occultist selects a constellation aspect from the
ing the energies of otherworldly beings and harnessing list of aspects that are associated with that bound spirit’s
them for their own ends.Viewed as heretics and damned constellation. For example, occultists who bind with
souls by the general public, occultists are both scholars Aza’zati, the Green Wyrmling, can select a constellation
and pioneers to those who seek to discern the secrets aspect associated with the dragon constellation (which is
of the spirit realm. Other magic users may view pact- Aza’zati’s constellation) if they increase the spirit’s bind-
making as simplistic, but occultists prove otherwise. ing DC by 5 during the ceremony. The decision to add
While simple at the start, the art takes a lifetime to truly a constellation aspect must be made before the binder
understand. Occultists seek an apex: to bind multiple rolls the binding check to determine if the pact is a good
spirits at once and augment those pacts with sly bargains pact or a poor pact. An occultist may only have one con-
and insights into supernatural constellations. stellation aspect per bound spirit at a time, with a maxi-
Role: Occultists excel at meeting challenges head- mum of four constellation aspects at 14th level.
on and confronting them with a wide array of super- Pact Augmentation (Su): At 2nd level, an occult-
natural abilities and powers. An occultist’s talents are ist may squeeze additional power from spirits. If the
beyond those of the material world, and as such, the occultist makes a good pact with at least one of his or
fruits of the trade are particularly difficult to coun- her bound spirits, then select one of the benefits listed
ter. Those who happen upon an occultist are often below. Additional good pacts made beyond the first one
baffled by the raw display of power that the occultist do not allow for additional pact augmentations. How-
commands. Despite the diversity of abilities available, ever, at 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the binder
occultists are drastically limited in the number of abili- selects one additional pact augmentation when making
ties they call upon each day. As a result, many occultists a good pact with at least one of his or her bound spirits,
spend their time plotting and calculating every possible to a maximum of 5 pact augmentations at 18th level. A
outcome to a situation to ensure they are never caught pact augmentation lasts for 24 hours or until the occult-
unprepared. ist is no longer bound to any spirits.

Alignment: Any. An occultist may select a single pact augmentation

Hit Die: d8. multiple times. Bonuses gained from pact augmenta-
Starting Age & Wealth: As sorcerer. tions stack with themselves but not with similar bonuses

gained from other sources (such as spirits).

Class Skills » Defense Augment: +1 insight bonus to AC and

The occultist’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), CMD.This bonus applies to both touch and flat-footed AC.
Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Linguistics (Int), » Fortitude Augment: 25% change to ignore critical
Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), hits and sneak attack damage (max. 75%).
Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), » Insight Augment: +2 insight bonus on initiative
Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). checks.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. » Luck Augment: +1 insight bonus on all saving
Class Features » Offense Augment: +1 insight bonus on attack rolls
All of the following are class features of the occultist. and CMB checks.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An occultist is » Speed Augment: +5 foot enhancement bonus to
proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor. base speed.
Bind Spirits: An occultist may seal pacts with spir- » Toughness Augment: Damage reduction 1/- (this
its. Each day, the occultist may bind one spirit of his or benefit does not stack with other sources of damage
her choice whose level is equal to or less than the maxi- reduction).
mum spirit level indicated on Table 1: The Occultist. An » Vicious Augment: +2 insight bonus on damage rolls.
occultist’s binder level equals his or her occultist class » Vitality Augment: +5 hit points.
level and an occultist’s binding check is equal to 1d20 + Bonus Feat: At 4th level and every 4 levels there-
the binder level + his or her Charisma modifier.The DC after, an occultist gains a bonus occult feat or a binder
to resist the supernatural power of an occultist’s granted secret (see below). The occultist must meet all prereq-
abilities equals 10 + ½ the binder level + the Charisma uisites for a bonus feat or a binder secret including the
modifier. minimum binder level indicated, if any. These bonus
Constellation Aspects: In addition to regular spir- feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any
its, occultist may draw power from the constellations class gets from advancing levels. The occultist is not lim-
with which spirits align themselves. While performing ited to occult feats when choosing those feats.
a spirit’s ceremony, an occultist may choose to increase Bind Additional Spirits (Su): At 6th level and

Chap 1: Classes

Table 1: The Occultist

Base Max.
Attack Fort Ref Will Spirit
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Level
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Bind Spirits, Constellation Aspects 1st
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 1st Pact Augmentation 1st
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 2nd
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Bonus Feat 2nd
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 3rd
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 2nd Pact Augmentation, Bind Additional Spirit 3rd
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 4th
8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Bonus Feat 4th
9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 5th
10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 3rd Pact Augmentation, Bind Additional Spirit 5th
11 +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 6th
12 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Bonus Feat 6th
13 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 7th
14 +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 4th Pact Augmentation, Bind Additional Spirit 7th
15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 8th
16 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Bonus Feat 8th
17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 9th

18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 5th Pact Augmentation, Constellation Mastery 9th

19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Spirit Mastery 9th
20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Bonus Feat, True Augmentation 9th

every 4 levels thereafter, an occultist gains the ability to Constellation Aspects

bind one additional spirit to his or her soul, to a maxi- Below is the list of constellation aspects available to
mum of 4 spirits at 14th level. occultists. An occultist cannot possess aspects from
Constellation Mastery (Su): At 18th level, an opposing constellations. For example, although an
occultist no longer suffers an increase to a spirit’s bind- occultist may bind to a dragon spirit and a hero spirit at
ing DC when adding a constellation aspect to the spirit. once, he or she cannot have both a dragon aspect and a
Spirit Mastery (Su): At 19th level, select 4 spirits. hero aspect at the same time.
The occultist gains a +1 bonus to the saving throw DCs Constellation aspects act like spirits in all regards.
of those spirits’ granted abilities.This benefit stacks with Treat the aspects as granted abilities for all purposes.
other bonuses to the saving throw DCs of granted abili- All abilities granted through constellation aspects are
ties. Alternatively, the occultist may forgo this bonus to supernatural abilities, even if they act like spells, spell-
instead ignore the spirit’s influence when experiencing like abilities, or extraordinary abilities. A constellation
a poor pact with one of these spirits. aspect that acts like a spell uses the occultist’s binder
True Augmentation (Su): At 20th level, an occult- level as the caster level for the effect. A constellation
ist may extract the very essence of the spirit realm from aspect ends when the pact that allowed the binder to
his or her bound spirits, gaining abilities that transcend call upon it ends (such as when a binder uses the Expel
reality. Firstly, when an occultist makes a good pact Spirit feat). A character cannot select the same constel-
with a spirit, that spirit’s granted abilities (but not other lation aspect more than once, even if the aspect might
supernatural or magical effects) continue to function apply to a different skill, statistic or so forth.
while in an antimagic zone unless the antimagic spell’s
caster level (or the effect’s CR, if it is naturally caused) Angel Aspects
is equal to or greater than the occultist’s level. Secondly, Select from among the following options.
once daily for each bound spirit, an occultist may imme- » You gain DR 1/evil as an immediate action. This DR
diately end the exhaustion on that spirit’s major granted lasts for 1 round or until you take damage.
ability, as a free action. » You shed light as a torch as a standard action for 1

Chap 1: Classes

minute per binder level you possess. of splash damage to all creatures adjacent to the target on
» You shed tears on an adjacent dying creature as a a successful hit. This ability has a range of 30 feet.
standard action, immediately stabilizing it.
» You anoint 1 weapon or 1 round of ammunition that Hero Aspects
you touch with blood as a move action, causing the item Select from among the following options.
to be treated as a good-aligned weapon for the purpose » As a standard action, grant 1 ally within 30 feet a
of overcoming damage reduction until the end of your +1 insight bonus on its next attack roll, skill check, or
next turn or until you make an attack. saving throw.You cannot select yourself.
» At the start of your turn, if you have no temporary
Beast Aspects hit points you gain 1 temporary hit point.
Select from among the following options. » You gain +3 hit points for the duration of the pact.
» Select 1 specific type of animal (a lion, tiger, bear, or » Your Constitution score is treated as being 4 points
such).You can speak with animals of that type. higher for the purpose of how many negative hit points
» You gain low-light vision. If you already have low- you may accrue before dying.
light vision, the range of your low-light vision is dou-
bled, allowing you to see four times as far in dim or Mage Aspects
shadowy conditions. Select from among the following options.
» Your Constitution score is treated as being 4 points » Select acid, cold, electricity, or fire.You can make a
higher for the purpose of determining how long you can ranged touch attack as a standard action that deals 1d3
hold your breath. points of damage of the chosen energy type. This ability
» You gain a +3 insight bonus on Stealth checks. has a range of 30 feet.
» You use read magic at will.
Dark Beyond Aspects » You write with a touch. This functions as an arcane
Select from among the following options. filemark, except you can write entire words and sentences
» As an immediate action, you cause the next attack solely by touch. You can write as many words as you
or spell made against you during the turn is activated to could send via a message spell as a standard action.
have a 10% chance to be negated. » The presence of a spirit distorts reality around you.
» You can use dancing lights at will. This anomaly grants you a +2 insight bonus on saving

» You gain a +2 insight bonus on Will saves against throws against spells and spell-like abilities.
mind-affecting abilities.
» You can use touch of fatigue at will. Noble Aspects

Select from among the following options.

Dragon Aspects » You gain DR 1/chaos as an immediate action. This

Select from among the following options. DR lasts for 1 round or until you take damage.
» You gain a +3 insight bonus on Intimidate checks. » Select 1 creature within 30 feet. As a standard
» You grow supernatural scales as an immediate action, your splendor causes the target to take a -1
action. The scales grant a +1 natural armor bonus to AC penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, or saving throws
for the duration of the pact. This bonus applies on touch for 1 round (your choice) unless it succeeds on a Will
attacks and while flat-footed. save.
» Select acid, cold, electricity, or fire. As an imme- » Select 1 creature within 30 feet. As a standard
diate action, you gain energy resistance 5 against the action, you imbue the target with gracelessness, causing
selected energy. This resistance lasts for 1 round or until it to become entangled for 1 round unless it succeeds on
you are attacked. a Reflex save.
» Select acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Your weapon »You gain a +3 insight bonus on Diplomacy checks or
attacks and supernatural abilities deal 1 additional point Intimidate checks (your choice).
of damage of the chosen energy type.
Seer Aspects
Fiend Aspects Select from among the following options.
Select from among the following options. » As an immediate action, you gain a +1 insight bonus
» You gain DR 1/good as an immediate action. This to AC. This bonus lasts for 1 round or until you are
DR lasts for 1 round or until you take damage. attacked.
» You channel malicious intent as a standard action, » You always know which direction is north.You act as
causing an adjacent stabilized creature with 0 or fewer if you were under the effects of know direction.
hit points to resume dying. » Whenever you make an initiative check, you may
» You cause a Fine sized object within 30 feet to catch reroll your result once but with a -2 penalty. Use the
ablaze as a standard action. new result even if it is worse than the original.
» You burn an enemy with a ray of fire; dealing 1d3 » When making initiative checks, you can choose to
points of fire damage on a range touch attack and 1 point substitute the result of your d20 roll with a result of

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